
Defines functions incorp.correct output.tax.table correct.taxanames get.valid.names get.taxon.names remove.dupes get.dupe.sel locate.dupes make.species make.fulltab1 resolve.mult in.ITIS parse.taxon.name load.itis

Documented in correct.taxanames get.dupe.sel get.taxon.names get.valid.names incorp.correct in.ITIS load.itis locate.dupes make.fulltab1 make.species output.tax.table parse.taxon.name remove.dupes resolve.mult

# 1.10.2009
# parse vector of taxon names into distinct strings

load.itis <- function(get.tax.env) {
  data(itis.ttable, envir = get.tax.env)
  tlevs <- names(get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]])
  tlevs <- tlevs[-match("TAXON", tlevs)]

parse.taxon.name <- function(tname.orig) {
    tname <- toupper(tname.orig)
    substr <- as.list(rep(NA, times = 1))
    i <- 1
    w1 <- regexpr("\\(", tname)
    w2 <- regexpr("\\)", tname)
    incvec <- (w1 != -1) & (w2 != -1)
    tname[incvec] <- paste(substring(tname[incvec], 1, w1[incvec] -
                                     1), substring(tname[incvec], w2[incvec] + 1, nchar(tname[incvec])))
    repeat {
      w <- regexpr("[A-Z]+", tname)
      if (sum(w != -1) == 0)
      substr[[i]] <- substring(tname, w, w + attributes(w)$match.length -
      w3 <- w + attributes(w)$match.length
      tname <- substring(tname, w3, nchar(tname))
      if (sum(tname != "") == 0)
      i <- i + 1
    substr[[i]] <- rep("", times = length(tname)) # add vector of blanks at the end
    df.parse <- matrix("", ncol = length(substr) + 1, nrow = length(tname))
    df.parse[, 1] <- tname.orig
    exlist <- c("DUPLICATE", "SETAE", "CODE", "GROUP", "TYPE",
        "GENUS", "PANEL", "SAND", "TURRET", "CASE", "LARVAE",
        "ADULT", "SENSU", "TZING", "RIBAUD", "RPEL", "STRUP", "NAWQA",
                "LLER","KANSSON", "UMICH", "ALBE" )
    for (i in 1:length(substr)) {
      incvec <- substr[[i]] %in% exlist | ((nchar(substr[[i]]) <= 3) &
                                           (nchar(substr[[i]]) > 0))
      incvec[is.na(incvec)] <- F
      while(sum(incvec) > 0) {
        if (i < (length(substr)-1)) {
          for (j in i:(length(substr)-1)) {
            substr[[j]][incvec] <- substr[[j+1]][incvec]
        else {
          substr[[i]][incvec] <- ""
        incvec <- substr[[i]] %in% exlist | ((nchar(substr[[i]]) <= 3) &
                                             (nchar(substr[[i]]) > 0))
        incvec[is.na(incvec)] <- F

    for (i in 1:length(substr)) {
      df.parse[, i + 1] <- substr[[i]]
    df.parse <- data.frame(df.parse, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

in.ITIS <- function(df.parse,get.tax.env, col.sel = NULL) {
  if (is.vector(df.parse)) {
    in.mat <- df.parse %in% get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]]$TAXON
  else {
    if (is.null(col.sel)) {
      in.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(df.parse)-1, nrow = nrow(df.parse))
      for (i in 2:ncol(df.parse)) {
        in.mat[,i-1] <- df.parse[,i] %in% get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]]$TAXON
    else {
      in.mat <- rep(NA, times = nrow(df.parse))
      in.mat <- df.parse[, col.sel] %in% get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]]$TAXON

resolve.mult <- function(parse.list, get.tax.env) {

  if (ncol(parse.list[[2]]) > 2) {
    in.mat <- in.ITIS(parse.list[[2]], get.tax.env)
    selvec <- apply(in.mat,1, sum) > 1
    if (sum(selvec) > 0) {
      df.parse <- parse.list[[2]][selvec,]
      tlevs <- names(get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]])
      imatch <- match("TAXON", tlevs)
      tlevs <- tlevs[-imatch]

      imatch <- match("SUBCLASS", toupper(tlevs))
      tlevs.loc <- rev(tlevs[length(tlevs):imatch])

      imatch1 <- match(df.parse[,2], get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]]$TAXON)
      imatch2 <- match(df.parse[,3], get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]]$TAXON)

