#' @include Bayesian_Bricks.r
countFreq <- function(x,uniqx=NULL){
if(!is.null(uniqx)) x <- factor(x,levels=uniqx)
else x <- factor(x)
as.numeric(tabulate(x,nbins = length(levels(x))))
countFreq_Weighted <- function(x,uniqx=NULL,w){
if(length(x)!=length(w)) stop("length of x and w don't match")
if(!is.null(uniqx)) x <- factor(x,levels=uniqx)
else x <- factor(x)
vapply(split(x=w,f=x),sum,FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),USE.NAMES = FALSE)
#' @title Random generation for Categorical distribution
#' @description
#' Generate random integer samples from a Categorical distribution. For a random variable x, the density function of categorical distribution is defined as
#' \deqn{prod_{k in 1:K} p_k^{I(x=k)}}
#' Where K is the number of unique values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dCategorical}}
#' @param n integer, number of samples.
#' @param p numeric, probabilities. length(p)=K.
#' @return An integer vector of length n.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rCategorical(n=20,p=c(1,2))
rCategorical <- function(n,p){, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = p)
#' @title Probability mass function for Categorical distribution
#' @description
#' Calculate probability masses for integer valued Categorical random samples.
#' For a random variable x, the density function of categorical distribution is defined as
#' \deqn{prod_{k in 1:K} p_k^{I(x=k)}}
#' Where K is the number of unique values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rCategorical}}
#' @param x integer, categorical samples.
#' @param p numeric, probabilities.
#' @return A numeric vector of the same length of 'x'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' dCategorical(x=c(1L,2L,1L),p=c(1,2))
#' }
dCategorical <- function(x,p){
#' @title Random generation for Dirichelt distribution
#' @description
#' Generate random samples from Dirichlet distribution. For a random vector x, the density function is Dirichlet distribution is defined as:
#' 1/Beta(alpha) prod_{i=1:p} x_i^{alpha_i -1}
#' Where Beta() is the beta function. p is the dimension of x.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dDir}}
#' @param n integer, number of samples.
#' @param alpha numeric, Dirichlet parameter.
#' @return A numeric matrix of n rows and length(alpha) columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rDir(5,c(1,2,3)) #generate 5 samples with parameters c(1,2,3)
#' @import stats
rDir <- function(n, alpha){
l <- length(alpha)
x <- matrix(rgamma(l * n, alpha), ncol = l, byrow = TRUE)
sm <- x %*% rep(1, l)
#' @title Density function for Dirichelt distribution
#' @description
#' Calculate the densities of a given set of Dirichlet samples. For a random vector x, the density function is defined as:
#' 1/Beta(alpha) prod_{i=1:p} x_i^{alpha_i -1}
#' Where Beta() is the beta function. p is the dimension of x.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rDir}}
#' @param x matrix or numeric vector, if matrix every row of x is an observation, if numeric vector, it's the same as a matrix with only one row.
#' @param alpha numeric, Dirichlet parameter.
#' @param LOG logical, return the log density if set to "TRUE".
#' @return A numeric vector of density values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rDir(5,c(1,2,3)) #generate 5 samples with parameters c(1,2,3)
#' dDir(x,c(1,2,3))
#' dDir(x,c(1,2,3),LOG=TRUE)
dDir <- function(x, alpha,LOG=FALSE){
x <- t(x)
stop("Error in ddir():x must be a matrix or an integer/numeric vector")
if(length(alpha)==1) alpha <- rep(alpha,ncol(x))
stop("Error in ddir(): columns of x and length of alpha don't match")
out <- apply(x,1,function(l){
s <- (alpha - 1) * log(l)
s <- ifelse(alpha == 1 & l == 0, -Inf, s)
logD <- sum(lgamma(alpha)) - lgamma(sum(alpha))
out <- out- logD
if(!LOG) out <- exp(out)
#' @title Create objects of type "CatDirichlet".
#' @description
#' Create an object of type "CatDirichlet", which represents the Categorical (Multinomial) and Dirichlet conjugate structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The created object will be used as a place for recording and accumulating information in the related inference/sampling functions such as posterior(), posteriorDiscard(), MAP(), marginalLikelihood(), dPosteriorPredictive(), rPosteriorPredictive() and so on. A categorical distribution is defined on a set of unique labels, usually these labels are integers, they can also be characters and factors.
