
Defines functions summary.dataquieR_resultset2

Documented in summary.dataquieR_resultset2

#' Generate a report summary table
#' @param object a square result set
#' @param aspect an aspect/problem category of results
#' @param FUN function to apply to the cells of the result table
#' @param ... not used
#' @param collapse passed to `FUN`
#' @return a summary of a `dataquieR` report
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   util_html_table(summary(report),
#'        filter = "top", options = list(scrollCollapse = TRUE, scrollY = "75vh"),
#'        is_matrix_table = TRUE, rotate_headers = TRUE, output_format = "HTML"
#'   )
#' }
summary.dataquieR_resultset2 <- function(object, aspect = c("applicability", "error", "anamat", "indicator_or_descriptor"),
                                   collapse = "\n<br />\n",
                                   ...) {
  if (missing(FUN)) {# TODO: I need this long-format overall dq summary data frame also elsewhere
    util_stop_if_not("aspect is only supported for specific FUN values" =

    labels_of_var_names_in_report <- setNames(
      attr(object, "meta_data")[[attr(object, "label_col")]],
      nm = attr(object, "meta_data")[[VAR_NAMES]]

    var_names_of_labels_in_report <- setNames(
      nm = attr(object, "meta_data")[[attr(object, "label_col")]],
      attr(object, "meta_data")[[VAR_NAMES]]

    labels <- util_get_labels_grading_class()
    colors <- util_get_colors()
    names(labels) <- paste0("cat", names(labels))
    names(colors) <- paste0("cat", names(colors))
    if (!identical(names(labels), names(colors)) ||
        !all(paste0("cat", seq_len(5)) %in% names(colors))) {
        c("Could not find enough categories in custom format file,",
          "falling back to default"), applicability_problem = TRUE,
        intrinsic_applicability_problem = FALSE)
      old_o <- options(
        dataquieR.grading_formats =
                      package = "dataquieR"),
        dataquieR.grading_rulesets =
                      package = "dataquieR"))
      labels <- util_get_labels_grading_class()
      colors <- util_get_colors()
      names(labels) <- paste0("cat", names(labels))
      names(colors) <- paste0("cat", names(colors))

    labels <- as.list(labels)
    colors <- as.list(colors)

    labels[["catNA"]] <- htmltools::HTML("\u00A0") # this is nbsp, but it reads " ", even in the HTML source code
    labels[["NA"]] <- htmltools::HTML("\u00A0")
    colors[["catNA"]] <- "#ffffff00" # transparent / white
    colors[["NA"]] <- "#ffffff00" # transparent / white

    icons <- lapply(labels, function(x) htmltools::HTML("\u00A0")) # not available, yet

    order_of <- suppressWarnings(setNames(as.integer(gsub("^cat", "",
                              util_as_cat(names(colors)))), nm = names(colors)))

    filter_of <- labels
    all_matrices <-
      lapply(setNames(nm = c("applicability", "error", "anamat", "indicator_or_descriptor")),
             function(aspect) {
               catsum <- util_melt_summary(object, aspect = aspect,
                                           FUN = function(...) {
                                             rs <- util_get_category_for_result(...)
               msgsum <- util_melt_summary(object, aspect = aspect,
                                           FUN = util_get_message_for_result)
                 cat =
                         indicator_metric = rep(paste0("CAT_", aspect),
                 msg = cbind.data.frame(msgsum,
                             indicator_metric = rep(paste0("MSG_", aspect),
    issue <-
    issue$function_name <- # TODO: This should be done by prep_extract_summary.
      vapply(FUN.VALUE = character(1),
             setNames(nm = issue$call_names),
             report = object)

    result <-
      util_rbind(data_frames_list = c(list(issue = issue),
                                    unlist(all_matrices, recursive = FALSE)))

    if (any(is.na(result$n_classes))) {
      result[is.na(result$n_classes), "n_classes"] <- 5

    ordered_call_names <- colnames(object)
    ordered_var_names <- var_names_of_labels_in_report[rownames(object)]

    # spreaded_result <- lapply(
    #   setNames(nm = intersect(ordered_call_names, result$call_names)),
    #   function(cn) vapply(
    #     FUN.VALUE = character(1),
    #     setNames(nm = intersect(ordered_var_names, result$VAR_NAMES)),
    #     util_get_html_cell_for_result,
    #     cn = cn,
    #     result = result,
    #     icons = icons,
    #     labels = labels,
    #     colors = colors,
    #     order_of = order_of,
    #     filter_of = filter_of,
    #     labels_of_var_names_in_report = labels_of_var_names_in_report,
    #     var_names_of_labels_in_report = var_names_of_labels_in_report
    #   )
    # )
    # spreaded_result_df <- do.call(data.frame, spreaded_result)
    # Variables <-
    #   labels_of_var_names_in_report[rownames(spreaded_result_df)]
    # spreaded_result_df <- cbind(
    #   data.frame(Variables = Variables), spreaded_result_df)
    # rownames(spreaded_result_df) <- NULL

    indicator_metric <- NULL

    if (!prod(dim(result))) {
      cls <-
        c("VAR_NAMES", "class", "indicator_metric", "value", "values_raw",
          "n_classes", "STUDY_SEGMENT", "call_names", "function_name")
      result <-
        as.data.frame(setNames(rep(list(character(0)), length(cls)), nm = cls))

    result %>% dplyr::filter(!startsWith(as.character(indicator_metric), "CAT_") &
                               !startsWith(as.character(indicator_metric), "MSG_")) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(VAR_NAMES) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(rowmax = suppressWarnings(
        max(util_as_cat(class), na.rm = TRUE))) ->

