
Defines functions .sanitize_dose_info .assert_is_blrm_trial .assert_is_blrm_trial_and_prior_is_set .create_group_to_stratum_mapping .blrm_trial_sanitize_data .blrm_trial_merge_data .blrm_trial_compute_prior .blrm_trial_compute_simple_prior .blrm_trial_predict .blrm_trial_ewoc_check .blrm_trial_compute_ewoc_check .blrm_trial_compute_ewoc print.blrm_trial blrm_trial

Documented in blrm_trial print.blrm_trial

#' @title Dose-Escalation Trials guided by Bayesian Logistic Regression Model
#' @description \code{blrm_trial} facilitates the conduct of dose
#'     escalation studies guided by Bayesian Logistic Regression
#'     Models (BLRM). While the \code{blrm_exnex} only fits the BLRM
#'     model to data, the \code{blrm_trial} function standardizes the
#'     specification of the entire trial design and provides various
#'     standardized functions for trial data accrual and derivation of
#'     model summaries needed for dose-escalation decisions.
#' @param data dose-toxicity data available at design stage of trial
#' @param dose_info specificaion of the dose levels as
#'     planned for the ongoing trial arms.
#' @param drug_info specification of drugs used in trial arms.
#' @param simplified_prior logical (defaults to \code{FALSE})
#'     indicating whether a simplified prior should be employed based
#'     on the \code{reference_p_dlt} values provided in
#'     \code{drug_info}. \strong{Warning:} The simplified prior will
#'     change between releases. Please read instructions below in the
#'     respective section for the simplified prior.
#' @param EXNEX_comp logical (default to \code{TRUE}) indicating
#'     whether EXchangeable-NonEXchangeable priors should be employed
#'     for all component parameters
#' @param EX_prob_comp_hist prior weight (\eqn{[0,1]}, default to 1)
#'     on exchangeability for the component parameters in groups
#'     representing historical data
#' @param EX_prob_comp_new prior weight (\eqn{[0,1]}, default to 0.8)
#'     on exchangeability for the component parameters in groups
#'     representing new or concurrent data
#' @param EXNEX_inter logical (default to \code{FALSE}) indicating
#'     whether EXchangeable-NonEXchangeable priors should be employed
#'     for all interaction parameters
#' @param EX_prob_inter prior weight (\eqn{[0,1]}, defaults to 0.8) on
#'     exchangeability for the interaction parameters
#' @param formula_generator formula generation function (see for
#'     example \code{blrm_formula_linear} or
#'     \code{blrm_formula_saturating}). The formula generator
#'     defines the employed interaction model.
#' @param interval_prob defines the interval probabilities reported in
#'     the standard outputs. Defaults to \code{c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1)}.
#' @param interval_max_mass named vector defining for each interval of
#'     the \code{interval_prob} vector a maxmimal admissable
#'     probability mass for a given dose level. Whenever the posterior
#'     probability mass in a given interval exceeds the threshold,
#'     then the Escalation With Overdose Control (EWOC) criterion is
#'     considered to be not fullfilled. Dose levels not fullfilling
#'     EWOC are ineligible for the next cohort of patients. The
#'     default restricts the overdose probability to less than 0.25.
#' @param ... Additional arguments are forwarded to \code{blrm_exnex},
#'     i.e. for the purpose of prior specification.
#' @param x \code{blrm_trial} object to print
#' @details \code{blrm_trial} constructs an object of class
#'     \code{blrm_trial} which stores the compelte information about
#'     the study design of a dose-escalation trial. The study design
#'     is defined through the data sets (see sections below for a
#'     definition of the columns):
#' \describe{
#' \item{data (historical data)}{The \code{data} argument defines
#' available dose-toxicity data at the design stage of the
#' trial. Together with the prior of model (without any data) this
#' defines the prior used for the trial conduct.}
#' \item{dose_info}{Definition of the pre-specified dose levels
#' explored in the ongoing trial arms. Thus, all dose-toxcitiy trial
#' data added to the object is expected correspond to one of the dose
#' levels in the pre-defined set of dose_info.}
#' \item{drug_info}{Determines the drugs used in the trial, their
#' units, reference dose level and optionally defines the expected
#' probability for a toxicity at the reference dose.}
#' }
#' Once the \code{blrm_trial} object is setup the complete trial
#' design is specified and the model is fitted to the given
#' \code{data}. This allows evaluation of the pre-specified dose
#' levels of the trial design wrt. to safety, i.e. whether the
#' starting dose of the trial fullfills the escalate with overdose
#' criterion (EWOC) condition.
#' The \code{blrm_trial} trial can also be constructed in a 2-step
#' process which allows for a more convenient specification of the
#' prior since meta data like number of drugs and the like can be
#' used. See the example section for details.
#' After setup of the initial \code{blrm_trial} object additional data
#' is added through the use of the \code{update} method which has a
#' \code{add_data} argument intended to add data from the ongoing
#' trial. The \code{summary} function finally allows to extract
#' various model summaries. In particular, the EWOC criterion can be
#' calculated for the pre-defined dose levels of the trial.
#' @section Simplified prior:
#' As a convenience for the user, a simplified prior can be specifed
#' whenever the \code{reference_p_dlt} column is present in the
#' \code{drug_info} data set. However, the user is \strong{warned}
#' that the simplified prior will change in future releases of the
#' package and thus \strong{we strongly discourage the use of the
#' simplified prior for setting up trial designs}. The functionality
#' is intended to provide the user a quick start and as a starting
#' point. The actually instantiated prior can be seen as demonstrated
#' below in the examples.
#' @section Input data:
#' The data given to the \code{data} argument of \code{blrm_trial} is
#' considered as the available at design stage of the trial. The
#' collected input data thus does not necessarily need to have the
#' same dose levels as the pre-specified dose_info for the
#' ongoing trial(s). It's data columns must include, but are not
#' limited to:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{group_id}{study}
#'   \item{stratum_id}{optional, only required for differential discounting of groups}
#'   \item{num_patients}{number of patients}
#'   \item{num_toxicities}{number of toxicities}
#'   \item{drug_A}{Columns for the dose of each treatment component,
#'   with column names matching the \code{drug_name} values specified
#'   in the \code{drug_info} argument of \code{blrm_trial}}
#' }
#' @section Drug info data:
#' The drug information data-set defines drug properties. The fields
#' included are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{drug_name}{name of drug which is also used as column name for the dose}
#'   \item{dose_ref}{reference dose}
#'   \item{dose_unit}{units used for drug amounts}
#'   \item{reference_p_dlt}{optional; if provided, allows setup of a simplified prior}
#' }
#' @section Dose info data:
#' The \code{drug_info} data-set pre-specifies the dose levels of the
#' ongoing trial. Thus, all data added to the \code{blrm_trial}
#' through the \code{update} command must be consistent with the
#' pre-defined dose levels as no other than those pre-specified ones
#' can be explored in an ongoing trial.
#' \describe{
#' \item{dose_id}{optional column which assigns a unique id to each
#' group_id/dose combination. If not specified the column is
#' internally generated.}
#' \item{group_id}{study}
#' \item{drug_A}{Columns for the dose of each treatment component,
#'   with column names matching the \code{drug_name} values specified
#'   in the \code{drug_info} argument of \code{blrm_trial}}
#' }
#' @return The function returns an object of class \code{blrm_trial}.
#' @family blrm_trial combo2 example
#' @template ref-babb_ewoc
#' @template ref-mac
#' @template start-example
#' @examples
#' # construct initial blrm_trial object from built-in example datasets
#' combo2_trial_setup <- blrm_trial(
#'   data = hist_combo2,
#'   dose_info = dose_info_combo2,
#'   drug_info = drug_info_combo2,
#'   simplified_prior = TRUE
#' )
#' # extract blrm_call to see setup of the prior as passed to blrm_exnex
#' summary(combo2_trial_setup, "blrm_exnex_call")
#' # Warning: The simplified prior will change between releases!
#' # please refer to the combo2_trial example for a complete
#' # example. You can obtain this example with
#' # ?example-combo2_trial
#' # or by running
#' # example_model("combo2_trial")
#' @template stop-example
#' @export
blrm_trial <- function(

