# check the consistency of an assignment to a or a
check.dnode.rvalue = function(x, node) {
# the CPT must be a table.
if (!is.ndmatrix(x))
stop("the conditional probability distribution of node ", node,
" must be a table, a matrix or a multidimensional array.")
# all elements must be probabilities.
if (!is.probability.vector(x))
stop("the probabilities provided for node ",
node, " do not form a valid conditional probability distribution.")
# convert the CPT into a table object.
x = as.table(x)
# compute the dimensions of the table.
dims = dim(x)
ndims = length(dims)
# flatten 1xc tables into 1-dimensional ones.
if ((ndims == 2) && (dims[1] == 1)) {
x = as.table(structure(c(x), names = colnames(x)))
names(dimnames(x)) = ""
# update dims and ndims.
ndims = length(dim(x))
# one dimension name in a multi-dimensional table must be the node label.
dnn = dimnames(x)
if (ndims >= 2)
if (all(is.character(names(dnn))) && all(names(dnn) != node))
stop("node ", node, " does not have a corresponding dimension name.")
# do not allow missing values as dimension names.
nas = sapply(dnn, anyNA)
if (any(nas))
stop("node ", node, " contains missing values in the dimension names.")
# do not allow duplicated dimension names.
dupes = sapply(dnn, anyDuplicated)
if (any(dupes > 0))
stop("node ", node, " contains duplicate dimension names.")
# normalization.
if (ndims == 1) {
if (abs(sum(x) - 1) > 0.01)
stop("the probability distribution of node ", node, " does not sum to one.")
x = x / sum(x)
else {
# if the new table has dimensions names, use them to decide over which
# dimension the probabilities should sum up to 1; otherwise assume that
# probabilities sum up to 1 over rows.
if (node %in% names(dnn))
normalize.over = which(names(dnn) != node)
normalize.over = seq(from = 2, to = ndims)
fails.check.sum = sapply(margin.table(x, normalize.over),
function(x) abs(sum(x) - 1) > 0.01)
if (any(fails.check.sum))
stop("some conditional probability distributions of node ", node,
" do not sum to one.")
x = prop.table(x, margin = normalize.over)
# check an assignment against the or it will be
# assigned to.
check.rvalue.vs.dnode = function(new, old) {
ndims = length(dim(new))
if (!is(old, c("", "")))
stop("both nodes should be discrete nodes.")
# now that we are sure that the dimensions are the right ones, reorder
# them to follow the ordering of the parents in the network.
ndnn = dimnames(new)
odnn = dimnames(old$prob)
if (!is.null(ndnn)) {
# if the new CPT has dimension names, they must match (and be in the same
# order too).
if (ndims > 1) {
if (!setequal(names(odnn), names(ndnn)))
stop("wrong dimension names for node ", old$node, ".")
new = aperm(new, match(names(odnn), names(ndnn)))
ndnn = dimnames(new)
# check labels in the same way, if present.
if (any(!sapply(ndnn, is.null))) {
dnn.check = sapply(seq_along(ndnn),
function(i) setequal(ndnn[[i]], odnn[[i]]))
if (!all(dnn.check))
stop("wrong levels for node ", old$node, ".")
new = ndsubset(new, odnn)
else {
if (!identical(dim(new), dim(old$prob)))
stop("wrong dimensions for node ", old$node, ".")
else {
# same dimensions (there is nothing else to check).
if (!identical(dim(new), dim(old$prob)))
stop("wrong dimensions for node ", old$node, ".")
# make sure the returned object is a table.
return(structure(new, class = "table"))
# check an assignment to a or a against the local
# distributions of its parents.
check.dnode.rvalue.vs.parents = function(node, new, parents) {
if (length(parents) == 0)
# all parents of discrete nodes must be discrete nodes themselves.
illegal.parents =
sapply(parents, class) %!in% c("", "")
if (any(illegal.parents))
stop("node ", node, " is discrete but has continuous parents (",
names(parents)[illegal.parents], ").")
