
Defines functions testVarArg product splitSequence returnTypeProduct simpleProduct commonWavelength product.colorSpec

Documented in product product.colorSpec

#   ...     colorSpec objects that can be naturally multiplied
#           there are 5 different types of sequences
#   wavelength      'identical'     then all objects have the same wavelength (default)
#                   'auto'          resample all of them to a suitable computed new sequence
#                   numeric vector, new wavelengths to resample to
#   integration     'rectangular'  (the default), or 'trapezoidal'
#   return:     a new colorSpec object,
#               or a matrix with a column for each output channel and a row for each input spectrum

product.colorSpec <- function( ... )            #,  wavelength='identical' , integration='rectangular'
    theList =  list(...) 
    n   = length(theList)
    if( n == 0 )
        log_string( ERROR, "No arguments !" )
    #   assign defaults
    wavelength      = 'identical'
    integration     = 'rectangular'

    #   get the LHS names
    theNames    = names( theList )
    if( ! is.null(theNames) )
        #   extract just the non-named arguments as the colorSpec objects
        mask.noname = nchar(theNames) == 0        
        #   and so the complement are named arguments, which we want to pass to resample()
        mask.named  = ! mask.noname
        sig = pmatch( theNames, c("wavelength","integration") )     
        idx = which( sig == 1 )
        if( length(idx) == 1 )
            wavelength      = theList[[idx]]
            mask.named[idx] = FALSE   
        idx = which( sig == 2 )
        if( length(idx) == 1 )
            integration     = theList[[idx]]
            mask.named[idx] = FALSE
            option  =  c("rectangular","trapezoidal")
            idx = pmatch( integration, option )
            if( is.na(idx) )
                log_string( ERROR, "integration='%s' is invalid.", as.character(integration) )
            integration = option[idx]

        #   print( mask.named )
        #   all named args, except wavelength !
        resample.argv   = theList[ mask.named ]     #; print( resample.argv )  # wavelength is not here, it is passed to resample() separately
        log_object( TRACE, wavelength )
        log_object( TRACE, integration )        
        mask.noname     = rep( TRUE, n )
        resample.argv   = NULL        

    if( sum(mask.noname) == 0 )
        log_string( ERROR, "No colorSpec arguments." )
    #   now get the actual RHS names
    theNames = as.character( substitute(list(...)) )    # ; print( theNames )
    if( length(theNames) == n+1 )
        theNames    = theNames[ 2:(n+1) ]
        log_string( WARN, "length(theNames) = %d != %d.  Using fake names.", length(theNames), n+1 )
        theNames    = sprintf( "Name%d", 1:n )
    #   form subset for processing
    theList     = theList[ mask.noname ]
    theNames    = theNames[ mask.noname ]
    names(theList)  = theNames  #; print( str(theList) )
    n   = length( theList )
    log_string( TRACE, "Found %d objects in '...'", n )
    if( n == 0 )
        log_string( ERROR, "No colorSpec arguments." )
    type.return = returnTypeProduct( theList )    
    if( is.na(type.return) )
        log_string( ERROR, "Cannot form product, because the argument sequence is invalid." )        
    if( n == 1 )
        #   a single colorSpec, a trivial case
        return( theList[[1]] )

