
Defines functions enacopula emle .emle edmle dDiagA dDiag emde emde.dist etau tau.checker ebeta beta. beta.hat betan initOpt

Documented in beta. beta.hat betan dDiag ebeta edmle emde emle .emle enacopula etau initOpt

## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

### Estimation for nested Archimedean copulas ##################################

### Auxiliaries ################################################################

##' @title Compute an initial interval or value for estimation procedures
##' @param family Archimedean family
##' @param tau.range vector containing lower and upper admissible Kendall's tau
##' @param interval logical determining if an initial interval (the default) or
##'        an initial value should be returned
##' @param u matrix of realizations following a copula
##' @param method method for obtaining initial values
##' @param warn logical indicating whether a warning message is printed (the
##'        default) if the DMLE for Gumbel is < 1 or not
##' @param ... further arguments to cor() for method="tau.mean"
##' @return initial interval or value which can be used for optimization
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note Compute an initial interval or value for optimization/estimation routines
##' (only a heuristic; if this fails, choose your own interval or value)
initOpt <- function(family, tau.range=NULL, interval=TRUE, u,
                    method=c("tau.Gumbel", "tau.mean"), warn=TRUE, ...)
    cop <- getAcop(family)
        tau.range <- switch(cop@name, # limiting (attainable) taus that can be dealt with in estimation/optimization/root-finding
                            "AMH" = { c(0, 1/3-5e-5) }, # FIXME: closer to 1, emle's mle2 fails; note: typically, Std. Error still not available and thus profile() may fail => adjust by hand
                            "Clayton" = { c(1e-8, 0.95) },
                            "Frank" = { c(1e-8, 0.94) }, # FIXME: beyond that, estimation.gof() fails for ebeta()!
                            "Gumbel" = { c(0, 0.95) },
                            "Joe" = { c(0, 0.95) },
                            stop("unsupported family for initOpt"))
    if(interval) return(cop@iTau(tau.range)) # u is not required
    stopifnot(length(dim(u)) == 2L)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    ## estimate Kendall's tau
    tau.hat <- switch(method,
                      "tau.Gumbel" = {
                          x <- apply(u, 1, max)
                          theta.hat.G <- log(ncol(u))/(log(length(x))-log(sum(-log(x)))) # direct formula from edmle for Gumbel
                          if(theta.hat.G < 1){
                              if(warn) warning("initOpt: DMLE for Gumbel = ",theta.hat.G," < 1; is set to 1")
                              theta.hat.G <- 1
                      "tau.mean" = {
                          tau.hat.mat <- corKendall(u, ...) # matrix of pairwise tau()
                          mean(tau.hat.mat[upper.tri(tau.hat.mat)]) # mean of estimated taus
                      stop("wrong method for initOpt"))
    ## truncate to range if required
    cop@iTau(pmax(pmin(tau.hat, tau.range[2]), tau.range[1]))

### Blomqvist's beta ###########################################################

##' @title Sample version of Blomqvist's beta
##' @param u matrix of realizations following the copula
##' @param scaling if TRUE then the factors 2^(d-1)/(2^(d-1)-1) and
##'                2^(1-d) in Blomqvist's beta are omitted
##' @return sample version of multivariate Blomqvist beta
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note Compute the sample version of Blomqvist's beta,
##' see, e.g., Schmid and Schmidt (2007) "Nonparametric inference on multivariate
##' versions of Blomqvist's beta and related measures of tail dependence"
betan <- function(u, scaling = FALSE) {
    less.u <- u <= 0.5
    prod1 <- apply( less.u, 1, all)
    prod2 <- apply(!less.u, 1, all)
    b <- mean(prod1 + prod2)
    if(scaling) b else {T <- 2^(ncol(u)-1); (T*b - 1)/(T - 1)}

beta.hat <- function(u, scaling = FALSE) { .Defunct("betan") ; betan(u, scaling) }

