## Authors
## Martin Schlather,
## Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2017 Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# stop("big data sets currently not allowed")
# printlevel <- mle.methods <- lsq.methods <- recall <- sdvar <- general <- TRUE
## to do: grid
GetNeighbourhoods <- function(model, Z, X,
splitfactor, maxn, split_vec, shared=FALSE,
consider.correlations = TRUE) { <- MODEL_AUX
rfInit(model, Z$coord,, RFopt=RFoptions(SAVEOPTIONS=NULL))
lc <- nrow(Z$data[[1]]) ## length(Z$coords)
maxn <- as.integer(maxn) ## max number of points, including neighbours
minimum <- as.integer(split_vec[1])## min. number of points in a neighbourhood
splitn <- as.integer(split_vec[2]) ## number of location when split up
maximum <- as.integer(split_vec[3])## maximum number of points when still
## neighbours of neighbours are included.
## Note that, mostly, an additional box is included.
locfactor <- as.integer(splitfactor * 2 + 1) ## total number of
## neighbouring boxes in each direction, including the current box itself
xdimOZ <- Z$xdimOZ
tsdim <- Z$tsdim
newZ <- list()
if (Z$dist.given) { ## to do
stop("space splitting for 'distances' not programmed yet")
if (is.vector(dist)) {
j <- 1:lc
composite <- list()
li <- 0
maxi <- (splitfactor[2] - 1) / Z$vdim
# mini <- splitfactor[3] / Z$vdim
while (length(j) >= maxi) {
distpos <- (j[1]-1) * (lc - j[1] / 2) + 1
distidx <- distpos : (distpos + (lc-j[1]-1))
locs <- (j[1]+1):lc
locidx <- which(!, j)))
locidx <- c(locs[locidx], j[1])
li <- li + 1
composites[[li]] <- locidx
j <- j[, locidx))]
if (length(j) > 0) {
li <- li + 1
composite[[li]] <- j
## kann jetzt noch optimiert werden hinsichtlich schaetzqualitaet durch
## zusammenfassen
} else {
## return(result)
newZ <- list()
restotal <- sapply(Z$coord, function(x) x$restotal) ## passt das ? 2.2.19
for (set in 1:lc) {
## n <- as.integer(dim(Z$coord[[set]])[2])
oldlen <- length(newZ)
nOT <- nT <- restotal
if (Z$has.time.comp) nOT <- nOT / coord$T[3]
coord <- Z$coord[[set]]
if (consider.correlations) {
natsc <- .C(C_MultiDimRange, as.integer(,
natsc = double(xdimOZ)
} else natsc <- rep(1, xdimOZ)
data <- Z$data[[i]]
if (coord$grid) {
stop("space splitting for 'grid' not programmed yet")
X <- cbind(coord$x, coord$T)
dim(data) <- c(X[3, ], dim(data)[2])
pts <- natsc / X[2, ]
total <- prod(pts)
factor <-(total / splitn) ^ (1/tsdim)
pts <- pts / factor
blocks <- round(X[3,] / pts)
blocks[blocks < 1] <- 1
old <- FALSE
while(prod(ceiling(X[3, ] / blocks)) > maximum) {
idx <- blocks == max(blocks[!old])
old <- old | idx
blocks[idx] <- blocks[idx] + 1
minpts <- trunc(X[3, ] / blocks)
remaining <- X[3, ] - minpts * blocks
blocknpts <- (blocks - remaining) * minpts
listseq <- combi <- list()
for (i in 1:tsdim) {
combi[[i]] <- c(-1, 1)
listseq[[i]] <- 1:blocknpts[i]
combi <- if (tsdim > 1), combi)
else list(as.matrix(combi))
for (j in 1:nrow(combi)) {
L <- list(data)
idx.combi <- combi[j, ]
for (i in 1:tsdim) L[[i+1]] <- idx.combi[i] * listseq[[i]]
L[[length(L) + 1]] <- TRUE ## vdim + repet
if (all(idx.combi > 0 | remaining[idx.combi < 0] > 0)) {
newZ[[length(newZ) + 1]] <- Z[[i]]
pts <- minpts + (idx.combi < 0)
newZ[[length(newZ)]]$coords$x[3, ] <- pts
newZ[[length(newZ)]]$data <- matrix(nrow=prod(pts),"[", L))
