
Defines functions plot.dfptsde3d print.dfptsde3d dfptsde3d.default dfptsde3d moment.fptsde3d quantile.fptsde3d Mode.fptsde3d Median.fptsde3d kurtosis.fptsde3d skewness.fptsde3d max.fptsde3d min.fptsde3d cv.fptsde3d mean.fptsde3d summary.fptsde3d print.fptsde3d fptsde3d.default fptsde3d plot.dfptsde2d print.dfptsde2d dfptsde2d.default dfptsde2d moment.fptsde2d quantile.fptsde2d Mode.fptsde2d Median.fptsde2d kurtosis.fptsde2d skewness.fptsde2d max.fptsde2d min.fptsde2d cv.fptsde2d mean.fptsde2d summary.fptsde2d print.fptsde2d fptsde2d.default fptsde2d plot.dfptsde1d print.dfptsde1d dfptsde1d.default dfptsde1d moment.fptsde1d quantile.fptsde1d Mode.fptsde1d Median.fptsde1d kurtosis.fptsde1d skewness.fptsde1d max.fptsde1d min.fptsde1d cv.fptsde1d mean.fptsde1d summary.fptsde1d print.fptsde1d fptsde1d.default fptsde1d

Documented in cv.fptsde1d cv.fptsde2d cv.fptsde3d dfptsde1d dfptsde1d.default dfptsde2d dfptsde2d.default dfptsde3d dfptsde3d.default fptsde1d fptsde1d.default fptsde2d fptsde2d.default fptsde3d fptsde3d.default kurtosis.fptsde1d kurtosis.fptsde2d kurtosis.fptsde3d max.fptsde1d max.fptsde2d max.fptsde3d mean.fptsde1d mean.fptsde2d mean.fptsde3d Median.fptsde1d Median.fptsde2d Median.fptsde3d min.fptsde1d min.fptsde2d min.fptsde3d Mode.fptsde1d Mode.fptsde2d Mode.fptsde3d moment.fptsde1d moment.fptsde2d moment.fptsde3d plot.dfptsde1d plot.dfptsde2d plot.dfptsde3d print.dfptsde1d print.dfptsde2d print.dfptsde3d print.fptsde1d print.fptsde2d print.fptsde3d quantile.fptsde1d quantile.fptsde2d quantile.fptsde3d skewness.fptsde1d skewness.fptsde2d skewness.fptsde3d summary.fptsde1d summary.fptsde2d summary.fptsde3d

## Tue Mar  5 18:13:25 2024
## Original file Copyright © 2024 A.C. Guidoum, K. Boukhetala
## This file is part of the R package Sim.DiffProc
## Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 
## Faculty of Sciences and Technology, 
## University of Tamanghasset
## and
## Department of Probabilities & Statistics
## Faculty of Mathematics
## University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene
## BP 32 El-Alia, U.S.T.H.B, Algiers
## Algeria

## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.

## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.

## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
## Unlimited use and distribution (see LICENCE).

##### fptsde1d

fptsde1d <- function(object, ...)  UseMethod("fptsde1d")

fptsde1d.default <- function(object,boundary,...)
    class(object) <- "snssde1d"
    if (any(!is.expression(boundary))) 
	          stop(" must be expressions of a constant or time-dependent boundary ")
    R   <- data.frame(object$X)
    Bn  <- function(t)  eval(boundary)
	          warning(paste("x0 = S(t0) ==> crossing realized at time",object$t0))
    F   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) stats::approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R[,i])) )
      if (as.numeric(object$x0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v1  <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           fpt <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v1[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v1[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v1[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      }else if (as.numeric(object$x0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v2  <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           fpt <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v2[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v2[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v2[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
           fpt <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
	fpt <- fpt[which(!is.na(fpt))]
	#if (length(fpt != object$M)) {cat("missing output are removed\n")}