  simplified_prior = FALSE,
  EXNEX_comp = FALSE,
  EX_prob_comp_hist = 1,
  EX_prob_comp_new = 0.8,
  EXNEX_inter = FALSE,
  EX_prob_inter = 1,

  formula_generator = blrm_formula_saturating,

  interval_prob = c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1),
  interval_max_mass = c(prob_underdose = 1, prob_target=1, prob_overdose=0.25),

  trial <- list()

  # Prevent factor nonsense - enforce tibbles
  # assert_tibble(dose_info)

  assert_names(colnames(drug_info), must.include = c("drug_name", "dose_ref", "dose_unit"))

  # Assign drug names and reference doses
  assert_that(nrow(drug_info) > 0, msg="At least one drug must be defined")

  trial$ref_doses <- drug_info$dose_ref
  names(trial$ref_doses) <- drug_info$drug_name

  trial$dose_units <- drug_info$dose_unit
  trial$drug_info <- drug_info

  # Check dose_info
  dose_info <- .sanitize_dose_info(trial, dose_info)

  # Check data at t = 0
  if (is.null(data)) {
    list_args <- list()

    if (!is.factor(dose_info[["stratum_id"]])) {
      dose_info[["stratum_id"]] <- factor(dose_info[["stratum_id"]])
    list_args[["stratum_id"]] <- dose_info[["stratum_id"]][0]

    if (!is.factor(dose_info[["group_id"]])) {
      dose_info[["group_id"]] <- factor(dose_info[["group_id"]])
    list_args[["group_id"]] <- dose_info[["group_id"]][0]

    list_args[["num_patients"]] <- numeric(0)
    list_args[["num_toxicities"]] <- numeric(0)

    for (drug_name in drug_info$drug_name)
      list_args[[drug_name]] = numeric(0)

    list_args[["cohort_time"]] <- numeric(0)

    list_args[["dose_id"]] <- integer(0)*NA ## Make sure dose_id is an integer column

    data <- do.call("tibble", args = list_args)


