
Defines functions outlierplot.acomp outlierplot pchForOutliers1 colorsForOutliers2 colorsForOutliers1 coloredBiplot.prcomp coloredBiplot.princomp coloredBiplot.default coloredBiplot ClusterFinder1.acomp ClusterFinder1 OutlierClassifier1.acomp OutlierClassifier1 IsMahalanobisOutlier pQuantileMahalanobis qPortionMahalanobis rPortionMahalanobis pPortionMahalanobis rEmpiricalMahalanobis qEmpiricalMahalanobis pEmpiricalMahalanobis rMaxMahalanobis qMaxMahalanobis pMaxMahalanobis MahalanobisDist.aplus MahalanobisDist.rmult MahalanobisDist

Documented in ClusterFinder1 ClusterFinder1.acomp coloredBiplot coloredBiplot.default coloredBiplot.prcomp coloredBiplot.princomp colorsForOutliers1 colorsForOutliers2 IsMahalanobisOutlier MahalanobisDist MahalanobisDist.aplus MahalanobisDist.rmult OutlierClassifier1 OutlierClassifier1.acomp outlierplot outlierplot.acomp pchForOutliers1 pEmpiricalMahalanobis pMaxMahalanobis pPortionMahalanobis pQuantileMahalanobis qEmpiricalMahalanobis qMaxMahalanobis qPortionMahalanobis rEmpiricalMahalanobis rMaxMahalanobis rPortionMahalanobis

# FunctionOutlier.R
# (C) 2008  K.Gerald van den Boogaart, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
# Pulished under the GNU Public License Version 2
# part of the compositions package
# The functions in this file are concerned with outlier detection
# based on robust mean and variance estimation provided by the 
# robustbase package.

# MahalanobisDist
# This function computes the Mahalanobis distances of the individual
# datasets to the center. It can be be used with given or automatically
# estimated center and covariances. There is also a robust parameter,
# which should be set to true for usefull results.

MahalanobisDist <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...) UseMethod("MahalanobisDist",x)

#MahalanobisDist.default <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...,pairwise=FALSE,robust=FALSE) MahalanobisDist(rmult(x),center,cov,inverted=inverted,...,pairwise=pairwise,robust=robust)

MahalanobisDist.rmult <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...,goodOnly=NULL,pairwise=FALSE,pow=1, robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE) {
  # inset: manage sticky class status
    oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
  # former function goes on
  if( is.null(goodOnly) ) 
    xx <- x
    xx<-rmult(oneOrDataset(x), orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x))[goodOnly,,drop=FALSE]
  if( is.null(cov)) {
    cov <- var(xx,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE)
    inverted <- FALSE
  if( is.null(center) ) {
    if( is.null(attr(cov,"center")))
      center <- mean(xx,robust=robust)
      center <- attr(cov,"center")
    center = rmult(center, orig=gsi.orig(xx), V=gsi.getV(xx))
  if( pairwise ) {
    z    <- unclass(idt(x))
    power <- if(inverted) 0.5 else -0.5
    SQRT <- with(svd(cov), u %*% gsi.diagGenerate(d^power) %*% t(v))
    erg <- dist(z %*% SQRT,...)^pow  
  } else {
    more <- t(unclass(oneOrDataset(x-rmult(center))))
    if( ! is.matrix(cov) )
      cov <- matrix(cov,nrow=1,ncol=1)
    ss <- if(inverted) cov %*% more else solve(cov,more,...)
    erg <- sqrt(c(rep(1,nrow(more)) %*% (ss*more)))^pow
  if( giveGeometry ) {
    attr(erg,"center") <- center
    attr(erg,"cov") <-cov
#      if( any( rob$mah != erg[goodOnly] ) )
#        warning("Imprecision detected:",(rob$mah - erg[goodOnly]))

MahalanobisDist.rcomp <- MahalanobisDist.acomp <- MahalanobisDist.rplus <- MahalanobisDist.aplus <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...,goodOnly=NULL, pairwise=FALSE,pow=1,robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE) {
  if( any( class(x) %in% c("acomp","rcomp")) )
    if( !is.null(cov) && gsi.getD(x) == ncol(cov))
      cov <- clrvar2ilr(cov)
  erg <- MahalanobisDist(idt(x),idt(center),cov,inverted,...,goodOnly=goodOnly,pairwise=pairwise,pow=pow,robust=robust,giveGeometry=giveGeometry)
  if( giveGeometry ) {
    attr(erg,"center") <- idtInv(attr(erg,"center"),x)

# covMcd.acomp is like covMcd from rrcov but applicable to acomp objects
# and extreme situations.
#covMcd.acomp <- function(X,...) {
#  if( nrow(X) < 2*ncol(X) ) {
#    return(list(center=mean(X),cov=var(X)))
#  }
#  rob <- covMcd(ilr(X),...)
#  rob$center <- ilr.inv(rob$center)
#  rob$cov    <- ilrvar2clr(rob$cov)
#  rob

#covMcd.rcomp <- function(X,...) {
#  if( nrow(X) < 2*ncol(X) ) {
#    return(list(center=mean(X),cov=var(X)))
#  }
#  rob <- covMcd(ipt(X),...)
#  rob$center <- ipt.inv(rob$center)
#  rob$cov    <- ilrvar2clr(rob$cov)
#  rob

## functions to codify the ourliers in several ways
# X:   the data set (with column names!!!)
# mat: contains a matrix like X, with logicals
# numcode: contains a number, a sum of bits
# alphacode: contains a string, the concatenation of column names
#gsi.numcode <- function(mat){
#  aux = mat%*% 2^(0:(ncol(mat)-1)) 
#  return(c(aux))