print.fptsde1d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"
	Ito = "It\xf4"
    Encoding(Ito) <- "latin1"	
    S <- function(t) eval(x$boundary)
    # Dr <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$drift), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
    # DD <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$diffusion), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
    Dr <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)))), list(e = x$obj$drift))))   
    DD <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)))), list(e = x$obj$diffusion))))
    if (as.numeric(x$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$obj$t0))){
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    cat(Ito," Sde 1D:","\n",        
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Dr," * dt + ", DD," * dW(t)","\n",
		"\t| t in [",format(x$obj$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$obj$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| S(t) = ",deparse(x$boundary),"\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized ",format(length(x$fpt),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$obj$M,digits=digits),".","\n",      
    cat("Stratonovich Sde 1D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Dr," * dt + ", DD," o dW(t)","\n",
		"\t| t in [",format(x$obj$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$obj$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| S(t) = ",deparse(x$boundary),"\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized ",format(length(x$fpt),digits=digits)," among ",format(x$obj$M,digits=digits),".","\n",

summary.fptsde1d  <- function(object,digits=NULL, ...)
    class(object) <- "fptsde1d"
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    S <- function(t) eval(object$boundary)
    if (as.numeric(object$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(object$obj$t0))){
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": X(t) <= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": X(t) >= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    xx <- object$fpt
    cat("\nMonte-Carlo Statistics of F.P.T:","\n",
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(mean(xx,na.rm = TRUE),var(xx,na.rm = TRUE),Median(xx),Mode(xx),
                               quantile(xx,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(xx,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(xx,na.rm=TRUE),
    dimnames(res) <- list(c("Mean","Variance","Median","Mode","First quartile","Third quartile","Minimum","Maximum","Skewness","Kurtosis",
	                         "Coef-variation","3th-order moment","4th-order moment","5th-order moment","6th-order moment"),c(""))
    print(round(res,digits=digits), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,...)

mean.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"
    mean(x$fpt,na.rm = TRUE,...)

cv.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"

min.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"
    min(x$fpt,na.rm = TRUE)

max.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"
    max(x$fpt,na.rm = TRUE)

skewness.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"

kurtosis.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"

Median.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"

Mode.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"

quantile.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"

moment.fptsde1d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde1d"

## density fpt

dfptsde1d <- function(object, ...)  UseMethod("dfptsde1d")

dfptsde1d.default <- function(object,...)
    class(object) <- "fptsde1d"
    # if (any(!is.expression(boundary))) stop(" must be expressions of a constant or time-dependent boundary ")
    # R   <- data.frame(object$X)
    # Bn  <- function(t)  eval(boundary)
    # F   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R[,i])) )
      # if (as.numeric(object$x0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           # v1  <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           # fpt <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v1[i]),NA,uniroot(f = function(x) (F[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v1[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v1[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      # }else if (as.numeric(object$x0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           # v2  <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           # fpt <- sapply(1:length(F),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v2[i]),NA,uniroot(f = function(x) (F[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v2[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v2[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      # }else{
           # fpt <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
                     # }
      # structure(list(SDE=object,ech=fpt,res=density.default(fpt,na.rm = TRUE,...),boundary=boundary[[1]]),class="dfptsde1d")
	  structure(list(SDE=object$obj,ech=object$fpt,res=density.default(object$fpt,na.rm = TRUE,...),boundary=object$boundary),class="dfptsde1d")

print.dfptsde1d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "dfptsde1d"
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    S <- function(t) eval(x$boundary)
    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$t0))){
    cat("\nKernel density of F.P.T:","\n", 
	"|T(S,X) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$t0 ," : X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
    cat("\nKernel density of F.P.T:","\n", 
	"|T(S,X) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$t0 ," : X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
	"\nData: ", x$res$data.name, " (", x$res$n, " obs.);",
	"\tBandwidth 'bw' = ", formatC(x$res$bw, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    out <- as.data.frame(x$res[c("x","y")])
    names(out) <- c("x","f(x)")
    print(summary(out, digits = digits), ...)

plot.dfptsde1d <- function(x,hist=FALSE,...) .plot.dfptsde1d(x,hist,...)