    rowmax <- paste(rowmaxes$rowmax) # also make NA -> "NA"

    rowmaxes$label <- vapply(labels[rowmax], identity,
                             FUN.VALUE = character(1))

    rowmaxes$color <- vapply(colors[rowmax], identity,
                             FUN.VALUE = character(1))

    rowmaxes$order <- vapply(order_of[rowmax], identity,
                             FUN.VALUE = integer(1))

    rowmaxes$filter <- vapply(filter_of[rowmax], identity,
                             FUN.VALUE = character(1))

    get_cell_text <- function(lb, cl, o, f, vn) {
      link <- util_generate_anchor_link(labels_of_var_names_in_report[[vn]],
                                        title =
      link$attribs$style <- c(link$attribs$style,
      fg_color <- util_get_fg_color(cl)
      link$attribs$style <- c(link$attribs$style, sprintf("color:%s;", fg_color))

        # htmltools::p(cn),
        # htmltools::p(vn)
          onclick = "",
          style = sprintf("height: 100%%; min-height: 2em; margin: 0em; padding: 0em; background: %s; cursor: pointer; text-align: center;", cl),
          sort = o,
          filter = f,
          title = "",
      ), collapse = "\n")

    rowmaxes$cell_text <- setNames(vapply(mapply(
      FUN = get_cell_text,
      lb = rowmaxes$label,
      cl = rowmaxes$color,
      o = rowmaxes$order,
      f = rowmaxes$filter,
      vn = rowmaxes$VAR_NAMES
    FUN = identity,
    FUN.VALUE = character(1)),
    nm = labels_of_var_names_in_report[rowmaxes$VAR_NAMES])

    # compute stopped_functions
    stopped_functions <- vapply(object,
                                inherits, what = "dataquieR_NULL",
                                FUN.VALUE = logical(1) )

    # spreaded_result_df$Total <- rowmaxes$cell_text[
    #   spreaded_result_df$Variables]
    # class(spreaded_result_df) <- c("dataquieR_summary", "data.frame")

    spreaded_result_df <- NA
    class(spreaded_result_df) <- c("dataquieR_summary")

    matrix_list <- attr(object, "matrix_list")
    function_alias_map <- attr(matrix_list, "function_alias_map")
    function_alias_map <- unique(function_alias_map[ , c("name", "alias"), drop = FALSE])
    alias_names <- setNames(function_alias_map$name, nm = function_alias_map$alias)

    this <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

    for (prop in c("result", # long format of the summary, column indicator_metric contains CAT_ and MSG_, which are special process classes
                   "rowmaxes", # maximum category for each row in the summary table
                   # and all the ellipsis_arguments from
                   # util_get_html_cell_for_result, above:
    )) {
      this[[prop]] <- get(prop)

    # needed for the summary downlaod button
    this[["title"]] <- attr(object, "title")
    this[["subtitle"]] <- attr(object, "subtitle")

    # needed to pretty print
    this[["meta_data"]] <- attr(object, "meta_data")

    # "label_col", # needed to pretty print
    this[["label_col"]] <- attr(object, "label_col")

    # needed for pretty plot
    this[["rownames_of_report"]] <- rownames(object)
    this[["colnames_of_report"]] <- colnames(object)

    attr(spreaded_result_df, "this") <- this


  } else {
    f <- substitute(FUN)
    FUN <- force(eval(f, enclos = parent.frame(), envir = environment()))
    util_ensure_suggested("htmltools", "Generating nice tables")
    util_stop_if_not(inherits(object, "dataquieR_resultset2"))
    aspect <- util_match_arg(aspect, several_ok = FALSE)

    rn_obj <- rownames(object)
    cn_obj <- colnames(object)

    rn_to_use <- vapply(rn_obj, function(rn) {
      any(vapply(object[rn, , drop = TRUE],
                 FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

    cn_to_use <-
      vapply(cn_obj, function(cn) {
        # TODO: check entity attribute instead and omit outputs with entity != item
        x <- object[, cn, drop = FALSE]
        length(x) > 0 &&
          any(!endsWith(names(x), ".[ALL]")) &&
          all(vapply(names(x), function(listname) {
            any(endsWith(listname, paste0(".", rownames(object))))
          }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
      }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

    rn_obj <- rn_obj[rn_to_use]
    cn_obj <- cn_obj[cn_to_use]

    if (!any(rn_to_use) || !any(cn_to_use)) {
        matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2,
               dimnames = list(c(), c(VAR_NAMES, STUDY_SEGMENT)))

    do.call(rbind, lapply(setNames(nm = rn_obj),
                          FUN = function(rn) {
                            vapply(setNames(nm = cn_obj),
                                   FUN.VALUE = character(1),
                                   FUN = function(cn, aspect, collapse) {
                                     r <- FUN(object[rn, cn, drop = TRUE],
                                              aspect = aspect,
                                              collapse = collapse,
                                              rn = rn,
                                              cn = cn)
                                     # if (inherits(r, "try-error")) {
                                     #   debug(FUN)
                                     #   r <- FUN(object[rn, cn, drop = TRUE],
                                     #            aspect = aspect,
                                     #            collapse = collapse,
                                     #            rn = rn,
                                     #            cn = cn)
                                     # }
                                     # if (!is.character(r) || length(r) != 1)
                                     #   browser()
                                   aspect = aspect,
                                   collapse = collapse)
    )) # TOOD: "Any-Issue" Column

Try the dataquieR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

dataquieR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m.