
Defines functions r_score_IM coef.rim print.rim plot.rim fit_domains fit_inter_ fit_inter

Documented in fit_domains fit_inter plot.rim r_score_IM

#' Estimate the Interaction and the Rasch model
#' Estimate the parameters of the Interaction model and the Rasch model
#' @param dataSrc a connection to a dexter database, a matrix, or a data.frame with columns: person_id, item_id, item_score
#' @param predicate An optional expression to subset data, if NULL all data is used
#' @return An object of class \code{rim} holding results
#' for the Rasch model and the interaction model.
#' @details Unlike the Rasch model, the interaction model cannot be computed
#' concurrently for a whole design of test forms. This function therefore fits the
#' Rasch model and the interaction model on complete data. 
#' This typically consist of responses to items in one booklet but can also consist of
#' the intersection (common items) in two or more booklets. If the intersection is empty
#' (no common items for all persons), the function will exit with an error message.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.rim}}, \code{\link{fit_domains}}
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_throttle_cores(1)}
#' db = start_new_project(verbAggrRules, ":memory:")
#' add_booklet(db, verbAggrData, "agg")
#' m = fit_inter(db, booklet_id=='agg')
#' plot(m, "S1DoScold", show.observed=TRUE)
#' close_project(db)
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_reset_cores()}
fit_inter = function(dataSrc, predicate = NULL)
  qtpredicate = eval(substitute(quote(predicate)))
  env = caller_env()
  fit_inter_(dataSrc, qtpredicate, env, regs=TRUE)

fit_inter_ = function(dataSrc, qtpredicate = NULL, env=NULL, regs=TRUE)
  respData = get_resp_data(dataSrc, qtpredicate, env = env, retain_person_id=FALSE) |>

    stop('no responses to analyse')

  ss = get_sufStats_im(respData)
  ssIS = ss$ssIS
  plt = ss$plt
  ssI = ssIS |>
    group_by(.data$item_id) |>
    summarise(nCat = n(), sufC = sum(.data$sufC_), item_maxscore = max(.data$item_score), 
              item_minscore = min(.data$item_score)) |>
    ungroup() |>
    mutate(first = cumsum(.data$nCat) - .data$nCat + 1L, last = cumsum(.data$nCat))  |>
    message('The following items have no score variation:')
    ssI |>
      filter(.data$nCat<2) |>
      pull(.data$item_id) |>
      as.character() |>
    stop("data contains items without score variation")

    message('The following items have no zero score category:')
    ssI |>
      filter(.data$item_minscore>0) |>
      pull(.data$item_id) |>
      as.character() |>
    stop("data contains items without zero score category")
  # theoretical max score on the test
  maxTestScore = sum(ssI$item_maxscore)

  # scoretab, include unachieved and impossible scores
  scoretab = plt |>
    select('booklet_score', 'N') |>
    distinct(.data$booklet_score, .keep_all=TRUE) |>
    right_join(tibble(booklet_score=0L:maxTestScore), by="booklet_score") |>
    mutate(N=coalesce(.data$N, 0L)) |>
    warning("every score can be reached in only one way, no data reduction possible")

  est = EstIM(first = ssI$first, last = ssI$last, nCat = ssI$nCat, a = ssIS$item_score, 
                 sufI = ssIS$sufI, sufC = ssI$sufC, scoretab = scoretab$N, regs=regs)

    est$itrRM = rowsum(est$ctrRM * ssIS$item_score, ssIS$item_id, reorder=FALSE)
    est$itrIM = rowsum(est$ctrIM * ssIS$item_score, ssIS$item_id, reorder=FALSE)
  output = list(est = est, 
                inputs = list(ssI = ssI, ssIS = ssIS, plt = plt, scoretab = scoretab, design=respData$design))
  class(output) = append("rim", class(output))

#' Estimate the Rasch and the Interaction model per domain
#' Estimate the parameters of the Rasch model and the Interaction model
#' @param dataSrc a connection to a dexter database or a data.frame with columns: person_id, item_id, item_score
#' @param predicate An optional expression to subset data, if NULL all data is used
#' @param item_property The item property defining the
#' domains (subtests)
#' @return An object of class \code{imp} holding results
#' for the Rasch model and the interaction model.
#' @details 
#' We have generalised the interaction model for items having more than two (potentially, a largish number) 
#' of response categories. This function represents scores on subtests as 
#' super-items and analyses these as normal items.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.rim}}, \code{\link{fit_inter}}, \code{\link{add_item_properties}}
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_throttle_cores(1)}
#' db = start_new_project(verbAggrRules, ":memory:")
#' add_booklet(db, verbAggrData, "agg")
#' add_item_properties(db, verbAggrProperties)
#' mSit = fit_domains(db, item_property= "situation")
#' plot(mSit)
#' close_project(db)
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_reset_cores()}
fit_domains = function(dataSrc, item_property, predicate = NULL)
  qtpredicate = eval(substitute(quote(predicate)))
  env = caller_env()

  get_resp_data(dataSrc, qtpredicate, extra_columns = item_property, env = env, retain_person_id=FALSE) |>
	  intersection_rd() |>
    polytomize_rd(item_property, protect_x = !is_db(dataSrc)) |>