#' @seealso \code{\link{posterior.CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{posteriorDiscard.CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{MAP.CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{MPE.CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{marginalLikelihood.CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{rPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{dPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet}} ...
#' @param objCopy an object of type "CatDirichlet". If "objCopy" is not NULL, the function create a new "CatDirichlet" object by copying the content from objCopy, otherwise this new object will be created by using "ENV" and "gamma". Default NULL.
#' @param ENV environment, specify where the object will be created.
#' @param gamma list, a named list of parameters, gamma=list(alpha,uniqueLabels). Where gamma$alpha is a numeric vector specifying the parameters of the Dirichlet distribution, gamma$uniqueLabels is a integer/character vector specifying the unique category labels of the Categorical distribution.
#' @return An object of class "CatDirichlet".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=c(1,2,1),uniqueLabels = letters[1:3]))
#' obj #print the content
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
CatDirichlet <- function(objCopy=NULL,ENV=parent.frame(),gamma=list(alpha=1,uniqueLabels=1L)){
object <- BasicBayesian(ENV = ENV)
if(!.is(objCopy,"CatDirichlet")) stop("'objCopy' must be of class 'CatDirichlet'")
object$gamma <- objCopy$gamma
object$H <- objCopy$H
object$F <- objCopy$F
if((!is.list(gamma)) |
(!all(names(gamma) %in% c("alpha","uniqueLabels"))))
stop("gamma must be list(alpha,uniqueLabels)")
if(length(gamma$alpha)==1L) gamma$alpha <- rep(gamma$alpha,length(gamma$uniqueLabels))
if(length(gamma$alpha)!=length(gamma$uniqueLabels)) stop("length of 'alpha' and 'uniqueLabels' in 'gamma' don't match!")
object$gamma <- gamma
object$H <- "Dirichlet"
object$F <- "Categorical"
class(object) <- c("CatDirichlet",class(object))
#' @title Sufficient statistics of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' For following Categorical-Dirichlet model structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The sufficient statistics of a set of samples x is: \cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item the effective counts of each unique label in x. i.e. T(x)[i] = sum(uniqueLabels[i]%in%x). Unique values of x must be in obj$gamma$uniqueLabels, where "obj" is a "CatDirichlet" object, see examples below.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{sufficientStatistics_Weighted.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param x numeric,integer or character, samples of the Categorical distribution.
#' @param foreach logical, specifying whether to return the sufficient statistics for each observation. Default FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return An object of class "ssCat", the sufficient statistics of a set of categorical samples. Or an object of the same class as x if foreach=TRUE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=runif(26,1,2),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' w <- runif(20)
#' sufficientStatistics(obj=obj,x=x) #return the counts of each unique label
#' sufficientStatistics_Weighted(obj=obj,x=x,w=w) #return the weighted counts of each unique lable
#' sufficientStatistics(obj=obj,x=x,foreach = TRUE) #return the sample itself
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,x,foreach=FALSE,...){
if(missing(x)) stop("'x' must be specified")
if(!is.vector(x)) x <- as.vector(x)
ss <- countFreq(x=x,uniqx = obj$gamma$uniqueLabels)
class(ss) <- "ssCat"
#' @title Weighted sufficient statistics of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' For following Categorical-Dirichlet model structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' the sufficient statistics of a set of samples x and weights w are: \cr
#' the effective counts (in this case the sum of the weight w) of each unique label in x \cr
#' Unique values of x must be in obj$gamma$uniqueLabels, where "obj" is a "CatDirichlet" object, see examples below.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet}} \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param x numeric,integer or character, samples of the Categorical distribution.
#' @param w numeric, sample weights.