##' @title Population version of Blomqvist's beta for Archimedean copulas
##' @param cop acopula to be estimated
##' @param theta copula parameter
##' @param d dimension
##' @param scaling if TRUE then the factors 2^(d-1)/(2^(d-1)-1) and
##'                2^(1-d) in Blomqvist's beta are omitted
##' @return population version of multivariate Blomqvist beta
##' @author Marius Hofert & Martin Maechler
beta. <- function(cop, theta, d, scaling=FALSE) {
    j <- seq_len(d)
    diags <- cop@psi(j*cop@iPsi(0.5, theta), theta) # compute diagonals
    b <- 1 + diags[d] + if(d < 30) sum((-1)^j * choose(d, j) * diags)
    else sum((-1)^j * exp(lchoose(d, j) + log(diags)))
    if(scaling) b else { T <- 2^(d-1); (T*b - 1)/(T - 1)}

##' @title Method-of-moment-like parameter estimation of nested Archimedean copulas
##'        based on Blomqvist's beta
##' @param u matrix of realizations following the copula
##' @param cop outer_nacopula to be estimated
##' @param interval bivariate vector denoting the interval where optimization takes
##'        place
##' @param ... additional parameters for safeUroot
##' @return Blomqvist beta estimator; return value of safeUroot (more or less
##'	    equal to the return value of uniroot)
##' @author Marius Hofert
ebeta <- function(u, cop, interval=initOpt(cop@copula@name), ...) {
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), is.numeric(d <- ncol(u)), d >= 2,
              max(cop@comp) == d)
        stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    ## Note: We do not need the constants 2^(d-1)/(2^(d-1)-1) and 2^(1-d) here,
    ##	     since we equate the population and sample versions of Blomqvist's
    ##       beta anyway.
    b.hat <- betan(u, scaling = TRUE)
    d <- ncol(u)
    safeUroot(function(theta) {beta.(cop@copula, theta, d, scaling=TRUE) - b.hat},
              interval=interval, Sig=+1, check.conv=TRUE, ...)

### Kendall's tau ##############################################################

##' @title Check sample versions of Kendall's tau
##' @param x vector of sample versions of Kendall's tau to be checked for whether
##'        they are in the range of tau of the corresponding family
##' @param family Archimedean family
##' @return checked and (if check failed) modified x
##' @author Marius Hofert
tau.checker <- function(x, family, warn=TRUE){
    eps <- 1e-8 ## "fixed" currently, see below
    tau.range <- switch(family,
                        ## limiting (attainable) taus that can be dealt with by
			## cop<family>@iTau() *and* that can be used to construct
                        ## a corresponding copula object; checked via:
                        ## eps <- 1e-8
                        ## th <- copAMH@iTau(c(0,1/3-eps)); onacopulaL("AMH",list(th[1], 1:5)); onacopulaL("AMH",list(th[2], 1:5))
                        ## th <- copClayton@iTau(c(eps,1-eps)); onacopulaL("Clayton",list(th[1], 1:5)); onacopulaL("Clayton",list(th[2], 1:5))
                        ## th <- copFrank@iTau(c(eps,1-eps)); onacopulaL("Frank",list(th[1], 1:5)); onacopulaL("Frank",list(th[2], 1:5))
                        ## th <- copGumbel@iTau(c(0,1-eps)); onacopulaL("Gumbel",list(th[1], 1:5)); onacopulaL("Gumbel",list(th[2], 1:5))
                        ## th <- copJoe@iTau(c(0,1-eps)); onacopulaL("Joe",list(th[1], 1:5)); onacopulaL("Joe",list(th[2], 1:5))
                        "AMH" = { c(0, 1/3-eps) },
                        "Clayton" = { c(eps, 1-eps) }, # copClayton@iTau(c(eps,1-eps))
                        "Frank" = { c(eps, 1-eps) }, # copFrank@iTau(c(eps,1-eps))
                        "Gumbel" = { c(0, 1-eps) }, # copGumbel@iTau(c(0,1-eps))
                        "Joe" = { c(0, 1-eps) }, # copJoe@iTau(c(0,1-eps))
                        stop("unsupported family for initOpt"))
    toosmall <- which(x < tau.range[1])
    toolarge <- which(x > tau.range[2])
    if(warn && length(toosmall)+length(toolarge) > 0){
	r <- range(x)
	if(length(x) == 1){
            warning("tau.checker: found (and adjusted) an x value out of range (x = ",
            warning("tau.checker: found (and adjusted) x values out of range (min(x) = ",
                    r[1],", max(x) = ",r[2],")")
    x. <- x
    x.[toosmall] <- tau.range[1]
    x.[toolarge] <- tau.range[2]

