
submodels <- function (expression, noflevels = c(), test = TRUE) {
  function.call <- match.call()
  qca.object <- is.qca(expression)
  # test whether "expression" is an object of class 'qca'  
  if (qca.object) {
    cn <- colnames(expression$tt$tt)
    if (expression$opts$use.letters == TRUE | 
        all(cn[1:(match("OUT", cn) - 1)] %in% LETTERS)) {
      return(submodels.loop(expression = expression))
    else {
      errmsg <- paste0("If an object of class 'qca' is passed to the 'submodels'
                       function, please ensure that all exogenous factors are 
                       labelled with single letters or that the argument 
                       'use.letters' is set to 'TRUE' in the call to the 
                       'eQMC' function.")
      stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
  expression.initial <- expression
  # eliminate all white space
  expression <- gsub(" ", "", expression)
  # extract antecedent if expression is minimally necessary
  if (grepl("<", expression)) {
    antec <- substr(expression, 1, regexpr("<", expression)[1] - 1)
  # if it is not minimally necessary
  else if (grepl("-|=", expression)) {
    antec <- substr(expression, 1, regexpr("-|=", expression)[1] - 1)
  # and if it already consists of the antecedent only
  else {
    antec <- expression
  star <- grepl("[*]", antec)
  if (star & grepl("[a-zA-Z]{2,}", antec)) {
    errmsg <- paste0("The conjunction operator is not used consistently in
                     the expression ", expression.initial,". Either the 
                     '*'-operator must be put between each single-letter 
                     conjunct or must not be used at all.")
    stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
  # Is a right-pointing arrowhead contained in the expression? If not,...
  if (!grepl(">", expression) & grepl("=|-|<", expression)) {
    errmsg <- paste0("The form of the expression was not as expected. Please 
                     consult the documentation of the 'submodels' function.")
    stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
  # ...if yes, use the original outcome if provided
  else if (grepl(">", expression)) {
    out.f <- substr(expression, regexpr(">", expression)[1] + 1, 
  # otherwise, create a pseudo outcome
  else {
    out.f <- "PSEUDO"
  if (length(noflevels) == 0) {
    f.labels <- sort(unique(toupper(unlist(strsplit(gsub("[*]|[+]", "", antec), "")))))
    noflevels <- rep(2, length(f.labels) + 1)
    names(noflevels) <- c(f.labels, toupper(out.f))
  else {
    noflevels <- c(noflevels, PSEUDO = 2)
  if (any(duplicated(names(noflevels)))) {
    f.duplic <- names(noflevels)[which(duplicated(names(noflevels)))]
    errmsg <- paste0("The same factor (", f.duplic, ") must not appear in the 
                     antecedent and the outcome.")
    stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
  split.up <- function (antec, star) {
    # create a list of all disjuncts 
    disjuncts <- unlist(strsplit(antec, "[+]"))
    # create a list of all conjuncts depending on the structure of the antecedent;
    # the star operator may occur between single-digit factor levels or multi-value
    # terms if provided by the user as a string, but it must occur between 
    # non-multi-value, multi-digit factor levels; it will never occur for objects 
    # of class 'qca' with option "use.letters = TRUE" or when all factors have already
    # single letters  
    conjuncts.base <- lapply(disjuncts, function (x) {
      # if a star operator is used,...
      if (star) {
        sort(unlist(strsplit(x, "[*]")))
      # if there is no star operator, factor levels are labelled with one letter
      else {
        strs <- substring(x, 1:nchar(x), 1:nchar(x))
        sort(strs[strs != ""])
    if (any(sapply(conjuncts.base, function (x) any(duplicated(x))))) {
      errmsg <- paste0("Check the expression. At least one disjunct contains 
                       the same conjunct more than once.")
      stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
    else if (length(conjuncts.base) > 1 & any(sapply(conjuncts.base, function (x) {
    ) {
      errmsg <- paste0("Check the expression. At least one disjunct contains a 
                       conjunct and its negation.")
      stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
    else {
  # following code snippet by http://stackoverflow.com/users/211116/spacedman;
  # augmented with own additions
  doChar <- Vectorize(function(c) {
    sprintf("tt$%s==%s", toupper(c), ifelse(c %in% LETTERS, "1", "0"))                      }
  doWord <- Vectorize(function(W) {
    cs <- strsplit(W, "")[[1]]
    paste0("(", paste(doChar(cs), collapse = " & "), ")")
  processString <- function(antec, out.f, star) {
    parts <- if (!star) {
      strsplit(antec, "\\+")[[1]] 
    else {
      strsplit(gsub("[*]", "", antec), "\\+")[[1]]
    paste0("(", paste0(doWord(parts), collapse = " | "), ") == (", 
           ifelse(all(strsplit(out.f, "")[[1]] %in% letters), "!", ""), "tt$", 
           toupper(out.f), ")")
  # test whether 'expression' is a causal model to begin with
  if (test & nchar(antec) != 1) {
    tt <- data.frame(mintermMatrix(noflevels))
    colnames(tt) <- names(noflevels)
    antec.sorted.test <- paste0(sort(unlist(lapply(
      (split.up(antec = antec, star = star)), paste0, collapse = ifelse(star, "*", "")
    ))), collapse = "+"
    expr <- processString(antec = antec.sorted.test, out.f = out.f, star = star)
    tt <- tt[eval(parse(text = expr)), ]
    if ((all(strsplit(out.f, "")[[1]] %in% LETTERS) & all(tt[ , toupper(out.f)] == 1)) |
        (all(strsplit(out.f, "")[[1]] %in% letters) & all(tt[ , toupper(out.f)] == 0))) {
      errmsg <- paste0("The provided model, ", expression.initial, ", 
                       is no causal structure. The antecedent is a tautology.")
      stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
    else if ((all(strsplit(out.f, "")[[1]] %in% LETTERS) & all(tt[ , toupper(out.f)] == 0)) |
             (all(strsplit(out.f, "")[[1]] %in% letters) & all(tt[ , toupper(out.f)] == 1))) {
      errmsg <- paste0("The provided model, ", expression.initial, ", 
                       is no causal structure. The antecedent is a contradiction.")
      stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
    else {
      sol.list.test <- list()
      sol.list.test <- eQMC(tt, outcome = toupper(out.f), 
                            neg.out = ifelse(all(strsplit(out.f, "")[[1]] %in% letters), 
                                             TRUE, FALSE))$solution
      for (j in seq_along(sol.list.test)) {
        sol.list.test[[j]] <- lapply(sol.list.test[[j]], function (z) {
            if (grepl("[*]", z)) {
              strsplit(z, "[*]")
            else {
              strsplit(z, "")
          )), collapse = ifelse(star, "*", ""))
      for (j in seq_along(sol.list.test)) {
        sol.list.test[[j]] <- paste0(
          sort(unlist(sol.list.test[[j]], recursive = FALSE)), 
          collapse = "+")
      if (!antec.sorted.test %in% unlist(sol.list.test)) {
        errmsg <- paste0("The provided model, ", expression.initial, ", 
                         is no causal structure.")
        stop(paste(strwrap(errmsg, exdent = 7), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
  conjuncts.base <- split.up(antec = antec, star = star)
  # form all combinations of conjuncts within each list element
  nofchars <- sapply(conjuncts.base, length)
  combine <- function(a, b) combn(b, a, paste, collapse = "*")
  conjuncts.all <- conjuncts.base
  for (i in seq_along(nofchars)) {
    conjuncts.all[[i]] <- unlist(lapply(0:nofchars[i], combine, conjuncts.base[[i]]))
  if (length(conjuncts.all) > 1) {
    # create the full list of submodels  
    mods <- t(apply(expand.grid(conjuncts.all, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE,
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 1, c))
    # remove sub-models that contain duplicated disjuncts within model
    mods <- mods[!apply(mods, 1, function (x) {
      any(duplicated(x, incomparables = ""))}), ]
    # within rows, order along number of conjuncts, then within matrix along 
    # all columns
    mods <- t(apply(mods, 1, function (x) {x[order(nchar(x), x)]}))
    mods <- mods[do.call(order, as.list(as.data.frame(mods))), ]
    # remove duplicated submodels
    mods <- mods[!duplicated(mods), ]
    # remove submodels that contain disjuncts that are in a subset relation  
    cbs <- combn(ncol(mods), 2)
    # auxiliary truth matrix recording truth values for whether a subset 
    # relation between two disjuncts exists
    subs <- matrix(numeric(ncol(cbs)*nrow(mods)), nrow = nrow(mods))
    for (i in seq(nrow(subs))) {
      for (j in seq(ncol(cbs))) {
        if (mods[i, cbs[1, j]] != "") {
          subs[i, j] <- all(strsplit(mods[i, cbs[1, j]], split = "")[[1]] %in%
                              strsplit(mods[i, cbs[2, j]], split = "")[[1]])
        else {
          subs[i, j] <- 0
    # only keep rows for which subs only has FALSE entries
    mods <- mods[rowSums(subs) < 1, ]
    # new auxiliary truth matrix recording truth values for submodels containing 
    # FG + fGH, including FG + fG, F + fG and F + f  
    subs <- matrix(numeric(ncol(cbs)*nrow(mods)), nrow = nrow(mods))
    for (i in seq(nrow(subs))) {
      for (j in seq(ncol(cbs))) {
        if (mods[i, cbs[1, j]] != "") {
          dis.a <- strsplit(mods[i, cbs[1, j]], split = "")[[1]]
          dis.b <- strsplit(mods[i, cbs[2, j]], split = "")[[1]]
          dis.ints <- intersect(dis.a, dis.b)
          if (length(setdiff(dis.a, dis.ints)) == 1) {
            dis.a <- setdiff(dis.a, dis.ints)
            dis.b <- setdiff(dis.b, dis.ints)
            subs[i, j] <- tolower(dis.a) %in% tolower(dis.b)
          else {
            subs[i, j] <- 0
        else {
          subs[i, j] <- 0
    mods <- mods[rowSums(subs) < 1, ]
    # as elimination by using syntactic rules with respect to disjuncts 
    # becomes too cumbersome, use 'eQMC' function to test whether a submodel 
    # is free of redundancies; first filter models with more than two disjuncts,
