## crandb + fcccrandb
## @include checkdb.R
#' @title CRAN Packages (crandb.rda)
#' @description
#' \code{crandb_down} downloads from CRAN the file \emph{packages.rds}, a file
#' refreshed everyday that describes the packages available in CRAN for this day,
#' opens it as a data.frame and cleans this data.frame with the following oprations:
#' rename (with \code{make.names}) the column names that are syntactically invalid,
#' remove the duplicated lines located at the end of the file, clean some bad
#' characters in the Description column. The resulting clean data.frame is then
#' loaded in .GlobalEnv under the name \code{crandb} and saved in the current
#' directory with the filename \code{crandb.rda}. If \code{oldfile} is defined,
#' the vector of packages between the two files is compared and a short message
#' is printed about the differences (removed packages, new packages, updated packages).
#' \code{crandb_load} loads the file \code{filename} in .GlobalEnv under the name
#' \code{crandb}. It embeds the function \code{load("crandb.rda")} and add a short
#' message about the data.frame properties.
#' \code{crandb_pkgs} displays all packages listed in \code{crandb}. The number of
#' packages is larger than the number obtained with \code{nrow(available.packages())}
#' since packages for all OSes are counted.
#' \code{crandb_fromto} displays the packages published in CRAN between two dates.
#' @param dir character. The directory where "crandb.rda" is saved and the old
#' "crandb.rda" is read. Default value \code{"."} is the current
#' directory.
#' @param oldfile character or NULL. The (path to an) old file that will be compared
#' to a freshly downloaded version of "crandb.rda" or to \code{filename}.
#' Set to \code{NULL} if no comparison is required.
#' @param verbose logical. \code{TRUE} prints the result. \code{FALSE} keeps it invisible.
#' @param bydate logical. List the package by date of publication rather than by
#' alphabetical order.
#' @param rev logical. Print in reverse order.
#' @param repos character. The address of your local CRAN.
#' @param filename character. The (path to a) file "crandb.rda" or an equivalent.
#' @param addtxt character. Internal use.
#' @param crandb data.frame \code{crandb}. The data.frame of CRAN packages.
#' @param from Negative integer or character representing a date. The number of
#' days preceeding \code{to} or a date before \code{to}.
#' @param to date. The upper date in the search.
#' @examples
#' ### In this example, we use the small file zcrandb.rda.
#' ## List the 110 packages of this file, the ones uploaded since 2021-03-01
#' ## and those uploaded in the last 15 days before the last date (2021-06-01).
#' crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch"))
#' crandb_pkgs()
#' dim(crandb)
#' colnames(crandb)
#' crandb$Published
#' crandb_fromto(from = "2021-03-01", to = Sys.Date())
#' pkgs <- crandb_fromto(from = -15, to = max(crandb$Published)) ; pkgs
#' ## Print the table in the console (better if full width)
#' p_table2(pkgs)
#' ## Display in the browser
#' if (interactive()) {
#' p_display7(pkgs, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "crandbdown"))
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' ### In the real life, we use a fresh file downloaded from CRAN (6 MB / 20").
#' ## Here, we retrieve the packages uploaded during the last 2 days.
#' # crandb_down(dir = tempdir(), repos = "")
#' # crandb_fromto(-2)
#' }
#' @name crandb
#' @export
#' @name crandb
crandb_down <- function(dir = ".", oldfile = "crandb.rda", verbose = TRUE,
repos = getOption("repos")[1]) {
pure_desc <- function(vec) {
purify <- function(tt) {
tt <- gsub("<, ", "", tt)
tt <- gsub(", >", "", tt)
tt <- gsub("\t", " ", tt)
tt <- gsub("\n", " ", tt)
tt <- gsub(" ", " ", tt)
tt <- gsub(" ", " ", tt)
tt <- gsub(" ", " ", tt)
tt <- gsub(" ", " ", tt)
sapply(vec, purify)
oldtest <- FALSE
if (!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
if (file.exists(file.path(dir, oldfile))) {
oldtest <- TRUE
addtxt <- basename(oldfile)
craold <- get(load(file.path(dir, oldfile)))
} else {
if (oldfile != "crandb.rda") stop(paste(oldfile, "does not exist in this directory."))
urlrds <- paste0(repos, "/web/packages/packages.rds")
# con <- gzcon(url(urlrds, method = "libcurl"))
# crandb <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# close(con)
dest <- tempfile()
trdl <- trydownloadurl(urlrds, dest)
if (trdl != 0) {
message(paste("URL does not exist:", urlrds))
message("Is your repository out of service? Check with cranmirrors_down().")
crandb <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(crandb) <- make.names(colnames(crandb), unique = TRUE, allow_ = TRUE)
crandb <- crandb[!duplicated(crandb$Package), ]
crandb[,"Title"] <- pure_desc(crandb[,"Title"])
crandb[,"Description"] <- pure_desc(crandb[,"Description"])
save(crandb, file = file.path(dir, "crandb.rda"),
compress = "xz", compression_level = 6)
crandb <<- crandb
if (oldtest) {
lst <- crandb_comp(crandb, craold, addtxt = addtxt)
} else {
pnew <- crandb[,"Package"]
tnew1 <- "crandb.rda saved and loaded."
