
Defines functions info.nests

Documented in info.nests

#' Calculate statistics about nests
#' @title Calculte statistics about nests
#' @author Marc Girondot \email{marc.girondot@@gmail.com}
#' @return Return or the total likelihood or a list with $metric and $summary depending on out parameter
#' @param x A set of parameters to model the embryo growth thermal reaction norm or a NestsResult object.
#' @param parameters A set of parameters to model the embryo growth thermal reaction norm. It will replace the parameters included in NestsResult (same as x).
#' @param NestsResult A NestsResult object generated by searchR to model the embryo growth thermal reaction
#' @param resultmcmc A mcmc result for embryo growth thermal reaction norm
#' @param hessian An hessian matrix for embryo growth thermal reaction norm. It will replace the hessian matrix included in NestResult object.
#' @param GTRN.CI How to estimate CI for embryo growth thermal reaction norm; can be NULL, "SE", "MCMC", or "Hessian".
#' @param fixed.parameters A set of fixed parameters to model the embryo growth thermal reaction norm. It will replace the fixed parameters included in NestsResult.
#' @param SE Standard error for each parameter. It will replace the SE in NestsResult. Use SE=NA to remove SE from NestResult
#' @param temperatures Timeseries of temperatures formatted using formatNests(). It will replace the one in NestsResult.
#' @param integral Function used to fit embryo growth: integral.Gompertz, integral.exponential or integral.linear. It will replace the one in NestsResult.
#' @param derivate Function used to fit embryo growth: dydt.Gompertz, dydt.exponential or dydt.linear. It will replace the one in NestsResult.
#' @param hatchling.metric Mean and SD of size of hatchlings. It will replace the one in NestsResult.
#' @param weight Weights of the different nests to estimate likelihood. It will replace the ones in NestsResult.
#' @param stop.at.hatchling.metric TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the model stops when proxy of size reached the mean hatchling.metric size.
#' @param M0 Measure of hatchling size proxi at laying date. It will replace the one in NestsResult.
#' @param SexualisationTRN A set of parameters used to model sexualisation thermal reaction norm during TSP or a result of STRN()
#' @param SexualisationTRN.mcmc A mcmc object obtained from STRN_MHmcmc() to generate variability for sexualisation thermal reaction norm during TSP
#' @param SexualisationTRN.CI How to estimate CI of sexualisation thermal reaction norm. Can be NULL, "SE", "MCMC", or "Hessian".
#' @param series The name or number of the series to be estimated.
#' @param TSP.borders The limits of TSP in stages. See embryo.stages parameter.
#' @param embryo.stages The embryo stages. At least TSP.borders stages must be provided to estimate TSP borders. See note.
#' @param TSP.begin Where TSP begin during the stage of beginning? In relative proportion of the stage.
#' @param TSP.end Where TSP begin during the stage of ending? In relative proportion of the stage.
#' @param replicate.CI Number of replicates to estimate CI. See description
#' @param metabolic.heating Degrees Celsius to be added at the end of incubation due to metabolic heating.
#' @param temperature.heterogeneity SD of heterogeneity of temperatures. Can be 2 values, sd_low and sd_high and then HelpersMG::r2norm() is used.
#' @param fill Number of minutes between two records. Create new one if they do not exist. NULL does not change the time of temperature recordings.
#' @param probs Probabilities for metric quantiles.
#' @param out Can take the values of "likelihood", "summary", "metric" or "dynamic".
#' @param metric.end.incubation The metric at the end of incubation used to calibrate TSP size. Can be "hatchling.metric", or "observed".
#' @param progressbar If FALSE, the progress bar is not shown (useful for using with sweave or knitr)
#' @param warnings If FALSE, does not show warnings
#' @param parallel If TRUE use parallel version for nests estimation
#' @param tsd A object from tsd() that describe the thermal react norm of sex ratio at constant temperatures
#' @param tsd.mcmc A object from tsd_MHmcmc() .
#' @param tsd.CI How to estimate CI for sex ratio thermal reaction norm; Can be NULL, "SE", "MCMC", or "Hessian".
#' @param zero Value to replace 0 or 1.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, show more information.
#' @description This function calculates many statistics about nests.\cr
#' The embryo.stages is a named vector with relative size as compared to final size at the beginning of the stage. Names are the stages.\cr
#' For example for SCL in Caretta caretta:\cr
#' embryo.stages=structure(c(8.4, 9.4, 13.6, 13.8, 18.9, 23.5, 32.2, 35.2, 35.5, 38.5)/39.33), \cr
#' .Names = c("21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31"))\cr
#' indicates that the stages 21 begins at the relative size of 8.4/39.33 as compared to the final size.\cr
#' Series can be indicated as the name of the series, their numbers or series or succession of TRUE or FALSE. "all" indicates that all series must be analyzed.\cr
#' The likelihood object is just the total likelihood of the data in the model.\cr
#' If one parameter is named "pipping_emergence" it is used as the number of days between pipping and emergence to calculate the 1/3 and 2/3 of incubation.\cr
#' The summary object is a data.frame composed of these elements with the suffix .mean, .se or .quantile_x with x from the parameter probs.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{Temperature.max} Maximum temperature recorded during incubation
#'   \item \code{TimeWeighted.temperature} Average temperature during all incubation
#'   \item \code{GrowthWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by the actual growth during all incubation
#'   \item \code{TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by the growth rate during all incubation
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.temperature} Average temperature during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.GrowthWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by the actual growth during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by the growth rate during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by the thermal reaction norm of sexualization during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by actual growth and the thermal reaction norm of sexualization during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by growth rate and the thermal reaction norm of sexualization during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.length} TSP duration
#'   \item \code{TSP.begin} Beginning of the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.end} End of the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.PM.GrowthWeighted} Average of male probability for each temperature weighted by actual growth during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.PM.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted} Average of male probability for each temperature weighted by growth rate during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.PM.TimeWeighted} Average of male probability for each temperature during the TSP
#'   \item \code{Incubation.length} Incubation length duration
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.length} Middle third incubation duration
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.begin} Beginning of the middle third incubation duration
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.end} End of the middle third incubation duration
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.temperature} Average temperature during the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by the actual growth during the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature} Average temperature weighted by the growth rate during the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.GrowthWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by the actual growth during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by the growth rate during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by the thermal reaction norm of sexualization during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by the actual growth and thermal reaction norm of sexualization during the TSP
#'   \item \code{TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by the growth rate and the thermal reaction norm of sexualization during the TSP
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature during the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by actual growth during the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by growth rate during the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{TimeWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature during all incubation
#'   \item \code{GrowthWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by actual growth during all incubation
#'   \item \code{TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio} Sex ratio based on average temperature weighted by growth rate during all incubation
#' }
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{summary}, the return is a list with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{summary} is a data.frame with statistics for each nest.
#'   \item \code{dynamic.metric} object is a list composed of data.frames with the dynamics of growth for each nest. It showed only temperatures from original dataset.
#'   \item \code{summary.dynamic.metric} is a data.frame with the following columns with the suffix .mean, .se or .quantile_x with x from the parameter probs.
#' }
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{metric}, the return is a list with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{dynamic.metric} object is a list composed of data.frames with the dynamics of growth for each nest
#'   \item \code{indices.dynamic.metric} is a data.frame with the following columns.
#' }
#' The object \code{summary.dynamic.metric} or \code{indices.dynamic.metric} is a data.frame with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{series} Name of the series
#'   \item \code{metric.begin.tsp} Metric at the beginning of TSP
#'   \item \code{metric.end.tsp} Metric at the end of TSP
#'   \item \code{hatchling.metric.mean} Average expected size of hatchlings
#'   \item \code{hatchling.metric.sd} standard deviation of expected size of hatchlings
#'   \item \code{time.begin.tsp} Time at the beginning of TSP
#'   \item \code{time.end.tsp} Time at the end of TSP
#'   \item \code{time.begin.middlethird} Time at the beginning of the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{time.end.middlethird} Time at the end of the middle third incubation
#'   \item \code{stop.at.hatchling.metric} Take the value of NA if stop.at.hatchling.metric was FALSE. TRUE if at least one incubation series was longer than hatchling size and FALSE at contrary
#'   \item \code{stop.at.hatchling.metric} Take the value of NA if stop.at.hatchling.metric was FALSE. TRUE if at least one incubation series was longer than hatchling size and FALSE at contrary
#'   \item \code{stop.at.hatchling.metric} Take the value of NA if stop.at.hatchling.metric was FALSE. TRUE if at least one incubation series was longer than hatchling size and FALSE at contrary
#'   \item \code{stop.at.hatchling.metric} Take the value of NA if stop.at.hatchling.metric was FALSE. TRUE if at least one incubation series was longer than hatchling size and FALSE at contrary
#'   \item \code{stop.at.hatchling.metric} Take the value of NA if stop.at.hatchling.metric was FALSE. TRUE if at least one incubation series was longer than hatchling size and FALSE at contrary
#'   \item \code{stop.at.hatchling.metric} Take the value of NA if stop.at.hatchling.metric was FALSE. TRUE if at least one incubation series was longer than hatchling size and FALSE at contrary
#' }
#' If you indicate new set of temperatures, you must probably also indicate new hatchling.metric values.\cr
#' Note: four species have predefined embryo stages. embryo.stages parameter can take the values:\cr
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{Caretta caretta.SCL}
#'   \item \code{Chelonia mydas.SCL}
#'   \item \code{Emys orbicularis.SCL}
#'   \item \code{Emys orbicularis.mass}
#'   \item \code{Podocnemis expansa.SCL}
#'   \item \code{Lepidochelys olivacea.SCL}
#'   \item \code{Generic.ProportionDevelopment}
#'   }
#' But remember that mass is not the best proxy to describe the growth of an embryo because it can decrease if the substrate becomes dry.\cr
#' The progress bar is based on both replicates and timeseries progress. It necessitates the pbapply package.\cr
#' If replicate.CI is null or 0, only maximum likelihood is used and no confidence interval is calculated.\cr
#' If replicate.CI is 1, one random value for the parameters is used but no confidence interval is calculated.\cr
#' In other cases, replicate.CI random samples are used to estimate confidence interval.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(embryogrowth)
#' data(resultNest_4p_SSM)
#' # Some basic calculations to show the advantage of parallel computing
#' system.time(summary.nests <- info.nests(x=resultNest_4p_SSM, out="summary", 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", replicate.CI=0, parallel=FALSE))
#' system.time(summary.nests <- info.nests(x=resultNest_4p_SSM, out="summary", 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", replicate.CI=0, parallel=TRUE))
#' system.time(summary.nests <- info.nests(x=resultNest_4p_SSM, out="summary", 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", replicate.CI=0, parallel=TRUE, progressbar=TRUE))
#' system.time(summary.nests <- info.nests(x=resultNest_4p_SSM, out="likelihood", 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", replicate.CI=0, parallel=TRUE, progressbar=FALSE))
#' # By default parallel computing is TRUE but progressbar is FALSE
#' # When out is "likelihood", it returns only the likelihood
#' # otherwise, it returns a list with 3 objects "summary", 
#' #        "dynamic.metric", and "summary.dynamic.metric".