##' @title Pairwise estimators for nested Archimedean copulas based on Kendall's tau
##' @param u matrix of realizations following the copula
##' @param cop outer_nacopula to be estimated
##' @param method tau.mean indicates that the average of the sample versions of
##'               Kendall's tau are computed first and then theta is determined;
##'               theta.mean stands for first computing all Kendall's tau
##'               estimators and then returning the mean of these estimators
##' @param warn logical indicating whether warnings are produced (for AMH and in
##'        general for pairwise sample versions of Kendall's tau < 0) [the default]
##'        or not
##' @param ... additional arguments to cor()
##' @return averaged pairwise cor() estimators
##' @author Marius Hofert
etau <- function(u, cop, method = c("tau.mean", "theta.mean"), warn=TRUE, ...){
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), is.numeric(d <- ncol(u)), d >= 2,
              max(cop@comp) == d)
        stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    tau.hat.mat <- corKendall(u, ...) # matrix of pairwise tau()
    tau.hat <- tau.hat.mat[upper.tri(tau.hat.mat)] # all tau hat's
    ## define tau^{-1}
    tau_inv <- if(cop@copula@name == "AMH")
	function(tau) cop@copula@iTau(tau, check=FALSE, warn=warn) else cop@copula@iTau
    ## check and apply iTau in the appropriate way
    method <- match.arg(method)
           "tau.mean" = {
	       mean.tau.hat <- mean(tau.hat) # mean of pairwise tau.hat
	       mean.tau.hat. <- tau.checker(mean.tau.hat, family=cop@copula@name,
                                            warn=warn) # check the mean
               tau_inv(mean.tau.hat.) # Kendall's tau corresponding to the mean of the sample versions of Kendall's taus
           "theta.mean" = {
	       tau.hat. <- tau.checker(tau.hat, family=cop@copula@name, warn=warn) # check all values
               mean(tau_inv(tau.hat.)) # mean of the pairwise Kendall's tau estimators
       {stop("wrong method")})

### Minimum distance estimation ################################################

##' @title Distances for minimum distance estimation
##' @param u matrix of realizations (ideally) following U[0,1]^(d-1) or U[0,1]^d
##' @param method distance methods available:
##'        mde.chisq.CvM  = map to a chi-square distribution (Cramer-von Mises distance)
##'        mde.chisq.KS   = map to a chi-square distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance)
##'        mde.gamma.CvM  = map to an Erlang (gamma) distribution (Cramer-von Mises distance)
##'        mde.gamma.KS   = map to an Erlang (gamma) distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance)
##' @return distance
##' @author Marius Hofert
emde.dist <- function(u, method = c("mde.chisq.CvM", "mde.chisq.KS", "mde.gamma.CvM",
                         "mde.gamma.KS")) {
    if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
    d <- ncol(u)
    n <- nrow(u)
    method <- match.arg(method) # match argument method
           "mde.chisq.CvM" = { # map to a chi-square distribution
               y <- sort(rowSums(qnorm(u)^2))
               Fvals <- pchisq(y, d)
               weights <- (2*(1:n)-1)/(2*n)
               1/(12*n) + sum((weights - Fvals)^2)
           "mde.chisq.KS" = { # map to a chi-square distribution
               y <- sort(rowSums(qnorm(u)^2))
               Fvals <- pchisq(y, d)
               i <- 1:n
               max(Fvals[i]-(i-1)/n, i/n-Fvals[i])
           "mde.gamma.CvM" = { # map to an Erlang distribution
               y <- sort(rowSums(-log(u)))
               Fvals <- pgamma(y, shape = d)
               weights <- (2*(1:n)-1)/(2*n)
               1/(12*n) + sum((weights - Fvals)^2)
           "mde.gamma.KS" = { # map to an Erlang distribution
               y <- rowSums(-log(u))
               Fvals <- pgamma(y, shape = d)
               i <- 1:n
               max(Fvals[i]-(i-1)/n, i/n-Fvals[i])
           ## Note: The distances S_n^{(B)} and S_n^{(C)} turned out to be (far)
           ##       too slow.
           stop("wrong distance method"))