  # If no stratum is assigned, assign a single one
  if (!has_name(data, "stratum_id")) {
    data[["stratum_id"]] <- "all"

  # If no historic data state is assigned, assign all given data to be historic
  # (= cohort time 0)
  if (!has_name(data, "cohort_time")) {
    data[["cohort_time"]] <- 0

  assert_that(has_name(data, "stratum_id"))
  assert_that(has_name(data, "group_id"))
  assert_that(has_name(data, "num_patients"))
  assert_that(has_name(data, "num_toxicities"))

  # Data must have columns that correspond to drug name
  assert_that(has_name(data, trial$drug_info$drug_name), msg="Data must use same drug names as specified in drug_info")

  # Define helper functions
  merge_to_factor_levels <- function(df_1, df_2, variable_name)
    if (is.factor(df_1[[variable_name]][0]) && is.factor(df_2[[variable_name]][0])){
        nlevels(df_1[[variable_name]][0]) == nlevels(df_2[[variable_name]][0]) &&
        all(levels(df_1[[variable_name]][0]) == levels(df_2[[variable_name]][0])),
        msg = paste0("Factor levels in variable \"", variable_name, "\" inconsistent.")
      all_factor_levels <- levels(df_1[[variable_name]][0])
    } else {
      if (is.factor(df_1[[variable_name]][0]) || is.factor(df_2[[variable_name]][0])){
        warning(paste0('Merging character and factor definition for "', variable_name, '"'))
        if (is.factor(df_1[[variable_name]][0]))  {
          all_level_strings <- levels(df_1[[variable_name]][0])
          assert_that(all(df_2[[variable_name]] %in% all_level_strings), msg=paste0('Missing levels in factor "', variable_name, '"'))
        } else {
          all_level_strings <- levels(df_2[[variable_name]][0])
          assert_that(all(df_1[[variable_name]] %in% all_level_strings), msg=paste0('Missing levels in factor "', variable_name, '"'))

        all_factor_levels <- factor(all_level_strings, levels=all_level_strings)
      } else {
        all_level_df <- unique(
            select(df_1, variable_name),
            select(df_2, variable_name)
        all_level_strings <- all_level_df[[variable_name]]

        all_factor_levels <- factor(all_level_strings, levels=all_level_strings)


  apply_factor_levels_to_variable <- function(df, variable_name, factor_levels)
    df[[variable_name]] <- factor(df[[variable_name]], levels=factor_levels)


  # Apply consistent group_id and stratum_id factor levels to all data
  for (variable_name in c("group_id", "stratum_id"))
    all_factor_levels <- merge_to_factor_levels(data, dose_info, variable_name)

    data <- apply_factor_levels_to_variable(data, variable_name, all_factor_levels)
    dose_info <- apply_factor_levels_to_variable(dose_info, variable_name, all_factor_levels)

  # Assign data & dose_info
  trial$dose_info <- dose_info
  trial$group_to_stratum_mapping <- .create_group_to_stratum_mapping(
    dose_info = dose_info,
    data = data,
    drug_names = trial$drug_info$drug_name
  trial$data <- data

  # Save group and stratum factor levels
  trial$group_id_factor <- trial$data[["group_id"]][0]
  trial$stratum_id_factor <- trial$data[["stratum_id"]][0]

  trial$data <- .blrm_trial_sanitize_data(
    trial_is_being_constructed = TRUE, # Do not test for blrm_trial object yet
    warning_if_dose_not_prespecified = FALSE # Hist data does not need to be pre-specified

  # Create formula for individual components
  assert_class(formula_generator, "function")

  trial$formula <- formula_generator(ref_doses = trial$ref_doses)
  assert_class(trial$formula, "blrm_formula")

  # Compute dimensionality of data and problem
  trial$num_components <- trial$formula$num_components
  trial$num_interaction_terms <- trial$formula$num_interaction_terms
  trial$num_strata <- nlevels(trial$stratum_id_factor)
  trial$num_groups <- nlevels(trial$group_id_factor)
  trial$num_groups_hist <- length(unique(trial$data[["group_id"]]))
  trial$num_groups_current <- length(unique(trial$dose_info[["group_id"]]))

