
Defines functions bbdml

Documented in bbdml

#' Maximum Likelihood for the Beta-binomial Distribution
#' @param formula an object of class \code{formula}: a symbolic description of the model to be fitted to the abundance
#' @param phi.formula an object of class \code{formula} without the response: a symbolic description of the model to be fitted to the dispersion
#' @param data a data frame or \code{phyloseq} object containing the variables in the models
#' @param link link function for abundance covariates, defaults to \code{"logit"}
#' @param phi.link link function for dispersion covariates, defaults to \code{"logit"}
#' @param method optimization method, defaults to \code{"trust"}, or see \code{\link{optimr}} for other options
#' @param control optimization control parameters (see \code{\link{optimr}})
#' @param numerical Boolean. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Indicator of whether to use the numeric Hessian (not recommended).
#' @param nstart Integer. Defaults to \code{1}. Number of starts for optimization.
#' @param inits Optional initializations as rows of a matrix. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param ... Optional additional arguments for \code{\link{optimr}} or \code{\link{trust}}
#' @return An object of class \code{bbdml}.
#' @examples
#' # phyloseq example
#' data(soil_phylum_small)
#' bbdml(formula = OTU.1 ~ DayAmdmt,
#' phi.formula = ~ DayAmdmt,
#' data = soil_phylum_small)
#' # data frame example
#' seq_depth <- rpois(20, lambda = 10000)
#' my_counts <- rbinom(20, size = seq_depth, prob = 0.001) * 10
#' my_covariate <- cbind(rep(c(0,1), each = 10))
#' colnames(my_covariate) <- c("X1")
#' example_data <- data.frame("W" = my_counts, "M" = seq_depth, my_covariate)
#' bbdml(formula = cbind(W, M - W) ~ X1,
#' phi.formula = ~ X1,
#' data = example_data)
#' @export
bbdml <- function(formula, phi.formula, data,
                  link = "logit",
                  phi.link = "logit",
                  method = "trust",
                  control = list(maxit = 1000, reltol = 1e-14),
                  numerical = FALSE,
                  nstart = 1,
                  inits  = NULL,
                  ...) {
  if (numerical) {
    control$usenumDeriv <- TRUE

  argList <- list(...)

  # Convert phyloseq objects
  if ("phyloseq" %in% class(data)) {
    select <- all.vars(formula)[1]
    data <- convert_phylo(data, select = select)
    # Update formula to match convert_phylo specification
    formula <- stats::update(formula, cbind(W, M - W) ~ .)

  # Record call
  call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  # Record mu link
  link <- try(match.arg(link, choices = "logit"))
  if ("try-error" %in% class(link)) {
    stop('link currently only allows "logit"! \n
         To request another link function, post an issue on GitHub.')

  # Record phi link
  phi.link <- try(match.arg(phi.link, choices = c("fishZ", "logit")))
  if ("try-error" %in% class(phi.link)) {
    stop('phi.link currently only allows "logit" or "fishZ"! \n
         To request another link function, post an issue on GitHub.')

  # Record Method
  method <- try(match.arg(method, choices = c("BFGS", "trust")))
  if ("try-error" %in% class(method)) {
    stop('If method is specified, it must be either "BFGS" or "trust"!')

  mu.f <- formula
  phi.f <- phi.formula

  # Get data frame from formula
  dat <- data
  # response
  resp <- stats::model.response(stats::model.frame(formula = mu.f, data = dat))

  # mu model matrix
  X.b <- stats::model.matrix(object = mu.f, data = dat)
  # phi model matrix
  X.bstar <- stats::model.matrix(object = phi.f, data = dat)

  # mu terms
  terms.mu <- stats::terms(mu.f)
  # phi terms
  terms.phi <- stats::terms(phi.f)

  # Number of parameters
  np <- ncol(X.b)
  npstar <- ncol(X.bstar)
  nppar <- np + npstar

  df.model <- nppar
  df.residual <- nrow(resp) - df.model

  if (df.residual <= 0) {
    stop("Model overspecified! \n
Trying to fit more parameters than sample size. Model cannot be estimated.")

