
Defines functions dimPlot SpaPlot gg_color_hue dfList2df SelectModel.PRECASTObj PRECAST print.PRECASTObj print AddParSetting AddAdjList CreatePRECASTObject .findSVGs selectIntFeatures filter_gene filter_spot gendata_seulist replaceStr AddTSNE AddUMAP Add_embed addnames

Documented in AddAdjList Add_embed AddParSetting AddTSNE AddUMAP CreatePRECASTObject dimPlot PRECAST selectIntFeatures SelectModel.PRECASTObj SpaPlot

addnames <- function(XList){
  for(j in 1:length(XList)){
    row.names(XList[[j]]) <- paste0("cell",j,"_", 1:nrow(XList[[j]]))
    colnames(XList[[j]]) <- paste0("gene", 1:ncol(XList[[j]]))

Add_embed <- function(embed, seu, embed_name='tSNE' , assay = "RNA"){
  row.names(embed) <- colnames(seu)
  colnames(embed) <- paste0(embed_name, 1:ncol(embed))
  seu@reductions[[embed_name]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = embed, 
                                                          key = paste0(toupper(embed_name),"_"), assay = assay)

AddUMAP <- function(seuInt, n_comp=3, reduction='PRECAST', assay='PRE_CAST', seed=1){
    stop(paste0("The  reduction  ", reduction, " does not exist, please change reduction or run IntegrateSpaData first!") )
  hZ_umap <- scater::calculateUMAP(t(seuInt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings), ncomponents=n_comp)
    seuInt <- Add_embed(hZ_umap, seuInt, embed_name = "UMAP3", assay = assay)
  }else if(n_comp==2){
    seuInt <- Add_embed(hZ_umap, seuInt, embed_name = "UMAP", assay = assay)

AddTSNE <- function(seuInt, n_comp=3, reduction='PRECAST', assay='PRE_CAST', seed=1){
  if(is.null(seuInt@reductions[[reduction]])) stop("The  reduction does not exist, please run IntegrateSpaData first!")
  hZ_tsne <- scater::calculateTSNE(t(seuInt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings), ncomponents=n_comp)
    seuInt <- Add_embed(hZ_tsne, seuInt, embed_name = "tSNE3", assay = assay)
  }else if(n_comp==2){
    seuInt <- Add_embed(hZ_tsne, seuInt, embed_name = "tSNE", assay = assay)
replaceStr <- function(strVec, pattern="_tmp", by="RNA"){
  n_str <- length(strVec)
  ystr <- strVec
  for(i in 1:n_str){
    ystr[i] <- sub(pattern, by, strVec[i])
gendata_seulist <- function(height1=30, width1=30,height2=height1, width2=width1, 
                           p =100, q=10, K=7,  G=4, beta=1.2, sigma2=1, 
                           alpha=8, seed=1, view=FALSE){
  #height1=30; width1=30;height2=height1; width2=width1; 
  #p =100; q=10; K=7;  G=4; beta=1.2; sigma2=1; alpha=8; seed=1; view=TRUE
  # suppressMessages(require(GiRaF))
  # suppressMessages(require(MASS))
  # suppressMessages(require(Seurat))
  ###############Model parameters setting
  if(q <2) stop("error:gendata_sp::q must be greater than 1!")
  if(length(beta) <2) beta <- rep(beta, 2)
  n1 <- height1 * width1 # # of cell in each indviduals 
  n2 <- height2 * width2
  n_vec <- c(n1, n2)
  sigmaZ = 2*c(1,2, 0.5);
  qvec=rep(2, 3); 
  ## generate deterministic parameters, fixed after generation
    Lambda1 <- sigma2*(abs(rnorm(p, sd=1)))
    Lambda2 <- sigma2*(abs(rnorm(p, sd=1)))
    Lambda1 <- rep(sigma2[1], p)
    Lambda2 <- rep(sigma2[2], p)
  LamMat <- rbind(Lambda1, Lambda2)
  W1 <- matrix(rnorm(p*q), p, q)
  W <- qr.Q(qr(W1))
  Wlist <- list()
  for(r in 1:2){
     # sigma12 control the correlation strength, if sigma12 is small, correlation is strong
    Wtt1 <- matrix(rnorm(p* qvec[r]), p, qvec[r]) 
    W1 <- Wtt1 + sigmaW[r] * matrix(rnorm(p* qvec[r]), p, qvec[r])
    W1 <- qr.Q(qr(W1))
    Wlist[[r]] <- W1
    # cat('cor(W,W1)=', mean(cancor(W, Wlist[[r]])$cor), '\n')
  mu <- matrix(0, q,  K)
  diagmat = array(0, dim = c(q, q, K))
  if(q > K){
    q1 <- floor(K/2)
    for(j in 1:q1){
      if(j <= (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- alpha
      if(j > (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- -alpha
    mu[(q1+1):q, K] <- -alpha
  }else if(q <= K){
    for(k in 1:K)
      mu[,k] <- rep(alpha/8 *k, q) #
  for(k in 1:K){
    tmp  <- rep(1, q)
    if(k <= K/2){
      tmp[q] <- alpha
    diag(diagmat[,,k]) <- tmp
  Mu <- t(mu)
  Sigma <- diagmat
  tauMat <- matrix(0, 2, q)
  tauMat[1, ] <- rep(5, q);
  tauMat[2,1] <- 10; tauMat[2,2] <- -10 