                                        #gsi.alphacode <- function(mat){
#  sapply(1:nrow(mat),function(i){
#   paste(colnames(mat)[mat[i,]],collapse="|")
#  })
# extracts the bitcode from a numcode plus a dimension (number of columns)
#gsi.bits <- function(x,D){
# if(max(x)>(2^D-1)){stop("dimension provided is smaller than minimal")}
# output = ""
# x = x+1
# for(k in 1:ceiling(log2(x))){
#  y = x/2
#  output=paste(output,ifelse(y==floor(y),1,0),sep="")
#  x = x - floor(y)
#  if(x==1){return(paste(output,paste(rep("0",D-k),collapse=""),sep=""))}
# }
# return(output)
# ??
#num2mat = function(num,D){
# aux = sapply(num,function(x){as.logical(as.integer(strsplit(gsi.bits(x,D),split="")[[1]]))})
# return(t(aux))
# ??
#fac2num = function(fak){
# aux = as.integer(levels(fak)[as.integer(fak)])
# aux[is.na(aux)]=0
# return(aux)
# ??
#alpha2mat = function(alpha,colnames){
# mat = matrix(FALSE,ncol=length(colnames),nrow=length(alpha))
# colnames(mat)=colnames
# for(i in 1:length(alpha)){
#  aux = strsplit(alpha[i],split="|",extended=FALSE)[[1]]
#  mat[i,aux]= TRUE
# }
# return(mat)

###### MAIN FUNCTION ############
# There are 3 classifiers doing roughly similar things

######  basic classifier function, producing a factor with the kind of outlier (or "ok" if typical)
# Old Name : myClassifier.acomp
#OutlierClassifier.acomp <- function(X,...,cutlevel=4,goodOnly=1:nrow(X)) {
#  coord <- idt(X)
#  cv <- covMcd(coord[goodOnly,],...)
#  Rcenter <- cv$center
#  Cmean   <- ilr.inv(Rcenter)
#  myIvar  <- cv$cov
#  myCvar  <- ilrvar2clr(myIvar)
#  aux <- (rmult(coord)-rmult(Rcenter))
#  genOutlier <- scalar(aux,t(solve(myIvar,t(unclass(aux)))))/gsi.getD(X)
#  redOutlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),function(i) {
#    xIvar <- clrvar2ilr(ilrvar2clr(myIvar)[-i,-i])
#    ax <- clr2ilr(ilr2clr(aux)[,-i])
#    scalar(ax,t(solve(xIvar,t(unclass(ax)))))/(gsi.getD(X)-1)
#  })
#  colnames(redOutlier) = colnames(X)
#  #singleOut<-rmult(clr(X-Cmean)^2)/rmult(gsi.diagExtract(myCvar))
#  erg = cbind(genOutlier,redOutlier)
#  if( missing(cutlevel) )
#    return(erg)
#  genOutlier <- genOutlier > cutlevel
#  redID <- gsi.numcode(redOutlier > cutlevel)
#  Fak = ifelse(genOutlier,binary(redID),"ok")
#  factor(Fak)

#myClassifier2.acomp <- function(X,...,alpha=0.01,type=c("best","all","type","outlier"),cutlevel,goodOnly=1:nrow(X)) {
#  takeIf <- function(c,x,y) {
#    y <- ifelse(c,y,y)
#    y[c]<-x
#    y
#  }
#  coord <- idt(X)
#  cv <- covMcd(coord[goodOnly,],...)
#  Rcenter <- cv$center
#  Cmean   <- ilr.inv(Rcenter)
#  myIvar  <- cv$cov
#  myCvar  <- ilrvar2clr(myIvar)
#  aux <- (rmult(coord)-rmult(Rcenter))
#  genOutlier <- scalar(aux,t(solve(myIvar,t(unclass(aux)))))#/gsi.getD(X)
#  isOutlier <- pchisq(genOutlier,df=gsi.getD(X)-1,lower.tail=FALSE)<=alpha
#  if( any( isOutlier ) ) {
#    aux2 <- aux[isOutlier,]
#    checkRedOutlier <- function(i) {
#      xIvar <- clrvar2ilr(myCvar[-i,-i])
#      ax <- clr2ilr(ilr2clr(aux2)[,-i])
#      pchisq(scalar(ax,t(solve(xIvar,t(unclass(ax))))),df=nrow(xIvar),lower.tail=FALSE)
#    }
#    redOutlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),checkRedOutlier)
#    colnames(redOutlier) = colnames(X)
#    oneExplains <- c(((redOutlier > alpha)+0) %*% rep(1,ncol(X))>0)
#    bestExplain <- apply(redOutlier,1,which.max)
#  } else oneExplains <- c()
##  multiOutlier <- isOutlier & ! oneExplains
#  type = match.arg(type)
#  #singleOut<-rmult(clr(X-Cmean)^2)/rmult(gsi.diagExtract(myCvar))
##  genOutlier <- genOutlier > cutlevel
##  redID <- numcode(redOutlier > cutlevel)
#  if( type == "best" )
#    Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,colnames(X)[bestExplain],"?"),"ok")
#  if( type == "all" )
#    Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,binary(gsi.numcode(redOutlier > alpha)),"?"),"ok")
#  if( type == "type" )
#    Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"1","?"),"ok")
#  if( type == "outlier" )
#    Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"outlier","outlier"),"ok")    
#  factor(Fak)

# The pStore environment caches simulations and results from the slow
# distribution routines for the MaxMahalanobis and Mahalanobis distributions
if( ! exists("gsi.pStore") )
  gsi.pStore <- new.env(hash=TRUE,emptyenv())

# The cdf of the distribution of the Maxium Robust Mahalanobis distance
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
pMaxMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
  id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="MaxMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
  if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]])   ) {
    s <- rMaxMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust)
  sapply(q,function(x) mean(c(0,(s^pow)<=x,1)))

# The quantile function of the distribution of the Maxium Robust Mahalanobis distance
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
qMaxMahalanobis <- function(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
  id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,pow=pow,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="MaxMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
  if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]])   ) {
    s <- rMaxMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust) 

# A random number generator of the distribution of the Maxium Robust Mahalanobis distance
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
rMaxMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
  return( rEmpiricalMahalanobis(n,N,d,...,pow=pow,robust=robust,sorted=max) )
  # Old Code
#  rr <- robust
#  control <- attr(robust,"control")
#  if( is.logical(robust) ) rr <- if(robust) "mcd" else "pearson"
#  if( rr == "mcd" ) require(robustbase)
#  s<-switch(rr,
#            pearson={
#              if( d==1 )
#                replicate(n,{
#                  x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
#                  max(c(((c(x)-mean(x))^2)/c(var(x))))
#                })
#              else {
#                quickMah <- function(x) {
#                  v <- var(x)
#                  xc <- t(x)-meanCol(x)
#                  max(rep(1,ncol(v)) %*% solve(v,xc,...) * xc )
#                }
#                replicate(ntrial,quickMah(matrix(rnorm(n*d,mean=rnorm(1)),ncol=d)))
#              }
#            },
#            mcd={
#              if( d > 1 )
#                replicate(n,sqrt(max(covMcd(gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d,mean=rnorm(1)),dim=c(N,d)),control=control)$mah)))
#              else {
#                replicate(n,{
#                  x   <- gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))
#                  erg <- covMcd(x,control=control)
#                  max( (x-erg$center)^2/c(erg$cov) )
#                })
#              }
#              s
#            },
#            stop("rMaxMahalanobis: Unkown robustness option:",robust)
#            )
#  s
# The cdf of the distribution of the Robust Mahalanobis distance
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
pEmpiricalMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
  id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="EmpiricalMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
  if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]])   ) {
    s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust)
  sapply(q,function(x) mean(c(0,(s^pow)<=x,1)))