##### fptsde2d

fptsde2d <- function(object, ...)  UseMethod("fptsde2d")

fptsde2d.default <- function(object,boundary,...)
    class(object) <- "snssde2d"
    if (any(!is.expression(boundary))) 
	         stop(" must be expression of a constant or time-dependent boundary ")
    R1   <- data.frame(object$X)
    R2   <- data.frame(object$Y)
    Bn  <- function(t)  eval(boundary) 
    if(object$x0==Bn(object$t0) | object$y0==Bn(object$t0) ) 
	         warning(paste("x0 = S(t0) or y0 =S(t0) ==> crossing realized at time",object$t0))
    F1   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) stats::approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R1[,i])) )
    F2   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) stats::approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R2[,i])) )
    if (as.numeric(object$x0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v11  <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           fptx <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v11[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F1[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v11[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v11[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      }else if (as.numeric(object$x0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v12  <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R1[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           fptx <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v12[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F1[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v12[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v12[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
           fptx <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
    if (as.numeric(object$y0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v21  <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           fpty <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v21[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F2[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v21[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v21[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      }else if (as.numeric(object$y0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v22  <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R2[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           fpty <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v22[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F2[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v22[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v22[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
           fpty <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
	#if (length(which(is.na(fptx))) != length(which(is.na(fpty)))) cat("missing output are removed\n")
	fpt <- na.omit(data.frame(fptx,fpty))
	out <- data.frame(fpt$fptx,fpt$fpty)
	names(out) <- c("x","y")

print.fptsde2d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"
	Ito = "It\xf4"
    Encoding(Ito) <- "latin1"
    S <- function(t) eval(x$boundary)
	Drx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$obj$driftx))))   
    DDx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$obj$diffx))))
	Dry <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$obj$drifty))))   
    DDy <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)))), list(e = x$obj$diffy)))) 
	# Drx <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$driftx), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
	# DDx <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$diffx), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
	# Dry <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$drifty), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
	# DDy <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$diffy), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
    if (as.numeric(x$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$obj$t0))){
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    if (as.numeric(x$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(x$obj$t0))){
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    cat(Ito," Sde 2D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," * dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," * dW2(t)","\n",
		"\t| t in [",format(x$obj$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$obj$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| S(t) = ",deparse(x$boundary),"\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized ",format(dim(x$fpt)[1],digits=digits)," among ",format(x$obj$M,digits=digits),".","\n",      
    cat("Stratonovich Sde 2D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," o dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," o dW2(t)","\n",
		"\t| t in [",format(x$obj$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$obj$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| S(t) = ",deparse(x$boundary),"\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized ",format(dim(x$fpt)[1],digits=digits)," among ",format(x$obj$M,digits=digits),".","\n",      


summary.fptsde2d <- function(object,digits=NULL, ...)
    class(object) <- "fptsde2d"
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    S <- function(t) eval(object$boundary)
    if (as.numeric(object$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(object$obj$t0))){
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": X(t) <= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": X(t) >= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    if (as.numeric(object$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(object$obj$t0))){
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) <= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) >= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    cat("\nMonte-Carlo Statistics for the F.P.T of (X(t),Y(t))","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| ","\t And","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
    x <- object$fpt[,1]
    y <- object$fpt[,2]
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE),var(x,na.rm = TRUE),Median(x),Mode(x),
                               quantile(x,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(x,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(x,na.rm=TRUE),
                               mean(y,na.rm = TRUE),var(y,na.rm = TRUE),Median(y),Mode(y),
                               quantile(y,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(y,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(y,na.rm=TRUE),
	dimnames(res) <- list(c("Mean","Variance","Median","Mode","First quartile","Third quartile","Minimum","Maximum","Skewness","Kurtosis",
	                         "Coef-variation","3th-order moment","4th-order moment","5th-order moment","6th-order moment"),c("T(S,X)","T(S,Y)"))
    print(round(res,digits=digits), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,...)

mean.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"
	return(c(mean(x$fpt[,1],na.rm = TRUE,...),mean(x$fpt[,2],na.rm = TRUE,...)))

cv.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"

min.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"
	return(c(min(x$fpt[,1],na.rm = TRUE),min(x$fpt[,2],na.rm = TRUE)))

max.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"
	return(c(max(x$fpt[,1],na.rm = TRUE),max(x$fpt[,2],na.rm = TRUE)))

skewness.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"

kurtosis.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"

Median.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"

Mode.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"

quantile.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"

moment.fptsde2d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde2d"

