
Defines functions build_desc_meta build_meta

#' Use available metadata to build the tplyr_meta object
#' This is the main driver function, and layer specific variants
#' adapt on top of this function
#' @param table_where Table level where filter
#' @param layer_where Layer level where filter
#' @param treat_grps Treatment groups from the tplyr_table parent environment
#' @param ... All grouping variables
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
build_meta <- function(table_where, layer_where, treat_grps, variables, values) {

  # Make an assumption that the treatment variable was the first variable provided
  values[[1]] <- translate_treat_grps(values[[1]], treat_grps)

  filters <- make_parsed_strings(variables, values)

  meta <- new_tplyr_meta(
    names = variables,
    filters = filters

  meta <- meta %>%
    add_filters_(layer_where) %>%
    add_variables_(get_vars_from_filter(layer_where)) %>%
    add_filters_(table_where) %>%


#' Build metadata for desc_layers
#' @param target Target variable currently being summarized
#' @param table_where Table level where filter
#' @param layer_where Layer level where filter
#' @param treat_grps Treatment groups from the tplyr_table parent environment
#' @param ... All grouping variables
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
build_desc_meta <- function(target, table_where, layer_where, treat_grps, ...) {

  variables <- call_args(match.call())

  # Don't want any of the named parameters here
  variables <- variables[which(names(variables)=='')]
  values <- list2(...)

  # Get rid of text provided by variables
  inds <- which(map_lgl(unname(variables), ~ quo_class(.) == "name"))
  variables <- variables[inds]
  values <- values[inds]

  # Output vector
  meta <- vector('list', length(values[[1]]))

  # Vectorize across the input data
  for (i in seq_along(values[[1]])) {
    # Pull out the current row's values
    cur_values <- map(values, ~ .x[i])
    # Build the tplyr_meta object
    meta[[i]] <- build_meta(table_where, layer_where, treat_grps, variables, cur_values) %>%


#' Build metadata for count_layers
#' @param target Target variable currently being summarized
#' @param table_where Table level where filter
#' @param layer_where Layer level where filter
#' @param treat_grps Treatment groups from the tplyr_table parent environment
#' @param ... All grouping variables
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
build_count_meta <- function(layer, table_where, layer_where, treat_grps, summary_var, ...) {

  variables <- call_args(match.call())

  # Don't want any of the named parameters here
  variables <- variables[which(names(variables)=='')]
  values <- list2(...)

  # Get rid of text provided by variables
  inds <- which(map_lgl(unname(variables), ~ quo_class(.) == "name"))
  variables <- variables[inds]
  values <- values[inds]

  # The total row label may not pass through, so set it
  total_row_label <- ifelse(is.null(layer$total_row_label), 'Total', layer$total_row_label)
  missing_subjects_row_label <- ifelse(is.null(layer$total_row_label), 'Missing', layer$missing_subjects_row_label)
  count_missings <- ifelse(is.null(layer$count_missings), FALSE, layer$count_missings)
  mlist <- layer$missing_count_list

  # If the outer layer was provided as a text variable, get value
  character_outer <- get_character_outer(layer)
  unnested_character <- is_unnested_character(layer)

  # Pull out table object to use later
  tbl <- env_parent(layer)

  meta <- vector('list', length(values[[1]]))

  # Vectorize across the input data
  for (i in seq_along(values[[1]])) {

    if (!unnested_character) {
      add_vars <- layer$target_var
    } else {
      add_vars <- quos()

    row_filter <- list()
    aj <- NULL

    # Pull out the current row's values
    cur_values <- map(values, ~ .x[i])

    # The outer layer will currently be NA for the outer layer summaries, so adjust the filter appropriately
    if (any(is.na(cur_values))) {

      # Total row or outer layer
      na_var <- variables[which(is.na(cur_values))]

      # work around outer letter being NA
      filter_variables <- variables[which(!is.na(cur_values))]
      filter_values <- cur_values[which(!is.na(cur_values))]