# The quatile function of the distribution of the Robust Mahalanobis distance
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine

qEmpiricalMahalanobis <- function(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
  id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="EmpiricalMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
  if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]])   ) {
    s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust) 

# The random number generator of the distribution of the Robust Mahalanobis distance
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine

rEmpiricalMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,...,sorted=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
  if( is.logical(robust) ) rr <- if(robust) "mcd" else "pearson"
  if( is.logical(sorted) )
    if( sorted )
      sorted <- function(x) sort(c(x))
      sorted <- function(x) x
  else if( is.numeric(sorted) ) {
    ndx <- sorted
    sorted <- function(x) sort(c(x))[ndx]
  params <- list(...)
  s <- switch(rr,
                if( d > 1 ) {
                  quickMah <- function(x) {
                    v <- var(x)
                    xc <- t(x)-meanCol(x)
                    sorted(sqrt(rep(1,ncol(v)) %*% solve(v,xc,...) * xc)^pow)
                } else {
                    x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
                if( d > 1 )
                else {
                    x   <- gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))
                    erg <- do.call("covMcd",c(list(x),params))
                    sorted(sqrt( (x-erg$center)^2/c(erg$cov) )^pow)
              stop("rEmpiricalMahalanobis: Unkown robustness type:", robust)
  if(is.matrix(s)) t(s) else s

# The cdf of the distribution of the portion of Mahalanobis distances
# over a given cutoff
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# cut= the cutoff
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
pPortionMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
  id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="PortionMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
  if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]])   ) {
    s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,sorted=TRUE,robust=robust)
  sapply(q,function(x) mean(c(0,(s^pow)<=x,1)))

rPortionMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,cut,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
                        sorted=function(x) sum(x<=cut))

# The quantile function of the distribution of the portion of Mahalanobis distances
# over a given cutoff
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# cut= the cutoff
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
qPortionMahalanobis <- function(p,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
  id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,type="PortionMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
  if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]])   ) {
    s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,sorted=TRUE,robust=robust) 

# A random number generator of the sorted list of Mahalanobis distances
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# cut= the cutoff
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
#rSortedMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,...) {
#  require(robustbase)
#  params <- list(...)
#  if( d > 1 )
#    s <- replicate(n,sqrt(sort(do.call("covMcd",c(list(gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))),params))$mah)))
#  else {
#    s <- replicate(n,sort({
#      x   <- gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))
#      erg <- do.call("covMcd",c(list(x),params))
#      c( (x-erg$center)^2/c(erg$cov))
#    }))
#  }
#  t(s)

# A routine to display a matrix as an image (used for debugging only)
#showMat <- function(X) {
#  dev <- dev.cur()
#  x11()
#  image(X)
 # dev.set(dev)

# The cdf of the distribution of the empirical p-quantile of Mahalanobis distances
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# p= the probability for qunatile
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine

pQuantileMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,p,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,ulimit=TRUE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
  id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,pow=pow,robust=robust,replicates=replicates,type="pQuantileMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
  if( resample || is.null(PreSort<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]])   ) {
    s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=pow,robust=robust,sorted=TRUE)
#    attr(s,"palphaEnv") <- new.env(hash=TRUE,emptyenv())
    PreSort <- apply(s,2,sort)
    st <- t(s)
#    attr(s,"PreSort") <- PreSort
    realP <- sapply(1:nrow(PreSort),function(i) mean(apply(st <= PreSort[i,],2,all)))
    attr(PreSort,"realP") <- realP
  } else {
    realP <- attr(PreSort,"realP")
  line <- sapply(p,
                 function(pp) {
                   if( !ulimit ) {
                     line <- sum(realP < 1-pp)+1
                     if( line > length(realP) ) {
                       line <- length(realP)
                       warning("Extreme limits might be incorrect in joint confidence band")
                   else {
                     line <- sum(realP <= 1-pp)
                     if( line < 1 ) {
                       line <- 1
                       warning("Extremely small limits might be incorrect in joint confidence band")
  sapply(line,function(xline) sapply(q,function(xx) mean(PreSort[xline,]<xx)))

# The central decision routine checking for outliers in compositional data
# X= the dataset
# ... further arguments to solve
# further arguments to mcd can be given through the attribute of robust
# alpha= The alpha level of the outlier detection
# Old Name mahOutliers.acomp
IsMahalanobisOutlier <- function(X,...,alpha=0.05,goodOnly=NULL,replicates=1000,corrected=TRUE,robust=TRUE,crit=NULL) {
  if( is.null(goodOnly) )
    N <- nrow(X)
    N <- nrow(X[goodOnly,])
  alphaExt <- min(alpha,1-alpha)
  if( missing(replicates) ) replicates <- max(ceiling(50/alphaExt),replicates)
  while( is.null(crit) ) {
    crit <- if(corrected)
                            if( missing(replicates) )
    if( !is.finite(crit) ) {
      crit<- NULL;
      warning("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Problems computing Quantiles")
      if( nk>6 ) stop("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Problems computing Quantiles")
  if( !is.finite(crit) ) stop("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Error in crit")
  md <- MahalanobisDist(X,...,goodOnly=goodOnly,robust=robust)
  if( any(!is.finite(crit)) ) stop("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Error in MahalanobisDist")

