# Copyright (C) Tal Galili
# This file is part of dendextend.
# dendextend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# dendextend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
### Remove dependancy on fpc by importing pamk to this file.
### #' @importFrom fpc pamk
### NULL
# fpc::pamk
# Author: Christian Hennig
# fpc::dudahart2
dudahart2 <- function(x, clustering, alpha = 0.001) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
p <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
cln <- rep(0, 2)
W <- matrix(0, p, p)
for (i in 1:2) cln[i] <- sum(clustering == i)
for (i in 1:2) {
clx <- x[clustering == i, ]
cclx <- cov(as.matrix(clx))
if (cln[i] < 2) {
cclx <- 0
W <- W + ((cln[i] - 1) * cclx)
W1 <- (n - 1) * cov(as.matrix(x))
dh <- sum(diag(W)) / sum(diag(W1))
z <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
compare <- 1 - 2 / (pi * p) - z * sqrt(2 * (1 - 8 / (pi^2 * p)) / (n *
qz <- (-dh + 1 - 2 / (pi * p)) / sqrt(2 * (1 - 8 / (pi^2 * p)) / (n *
p.value <- 1 - pnorm(qz)
cluster1 <- dh >= compare
out <- list(
p.value = p.value, dh = dh, compare = compare,
cluster1 = cluster1, alpha = alpha, z = z
# fpc::calinhara
calinhara <- function(x, clustering, cn = max(clustering)) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
p <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
cln <- rep(0, cn)
W <- matrix(0, p, p)
for (i in 1:cn) cln[i] <- sum(clustering == i)
for (i in 1:cn) {
clx <- x[clustering == i, ]
cclx <- cov(as.matrix(clx))
if (cln[i] < 2) {
cclx <- 0
W <- W + ((cln[i] - 1) * cclx)
S <- (n - 1) * cov(x)
B <- S - W
out <- (n - cn) * sum(diag(B)) / ((cn - 1) * sum(diag(W)))
# fpc::distcritmulti
distcritmulti <- function(x, clustering, part = NULL, ns = 10, criterion = "asw",
fun = "dist", metric = "euclidean", count = FALSE,
seed = NULL, ...) {
if (!is.null(seed)) {
n <- length(clustering)
if (is.null(part)) {
pn1 <- n %/% ns
pn2 <- n %% ns
part <- rep(pn1, ns)
part[ns] <- part[ns] + pn2
np <- sum(part)
ns <- length(part)
n <- length(clustering)
npsam <- sample(n, np)
cp <- cumsum(part)
ss <- list()
ss[[1]] <- npsam[1:cp[1]]
asw <- numeric(0)
for (i in 2:ns) ss[[i]] <- npsam[(cp[i - 1] + 1):cp[i]]
for (i in 1:ns) {
if (count) {
cat("Subset ", i, "\n")
if (fun == "dist") {
dx <- dist(x[ss[[i]], ], method = metric, ...)
} else {
dx <- cluster::daisy(x[ss[[i]], ], metric = metric, ...)