## density fpt2d

dfptsde2d <- function(object, ...)  UseMethod("dfptsde2d")

dfptsde2d.default <- function(object,pdf=c("Joint","Marginal"),...)
    class(object) <- "fptsde2d"
    # if (any(!is.expression(boundary))) stop(" must be expression of a constant or time-dependent boundary ")
    # R1   <- data.frame(object$X)
    # R2   <- data.frame(object$Y)
    # Bn  <- function(t)  eval(boundary) 
    # F1   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R1[,i])) )
    # F2   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R2[,i])) )
    # if (as.numeric(object$x0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           # v11  <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           # fptx <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v11[i]),NA,uniroot(f = function(x) (F1[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v11[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v11[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      # }else if (as.numeric(object$x0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           # v12  <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R1[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           # fptx <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v12[i]),NA,uniroot(f = function(x) (F1[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v12[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v12[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      # }else{
           # fptx <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
                     # }
    # if (as.numeric(object$y0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           # v21  <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           # fpty <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v21[i]),NA,uniroot(f = function(x) (F2[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v21[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v21[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      # }else if (as.numeric(object$y0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           # v22  <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R2[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           # fpty <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v22[i]),NA,uniroot(f = function(x) (F2[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v22[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v22[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      # }else{
           # fpty <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
                     # }
    # if (length(which(is.na(fptx))) != length(which(is.na(fpty)))) cat("missing output are removed\n")
	# fpt <- na.omit(data.frame(fptx,fpty))
	# out <- data.frame(fpt$fptx,fpt$fpty)
	out <- object$fpt
	#names(out) <- c("x","y")
    pdf <- match.arg(pdf)
    if (pdf=="Marginal"){
    structure(list(fpt=out,resx=density.default(out[,"x"],na.rm = TRUE,...),resy=density.default(out[,"y"],na.rm = TRUE,...),boundary=object$boundary,pdf=pdf,SDE=object),class="dfptsde2d")
    structure(list(fpt=out,res=MASS::kde2d(out$x, out$y, ...),boundary=object$boundary,pdf=pdf,SDE=object),class="dfptsde2d")

print.dfptsde2d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "dfptsde2d"
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    S <- function(t) eval(x$boundary)
    if (x$pdf=="Joint") {
    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
     fpt_x <- paste("T(S,X) = inf{t >= 0 : X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"} ")
     fpt_x <- paste("T(S,X) = inf{t >= 0 : X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary)," }")
     if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
     fpt_y <- paste("T(S,Y) = inf{t >= 0 : Y(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
     fpt_y <- paste("T(S,Y) = inf{t >= 0 : Y(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
     cat("\nJoint density for the F.P.T of (X(t),Y(t))","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
	"\nData: (x,y)", " (2 x ", dim(x$fpt)[1], " obs.);", "\n\n", sep = "")
	##"\tBandwidth 'bw' = ", formatC(MASS::bandwidth.nrd(x$res$x), digits = digits),"~~", formatC(MASS::bandwidth.nrd(x$res$y), digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    out3 <- list(x=x$res$x,y=x$res$y,z=as.vector(x$res$z))
    names(out3) <- c("x","y","f(x,y)")
    print(summary.data.frame(out3, digits = digits), ...)}else{
    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of X(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,X) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of X(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,X) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
	"\nData: ", x$resx$data.name, " (", x$resx$n, " obs.);",
	"\tBandwidth 'bw' = ", formatC(x$resx$bw, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    out1 <- as.data.frame(x$resx[c("x","y")])
    names(out1) <- c("x","f(x)")
    print(summary(out1, digits = digits), ...)

    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of Y(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,Y) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : Y(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of Y(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,Y) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : Y(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
	"\nData: ", x$resy$data.name, " (", x$resy$n, " obs.);",
	"\tBandwidth 'bw' = ", formatC(x$resy$bw, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    out2 <- as.data.frame(x$resy[c("x","y")])
    names(out2) <- c("y","f(y)")
    print(summary(out2, digits = digits), ...)

plot.dfptsde2d <- function(x,display=c("persp","rgl","image","contour"),hist=FALSE,...) .plot.dfptsde2d(x,display,hist,...)

