
## File Name: tam_mml_2pl_mstep_slope.R
## File Version: 9.579

tam_mml_2pl_mstep_slope <- function (B_orig, B, B_obs, B.fixed, max.increment, nitems, A,
            AXsi, xsi, theta, nnodes, maxK, itemwt, Msteps, ndim, convM,
            irtmodel, progress, est.slopegroups, E, basispar, se.B,
            equal.categ, B_acceleration, trim_increment="half", iter, eps=1E-10,
            maxcat=NULL, use_rcpp=FALSE, use_rcpp_calc_prob=TRUE )
    old_increment <- array( max.increment, dim=c(nitems, maxK, ndim) )
    xbar2 <- xxf <- xbar <- array(0, dim=c( nitems, maxK ) )
    xtemp <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=1)
    converge <- FALSE
    Biter <- 1
    mK <- 1:maxK
    items.temp <- 1:nitems
    items.conv <- NULL
    items.conv1 <- c(-1)
    increments_msteps <- rep(NA,Msteps)
    B_old <- B
    eps <- 1E-10
    NI <- nitems
    TP <- nrow(theta)
    if (progress){
        cat("\nM Step Slopes       |")

    if (irtmodel %in% c("GPCM","GPCM.groups") ){
        old_increment.temp <- matrix( .3, nrow=NI, ncol=ndim )
    if (irtmodel=="GPCM.design" ){
        Nlambda <- ncol(E)    # number of lambda parameters
        old_increment.temp <- matrix( .3, nrow=Nlambda, ncol=ndim )
    if (irtmodel=="2PL.groups"){
        ES <- length( unique( est.slopegroups) )
        old_increment.temp <- array( .3, dim=c(ES, maxK,ndim )    )
        use_rcpp <- FALSE
    # begin algorithm M-steps
    while (!converge & ( Biter <=Msteps ) ) {

        #compute expectation
        res <- tam_mml_calc_prob( iIndex=items.temp, A=A, AXsi=AXsi, B=B, xsi=xsi,
                    theta=theta, nnodes=nnodes, maxK=maxK, maxcat=maxcat,
                    use_rcpp=use_rcpp_calc_prob )
        rprobs <- res$rprobs
        LIT <- length(items.temp)

        ######     D I M E N S I O N S     ######
        for (dd in 1:ndim){
            if ( irtmodel %in% c("GPCM","GPCM.design","GPCM.groups") ){
                xtemp <- matrix(0, nrow=LIT, ncol=TP )
            if ( irtmodel=="2PL.groups"){
                xtemp <- array(0, dim=c( LIT, TP, maxK) )

            ##### C A T E G O R I E S #########
            if ( ! equal.categ ){
                rprobs[ is.na(rprobs) ] <- 0

            if (use_rcpp){
                res <- tam_rcpp_mml_2pl_mstep_item_slopes_suffstat(
                            rprobs=as.vector(rprobs), items_temp=items.temp, theta=theta, dd=dd-1, LIT=LIT,
                            TP=TP, nitems=nitems, maxcat=maxcat, maxK=maxK, itemwt=itemwt, xxf_=xxf,
                            xbar_=xbar, xbar2_=xbar2, irtmodel=irtmodel, xtemp_=xtemp,
                            items_conv=items.conv1 )
            } else {
                res <- tam_mml_2pl_mstep_item_slopes_suffstat_R( rprobs=rprobs, maxK=maxK,
                            LIT=LIT, TP=TP, itemwt=itemwt, theta=theta, dd=dd, items.temp=items.temp,
                            items.conv=items.conv, xbar=xbar, xbar2=xbar2, xxf=xxf, xtemp=xtemp,
                            irtmodel=irtmodel )
            xbar <- res$xbar
            xbar2 <- res$xbar2
            xxf <- res$xxf
            xtemp <- res$xtemp

            if ( irtmodel %in% c("GPCM","GPCM.design", "GPCM.groups")){  # begin GPCM / GPCM.design
                B_obs.temp <- B_obs
                B_obs.temp[ items.temp,,dd] <- tam_matrix2( mK-1, LIT, maxK ) * B_obs[ items.temp,,dd]
                xbar[ is.na(xbar) ] <- 0
                xbar.temp <- tam_matrix2( mK-1, LIT, maxK ) *xbar
                diff.temp <- rowSums(B_obs.temp[,,dd]) - rowSums(xbar.temp)
                xbar2.temp <- diag( xtemp^2 %*% itemwt[, items.temp  ] )
                xxf.temp <- rowSums( xxf )
                if ( ! is.null(items.conv) ){
                    diff.temp[ items.conv, ] <- 0
                deriv.temp <- xbar2.temp - xxf.temp
            }    # loop GPCM and GPCM.design
            if (irtmodel %in% c("GPCM","GPCM.groups")){      # begin GPCM
                deriv.temp[ is.na(deriv.temp)] <- eps