#' summary.nests <- info.nests(resultNest_4p_SSM, out="summary", 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", 
#'   replicate.CI=100, 
#'   resultmcmc=resultNest_mcmc_4p_SSM, 
#'   GTRN.CI="MCMC", 
#'   progressbar=TRUE)
#' summary.nests <- info.nests(resultNest_4p_SSM, 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", 
#'   out="summary", replicate.CI=100, 
#'   GTRN.CI="Hessian", 
#'   progressbar=TRUE)
#' summary.nests <- info.nests(resultNest_4p_SSM, 
#'   series = 1, 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", 
#'   out="summary", replicate.CI=100, 
#'   GTRN.CI="SE", 
#'   progressbar=TRUE)
#' # Example of use of embryo.stages and TSP.borders:
#'   summary.nests <- info.nests(resultNest_4p_SSM, out="summary", 
#'                             embryo.stages=c("10"=0.33, "11"=0.33, "12"=0.66, "13"=0.66), 
#'                             TSP.borders = c(10, 12), 
#'                             replicate.CI=100,
#'                             progressbar=TRUE)
#' #########################################
#' # Sex ratio using Massey et al. method PM
#' #########################################
#' # Massey, M.D., Holt, S.M., Brooks, R.J., Rollinson, N., 2019. Measurement 
#' # and modelling of primary sex ratios for species with temperature-dependent 
#' # sex determination. J Exp Biol 222, 1-9.
#' CC_Mediterranean <- subset(DatabaseTSD, RMU=="Mediterranean" & 
#' Species=="Caretta caretta" & (!is.na(Sexed) & Sexed!=0))
#' tsdL <- with (CC_Mediterranean, tsd(males=Males, females=Females, 
#'                                     temperatures=Incubation.temperature, 
#'                                     equation="logistic", replicate.CI=NULL))
#' PM <- info.nests(x=resultNest_4p_SSM, 
#'   GTRN.CI="Hessian", tsd.CI="Hessian", 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", replicate.CI=100, 
#'   out="summary", progressbar=TRUE, tsd=tsdL)
#' plot_errbar(x=PM$summary$TimeWeighted.temperature.mean, 
#'             y=PM$summary$TSP.PM.GrowthWeighted.mean, 
#'             y.minus=PM$summary$TSP.PM.GrowthWeighted.quantile_0.025, 
#'             y.plus=PM$summary$TSP.PM.GrowthWeighted.quantile_0.975, 
#'             xlab="CTE SCL growth", 
#'             ylab="PM Massey et al. 2016", xlim=c(26, 32), ylim=c(0, 1), las=1)
#' # Relationship between growth and growth rate
#' infoall.df <- info.nests(x=resultNest_4p_SSM, out="summary", 
#'   embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL", 
#'   replicate.CI=100, 
#'   resultmcmc=resultNest_mcmc_4p_SSM, 
#'   GTRN.CI="MCMC", 
#'   progressbar=TRUE)
#'   layout(1)
#' plot(x=infoall.df$dynamic.metric[[1]][, "Time"], 
#'      y=infoall.df$dynamic.metric[[1]][, "Metric_50%"], 
#'      type="l", las=1, bty="n", 
#'      xlab="Time in minute", ylab="Growth", ylim=c(0, 39), xlim=c(0, 100000))
#' lines(x=infoall.df$dynamic.metric[[1]][, "Time"], 
#'      y=infoall.df$dynamic.metric[[1]][, "Metric_2.5%"], lty=2)
#' lines(x=infoall.df$dynamic.metric[[1]][, "Time"], 
#'      y=infoall.df$dynamic.metric[[1]][, "Metric_97.5%"], lty=2)
#' }
#' @export

info.nests <- function(x=NULL                                                  , 
                       parameters=NULL                                         , 
                       NestsResult=NULL                                        , 
                       resultmcmc=NULL                                         ,
                       hessian=NULL                                            ,
                       GTRN.CI=NULL                                            , 
                       fixed.parameters=NULL                                   , 
                       SE=NULL                                                 , 
                       temperatures=NULL                                       , 
                       integral=NULL                                           , 
                       derivate=NULL                                           , 
                       hatchling.metric=NULL                                   , 
                       stop.at.hatchling.metric=FALSE                          , 
                       M0=NULL                                                 , 
                       series="all"                                            ,
                       TSP.borders=NULL                                        , 
                       embryo.stages=NULL                                      ,
                       TSP.begin=0                                             , 
                       TSP.end=0.5                                             , 
                       replicate.CI=0                                          , 
                       weight=NULL                                             , 
                       out="likelihood"                                        , 
                       fill=NULL                                               ,
                       probs= c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)                             , 
                       SexualisationTRN=NULL                                   , 
                       SexualisationTRN.mcmc=NULL                              , 
                       SexualisationTRN.CI=NULL                                , 
                       metric.end.incubation="observed"                        ,
                       metabolic.heating=0                                     , 
                       temperature.heterogeneity=0                             , 
                       progressbar=FALSE                                       , 
                       warnings=TRUE                                           , 
                       parallel=TRUE                                           , 
                       tsd=NULL                                                , 
                       tsd.CI=NULL                                             , 
                       tsd.mcmc=NULL                                           , 
                       zero = 1E-9                                             , 
                       verbose = FALSE                                         ) {
  # parameters=NULL; temperatures=NULL; fixed.parameters=NULL
  # integral=NULL; hatchling.metric=NULL; derivate=NULL 
  # weight=NULL; M0=NULL
  # x=NULL; NestsResult=NULL; resultmcmc=NULL
  # SE=NULL; hessian=NULL 
  # GTRN.CI=NULL; temperature.heterogeneity=0; metabolic.heating=0
  # stop.at.hatchling.metric=FALSE; series="all"; TSP.borders=NULL
  # embryo.stages=NULL
  # TSP.begin=0; TSP.end=0.5; replicate.CI=100; out="Likelihood"
  # probs= c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)
  # fill=NULL; SexualisationTRN.CI=NULL
  # SexualisationTRN=NULL;SexualisationTRN.mcmc=NULL
  # metric.end.incubation="observed"
  # progressbar=FALSE;warnings=TRUE; parallel=TRUE
  # tsd=NULL; tsd.CI=NULL; tsd.mcmc=NULL
  # verbose = FALSE
  # NestsResult=resultNest_Florida
  # series=1:156
  # embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL" 
  # TSP.borders=NULL
  # TSP.begin=0 
  # TSP.end=0.5 
  # SexualisationTRN=c('DHA' = 65.329132145227575, 'DHH' = 811.18443404950051, 'T12H' = 655.01294236106037)
  # out="summary"
  # replicate.CI = 0 
  # progressbar=FALSE 
  # parallel=TRUE
  # x=resultNest_4p_SSM; out <- "summary"; embryo.stages="fitted"; replicate.CI=0; GTRN.CI="Hessian"; parallel=TRUE
  # SexualisationTRN <- c('BeginTSP' = -1e+05, 'LengthTSP' = 0.96604492361218408)
  #  x=resultNest_4p_SSM; out <- "summary"; embryo.stages="Caretta caretta.SCL"; replicate.CI=100; GTRN.CI="Hessian"; parallel=TRUE
  metric.end.incubation <- match.arg(arg=tolower(metric.end.incubation), choices=c("hatchling.metric", "observed"))
  if ((metric.end.incubation == "observed") & stop.at.hatchling.metric) {
    stop("The option metric.end.incubation == 'observed' is not compatible with stop.at.hatchling.metric being TRUE")
  SSM <- getFromNamespace(".SSM", ns="embryogrowth")
  papply <- ifelse(parallel, detectCores(), 1)
  if (inherits(x, "NestsResult")) 
    NestsResult <- x
  if (inherits(x, "numeric")) 
    parameters <- x
  out <- tolower(out)
  out <- match.arg(out, choices = c("likelihood", "metric", "summary", "dynamic"), several.ok = FALSE)
  TSP.list <- embryogrowth::TSP.list
  if (inherits(NestsResult, "NestsResult")) { 
    # temperatures est un objet Nests
    if (is.null(hessian)) hessian <- NestsResult$hessian
    if (is.null(temperatures)) {
      temperatures <- NestsResult$data
      if (is.null(hatchling.metric)) hatchling.metric <- NestsResult$hatchling.metric
    if (is.null(integral)) integral <- NestsResult$integral
    if (is.null(derivate)) derivate <- NestsResult$derivate
    if (is.null(weight)) weight <- NestsResult$weight
    if (is.null(M0)) M0 <- NestsResult$M0
    if (is.null(fixed.parameters)) fixed.parameters <- NestsResult$fixed.parameters
    if (is.null(SE)) SE <- NestsResult$SE
    if (is.null(parameters)) parameters <- NestsResult$par
  } else {
    if (is.numeric(NestsResult) & is.null(parameters)) parameters <- NestsResult
  if (!is.null(integral)) {
    if (!is.null(derivate)) {
      if (warnings) warning("Both derivate and integral cannot be supplied. Only integral parameter will be used")
      derivate <- NULL
  GTRN.CI <- ifelse(is.null(GTRN.CI), "null", GTRN.CI)
  tsd.CI <- ifelse(is.null(tsd.CI), "null", tsd.CI)
  SexualisationTRN.CI <- ifelse(is.null(SexualisationTRN.CI), "null", SexualisationTRN.CI)
  if (is.null(replicate.CI)) replicate.CI <- 0
  # Si je ne fais que la vraisemblance, je n'ai pas besoin de CI
  if (out == "likelihood") {
    if (replicate.CI != 0) {
      if (warnings) warning("No replicate can be used for likelihood out.")
      replicate.CI <- 0
  if (replicate.CI == 0) {
    GTRN.CI <- "null"
    SexualisationTRN.CI <- "null"
    tsd.CI <- "null"
  if ((GTRN.CI == "null") & (tsd.CI == "null") & (SexualisationTRN.CI == "null")) {
    # 15/9/2019: C'est une valeur mais sans resampling
    replicate.CI <- 0
  ####################################### #
  # vérifie la conformité de GTRN.CI  #####
  ####################################### #
  # GTRN.CI How to estimate CI for embryo growth thermal reaction norm; can be NULL, "SE", "MCMC", "pseudohessianfrommcmc", or "Hessian".