  # Sanity check thresholds for EWOC
  assert_numeric(interval_max_mass, lower=0, upper=1, names="strict", any.missing=FALSE, finite=TRUE)
  assert_numeric(interval_prob, lower=0, upper=1, sorted=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, finite=TRUE)

  assert_that(all(interval_max_mass >= 0) && all(interval_max_mass <= 1), msg="Maximum interval probability interval_max_mass must be 0 <= p <= 1")
  assert_that(all(interval_prob >= 0) && all(interval_prob <= 1) && all(diff(interval_prob) > 0), msg="interval_prob must be an ascending vector of probabilities")

  trial$interval_names <- NULL
  if (!is.null(names(interval_max_mass))) {
    trial$interval_names <- names(interval_max_mass)
  assert_that((length(interval_max_mass) == length(interval_prob) - 1) || (length(interval_max_mass) == 0 && length(interval_prob) == 0), msg="Inconsistent interval number and maximal interval mass. The number of intervals should be length(interval_prob) - 1, or both interval_prob and interval_max_mass be empty.")
  trial$interval_max_mass <- interval_max_mass

  trial$interval_prob <- interval_prob

  trial <- structure(trial, class="blrm_trial")

  if (simplified_prior) {
    # Create simplified prior
    assert_that("reference_p_dlt" %in% colnames(trial$drug_info), msg='"reference_p_dlt" column is required for specifying simplified prior.')
    # Check reference dose toxicity probabilities
    assert_that(all(trial$drug_info$reference_p_dlt >= 0) && all(trial$drug_info$reference_p_dlt <= 1), msg="Reference dose DLT probability must be >= 0 and <= 1.")

    trial <- .blrm_trial_compute_simple_prior(
      object = trial,
      EXNEX_comp = EXNEX_comp,
      EX_prob_comp_hist = EX_prob_comp_hist,
      EX_prob_comp_new = EX_prob_comp_new,
      EXNEX_inter = EXNEX_inter,
      EX_prob_inter = EX_prob_inter,

  } else {
    dot.args <- list(...)

    if (length(dot.args) > 0) {
      trial <- do.call(".blrm_trial_compute_prior", c(list(object=trial), dot.args))
    } else {
      message("Please configure blrm_exnex using the update() function.")


#' @describeIn blrm_trial print function.
#' @method print blrm_trial
#' @export
print.blrm_trial <- function(x, ...)
  pretty_formula <- gsub("~", "~\n", x$formula$blrm_formula)
  pretty_formula <- gsub("\\|", "|\n", pretty_formula)

  cat("Bayesian Logistic Regression Model trial with \n\n")

  cat("Number of observations   :", nrow(x$data), "\n")
  cat("Number of historic groups:", x$num_groups_hist, "\n")
  cat("Number of trial arms     :", x$num_groups_current, "\n")
  cat("Generated formula        :\n", pretty_formula, "\n\n")

  if (length(x$interval_max_mass) > 0)
    cat("Toxicity intervals and EWOC requirements:\n")

    pad_to_num <- max(sapply(x$interval_prob, "nchar"))
    if (is.null(x$interval_names)) {
      for (i in seq_along(head(x$interval_prob, -1)))
          " (",
          format(x$interval_prob[i], justify="right", width=pad_to_num),
          " - ",
          format(x$interval_prob[i+1], justify="right", width=pad_to_num),
          "] <= ",
    } else {
      pad_to <- max(sapply(x$interval_names, "nchar"))
      for (i in seq_along(head(x$interval_prob, -1)))
          format(x$interval_names[i], justify="right", width=pad_to),
          " (",
          format(x$interval_prob[i], justify="right", width=pad_to_num),
          " - ",
          format(x$interval_prob[i+1], justify="right", width=pad_to_num),
          "] <= ",

  } else {
    cat("Toxicity intervals not defined, EWOC is always true.\n\n")

  if (has_name(x, "blrmfit")) {
    cat("blrmfit summary:\n")
    cat(strrep('-', 80), "\n")

  } else {
    cat("BLRM prior undefined!\n")

  if (has_name(x, "ewoc_check")) {
      .blrm_trial_ewoc_check(x, x$ewoc_check)


# Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------

.blrm_trial_compute_ewoc <- function(trial, trial_est) {

  trial_est_ewoc <- trial_est

  if (length(trial$interval_max_mass) > 0) {
    if (!is.null(trial$interval_names)) {
      cols <- colnames(trial_est_ewoc)
      cols[(length(cols)-length(trial$interval_names)+1):length(cols)] <- trial$interval_names
      colnames(trial_est_ewoc) <- cols
      interval_max_mass <- trial$interval_max_mass
    } else {
      interval_max_mass <- trial$interval_max_mass
      names(interval_max_mass) <- paste0("I", seq(1, length(interval_max_mass)))
    trial_est_intervals <- trial_est_ewoc[, (length(colnames(trial_est_ewoc))-length(interval_max_mass)+1):length(colnames(trial_est_ewoc)) ]

    interval_max <- as_tibble(as.list(interval_max_mass))
    interval_max <- interval_max[rep(1, times=nrow(trial_est_ewoc)),]

    if (nrow(interval_max) > 0)
      trial_est_ewoc$ewoc_ok <- rowSums( trial_est_intervals > interval_max ) == 0
    } else {
      trial_est_ewoc$ewoc_ok <- logical(0)

