
Defines functions estfun.crch residuals.crch crps.crch logLik.crch vcov.crch coef.crch prodist.crch predict.crch fitted.crch model.matrix.crch model.frame.crch terms.crch print.summary.crch summary.crch print.crch crch.fit crch.control trch crch

Documented in coef.crch crch crch.control crch.fit crps.crch estfun.crch fitted.crch logLik.crch model.frame.crch model.matrix.crch predict.crch print.crch print.summary.crch prodist.crch residuals.crch summary.crch terms.crch trch vcov.crch

crch <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, weights, offset, 
  link.scale = c("log", "identity", "quadratic"), 
  dist = c("gaussian", "logistic", "student"), df = NULL,
  left = -Inf, right = Inf, truncated = FALSE, type = c("ml", "crps"), 
  control = crch.control(...), model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, ...)
  ## call
  cl <- match.call()
  if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights", "offset"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE

  ## formula
  oformula <- as.formula(formula)
  formula <- as.Formula(formula)
  if(length(formula)[2L] < 2L) {
    formula <- as.Formula(formula(formula), ~ 1)
    simple_formula <- TRUE
  } else {
    if(length(formula)[2L] > 2L) {
      formula <- Formula(formula(formula, rhs = 1:2))
      warning("formula must not have more than two RHS parts")
    simple_formula <- FALSE
  mf$formula <- formula
  ## evaluate model.frame
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  ## extract terms, model matrix, response
  mt <- terms(formula, data = data, dot = control$dot)
  mtX <- terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 1L, dot = control$dot)
  mtZ <- delete.response(terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 2L, dot = control$dot))
  Y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
  X <- model.matrix(mtX, mf)
  Z <- model.matrix(mtZ, mf)

  ## obtain correct subset of predvars/dataClasses to terms
  .add_predvars_and_dataClasses <- function(terms, model.frame) {
    ## original terms
    rval <- terms
    ## terms from model.frame
    nval <- if(inherits(model.frame, "terms")) model.frame else terms(model.frame, dot = control$dot)

    ## associated variable labels
    ovar <- sapply(as.list(attr(rval, "variables")), deparse)[-1]
    nvar <- sapply(as.list(attr(nval, "variables")), deparse)[-1]
    if(!all(ovar %in% nvar)) stop(
      paste("The following terms variables are not part of the model.frame:",
      paste(ovar[!(ovar %in% nvar)], collapse = ", ")))
    ix <- match(ovar, nvar)
    ## subset predvars
    if(!is.null(attr(rval, "predvars"))) 
      warning("terms already had 'predvars' attribute, now replaced")
    attr(rval, "predvars") <- attr(nval, "predvars")[1L + c(0L, ix)]

    ## subset dataClasses
    if(!is.null(attr(rval, "dataClasses"))) 
      warning("terms already had 'dataClasses' attribute, now replaced")
    attr(rval, "dataClasses") <- attr(nval, "dataClasses")[ix]
  mt  <- .add_predvars_and_dataClasses(mt,  mf)
  mtX <- .add_predvars_and_dataClasses(mtX, mf)
  mtZ <- .add_predvars_and_dataClasses(mtZ, mf)

  ## link
  if(is.character(link.scale)) link.scale <- match.arg(link.scale)

  ## distribution
  if(is.character(dist)) dist <- match.arg(dist)

  ## type
  if(is.character(type)) type <- match.arg(type)

  ## sanity checks
  if(length(Y) < 1) stop("empty model")
  if(identical(dist, "student")) {
    if(!is.null(df) && df <= 0) stop("'df' must be positive")
    if(!is.null(df) && !is.finite(df)) dist <- "gaussian"

  ## convenience variables
  n <- length(Y)

  ## weights
  weights <- model.weights(mf)
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- 1
  if(length(weights) == 1) weights <- rep.int(weights, n)
  weights <- as.vector(weights)
  names(weights) <- rownames(mf)

  ## offsets
  expand_offset <- function(offset) {
    if(is.null(offset)) offset <- 0
    if(length(offset) == 1) offset <- rep.int(offset, n)
  ## in location part of formula
  offsetX <- expand_offset(model.offset(model.part(formula, data = mf, rhs = 1L, terms = TRUE)))
  ## in scale part of formula
  offsetZ <- expand_offset(model.offset(model.part(formula, data = mf, rhs = 2L, terms = TRUE)))
  ## in offset argument (used for location)
  if(!is.null(cl$offset)) offsetX <- offsetX + expand_offset(mf[, "(offset)"])
  ## collect
  offset <- list(location = offsetX, scale = offsetZ)

  ## call the actual workhorse: crch.fit() or crch.boost.fit()
  fit <- control$fit
  control$fit <- NULL
  rval <- do.call(fit, list(x = X, y = Y, z = Z, left = left, right = right, 
      link.scale = link.scale, dist = dist, df = df, weights = weights, 
      offset = offset, control = control, truncated = truncated, type = type))