  GTRN.CI <- tolower(GTRN.CI)
  GTRN.CI <- match.arg(GTRN.CI, choices = c("null", "se", "mcmc", "hessian", "pseudohessianfrommcmc"))
  if ((GTRN.CI == "mcmc" | GTRN.CI == "pseudohessianfrommcmc") & is.null(resultmcmc)) {
    GTRN.CIr <- "null"
    if (warnings) warning("GTRN.CI is indicated as MCMC but no resultmcmc is available.")
  if (!is.null(SE[1])) if (all(is.na(SE[])))  SE <- NULL
  if ((GTRN.CI == "se") & is.null(SE)) {
    GTRN.CIr <- "null"
    if (warnings) warning("GTRN.CI is indicated as SE but no SE is available.")
  if (GTRN.CI == "hessian" & is.null(hessian)) {
    GTRN.CIr <- "null"
    if (warnings) warning("GTRN.CI is indicated as Hessian but no Hessian matrix is available.")
  ################################################### #
  # vérifie la conformité de SexualisationTRN.CI  #####
  ################################################### #
  # SexualisationTRN.CI How to estimate CI for sexualization thermal reaction norm; can be NULL, "SE", "MCMC", "pseudohessianfrommcmc" or "Hessian".
  SexualisationTRN.CI <- tolower(SexualisationTRN.CI)
  SexualisationTRN.CI <- match.arg(SexualisationTRN.CI, choices = c("null", "se", "mcmc", "hessian", "pseudohessianfrommcmc"))
  SexualisationTRN.CIr <- SexualisationTRN.CI
  if ((SexualisationTRN.CI == "mcmc" | SexualisationTRN.CI == "pseudohessianfrommcmc") & is.null(SexualisationTRN.mcmc)) {
    SexualisationTRN.CIr <- "null"
    if (warnings) warning("SexualisationTRN.CI is indicated as MCMC but no SexualisationTRN.mcmc is available.")
  if (SexualisationTRN.CI == "hessian") {
    if (is.list(SexualisationTRN)) {
      if (is.null(SexualisationTRN$hessian)) {
        SexualisationTRN.CIr <- "null"
    } else {
      SexualisationTRN.CIr <- "null"
    if ((SexualisationTRN.CIr == "null") & warnings) warning("SexualisationTRN.CI is indicated as Hessian but no Hessian matrix is available.")
  if (SexualisationTRN.CI == "se") {
    if (is.list(SexualisationTRN)) {
      if (is.null(SexualisationTRN$SE)) {
        SexualisationTRN.CIr <- "null"
    } else {
      SexualisationTRN.CIr <- "null"
    if ((SexualisationTRN.CIr == "null") & warnings) warning("SexualisationTRN.CI is indicated as SE but no SE is available.")
  SexualisationTRN.CI <- SexualisationTRN.CIr
  ###################################### #
  # vérifie la conformité de tsd.CI  #####
  ###################################### #
  # tsd.CI How to estimate CI for sex ratio thermal reaction norm; can be NULL, "SE", "MCMC", "pseudohessianfrommcmc" or "Hessian".
  tsd.CI <- tolower(tsd.CI)
  tsd.CI <- match.arg(tsd.CI, choices = c("null", "se", "mcmc", "hessian", "pseudohessianfrommcmc"))
  tsd.CIr <- tsd.CI
  if ((tsd.CI == "mcmc" | tsd.CI == "pseudohessianfrommcmc") & is.null(tsd.mcmc)) {
    tsd.CIr <- "null"
    if (warnings) warning("tsd.CI is indicated as MCMC but no tsd.mcmc is available.")
  if (tsd.CI == "hessian") {
    if (is.list(tsd)) {
      if (is.null(tsd$hessian)) {
        tsd.CIr <- "null"
    } else {
      tsd.CIr <- "null"
    if ((tsd.CIr == "null") & warnings) warning("tsd.CI is indicated as Hessian but no Hessian matrix is available.")
  if (tsd.CI == "se") {
    if (is.list(tsd)) {
      if (is.null(tsd$SE)) {
        tsd.CIr <- "null"
    } else {
      tsd.CIr <- "null"
    if ((tsd.CIr == "null") & warnings) warning("tsd.CI is indicated as SE but no SE is available.")
  tsd.CI <- tsd.CIr
  ################################################### #
  # Prepare  logicTransition et pipping_emergence #####
  ################################################### #
  # dans x j'ai les parametres a ajuster
  # Il faut que je rajoute les fixes - 16/7/2012
  totpar <- c(parameters, fixed.parameters)
  if (is.na(totpar["pipping_emergence"])) fixed.parameters <- c(fixed.parameters, pipping_emergence=0)
  # logictransition vaut FALSE s'il n'y en a pas
  logicTransition <- !(is.na(totpar["transition_P"]) | is.na(totpar["transition_S"]))
  ##################################### #
  # Créé la matrice des random GTRN #####
  ##################################### #
  if (!is.null(SE)) SE <- ifelse(is.infinite(SE), 0, SE)
  df_random <- RandomFromHessianOrMCMC(fitted.parameters = parameters      , 
                                       fixed.parameters = fixed.parameters , 
                                       se = SE                             ,
                                       mcmc = resultmcmc                   , 
                                       Hessian = hessian                   , 
                                       method = GTRN.CI                    , 
                                       replicates = replicate.CI           ,
                                       chain=1                              , 
                                       regularThin=TRUE                     , 
                                       MinMax=NULL                          , 
                                       probs=c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)           , 
                                       fn=NULL                              , 
                                       silent=TRUE                          , 
                                       ParTofn="par"                        )$random
  ##################################### #
  # Créé la matrice des random STRN #####
  ##################################### #
  if (is.list(SexualisationTRN)) {
    fitted.parameters_SexualisationTRN <- SexualisationTRN$par
    fixed.parameters_SexualisationTRN <- SexualisationTRN$fixed.parameters
    SexualisationTRN_SE <- SexualisationTRN$SE
    SexualisationTRN_Hessian <- SexualisationTRN$hessian
  } else {
    fitted.parameters_SexualisationTRN <- SexualisationTRN
    fixed.parameters_SexualisationTRN <- NULL
    SexualisationTRN_SE <- NULL
    SexualisationTRN_Hessian <- NULL
  if (is.null(fixed.parameters_SexualisationTRN) & is.null(fitted.parameters_SexualisationTRN)) {
    df_random_SexualisationTRN <- NULL
    SexualisationTRN.CI <- "null"
  } else {
    if (!is.null(SexualisationTRN_SE)) SexualisationTRN_SE <- ifelse(is.infinite(SexualisationTRN_SE), 0, SexualisationTRN_SE)
    df_random_SexualisationTRN <- RandomFromHessianOrMCMC(fitted.parameters = fitted.parameters_SexualisationTRN, 
                                                          fixed.parameters = fixed.parameters_SexualisationTRN, 
                                                          mcmc = SexualisationTRN.mcmc,
                                                          se = SexualisationTRN_SE, 
                                                          method = SexualisationTRN.CI, 
                                                          Hessian = SexualisationTRN_Hessian,
                                                          replicates = replicate.CI)$random
  ##################################### #
  # Créé la matrice des random tsd #####
  ##################################### #
  tsd_fitted.parameters <- tsd$par
  tsd_fixed.parameters <- tsd$fixed.parameters
  if (is.null(tsd_fitted.parameters) & is.null(tsd_fixed.parameters)) {
    df_random_tsd <- NULL
    tsd.CI <- "null"
  } else {
    tsd_SE <- tsd$SE
    tsd_SE <- ifelse(is.infinite(tsd_SE), 0, tsd_SE)
    df_random_tsd <- RandomFromHessianOrMCMC(fitted.parameters = tsd_fitted.parameters, 
                                             fixed.parameters = tsd_fixed.parameters, 
                                             mcmc = tsd.mcmc, 
                                             se = tsd_SE, 
                                             Hessian = tsd$hessian, 
                                             method = tsd.CI, 
                                             replicates = replicate.CI)$random
  ##################################### #
  # concatène les df_random         #####
  ##################################### #
  # if (!is.null(df_random_SexualisationTRN)) {
  #   df_random <- cbind(df_random, df_random_SexualisationTRN)
  # }
  # if (!is.null(df_random_tsd)) {
  #   df_random <- cbind(df_random, df_random_tsd)
  # }
  # df_random, df_random_tsd, df_random_SexualisationTRN
  ##################################### #
  # Je sors les séries que je travaille
  ##################################### #
  NBTs <- temperatures[["IndiceT"]]["NbTS"]
  if (is.null(series[1]) | (series[1]=="all")) {
    series <- rep(TRUE, NBTs)
  # Je ne garde que les series que je dois travailler
  temperatures_ec <- temperatures[1:NBTs][series]
  if (any(is.na(names(temperatures_ec)))) {
    stop("The names of 'series' does not exist in series of temperature within 'NestsResult'")
  # Dans NBTs j'ai maintenant le nombre de series a travailler
  NBTs <- length(temperatures_ec)
  # dans name j'ai le nom des series que je vais travailler
  name <- names(temperatures_ec)
  names(name) <- name
  # Je crée le df_random en rajoutant une colonne pour la série température
  df_random <- as.data.frame(df_random)
  df_random <- cbind(Series=rep(name[1], nrow(df_random)), df_random)
  df_random_ec <- df_random
  if (length(name) > 1) {
    for (n in name[-1]) {
      df_random_ec[, "Series"] <- rep(n, nrow(df_random_ec))
      df_random <- rbind(df_random, df_random_ec)
  df_random_tsd <- as.data.frame(df_random_tsd)
  df_random_tsd <- cbind(Series=rep(name[1], nrow(df_random_tsd)), df_random_tsd)
  df_random_tsd_ec <- df_random_tsd
  if (length(name) > 1) {
    for (n in name[-1]) {
      df_random_tsd_ec[, "Series"] <- rep(n, nrow(df_random_tsd_ec))
      df_random_tsd <- rbind(df_random_tsd, df_random_tsd_ec)
  df_random_SexualisationTRN <- as.data.frame(df_random_SexualisationTRN)
  df_random_SexualisationTRN <- cbind(Series=rep(name[1], nrow(df_random_SexualisationTRN)), df_random_SexualisationTRN)
  df_random_SexualisationTRN_ec <- df_random_SexualisationTRN
  if (length(name) > 1) {
    for (n in name[-1]) {
      df_random_SexualisationTRN_ec[, "Series"] <- rep(n, nrow(df_random_SexualisationTRN_ec))
      df_random_SexualisationTRN <- rbind(df_random_SexualisationTRN, df_random_SexualisationTRN_ec)
  ##################################### #
  # Les tailles finales attendues
  ##################################### #
  # Je crée un dataframe dans hatchling.metric
  if (inherits(hatchling.metric, "numeric")) { 
    hatchling.metric <- data.frame(Mean=rep(hatchling.metric["Mean"], NBTs), 
                                   SD=rep(hatchling.metric["SD"], NBTs), row.names=name)
  if (is.null(hatchling.metric) | any(is.na(hatchling.metric[name, "Mean"]))) {
    # si tous sont pareils, je reprends les memes
    # Correction d'un bug, rajout de [[1]] dans result$hatchling.metric["Mean"][[1]][1] 30/7/2012
    if (all(NestsResult$hatchling.metric["Mean"]==NestsResult$hatchling.metric["Mean"][[1]][1]) & 
        all(NestsResult$hatchling.metric["SD"]==NestsResult$hatchling.metric["SD"][[1]][1])) {
      hatchling.metric <- c(Mean=NestsResult$hatchling.metric["Mean"][[1]][1], SD=NestsResult$hatchling.metric["SD"][[1]][1])
      hatchling.metric <- data.frame(Mean=rep(hatchling.metric["Mean"], NBTs), 
                                     SD=rep(hatchling.metric["SD"], NBTs), row.names=name)
    } else {	
      stop("The hatchlings size (hatchling.metric parameter) must be provided for all series.")