  tau0Mat <- matrix(NA, 2, p)
  for(r in 1:2){
    tau0 <- rnorm(p, sd=2)
    tau0Mat[r, ] <- tau0
  ################## Start to generate data
  # generate the spatial dependence for state variable y, a hidden Markov RF
  y1 <- sampler.mrf(iter = n1, sampler = "Gibbs", h = height1, w = width1, ncolors = K, nei = G, param = beta[1],
                    initialise = FALSE, view = view)
  y1 <- c(y1) + 1
  y2 <- sampler.mrf(iter = n2, sampler = "Gibbs", h = height2, w = width2, ncolors = K, 
                    nei = G, param = beta[2],
                    initialise = FALSE, view = view)
  y2 <- c(y2) + 1
  yList <- list(y1, y2)
  # make position
  pos1 <- cbind(rep(1:height1, width1), rep(1:height1, each=width1))
  pos2 <- cbind(rep(1:height2, width2), rep(1:height2, each=width2))
  posList <- list(pos1, pos2)
  Zlist <- list()
  VList <- list()
  for(r in 1:2){
    Z_tmp <- matrix(0, n_vec[r], q)
    for(k in 1:K){
      nk <- sum(yList[[r]]==k) # include conditional and sequencing batch
      if(nk > 0)
        Z_tmp[yList[[r]]==k, ] <- MASS::mvrnorm(nk, Mu[k,],Sigma[,,k])
    Zlist[[r]] <- Z_tmp
    VList[[r]] <- MASS::mvrnorm(n_vec[r], tauMat[r, ],Sigma[,,1]+ 3*(r-1)*diag(q))
  ## batch effect
  Zrlist <- list()
  for(r in 1:2){
    Zrlist[[r]] <- matrix(rnorm(n_vec[r]* qvec[r], sd=sigmaZ[r]), n_vec[r], qvec[r])
  sapply(Zrlist, dim)
  XtList <- list()
  for(r in 1:2){
    X1 <- (Zlist[[r]] + VList[[r]] ) %*% t(W) + Zrlist[[r]] %*% t(Wlist[[r]])+ 
      MASS::mvrnorm(n_vec[r], rep(0,p), diag(LamMat[r,]))
    tauMat0 <- matrix(tau0Mat[r, ], n_vec[r], p, byrow = T)
    Eta <- exp((X1 + tauMat0))
    #X1 <- matrix(rpois(n_vec[r]*p, Eta), n_vec[r], p)
    XtList[[r]] <- matrix(rpois(n_vec[r]*p, Eta), n_vec[r], p)
  # XList <- lapply(XtList, function(x) log(1+x))
  XtList <- addnames(XtList)
  seulist <- list()
  for(r in 1:length(XtList)){
    seulist[[r]] <- CreateSeuratObject(counts= t(XtList[[r]]), assay='RNA')
    seulist[[r]]$row <- posList[[r]][,1]
    seulist[[r]]$col <- posList[[r]][,2]
    seulist[[r]]$true_cluster <- yList[[r]]
    seulist[[r]] <- Add_embed(Zlist[[r]],seulist[[r]],embed_name='trueEmbed' , assay = "RNA" )
    #colnames(seulist[[r]]@meta.data)[c(2,3)] <- replaceStr(colnames(seulist[[r]]@meta.data)[c(2,3)] ,"tmp", by="RNA")
  # paraList <- list(LamList=list(Lambda1, Lambda2), betaVec=beta)
  # attr(seulist,"paraList") <- paraList