# extract the CPTs.
cpt.levels = dimnames(new)
parents.levels = smartSapply(NULL, names(parents),
function(p) dimnames(parents[[p]]$prob)[[1]])
# check the number of dimensions.
if (length(cpt.levels) != length(parents) + 1)
stop("wrong number of parents for node ", node, ".")
# check the dimension names, and add them if they are missing
if (is.null(names(cpt.levels)))
names(dimnames(new)) = names(cpt.levels) = c(node, names(parents.levels))
else {
# check whether the CPT covers all the relevant variables.
if (!setequal(names(cpt.levels)[-1], names(parents.levels)))
stop("wrong dimensions for node ", node, ".")
# now that we are sure that the dimensions are the right ones, reorder
# them to follow the ordering of the parents in the network.
d = names(dimnames(new))
new = aperm(new, c(match(node, d), match(names(parents.levels), d)))
cpt.levels = dimnames(new)
# check the levels in the CPT against those of the parents, and reoder them
# if needed.
for (p in names(parents))
if (!setequal(parents.levels[[p]], cpt.levels[[p]]))
stop("the levels of the parent ", p, " of node ", node, " do not match.")
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(parents.levels, cpt.levels[-1])))
new = ndsubset(new, parents.levels)
# check the consistency of an assignment to a
check.gnode.rvalue = function(x, node) {
components = c("coef", "fitted", "resid", "sd")
labels = c(fitted = "fitted values", resid = "residuals")
# custom list of components.
if (!is.list(x) || any(names(x) %!in% components))
stop("the conditional probability distribution for node ", node,
" must be a list with at least one of the following elements:",
paste0(" '", components, "'"), ".")
if (("coef" %!in% names(x)) || !any(c("sd", "resid") %in% names(x)))
stop("at least the regression coefficients and either the residuals or ",
"the residual standard deviation are required for node ", node, ".")
if (!is.null(x$coef))
if ((length(x$coef) == 0) || !is.real.vector(x$coef))
stop("coef must be a vector of numeric values, the ",
"regression coefficients for node ", node, " given its parents.")
# check that the coefficients are stored as numeric values, not integers.
x$coef[] = as.numeric(x$coef)
for (comp in c("fitted", "resid"))
if (!is.null(x[[comp]]))
if ((length(x[[comp]]) == 0) || !is.real.vector(x[[comp]]))
stop(comp, " must be a vector of numeric values, the ",
labels[comp], " for node ", node, " given its parents.")
# check the standard deviation of the residuals.
if (!is.null(x$sd)) {
if (!is.non.negative(x$sd))
stop("sd must be a non-negative scalar, the standard deviation of the ",
"residuals of node ", node, ".")
if (!is.null(x$resid)) { = cgsd(x$resid, p = length(x$coef))
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(x$sd,, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 0.0005)))
stop("the reported standard deviation of the residuals of node ", node,
" does not match the observed one.")
else if (!is.null(x$resid)) {
# compute it from the residuals if not provided, it must be defined.
x$sd = cgsd(x$resid, configs = x$configs, p = length(x$coef))
# make sure that the standard error is not an integer variable.
storage.mode(x$sd) = "double"
# one residual for each fitted value.
if (!is.null(x$resid) && !is.null(x$fitted))
if (length(x$resid) != length(x$fitted))
stop("the residuals and the fitted values of node ", node,
" have different lengths.")
# check an assignment against the it will be assigned to.
check.rvalue.vs.gnode = function(new, old) {
if (!is(old, ""))
stop("both nodes should be continuous (Gaussian) nodes.")
# same number of coefficients.
if (length(new$coef) != length(old$coefficients))
stop("wrong number of coefficients for node ", old$node, ".")
