
Defines functions DD vcov.brglmFit confint.brglmFit summary.brglmFit coef.brglmFit brglmFit

Documented in brglmFit coef.brglmFit confint.brglmFit summary.brglmFit vcov.brglmFit

# Copyright (C) 2016- Ioannis Kosmidis

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
#  (at your option).
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

#' Fitting function for [glm()] for reduced-bias estimation and
#' inference
#' [brglmFit()] is a fitting method for [glm()] that fits generalized
#' linear models using implicit and explicit bias reduction methods
#' (Kosmidis, 2014), and other penalized maximum likelihood
#' methods. Currently supported methods include the mean bias-reducing
#' adjusted scores approach in Firth (1993) and Kosmidis & Firth
#' (2009), the median bias-reduction adjusted scores approach in Kenne
#' Pagui et al. (2017), the correction of the asymptotic bias in
#' Cordeiro & McCullagh (1991), the mixed bias-reduction adjusted
#' scores approach in Kosmidis et al (2020), maximum penalized
#' likelihood with powers of the Jeffreys prior as penalty, and
#' maximum likelihood. Estimation is performed using a quasi Fisher
#' scoring iteration (see `vignette("iteration", "brglm2")`, which, in
#' the case of mean-bias reduction, resembles an iterative correction
#' of the asymptotic bias of the Fisher scoring iterates.
#' @inheritParams stats::glm.fit
#' @aliases brglm_fit
#' @param x a design matrix of dimension `n * p`.
#' @param y a vector of observations of length `n`.
#' @param control a list of parameters controlling the fitting
#'     process. See [brglmControl()] for details.
#' @param start starting values for the parameters in the linear
#'     predictor. If `NULL` (default) then the maximum likelihood
#'     estimates are calculated and used as starting values.
#' @param mustart applied only when start is not `NULL`. Starting
#'     values for the vector of means to be passed to
#'     [glm.fit()] when computing starting values using maximum
#'     likelihood.
#' @param etastart applied only when start is not `NULL`. Starting
#'     values for the linear predictor to be passed to
#'     [glm.fit()] when computing starting values using maximum
#'     likelihood.
#' @param fixed_totals effective only when `family` is
#'     [poisson()]. Either `NULL` (no effect) or a vector that
#'     indicates which counts must be treated as a group. See Details
#'     for more information and [brmultinom()].
#' @param singular.ok logical. If `FALSE`, a singular model is an
#'     error.
#' @details
#' A detailed description of the supported adjustments and the quasi
#' Fisher scoring iteration is given in the iteration vignette (see,
#' `vignette("iteration", "brglm2")` or Kosmidis et al, 2020).  A
#' shorter description of the quasi Fisher scoring iteration is also
#' given in one of the vignettes of the *enrichwith* R package (see,
#' \url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=enrichwith/vignettes/bias.html}).
#' Kosmidis and Firth (2010) describe a parallel quasi Newton-Raphson
#' iteration with the same stationary point.
#' In the special case of generalized linear models for binomial,
#' Poisson and multinomial responses, the adjusted score equation
#' approaches for `type = "AS_mixed"`, `type = "AS_mean"`, and `type =
#' "AS_median"` (see below for what methods each `type` corresponds)
#' return estimates with improved frequentist properties, that are
#' also always finite, even in cases where the maximum likelihood
#' estimates are infinite (e.g. complete and quasi-complete separation
#' in multinomial regression). See, Kosmidis and Firth (2021) for a
#' proof for binomial-response GLMs with Jeffreys-prior penalties to
#' the log-likelihood, which is equivalent to mean bias reduction for
#' logistic regression. See, also,
#' [detectseparation::detect_separation()] and
#' [detectseparation::check_infinite_estimates()] for pre-fit and
#' post-fit methods for the detection of infinite estimates in
#' binomial response generalized linear models.
#' The type of score adjustment to be used is specified through the
#' `type` argument (see [brglmControl()] for details). The available
#' options are
#' * `type = "AS_mixed"`: the mixed bias-reducing score adjustments in
#' Kosmidis et al (2020) that result in mean bias reduction for the
#' regression parameters and median bias reduction for the dispersion
#' parameter, if any; default.
#' * `type = "AS_mean"`: the mean bias-reducing score adjustments in
#' Firth, 1993 and Kosmidis & Firth, 2009. `type = "AS_mixed"` and
#' `type = "AS_mean"` will return the same results when `family` is
#' [binomial()] or [poisson()], i.e. when the dispersion is fixed
#' * `type = "AS_median"`: the median bias-reducing score
#' adjustments in Kenne Pagui et al. (2017)
#' * `type = "MPL_Jeffreys"`: maximum penalized likelihood
#' with powers of the Jeffreys prior as penalty.
#' * `type = "ML"`: maximum likelihood.
#' * `type = "correction"`: asymptotic bias correction, as in
#' Cordeiro & McCullagh (1991).
#' The null deviance is evaluated based on the fitted values using the
#' method specified by the `type` argument (see [brglmControl()]).
#' The `family` argument of the current version of [brglmFit()] can
#' accept any combination of [`"family"`][family] objects and link functions,
#' including families with user-specified link functions, [mis()]
#' links, and [power()] links, but excluding [quasi()],
#' [quasipoisson()] and [quasibinomial()] families.
#' The description of `method` argument and the `Fitting functions`
#' section in [glm()] gives information on supplying fitting
#' methods to [glm()].
#' `fixed_totals` specifies groups of observations for which the sum
#' of the means of a Poisson model will be held fixed to the observed
#' count for each group. This argument is used internally in
#' [brmultinom()] and [bracl()] for baseline-category logit models and
#' adjacent category logit models, respectively.
#' [brglm_fit()] is an alias to [brglmFit()].
#' @author Ioannis Kosmidis `[aut, cre]` \email{ioannis.kosmidis@warwick.ac.uk}, Euloge Clovis Kenne Pagui `[ctb]` \email{kenne@stat.unipd.it}
#' @seealso [brglmControl()], [glm.fit()], [glm()]
#' @references
#' Kosmidis I, Firth D (2021). Jeffreys-prior penalty, finiteness
#' and shrinkage in binomial-response generalized linear
#' models. *Biometrika*, **108**, 71-82. \doi{10.1093/biomet/asaa052}.
#' Kosmidis I, Kenne Pagui E C, Sartori N (2020). Mean and median bias
#' reduction in generalized linear models. *Statistics and Computing*,
#' **30**, 43-59. \doi{10.1007/s11222-019-09860-6}.
#' Cordeiro G M, McCullagh P (1991). Bias correction in generalized
#' linear models. *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B
