
# @set class=PairedPSCBS
# @RdocMethod callAB
# @aliasmethod callAllelicBalance
# @title "Calls segments that are in allelic balance"
# \description{
#  @get "title", i.e. that have equal minor and major copy numbers.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{flavor}{A @character string specifying which type of
#    call to use.}
#   \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to the caller.}
#   \item{minSize}{An optional @integer specifying the minimum number
#    of data points in order to call a segments.  If fewer data points,
#    then the call is set to @NA regardless.}
#   \item{xorCalls}{If @TRUE, a region already called LOH, will
#    for consistency never be called AB, resulting in either an AB
#    call set to @FALSE or @NA (as explained below).}
#   \item{force}{If @FALSE, and allelic-balance calls already exits,
#    then nothing is done, otherwise the calls are done.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns a @see "PairedPSCBS" object with allelic-balance calls.
# }
# \section{AB and LOH consistency}{
#   Biologically, a segment can not be both in allelic balance (AB) and
#   in loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) at the same time.
#   To avoid reporting such inconsistencies, the LOH caller will,
#   if argument \code{xorCalls=TRUE}, never report a segment to be in
#   LOH if it is already called to be in AB.
#   However, regardless of of the AB call, a segment is still always
#   tested for LOH, to check weather the LOH caller is consistent with the
#   AB caller or not.  Thus, in order to distinguish the case where
#   the AB caller and LOH caller agree from when they disagree,
#   we report either (AB,LOH)=(TRUE,FALSE) or (TRUE,NA).  The former is
#   reported when they are consistent, and the latter when they are not,
#   or when the AB caller could not call it.
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
#   Internally, one of the following methods are used:
#   @seemethod "callAllelicBalanceByDH".
# }
setMethodS3("callAB", "PairedPSCBS", function(fit, flavor=c("DeltaAB*"), ..., minSize=1, xorCalls=TRUE, force=FALSE) {
  # Argument 'flavor':
  flavor <- match.arg(flavor)

  # Argument 'minSize':
  minSize <- Arguments$getDouble(minSize, range=c(1,Inf))

  # Argument 'xorCalls':
  xorCalls <- Arguments$getLogical(xorCalls)

  # Already done?
  segs <- as.data.frame(fit)
  calls <- segs$abCall
  if (!force && !is.null(calls)) {

  if (flavor == "DeltaAB*") {
    fit <- callAllelicBalanceByDH(fit, ...)
  } else {
    stop("Cannot call allelic balance. Unsupported flavor: ", flavor)

  # Don't call segments with too few data points?
  if (minSize > 1) {
    segs <- as.data.frame(fit)
    ns <- segs$dhNbrOfLoci
    calls <- segs$abCall
    calls[ns < minSize] <- NA
    segs$abCall <- calls
    fit$output <- segs
    # Not needed anymore
    segs <- calls <- NULL

  # Don't call a segment AB if it already called LOH?
  if (xorCalls) {
    segs <- as.data.frame(fit)
    if (is.element("lohCall", names(segs))) {
      calls <- segs$abCall
      otherCalls <- segs$lohCall
      # If called (TRUE) and already called (TRUE)
      # by the other caller, call it as NA.
      calls[calls & otherCalls] <- NA
      segs$abCall <- calls
      fit$output <- segs


setMethodS3("callAllelicBalance", "default", function(...) {

# @set class=PairedPSCBS
# @RdocMethod callAllelicBalanceByDH
# @title "Calls segments that are in allelic balance"
# \description{
#  @get "title" by thresholding on DH using a predetermined threshold.
#  The variability of the DH mean levels is taken into account via a
#  bootstrap estimator.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{flavor}{A @character string specifying which type of
#    call to use.}
#   \item{delta}{(Tuning parameter) A non-negative @numeric threshold.}
#   \item{alpha}{A @numeric in [0,1] specifying the upper and lower
#     quantiles calculated by the bootstrap estimator.}
#   \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to the bootstrap estimator
#     @seemethod "bootstrapTCNandDHByRegion".}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns a @see "PairedPSCBS" object with allelic-balance calls.
# }
# @author "HB"
# \section{Algorithm}{
#  \itemize{
#    \item Foo
#    \item Bar
#  }
# }
# \seealso{
#   Instead of calling this method explicitly, it is recommended
#   to use the @seemethod "callAllelicBalance" method.
# }
# @keyword internal
setMethodS3("callAllelicBalanceByDH", "PairedPSCBS", function(fit, delta=estimateDeltaAB(fit, flavor="qq(DH)"), alpha=0.05, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'delta':
  delta <- Arguments$getDouble(delta, range=c(0,Inf))