  ## further model information
  rval$call <- if(length(control$call)) control$call else cl
  rval$formula <- oformula
  rval$terms <- list(location = mtX, scale = mtZ, full = mt)
  rval$levels <- list(location = .getXlevels(mtX, mf), 
    scale = .getXlevels(mtZ, mf), full = .getXlevels(mt, mf))
  rval$contrasts <- list(location = attr(X, "contrasts"), scale = attr(Z, "contrasts"))
  if(model) rval$model <- mf
  if(y) rval$y <- Y
  if(x) rval$x <- list(location = X, scale = Z)


trch <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, weights, offset,
  link.scale = c("log", "identity", "quadratic"), 
  dist = c("gaussian", "logistic", "student"), df = NULL,
  left = -Inf, right = Inf, truncated = TRUE, type = c("ml", "crps"), 
  control = crch.control(...), model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, ...) 
  cl <- match.call()
  cl2 <- cl
  cl2[[1]] <- as.name("crch")
  cl2$truncated <- truncated
  cl2$call <- as.name("cl")

crch.control <- function(method = "BFGS", maxit = NULL, 
  hessian = NULL, trace = FALSE, start = NULL, dot = "separate",
  lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, ...)
  if(method == "boosting") {
    if(is.null(maxit)) maxit <- 100
    rval <- crch.boost(dot = dot, start = start, maxit = maxit, ...)
  } else {
    if(is.null(maxit)) maxit <- 5000
    rval <- list(method = method, maxit = maxit, hessian = hessian, trace = trace, 
      start = start, dot = dot,lower=lower,upper=upper, fit = "crch.fit")
    rval <- c(rval, list(...))
    if(!is.null(rval$fnscale)) warning("fnscale must not be modified")
    rval$fnscale <- 1
    if(is.null(rval$reltol)) rval$reltol <- .Machine$double.eps^(1/1.2)

crch.fit <- function(x, z, y, left, right, truncated = FALSE, 
  dist = "gaussian", df = NULL, link.scale = "log", type = "ml",
  weights = NULL, offset = NULL, control = crch.control()) 
  ## response and regressor matrix
  n <- NROW(x)  
  k <- NCOL(x)
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- rep.int(1, n)
  nobs <- sum(weights > 0)
  dfest <- identical(dist, "student") & is.null(df)
  if(is.null(offset)) offset <- rep.int(0, n)
  if(!is.list(offset)) offset <- list(location = offset, scale = rep.int(0, n))
  if(is.null(z)) {
    q <- 1L
    z <- matrix(1, ncol = q, nrow = n)
    colnames(z) <- "(Intercept)"
    rownames(z) <- rownames(x)
  } else {
    q <- NCOL(z)
    if(q < 1L) stop("scale regression needs to have at least one parameter")

  ## control parameters
  ocontrol <- control
  method   <- control$method
  hessian  <- control$hessian
  start    <- control$start
  lower    <- control$lower
  upper    <- control$upper
  control$method <- control$hessian <- control$start <- control$lower <- control$upper <- NULL


    if(type == "ml") {
      ## distribution functions for maximum likelihood
      if(truncated) {
        ddist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = dtt, "gaussian" = dtnorm, "logistic" = dtlogis)
        sdist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = stt, "gaussian" = stnorm, "logistic" = stlogis)
        hdist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = htt, "gaussian" = htnorm, "logistic" = htlogis)
      } else {
        ddist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = dct, "gaussian" = dcnorm, "logistic" = dclogis)
        sdist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = sct, "gaussian" = scnorm, "logistic" = sclogis)
        hdist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = hct, "gaussian" = hcnorm, "logistic" = hclogis)
      ddist <- if(dist == "student") ddist2 else function(..., df) ddist2(...)
      sdist <- if(dist == "student") sdist2 else function(..., df) sdist2(...)
      hdist <- if(dist == "student") hdist2 else function(..., df) hdist2(...)
    } else {
      ## loss function for CRPS minimization  
      if(truncated) {   
        ddist2 <-  switch(dist, 
          "student"  = crps_tt, 
          "gaussian" = crps_tnorm, 
          "logistic" = crps_tlogis)    
        sdist2 <-  switch(dist, 
          "student"  = gradcrps_tt, 
          "gaussian" = gradcrps_tnorm, 
          "logistic" = gradcrps_tlogis) 
        hdist2 <-  switch(dist, 
          "student"  = hesscrps_tt, 
          "gaussian" = hesscrps_tnorm, 
          "logistic" = hesscrps_tlogis) 
      } else {
        ddist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = crps_ct, 
          "gaussian" = crps_cnorm, 
          "logistic" = crps_clogis)
        sdist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = gradcrps_ct, 
          "gaussian" = gradcrps_cnorm, 
          "logistic" = gradcrps_clogis)
        hdist2 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = hesscrps_ct, 
          "gaussian" = hesscrps_cnorm, 
          "logistic" = hesscrps_clogis)
      ddist3 <- if(dist == "student") ddist2 else function(..., df) ddist2(...)
      sdist3 <- if(dist == "student") sdist2 else function(..., df) sdist2(...)
      hdist3 <- if(dist == "student") hdist2 else function(..., df) hdist2(...)
      ddist <- function(x, location, scale, df, left = -Inf, right = Inf, log = TRUE) {    
        - ddist3(x, location = location, scale = scale, lower = left, 
          upper = right, df = df)
      sdist <- function(x, location, scale, df, left = -Inf, right = Inf) {
        rval <- - sdist3(x, df = df, location = location, scale = scale, 
          lower = left, upper = right)
        colnames(rval) <- c("dmu", "dsigma")
      hdist <- function(x, location, scale, df, left = -Inf, right = Inf, which) {
        rval <- - hdist3(x, df = df, location = location, scale = scale, 
          lower = left, upper = right)
        colnames(rval) <- c("d2mu", "d2sigma", "dmu.dsigma", "dsigma.dmu")