tnew3 <- length(unique(pnew))
tnew4 <- "packages listed between"
tnew5 <- min(as.Date(crandb[,"Published"]))
tnew6 <- "and"
tnew7 <- max(as.Date(crandb[,"Published"]))
txtnew <- paste(tnew1, tnew3, tnew4, tnew5, tnew6, tnew7)
lst <- list("newfile" = txtnew)
if (verbose) lst else invisible(lst)
#' @export
#' @rdname crandb
crandb_load <- function(filename = "crandb.rda") {
if (file.exists(filename)) {
glf <- get(load(filename, envir = .GlobalEnv))
txt2 <- "crandb loaded."
txt3 <- length(unique(glf$Package))
txt4 <- "packages listed between"
txt5 <- min(as.Date(glf$Published))
txt6 <- "and"
txt7 <- max(as.Date(glf$Published))
list("newfile" = paste(txt2, txt3, txt4, txt5, txt6, txt7))
} else {
stop(paste("File", basename(filename), "does not exist in this directory."))
#' @export
#' @rdname crandb
crandb_comp <- function(filename = "crandb.rda", oldfile = "crandb-old.rda", addtxt = "") {
if ( & {
fnew <- filename
fold <- oldfile
tnew2 <- "crandb.rda saved and loaded."
told2 <- if (addtxt == "") "oldfile" else addtxt
} else {
fnew <- get(load(filename))
fold <- get(load(oldfile))
tnew2 <- basename(filename)
told2 <- basename(oldfile)
pnew <- fnew[,"Package"]
pold <- fold[,"Package"]
datnew <- as.Date(fnew[,"Published"])
datold <- as.Date(fold[,"Published"])
newpkgs <- pnew[!is.element(pnew, pold)]
rempkgs <- pold[!is.element(pold, pnew)]
tnew3 <- length(unique(pnew))
tnew4 <- "packages listed between"
tnew5 <- min(datnew)
tnew6 <- "and"
tnew7 <- max(datnew)
txtnew <- paste(tnew2, tnew3, tnew4, tnew5, tnew6, tnew7)
told3 <- length(unique(pold))
told4 <- "packages listed between"
told5 <- min(datold)
told6 <- "and"
told7 <- max(datold)
txtold <- paste(told2, told3, told4, told5, told6, told7)
if (told7 > tnew7) warning("oldfile is more recent than filename!")
xpold <- pold[datold == told7]
xpnew <- pnew[datnew == told7]
xpkgs <- xpnew[!is.element(xpnew, xpold)]
dpkgs <- pnew[datnew > told7]
upkgs <- sort(unique(c(xpkgs, dpkgs)))
lremp <- length(rempkgs)
lnewp <- length(newpkgs)
luplp <- length(upkgs)
lrefp <- luplp - lnewp
trnru <- paste(lremp, "removed,", lnewp, "new,",
lrefp, "refreshed,", luplp, "uploaded packages.")
txtne2 <- c(txtnew, trnru)
lst <- list("newfile" = txtne2,
"oldfile" = txtold,
"removed_packages" = rempkgs,
"new_packages" = newpkgs,
"uploaded_packages" = upkgs)
#' @export
#' @rdname crandb
crandb_pkgs <- function(bydate = FALSE, rev = FALSE,
crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
if (! stop("crandb is not loaded.")
pkgs <- if (bydate) {
unique(crandb[order(crandb$Published), "Package"])
} else {
unique(crandb[, "Package"])
if (rev) pkgs <- rev(pkgs)
#' @export
#' @rdname crandb
crandb_fromto <- function(from = -10, to = Sys.Date(),
crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
if (! stop("crandb is not loaded.")
if (is.null(to)) to <- Sys.Date()
if (is.infinite(to)) to <- Sys.Date()
to <- as.Date(to)
if (is.null(from) || is.infinite(from)) from <- as.Date("2005-01-01")
from <- if (is.numeric(from)) {
if (from > 0) {
stop(paste0("from (= ", from, ") must be a negative integer (or a date)."))
to + from
} else {
if (from > to) {
stop(paste0("from: ", from, " must be earlier than to: ", to))
if (from > Sys.Date()) {
warning(paste0("from: ", from, " is posterior to Sys.Date(): ", Sys.Date(),
"\n Results should be empty."))
Date <- as.Date(crandb[,"Published"])
lignes <- (Date >= from & Date <= to)
z <- unique(crandb[lignes, "Package"])
## #' Check match.arg
fcccrandb <- function(columns, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv),
PTDAM.only = FALSE) {
funcolumn <- function(column) {
"P" = "Package",
"T" = "Title",
"D" = "Description",
"PT" = c("Package", "Title"),
"PD" = c("Package", "Description"),
"TD" = c("Title", "Description"),
"PTD" = c("Package", "Title", "Description"),
"A" = "Author",
"M" = "Maintainer",
"AM" = c("Author", "Maintainer"),
"PTDAM" = c("Package", "Title", "Description", "Author", "Maintainer"),
if (PTDAM.only) {
stop("select/columns should be one of P, T, D, PT, PD, TD, PTD, A, M, AM.")
} else {
columns <- unlist(lapply(columns, funcolumn))
match.arg(columns, choices = colnames(crandb), several.ok = TRUE)
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