filter_spot <- function(seu, min_feature=0, assay=NULL){ # each spots at least include 1 non-zero features
  if(is.null(assay)) assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
  col_name <- paste0("nFeature_",assay)
  idx <- seu@meta.data[,col_name] > min_feature
  seu[, idx]
  # subset(seu, subset = nFeature_RNA > min_feature)
# filter_spot(seu)
filter_gene <- function(seu, min_spots=20, assay= NULL){
  if(is.null(assay)) assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
    count_matrix <- data_matrix <- NULL
      out1 <- try(count_matrix <- GetAssayData(seu, assay = assay, slot='counts'),
      out2 <- try(data_matrix <- GetAssayData(seu, assay =assay, slot='data'),
      gene_flag <- Matrix::rowSums(count_matrix>0)>min_spots
      return(seu[names(gene_flag[unname(gene_flag)]), ])
    }else if(sum(dim(data_matrix))!=0){
      gene_flag <- Matrix::rowSums(data_matrix>0)>min_spots
      return(seu[names(gene_flag[unname(gene_flag)]), ])
      stop("filter_gene: Seuat object must provide slots count or data in assay!")
# filter_gene(seu)
## select the features for multiple samples based on a rank rule.
selectIntFeatures <- function(seulist, spaFeatureList, IntFeatures=2000){
  ## This function is used for selecting common informative features
  if(length(seulist) != length(spaFeatureList)) stop("The length of suelist and spaFeatureList must be equal!")
  if(length(seulist) ==1){
    if(length(spaFeatureList[[1]]) >= IntFeatures){
      genelist <- spaFeatureList[[1]][1:IntFeatures]
      genelist <- spaFeatureList[[1]]
      warning("The IntFeature is larger than the  number of elements in FeatureList!")
  if(any(sapply(spaFeatureList, length)< IntFeatures))
    stop("Feature list exists number of features less than IntFeatures!")
  geneUnion <- unique(unlist(lapply(spaFeatureList, function(x) x[1:IntFeatures])))
  ## ensure each seuobject has the genes in geneUnion
  gene_delete <- unique(unlist(lapply(seulist, function(x) setdiff(geneUnion, row.names(x)))))
  geneUnion <- setdiff(geneUnion, gene_delete)
  # Remove zero-variance genes
  genes_zeroVar <- unique(unlist(lapply(seulist, function(x){
    assay <- DefaultAssay(x)
    count_matrix <- GetAssayData(x, assay = assay, slot='counts')
    #geneUnion[pbapply::pbapply(x@assays$RNA@counts[geneUnion,],1, sd)==0])))
  gene_Var <- setdiff(geneUnion, genes_zeroVar)
  # sort by number of datasets that identified this gene as SVG.
  nsample <- length(seulist)
  numVec <- rep(0, length(gene_Var))
  rankMat <-matrix(NA,length(gene_Var), nsample)
  row.names(rankMat) <- gene_Var
  for(i in 1:length(gene_Var)){
    for(j in 1:nsample){
      if(is.element(gene_Var[i], spaFeatureList[[j]])){
        numVec[i] <- numVec[i] +1
        rank1 <- which(spaFeatureList[[j]]==gene_Var[i])
        rankMat[i, j] <- rank1
  cutNum <- sort(numVec, decreasing = T)[min(IntFeatures, length(numVec))]
  if(max(numVec)> cutNum){
    genelist1 <- gene_Var[numVec>cutNum]
    genelist1 <- NULL
  num_rest_genes <- min(IntFeatures, length(numVec)) - length(genelist1)
  gene2 <- gene_Var[numVec==cutNum]
  ### select top 2000 genes that rank 
  rankMat2 <- rankMat[gene2, ]
  rowMedian <- function(xmat, na.rm=TRUE){
    apply(xmat, 1, median, na.rm=na.rm)
  genes1rank <- gene2[order(rowMedian(rankMat2, na.rm=T))[1:num_rest_genes]]
  genelist <- c(genelist1, genes1rank)
## Get basic information
## format the log-normalized gene expression based on the selected genes.

