
Defines functions com_item_missingness

Documented in com_item_missingness

#' Summarize missingness columnwise (in variable)
#' @description
#' Item-Missingness (also referred to as item nonresponse (De Leeuw et al.
#' 2003)) describes the missingness of single values, e.g. blanks or empty data
#' cells in a data set. Item-Missingness occurs for example in case a respondent
#' does not provide information for a certain question, a question is overlooked
#' by accident, a programming failure occurs or a provided answer were missed
#' while entering the data.
#' @details
#'  - Lists of missing codes and, if applicable, jump codes are selected from
#'    the metadata
#'  - The no. of system missings (NA) in each variable is calculated
#'  - The no. of used missing codes is calculated for each variable
#'  - The no. of used jump codes is calculated for each variable
#'  - Two result dataframes (1: on the level of observations, 2: a summary for
#'    each variable) are generated
#'  - *OPTIONAL:* if `show_causes` is selected, one summary plot for all
#'                `resp_vars` is provided
#' @param resp_vars [variable list] the name of the measurement variables
#' @param study_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains the measurements
#' @param meta_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains metadata
#'                               attributes of study data
#' @param label_col [variable attribute] the name of the column in the metadata
#'                                       with labels of variables
#' @param show_causes [logical] if TRUE, then the distribution of missing codes
#'                              is shown
#' @param cause_label_df [data.frame] missing code table. If missing codes have
#'                                    labels the respective data frame can be
#'                                    specified here or in the metadata as
#'                                    assignments, see [cause_label_df]
#' @param include_sysmiss [logical] Optional, if TRUE system missingness (NAs)
#'                                  is evaluated in the summary plot
#' @param threshold_value [numeric] from=0 to=100. a numerical value ranging
#'                                                 from 0-100
#' @param suppressWarnings [logical] warn about consistency issues with missing
#'                                   and jump lists
#' @param assume_consistent_codes [logical] if TRUE and no labels are given and
#'                                          the same missing/jump code is used
#'                                          for more than one variable, the
#'                                          labels assigned for this code are
#'                                          treated as being be the same for
#'                                          all variables.
#' @param expand_codes [logical] if TRUE, code labels are copied from other
#'                               variables, if the code is the same and the
#'                               label is set somewhere
#'@param drop_levels [logical] if TRUE, do not display unused missing codes in
#'                             the figure legend.
#' @param expected_observations [enum] HIERARCHY | ALL | SEGMENT. If ALL, all
#'                                     observations are expected to comprise
#'                                     all study segments. If SEGMENT, the
#'                                     `PART_VAR` is expected to point
#'                                     to a variable with values of 0 and 1,
#'                                     indicating whether the variable was
#'                                     expected to be observed for each data
#'                                     row. If HIERARCHY, this is also
#'                                     checked recursively, so, if a variable
#'                                     points to such a participation variable,
#'                                     and that other variable does has also
#'                                     a `PART_VAR` entry pointing
#'                                     to a variable, the observation of the
#'                                     initial variable is only
#'                                     expected, if both segment variables are
#'                                     1.
#' @param pretty_print [logical] If FALSE, produce a table that can easily
#'                               be processed further, because some cells
#'                               feature two numbers (absolute and percentage)
#'                               otherwise.
#' @return a list with:
#'   - `SummaryTable`: data frame about item missingness per response variable
#'   - `SummaryPlot`: ggplot2 heatmap plot, if show_causes was TRUE
#'   - `ReportSummaryTable`: data frame underlying `SummaryPlot`
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot facet_wrap geom_bar theme_minimal theme annotate
#'                     scale_fill_gradientn theme element_blank
#' @seealso
#' [Online Documentation](
#' https://dataquality.qihs.uni-greifswald.de/VIN_com_impl_item_missingness.html
#' )
com_item_missingness  <- function(study_data,
                                  resp_vars = NULL,
                                  show_causes = TRUE,
                                  include_sysmiss = TRUE,
                                  suppressWarnings = FALSE,
                                  assume_consistent_codes = TRUE,
                                  expand_codes = assume_consistent_codes,
                                  drop_levels = TRUE,
                                  expected_observations = c("HIERARCHY",
                                  pretty_print = TRUE) {

  util_expect_scalar(expected_observations, allow_more_than_one = TRUE)
  expected_observations <- match.arg(expected_observations)

  util_expect_scalar(assume_consistent_codes, check_type = is.logical)
  util_expect_scalar(include_sysmiss, check_type = is.logical)
  util_expect_scalar(suppressWarnings, check_type = is.logical)
  util_expect_scalar(drop_levels, check_type = is.logical)
  util_expect_scalar(pretty_print, check_type = is.logical)

  prep_prepare_dataframes(.replace_missings = FALSE)