if (criterion == "asw") {
asw[i] <- summary(cluster::silhouette(
if (criterion == "pearsongamma") {
asw[i] <- cluster.stats(dx, clustering[ss[[i]]],
silhouette = FALSE
aswav <- sum(part * asw) / np <- sd(asw)
out <- list(
crit.overall = aswav, crit.sub = asw, =,
subsets = ss
# fpc::cluster.stats
cluster.stats <- function(d = NULL, clustering, alt.clustering = NULL, noisecluster = FALSE,
silhouette = TRUE, G2 = FALSE, G3 = FALSE, wgap = TRUE, sepindex = TRUE,
sepprob = 0.1, sepwithnoise = TRUE, compareonly = FALSE,
aggregateonly = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(d)) {
d <- as.dist(d)
cn <- max(clustering)
clusteringf <- as.factor(clustering)
clusteringl <- levels(clusteringf)
cnn <- length(clusteringl)
if (cn != cnn) {
warning("clustering renumbered because maximum != number of clusters")
for (i in 1:cnn) clustering[clusteringf == clusteringl[i]] <- i
cn <- cnn
n <- length(clustering)
noisen <- 0
cwn <- cn
if (noisecluster) {
noisen <- sum(clustering == cn)
cwn <- cn - 1
diameter <- average.distance <- median.distance <- separation <- average.toother <- cluster.size <- within.dist <- between.dist <- numeric(0)
for (i in 1:cn) cluster.size[i] <- sum(clustering == i)
pk1 <- cluster.size / n
pk10 <- pk1[pk1 > 0]
h1 <- -sum(pk10 * log(pk10))
corrected.rand <- vi <- NULL
if (!is.null(alt.clustering)) {
choose2 <- function(v) {
out <- numeric(0)
for (i in 1:length(v)) {
out[i] <- ifelse(v[i] >= 2,
choose(v[i], 2), 0
cn2 <- max(alt.clustering)
clusteringf <- as.factor(alt.clustering)
clusteringl <- levels(clusteringf)
cnn2 <- length(clusteringl)
if (cn2 != cnn2) {
warning("alt.clustering renumbered because maximum != number of clusters")
for (i in 1:cnn2) alt.clustering[clusteringf == clusteringl[i]] <- i
cn2 <- cnn2
nij <- table(clustering, alt.clustering)
dsum <- sum(choose2(nij))
cs2 <- numeric(0)
for (i in 1:cn2) cs2[i] <- sum(alt.clustering == i)
sum1 <- sum(choose2(cluster.size))
sum2 <- sum(choose2(cs2))
pk2 <- cs2 / n
pk12 <- nij / n
corrected.rand <- (dsum - sum1 * sum2 / choose2(n)) / ((sum1 +
sum2) / 2 - sum1 * sum2 / choose2(n))
pk20 <- pk2[pk2 > 0]
h2 <- -sum(pk20 * log(pk20))
icc <- 0
for (i in 1:cn) {
for (j in 1:cn2) {
if (pk12[i, j] > 0) {
icc <- icc + pk12[i, j] * log(pk12[i, j] / (pk1[i] *
vi <- h1 + h2 - 2 * icc
if (compareonly) {
out <- list(corrected.rand = corrected.rand, vi = vi)
else {
dmat <- as.matrix(d) <- 0 <- <- sum(d^2) / n
if (noisecluster) { <- sum(as.dist(dmat[
clustering <= cwn,
clustering <= cwn
])^2) / sum(clustering <= cwn)
ave.between.matrix <- separation.matrix <- matrix(0,
ncol = cn, nrow = cn
di <- list()
for (i in 1:cn) {
cluster.size[i] <- sum(clustering == i)
di <- as.dist(dmat[clustering == i, clustering ==
if (i <= cwn) { <- + sum(di^2) / cluster.size[i]
within.dist <- c(within.dist, di)
if (length(di) > 0) {
diameter[i] <- max(di)
} else {
diameter[i] <- NA
average.distance[i] <- mean(di)
median.distance[i] <- median(di)
bv <- numeric(0)
for (j in 1:cn) {
if (j != i) {
sij <- dmat[clustering == i, clustering ==
bv <- c(bv, sij)
if (i < j) {
separation.matrix[i, j] <- separation.matrix[
] <- min(sij)
ave.between.matrix[i, j] <- ave.between.matrix[
] <- mean(sij)
if (i <= cwn & j <= cwn) {
between.dist <- c(between.dist, sij)
separation[i] <- min(bv)
average.toother[i] <- mean(bv)
average.between <- mean(between.dist)
average.within <- mean(within.dist)
nwithin <- length(within.dist)
nbetween <- length(between.dist) <- -
ch <- * (n - noisen - cwn) / ( *
(cwn - 1))
clus.avg.widths <- avg.width <- NULL
if (silhouette) {