setClass("PRECASTObj", slots=list(
  seuList = "ANY",
  seulist = "ANY",
  AdjList = "ANY", 
  parameterList= "list", 
  resList = "ANY",
  project = "character"
) )
## To show which content when output liger object
  f = "show",
  signature = "PRECASTObj",
  definition = function(object) {
      "An object of class",
      "\n with",
      "datasets and ",
      sum(sapply(object@seulist, ncol)),
      "spots in total, with spots for each dataset: ",
      sapply(object@seulist, ncol),
      "common variable genes selected\n"
    invisible(x = NULL)

.findSVGs <-function(seu, nfeatures=2000, covariates=NULL, num_core=1, verbose=TRUE){
  if (!inherits(seu, "Seurat"))
    stop("method is only for Seurat objects")
  # require(SPARK)
  # require(Seurat)
  sparkx <- getFromNamespace("sparkx", "DR.SC")
  assy <- DefaultAssay(seu)
  sp_count <- GetAssayData(seu, assay = assy, slot='counts') #seu[[assy]]@counts
  # if(nrow(sp_count)> (2*nfeatures) && nrow(sp_count) >10000){
  #   seu <- FindVariableFeatures(seu, nfeatures = 2*nfeatures, verbose=verbose)
  #   sp_count <- seu[[assy]]@counts[seu[[assy]]@var.features,]
  # }
  location <- as.data.frame(cbind(seu$row, seu$col))
    message("Find the spatially variables genes by SPARK-X...\n")
  sparkX <- sparkx(sp_count,location, X_in = covariates, numCores=num_core, option="mixture",  verbose=verbose)
  if(nfeatures > nrow(sp_count)) nfeatures <- nrow(sp_count)
  ## If some features are filtered in sparkx, then the length of gene list returned by spark-x is less than nfeatures.
  ## Find top nfeatures smallest adjusted p-values
  order_nfeatures <- order(sparkX$res_mtest$adjustedPval)[1:nfeatures]
  genes <- row.names(sp_count)[order_nfeatures]
  ## Access the gene based on gene name 
  is.SVGs <- rep(FALSE, nrow(seu))
  order.SVGs <- rep(NA, nrow(seu))
  adjusted.pval.SVGs <- rep(NA, nrow(seu))
  names(is.SVGs) <- names(order.SVGs)<- names(adjusted.pval.SVGs) <- row.names(seu)
  order.SVGs[genes] <- 1:length(genes)
  is.SVGs[genes] <- TRUE
  adjusted.pval.SVGs[genes] <- sparkX$res_mtest$adjustedPval[order_nfeatures]
  if(inherits(seu[[assy]], "Assay5")){
    seu[[assy]]@meta.data$is.SVGs <- is.SVGs
    seu[[assy]]@meta.data$order.SVGs <- order.SVGs
    seu[[assy]]@meta.data$adjusted.pval.SVGs <- adjusted.pval.SVGs
    var.features <- rep(NA, nrow(seu))
    names(var.features) <- row.names(seu)
    var.features[genes] <- genes
    seu[[assy]]@meta.data$var.features <- unname(var.features)
    seu[[assy]]@meta.data$var.features.rank <- order.SVGs
    seu[[assy]]@meta.features$is.SVGs <- is.SVGs
    seu[[assy]]@meta.features$order.SVGs <- order.SVGs
    seu[[assy]]@meta.features$adjusted.pval.SVGs <- adjusted.pval.SVGs
    seu[[assy]]@meta.features$var.features.rank <- order.SVGs
    seu[[assy]]@var.features <- genes