    #   gather type, spectra, and quantity
    type        = character(n)
    quantity    = character(n)    
    spectra     = integer(n)
    k.character  = 0
    for( k in 1:n )
        if( is.character(theList[[k]]) )    
            k.character = k
            type[k]     = "character"
            quantity[k] = "character"     
            spectra[k]  = 1L
            type[k]     = type( theList[[k]] )      
            quantity[k] = quantity( theList[[k]] )  
            spectra[k]  = numSpectra( theList[[k]] )
    #   check # of spectra
    if( any(spectra == 0) )
        log_object( ERROR, spectra )
        log_string( ERROR, "one or more of of the %d colorSpec objects has 0 spectra.", n )
    if( type.return != "matrix" )
        #   easier case
        spectra.multi   = spectra[ 1 < spectra ]
        spectra.unique  = unique( spectra.multi )
        if( 2 <= length(spectra.unique) )
            log_object( ERROR, spectra )
            log_string( ERROR, "# of spectra in list is invalid." )
        #   more complex, try to split sequence into a begin and end (left and right) parts
        #   each part must meet conditions in previous if block
        res = splitSequence( spectra )
        if( is.null(res) )
            log_object( ERROR, spectra )            
            log_string( ERROR, "# of spectra in list is invalid." )
        seq.beg = res$begin
        seq.end = res$end
        if( res$ambiguous )
            log_string( WARN, "The returned matrix is ambiguous; because it depends on the splitting. Inspect the matrix carefully." )

    #   examine wavelengths
    if( wavelength[1] == 'auto' )   wavelength = NULL
    ok  = is.null(wavelength)  ||  is.character(wavelength)  ||  is.numeric(wavelength)
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "wavelength type '%s' is invalid", typeof(wavelength) )

    do.resample = TRUE
    if( is.character(wavelength) )
        if( wavelength[1] == "identical" )
            #   verify that all the objects have identical wavelengths
            wavelength  = wavelength.colorSpec( theList[[1]] )

            for( k in 2:n )
                if( k == k.character )  next
                if( ! identical( wavelength.colorSpec(theList[[k]]), wavelength ) )
                    log_string( ERROR, "'%s' does not have the same wavelengths as '%s'. Consider option wavelength='auto'.",
                                        theNames[1], theNames[k] )
            do.resample = FALSE                
            log_string( ERROR, "wavelength option '%s' is invalid.", wavelength[1] )
    else if( is.null(wavelength) )
        #   compute a new wavelength sequence
        mask    = sapply( theList, is.colorSpec )    #; print( mask )
        #   sublist = theList[mask] ; print( str(sublist) )
        wavelength  = commonWavelength( lapply( theList[mask], wavelength.colorSpec )  )

        log_string( INFO, "From %d objects, computed %d common wavelengths: %g to %g nm with step of %g nm",
                        sum(mask), length(wavelength), wavelength[1], wavelength[length(wavelength)], wavelength[2]-wavelength[1] )
    #if( ! isRegularSequence(wavelength) )
    #    {
    #    log_string( ERROR, "Cannot form product, because resampling wavelength sequence is not regular." )
    #    return(NULL)
    #    }        
    if( do.resample )
        #   resample all of them
        log_string( INFO, "Resampling all %d objects...", n )
        #print( resample.argv )
        #   make arguments for resample().  Always wavelength and maybe more in resample.argv.
        argv = c( list(wavelength=wavelength), resample.argv )   #  partial argument match FIXED
        #print( str(argv) )
        for( k in 1:n )
            if( k == k.character )    next
            #print( "-------------" )
            #print( k )
            #print( str(theList[[k]]) )
            #   modifyList() will add argv to the colorSpec argument
            argv.resample   = modifyList( list(theList[[k]]), argv )    #; print( str(argv.resample) )
            theList[[k]] = do.call( resample, argv.resample )     #      resample( theList[[k]], wave=wavelength )        

    #if( ! is.regular( theList[[1]] ) )
    #    {
    #    log_string( ERROR, "Cannot form product, because wavelength sequence is not regular." )
    #    return(NULL)
    #    }
    step.wl = step.wl( theList[[1]] )
    #   convert to proper quantities
    for( k in 1:n )
        if( k == k.character )    next
        pattern = "^absorb"
        if( grepl( pattern, quantity[k] ) )
            # convert from absorbance to transmittance
            log_string( DEBUG, "converting spectrum %d from absorbance to transmittance.", k )
            theList[[k]]    = linearize(theList[[k]])
        pattern = "^photons"
        if( grepl( pattern, quantity[k] ) )
            # convert from actinometric to radiometric
            log_string( DEBUG, "converting spectrum %d from actinometric to radiometric.", k )
            theList[[k]]   = radiometric(theList[[k]]) 