      comp1 <- get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]][imatch1, tlevs.loc]
      comp2 <- get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]][imatch2, tlevs.loc]
      tlev.sav <- rep(0, times = nrow(df.parse))
      tlev.o1 <- rep(0, times = nrow(df.parse))
      tlev.o2 <- rep(0, times = nrow(df.parse))
      for (j in 1:length(tlevs.loc))  {
        incvec <- comp1[j] == comp2[j]
        incvec[is.na(incvec)] <- FALSE
        tlev.sav[incvec] <- j
        tlev.o1[!is.na(comp1[j])] <- j
        tlev.o2[!is.na(comp2[j])] <- j

      incvec1 <- tlev.sav != 0
      incvec2 <- abs(tlev.o1 - tlev.sav) < 5
      incvec.all <- incvec1 & incvec2

      x <- tlevs.loc[tlev.sav[incvec.all]]
      ind <- imatch1[incvec.all]
      str.save <- rep("", times = length(x))
      for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        str.save[i] <- get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]][ind[i], x[i]]
      df.parse[incvec.all,2] <- str.save
      parse.list[[1]] <- rbind(parse.list[[1]], df.parse)
      parse.list[[2]] <- parse.list[[2]][! selvec,]

# merge taxalist with full itis.ttable
make.fulltab1 <- function(df.parse, get.tax.env) {
  df.parse <- data.frame(df.parse, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names0 <- paste("t", 1:ncol(df.parse), sep = "")
  names0[1] <- "taxaname.orig"
  names0[2] <- "taxaname.merge"
  names(df.parse) <- names0
  df1 <- data.frame(TAXON = I(unique(df.parse$taxaname.merge)))
  fulltab <- merge(get.tax.env[["itis.ttable"]], df1,by = "TAXON",all.y = TRUE)

# make species names
make.species <- function(df.parse, fulltab) {
    df.parse <- data.frame(df.parse, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names0 <- names(df.parse)
    names0 <- paste("t", 1:length(names0), sep = "")
    names0[1] <- "taxaname.orig"
    names0[2] <- "TAXON"
    names(df.parse) <- names0
    df1 <- merge(df.parse, fulltab, by = "TAXON")
    incvec <- !is.na(df1$GENUS)
    df1$SPECIES <- rep(NA, times = nrow(df1))
    incvec2 <- df1$t3 != ""
    incvec.a <- incvec & incvec2
    df1$SPECIES[incvec.a] <- paste(df1$GENUS[incvec.a], df1$t3[incvec.a],
        sep = ".")
    df1$TAXON[incvec.a] <- df1$SPECIES[incvec.a]
    npos <- sum((nchar(names(df1)) == 2) & (substring(names(df1),
        1, 1) == "t"))
    tname.orig.cap <- toupper(df1$taxaname.orig)
    if (npos > 1) {
        for (i in 2:npos) {
            fname <- paste("t", i + 2, sep = "")
            incvec2 <- df1[, fname] != ""
            w <- rep(-1, times = length(tname.orig.cap))
            for (j in 1:length(tname.orig.cap)) {
              w[j] <- regexpr(df1[j, fname], tname.orig.cap[j])
            # check to see if substring is capitalized in taxaname.orig
            # if so, do not add as a species name
            incvec3 <- regexpr("[A-Z]+", substring(df1$taxaname.orig,w,w)) == -1
            incvec.a <- incvec & incvec2 & incvec3
            df1$SPECIES[incvec.a] <- paste(df1$SPECIES[incvec.a],
                df1[incvec.a, fname], sep = "/")
            df1$TAXON[incvec.a] <- df1$SPECIES[incvec.a]

# identify duplicates and return row numbers and summary string
locate.dupes <- function(fulltab) {
  t.sel <- unique(fulltab$TAXON[duplicated(fulltab$TAXON)])
  sumstr <- character(0)
  isav <- numeric(0)
  if (length(t.sel) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(t.sel)) {
      isav <- c(isav, (1:nrow(fulltab))[t.sel[i] == fulltab$TAXON])
    for (i in 1:length(isav)) {
      stringtemp <- fulltab[isav[i], c("TAXON", "FAMILY", "ORDER",
                                                  "CLASS", "PHYLUM")]
      incvec <- ! is.na(stringtemp)
      stringtemp <- stringtemp[incvec]
      sumstr <- c(sumstr,paste(stringtemp, collapse = "-"))
  return(list(sumstr = sumstr, isav = isav))

