
Defines functions .do.gvis.bdem.map bdem.map.gvis.bayesTFR.prediction tfr.map.gvis tfr.ggmap tfr.map get.data.for.worldmap.bayesTFR.prediction par.names.for.worldmap.bayesTFR.prediction par.names.for.worldmap .map.main.default.bayesTFR.prediction tfr.map.all bdem.map.all get.tfr.map.parameters .get.gamma.pars.bayesTFR.prediction tfr3.pardensity.cs.plot tfr3.pardensity.plot tfr.pardensity.cs.plot tfr.pardensity.plot do.plot.tfr.pardensity tfr3.partraces.cs.plot tfr3.partraces.plot tfr.partraces.cs.plot tfr.partraces.plot do.plot.tfr.partraces extract.plot.args tfr.trajectories.plot tfr.estimation.plot get.half.child.variant .do.plot.all .do.plot.all.country.loop tfr.trajectories.plot.all get.traj.quantiles get.median.from.prediction get.quantile.from.prediction get.trajectories get.typical.trajectory.index tfr.trajectories.table .get.trajectories.table .match.colors.with.default tfr.get.dlcurves tfr.country.dlcurves tfr.world.dlcurves stop.if.country.not.DL

Documented in do.plot.tfr.pardensity do.plot.tfr.partraces extract.plot.args get.data.for.worldmap.bayesTFR.prediction get.half.child.variant get.median.from.prediction get.tfr.map.parameters get.trajectories get.traj.quantiles par.names.for.worldmap stop.if.country.not.DL tfr3.pardensity.cs.plot tfr3.pardensity.plot tfr3.partraces.cs.plot tfr3.partraces.plot tfr.country.dlcurves tfr.estimation.plot tfr.get.dlcurves tfr.ggmap tfr.map tfr.map.all tfr.map.gvis tfr.pardensity.cs.plot tfr.pardensity.plot tfr.partraces.cs.plot tfr.partraces.plot tfr.trajectories.plot tfr.trajectories.plot.all tfr.trajectories.table tfr.world.dlcurves

DLcurve.plot.all <- function (mcmc.list = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, 
					output.dir = file.path(getwd(), "DLcurves"), 
					burnin = NULL, verbose = FALSE,  ...) {
	if(!file.exists(output.dir)) dir.create(output.dir, recursive=TRUE)
	if(is.null(mcmc.list)) mcmc.list <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir, verbose=verbose, burnin=burnin)
	mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	meta <- mcmc.list[[1]]$meta
	.do.plot.all.country.loop(as.character(country.names(meta)), meta, output.dir, DLcurve.plot, output.type=output.type, 
		file.prefix='DLplot', plot.type='DL graph', verbose=verbose, mcmc.list = mcmc.list, burnin = burnin, ...)

stop.if.country.not.DL <- function(country.obj, meta) {
	if (!is.element(country.obj$index, meta$id_DL))
    	stop('Country ', country.obj$name, ' not estimated because no decline observed.')

tfr.world.dlcurves <- function(x, mcmc.list, burnin=NULL, countryUc=NULL, ...) {
	# Get the hierarchical DL curves with U_c for a given country (countryUc)
	# If countryUc is not given, take the middle point of the U_c prior. 
	if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
  mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
  country <- if(!is.null(countryUc)) get.country.object(countryUc, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)$code else countryUc
	return(tfr.get.dlcurves(x, mcmc.list, country.code=NULL, country.index=NULL, burnin=burnin, countryUc=country, ...))

tfr.country.dlcurves <- function(x, mcmc.list, country, burnin=NULL, ...) {
	# Get country-specific DL curves.
	# It's a wrapper around tfr.get.dlcurves for easier usage.
	if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
    mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
    country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
        stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
	return(tfr.get.dlcurves(x, mcmc.list, country.code=country.obj$code, country.index=country.obj$index, burnin=burnin, ...))

tfr.get.dlcurves <- function(x, mcmc.list, country.code, country.index, burnin=0, nr.curves=2000, predictive.distr=FALSE,
                                                               return.sigma=FALSE, countryUc=NULL) {
	# If country.code is null, get world distribution. In such a case, countryUc gives the country code 
	# that should be used for retrieving U_c. If not given, the middle point between U_c prior is taken.
	.get.sig <- function(i, sigma, S, a, b) return(sigma + (x[i] - S)*ifelse(x[i] > S, -a, b))
	.get.sig.distr <- function(i, traces)
						return(apply(traces, 1, function(y) 
							return(pmax(.get.sig(i, y['sigma0'], y['S_sd'], y['a_sd'], y['b_sd']), mcmc$meta$sigma0.min))))
    dlc <- sigma.all <- c()
    cspec <- TRUE
    Uvalue <- NULL
    if(length(mcmc.list) == 0) stop("No MCMCs available.")
    if(!is.null(country.code) && !is.element(country.index, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$id_Tistau)) {
    	U.var <- paste0("U_c", country.code)
    	d.var <- paste0("d_c", country.code)
    	Triangle_c4.var <- paste0("Triangle_c4_c", country.code)
    	gamma.vars <- paste0("gamma_", 1:3, "_c", country.code)
    } else {
    	U.var <- "U"
    	d.var <- "d"
    	Triangle_c4.var <- "Triangle_c4"
    	gamma.vars <- paste0("gamma_", 1:3)
    	alpha.vars <- paste0('alpha_',1:3)
		delta.vars <- paste0('delta_',1:3)
			Uvalue = get.observed.tfr(country.index, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta, 
		else {
			if(!is.null(countryUc)) U.var <- paste0("U_c", countryUc)
			else Uvalue <- mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$U.c.low.base + (mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$U.up - mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$U.c.low.base)/2
    	cspec <- FALSE
    # Compute the quantiles on a sample of at least 2000.   
    nr.curves.from.mc <- if (!is.null(nr.curves)) ceiling(max(nr.curves, 2000)/length(mcmc.list))
    						else NULL
    for (mcmc in mcmc.list) {
    	th.burnin <- get.thinned.burnin(mcmc,burnin)
    	thincurves.mc <- get.thinning.index(nr.points=nr.curves.from.mc, 
            all.points=mcmc$length - th.burnin)
        if(cspec) # country specific
        	traces <- data.frame(load.tfr.parameter.traces.cs(mcmc, country.code, 
		else { #Tistau country. Use hierarchical distr.
			traces <- data.frame(load.tfr.parameter.traces(mcmc, 
			ltraces <- nrow(traces)
			for (i in 1:3){
				gamma <- rnorm(ltraces, mean = traces[,alpha.vars[i]], 
 										sd = traces[,delta.vars[i]])
				traces <- cbind(traces, gamma)
				colnames(traces)[ncol(traces)] <- gamma.vars[i]
			Triangle4_tr_s <- rnorm(ltraces, mean = traces[,'Triangle4'], sd = traces[, 'delta4'])
			traces <- cbind(traces, 
						Triangle_c4=( mcmc$meta$Triangle_c4.up*exp(Triangle4_tr_s) + mcmc$meta$Triangle_c4.low)/(1+exp(Triangle4_tr_s)))
			d_tr_s <- rnorm(ltraces, mean = traces[,'chi'], sd = traces[,'psi'])
			if(is.null(Uvalue)) {
				traces <- cbind(traces, data.frame(load.tfr.parameter.traces.cs(mcmc, countryUc, par.names = "U",
			} else traces <- cbind(traces, U=rep(Uvalue, ltraces))
			traces <- cbind(traces,   d=(mcmc$meta$d.up*(exp(d_tr_s) + mcmc$meta$d.low)/(1+exp(d_tr_s))))
        theta <- (traces[, U.var] - traces[, Triangle_c4.var] ) * 
            exp(traces[, gamma.vars, drop=FALSE])/apply(exp(traces[,gamma.vars, drop=FALSE]), 1, sum)
        theta <- cbind(theta, traces[, Triangle_c4.var], traces[, d.var])
        dl <- t(apply(theta, 1, DLcurve, tfr = x, p1 = mcmc$meta$dl.p1, p2 = mcmc$meta$dl.p2, 
                      annual = get.item(mcmc$meta, "annual.simulation", FALSE)))
        if(length(x) == 1) dl <- t(dl)
        if(predictive.distr || return.sigma) {
			wp.traces <- load.tfr.parameter.traces(mcmc, 
								par.names=c('sigma0', 'S_sd', 'a_sd', 'b_sd'))
			sigma_eps <- NULL 
			for(j in 1:length(x)) 
				sigma_eps <- cbind(sigma_eps, .get.sig.distr(j, wp.traces))
			if(predictive.distr) {
				errors <- t(apply(sigma_eps, 1, function(sig) rnorm(dim(dl)[2],0,sig)))
				if(length(x) == 1 && all(dim(errors) == rev(dim(dl)))) errors <- t(errors)
				dlc <- rbind(dlc, dl+errors)
			} else {
				dlc <- rbind(dlc, dl)
				sigma.all <- rbind(sigma.all, sigma_eps)
        } else dlc <- rbind(dlc, dl)
    return (if(!return.sigma) dlc else list(dl=dlc, sigma=sigma.all))

