
#### Originally from orphaned package SLmisc
#### (Version: 1.4.1, 2007-04-12, Maintainer: Matthias Kohl <kohl@sirs-lab.com>)
#### License: GPL (version 2 or later)
#### which said
####  "function corresponds to function gap in package SAGx"

## MM: SAGx is now in Bioconductor --- 1.10.1{devel} or 1.11.1{release}
##     had gap() *corrected* to re-cluster using FUNcluster --> see ./gap-SAGx.R.~orig~
## MM: Package 'lga' -- has gap() and lga and robust lga [-> UBC]
##    - it uses  boot() nicely  [2012-01: ORPHANED because  Justin Harrington is amiss]
## MM: renamed arguments, and changed almost everything

clusGap <- function (x, FUNcluster, K.max, B = 100, d.power = 1,
		     spaceH0 = c("scaledPCA", "original"),
                     verbose = interactive(), ...)
    stopifnot(is.function(FUNcluster), length(dim(x)) == 2, K.max >= 2,
	      (n <- nrow(x)) >= 1, ncol(x) >= 1)
    if(B != (B. <- as.integer(B)) || (B <- B.) <= 0)
        stop("'B' has to be a positive integer")
    cl. <- match.call()

        x <- as.matrix(x)
    ii <- seq_len(n)
    W.k <- function(X, kk) {
        clus <- if(kk > 1) FUNcluster(X, kk, ...)$cluster else rep.int(1L, nrow(X))
        ##                 ---------- =  =       -------- kmeans() has 'cluster'; pam() 'clustering'
	0.5* sum(vapply(split(ii, clus),
			function(I) { xs <- X[I,, drop=FALSE]
				      sum(dist(xs)^d.power/nrow(xs)) }, 0.))
    logW <- E.logW <- SE.sim <- numeric(K.max)
    if(verbose) cat("Clustering k = 1,2,..., K.max (= ",K.max,"): .. ", sep='')
    for(k in 1:K.max)
        logW[k] <- log(W.k(x, k))
    if(verbose) cat("done\n")

    spaceH0 <- match.arg(spaceH0)
    ## Scale 'x' into hypercube -- later fill with H0-generated data
    xs <- scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
    m.x <- rep(attr(xs,"scaled:center"), each = n) # for back-trafo later
	   "scaledPCA" =
		   ## (These & (xs,m.x) above basically do stats:::prcomp.default()
		   V.sx <- svd(xs, nu=0)$v
		   xs <- xs %*% V.sx # = transformed(x)
	   "original" = {}, # (do nothing, use 'xs')
	   ## otherwise
	   stop("invalid 'spaceH0':", spaceH0))

    rng.x1 <- apply(xs, 2L, range)
    logWks <- matrix(0, B, K.max)
    if(verbose) cat("Bootstrapping, b = 1,2,..., B (= ", B,
                    ")  [one \".\" per sample]:\n", sep="")
    for (b in 1:B) {
        ## Generate "H0"-data as "parametric bootstrap sample" :
        z1 <- apply(rng.x1, 2,
                    function(M, nn) runif(nn, min=M[1], max=M[2]),
	z <- switch(spaceH0,
		    "scaledPCA" = tcrossprod(z1, V.sx), # back transformed
		    "original" = z1
		    ) + m.x
        for(k in 1:K.max) {
            logWks[b,k] <- log(W.k(z, k))
        if(verbose) cat(".", if(b %% 50 == 0) paste(b,"\n"))
    if(verbose && (B %% 50 != 0)) cat("",B,"\n")
    E.logW <- colMeans(logWks)
    SE.sim <- sqrt((1 + 1/B) * apply(logWks, 2, var))
    structure(class = "clusGap",
              list(Tab = cbind(logW, E.logW, gap = E.logW - logW, SE.sim),
                   ## K.max == nrow(T)
                   call = cl., spaceH0=spaceH0,
                   n = n, B = B, FUNcluster=FUNcluster))