##### fptsde3d

fptsde3d <- function(object, ...)  UseMethod("fptsde3d")

fptsde3d.default <- function(object,boundary,...)
    class(object) <- "snssde3d"
    if (any(!is.expression(boundary))) 
	         stop(" must be expression of a constant or time-dependent boundary ")
    R1   <- data.frame(object$X)
    R2   <- data.frame(object$Y)
    R3   <- data.frame(object$Z)	
    Bn  <- function(t)  eval(boundary)
    if(object$x0==Bn(object$t0) | object$y0==Bn(object$t0) | object$z0==Bn(object$t0) ) 
	         warning(paste("x0 = S(t0) or y0 =S(t0) or z0 =S(t0) ==> crossing realized at time",object$t0))
    F1   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) stats::approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R1[,i])) )
    F2   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) stats::approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R2[,i])) )
    F3   <- lapply(1:as.numeric(object$M),function(i) stats::approxfun(time(object),as.vector(R3[,i])) )
    if (as.numeric(object$x0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v11  <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           fptx <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v11[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F1[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v11[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v11[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      }else if (as.numeric(object$x0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v12  <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R1[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R1[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           fptx <- sapply(1:length(F1),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v12[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F1[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v12[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v12[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
           fptx <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
    if (as.numeric(object$y0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v21  <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           fpty <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v21[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F2[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v21[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v21[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      }else if (as.numeric(object$y0) < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v22  <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R2[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R2[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           fpty <- sapply(1:length(F2),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v22[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F2[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v22[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v22[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
           fpty <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
    if (as.numeric(object$z0) > Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v31  <- sapply(1:length(F3),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R3[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==0, NA,min(which(R3[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))))
           fptz <- sapply(1:length(F3),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v31[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F3[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v31[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v31[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
      }else if (object$z0 < Bn(as.numeric(object$t0))){
           v32  <- sapply(1:length(F3),function(i) ifelse(length(which(R3[,i] <= Bn(time(object))))==as.numeric(object$N)+1, NA,min(which(R3[,i] >= Bn(time(object))))))
           fptz <- sapply(1:length(F3),function(i) ifelse(is.na(v32[i]),NA,stats::uniroot(f = function(x) (F3[[i]](x)- Bn(x)),lower=time(object)[v32[i]-1],upper=time(object)[v32[i]],tol= .Machine$double.eps)$root))
           fptz <- rep(0,as.numeric(object$M))
	#if (length(which(is.na(fptx))) != length(which(is.na(fpty))) | length(which(is.na(fptx))) != length(which(is.na(fptz))) | length(which(is.na(fpty))) != length(which(is.na(fptz)))) cat("missing output are removed\n")
	fpt <- na.omit(data.frame(fptx,fpty,fptz))
	out <- data.frame(fpt$fptx,fpt$fpty,fpt$fptz)
	names(out) <- c("x","y","z")

print.fptsde3d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"
	Ito = "It\xf4"
    Encoding(Ito) <- "latin1"
    S <- function(t) eval(x$boundary)
    Drx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$obj$driftx))))   
    DDx <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$obj$diffx))))
	Dry <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$obj$drifty))))   
    DDy <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$obj$diffy))))
    Drz <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$obj$driftz))))   
    DDz <- deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(x=quote(X(t)),y=quote(Y(t)),z=quote(Z(t)))), list(e = x$obj$diffz))))
    # Drx <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'z', replacement = 'Z(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$driftx), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
	# DDx <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'z', replacement = 'Z(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$diffx), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
    # Dry <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'z', replacement = 'Z(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$drifty), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
	# DDy <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'z', replacement = 'Z(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$diffy), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
	# Drz <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'z', replacement = 'Z(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$driftz), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
	# DDz <- gsub(pattern = 'x', replacement = 'X(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'y', replacement = 'Y(t)', x = gsub(pattern = 'z', replacement = 'Z(t)', x = as.expression(x$obj$diffz), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T), ignore.case = F,fixed = T)
    if (as.numeric(x$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$obj$t0))){
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    if (as.numeric(x$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(x$obj$t0))){
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    if (as.numeric(x$obj$z0) > S(as.numeric(x$obj$t0))){
    fpt_z <- paste("T(S(t),Z(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": Z(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    fpt_z <- paste("T(S(t),Z(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(x$obj$t0) ,": Z(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
    cat(Ito," Sde 3D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," * dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," * dW2(t)","\n",
        "\t| dZ(t) = ", Drz," * dt + ", DDz," * dW3(t)","\n",
		"\t| t in [",format(x$obj$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$obj$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| S(t) = ",deparse(x$boundary),"\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_z,"\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized ",format(dim(x$fpt)[1],digits=digits)," among ",format(x$obj$M,digits=digits),".","\n",      
    cat("Stratonovich Sde 3D:","\n",
        "\t| dX(t) = ", Drx," * dt + ", DDx," o dW1(t)","\n", 
        "\t| dY(t) = ", Dry," * dt + ", DDy," o dW2(t)","\n",
        "\t| dZ(t) = ", Drz," * dt + ", DDz," o dW3(t)","\n",
		"\t| t in [",format(x$obj$t0,digits=digits),",",format(x$obj$T,digits=digits),"].","\n",
        "\t| S(t) = ",deparse(x$boundary),"\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_z,"\n",
        "\t| Crossing realized ",format(dim(x$fpt)[1],digits=digits)," among ",format(x$obj$M,digits=digits),".","\n",      