.match.colors.with.default <- function(col, default.col) {
	ldcol <- length(default.col)
	lcol <- length(col)
	if(lcol >= ldcol) return(col)	
	col <- rep(col, ldcol)
	col[(lcol+1):ldcol] <- default.col[(lcol+1):ldcol]

DLcurve.plot <- function (mcmc.list, country, burnin = NULL, pi = 80, tfr.max = 10, 
    nr.curves = NULL, predictive.distr=FALSE, ylim = NULL, xlab = "TFR (reversed)", ylab = "TFR decrement", 
    main = NULL, show.legend=TRUE, col=c('black', 'red', "#00000020"), ...
  if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
	col <- .match.colors.with.default(col, c('black', 'red', "#00000020"))
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
	  mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	  meta <- mcmc.list[[1]]$meta
	  country.obj <- get.country.object(country, meta)
	  if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
	  country <- country.obj
	if (!is.null(mcmc.list[[1]]$uncertainty) && mcmc.list[[1]]$uncertainty) 
	  mcmc.list.tmp <- list(meta = meta, mcmc.list = mcmc.list)
	  obs.data <- unlist(array(get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list.tmp, country.obj$code, probs = 0.5)$tfr_quantile[,1]))
	  obs.data <- get.observed.tfr(country$index, meta, 'tfr_matrix_observed', 'tfr_matrix_all')[1:meta$T_end_c[country$index]]
    #stop.if.country.not.DL(country, meta)
    tfr_plot <- seq(0, tfr.max, 0.1)
    dlc <- tfr.get.dlcurves(tfr_plot, mcmc.list, country$code, country$index, burnin, nr.curves, 
    miny <- min(dlc)
    maxy <- max(dlc)
    decr <- -diff(obs.data)
    dl.obs.idx <- if(max(meta$tau_c[country$index],1) >= meta$lambda_c[country$index]) c()
    				else seq(max(meta$tau_c[country$index],1), meta$lambda_c[country$index]-1)
    p3.obs.idx <- if(meta$lambda_c[country$index]>length(decr)) c() else seq(meta$lambda_c[country$index], length(decr))
    maxy <- max(maxy, decr, na.rm=TRUE)
    miny <- min(miny, decr, na.rm=TRUE)
    thincurves <- get.thinning.index(nr.curves, dim(dlc)[1])
    ltype <- "l"
    if (thincurves$nr.points == 0) {
        ltype <- "n"
        thincurves$index <- 1
    if (is.null(main)) main <- country$name
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(miny, maxy)
    # plot trajectories
    plot(dlc[thincurves$index[1], ] ~ tfr_plot, col = col[3], 
        type = ltype, 
        xlim = c(max(tfr_plot), min(tfr_plot)), 
        ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, main = main, ...
    if (thincurves$nr.points > 1) {
        for (i in 2:thincurves$nr.points) {
            lines(dlc[thincurves$index[i], ] ~ tfr_plot, col = col[3])
    # plot quantiles
    dl50 <- apply(dlc, 2, quantile, 0.5)
    lines(dl50 ~ tfr_plot, col = col[2], lwd = 2)
    lty <- 2:(length(pi) + 1)
    for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
        al <- (1 - pi[i]/100)/2
        dlpi <- apply(dlc, 2, quantile, c(al, 1 - al))
        lines(dlpi[1, ] ~ tfr_plot, col = col[2], lty = lty[i], 
            lwd = 2)
        lines(dlpi[2, ] ~ tfr_plot, col = col[2], lty = lty[i], 
            lwd = 2)
    # plot observed data
    obs.legend <- list(legend=c(), pch=c(), bg=c(), col=c())
    if(length(dl.obs.idx) > 0 && any(!is.na(decr[dl.obs.idx]))) {
    	points(decr[dl.obs.idx] ~ obs.data[-length(obs.data)][dl.obs.idx], pch = 19, col=col[1])
    	obs.legend$legend <- c(obs.legend$legend, 'Phase II data')
    	obs.legend$pch <- c(obs.legend$pch, 19)
    	obs.legend$col <- c(obs.legend$col, col[1])
    	#obs.legend$bg <- c(obs.legend$bg, col[1])
    endpI <- if(length(dl.obs.idx)==0) max(meta$tau_c[country$index],1) else dl.obs.idx[1]-1
    if((endpI > 1) && any(!is.na(decr[1:endpI])))  {# draw phase I points
    	points(decr[1:endpI] ~ obs.data[-length(obs.data)][1:endpI], pch=0, col=col[1])
    	obs.legend$legend <- c(obs.legend$legend, 'Phase I data')
    	obs.legend$pch <- c(obs.legend$pch, 0)
    	obs.legend$col <- c(obs.legend$col, col[1])
    	#obs.legend$bg <- c(obs.legend$bg, col[1])
    if(length(p3.obs.idx)>0) {
    	points(decr[p3.obs.idx] ~ obs.data[-length(obs.data)][p3.obs.idx], pch = 2, col=col[1]) # draw phase III points
    	obs.legend$legend <- c(obs.legend$legend, 'Phase III data')
    	obs.legend$pch <- c(obs.legend$pch, 2)
    	obs.legend$col <- c(obs.legend$col, col[1])
    	#obs.legend$bg <- c(obs.legend$bg, 'grey')
    	legend("topright", legend = c("median", paste("PI", pi), obs.legend$legend), 
        	lty = c(1, lty, rep(0,length(obs.legend$pch))), bty = "n", 
        	col = c(rep(col[2], 1+length(pi)), obs.legend$col), 
        	pch=c(rep(-1,length(pi)+1), obs.legend$pch),
        	#bg=c(rep(-1,length(pi)+1), obs.legend$bg),

.get.trajectories.table <- function(tfr.pred, country, obs.data, pi, pred.median, cqp, half.child.variant=FALSE, 
                                    uncertainty=FALSE, adjusted = TRUE) {
    l <- tfr.pred$nr.projections
	obs.data <- obs.data[!is.na(obs.data)]
	x1 <- as.integer(names(obs.data))
	year.step <- ifelse(get.item(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta, "annual.simulation", FALSE), 1, 5)
	x2 <- seq(max(x1)+year.step, by=year.step, length=l)
	if (!uncertainty)
	  tfr <- as.matrix(obs.data, ncol=1)
	  tmp <- get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list = tfr.pred$mcmc.set, country = country$code, 
	                            probs = c(0.5, sort(c((100-pi)/200, 1-(100-pi)/200))), adjust = adjusted)
	  tfr <- as.matrix(tmp$tfr_quantile)[,1:(1+2*length(pi))]
	rownames(tfr) <- x1
	pred.table <- matrix(NA, ncol=2*length(pi)+1, nrow=l)
	pred.table[,1] <- pred.median[2:(l+1)]
	colnames(pred.table) <- c('median', rep(NA,ncol(pred.table)-1))
	if (uncertainty) colnames(tfr) <- c('median', rep(NA,ncol(pred.table)-1))
	idx <- 2
	for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
		al <- (1-pi[i]/100)/2
		if (!is.null(cqp[[i]])) {
			pred.table[,idx:(idx+1)] <- t(cqp[[i]][,2:(l+1)])
		} else{
			pred.table[,idx:(idx+1)] <- matrix(NA, nrow=l, ncol=2)
		colnames(pred.table)[idx:(idx+1)] <- c(al, 1-al)
		idx <- idx+2
	rownames(pred.table) <- x2
	cn <- colnames(pred.table)[2:ncol(pred.table)]
	pred.table[,2:ncol(pred.table)] <- pred.table[,cn[order(cn)]]
	colnames(pred.table)[2:ncol(pred.table)] <- cn[order(cn)]
	if (uncertainty) colnames(tfr)[2:ncol(tfr)] <- cn[order(cn)]
	if(half.child.variant) {
		up.low <- get.half.child.variant(median=c(0, pred.table[,1]))
		pred.table <- cbind(pred.table, t(up.low[,2:ncol(up.low)]))
		colnames(pred.table)[(ncol(pred.table)-1):ncol(pred.table)] <- c('-0.5child', '+0.5child')
		if (uncertainty) 
		  tfr <- cbind(tfr, matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(tfr), ncol = ncol(pred.table) - ncol(tfr)))
		  colnames(tfr)[(ncol(tfr)-1):ncol(tfr)] <- c('-0.5child', '+0.5child')
  return(rbind(cbind(tfr, matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(tfr), ncol=ncol(pred.table)-ncol(tfr))), pred.table))

