## function to set some control parameters for boosting (replaces crch.control() for boosting)
crch.boost <- function(maxit = 100, nu = 0.1, start = NULL,
dot = "separate", mstop = c("max", "aic", "bic", "cv"), nfolds = 10,
foldid = NULL, maxvar = NULL )
if(is.numeric(mstop)) {
maxit <- mstop
mstop <- "max"
rval <- list(maxit = maxit, nu = nu, nfolds = nfolds, foldid = foldid,
start = start, dot = dot, mstop = match.arg(mstop), maxvar = maxvar,
fit = "")
## Function to (re)standardize vectors and model matrices:
standardize.matrix <- function(x, restandardize = FALSE, center = NULL, scale = NULL,
weights = rep(1, NROW(x))) {
if(is.null(center)) center <- attr(x, "standardize:center")
if(is.null(scale)) scale <- attr(x, "standardize:scale")
x <- as.matrix(x)
center <- colSums(x*weights)/sum(weights)
center[grep("(Intercept)", colnames(x))] <- 0
mcenter <- matrix(rep(center, nrow(x)), nrow(x), ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)
scale <- sqrt(colSums(weights*(x-mcenter)^2)/(sum(weights)))
scale[grep("(Intercept)", colnames(x))] <- 1
mscale <- matrix(rep(scale , nrow(x)), nrow(x), ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)
if(!restandardize) {
x <- (x - mcenter)/mscale
} else {
x <- x*mscale + mcenter
attr(x, "standardize:center") <- center
attr(x, "standardize:scale") <- scale
## Function to (re)standardize coefficients
standardize.coefficients <- function(coef, restandardize = FALSE, center, scale) {
interceptind <- grep("(Intercept)", names(coef))
if(length(interceptind > 0)) {
intercept <- coef[interceptind]
center <- center[-interceptind]
scale <- scale[-interceptind]
coef <- coef[-interceptind]
} else {
intercept <- 0
names(intercept) <- "(Intercept)"
if(restandardize) {
intercept <- intercept - sum(coef*center/scale)
coef <- coef/scale
} else {
coef <- coef*scale
intercept <- intercept + sum(coef*center/scale)
c(intercept, coef)
## actual fitting function <- function(x, z, y, left, right, truncated = FALSE,
dist = "gaussian", df = NULL, link.scale = "log", type = "ml",
weights = NULL, offset = NULL, control = crch.boost())
## type = "crps" currently not supported
#if(type == "crps") stop("type = 'crps' currently not supported for boosting")
## response and regressor matrix
n <- NROW(x)
k <- NCOL(x)
if(is.null(weights)) weights <-, n)
nobs <- sum(weights > 0)
dfest <- identical(dist, "student") & is.null(df)
if(is.null(offset)) offset <-, n)
if(!is.list(offset)) offset <- list(location = offset, scale =, n))
if(is.null(z)) {
q <- 1L
z <- matrix(1, ncol = q, nrow = n)
colnames(z) <- "(Intercept)"
rownames(z) <- rownames(x)
} else {
q <- NCOL(z)
if(q < 1L) stop("scale regression needs to have at least one parameter")
## control parameters
maxit <- control$maxit
nu <- control$nu
start <- control$start
mstop <- control$mstop
## extend left and right to vectors of length n
left2 <- left
right2 <- right
if(length(left) == 1) {
left <- rep(left, n)
if(length(right) == 1) {
right <- rep(right, n)
## link
if(is.character(link.scale)) {
linkstr <- link.scale
if(linkstr != "quadratic") {
linkobj <-
} else {
linkobj <- structure(list(
linkfun = function(mu) mu^2,
linkinv = function(eta) sqrt(eta),
mu.eta = function(eta) 1/2/sqrt(eta),
valideta = function(eta) TRUE,
name = "quadratic"
), class = "link-glm")
} else {
linkobj <- link.scale
linkstr <- link.scale$name
linkfun <- linkobj$linkfun
linkinv <- linkobj$linkinv
mu.eta <- linkobj$mu.eta
## scale response and regressors
x <- standardize.matrix(x, weights = weights)
z <- standardize.matrix(z, weights = weights)