      ## density function required for log-likelihood
      if(truncated) {
        ddist4 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = dtt, "gaussian" = dtnorm, "logistic" = dtlogis)
      } else {
        ddist4 <- switch(dist, 
          "student"  = dct, "gaussian" = dcnorm, "logistic" = dclogis)
      lldist <- if(dist == "student") ddist4 else function(..., df) ddist4(...)
  } else { 
    ## for user defined distribution (requires list with ddist, sdist (optional)
    ## and hdist (optional), ddist, sdist, and hdist must be functions with
    ## arguments x, location, sd, df, left, right, and log)
    ddist <- dist$ddist
    sdist <- if(is.null(dist$sdist)) NULL else  dist$sdist
    if(is.null(dist$hdist)) {
        if(hessian == FALSE) warning("no analytic hessian available. Hessian is set to TRUE and numerical Hessian from optim is employed")
      hessian <- TRUE     
    } else hdist <- dist$hdist 

  ## analytic or numeric Hessian
  if(is.null(hessian)) {
    hessian <- dfest
    returnvcov <- TRUE  # vcov is not computed when hessian == FALSE
  } else {
    returnvcov <- hessian

  ## link
  if(is.character(link.scale)) {
    linkstr <- link.scale
    if(linkstr != "quadratic") {
      linkobj <- make.link(linkstr)
      linkobj$dmu.deta <- switch(linkstr, 
        "identity" = function(eta) rep.int(0, length(eta)), 
        "log" = function(eta) pmax(exp(eta), .Machine$double.eps))
    } else {
      linkobj <- structure(list(
        linkfun = function(mu) mu^2,
        linkinv = function(eta) sqrt(eta),
        mu.eta = function(eta) 1/2/sqrt(eta),
        dmu.deta = function(eta) -1/4/sqrt(eta^3),
        valideta = function(eta) TRUE,
        name = "quadratic"
      ), class = "link-glm")
  } else {
    linkobj <- link.scale
    linkstr <- link.scale$name
    if(is.null(linkobj$dmu.deta) & !hessian) {
      warning("link.scale needs to provide dmu.deta component for analytical Hessian. Numerical Hessian is employed.")
      hessian <- TRUE
  linkfun <- linkobj$linkfun
  linkinv <- linkobj$linkinv
  mu.eta <- linkobj$mu.eta
  dmu.deta <- linkobj$dmu.deta

  ## starting values
  if(is.null(start)) {
    auxreg <- lm.wfit(x, y, w = weights, offset = offset[[1L]])
    beta <- auxreg$coefficients
    gamma <- c(linkfun(sqrt(sum(weights * auxreg$residuals^2)/
      auxreg$df.residual)), rep(0, ncol(z) - 1))
    start <- if(dfest) c(beta, gamma, log(10)) else c(beta, gamma)
  if(is.list(start)) start <- do.call("c", start) 
  if(length(start) > k + q + dfest) {
    warning(paste("too many entries in start! only first", k + q + dfest, "entries are considered"))
    start <- start[1: (k + q + dfest)]
  ## various fitted quantities (parameters, linear predictors, etc.)
  fitfun <- function(par) {
    beta <- par[seq.int(length.out = k)]
    gamma <- par[seq.int(length.out = q) + k]
    delta <- if(dfest) tail(par, 1) else NULL
    mu <- drop(x %*% beta) + offset[[1L]]
    zgamma <- drop(z %*% gamma) + offset[[2L]]
    sigma <- linkinv(zgamma)
    df <- if(dfest) exp(delta) else df
      beta = beta,
      gamma = gamma,
      delta = delta,
      mu = mu,
      zgamma = zgamma,
      sigma = sigma,
      df = df
  ## objective function
  loglikfun <- function(par) {
    fit <- fitfun(par)
    ll <- with(fit,  
        ddist(y, mu, sigma, df = df, left = left, right = right, log = TRUE))
    if(any(!is.finite(ll))) NaN else -sum(weights * ll)  
  ## functions to evaluate gradients and hessian
  if(dfest | is.null(sdist)) {
    gradfun <- NULL
  } else { 
    gradfun <- function(par, type = "gradient") {
      fit <- fitfun(par)
      grad <- with(fit, 
        sdist(y, mu, sigma, df = df, left = left, right = right))
      grad <- cbind(grad[,1]*x, grad[,2] * mu.eta(fit$zgamma) * z)
      return(-colSums(weights * grad))
    hessfun <- function(par) {
      fit <- fitfun(par)
      hess <- with(fit, hdist(y, mu, sigma, left = left, right = right,
        df = df, which = c("mu", "sigma", "mu.sigma", "sigma.mu")))
      grad <- with(fit, sdist(y, mu, sigma, left = left, right = right, 
        df = df))[,"dsigma"]
      hess[, "d2sigma"] <- hess[, "d2sigma"]*mu.eta(fit$zgamma)^2 + grad*dmu.deta(fit$zgamma)
      hess[, "dmu.dsigma"] <- hess[, "dsigma.dmu"] <- hess[, "dmu.dsigma"]*mu.eta(fit$zgamma)
      hess <- weights*hess
      hessmu <- crossprod(hess[,"d2mu"]*x, x)
      hessmusigma <- crossprod(hess[,"dmu.dsigma"]*x, z)
      hesssigmamu <- crossprod(hess[,"dsigma.dmu"]*z, x)
      hesssigma <- crossprod(hess[,"d2sigma"]*z, z)
      -cbind(rbind(hessmu, hesssigmamu), rbind(hessmusigma, hesssigma))
  opt <- suppressWarnings(optim(par = start, fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun,
    method = method, hessian = hessian, control = control,lower=lower,upper=upper))
  if(opt$convergence > 0) {
    converged <- FALSE
    warning("optimization failed to converge")
  } else {
    converged <- TRUE
  par <- opt$par
  fit <- fitfun(par)
  beta <- fit$beta
  gamma <- fit$gamma
  delta <- fit$delta
  mu <- fit$mu
  sigma <- fit$sigma
  vcov <- if(returnvcov) {
    if (hessian) solve(as.matrix(opt$hessian)) 
    else solve(hessfun(par))
  } else matrix(NA, k+q+dfest, n+k+dfest)
  df <- if(dfest) exp(delta) else df
  if(type == "crps") {
    ll <- sum(lldist(y, mu, sigma, left, right, log = TRUE, df = df))
    crps <- opt$value/n
  } else {
    ll <- -opt$value
    crps <- NULL