  if (missing(threshold_value)) {
    if (!.called_in_pipeline) util_message(
      c("The mandatory argument threshold_value was not",
        "defined and is set to the default of 90%%."),
      applicability_problem = TRUE)
    threshold_value <- 90
  .threshold_value <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(threshold_value))
  if (is.na(.threshold_value)) {
      c("Could not convert threshold_value %s to a number.",
        "Set to default value 90%%."),
      applicability_problem = TRUE
    threshold_value <- 90
  } else {
    threshold_value <- .threshold_value

  if (!missing(show_causes) &&
      length(show_causes) == 1 &&
      is.logical(show_causes) &&
      !show_causes) {
    util_warning(c("The argument %s has been deprecated. It will be ignored",
                   "and in a future version be removed."),

  if (!missing(cause_label_df)) {
    util_expect_data_frame(cause_label_df, c("CODE_VALUE", "CODE_LABEL"))
    util_warning(c("The argument %s has been deprecated. It will be",
                   "in a future version be removed."),
    meta_data <-
      prep_add_cause_label_df(meta_data = meta_data,
                              cause_label_df = cause_label_df,
                              label_col = label_col,
                              assume_consistent_codes = assume_consistent_codes)

  if (!suppressWarnings) {
    util_validate_missing_lists(meta_data = meta_data,
                                cause_label_df = cause_label_df,
                                assume_consistent_codes =
                                expand_codes = FALSE,
                                suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings,
                                label_col = label_col

  if (missing(resp_vars)) {
    resp_vars <- meta_data[[label_col]]

  if (expected_observations != "ALL" && !(PART_VAR %in%
                                          colnames(meta_data))) {
    util_warning(c("For %s = %s, a column %s is needed in %s. Falling",
                   "back to %s = %s."),
                 applicability_problem = TRUE
    expected_observations <- "ALL"

  if (expand_codes) {
    meta_data <- prep_expand_codes(meta_data,
                                   mix_jumps_and_missings = FALSE)

    r <- util_study_var2factor(study_data = study_data, meta_data = meta_data,
                               resp_vars = resp_vars, label_col = label_col,
                               assume_consistent_codes = assume_consistent_codes,
                               have_cause_label_df = !missing(cause_label_df),
                               code_name = MISSING_LIST,
                               include_sysmiss = FALSE)
    colnames(r) <-
                      to = VAR_NAMES,
                      from = label_col)

    m <- vapply(lapply(util_seg_table(r, study_data, meta_data, expected_observations = expected_observations), `[[`, "Freq"), sum, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
    r <- util_study_var2factor(study_data = study_data, meta_data = meta_data,
                               resp_vars = resp_vars, label_col = label_col,
                               assume_consistent_codes = assume_consistent_codes,
                               have_cause_label_df = !missing(cause_label_df),
                               code_name = JUMP_LIST,
                               include_sysmiss = FALSE)
    colnames(r) <-
                      to = VAR_NAMES,
                      from = label_col)
    j <- vapply(lapply(util_seg_table(r, study_data, meta_data, expected_observations = expected_observations), `[[`, "Freq"), sum, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
  SysMiss <- vapply(prep_map_labels(resp_vars,
                                    meta_data =
                                    to =
                                    from =
                    function(rv) {
                        util_observation_expected(rv = rv,
                                                  study_data = study_data,
                                                  meta_data = meta_data,
                                                  label_col = VAR_NAMES,
                                                  expected_observations = expected_observations)]))
                    FUN.VALUE = integer(1))

  N_obs <- util_count_expected_observations(resp_vars,
                                            study_data = ds1,
                                            meta_data = meta_data,
                                            label_col = label_col,
                                            expected_observations = expected_observations)

  DV_N <- vapply(
    function(rv) {
      in_seg <- util_observation_expected(rv = rv,
                                          study_data = ds1,
                                          meta_data = meta_data,
                                          label_col = label_col,
                                          expected_observations = expected_observations)
        vn <- util_map_labels(rv, meta_data,
                              VAR_NAMES, label_col)
        vals <- study_data[!in_seg, vn, drop = FALSE]
        vals <- util_replace_codes_by_NA(
          study_data = vals, meta_data = meta_data)[[vn]]
        have_data_not_expected <- !util_is_na_0_empty_or_false(vals)
        # also allow 0/FALSE, if no data is expected
        if (any(have_data_not_expected) && !suppressWarnings) {
          segvars <- util_all_intro_vars_for_rv(rv,
                                                ds1, meta_data,
                                                expected_observations =
            c("There are %d meassurements of %s for participants",
              "not being part of one of the segments %s"),
              x = util_map_labels(segvars, meta_data, from = label_col,
                                  to = VAR_NAMES),
              meta_data = meta_data,
                                         from = PART_VAR, to = STUDY_SEGMENT)),
                  collapse = ", "),
            applicability_problem = TRUE)
      sum(!is.na(study_data[in_seg, util_map_labels(rv, meta_data,
                                                    VAR_NAMES, label_col)]))
    }, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))