#' A plot method for the interaction model
#' Plot the item-total regressions fit by the interaction (or Rasch) model
#' @param x An object produced by function \code{fit_inter}
#' @param items The items to plot (item_id's). If NULL, all items will be plotted
#' @param summate If FALSE, regressions for polytomous items will be shown for each
#' response option separately; default is TRUE.
#' @param overlay If TRUE and more than one item is specified, there will be two plots,
#' one for the Rasch model and the other for the interaction model, with all items
#' overlayed; otherwise, one plot for each item with the two models overlayed. Ignored
#' if summate is FALSE. Default is FALSE
#' @param curtains 100*the tail probability of the sum scores to be shaded. Default is 10.
#' Set to 0 to have no curtains shown at all.
#' @param show.observed If TRUE, the observed proportion correct at each sum score
#' will be shown as dots. Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... Any additional plotting parameters.
#' @details
#' Customization of title and subtitle can be done by using the arguments main and sub.
#' These arguments can contain references to the variables item_id (if overlay=FALSE) or model (if overlay=TRUE)
#' by prefixing them with a dollar sign, e.g. plot(m, main='item: $item_id')
#' @method plot rim
plot.rim = function(x, items=NULL, summate=TRUE, overlay=FALSE,
                     curtains=10, show.observed=TRUE, ...){
  allItems = as.character(x$inputs$ssI$item_id)
    if(length(setdiff(items, allItems)) > 0) 
      stop(paste('item(s):', paste0(setdiff(items, allItems), collapse=', '), 'not found'))
  } else
    items = allItems
  user.args = list(...)

  qua = curtains/200
  if(qua>0 && qua<.5) {
    #qnt = quantile(rep(as.integer(x$inputs$scoretab$booklet_score), x$inputs$scoretab$N), c(qua,1-qua))
    qnt = weighted_quantile(x$inputs$scoretab$booklet_score, x$inputs$scoretab$N, c(qua,1-qua))

  npic = length(items)

  max_score = ncol(x$est$itrRM)-1L
  scores = x$est$possible_scores
  zRM = x$est$itrRM[,scores+1L]
  zIM = x$est$itrIM[,scores+1L]
  if (overlay && !summate) overlay=FALSE
  if (overlay) 
    # only summate possible
    # do the Rasch model
    z = zRM[row.names(zRM) %in% items,]
    items = row.names(z)
    maxy = max(z[1,ncol(z)])

    plot.args = merge_arglists(user.args,
                               default=list(main="$model model",xlab="Test score",
                                            ylab="Item score", bty='l'),
                               override=list(x = c(0,max_score),y= c(0,maxy), type="n"))

    plot.args$main = fstr(plot.args$main, list(model='Rasch'))
    plot.args$sub = fstr(plot.args$sub, list(model='Rasch'))

    do.call(plot, plot.args)
    for (i in 1:npic) 
      lines(scores,z[i,]) # the actual lines
    lx = sample(scores, npic, replace = FALSE) # label the lines
    for (i in 1:npic) {
      points(lx[i], z[i,lx[i]+1], col="white", cex=1.6, pch=19)
      text(lx[i], z[i,lx[i]+1], items[i], co=1, cex=.6)
    # do the Interaction model
    z = zIM[row.names(zIM) %in% items,]

    plot.args = merge_arglists(user.args,
                               default=list(main="$model model",xlab="Test score",
                                            ylab="Item score", bty='l'),
                               override=list(x = c(0,max_score),y= c(0,maxy), type="n"))

    plot.args$main = fstr(plot.args$main, list(model='Interaction'))
    plot.args$sub = fstr(plot.args$sub, list(model='Interaction'))

    do.call(plot, plot.args)
    for (i in 1:npic) 
      lines(scores, z[i,])
    lx = sample(scores, npic, replace = FALSE) # label the lines
    for (i in 1:npic) {
      points(lx[i], z[i,lx[i]+1], col="white", cex=1.6, pch=19)
      text(lx[i], z[i,lx[i]+1], items[i], col=1, cex=.6)
    # end of overlay