    if( type.return == "matrix" )
        #   output is *not* a colorSpec
        #   output is a matrix - a product of a left part and a right part

        mat.left    = simpleProduct( theList[ seq.beg ] )
        mat.right   = simpleProduct( theList[ seq.end ] )

        p = length(wavelength)
        if( isRegularSequence(wavelength) )
            log_string( INFO, "Wavelength sequence is regular. step=%g. integration='%s'", step.wl, integration )
            #   this is the easy case, the step size can be brought outside            
            if( integration == 'trapezoidal' )
                #   scale first and last rows of mat.left.  Do not bother to find which matrix is smaller
                mat.left[c(1,p), ]   = 0.5 * mat.left[c(1,p), ]
            out = step.wl * crossprod( mat.left, mat.right )  #; print( str(out) )
            log_string( INFO, "Wavelength sequence is irregular.  integration='%s'",  integration )
            #weight  = diff( wavelength, lag=2 ) / 2
            #w.end   = c( wavelength[2] - wavelength[1], wavelength[p] - wavelength[p-1] )
            weight  = breakandstep(wavelength,integration)$stepvec
            if( length(weight) != p )
                log_string( ERROR, "length(weight)= %d != %d.", length(weight), p )
            #   apply weight to the smaller matrix                
            q   = min( ncol(mat.left), ncol(mat.right) )
            mat.weight  = matrix( weight, nrow=p, ncol=q )
            if( q == ncol(mat.left) )
                mat.left    = mat.weight * mat.left
                mat.right   = mat.weight * mat.right
            out = crossprod( mat.left, mat.right )
        #   assign row names from the left part
        idx = which( spectra == nrow(out) )
        idx = idx[ 1 ]
        rownames(out)   = specnames(theList[[idx]]) 
        #   assign col names from the right part
        idx = which( spectra == ncol(out) )
        idx = idx[ length(idx) ]
        colnames(out)   = specnames(theList[[idx]])

        if( all( nchar(colnames(out)) == 1 ) )
            #   change 'x' to 'X', and 'r' to 'R', etc.
            colnames(out)   = toupper(colnames(out))            
        #  this line is not good; the attr is printed when the matrix is !
        #attr( out, "product" ) = list( wavelength=wavelength, integration=integration )
        return( out )
    if( k.character == 0 )
        #   the case without a variable material is easier
        #   compute simple product of matrices 1 to n
        mat.cum = simpleProduct( theList )

        #   channels    = max( spectra )
        #   for the column names, pick the first one with max number of spectra
        idx = which.max( spectra )
        colnames(mat.cum)   = specnames( theList[[ idx ]] )
        if( type[1] == "light" )
            #   starts with light and ends with a material
            quantity    = quantity( theList[[1]] )
        else if( type[n] == "responsivity.light" )
            #   starts with material and ends with a responder
            quantity    = quantity( theList[[n]] )
            #   just a sequence of materials !  could be transmittance or reflectance !
            #   use crude rule to select which one
            if( any( quantity == "transmittance" ) )
                quantity    = "transmittance" 
                quantity    = "reflectance"
        out = colorSpec( mat.cum, wavelength, quantity=quantity )
        attr( out, "sequence" ) = theList
        return( out )
    #   there is a variable material "slot".  
    #   since materials are not fluorescent, the position of the "slot" does not matter.
    #   the type of the returned colorSpec will be "responsivity.material"
    if( type.return != "responsivity.material" )
        log_string( FATAL, "type.return='%s' != '%s'.", type.return, "responsivity.material" )
    quantity    = quantity( theList[[n]] )
    pattern     = "^(energy|power)"
    if( ! grepl( pattern, quantity ) )
        log_string( FATAL, "Internal error. Last object quantity='%s' does not begin with 'energy' or 'power'.", quantity )
    quantity    = sub( pattern, "material", quantity )