basefit <-[,1, drop = FALSE], z[,1, drop = FALSE], y, left, right,
truncated, dist, df, link.scale, type, weights, offset)
y <- standardize.matrix(y, center = basefit$coefficients$location, scale = linkinv(basefit$coefficients$scale))
standardize <- list(
x = list(center = attr(x, "standardize:center"), scale = attr(x, "standardize:scale")),
z = list(center = attr(z, "standardize:center"), scale = attr(z, "standardize:scale")),
y = list(center = attr(y, "standardize:center"), scale = attr(y, "standardize:scale")))
## standardize left, right, and offset
left <- (left - standardize$y$center) /standardize$y$scale
right <- (right - standardize$y$center)/standardize$y$scale
offset[[1L]] <- offset[[1L]]/standardize$y$scale
## restandardize coefpath if start is supplied
if(!is.null(start)) {
beta <- start$coefpath[, = k)]
beta <- t(apply(beta, 1, standardize.coefficients, center = standardize$x$center, scale = standardize$x$scale))
beta[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta))] <- beta[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta))] - standardize$y$center
beta <- beta/standardize$y$scale
gamma <- start$coefpath[, = q) + k]
gamma <- t(apply(gamma, 1, standardize.coefficients, center = standardize$z$center, scale = standardize$z$scale))
gamma[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma))] <-
gamma[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma))] - start$link$scale$linkfun(standardize$y$scale)
start$coefpath <- cbind(beta, gamma)
if(type == "ml") {
## distribution functions for maximum likelihood
if(truncated) {
ddist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = dtt, "gaussian" = dtnorm, "logistic" = dtlogis)
sdist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = stt, "gaussian" = stnorm, "logistic" = stlogis)
} else {
ddist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = dct, "gaussian" = dcnorm, "logistic" = dclogis)
sdist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = sct, "gaussian" = scnorm, "logistic" = sclogis)
ddist <- if(dist == "student") ddist2 else function(..., df) ddist2(...)
sdist <- if(dist == "student") sdist2 else function(..., df) sdist2(...)
} else {
## loss function for CRPS minimization
if(truncated) {
ddist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = crps_tt,
"gaussian" = crps_tnorm,
"logistic" = crps_tlogis)
sdist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = gradcrps_tt,
"gaussian" = gradcrps_tnorm,
"logistic" = gradcrps_tlogis)
} else {
ddist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = crps_ct,
"gaussian" = crps_cnorm,
"logistic" = crps_clogis)
sdist2 <- switch(dist,
"student" = gradcrps_ct,
"gaussian" = gradcrps_cnorm,
"logistic" = gradcrps_clogis)
ddist3 <- if(dist == "student") ddist2 else function(..., df) ddist2(...)
sdist3 <- if(dist == "student") sdist2 else function(..., df) sdist2(...)
ddist <- function(x, location, scale, df, left = -Inf, right = Inf, log = TRUE) {
- ddist3(x, location = location, scale = scale, lower = left,
upper = right, df = df)
sdist <- function(x, location, scale, df, left = -Inf, right = Inf) {
rval <- - sdist3(x, df = df, location = location, scale = scale,
lower = left, upper = right)
colnames(rval) <- c("dmu", "dsigma")
## density function required for log-likelihood
if(truncated) {
ddist4 <- switch(dist,
"student" = dtt, "gaussian" = dtnorm, "logistic" = dtlogis)
} else {
ddist4 <- switch(dist,
"student" = dct, "gaussian" = dcnorm, "logistic" = dclogis)
lldist <- if(dist == "student") ddist4 else function(..., df) ddist4(...)
