# FunctionOutlier.R
# (C) 2008 K.Gerald van den Boogaart, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
# Pulished under the GNU Public License Version 2
# part of the compositions package
# The functions in this file are concerned with outlier detection
# based on robust mean and variance estimation provided by the
# robustbase package.
# MahalanobisDist
# This function computes the Mahalanobis distances of the individual
# datasets to the center. It can be be used with given or automatically
# estimated center and covariances. There is also a robust parameter,
# which should be set to true for usefull results.
MahalanobisDist <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...) UseMethod("MahalanobisDist",x)
#MahalanobisDist.default <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...,pairwise=FALSE,robust=FALSE) MahalanobisDist(rmult(x),center,cov,inverted=inverted,...,pairwise=pairwise,robust=robust)
MahalanobisDist.rmult <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...,goodOnly=NULL,pairwise=FALSE,pow=1, robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE) {
# inset: manage sticky class status
oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
# former function goes on
if( is.null(goodOnly) )
xx <- x
xx<-rmult(oneOrDataset(x), orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x))[goodOnly,,drop=FALSE]
if( is.null(cov)) {
cov <- var(xx,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE)
inverted <- FALSE
if( is.null(center) ) {
if( is.null(attr(cov,"center")))
center <- mean(xx,robust=robust)
center <- attr(cov,"center")
center = rmult(center, orig=gsi.orig(xx), V=gsi.getV(xx))
if( pairwise ) {
z <- unclass(idt(x))
power <- if(inverted) 0.5 else -0.5
SQRT <- with(svd(cov), u %*% gsi.diagGenerate(d^power) %*% t(v))
erg <- dist(z %*% SQRT,...)^pow
} else {
more <- t(unclass(oneOrDataset(x-rmult(center))))
if( ! is.matrix(cov) )
cov <- matrix(cov,nrow=1,ncol=1)
ss <- if(inverted) cov %*% more else solve(cov,more,...)
erg <- sqrt(c(rep(1,nrow(more)) %*% (ss*more)))^pow
if( giveGeometry ) {
attr(erg,"center") <- center
attr(erg,"cov") <-cov
# if( any( rob$mah != erg[goodOnly] ) )
# warning("Imprecision detected:",(rob$mah - erg[goodOnly]))
MahalanobisDist.rcomp <- MahalanobisDist.acomp <- MahalanobisDist.rplus <- MahalanobisDist.aplus <- function(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...,goodOnly=NULL, pairwise=FALSE,pow=1,robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE) {
if( any( class(x) %in% c("acomp","rcomp")) )
if( !is.null(cov) && gsi.getD(x) == ncol(cov))
cov <- clrvar2ilr(cov)
erg <- MahalanobisDist(idt(x),idt(center),cov,inverted,...,goodOnly=goodOnly,pairwise=pairwise,pow=pow,robust=robust,giveGeometry=giveGeometry)
if( giveGeometry ) {
attr(erg,"center") <- idtInv(attr(erg,"center"),x)