#' @param foreach logical, specifying whether to return the sufficient statistics for each observation. Default FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return An object of class "ssCat", the sufficient statistics of a set of categorical samples. Or an object of the same class as x if foreach=TRUE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=runif(26,1,2),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' w <- runif(20)
#' sufficientStatistics(obj=obj,x=x) #return the counts of each unique label
#' sufficientStatistics_Weighted(obj=obj,x=x,w=w) #return the weighted counts of each unique lable
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,x,w,foreach=FALSE,...){
if(missing(x)|missing(w)) stop("'x' and 'w' must be both specified")
if(!is.vector(x)) x <- as.vector(x)
if(!is.vector(w)) w <- as.vector(w)
if(length(x)!=length(w)) stop("length of 'x' and 'w' don't match!")
ss <- countFreq_Weighted(x=x,uniqx = obj$gamma$uniqueLabels,w=w)
class(ss) <- "ssCat"
#' @title Update a "CatDirichlet" object with sample sufficient statistics
#' @description
#' For the model structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' update alpha by adding the information of newly observed samples x. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object, the prior parameters in this object will be updated after running this function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{posteriorDiscard.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param ss Sufficient statistics of x. In Categorical-Dirichlet case the sufficient statistic of sample x can be either x itself, of an "ssCat" object generated by the function sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet().
#' @param w Sample weights, default NULL.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return None. the gamma stored in "obj" will be updated based on "ss".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=rep(1,26),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' w <- runif(20)
#' posterior(obj=obj,ss=x)
#' obj
#' posteriorDiscard(obj=obj,ss=x)
#' obj
#' ## weighted sample
#' posterior(obj=obj,ss=x,w=w)
#' obj
#' posteriorDiscard(obj=obj,ss=x,w=w)
#' obj
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
posterior.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,ss,w=NULL,...){
if(missing(ss)) stop("'ss' must be specified")
if(!is.vector(ss)) ss <- as.vector(ss)
idx <- match(ss,obj$gamma$uniqueLabels,nomatch = NA)
if(anyNA(idx)) stop("Detect un-recorded label!")
if(!is.vector(w)) w <- as.vector(w)
if(length(ss)!=length(w)) stop("length of 'ss' and 'w' don't match!")
obj$gamma$alpha[idx] <- obj$gamma$alpha[idx]+w
for(i in 1L:length(ss)) obj$gamma$alpha[idx[i]] <- obj$gamma$alpha[idx[i]]+w[i]
obj$gamma$alpha[idx] <- obj$gamma$alpha[idx]+1
for(id in idx) obj$gamma$alpha[id] <- obj$gamma$alpha[id]+1
#' @title Update a "CatDirichlet" object with sample sufficient statistics
#' @description Update a "CatDirichlet" object with sample sufficient statistics
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param ss Sufficient statistics of x. In Categorical-Dirichlet case the sufficient statistic of sample x can be either x itself, of an "ssCat" object generated by the function sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet().
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return None. the gamma stored in "obj" will be updated based on "ss".
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
posterior_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,ss,...){
if(missing(ss)) stop("'ss' must be specified")
if(!.is(ss,"ssCat")) stop("'ss' must be of class 'ssCat', you need to use sufficientStatistics() to generate 'ssCat' objects")
if(length(ss)!=length(obj$gamma$alpha)) stop("length 'ss' and dirichlet parameters don't match")
obj$gamma$alpha <- obj$gamma$alpha + as.numeric(ss)
#' @title Update a "CatDirichlet" object with sample sufficient statistics
#' @description
#' Contrary to posterior(), this function will update alpha by removing the information of observed samples x for the model structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object, the prior parameters in this object will be updated after running this function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}},\code{\link{posterior.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param ss Sufficient statistics of x. In Categorical-Dirichlet case the sufficient statistic of sample x can be either x itself, of an "ssCat" object generated by the function sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet().
#' @param w Sample weights,default NULL.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return None. the prior parameters stored in "obj" will be updated with the information in "ss".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=rep(1,26),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' w <- runif(20)
#' posterior(obj=obj,ss=x)
#' obj
#' posteriorDiscard(obj=obj,ss=x)
#' obj
#' ## weighted sample
#' posterior(obj=obj,ss=x,w=w)
#' obj
#' posteriorDiscard(obj=obj,ss=x,w=w)
#' obj
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
posteriorDiscard.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,ss,w=NULL,...){
if(missing(ss)) stop("'ss' must be specified")
posteriorDiscard_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet(obj = obj,ss = ss)
if(!is.vector(ss)) ss <- as.vector(ss)
idx <- match(ss,obj$gamma$uniqueLabels,nomatch = NA)
if(anyNA(idx)) stop("Detect un-recorded label!")