##' @title Minimum distance estimation for nested Archimedean copulas
##' @param u matrix of realizations following the copula
##' @param cop outer_nacopula to be estimated
##' @param method distance methods available, see emde.dist
##' @param interval bivariate vector denoting the interval where optimization takes
##'        place
##' @param include.K logical indicating whether the last component, K, is also
##'        used or not
##' @param repara logical indicating whether the distance function is
##'        reparameterized for the optimization
##' @param ... additional parameters for optimize
##' @return minimum distance estimator; return value of optimize
##' @author Marius Hofert
emde <- function(u, cop, method = c("mde.chisq.CvM", "mde.chisq.KS", "mde.gamma.CvM",
                         "mde.gamma.KS"), interval = initOpt(cop@copula@name),
                 include.K = FALSE, repara = TRUE, ...)
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), is.numeric(d <- ncol(u)), d >= 2,
              max(cop@comp) == d)
        stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    method <- match.arg(method) # match argument method
    distance <- function(theta) { # distance to be minimized
        cop@copula@theta <- theta
        u. <- htrafo(u, copula = cop, include.K = include.K, n.MC = 0) # transform data [don't use MC here; too slow]
        emde.dist(u., method)
        ## reparameterization function
        rfun <- function(x, inverse=FALSE){ # reparameterization
                       if(inverse) tanpi(x/2) else atan(x)*2/pi
                       if(inverse) tanpi(x/2) else atan(x)*2/pi
                       if(inverse) 1/(1-x) else 1-1/x
                       if(inverse) 1/(1-x) else 1-1/x
                   stop("emde: Reparameterization got unsupported family"))
        ## optimize
	opt <- optimize(function(alpha) distance(rfun(alpha, inverse=TRUE)),
                        interval=rfun(interval), ...)
	opt$minimum <- rfun(opt$minimum, inverse=TRUE)
        optimize(distance, interval=interval, ...)

### Diagonal maximum likelihood estimation #####################################

##' @title Diagonal density of a nested Archimedean copula
##' @param u evaluation point in [0,1]
##' @param cop outer_nacopula
##' @param log if TRUE the log-density is evaluated
##' @return density of the diagonal of cop
##' @author Marius Hofert
dDiag <- function(u, cop, log=FALSE) {
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), (d <- max(cop@comp)) >= 2)
    if(length(cop@childCops)) {
        stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    else ## (non-nested) Archimedean :
        ## FIXME: choose one or the other (if a family has no such slot)
        ##    dDiagA(u, d=d, cop = cop@copula, log=log)
        cop@copula@dDiag(u, theta=cop@copula@theta, d=d, log=log)

##' @title Generic density of the diagonal of d-dim. Archimedean copula
##' @param u evaluation point in [0, 1]
##' @param d dimension
##' @param cop acopula
##' @param log if TRUE the log-density is evaluated
##' @return density of the diagonal of cop
##' @author Martin Maechler
dDiagA <- function(u, d, cop, log=FALSE) {
    stopifnot(is.finite(th <- cop@theta), d >= 2)
    ## catch the '0' case directly; needed, e.g., for AMH:
    if(any(copAMH@name == c("AMH","Frank","Gumbel","Joe")) &&
       any(i0 <- u == 0)) {
	if(log) u[i0] <- -Inf
	u[!i0] <- dDiagA(u[!i0], d=d, cop=cop, log=log)
    if(log) {
        log(d) + cop@absdPsi(d*cop@iPsi(u, th), th, log=TRUE) +
            cop@absdiPsi(u, th, log=TRUE)
    } else {
        d * cop@absdPsi(d*cop@iPsi(u, th), th) * cop@absdiPsi(u, th)