# covMcd.acomp is like covMcd from rrcov but applicable to acomp objects
# and extreme situations.
#covMcd.acomp <- function(X,...) {
# if( nrow(X) < 2*ncol(X) ) {
# return(list(center=mean(X),cov=var(X)))
# }
# rob <- covMcd(ilr(X),...)
# rob$center <- ilr.inv(rob$center)
# rob$cov <- ilrvar2clr(rob$cov)
# rob
#covMcd.rcomp <- function(X,...) {
# if( nrow(X) < 2*ncol(X) ) {
# return(list(center=mean(X),cov=var(X)))
# }
# rob <- covMcd(ipt(X),...)
# rob$center <- ipt.inv(rob$center)
# rob$cov <- ilrvar2clr(rob$cov)
# rob
## functions to codify the ourliers in several ways
# X: the data set (with column names!!!)
# mat: contains a matrix like X, with logicals
# numcode: contains a number, a sum of bits
# alphacode: contains a string, the concatenation of column names
#gsi.numcode <- function(mat){
# aux = mat%*% 2^(0:(ncol(mat)-1))
# return(c(aux))
#gsi.alphacode <- function(mat){
# sapply(1:nrow(mat),function(i){
# paste(colnames(mat)[mat[i,]],collapse="|")
# })
# extracts the bitcode from a numcode plus a dimension (number of columns)
#gsi.bits <- function(x,D){
# if(max(x)>(2^D-1)){stop("dimension provided is smaller than minimal")}
# output = ""
# x = x+1
# for(k in 1:ceiling(log2(x))){
# y = x/2
# output=paste(output,ifelse(y==floor(y),1,0),sep="")
# x = x - floor(y)
# if(x==1){return(paste(output,paste(rep("0",D-k),collapse=""),sep=""))}
# }
# return(output)
# ??
#num2mat = function(num,D){
# aux = sapply(num,function(x){as.logical(as.integer(strsplit(gsi.bits(x,D),split="")[[1]]))})
# return(t(aux))
# ??
#fac2num = function(fak){
# aux = as.integer(levels(fak)[as.integer(fak)])
# aux[]=0
# return(aux)
# ??
#alpha2mat = function(alpha,colnames){
# mat = matrix(FALSE,ncol=length(colnames),nrow=length(alpha))
# colnames(mat)=colnames
# for(i in 1:length(alpha)){
# aux = strsplit(alpha[i],split="|",extended=FALSE)[[1]]
# mat[i,aux]= TRUE
# }
# return(mat)
###### MAIN FUNCTION ############
# There are 3 classifiers doing roughly similar things
###### basic classifier function, producing a factor with the kind of outlier (or "ok" if typical)
# Old Name : myClassifier.acomp
#OutlierClassifier.acomp <- function(X,...,cutlevel=4,goodOnly=1:nrow(X)) {
# coord <- idt(X)
# cv <- covMcd(coord[goodOnly,],...)
# Rcenter <- cv$center
# Cmean <- ilr.inv(Rcenter)
# myIvar <- cv$cov
# myCvar <- ilrvar2clr(myIvar)
# aux <- (rmult(coord)-rmult(Rcenter))
# genOutlier <- scalar(aux,t(solve(myIvar,t(unclass(aux)))))/gsi.getD(X)
# redOutlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),function(i) {
# xIvar <- clrvar2ilr(ilrvar2clr(myIvar)[-i,-i])
# ax <- clr2ilr(ilr2clr(aux)[,-i])
# scalar(ax,t(solve(xIvar,t(unclass(ax)))))/(gsi.getD(X)-1)
# })
# colnames(redOutlier) = colnames(X)
# #singleOut<-rmult(clr(X-Cmean)^2)/rmult(gsi.diagExtract(myCvar))
# erg = cbind(genOutlier,redOutlier)
# if( missing(cutlevel) )
# return(erg)
# genOutlier <- genOutlier > cutlevel
# redID <- gsi.numcode(redOutlier > cutlevel)
# Fak = ifelse(genOutlier,binary(redID),"ok")
# factor(Fak)
#myClassifier2.acomp <- function(X,...,alpha=0.01,type=c("best","all","type","outlier"),cutlevel,goodOnly=1:nrow(X)) {
# takeIf <- function(c,x,y) {
# y <- ifelse(c,y,y)
# y[c]<-x
# y
# }
# coord <- idt(X)
# cv <- covMcd(coord[goodOnly,],...)
# Rcenter <- cv$center
# Cmean <- ilr.inv(Rcenter)
# myIvar <- cv$cov
# myCvar <- ilrvar2clr(myIvar)
# aux <- (rmult(coord)-rmult(Rcenter))
# genOutlier <- scalar(aux,t(solve(myIvar,t(unclass(aux)))))#/gsi.getD(X)
# isOutlier <- pchisq(genOutlier,df=gsi.getD(X)-1,lower.tail=FALSE)<=alpha
# if( any( isOutlier ) ) {
# aux2 <- aux[isOutlier,]
# checkRedOutlier <- function(i) {
# xIvar <- clrvar2ilr(myCvar[-i,-i])
# ax <- clr2ilr(ilr2clr(aux2)[,-i])
# pchisq(scalar(ax,t(solve(xIvar,t(unclass(ax))))),df=nrow(xIvar),lower.tail=FALSE)
# }
# redOutlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),checkRedOutlier)
# colnames(redOutlier) = colnames(X)
# oneExplains <- c(((redOutlier > alpha)+0) %*% rep(1,ncol(X))>0)
# bestExplain <- apply(redOutlier,1,which.max)
# } else oneExplains <- c()
## multiOutlier <- isOutlier & ! oneExplains
# type = match.arg(type)
# #singleOut<-rmult(clr(X-Cmean)^2)/rmult(gsi.diagExtract(myCvar))
## genOutlier <- genOutlier > cutlevel
## redID <- numcode(redOutlier > cutlevel)
# if( type == "best" )
# Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,colnames(X)[bestExplain],"?"),"ok")
# if( type == "all" )
# Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,binary(gsi.numcode(redOutlier > alpha)),"?"),"ok")
# if( type == "type" )
# Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"1","?"),"ok")
# if( type == "outlier" )
# Fak = takeIf(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"outlier","outlier"),"ok")
# factor(Fak)
# The pStore environment caches simulations and results from the slow
# distribution routines for the MaxMahalanobis and Mahalanobis distributions
if( ! exists("gsi.pStore") )
gsi.pStore <- new.env(hash=TRUE,emptyenv())
# The cdf of the distribution of the Maxium Robust Mahalanobis distance
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
pMaxMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="MaxMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]) ) {
s <- rMaxMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust)
sapply(q,function(x) mean(c(0,(s^pow)<=x,1)))
# The quantile function of the distribution of the Maxium Robust Mahalanobis distance
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
qMaxMahalanobis <- function(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,pow=pow,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="MaxMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]) ) {
s <- rMaxMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust)
# A random number generator of the distribution of the Maxium Robust Mahalanobis distance
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
rMaxMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
return( rEmpiricalMahalanobis(n,N,d,...,pow=pow,robust=robust,sorted=max) )
# Old Code
# rr <- robust
# control <- attr(robust,"control")
# if( is.logical(robust) ) rr <- if(robust) "mcd" else "pearson"
# if( rr == "mcd" ) require(robustbase)
# s<-switch(rr,
# pearson={
# if( d==1 )
# replicate(n,{
# x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
# max(c(((c(x)-mean(x))^2)/c(var(x))))
# })
# else {
# quickMah <- function(x) {
# v <- var(x)
# xc <- t(x)-meanCol(x)
# max(rep(1,ncol(v)) %*% solve(v,xc,...) * xc )
# }
# replicate(ntrial,quickMah(matrix(rnorm(n*d,mean=rnorm(1)),ncol=d)))
# }
# },
# mcd={
# if( d > 1 )
# replicate(n,sqrt(max(covMcd(gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d,mean=rnorm(1)),dim=c(N,d)),control=control)$mah)))
# else {
# replicate(n,{
# x <- gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))
# erg <- covMcd(x,control=control)
# max( (x-erg$center)^2/c(erg$cov) )
# })
# }
# s
# },
# stop("rMaxMahalanobis: Unkown robustness option:",robust)
# )
# s
# The cdf of the distribution of the Robust Mahalanobis distance
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
pEmpiricalMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="EmpiricalMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]) ) {
s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust)
sapply(q,function(x) mean(c(0,(s^pow)<=x,1)))
# The quatile function of the distribution of the Robust Mahalanobis distance
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
qEmpiricalMahalanobis <- function(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="EmpiricalMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]) ) {
s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=robust)
# The random number generator of the distribution of the Robust Mahalanobis distance
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
rEmpiricalMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,...,sorted=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
if( is.logical(robust) ) rr <- if(robust) "mcd" else "pearson"
if( is.logical(sorted) )
if( sorted )
sorted <- function(x) sort(c(x))
sorted <- function(x) x
else if( is.numeric(sorted) ) {
ndx <- sorted
sorted <- function(x) sort(c(x))[ndx]
params <- list(...)