} else {
## for user defined distribution (requires list with ddist, sdist (optional)
## and hdist (optional), ddist, sdist, and hdist must be functions with
## arguments x, location, sd, df, left, right, and log)
ddist <- dist$ddist
sdist <- if(is.null(dist$sdist)) NULL else dist$sdist
## various fitted quantities (parameters, linear predictors, etc.)
fitfun <- function(par, subset = 1:n) {
beta <- par[ = k)]
gamma <- par[ = q) + k]
mu <- (drop(x %*% beta) + offset[[1L]])[subset]
zgamma <- (drop(z %*% gamma) + offset[[2L]])[subset]
sigma <- linkinv(zgamma)
beta = beta,
gamma = gamma,
mu = mu,
zgamma = zgamma,
sigma = sigma
## objective function
loglikfun <- function(par, subset = 1:n, sum = TRUE) {
fit <- fitfun(par, subset)
ll <- with(fit,
ddist(y[subset], mu, sigma, df = df, left = left[subset], right = right[subset], log = TRUE))
if(sum) if(any(!is.finite(ll))) NaN else -sum(weights[subset] * ll)
else weights[subset] * ll
## functions to evaluate gradient
if(dfest | is.null(sdist)) {
stop("score function required for boosting not available")
} else {
gradfun <- function(par) {
fit <- fitfun(par)
grad <- with(fit,
sdist(y, mu, sigma, df = df, left = left, right = right))
grad <- cbind(grad[,1], grad[,2] * mu.eta(fit$zgamma))
return(-weights * grad)
## initialize intercepts
if(is.null(start)) {
par <- rep(0, k+q)
coefpath <- par
loglikpath <- -loglikfun(par)
startit <- 1
} else {
par <- tail(start$coefpath, 1)
coefpath <- start$coefpath
loglikpath <- start$loglikpath
startit <- start$iterations + 1
## Indicator for stability selection
## Only perform stability selection if maxvar is given, numeric, and larger than 0
stabsel <- all( ! c( ! is.numeric(control$maxvar),
control$maxvar < 1, ! "maxvar" %in% names(control) ) )
for(i in startit:maxit) {
## gradient of negative likelihood
grad <- gradfun(par)
## location
basefits <- .Call("mycov", -grad[,1],x, PACKAGE="crch")*n/sum(weights)
par2 <- par
minind <- which.max(abs(basefits))
par2[minind] <- par2[minind] + nu*basefits[minind]
## scale
basefits <- .Call("mycov", -grad[,2],z, PACKAGE="crch")*n/sum(weights)
par3 <- par
minind <- which.max(abs(basefits))
par3[k + minind] <- par3[k + minind] + nu*basefits[minind]
## to compare mu and sigma improvements loglik must be used instead of rss
ll3 <- -loglikfun(par3)
ll2 <- -loglikfun(par2)
par <- if(ll3 > ll2) par3 else par2
coefpath <- rbind(coefpath, par)
llnew <- max(ll3, ll2)
loglikpath <- rbind(loglikpath, llnew)
## If stability selection (maxvar selected) stop as soon
## as maxvar parameters have been choosen.
if ( stabsel ) {
## Count number of selected parameters, ignore intercepts
parsel <- c(colnames(x),colnames(z))[which(par!=0)]
parsel <- length(grep("[^(Intercept)]",parsel))
cat(sprintf("Iteration %d/%d parameters added %d/%d\r",i,maxit,parsel,length(par)))
if ( parsel >= control$maxvar ) break
if ( stabsel ) cat("\n") # end output
## cross validation to find optimum mstop
if( mstop == "cv" ) {
foldid <- control$foldid
nfolds <- control$nfolds
control$standardize <- FALSE
control$mstop <- "max"
control$start <- NULL
if(is.null(foldid)) {
foldid <- (sample(1:nfolds, size = length(y), replace = TRUE))
} else {
nfolds <- length(unique(foldid))
lltestall <- matrix(0, length(y), maxit + 1L)
for(i in 1:nfolds) {
train <- foldid != unique(foldid)[i]
test <- foldid == unique(foldid)[i]
boost <- = x[train, , drop = FALSE], y = y[train],
z = z[train, , drop = FALSE], left = left[train], right = right[train],
link.scale = link.scale, dist = dist, df = df, weights = weights[train],
offset = list(offset[[1L]][train], offset[[2L]][train]),
control = control, truncated = truncated)
