# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Tue Apr 23 16:41:47 2019
# Purpose: All estimation functions
#' Fixed-effects OLS estimation
#' Estimates OLS with any number of fixed-effects.
#' @inheritParams femlm
#' @inheritSection xpd Dot square bracket operator in formulas
#' @param fml A formula representing the relation to be estimated. For example: `fml = z~x+y`.
#' To include fixed-effects, insert them in this formula using a pipe:
#' e.g. `fml = z~x+y | fe_1+fe_2`. You can combine two fixed-effects with `^`:
#' e.g. `fml = z~x+y|fe_1^fe_2`, see details. You can also use variables with
#' varying slopes using square brackets: e.g. in `fml = z~y|fe_1[x] + fe_2`, see details.
#' To add IVs, insert the endogenous vars./instruments after a pipe,
#' like in `y ~ x | x_endo1 + x_endo2 ~ x_inst1 + x_inst2`.
#' Note that it should always be the last element, see details. Multiple estimations can be
#' performed at once: for multiple dep. vars, wrap them in `c()`: ex `c(y1, y2)`.
#' For multiple indep. vars, use the stepwise functions: ex `x1 + csw(x2, x3)`.
#' The formula `fml = c(y1, y2) ~ x1 + cw0(x2, x3)` leads to 6 estimation, see details.
#' Square brackets starting with a dot can be used to call global variables:
#' `y.[i] ~ x.[1:2]` will lead to `y3 ~ x1 + x2` if `i` is equal
#' to 3 in the current environment (see details in [`xpd`]).
#' @param weights A formula or a numeric vector. Each observation can be weighted,
#' the weights must be greater than 0. If equal to a formula, it should be one-sided:
#' for example `~ var_weight`.
#' @param verbose Integer. Higher values give more information. In particular,
#' it can detail the number of iterations in the demeaning algorithm
#' (the first number is the left-hand-side, the other numbers are the right-hand-side variables).
#' @param demeaned Logical, default is `FALSE`. Only used in the presence of fixed-effects: should
#' the centered variables be returned? If `TRUE`, it creates the items
#' `y_demeaned` and `X_demeaned`.
#' @param notes Logical. By default, two notes are displayed: when NAs are removed
#' (to show additional information) and when some observations are removed because
#' of collinearity. To avoid displaying these messages, you can set `notes = FALSE`.
#' You can remove these messages permanently by using `setFixest_notes(FALSE)`.
#' @param collin.tol Numeric scalar, default is `1e-10`. Threshold deciding when variables should
#' be considered collinear and subsequently removed from the estimation. Higher values means more
#' variables will be removed (if there is presence of collinearity). One signal of presence of
#' collinearity is t-stats that are extremely low (for instance when t-stats < 1e-3).
#' @param y Numeric vector/matrix/data.frame of the dependent variable(s). Multiple dependent
#' variables will return a `fixest_multi` object.
#' @param X Numeric matrix of the regressors.
#' @param fixef_df Matrix/data.frame of the fixed-effects.
#' @param fixef.algo `NULL` (default) or an object of class `demeaning_algo` obtained with
#' the function [`demeaning_algo`]. If `NULL`, it falls to the defaults of [`demeaning_algo`].
#' This arguments controls the settings of the demeaning algorithm.
#' Only play with it if the convergence is slow, i.e. look at the slot `$iterations`, and if any is
#' over 50, it may be worth playing around with it. Please read the documentation of the
#' function [`demeaning_algo`]. Be aware that there is no clear guidance on how to change the
#' settings, it's more a matter of try-and-see.
#' @details
#' The method used to demean each variable along the fixed-effects is based on Berge (2018), since
#' this is the same problem to solve as for the Gaussian case in a ML setup.
#' @section Combining the fixed-effects:
#' You can combine two variables to make it a new fixed-effect using `^`.
#' The syntax is as follows: `fe_1^fe_2`. Here you created a new variable which is the combination
#' of the two variables fe_1 and fe_2. This is identical to doing `paste0(fe_1, "_", fe_2)`
#' but more convenient.
#' Note that pasting is a costly operation, especially for large data sets.
#' Thus, the internal algorithm uses a numerical trick which is fast, but the drawback is
#' that the identity of each observation is lost (i.e. they are now equal to a meaningless
#' number instead of being equal to `paste0(fe_1, "_", fe_2)`). These \dQuote{identities}
#' are useful only if you're interested in the value of the fixed-effects (that you can
#' extract with [`fixef.fixest`]). If you're only interested in coefficients of the variables,
#' it doesn't matter. Anyway, you can use `combine.quick = FALSE` to tell the internal
#' algorithm to use `paste` instead of the numerical trick. By default, the numerical
#' trick is performed only for large data sets.
#' @section Varying slopes:
#' You can add variables with varying slopes in the fixed-effect part of the formula.
#' The syntax is as follows: `fixef_var[var1, var2]`. Here the variables var1 and var2 will
#' be with varying slopes (one slope per value in fixef_var) and the fixed-effect
#' fixef_var will also be added.