s <- switch(rr,
if( d > 1 ) {
quickMah <- function(x) {
v <- var(x)
xc <- t(x)-meanCol(x)
sorted(sqrt(rep(1,ncol(v)) %*% solve(v,xc,...) * xc)^pow)
} else {
x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
if( d > 1 )
else {
x <- gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))
erg <-"covMcd",c(list(x),params))
sorted(sqrt( (x-erg$center)^2/c(erg$cov) )^pow)
stop("rEmpiricalMahalanobis: Unkown robustness type:", robust)
if(is.matrix(s)) t(s) else s
# The cdf of the distribution of the portion of Mahalanobis distances
# over a given cutoff
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# cut= the cutoff
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
pPortionMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,robust=robust,type="PortionMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]) ) {
s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,sorted=TRUE,robust=robust)
sapply(q,function(x) mean(c(0,(s^pow)<=x,1)))
rPortionMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,cut,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
sorted=function(x) sum(x<=cut))
# The quantile function of the distribution of the portion of Mahalanobis distances
# over a given cutoff
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# cut= the cutoff
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
qPortionMahalanobis <- function(p,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,replicates=replicates,type="PortionMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
if( resample || is.null(s<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]) ) {
s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,sorted=TRUE,robust=robust)
# A random number generator of the sorted list of Mahalanobis distances
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# cut= the cutoff
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
#rSortedMahalanobis <- function(n,N,d,...) {
# require(robustbase)
# params <- list(...)
# if( d > 1 )
# s <- replicate(n,sqrt(sort("covMcd",c(list(gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))),params))$mah)))
# else {
# s <- replicate(n,sort({
# x <- gsi.mystructure(rnorm(N*d),dim=c(N,d))
# erg <-"covMcd",c(list(x),params))
# c( (x-erg$center)^2/c(erg$cov))
# }))
# }
# t(s)
# A routine to display a matrix as an image (used for debugging only)
#showMat <- function(X) {
# dev <- dev.cur()
# x11()
# image(X)
# dev.set(dev)
# The cdf of the distribution of the empirical p-quantile of Mahalanobis distances
# of a typical data point
# N = Number of rows in the dataset
# d = numer of independent!!! columns (id est d=D-1 for acomp)
# p= the probability for qunatile
# replicates = the number of simulations to establish the distribution
# resample = Do a new simulation rather than using the old one.
# ...=further arguments to the covMcd-routine
pQuantileMahalanobis <- function(q,N,d,p,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,ulimit=TRUE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) {
id <- paste(deparse(list(N=N,d=d,...,pow=pow,robust=robust,replicates=replicates,type="pQuantileMahalanobis")),collapse="\n")
if( resample || is.null(PreSort<-mget(id,gsi.pStore,ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]) ) {
s <- rEmpiricalMahalanobis(replicates,N,d,...,pow=pow,robust=robust,sorted=TRUE)
# attr(s,"palphaEnv") <- new.env(hash=TRUE,emptyenv())
PreSort <- apply(s,2,sort)
st <- t(s)
# attr(s,"PreSort") <- PreSort
realP <- sapply(1:nrow(PreSort),function(i) mean(apply(st <= PreSort[i,],2,all)))
attr(PreSort,"realP") <- realP
} else {
realP <- attr(PreSort,"realP")
line <- sapply(p,
function(pp) {
if( !ulimit ) {
line <- sum(realP < 1-pp)+1
if( line > length(realP) ) {
line <- length(realP)
warning("Extreme limits might be incorrect in joint confidence band")
else {
line <- sum(realP <= 1-pp)
if( line < 1 ) {
line <- 1
warning("Extremely small limits might be incorrect in joint confidence band")
sapply(line,function(xline) sapply(q,function(xx) mean(PreSort[xline,]<xx)))
# The central decision routine checking for outliers in compositional data
# X= the dataset
# ... further arguments to solve
# further arguments to mcd can be given through the attribute of robust
# alpha= The alpha level of the outlier detection
# Old Name mahOutliers.acomp
IsMahalanobisOutlier <- function(X,...,alpha=0.05,goodOnly=NULL,replicates=1000,corrected=TRUE,robust=TRUE,crit=NULL) {
if( is.null(goodOnly) )
N <- nrow(X)
N <- nrow(X[goodOnly,])
alphaExt <- min(alpha,1-alpha)
if( missing(replicates) ) replicates <- max(ceiling(50/alphaExt),replicates)
while( is.null(crit) ) {
crit <- if(corrected)
if( missing(replicates) )
if( !is.finite(crit) ) {
crit<- NULL;
warning("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Problems computing Quantiles")
if( nk>6 ) stop("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Problems computing Quantiles")
if( !is.finite(crit) ) stop("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Error in crit")
md <- MahalanobisDist(X,...,goodOnly=goodOnly,robust=robust)
if( any(!is.finite(crit)) ) stop("IsMahalanobisOutlier: Error in MahalanobisDist")