tfr.trajectories.table <- function(tfr.pred, country, pi=c(80, 95), half.child.variant=TRUE, adjusted = TRUE) {
  if (missing(country)) {
		stop('Argument "country" must be given.')
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
	if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
	country <- country.obj
	uncertainty <- FALSE
	if ((length(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$mcmc.list)>0 && !is.null(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$mcmc.list[[1]]$uncertainty) && 
	     tfr.pred$mcmc.set$mcmc.list[[1]]$uncertainty) || (country$index %in% tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta$extra))
	  uncertainty <- TRUE
	obs.data <- get.data.for.country.imputed(tfr.pred, country$index)
	if(!is.null(tfr.pred$present.year.index)) obs.data <- obs.data[1:min(length(obs.data), tfr.pred$present.year.index.all)]
	pred.median <- get.median.from.prediction(tfr.pred, country$index, country$code, adjusted = adjusted)
	trajectories <- get.trajectories(tfr.pred, country$code, adjusted = adjusted)
	cqp <- list()
	for (i in 1:length(pi))
		cqp[[i]] <- get.traj.quantiles(tfr.pred, country$index, country$code, trajectories$trajectories, pi[i], 
		                               est.uncertainty = uncertainty, adjusted = adjusted)
	return(.get.trajectories.table(tfr.pred, country, obs.data, pi, pred.median, cqp, half.child.variant, uncertainty, adjusted = adjusted))

get.typical.trajectory.index <- function(trajectories) {
	med <- apply(trajectories, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
	sumerrors <- apply(abs(trajectories - med), 2, sum)
	sorterrors <- order(sumerrors)
	return(sorterrors[round(length(sorterrors)/2, 0)])

get.trajectories <- function(tfr.pred, country, nr.traj=NULL, adjusted=TRUE, base.name='traj', typical.trajectory=FALSE) {
	traj.file <- file.path(tfr.pred$output.directory, paste(base.name, '_country', country, '.rda', sep=''))
	if (!file.exists(traj.file)) return(list(trajectories=NULL))
	if(typical.trajectory) {
		traj.idx <- get.typical.trajectory.index(trajectories)
	} else {
		thintraj <- get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(trajectories)[2]) 
		if (thintraj$nr.points == 0) return(list(trajectories=NULL))
		traj.idx <- thintraj$index
	if(!is.null(trajectories)) {
		if(adjusted) {
			shift <- get.tfr.shift(country, tfr.pred)
	 		if(!is.null(shift)) trajectories <- trajectories + shift
	 	rownames(trajectories) <- get.prediction.years(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta, dim(trajectories)[1], 
	return(list(trajectories=trajectories, index=traj.idx))

get.quantile.from.prediction <- function(tfr.pred, quantile, country.index, country.code=NULL, adjusted=TRUE,
                                         est.uncertainty = FALSE) {
	quant.values <- tfr.pred$quantiles[country.index, as.character(quantile),]
	if(est.uncertainty && has.est.uncertainty(tfr.pred$mcmc.set)){ # get the right value for present year
	    tfr.est <- get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list=tfr.pred$mcmc.set, country = country.code, probs=0.5, adjust = adjusted)
	    unc.last.time <- which(tfr.est$tfr_quantile$year == dimnames(tfr.pred$quantiles)[[3]][1])
	    quant.values[1] <- unlist(tfr.est$tfr_quantile[unc.last.time, 1])
	if (!adjusted) return(quant.values)
	shift <- get.tfr.shift(country.code, tfr.pred)
	if(!is.null(shift)) quant.values <- quant.values + shift
get.median.from.prediction <- function(tfr.pred, country.index, country.code=NULL, adjusted=TRUE, ...) {
	return(get.quantile.from.prediction(tfr.pred, quantile=0.5, country.index=country.index, 
										country.code=country.code, adjusted=adjusted, ...))
get.traj.quantiles <- function(tfr.pred, country.index, country.code, trajectories=NULL, pi=80, 
                               adjusted=TRUE, est.uncertainty = FALSE) {
	al <- (1-pi/100)/2
	quantile.values <- as.numeric(dimnames(tfr.pred$quantiles)[[2]])
	cqp <- NULL
	if (any(alidx)) { # pre-saved quantiles
		alidx2 <- round(quantile.values,6)==round(1-al,6)
		cqp <- rbind(tfr.pred$quantiles[country.index, alidx,], 
							tfr.pred$quantiles[country.index, alidx2,])
	} else { # non-standard quantiles
		reload <- FALSE
		if (is.null(trajectories)) {
			if(tfr.pred$nr.traj > 0) reload <- TRUE
		} else { 
			if (dim(trajectories)[2] < 2000 && tfr.pred$nr.traj > dim(trajectories)[2]) reload <- TRUE
		if(reload) {
			#load 2000 trajectories maximum for computing quantiles
			traj.reload <- get.trajectories(tfr.pred, country.code, 2000)
			trajectories <- traj.reload$trajectories
		if (!is.null(trajectories)) {
			cqp <- apply(trajectories, 1, 
						quantile, c(al, 1-al), na.rm = TRUE)
	if (est.uncertainty && has.est.uncertainty(tfr.pred$mcmc.set))
	{  # replace quantiles from the first value (present year) with estimated uncertainty
	    tfr.est <- get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list=tfr.pred$mcmc.set, country = country.code, probs=c(al, 1-al), adjust = adjusted)
	    unc.last.time <- which(tfr.est$tfr_quantile$year == dimnames(tfr.pred$quantiles)[[3]][1])
	    cqp[,1] <- unlist(tfr.est$tfr_quantile[unc.last.time, 1:2])
	if(!adjusted) return(cqp)
	shift <- get.tfr.shift(country.code, tfr.pred)
	if(!is.null(shift)) cqp <- cqp + matrix(shift, nrow=nrow(cqp), ncol=ncol(cqp), byrow=TRUE)
tfr.trajectories.plot.all <- function(tfr.pred, 
									output.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'TFRtrajectories'),
									output.type="png", main=NULL, verbose=FALSE, ...) {
	# plots TFR trajectories for all countries
	.do.plot.all(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta, output.dir, tfr.trajectories.plot, output.type=output.type, 
						verbose=verbose, tfr.pred=tfr.pred, ...)

.do.plot.all.country.loop <- function(country.names, meta, output.dir, func, output.type="png", 
						file.prefix='TFRplot', plot.type='TFR graph', country.table=NULL,
						main=NULL, verbose=FALSE, ...) {					
	if(!file.exists(output.dir)) dir.create(output.dir, recursive=TRUE)
	postfix <- output.type
	if(output.type=='postscript') postfix <- 'ps'
	main.arg <- main
	for (country in country.names) {
		country.obj <- if(!is.null(meta)) get.country.object(country, meta)
						else get.country.object(country, country.table=country.table)
			cat('Creating', plot.type, 'for', country, '(', country.obj$code, ')\n')
		if(!is.null(main) && grepl('XXX', main, fixed=TRUE))
			main.arg <- gsub('XXX', as.character(country.obj$name), main, fixed=TRUE)
		do.call(output.type, list(file.path(output.dir, 
										paste(file.prefix,'_c', country.obj$code, '.', postfix, sep=''))))
		do.call(func, list(country=country.obj$code, main=main.arg, ...))
		cat('\nPlots stored into', output.dir, '\n')	

.do.plot.all <- function(meta, ...) {
	# processes plotting function func for all countries
	.do.plot.all.country.loop(country.names(meta), meta, ...)				