#' (Methodological)*, **53**, 629-643. \doi{10.1111/j.2517-6161.1991.tb01852.x}.
#' Firth D (1993). Bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates.
#' *Biometrika*. **80**, 27-38. \doi{10.2307/2336755}.
#' Kenne Pagui E C, Salvan A, Sartori N (2017). Median bias
#' reduction of maximum likelihood estimates. *Biometrika*, **104**,
#' 923–938. \doi{10.1093/biomet/asx046}.
#' Kosmidis I, Firth D (2009). Bias reduction in exponential family
#' nonlinear models. *Biometrika*, **96**, 793-804. \doi{10.1093/biomet/asp055}.
#' Kosmidis I, Firth D (2010). A generic algorithm for reducing
#' bias in parametric estimation. *Electronic Journal of Statistics*,
#' **4**, 1097-1112. \doi{10.1214/10-EJS579}.
#' Kosmidis I (2014). Bias in parametric estimation: reduction and
#' useful side-effects. *WIRE Computational Statistics*, **6**,
#' 185-196. \doi{10.1002/wics.1296}.
#' @examples
#' ## The lizards example from ?brglm::brglm
#' data("lizards")
#' # Fit the model using maximum likelihood
#' lizardsML <- glm(cbind(grahami, opalinus) ~ height + diameter +
#'                  light + time, family = binomial(logit), data = lizards,
#'                  method = "glm.fit")
#' # Mean bias-reduced fit:
#' lizardsBR_mean <- glm(cbind(grahami, opalinus) ~ height + diameter +
#'                       light + time, family = binomial(logit), data = lizards,
#'                       method = "brglmFit")
#' # Median bias-reduced fit:
#' lizardsBR_median <- glm(cbind(grahami, opalinus) ~ height + diameter +
#'                         light + time, family = binomial(logit), data = lizards,
#'                         method = "brglmFit", type = "AS_median")
#' summary(lizardsML)
#' summary(lizardsBR_median)
#' summary(lizardsBR_mean)
#' # Maximum penalized likelihood with Jeffreys prior penatly
#' lizards_Jeffreys <- glm(cbind(grahami, opalinus) ~ height + diameter +
#'                         light + time, family = binomial(logit), data = lizards,
#'                         method = "brglmFit", type = "MPL_Jeffreys")
#' # lizards_Jeffreys is the same fit as lizardsBR_mean (see Firth, 1993)
#' all.equal(coef(lizardsBR_mean), coef(lizards_Jeffreys))
#' # Maximum penalized likelihood with powers of the Jeffreys prior as
#' # penalty. See Kosmidis & Firth (2021) for the finiteness and
#' # shrinkage properties of the maximum penalized likelihood
#' # estimators in binomial response models
#' \donttest{
#' a <- seq(0, 20, 0.5)
#' coefs <- sapply(a, function(a) {
#'       out <- glm(cbind(grahami, opalinus) ~ height + diameter +
#'              light + time, family = binomial(logit), data = lizards,
#'              method = "brglmFit", type = "MPL_Jeffreys", a = a)
#'       coef(out)
#' })
#' # Illustration of shrinkage as a grows
#' matplot(a, t(coefs), type = "l", col = 1, lty = 1)
#' abline(0, 0, col = "grey")
#' \donttest{
#' ## Another example from
#' ## King, Gary, James E. Alt, Nancy Elizabeth Burns and Michael Laver
#' ## (1990).  "A Unified Model of Cabinet Dissolution in Parliamentary
#' ## Democracies", _American Journal of Political Science_, **34**, 846-870
#' data("coalition", package = "brglm2")
#' # The maximum likelihood fit with log link
#' coalitionML <- glm(duration ~ fract + numst2, family = Gamma, data = coalition)
#' # The mean bias-reduced fit
#' coalitionBR_mean <- update(coalitionML, method = "brglmFit")
#' # The bias-corrected fit
#' coalitionBC <- update(coalitionML, method = "brglmFit", type = "correction")
#' # The median bias-corrected fit
#' coalitionBR_median <- update(coalitionML, method = "brglmFit", type = "AS_median")
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' ## An example with offsets from Venables & Ripley (2002, p.189)
#' data("anorexia", package = "MASS")
#' anorexML <- glm(Postwt ~ Prewt + Treat + offset(Prewt),
#'                 family = gaussian, data = anorexia)
#' anorexBC <- update(anorexML, method = "brglmFit", type = "correction")
#' anorexBR_mean <- update(anorexML, method = "brglmFit")
#' anorexBR_median <- update(anorexML, method = "brglmFit", type = "AS_median")
#' # All methods return the same estimates for the regression
#' # parameters because the maximum likelihood estimator is normally
#' # distributed around the `true` value under the model (hence, both
#' # mean and component-wise median unbiased). The Wald tests for
#' # anorexBC and anorexBR_mean differ from anorexML because the
#' # bias-reduced estimator of the dispersion is the unbiased, by
#' # degree of freedom adjustment (divide by n - p), estimator of the
#' # residual variance. The Wald tests from anorexBR_median are based
#' # on the median bias-reduced estimator of the dispersion that
#' # results from a different adjustment of the degrees of freedom
#' # (divide by n - p - 2/3)
#' summary(anorexML)
#' summary(anorexBC)
#' summary(anorexBR_mean)
#' summary(anorexBR_median)
#' }
#' ## endometrial data from Heinze & Schemper (2002) (see ?endometrial)
#' data("endometrial", package = "brglm2")
#' endometrialML <- glm(HG ~ NV + PI + EH, data = endometrial,
#'                      family = binomial("probit"))
#' endometrialBR_mean <- update(endometrialML, method = "brglmFit",
#'                              type = "AS_mean")
#' endometrialBC <- update(endometrialML, method = "brglmFit",
#'                         type = "correction")
#' endometrialBR_median <- update(endometrialML, method = "brglmFit",
#'                                type = "AS_median")
#' summary(endometrialML)
#' summary(endometrialBC)
#' summary(endometrialBR_mean)
#' summary(endometrialBR_median)
#' @export
brglmFit <- function(x, y, weights = rep(1, nobs), start = NULL, etastart = NULL,
                     mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, nobs), family = gaussian(),
                     control = list(), intercept = TRUE,
                     ## Arguments that glm will not use in its call to brglmFit (be wise with defaults!)
                     fixed_totals = NULL, singular.ok = TRUE) {
    trace_iteration <- function() {
        if (iter %% control$trace == 0) {
            st <-  max(abs(step_beta), na.rm = TRUE)
            gr <- max(abs(adjusted_grad_beta), na.rm = TRUE)
            cat("Coefficients update:\t")
            cat("Outer/Inner iteration:\t", sprintf("%03d", iter), "/", sprintf("%03d", step_factor), "\n", sep = "")
            if (!no_dispersion) {
                st <- abs(step_zeta)
                gr <- abs(adjusted_grad_zeta)
                cat("Dispersion update:\t")
                cat("Outer iteration:\t", sprintf("%03d", iter), "\n")
            cat("max |step|:", format(round(st, 6), nsmall = 6, scientific = FALSE), "\t",
                "max |gradient|:", format(round(gr, 6), nsmall = 6, scientific = FALSE), "\n")