# same regression coefficients.
if (!is.null(names(new$coef))) {
# if the new coefficients have labels, they must match.
check.nodes(names(new$coef), graph = names(old$coefficients),
min.nodes = length(names(old$coefficients)))
# reorder the coefficients to match.
new$coef = new$coef[names(old$coefficients)]
else {
# copy the names from the spec.
names(new$coef) = names(old$coefficients)
# same number of standard errors (fixed to 1).
if (length(new$sd) != 1)
stop("wrong number of standard errors for node ", old$node, ".")
# same number of residuals.
if (!is.null(new$resid))
if (length(new$resid) != length(old$residuals))
stop("wrong number of residuals for node ", old$node, ".")
# same number of fitted values.
if (!is.null(new$fitted))
if (length(new$fitted) != length(old$fitted.values))
stop("wrong number of fitted values for node ", old$node, ".")
# check an assignment to a using only the names of its parents.
check.gnode.rvalue.vs.parents = function(node, new, parents) {
# all parents of Gaussian nodes must be continuous nodes.
illegal.parents =
sapply(parents, class) %!in% c("", "")
if (any(illegal.parents))
stop("node ", node, " is Gaussian but has discrete parents (",
names(parents)[illegal.parents], ").")
# add the intercept, which is obviously not among the parents of the node.
parent.names = c("(Intercept)", names(parents))
# same number of coefficients.
if (length(new$coef) != length(parent.names))
stop("wrong number of coefficients for node ", node, ".")
# same number of standard errors (fixed to 1).
if (length(new$sd) != 1)
stop("wrong number of standard errors for node ", node, ".")
# if the new coefficients have labels, they must match.
if (!is.null(names(new$coef))) {
if (!setequal(names(new$coef), parent.names))
stop("wrong regression coefficients for node ", node, " (",
paste(setdiff(parent.names, names(new$coef)), collapse = " "), ").")
new$coef = new$coef[parent.names]
else {
names(new$coef) = parent.names
# check the consistency of an assignment to a
check.cgnode.rvalue = function(x, node) {
components = c("coef", "fitted", "resid", "sd", "configs")
labels = c(fitted = "fitted values", resid = "residuals")
# custom list of components.
if (!is.list(x) || any(names(x) %!in% components))
stop("the conditional probability distribution for node ", node,
" must be a list with at least one of the following elements:",
paste0(" '", components, "'"), ".")
if (("coef" %!in% names(x)) || !any(c("sd", "resid") %in% names(x)))
stop("at least the regression coefficients and either the residuals or ",
"the residual standard deviation are required for node ", node, ".")
if (!is.null(x$coef))
if ((length(x$coef) == 0) || !is.real.vector(x$coef))
stop("coef must be a matrix of numeric values, the ",
"regression coefficients for node ", node, " given its parents.")
# check that the coefficients are stored as numeric values, not integers.
x$coef[] = as.numeric(x$coef)
for (comp in c("fitted", "resid"))
if (!is.null(x[[comp]]))
if ((length(x[[comp]]) == 0) || !is.real.vector(x[[comp]]))
stop(comp, " must be a vector of numeric values, the ",
labels[comp], " for node ", node, " given its parents.")
if (!is.null(x$configs)) {
if ((length(x$configs) == 0) || !is.factor(x$configs))
stop("the discrete parents' configurations for node ", node,
" must be a factor.")
if (nlevels(x$config) != ncol(x$coef))
stop("wrong number of discrete parents' configurations for node ", node, ".")
# check the standard deviations of the residuals.
if (!is.null(x$sd)) {
if (!is.nonnegative.vector(x$sd))
stop("sd must be non-negative, the standard deviations of the ",
"residuals of node ", node, ".")
if (length(x$sd) != ncol(x$coef))
stop("the dimensions of sd and coef do not match in node ", node, ".")
if (!is.null(x$resid) && !is.null(x$configs)) { = cgsd(x$resid, configs = x$configs, p = nrow(x$coef))
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(x$sd,, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 0.0005)))
stop("the reported standard deviations of the residuals of node ", node,
" does not match the observed one.")