# The myClassifier3 is the routine doning the classification
# concerning single component outliers.
# X The dataset
# alpha the alpha-level to derive the cutoff
# type The type of classification to be reportet:
# best : ok ? or the component giving the best explanation
# all : ok or a bitcode reporting all explaining components
# type : ok ? 1: wheter a outlier is single Component outlier
# outlier: ok outlier: whether or not its an outlier
# grade : ok, extrem, outlier : grade of outlyingness
# cutlevel (unfortunatly not supported at this moment)
# intendet to provide an alternate cutlevel in case a ncase Analysis
# goodOnly: The subset of X to be used for the covMcd
# ... : Further parameters to covMcd
# corrected: Should the detection be corrected for multiple testing
# RedCorrected: Should the acceptance of reduced outliers be corrected for
# multiple testing
# The result is a factor
# Old Name: myClassifier3
OutlierClassifier1 <- function(X,...) UseMethod("OutlierClassifier1",X)
OutlierClassifier1.acomp <- function(X,...,alpha=0.05,type=c("best","all","type","outlier","grade"),goodOnly=NULL,corrected=TRUE,RedCorrected=FALSE,robust=TRUE) {
cls <- class(X)
reclass <- function(x) gsi.mystructure(x,class=cls)
isOutlier <- IsMahalanobisOutlier(X,...,alpha=alpha,goodOnly=goodOnly,corrected=corrected,robust=robust)
if( type=="grade" )
isOutlier2 <- IsMahalanobisOutlier(X,...,alpha=alpha,goodOnly=goodOnly,corrected=FALSE,robust=robust)
if( any( isOutlier ) ) {
# inset: manage sticky class status
oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
# former function goes on
checkRedOutlier <- function(i) {
redOutlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),checkRedOutlier)
colnames(redOutlier) = colnames(X)
oneExplains <- c(((1-redOutlier) %*% rep(1,ncol(X)))>0)
checkRed2Outlier <- function(i) {
# inset: manage sticky class status
oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
# former function goes on
red2Outlier <- sapply(1:NCOL(X),checkRed2Outlier)
bestExplain <- apply(red2Outlier,1,which.min)
} else oneExplains <- c()
type = match.arg(type)
if( type == "best" ) {
Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,colnames(X)[bestExplain],"?"),"ok")
lev = c("ok","?",colnames(X))
if( type == "all" ) {
gsi.numcode <- function(mat){
aux = mat%*% 2^(0:(ncol(mat)-1))
Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,binary(gsi.numcode(1-redOutlier[,rev(1:ncol(redOutlier)),drop=FALSE])),"ok")
lev = unique(c("ok",sort(Fak)))
if( type == "type" ) {
Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"1","?"),"ok")
lev = c("ok","?","1")
if( type == "outlier" ) {
Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,ifelse(oneExplains,"outlier","outlier"),"ok")
lev = c("ok","outlier")
if( type == "grade" ) {
Fak = ifelse(isOutlier,"outlier",ifelse(isOutlier2,"extreme","ok"))
lev = c("ok","extreme","outlier")
# A robust mean calculator
# Now implemented as mean(X,robust=TRUE)
#rmean.acomp <- function(X,...,rmethod=covMcd) {
# coord <- ilr(X)
# re <- rmethod(coord,...)
# ilr.inv(re$center)
# Computes robustly estimated Mahalanobis distances between the
# observations (see myMahalanobis.acomp for distances to the center)
# Now impemented as MahalanobisDist ( pairwise=TRUE)
#robustMahalanobisDist.acomp <- function(X,...,rmethod=covMcd,fullData=X) {
# z <- unclass(idt(X))
# SQRT <- with(svd(rmethod(unclass(idt(fullData)))$cov), u %*% gsi.diagGenerate(d^-0.5) %*% t(v))
# dist(z %*% SQRT,...)
# Computes distances of directional differences to the robustly estimated center
#dirDist.acomp <- dirDist.rcomp <- function(X,center,...) {
# dist(idt(normalize(X-center)),...)
# The maximum density clustering as described in the article
# X the dataset
# ... Further arguments to covMcd
# sigma The bandwidht of the kernel in normalized space
# radius the radius in which neighbouring maxima are searched in normalized space
# asig The relatively factor of assumed spread for correcting the central density of the groups.
# minGrp The minimum size of a group
ClusterFinder1 <- function(X,...) UseMethod("ClusterFinder1",X)
ClusterFinder1.acomp <- function(X,...,sigma=0.3,radius=1,asig=1,minGrp=3,robust=TRUE) {
Dim <- gsi.getD(X)-1
N <- nrow(X)
disQ <- as.matrix(MahalanobisDist(X,...,pow=2,robust=robust,pairwise=TRUE))
kernel <- exp(-disQ/(2*sigma^2))/sqrt((2*pi*sigma^2)^Dim)
density<- kernel %*% rep(1/N,N)
neigh <- apply(disQ,1,order)
locMax <- sapply(1:N,function(i) max(density[disQ[i,]<radius^2*Dim]))
isMax <- c(density == locMax)
alloc <- (1:N)[isMax]
or <- order(density[alloc],decreasing=TRUE)
alloc <- alloc[or]
while(TRUE) {
likeli <- sapply(alloc,function(i) log(density[i])-disQ[i,]/(2*asig^2))
grpnr <- if( length(alloc) > 1 )
assign <- factor(grpnr)
if( length(levels(assign))< length(alloc) ) {
alloc <- alloc[1:length(alloc) %in% unique(grpnr)]
} else
prob <- acomp(exp(likeli))
members<- table(assign)
realGroups <- c(members>=minGrp)
types <- factor(ifelse( realGroups[grpnr] , grpnr , "single" ))
# plots the centers of the clusters
#showCenters <- function(X,...,cl= ClusterFinder.acomp(X,...),add=FALSE) {
# #plot(ilr(X),col=ifelse(cl$isMax,"red","black"),pch=3)
# #points(rbind(ilr(X)[cl$isMax,],ilr(X)[cl$isMax,]),col="red",pch=20)
# plot(X,col=as.numeric(cl$groups),pch=3,add=add)
## function to provide a coloured biplot (admits SVD, princomp and prcomp)
#coloredBiplot <- function(xrf, scale=1, choice=c(1,2), pc.biplot=FALSE,