    ## key_quantities, grad, info and bias are ALWAYS in beta, dispersion parameterization
    key_quantities <- function(pars, y, level = 0, scale_totals = FALSE, qr = TRUE) {
        betas <- pars[seq.int(nvars)]
        dispersion <- pars[nvars + 1]
        prec <- 1/dispersion
        etas <- drop(x %*% betas + offset)
        mus <- linkinv(etas)
        if (scale_totals) {
            ## Rescale mus
            mus_totals <-  as.vector(tapply(mus, fixed_totals, sum))[fixed_totals]
            mus <- mus * row_totals / mus_totals
            etas <- linkfun(mus)
        out <- list(precision = prec,
                    betas = betas,
                    dispersion = dispersion,
                    etas = etas,
                    mus = mus,
                    scale_totals = scale_totals)
        mean_quantities <- function(out) {
            d1mus <- mu.eta(etas)
            d2mus <- d2mu.deta(etas)
            varmus <- variance(mus)
            working_weights <- weights * d1mus^2 / varmus
            wx <- sqrt(working_weights) * x
            out$d1mus <- d1mus
            out$d2mus <- d2mus
            out$varmus <- varmus
            out$d1varmus <- d1variance(mus)
            out$working_weights <- working_weights
            if (qr) out$qr_decomposition <- qr(wx)
        dispersion_quantities <- function(out) {
            zetas <- -weights * prec
            out$zetas <- zetas
            ## Evaluate the derivatives of the a function only for
            ## objervations with non-zero weight
            d1afuns <- d2afuns <- d3afuns <- rep(NA_real_, nobs)
            d1afuns[keep] <- d1afun(zetas[keep])
            ## because of the way dev.resids is implemented, this is
            ## d1afun is the expectation of dev.resids + 2 for gamma
            ## families, so subtract 2
            if (family$family == "Gamma") d1afuns <- d1afuns - 2
            d2afuns[keep] <- d2afun(zetas[keep])
            d3afuns[keep] <- d3afun(zetas[keep])
            out$d2afuns <- d2afuns
            out$d3afuns <- d3afuns
            out$deviance_residuals <- dev.resids(y, mus, weights)
            out$Edeviance_residuals <- weights * d1afuns
        if (level == 0) {
            out <- mean_quantities(out)
        if (level == 1) {
            out <- dispersion_quantities(out)
        if (level > 1) {
            out <- mean_quantities(out)
            out <- dispersion_quantities(out)

    gradient <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = level, qr = FALSE)
        with(fit, {
            if (level == 0) {
                score_components <- weights * d1mus  * (y - mus) / varmus * x
                return(precision * .colSums(score_components, nobs, nvars, TRUE))
            if (level == 1) {
                return(1/2 * precision^2 * sum(deviance_residuals - Edeviance_residuals, na.rm = TRUE))

    information <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL, inverse = FALSE) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = level, qr = TRUE)
        with(fit, {
            if (level == 0) {
                R_matrix <- qr.R(qr_decomposition)
                if (inverse) {
                    ## return(dispersion * tcrossprod(solve(R_matrix)))
                    return(dispersion * chol2inv(R_matrix))
                } else {
                    return(precision * crossprod(R_matrix))
            if (level == 1) {
                info <- 0.5 * sum(weights^2 * d2afuns, na.rm = TRUE)/dispersion^4
                if (inverse) {
                } else {

    hat_values <- function(pars, fit = NULL) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = 0, qr = TRUE)
        with(fit, {
            Qmat <- qr.Q(qr_decomposition)
            .rowSums(Qmat * Qmat, nobs, nvars, TRUE)

    ## FIXME: Redundant function for now
    refit <- function(y, betas_start = NULL) {
        ## Estimate Beta
        betas <- coef(glm.fit(x = x, y = y, weights = weights,
                              start = betas_start,
                              offset = offset,
                              family = family,
                              control = list(epsilon = control$epsilon,
                                             maxit = 2, trace = FALSE),
                              intercept = intercept))

    ## Estimate the ML of the dispersion parameter for gaussian, gamma and inverse Gaussian
    ## Set the dispersion to 1 if Poisson or binomial
    ## betas is only the regression parameters
    estimate_dispersion <- function(betas, y) {
        if (no_dispersion) {
            disp <- 1
            dispML <- 1
        } else {
            if (df_residual > 0) {
                dispFit <- try(uniroot(f = function(phi) {
                    theta <- c(betas, phi)
                    cfit <- key_quantities(theta, y = y, level = 1, qr = FALSE)
                    gradient(theta, level = 1, fit = cfit)
                }, lower = .Machine$double.eps, upper = 10000, tol = control$epsilon), silent = FALSE)
                if (inherits(dispFit, "try-error")) {
                    warning("the ML estimate of the dispersion could not be calculated. An alternative estimate had been used as starting value.")
                    dispML <- NA_real_
                    disp <- NA_real_
                } else {
                    disp <- dispML <- dispFit$root
            } else { ## if the model is saturated dispML is NA_real_
                disp <- 1 ## A convenient value
                dispML <- NA_real_
        list(dispersion = disp, dispersion_ML = dispML)

    AS_mean_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = level, qr = TRUE)
        with(fit, {
            if (level == 0) {
                hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
                ## Use only observations with keep = TRUE to ensure that no division with zero takes place
                return(.colSums(0.5 * hatvalues * d2mus/d1mus * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE))
            if (level == 1) {
                s1 <- sum(weights^3 * d3afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                s2 <- sum(weights^2 * d2afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                return((nvars - 2)/(2 * dispersion) + s1/(2 * dispersion^2 * s2))