get.half.child.variant <- function(median, increment=c(0, 0.25, 0.4, 0.5)) {
	l <- length(median)
	lincr <- length(increment)
	upper <- lower <- c()
	for (i in 1:l) {
		upper <- c(upper, median[i]+increment[min(i,lincr)])
		lower <- c(lower, median[i]-increment[min(i,lincr)])
	return(rbind(lower, upper))	

tfr.estimation.plot <- function(mcmc.list = NULL, country = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, 
                                burnin = 0, thin = 1, pis = c(80, 95), plot.raw = TRUE,
                                grouping = 'source', save.image=TRUE, plot.dir = 'Estimation.plot', 
                                adjust = TRUE, country.code = deprecated(), ISO.code = deprecated())
    if (lifecycle::is_present(country.code)) {
        lifecycle::deprecate_warn("7.1-0", "tfr.estimation.plot(country.code)", "tfr.estimation.plot(country)")
        country <- country.code
    if (lifecycle::is_present(ISO.code)) {
        lifecycle::deprecate_warn("7.1-0", "tfr.estimation.plot(ISO.code)", "tfr.estimation.plot(country)")
        country <- ISO.code
  if (is.null(mcmc.list)) 
    mcmc.list <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir)
  if (is.null(mcmc.list)) {
    warning('MCMC does not exist.')
  if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction')) {
      if(burnin != mcmc.list$burnin && burnin != 0)
          warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
      burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
      mcmc.list <- mcmc.list$mcmc.set
  meta <- mcmc.list$meta

  if (is.null(mcmc.list$mcmc.list[[1]]$uncertainty) || !mcmc.list$mcmc.list[[1]]$uncertainty) 
    stop("MCMC does not consider uncertainty of past TFR.")
  tfr.object <- get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list=mcmc.list, country=country, sim.dir=sim.dir, 
                                   burnin=burnin, thin=thin, probs=sort(c((1-pis/100)/2, 0.5, pis/100 + (1-pis/100)/2)),
                                   adjust = adjust)

  country.obj <- get.country.object(country, meta)
  quantile_tbl <- tfr.object$tfr_quantile
  names(quantile_tbl)[1:(1 + 2 * length(pis))] <- paste0("Q", sort(c((100-pis)/2, 50, pis + (100-pis)/2)))
  names.col <- paste0("Q", sort(c((100-pis)/2, 50, pis + (100-pis)/2)))
  q <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=quantile_tbl)  + ggplot2::xlab("year") + ggplot2::ylab("TFR")
  q <- q + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", ymin=names.col[1], ymax=names.col[length(names.col)]), alpha=0.2, fill='red') +
    ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="Q50"), size = 0.8, color="red") +
    ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="Q50"), size = 1, color="red") + 

  if (length(pis) > 1)
    q <- q + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", ymin=names.col[2], ymax=names.col[length(names.col)-1]), alpha=0.3, fill='red')
  if (plot.raw)
    if (country.obj$index %in% meta$extra) raw.data <- meta$raw_data_extra[[country.obj$index]]
    else raw.data <- meta$raw_data.original[meta$raw_data.original$country_code == country.obj$code, ]
    if(! grouping %in% colnames(raw.data) && !is.null(meta$covariates) && meta$covariates[1] %in% colnames(raw.data))
        grouping <- meta$covariates[1]
    if(grouping %in% colnames(raw.data)) {
        ngroups <- t(unique(subset(raw.data, select=grouping)))
        q <- q + ggplot2::geom_point(mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="tfr", color=grouping, shape=grouping), 
                                 data=raw.data, size=2.5) + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=rep(15:18, len=length(ngroups)))
    } else {
        q <- q + ggplot2::geom_point(mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="tfr"), data=raw.data, size=2.5)
        warning("No grouping of raw data used because column ", grouping, " not available. Use argument 'grouping' to group raw data.")
  wpp.data <- get.observed.tfr(country.obj$index, meta, "tfr_matrix_all")
  wpp.data <- data.frame(year=quantile_tbl$year, tfr = as.numeric(wpp.data))
  #wpp.data <- wpp.data[wpp.data$year %% 5 == 3,]
  q <- q + ggplot2::geom_line(data = wpp.data, ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="tfr"), size = 0.8) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
      ggplot2::geom_point(data = wpp.data, ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="tfr"), size = 0.7)

  # re-draw the median
  q <- q + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="Q50"), size = 0.8, color="red") +
      ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes_string(x="year", y="Q50"), size = 1, color="red")
  if (save.image)
    if(!dir.exists(plot.dir)) dir.create(plot.dir)
    pdf(file = file.path(plot.dir, paste0('tfr_country_', country.obj$code, ".pdf")), width=10, height=5)
    print (q)

tfr.trajectories.plot <- function(tfr.pred, country, pi=c(80, 95), 
                                  half.child.variant=TRUE, nr.traj=NULL,
                                  adjusted.only = TRUE, typical.trajectory=FALSE,
                                  xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, type='b', 
                                  xlab='Year', ylab='TFR', main=NULL, lwd=c(2,2,2,2,2,1), 
                                  col=c('black', 'green', 'red', 'red', 'blue', '#00000020'),
                                  show.legend=TRUE, add=FALSE, uncertainty=FALSE, col_unc="purple", ...
) {
  # lwd/col is a vector of 6 line widths/colors for: 
  #	1. observed data, 2. imputed missing data, 3. median, 4. quantiles, 5. +- 0.5 child, 6. trajectories
  if (missing(country)) {
    stop('Argument "country" must be given.')
  if(length(lwd) < 6) {
    lwd <- rep(lwd, 6)
    lwd[6] <- 1
    col <- .match.colors.with.default(col, c('black', 'green', 'red', 'red', 'blue', '#00000020'))
    country.obj <- get.country.object(country, tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
    if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")