# The myClassifier3 is the routine doning the classification
# concerning single component outliers.
# X The dataset
# alpha the alpha-level to derive the cutoff
# type The type of classification to be reportet:
# best : ok ? or the component giving the best explanation
# all  : ok or a bitcode reporting all explaining components
# type : ok ? 1: wheter a outlier is single Component outlier
# outlier: ok outlier: whether or not its an outlier
# grade : ok, extrem, outlier : grade of outlyingness
# cutlevel (unfortunatly not supported at this moment)
#  intendet to provide an alternate cutlevel in case a ncase Analysis
# goodOnly: The subset of X to be used for the covMcd
# ... : Further parameters to covMcd
# corrected: Should the detection be corrected for multiple testing
# RedCorrected: Should the acceptance of reduced outliers be corrected for
#   multiple testing
# The result is a factor
# Old Name: myClassifier3
OutlierClassifier1 <- function(X,...) UseMethod("OutlierClassifier1",X)
OutlierClassifier1.acomp <- function(X,...,alpha=0.05,type=c("best","all","type","outlier","grade"),goodOnly=NULL,corrected=TRUE,RedCorrected=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
  cls <- class(X)
  reclass <- function(x) gsi.mystructure(x,class=cls)
  isOutlier <- IsMahalanobisOutlier(X,...,alpha=alpha,goodOnly=goodOnly,corrected=corrected,robust=robust)
  if( type=="grade" )
    isOutlier2 <- IsMahalanobisOutlier(X,...,alpha=alpha,goodOnly=goodOnly,corrected=FALSE,robust=robust)
  if( any( isOutlier ) ) {
    # inset: manage sticky class status
      oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
    # former function goes on
    checkRedOutlier <- function(i) {
    redOutlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),checkRedOutlier)
    colnames(redOutlier) = colnames(X)
    oneExplains <- c(((1-redOutlier) %*% rep(1,ncol(X)))>0)
    checkRed2Outlier <- function(i) {
        # inset: manage sticky class status
        oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
        # former function goes on
    red2Outlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),checkRed2Outlier)
    bestExplain <- apply(red2Outlier,1,which.min)
  } else oneExplains <- c()
  type = match.arg(type)
  if( type == "best" ) {
    Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,colnames(X)[bestExplain],"?"),"ok")
    lev = c("ok","?",colnames(X))
  if( type == "all" ) {
    gsi.numcode <- function(mat){
      aux = mat%*% 2^(0:(ncol(mat)-1)) 
    Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,binary(gsi.numcode(1-redOutlier[,rev(1:ncol(redOutlier)),drop=FALSE])),"ok")
    lev = unique(c("ok",sort(Fak)))
  if( type == "type" ) {
    Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"1","?"),"ok")
    lev = c("ok","?","1")
  if( type == "outlier" ) {
    Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"outlier","outlier"),"ok")
    lev = c("ok","outlier")
  if( type == "grade" ) {
    Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,"outlier",ifelse(isOutlier2,"extreme","ok"))
    lev = c("ok","extreme","outlier")

# A robust mean calculator
# Now implemented as mean(X,robust=TRUE)
#rmean.acomp <- function(X,...,rmethod=covMcd) {
#  coord <- ilr(X)
 # re <- rmethod(coord,...)
#  ilr.inv(re$center)

# Computes robustly estimated Mahalanobis distances between the
# observations (see myMahalanobis.acomp for distances to the center)
# Now impemented as MahalanobisDist ( pairwise=TRUE)
#robustMahalanobisDist.acomp <- function(X,...,rmethod=covMcd,fullData=X) {
#  z    <- unclass(idt(X))
 # SQRT <- with(svd(rmethod(unclass(idt(fullData)))$cov), u %*% gsi.diagGenerate(d^-0.5) %*% t(v))
 # dist(z %*% SQRT,...)  

# Computes distances of directional differences to the robustly estimated center
#dirDist.acomp <- dirDist.rcomp <- function(X,center,...) {
#  dist(idt(normalize(X-center)),...)  

# The maximum density clustering as described in the article
# X the dataset
# ... Further arguments to covMcd
# sigma The bandwidht of the kernel in normalized space
# radius the radius in which neighbouring maxima are searched in normalized space
# asig The relatively factor of assumed spread for correcting the central density of the groups.
# minGrp The minimum size of a group
ClusterFinder1 <- function(X,...) UseMethod("ClusterFinder1",X)
ClusterFinder1.acomp <- function(X,...,sigma=0.3,radius=1,asig=1,minGrp=3,robust=TRUE) {
  Dim    <- gsi.getD(X)-1
  N      <- nrow(X)
  disQ   <- as.matrix(MahalanobisDist(X,...,pow=2,robust=robust,pairwise=TRUE))
  kernel <- exp(-disQ/(2*sigma^2))/sqrt((2*pi*sigma^2)^Dim)
  density<- kernel %*% rep(1/N,N)
  neigh  <- apply(disQ,1,order)
  locMax <- sapply(1:N,function(i) max(density[disQ[i,]<radius^2*Dim]))
  isMax  <- c(density == locMax)
  alloc  <- (1:N)[isMax]
  or     <- order(density[alloc],decreasing=TRUE)
  alloc  <- alloc[or]
  while(TRUE) {
    likeli <- sapply(alloc,function(i) log(density[i])-disQ[i,]/(2*asig^2))
    grpnr  <- if( length(alloc) > 1 )
    assign <- factor(grpnr)
    if( length(levels(assign))< length(alloc) ) {
      alloc <- alloc[1:length(alloc) %in% unique(grpnr)]
    } else
  prob   <- acomp(exp(likeli))
  members<- table(assign)
  realGroups <- c(members>=minGrp)
  types  <- factor(ifelse( realGroups[grpnr] , grpnr , "single" ))

# plots the centers of the clusters 
#showCenters <- function(X,...,cl= ClusterFinder.acomp(X,...),add=FALSE) {
#  #plot(ilr(X),col=ifelse(cl$isMax,"red","black"),pch=3)
#  #points(rbind(ilr(X)[cl$isMax,],ilr(X)[cl$isMax,]),col="red",pch=20)
#  plot(X,col=as.numeric(cl$groups),pch=3,add=add)