  # Counts
  W <- resp[, 1]
  # Sample Size
  M <- rowSums(resp)

  # Check for separation
  sep_da <- sep_dv <- FALSE
  if (length(attr(terms.mu, "term.labels") != 0)) {
    sep_da <- separationDetection(
      y = cbind(W, M - W), x = X.b, family = stats::binomial("logit"), control = list(purpose = "test")
    if (sep_da) separationWarning(model_name = "abundance model")

  if (length(attr(terms.phi, "term.labels") != 0)) {
    sep_dv <- separationDetection(
      y = cbind(W, M - W), x = X.bstar, family = stats::binomial("logit"), control = list(purpose = "test")
    if (sep_dv) separationWarning(model_name = "dispersion model")

  # Generate inits
  if (is.null(inits)) {
    inits <- suppressWarnings(genInits(W = W,
                                       M = M,
                                       X = X.b,
                                       X_star = X.bstar,
                                       np = np,
                                       npstar = npstar,
                                       link = link,
                                       phi.link = phi.link,
                                       nstart = nstart,
                                       use = TRUE))
  } else {
    nstart <- nrow(inits)
    # Or test feasibility of given inits. Same check as in objfun
    for (i in nrow(inits)) {
      # extract matrix of betas (np x 1), first np entries
      b_init      <- utils::head(inits[i,], np)
      # extract matrix of beta stars (npstar x 1), last npstar entries
      b_star_init <- utils::tail(inits[i,], npstar)

      mu.withlink_init <- X.b %*% b_init
      phi.withlink_init <- X.bstar %*% b_star_init
      mu_init <- switch(link, "logit" = invlogit(mu.withlink_init))
      phi_init <- switch(phi.link, "fishZ" = invfishZ(phi.withlink_init), "logit" = invlogit(phi.withlink_init))

      if (any(is.nan(mu_init)) || any(is.nan(phi_init))) {
        warning(paste("Initialization",i,"invalid. Automatically generating new initialization."), immediate. = TRUE)
        inits[i,] <- suppressWarnings(genInits(W = W,
                                               M = M,
                                               X = X.b,
                                               X_star = X.bstar,
                                               np = np,
                                               npstar = npstar,
                                               link = link,
                                               phi.link = phi.link,
                                               nstart = 1,
                                               use = FALSE))
      } else {
        val_init <- suppressWarnings(sum(VGAM::dbetabinom(W, M, prob = mu_init, rho = phi_init, log = TRUE)))
        if (is.nan(val_init) || any(phi_init <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) || any(phi_init >= 1 - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
          warning(paste("Initialization",i,"invalid. Automatically generating new initialization."), immediate. = TRUE)
          inits[i,] <- suppressWarnings(genInits(W = W,
                                                 M = M,
                                                 X = X.b,
                                                 X_star = X.bstar,
                                                 np = np,
                                                 npstar = npstar,
                                                 link = link,
                                                 phi.link = phi.link,
                                                 nstart = 1,
                                                 use = FALSE))

    } ### END FOR: checking inits

  # theta.init <- inits[1,]
  # # replace any NA inits with 0
  # theta.init[which(is.na(theta.init))] <- 0
  # if (method == "BFGS") {
  #   #starttime <- proc.time()[1]
  #   mlout <- optimr::optimr(par = theta.init,
  #                           fn = dbetabin_neg,
  #                           gr = gr_full,
  #                           method = method,
  #                           control = control,
  #                           W = W,
  #                           M = M,
  #                           X = X.b,
  #                           X_star = X.bstar,
  #                           np = np,
  #                           npstar = npstar,
  #                           link = link,
  #                           phi.link = phi.link,
  #                           logpar = TRUE)
  #   theta.orig <- theta.init
  #   #curtime <- proc.time()[1] - starttime
  # }
  # if (method == "trust") {
  #   if (!exists("rinit")) {
  #     rinit <- 1
  #   }
  #   if (!exists("rmax")) {
  #     rmax <- 100
  #   }
  #   #starttime <- proc.time()[1]
  #   mlout <- trust::trust(objfun, parinit = theta.init,
  #                         W = W,
  #                         M = M,
  #                         X = X.b,
  #                         X_star = X.bstar,
  #                         np = np,
  #                         npstar = npstar,
  #                         link = link,
  #                         phi.link = phi.link,
  #                         rinit = rinit,
  #                         rmax = rmax)
  #   #curtime <- proc.time()[1] - starttime
  # }
  # # Save the best model
  # bestOut <- mlout
  #time <- curtime

  bestOut <- NULL

  # if (nstart >= 2) {
    for (i in 1:nstart) {
      ### BEGIN FOR
      theta.init <- inits[i,]
      # replace any NA inits with 0
      theta.init[which(is.na(theta.init))] <- 0
      if (method == "BFGS") {
        #starttime <- proc.time()[1]
        mlout <- try(optimr::optimr(par = theta.init,
                                fn = dbetabin_neg,
                                gr = gr_full,
                                method = method,
                                control = control,
                                W = W,
                                M = M,
                                X = X.b,
                                X_star = X.bstar,
                                np = np,
                                npstar = npstar,
                                link = link,
                                phi.link = phi.link, logpar = TRUE),
                     silent = TRUE); if (inherits(mlout, "try-error")) next
        #theta.orig <- theta.init
        #curtime <- proc.time()[1] - starttime