  if (uncertainty)
    tfr.object <- get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list=tfr.pred$mcmc.set, country = country.obj$code, 
                                     probs=sort(c((1-pi/100)/2, 0.5, pi/100 + (1-pi/100)/2)))
  country <- country.obj
  tfr_observed <- get.observed.tfr(country$index, tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta, 'tfr_matrix_observed', 'tfr_matrix_all')
  T_end_c <- tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta$T_end_c
  if(!is.null(tfr.pred$present.year.index.all)) T_end_c <- pmin(T_end_c, tfr.pred$present.year.index.all)
  tfr_matrix_reconstructed <- get.tfr.reconstructed(tfr.pred$tfr_matrix_reconstructed, tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
  suppl.T <- length(tfr_observed) - tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta$T_end
  y1.part1 <- tfr_observed[1:T_end_c[country$index]]
  y1.is.not.na <- which(!is.na(y1.part1))
  y1.part1 <- y1.part1[y1.is.not.na]
  lpart1 <- length(y1.part1)
  y1.part2 <- NULL
  lpart2 <- min(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta$T_end, tfr.pred$present.year.index) - T_end_c[country$index] + suppl.T
  if (lpart2 > 0) {
    p2idx <- (T_end_c[country$index]+1-suppl.T):nrow(tfr_matrix_reconstructed)
    y1.part2 <- tfr_matrix_reconstructed[p2idx,country$index]
    names(y1.part2) <- rownames(tfr_matrix_reconstructed)[p2idx]
  x1 <- as.integer(c(names(y1.part1), names(y1.part2)))
  x2 <- as.numeric(dimnames(tfr.pred$quantiles)[[3]])
  trajectories <- get.trajectories(tfr.pred, country$code, nr.traj, typical.trajectory=typical.trajectory)
  # plot historical data: observed
  if (!add) {
    if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x1,x2), max(x1,x2))
      ylim <- c(0, max(trajectories$trajectories, y1.part1, y1.part2, na.rm=TRUE))
      if (uncertainty)
        ylim[2] <- max(ylim[2], max(tfr.object$tfr_quantile[,-ncol(tfr.object$tfr_quantile), with = FALSE]))
    if(is.null(main)) main <- country$name
    plot(xlim, ylim, type='n', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main, 
         panel.first = grid())
  points.x <- x1[1:lpart1]
  points.y <- y1.part1
  if (mark.estimation.points) {
    tfr.est <- get.observed.tfr(country$index, tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta, 'tfr_matrix')[1:T_end_c[country$index]][y1.is.not.na]
    elim.idx <- c()
    # Phase I
    end.na <- which(!is.na(tfr.est))
    end.na <- if(length(end.na)==0) length(tfr.est) else end.na[1]
    if(end.na > 1) {
      na.idx <- 1:end.na
      points(points.x[na.idx], points.y[na.idx], type=type, lwd=lwd[1], col=rgb(t(col2rgb(col[1])/255), alpha=0.1), ...)
      elim.idx <- c(elim.idx, na.idx[-end.na])
    # Phase III
    p3.idx <- if(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta$lambda_c[country$index]>=length(tfr.est)) c() else seq(tfr.pred$mcmc.set$meta$lambda_c[country$index], length(tfr.est))
    if(length(p3.idx) > 0) {
      points(points.x[p3.idx], points.y[p3.idx], type=type, lwd=lwd[1], col=rgb(t(col2rgb(col[1])/255), alpha=0.3), pch = 4, ...)
      elim.idx <- c(elim.idx, p3.idx)
    if(length(elim.idx) > 0) {
      points.x <- points.x[-elim.idx]
      points.y <- points.y[-elim.idx]
  if (!uncertainty || mark.estimation.points)
    points(points.x, points.y, type=type, lwd=lwd[1], col=col[1], ...)
  if(lpart2 > 0) { # imputed values
    lines(x1[(lpart1+1): length(x1)], y1.part2, pch=2, type='b', col=col[2], lwd=lwd[2])
    lines(x1[lpart1:(lpart1+1)], c(y1.part1[lpart1], y1.part2[1]), col=col[2], lwd=lwd[2]) # connection between the two parts
  # plot trajectories
  if(!is.null(trajectories$trajectories)) { 
    for (i in 1:length(trajectories$index)) {
      lines(x2, trajectories$trajectories[,trajectories$index[i]], type='l', col=col[6], lwd=lwd[6])
  # plot median
  tfr.median <- get.median.from.prediction(tfr.pred, country$index, country$code)
  if(uncertainty) {
      unc.last.time <- which(tfr.object$tfr_quantile$year == x2[1])
      tfr.median[1] <- unlist(tfr.object$tfr_quantile[unc.last.time,])[length(pi)+1]
  lines(x2, tfr.median, type='l', col=col[3], lwd=lwd[3])
  lty <- 1
  # plot given CIs
  if(length(pi) > 0){
    lty <- c(lty, 2:(length(pi)+1))
    for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
        cqp <- get.traj.quantiles(tfr.pred, country$index, country$code, trajectories$trajectories, pi[i], 
                              est.uncertainty = uncertainty)
        if (!is.null(cqp)) {
            lines(x2, cqp[1,], type='l', col=col[4], lty=lty[i+1], lwd=lwd[4])
            lines(x2, cqp[2,], type='l', col=col[4], lty=lty[i+1], lwd=lwd[4])
  if (uncertainty)
    col_median <- length(pi)+1
    lines(tfr.object$tfr_quantile$year, as.data.frame(tfr.object$tfr_quantile)[, col_median], type='l', col=col_unc, lwd=lwd[3]) 
    if(!adjusted.only) { # plot unadjusted estimation median
        unadj.lty <- max(lty)+1
        tfr.object.unadj <- get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list=tfr.pred$mcmc.set, country = country.obj$code, 
                                         probs=0.5, adjust = FALSE)
        lines(tfr.object.unadj$tfr_quantile$year, as.data.frame(tfr.object.unadj$tfr_quantile)$V1, type='l', col=col_unc, lwd=lwd[3], lty = max(lty)+1) 
    if(length(pi) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
            lines(tfr.object$tfr_quantile$year, as.data.frame(tfr.object$tfr_quantile)[, length(pi)+1-i], type='l', col=col_unc, lty=lty[i+1], lwd=lwd[4])
            lines(tfr.object$tfr_quantile$year, as.data.frame(tfr.object$tfr_quantile)[, length(pi)+1+i], type='l', col=col_unc, lty=lty[i+1], lwd=lwd[4])
  legend <- c()
  cols <- c()
  lwds <- c()
  if(!adjusted.only) { # plot unadjusted median
    bhm.median <- get.median.from.prediction(tfr.pred, country$index, country$code, adjusted=FALSE)
    lines(x2, bhm.median, type='l', col=col[3], lwd=lwd[3], lty=max(lty)+1)
    legend <- c(legend, 'BHM median')
    cols <- c(cols, col[3])
    lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[3])
    lty <- c(max(lty)+1, lty)
  median.legend <- if(adjusted.only) 'median' else 'adj. median'
  legend <- c(legend, median.legend, if(length(pi) > 0) paste0(pi, '% PI') else c())
  cols <- c(cols, col[3], rep(col[4], length(pi)))
  lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[3], rep(lwd[4], length(pi)))
  if (half.child.variant) {
    lty <- c(lty, max(lty)+1)
    llty <- length(lty)
    up.low <- get.half.child.variant(median=tfr.median)
    if(uncertainty) {
        up.low <- up.low[,-1]
        x2t <- x2[-1]
    } else x2t <- x2
    lines(x2t, up.low[1,], type='l', col=col[5], lty=lty[llty], lwd=lwd[5])
    lines(x2t, up.low[2,], type='l', col=col[5], lty=lty[llty], lwd=lwd[5])
    legend <- c(legend, '+/- 0.5 child')
    cols <- c(cols, col[5])
    lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[5])
  if(show.legend) {
    pch <- rep(-1, length(legend))
    if (!uncertainty)
      legend <- c(legend, 'observed TFR')
      cols <- c(cols, col[1])
      lty <- c(lty, 1)
      pch <- c(pch, 1)
      lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[1])
    if(!uncertainty && (lpart2 > 0)) {
      legend <- c(legend, 'imputed TFR')
      cols <- c(cols, col[2])
      lty <- c(lty, 1)
      pch <- c(pch, 2)
      lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[2])
    if (uncertainty) 
      legend <- c(legend, if(adjusted.only) 'est. with uncertainty' else 'adj. estimates')
      lty <- c(lty, 1)
      pch <- c(pch, -1)
      cols <- c(cols, col_unc)
      lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[1])
      if(!adjusted.only) {
          legend <- c(legend, 'BHM estimates')
          lty <- c(lty, unadj.lty)
          cols <- c(cols, col_unc)
          pch <- c(pch, -1)
          lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[1])
    legend('bottomleft', legend=legend, lty=lty, bty='n', col=cols, pch=pch, lwd=lwds)

extract.plot.args <- function(...) {
	# split '...' into plot arguments and the rest
	all.plot.args <- names(formals(plot.default))
	args <- list(...)
	which.plot.args <- pmatch(names(args), all.plot.args)
	is.fun.arg <- is.na(which.plot.args)
	return(list(plot.args=args[!is.fun.arg], other.args=args[is.fun.arg]))
do.plot.tfr.partraces <- function(mcmc.list, func, par.names, main.postfix='', chain.ids=NULL, 
									nr.points=NULL, dev.ncol=5, ...) {
	mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	if (is.null(chain.ids)) {
		nr.chains <- length(mcmc.list)
		chain.ids <- 1:nr.chains
	} else {
		nr.chains <- length(chain.ids)
	pars <- list()
	iter <- rep(NA, nr.chains)
	mclen <- rep(0, nr.chains)
	# split '...' into function arguments and plot arguments
	split.args <- extract.plot.args(...)
	fun.args <- split.args$other.args
	plot.args <- split.args$plot.args
	thin <- fun.args$thin
	fun.args$thin <- NULL
	if(is.null(fun.args$burnin)) fun.args$burnin <- 0
	orig.burnin <- fun.args$burnin
	i <- 1
	for(chain in chain.ids) {
		mcmc <- mcmc.list[[chain]]
		if (!is.null(thin) || mcmc$thin > 1) {
			consolidated.burn.thin <- burn.and.thin(mcmc, orig.burnin, 
										if (is.null(thin)) mcmc$thin else thin)
			fun.args$burnin <- consolidated.burn.thin$burnin
			if (!is.null(consolidated.burn.thin$index)) fun.args$thinning.index <- consolidated.burn.thin$index
			else {
				if(!is.null(thin)) {
					thin <- max(thin, mcmc$thin)
					fun.args$thinning.index <- unique(round(seq(1,mcmc$length-consolidated.burn.thin$burnin, 
				} else  {
						fun.args$thinning.index <- seq(1,mcmc$length-consolidated.burn.thin$burnin)
						mclen[i] <- length(fun.args$thinning.index)
		pars[[i]] <- eval(do.call(func, c(list(mcmc, par.names=par.names), fun.args)))
		pars[[i]] <- filter.traces(pars[[i]], par.names)
		iter[i] <- mcmc$finished.iter
		if (i==1) {
			par.names.l <- length(colnames(pars[[1]]))
			maxy <- rep(NA, par.names.l)
			miny <- rep(NA, par.names.l)
		for (para in colnames(pars[[i]])) {
			maxy[ipara] <- max(maxy[ipara], pars[[i]][,para], na.rm=TRUE)
			miny[ipara] <- min(miny[ipara], pars[[i]][,para], na.rm=TRUE)
			ipara <- ipara+1
		i <- i+1

	if (par.names.l < dev.ncol) {
		ncols <- par.names.l
		nrows <- 1
	} else {
		ncols <- dev.ncol
		nrows <- ceiling(par.names.l/dev.ncol)
	par.cur <- par(mfrow=c(nrows,ncols))
	col <- 1:nr.chains
	if(is.null(plot.args$xlim)) plot.args$xlim <- c(1+orig.burnin,maxx)
	if(is.null(plot.args$xlab)) plot.args$xlab <- 'iterations'
	if(is.null(plot.args$ylab)) plot.args$ylab <- ''
	ylim <- plot.args$ylim
	ipara <- 1
	for (para in colnames(pars[[1]])) {
		#mx <- length(pars[[1]][,para])
		if (is.null(thin)) {
			maxmclen <- max(mclen)
			xindex <- if(maxmclen > 0) seq(1+orig.burnin, maxx, length=maxmclen)
						else (1+orig.burnin):maxx 
		} else xindex <- seq(1+orig.burnin, maxx, by=thin)
		thinpoints <- get.thinning.index(nr.points, length(xindex))
		if (thinpoints$nr.points > 0) {
			plot.args$ylim <- if(is.null(ylim)) c(miny[ipara], maxy[ipara]) else ylim
			do.call('plot', c(list(xindex[thinpoints$index], 
						pars[[1]][thinpoints$index, para], 
						main=paste(para, main.postfix),
						col=col[1], type='l'), plot.args))
			if (nr.chains > 1) {
				for (i in 2:nr.chains) {
						pars[[i]][thinpoints$index,para], col=col[i], type='l')
		ipara <- ipara+1