  names(beta) <- colnames(x)
  names(gamma) <- colnames(z)
  if (returnvcov) {
    colnames(vcov) <- rownames(vcov) <- c(
      paste("(scale)", colnames(z), sep = "_"),
      if(dfest) "(Log(df))")

  rval <- list(
    coefficients = list(location = beta, scale = gamma, df = delta),
    df = df,
    residuals = y - mu,
    fitted.values = list(location = mu, scale = sigma),
    dist = dist,
    cens = list(left = left, right = right),
    optim = opt,  
    method = method,
    type = type,
    control = ocontrol,
    start = start,  
    weights = if(identical(as.vector(weights), rep.int(1, n))) NULL else weights,
    offset = list(location = if(identical(offset[[1L]], rep.int(0, n))) NULL else 
    scale = if(identical(offset[[2L]], rep.int(0, n))) NULL else offset[[2L]]),
    n = n,
    nobs = nobs,
    loglik = ll,
    crps = crps,
    vcov = vcov,
    link = list(scale = linkobj),
    truncated = truncated,
    converged = converged,
    iterations = as.vector(tail(na.omit(opt$counts), 1))
  class(rval) <- "crch"

print.crch <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), "", sep = "\n")
  if(!x$converged) {
    cat("model did not converge\n")
  } else {
    if(length(x$coefficients$location)) {
      cat(paste("Coefficients (location model):\n", sep = ""))
       print.default(format(x$coefficients$location, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
    } else cat("No coefficients (in location model)\n\n")
    if(length(x$coefficients$scale)) {
      cat(paste("Coefficients (scale model with ", x$link$scale$name, " link):\n", sep = ""))
      print.default(format(x$coefficients$scale, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
    } else cat("No coefficients (in scale model)\n\n")
    dist <- if(is.character(x$dist)) x$dist else "user defined"
    cat(paste("Distribution: ", dist, "\n", sep = ""))
    if(length(x$df)) {
      cat(paste("Df: ", format(x$df, digits = digits), "\n", sep = ""))


summary.crch <- function(object, ...)
  ## residuals
  object$residuals <- object$residuals/object$fitted.values$scale

  ## extend coefficient table
  k <- length(object$coefficients$location)
  m <- length(object$coefficients$scale)
  cf <- as.vector(do.call("c", object$coefficients))
  se <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov))
  cf <- cbind(cf, se, cf/se, 2 * pnorm(-abs(cf/se)))
  colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  if(length(object$coefficients$df)) {
    cf <- list(location = cf[seq.int(length.out = k), , drop = FALSE], scale = cf[seq.int(length.out = m) + k, , drop = FALSE], 
      df = cf[nrow(cf), , drop = FALSE])
    rownames(cf$df) <- names(object$coefficients$df)
  } else {
    cf <- list(location = cf[seq.int(length.out = k), , drop = FALSE], scale = cf[seq.int(length.out = m) + k, , drop = FALSE])
  rownames(cf$location) <- names(object$coefficients$location)
  rownames(cf$scale) <- names(object$coefficients$scale)
  object$coefficients <- cf