##' @title Maximum likelihood estimation based on the diagonal of a nested Archimedean copula
##' @param u matrix of realizations following a copula
##' @param cop outer_nacopula to be estimated
##' @param interval bivariate vector denoting the interval where optimization takes
##'        place
##' @param warn logical indicating whether a warning message is printed (the
##'        default) if the DMLE for Gumbel is < 1 or not
##' @param ... additional parameters for optimize
##' @return diagonal maximum likelihood estimator; return value of optimize
##' @author Marius Hofert
edmle <- function(u, cop, interval=initOpt(cop@copula@name), warn=TRUE, ...)
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), is.numeric(d <- ncol(u)), d >= 2,
              max(cop@comp) == d) # dimension
        stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    x <- apply(u, 1, max) # data from the diagonal
    ## explicit estimator for Gumbel
    if(cop@copula@name == "Gumbel") {
	th.G <- log(d)/(log(length(x))-log(sum(-log(x))))
	if(!is.finite(th.G) || th.G < 1) {
            if(warn) warning("edmle: DMLE for Gumbel = ",th.G,"; not in [1, Inf); is set to 1")
            th.G <- 1
	list(minimum = th.G, objective = 0) # return value of the same structure as for optimize
    } else {
        ## optimize
	nlogL <- function(theta) # -log-likelihood of the diagonal
            -sum(cop@copula@dDiag(x, theta=theta, d=d, log=TRUE))
	optimize(nlogL, interval=interval, ...)

### (Simulated) maximum likelihood estimation ##################################

##' @title (Simulated) maximum likelihood estimation for nested Archimedean copulas
##' @param u matrix of realizations following the copula
##' @param cop outer_nacopula to be estimated
##' @param n.MC if > 0 SMLE is applied with sample size equal to n.MC; otherwise,
##'        MLE is applied
##' @param interval bivariate vector denoting the interval where optimization takes
##'        place
##' @param ... additional parameters for optimize
##' @return (simulated) maximum likelihood estimator; return value of optimize
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note (Simulated) maximum likelihood estimation for nested Archimedean copulas
##' -- *Fast* version (based on optimize()) called from enacopula
.emle <- function(u, cop, n.MC=0, interval=initOpt(cop@copula@name), ...)
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"))
	stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
    ## optimize
    mLogL <- function(theta) { # -log-likelihood
        cop@copula@theta <- theta
	-sum(.dnacopula(u, cop, n.MC=n.MC, log=TRUE))
    optimize(mLogL, interval=interval, ...)

##' @title (Simulated) maximum likelihood estimation for nested Archimedean copulas
##' @param u matrix of realizations following the copula
##' @param cop outer_nacopula to be estimated
##' @param n.MC if > 0 SMLE is applied with sample size equal to n.MC; otherwise,
##'        MLE is applied
##' @param optimizer optimizer used (if optimizer=NULL (or NA), then mle (instead
##'        of mle2) is used with the provided method)
##' @param method optim's method to be used (when optimizer=NULL or "optim" and
##'        in these cases method is a required argument)
##' @param interval bivariate vector denoting the interval where optimization
##'        takes place
##' @param start list containing the initial value(s) (unfortunately required by mle2)
##' @param ... additional parameters for optimize
##' @return an "mle2" object with the (simulated) maximum likelihood estimator.
##' @author Martin Maechler and Marius Hofert
##' Note: this is the *slower* version which also allows for profiling
emle <- function(u, cop, n.MC=0, optimizer="optimize", method,
                 ##vvv awkward to be needed, but it is - by mle2():
                 start = list(theta=initOpt(cop@copula@name, interval=FALSE, u=u)),
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), is.numeric(d <- ncol(u)), d >= 2,
              max(cop@comp) == d)
    ## nLL <- function(theta) { # -log-likelihood
    ##	   cop@copula@theta <- theta
    ##	   -sum(.dnacopula(u, cop, n.MC=n.MC, log=TRUE))
    ## }
	stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    else ## For (*non*-nested) copulas only:
	nLL <- function(theta)  # -(log-likelihood)
	    -sum(cop@copula@dacopula(u, theta, n.MC=n.MC, log=TRUE))

    ## optimization
    if(!(is.null(optimizer) || is.na(optimizer))) {
        ## stopifnot(requireNamespace("bbmle"))
	if(optimizer == "optimize")
	    bbmle::mle2(minuslogl = nLL, optimizer = "optimize",
		 lower = interval[1], upper = interval[2],
		 ##vvv awkward to be needed, but it is - by mle2():
		 start=start, ...)
	else if(optimizer == "optim") {
	    message(" optimizer = \"optim\" -- using mle2(); consider optimizer=NULL instead")
	    bbmle::mle2(minuslogl = nLL, optimizer = "optim", method = method,
		 start=start, ...)
	else ## "general"
	    bbmle::mle2(minuslogl = nLL, optimizer = optimizer, start=start, ...)
	## use optim() .. [which uses suboptimal method for 1D, but provides Hessian]
	mle(minuslogl = nLL, method = method, start=start, ...)