sii <- silhouette(clustering, dmatrix = dmat)
sc <- summary(sii)
clus.avg.widths <- sc$clus.avg.widths
if (noisecluster) {
avg.width <- mean(sii[clustering <= cwn, 3])
} else {
avg.width <- sc$avg.width
g2 <- g3 <- cn2 <- cwidegap <- widestgap <- sindex <- NULL
if (G2) {
splus <- sminus <- 0
for (i in 1:nwithin) {
splus <- splus + sum(within.dist[i] < between.dist)
sminus <- sminus + sum(within.dist[i] > between.dist)
g2 <- (splus - sminus) / (splus + sminus)
if (G3) {
sdist <- sort(c(within.dist, between.dist))
sr <- nwithin + nbetween
dmin <- sum(sdist[1:nwithin])
dmax <- sum(sdist[(sr - nwithin + 1):sr])
g3 <- (sum(within.dist) - dmin) / (dmax - dmin)
pearsongamma <- cor(c(within.dist, between.dist), c(rep(
), rep(1, nbetween)))
dunn <- min(separation[1:cwn]) / max(diameter[1:cwn], na.rm = TRUE)
acwn <- ave.between.matrix[1:cwn, 1:cwn]
dunn2 <- min(acwn[upper.tri(acwn)]) / max(average.distance[1:cwn],
na.rm = TRUE
if (wgap) {
cwidegap <- rep(0, cwn)
for (i in 1:cwn) {
if (sum(clustering == i) > 1) {
cwidegap[i] <- max(hclust(as.dist(dmat[clustering ==
i, clustering == i]), method = "single")$height)
widestgap <- max(cwidegap)
if (sepindex) {
psep <- rep(NA, n)
if (sepwithnoise | !noisecluster) {
for (i in 1:n) {
psep[i] <- min(dmat[i, clustering !=
minsep <- floor(n * sepprob)
else {
dmatnn <- dmat[clustering <= cwn, clustering <=
clusteringnn <- clustering[clustering <= cwn]
for (i in 1:(n - noisen)) {
psep[i] <- min(dmatnn[
clusteringnn != clusteringnn[i]
minsep <- floor((n - noisen) * sepprob)
sindex <- mean(sort(psep)[1:minsep])
if (!aggregateonly) {
out <- list(
n = n, cluster.number = cn, cluster.size = cluster.size,
min.cluster.size = min(cluster.size[1:cwn]),
noisen = noisen, diameter = diameter, average.distance = average.distance,
median.distance = median.distance, separation = separation,
average.toother = average.toother, separation.matrix = separation.matrix,
ave.between.matrix = ave.between.matrix, average.between = average.between,
average.within = average.within, n.between = nbetween,
n.within = nwithin, max.diameter = max(diameter[1:cwn],
na.rm = TRUE
), min.separation = sepwithnoise *
min(separation) + (!sepwithnoise) * min(separation[1:cwn]), =, clus.avg.silwidths = clus.avg.widths,
avg.silwidth = avg.width, g2 = g2, g3 = g3, pearsongamma = pearsongamma,
dunn = dunn, dunn2 = dunn2, entropy = h1, wb.ratio = average.within / average.between,
ch = ch, cwidegap = cwidegap, widestgap = widestgap,
sindex = sindex, corrected.rand = corrected.rand,
vi = vi
} else {
out <- list(
n = n, cluster.number = cn, min.cluster.size = min(cluster.size[1:cwn]),
noisen = noisen, average.between = average.between,
average.within = average.within, max.diameter = max(diameter[1:cwn],
na.rm = TRUE
), min.separation = sepwithnoise *
min(separation) + (!sepwithnoise) * min(separation[1:cwn]), = / (n - noisen),
avg.silwidth = avg.width, g2 = g2, g3 = g3, pearsongamma = pearsongamma,
dunn = dunn, dunn2 = dunn2, entropy = h1, wb.ratio = average.within / average.between,
ch = ch, widestgap = widestgap, sindex = sindex,
corrected.rand = corrected.rand, vi = vi
pamk <- function(data, krange = 2:10, criterion = "asw", usepam = TRUE,
scaling = FALSE, alpha = 0.001, diss = inherits(data, "dist"),
critout = FALSE, ns = 10, seed = NULL, ...) {
ddata <- as.matrix(data)
if (!identical(scaling, FALSE)) {
sdata <- scale(ddata, scale = scaling)
} else {
sdata <- ddata
cluster1 <- 1 %in% krange
critval <- numeric(max(krange))
pams <- list()
for (k in krange) {
if (usepam) {
pams[[k]] <- cluster::pam(sdata, k, diss = diss, ...)
