
Defines functions var.fd

Documented in var.fd

var.fd <- function(fdobj1, fdobj2=fdobj1)
  #  compute the variance and covariance functions for functional observations

  #  Last modified 16 January 2010

  if (!(is.fd(fdobj1) || is.fdPar(fdobj1)))  stop(
    "First argument is neither a functional data or a functional parameter object.")
  if (is.fdPar(fdobj1)) fdobj1 <- fdobj1$fd
  if (!(is.fd(fdobj2) || is.fdPar(fdobj2)))  stop(
    "Second argument is neither a functional data or a functional parameter object.")
  if (is.fdPar(fdobj2)) fdobj2 <- fdobj2$fd
  coefx   <- fdobj1$coefs
  coefy   <- fdobj2$coefs
  coefdobj1  <- dim(coefx)
  coefdobj2  <- dim(coefy)
  basisx  <- fdobj1$basis
  basisy  <- fdobj2$basis
  nbasisx <- basisx$nbasis
  nbasisy <- basisy$nbasis

  if (coefdobj1[2] != coefdobj2[2]) stop(
    	"Number of replications are not equal.")
  if (length(coefdobj1) == 2) {
    	if(length(coefdobj2) == 2) {
      		coefvar   <- var(t(coefx),t(coefy))
      		coefnames <- list(dimnames(coefx)[[1]], dimnames(coefy)[[1]])
      		varbifd   <- bifd(coefvar, basisx, basisy, coefnames)
    	} else stop("Both arguments must be univariate.")
  } else {
    	nvar    <- coefdobj1[3]
    	npair   <- nvar*(nvar+1)/2
    	coefvar <- array(0,c(nbasisx,nbasisx,1,npair))
       varnames <- fdobj1$fdnames[[3]]
    	m <- 0
       bivarnames <- vector("list",npair)
    	for (i in 1:nvar) for (j in 1:i) {
      		m <- m + 1
      		coefvar[,,1,m] <- var(t(coefx[,,i]),t(coefx[,,j]))
          bivarnames[m] <- paste(varnames[i],"vs",varnames[j])
       bifdnames = fdobj1$fdnames
       bifdnames[[3]] <- bivarnames
    	varbifd <- bifd(coefvar, basisx, basisx, bifdnames)

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