## function to provide a coloured biplot (admits SVD, princomp and prcomp)
#coloredBiplot <- function(xrf, scale=1, choice=c(1,2), pc.biplot=FALSE, 
#        xcol="black", ycol="red", xpch=4, ypch=1, cex=1, 
#        xarrows=FALSE, yarrows=!xarrows, xnames=NULL, ynames=NULL,...){
# # X : cases (points)
# # Y : variables (arrows)
#   if("princomp" %in% class(xrf)){
#      X = xrf$scores
#      Y = xrf$loadings
#      if(is.null(xnames)){xnames=rownames(X)}
#      if(is.null(ynames)){ynames=rownames(Y)}
#      l = xrf$sdev
#      fac = ifelse(pc.biplot,sqrt(nrow(X)),1)
#   }
#   if("prcomp" %in% class(xrf)){
#      X = xrf$x
#      Y = xrf$rotation
#      if(is.null(xnames)){xnames=rownames(X)}
#      if(is.null(ynames)){ynames=rownames(Y)}
#      l = xrf$sdev
#      fac = ifelse(pc.biplot,sqrt(nrow(X)),1)
#   }
#   if("list" %in% class(xrf)){
#     warning("Attention: biplot tries to interpret xrf as result of an svd")
#     if(pc.biplot){
#      X = as.matrix(xrf$u)*sqrt(nrow(X))
#      Y = xrf$v/sqrt(nrow(X))
#      l = xrf$d
#     }
#     if(!pc.biplot){
#      X = as.matrix(xrf$u)  %*% diag(xrf$d)
#      Y = xrf$v
#      l = xrf$d /sqrt(nrow(X))
#     }
#      warning("recall that singular value decomposition does not center the data set")
#      fac = 1
#   }
#   Xx = X[,choice[1]]*(l[choice[1]]^(1-scale))*fac
#   Xy = X[,choice[2]]*(l[choice[2]]^(1-scale))*fac
#   Yx = Y[,choice[1]]*(l[choice[1]]^(scale))/fac
#   Yy = Y[,choice[2]]*(l[choice[2]]^(scale))/fac
## abandoned attempts to scale X and Y in the same way as R does:
##      span = function(x){ c(range(x)%*%c(-1,1)) }
##      escala = 0.8*max(span(Xx)/span(Yx),span(Xy)/span(Yy))
##      Yx = Yx #* span(Xx)/span(Yx) # escala
##      Yy = Yy #* span(Xy)/span(Yy) # escala
## more abandoned attempts to scale X and Y in the same way as R does:
##    escala =0.8*as.double(xlm%*%c(-1,1)/(xlml%*%c(-1,1)))
##    xlm=c(min(xlml*escala,xlm),max(xlml*escala,xlm))
##      xlm = c(-1,1)*max(abs(xlm))
##      ylm = xlm
##    ylm=c(min(ylml*escala,ylm),max(ylml*escala,ylm))
##      ylm = c(-1,1)*max(abs(ylm))
##    ratio=as.double(xlm%*%c(-1,1))/(ylm%*%c(-1,1))
##    ylm=ratio*ylm
##      print(c(xlm,ylm))

#   par(pty="s")
#   plot(c(Xx,Yx)*1.05,c(Xy,Yy)*1.05,type="n",col=xcol,ann=FALSE,pch=xpch,cex=cex,...)
#   if( xarrows ) 
#     arrows(x0=0,y0=0, x1=Xx, y1=Xy,length=0.1,col=xcol)
#   else
#     points(x=Xx, y=Xy,col=xcol,pch=xpch)
#   if( yarrows ){
#     arrows(x0=0,y0=0, x1=Yx, y1=Yy,length=0.1,col=ycol)
#   }else{
#     points(x=Yx, y=Yy,col=ycol,pch=ypch)
#   }
#   text(x=Xx*1.05,y=Xy*1.05,labels=xnames,...)
#   text(x=Yx*1.05,y=Yy*1.05,labels=ynames,...)
coloredBiplot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("coloredBiplot")

coloredBiplot.default <-
    function(x, y, var.axes = TRUE, col, cex = rep(par("cex"), 2),
	     xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand=1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
	     arrow.len = 0.1,
             main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
             xlabs.col = NULL, xlabs.bg = NULL, xlabs.pc=NULL, ...)
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- nrow(y)
    if(missing(xlabs)) {
	xlabs <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
	if(is.null(xlabs)) xlabs <- 1:n
    xlabs <- as.character(xlabs)
    dimnames(x) <- list(xlabs, dimnames(x)[[2]])
    if(missing(ylabs)) {
	ylabs <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
	if(is.null(ylabs)) ylabs <- paste("Var", 1:p)
    ylabs <- as.character(ylabs)
    dimnames(y) <- list(ylabs, dimnames(y)[[2]])

    if(length(cex) == 1) cex <- c(cex, cex)
    if(missing(col)) {
	col <- par("col")
	if (!is.numeric(col)) col <- match(col, palette(), nomatch=1)
	col <- c(col, col + 1)
    else if(length(col) == 1) col <- c(col, col)

    unsigned.range <- function(x)
        c(-abs(min(x, na.rm=TRUE)), abs(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)))
    rangx1 <- unsigned.range(x[, 1])
    rangx2 <- unsigned.range(x[, 2])
    rangy1 <- unsigned.range(y[, 1])
    rangy2 <- unsigned.range(y[, 2])

    if(missing(xlim) && missing(ylim))
	xlim <- ylim <- rangx1 <- rangx2 <- range(rangx1, rangx2)
    else if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- rangx1
    else if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- rangx2
    ratio <- max(rangy1/rangx1, rangy2/rangx2)/expand
    op <- par(pty = "s")
        op <- c(op, par(mar = par("mar")+c(0,0,1,0)))
     col1 = col[1]
     col1 = xlabs.col
    plot(x, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = col1,
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, sub = sub, main = main, ...)
       text(x, xlabs, cex = cex[1], col = col1, ...)
       points(x, cex = cex[1], col = col1, pch=xlabs.pc, bg=xlabs.bg, ...)
    par(new = TRUE)
    plot(y, axes = FALSE, type = "n", xlim = xlim*ratio, ylim = ylim*ratio,
	 xlab = "", ylab = "", col = col[1], ...)
    axis(3, col = col[2], ...)
    axis(4, col = col[2], ...)
    box(col = col[1])
    text(y, labels=ylabs, cex = cex[2], col = col[2], ...)
	arrows(0, 0, y[,1] * 0.8, y[,2] * 0.8, col = col[2], length=arrow.len)

coloredBiplot.princomp <- function(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...)
    if(length(choices) != 2) stop("length of choices must be 2")
    if(!length(scores <- x$scores))
	stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))),
             domain = NA)
    lam <- x$sdev[choices]
    if(is.null(n <- x$n.obs)) n <- 1
    lam <- lam * sqrt(n)
    if(scale < 0 || scale > 1) warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]")
    if(scale != 0) lam <- lam^scale else lam <- 1
    if(pc.biplot) lam <- lam / sqrt(n)
    coloredBiplot.default(t(t(scores[, choices]) / lam),
		   t(t(x$loadings[, choices]) * lam), ...)