summary.fptsde3d  <- function(object,digits=NULL, ...)
    class(object) <- "fptsde3d"
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    S <- function(t) eval(object$boundary)
    if (as.numeric(object$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(object$obj$t0))){
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": X(t) <= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    fpt_x <- paste("T(S(t),X(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": X(t) >= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    if (as.numeric(object$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(object$obj$t0))){
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) <= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    fpt_y <- paste("T(S(t),Y(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": Y(t) >= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    if (as.numeric(object$obj$z0) > S(as.numeric(object$obj$t0))){
    fpt_z <- paste("T(S(t),Z(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": Z(t) <= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    fpt_z <- paste("T(S(t),Z(t)) = inf{t >= ",as.numeric(object$obj$t0) ,": Z(t) >= ", deparse(object$boundary),"}")
    cat("\nMonte-Carlo Statistics for the F.P.T of (X(t),Y(t),Z(t))","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| ","\t And","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
        "\t| ","\t And","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_z,"\n",
    x <- object$fpt[,1]
    y <- object$fpt[,2]
    z <- object$fpt[,3]	
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE),var(x,na.rm = TRUE),Median(x),Mode(x),
                               quantile(x,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(x,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(x,na.rm=TRUE),max(x,na.rm=TRUE),
                               mean(y,na.rm = TRUE),var(y,na.rm = TRUE),Median(y),Mode(y),
                               quantile(y,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(y,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(y,na.rm=TRUE),max(y,na.rm=TRUE),
                               mean(z,na.rm = TRUE),var(z,na.rm = TRUE),Median(z),Mode(z),
                               quantile(z,0.25,na.rm = TRUE),quantile(z,0.75,na.rm = TRUE),min(z,na.rm=TRUE),max(z,na.rm=TRUE),
	dimnames(res) <- list(c("Mean","Variance","Median","Mode","First quartile","Third quartile","Minimum","Maximum","Skewness","Kurtosis",
	                         "Coef-variation","3th-order moment","4th-order moment","5th-order moment","6th-order moment"),c("T(S,X)","T(S,Y)","T(S,Z)"))
    print(round(res,digits=digits), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,...)

mean.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"
	return(c(mean(x$fpt[,1],na.rm = TRUE,...),mean(x$fpt[,2],na.rm = TRUE,...),mean(x$fpt[,3],na.rm = TRUE,...)))

cv.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"

min.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"
	return(c(min(x$fpt[,1],na.rm = TRUE),min(x$fpt[,2],na.rm = TRUE),min(x$fpt[,3],na.rm = TRUE)))

max.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"
	return(c(max(x$fpt[,1],na.rm = TRUE),max(x$fpt[,2],na.rm = TRUE),max(x$fpt[,3],na.rm = TRUE)))

skewness.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"

kurtosis.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"

Median.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"

Mode.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"

quantile.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"

moment.fptsde3d <- function(x,...)
    class(x) <- "fptsde3d"