# xcol="black", ycol="red", xpch=4, ypch=1, cex=1,
# xarrows=FALSE, yarrows=!xarrows, xnames=NULL, ynames=NULL,...){
# # X : cases (points)
# # Y : variables (arrows)
# if("princomp" %in% class(xrf)){
# X = xrf$scores
# Y = xrf$loadings
# if(is.null(xnames)){xnames=rownames(X)}
# if(is.null(ynames)){ynames=rownames(Y)}
# l = xrf$sdev
# fac = ifelse(pc.biplot,sqrt(nrow(X)),1)
# }
# if("prcomp" %in% class(xrf)){
# X = xrf$x
# Y = xrf$rotation
# if(is.null(xnames)){xnames=rownames(X)}
# if(is.null(ynames)){ynames=rownames(Y)}
# l = xrf$sdev
# fac = ifelse(pc.biplot,sqrt(nrow(X)),1)
# }
# if("list" %in% class(xrf)){
# warning("Attention: biplot tries to interpret xrf as result of an svd")
# if(pc.biplot){
# X = as.matrix(xrf$u)*sqrt(nrow(X))
# Y = xrf$v/sqrt(nrow(X))
# l = xrf$d
# }
# if(!pc.biplot){
# X = as.matrix(xrf$u) %*% diag(xrf$d)
# Y = xrf$v
# l = xrf$d /sqrt(nrow(X))
# }
# warning("recall that singular value decomposition does not center the data set")
# fac = 1
# }
# Xx = X[,choice[1]]*(l[choice[1]]^(1-scale))*fac
# Xy = X[,choice[2]]*(l[choice[2]]^(1-scale))*fac
# Yx = Y[,choice[1]]*(l[choice[1]]^(scale))/fac
# Yy = Y[,choice[2]]*(l[choice[2]]^(scale))/fac
## abandoned attempts to scale X and Y in the same way as R does:
## span = function(x){ c(range(x)%*%c(-1,1)) }
## escala = 0.8*max(span(Xx)/span(Yx),span(Xy)/span(Yy))
## Yx = Yx #* span(Xx)/span(Yx) # escala
## Yy = Yy #* span(Xy)/span(Yy) # escala
## more abandoned attempts to scale X and Y in the same way as R does:
## escala =0.8*as.double(xlm%*%c(-1,1)/(xlml%*%c(-1,1)))
## xlm=c(min(xlml*escala,xlm),max(xlml*escala,xlm))
## xlm = c(-1,1)*max(abs(xlm))
## ylm = xlm
## ylm=c(min(ylml*escala,ylm),max(ylml*escala,ylm))
## ylm = c(-1,1)*max(abs(ylm))
## ratio=as.double(xlm%*%c(-1,1))/(ylm%*%c(-1,1))
## ylm=ratio*ylm
## print(c(xlm,ylm))
# par(pty="s")
# plot(c(Xx,Yx)*1.05,c(Xy,Yy)*1.05,type="n",col=xcol,ann=FALSE,pch=xpch,cex=cex,...)
# if( xarrows )
# arrows(x0=0,y0=0, x1=Xx, y1=Xy,length=0.1,col=xcol)
# else
# points(x=Xx, y=Xy,col=xcol,pch=xpch)
# if( yarrows ){
# arrows(x0=0,y0=0, x1=Yx, y1=Yy,length=0.1,col=ycol)
# }else{
# points(x=Yx, y=Yy,col=ycol,pch=ypch)
# }
# text(x=Xx*1.05,y=Xy*1.05,labels=xnames,...)
# text(x=Yx*1.05,y=Yy*1.05,labels=ynames,...)
coloredBiplot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("coloredBiplot")
coloredBiplot.default <-
function(x, y, var.axes = TRUE, col, cex = rep(par("cex"), 2),
xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand=1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
arrow.len = 0.1,
main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
xlabs.col = NULL, = NULL, xlabs.pc=NULL, ...)
n <- nrow(x)
p <- nrow(y)
if(missing(xlabs)) {
xlabs <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
if(is.null(xlabs)) xlabs <- 1:n
xlabs <- as.character(xlabs)
dimnames(x) <- list(xlabs, dimnames(x)[[2]])
if(missing(ylabs)) {
ylabs <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
if(is.null(ylabs)) ylabs <- paste("Var", 1:p)
ylabs <- as.character(ylabs)
dimnames(y) <- list(ylabs, dimnames(y)[[2]])
if(length(cex) == 1) cex <- c(cex, cex)
if(missing(col)) {
col <- par("col")
if (!is.numeric(col)) col <- match(col, palette(), nomatch=1)
col <- c(col, col + 1)
else if(length(col) == 1) col <- c(col, col)
unsigned.range <- function(x)
c(-abs(min(x, na.rm=TRUE)), abs(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)))
rangx1 <- unsigned.range(x[, 1])
rangx2 <- unsigned.range(x[, 2])
rangy1 <- unsigned.range(y[, 1])
rangy2 <- unsigned.range(y[, 2])
if(missing(xlim) && missing(ylim))
xlim <- ylim <- rangx1 <- rangx2 <- range(rangx1, rangx2)
else if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- rangx1
else if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- rangx2
ratio <- max(rangy1/rangx1, rangy2/rangx2)/expand
op <- par(pty = "s")
op <- c(op, par(mar = par("mar")+c(0,0,1,0)))
col1 = col[1]
col1 = xlabs.col
plot(x, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = col1,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, sub = sub, main = main, ...)
text(x, xlabs, cex = cex[1], col = col1, ...)
points(x, cex = cex[1], col = col1, pch=xlabs.pc,, ...)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(y, axes = FALSE, type = "n", xlim = xlim*ratio, ylim = ylim*ratio,
xlab = "", ylab = "", col = col[1], ...)
axis(3, col = col[2], ...)
axis(4, col = col[2], ...)
box(col = col[1])
text(y, labels=ylabs, cex = cex[2], col = col[2], ...)
arrows(0, 0, y[,1] * 0.8, y[,2] * 0.8, col = col[2], length=arrow.len)
coloredBiplot.princomp <- function(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...)
if(length(choices) != 2) stop("length of choices must be 2")
if(!length(scores <- x$scores))
stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))),
domain = NA)
lam <- x$sdev[choices]
if(is.null(n <- x$n.obs)) n <- 1
lam <- lam * sqrt(n)
if(scale < 0 || scale > 1) warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]")
if(scale != 0) lam <- lam^scale else lam <- 1
if(pc.biplot) lam <- lam / sqrt(n)
coloredBiplot.default(t(t(scores[, choices]) / lam),
t(t(x$loadings[, choices]) * lam), ...)
coloredBiplot.prcomp <- function(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...)
if(length(choices) != 2) stop("length of choices must be 2")
if(!length(scores <- x$x))
stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))),
domain = NA)
stop("biplots are not defined for complex PCA")
lam <- x$sdev[choices]
n <- NROW(scores)
lam <- lam * sqrt(n)
if(scale < 0 || scale > 1) warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]")
if(scale != 0) lam <- lam^scale else lam <- 1
if(pc.biplot) lam <- lam / sqrt(n)
coloredBiplot.default(t(t(scores[, choices]) / lam),
t(t(x$rotation[, choices]) * lam), ...)