### Estimation wrapper #########################################################

##' @title Estimation procedures for nested Archimedean copulas
##' @param u data matrix (of pseudo-observations or from the copula "directly")
##' @param cop outer_nacopula to be estimated
##' @param method estimation method; can be
##'        "mle"             MLE
##'        "smle"            SMLE
##'        "dmle"            MLE based on the diagonal
##'        "mde.chisq.CvM"   minimum distance estimation based on the chisq distribution and CvM distance
##'        "mde.chisq.KS"    minimum distance estimation based on the chisq distribution and KS distance
##'        "mde.gamma.CvM"   minimum distance estimation based on the Erlang distribution and CvM distance
##'        "mde.gamma.KS"    minimum distance estimation based on the Erlang distribution and KS distance
##'        "tau.tau.mean"    averaged pairwise Kendall's tau estimator
##'        "tau.theta.mean"  average of Kendall's tau estimators
##'        "beta"            multivariate Blomqvist's beta estimator
##' @param n.MC if > 0 it denotes the sample size for SMLE
##' @param interval initial optimization interval for "mle", "smle", and "dmle"
##' @param xargs additional arguments for the estimation procedures
##' @param ... additional parameters for optimize
##' @return estimated value/vector according to the chosen method
##' @author Marius Hofert
enacopula <- function(u, cop, method=c("mle", "smle", "dmle", "mde.chisq.CvM",
                              "mde.chisq.KS", "mde.gamma.CvM", "mde.gamma.KS",
                              "tau.tau.mean", "tau.theta.mean", "beta"),
                      n.MC = if(method=="smle") 10000 else 0,
                      xargs=list(), ...)

    ## setup
    if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)
    stopifnot(0 <= u, u <= 1, is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), (d <- ncol(u)) >= 2,
              max(cop@comp) == d, n.MC >= 0, is.list(xargs))
	stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
    if(n.MC > 0 && method != "smle")
	stop("n.MC > 0  is not applicable to method '%s'", method)
    method <- match.arg(method)

    ## main part
    res <- switch(method,
                  "mle" =            do.call(.emle, c(list(u, cop,
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  "smle" =           do.call(.emle, c(list(u, cop, n.MC = n.MC,
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  "dmle" =           do.call(edmle, c(list(u, cop,
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  "mde.chisq.CvM" =  do.call(emde, c(list(u, cop, "mde.chisq.CvM",
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  "mde.chisq.KS" =   do.call(emde, c(list(u, cop, "mde.chisq.KS",
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  "mde.gamma.CvM" =  do.call(emde, c(list(u, cop, "mde.gamma.CvM",
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  "mde.gamma.KS" =   do.call(emde, c(list(u, cop, "mde.gamma.KS",
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  "tau.tau.mean" =   do.call(etau, c(list(u, cop, "tau.mean", ...),
                  "tau.theta.mean" = do.call(etau, c(list(u, cop, "theta.mean", ...),
                  "beta" =           do.call(ebeta, c(list(u, cop,
                  interval = interval, ...), xargs)),
                  stop("wrong estimation method for enacopula"))

    ## FIXME: deal with result, check details, give warnings

    ## return the estimate
           "mle" =            res$minimum,
           "smle" =           res$minimum,
           "dmle" =           res$minimum,
           "mde.chisq.CvM" =  res$minimum,
           "mde.chisq.KS" =   res$minimum,
           "mde.gamma.CvM" =  res$minimum,
           "mde.gamma.KS" =   res$minimum,
           "tau.tau.mean" =   res,
           "tau.theta.mean" = res,
           "beta" =           res$root,
           stop("wrong estimation method"))


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copula documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:48 p.m.