    AS_Jeffreys_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = level, qr = TRUE)
        with(fit, {
            if (level == 0) {
                hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
                ## Use only observations with keep = TRUE to ensure that no division with zero takes place
                return(2 * control$a * .colSums(0.5 * hatvalues * (2 * d2mus/d1mus - d1varmus * d1mus / varmus) * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE))
            if (level == 1) {
                s1 <- sum(weights^3 * d3afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                s2 <- sum(weights^2 * d2afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                return(2 * control$a * (-(nvars + 4)/(2 * dispersion) + s1/(2 * dispersion^2 * s2)))

    AS_median_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = level, qr = TRUE)
        with(fit, {
            if (level == 0) {
                hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
                R_matrix <- qr.R(qr_decomposition)
                info_unscaled <- crossprod(R_matrix)
                inverse_info_unscaled <- chol2inv(R_matrix)
                ## FIXME: There is 1) definitely a better way to do this, 2) no time...
                b_vector <- numeric(nvars)
                for (j in seq.int(nvars)) {
                    inverse_info_unscaled_j <- inverse_info_unscaled[j, ]
                    vcov_j <- tcrossprod(inverse_info_unscaled_j) / inverse_info_unscaled_j[j]
                    hats_j <- .rowSums((x %*% vcov_j) * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE) * working_weights
                    b_vector[j] <- inverse_info_unscaled_j %*% .colSums(x * (hats_j * (d1mus * d1varmus / (6 * varmus) - 0.5 * d2mus/d1mus)), nobs, nvars, TRUE)
                return(.colSums(0.5 * hatvalues * d2mus / d1mus * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE) +
                       info_unscaled %*% b_vector)
            if (level == 1) {
                s1 <- sum(weights^3 * d3afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                s2 <- sum(weights^2 * d2afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                return(nvars/(2 * dispersion) + s1/(6 * dispersion^2 * s2))

    AS_mixed_adjustment <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = level, qr = TRUE)
        with(fit, {
            if (level == 0) {
                hatvalues <- hat_values(pars, fit = fit)
                ## Use only observations with keep = TRUE to ensure that no division with zero takes place
                return(.colSums(0.5 * hatvalues * d2mus/d1mus * x, nobs, nvars, TRUE))
            if (level == 1) {
                s1 <- sum(weights^3 * d3afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                s2 <- sum(weights^2 * d2afuns, na.rm = TRUE)
                return(nvars/(2 * dispersion) + s1/(6 * dispersion^2 * s2))

    ## compute_step_components does everything on the scale of the /transformed/ dispersion
    compute_step_components <- function(pars, level = 0, fit = NULL) {
        if (is.null(fit)) {
            fit <- key_quantities(pars, y = y, level = level, qr = TRUE)
        if (level == 0) {
            grad <-  gradient(pars, fit = if (has_fixed_totals) NULL else fit, level = 0)
            inverse_info <- try(information(pars, inverse = TRUE, fit = fit, level = 0))
            failed_inversion <- inherits(inverse_info, "try-error")
            adjustment <- adjustment_function(pars, fit = fit, level = 0)
            failed_adjustment <- any(is.na(adjustment))
        if (level == 1) {
            if (no_dispersion | df_residual < 1) {
                grad <- adjustment <- inverse_info <- NA_real_
                failed_adjustment <- failed_inversion <- FALSE
            } else {
                d1zeta <- eval(d1_transformed_dispersion)
                d2zeta <- eval(d2_transformed_dispersion)
                grad <-  gradient(theta, fit = fit, level = 1)/d1zeta
                inverse_info <- 1/information(theta, inverse = FALSE, fit = fit, level = 1) * d1zeta^2
                failed_inversion <- !is.finite(inverse_info)
                ## adjustment <- adjustment_function(theta, fit = fit, level = 1)/d1zeta - if (is_ML | is_AS_median) 0 else 0.5 * d2zeta / d1zeta^2
                adjustment <- adjustment_function(theta, fit = fit, level = 1)/d1zeta - 0.5 * d2zeta / d1zeta^2
                failed_adjustment <- is.na(adjustment)
        out <- list(grad = grad,
                    inverse_info = inverse_info,
                    adjustment = adjustment,
                    failed_adjustment = failed_adjustment,
                    failed_inversion = failed_inversion)

    customTransformation <- is.list(control$transformation) & length(control$transformation) == 2
    if (customTransformation) {
        transformation0 <- control$transformation

    control <- do.call("brglmControl", control)

    adjustment_function <- switch(control$type,
                                  "correction" = AS_mean_adjustment,
                                  "AS_mean" = AS_mean_adjustment,
                                  "AS_median" = AS_median_adjustment,
                                  "AS_mixed" = AS_mixed_adjustment,
                                  "MPL_Jeffreys" = AS_Jeffreys_adjustment,
                                  "ML" = function(pars, ...) 0)

    ## Some useful quantities
    is_ML <- control$type == "ML"
    is_AS_median <- control$type == "AS_median"
    is_AS_mixed <- control$type == "AS_mixed"
    is_correction <- control$type == "correction"
    no_dispersion <- family$family %in% c("poisson", "binomial")

    if (is_ML | is_AS_median | is_AS_mixed) {
        transformation1 <- control$transformation
        Trans1 <- control$Trans
        inverseTrans1 <- control$inverseTrans
        ## Set the transformation to identity
        control$transformation <- "identity"
        control$Trans <- expression(dispersion)
        control$inverseTrans <- expression(transformed_dispersion)

    ## If fixed_totals is specified the compute row_totals
    if (is.null(fixed_totals)) {
        has_fixed_totals <- FALSE
    } else {
        if (family$family == "poisson") {
            row_totals <-  as.vector(tapply(y, fixed_totals, sum))[fixed_totals]
            has_fixed_totals <- TRUE
        } else {
            has_fixed_totals <- FALSE

    ## Ensure x is a matrix, extract variable names, observation
    ## names, nobs, nvars, and initialize weights and offsets if
    ## needed

    x <- as.matrix(x)
    betas_names <- dimnames(x)[[2L]]
    nvars <- ncol(x)
    EMPTY <- nvars == 0
    if (is.null(betas_names) & !EMPTY) {
        betas_names <- colnames(x) <- paste0("x", seq.int(nvars))
    ynames <- if (is.matrix(y)) rownames(y) else names(y)
    converged <- FALSE
    nobs <- NROW(y)
    if (is.null(weights)) {
        weights <- rep.int(1, nobs)
    if (missing_offset <- is.null(offset)) {
        offset <- rep.int(0, nobs)

    ok_links <- c("logit", "probit", "cauchit",
                  "cloglog", "identity", "log",
                  "sqrt", "inverse")

    if (isTRUE(family$family %in% c("quasi", "quasibinomial", "quasipoisson"))) {
        stop("`brglmFit` does not currently support the `quasi`, `quasipoisson` and `quasibinomial` families.")