  ########################################################################################## #
  # J'ai donc 1 tableau: df_random avec une ligne par réplicat parameters/series.     
  # J'ai les tailles finales attendues dans un data.frame hatchling.metric avec deux colonnes            #
  # J'ai aussi les tailles finales dans SCL.final  ? A vérifier                              #
  # Dans name j'ai le nom des séries à travailler                                            #
  ########################################################################################## #
  # The theorem of Cauchy–Lipschitz (also known as the theorem of Picard–Lindelöf) 
  # gives a set of conditions under which an initial value problem (also named Cauchy problem) has a unique solution.
  # Je dois calculer la température moyenne pondérée par le temps d'incubation
  # Les températures sont dans temperatures. C'est une liste formattée
  # Les séries à travailler sont dans name
  # temperature[name]
  # Pour chacune je calcule la température moyenne
  # Mais cela n'a de sens que si je n'ai pas de metabolic heating ou temperature.heterogeneity et si j'ai bien une taille finale attendue donc !stop.at.hatchling.metric
  ################################### #
  # Lecture des stades pour la TSP ####
  ################################### #
  # Comme maintenant c'est une variable, je dois le rentrer dans la boucle
  if (inherits(embryo.stages, "character")) { 
    if (embryo.stages == "fitted") {
      embryo.stages = c("10"=invlogit(logit(0.33)), "11"=invlogit(logit(0.33)), 
                        "12"=invlogit(logit(0.66)), "13"=invlogit(logit(0.66))) 
      TSP.borders = c(10, 12)
    } else {
      estages <- TSP.list[[gsub(" ", "_", embryo.stages)]]
      if (is.null(estages)) {
        stop("The TSP for ", embryo.stages, " does not exist")
      } else {
        embryo.stages <- estages[, "metric"]
        names(embryo.stages) <- estages[, "stages"]
        TSP.borders <- c(attributes(estages)$TSP.begin.stages, attributes(estages)$TSP.end.stages)
  # dans name j'ai les noms des series
  # prepare le data.frame pour les resultats ####
  temperatures_ec <- universalmclapply(X=name, mc.cores = papply, progressbar=FALSE, FUN=function (serie_en_cours) {
    df <- as.data.frame(temperatures_ec[[serie_en_cours]])
    colnames(df) <- c("Time", "TempC", "TempK", "R", "SCL", "IndiceK")
    if (df[1, "Time"] != 0) {
      df <- rbind(df[1, ], df)
      df[1, "Time"] <- 0
    if (!is.null(fill)) {
      newt <- seq(from=0, to=tail(df$Time, n=1L), by=fill)
      aretirer <- -which(!is.na(match(newt, df$Time)))
      if (!identical(aretirer, integer(0))) newt <- newt[aretirer]
      if (!identical(newt, numeric(0))) {
        df <- rbind(df, 
                    data.frame(Time=newt, TempC=NA, 
                               TempK=NA, R=NA, SCL=NA, IndiceK=NA)) 
        df <- df[order(df$Time),]
    df <- cbind(df, DeltaT=c(diff(df$Time), 0))
    ind <- which(!is.na(df$TempC))      # get positions of non-missing values
    if(is.na(df$TempC[1])) {            # if it begins with a missing, add the 
      df$TempC[1] <- df$TempC[ind[1]]
      df$TempK[1] <- df$TempK[ind[1]]
      df$IndiceK[1] <- df$IndiceK[ind[1]]
      ind <- c(1,ind) 
    }# first position to the indices
    df$TempC <- rep(df$TempC[ind], times = diff(   # repeat the values at these indices
      c(ind, length(df$TempC) + 1) ))
    df$TempK <- rep(df$TempK[ind], times = diff(   # repeat the values at these indices
      c(ind, length(df$TempK) + 1) ))
    df$IndiceK <- rep(df$IndiceK[ind], times = diff(   # repeat the values at these indices
      c(ind, length(df$IndiceK) + 1) ))
    df[, "SCL"] <- NA
    df[1, "SCL"] <- M0
    df[, "IndiceK"] <- 1
  }, clusterExport=list(varlist=c("temperatures_ec", "fill", "M0"), 
                        envir = environment()), 
  # Je les classe
  temperatures_ec <- temperatures_ec[name]
  ################################################################### #
  # Je prépare le calcul avec tous les nids  et tous les réplicats ####
  ################################################################### #
  AnalyseTraces <- universalmclapply(progressbar=progressbar, mc.cores = papply, X=1:nrow(df_random), 
                                     FUN=function (ligne_df_random) {
                                       # ligne_df_random <- 1
                                       # print(ligne_df_random)
                                       serie_en_cours <- df_random[ligne_df_random, "Series"]
                                       df <- temperatures_ec[[serie_en_cours]]
                                       setpar <- c(unlist(df_random[ligne_df_random, -1, drop=TRUE]), unlist(df_random_tsd[ligne_df_random, -1, drop=TRUE]))
                                       setpar_STRN <- unlist(df_random_SexualisationTRN[ligne_df_random, -1, drop=TRUE])
                                       # Si je n'ai pas setpar_STRN, je le mets en uniforme; dans dbeta_mu, j'ai le logit de mu (0=0.5)
                                       if (is.null(setpar_STRN)) setpar_STRN <- c(dbeta_mu=0, dbeta_v=1/12)
                                       if (all(substr(names(setpar_STRN), 1, 6) != "dbeta_")) {
                                         setpar_STRN["dbeta_mu"] <- 0
                                         setpar_STRN["dbeta_v"] <- 1/12
                                       transition_P <- setpar["transition_P"]
                                       transition_S <- setpar["transition_S"]
                                       # "df_random_tsd", "df_random_SexualisationTRN"
                                       if (!is.na(setpar["K"])) {
                                         Kval <- unname(setpar["K"])
                                       } else {
                                         Kval <- NULL
                                       if (length(temperature.heterogeneity)==1) {
                                         tht <- 0
                                         if (temperature.heterogeneity !=0) tht <- rnorm(1, 0, temperature.heterogeneity)
                                       } else {
                                         tht <- r2norm(1, 0, sd_low = temperature.heterogeneity[1], sd_high = temperature.heterogeneity[2])
                                       df[, "TempC"] <- df[, "TempC"] + tht
                                       df[, "TempK"] <- df[, "TempK"] + tht
                                       meanSCL <- as.numeric(hatchling.metric[serie_en_cours, "Mean"])
                                       sdSCL <- as.numeric(hatchling.metric[serie_en_cours, "SD"])
                                       if (!is.na(setpar["rK"])) {
                                         Kval <- unname(setpar["rK"]*meanSCL)
                                       tmin <- df[, "Time"]
                                       for (j in 2:nrow(df)) if (is.na(df[j, "TempK"])) df[j, "TempK"] <- df[j-1, "TempK"]
                                       dT <- df[, "DeltaT"]
                                       y0 <- ypre <- df[1, "SCL"]
                                       if (!stop.at.hatchling.metric) {
                                         if (!logicTransition) {  
                                           # if ((metabolic.heating == 0) & 
                                           #     ((length(temperature.heterogeneity) == 1) & 
                                           #      (temperature.heterogeneity[1] ==0)) & (out=="likelihood")) {
                                           #   indice.boucle <- nrow(df) - 1
                                           # } else {
                                           #   indice.boucle <- 1
                                           # }
                                           indice.boucle <- 1
                                           # Je prends de 1 jusqu'à l'avant-dernier
                                           for (i in indice.boucle:(nrow(df)-1)) {
                                             timesunique <- c(tmin[i], tmin[i+1])
                                             df[i, "TempK"] <- df[i, "TempK"]+metabolic.heating*(ypre/meanSCL)
                                             CTE_inst <- df[i, "TempK"]
                                             a_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)[[1]]
                                             param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                             if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                               ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=ypre, parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                             } else {
                                               out1 <- lsoda(ypre, timesunique, derivate, param)
                                               ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                             df[i, "R"] <- a_inst
                                             df[i+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           df[nrow(df), "TempK"] <- df[nrow(df), "TempK"] + metabolic.heating*(ypre/meanSCL)
                                         } else {
                                           for (i in 1:(nrow(df)-1)) {
                                             timesunique <- c(tmin[i], tmin[i+1])
                                             df[i, "TempK"] <- df[i, "TempK"]+metabolic.heating*(ypre/meanSCL)
                                             CTE_inst <- df[i, "TempK"]
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(ypre-transition_P)))
                                             rT_inst < SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                             a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                             if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                               ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=ypre, parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                             } else {
                                               out1 <- lsoda(ypre, timesunique, derivate, param)
                                               ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                             df[i, "R"] <- a_inst
                                             df[i+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           df[nrow(df), "TempK"] <- df[nrow(df), "TempK"] + metabolic.heating*(ypre/meanSCL)
                                         # je suis en stop.at.hatchling.metric
                                       } else {
                                         if (!logicTransition) {  
                                           for (i in 1:(nrow(df)-1)) {
                                             timesunique <- c(tmin[i], tmin[i+1])
                                             df[i, "TempK"] <- df[i, "TempK"]+metabolic.heating*(ypre/meanSCL)
                                             CTE_inst <- df[i, "TempK"]
                                             a_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)[[1]]
                                             param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                             if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                               ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=ypre, parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                             } else {
                                               out1 <- lsoda(ypre, timesunique, derivate, param)
                                               ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                             df[i, "R"] <- a_inst
                                             df[i+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                             if (ypre>meanSCL) {
                                         } else {
                                           for (i in 1:(nrow(df)-1)) {
                                             timesunique <- c(tmin[i], tmin[i+1])
                                             df[i, "TempK"] <- df[i, "TempK"]+metabolic.heating*(ypre/meanSCL)
                                             CTE_inst <- df[i, "TempK"]
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(ypre-transition_P)))
                                             rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                             a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                             if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                               ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=ypre, parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                             } else {
                                               out1 <- lsoda(ypre, timesunique, derivate, param)
                                               ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                             df[i, "R"] <- a_inst
                                             df[i+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                             if (ypre>meanSCL) {
                                           # fin du else logictransition
                                         # fin du else !stop.at.hatchling.metric
                                       df[, "TempC"] <- df[, "TempK"] - 273.15
                                       if (stop.at.hatchling.metric) {
                                         size.final <- ifelse(ypre < meanSCL, NA, meanSCL)
                                       } else {
                                         size.final <- ifelse(metric.end.incubation == "observed", ypre, meanSCL)
                                       if (!is.na(size.final)) {
                                         if (!is.null(embryo.stages)) {
                                           if (!is.na(setpar_STRN["BeginTSP"])) {
                                             xxbt <- invlogit(setpar_STRN["BeginTSP"])
                                             if (xxbt == 0) xxbt <- zero
                                             if (xxbt > 0.95) xxbt <- 0.95
                                             embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[1])] <- xxbt