  } else {
    trial_est_ewoc$ewoc_ok <- TRUE


.blrm_trial_compute_ewoc_check <- function(trial, newdata) {

        newdata <- trial$dose_info


    std_delta_crit <- function(x, qc_low, qc_high, p_max) {
        x_in_interval <- unname(1 * ((x > qc_low) & (x <= qc_high)))
        prob_interval <- mean(x_in_interval)
        se_prob_interval <- mcse_mean(x_in_interval, names=FALSE)
        stat <- unname((prob_interval - p_max) / se_prob_interval)
        ess <- ess_mean(x_in_interval, names=FALSE)
        rh <- posterior::rhat(x_in_interval)
        c(est=prob_interval, stat=stat, mcse=se_prob_interval, ess=ess, rhat=rh)

    std_delta_crit_tail <- function(x, qc, p_max, lower.tail=TRUE) {
            p_max <- 1-p_max
        xc <- x-qc
        q_est <- unname(quantile(x, p_max))
        se_q_delta_pmax <- mcse_quantile(xc, p_max, names=FALSE)
        stat <- unname((q_est - qc) / se_q_delta_pmax)
        ess <- ess_quantile(xc, p_max, names=FALSE)
        rh <- posterior::rhat(xc)
        c(est=q_est, stat=stat, mcse=se_q_delta_pmax, ess=ess, rhat=rh)

    check_fn <- list()
    prefix_names <- function(x, prefix) setNames(x, paste(prefix, names(x), sep="_"))
    for(i in seq_len(length(trial$interval_names))) {
        n <- trial$interval_names[i]
        rl <- trial$interval_prob[i]
        rh <- trial$interval_prob[i+1]
        m <- trial$interval_max_mass[i]
        ## in this case there is no restriction due to the criterion => drop
        if (m == 1)
        ##cat(paste(n, "/", rl, " - ", rh, "/", m, "\n"))
        pars <- list(rl=rl, rh=rh, m=m, n=n)
        if(rh == 1) {
            check_fn[[n]] <- eval(substitute(function(x) {
                prefix_names(std_delta_crit_tail(x, rl, m, TRUE), n)
            }), pars)
        } else if(rl == 0) {
            check_fn[[n]] <- eval(substitute(function(x) {
                prefix_names(std_delta_crit_tail(x, rh, m, FALSE), n)
            }), pars)
        } else {
            check_fn[[n]] <- eval(substitute(function(x) {
                prefix_names(std_delta_crit(x, rl, rh, m), n)
            }), pars)

    ## need to convert via rvar to draws matrix to have chains
    ## property kept, see
    ## https://github.com/stan-dev/posterior/issues/251 (should get
    ## fixed soon)
    post <- as_draws_matrix(rvar(posterior_linpred(trial, transform=TRUE, newdata=newdata),

    check_sum <- summarise_draws(post, check_fn)
    check_sum$variable <- NULL
    ## convert to plain numeric types rather than then pillar_num from
    ## posterior 1.4.0 (only affects formatting of numbers when
    ## displayed)
    check_sum <- as.data.frame(lapply(check_sum, as.numeric))
    bind_cols(newdata, check_sum)

.blrm_trial_ewoc_check <- function(trial, ewoc_check) {

        ewoc_check <- trial$ewoc_check


    active_checks <- trial$interval_max_mass < 1
    stat_cols <- paste(trial$interval_names[active_checks], "stat", sep="_")
    rhat_cols <- paste(trial$interval_names[active_checks], "rhat", sep="_")

    # warn on ewoc decisions where the 95% interval such that more
    # iterations are needed possibly
    imprecise_stat <- abs(ewoc_check[,stat_cols,drop=TRUE]) < qnorm(0.975)
    # warn if some ewoc metrics have not converged
    rhat_large <- ewoc_check[,rhat_cols,drop=TRUE] > 1.1

    if (any(rhat_large, na.rm=TRUE)) {
        warning(sum(rhat_large, na.rm=TRUE), " out of ", length(rhat_large), " ewoc metrics have not converged (some Rhats are > 1.1).\n",
                "Be careful when analysing the results! It is recommended to run\n",
                "more iterations and/or setting stronger priors.\n",
                "You may call \"summary(trial, summarize='ewoc_check', ...)\" for more diagnostic details.\n",
                "Please call \"help('blrm_trial', help_type='summary')\" for further documentation.",
    if (any(imprecise_stat, na.rm = TRUE)) {
          sum(imprecise_stat, na.rm=TRUE), " out of ", length(imprecise_stat), " ewoc metrics are within the 95% MCMC error of the decision boundary.\n",
          "Be careful when using the imprecise ewoc estimates! It is recommended to run\n",
          "more iterations and review doses close to critical thresholds.\n",
          "You may call \"summary(trial, summarize='ewoc_check', ...)\" for more diagnostic details.\n",
          "Please call \"help('blrm_trial', help_type='summary')\" for further documentation.",

.blrm_trial_predict <- function(trial, newdata, ...)
  dots <- list(...)

  summary_call <- modifyList(list(object=trial$blrmfit, newdata=newdata), dots)
  trial_est <- do.call(summary, summary_call)