      if (summary_var[i] == total_row_label && !count_missings) {
        # Filter out the missing counts if the total row should exclude missings
        row_filter <- make_parsed_strings(layer$target_var, list(mlist), negate=TRUE)
      } else if (summary_var[i] == missing_subjects_row_label) {
        # Special handling for missing subject rows
        # Make a meta object for the pop data
        pop_filt_inds <- which(filter_variables %in% unlist(list(tbl$treat_var, tbl$cols)))
        pop_filt_vars <- filter_variables[pop_filt_inds]
        pop_filt_vals <- filter_values[pop_filt_inds]
        pop_meta <- build_meta(tbl$pop_where, quo(TRUE), treat_grps, pop_filt_vars, pop_filt_vals)
        aj <- new_anti_join(join_meta=pop_meta, on=layer$distinct_by)
      } else if (summary_var[i] %in% names(mlist)) {
        # Get the values for the missing row
        miss_val <- mlist[which(names(mlist) == summary_var[i])]
        row_filter <- make_parsed_strings(layer$target_var, list(miss_val))
      } else if (summary_var[i] != total_row_label) {
        # Subset to outer layer value
        row_filter <- make_parsed_strings(na_var, summary_var[i])

      add_vars <- append(add_vars, na_var)

    } else {
      # Inside the nested layer
      filter_variables <- variables
      filter_values <- cur_values

      # Toss out the indentation
      if (!is.null(layer$indentation) && str_starts(summary_var[i], layer$indentation)) {
        summary_var[i] <- str_sub(summary_var[i], layer$indentation_length+1)

      if (summary_var[i] %in% names(mlist)) {
        # Get the values for the missing row
        miss_val <- mlist[which(names(mlist) == summary_var[i])]
        row_filter <- make_parsed_strings(layer$target_var, list(miss_val))
      else if (summary_var[i] == total_row_label && !count_missings) {
        # Filter out the missing counts if the total row should exclude missings
        row_filter <- make_parsed_strings(layer$target_var, list(mlist), negate=TRUE)
      } else if (summary_var[i] == missing_subjects_row_label) {
        # Special handling for missing subject rows
        # Make a meta object for the pop data
        pop_filt_inds <- which(filter_variables %in% unlist(list(tbl$treat_var, tbl$cols)))
        pop_filt_vars <- filter_variables[pop_filt_inds]
        pop_filt_vals <- filter_values[pop_filt_inds]
        # Reset to the pop treat value
          which(map_chr(pop_filt_vars, as_label) == as_label(tbl$treat_var))
          ]] <- tbl$pop_treat_var
        pop_meta <- build_meta(tbl$pop_where, quo(TRUE), treat_grps, pop_filt_vars, pop_filt_vals)
        aj <- new_anti_join(join_meta=pop_meta, on=layer$distinct_by)
      else if (!is.na(character_outer) && summary_var[i] == character_outer) {
        # If the outer layer is a character string then don't provide a filter
        row_filter <- list()
      else if (summary_var[i] != total_row_label && !unnested_character) {
        # If we're not in a total row, build the filter
        row_filter <- make_parsed_strings(layer$target_var, summary_var[i])

    # Make the meta object
    meta[[i]] <- build_meta(table_where, layer_where, treat_grps, filter_variables, filter_values) %>%
      add_filters_(row_filter) %>%
      add_variables_(add_vars) %>%


#' Build metadata for risk difference comparisons
#' @param meta A tplyr_metadata object
#' @param treat_var the treatment variable
#' @param comp The current rdiff comparison
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
build_rdiff_meta <- function(meta, treat_var, comp){

  for (i in seq_along(meta)) {
    # Make a new filter that contains the current comparison being made
    filt <- make_parsed_strings(list(treat_var), list(comp))[[1]]
    # Add the filter in the spot where the treatment groups are held,
    # which is always the first element (in a count layer)
    meta[[i]]$filters[[1]] <- filt


#' Build metadata for shift_layers
#' @param target Target variable currently being summarized
#' @param table_where Table level where filter
#' @param layer_where Layer level where filter
#' @param treat_grps Treatment groups from the tplyr_table parent environment
#' @param ... All grouping variables
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
build_shift_meta <- function(layer, table_where, layer_where, treat_grps, summary_var, ...) {

  variables <- call_args(match.call())

  # Don't want any of the named parameters here
  variables <- variables[which(names(variables)=='')]
  values <- list2(...)

  # Get rid of text provided by variables
  inds <- which(map_lgl(unname(variables), ~ quo_class(.) == "name"))
  variables <- variables[inds]
  values <- values[inds]

  meta <- vector('list', length(values[[1]]))

  # Vectorize across the input data
  for (i in seq_along(values[[1]])) {

    # Pull out the current row's values
    cur_values <- map(values, ~ .x[i])

    # Make the meta object
    meta[[i]] <- build_meta(table_where, layer_where, treat_grps, variables, cur_values) %>%
      add_variables_(layer$target_var$row) %>%
      add_filters_(make_parsed_strings(layer$target_var['row'], list(summary_var[i])))


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Tplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.