
#' Quantify droplets 
#' Cluster raw data from QX100 and QX200 systems.
#' @aliases ddpcRquant
#' @param path \code{character} path to diectory with raw data.
#' @param threshold.int \code{numeric} probability of the threshold quantile.
#' @param reps \code{numeric} vector representing the number of replications.
#' @param blocks \code{numeric} vector representing the number of blocks.
#' @param threshold.manual if \code{numeric}, the value is used as the threshold. If 
#' \code{NULL}, the threshold is calculated automatically.
#' @export
#' @note This function is a modification of code was implemented using the code found on
#' \url{http://www.ddpcrquant.ugent.be/}.
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{dpcr}} object.
#' @author Wim Trypsteen, Matthijs Vynck, Jan De Neve, Pawel Bonczkowski, Maja Kiselinova, 
#' Eva Malatinkova, Karen Vervisch, Olivier Thas, Linos Vandekerckhove, Ward De Spiegelaere.
#' @references Trypsteen W, Vynck M, De Neve J, Bonczkowski P, Kiselinova M, 
#' Malatinkova E, Vervisch K, Thas O, Vandekerckhove L, De Spiegelaere W, 
#' \emph{ddpcRquant: Threshold Determination for Single Channel Droplet Digital PCR 
#' Experiments}. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2015. 407(19): p.5827-34. 
#' @importFrom evd qgev fgev

ddpcRquant <- function(path, threshold.int = 0.9995, reps = 10, blocks = 150, threshold.manual = NULL) {
  all_files <- list.files(path)
  csv_files <- all_files[grepl("csv$", all_files)]
  raw_data_files <- csv_files[grepl("Amplitude", all_files)]
  summary_file <- read.csv(file = paste0(path, "/", csv_files[!grepl("Amplitude", all_files)]), 
                           header = TRUE, row.names  = NULL)
  summary_file[, c("Well","Sample","TypeAssay","Assay")]
  df2dpcr(do.call(rbind, lapply(unique(summary_file[["Assay"]]), function(single_assay) {
    dat <- summary_file[summary_file[["Assay"]] == single_assay, c("Well","Sample","TypeAssay","Assay")]
    channel <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(unique(dat[["TypeAssay"]])), 3, 3))
    ntc_wells <- as.character(dat[grepl("NTC", dat[["Sample"]], ignore.case = TRUE), "Well"])
    ntc_processed <- lapply(raw_data_files[sapply(ntc_wells, function(single_well) grep(single_well, raw_data_files))],
                            function(single_file) {
                              fluo_dat <- read.csv(file = paste0(path, "/", single_file), header = TRUE, row.names  = NULL)[, channel]
                              corr_factor <- hsm(fluo_dat)
                              list(fluo_dat = fluo_dat - corr_factor,
                                   corr_factor = corr_factor)
    ntc_file <- unlist(lapply(ntc_processed, function(i) i[["fluo_dat"]]))
    # deviation from original script, since we introduce mean
    corr_factor <- mean(unlist(lapply(ntc_processed, function(i) i[["corr_factor"]])), na.rm = TRUE)
    quantgev <- sapply(1L:reps, function(dummy_variable) {
      ### block creation
      random_ntc_file <- sample(ntc_file)
      ### determine maxima of subsamples
      signal.maxima <- sapply(base::split(random_ntc_file, ceiling(seq_along(ntc_file)/(length(ntc_file)/blocks))), 
      ## fit the GEV model using ML
      droplet.fit <- try(fgev(signal.maxima), silent=TRUE)
      quantgev_value <- try(qgev(threshold.int, droplet.fit[["estimate"]][1],
                                 droplet.fit[["estimate"]][2], droplet.fit[["estimate"]][3]), silent = TRUE)
      unname(ifelse(quantgev_value > max(random_ntc_file) + 3000, NA, quantgev_value))
    threshold <- if(threshold.manual == FALSE) {
      #calculate final threshold
      mean(quantgev, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else { 
    sample_wells <- sapply(as.character(dat[["Well"]]), function(single_well) grep(single_well, raw_data_files))
    cbind(do.call(rbind, lapply(raw_data_files[sample_wells], function(single_file) {
      fluo_dat <- sample(read.csv(file = paste0(path, "/", single_file), 
                                  header = TRUE, row.names  = NULL)[, channel])
      window <- subset(fluo_dat, fluo_dat < threshold + corr_factor) 
      window.mode <- hsm(window)
      random_sample_file_corr <- fluo_dat - ifelse(is.na(window.mode), 0, window.mode)
      data.frame(#file = single_file,
        k = sum(random_sample_file_corr>threshold), 
        n = length(random_sample_file_corr),
        v = 0.91,
        uv = 0)
    })), assay = single_assay, experiment = dat[["Sample"]], replicate = 1)

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dpcR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:04 a.m.