  ## delete some slots
  object$fitted.values <- object$terms <- object$levels <- object$contrasts <- NULL

  ## return
  class(object) <- "summary.crch"

print.summary.crch <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), "", sep = "\n")
  if(!x$converged) {
    cat("model did not converge\n")
  } else {
    cat(paste("Standardized residuals:\n", sep = ""))
    print(structure(round(as.vector(quantile(x$residuals)), digits = digits),
      .Names = c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")))

    if(NROW(x$coefficients$location)) {
      cat(paste("\nCoefficients (location model):\n", sep = ""))
      printCoefmat(x$coefficients$location, digits = digits, signif.legend = FALSE)
    } else cat("\nNo coefficients (in location model)\n")

    if(NROW(x$coefficients$scale)) {
      cat(paste("\nCoefficients (scale model with ", x$link$scale$name, " link):\n", sep = ""))
      printCoefmat(x$coefficients$scale, digits = digits, signif.legend = FALSE)
    } else cat("\nNo coefficients ( in scale model)\n")

    if(getOption("show.signif.stars") & any(do.call("rbind", x$coefficients)[, 4L] < 0.1, na.rm = TRUE))
      cat("---\nSignif. codes: ", "0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1", "\n")
    dist <- if(is.character(x$dist)) x$dist else "user defined"
    cat(paste("\nDistribution: ", dist, "\n", sep = ""))
    if(length(x$df)) {
      cat(paste("Df: ", format(x$df, digits = digits), "\n", sep = ""))
    if(length(x$crps)) {
      cat("CRPS:", formatC(x$crps, digits = digits), "\n")
    cat("Log-likelihood:", formatC(x$loglik, digits = digits),
      "on", sum(sapply(x$coefficients, NROW)), "Df\n")
    cat(paste("Number of iterations in", x$method, "optimization:", x$iterations[1L], "\n"))


terms.crch <- function(x, model = c("location", "scale", "full"), ...) x$terms[[match.arg(model)]]

model.frame.crch <- function(formula, ...) {
  if(!is.null(formula$model)) return(formula$model)
  formula$terms <- formula$terms$full
  formula$call$formula <- formula$formula <- formula(formula$terms)

model.matrix.crch <- function(object, model = c("location", "scale"), ...) {
  model <- match.arg(model)
  rval <- if(!is.null(object$x[[model]])) object$x[[model]]
    else model.matrix(object$terms[[model]], model.frame(object), contrasts = object$contrasts[[model]])

fitted.crch <- function(object, type = c("location", "scale"), ...) object$fitted.values[[match.arg(type)]]

predict.crch <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("location", "scale", 
  "response", "parameter", "density", "probability", "quantile", "crps"),
  na.action = na.pass, at = 0.5, left = NULL, right = NULL, ...)
  ## types of prediction
  type <- match.arg(type)
  attype <- if(is.character(at)) 
    match.arg(at, c("function", "list", "response")) else "numeric"

  ## extract some values from fitted object
  dist <- object$dist  

  ## get mu and sigma
  if(missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)) {
    mu <- object$fitted.values$location
    sigma <- object$fitted.values$scale
    if(attype == "response") {
      at <- if(is.null(object$y)) 
        model.response(model.frame(object)) else object$y
      attype <- "numeric"
  } else {
    tnam <- switch(type, "location" = "location", "scale" = "scale",  "full")
    if(attype == "response") {
      mf <- model.frame(object$terms[[tnam]], newdata,
        na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels[[tnam]])
      at <- model.response(mf)
      attype <- "numeric"
    } else {
      mf <- model.frame(delete.response(object$terms[[tnam]]), newdata,
        na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels[[tnam]])
    newdata <- newdata[rownames(mf), , drop = FALSE]
    offset <- list(location = rep.int(0, nrow(mf)), 
      scale = rep.int(0, nrow(mf)))

    if(type != "scale") {
      X <- model.matrix(delete.response(object$terms$location), mf, 
        contrasts = object$contrasts$location)
      if(!is.null(object$call$offset)) offset[[1L]] <- offset[[1L]] + 
        eval(object$call$offset, newdata)
      if(!is.null(off.num <- attr(object$terms$location, "offset"))) {
        for(j in off.num) offset[[1L]] <- offset[[1L]] + 
          eval(attr(object$terms$location, "variables")[[j + 1L]], newdata)
      mu <- drop(X %*% object$coefficients$location + offset[[1L]])
    if(type != "location") {
      Z <- model.matrix(object$terms$scale, mf, 
        contrasts = object$contrasts$scale)
      if(!is.null(off.num <- attr(object$terms$scale, "offset"))) {
        for(j in off.num) offset[[2L]] <- offset[[2L]] + 
          eval(attr(object$terms$scale, "variables")[[j + 1L]], newdata)
      sigma <- object$link$scale$linkinv(drop(Z %*% object$coefficients$scale +


  ## functions for various prediction types that use full distributions
  if(!type %in% c("location", "scale")) {
    ## these prediction types are not yet implemented for user defined 
    ## distributions
      stop("type response density, probability, quantile, or crps not available for user defined distributions")

    ## for non-constant censoring or truncation points, left and right have to
    ## be specified
      if(length(object$cens$left) > 1) {
          stop("left has to be specified for non-constant left censoring")
        if(length(left) > 1 & length(left) != NROW(newdata)) 
          stop("left must have length 1 or length of newdata")
      if(length(object$cens$right) > 1) {
          stop("right has to be specified for non-constant right censoring")
        if(length(right) > 1 & length(right) != NROW(newdata)) 
          stop("right  must have length 1 or length of newdata")

    if(is.null(left)) left <- object$cens$left
    if(is.null(right)) right <- object$cens$right