                                             embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[1]+1)] <- xxbt
                                           if (!is.na(setpar_STRN["EndTSP"])) {
                                             xxbt <- invlogit(setpar_STRN["EndTSP"]) 
                                             if (xxbt == 0) xxbt <- zero
                                             if (xxbt >= 0.99) xxbt <- 0.99
                                             embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[2])] <- xxbt
                                             embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[2]+1)] <- xxbt
                                           if (!is.na(setpar_STRN["LengthTSP"])) {
                                             xxbt <- invlogit(setpar_STRN["BeginTSP"]+abs(setpar_STRN["LengthTSP"]))
                                             if (xxbt == 0) xxbt <- zero
                                             if (xxbt >= 0.99) xxbt <- 0.99
                                             embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[2])] <- xxbt 
                                             embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[2]+1)] <- xxbt
                                           # Je ne comprends pas le mean ici - 2021-05-12
                                           size.begin.TSP <- mean(embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[1])])
                                           if (TSP.begin != 0) {
                                             size.begin.TSP <- size.begin.TSP+(embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[1]+1)]-size.begin.TSP)*TSP.begin
                                           size.end.TSP <- mean(embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[2])])
                                           if (TSP.end != 0) {
                                             size.end.TSP <- size.end.TSP+(embryo.stages[as.character(TSP.borders[2]+1)]-size.end.TSP)*TSP.end
                                           size.begin.TSP_ec <- size.begin.TSP*size.final
                                           size.end.TSP_ec <- size.end.TSP*size.final
                                         } else {
                                           size.end.TSP <- NA
                                           size.begin.TSP <- NA
                                           size.begin.TSP_ec <- NA
                                           size.end.TSP_ec <- NA
                                         if (out == "likelihood") {
                                           if (!is.na(sdSCL)) {
                                             likelihood <- (-dnorm(ypre, mean=meanSCL, sd=sdSCL, log=TRUE))
                                           } else {
                                             if (is.na(parameters["SD"])) {
                                               likelihood <- ((ypre - meanSCL)^2)
                                             } else {
                                               # 28/3/2022
                                               likelihood <- (-dnorm(ypre, mean=meanSCL, sd=parameters["SD"], log=TRUE))
                                         df_ec <- df
                                         ##### Estimate limit begin TSP #####
                                         if ((size.final < size.begin.TSP_ec) | is.na(size.begin.TSP_ec) | (max(df_ec[,"SCL"], na.rm = TRUE) < size.begin.TSP_ec)) {
                                           time.begin.TSP <- NA
                                           indice.begin.tsp <- NA
                                         } else {
                                           if (size.begin.TSP_ec < df_ec[1,"SCL"]) {
                                             size.begin.TSP_ec <- df_ec[1,"SCL"]+(df_ec[2,"SCL"] - df_ec[1,"SCL"])/10
                                           indice.begin.tsp <- which(df_ec[,"SCL"]>(size.begin.TSP_ec))[1]-1
                                           df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.begin.tsp, ], 
                                                                     R=c(NA, NA), 
                                                                     SCL=c(NA, NA), 
                                                                     IndiceK=c(0, 0), 
                                                                     DeltaT=c(NA, NA)), 
                                                          df_ec[(indice.begin.tsp+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                           # df_ec[, 'DeltaT'] <- c(diff(df_ec[, "Time"]), 0)
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.begin.tsp,"Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+2,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1,"Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+2, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+3,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+2,"Time"]
                                           # dt <- df_ec[, "DeltaT"]
                                           # TK <- df_ec[, "TempK"]
                                           # CTE <- cumsum(dt*TK)/cumsum(dt)
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "TempK"]
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "Time"], df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                           # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.begin.tsp], setpar)
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"], parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "Time"], df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+2, "Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(ypre - transition_P)))
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "TempK"]
                                           # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.begin.tsp+1], setpar)
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=ypre, 
                                                              parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(ypre, timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+2, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+2, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           # J'ai encadré le début de la TSP
                                           t <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.begin.tsp+3), "Time"]
                                           SCL <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.begin.tsp+3), "SCL"]
                                           l <- lm(t ~ poly(SCL, degree = 2))
                                           time.begin.tsp <- predict(l, newdata = data.frame(SCL=size.begin.TSP_ec))
                                           time.begin.tsp <- round(time.begin.tsp, 2)
                                           if (time.begin.tsp <= 0) {
                                             time.begin.tsp <- t[1]+zero
                                           indice.begin.tsp <- which(df_ec[,"Time"]>(time.begin.tsp))[1]-1
                                           df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.begin.tsp, ], 
                                                          df_ec[(indice.begin.tsp+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                           # df_ec[, "DeltaT"] <- c(diff(df_ec[, "Time"]), 0)
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "Time"]-df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+2, "Time"]-df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "Time"]
                                           # dt <- df_ec[, "DeltaT"]
                                           # TK <- df_ec[, "TempK"]
                                           # CTE <- cumsum(dt*TK)/cumsum(dt)
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "Time"], df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                           # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.begin.tsp], setpar)
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "TempK"]
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"], parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           indice.begin.tsp <- indice.begin.tsp+1
                                           rownames(df_ec)[indice.begin.tsp] <- "Begin TSP"
                                           time.begin.TSP <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp,"Time"]
                                         ###### Estimate limit end TSP ####
                                         if ((size.final < size.end.TSP_ec) | is.na(size.end.TSP_ec) | (max(df_ec[,"SCL"], na.rm = TRUE) < size.end.TSP_ec)) {
                                           time.end.TSP <- NA
                                           indice.end.tsp <- NA
                                         } else {
                                           if (size.end.TSP_ec < df_ec[1,"SCL"]) {
                                             size.end.TSP_ec <- df_ec[1,"SCL"]+(df_ec[2,"SCL"] - df_ec[1,"SCL"])/10
                                           ind_nonNA <- max(which(!is.na(df_ec[, "SCL"])))
                                           if (size.end.TSP_ec >= df_ec[ind_nonNA,"SCL"]) {
                                             size.end.TSP_ec <- df_ec[ind_nonNA-1,"SCL"] + (df_ec[ind_nonNA,"SCL"]-df_ec[ind_nonNA-1,"SCL"])/10
                                           if (size.end.TSP_ec <= df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"]) {
                                             size.end.TSP_ec <- df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"]+(df_ec[indice.begin.tsp+1, "SCL"]-df_ec[indice.begin.tsp, "SCL"])/10
                                           indice.end.tsp <- which(df_ec[,"SCL"]>(size.end.TSP_ec))[1]-1
                                           if (is.na(indice.end.tsp)) indice.end.tsp <- nrow(df_ec)
                                           # if (is.na(indice.end.tsp)) {
                                           #   print("AAAA 1154")
                                           #   print(paste0("size.end.TSP_ec", as.character(size.end.TSP_ec)))
                                           #   save(df_ec, file="df_ec.Rdata")
                                           #   stop()
                                           # }
                                           df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.end.tsp, ], 
                                                                     R=c(NA, NA), 
                                                                     SCL=c(NA, NA), 
                                                                     IndiceK=c(0, 0), 
                                                                     DeltaT=c(NA, NA)), 
                                                          df_ec[(indice.end.tsp+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                           # df_ec[, 'DeltaT'] <- c(diff(df_ec[, "Time"]), 0)
                                           # dt <- df_ec[, "DeltaT"]
                                           # TK <- df_ec[, "TempK"]
                                           # sum(dt[1:(indice.end.tsp+1)]*TK[1:(indice.end.tsp+1)])/sum(dt[1:(indice.end.tsp+1)])
                                           # CTE <- cumsum(dt*TK)/cumsum(dt)
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.end.tsp,"Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp+2,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1,"Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp+2, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp+3,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.end.tsp+2,"Time"]
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "Time"], df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                           # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.end.tsp], setpar)
                                           # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "TempK"]
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "SCL"], 
                                                              parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "Time"], df_ec[indice.end.tsp+2, "Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(ypre - transition_P)))
                                           # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.end.tsp+1], setpar)
                                           # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "TempK"]
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=ypre, 
                                                              parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(ypre, timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp+2, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp+2, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           t <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp:(indice.end.tsp+3), "Time"]
                                           SCL <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp:(indice.end.tsp+3), "SCL"]
                                           l <- lm(t ~ poly(SCL, degree = 2))
                                           time.end.tsp <- predict(l, newdata = data.frame(SCL=size.end.TSP_ec))
                                           time.end.tsp <- round(time.end.tsp, 2)
                                           # plot(t, SCL); points(time.begin.tsp, size.begin.TSP_ec, col="red"); segments(x0=0, y0=size.begin.TSP_ec, x1=100000, y1=size.begin.TSP_ec, col="green")
                                           indice.end.tsp <- which(df_ec[,"Time"]>(time.end.tsp))[1]-1
                                           # if (is.na(indice.end.tsp)) {
                                           #   indice.end.tsp <- nrow(df_ec)
                                           #   df_ec <- rbind(df_ec, df_ec[nrow(df_ec), ])
                                           # } else {
                                           df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.end.tsp, ], 