    ## Enrich family
    family <- enrichwith::enrich(family, with = c("d1afun", "d2afun", "d3afun", "d1variance"))
    if ((family$link %in% ok_links) | (grepl("mu\\^", family$link))) {
        ## Enrich the link object with d2mu.deta and update family object
        linkglm <- make.link(family$link)
        linkglm <- enrichwith::enrich(linkglm, with = "d2mu.deta")
        ## Put everything into the family object
        family[names(linkglm)] <- linkglm
    ## Annoying thing is that link-glm components other than the
    ## standard ones disappear when extra arguments are passed to a
    ## family functions... Anyway, we only require d2mu.deta here.

    ## Extract functions from the enriched family object
    variance <- family$variance
    d1variance <- family$d1variance
    linkinv <- family$linkinv
    linkfun <- family$linkfun
    if (!is.function(variance) || !is.function(linkinv))
        stop("'family' argument seems not to be a valid family object",
             call. = FALSE)
    dev.resids <- family$dev.resids
    aic <- family$aic
    mu.eta <- family$mu.eta
    ## If the family is custom then d2mu.deta cannot survive when
    ## passing throguh current family functions. But mu.eta does; so
    ## we compute d2mu.deta numerically; this allows also generality,
    ## as the users can then keep their custom link implementations
    ## unaltered. Issue is scalability, due to the need of evaluating
    ## n numerical derivatives
    if (is.null(family$d2mu.deta)) {
        d2mu.deta <- function(eta) {
            numDeriv::grad(mu.eta, eta)
    } else {
        d2mu.deta <- family$d2mu.deta
    d1afun <- family$d1afun
    d2afun <- family$d2afun
    d3afun <- family$d3afun
    simulate <- family$simulate
    d1_transformed_dispersion <- DD(control$Trans, "dispersion", order = 1)
    d2_transformed_dispersion <- DD(control$Trans, "dispersion", order = 2)

    ## Check for invalid etas and mus
    valid_eta <- unless_null(family$valideta, function(eta) TRUE)
    valid_mu <- unless_null(family$validmu, function(mu) TRUE)

    ## FIXME: mustart and etastart set to NULL by default
    mustart <- NULL
    etastart <- NULL

    ## Initialize as prescribed in family

    ## If there are no covariates in the model then evaluate only the offset
    if (EMPTY) {
        etas <- rep.int(0, nobs) + offset
        if (!valid_eta(etas))
            stop("invalid linear predictor values in empty model", call. = FALSE)
        mus <- linkinv(etas)
        if (!valid_mu(mus))
            stop("invalid fitted means in empty model", call. = FALSE)
        ## deviance <- sum(dev.resids(y, mus, weights))
        working_weights <- ((weights * mu.eta(etas)^2)/variance(mus))^0.5
        residuals <- (y - mus)/mu.eta(etas)
        keep <- rep(TRUE, length(residuals))
        boundary <- converged <- TRUE
        betas_all <- numeric()
        rank <- 0
        iter <- 0L
        keep <- weights > 0
        nkeep <- sum(keep)
        df_residual <- nkeep
    } else {
        boundary <- converged <- FALSE
        ## Detect aliasing
        if (!isTRUE(control$check_aliasing)) {
            is_full_rank <- TRUE ## Assumption
            rank <- nvars_all <- nvars
            betas_names_all <- betas_names
        } else {
            qrx <- qr(x)
            rank <- qrx$rank
            is_full_rank <- rank == nvars
            if (!isTRUE(singular.ok) && !isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
                stop("singular fit encountered")
            if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
                aliased <- qrx$pivot[seq.int(qrx$rank + 1, nvars)]
                X_all <- x
                x <- x[, -aliased]
                nvars_all <- nvars
                nvars <- ncol(x)
                betas_names_all <- betas_names
                betas_names <- betas_names[-aliased]
            } else {
                nvars_all <- nvars
                betas_names_all <- betas_names
        betas_all <- structure(rep(NA_real_, nvars_all), .Names = betas_names_all)
        keep <- weights > 0
        ## Check for zero weights
        ## if (any(!keep)) {
        ##     warning("Observations with non-positive weights have been omited from the computations")
        ## }
        nkeep <- sum(keep)
        df_residual <- nkeep - rank
        ## Handle starting values
        ## If start is NULL then start at the ML estimator else use start
        if (is.null(start)) {
            ## Adjust counts if binomial or Poisson in order to avoid infinite estimates
            adj <- control$response_adjustment
            if (is.null(adj)) {
                adj <- nvars/nobs
            if (family$family == "binomial") {
                weights.adj <- weights + (!(is_correction)) * adj
                y.adj <- (weights * y + (!(is_correction)) * 0.5 * adj)/weights.adj
            } else {
                weights.adj <- weights
                y.adj <- y + if (family$family == "poisson") (!(is_correction)) * 0.5 * adj else 0
            ## ML fit to get starting values
            warn <- getOption("warn")
            ## Get startng values and kill warnings whilst doing that
            options(warn = -1)
            tempFit <- glm.fit(x = x, y = y.adj, weights = weights.adj,
                               etastart = etastart, mustart = mustart,
                               offset = offset, family = family,
                               control = list(epsilon = control$epsilon,
                                              maxit = 10000, trace = FALSE),
                               intercept = intercept)