  ## For EWOC determiniation we must use the mean predictor and apply
  ## a transformation to 0-1 scale
  summary_call_ewoc <- modifyList(summary_call,
  if(length(trial$interval_prob) > 0)
      summary_call_ewoc <- modifyList(summary_call_ewoc,

  trial_ewoc_crit <- do.call(summary, summary_call_ewoc)

  trial_est_ewoc <- .blrm_trial_compute_ewoc(trial, trial_ewoc_crit)

  ewoc_cols <- setdiff(names(trial_est_ewoc), names(trial_est))

  trial_est <- cbind(trial_est, trial_est_ewoc[ewoc_cols])

  common_column_names <- unique(intersect(colnames(trial_est), colnames(newdata)))
  newdata_prediction <- newdata

  if (length(common_column_names) > 0)
    newdata_prediction <- select(newdata_prediction, -common_column_names)

  newdata_prediction <- cbind(newdata_prediction, trial_est)


.blrm_trial_compute_simple_prior <- function(object,
  trial <- object

  group_id <- 0 ## Suppress group_id binding warning

  ## Should not be used with more than one stratum
  assert_that(trial$num_strata == 1, msg="Simplified prior can only be set up with a single stratum. Omit the reference_p_dlt argument and set the prior up yourself using update().")

  ## This is primarily a help to get started with blrm_trial and should not be used in production - warn the user:
  warning("Simplified prior CAN and WILL change with releases. NOT recommended to use in production. Instantiating a simplified prior - run summary(trial, \"blrm_exnex_call\") to inspect arguments. ")

  ## Prior mean and sd on log mu_{alpha_i}, log mu_{beta_i}
  ref_p_dlt  <- trial$drug_info$reference_p_dlt
  names(ref_p_dlt)  <- trial$drug_info$drug_name
  prior_EX_mu_mean_comp  <- substitute(cbind(logit(refs), rep(0, num_components)), list(refs=ref_p_dlt, num_components=trial[["num_components"]]))
  prior_EX_mu_sd_comp    <- substitute(matrix(c(2, 0.7), nrow = num_components, ncol = 2, byrow=TRUE), list(num_components=trial[["num_components"]]))

  ## Prior mean and sd on tau_{alpha_{s,i}}, tau{beta_{s,i}}
  prior_EX_tau_mean_comp <- substitute(matrix(log(c(0.25, 0.125)), nrow = num_components, ncol = 2, byrow=TRUE), list(num_components=trial[["num_components"]]))
  prior_EX_tau_sd_comp <- substitute(matrix(log(c(4, 2))/1.96, nrow = num_components, ncol = 2), list(num_components=trial[["num_components"]]))

  # Prior mean and sd on mu_{eta}
  prior_EX_mu_mean_inter  <- substitute(rep(0,   num_interaction_terms), list(num_interaction_terms=trial[["num_interaction_terms"]]))
  prior_EX_mu_sd_inter    <- substitute(rep(1.5, num_interaction_terms), list(num_interaction_terms=trial[["num_interaction_terms"]]))
  prior_EX_tau_mean_inter <- substitute(matrix(log(0.5)   , nrow = num_strata, ncol = num_interaction_terms), list(num_strata=trial[["num_strata"]], num_interaction_terms=trial[["num_interaction_terms"]]))
  prior_EX_tau_sd_inter   <- substitute(matrix(log(2)/1.96, nrow = num_strata, ncol = num_interaction_terms), list(num_strata=trial[["num_strata"]], num_interaction_terms=trial[["num_interaction_terms"]]))

  prior_is_EXNEX_comp <- rep(EXNEX_comp, trial[["num_components"]])

  ## By default, historical data have
  prior_EX_prob_comp <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = trial[["num_components"]])
  ## Go in order of the factor levels
  for (group_name in levels(trial$group_id_factor)) {
    if (EXNEX_comp) {
      if (nrow(filter(trial$data, group_id == group_name)) > 0 &&
          nrow(filter(trial$dose_info, group_id == group_name)) == 0 ) {
        ## There is exclusively historic data
        prior_EX_prob_comp <- rbind(prior_EX_prob_comp, matrix(EX_prob_comp_hist, nrow = 1, ncol = trial[["num_components"]]))
      } else {
        ## There is no historic data for this group, or there is also new data expected
        prior_EX_prob_comp <- rbind(prior_EX_prob_comp, matrix(EX_prob_comp_new, nrow = 1, ncol = trial[["num_components"]]))
    } else {
      prior_EX_prob_comp <- rbind(prior_EX_prob_comp, matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = trial[["num_components"]]))

  prior_is_EXNEX_inter <- rep(EXNEX_inter, trial[["num_interaction_terms"]])

  if (EXNEX_inter) {
    prior_EX_prob_inter <- matrix(EX_prob_inter, nrow = trial[["num_groups"]], ncol = trial[["num_interaction_terms"]])
  } else {
    prior_EX_prob_inter <- matrix(1, nrow = trial[["num_groups"]], ncol = trial[["num_interaction_terms"]])

  prior_tau_dist <- 1
  ## Compute prior and return resulting trial object
    object = trial,

    prior_EX_mu_mean_comp = prior_EX_mu_mean_comp,
    prior_EX_mu_sd_comp = prior_EX_mu_sd_comp,