    # not all of which are also elementary conjuncts in the original antecedent
    # and at least one of which has a duplicated conjunct/negated conjunct
    idx <- which(rowSums(mods != "") > 2 & apply(mods, 1, function (x) {
      !all(x[x != ""] %in% unique(unlist(conjuncts.base))) &
          gsub("[*]","", paste(x, collapse = "")), "")[[1]]))
    mods.QMC.test <- t(apply(mods[idx, , drop = FALSE], 1, sort))
    if (length(idx) != 0) {
      mods <- mods[-idx, ]
    subs <- numeric(nrow(mods.QMC.test))
    if (length(idx) != 0) {
      subs <- apply(mods.QMC.test, 1, function (x) {
        f.names <- c(unique(toupper(gsub("[*]", "", unlist(strsplit(x, "[*]"))))), 
        tt <- data.frame(mintermMatrix(noflevels[match(f.names, names(noflevels))]))
        colnames(tt) <- f.names
        antec.eval <- paste(x[x != ""], collapse = "+")
        coll <- processString(antec = antec.eval, out.f = out.f, star = TRUE)
        tt <- tt[eval(parse(text = coll)), ]
        if (all(tt[, toupper(out.f)] == 1)) {
        else {
          sol.list <- list()
          sol.list <- eQMC(tt, outcome = toupper(out.f), 
                           neg.out = ifelse(all(strsplit(out.f, "")[[1]] %in% letters), 
                                            TRUE, FALSE))$solution
          for (j in seq_along(sol.list)) {
            sol.list[[j]] <- lapply(sol.list[[j]], function (z) {
                if (grepl("[*]", z)) {
                  strsplit(z, "[*]")
                else {
                  strsplit(z, "")
              )), collapse = "*")
          for (j in seq_along(sol.list)) {
            sol.list[[j]] <- paste0(
              sort(unlist(sol.list[[j]], recursive = FALSE)), 
              collapse = "+")
          if (!antec.eval %in% unlist(sol.list)) {
          else {
    mods <- rbind(mods, mods.QMC.test[subs == 0, ])
    # redundancies <- mods.QMC.test[subs == 1, , drop = FALSE]
    # tautologies <- mods.QMC.test[subs == 2, , drop = FALSE]
    # flatten to vector  
    flatten <- function (x) {
      submods <- gsub(ifelse(star, "^[+]|[+]$", "^[+]|[*]|[+]$"), "",
                      gsub("[++]+", "+", apply(x, 1, function (y) {
                        paste(sort(y), collapse = "+")})))
    output.final <- list(expression = expression.initial, noflevels = noflevels, 
                         outcome = out.f, submodels = flatten(mods), 
                         # redundancies = flatten(redundancies),
                         # tautologies = flatten(tautologies), 
                         call = function.call)
  else {
    output.final <- list(expression = expression.initial, noflevels = noflevels, 
                         outcome = out.f, 
                         submodels = gsub(ifelse(!star, "[*]", ""), "", 
                         # redundancies = character(0), tautologies = character(0),
                         call = function.call)

submodels.loop <- function (expression) {
  model.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(expression$solution))
  lml <- length(model.list)
  names(model.list) <- paste0("M", seq(length(expression$solution)))
  incl.scores <- sapply(seq(lml), function (x) {
  cov.scores <- sapply(seq(lml), function (x) {
  relations <- sapply(seq(lml), function (x) {
    if (expression$relation == "suf" & cov.scores[x] < 1) {
      return(" => ")
    else if (expression$relation == "suf" & cov.scores[x] == 1) {
      return(" <=> ")
    else if (expression$relation == "sufnec" & cov.scores[x] >= incl.scores[x]) {
      return(" <=> ")
    else {
      return(" => ")
  neg.out <- expression$tt$neg.out
  for (i in seq(length(expression$solution))) {
    antec.qca.model <- paste(expression$solution[[i]], collapse = " + ") 
    full.qca.model <- paste0(antec.qca.model, relations[i], 
                             ifelse(!neg.out, expression$tt$outcome, 
    # test = FALSE, otherwise, eQMC will throw an error message for antecedents 
    # consisting of single conditions testing the expression; in addition, no 
    # tests for objects of class 'qca' are needed because QCA models are directly 
    # causally interpretable
    model.list[[i]] <- submodels(expression = full.qca.model, test = FALSE)

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