lltest <- apply(boost$coefpath, 1L, loglikfun, subset = test, sum = FALSE)
lltest <- cbind(lltest, matrix(rep(lltest[,NCOL(lltest)], maxit + 1L - NCOL(lltest)), nrow = NROW(lltest)))
lltestall[test,] <- lltest
mstopopt<- which.max(colMeans(lltestall))
} else {
mstopopt <- NULL
colnames(coefpath) <- c(colnames(x), paste("scale_", colnames(z), sep = ""))
## restandardize
offset[[1L]] <- offset[[1L]]*standardize$y$scale
beta <- coefpath[, = k), drop = FALSE]
gamma <- coefpath[, = q) + k, drop = FALSE]
beta[,] <- t(apply(beta, 1L, standardize.coefficients,
center = standardize$x$center, scale = standardize$x$scale, restandardize = TRUE))*standardize$y$scale
beta[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta))] <-
beta[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta)), drop = FALSE] + standardize$y$center
gamma[,] <- t(apply(gamma, 1, standardize.coefficients,
center = standardize$z$center, scale = standardize$z$scale, restandardize = TRUE))
gamma[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma))] <-
gamma[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma)), drop = FALSE] + linkfun(standardize$y$scale)
coefpath <- cbind(beta, gamma)
y <- standardize.matrix(y, restandardize = TRUE)
x <- standardize.matrix(x, restandardize = TRUE)
z <- standardize.matrix(z, restandardize = TRUE)
## optimum stopping iterations
mstopopt <- c("cv" = mstopopt, "max" = NROW(coefpath),
"aic" = which.min(2*rowSums(coefpath!=0) - 2* loglikpath),
"bic" = which.min(log(nobs)*rowSums(coefpath!=0) - 2* loglikpath)) - 1
## coefficients, fitted values and likelihood for optimum stopping iteration
par <- coefpath[mstopopt[[mstop]] + 1L,]
fit <- fitfun(par)
beta <- fit$beta
gamma <- fit$gamma
mu <- fit$mu
sigma <- fit$sigma
ll <- sum(weights*ddist(round(y, digits = 6), mu, sigma, df = df, left = left2, right = right2, log = TRUE))
names(beta) <- colnames(x)
names(gamma) <- colnames(z)
rownames(coefpath) <- c(0:(NROW(coefpath) - 1L))
rval <- list(
coefficients = list(location = beta, scale = gamma),
df = df,
residuals = y - mu,
fitted.values = list(location = mu, scale = sigma),
dist = dist,
cens = list(left = left2, right = right2),
control = control,
weights = if(identical(as.vector(weights),, n))) NULL else weights,
offset = list(location = if(identical(offset[[1L]],, n))) NULL else
scale = if(identical(offset[[2L]],, n))) NULL else offset[[2L]]),
n = n,
nobs = nobs,
loglik = ll,
link = list(scale = linkobj),
truncated = truncated,
# converged = converged,
coefpath = coefpath,
loglikpath = loglikpath,
iterations = NROW(coefpath) - 1L,
stepsize = nu,
mstop = mstop,
mstopopt = mstopopt,
standardize = standardize
class(rval) <- c("crch.boost", "crch")
## Function to adjust stopping iteration of crch.boost objects
mstop.crch.boost <- function(object, mstop = NULL) {
if(!is.null(mstop)) {
## adjust coefficients
object$mstop <- mstop
if(is.character(mstop)) {
mstop <- match.arg(mstop, c("max", "aic", "bic", "cv"))
mstop <- if(mstop == "max") object$iterations else object$mstopopt[mstop]
k <- length(object$coefficient$location)
q <- length(object$coefficient$scale)
beta <- object$coefpath[mstop + 1, = k)]
gamma <- object$coefpath[mstop + 1, = q) + k]
names(gamma) <- names(object$coefficients$scale)
object$coefficients <- list(location = beta, scale = gamma)
## remove or adjust some values
object$residuals <- object$fitted.values$location <- object$fitted.values$scale <- NA
object$loglik <- object$loglikpath[mstop + 1]
coef.crch.boost <- function(object, model = c("full", "location", "scale", "df"),
mstop = NULL, zero.coefficients = FALSE, standardize = FALSE, ...)