## a colour code generator for outlierfactors
# outfac the factor
# family a colorpalette to generate colors for general groups
colorsForOutliers1 <- function(outfac, family=rainbow,extreme="cyan",outlier="red",ok="gray40",unknown="blue"){
lev <- levels(outfac)
cols =, args=list(n=length(lev[lev!="ok"])))
cols = ifelse(lev!="ok",cols,ok)
names(cols) <- lev
if( "extreme" %in% lev ) {
if( "outlier" %in% lev )
if( "?" %in% lev )
# A colorcode generator for bitcodes factors
# outfac: the factor as a result for myClassifier3.acomp( type="all")
# use : the bits to be encoded
# codes : color components to be used
colorsForOutliers2 <- function(outfac,use=whichBits(gsi.orSum(levels(outfac))),
) {
oks <- lev=="ok"
if( any(oks) ) lev[oks]<-"0"
dat <- c((bit(lev,use)+0)%*%codes[1:length(use)])
r <- (dat %/% 2^16)
g <- (dat %/% 2^8) %% 2^8
b <- dat %% 2^8
erg <- rgb(r/255,g/255,b/255)
## a colour code generator for outlierfactors
# outfac : the factor
# ok : pch for good measurements
# outlier : pch for class outlier
# extreme : pch for class extreme
# unkown : pch for class ?
# ... : pairs class=pch for assigning pch to another class
# other : possible pch for unmentioned classes
pchForOutliers1 = function(outfac,ok='.',outlier='\004',extreme='\003',unknown='\004',...,
) {
tbl <- c(ok=ok,outlier=outlier,extreme=extreme,"?"=unknown,...)
lev <- levels(outfac)
nrm <- ! (lev %in% names(tbl))
if( any(nrm) )
tbl <- c(tbl,gsi.mystructure(other[1:sum(nrm)],names=lev[nrm]))
outlierplot <- function(X,...) UseMethod("outlierplot",X)
## several diagnostic plots and their auxiliary functions
## general function to obtain exploratory plots on the outlier character of the sample
outlierplot.acomp <- function(X,colcode=colorsForOutliers1,pchcode=pchForOutliers1,
mahalanobisLabel="Mahalanobis Distance"
what = match.arg(type)
# inset: manage sticky class status
oldstickystatus = getStickyClassOption()
# former function
if( is.function(colcode) )
colcode <- colcode(myCls)
if( is.function(pchcode) ) {
pchcode <- pchcode(myCls)
if( length(pchcode) > 1 )
pch <- pchcode[as.integer(myCls)]
if( is.logical(princomp.robust) )
pr <- princomp(cdt(X),robust=princomp.robust)
pr <- princomp.robust
### corrected influence mahalanobis
# infl.mahalanobis.acomp = function(X,$center,$cov ){
# aux = svd(v)
# st = clr(acomp(X)-ilr.inv(m)) %*% t( ilr2clr(t(aux$v))) %*% diag(1/sqrt(aux$d))
# st = ilr2clr(st)
# colnames(st)=colnames(X)
# return(st)
# }
infl.mahalanobis = function(X,center=attr(cov,"center"), cov=var(X,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), cond = 1e-10 ,robust=TRUE){
aux = svd(cov) # decompose Sigma = L * Lt in clrs
nd = sum(aux$d>cond*max(aux$d))
Linv = diag(sqrt(1/aux$d[1:nd])) %*% t(aux$v[,1:nd])
st = cdt(X-center)
st = unclass(st) %*% t(Linv) %*% t(aux$v[,1:nd])
# if(what=="barplot"){
# st = infl.mahalanobis(acomp(X))
# if( is.function(colcode) )
# colcode <- colcode(rownames(st))
# erg <- t(st)^2/gsi.getD(st)
# barplot(erg,col=colcode,names.arg=1:nrow(X),...,main=main)
# abline(h=cutlevel)
# if(!missing(legend.position))
# legend(legend.position,legend=colnames(X),fill=colcode)
# erg<-invisible(list(call=cl,colcode=colcode,erg=erg,outside=erg>=cutlevel,cutlevel=cutlevel))
# }
# myCls = classifier(X, cutlevel=cutlevel,alpha=alpha)
if( is.function(colcode) )
colcode <- colcode(myCls)
if( is.function(pchcode) ) {
pchcode <- pchcode(myCls)
if( length(pchcode) > 1 )
pch <- pchcode[as.integer(myCls)]
# myCls = classifier(X, cutlevel=cutlevel,alpha=alpha)
hc = hclust(MahalanobisDist(X,pairwise=TRUE,robust=robust,pow=pow),method=clusterMethod)
if(what=="ecdf") {
K <- sort(mahalanobis<-MahalanobisDist(X,robust=robust,pow=pow))
Ks <- exp(seq(log(min(mahRange)),log(max(mahRange)),length.out=100))
cdf <- ecdf(K)
plot(cdf,main=main,add=TRUE,xlim=mahRange,xlab="Mahalanobis (log)")
KpQ <- pQuantileMahalanobis(Ks,N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,p=alpha,pow=pow)
# print(ifelse(cdf(K) < KpQ,1-KpQ/(1-cdf(K)),0))
lines(Ks,ifelse(cdf(Ks) < KpQ,1-(1-KpQ)/(1-cdf(Ks)),0),col=grayColor)
if( max(K) > max(Ks) ) {
warning("outlierplot: Extrem outliers found, extend mahRange!")