coloredBiplot.prcomp <- function(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...)
    if(length(choices) != 2) stop("length of choices must be 2")
    if(!length(scores <- x$x))
	stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))),
             domain = NA)
        stop("biplots are not defined for complex PCA")
    lam <- x$sdev[choices]
    n <- NROW(scores)
    lam <- lam * sqrt(n)
    if(scale < 0 || scale > 1) warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]")
    if(scale != 0) lam <- lam^scale else lam <- 1
    if(pc.biplot) lam <- lam / sqrt(n)
    coloredBiplot.default(t(t(scores[, choices]) / lam),
		   t(t(x$rotation[, choices]) * lam), ...)

## a colour code generator for outlierfactors
# outfac the factor
# family a colorpalette to generate colors for general groups
colorsForOutliers1 <- function(outfac, family=rainbow,extreme="cyan",outlier="red",ok="gray40",unknown="blue"){
  lev <- levels(outfac)
  cols = do.call(family, args=list(n=length(lev[lev!="ok"])))
  cols = ifelse(lev!="ok",cols,ok)
  names(cols) <- lev
  if( "extreme" %in% lev ) {
  if( "outlier" %in% lev ) 
  if( "?" %in% lev ) 

# A colorcode generator for bitcodes factors
# outfac: the factor as a result for myClassifier3.acomp( type="all")
# use   : the bits to be encoded
# codes : color components to be used
colorsForOutliers2 <- function(outfac,use=whichBits(gsi.orSum(levels(outfac))),
                        ) {
  oks <- lev=="ok"
  if( any(oks) ) lev[oks]<-"0"
  dat <- c((bit(lev,use)+0)%*%codes[1:length(use)])
  r <- (dat %/% 2^16)
  g <- (dat %/% 2^8) %% 2^8
  b <- dat %% 2^8
  erg <- rgb(r/255,g/255,b/255)

## a colour code generator for outlierfactors
# outfac : the factor
# ok : pch for good measurements
# outlier : pch for class outlier
# extreme : pch for class extreme
# unkown  : pch for class ?
# ...     : pairs class=pch for assigning pch to another class
# other   : possible pch for unmentioned classes
pchForOutliers1 = function(outfac,ok='.',outlier='\004',extreme='\003',unknown='\004',...,
    ) {
  tbl <- c(ok=ok,outlier=outlier,extreme=extreme,"?"=unknown,...)
  lev <- levels(outfac)
  nrm <- ! (lev %in% names(tbl))
  if( any(nrm) ) 
    tbl <- c(tbl,gsi.mystructure(other[1:sum(nrm)],names=lev[nrm]))

outlierplot <- function(X,...) UseMethod("outlierplot",X)

## several diagnostic plots and their auxiliary functions
## general function to obtain exploratory plots on the outlier character of the sample
outlierplot.acomp <- function(X,colcode=colorsForOutliers1,pchcode=pchForOutliers1,
                              mahalanobisLabel="Mahalanobis Distance"
  what = match.arg(type)
  # inset: manage sticky class status
    oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
  # former function
    if( is.function(colcode) )
      colcode <- colcode(myCls)
    if( is.function(pchcode) ) {
      pchcode <- pchcode(myCls)
    if( length(pchcode) > 1 )
      pch <- pchcode[as.integer(myCls)]
    if( is.logical(princomp.robust) )
      pr <- princomp(cdt(X),robust=princomp.robust)
      pr <- princomp.robust