    #   compute simple product of matrices 1 to n, but skip the variable slot
    mat.left    = simpleProduct( theList[ 1:(k.character-1) ] )
    mat.right   = simpleProduct( theList[ (k.character+1):n ] )
    channels    = max( ncol(mat.left), ncol(mat.right) )
    if( ncol(mat.left) < channels )
        mat.left    = matrix( mat.left, nrow(mat.left), channels )
    if( ncol(mat.right) < channels )
        mat.right   = matrix( mat.right, nrow(mat.right), channels )
    mat.cum = mat.left * mat.right    
    #   channels    = ncol( mat.cum ) 
    specnames   = specnames( theList[[n]] )
    if( length(specnames) < channels )
        specnames   = sprintf( "%s.%d", specnames[1], 1:channels )
    colnames(mat.cum)   = specnames    
    out = colorSpec( mat.cum, wavelength, quantity=quantity )        
    attr( out, "sequence" ) = theList    
    return( out )
#   .wavelist   a list of wavelength vectors
#   returns     a suitable intersection vector of wavelengths
#               always begins and ends on integral nm, and always regular
commonWavelength <- function( .wavelist )
    if( length(.wavelist) == 0 )    return(NULL)
    if( length(.wavelist) == 1 )    return(.wavelist[[1]])
    wmin    = max( sapply( .wavelist, function(x) { x[1] } ) )
    wmax    = min( sapply( .wavelist, function(x) { x[length(x)] } ) )
    wmin    = round(wmin)
    wmax    = round(wmax)
    if( wmax <= wmin )
        log_string( ERROR, "wavelength intersection [%g,%g] is empty.", wmin, wmax )
    wstep   = min( sapply( .wavelist, function(x) { mean(diff(x)) } ) )
    #   round to nearest power of 2
    if( wstep < 1 )
        wstep   = 2 ^ round( log2(wstep) )
    out = seq( wmin, wmax, by=wstep )
    return( out )

#   .list   a list of valid colorSpec objects    
#   returns product matrix, with possible replication of columns    
simpleProduct <- function( .list )
    n   = length( .list )
    out = coredata( .list[[1]], forcemat=T )
    if( n == 1 )    return(out)
    #   verify spectra counts
    spectra     = sapply( .list, numSpectra.colorSpec )
    channels    = max( spectra )

    mask    =  spectra==1  |  spectra==channels
    if( ! all(mask) )
        log_object( FATAL, spectra )
        log_string( FATAL, "Internal error.  Invalid spectra counts." )
    if( ncol(out) < channels )
        out = matrix( out, nrow(out), channels )

    for( k in 2:n )
        mat = coredata( .list[[k]], forcemat=T )

        if( ncol(mat) < channels )
            mat = matrix( mat, nrow(mat), channels )
        out = out * mat
    return( out )
#   .list       as passed to product.colorSpec()
#   returns type of product colorSpec objects
#   can be "matrix", or NA in case of an invalid .list    
#   does not check the number of spectra, which might invalidate .list later
returnTypeProduct <- function( .list )
    n           = length( .list )
    theNames    = names( .list )
    if( is.null(theNames) )
        theNames    = as.character( substitute(.list) )     #; print( theNames )
        theNames    = theNames[ 2:(n+1) ]

    out         = as.character( NA )
    type        = character(n)
    k.character = 0
    for( k in 1:n )
        if( is.character(.list[[k]]) )    
            if( 0 < k.character )
                log_string( ERROR, "String '%s' is too many strings.  There can be at most 1 string.", .list[[k]] )
            k.character = k
            if( k==1 || k==n )
                log_string( ERROR, "String '%s' must appear in the interior of the argument list.", .list[[k]] )
            type[k] = "character"
        # print( sprintf( 'class %s', paste(clist[[k]],collapse=',') ) )