.topSVGs <- function (seu, ntop = 5){
  if (!inherits(seu, "Seurat")) 
    stop("method is only for Seurat objects")
  if (ntop > nrow(seu)) 
    warning(paste0("Only ", nrow(seu), " SVGs will be returned since the number of genes is less than ", 
                   ntop, "\n"))
  assy <- DefaultAssay(seu)
  if(inherits(seu[[assy]], "Assay5")){
    if (is.null(seu[[assy]]@meta.data$is.SVGs)) 
      stop("There is no information about SVGs in default Assay. Please use function FindSVGs first!")
    SVGs <- row.names(seu)[seu[[assy]]@meta.data$is.SVGs]
    order_features <- seu[[assy]]@meta.data$order.SVGs
    if (is.null(seu[[assy]]@meta.features$is.SVGs)) 
      stop("There is no information about SVGs in default Assay. Please use function FindSVGs first!")
    SVGs <- row.names(seu)[seu[[assy]]@meta.features$is.SVGs]
    order_features <- seu[[assy]]@meta.features$order.SVGs
  idx <- order(order_features[!is.na(order_features)])[1:ntop]

CreatePRECASTObject <- function(seuList,  project = "PRECAST",  gene.number=2000, 
                                customGenelist=NULL, premin.spots = 20,  
                                   premin.features=20, postmin.spots=15, postmin.features=15,
  # project = "PRECAST";  gene.number=2000 
  # selectGenesMethod='SPARK-X';numCores_sparkx=1 
  # premin.spots = 20;  premin.features=20; postmin.spots=15; postmin.features=15;verbose=TRUE
  #Check the arguments
  # Check list object
  if(!inherits(seuList, "list")) stop("CreatePRECASTObject: check the argument: seuList! it must be a list.")
  # Check Seurat object
  flag <- sapply(seuList, function(x) !inherits(x, "Seurat"))
  if(any(flag)) stop("CreatePRECASTObject: check the argument: seuList! Each component of seuList must be a Seurat object.")
  # Check spatial coordinates for each object.
  exist_spatial_coods <- function(seu){
    flag_spatial <- all(c("row", "col") %in% colnames(seu@meta.data))
  flag_spa <- sapply(seuList,  exist_spatial_coods)
  if(any(!flag_spa)) stop("CreatePRECASTObject: check the argument: seuList! Each Seurat object in seuList must include  the spatial coordinates saved in the meta.data, named 'row' and 'col'!")
  # Check cores 
    stop("CreatePRECASTObject: check the argument: numCores_sparkx! It must be a positive integer.")
  # Check customGenelist
  if(!is.null(customGenelist) && (!is.character(customGenelist))) 
    stop("CreatePRECASTObject: check the argument: customGenelist! It must be NULL or a character vector.")
  ## inheriting
  object <- new(
    Class = "PRECASTObj",
    seuList = seuList,
    seulist = NULL,
    AdjList = NULL, 
    parameterList= list(),
    resList = NULL,
    project = project
  seuList <- object@seuList
    message("Filter spots and features from Raw count data...")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
  seuList <- lapply(seuList, filter_spot, premin.features)
  seuList <- pbapply::pblapply(seuList, filter_gene, premin.spots)
  message(" \n ")
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Filtering step for raw count data finished!"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)
    message("Select the variable genes for each data batch...")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
      seuList <- pbapply::pblapply(seuList, .findSVGs, nfeatures=gene.number, 
                                   num_core=numCores_sparkx, verbose=verbose)
      spaFeatureList <- lapply(seuList, .topSVGs, ntop = gene.number)
    }else if(tolower(selectGenesMethod)=='hvgs'){
      seuList <- pbapply::pblapply(seuList ,FindVariableFeatures, nfeatures=gene.number, 
      getHVGs <- function(seu){
        assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
        if(!inherits(seu[[assay]], "Assay5")){
          vf <- seu[[assay]]@var.features
          vf_dat <- seu[[assay]]@meta.data[,c("vf_vst_counts_rank", "var.features")]
          vf_dat <- vf_dat[complete.cases(vf_dat),]
          vf <- vf_dat$var.features[order(vf_dat$vf_vst_counts_rank)]
      spaFeatureList <- lapply(seuList, getHVGs)
      stop("CreatePRECASTObject: check the argument: selectGenesMethod! It only support 'SPARK-X' and 'HVGs' to select genes now. You can provide self-selected genes using customGenelist argument.")
    spaFeatureList <- lapply(spaFeatureList, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
    if(any(sapply(spaFeatureList, length)< gene.number)){
      gene.number_old <- gene.number
      gene.number <- min(sapply(spaFeatureList, length))
      warning(paste0("Number of genes in one of sample is less than ", gene.number_old, ", so set minimum number of variable genes as gene.number=", gene.number) )
      message("Select common top variable genes  for multiple samples...")
    genelist <- selectIntFeatures(seuList, spaFeatureList=spaFeatureList, IntFeatures=gene.number)
    geneNames <- Reduce(intersect,(lapply(seuList, row.names))) # intersection of  genes from each sample
    if(any(!(customGenelist %in% geneNames)))
      message("CreatePRECASTObject: remove genes:", paste0(setdiff(customGenelist, geneNames),"  "),"with low count reads in seuList.")
    genelist <- intersect(customGenelist, geneNames)
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Gene selection finished!"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)
  seulist <- lapply(seuList, function(x) x[genelist, ])
  ## reset the variable features to the genelist.
     message("Filter spots and features from SVGs(HVGs) count data...")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
  seulist <- lapply(seulist, filter_spot, postmin.features)
  seulist <- pbapply::pblapply(seulist, filter_gene, postmin.spots)
  seulist <- lapply(seulist, NormalizeData, verbose=verbose)
  object@seulist <- seulist
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Filtering step for count data with variable genes finished!"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)
    object@seuList <- NULL