    ## distribution function
    if(object$truncated) {
      distfun2 <- switch(type, 
        "density" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = dtt, "gaussian" = dtnorm, "logistic" = dtlogis),
        "probability" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = ptt, "gaussian" = ptnorm, "logistic" = ptlogis),
        "quantile" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = qtt, "gaussian" = qtnorm, "logistic" = qtlogis),
        "crps" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = crps_tt, "gaussian" = crps_tnorm, "logistic" = crps_tlogis),
        "response" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = ett, "gaussian" = etnorm, "logistic" = etlogis))
    } else {
      distfun2 <- switch(type, 
        "density" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = dct, "gaussian" = dcnorm, "logistic" = dclogis),
        "probability" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = pct, "gaussian" = pcnorm, "logistic" = pclogis),
        "quantile" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = qct, "gaussian" = qcnorm, "logistic" = qclogis),
        "crps" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = crps_ct, "gaussian" = crps_cnorm, "logistic" = crps_clogis),
        "response" = switch(dist, 
            "student"  = ect, "gaussian" = ecnorm, "logistic" = eclogis))
    distfun <- if(dist == "student") distfun2 else function(..., df) distfun2(...)

    ## distribution function for different formats of at
    fun <- function(at, location = mu, scale = sigma, df = object$df, ...) {
      n <- length(location)
      if(length(left) == 1L) left <- rep.int(left, n)
      if(length(right) == 1L) right <- rep.int(right, n)
      if(attype == "list") {
        fun <- lapply(1L:length(location), function(i) {
            distfun(at, location[i], scale[i], df = df, left[i], right[i])}, ...)
      } else {  
        n <- length(location)
        if(length(at) == 1L) at <- rep.int(as.vector(at), n)
        if(length(at) != n) at <- rbind(at)
        if(is.matrix(at) && NROW(at) == 1L) {
          at <- matrix(rep(at, each = n), nrow = n)
          rv <- distfun(as.vector(at), rep.int(location, ncol(at)), 
                        rep.int(scale, ncol(at)), df = df,
                        rep.int(left, ncol(at)), rep.int(right, ncol(at)), ...)
          rv <- matrix(rv, nrow = n)
          rownames(rv) <- names(location)
          colnames(rv) <- paste(substr(type, 1L, 1L),
                                round(at[1L, ], digits = pmax(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L)), sep = "_")
        } else {
          rv <- distfun(at, location, scale, df = df, left, right, ...)
          names(rv) <- names(location)

  rval <- switch(type,
    "location" = mu,
    "scale" = sigma,
    "response" = distfun(mu, sigma, df = object$df, left, right),
    "parameter" = data.frame(location = mu, scale = sigma),
    "density" = if(attype == "function") fun else fun(at, ...),
    "probability" = if(attype == "function") fun else fun(at, ...),
    "quantile" = if(attype == "function") fun else fun(at, ...),
    "crps" = if(attype == "function") fun else fun(at, ...))

prodist.crch <- function(object, newdata = NULL, na.action = na.pass, left = NULL, right = NULL, ...) {
  ## type of distribution
  dist <- object$dist
  dist <- if(object$truncated) paste0("truncated_", dist) else paste0("censored_", dist)
  ## location and scale parameters
  par <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, na.action = na.action, type = "parameter", left = left, right = right, ...)

  ## censoring points
  if(is.null(left))  left  <- object$cens$left
  if(is.null(right)) right <- object$cens$right

  ## distributions3 object
    "censored_gaussian"  = CensoredNormal(mu = setNames(par$location, rownames(par)), sigma = par$scale, left = left, right = right),
    "censored_logistic"  = CensoredLogistic(location = setNames(par$location, rownames(par)), scale = par$scale, left = left, right = right),
    "censored_student"   = CensoredStudentsT(df = object$df, location = setNames(par$location, rownames(par)), scale = par$scale, left = left, right = right),
    "truncated_gaussian" = TruncatedNormal(mu = setNames(par$location, rownames(par)), sigma = par$scale, left = left, right = right),
    "truncated_logistic" = TruncatedLogistic(location = setNames(par$location, rownames(par)), scale = par$scale, left = left, right = right),
    "truncated_student"  = TruncatedStudentsT(df = object$df, location = setNames(par$location, rownames(par)), scale = par$scale, left = left, right = right)

coef.crch <- function(object, model = c("full", "location", "scale", "df"), ...) {
  model <- match.arg(model)
  cf <- object$coefficients
    "location" = {
    "scale" = {
    "df" = {
    "full" = {
      nam <- c(names(cf$location), paste("(scale)", names(cf$scale), sep = "_"))
      if(length(cf$df)) nam <- c(nam, "(Log(df))")
      cf <- c(cf$location, cf$scale, cf$df)
      names(cf) <- nam

vcov.crch <- function(object, model = c("full", "location", "scale", "df"), ...) {
  vc <- object$vcov
  k <- length(object$coefficients$location)
  m <- length(object$coefficients$scale)
  l <- length(object$coefficients$df)

  model <-  match.arg(model)