if(what=="portion") {
K <- sort(mahalanobis<-MahalanobisDist(X,robust=robust,pow=pow))
Ks <- exp(seq(log(min(mahRange)),log(max(mahRange)),length.out=100))
n <- nrow(X)
cdf <- ecdf(K)
Kp <- pEmpiricalMahalanobis(Ks,N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,robust=robust)
KpQ <- pQuantileMahalanobis(Ks,N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,p=alpha,robust=robust)
plot(1,1,type="n",xlim=mahRange,ylim=n*range(c(Kp-cdf(Ks),Kp-KpQ),0),log="x",main=main,xlab="Mahalanobis distance",ylab="Number of Outliers",...)
if( max(K) > max(Ks) ) {
warning("outlierplot: Extrem outliers found, extend mahRange!")
if(what=="nout") {
# MinOutlierBound computes the an alpha confidence bound of outliers above a given limit
# it returns matrix with the columns:
# x = The Mahalanobisdistances of the limit
# nmin = The Minium number of outliers above that limit
# por = The Minimum portion of outliers above that limit
# i = the id of the observation with that distance
# invOr= the sequece position of the given observation
# if bestOnly is TRUE
MinOutlierBound <- function(X,alpha=0.05,...,bestOnly=TRUE,robust=TRUE,mah=MahalanobisDist(X,...,robust=robust),pow=1) {
oriMah <- mah
or <- order(mah)
K <- mah[or]
Ks <- mah[or]
cdf <- ecdf(K)
KpQ <- pQuantileMahalanobis(c(Ks[-1],rev(Ks)[1]),N=nrow(X),d=gsi.getD(X)-1,p=alpha,...,robust=robust)
por <- ifelse(cdf(Ks) < KpQ,1-(1-KpQ)/(1-cdf(Ks)),0)
invOr <- 1:nrow(X)
invOr[or] <- 1:nrow(X)
n <- (nrow(X)-1):0
nmin <- por*n
falseClass <- max(nmin)-nmin+(n-nmin)
bnd <- MinOutlierBound(X,alpha=alpha,robust=robust,pow=pow)
plot(bnd$x,bnd$nmin,type="s",log="x",...,lwd=2,xlab="Mahalanobis Distance",ylab="n outliers")
erg <- bnd
if(what == "distdist" ) {
if( is.function(colcode) )
colcode <- colcode(myCls)
if( is.function(pchcode) ) {
pchcode <- pchcode(myCls)
if( length(pchcode) > 1 )
pch <- pchcode[as.integer(myCls)]
NormalMahalanobisDist <- MahalanobisDist(X,robust=FALSE)
RobustMahalanobisDist <- MahalanobisDist(X,robust=TRUE)
if(is.finite(crit1)) abline(h=crit1,lty=3)
if( !missing(Legend) ) {
es <- substitute(Legend)
frame <- sys.frame(sys.nframe())
erg$legend <- eval(es,frame)
## influence of each part on the global mahalanobis distance
# if we extract R parts from a composition, the rest of the parts have
# clr(x*)=clr(x)+sum(clr(x_R))/(D-R)
# and the sum of its squares is:
# clr(x*)^2=clr(x)^2- [ sum(clr(x_R)) ]^2/(D-R)
# so, the Aitchison norms (without division by D) before and after are related
# A(x*) = A(x|x_R = 0) - [ sum(clr(x_R)) ]^2
# ... and dividing by the number of parts
# A'(x*) = D/(D-R) * A'(x|x_R = 0) - [ sum(clr(x_R)) ]^2/(D-R)
# this would translate to Mahalanobis distances iff the st(clr(x)[,-parts]) =_A st(clr(x[,-parts]))
# but it is not true. (say, inversion of Sigma is not subcompositionally coherent,
# as it is not marginally coherent in R).
#infl.mahalanobis.acomp = function(x,m=covMcd(idt(x))$center, v=covMcd(idt(x))$cov ){
