
Defines functions seq_stat_gc seq_stat_prop seq_nseq seq_nchar

Documented in seq_nchar seq_nseq seq_stat_gc seq_stat_prop

#' Count the number of character in sequences
#' @param x  a DNA, RNA or AA vector.
#' @param gaps if \code{FALSE} gaps are ignored.
#' @return An integer vector giving the size of each sequence of \code{x}.
#' @family op-misc
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- dna(c("ATGCAGA", "GGR-----","TTGCCTAGKTGAACC"))
#' seq_nchar(x)
#' seq_nchar(x, gaps = FALSE)
seq_nchar <- function(x, gaps = TRUE) {
  x_names <- names(x)

  if(!gaps) {
    x <- stringr::str_remove_all(x, "-")
  res <- stringr::str_length(x)
  names(res) <- x_names

#' Number of sequences in a vector
#' This is an alias for \code{length}.
#' @param x a DNA, RNA or AA vector.
#' @return an integer.
#' @family op-misc
#' @export
seq_nseq <- function(x) {

#' Compute proportions for characters
#' @param x a DNA, RNA or AA vector.
#' @param gaps if \code{FALSE} gaps are ignored.
#' @return A list of vectors indicating the
#' proportion of characters in each sequence.
#' @family op-misc
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- dna(c("ATGCAGA", "GGR-----","TTGCCTAGKTGAACC"))
#' seq_stat_prop(x)
#' seq_stat_prop(x, gaps = TRUE)
seq_stat_prop <- function(x, gaps = FALSE) {
  x_names <- names(x)
  x_na <- is.na(x)

  res_names <- dic_dna()$alphabet

  if(!gaps) {
    x <- stringr::str_remove_all(x, "-")
    res_names <- res_names[res_names != "-"]
  res <- numeric(length(res_names))
  names(res) <- res_names

  x_split <- stringr::str_split(x, "")
  res <- lapply(x_split, function(x) {
    tab <- table(x)
    res[names(tab)] <- tab/sum(tab)

  res[x_na] <- NA
  names(res) <- x_names

#' Compute G+C content
#' @param x a DNA or RNA
#' @details Ambiguous characters (other than S and W) are ignored.
#' @return A numeric vector of G+C proportions.
#' @family op-misc
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- dna(c("ATGCAGA", "GGR-----","TTGCCTAGKTGAACC"))
#' seq_stat_gc(x)
seq_stat_gc <- function(x) {
  x_names <- names(x)

  gc_nuc <- stringr::str_count(x, "G|C|S")
  all_nuc <- stringr::str_count(x, "A|C|G|T|U|S|W")
  res <- gc_nuc/all_nuc
  res[is.nan(res)] <- NA
  names(res) <- x_names

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bioseq documentation built on Sept. 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.