    "location" = {
      vc[seq.int(length.out = k), seq.int(length.out = k), drop = FALSE]
    "scale" = {
      vc <- vc[seq.int(length.out = m) + k, seq.int(length.out = m) + k, drop = FALSE]
      colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- names(object$coefficients$scale)
    "df" = {
      vc <- vc[seq.int(length.out = l) + k + m, seq.int(length.out = l) + k + m, drop = FALSE]
      colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- names(object$coefficients$df)
    "full" = {

logLik.crch <- function(object, ...) structure(object$loglik, df = sum(sapply(object$coefficients, length)), class = "logLik")

crps.crch <- function(y, newdata = NULL, average = TRUE, ...) {
  if(length(y$crps)) {
  } else {
#    stopifnot(requireNamespace("scoringRules"))
#    family <- switch(object$dist, 
#          "student"  =  "t", "gaussian" = "normal", "logistic" = "logistic")
#    mass <- if(object$truncated) "trunc" else "cens"
#    y <- object$residuals + object$fitted.values$location
#    location <- object$fitted.values$location
#    scale <- object$fitted.values$scale 
#    df <- object$df
#    left <- object$cens$left
#    right <- object$cens$right
#    rval <- scoringRules::crps(y, family = family, location = location, df = df,
#      scale = scale, lower = left, upper = right, lmass = mass, umass = mass)
    rval <- predict(y, newdata = newdata, type = "crps", at = "response")
    if(average) rval <- mean(rval)

residuals.crch <- function(object, type = c("standardized", "pearson", "response", "quantile"), ...) {
  if(match.arg(type) == "response") {
  } else if (match.arg(type) == "quantile") {
    if(!is.character(object$dist)) stop("quantile residuals not available for
      user defined distributions")
    if(object$truncated) {
      pdist <- switch(object$dist, 
        "student"  = function(q, location, scale) ptt(q, location, scale, df = object$df), 
        "gaussian" = ptnorm, 
        "logistic" = ptlogis)
    } else {
      pdist <- switch(object$dist, 
        "student"  = function(q, location, scale) pct(q, location, scale, df = object$df), 
        "gaussian" = pcnorm, 
        "logistic" = pclogis)
    qprob <- with(object, ifelse(residuals + fitted.values$location == cens$left,
      runif(n, 0, pdist(cens$left, fitted.values$location, fitted.values$scale)),
      ifelse(residuals + fitted.values$location == cens$right,
        runif(n, pdist(cens$right, fitted.values$location, fitted.values$scale), 1),
        pdist(residuals, 0, fitted.values$scale))))
  } else object$residuals/object$fitted.values$scale

update.crch <- function (object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE)
  call <- object$call
  if(is.null(call)) stop("need an object with call component")
  extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
  if(!missing(formula.)) call$formula <- formula(update(Formula(formula(object)), formula.))
  if(length(extras)) {
    existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
    for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
    if(any(!existing)) {
      call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
      call <- as.call(call)
  if(evaluate) eval(call, parent.frame())
  else call

estfun.crch <- function(x, ...) {
  ## extract response y and regressors X and Z
  y <- if(is.null(x$y)) model.response(model.frame(x)) else x$y
  xmat <- if(is.null(x$x)) model.matrix(x, model = "location") else x$x$location
  zmat <- if(is.null(x$x)) model.matrix(x, model = "scale") else x$x$scale
  offset <- x$offset
  if(is.null(offset[[1L]])) offset[[1L]] <- rep.int(0, NROW(xmat))
  if(is.null(offset[[2L]])) offset[[2L]] <- rep.int(0, NROW(zmat))
  wts <- weights(x)
  if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1

  df <- x$df
  if(!is.null(x$coefficients$df)) stop("score function not available for 
    student-t distribution with estimated degrees of freedom")
  left <- x$cens$left
  right <- x$cens$right
  link.scale <- x$link$scale

  ## extract coefficients
  beta <- x$coefficients$location
  gamma <- x$coefficients$scale

  ## compute mu, z%*%gamma, and sigma
  mu <- drop(xmat %*% beta) + offset[[1L]]
  zgamma <- drop(zmat %*% gamma) + offset[[2L]]
  sigma <- link.scale$linkinv(zgamma)

  ## extract sdist function
    ## distribution functions
    if(x$truncated) {
      sdist2 <-  if(x$type == "crps") {
            "student"  = gradcrps_tt, 
            "gaussian" = gradcrps_tnorm, 
            "logistic" = gradcrps_tlogis) 
        } else {
            "student"  = stt, "gaussian" = stnorm, "logistic" = stlogis)
    } else {
      sdist2 <- sdist2 <-  if(x$type == "crps") { 
            "student"  = gradcrps_tt, 
            "gaussian" = gradcrps_tnorm, 
            "logistic" = gradcrps_tlogis) 
        } else {
            "student"  = sct, "gaussian" = scnorm, "logistic" = sclogis)
    sdist <- if(x$dist == "student") sdist2 else function(..., df) sdist2(...)
  } else { 
    sdist <- if(is.null(x$dist$sdist)) stop("score function not available")
      else  x$dist$sdist

  ## compute scores of beta
  rval <- sdist(y, mu, sigma, df = df, left = left, right = right)
  rval <- cbind(rval[,1]*xmat, rval[,2] * link.scale$mu.eta(zgamma) * zmat)


#pit.crch <- function(object, newdata = NULL, left = NULL, right = NULL, ...)
#  ## observed response
#  mt <- terms(object)
#  mf <- if(is.null(newdata)) model.frame(object) else model.frame(mt, newdata, na.action = na.omit)
#  y <- model.response(mf)