            ## Set warn to its original value
            options(warn = warn)
            betas <- coef(tempFit)
            names(betas) <- betas_names
            dispList <- estimate_dispersion(betas, y = y)
            dispersion <- dispList$dispersion
            if (is.na(dispersion)) dispersion <- var(y)/variance(sum(weights * y)/sum(weights))
            dispersion_ML <- dispList$dispersion_ML
            transformed_dispersion <- eval(control$Trans)
        } else {
            if ((length(start) == nvars_all) & is.numeric(start)) {
                betas_all <- start
                names(betas_all) <- betas_names_all
                if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
                    betas_all[aliased] <- NA_real_
                    betas <- betas_all[-aliased]
                } else {
                    betas <- betas_all
                ## Estimate dispersion based on current value for betas
                dispList <- estimate_dispersion(betas, y = y)
                dispersion <- dispList$dispersion
                if (is.na(dispersion)) dispersion <- var(y)/variance(sum(weights * y)/sum(weights))
                dispersion_ML <- dispList$dispersion_ML
                transformed_dispersion <- eval(control$Trans)
            if ((length(start) == nvars_all + 1) & is.numeric(start)) {
                betas_all <- start[seq.int(nvars_all)]
                names(betas_all) <- betas_names_all
                if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
                    betas_all[aliased] <- NA_real_
                    betas <- betas_all[-aliased]
                } else {
                    betas <- betas_all
                transformed_dispersion <- start[nvars_all + 1]
                dispersion_ML <- NA_real_
                dispersion <- eval(control$inverseTrans)
            if (length(start) > nvars_all + 1 | length(start) < nvars_all) {
                stop(paste(paste(gettextf("length of 'start' should be equal to %d and correspond to initial betas for %s", nvars_all, paste(deparse(betas_names_all), collapse = ", "), "or", gettextf("to %d and also include a starting value for the transformed dispersion", nvars_all + 1)))), domain = NA_real_)

        adjusted_grad_all <- rep(NA_real_, nvars_all + 1)
        names(adjusted_grad_all) <- c(betas_names_all, "Transformed dispersion")
        if (is_correction) {
            if (control$maxit > 0) control$maxit <- 1
            control$slowit <- 1
            control$max_step_factor <- 1

        ## Evaluate at the starting values
        theta <- c(betas, dispersion)
        transformed_dispersion <- eval(control$Trans)
        ## Mean quantities
        ## If fixed_totals is provided (i.e. multinomial regression
        ## via the Poisson trick) then evaluate everything expect
        ## the score function at the scaled fitted means
        quantities <- key_quantities(theta, y = y, level = 2 * !no_dispersion, scale_totals = has_fixed_totals, qr = TRUE)
        step_components_beta <- compute_step_components(theta, level = 0, fit = quantities)
        step_components_zeta <- compute_step_components(theta, level = 1, fit = quantities)
        if (step_components_beta$failed_inversion) {
            warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
        if (step_components_beta$failed_adjustment) {
            warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
        adjusted_grad_beta <- with(step_components_beta, {
            grad + adjustment
        step_beta <- drop(step_components_beta$inverse_info %*% adjusted_grad_beta)
        ## Dispersion quantities
        if (no_dispersion) {
            adjusted_grad_zeta <- step_zeta <- NA_real_
        } else {
            if (step_components_zeta$failed_inversion) {
                warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
            if (step_components_zeta$failed_adjustment) {
                warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
            adjusted_grad_zeta <- with(step_components_zeta, {
                grad + adjustment
            step_zeta <- as.vector(adjusted_grad_zeta * step_components_zeta$inverse_info)

        ## Main iterations
        slowit <- control$slowit
        if (control$maxit == 0) {
            iter <- 0
            failed <- FALSE
        } else {
            ## Outer iteration
            for (iter in seq.int(control$maxit)) {
                step_factor <- 0
                testhalf <- TRUE

                ## Inner iteration
                while (testhalf & step_factor < control$max_step_factor) {
                    ## store previous values
                    ## betas0 <- betas
                    ## dispersion0 <- dispersion
                    step_beta_previous <- step_beta
                    step_zeta_previous <- step_zeta

                    ## Update betas
                    betas <- betas + slowit * 2^(-step_factor) * step_beta

                    ## Update zetas
                    if (!no_dispersion & df_residual > 0) {
                        transformed_dispersion <- eval(control$Trans)
                        transformed_dispersion <- transformed_dispersion + 2^(-step_factor) * step_zeta
                        dispersion <- eval(control$inverseTrans)

                    ## Compute key quantities
                    theta <- c(betas, dispersion)
                    transformed_dispersion <- eval(control$Trans)

                    ## Mean quantities
                    quantities <- try(key_quantities(theta, y = y, level = 2 * !no_dispersion, scale_totals = has_fixed_totals, qr = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
                    ## This is to capture qr failing and revering to previous estimates
                    if (failed_adjustment_beta <- inherits(quantities, "try-error")) {
                        ## betas <- betas0
                        ## dispersion <- dispersion0
                        warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
                    step_components_beta <- compute_step_components(theta, level = 0, fit = quantities)
                    step_components_zeta <- compute_step_components(theta, level = 1, fit = quantities)
                    if (failed_inversion_beta <- step_components_beta$failed_inversion) {
                        warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
                    if (failed_adjustment_beta <- step_components_beta$failed_adjustment) {
                        warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
                    adjusted_grad_beta <- with(step_components_beta, grad + adjustment)
                    step_beta <- drop(step_components_beta$inverse_info %*% adjusted_grad_beta)

                    ## Dispersion quantities
                    if (no_dispersion) {
                        adjusted_grad_zeta <- step_zeta <- NA_real_
                        failed_inversion_zeta <- failed_adjustment_zeta <- FALSE
                    } else {
                        if (failed_inversion_zeta <- step_components_zeta$failed_inversion) {
                            warning("failed to invert the information matrix")
                        if (failed_adjustment_zeta <- step_components_zeta$failed_adjustment) {
                            warning("failed to calculate score adjustment")
                        adjusted_grad_zeta <- with(step_components_zeta, grad + adjustment)
                        step_zeta <- as.vector(adjusted_grad_zeta * step_components_zeta$inverse_info)

                    ## Convergence criteria
                    linf_current <- max(abs(c(step_beta, step_zeta)), na.rm = TRUE)
                    linf_previous <- max(abs(c(step_beta_previous, step_zeta_previous)), na.rm = TRUE)
                    testhalf <- linf_current > linf_previous

                    ## Continue inner loop
                    ## if (step_factor == 0 & iter == 1)  {
                    ##     testhalf <- TRUE
                    ## }
                    step_factor <- step_factor + 1

                    ##  Trace here
                    if (control$trace) {
                failed <- failed_adjustment_beta | failed_inversion_beta | failed_adjustment_zeta | failed_inversion_zeta
                if (failed | linf_current < control$epsilon) {

        adjusted_grad_all[betas_names] <- adjusted_grad_beta
        adjusted_grad_all["Transformed dispersion"] <- adjusted_grad_zeta
        betas_all[betas_names] <- betas

        ## Convergence analysis
        if ((failed | iter >= control$maxit) & !(is_correction)) {
            warning("brglmFit: algorithm did not converge. Try changing the optimization algorithm defaults, e.g. the defaults for one or more of `maxit`, `epsilon`, `slowit`, and `response_adjustment`; see `?brglm_control` for default values and available options", call. = FALSE)
            converged <- FALSE
        } else {
            converged <- TRUE

        if (boundary) {
            warning("brglmFit: algorithm stopped at boundary value", call. = FALSE)