if(!is.vector(w)) w <- as.vector(w)
if(length(ss)!=length(w)) stop("length of 'ss' and 'w' don't match!")
obj$gamma$alpha[idx] <- obj$gamma$alpha[idx]-w
for(i in 1L:length(ss)) obj$gamma$alpha[idx[i]] <- obj$gamma$alpha[idx[i]]-w[i]
obj$gamma$alpha[idx] <- obj$gamma$alpha[idx]-1
for(id in idx) obj$gamma$alpha[id] <- obj$gamma$alpha[id]-1
#' @title Update the prior Dirichlet distribution with sample sufficient statistics
#' @seealso \code{\link{posteriorDiscard}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param ss Sufficient statistics of x. In Categorical-Dirichlet case the sufficient statistic of sample x can be either x itself, of an "ssCat" object generated by the function sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet().
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return None. the gamma stored in "obj" will be updated based on "ss".
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
posteriorDiscard_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,ss,...){
if(missing(ss)) stop("'ss' must be specified")
if(!.is(ss,"ssCat")) stop("'ss' must be of class 'ssCat', you need to use sufficientStatistics() to generate 'ssCat' objects")
if(length(ss)!=length(obj$gamma$alpha)) stop("length 'ss' and dirichlet parameters don't match")
obj$gamma$alpha <- obj$gamma$alpha - as.numeric(ss)
#' @title MAP estimate of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' Generate the MAP estimate of "pi" in following Categorical-Dirichlet structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object. \cr
#' MAP is pi_MAP = argmax p(pi|alpha,x).
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return A numeric vector, the MAP estimate of "pi".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=rep(1,26),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' w <- runif(20)
#' posterior(obj=obj,ss=x,w=w)
#' MAP(obj)
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
MAP.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,...){
tmp <- obj$gamma$alpha-1
#' @title MPE of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' Generate the MPE of "pi" in following Categorical-Dirichlet structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object. \cr
#' MPE is pi_MPE = E(pi|alpha,x), E() is the expectation function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return A numeric vector, the MPE of "pi".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=rep(1,26),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' w <- runif(20)
#' posterior(obj=obj,ss=x,w=w)
#' MPE(obj)
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
MPE.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,...){
#' @title Density function of the posterior distribution of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' Generate the the density value of the posterior distribution of the following structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object. \cr
#' Posterior density is the density function of Dir(pi|alpha).
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{rPosterior.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param pi matrix or a numeric vector. When pi is a matrix, each row is an observation. When pi is a vector, it will be treated as only one observation.
#' @param LOG Return the log density if set to "TRUE".
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return numeric vector, the posterior densities for each row of pi.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=runif(26),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' dPosterior(obj = obj,pi = runif(26))
#' dPosterior(obj = obj,pi = matrix(runif(26*10),nrow = 10))
dPosterior.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,pi,LOG=TRUE,...){
if(is.vector(pi)) pi <- matrix(pi,nrow=1)
if(ncol(pi)!=length(obj$gamma$alpha)) stop("Dimensions of pi and obj$gamma$alpha don't match!")
dDir(x=pi,alpha = obj$gamma$alpha,LOG = LOG)
#' @title Generate ramdom samples from the posterior distribution of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' Generate random samples from the posterior distribution of the following structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object. \cr
#' Posterior distribution is Dir(pi|alpha).
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{dPosterior.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param n integer, the number of samples to be generated.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return A matrix, each row is a sample of pi.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=rep(1,26),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' rPosterior(obj = obj,n=3)
rPosterior.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,n=1,...){
rDir(n=n,alpha = obj$gamma$alpha)
#' @title Marginal likelihood of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' Generate the marginal likelihood of the following model structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object. \cr
#' Marginal likelihood is the likelihood of x|alpha.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param x numeric/integer/character vector, observed Categorical samples.
#' @param LOG Return the log density if set to "TRUE".
