
Defines functions whop.ped.load whop.ped.save whop.ped.entriesOf whop.ped.names whop.ped.fathers whop.ped.mothers whop.ped.fromPop whop.ped.males whop.ped.females whop.ped.parentsOf whop.ped.familyOf whop.ped.siblingsOf whop.ped.daughtersOf whop.ped.sonsOf

Documented in whop.ped.daughtersOf whop.ped.entriesOf whop.ped.familyOf whop.ped.fathers whop.ped.females whop.ped.fromPop whop.ped.load whop.ped.males whop.ped.mothers whop.ped.names whop.ped.parentsOf whop.ped.save whop.ped.siblingsOf whop.ped.sonsOf

##	manage populations in VCF files

#	NOTE:	Gender	1=male	2=female


whop.ped.load	<-	function( filename )
	pops = read.delim(filename,header=T,sep="\t")
	names(pop1)[ names(pop1) == "Gender" ] <- "Sex"
	pops[ pops[,"Sex"] == "M" , "Sex" ] <- 1
	pops[ pops[,"Sex"] == "F" , "Sex" ] <- 2
	return( pops )

whop.ped.save	<-	function( p , filename )
	write.table( x=p , file=filename )

#	returns the Individual.IDs from the given table
whop.ped.entriesOf	<-	function( p , invids )
	p[ p[,"Individual.ID"] %in% invids , ]

#	returns the Individual.IDs from the given table
whop.ped.names	<-	function( p )
	as.character( unlist( p[,"Individual.ID"] ) )

#	returns the fathers from the given table
whop.ped.fathers	<-	function( p  )

#	returns the mothers from the given table
whop.ped.mothers	<-	function( p  )

#	Returns all entries with a population ID that it also found in <popids>
whop.ped.fromPop	<-	function( p , popids )
	p[ which( p[,"Population"] %in% popids ) , ]

#	Returns all males in the population-matrix
whop.ped.males	<-	function( p )
	p[ p[,"Sex"] == 1 , ]

#	Returns all females in the population-matrix
whop.ped.females	<-	function( p )
	p[ p[,"Sex"] == 2 , ]

whop.ped.parentsOf	<-	function( p , invids )
	children = whop.ped.entriesOf( p , invids )
	parentids = as.character(unlist( children[, c("Paternal.ID","Maternal.ID") ] ))
	whop.ped.entriesOf( p , parentids )

whop.ped.familyOf	<-	function( p , lis )
	#	get siblings' names
	s1 = whop.ped.siblingsOf( p, lis )
	sibs = whop.ped.names( s1 )
	#	get parents' names
	p1 = whop.ped.parentsOf( p, lis )
	parents = whop.ped.names( p1 )
	#	get entries with both parents' and siblings' names
	res = whop.ped.entriesOf( p, c(sibs,parents) )
	return( res )

#	Returns the entries of sons and daughters of the individuals in <lis>
whop.ped.siblingsOf	<-	function( p , lis )
	res <- c()
	z <- 0
	for( z in lis )
		sib1 = as.character( p[ p[,"Paternal.ID"] %in% z , "Individual.ID" ] )
		sib2 = as.character( p[ p[,"Maternal.ID"] %in% z , "Individual.ID" ] )
		sib1 = sib1[ !is.na(sib1) ]
		sib2 = sib2[ !is.na(sib2) ]
		res <- c( res, sib1, sib2 )
	whop.ped.entriesOf( p , res )

#	Returns a vector of Individual.IDs of sons and daughters 
whop.ped.daughtersOf	<-	function( p , lis )
	whop.ped.females( whop.ped.siblingsOf( p, lis ) )

#	Returns a vector of Individual.IDs of sons and daughters 
whop.ped.sonsOf	<-	function( p , lis )
	whop.ped.males( whop.ped.siblingsOf( p, lis ) )

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WhopGenome documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:12 p.m.