                if (irtmodel=="GPCM.groups"){
                    diff.temp <- tam_aggregate_derivative_information(deriv=diff.temp,
                    deriv.temp <- tam_aggregate_derivative_information(deriv=deriv.temp,
                increment.temp <- diff.temp*abs(1/( deriv.temp + eps ) )

                increment.temp <- tam_trim_increment(increment=increment.temp,
                old_increment.temp[,dd] <- increment.temp

                increment <- tam_outer( increment.temp, mK - 1)
                if (Biter==1){
                    se.B[,,dd]  <- tam_outer( sqrt( 1 / abs( deriv.temp )), mK-1 )
            }  # end GPCM
            if ( irtmodel=="GPCM.design"){
                diff.temp <- ( t(E) %*% diff.temp )[,1]
                deriv.temp <- ( t(E^2) %*% deriv.temp )[,1]
                increment.temp <- diff.temp*abs(1/( deriv.temp + eps ) )
                increment.temp <- tam_trim_increment(increment=increment.temp,
                old_increment.temp[,dd] <- increment.temp
                basispar[,dd] <- basispar[,dd] + increment.temp
                increment.temp <- ( E %*% increment.temp )[,1]
                increment <- tam_outer( increment.temp, mK-1)
                d1 <- tam_outer(  1 / abs( deriv.temp ), mK-1 )
                LL <- ncol(d1)
                for (ll in 1:LL){
                    m1 <- sqrt( diag( E %*% d1[,ll] %*% t( d1[,ll] ) %*% t(E) ) )
                    if (Biter==1){
                        se.B[,ll,dd]  <- m1
                nB <- dim(B)
                B_ind <- 1 * ( B_orig !=0 )
                for (dd in 1:nB[3]){
                    EB <- E %*% basispar[,dd]
                    for (cc in 1:(nB[2]-1)){
                        B[,cc+1,dd] <- cc * EB * B_ind[,cc+1,dd]
                B00 <- B
            } # end GPCM.design
            if (irtmodel=="2PL.groups"){  # begin 2PL slopegroups
                a1 <- stats::aggregate( B_obs[,,dd] - xbar, list(est.slopegroups), sum )
                a2 <- stats::aggregate( xbar2 - xxf, list(est.slopegroups), sum )
                deriv.temp <- as.matrix(a2[,-1])
                diff.temp <- as.matrix(a1[,-1])
                increment.temp <- diff.temp*abs(1/( deriv.temp + eps ) )
                increment.temp <- tam_trim_increment(increment=increment.temp,
                old_increment.temp[,,dd] <- increment.temp
                ind.match <- match( est.slopegroups, a1[,1] )
                increment <- increment.temp[ ind.match, ]
                if (Biter==1){ se.B[,,dd]  <- sqrt( 1 / abs( deriv.temp[ind.match, ] )) }
            } # end 2PL slope groups
            if (irtmodel=="2PL"){        # begin 2PL
                diff <- B_obs[,,dd] - xbar
                if ( ! is.null( items.conv) ){
                    diff[ items.conv, ] <- 0
                deriv <- xbar2 - xxf
                increment <- diff*abs(1/( deriv + eps ) )
                increment <- tam_trim_increment(increment=increment,
                if (Biter==1){
                    se.B[,,dd] <- sqrt( 1 / abs( deriv ))
            }   # end 2PL
            increment[B_orig[,,dd]==0] <- 0  # B[i,k,] could be zero for some dimensions
            old_increment[,,dd] <- increment
            B[,,dd] <- B[,,dd] + increment   # update B parameter
            if (irtmodel=="GPCM.design"){
                B <- B00
        }  # end dimensions dd
        if ( irtmodel=="2PL" ){
            items.temp <- which( apply( old_increment, 1,
                            FUN=function(ll){ ! ( max(abs(ll)) < convM ) } ) )
            items.conv <- setdiff( 1:nitems, items.temp )
            if ( length(items.conv) > 0 ){
                items.conv1 <- items.conv
        max_change <- max(abs(old_increment))
        increments_msteps[Biter] <- max_change
        if ( max_change < convM ) {
            converge <- TRUE
        Biter <- Biter + 1
        if (progress){
            cat( "-" ) ; utils::flush.console()
    }        # end while loop
    #**** end algorithm M-steps
    se.B[ B_orig==0 ] <- 0

    # acceleration
    if ( B_acceleration$acceleration !="none" ){
        B_acceleration <- tam_accelerate_parameters( xsi_acceleration=B_acceleration,
                            xsi=as.vector(B), iter=iter, itermin=3)
        B <- array( B_acceleration$parm, dim(B) )
    # change in B parameters
    B_change <- max( abs( B- B_old) )
    #---- OUTPUT
    res <- list( "B"=B, "basispar"=basispar, "se.B"=se.B, Biter=Biter,
                B_acceleration=B_acceleration, B_change=B_change,

Mstep_slope.v2 <- tam_mml_2pl_mstep_slope

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