#' To add only the variables with varying slopes and not the fixed-effect,
#' use double square brackets: `fixef_var[[var1, var2]]`.
#' In other words:
#' * `fixef_var[var1, var2]` is equivalent to `fixef_var + fixef_var[[var1]] + fixef_var[[var2]]`
#' * `fixef_var[[var1, var2]]` is equivalent to `fixef_var[[var1]] + fixef_var[[var2]]`
#' In general, for convergence reasons, it is recommended to always add the fixed-effect and
#' avoid using only the variable with varying slope (i.e. use single square brackets).
#' @section Lagging variables:
#' To use leads/lags of variables in the estimation, you can: i) either provide the argument
#' ``, ii) either set your data set as a panel with the function
#' [`panel`], [`f`][fixest::l] and [`d`][fixest::l].
#' You can provide several leads/lags/differences at once: e.g. if your formula is equal to
#' `f(y) ~ l(x, -1:1)`, it means that the dependent variable is equal to the lead of `y`,
#' and you will have as explanatory variables the lead of `x1`, `x1` and the lag of `x1`.
#' See the examples in function [`l`] for more details.
#' @section Interactions:
#' You can interact a numeric variable with a "factor-like" variable by using
#' `i(factor_var, continuous_var, ref)`, where `continuous_var` will be interacted with
#' each value of `factor_var` and the argument `ref` is a value of `factor_var`
#' taken as a reference (optional).
#' Using this specific way to create interactions leads to a different display of the
#' interacted values in [`etable`]. See examples.
#' It is important to note that *if you do not care about the standard-errors of
#' the interactions*, then you can add interactions in the fixed-effects part of the formula,
#' it will be incomparably faster (using the syntax `factor_var[continuous_var]`, as explained
#' in the section \dQuote{Varying slopes}).
#' The function [`i`] has in fact more arguments, please see details in its associated help page.
#' @section On standard-errors:
#' Standard-errors can be computed in different ways, you can use the arguments `se` and `ssc`
#' in [`summary.fixest`] to define how to compute them. By default, in the presence
#' of fixed-effects, standard-errors are automatically clustered.
#' The following vignette: [On standard-errors]( describes in details how the standard-errors are computed in
#' `fixest` and how you can replicate standard-errors from other software.
#' You can use the functions [`setFixest_vcov`] and [`setFixest_ssc`][fixest::ssc] to
#' permanently set the way the standard-errors are computed.
#' @section Instrumental variables:
#' To estimate two stage least square regressions, insert the relationship between
#' the endogenous regressor(s) and the instruments in a formula, after a pipe.
#' For example, `fml = y ~ x1 | x_endo ~ x_inst` will use the variables `x1` and `x_inst` in
#' the first stage to explain `x_endo`. Then will use the fitted value of `x_endo`
#' (which will be named `fit_x_endo`) and `x1` to explain `y`.
#' To include several endogenous regressors, just use "+",
#' like in: `fml = y ~ x1 | x_endo1 + x_end2 ~ x_inst1 + x_inst2`.
#' Of course you can still add the fixed-effects, but the IV formula must always come last,
#' like in `fml = y ~ x1 | fe1 + fe2 | x_endo ~ x_inst`.
#' If you want to estimate a model without exogenous variables, use `"1"` as a
#' placeholder: e.g. `fml = y ~ 1 | x_endo ~ x_inst`.
#' By default, the second stage regression is returned. You can access the first stage(s)
#' regressions either directly in the slot `iv_first_stage` (not recommended),
#' or using the argument `stage = 1` from the function [`summary.fixest`].
#' For example `summary(iv_est, stage = 1)` will give the first stage(s).
#' Note that using summary you can display both the second and first stages at
#' the same time using, e.g., `stage = 1:2` (using `2:1` would reverse the order).
#' @section Multiple estimations:
#' Multiple estimations can be performed at once, they just have to be specified in the formula.
#' Multiple estimations yield a `fixest_multi` object which is \sQuote{kind of} a list of
#' all the results but includes specific methods to access the results in a handy way.
#' Please have a look at the dedicated vignette:
#' [Multiple estimations](
#' To include multiple dependent variables, wrap them in `c()` (`list()` also works).
#' For instance `fml = c(y1, y2) ~ x1` would estimate the model `fml = y1 ~ x1` and
#' then the model `fml = y2 ~ x1`.
#' To include multiple independent variables, you need to use the stepwise functions.
#' There are 4 stepwise functions: `sw`, `sw0`, `csw`, `csw0`, and `mvsw`. Of course `sw`
#' stands for stepwise, and `csw` for cumulative stepwise. Finally `mvsw` is a bit special,
#' it stands for multiverse stepwise. Let's explain that.
#' Assume you have the following formula: `fml = y ~ x1 + sw(x2, x3)`.