AddAdjList <- function(PRECASTObj, type="fixed_distance", platform="Visium", ...){
  if(!inherits(PRECASTObj, "PRECASTObj")) 
    stop("AddAdjList: Check the argument: PRECASTObj!  PRECASTObj must be a PRECASTObj object.")
    stop("AddAdjList: Check the argument: PRECASTObj! The slot seulist in PRECASTObj is NULL!")
  posList <- lapply(PRECASTObj@seulist, function(x) cbind(x$row, x$col))
    if(tolower(platform) %in% c("st", "visium")){
      AdjList <- pbapply::pblapply(posList, getAdj_reg, platform=platform)
      AdjList <- pbapply::pblapply(posList, function(x, ...)getAdj_auto(x, ...))
  }else if (tolower(type) == "fixed_number") {
    AdjList <- pbapply::pblapply(posList, getAdj_fixedNumber, ...)
  } else {
    stop("AddAdjList: Unsupported adjacency  type \"", type, "\".")
  # AdjList <- pbapply::pblapply(posList, function(x)getAdj_auto(x))
  PRECASTObj@AdjList <- AdjList

AddParSetting <- function(PRECASTObj, ...){
  PRECASTObj@parameterList <- model_set(...)
print <- function(PRECASTObj) UseMethod("print")
print.PRECASTObj <- function(PRECASTObj){
  PRECASTObj@AdjList <- "a list: adjacency marix"
  PRECASTObj@resList <- "a list: PRECAST results"
  PRECASTObj@parameterList <- list("a list: model parameter settings")

PRECAST <- function(PRECASTObj, K=NULL, q= 15){
  # suppressMessages(require(Matrix))
  # suppressMessages(require(Seurat))
  if(!inherits(PRECASTObj, "PRECASTObj")) 
    stop("PRECAST: Check the argument: PRECASTObj!  PRECASTObj must be a PRECASTObj object.")
  if(is.null(K)) K <- 4:12
  if(q < 0) stop("PRECAST: Check the argument: q!  PRECASTObj must be a positive integer.")
  if(is.null(PRECASTObj@seulist)) stop("The slot seulist in PRECASTObj is NULL!")
  ## Get normalized data 
  get_norm_data <- function(seu, assay = NULL){
    dat <- get_data_fromSeurat(seu, slot='data')
    dat <- Matrix::t(dat)
  XList <- lapply(PRECASTObj@seulist,  get_norm_data)
  PRECASTObj@resList <- ICM.EM_structure(XList, K=K, q=q, AdjList = PRECASTObj@AdjList, 
                             parameterList = PRECASTObj@parameterList)

## select model
SelectModel.PRECASTObj <- function(obj, criteria = 'MBIC',pen_const=1, return_para_est=FALSE){
  if(!inherits(obj, "PRECASTObj")) 
    stop("SelectModel.PRECASTObj: Check the argument: obj!  obj must be a PRECASTObj object.")
  reslist <- SelectModel.SeqK_PRECAST_Object(obj@resList, pen_const = pen_const, criteria = criteria, return_para_est)
  obj@resList <- reslist