} else {
pams[[k]] <- cluster::clara(sdata, k, ...)
if (k != 1) {
critval[k] <- switch(criterion, asw = pams[[k]]$silinfo$avg.width,
multiasw = distcritmulti(sdata, pams[[k]]$clustering,
seed = seed, ns = ns
)$crit.overall, ch = ifelse(diss,
cluster.stats(sdata, pams[[k]]$clustering)$ch,
calinhara(sdata, pams[[k]]$clustering)
if (critout) {
cat(k, " clusters ", critval[k], "\\n")
} <- (1:max(krange))[which.max(critval)]
if (cluster1) {
if (diss) {
cluster1 <- FALSE
} else {
cxx <- dudahart2(sdata, pams[[2]]$clustering, alpha = alpha)
critval[1] <- cxx$p.value
cluster1 <- cxx$cluster1
if (cluster1) { <- 1
out <- list(pamobject = pams[[]], nc =, crit = critval)
#' @title Find the (estimated) number of clusters for a dendrogram using average silhouette width
#' @rdname find_k
#' @export
#' @description
#' This function estimates the number of clusters based on the maximal average \link[cluster]{silhouette} width
#' derived from running \link[cluster]{pam} on the \link[stats]{cophenetic} distance matrix of
#' the \link[stats]{dendrogram}. The output is based on the \link[fpc]{pamk} output.
#' @param dend A dendrogram (or hclust) tree object
#' @param krange integer vector. Numbers of clusters which are to be compared
#' by the average silhouette width criterion.
#' Note: average silhouette width and Calinski-Harabasz can't estimate number
#' of clusters nc=1. If 1 is included, a Duda-Hart test is applied and 1 is
#' estimated if this is not significant.
#' @param x An object of class "find_k" (has its own S3 plot method).
#' @param xlab,ylab,main parameters passed to plot.
#' @param ... passed to \link[fpc]{pamk} (the current defaults criterion="asw" and usepam=TRUE can not be changes).
#' @seealso
#' \link[fpc]{pamk}, \link[cluster]{pam}, \link[cluster]{silhouette}.
#' @return
#' A \link[fpc]{pamk} output. This is a list with the following components:
#' 1) pamobject - The output of the optimal run of the pam-function.
#' 2) nc - the optimal number of clusters.
#' 3) crit - vector of criterion values for numbers of clusters. crit[1] is the p-value of the Duda-Hart test if 1 is in krange and diss=FALSE.
#' 4) k - a copy of nc (just to make it easier to extract - since k is often used in other functions)
#' @examples
#' dend <- iris[, -5] %>%
#' dist() %>%
#' hclust() %>%
#' as.dendrogram()
#' dend_k <- find_k(dend)
#' plot(dend_k)
#' plot(color_branches(dend, k = dend_k$nc))
#' library(cluster)
#' sil <- silhouette(dend_k$pamobject)
#' plot(sil)
#' dend <- USArrests %>%
#' dist() %>%
#' hclust(method = "ave") %>%
#' as.dendrogram()
#' dend_k <- find_k(dend)
#' plot(dend_k)
#' plot(color_branches(dend, k = dend_k$nc))
find_k <- function(dend, krange = 2:min(10, (nleaves(dend) - 1)), ...) {
# library(fpc)
# krange = 2:10
# criterion = "asw"
d <- cophenetic(dend) # this will work for both a dendrogram and an hclust object.
out <- pamk(d, krange = krange, criterion = "asw", usepam = TRUE, ...)
out$k <- out$nc # just to make it easier to find.
class(out) <- "find_k"
#' @export
#' @rdname find_k
plot.find_k <- function(x,
xlab = "Number of clusters (k)",
ylab = "Average silhouette width",
main = "Estimating the number of clusters using\n average silhouette width",
...) {
asw <- x$crit
k <- seq_along(x$crit)
col <- rep("black", length(k))
col[which.max(asw)] <- "red"
plot(asw ~ k,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
main = main,
type = "b",
las = 1,
col = col,
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