
## ----eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE----------------------------------
# Load required packages

# Load example trees

# Select one tree for example purposes
graph <- ExampleTrees[[24]]
# And add some annotation complexity to the tree
V(graph)$sample_id[c(2, 7)] <- "-1h"
V(graph)$c_call[c(2, 7)] <- "IGHM"

# Make a list of example trees excluding multi-isotype trees
graph_list <- ExampleTrees[sapply(ExampleTrees, function(x) !any(grepl(",", V(x)$c_call)))]

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Set node colors
V(graph)$color[V(graph)$sample_id == "-1h"] <- "seagreen"
V(graph)$color[V(graph)$sample_id == "+7d"] <- "steelblue"
V(graph)$color[V(graph)$name == "Germline"] <- "black"
V(graph)$color[grepl("Inferred", V(graph)$name)] <- "white"

# Set node labels
V(graph)$label <- paste(V(graph)$sample_id, V(graph)$c_call, sep=", ")
V(graph)$label[V(graph)$name == "Germline"] <- ""
V(graph)$label[grepl("Inferred", V(graph)$name)] <- ""

# Set node shapes
V(graph)$shape <- "crectangle"
V(graph)$shape[V(graph)$name == "Germline"] <- "circle"
V(graph)$shape[grepl("Inferred", V(graph)$name)] <- "circle"

# Set node sizes
V(graph)$size <- 60
V(graph)$size[V(graph)$name == "Germline"] <- 30
V(graph)$size[grepl("Inferred", V(graph)$name)] <- 15 

# Remove large default margins
par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0) + 0.05)

# Plot the example tree
plot(graph, layout=layout_as_tree, vertex.frame.color="grey", 
     vertex.label.color="black", edge.label.color="black", 

# Add legend
legend("topleft", c("Germline", "Inferred", "-1h", "+7d"), 
       fill=c("black", "white", "seagreen", "steelblue"), cex=0.75)

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Consider all nodes
getPathLengths(graph, root="Germline")

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Exclude nodes without an isotype annotation from step count
getPathLengths(graph, root="Germline", field="c_call", exclude=NA)

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Summarize tree
df <- summarizeSubtrees(graph, fields=c("sample_id", "c_call"), root="Germline")
print(df[c(1, 5:8)])
print(df[c(1, 9:12)])

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Set sample colors
sample_colors <- c("-1h"="seagreen", "+7d"="steelblue")

# Box plots of node outdegree by sample
p1 <- plotSubtrees(graph_list, "sample_id", "outdegree", colors=sample_colors, 
                   main_title="Node outdegree", legend_title="Time", 
                   style="box", silent=TRUE)
# Box plots of subtree size by sample
p2 <- plotSubtrees(graph_list, "sample_id", "size", colors=sample_colors, 
                   main_title="Subtree size", legend_title="Time", 
                   style="box", silent=TRUE)
# Violin plots of subtree path length by isotype
p3 <- plotSubtrees(graph_list, "c_call", "pathlength", colors=IG_COLORS, 
                   main_title="Subtree path length", legend_title="Isotype", 
                   style="violin", silent=TRUE)
# Violin plots of subtree depth by isotype
p4 <- plotSubtrees(graph_list,  "c_call", "depth", colors=IG_COLORS, 
                   main_title="Subtree depth", legend_title="Isotype", 
                   style="violin", silent=TRUE)

# Plot in a 2x2 grid
gridPlot(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol=2)

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Count direct edges between isotypes
tableEdges(graph, "c_call")

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Direct edges excluding germline and inferred nodes
tableEdges(graph, "c_call", exclude=c("Germline", NA))

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Count indirect edges walking through germline and inferred nodes
tableEdges(graph, "c_call", indirect=TRUE, exclude=c("Germline", NA))

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Test isotype relationships
edge_test <- testEdges(graph_list, "c_call", nperm=10)

# Print p-value table

# Plot null distributions for each annotation pair
plotEdgeTest(edge_test, color="steelblue", main_title="Isotype Edges", 

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Use unweighted path length and do not exclude any nodes
mrca_df <- getMRCA(graph, path="steps", root="Germline")

# Print subset of the annotation data.frame
print(mrca_df[c("name", "sample_id", "c_call", "steps", "distance")])

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Exclude nodes without an isotype annotation and use weighted path length
mrca_df <- getMRCA(graph, path="distance", root="Germline", 
                   field="c_call", exclude=NA)

# Print excluding sequence, label, color, shape and size annotations
print(mrca_df[c("name", "sample_id", "c_call", "steps", "distance")])

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# Test isotype MRCA annotations
mrca_test <- testMRCA(graph_list, "c_call", nperm=10)

# Print p-value table

# Plot null distributions for each annotation
plotMRCATest(mrca_test, color="steelblue", main_title="Isotype MRCA", 

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alakazam documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 9:07 a.m.