# load("./data/Housekeeping_Genes_Mouse.RData")
# head(Mouse_HK_genes)
# load("./data/Housekeeping_GenesHuman.RData")
# Human_HK_genes <- Housekeeping_Genes
# head(Human_HK_genes)
# colnames(Human_HK_genes)[1:2]<- colnames(Mouse_HK_genes)[2:1] <- c('Ensembl', 'Gene')
# usethis::use_data(Mouse_HK_genes, Human_HK_genes, overwrite = T)

## reference: Removing Unwanted Variation from High Dimensional Data with Negative Controls
dfList2df <- function(dfList){
  df <- dfList[[1]]
  r_max <- length(dfList)
    for(r in 2:r_max){
      df <- rbind(df, dfList[[r]])

# plot cluster spatial heatmap, or tSNE RGB plot, or UMAP RGB plot
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]

SpaPlot <- function(seuInt, batch=NULL, item=NULL, point_size=2,text_size=12, 
                    cols=NULL,font_family='', border_col="gray10",
                    fill_col='white', ncol=2, combine = TRUE, title_name="Sample", ...){
  ## Check arguments input
  if(!inherits(seuInt, "Seurat")) stop("SpaPlot: check argument: seuInt! it must be a Seurat Object.")
  if(!all(batch %in% unique(seuInt$batch))) stop("SpaPlot: check argument: batch! Some batch is not included in batch of meta.data of seuInt.")
  seuInt@meta.data$ident <- Idents(seuInt)
  if(is.null(item)) item <- "ident"
  if(item %in% colnames(seuInt@meta.data)){
    if(!is.factor(seuInt@meta.data[, item])) seuInt@meta.data[, item] <- factor(seuInt@meta.data[, item])
    seuInt@meta.data$tmp_item_id <- as.numeric(seuInt@meta.data[, item])
  }else if(!(item %in% c("RGB_UMAP", "RGB_tSNE"))){
    stop("SpaPlot: check the value of argument: item! It is not the colname of meta.data of seuInt!")
  if(is.null(cols)&& item != "RGB_UMAP" && item!="RGB_tSNE"){
    # to determine the number of colors
    nn <- length(unique(seuInt@meta.data[,item]))
    cols <- gg_color_hue(nn)
  if(!is.vector(cols) && item != "RGB_UMAP" && item!="RGB_tSNE")
    stop("Check argument: cols! it must be a vector object.")
  ###Finish  Check  of arguments 
    batch_vec <- unique(seuInt$batch)
    batch_vec <- batch
  if(length(batch_vec)<2) ncol <- 1
  pList <- list()
  k <- 1
  item_null_flag <- FALSE
  for(batchi in batch_vec){
    # batchi <- (batch_vec[2])
    seu <- subset(seuInt, batch==batchi)
    meta_data <- seu@meta.data
    meta_data$ident <- Idents(seu)
    embed_use <- seu@reductions$position@cell.embeddings
    if(item %in% colnames(meta_data)){
      sort_id <- sort(unique(meta_data[, 'tmp_item_id']))
      p1 <- plot_scatter(embed_use, meta_data, label_name=item, 
                         point_size=point_size, cols =cols[sort_id], ...)
    }else if(item=="RGB_UMAP"){
      p1 <- plot_RGB(embed_use, seu@reductions$UMAP3@cell.embeddings, pointsize = point_size)
    }else if(item=="RGB_tSNE"){
      p1 <- plot_RGB(embed_use, seu@reductions$tSNE3@cell.embeddings, pointsize = point_size)
    p1 <- p1 + mytheme_graybox(base_size = text_size, base_family = font_family, bg_fill = fill_col,
                          border_color = border_col) 
      p1 <- p1 + ggtitle(label=paste0(title_name, batchi))
    pList[[k]] <- p1
    k <- k + 1
      item <- NULL
    pList <- patchwork::wrap_plots(pList, ncol=ncol)
dimPlot <- function(seuInt, item=NULL, reduction=NULL, point_size=1,text_size=16, 
                    cols=NULL,font_family='', border_col="gray10",
                    fill_col="white", ...){
  if(!inherits(seuInt, "Seurat")) stop("dimPlot: Check argument: seuInt! it must be a Seurat Object.")
  meta_data <- seuInt@meta.data
    meta_data$ident <- Idents(seuInt)
    item <- "ident"
  if(!(item %in% colnames(meta_data)))
    stop("dimPlot: check the value of argument: item! It is not the colname of meta.data of seuInt!")
    n_re <- length(seuInt@reductions)
    reduction <- names(seuInt@reductions)[n_re]
  if(!(reduction %in% names(seuInt@reductions)))  
    stop("dimPlot: check the value of argument: reduction! It is not the name belonging to seuInt@reductions!")
    # to determine the number of colors
    nn <- length(unique( meta_data[,item]))
    cols <- gg_color_hue(nn)
  if(!is.vector(cols)) stop("dimPlot: check argument: cols! it must be a vector object.")
  if(!is.factor(meta_data[, item])) meta_data[, item] <- factor(meta_data[, item])
  sort_id <- sort(unique(as.numeric(meta_data[, item])))
  embed_use <- seuInt[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings[,c(1,2)]
  p1 <- plot_scatter(embed_use, meta_data, label_name=item, 
                     point_size=point_size,cols =cols[sort_id], ...)
  p1 <- p1 + mytheme_graybox(base_size = text_size, base_family = font_family, bg_fill  = fill_col,
                          border_color = border_col)