  } else {
    # not overlay: do many plots
    if (summate) {
      # for each item in turn, do both models (with summation), and plot

      for (i in items) {
        maxy = zRM[row.names(zRM)==i,ncol(zRM)]

        plot.args = merge_arglists(user.args,
                                   default=list(main='Item $item_id',xlab="Test score",
                                                ylab="Item score", bty='l'),
                                   override=list(x = c(0,max_score),y = c(0,maxy), type="n"))

        plot.args$main = fstr(plot.args$main, list(item_id=i))
        plot.args$sub = fstr(plot.args$sub, list(item_id=i))

        do.call(plot, plot.args)

        if(show.observed) {
          plt = filter(x$inputs$plt, .data$item_id == i)
          points(plt$booklet_score, plt$meanScore, col="coral",pch=20)
        lines(scores, zIM[row.names(zIM)==i,], col="gray80", lwd=3)
        lines(scores, zRM[row.names(zRM)==i,])
    } else {
      zI = x$est$ctrIM[,scores+1L]
      zR = x$est$ctrRM[,scores+1L]
      # for each item in turn, similar but possibly multiline and coloured
      for (i in items) {
        ssI = filter(x$inputs$ssI, .data$item_id==i)
        prb = zI[ssI$first : ssI$last, ]
        pte = lighten(qcolors(nrow(prb)),.6)

        plot.args = merge_arglists(user.args,
                                   default=list(main='Item $item_id',xlab="Test score",
                                   override=list(x = c(0,max_score),y = 0:1, type="n"))

        plot.args$main = fstr(plot.args$main, list(item_id=i))
        plot.args$sub = fstr(plot.args$sub, list(item_id=i))

        do.call(plot, plot.args)

        for (j in 1:nrow(prb)) {
          lines(scores, prb[j,], col=pte[j], lwd=3)
        prb = zR[ssI$first : ssI$last,]
        pte = qcolors(nrow(prb))
        for (j in 1:nrow(prb)) {
          lines(scores, prb[j,], col=pte[j])
      } # eo items
    } # eo not summate
  } # eo not overlay

print.rim <- function(x, ...){
  res = paste0('Parameters for the Rasch and Interaction Model', 
               '\n\n# use plot() for plotting the Rasch and Interaction Model or coef() for retreiving the parameters\n')

coef.rim = function(object, ...) 
  x = object
  first = x$inputs$ssI$first
  last  = x$inputs$ssI$last
  report_RM = toOPLM(x$inputs$ssIS$item_score, x$est$bRM, first, last)
  report_IM = toOPLM(x$inputs$ssIS$item_score, x$est$bIM, first, last)
  IS = tibble(item_id = x$inputs$ssIS$item_id[-first], item_score = x$inputs$ssIS$item_score[-first],
              beta_rasch = as.vector(report_RM$beta), beta_IM = as.vector(report_IM$beta))
  I = tibble(item_id = x$inputs$ssI$item_id, sigma = log(x$est$cIM), SE_sigma= x$est$se.sigma, fit_IM=x$est$fit.stats)
  inner_join(IS,I,by='item_id') |> 
	  arrange(.data$item_id, .data$item_score) |> 
    mutate(item_id=as.character(.data$item_id)) |>

#' Simulation from the interaction model
#' Simulate item scores conditional on test scores using the interaction model
#' @param m an object produced by function \code{fit_inter}
#' @param scores vector of test scores
#' @return
#' a matrix with item scores, one column per item and one row per test score. Row order
#' equal to scores
r_score_IM = function(m, scores)
    stop('input `m` must be of class "rim"')
    # this does not yet work
    if('beta_IM' %in% colnames(m) && !'beta' %in% colnames(m))
      m$beta = m$beta_IM
    m = arrange(m,.data$item_id, .data$item_score)
    prms = simplify_parms(m)

    a = prms$a
    bIM = prms$b
    first = prms$items$first
    last = prms$items$last
    cIM = m$sigma
  } else if(inherits(m,'rim'))
    first = m$inputs$ssI$first
    last = m$inputs$ssI$last
    a = m$inputs$ssIS$item_score
    bIM = m$est$bIM
    cIM = m$est$cIM
  else stop('input `m` must be of class "rim"')
  maxs = sum(a[last])
    stop('scores may not be larger than the maximum score on the test')
    stop('all scores must be positive')
  scoretab = score_tab_single(scores, maxs)
  s = sampleIM(bIM,cIM,a,as.integer(first-1L), as.integer(last-1L), scoretab)

    s[1:scoretab[1],] = 0
    s[(nrow(s)-scoretab[maxs+1]+1):nrow(s),] = matrix(a[last], nrow=scoretab[maxs+1], ncol = ncol(s), byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(s) = m$inputs$ssI$item_id
    s = s[order(order(scores)),,drop=FALSE]


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