tfr.partraces.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr.parameter.names(trans=TRUE), 
									nr.points=NULL, dev.ncol=5, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	do.plot.tfr.partraces(mcmc.list, 'load.tfr.parameter.traces', chain.ids=chain.ids, 
							nr.points=nr.points, par.names=par.names, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)

tfr.partraces.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'),
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr.parameter.names.cs(trans=TRUE),
									nr.points=NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
	if (is.null(country.obj$name))
		stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
	stop.if.country.not.DL(country.obj, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
	do.plot.tfr.partraces(mcmc.list, 'load.tfr.parameter.traces.cs', 
		main.postfix=paste('(',country.obj$name,')', sep=''), chain.ids=chain.ids, nr.points=nr.points, 
		country=country.obj$code, par.names=par.names, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)

tfr3.partraces.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr3.parameter.names(), 
									nr.points=NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	else if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction'))
			stop('Function not available for bayesTFR.prediction objects.')
	tfr.partraces.plot(mcmc.list, sim.dir=NULL, chain.ids=chain.ids, par.names=par.names, 
						nr.points=nr.points, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)

tfr3.partraces.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'),
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr3.parameter.names.cs(), 
									nr.points=NULL, dev.ncol=2, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	else if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction'))
			stop('Function not available for bayesTFR.prediction objects.')
	mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
	if (is.null(country.obj$name))
		stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
	do.plot.tfr.partraces(mcmc.list, 'load.tfr.parameter.traces.cs', 
		main.postfix=paste('(',country.obj$name,')', sep=''), chain.ids=chain.ids, nr.points=nr.points, 
		country=country.obj$code, par.names=par.names, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)
do.plot.tfr.pardensity <- function(mcmc.list, func, par.names, par.names.ext, main.postfix='', 
								func.args=NULL, chain.ids=NULL, burnin=NULL, dev.ncol=5, ...) {
	if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin,
					'.\n Use a bayesTFR.mcmc.set object as the first argument, if the original traces should be used.')
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
		if (!is.null(chain.ids) && max(chain.ids) > 1) {
			warning('Thinned traces from all chains used for plotting density.\n For selecting individual chains, use a bayesTFR.mcmc.set object as the first argument.')
			chain.ids <- NULL
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0

	mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	if (!is.null(chain.ids)) mcmc.list <- mcmc.list[chain.ids]
	par.names.l <- length(par.names.ext)
	if (par.names.l < dev.ncol) {
		ncols <- par.names.l
		nrows <- 1
	} else {
		ncols <- dev.ncol
		nrows <- ceiling(par.names.l/dev.ncol)
	args <- extract.plot.args(...)
	par.cur <- par(mfrow=c(nrows,ncols))
	tfr_flag <- FALSE
	for (para in par.names) {
	  if (!tfr_flag && length(grep('tfr_*', para) > 0))
	    para <- 'tfr'
	    tfr_flag <- TRUE
		values <- eval(do.call(func, c(list(mcmc.list, par.names=para, burnin=burnin), func.args)))
		values <-  filter.traces(values, par.names)
		for (par.name in colnames(values)) {
			dens <- do.call('density', c(list(values[,par.name]), args$other.args))
			do.call('plot', c(list(dens, main=paste(par.name, main.postfix)), args$plot.args))

tfr.pardensity.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr.parameter.names(trans=TRUE), 
									burnin=NULL, dev.ncol=5, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	par.names.ext <- get.full.par.names(par.names, tfr.parameter.names.extended())
	if(length(par.names.ext) <= 0)
		stop('Parameter names are not valid parameters.\nUse function tfr.parameter.names(...) or valid parameter names.')
	do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, 'get.tfr.parameter.traces', chain.ids=chain.ids, par.names=par.names,
							burnin=burnin, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)

tfr.pardensity.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr.parameter.names.cs(trans=TRUE), 
									burnin=NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	mcmc.l <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.l[[1]]$meta)
	if (is.null(country.obj$name))
		stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
	stop.if.country.not.DL(country.obj, mcmc.l[[1]]$meta)
	par.names.ext <- get.full.par.names.cs(par.names, 
	if(length(par.names.ext) <= 0 && length(grep('tfr_*', par.names)) <= 0)
		stop('Parameter names are not valid country-specific parameters.\nUse function tfr.parameter.names.cs(...) or valid parameter names.')
	else if (length(par.names.ext) <= 0)
	  par.names.ext <- paste0('tfr_c', country.obj$code)
	do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, 'get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs', chain.ids=chain.ids, par.names=par.names,
							main.postfix=paste('(',country.obj$name,')', sep=''),
							burnin=burnin, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)

tfr3.pardensity.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr3.parameter.names(), 
									burnin=NULL, dev.ncol=3, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	else if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction'))
			stop('Function not available for bayesTFR.prediction objects.')
	do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, 'get.tfr.parameter.traces', chain.ids=chain.ids, par.names=par.names,
							burnin=burnin, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)

tfr3.pardensity.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesTFR.output'), 
									chain.ids=NULL, par.names=tfr3.parameter.names.cs(), 
									burnin=NULL, dev.ncol=2, low.memory=TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.tfr3.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	else if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesTFR.prediction'))
			stop('Function not available for bayesTFR.prediction objects.')
	mcmc.l <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.l[[1]]$meta)
	if (is.null(country.obj$name))
		stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
	par.names.ext <- get.full.par.names.cs(par.names, paste(par.names, '_c', country.obj$code, sep=''))
	if(length(par.names.ext) <= 0)
		stop('Parameter names are not valid country-specific parameters.\nUse function tfr3.parameter.names.cs(...) or valid parameter names.')
	do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, 'get.tfr.parameter.traces.cs', chain.ids=chain.ids, par.names=par.names,
							main.postfix=paste('(',country.obj$name,')', sep=''),
							burnin=burnin, dev.ncol=dev.ncol, ...)

".get.gamma.pars" <- function(pred, ...) UseMethod (".get.gamma.pars")
.get.gamma.pars.bayesTFR.prediction <- function(pred, ...) {
	# estimated by
	# library(MASS)
	# data <- pred$tfr_matrix_reconstructed[12,]
	# gd <- fitdistr(data-min(data)+0.05, densfun='gamma')
	# min(data) is 0.95
	return(list(gamma.pars=list(shape=1.87, rate=0.94), gamma.shift=0.95-0.05, min.value=0.7,

get.tfr.map.parameters <- function(pred, tfr.range=NULL, nr.cats=50, same.scale=TRUE, 
						quantile=0.5, ...) {
	map.pars <- list(pred=pred, quantile=quantile, ...)
	if (same.scale) {
		gp <- .get.gamma.pars(pred)
		data <- pred$quantiles[,as.character(quantile),1]
		q <- if(is.null(tfr.range)) c(min(pmax(data,gp$gamma.shift)), max(data))-gp$gamma.shift
			 else c(max(gp$gamma.shift, tfr.range[1]-gp$gamma.shift), max(gp$gamma.shift, tfr.range[2]-gp$gamma.shift))
		min.max.q <- pgamma(q, shape=gp$gamma.pars[['shape']], rate=gp$gamma.pars[['rate']])
		quantiles <- seq(min.max.q[1], min.max.q[2], length=nr.cats)
		quant.values <- c(gp$min.value, 
				qgamma(quantiles, shape=gp$gamma.pars[['shape']], rate=gp$gamma.pars[['rate']])+gp$gamma.shift)
		if(!is.null(gp$max.value) && gp$max.value > max(quant.values)) quant.values <- c(quant.values, gp$max.value)

		if(!is.null(tfr.range)) {
			if(tfr.range[1] < quant.values[1])
				quant.values <- c(tfr.range[1], quant.values)
			if(tfr.range[1] > quant.values[1])
				quant.values <- quant.values[quant.values >= tfr.range[1]]
			last <- length(quant.values)
			if(tfr.range[2] > quant.values[last])
				quant.values <- c(quant.values, tfr.range[2])
			if(tfr.range[2] < quant.values[last])
				quant.values <- quant.values[quant.values <= tfr.range[2]]
		col <- rainbow(500, start=0, end=0.67)[seq(500, 1, length=length(quant.values)-1)]
		map.pars$catMethod <- quant.values
	} else {
		col <- rainbow(500, start=0, end=0.67)[seq(500, 1, length=nr.cats)]
		map.pars$numCats <- nr.cats
	map.pars$colourPalette <- col