model <- match.arg(model)
object <- mstop.crch.boost(object, mstop = mstop)
cf <- object$coefficients
beta <- cf$location
gamma <- cf$scale
standardize <- object$standardize
beta <- standardize.coefficients(beta, center = standardize$x$center, scale = standardize$x$scale)
beta[grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta))] <- beta[grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta))] - standardize$y$center
beta <- beta/standardize$y$scale
gamma <- standardize.coefficients(gamma, center = standardize$z$center, scale = standardize$z$scale)
gamma[grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma))] <-
gamma[grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma))] - object$link$scale$linkfun(standardize$y$scale)
cf <- list(location = beta, scale = gamma)
if(!zero.coefficients) {
cf$location <- cf$location[cf$location != 0]
cf$scale <- cf$scale[cf$scale != 0]
"location" = {
"scale" = {
"full" = {
nam <- c(names(cf$location), paste("(scale)", names(cf$scale), sep = "_"))
cf <- c(cf$location, cf$scale)
names(cf) <- nam
print.crch.boost <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
mstop = NULL, zero.coefficients = FALSE, ...)
x <- mstop.crch.boost(x, mstop = mstop)
beta <- x$coefficients$location
gamma <- x$coefficients$scale
if(!zero.coefficients) {
beta <- beta[beta != 0]
gamma <- gamma[gamma != 0]
prefix <- "Non-zero c"
} else {
prefix <- "C"
cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), "", sep = "\n")
cat(paste(prefix, "oefficients (location model):\n", sep = ""))
print.default(format(beta, digits = digits), = 2, quote = FALSE)
cat(paste(prefix, "oefficients (scale model with ", x$link$scale$name, " link):\n", sep = ""))
print.default(format(gamma, digits = digits), = 2, quote = FALSE)
dist <- if(is.character(x$dist)) x$dist else "user defined"
cat(paste("Distribution: ", dist, "\n", sep = ""))
if(length(x$df)) {
cat(paste("Df: ", format(x$df, digits = digits), "\n", sep = ""))
logLik.crch.boost <- function(object, mstop = NULL, ...) {
object <- mstop.crch.boost(object)
structure(object$loglik, df = sum(sapply(object$coefficients, function(x) sum(x != 0))), class = "logLik")
summary.crch.boost <- function(object, mstop = NULL, zero.coefficients = FALSE, ...)
# mstop
object <- mstop.crch.boost(object, mstop = mstop)
mstop <- object$mstop
object$mstop <- if(mstop == "max") object$iterations else object$mstopopt[mstop]
# coefficients
beta <- object$coefficients$location
gamma <- object$coefficients$scale
## residuals
object$residuals <- object$residuals/object$fitted.values$scale
if(!zero.coefficients) {
beta <- beta[beta != 0]
gamma <- gamma[gamma != 0]
object$zero.coefficients <- zero.coefficients
object$coefficients <- list(location = beta, scale = gamma)
## delete some slots
object$fitted.values <- object$terms <- object$levels <- object$contrasts <- NULL
## return
class(object) <- "summary.crch.boost"
print.summary.crch.boost <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),...)
cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), sep = "\n")
if(!all($residuals))) {
cat(paste("\nStandardized residuals:\n", sep = ""))
print(structure(round(as.vector(quantile(x$residuals)), digits = digits),
.Names = c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")))
cat(paste("\nmaximum stopping iteration:", x$iterations, "\n"))
cat(paste("\noptimum stopping iterations:\n", sep = ""))
prefix <- if(x$zero.coefficients) "C" else "Non-zero c"
cat(paste(prefix, "oefficients after ", x$mstop, " boosting iterations:\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("Location model:\n", sep = ""))
print.default(format(x$coefficients$location, digits = digits), = 2, quote = FALSE)
cat(paste("Scale model with", x$link$scale$name, "link:\n"))
print.default(format(x$coefficients$scale, digits = digits), = 2, quote = FALSE)
dist <- if(is.character(x$dist)) x$dist else "user defined"
cat(paste("Distribution: ", dist, "\n", sep = ""))
if(length(x$df)) {
cat(paste("Df: ", format(x$df, digits = digits), "\n", sep = ""))
cat("Log-likelihood:", formatC(x$loglik, digits = digits),
"on", sum(sapply(x$coefficients, function(x) sum(x != 0))), "Df\n")
plot.crch.boost <- function(x, loglik = FALSE,
standardize = TRUE, which = c("both", "location", "scale"), mstop = NULL,
coef.label = TRUE, col = NULL, ...)