  ### corrected influence mahalanobis
# infl.mahalanobis.acomp = function(X,m=cov.mcd(idt(X))$center, v=cov.mcd(idt(X))$cov ){
#  aux = svd(v)
#  st = clr(acomp(X)-ilr.inv(m)) %*% t( ilr2clr(t(aux$v))) %*% diag(1/sqrt(aux$d))
#  st = ilr2clr(st)
#  colnames(st)=colnames(X)
#  return(st)
# }
  infl.mahalanobis = function(X,center=attr(cov,"center"), cov=var(X,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), cond = 1e-10 ,robust=TRUE){
    aux = svd(cov)  # decompose Sigma = L * Lt in clrs
    nd = sum(aux$d>cond*max(aux$d))
    Linv = diag(sqrt(1/aux$d[1:nd])) %*% t(aux$v[,1:nd])
    st = cdt(X-center)
    st = unclass(st) %*% t(Linv) %*% t(aux$v[,1:nd])
# if(what=="barplot"){ 
#  st = infl.mahalanobis(acomp(X))
#  if( is.function(colcode) )
#    colcode <- colcode(rownames(st))
#  erg <- t(st)^2/gsi.getD(st)
#  barplot(erg,col=colcode,names.arg=1:nrow(X),...,main=main)
#  abline(h=cutlevel)
#  if(!missing(legend.position))
#    legend(legend.position,legend=colnames(X),fill=colcode)
#  erg<-invisible(list(call=cl,colcode=colcode,erg=erg,outside=erg>=cutlevel,cutlevel=cutlevel))
# }
#   myCls = classifier(X, cutlevel=cutlevel,alpha=alpha)
    if( is.function(colcode) )
      colcode <- colcode(myCls)
    if( is.function(pchcode) ) {
      pchcode <- pchcode(myCls)
    if( length(pchcode) > 1 )
      pch <- pchcode[as.integer(myCls)]
#  myCls = classifier(X, cutlevel=cutlevel,alpha=alpha)
    hc = hclust(MahalanobisDist(X,pairwise=TRUE,robust=robust,pow=pow),method=clusterMethod)
  if(what=="ecdf") {
    K <- sort(mahalanobis<-MahalanobisDist(X,robust=robust,pow=pow))
    Ks <- exp(seq(log(min(mahRange)),log(max(mahRange)),length.out=100))
    cdf <- ecdf(K)
    plot(cdf,main=main,add=TRUE,xlim=mahRange,xlab="Mahalanobis (log)")
    KpQ <- pQuantileMahalanobis(Ks,N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,p=alpha,pow=pow)
                                        #  print(ifelse(cdf(K) < KpQ,1-KpQ/(1-cdf(K)),0))
    lines(Ks,ifelse(cdf(Ks) < KpQ,1-(1-KpQ)/(1-cdf(Ks)),0),col=grayColor) 
    if( max(K) > max(Ks) ) {
      warning("outlierplot: Extrem outliers found, extend mahRange!")
  if(what=="portion") {
      K <- sort(mahalanobis<-MahalanobisDist(X,robust=robust,pow=pow))
      Ks <- exp(seq(log(min(mahRange)),log(max(mahRange)),length.out=100))
      n <- nrow(X)
      cdf <- ecdf(K) 
      Kp  <- pEmpiricalMahalanobis(Ks,N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,robust=robust)
      KpQ  <- pQuantileMahalanobis(Ks,N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,p=alpha,robust=robust)
      plot(1,1,type="n",xlim=mahRange,ylim=n*range(c(Kp-cdf(Ks),Kp-KpQ),0),log="x",main=main,xlab="Mahalanobis distance",ylab="Number of Outliers",...)
      if( max(K) > max(Ks) ) {
        warning("outlierplot: Extrem outliers found, extend mahRange!")
  if(what=="nout") {
# MinOutlierBound computes the an alpha confidence bound of outliers above a given limit
# it returns matrix with the columns:
# x    = The Mahalanobisdistances of the limit
# nmin = The Minium number of outliers above that limit
# por  = The Minimum portion of outliers above that limit
# i    = the id of the observation with that distance
# invOr= the sequece position of the given observation
# if bestOnly is TRUE 
    MinOutlierBound <- function(X,alpha=0.05,...,bestOnly=TRUE,robust=TRUE,mah=MahalanobisDist(X,...,robust=robust),pow=1) {
      oriMah <- mah
      or  <- order(mah)
      K  <-  mah[or]
      Ks  <- mah[or]
      cdf <- ecdf(K) 
      KpQ <- pQuantileMahalanobis(c(Ks[-1],rev(Ks)[1]),N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,p=alpha,...,robust=robust)
      por <- ifelse(cdf(Ks) < KpQ,1-(1-KpQ)/(1-cdf(Ks)),0)
      invOr <- 1:nrow(X)
      invOr[or] <- 1:nrow(X)
      n     <- (nrow(X)-1):0
      nmin  <- por*n
      falseClass <- max(nmin)-nmin+(n-nmin)

    bnd <- MinOutlierBound(X,alpha=alpha,robust=robust,pow=pow)
    plot(bnd$x,bnd$nmin,type="s",log="x",...,lwd=2,xlab="Mahalanobis Distance",ylab="n outliers")
    erg <- bnd
  if(what == "distdist" ) {
    if( is.function(colcode) )
      colcode <- colcode(myCls)
    if( is.function(pchcode) ) {
      pchcode <- pchcode(myCls)
    if( length(pchcode) > 1 )
      pch <- pchcode[as.integer(myCls)]
   NormalMahalanobisDist <- MahalanobisDist(X,robust=FALSE)
   RobustMahalanobisDist <- MahalanobisDist(X,robust=TRUE)
   if(is.finite(crit1)) abline(h=crit1,lty=3)
  if( !missing(Legend) ) {
    es <- substitute(Legend)
    frame <- sys.frame(sys.nframe())
    erg$legend <- eval(es,frame)

## influence of each part on the global mahalanobis distance
# if we extract R parts from a composition, the rest of the parts have 
#    clr(x*)=clr(x)+sum(clr(x_R))/(D-R)
#    and the sum of its squares is:
#    clr(x*)^2=clr(x)^2- [ sum(clr(x_R)) ]^2/(D-R)
# so, the Aitchison norms (without division by D) before and after are related
#   A(x*) = A(x|x_R = 0) - [ sum(clr(x_R)) ]^2
# ... and dividing by the number of parts
#   A'(x*) = D/(D-R) * A'(x|x_R = 0) -  [ sum(clr(x_R)) ]^2/(D-R)
# this would translate to Mahalanobis distances iff the st(clr(x)[,-parts]) =_A st(clr(x[,-parts]))
#   but it is not true. (say, inversion of Sigma is not subcompositionally coherent, 
#            as it is not marginally coherent in R).
#infl.mahalanobis.acomp = function(x,m=covMcd(idt(x))$center, v=covMcd(idt(x))$cov ){
# aux = svd(v)
# st = clr(acomp(x)-ilr.inv(m)) %*% ilrvar2clr(aux$v %*% diag(1/sqrt(aux$d)))
# return(st)

## routine to extract the biggest typical subcomposition(s) for each individual
#Problems: cutlevel not defined, combinat necessary
#typicalsubcomp <- function(X,robust=robust){ 
# # global mahalanobis distance of the data set
# mah = MahalanobisDist(X,robust=robust)
# # encode all subcompositions
# require("combinat")
# parts = colnames(X)
# partlist = sapply(2:length(parts),function(i){combn(x=length(parts),m=i, simplify=TRUE) })
# name = paste(paste(parts[partlist[[length(partlist)]] ],collapse="+"))
# # run through all subcompositions to obtain the mahalanobis distance 
# #     on each subcomposition between each individual and the average
# k = length(partlist[[length(partlist)]])
# for(i in (length(partlist)-1):1){
#   for(j in 1:ncol(partlist[[i]]) ){
#     aux = MahalanobisDist.acomp(acomp(X[, partlist[[i]][,j] ]),robust=robust)
#     mah = cbind(mah,aux)
#     name = c(name, paste(paste(parts[partlist[[i]][,j] ],collapse="+")) )
#     k = c(k, length( partlist[[i]][,j]) )
#   }
# }
# colnames(mah)=name
# # get the number of parts of the biggest typical subcompositions
# biggerD = sapply(1:nrow(mah),function(i){max(k[mah[i,]<cutlevel])})
# # get the biggest typical subcompositions (not necessarily one)
# biggersubs = lapply(1:nrow(mah),function(i){
#    name[(mah[i,]<cutlevel)&(k==biggerD[i])]
# })
# output = biggersubs
#   attr(output,"parts")=biggerD
# return(output)