  N_meas <-
    DV_N -
    m -

  SummaryTable <- data.frame(check.names = FALSE,
                             Variables = resp_vars,
                             `Observations N` = N_obs,
                             `Sysmiss N` = SysMiss,
                             `Datavalues N` = DV_N,
                             `Missing codes N` = m,
                             `Jumps N` = j,
                             `Measurements N` = N_meas

  rownames(SummaryTable) <- NULL

  SysMissP <- round(SysMiss / N_obs * 100, digits = 2)
  DV_N_P <- round(DV_N / N_obs * 100, digits = 2)
  m_P <- round(m / N_obs * 100, digits = 2)
  j_P <- round(j / N_obs * 100, digits = 2)
  N_meas_P <- round(N_meas / (N_obs - j) * 100, digits = 2)

  SummaryTable$GRADING <- ifelse(N_meas_P < threshold_value, 1, 0)

  if (pretty_print) {

    SummaryTable$`Sysmiss N` <- paste0(SysMiss, " (", SysMissP, ")")
    colnames(SummaryTable)[colnames(SummaryTable) == "Sysmiss N"] <-
      "Sysmiss N (%)"

    SummaryTable$`Datavalues N` <- paste0(DV_N, " (", DV_N_P, ")")
    colnames(SummaryTable)[colnames(SummaryTable) == "Datavalues N"] <-
      "Datavalues N (%)"

    SummaryTable$`Missing codes N` <- paste0(m, " (", m_P, ")")
    colnames(SummaryTable)[colnames(SummaryTable) == "Missing codes N"] <-
      "Missing codes N (%)"

    SummaryTable$`Jumps N` <- paste0(j, " (", j_P, ")")
    colnames(SummaryTable)[colnames(SummaryTable) == "Jumps N"] <-
      "Jumps N (%)"

    SummaryTable$`Measurements N` <-
      paste0(N_meas, " (", N_meas_P, ")")
    colnames(SummaryTable)[colnames(SummaryTable) == "Measurements N"] <-
      "Measurements N (%)"

  } else {

    SummaryTable$`Sysmiss %` <- SysMissP
    SummaryTable$`Datavalues %` <- DV_N_P
    SummaryTable$`Missing codes %` <- m_P
    SummaryTable$`Jumps %` <- j_P
    SummaryTable$`Measurements %` <- N_meas_P

    pc <- grep(' %$', colnames(SummaryTable), perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    nc <- grep(' N$', colnames(SummaryTable), perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)

    npc <-
      intersect(sub(" %$", "", pc, perl = TRUE),
                sub(" N$", "", nc, perl = TRUE))

    st <- SummaryTable[,
                                 paste(npc, 'N'),
                                 paste(npc, '%'),
                               )), drop = FALSE]

    st <- cbind(st, SummaryTable[,
                                   unlist(lapply(npc, paste, c('N', '%')),
                                          recursive = FALSE),
                                 ), drop = FALSE])

    SummaryTable <- st


  #  result_table$check_MC <- paste0(N_class_MC, " (", N_MC_avail, ")")
  #  result_table$check_JC <- paste0(N_class_JC, " (", N_JC_avail, ")")

  r <- util_study_var2factor(study_data = study_data, meta_data = meta_data,
                             resp_vars = resp_vars, label_col = label_col,
                             assume_consistent_codes = assume_consistent_codes,
                             have_cause_label_df = !missing(cause_label_df),
                             include_sysmiss = include_sysmiss)
  colnames(r) <-
                    to = VAR_NAMES,
                    from = label_col)
  r <- util_seg_table(r, study_data, meta_data, expected_observations = expected_observations)
  r <- r[vapply(r, ncol, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) == 2]
  r <- lapply(names(r), function(nm) setNames(r[[nm]], c("CODES", nm)))
  mctab <- Reduce(function(dtf1, dtf2) merge(dtf1, dtf2, by = "CODES", all = TRUE), r)
  rownames(mctab) <- mctab$CODES
  mctab$CODES <- NULL
  mctab <- t(mctab)
  mctab[is.na(mctab)] <- 0
  mctab <- data.frame(mctab, check.names = FALSE)
  if (drop_levels) {
    mctab <- mctab[, colSums(mctab) != 0, drop = FALSE]
  if (!ncol(mctab)) {
    mctab <- data.frame(check.names = FALSE,
                        Variables = resp_vars,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    mctab$Variables <- prep_map_labels(rownames(mctab),
                                       meta_data = meta_data,
                                       to = label_col,
                                       from = VAR_NAMES)
  rownames(mctab) <- NULL
  mctab$N <- util_count_expected_observations(mctab$Variables,
                                              study_data = ds1,
                                              meta_data = meta_data,
                                              label_col = label_col,
                                              expected_observations = expected_observations)
  class(mctab) <- union("ReportSummaryTable", class(mctab))
  list(SummaryTable = SummaryTable,
       SummaryData = SummaryTable,
       SummaryPlot = print(mctab, view = FALSE, relative = FALSE),
       ReportSummaryTable = mctab)

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