bdem.map.all <- function(pred, output.dir, type='tfr', output.type='png', range=NULL, nr.cats=50, same.scale=TRUE, 
						quantile=0.5, file.prefix='TFRwrldmap_', ...) {
	if(!file.exists(output.dir)) dir.create(output.dir, recursive=TRUE)
	all.years <- get.all.prediction.years(pred)
	output.args <- list()
	postfix <- output.type
	if(output.type=='postscript') postfix <- 'ps'
	filename.arg <- 'filename'
	if(output.type=='postscript' || output.type=='pdf') {filename.arg<-'file'}
	else{output.args[['width']] <- 1000}
	map.pars <- get.tfr.map.parameters(pred, tfr.range=range, nr.cats=nr.cats, same.scale=same.scale,
					quantile=quantile, ...)
	for (year in all.years) {
		output.args[[filename.arg]] <- file.path(output.dir, 
										paste(file.prefix, year, '.', postfix, sep=''))
		do.call(paste(type, '.map', sep=''), c(list(year=year, device=output.type, 
							device.args=output.args), map.pars))
	cat('Maps written into', output.dir, '\n')

tfr.map.all <- function(pred, output.dir, output.type='png', tfr.range=NULL, nr.cats=50, same.scale=TRUE, 
						quantile=0.5, file.prefix='TFRwrldmap_', ...) {
	bdem.map.all(pred=pred, output.dir=output.dir, type='tfr', output.type=output.type, range=tfr.range,
						nr.cats=nr.cats, same.scale=same.scale, quantile=quantile, file.prefix=file.prefix, ...)

".map.main.default" <- function(pred, ...) UseMethod (".map.main.default")

.map.main.default.bayesTFR.prediction <- function(pred, ...) return('TFR: quantile')
par.names.for.worldmap <- function(pred, ...) UseMethod ("par.names.for.worldmap")

par.names.for.worldmap.bayesTFR.prediction <- function(pred, ...) {
	return(c('lambda', tfr.parameter.names.cs.extended()))

"get.data.for.worldmap" <- function(pred, ...) UseMethod ("get.data.for.worldmap")

get.data.for.worldmap.bayesTFR.prediction <- function(pred, quantile=0.5, year=NULL, par.name=NULL, 
									adjusted=FALSE, projection.index=1, pi=NULL, ...) {
	meta <- pred$mcmc.set$meta
	quantiles <- quantile
	if (!is.null(pi)) {
		qlower <- (1-pi/100)/2
		quantiles <- c(quantile, qlower, 1-qlower)
	if(!is.null(par.name)) { # data are parameter values
		if (!is.element(par.name, par.names.for.worldmap(pred)))
				stop('Illegal par.name. Allowed values:', 
						paste(par.names.for.worldmap(pred), collapse=', '))
		data <- c()
		if (par.name == 'lambda') {
			tfr <- get.data.imputed(pred)
			tfr.years <- get.estimation.years(meta)
			all.years <- c(tfr.years, get.prediction.years(meta, pred$nr.projections+1, pred$present.year.index)[-1])
			nr.data <- pred$nr.projections+dim(tfr)[1]
			for (country in 1:get.nr.countries(meta)) {
				country.obj <- get.country.object(country, meta, index=TRUE)
				tfr.and.pred.median <- c(tfr[,country], 
						get.quantile.from.prediction(pred, quantile, country.obj$index, country.obj$code, 
				lambda <- all.years[find.lambda.for.one.country(tfr.and.pred.median, nr.data)]
				data <- c(data, lambda)
			codes <- meta$regions$country_code
		} else {
			con <- textConnection("sout", "w", local=TRUE) # redirect output (to get rid of coda's messages)
			for (country in get.countries.index(meta)) {
				country.obj <- get.country.object(country, meta, index=TRUE)
				sink(con, type='message')
				s <- summary(coda.list.mcmc(pred$mcmc.set, country=country.obj$code, 
						par.names=NULL, par.names.cs=par.name, thin=1, burnin=0), quantiles = quantiles)
				data <- rbind(data, s$quantiles)
			codes <- meta$regions$country_code[get.countries.index(meta)]
		projection.index <- 1
		projection <- TRUE
		period <- paste('Parameter', par.name, 'for')
	} else { # data are TFRs
		projection <- TRUE
		if(!is.null(year)) {
			ind.proj <- get.predORest.year.index(pred, year)
			if(! 'index' %in% names(ind.proj))
			    stop('Projection year ', year, ' not found.')
			projection.index <- ind.proj['index']
			projection <- ind.proj['is.projection']
		if(projection) {
			if(!all(is.element(as.character(quantiles), dimnames(pred$quantiles)[[2]])))
				stop('Some of the quantiles ', paste(quantiles, collapse=', '), ' not found.\nAvailable: ', 
							paste(dimnames(pred$quantiles)[[2]], collapse=', '), 
					 '\nCheck arguments "quantile" and "pi".')
			data <- pred$quantiles[, as.character(quantiles), projection.index]
			if(adjusted) data <- data + get.tfr.shift.all(pred, projection.index)
			period <- get.prediction.periods(meta, projection.index, 
		} else {
			data <- get.data.imputed(pred)[projection.index, ]
			period <- get.tfr.periods(meta)[projection.index]
		codes <- meta$regions$country_code
	if(adjusted) period <- paste(period, 'adjusted')
	rownames(data) <- NULL
	res <- data
	if(!is.null(dim(data))) {		
		res <- data[,1]
		if(ncol(data) > 1) {
			low <- data[,2]
			up <- data[,3]
	return(list(period=period, data=res, country.codes=codes, lower=low, upper=up))

tfr.map <- function(pred, quantile=0.5, year=NULL, par.name=NULL, adjusted=FALSE, 
                    projection.index=1,  device='dev.new', main=NULL, 
                    resolution=c("coarse","low","less islands","li","high"),
                    device.args=NULL, data.args=NULL, ...
                    ) {
    resolution <- match.arg(resolution)
    #if(resolution=='high') require(rworldxtra)
    data.period <- do.call(get.data.for.worldmap, c(list(pred, quantile, year=year, 
                                                         par.name=par.name, adjusted=adjusted, projection.index=projection.index), data.args))
    #data.period.base <- do.call(get.data.for.worldmap, c(list(pred, quantile, year=2013, 
    #								par.name=par.name, adjusted=adjusted, projection.index=projection.index), data.args))
    #data <- (data.period$data - data.period.base$data)/1000
    data <- data.period$data
    period <- data.period$period
    tfr <- data.frame(cbind(un=data.period$country.codes, tfr=data))
    map <- rworldmap::getMap(resolution=resolution)
    #first get countries excluding Antarctica which crashes spTransform (says the help page for joinCountryData2Map)
    sPDF <- map[-which(map$ADMIN=='Antarctica'), ]
    #transform map to the Robinson projection
    sPDF <- sp::spTransform(sPDF, CRSobj = sp::CRS("+proj=robin +ellps=WGS84"))

    ## recode missing UN codes and UN member states
    sPDF$UN <- sPDF$ISO_N3
    ## N. Cyprus -> assign to Cyprus
    sPDF$UN[sPDF$ISO3=="CYN"] <- 196
    ## Kosovo -> assign to Serbia
    sPDF$UN[sPDF$ISO3=="KOS"] <- 688
    ## W. Sahara -> no UN numerical code assigned in Natural Earth map (its ISO3 changed in rworlmap 1.3.6)
    sPDF$UN[sPDF$ISO3=="ESH"] <- 732
    ## Somaliland -> assign to Somalia (SOM) -> fixed in rworlmap version 1.3.6
    #sPDF$UN[sPDF$ISO3=="SOL"] <- 706
    #mtfr <- joinCountryData2Map(tfr, joinCode='UN', nameJoinColumn='un')
    # join sPDF with tfr
    mtfr <- rep(NA, length(sPDF$UN))
    valididx <- which(is.element(sPDF$UN, tfr$un))
    mtfr[valididx] <- tfr$tfr[sapply(sPDF$UN[valididx], function(x,y) which(y==x),  tfr$un)]
    sPDF$tfr <- mtfr
    if(is.null(main)) {
        main <- paste(period, .map.main.default(pred, data.period), quantile)
    if (device != 'dev.cur')
        do.call(rworldmap::mapDevice, c(list(device=device), device.args))
    mapParams<-rworldmap::mapCountryData(sPDF, nameColumnToPlot='tfr', addLegend=FALSE, mapTitle=main, ...
    # Default for legendIntervals changed in rworlmap 1.3.6 from "page" to "data". Therefore need to pass it explicitly here.
    do.call(rworldmap::addMapLegend, c(mapParams, legendWidth=0.5, legendMar=2, legendLabels='all', legendIntervals = "page"))
    #do.call(addMapLegend, c(mapParams, legendWidth=0.5, legendMar=2, legendLabels='all', sigFigs=2, legendShrink=0.8, tcl=-0.3, digits=1))