        ## QR decomposition and fitted values are at the final value
        ## for the coefficients
        ## QR decomposition for cov.unscaled
        if (!isTRUE(is_full_rank)) {
            x <- X_all
            betas <- betas_all
            betas[is.na(betas)] <- 0
            nvars <- nvars_all

        ## If has_fixed_totals = TRUE, then scale fitted values before
        ## calculating QR decompositions, fitted values, etas,
        ## residuals and working_weights

        quantities <- key_quantities(c(betas, dispersion), y = y, level = 2 * !no_dispersion, scale_totals = has_fixed_totals, qr = TRUE)

        qr.Wx <- quantities$qr_decomposition

        mus <- quantities$mus
        etas <- quantities$etas
        ## Residuals
        residuals <- with(quantities, (y - mus)/d1mus)
        working_weights <- quantities$working_weights

        ## info_transformed_dispersion will be NA if is_ML | is_AS_median | is_AS_mixed
        info_transformed_dispersion <- 1/step_components_zeta$inverse_info
        if (is_ML | is_AS_median | is_AS_mixed) {
            transformed_dispersion <- eval(Trans1)
            d1zeta <- eval(DD(Trans1, "dispersion", order = 1))
            adjusted_grad_all["Transformed dispersion"] <- adjusted_grad_all["Transformed dispersion"] / d1zeta
            info_transformed_dispersion <- info_transformed_dispersion / d1zeta^2
            control$transformation <- transformation1
            control$trans <- Trans1
            control$inverseTrans <- inverseTrans1

        eps <- 10 * .Machine$double.eps
        if (family$family == "binomial") {
            if (any(mus > 1 - eps) || any(mus < eps)) {
                warning("brglmFit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred", call. = FALSE)
                boundary <- TRUE
        if (family$family == "poisson") {
            if (any(mus < eps)) {
                warning("brglmFit: fitted rates numerically 0 occurred", call. = FALSE)
                boundary <- TRUE
        if (df_residual == 0 & !no_dispersion) {
            dispersion <- NA_real_

        ## ## Estimate of first-order bias from the last iteration (so
        ## ## not at the final value for the coefficients)
        ## if (is_ML) {
        ##     ## For now... To be set to calculate biases at a later version
        ##     bias_betas <- bias_zeta <- NULL
        ## }
        ## else {
        ##     bias_betas <- with(step_components_beta, -drop(inverse_info %*% adjustment))
        ##     bias_zeta <- with(step_components_zeta, -drop(inverse_info %*% adjustment))
        ##     bias_betas_all <- betas_all
        ##     bias_betas_all[betas_names] <- bias_betas
        ##     ## If correction has been requested then add estimated biases an attribute to the coefficients
        ##     if (is_correction) {
        ##         attr(betas_all, "biases") <- bias_betas_all
        ##         attr(transformed_dispersion, "biases") <- bias_zeta
        ##     }
        ## }

    ## Working weights
    wt <- rep.int(0, nobs)
    wt[keep] <- working_weights[keep]
    names(wt) <- names(residuals) <- names(mus) <- names(etas) <- names(weights) <- names(y) <- ynames
    ## For the null deviance:
    ## If there is an intercept but not an offset then the ML fitted
    ## value is the weighted average and is calculated easily below if
    ## ML is used
    control0 <- control
    control0$maxit <- 1000
    if (customTransformation) {
        control0$transformation <- transformation0
    if (intercept & missing_offset) {
        nullFit <- brglmFit(x = x[, "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE], y = y, weights = weights,
                            offset = rep(0, nobs), family = family, intercept = TRUE,
                            control = control0[c("epsilon", "maxit", "type", "transformation", "slowit")],
                            start = if (no_dispersion) linkfun(mean(y)) else c(linkfun(mean(y)), 1))
        ## FIX: Starting values above are hard-coded. Change in future versions
        nullmus <- nullFit$fitted
    ## If there is an offset but not an intercept then the fitted
    ## value is the inverse link evaluated at the offset
    ## If there is neither an offset nor an intercept then the fitted
    ## values is the inverse link at zero (and hence covered by
    ## linkinv(offset) because offset is zero
    if (!intercept) {
        nullmus <- linkinv(offset)
    ## If there is an intercept and an offset then, for calculating
    ## the null deviance glm will make a call to the fitter to fit the
    ## glm with intercept and the offset
    if (intercept & !missing_offset) {
        nullmus <- mus
        ## doen't really matter what nullmus is set to. glm will make
        ## a new call to brglmFit and use the deviance from that call
        ## as null
    nulldev <- sum(dev.resids(y, nullmus, weights))
    nulldf <- nkeep - as.integer(intercept)
    deviance <- sum(dev.resids(y, mus, weights))
    aic.model <- aic(y, n, mus, weights, deviance) + 2 * rank

    list(coefficients = betas_all,
         residuals = residuals,
         fitted.values = mus,
         ## TODO: see effects?
         ## effects = if (!EMPTY) effects,
         R = if (!EMPTY) qr.R(qr.Wx),
         rank = rank,
         qr = if (!EMPTY) structure(qr.Wx[c("qr", "rank", "qraux", "pivot", "tol")], class = "qr"),
         family = family,
         linear.predictors = etas,
         deviance = deviance,
         aic = aic.model,
         null.deviance = nulldev,
         iter = iter,
         weights = wt,
         prior.weights = weights,
         df.residual = df_residual,
         df.null = nulldf,
         y = y,
         converged = converged,
         boundary = boundary,
         dispersion = dispersion,
         dispersion_ML = dispersion_ML,
         transformed_dispersion = transformed_dispersion,
         info_transformed_dispersion = if (no_dispersion) NA_real_ else info_transformed_dispersion,
         grad = adjusted_grad_all,
         transformation = control$transformation,
         ## cov.unscaled = tcrossprod(R_matrix),
         type = control$type,
         class = "brglmFit")