        if( ! "colorSpec" %in% class( .list[[k]] ) )
            log_string( ERROR, "class(%s) = '%s', which is invalid.", theNames[k], paste( class(.list[[k]]) ,collapse=',') )
        if( ! is.colorSpec( .list[[k]] ) )
            log_string( ERROR, "%s is not a valid colorSpec object.", theNames[k] )
        type[k]     = type( .list[[k]] )      
    if( n == 1 )
        #   trivial case
        return( type[1] )
    if( 3 <= n )
        #   check interior
        for( k in 2:(n-1) )
            if( k == k.character )  next

            if( type[k] != "material" )
                log_string( ERROR, "type(%s) = '%s' which is invalid for list interior.  It must be 'material'.", 
                                        theNames[k], type[k] )
    #   good so far, now determine the return type
    if( type[1]=="material"  &&  type[n]=="material" )
        out = "material"
    else if( type[1]=="light"  &&  type[n]=="material" )
        out = "light"
    else if( type[1]=="material"  &&  type[n]=="responsivity.light" )
        out = "responsivity.light"
    else if( type[1]=="light"  &&  type[n]=="responsivity.light" )
        #   2 cases
        if( k.character == 0 )
            out = "matrix"
            out = "responsivity.material"   # variable material slot
    else if( type[1]=="material"  &&  type[n]=="responsivity.material" )
        out = "matrix"
        log_string( ERROR, "Cannot form a product. The types of the colorSpec objects are invalid" )
    return( out )
#   x   a sequence of 2 or more positive integers
#       split x into 2 parts, so each one has at most 1 unique value > 1    
#   returns a list with:
#       begin   a sequence from 1:k
#       end     a sequence from (k+1):n
#   or NULL in case that x cannot be split
splitSequence <- function( x )
    n   = length(x)
    out = list()
    out$begin       = 1:(n-1)
    out$end         = n
    out$ambiguous   = FALSE
    x.multi = x[ 1 < x ]
    if( length(x.multi) == 0 )
        #   all 1s
    x.multi.unique  = unique(x.multi)
    if( 3 <= length(x.multi.unique) )
        #   not splittable
    if( length(x.multi.unique) == 1 )
        #   exactly one unique value greater than 1
        if( 3 <= n )
            out$ambiguous   = x.multi.unique  %in%  x[ 2:(n-1) ]
    #   there are 2 unique values greater than 1
    #   there must be 1 or more jumps
    jump    = which( diff(x.multi) != 0 )
    if( 1 < length(jump) )  
        #   not splittable
    #   only 1 jump
    #   find last occurence of x1
    k   =   which( x == x.multi[1] )
    k   =   k[ length(k) ]
    out$begin   = 1:k
    out$end     = (k+1):n
    return( out )
#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#                    
product <- function( ... )      #,   wavelength="identical" 
#--------       testing           --------------#           
testVarArg <- function( ... )  #,   wavelength="identical" 
    theList = list(...)
    print( as.character( substitute(list(...)) ) )
    theNames = names(theList)
    print( theNames )
    #   split into unnamed and named parts
    if( is.null(theNames) )
        list.noname = theList
        list.named  = NULL
        mask    = nchar(theNames)==0
        list.noname = theList[ mask ]
        list.named  = theList[ ! mask ]
    cat( "No names:\n" )
    print( str(list.noname) )
    cat( "\nNamed:\n" )
    print( str(list.named) )
    print( str(substitute(...)) )
    print( deparse(substitute(...)) )
    print( substitute(..2) )    
    print( str(...) )
    print( deparse(substitute(..1,parent.frame(n=2) ) ) )    
    print( deparse(substitute(..1) ) )    
    theList =  list(...) 
    print( str(theList) )
    #   print( str(pairlist(...)) )
    print( names(theList) )

    for( k in 1:length(theList) )
        print( deparse(substitute( theList[k], parent.frame(n = 2) )  ) )
    #   print( str( c(...) ) )
    print( wavelength )
    print( lapply( theList, class ) )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )

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colorSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6 a.m.