    prior_EX_tau_mean_comp = prior_EX_tau_mean_comp,
    prior_EX_tau_sd_comp = prior_EX_tau_sd_comp,

    prior_EX_mu_mean_inter = prior_EX_mu_mean_inter,
    prior_EX_mu_sd_inter = prior_EX_mu_sd_inter,

    prior_EX_tau_mean_inter = prior_EX_tau_mean_inter,
    prior_EX_tau_sd_inter = prior_EX_tau_sd_inter,

    prior_is_EXNEX_comp = prior_is_EXNEX_comp,
    prior_EX_prob_comp = prior_EX_prob_comp,

    prior_is_EXNEX_inter = prior_is_EXNEX_inter,
    prior_EX_prob_inter = prior_EX_prob_inter,

    prior_tau_dist = prior_tau_dist,


.blrm_trial_compute_prior <- function(object, ...) {
  trial <- object

  dot.args <- list(...) # Evaluate arguments here
  ref_doses <- trial[["ref_doses"]]
  formula <- as.formula(trial[["formula"]][["blrm_formula"]])
  data <- .blrm_trial_merge_data(trial, bind_rows(trial[["group_to_stratum_mapping"]], trial[["data"]]))
  ## SW: the as.name is something I picked up here:
  ## https://github.com/WinVector/wrapr/blob/master/extras/MacrosInR.md
  ## (just delete this comment if you fine with this change)
  dot.args <- modifyList(list(formula=formula, data=as.name("data")), dot.args)

  trial$blrmfit <- do.call("blrm_exnex", dot.args)

  trial$update_blrmfit <- function(trial, ...)

    args <- list(...)
    if (has_name(args, "data")) {
      args[["data"]] <- .blrm_trial_sanitize_data(trial=trial, data=args[["data"]])
      trial$data <- args[["data"]]
      args[["data"]] <- bind_rows(trial$group_to_stratum_mapping, args[["data"]])

    if (has_name(args, "add_data")) {
      args[["add_data"]] <- .blrm_trial_sanitize_data(trial=trial, data=args[["add_data"]])

      if (!has_name(args[["add_data"]], "cohort_time")) {
        next_index <- max(select(trial$data, "cohort_time"))
        if (is.na(next_index)) {
          next_index <- 1
        } else {
          next_index <- next_index + 1

        args[["add_data"]]$cohort_time <- next_index

      trial$data <- bind_rows(trial$data, args[["add_data"]])
      args[["data"]] <- bind_rows(trial$group_to_stratum_mapping, trial$data)
      args[["add_data"]] <- NULL

    if (has_name(args, "data")) {
      args[["data"]] <- .blrm_trial_merge_data(trial, args[["data"]])

    trial$blrmfit <- do.call("update", c(list(trial$blrmfit), args))



.blrm_trial_merge_data <- function(trial, data)

  ## Silence R CRAN check notes
  num_patients <- num_toxicities <- NULL

  ## Summarize data for performance
  summarized_data <- ungroup(summarize(group_by_at(data, c("group_id", "stratum_id", names(trial$ref_doses))), num_patients = sum(num_patients), num_toxicities = sum(num_toxicities)))

  ## Return sorted data for improved reproducibility
  arrange_at(summarized_data, c("group_id", "stratum_id", names(trial$ref_doses)))

.blrm_trial_sanitize_data <- function(
  trial_is_being_constructed = FALSE,
  warning_if_dose_not_prespecified = TRUE,
  require_num_patients = TRUE,
  require_num_toxicities = TRUE
  if (!trial_is_being_constructed) {


  ## make R CMD check happy
  dose_id <- NULL

  if (!has_name(data, "stratum_id")) {
    if (nlevels(trial$stratum_id_factor) == 1) {
      data$stratum_id <- levels(trial$stratum_id_factor)[1]
      message("stratum_id not given, but only one stratum defined. Assigning first stratum.")
    } else {
      stop("stratum_id not defined even though there are multiple strata!")

  assert_that(has_name(data, "stratum_id"))
  assert_that(has_name(data, "group_id"))

  if (!is.factor(data$stratum_id[0])) {
    data$stratum_id <- factor(data$stratum_id, levels=levels(trial$stratum_id_factor))
    assert_that(!any(is.na(data$stratum_id)), msg="stratum_id level inconsistent or NA")

  assert_factor(data$stratum_id[0], levels=levels(trial$stratum_id_factor), n.levels=nlevels(trial$stratum_id_factor))

  if (!is.factor(data$group_id[0])) {
    data$group_id <- factor(data$group_id, levels=levels(trial$group_id_factor))
    assert_that(!any(is.na(data$group_id)), msg="group_id level inconsistent or NA")
  assert_factor(data$group_id[0], levels=levels(trial$group_id_factor), n.levels=nlevels(trial$group_id_factor))

  assert_that((!require_num_patients) || has_name(data, "num_patients"))
  assert_that((!require_num_toxicities) || has_name(data, "num_toxicities"))