} else { # !coord$grid
maxnOT <- maxn
nDsplitn <- nT / splitn
x <- t(coord$x)
u <- numeric(tsdim)
for (i in 1:xdimOZ) {
u[i] <- length(unique(coord$x[i,]))
Range <- apply(coord, 1, range)
if (Z$has.time.comp) {
T <- coord$T
u <- c(u, T[3])
Range <- cbind(Range, (1:T[3]) * T[2])
x <- cbind(x, rep(T[2], prod(T[2:3])))
rd <- apply(Range, 2, diff)
len <- pmax(1e-10 * max(rd), rd * (1 + 1e-10))
units <- pmax(1, len * natsc)
## * "gerechte" Aufteilung in alle Richtungen waere nDsplitn
## * die Richtung in die viele units sind, soll eher aufgespalten werden
## * ebenso : wo viele Werte sind eher aufspalten
blockidx <- (nDsplitn / prod(units * u))^{1/tsdim} * units * u > 0.5
reddim <- sum(blockidx)
units <- units[blockidx]
zaehler <- 1
blocks <- rep(1, tsdim)
OK <- integer(1)
repeat {
blocks[blockidx] <- (nDsplitn / prod(units))^{1/reddim} *
locfactor * zaehler * units * Z$vdim
blocks <- as.integer(ceiling(blocks))
cumblocks <- cumprod(blocks)
Ccumblocks <- as.integer(c(1, cumblocks))
cumblocks <- Ccumblocks[-length(Ccumblocks)]
totblocksOT <- as.integer(cumblocks[xdimOZ])
if (Z$has.time.comp && blocks[tsdim] > 1) {
maxnOT <- as.integer(maxn / ceiling(T[3] / blocks[tsdim]))
## zuordnung der coordinaten_Werte zu den jeweiligen "blocks"
## given ist liegend
coord.idx <- floor((x - Range[1,]) / (len / blocks))
cumidx <- as.integer(colSums(coord.idx * cumblocks)) <- .Call(C_countelements, cumidx, nOT, totblocksOT)
neighbours <- .Call(C_countneighbours, xdimOZ, blocks, locfactor,
Ccumblocks,, maxnOT)
## if there too many points within all the neighbours, then split
## into smaller boxes
zaehler <- zaehler * 2
## image(neighbours, zlim=c(0:(prod(blocks)-1)))
if (!is.null(neighbours)) break;
} # repeat
l <- list()
l[[1]] <- .Call(C_getelements, cumidx, xdimOZ, nOT, Ccumblocks,
l1len <- sapply(l[[1]], length)
if (FALSE) {
l <- .Call(C_getelements, cumidx, xdimOZ, nOT, Ccumblocks,
for (idx in l) {
new.x <- Z[[i]]$coords[idx, ]
if (Z$has.time.comp && blocks[tsdim] > 1) {
minpts <- trunc(T[3] / blocks[tsdim])
remaining <- T[3] - minpts * blocks
blocknpts <- (blocks - remaining) * minpts
combi <- c(-1, 1)
listseq <- 1:blocknpts <- Z[[i]]$data
dim( <- c(nrow(Z[[i]]$data) / T[3], T[3], nrow(
for (j in 1:length(combi)) {
if (combi[j] >0 || remaining[combi[j] < 0] > 0) {
newZ[[length(newZ) + 1]] <- Z[[i]]
newZ[[length(newZ)]]$coords <- new.x
pts <- minpts + (idx.combi < 0)
newZ[[length(newZ)]]$coords$T[3] <- pts
newZ[[length(newZ)]]$data <-
as.matrix([ ,combi[j] * listseq, ],
nrow=length(idx) * pts)
} else {
newZ[[length(newZ) + 1]] <- Z[[i]]
newZ[[length(newZ)]]$coords$x <- new.x
newZ[[length(newZ)]]$data <- Z[[i]]$data[idx, ]
} # for idx
}# !coord$grid
if (length(X$x) > 0) {
## l1len <- sapply(l[[1]], length)
if (X$grid) {
stop("not programmed yet")
} else {
## now calculate the boxes for the locations where we will interpolate
i <- pmax(0, pmin(blocks-1,
floor((t(coord$x) - Range[1,]) / (len / blocks))))
#### lenXXXXX
dim(i) <- rev(dim(coord$x))
i <- as.integer(colSums(i * cumblocks)) <- .Call(C_countelements, i, nrow(coord$x), totblocksOT)
notzeros <- > 0
l[[3]] <-
.Call(C_getelements, i, xdimOZ, as.integer(nrow(coord$x)),