# seuList <- gendata_seulist()
# PRECASTObj <-  CreatePRECASTObject(seuList)
# PRECASTObj <-  AddAdjList(PRECASTObj)
# PRECASTObj <- AddParSetting(PRECASTObj, maxIter=3)
# resList <- PRECASTObj@resList
# PRECASTObj@resList <- resList

# usethis::use_data(seuInt, overwrite = T)
# seuInt <- IntegrateSpaData(PRECASTObj, species='unknown')

# p12 <- SpaPlot(seuInt, batch=NULL,point_size=2, combine=T)
# ggsave(file='tmp.png',plot=p12, width=9)
# seuInt <- AddUMAP(seuInt)
# SpaPlot(seuInt, batch=NULL,item='RGB_UMAP',point_size=2, combine=T, text_size=15)
# seuInt <- AddTSNE(seuInt, 2)

# dimPlot(seuInt,  font_family='serif') # Times New Roman
#  dimPlot(seuInt, reduction = 'UMAP3', item='cluster', font_family='serif') 

# head(seuInt@reductions$tSNE2@cell.embeddings)
# head(seuInt@reductions$position@cell.embeddings)
# DimPlot(seuInt, reduction = 'position')
# DimPlot(seuInt, reduction = 'tSNE')
# DimPlot(seuInt, reduction = 'PRECAST')
# library(Seurat)
# data("pbmc_small")
# AddUMAP(pbmc_small, reduction = 'pca')
# pbmc_small[["PRECAST"]] <- pbmc_small@assays$RNA
# pbmc_small <- AddUMAP(pbmc_small, reduction = 'pca', n_comp = 2)
# DefaultAssay(pbmc_small) <- "PRECAST"
# head(pbmc_small)
# dimPlot(pbmc_small, reduction = 'UMAP', item='RNA_snn_res.0.8')
# DEG analysis ------------------------------------------------------------

# dat_deg <- FindAllMarkers(seuInt)
# library(dplyr)
# n <- 10
# dat_deg %>%
#   group_by(cluster) %>%
#   top_n(n = n, wt = avg_log2FC) -> top10
# seuInt <- ScaleData(seuInt)
# seus <- subset(seuInt, downsample = 400)
# color_id <- as.numeric(levels(Idents(seus)))
# ## HeatMap
# p1 <- doHeatmap(seus, features = top10$gene, cell_label= "Domain",
#                 grp_label = F, grp_color = NULL,
#                 pt_size=6,slot = 'scale.data') + 
#   theme(legend.text = element_text(size=16),
#         legend.title = element_text(size=18, face='bold'),
#         axis.text.y = element_text(size=7, face= "italic", family='serif'))

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PRECAST documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3 a.m.