  ## Data must have columns that correspond to drug name
  ## Note: all() is needed for assertthat 0.2.0 compatibility
  assert_that(all(has_name(data, colnames(trial$ref_doses))))

  ## Check that dose_id is consistent
  if(has_name(data, "dose_id")) {
    colnames_for_join <- c("dose_id", "group_id", "stratum_id", trial$drug_info$drug_name)
    data_consistent_with_dose_info <- inner_join(data, trial$dose_info, by=colnames_for_join)
    assert_that(nrow(filter(data, !is.na(dose_id))) == nrow(data_consistent_with_dose_info),
                msg="dose_id inconsistent with dose combinations. dose_id must be a unique identifier for dose_combo / group_id / stratum_id!")

    colnames_for_final_join <- unique(c(intersect(colnames(data), colnames(trial$dose_info)), c("dose_id", "group_id", "stratum_id", trial$drug_info$drug_name)))
    data_consistent_with_dose_info_final <- inner_join(data, trial$dose_info, by=colnames_for_final_join)
    assert_that(nrow(filter(data, !is.na(dose_id))) == nrow(data_consistent_with_dose_info_final),
                msg="dose_id inconsistent with dose combinations. dose_id must be a unique identifier for dose_combo / group_id / stratum_id!")

    if (any(is.na(data$dose_id))) {

      warning("dose_id NA was provided - cannot check consistency of new data with pre-specified dose_info")
  } else {
    ## If no dose_id is provided, resolve it
    colnames_for_join <- c("group_id", "stratum_id", trial$drug_info$drug_name)
    data_consistent_with_dose_info <- inner_join(data, trial$dose_info, by=colnames_for_join)

    colnames_for_final_join <- unique(c(intersect(colnames(data), colnames(trial$dose_info)), colnames_for_join))
    data_consistent_with_dose_info_all_cols <- inner_join(data, trial$dose_info, by=colnames_for_final_join)
    assert_that(nrow(data_consistent_with_dose_info) == nrow(data_consistent_with_dose_info_all_cols),
                msg="Data does not uniquely resolve in terms of dose_combo / group_id / stratum_id and user-defined additional columns!")

    data_consistent_with_dose_info_final <- left_join(data, trial$dose_info, by=colnames_for_final_join)

      any(is.na(data_consistent_with_dose_info_final$dose_id)) &&
    ) {
      warning("Data that was provided does not correspond to a pre-specified dose!")

    data <- data_consistent_with_dose_info_final


.create_group_to_stratum_mapping <- function(

  ## Create dummy data to map group_ids to stratum_ids in the model
  group_to_stratum_mapping <- unique(select(bind_rows(dose_info, data), one_of("group_id", "stratum_id")))

  ## Add group to stratum mapping so groups are mapped correctly even
  ## if they do not contain data (not yet)
  group_to_stratum_mapping <- bind_rows(data[0,], group_to_stratum_mapping)
  group_to_stratum_mapping <- mutate_at(group_to_stratum_mapping, vars("num_patients", "num_toxicities"), function(x)(0))

  group_to_stratum_mapping <- mutate_at(group_to_stratum_mapping, vars(drug_names), function(x)(1))

  # Ensure each group is only in (precisely) one stratum
  with(group_to_stratum_mapping, .validate_group_stratum_nesting(group_id, stratum_id))


.assert_is_blrm_trial_and_prior_is_set <- function(object)
  assert_that(!is.null(object$blrmfit), msg="Prior must be specified. Use update() with arguments for blrm_exnex to configure the prior.")

.assert_is_blrm_trial <- function(object)
  assert_class(object, "blrm_trial")

.sanitize_dose_info <- function(trial, dose_info)

  if (!has_name(dose_info, "stratum_id")) {
    message("No stratum defined - assigning all groups to single stratum \"all\"")
    dose_info[["stratum_id"]] <- "all"

  assert_that(has_name(dose_info, "stratum_id"))
  assert_that(has_name(dose_info, "group_id"))
  assert_that(!has_name(dose_info, "num_patients"))
  assert_that(!has_name(dose_info, "num_toxicities"))

  # dose_info must have columns that correspond to drug name
  # Note: all() is needed for assertthat 0.2.0 compatibility
  assert_that(all(has_name(dose_info, trial$drug_info$drug_name)), msg="dose_info must use same drug names as specified in drug_info")

  if (!has_name(dose_info, "dose_id")) {
    # warning("dose_info do not contain \"dose_id\" - adding \"dose_id\" column")
    dose_info <- tibble::rowid_to_column(dose_info, "dose_id")

  # dose_info must not have any duplications where group_id, stratum_id and all
  # the doses are the same since dose_id cannot be resolved in such a case
  unique_cols_required <- c("group_id", "stratum_id", trial$drug_info$drug_name)

  dose_info_unique_cols_only <- select(dose_info, unique_cols_required)

  assert_that(nrow(dose_info_unique_cols_only) == nrow(dose_info_unique_cols_only %>% unique()),
              msg="dose_info must contain unique entries for dose_combo / group_id / stratum_id!")


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OncoBayes2 documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:30 p.m.