Man pages for MoBPS
Modular Breeding Program Simulator

add.arrayAdd a genotyping array
add.combiAdd a trait as a linear combination of other traits
add.diagAdd something to the diagonal
add.founder.kinshipAdd a relationship matrix for founder individuals
analyze.bvAnalyze genomic values
analyze.populationAnalyze allele frequency of a single marker
bit.snpsDecoding of bitwise-storing in R
bit.storingBitwise-storing in R
breeding.diploidBreeding function
breeding.internInternal function to simulate one meiosis
bv.developmentDevelopment of genetic/breeding value
bv.development.boxDevelopment of genetic/breeding value using a boxplot
bv.standardizationBV standardization
calculate.bvCalculate breeding values
cattle_chipCattle chip
check.parentsRelatedness check between two individuals
chicken_chipchicken chip
clean.upClean-up recombination points
combine.traitsCombine traits
compute.costsCompute costs of a breeding program
compute.costs.cohortsCompute costs of a breeding program by cohorts
compute.snpsCompute genotype/haplotype
compute.snps_singleCompute genotype/haplotype in gene editing application
creating.diploidGeneration of the starting population
creating.phenotypic.transformCreate a phenotypic transformation
creating.traitGeneration of genomic traits
demiraculixRemove miraculix-coding for genotypes
derive.loop.elementsDerive loop elements
diag.mobpsAdd a genotyping array
edges.fromtoDetection of parental/child nodes
edit_animalInternal gene editing function
effect.estimate.addEstimation of marker effects
effective.sizeEstimate effective population size
epiMartini-Test function
find.chromoPosition detection (chromosome)
find.snpbeforePosition detection (SNPs)
founder.simulationFounder simulation
generation.individualFunction to generate a new individual
get.admixtureAdmixture Plot
get.age.pointDerive age point
get.bvExport underlying true breeding values
get.bveExport estimated breeding values
get.classDerive class
get.cohortsExport Cohort-names
get.creating.typeDerive creating type
get.cullingtimeDerive time of culling
get.databasegen/database/cohorts conversion
get.death.pointDerive death point
get.dendrogram.heatmapDendrogram Heatmap
get.distanceCalculate Nei distance between two or more population
get.effect.freqCompute marker frequency in QTL-markers
get.effective.sizeEstimate effective population size
get.genoDerive genotypes of selected individuals
get.genotypedDerive genotyping status
get.genotyped.snpDerive which markers are genotyped of selected individuals
get.haploDerive haplotypes of selected individuals
get.idDerive ID on an individual
get.individual.locExport location of individuals from the population list
get.infosExtract bv/pheno/geno of selected individuals
get.mapMap generation
get.nphenoExport underlying number of observations per phenotype
get.pcaPrinciple components analysis
get.pedigreeDerive pedigree
get.pedigree2Derive pedigree including grandparents
get.pedigree3Derive pedigree parents and grandparents
get.pedmapGenerate plink-file (pedmap)
get.phenoExport underlying phenotypes
get.pheno.offExport underlying offspring phenotypes underlying number of used offspring for offspring...
get.phylogenetic.treePhylogenetic Tree
get.qtlQTL extraction
get.qtl.effectsQTL effect extraction
get.qtl.varianceQTL effect variance extraction
get.recombiDerive genetic origins
get.reliabilitiesExport underlying reliabilities
get.selectionbveExport derived breeding values based on the selection index
get.selectionindexExport underlying last used selection index
get.time.pointDerive time point
get.vcfGenerate vcf-file
group.diffFunction to exclude individuals from a database
insert.bveManually enter estimated breeding values
json.simulationSimulation of a breeding program based on a JSON-file from...
kinship.developmentDevolopment of genetic/breeding value
kinship.empEmpirical kinship
kinship.emp.fastApproximate empirical kinship
kinship.expDerive expected kinship
ld.decayGenerate LD plot
maize_chipmaize chip
miesenberger.indexMiesenberger Index
miraculixAdd miraculix-coding for genotypes
mutation.introMutation intro
new.base.generationSet new base generation
OGCOptimal genetic contribution
pedigree.simulationSimulation of a given pedigree function to perform imputing/phasing
pig_chippig chip
plot.populationPlot Population
set.classExport estimated breeding values
set.defaultSet defaults
sheep_chipsheep chip
sortdApply sort and unique
ssGBLUPSingle Step GBLUP
summary.populationSummary Population
vlistGeneration of a sublist
MoBPS documentation built on Nov. 9, 2021, 5:08 p.m.