tfr.ggmap <- function(pred, quantile=0.5, year=NULL, par.name=NULL, adjusted=FALSE, 
                    projection.index=1, main=NULL, data.args=NULL, viridis.option = "B", 
                    nr.cats = 10, same.scale = FALSE, plot = TRUE, file.name = NULL, plot.size = 4, ...
                      ) {
    # function for quantile transformation
    make_quantile_trans <- function(x, format = scales::label_number()) {
        name <- paste0("quantiles_of_", deparse1(substitute(x)))
        xs <- sort(x)
        N <- length(xs)
        transform <- function(x) findInterval(x, xs)/N # find the last element that is smaller
        inverse <- function(q) xs[1+floor(q*(N-1))]
            name = name,
            transform = transform,
            inverse = inverse,
            breaks =  function(x, n = 5) inverse(scales::extended_breaks()(transform(x), n)),
            minor_breaks = function(x, n = 5) inverse(scales::regular_minor_breaks()(transform(x), n)),
            format = format,
            domain = xs[c(1, N)]
    for(pkg in c("ggplot2", "sf", "spData", "scales"))
    data.period <- do.call(get.data.for.worldmap, c(list(pred, quantile, year=year, 
                                                         par.name=par.name, adjusted=adjusted, projection.index=projection.index), data.args))
    data <- data.period$data
    period <- data.period$period
    tfr <- data.frame(cbind(un=data.period$country.codes, tfr=data))
    e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    data("iso3166", envir=e)
    data("world", package = "spData", envir=e)

    tfr <- merge(tfr, e$iso3166[, c("uncode", "charcode")], by.x = "un", by.y = "uncode")
    #e$world <- e$world[- which(!e$world$iso_a2 %in% tfr$charcode),]
    # align with UN countries
    e$world <- e$world[- which(e$world$name_long == "Antarctica"), c("iso_a2", "name_long", "geom")] # remove Antarctica 
    e$world$iso_a2[e$world$name_long == "Somaliland"] <- "SO" # set Somaliland as Somalia
    e$world$iso_a2[e$world$name_long == "Northern Cyprus"] <- "CY" # set Northern Cyprus as Cyprus
    tfr <- tfr[tfr$charcode %in% e$world$iso_a2,]
    e$world <- merge(e$world, tfr, by.x = "iso_a2", by.y = "charcode", all = TRUE)
    if(same.scale & is.null(par.name)) {
        all.data <- pred$quantiles[,as.character(quantile),]
        all.data <- all.data[data.period$country.codes %in% e$world$un]
    } else all.data <- e$world$tfr
        main <- paste(period, .map.main.default(pred, data.period), quantile)
    # g <- ggplot(world) + geom_sf(aes(fill = tfr), colour = "grey", lwd = 0.1) + 
    #     #scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "A", direction = -1, breaks = scales::breaks_pretty()) +
    #     theme(legend.position="bottom") + # coord_sf(default_crs = "+proj=robin +ellps=WGS84", label_axes = "--EN")
    #     scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlOrRd", direction = 1, breaks = round(quantile(world$tfr, probs = seq(0, 1, length = 10)), 2),
    #                          #breaks = scales::breaks_pretty(n = 10),
    #                          trans = make_quantile_trans(world$tfr)) # trans = "reverse", 
    # g <- g + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
    # g2 <- g + guides(fill = guide_colourbar(title = "", barwidth = unit(0.5, "npc", data = g), barheight = 0.5, 
    #                                         direction = "horizontal"))
    #g5 <- g2 + ggtitle("(3) Palette: gradient from yellow to red") +
    #    scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", breaks = round(quantile(world$tfr, probs = seq(0, 1, length = 10)), 2), trans = make_quantile_trans(world$tfr))
    world.rob <- sf::st_transform(e$world, "+proj=robin +ellps=WGS84")
    grobin <- ggplot2::ggplot(world.rob) + ggplot2::geom_sf(ggplot2::aes_string(fill = "tfr"), colour = "grey", lwd = 0.1, ...) + 
        ggplot2::coord_sf(datum = NA) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(option = viridis.option, direction = -1, na.value= "white",
                             breaks = round(quantile(all.data, probs = seq(0, 1, length = nr.cats), na.rm = TRUE), 2), 
                             trans = make_quantile_trans(all.data),
                             limits = range(all.data)) +
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position="bottom", axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), 
              axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank())
    grobin <- grobin + ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_colourbar(title = "", barwidth = ggplot2::unit(0.5, "npc", data = grobin), 
                                                        barheight = 0.5, direction = "horizontal")) +

    if(plot == TRUE){
        plot_ratio <- 2.360463 # derived via library(tmaptools); get_asp_ratio(world.rob)
            grDevices::dev.new(width = plot_ratio*plot.size, height = plot.size)
        } else {
            ggplot2::ggsave(file.name, grobin, width = plot_ratio*plot.size, height = plot.size)

tfr.map.gvis <- function(pred, year=NULL, quantile=0.5, pi=80, par.name=NULL, 
							  adjusted=FALSE, ...)
	bdem.map.gvis(pred, year=year, 
						quantile=quantile, pi=pi, par.name=par.name, adjusted=adjusted, ...)

"bdem.map.gvis" <- function(pred, ...) UseMethod ("bdem.map.gvis")

bdem.map.gvis.bayesTFR.prediction <- function(pred, year=NULL, quantile=0.5, pi=80, 
										par.name=NULL, html.file=NULL, adjusted=FALSE, ...) {
	.do.gvis.bdem.map('TFR', 'BHM for Total Fertility Rate<br>', pred, year=year, 
						quantile=quantile, pi=pi, par.name=par.name, adjusted=adjusted, ...)

.do.gvis.bdem.map <- function(what, title, pred, year=NULL, quantile=0.5, pi=80, 
									par.name=NULL, adjusted=FALSE, ...) {
	data.period <- get.data.for.worldmap(pred, quantile, year=year, 
									par.name=par.name, projection.index=1, adjusted=adjusted, pi=pi, ...)
	mapdata <- data.period$data
	period <- data.period$period
	lower <- data.period$lower
	upper <- data.period$upper
 	un <- data.period$country.codes
 	countries.table <- get.countries.table(pred)
 	if(!is.null(par.name)) what <- par.name
 	e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
	data('iso3166', envir=e)
	unmatch <- match(un, e$iso3166$uncode)
	unidx <- which(!is.na(unmatch))	
	ct.idx <- sapply(un[unidx], function(x, y) which(y==x), countries.table$code)
	country.names <- countries.table$name[ct.idx]
	#remove problematic characters
	country.names <- iconv(country.names, "latin1", "ASCII", "?") 
	data <- data.frame(un=un[unidx], name=country.names, 
	data[[what]] <- mapdata[unidx]
	if(!is.null(lower)) { # confidence intervals defined
		lower.name <- paste('lower_', pi, sep='')
		upper.name <- paste('upper_', pi, sep='')
		data[[lower.name]] <- round(lower[unidx], 2)
		data[[upper.name]] <- round(upper[unidx], 2)
		data$pi <- paste(e$iso3166$charcode[unmatch][unidx], ': ', pi, '% PI (', data[[lower.name]], ', ', 
				data[[upper.name]], ')', sep='')
		hovervar <- 'pi'
	} else { # no confidence intervals
		lower.name <- 'lower'
		upper.name <- 'upper'
		data[[lower.name]] <- data[[upper.name]] <- rep(NA, length(unidx))
		hovervar <- ''
	col <- c('#0000CC', '#00CCFF', '#33FF66', '#FFFF66', '#FF9900', '#FF3300')

	geo <- googleVis::gvisGeoChart(data, locationvar="iso", colorvar=what, hovervar=hovervar, 
	                             options=list(height=500, width=900, dataMode='regions',
	                                          colors=paste('[', paste(shQuote(col), collapse=', '), ']')))

    #geo$html$caption <- paste(title, 'in', period,'<br>\n')
    geo$html$caption <- paste(title, period, .map.main.default(pred, data.period), quantile)
    bdem.data <- data[,c('un', 'iso', 'name', what, lower.name, upper.name)]
	gvis.table <- googleVis::gvisTable(bdem.data, 
							options=list(width=600, height=600, page='disable', pageSize=198))
	page <- list(type="MapTable", 
 			 	 chartid=format(Sys.time(), "BdemMap-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"), 
	class(page) <- list("gvis", class(page))

Try the bayesTFR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bayesTFR documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 5:08 p.m.