  # Argument 'alpha':
  alpha <- Arguments$getDouble(alpha, range=c(0,1))

  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Calling segments of allelic balance from one-sided DH bootstrap confidence intervals")
  verbose && cat(verbose, "delta (offset adjusting for bias in DH): ", delta)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "alpha (CI quantile; significance level): ", alpha)

  # Calculate DH confidence intervals, if not already done
  probs <- c(alpha, 1-alpha)
  fit <- bootstrapTCNandDHByRegion(fit, probs=probs, ..., verbose=less(verbose, 50))

  segs <- as.data.frame(fit)

  # Extract confidence interval
  alphaTag <- sprintf("%g%%", 100*alpha)
  column <- sprintf("dh_%s", alphaTag)
  # Sanity checks
  .stop_if_not(is.element(column, colnames(segs)))

  # One-sided test
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Calling segments")
  value <- segs[,column, drop=TRUE]
  call <- (value < delta)
  nbrOfCalls <- sum(call, na.rm=TRUE)
  verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of segments called allelic balance (AB): %d (%.2f%%) of %d\n", nbrOfCalls, 100*nbrOfCalls/nrow(segs), nrow(segs))
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  segs$abCall <- call
  fit$output <- segs

  # Append 'delta' and 'alpha' to parameters
  params <- fit$params
  params$deltaAB <- delta
  params$alphaAB <- alpha
  fit$params <- params

  verbose && exit(verbose)

}, protected=TRUE) # callAllelicBalanceByDH()

# 2012-01-15
# o DOCUMENTATION: Added details to the help of callLOH() and callAB() on
#   the difference between (AB,LOH)=(TRUE,FALSE) and (AB,LOH)=(TRUE,NA).
# 2011-07-07
# o BUG FIX: Consecutive calls to callAB(..., force=TRUE) would append
#   additional 'abCall' columns to the segmentation table instead of
#   replacing existing calls.
# 2011-06-14
# o Updated code to recognize new column names.
# 2011-05-29
# o Renamed all arguments, variables, function named 'tau' to 'delta'.
# 2011-04-14
# o BUG FIX: Argument 'minSize' of callAB() and callLOH() had no effect.
# 2011-04-12
# o Added argument 'minSize' to callAB() for PairedPSCBS.
# o Added argument 'xorCalls' to callAB() for PairedPSCBS.
# 2011-04-10
# o callAllelicBalance() calls callAB().
# 2011-04-09
# o Now callAllelicBalance(..., force=FALSE) skips the caller if allelic-
#   balance calls already exist.
# 2011-04-08
# o Added Rdoc for callAllelicBalance() and callAllelicBalanceByDH().
# o Extracted from PairedPSCBS.CALL.R.
# 2011-02-03
# o Updated default for 'tauAB' of callABandHighAI() and callABandLowC1()
#   to be estimated from data using estimateTauAB().
# 2010-12-07
# o Added callLowC1ByC1() and callABandLowC1().
# 2010-11-27
# o Corrected verbose output to call results.
# 2010-11-26 [HB]
# o Now all call functions estimate symmetric bootstrap quantiles for
#   convenince of plotting confidence intervals.
# o BUG FIX: callABandHighAI() for PairedPSCBS used the old DH-only
#   bootstrap method.
# o BUG FIX: The call functions, for instance callABandHighAI(), would throw
#   'Error in quantile.default(x, probs = alpha) : missing values and NaN's
#   not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE' unless bootstrapTCNandDHByRegion() was
#   run before.
# 2010-11-22 [HB]
# o Added more verbose output to callABandHighAI().
# o Updated callAllelicBalanceByDH() and callExtremeAllelicImbalanceByDH()
#   to utilize bootstrapTCNandDHByRegion().
# 2010-10-25 [HB]
# o Relaced argument 'ciRange' with 'alpha' for callAllelicBalanceByDH() and
#   callExtremeAllelicImbalanceByDH().
# o Renamed callAllelicBalance() to callAllelicBalanceByDH() and
#   callExtremeAllelicImbalanceByDH() to callExtremeAllelicImbalance().
# o Added arguments 'alphaAB' and 'alphaHighAI' to callABandHighAI().
# o Added sanity checks to the call methods.
# o Now arguments '...' to callABandHighAI() are passed down.
# o Now also arguments '...' to callAllelicBalance() and
#   callExtremeAllelicImbalance() are passed to bootstrapDHByRegion().
# o Added argument 'ciRange' to callAllelicBalance() and
#   callExtremeAllelicImbalance().
# 2010-09-16 [HB]
# o Added callABandHighAI().
# o Added callAllelicBalance() and callExtremeAllelicImbalance().
# o Created.

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