                                                          df_ec[(indice.end.tsp+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "Time"]-df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp+2, "Time"]-df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "Time"]

                                           # }
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "Time"], df_ec[indice.end.tsp+1, "Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "TempK"]
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "SCL"], 
                                                              parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           indice.end.tsp <- indice.end.tsp+1
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.end.tsp, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           rownames(df_ec)[indice.end.tsp] <- "End TSP"
                                           time.end.TSP <- df_ec[indice.end.tsp,"Time"]
                                         #### End of incubation for stop.at.hatchling.metric ##########
                                         # attSAT vaut NA si je ne suis pas en stop.at.hatchling.metric
                                         # attSAT vaut TRUE si l'incubation a été jusquà meanSCL
                                         # attSAT vaut FALSE si l'incubation n'a pas été jusqu'à meanSCL
                                         if (stop.at.hatchling.metric) {
                                           if (max(df_ec[,"SCL"], na.rm=TRUE) > meanSCL) {
                                             attSAT <- TRUE
                                             indice.fin.incubation <- which(df_ec[,"SCL"]> meanSCL)[1]-1
                                             df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.fin.incubation, ], 
                                                                       R=c(NA, NA), 
                                                                       SCL=c(NA, NA), 
                                                                       IndiceK=c(0, 0), 
                                                                       DeltaT=c(NA, NA)), 
                                                            df_ec[(indice.fin.incubation+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                             # df_ec[, 'DeltaT'] <- c(diff(df_ec[, "Time"]), 0)
                                             # dt <- df_ec[, "DeltaT"]
                                             # TK <- df_ec[, "TempK"]
                                             # CTE <- cumsum(dt*TK)/cumsum(dt)
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.fin.incubation,"Time"]
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+2,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1,"Time"]
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+2, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+3,"Time"]-df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+2,"Time"]
                                             timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "Time"], df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "Time"])
                                             if (!logicTransition) {
                                               transition <- 1
                                             } else {
                                               transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                             # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.fin.incubation], setpar)
                                             # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "TempK"]
                                             rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                             a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                             if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                               ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "SCL"], 
                                                                parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                             } else {
                                               out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                               ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "R"] <- a_inst
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                             timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "Time"], df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+2, "Time"])
                                             if (!logicTransition) {
                                               transition <- 1
                                             } else {
                                               transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(ypre - transition_P)))
                                             # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.fin.incubation+1], setpar)
                                             # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "TempK"]
                                             rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                             a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                             if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                               ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=ypre, parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                             } else {
                                               out1 <- lsoda(ypre, timesunique, derivate, param)
                                               ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+2, "R"] <- a_inst
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+2, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                             t <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation:(indice.fin.incubation+3), "Time"]
                                             SCL <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation:(indice.fin.incubation+3), "SCL"]
                                             l <- lm(t ~ poly(SCL, degree = 2))
                                             time.fin.incubation <- predict(l, newdata = data.frame(SCL=meanSCL))
                                             time.fin.incubation <- round(time.fin.incubation, 2)
                                             # plot(t, SCL); points(time.begin.tsp, size.begin.TSP_ec, col="red"); segments(x0=0, y0=size.begin.TSP_ec, x1=100000, y1=size.begin.TSP_ec, col="green")
                                             indice.fin.incubation <- which(df_ec[,"Time"]>(time.fin.incubation))[1]-1
                                             df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.fin.incubation, ], 
                                                            df_ec[(indice.fin.incubation+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "Time"]-df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "Time"]
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+2, "Time"]-df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "Time"]
                                             # df_ec[, "DeltaT"] <- c(diff(df_ec[, "Time"]), 0)
                                             # dt <- df_ec[, "DeltaT"]
                                             # TK <- df_ec[, "TempK"]
                                             # CTE <- cumsum(dt*TK)/cumsum(dt)
                                             timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "Time"], df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "Time"])
                                             if (!logicTransition) {
                                               transition <- 1
                                             } else {
                                               transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                             # rT <- SSM(CTE[indice.fin.incubation], setpar)
                                             # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "TempK"]
                                             rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                             a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                             param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                             if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                               ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "SCL"], 
                                                                parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                             } else {
                                               out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                               ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "R"] <- a_inst
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                             indice.fin.incubation <- indice.fin.incubation+1
                                             rownames(df_ec)[indice.fin.incubation] <- "End Incubation"
                                             time.end.incubation <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation,"Time"]
                                             # Maintenant je tronque df de faon  ne garder que jusqu'a time.end.incubation
                                             # garde
                                             df_ec <- df_ec[1:indice.fin.incubation,]
                                             # Je garde la fin de l'incubation
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "IndiceK"] <- 1
                                             df_ec[, "DeltaT"] <- c(diff(df_ec[, "Time"]), 0)
                                           } else {
                                             attSAT <- FALSE
                                             indice.fin.incubation <- max(which(!is.na(df_ec[, "SCL"])))
                                             rownames(df_ec)[indice.fin.incubation] <- "End Incubation"
                                             time.end.incubation <- df_ec[indice.fin.incubation,"Time"]
                                             df_ec[indice.fin.incubation, "IndiceK"] <- 1
                                         } else {attSAT <- NA}
                                         ################################## #
                                         #    indice.begin.middlethird   ####
                                         ################################## #
                                         # On peut la calculer seulement si attSAT == TRUE ou NA
                                         if (attSAT | is.na(attSAT)) {
                                           time.begin.middlethird <- unname((tail(df_ec$Time, n=1L)-setpar["pipping_emergence"])/3)
                                           indice.begin.middlethird <- which(df_ec[,"Time"]>time.begin.middlethird)[1]-1
                                           df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.begin.middlethird, ], 
                                                                     TempC=df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird, "TempK"]-273.15, 
                                                                     TempK=df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird, "TempK"], 
                                                                     DeltaT= NA), 
                                                          df_ec[(indice.begin.middlethird+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird,"DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird + 1,"Time"] - df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird,"Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird + 1,"DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird + 2,"Time"] - df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird + 1,"Time"]
                                           # sum(df_ec[1:10,"DeltaT"]); df_ec[10+1,"Time"]
                                           # sum(df_ec[1:indice.begin.middlethird,"DeltaT"]); df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird+1,"Time"]
                                           # timei1 <- df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird + 1,"Time"]
                                           # dt <- df_ec[1:indice.begin.middlethird, "DeltaT"]
                                           # TK <- df_ec[1:indice.begin.middlethird, "TempK"]
                                           # CTE <- sum(dt*TK)/sum(dt)
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird, "TempK"]
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird,"Time"], df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird + 1,"Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                           # rT <- SSM(CTE, setpar)
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird, "SCL"], parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird+1, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.begin.middlethird+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           rownames(df_ec)[indice.begin.middlethird+1] <- "Begin Middle-third"
                                           size.begin.middlethird <- ypre
                                         } else {
                                           size.begin.middlethird <- NA
                                           time.begin.middlethird <- NA
                                         ################################ #
                                         #    indice.end.middlethird   ####
                                         ################################ #
                                         # On peut la calculer seulement si attSAT == TRUE ou NA
                                         if (attSAT | is.na(attSAT)) {
                                           time.end.middlethird <- unname((tail(df_ec$Time, n=1L)-setpar["pipping_emergence"])*2/3)
                                           indice.end.middlethird <- which(df_ec[,"Time"]>time.end.middlethird)[1]-1
                                           # Je calcul la taille
                                           df_ec <- rbind(df_ec[1:indice.end.middlethird, ], 