        if (is.null(bestOut)) bestOut <- mlout
        # if the model is improved
        if (mlout$value < bestOut$value) {
          bestOut <- mlout
          #time <- curtime
      } ### END IF bfgs
      if (method == "trust") {
        #starttime <- proc.time()[1]
          if (is.null(argList$rinit)) {
            rinit <- 1
          if (is.null(argList$rmax)) {
            rmax <- 100
        mlout <- try(trust::trust(objfun, parinit = theta.init,
                              W = W,
                              M = M,
                              X = X.b,
                              X_star = X.bstar,
                              np = np,
                              npstar = npstar,
                              link = link,
                              phi.link = phi.link,
                              rinit = rinit, rmax = rmax),
                     silent = TRUE); if (inherits(mlout, "try-error")) next
        #curtime <- proc.time()[1] - starttime

        if (is.null(bestOut)) bestOut <- mlout
        # if the model is improved
        if (mlout$value < bestOut$value) {
          bestOut <- mlout
          #time <- curtime
      } ### END IF trust
    } ### END FOR - inits
  # } ### END IF - nstarts

  if (is.null(bestOut)) stop("Model could not be optimized! Try changing initializations or simplifying your model.")

  # change back for name
  mlout <- bestOut

  if (method == "BFGS") {
    theta <- mlout$par
    logL <- -mlout$value
    iterations <- mlout$counts
    code <- mlout$convergence
  if (method == "trust") {
    theta <- mlout$argument
    logL <- -mlout$value
    iterations <- mlout$iterations
    code <- mlout$converged
  ## Results

  namb <- paste("mu", colnames(X.b), sep = ".")
  namphi <- paste("phi", colnames(X.bstar), sep = ".")
  names(theta) <- c(namb, namphi)

  b      <- utils::head(theta, np)
  b_star <- utils::tail(theta, npstar)

  mu.withlink <- X.b %*% b
  phi.withlink <- X.bstar %*% b_star
  mu.resp <- switch(link, "logit" = invlogit(mu.withlink))
  phi.resp <- switch(phi.link, "fishZ" = invfishZ(phi.withlink), "logit" = invlogit(phi.withlink))

  theta.resp <- c(mu.resp,phi.resp)

  # other results
  # if fixpar is not null, df.model is lower than nbpar

  msg <- if (!is.null(mlout$message)) mlout$message else character(0)

      call = call, link = link, dat = dat,
      formula = mu.f, phi.formula = phi.f, phi.link = phi.link,
      X.mu = X.b, X.phi = X.bstar,
      resp = resp, M = M, W = W,
      param = theta, b.mu = b, b.phi = b_star,
      param.response = theta.resp, terms.mu = terms.mu, terms.phi = terms.phi,
      mu.resp = mu.resp, phi.resp = phi.resp,
      np.total = nppar, np.mu = np, np.phi = npstar,
      df.model = df.model, df.residual = df.residual,
      logL = logL, inits = inits, sep_da = sep_da, sep_dv = sep_dv,
      iterations = iterations, code = code, msg = msg),
    class = "bbdml")

# Wrapper around detectseparation::detect_separation
# All arguments are always passed to detect_separation as is, except for x.
# If x has only 1 column, x is replaced with cbind(1, x)
# Return value is TRUE or FALSE, extracted from either the "separation" or "outcome" element returned by detect_separation
# The name of this element changed between detectseparation package versions 0.2 and 0.3
separationDetection <- function(y, x, family, control) {
  if (ncol(x) == 1) x <- cbind(1, x)
  separation <- detectseparation::detect_separation(y = y, x = x, family = family, control = control)

  # name of boolean element in list returned by detect_separation changed between package versions
  if (utils::packageVersion("detectseparation") < "0.3") {
  } else {

# Simple helper to generate warning about detected separation in a bbdml model
# model_name takes a string, e.g. "abundance model" or "dispersion model"
separationWarning <- function(model_name) {
    paste0("Separation detected in ", model_name, "!"),
    "Likely, one of your covariates/experimental conditions is such that",
    "there are all zero counts within a group. Consider identifying and removing",
    "this covariate from your model. The results of this model are not to be",
    "trusted because there is not enough data. \n",
    sep = "\n"
  ), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

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