# aux = svd(v)
# st = clr(acomp(x)-ilr.inv(m)) %*% ilrvar2clr(aux$v %*% diag(1/sqrt(aux$d)))
# return(st)
## routine to extract the biggest typical subcomposition(s) for each individual
#Problems: cutlevel not defined, combinat necessary
#typicalsubcomp <- function(X,robust=robust){
# # global mahalanobis distance of the data set
# mah = MahalanobisDist(X,robust=robust)
# # encode all subcompositions
# require("combinat")
# parts = colnames(X)
# partlist = sapply(2:length(parts),function(i){combn(x=length(parts),m=i, simplify=TRUE) })
# name = paste(paste(parts[partlist[[length(partlist)]] ],collapse="+"))
# # run through all subcompositions to obtain the mahalanobis distance
# # on each subcomposition between each individual and the average
# k = length(partlist[[length(partlist)]])
# for(i in (length(partlist)-1):1){
# for(j in 1:ncol(partlist[[i]]) ){
# aux = MahalanobisDist.acomp(acomp(X[, partlist[[i]][,j] ]),robust=robust)
# mah = cbind(mah,aux)
# name = c(name, paste(paste(parts[partlist[[i]][,j] ],collapse="+")) )
# k = c(k, length( partlist[[i]][,j]) )
# }
# }
# colnames(mah)=name
# # get the number of parts of the biggest typical subcompositions
# biggerD = sapply(1:nrow(mah),function(i){max(k[mah[i,]<cutlevel])})
# # get the biggest typical subcompositions (not necessarily one)
# biggersubs = lapply(1:nrow(mah),function(i){
# name[(mah[i,]<cutlevel)&(k==biggerD[i])]
# })
# output = biggersubs
# attr(output,"parts")=biggerD
# return(output)
# The inner product where the * and the sum may be replaced
# works much like outer()
# x: the first matrix
# y: the second matrix
# binary: the binary operation replacing *
# simp : the summary operation replacing the sum
#inner <- function(x,y,binary="*",simp=sum) {
# print("Inner used")
# if( length(dim(y))> 1) {
# sapply(1:nrow(y),function(i) Recall(x,y[,j],binary,simp))
# } else if( length(dim(x))>1 ) {
# c(sapply(1:nrol(x),function(i) Recall(x[i,],y,binary,simp)))
# } else {
# }
# compositional random normals (what is the problem with the function in the
# package ????
#rnorm.acomp <-function (n, mean, var){
# D <- gsi.getD(mean)-1
# perturbe(ilr.inv(matrix(rnorm(n*D), ncol = D) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean)
#rnorm.acomp -> function (n, mean, var)
# D <- NCOL(oneOrDataset(mean))
# perturbe(ilr.inv(matrix(rnorm(n * length(mean)), ncol = D -
# 1) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean)
## Dendrogram of outliering character. Ideas:
## 0.- global dendrogram: normalize the data set via Sigma^{-1/2}, cluster it with complete linkeage
# X=aux
# aux2 = infl.mahalanobis.acomp(X)
# hc = hclust(dist(aux2),method="complete")
# plot(hc,labels=myCls)
## 1.- compute, for each lr, the Aitchison-Mahalanobis norm of the datum; use as distance matrix
#myDendro = function(X){
#onelr = function(x){
# D = length(x)
# aux = outer(1:D,1:D,function(i,j){log(x[i]/x[j])})
# return(aux)
#D = gsi.getD(X)
#mm = mapply(function(i,j,X){median(log(X[,i]/X[,j]))},
# i=rep(1:D,times=D), j=rep(1:D,each=D), MoreArgs=list(X=X))
# dim(mm)=c(D,D)
#vr = mapply(function(i,j,X){mad(log(X[,i]/X[,j]))},
# i=rep(1:D,times=D), j=rep(1:D,each=D), MoreArgs=list(X=X))
# dim(vr)=c(D,D)
# vr = 1/vr
# vr[is.nan(vr)]=0
#output = list()
#for(k in c(1:gsi.getN(X))){
# dd = (onelr(X[k,])-mm)^2*vr
# colnames(dd)=colnames(X)
# rownames(dd)=colnames(X)
# dd = hclust(as.dist(dd),method="complete")
# output[[k]]=dd
### robust svd (svd based ) = function(X,covmcd=NULL){
# noms = colnames(X) # keep names to track them afterwards
# svd1 = svd(cdt(X)) # pattern of svd for clr (it will be mostly replaced)
# # cannot handle singular covariance matrices
# X = idt(X)
# if(is.null(covmcd)){covmcd = covMcd(X)}
# # represent the matrix of the covariance in ilrs as in clrs
# cv = ilrvar2clr(covmcd$cov)
# # extract the svd
# svd2 = svd(cv)
# # eigenvalues should be squared
# d = sqrt(svd2$d)
# # right eigenvectors are equal
# v = svd2$v
# rownames(v)=noms
# # compute left eigenvectors of the original data set by projection/inversion
# mm = ilr2clr(covmcd$center) # robust mean, as clr
# X = ilr2clr(X)
# X = X-mm # double centered clrs
# u = X %*% v %*% diag(c(1/d))
# u = t(unclass(normalize(rmult(t(u)))))
# u[is.nan(u)]=1/sqrt(nrow(u))
# st = list(d=d, u=u, v=v)
# return(st)
# Computes the critical Mahalanobis distances values for outliers based on
# simulations
# q: the quantile
# ntrials: the number of simulations
# n: The number of cases
# d: the number of degrees of freedom (i.e. D-1 in the simplex)
### Probabily outdated due to qMaxMahalanobis
#computeOutlierKrit <- function(p=0.95,ntrial=10000,n,d,robust=TRUE,...) {
# rr <- robust
# if( is.logical(robust) ) rr <- if(robust) "mcd" else "pearson"
# s<-switch(rr,
# pearson={
# if( d==1 )
# replicate(ntrial,max({
# x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
# od<-covMcd(x)
# max(c(((c(x)-mean(x))^2)/c(var(x))))
# }))
# else {
# quickMah <- function(x) {
# v <- var(x)
# xc <- t(x)-meanCol(x)
# max(rep(1,ncol(v)) %*% solve(v,xc,...) * xc )
# }
# replicate(ntrial,quickMah(matrix(rnorm(n*d,mean=rnorm(1)),ncol=d)))
# }
# }
# ,
# mcd={
# require("robustbase")
# if( d==1 )
# replicate(ntrial,max({
# x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
# od<-covMcd(x)
# c(((c(x)-od$center)^2)/c(od$cov))
# }))
# else
# replicate(ntrial,sqrt(max(covMcd(matrix(rnorm(n*d,mean=rnorm(1)),ncol=d))$mah)))
# },
# stop("computeOutlierKrit: Unkown robustness type: \"",robust,"\"")
# )
# The same as above but in 1 dimension
# --> Above version generalized
#computeOutlierKrit1 <- function(q=0.95,ntrial=10000,n) {
# s <- replicate(ntrial,max({
# x <- rnorm(n,mean=rnorm(1))
# od<-covMcd(x)
# c(((c(x)-od$center)^2)/c(od$cov))
# }))
# quantile(s,q)
#dendroSimp <- function(dendro,labels) {
# erg <- gsi.mystructure(lapply(dendro,dendroSimp,labels=labels))
# leaves <- sapply(erg,function(x) attr(x,"leaf"))
# if( all(leaves) ) {
# labs <- sapply(erg,function(x) label
# }
# Function should extract only big groups from a factor (now working)
#bigGroupsOnly <- function(x,nmin=5,name="single") {
# n <- c(table(x)[x])
# factor(ifelse(n<nmin,name,as.character(x)))
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