## TO DO : idx[[3]] passt nicht, da sowohl fuer Daten
## als auch coordinaten verwendet wird. Bei repet > 1
## ist da ein Problem -- ueberpruefen ob repet=1
ll <- .Call(C_getneighbours, xdimOZ, blocks, locfactor, Ccumblocks,
less <-
sapply(ll, function(x) sum([x]) < minimum) | !shared
## if !shared then all(less)==TRUE
if (any(less)) {
not.considered.yet <- sapply(l[[1]], length) > 0
newll <- ll
for (i in which(less)) {
current <- ll[[i]]
elements <- sum([current] *
(shared | not.considered.yet[current]))# number of pts in a neighbourhood
while (elements < minimum) {
new <- unique(unlist(ll[current])) # neighbours of neighbours, but not
new <- new[which(, current)))]# neighbours themselves
nn <-[new] * (shared | not.considered.yet[new]) # how many pts are in each of these boxes?
ordr <- order(nn)
new <- new[ordr]
nn <- nn[ordr]
cs <- elements + cumsum(nn)
smaller <- sum(cs <= maximum) ## now, check which neighbours of
## the neigbours can be included in the list of neighbours of i
## to increase the number of points in the kriging neighbourhood
if (smaller == 0) break; ## none
if (smaller == length(cs) || cs[smaller] >= minimum ||
cs[smaller+1] > maxn) {
if ( (elements <- cs[length(cs)]) <= maxn ) {
current <- c(current, new)
} else {
current <- c(current, new[1:smaller])
elements <- cs[smaller]
if (smaller != length(cs)) break
} else {
## smaller < length(cs) && cs[smaller] < minimum &&
## cs[smaller+1]<=maxn
## i.e., include the next one, but there is no chance to include
## more within the rules.
elements <- cs[smaller+1]
current <- c(current, new[1:(smaller+1)])
current <- current[l1len[current] > 0]
if (!shared) current <- current[not.considered.yet[current]]
newll[[i]] <- current
not.considered.yet[current] <- FALSE
newll <- newll[sapply(newll, length) > 0]
l[[2]] <- newll
} else l[[2]] <- ll
} ## locations to be estimated not on grid
} ## locations to be estimated
} ## for
return(if (shared) l else lapply(l[[2]], function(x) unlist(l[[1]][x])))
GetComposites <- function(Z, cliquesize) {
stopifnot(cliquesize == 2)
BigDataSplit <- function(Z, RFopt) {
fit <- RFopt$fit
method <- fit$likelihood
if ( <- pmatch(method, RC_LIKELIHOOD_NAMES)))
stop("unknown value for 'likelihood'.")
method <- RC_LIKELIHOOD_NAMES[method] # kein + 1 notwendig
restotal <- sapply(Z$coord, function(x) x$restotal)
if (method == "full" ||
(method %in% c("auto", "tesselation") && all(restotal<=fit$max_neighbours)
)) return(Z)
if (method == "auto") {
method <- "tesselation"
if (RFopt$basic$printlevel>=PL_IMPORTANT)
message("Too many locations to use standard estimation methods.\n",
"Hence an approximative methods is used. However, it is *not* ",
"that they will do well in detecting long memory dependencies.")
stop("not programmed yet")
model <- list("RFfctn", Z$model)
stop("Neigbour kriging/selection not programmed yet")
if (method == "tesselation") {
if (any(diff(fit$cliquesize) <= 0)) stop("in case of 'tesselation', 'cliquesize' must contain three increasing numbers")
return(GetNeighbourhoods(model, Z=Z,
} else if (method == "composite") {
if (any(diff(fit$cliquesize) != 0)) stop("in case of 'composite', 'cliquesize' must be a single value")
return(GetComposites(Z=Z, cliquesize = fit$cliquesize))
} else stop("unknown 'likelihood' value")
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