else if (!is.null(x$resid)) {
# compute the standard error from the residuals if possible.
if (is.null(x$config))
stop("sd is missing, and parents' configurations are required to compute it.")
x$sd = cgsd(x$resid, configs = x$configs,
p = ifelse(is.matrix(x$coef), nrow(x$coef), length(x$coef)))
# make sure that the standard error is not an integer variable.
storage.mode(x$sd) = "double"
# one residual for each fitted value.
if (!is.null(x$resid) && !is.null(x$fitted))
if (length(x$resid) != length(x$fitted))
stop("the residuals and the fitted values of node ", node,
" have different lengths.")
# if any, one parent configuration for each fitted value and residual.
if (!is.null(x$config)) {
if (!is.null(x$resid) && (length(x$configs) != length(x$resid)))
stop("parents' configurations and residuals of node ", node,
" have different lengths.")
if (!is.null(x$fitted) && (length(x$configs) != length(x$fitted)))
stop("parents' configurations and fitted values of node ", node,
" have different lengths.")
# check an assignment against the it will be assigned to.
check.rvalue.vs.cgnode = function(new, old) {
if (!is(old, ""))
stop("both nodes should be continuous (conditional Gaussian) nodes.")
# right dimensions for the coefficients.
if (!is(new$coef, "matrix") ||
!identical(dim(new$coef), dim(old$coefficients)))
stop("the regression coefficients for node ", old$node, " must be ",
"in a matrix with one column for each discrete parent and one ",
"coefficient for each continuous parent.")
# right row names for the coefficients.
if (!is.null(rownames(new$coef))) {
# if the new coefficients have labels, they must match.
check.nodes(rownames(new$coef), graph = rownames(old$coefficients),
min.nodes = length(rownames(old$coefficients)))
# reorder the coefficients to match.
new$coef = new$coef[rownames(old$coefficients), , drop = FALSE]
else {
# copy the names from the spec.
rownames(new$coef) = rownames(old$coefficients)
# right column names for the coefficients.
if (!is.null(colnames(new$coef))) {
# if the new coefficients have labels, they must match.
check.nodes(colnames(new$coef), graph = colnames(old$coefficients),
min.nodes = length(colnames(old$coefficients)))
# reorder the coefficients to match.
new$coef = new$coef[, colnames(old$coefficients), drop = FALSE]
else {
# copy the names from the spec.
colnames(new$coef) = colnames(old$coefficients)
# same number of residuals.
if (!is.null(new$resid))
if (length(new$resid) != length(old$residuals))
stop("wrong number of residuals for node ", old$node, ".")
# same number of fitted values.
if (!is.null(new$fitted))
if (length(new$fitted) != length(old$fitted.values))
stop("wrong number of fitted values for node ", old$node, ".")
if (!is.null(new$dlevels)) {
old.dparents = names(old$dlevels)
new.dparents = names(new$dlevels)
# different sets of discrete parents.
if (!setequal(old.dparents, new.dparents))
stop("different discrete parents for node ", old$node, ".")
# identical sets of discrete parents, but in a different order; match
# configurations.
old.config = old$dlevels
new.config = new$dlevels
for (i in seq_along(old.config))
old.config[[i]] = paste(old.dparents[i], old.config[[i]], sep = ":")
for (i in seq_along(new.config))
new.config[[i]] = paste(new.dparents[i], new.config[[i]], sep = ":")
old.config = interaction(expand.grid(old.config))
new.config = interaction(expand.grid(new.config)[old.dparents])
map = match(old.config, new.config)
# reorder coefficients, standard errors and configurations.
new$sd = new$sd[map]
new$coef = new$coef[, map, drop = FALSE]
new$dlevels = new$dlevels[old.dparents]
colnames(new$coef) = names(new$sd) = names(old$sd)
