Description Usage Arguments Value Examples
sample xhat from the target distribution p(xhat), with given proposal distribution q(xhat|x), the acceptance rate is:
min( 1 , dp(xhat)/dp(x) * dq(x|xhat)dq(xhat|x) )
where dp() is the density function of the target distribution, dq() the the density function of the proposal distribution. A new sample xhat is drawn from the sampler of the proposal distribution rq(). See examples.
1 | MetropolisHastings(nsamples, xini, dp, dq, rq)
nsamples |
integer, number of samples to draw |
xini |
initial sample, the chain of samples starts from here. xini must be a matrix of one row, or a numeric vector that will be converted to a matrix of one row. |
dp |
function(x), the LOG density function of the target distribution log dp(x), DON'T FORGET THE LOG. |
dq |
function(xhat,x), the LOG density function of the proposal distribution log dq(xhat | x), DON'T FORGET THE LOG. |
rq |
function(x), the generator of the proposal distribution rq(xhat | x). |
a matrix of nsamples rows.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 | ## example1: independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, get 5000 samples from Beta(2.7,6.3)
## with independent uniform proposal U(0,1), and independent normal proposal N(0.5,1).
## step1: define p() and q()
dp <- function(x) if(x>0&x<1) dbeta(x,2.7,6.3,log = TRUE) else -Inf
dq1 <- function(xnew,x) 0 #uniform proposal log density
dq2 <- function(xnew,x) dnorm(xnew,0.5,1) #normal proposal log density
rq1 <- function(x) runif(1,0,1) #uniform proposal sampler
rq2 <- function(x) rnorm(1,0.5,1) #normal proposal sampler
## step2: get 5000 samples, with two different proposals
X1 <- MetropolisHastings(nsamples = 5000,xini = runif(1,0,1),dp=dp,dq=dq1,rq=rq1)
X2 <- MetropolisHastings(nsamples = 5000,xini = runif(1,0,1),dp=dp,dq=dq2,rq=rq2)
## step3: plot the result, calculate acceptance rate
sum(diff(X1)!=0)/nrow(X1) #the acceptance rate of uniform proposal
sum(diff(X2)!=0)/nrow(X2) #the acceptance rate of normal proposal
## Clearly Uniform, compare to Normal, can better resemble Beta, so the acceptance rate is higher
## plot the results
## example2: independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, sample from an improper distribution
## p(x) = -|x|+1, where -1<x<1, with independent uniform proposal U(-1,1)
## step1: define p() and q()
dp <- function(x) log(-abs(x)+1) #log dp
dq <- function(xnew,x) 1
rq <- function(x) runif(1,-1,1) #make sure -1<x<1
## step2: get 5000 samples
X <- MetropolisHastings(nsamples = 5000,xini = runif(1,-1,1),dp=dp,dq=dq,rq=rq)
## step3: plot the result, calculate acceptance rate
sum(diff(X)!=0)/nrow(X) #the acceptance rate
## example3: random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, sample from a
## normal mixture 0.2*N(1,1)+0.8*N(-5,1), with symmetric proposal xhat ~ U(x-l,x+l),
## compare different values of l.
## step1: define p() and q()
dp <- function(x) log(dnorm(x,1,1)*0.2+dnorm(x,-5,1)*0.8)
## a symmetric proposal has no influence to the acceptance rate, so a constant function
## would suffice.
dq <- function(xnew,x) 1
rq1 <- function(x) runif(1,x-0.01,x+0.01)
rq2 <- function(x) runif(1,x-2,x+2)
## step2: get 5000 samples
X1 <- MetropolisHastings(nsamples = 5000,xini = rnorm(1),dp=dp,dq=dq,rq=rq1)
X2 <- MetropolisHastings(nsamples = 50000,xini = rnorm(1),dp=dp,dq=dq,rq=rq2)
## step3: plot the result, calculate acceptance rate
## plot the results
hist(X1,xlim = c(-10,5))
hist(X2,xlim = c(-10,5))
hist(c(rnorm(1000,1,1),rnorm(4000,-5,1)),xlim = c(-10,5))
## note that X1 has a higher acceptance rate comparing to X2, though it performs poorer.
## So we use Kolmogorov-Smirnov to test the real performance of X1 and X2:
ks.test(jitter(X1),c(rnorm(1000,1,1),rnorm(4000,-5,1))) #ks.test() assumes continuous
## samples doesn't contain equal values, otherwise there will be a use jitter() to
## remove the equals
## it turns out that even though X2 looks better from the histogram, it still doesn't
## pass the KS test.
## example4: hybrid Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, questions same as previous example,
## but use a mixutre proposal instead.
## we use mixture proposal to capture both the local and global areas of the target distribution
## step1: define p() and q()
dp <- function(x) log(dnorm(x,1,1)*0.2+dnorm(x,-5,1)*0.8)
## a symmetric proposal has no influence to the acceptance rate,
## so a constant function would suffice.
dq <- function(xnew,x) 1
##70% local, 30% global
rq <- function(x) if(runif(1)<0.7) runif(1,x-0.1,x+0.1) else runif(1,x-3,x+3)
## step2: get 5000 samples
X <- MetropolisHastings(nsamples = 5000,xini = rnorm(1),dp=dp,dq=dq,rq=rq)
## step3: plot the result, calculate acceptance rate
## plot the results
hist(X,xlim = c(-10,5))
hist(c(rnorm(1000,1,1),rnorm(4000,-5,1)),xlim = c(-10,5))
## perform the KS test again, this time it says there's no significance difference between the MH
## and the real samples. ks.test() assumes continuous samples doesn't contain equal values,
## otherwise there will be a use jitter() to remove the equals
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