#' Extract model coefficients from [`"brglmFit"`][brglmFit] objects
#' @inheritParams stats::coef
#' @param model one of `"mean"` (default), `"dispersion"`, `"full",
#'     to return the estimates of the parameters in the linear
#'     prediction only, the estimate of the dispersion parameter only,
#'     or both, respectively.
#' @details
#' See [coef()] for more details.
#' @seealso
#' [coef()]
#' @export
coef.brglmFit <- function(object, model = c("mean", "full", "dispersion"), ...) {
    model <- match.arg(model)
           "mean" = {
    "dispersion" = {
        transDisp <- object$transformed_dispersion
        names(transDisp) <- paste0(object$transformation, "(dispersion)")
        ## This will ALWAYS be on the scale of the TRANSFORMED dispersion
    "full" = {
        transDisp <- object$transformed_dispersion
        ntd <- paste0(object$transformation, "(dispersion)")
        names(transDisp) <- ntd
        betas <- object$coefficients
        thetaTrans <- c(betas, transDisp)
        ## if (object$type == "correction") {
        ##     bcf <- attr(betas, "biases")
        ##     btd <- attr(transDisp, "biases")
        ##     names(btd) <- ntd
        ##     attr(thetaTrans, "biases") <- c(bcf, btd)
        ## }

#' [summary()] method for [brglmFit] objects
#' @inheritParams stats::summary.glm
#' @details The interface of the summary method for [`"brglmFit"`][brglmFit]
#'     objects is identical to that of [`"glm"`][glm] objects. The summary
#'     method for [`"brglmFit"`][brglmFit] objects computes the p-values of the
#'     individual Wald statistics based on the standard normal
#'     distribution, unless the family is Gaussian, in which case a t
#'     distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom is used.
#' @seealso [summary.glm()] and [glm()]
#' @examples
#' ## For examples see `examples(brglmFit)`
#' @method summary brglmFit
#' @export
summary.brglmFit <- function(object, dispersion = NULL,
                             correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
                             ...) {
    if (is.null(dispersion)) {
        if (object$family$family == "Gaussian") {
            dispersion <- NULL
        } else {
            dispersion <- object$dispersion
    out <- summary.glm(object, dispersion = dispersion,
                       correlation = correlation,
                       symbolic.cor = symbolic.cor, ...)
    out$type <- object$type
    class(out) <- c("summary.brglmFit", class(out))

#' Method for computing confidence intervals for one or more
#' regression parameters in a [`"brglmFit"`][brglmFit] object
#' @inheritParams stats::confint
#' @method confint brglmFit
#' @export
confint.brglmFit <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) {
    confint.default(object, parm, level, ...)

#' Return the variance-covariance matrix for the regression parameters
#' in a [brglmFit()] object
#' @inheritParams stats::vcov.glm
#' @param model character specifying for which component of the model coefficients should be extracted.
#' @details
#' The options for `model` are `"mean"` for mean regression parameters
#' only (default), `"dispersion"` for the dispersion parameter (or the
#' transformed dispersion; see [brglm_control()]), and `"full"` for
#' both the mean regression and the (transformed) dispersion
#' parameters.
#' @method vcov brglmFit
#' @export
vcov.brglmFit <- function(object, model = c("mean", "full", "dispersion"), complete = TRUE, ...) {
    model <- match.arg(model)
           mean = {
        vcov(summary.brglmFit(object, ...), complete = complete)
    dispersion = {
        vtd <- 1/object$info_transformed_dispersion
        ntd <- paste0(object$transformation, "(dispersion)")
        names(vtd) <- ntd
    full = {
        vbetas <- vcov(summary.brglmFit(object, ...), complete = complete)
        vtd <- 1/object$info_transformed_dispersion
        nBetasAll <- c(rownames(vbetas), paste0(object$transformation, "(dispersion)"))
        vBetasAll <- cbind(rbind(vbetas, 0),
                           c(numeric(nrow(vbetas)), vtd))
        dimnames(vBetasAll) <- list(nBetasAll, nBetasAll)

DD <- function(expr,name, order = 1) {
    if(order < 1) stop("'order' must be >= 1")
    if(order == 1) D(expr,name)
    else DD(D(expr, name), name, order - 1)

## Almost all code in print.summary.brglmFit is from
## stats:::print.summary.glm apart from minor modifications
#' @rdname summary.brglmFit
#' @method print summary.brglmFit
#' @export
print.summary.brglmFit <- function (x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
                                    symbolic.cor = x$symbolic.cor,
                                    signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...) {
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
        "\n\n", sep = "")
    cat("Deviance Residuals: \n")
    if (x$df.residual > 5) {
        x$deviance.resid <- setNames(quantile(x$deviance.resid,
                                              na.rm = TRUE), c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max"))
    xx <- zapsmall(x$deviance.resid, digits + 1L)
    print.default(xx, digits = digits, na.print = "", print.gap = 2L)
    if (length(x$aliased) == 0L) {
        cat("\nNo Coefficients\n")
    } else {
        df <- if ("df" %in% names(x))
              else NULL
        if (!is.null(df) && (nsingular <- df[3L] - df[1L]))
            cat("\nCoefficients: (", nsingular, " not defined because of singularities)\n",
                sep = "")
        else cat("\nCoefficients:\n")
        coefs <- x$coefficients
        if (!is.null(aliased <- x$aliased) && any(aliased)) {
            cn <- names(aliased)
            coefs <- matrix(NA, length(aliased), 4L, dimnames = list(cn,
            coefs[!aliased, ] <- x$coefficients
        printCoefmat(coefs, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
                     na.print = "NA", ...)
    cat("\n(Dispersion parameter for ", x$family$family, " family taken to be ",
        format(x$dispersion), ")\n\n", apply(cbind(paste(format(c("Null",
                                                                  "Residual"), justify = "right"), "deviance:"), format(unlist(x[c("null.deviance",
                                                                                                                                   "deviance")]), digits = max(5L, digits + 1L)), " on",
                                                   format(unlist(x[c("df.null", "df.residual")])), " degrees of freedom\n"),
                                             1L, paste, collapse = " "), sep = "")
    if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action)))
        cat("  (", mess, ")\n", sep = "")
    cat("AIC: ", format(x$aic, digits = max(4L, digits + 1L)))
    cat("\n\nType of estimator:", x$type, get_type_description(x$type))
    cat("\n", "Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: ", x$iter, "\n", sep = "")
    correl <- x$correlation
    if (!is.null(correl)) {
        p <- NCOL(correl)
        if (p > 1) {
            cat("\nCorrelation of Coefficients:\n")
            if (is.logical(symbolic.cor) && symbolic.cor) {
                print(symnum(correl, abbr.colnames = NULL))
            } else {
                correl <- format(round(correl, 2L), nsmall = 2L,
                                 digits = digits)
                correl[!lower.tri(correl)] <- ""
                print(correl[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)

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brglm2 documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 1:07 a.m.