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return numeric, the marginal likelihood.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=runif(26,1,2),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' marginalLikelihood(obj=obj,x=x,LOG = TRUE) #marginal likelihood
#' ss <- sufficientStatistics(obj = obj,x=x)
#' marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics(obj=obj,ss = ss,LOG = TRUE)
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
marginalLikelihood.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,x,LOG=TRUE,...){
if(missing(x)) stop("'x' must be specified")
if(!is.vector(x)) x <- as.vector(x)
ss <- countFreq(x=x,uniqx = obj$gamma$uniqueLabels)
class(ss) <- "ssCat"
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet(obj=obj,ss=ss,LOG = LOG)
#' @title Marginal likelihood of a "CatDirichlet" object, using sufficient statistics
#' @description
#' Generate the marginal likelihood of a set of observations of the following model structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object. \cr
#' Marginal likelihood is the likelihood of x|alpha
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{marginalLikelihood.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param ss Sufficient statistics of x. In Categorical-Dirichlet case the sufficient statistic of sample x can be either x itself, of an "ssCat" object generated by the function sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet().
#' @param LOG Return the log density if set to "TRUE".
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return numeric, the marginal likelihood.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=runif(26,1,2),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' marginalLikelihood(obj=obj,x=x,LOG = TRUE) #marginal likelihood
#' ss <- sufficientStatistics(obj = obj,x=x)
#' marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics(obj=obj,ss = ss,LOG = TRUE)
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,ss,LOG=TRUE,...){
if(missing(ss)) stop("'ss' must be specified")
ss <- sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet(obj = obj,x=ss,foreach = FALSE)
if(length(ss)!=length(obj$gamma$alpha)) stop("length 'ss' and dirichlet parameters don't match")
a <- obj$gamma$alpha+as.numeric(ss)
aa <- sum(a)
aa0 <- sum(obj$gamma$alpha)
logp <- lgamma(aa0) - lgamma(aa) + sum(lgamma(a)-lgamma(obj$gamma$alpha))
if(!LOG) logp <- exp(logp)
#' @title Posterior predictive density function of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' Generate the the density value of the posterior predictive distribution of the following structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object. \cr
#' Posterior predictive is a distribution of x|alpha.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{dPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{marginalLikelihood.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param x numeric/integer/character vector, observed Categorical samples.
#' @param LOG Return the log density if set to "TRUE".
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return A numeric vector, the posterior predictive density.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=runif(26,1,2),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' x <- sample(letters,size = 20,replace = TRUE)
#' ## res1 and res2 should provide the same result
#' res1 <- dPosteriorPredictive(obj = obj,x=x,LOG = TRUE)
#' res2 <- numeric(length(x))
#' for(i in seq_along(x)) res2[i] <- marginalLikelihood(obj=obj,x=x[i],LOG = TRUE)
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
dPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,x,LOG=TRUE,...){
if(missing(x)) stop("'x' must be specified")
if(!is.vector(x)) x <- as.vector(x)
probs <- obj$gamma$alpha/sum(obj$gamma$alpha)
out <- probs[match(x,obj$gamma$uniqueLabels)]
if(LOG) out <- log(out)
#' @title Generate random samples from the posterior predictive distribution of a "CatDirichlet" object
#' @description
#' Generate random samples from the posterior predictive distribution of the following structure:
#' \deqn{pi|alpha \sim Dir(alpha)}
#' \deqn{x|pi \sim Categorical(pi)}
#' Where Dir() is the Dirichlet distribution, Categorical() is the Categorical distribution. See \code{?dDir} and \code{dCategorical} for the definitions of these distribution. \cr
#' The model structure and prior parameters are stored in a "CatDirichlet" object \cr
#' posterior predictive is a distribution of x|alpha
#' @seealso \code{\link{CatDirichlet}}, \code{\link{dPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet}}
#' @param obj A "CatDirichlet" object.
#' @param n integer, number of samples.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.
#' @return A vector of the same type as obj$gamma$uniqueLabels.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- CatDirichlet(gamma=list(alpha=runif(26,1,2),uniqueLabels = letters))
#' rPosteriorPredictive(obj=obj,n=200)
#' @references Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
rPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet <- function(obj,n,...){
if(missing(n)) stop("'n' must be specified")
n <- as.integer(n)
obj$gamma$uniqueLabels[$gamma$uniqueLabels), size = n, replace = TRUE,prob = obj$gamma$alpha/sum(obj$gamma$alpha))]
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