                                                                     TempC=df_ec[indice.end.middlethird, "TempK"]-273.15, 
                                                                     TempK=df_ec[indice.end.middlethird, "TempK"], 
                                                          df_ec[(indice.end.middlethird+1):nrow(df_ec), ])
                                           df_ec[indice.end.middlethird,"DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.end.middlethird + 1,"Time"] - df_ec[indice.end.middlethird,"Time"]
                                           df_ec[indice.end.middlethird + 1,"DeltaT"] <- df_ec[indice.end.middlethird + 2,"Time"] - df_ec[indice.end.middlethird + 1,"Time"]
                                           # timei1 <- df_ec[indice.end.middlethird+1,"Time"]
                                           # dt <- df_ec[1:indice.end.middlethird, "DeltaT"]
                                           # TK <- df_ec[1:indice.end.middlethird, "TempK"]
                                           # CTE <- sum(dt*TK)/sum(dt)
                                           CTE_inst <- df_ec[indice.end.middlethird, "TempK"]
                                           timesunique <- c(df_ec[indice.end.middlethird,"Time"], df_ec[indice.end.middlethird+1,"Time"])
                                           if (!logicTransition) {
                                             transition <- 1
                                           } else {
                                             transition <- 1/(1+exp(transition_S*(df_ec[indice.end.middlethird, "SCL"] - transition_P)))
                                           # rT <- SSM(CTE, setpar)
                                           rT_inst <- SSM(CTE_inst, setpar, verbose=verbose)
                                           # a <- rT[[1]]*transition+rT[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           a_inst <- rT_inst[[1]]*transition+rT_inst[[2]]*(1-transition)
                                           param <- c(alpha=unname(a_inst), K=Kval)
                                           if (!is.null(integral)) {
                                             ypre <- integral(t=timesunique[2]-timesunique[1], size=df_ec[indice.end.middlethird, "SCL"], 
                                                              parms=param)[1, "metric"]
                                           } else {
                                             out1 <- lsoda(df_ec[indice.end.middlethird, "SCL"], timesunique, derivate, param)
                                             ypre <- as.numeric(tail(out1[,2], n=1))
                                           df_ec[indice.end.middlethird+1, "R"] <- a_inst
                                           df_ec[indice.end.middlethird+1, "SCL"] <- ypre
                                           rownames(df_ec)[indice.end.middlethird+1] <- "End Middle-third"
                                           size.end.middlethird <- ypre
                                         } else {
                                           size.end.middlethird <- NA
                                           time.end.middlethird <- NA
                                         df <- df_ec
                                         # df[, "DeltaT"] <- c(diff(df[, "Time"]), 0)
                                         indice.begin.middlethird <- which(rownames(df) == "Begin Middle-third")
                                         if (identical(indice.begin.middlethird, integer(0))) indice.begin.middlethird <- NA
                                         indice.end.middlethird <- which(rownames(df) == "End Middle-third")
                                         if (identical(indice.end.middlethird, integer(0))) indice.end.middlethird <- NA
                                         indice.fin.incubation <- nrow(df)
                                         indice.begin.tsp <- which(rownames(df) == "Begin TSP")
                                         indice.end.tsp <- which(rownames(df) == "End TSP")
                                         if (identical(integer(0), indice.end.tsp)) indice.end.tsp <- NA
                                         if (identical(integer(0), indice.begin.tsp)) indice.begin.tsp <- NA
                                         ## Je viens de calculer la croissance de l'embryon
                                         if (out == "summary") {
                                           # Maintenant je calcule les summary
                                           TC <- df[1:(nrow(df)-1), "TempC"]
                                           dt <- df[1:(nrow(df)-1), "DeltaT"]
                                           dSCL <- diff(df[, "SCL"])
                                           rT <- df[1:(nrow(df)-1), "R"]
                                           Temperature.max <- max(TC)
                                           TimeWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC*dt)/sum(dt)
                                           GrowthWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * dSCL)/sum(dSCL)
                                           TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * rT * dt)/sum(rT * dt)
                                           Incubation.length <- df[nrow(df), "Time"]
                                           if (!is.na(indice.begin.tsp) & !is.na(indice.end.tsp)) {
                                             TC <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp-1), "TempC"]
                                             dt <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp-1), "DeltaT"]
                                             dSCL <- diff(df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp), "SCL"])
                                             rT <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp-1), "R"]
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC*dt)/sum(dt)
                                             TSP.GrowthWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * dSCL)/sum(dSCL)
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * rT * dt)/sum(rT * dt)
                                             TSP.length <- unname(time.end.tsp - time.begin.tsp)
                                             TSP.begin <- unname(time.begin.tsp)
                                             TSP.end <- unname(time.end.tsp)
                                             if (!is.null(setpar_STRN)) {
                                               if (indice.begin.tsp == indice.end.tsp-1) {
                                                 indice.end.tsp_ec <- indice.end.tsp+1
                                               } else {
                                                 indice.end.tsp_ec <- indice.end.tsp
                                               TK <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp_ec-1), "TempK"]
                                               TC <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp_ec-1), "TempC"]
                                               dt <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp_ec-1), "DeltaT"]
                                               dSCL <- diff(df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp_ec), "SCL"])
                                               rT <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp_ec-1), "R"]
                                               # print("setpar_STRN")
                                               # print(setpar_STRN)
                                               if (any(is.finite(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(names(setpar_STRN)))))) {
                                                 sparSTRN <- setpar_STRN[!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(names(setpar_STRN))))]
                                                 # print("sparSTRN")
                                                 # print(sparSTRN)
                                                 STRN_model <- SSM(TK, sparSTRN, verbose=verbose)[[1]]
                                                 STRN_model <- ifelse(STRN_model <= 0, 0.001, STRN_model)
                                                 # print("SSM")
                                                 # print(STRN_model)
                                               } else {
                                                 if (any(names(setpar_STRN) == "Rho25") | any(names(setpar_STRN) == "Peak")) {
                                                   STRN_model <- SSM(TK, setpar_STRN, verbose=verbose)[[1]]
                                                 } else {
                                                   # print(setpar_STRN)
                                                   STRN_model <- rep(1, length(TK))
                                                   # print("SSM")
                                                   # print(STRN_model)
                                               SCL <- df[indice.begin.tsp:(indice.end.tsp_ec-1), "SCL"]
                                               SCL <- (SCL-SCL[1])/(SCL[length(SCL)]-SCL[1])
                                               SCL[SCL==0] <- min(zero, min(SCL[SCL != 0])/10)
                                               SCL[SCL==1] <- max(1-zero, max(SCL[SCL != 1]) + (1-max(SCL[SCL != 1]))/10)                                               
                                               if (!is.na(setpar_STRN["dbeta_mu"])) {
                                                 mu <- invlogit(setpar_STRN["dbeta_mu"])
                                                 v <- abs(setpar_STRN["dbeta_v"])
                                                 shape1 <- mu * (((mu * (1 - mu))/v) - 1)
                                                 shape2 <- shape1 * (1 - mu)/mu
                                                 model_beta <- dbeta(SCL, shape1=shape1, shape2=shape2) 
                                               } else {
                                                 shape1 <- abs(setpar_STRN["dbeta_shape1"])
                                                 shape2 <- abs(setpar_STRN["dbeta_shape2"])
                                                 model_beta <- dbeta(SCL, shape1=shape1, shape2=shape2) 
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * dt * STRN_model * model_beta)/sum(dt * STRN_model * model_beta)
                                               TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * dSCL * STRN_model * model_beta)/sum(dSCL * STRN_model * model_beta)
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * dt * rT * STRN_model * model_beta)/sum(dt * rT * STRN_model * model_beta)
                                             } else {
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                               TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                           } else {
                                             TSP.PM.GrowthWeighted <- NA
                                             TSP.PM.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted <- NA
                                             TSP.PM.TimeWeighted <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             TSP.GrowthWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             TSP.length <- NA
                                           if (!is.na(indice.begin.middlethird) & !is.na(indice.end.middlethird)) {
                                             TC <- unname(df[indice.begin.middlethird:(indice.end.middlethird-1), "TempC"])
                                             dt <- unname(df[indice.begin.middlethird:(indice.end.middlethird-1), "DeltaT"])
                                             dSCL <- unname(diff(df[indice.begin.middlethird:(indice.end.middlethird), "SCL"]))
                                             rT <- unname(df[indice.begin.middlethird:(indice.end.middlethird-1), "R"])
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC*dt)/sum(dt)
                                             MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * dSCL)/sum(dSCL)
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature <- sum(TC * rT * dt)/sum(rT * dt)
                                             MiddleThird.length <- unname(time.end.middlethird - time.begin.middlethird)
                                             MiddleThird.begin <- unname(time.begin.middlethird)
                                             MiddleThird.end <- unname(time.end.middlethird)
                                           } else {
                                             MiddleThird.length <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.begin <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.end <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature <- NA
                                           if (!is.null(tsd)) {
                                             tsdec <- tsd
                                             tsdec$par <- setpar[names(tsd$par)]
                                             tsdec$fixed.parameters <- setpar[names(tsd$fixed.parameters)]
                                             PM <- predict(tsdec, temperatures = TC, replicate.CI = NULL)
                                             TSP.PM.GrowthWeighted <- sum(PM["50%", ]*dSCL)/sum(dSCL)
                                             TSP.PM.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted <- sum(PM["50%", ]* rT * dt)/sum(rT * dt)
                                             TSP.PM.TimeWeighted <- sum(PM["50%", ]* dt)/sum(dt)
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TSP.TimeWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             TSP.GrowthWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TSP.GrowthWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             TimeWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TimeWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             GrowthWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = GrowthWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             if (!is.na(TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature)) {