# The inner product where the * and the sum may be replaced
# works much like outer()
# x: the first matrix
# y: the second matrix
# binary: the binary operation replacing *
# simp  : the summary operation replacing the sum
#inner <- function(x,y,binary="*",simp=sum) {
#  print("Inner used")
#  if( length(dim(y))> 1) {
#    sapply(1:nrow(y),function(i) Recall(x,y[,j],binary,simp))
#  } else if( length(dim(x))>1 ) {
#    c(sapply(1:nrol(x),function(i) Recall(x[i,],y,binary,simp)))
#  }  else {
#    do.call(simp,do.call(binary,list(x,y)))
#  }

# compositional random normals (what is the problem with the function in the
# package ????
#rnorm.acomp <-function (n, mean, var){
#    D <- gsi.getD(mean)-1
#    perturbe(ilr.inv(matrix(rnorm(n*D), ncol = D) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean)
#rnorm.acomp -> function (n, mean, var)
#    D <- NCOL(oneOrDataset(mean))
#    perturbe(ilr.inv(matrix(rnorm(n * length(mean)), ncol = D -
#        1) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean)

## Dendrogram of outliering character. Ideas:
## 0.- global dendrogram: normalize the data set via Sigma^{-1/2}, cluster it with complete linkeage

# X=aux
#   aux2 = infl.mahalanobis.acomp(X)
#   hc = hclust(dist(aux2),method="complete")
#   plot(hc,labels=myCls)

## 1.- compute, for each lr, the Aitchison-Mahalanobis norm of the datum; use as distance matrix

#myDendro = function(X){
#onelr = function(x){
# D = length(x)
# aux = outer(1:D,1:D,function(i,j){log(x[i]/x[j])})
# return(aux)

#D = gsi.getD(X)
#mm = mapply(function(i,j,X){median(log(X[,i]/X[,j]))},
#      i=rep(1:D,times=D), j=rep(1:D,each=D), MoreArgs=list(X=X))
#  dim(mm)=c(D,D)
#vr = mapply(function(i,j,X){mad(log(X[,i]/X[,j]))},
#      i=rep(1:D,times=D), j=rep(1:D,each=D), MoreArgs=list(X=X))
#  dim(vr)=c(D,D)
#  vr = 1/vr
#  vr[is.nan(vr)]=0

#output = list()
#for(k in c(1:gsi.getN(X))){
# dd = (onelr(X[k,])-mm)^2*vr
#  colnames(dd)=colnames(X)
#  rownames(dd)=colnames(X)
#  dd =  hclust(as.dist(dd),method="complete")
#  output[[k]]=dd

### robust svd (svd based )
#svd.mcd = function(X,covmcd=NULL){
# noms = colnames(X) # keep names to track them afterwards
# svd1 = svd(cdt(X)) # pattern of svd for clr (it will be mostly replaced)
# # cov.mcd cannot handle singular covariance matrices
# X = idt(X)
# if(is.null(covmcd)){covmcd = covMcd(X)}
# # represent the matrix of the covariance in ilrs as in clrs
# cv = ilrvar2clr(covmcd$cov)
# # extract the svd
# svd2 = svd(cv)
# # eigenvalues should be squared
# d = sqrt(svd2$d)
# # right eigenvectors are equal
# v = svd2$v
#    rownames(v)=noms
# # compute left eigenvectors of the original data set by projection/inversion
# mm = ilr2clr(covmcd$center) # robust mean, as clr
# X = ilr2clr(X)
# X = X-mm # double centered clrs
# u = X %*% v %*% diag(c(1/d))
#    u = t(unclass(normalize(rmult(t(u)))))
#    u[is.nan(u)]=1/sqrt(nrow(u))
# st = list(d=d, u=u, v=v)
# return(st)

# Computes the critical Mahalanobis distances values for outliers based on
# simulations
# q: the quantile
# ntrials: the number of simulations
# n: The number of cases
# d: the number of degrees of freedom (i.e. D-1 in the simplex)
### Probabily outdated due to qMaxMahalanobis
#computeOutlierKrit <- function(p=0.95,ntrial=10000,n,d,robust=TRUE,...) {
#  rr <- robust
#  if( is.logical(robust) ) rr <- if(robust) "mcd" else "pearson"
#  s<-switch(rr,
#            pearson={
#              if( d==1 )
#                replicate(ntrial,max({
#                  x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
#                  od<-covMcd(x)
#                  max(c(((c(x)-mean(x))^2)/c(var(x))))
#                }))
#              else {
#                quickMah <- function(x) {
#                  v <- var(x)
#                  xc <- t(x)-meanCol(x)
#                  max(rep(1,ncol(v)) %*% solve(v,xc,...) * xc )
#                  }
#                replicate(ntrial,quickMah(matrix(rnorm(n*d,mean=rnorm(1)),ncol=d)))
#              }
#            }
#            ,
#            mcd={
#              require("robustbase")
#              if( d==1 )
#                replicate(ntrial,max({
#                  x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
#                  od<-covMcd(x)
#                  c(((c(x)-od$center)^2)/c(od$cov))
#                }))
#              else 
#                replicate(ntrial,sqrt(max(covMcd(matrix(rnorm(n*d,mean=rnorm(1)),ncol=d))$mah)))
#            },
#  stop("computeOutlierKrit: Unkown robustness type: \"",robust,"\"")
#  )
# The same as above but in 1 dimension
# --> Above version generalized
#computeOutlierKrit1 <- function(q=0.95,ntrial=10000,n) {
#  s <- replicate(ntrial,max({
#    x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
#    od<-covMcd(x)
#    c(((c(x)-od$center)^2)/c(od$cov))
#  }))
#    quantile(s,q)

#dendroSimp <- function(dendro,labels) {
#  erg <- gsi.mystructure(lapply(dendro,dendroSimp,labels=labels))
#  leaves <- sapply(erg,function(x) attr(x,"leaf"))
#  if( all(leaves) ) {
#    labs <- sapply(erg,function(x) label
 # }

# Function should extract only big groups from a factor (now working)
#bigGroupsOnly <- function(x,nmin=5,name="single") {
#  n <- c(table(x)[x])
#  factor(ifelse(n<nmin,name,as.character(x)))

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