# check an assignment to a against the local distributions of its
# parents.
check.cgnode.rvalue.vs.parents = function(node, new, parents) {
# both continuous and discrete parents are legal, but treated differently. = sapply(parents, class) %in% c("", "")
discrete.parents = names(parents)[] = sapply(parents, class) %in% c("", "")
continuous.parents = names(parents)[]
parent.configurations =
prod(sapply(parents[discrete.parents], function(p) dim(p$prob)[1]))
correct.configs = as.character(seq(from = 0, to = parent.configurations - 1))
new$dparents = which(
new$gparents = which(
new$dlevels = lapply(parents[discrete.parents], function(p) dimnames(p$prob)[[1]])
# the node should have at least one discrete parent, or it would not be CLG.
if (length(discrete.parents) == 0)
stop("node ", node, " is a conditioanl Gaussian node but has no discrete parent.")
# check the dimensions of the regression coefficients matrix.
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(new$coef), c(length(continuous.parents) + 1L,
stop("wrong dimensions for the regression coefficients matrix of node ",
node, ".")
# check and fix the coefficients names.
if (!is.null(rownames(new$coef))) {
regression.coefficients = c("(Intercept)", continuous.parents)
if (!setequal(rownames(new$coef), regression.coefficients))
stop("wrong regression coefficients for node ", node, " (",
paste(setdiff(continuous.parents, rownames(new$coef)), collapse = " "), ").")
new$coef = new$coef[regression.coefficients, , drop = FALSE]
else {
rownames(new$coef) = c("(Intercept)", continuous.parents)
# check and fix the column names of the coefficients matrix.
if (is.null(colnames(new$coef)))
colnames(new$coef) = correct.configs
else if (setequal(colnames(new$coef), correct.configs))
new$coef = new$coef[, correct.configs, drop = FALSE]
else {
# wrong names: warn and rename.
warning("remapping levels of the discrete parents configurations ",
"for node ", node, ".")
colnames(new$coef) = correct.configs
# check the number of standard errors, and check their names.
if (length(new$sd) != parent.configurations)
stop("wrong number of standard errors for node ", node, ".")
if (is.null(names(new$sd)))
names(new$sd) = correct.configs
else if (setequal(names(new$sd), correct.configs))
new$sd = new$sd[correct.configs]
else {
# wrong names: warn and rename.
warning("remapping levels of the discrete parents configurations ",
"for node ", node, ".")
names(new$sd) = correct.configs
# check the discrete parents configurations.
if (!is.null(new$configs)) {
actual.configs = levels(new$configs)
if (length(actual.configs) != parent.configurations)
stop("wrong number of discrete parents' configurations for node", node, ".")
if (any(actual.configs != correct.configs)) {
if (setequal(actual.configs, correct.configs))
new$configs = factor(new$configs, correct.configs)
else {
# wrong levels: warn and rename.
warning("remapping levels of the discrete parents configurations ",
"for node ", node, ".")
levels(new$configs) = correct.configs
# check discrete parents configurations in list form for all kinds of nodes.
check.discrete.parents.configuration = function(config, node,
ideal.only = FALSE) {
# check whether the configuration is there.
if (missing(config) || !is(config, "list"))
stop("the parents configuration must be a list with elements named after the parents of ", node$node, ".")
if (is(node, c("", "")))
allowed.parents = node$parents
else if (is(node, c("")))
allowed.parents = node$parents[node$dparents]
# check the node labels from the list names.
check.nodes(names(config), graph = allowed.parents,
min.nodes = length(allowed.parents), max.nodes = length(allowed.parents))
# check that only one value is provided for each parent, to get a single
# configuration.
for (c in names(config))
if (length(config[[c]]) > 1)
stop("only one value allowed for parent '", c, "'.")
if (is(node, c("", "")))
levels = dimnames(node$prob)
levels = node$dlevels
# check whether the provided values are valid values.
for (c in names(config)) {
if (is.factor(config[[c]]))
config[[c]] = as.character(config[[c]])
if (config[[c]] %!in% levels[[c]])
stop("the value of parent '", c, "' must be a valid level.")
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