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                               TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- predict(tsd, temperatures = TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.temperature, replicate.CI = NULL)["50%", 1, drop=TRUE]
                                             } else {
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                               TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                           } else {
                                             TSP.PM.GrowthWeighted <- NA
                                             TSP.PM.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted <- NA
                                             TSP.PM.TimeWeighted <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             TimeWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             GrowthWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.sexratio <- NA 
                                             TSP.GrowthWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                             TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio <- NA
                                           summary <- data.frame(series=serie_en_cours, 
                                                                 TSP.TimeWeighted.sexratio = TSP.TimeWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 TSP.GrowthWeighted.sexratio = TSP.GrowthWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio = TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio,                             
                                                                 TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio = TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio = TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio = TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.sexratio = MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.sexratio = MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio = MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 TimeWeighted.sexratio = TimeWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 GrowthWeighted.sexratio = GrowthWeighted.sexratio, 
                                                                 TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio = TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio)
                                           # je ne garde que les valeurs d'origine
                                           df <- df[df[, "IndiceK"] == 1, ]
                                           indices.df <- data.frame(series=serie_en_cours, 
                                                                    metric.begin.tsp = unname(size.begin.TSP_ec), 
                                                                    metric.end.tsp = unname(size.end.TSP_ec), 
                                                                    hatchling.metric.mean = unname(meanSCL), 
                                                                    hatchling.metric.sd = unname(sdSCL), 
                                                                    time.end.tsp = unname(time.end.TSP), 
                                                                    time.begin.tsp = unname(time.begin.TSP), 
                                                                    metric.end.incubation = unname(df[nrow(df), "SCL"]), 
                                                                    time.begin.middlethird = unname(time.begin.middlethird), 
                                                                    time.end.middlethird = unname(time.end.middlethird), 
                                                                    stop.at.hatchling.metric = unname(attSAT))
                                         } else {
                                           # Sinon, je stocke aussi les indices
                                           # rownames(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
                                           summary <- NULL
                                           indices.df <- data.frame(series=serie_en_cours, 
                                                                    metric.begin.tsp = unname(size.begin.TSP_ec), 
                                                                    metric.end.tsp = unname(size.end.TSP_ec), 
                                                                    hatchling.metric.mean = unname(meanSCL), 
                                                                    hatchling.metric.sd = unname(sdSCL), 
                                                                    time.end.tsp = unname(time.end.TSP), 
                                                                    time.begin.tsp = unname(time.begin.TSP), 
                                                                    metric.end.incubation = unname(df[nrow(df), "SCL"]), 
                                                                    time.begin.middlethird = unname(time.begin.middlethird), 
                                                                    time.end.middlethird = unname(time.end.middlethird), 
                                                                    stop.at.hatchling.metric = unname(attSAT), 
                                                                    indice.begin.middlethird = indice.begin.middlethird, 
                                                                    indice.end.middlethird = indice.end.middlethird, 
                                                                    indice.fin.incubation = indice.fin.incubation, 
                                                                    indice.begin.tsp = indice.begin.tsp, 
                                                                    indice.end.tsp = indice.end.tsp)
                                         df[, "DeltaT"] <- c(diff(df[, "Time"]), 0)
                                       } else {
                                         # Je suis en stop.at.hatchling size mais trop court
                                         indices.df <- NULL
                                         summary <- data.frame(series=serie_en_cours, 
                                                               Temperature.max=max(df[, "TempC"], na.rm = TRUE), 
                                                               TimeWeighted.temperature=sum(df[, "TempC"]*df[, "DeltaT"])/sum(df[, "DeltaT"]), 
                                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               TSP.GrowthWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio = NA,                             
                                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               TSP.GrowthWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               TSP.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.STRNWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               MiddleThird.GrowthWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               MiddleThird.TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               TimeWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               GrowthWeighted.sexratio = NA, 
                                                               TimeWeighted.GrowthRateWeighted.sexratio = NA)
                                         df <- NULL
                                       if (out == "summary") {
                                         df <- NULL
                                         indices.df <- NULL
                                       if (out != "summary") {
                                         summary <- NULL
                                       returnlist <- list(x=list(metric=df, summary=summary, series=serie_en_cours, indices.df=indices.df))
                                       names(returnlist) <- serie_en_cours
                                                                  "df_random_tsd", "df_random_SexualisationTRN", 
                                                                  "metric.end.incubation", "tsd", "SSM"), 
  if (out=="likelihood") {
    return(sum(sapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN = function(x) x$likelihood)))
  if (out=="metric") {
    metric <- lapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN=function(x) x[[1]]$metric)
    names(metric) <- sapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN=function(x) x[[1]]$series)
    metric <- metric[name]
    indices.metric <- lapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN=function(x) x[[1]]$indices.df)
    names(indices.metric) <- sapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN=function(x) x[[1]]$series)
    indices.metric <- indices.metric[name]
    returnlist <- list(dynamic.metric=metric, indices.dynamic.metric=indices.metric)
  # Je crée le summary
  if (out == "summary") {
    summary_df <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN = function(x) x[[1]]$summary)))
    summary.mean <- aggregate(summary_df[, -1], by=list(unlist(summary_df$series)), FUN=function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(unlist(x))), NA, mean(unlist(x), na.rm=TRUE)))
    colnames(summary.mean) <- c("Series", paste0(colnames(summary.mean)[-1], ".mean"))
    summary.se <- aggregate(summary_df[, -1], by=list(unlist(summary_df$series)), FUN=function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(unlist(x))), NA, sd(unlist(x), na.rm=TRUE)))
    colnames(summary.se) <- c("Series", paste0(colnames(summary.se)[-1], ".se"))
    summary <- merge(x=summary.mean, y=summary.se, by.x="Series", by.y = "Series")
    if (!is.null(probs)) {
      for (pr in probs) {
        summary.quantile <- aggregate(summary_df[, -1], by=list(unlist(summary_df$series)), FUN=function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(unlist(x))), NA, quantile(unlist(x), probs = pr, na.rm=TRUE)))
        colnames(summary.quantile) <- c("Series", paste0(colnames(summary.quantile)[-1], paste0(".quantile_", as.character(pr))))
        summary <- merge(x=summary, y=summary.quantile, by.x="Series", by.y = "Series")
    rownames(summary) <- summary$Series
    summary <- summary[name, ]
  # Là je suis en dynamic metric ou dynamic seul
  # Je crée le dynamic.metric
  if (!stop.at.hatchling.metric) {
    df_list <- lapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN = function(x) x[[1]]$metric)
    series_list <- sapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN = function(x) x[[1]]$series)
    names(df_list) <- series_list
    replicate.CI <- ifelse(replicate.CI == 0, 1, replicate.CI)
    dynamic.metric <-list()
    for (serie_en_cours in unique(series_list)) {
      df_list_ec <- df_list[series_list == serie_en_cours]
      # J'ai la série en cours dans df_list_ec
      # Quel est l'intérêt de prendre df_list ici ? Il y a toutes les séries !
      # Si j'ai plusieurs réplicats, ça me fait prendre toutes les séries
      t_ec_count <- cbind(df_list_ec[[1]][, "Time", drop=FALSE], count=0)
      for (s in seq_along(df_list_ec)) {
        common_time <- t_ec_count$Time %in% df_list_ec[[s]][, "Time"]
        t_ec_count[common_time, "count"] <- t_ec_count[common_time, "count"] + 1
      t_ec <- unique(t_ec_count[t_ec_count[, "count"] == length(df_list_ec), 1])
      SCL_ec <- sapply(df_list_ec, FUN = function(x) {
        x[(x$Time %in% t_ec) & ((x$DeltaT != 0) | (is.na(x$R))), "SCL"]
      SCL_ec <- as.data.frame(SCL_ec)
      # Dans metric_ec j'ai les quantiles de tailles aux temps communs pour tous les réplicats
      metric_ec <- t(apply(SCL_ec, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, probs = probs)))
      colnames(metric_ec) <- paste0("Metric_", colnames(metric_ec))
      # Je sors les R pour tous les temps communs
      R_ec <- sapply(df_list_ec, FUN = function(x) {
        x[(x$Time %in% t_ec) & ((x$DeltaT != 0) | (is.na(x$R))), "R"]
      R_ec <- as.data.frame(R_ec)
      Rx_ec <- t(apply(R_ec, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE)))
      colnames(Rx_ec) <- paste0("R_", colnames(Rx_ec))
      # if (length(t_ec) != nrow(metric_ec)) print(serie_en_cours)
      df_TC <- df_list_ec[[1]]
      df_TC <- df_TC[(df_TC$Time %in% t_ec) & ((df_TC$DeltaT != 0) | (is.na(df_TC$R))), ]
      metric_ec <- list(cbind(Time=t_ec, DeltaT=c(0, diff(t_ec)), TempC=df_TC[, "TempC"], metric_ec, Rx_ec))
      names(metric_ec) <- serie_en_cours
      dynamic.metric <- c(dynamic.metric, metric_ec)
    summary_dynamic.metric <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(AnalyseTraces, FUN = function(x) x[[1]]$indices.df)))
    summary_dynamic.metric.mean <- aggregate(summary_dynamic.metric[, -1], by=list(unlist(summary_dynamic.metric$series)), FUN=function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(unlist(x))), NA, mean(unlist(x), na.rm=TRUE)))
    colnames(summary_dynamic.metric.mean) <- c("Series", paste0(colnames(summary_dynamic.metric.mean)[-1], ".mean"))
    summary_dynamic.metric.se <- aggregate(summary_dynamic.metric[, -1], by=list(unlist(summary_dynamic.metric$series)), FUN=function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(unlist(x))), NA, sd(unlist(x), na.rm=TRUE)))
    colnames(summary_dynamic.metric.se) <- c("Series", paste0(colnames(summary_dynamic.metric.se)[-1], ".se"))
    sdm <- merge(x=summary_dynamic.metric.mean, y=summary_dynamic.metric.se, by.x="Series", by.y = "Series")
    if (!is.null(probs)) {
      for (pr in probs) {
        summary_dynamic.metric.quantile <- aggregate(summary_dynamic.metric[, -1], by=list(unlist(summary_dynamic.metric$series)), FUN=function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(unlist(x))), NA, quantile(unlist(x), probs = pr, na.rm=TRUE)))
        colnames(summary_dynamic.metric.quantile) <- c("Series", paste0(colnames(summary_dynamic.metric.quantile)[-1], paste0(".quantile_", as.character(pr))))
        sdm <- merge(x=sdm, y=summary_dynamic.metric.quantile, by.x="Series", by.y = "Series")
  } else {
    sdm <- NULL
    dynamic.metric <- NULL
  dynamic.metric <- dynamic.metric[name]
  rownames(sdm) <- sdm$Series
  sdm <- sdm[name, ]
  return(list(dynamic.metric=dynamic.metric, summary.dynamic.metric=sdm))

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embryogrowth documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 5:07 p.m.