which <- match.arg(which)
k <- length(x$coefficient$location)
q <- length(x$coefficient$scale)
if(is.null(col)) col <- if(which == "both") c(1,2) else c(1,1)
if(is.null(mstop)) {
mstop <- x$mstop
} else {
mstop <- match.arg(mstop, c("max", "aic", "bic", "cv", "all", "no"))
if(mstop %in% c("no", "max")) {
mstop <- NULL
} else {
if(mstop == "all") mstop <- c("aic", "bic", "cv")
mstop <- x$mstopopt[mstop]
if(loglik) {
coefupdate <-$coefpath, 2, diff)!=0)
coefupdate[["(Intercept)"]][rowSums(coefupdate) == 2] <- FALSE
coefupdate[["scale_(Intercept)"]][rowSums(coefupdate) == 2] <- FALSE
loglikpath <- x$loglikpath
path <- rbind(0, diff(loglikpath)*coefupdate)
path <- apply(path, 2, cumsum)
colnames(path) <- c(names(x$coefficients$location), names(x$coefficients$scale))
ylab <- "log-likelihood contribution"
} else {
beta <- x$coefpath[, = k), drop = FALSE]
gamma <- x$coefpath[, = q) + k, drop = FALSE]
if(standardize) {
beta[,] <- t(apply(beta, 1, standardize.coefficients,
center = x$standardize$x$center, scale = x$standardize$x$scale))
beta[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta))] <-
beta[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(beta))] -
beta <- beta/x$standardize$y$scale
gamma[,] <- t(apply(gamma, 1, standardize.coefficients,
center = x$standardize$z$center, scale = x$standardize$z$scale))
gamma[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma))] <-
gamma[, grep("(Intercept)", colnames(gamma))] -
colnames(gamma) <- names(x$coefficients$scale)
path <- cbind(beta, gamma)
ylab <- if(standardize) "standardized coefficients" else "coefficients"
if(which == "location") {path <- path[,1:k]; q <- 0}
if(which == "scale") {path <- path[,(k+1):(k+q)]; k <- 0}
if(is.logical(coef.label)) {
coef.label <- if(coef.label) {
list(location = colnames(path)[1:k], scale = colnames(path)[(k+1):(q+k)])
} else NULL
## adjust figure margins
rmar <- if(length(coef.label)) max(strwidth(colnames(x$coefpath), units = "in"))+0.5 else 0.42
umar <- if(is.null(mstop)) 0.82 else 1.02
par(mai = c(1.02, 0.82, umar, rmar))
plot(ts(path, start = 0), plot.type = "single", ylab = ylab, xlab = "boosting iteration",
type = "s", col = rep(col, c(k,q)), ...)
## label paths
if(length(coef.label)) {
if(k!=0) axis(4, at =, 1))[1:k][coef.label$location],
labels = coef.label$location, las = 1, col.axis = col[1], col.ticks = col[1])
if(q!=0) axis(4, at =, 1))[(k+1):(q+k)][coef.label$scale],
labels = coef.label$scale, las = 1, col.axis = tail(col, 1), col.ticks = tail(col,1))
## vertical line at mstop
if(!is.null(mstop)) {
abline(v = mstop, lty = 2)
axis(3, at = mstop, labels = names(mstop))
predict.crch.boost <- function(object, newdata = NULL, mstop = NULL, ...)
object <- mstop.crch.boost(object, mstop = mstop)
if(missing(newdata)) {
if(!is.null(mstop)) stop("newdata has to be supplied for user defined mstop")
predict.crch(object, ...)
} else {
predict.crch(object, newdata = newdata, ...)
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