#  ## for non-constant censoring or truncation points, left and right have to
#  ## be specified
#  if(!is.null(newdata)){
#    if(length(object$cens$left) > 1) {
#      if(is.null(left)) 
#        stop("left has to be specified for non-constant left censoring")
#      if(length(left) > 1 & length(left) != NROW(newdata)) 
#        stop("left must have length 1 or length of newdata")
#    }
#    if(length(object$cens$right) > 1) {
#      if(is.null(right)) 
#        stop("right has to be specified for non-constant right censoring")
#      if(length(right) > 1 & length(right) != NROW(newdata)) 
#        stop("right  must have length 1 or length of newdata")
#    }
#  }
#  if(is.null(left)) left <- object$cens$left
#  if(is.null(right)) right <- object$cens$right
#  y[y<left] <- left
#  y[y>right] <- right

#  ## cdf
#  pfun <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "probability", 
#    at = "function", left = left, right = right, ...)
#  p <- pfun(y)

#  ## in case of censoring provide interval
#  if(y01 <- any(y <= left | y >= right)) {
#    p <- cbind(p, p)
#    p[y01, 1L] <- pfun(y - .Machine$double.eps^0.9)[y01]
#  }
#  return(p)


#rootogram.crch <- function(object, newdata = NULL, breaks = NULL,
#  max = NULL, xlab = NULL, main = NULL, width = NULL, left = NULL,  
#  right = NULL, ...)
#    ## observed response and weights
#    mt <- terms(object)
#    mf <- if(is.null(newdata)) model.frame(object) else model.frame(mt, newdata, na.action = na.omit)
#    y <- model.response(mf)
#    w <- model.weights(mf)
#    if(is.null(w)) w <- rep.int(1, NROW(y))

#    ## for non-constant censoring or truncation points, left and right have to
#    ## be specified
#    if(!is.null(newdata)){
#      if(length(object$cens$left) > 1) {
#        if(is.null(left)) 
#          stop("left has to be specified for non-constant left censoring")
#        if(length(left) > 1 & length(left) != NROW(newdata)) 
#          stop("left must have length 1 or length of newdata")
#      }
#      if(length(object$cens$right) > 1) {
#        if(is.null(right)) 
#          stop("right has to be specified for non-constant right censoring")
#        if(length(right) > 1 & length(right) != NROW(newdata)) 
#          stop("right  must have length 1 or length of newdata")
#      }
#    }
#    if(is.null(left)) left <- object$cens$left
#    if(is.null(right)) right <- object$cens$right
#    y[y<left] <- left
#    y[y>right] <- right

#    ## breaks
#    if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- "Sturges"
#    breaks <- hist(y[w > 0], plot = FALSE, breaks = breaks)$breaks
#    if(min(breaks) == left) breaks <- c(left - .Machine$double.eps^0.9, breaks)
#    if(max(breaks) == right) breaks <- c(right - .Machine$double.eps^0.9, breaks)

#    obsrvd <- as.vector(xtabs(w ~ cut(y, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)))
#    ## expected frequencies
#    p <- predict(object, newdata, type = "probability", at = breaks, 
#      left = left, right = right)
#    p <- p[, -1L, drop = FALSE] - p[, -ncol(p), drop = FALSE]
#    expctd <- colSums(p * w)

#    ## call default method
#    if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- as.character(attr(mt, "variables"))[2L]
#    if(is.null(main)) main <- deparse(substitute(object))
#    rootogram.default(obsrvd, expctd, breaks = breaks,
#                      xlab = xlab, main = main, width = 1, ...)

#simulate.crch <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, newdata = NULL, 
#  left = NULL, right = NULL, ...) {
#    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
#        runif(1)
#    if (is.null(seed))
#        RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
#    else {
#        R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
#        set.seed(seed)
#        RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
#        on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
#    }

#    ## distribution function
#    if(object$truncated) {
#      rdist2 <- switch(object$dist, 
#            "student"  = rtt, "gaussian" = rtnorm, "logistic" = rtlogis)
#    } else {
#      rdist2 <- switch(object$dist, 
#            "student"  = rct, "gaussian" = rcnorm, "logistic" = rclogis)
#    }
#    rdist <- if(object$dist == "student") rdist2 else function(..., df) rdist2(...)

#    ## for non-constant censoring or truncation points, left and right have to
#    ## be specified
#    if(!is.null(newdata)){
#      if(length(object$cens$left) > 1) {
#        if(is.null(left)) 
#          stop("left has to be specified for non-constant left censoring")
#        if(length(left) > 1 & length(left) != NROW(newdata)) 
#          stop("left must have length 1 or length of newdata")
#      }
#      if(length(object$cens$right) > 1) {
#        if(is.null(right)) 
#          stop("right has to be specified for non-constant right censoring")
#        if(length(right) > 1 & length(right) != NROW(newdata)) 
#          stop("right  must have length 1 or length of newdata")
#      }
#    }
#    if(is.null(left)) left <- object$cens$left
#    if(is.null(right)) right <- object$cens$right

#    par <- predict(object, newdata, type = "parameter", 
#      left = left, right = right)
#    n <- nrow(par)
#    nm <- rownames(par)
#    val <- matrix(rdist(n * nsim, par$location, par$scale, df = object$df,
#      left = left, right = right),  n, nsim)
#    val <- as.data.frame(val)
#    names(val) <- paste("sim", seq_len(nsim), sep = "_")
#    if (!is.null(nm)) {
#        row.names(val) <- nm
#    }
#    attr(val, "seed") <- RNGstate
#    val

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crch documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:08 p.m.