## density fpt3d

dfptsde3d <- function(object, ...)  UseMethod("dfptsde3d")

dfptsde3d.default <- function(object,pdf=c("Joint","Marginal"),...)
    class(object) <- "fptsde3d"	
	out <- object$fpt
    pdf <- match.arg(pdf)
    if (pdf=="Joint"){
        if (!requireNamespace("sm", quietly = TRUE)) {
                cat("The sm package is not available, you need to install the package.\\n")
                pdf <- "Marginal" }
    if (pdf=="Marginal"){
    structure(list(fpt=out,resx=density.default(out[,"x"],na.rm = TRUE,...),resy=density.default(out[,"y"],na.rm = TRUE,...),resz=density.default(out[,"z"],na.rm = TRUE,...),boundary=object$boundary,pdf=pdf,SDE=object),class="dfptsde3d")
	structure(list(fpt=out,res=sm::sm.density(out,display="none", ...),boundary=object$boundary,pdf=pdf,SDE=object),class="dfptsde3d")

print.dfptsde3d <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...)
    class(x) <- "dfptsde2d"
	if (is.null(digits)){digits = base::options()$digits}
    S <- function(t) eval(x$boundary)
    if (x$pdf=="Joint") {
    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
     fpt_x <- paste("T(S,X) = inf{t >= 0 : X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"} ")
     fpt_x <- paste("T(S,X) = inf{t >= 0 : X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary)," }")
     if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
     fpt_y <- paste("T(S,Y) = inf{t >= 0 : Y(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
     fpt_y <- paste("T(S,Y) = inf{t >= 0 : Y(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
     if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$z0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
     fpt_z <- paste("T(S,Z) = inf{t >= 0 : Z(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
     fpt_z <- paste("T(S,Z) = inf{t >= 0 : Z(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}")
     cat("\nJoint density for the F.P.T of (X(t),Y(t),Z(t))","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_x,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_y,"\n",
        "\t| \tAnd ","\n",
        "\t| ",fpt_z,"\n",
	 "\nData: (x,y,z)", " (3 x ", dim(x$fpt)[1], " obs.);", 
	 "\tBandwidth 'bw' = c(", round(x$res$h[1], digits = 3),",",formatC(x$res$h[2], digits = 3),",",formatC(x$res$h[3], digits = 3),")\n\n", sep = "")
    out3 <- list(x=x$res$eval.points[,1],y=x$res$eval.points[,2],z=x$res$eval.points[,3],d=as.vector(x$res$estimate))
    names(out3) <- c("x","y","z","f(x,y,z)")
    print(summary.data.frame(out3,digits = digits), ...)}else{
    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$x0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of X(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,X) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : X(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of X(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,X) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : X(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
	"\nData: ", x$resx$data.name, " (", x$resx$n, " obs.);",
	"\tBandwidth 'bw' = ", formatC(x$resx$bw, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    out1 <- as.data.frame(x$resx[c("x","y")])
    names(out1) <- c("x","f(x)")
    print(summary(out1, digits = digits), ...)

    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$y0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of Y(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,Y) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : Y(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of Y(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,Y) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : Y(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
	"\nData: ", x$resy$data.name, " (", x$resy$n, " obs.);",
	"\tBandwidth 'bw' = ", formatC(x$resy$bw, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    out2 <- as.data.frame(x$resy[c("x","y")])
    names(out2) <- c("y","f(y)")
    print(summary(out2, digits = digits), ...)

    if (as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$z0) > S(as.numeric(x$SDE$obj$t0))){
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of Z(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,Z) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : Z(t) <= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
    cat("\nMarginal density for the F.P.T of Z(t)","\n", 
	    "\t| T(S,Z) = inf{t >= ",x$SDE$obj$t0 ," : Z(t) >= ", deparse(x$boundary),"}","\n",
	"\nData: ", x$resz$data.name, " (", x$resz$n, " obs.);",
	"\tBandwidth 'bw' = ", formatC(x$resz$bw, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    out3 <- as.data.frame(x$resy[c("x","y")])
    names(out3) <- c("z","f(z)")
    print(summary(out3, digits = digits), ...)

plot.dfptsde3d <- function(x,display="rgl",hist=FALSE,...) .plot.dfptsde3d(x,display,hist,...)

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Sim.DiffProc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:09 a.m.