get.dupe.sel <- function(sumstr) {
  isel <- numeric(0)
  if (length(sumstr > 0)) {
    w <- regexpr("-", sumstr)
    TAXON <- substring(sumstr, 1, w - 1)
    selvec <- TAXON == ""
    TAXON <- TAXON[!selvec]
    ntax <- length(unique(TAXON))
    repeat {
#      a <- tklist.modal("Select appropriate taxon", sumstr,
#                        selectmode = "multiple")
        a <- select.list(sumstr, multiple = TRUE,
                         title = "Select appropriate taxon")
      if (length(a) == ntax) {
        for (i in 1:length(a)) {
          isel <- c(isel, match(a[i], sumstr))
        if (sum(duplicated(TAXON[isel])) > 0) {
          cat("Please select only one choice per taxon name\n")
          isel <- numeric(0)
        else break
      else {
        cat("Please select one choice per taxon name\n")

remove.dupes <- function(fulltab, dupe.list, dupe.sel ) {

  isav <- dupe.list$isav
  if (length(dupe.sel) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(dupe.sel)) {
      isel <- match(dupe.sel[i], dupe.list$sumstr)
      isav <- isav[-isel]
    fulltab <- fulltab[-isav,]

get.taxon.names <- function(bcnt) {
  names0 <- names(bcnt)
  f.tname <- names0[2]
  if (is.factor(bcnt[, 2])) {
    tname.a <- sort(unique(levels(bcnt[, f.tname])[bcnt[, f.tname]]))
  else {
    if (is.character(bcnt[, f.tname])) {
      tname.a <- sort(unique(bcnt[, f.tname]))
    else {
      tkmessageBox(message = "2nd field is neither factor nor character",
                   icon = "error", type = "ok")
  tname <- unique(tname.a)

get.valid.names <- function(df.parse, get.tax.env)  {
  in.mat <- in.ITIS(df.parse, get.tax.env)
  tempmat <- in.mat
  if (ncol(tempmat) > 1) {
    for (i in 2:ncol(tempmat)) {
      tempmat[,i] <- ! tempmat[,i]
    incvec <- apply(tempmat,1, all)
  else {
    incvec <- tempmat[,1]
  incvec <- !incvec # reverse trues and falses to get parselist ordered correctly
  parse.list <- split(df.parse, incvec)
#  df.parse.sav <- data.frame(df.parse[incvec,])
#  df.parse <- data.frame(df.parse[!incvec,])

correct.taxanames <- function(tname.old, get.tax.env) {
  # prompt for taxaname corrections
  # This version checks each name for presence in ITIS
  # The java version will not
  tname.new <- tname.old
  dfedit <- data.frame(Orig.Taxon.Name = tname.old, Rev.Taxon.Name = tname.new,
                       stringsAsFactors = F)
  repeat {
#    tname.new <- modalDialog("Enter corrections", tname.old,
#                              tname.new, returnValOnCancel = tname.old)
      dfedit <- fix(dfedit)
      tname.new <- toupper(as.character(dfedit[,2]))
#    tname.new <- toupper(tname.new)
    in.mat.correct <- in.ITIS(tname.new, get.tax.env)
    if (sum(! in.mat.correct) > 0) {
      cat("The following taxa are not in ITIS:\n")
      cat(tname.new[!in.mat.correct], sep = "\n")
    done0 <- tkmessageBox(message = "Are you done editing?",
                          icon = "question", type = "yesno", default = "yes")
    if (as.character(done0) == "yes")  break

output.tax.table <- function(finaltab, tlevs) {
  tlevs.loc <- c(tlevs, "SPECIES", "TAXON", "taxaname.orig")

  df1 <- finaltab[, tlevs.loc]
  df1 <- df1[do.call(order, df1), ]
  write.table(df1, sep = "\t", file = "sum.tax.table.txt", row.names = FALSE)

incorp.correct <- function(tname.new, parse.list) {
  tname.new2 <- toupper(tname.new)
  tname.old <- sort(unique(parse.list[[2]][,2]))
  for (i in 1:length(tname.old)) {
    incvec <- tname.old[i] == parse.list[[2]][,2]
    parse.list[[2]][incvec,2] <- tname.new2[i]
  parse.list[[1]] <- rbind(parse.list[[1]], parse.list[[2]])
  parse.list[[2]] <- parse.list[[2]][rep(F,times = nrow(parse.list[[2]])),]

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bio.infer documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 5:08 p.m.