## lga/R/gap.R   --- has for Tibshirani et al (2001):
        ## ElogWks[k,] <- c(mean(BootOutput), sqrt(var(BootOutput)*(1+1/B)))
        ## GAP[k] <- ElogWks[k,1] - logWks[k]
        ## if (k > 1)
        ##     if(GAP[k-1] >= GAP[k]-ElogWks[k,2] & !doall)
        ##         finished <- TRUE
##  so they effectively only look for the *first* (local) maximum which ..
## MM: <==> diff(GAP) = GAP[k] - GAP[k-1] <= +SE.sim[k]

## criteria.DandF() -- Dudoit and Fridlyand (2002)
## ---------------- looks at the *global* maximum and then to the left..
    ## y <- x$data
    ## crit <- diff(y[which.max(y[,"Gap"]), c("Sks", "Gap")])
    ## nclust <- min(which(y[,"Gap"] > crit))
    ## return(ifelse(nclust == nrow(y), NA, nclust))

maxSE <- function(f, SE.f,
		  method = c("firstSEmax", "Tibs2001SEmax",
		  "globalSEmax", "firstmax", "globalmax"),
		  SE.factor = 1)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    stopifnot((K <- length(f)) >= 1, K == length(SE.f), SE.f >= 0, SE.factor >= 0)
    fSE <- SE.factor * SE.f
	   "firstmax" = { ## the first local maximum  (== firstSEmax with SE.factor == 0)
	       decr <- diff(f) <= 0 # length K-1
	       if(any(decr)) which.max(decr) else K # the first TRUE, or K
	   "globalmax" = {
	   "Tibs2001SEmax" = { ## The one Tibshirani et al (2001) proposed:
	       ## "the smallest k such that f(k) >= f(k+1) - s_{k+1}"
	       g.s <- f - fSE
	       if(any(mp <- f[-K] >= g.s[-1])) which.max(mp) else K
	   "firstSEmax" = { ## M.Maechler(2012): rather ..
	       ## look at the first *local* maximum and then to the left ..:
	       decr <- diff(f) <= 0 # length K-1
	       nc <- if(any(decr)) which.max(decr) else K # the first TRUE, or K
	       if(any(mp <- f[seq_len(nc - 1)] >= f[nc] - fSE[nc]))
	       else nc
	   "globalSEmax" = { ## Dudoit and Fridlyand (2002) *thought* Tibshirani proposed..
	       ## in 'lga', see criteria.DandF():
	       ## looks at the *global* maximum and then to the left..
	       nc <- which.max(f)
	       if(any(mp <- f[seq_len(nc - 1)] >= f[nc] - fSE[nc]))
	       else nc

print.clusGap <- function(x, method="firstSEmax", SE.factor = 1, ...)
    method <- match.arg(method, choices = eval(formals(maxSE)$method))
    stopifnot((K <- nrow(T <- x$Tab)) >= 1, SE.factor >= 0)
    cat("Clustering Gap statistic [\"clusGap\"] from call:\n", deparse1(x$call),
        sprintf("\nB=%d simulated reference sets, k = 1..%d; spaceH0=\"%s\"\n",
                x$B, K, x$spaceH0), sep="")
    nc <- maxSE(f = T[,"gap"], SE.f = T[,"SE.sim"],
                method=method, SE.factor=SE.factor)
    cat(sprintf(" --> Number of clusters (method '%s'%s): %d\n",
		method, if(grepl("SE", method))
		sprintf(", SE.factor=%g",SE.factor) else "", nc))
    print(T, ...)

plot.clusGap <- function(x, type="b", xlab = "k", ylab = expression(Gap[k]),
                         main = NULL,
                         do.arrows = TRUE,
                         arrowArgs = list(col="red3", length=1/16, angle=90, code=3),
    stopifnot(is.matrix(Tab <- x$Tab), is.numeric(Tab))
    K <- nrow(Tab)
    k <- seq_len(K) # == 1,2,... k
	main <- paste(strwrap(deparse1(x$call), width = 60, exdent = 7),
    gap <- Tab[, "gap"]
    plot(k, gap, type=type, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
		c(list(k, gap+ Tab[, "SE.sim"], k, gap- Tab[, "SE.sim"]), arrowArgs))

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cluster documentation built on Nov. 28, 2023, 1:07 a.m.