#' The stepwise function `sw` will estimate the following two models: `y ~ x1 + x2` and
#' `y ~ x1 + x3`. That is, each element in `sw()` is sequentially, and separately,
#' added to the formula. Would have you used `sw0` in lieu of `sw`, then the model
#' `y ~ x1` would also have been estimated. The `0` in the name means that the model
#' without any stepwise element also needs to be estimated.
#' The prefix `c` means cumulative: each stepwise element is added to the next. That is,
#' `fml = y ~ x1 + csw(x2, x3)` would lead to the following models `y ~ x1 + x2` and
#' `y ~ x1 + x2 + x3`. The `0` has the same meaning and would also lead to the model without
#' the stepwise elements to be estimated: in other words, `fml = y ~ x1 + csw0(x2, x3)`
#' leads to the following three models: `y ~ x1`, `y ~ x1 + x2` and `y ~ x1 + x2 + x3`.
#' Finally `mvsw` will add, in a stepwise fashion all possible combinations of the variables
#' in its arguments. For example `mvsw(x1, x2, x3)` is equivalent to
#' `sw0(x1, x2, x3, x1 + x2, x1 + x3, x2 + x3, x1 + x2 + x3)`. The number of models
#' to estimate grows at a factorial rate: so be cautious!
#' Multiple independent variables can be combined with multiple dependent variables, as in
#' `fml = c(y1, y2) ~ cw(x1, x2, x3)` which would lead to 6 estimations. Multiple
#' estimations can also be combined to split samples (with the arguments `split`, `fsplit`).
#' You can also add fixed-effects in a stepwise fashion. Note that you cannot perform
#' stepwise estimations on the IV part of the formula (`feols` only).
#' If NAs are present in the sample, to avoid too many messages, only NA removal
#' concerning the variables common to all estimations is reported.
#' A note on performance. The feature of multiple estimations has been highly optimized for
#' `feols`, in particular in the presence of fixed-effects. It is faster to estimate
#' multiple models using the formula rather than with a loop. For non-`feols` models using
#' the formula is roughly similar to using a loop performance-wise.
#' @section Tricks to estimate multiple LHS:
#' To use multiple dependent variables in `fixest` estimations, you need to include them
#' in a vector: like in `c(y1, y2, y3)`.
#' First, if names are stored in a vector, they can readily be inserted in a formula to
#' perform multiple estimations using the dot square bracket operator. For instance if
#' `my_lhs = c("y1", "y2")`, calling `fixest` with, say `feols(.[my_lhs] ~ x1, etc)` is
#' equivalent to using `feols(c(y1, y2) ~ x1, etc)`. Beware that this is a special feature
#' unique to the *left-hand-side* of `fixest` estimations (the default behavior of the DSB
#' operator is to aggregate with sums, see [`xpd`]).
#' Second, you can use a regular expression to grep the left-hand-sides on the fly. When the
#' `..("regex")` feature is used naked on the LHS, the variables grepped are inserted into
#' `c()`. For example `..("Pe") ~ Sepal.Length, iris` is equivalent to
#' `c(Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Sepal.Length, iris`. Beware that this is a
#' special feature unique to the *left-hand-side* of `fixest` estimations
#' (the default behavior of `..("regex")` is to aggregate with sums, see [`xpd`]).
#' @section Argument sliding:
#' When the data set has been set up globally using
#' [`setFixest_estimation`]`(data = data_set)`, the argument `vcov` can be used implicitly.
#' This means that calls such as `feols(y ~ x, "HC1")`, or `feols(y ~ x, ~id)`, are valid:
#' i) the data is automatically deduced from the global settings, and ii) the `vcov`
#' is deduced to be the second argument.
#' @section Piping:
#' Although the argument 'data' is placed in second position, the data can be piped to the
#' estimation functions. For example, with R >= 4.1, `mtcars |> feols(mpg ~ cyl)` works as
#' `feols(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars)`.
#' @return
#' A `fixest` object. Note that `fixest` objects contain many elements and most of them are
#' for internal use, they are presented here only for information. To access them, it is safer
#' to use the user-level methods (e.g. [`vcov.fixest`], [`resid.fixest`], etc) or functions
#' (like for instance [`fitstat`] to access any fit statistic).
#' \item{nobs}{The number of observations.}
#' \item{fml}{The linear formula of the call.}
#' \item{call}{The call of the function.}
#' \item{method}{The method used to estimate the model.}
#' \item{data}{The original data set used when calling the function. Only available when
#' the estimation was called with ` = TRUE`}
#' \item{fml_all}{A list containing different parts of the formula. Always contain the linear formula. Then depending on the cases: `fixef`: the fixed-effects, `iv`: the IV part of the formula.}
#' \item{fixef_vars}{The names of each fixed-effect dimension.}
#' \item{fixef_id}{The list (of length the number of fixed-effects) of the fixed-effects identifiers for each observation.}
#' \item{fixef_sizes}{The size of each fixed-effect (i.e. the number of unique identifierfor each fixed-effect dimension).}
#' \item{coefficients}{The named vector of estimated coefficients.}
#' \item{multicol}{Logical, if multicollinearity was found.}
#' \item{coeftable}{The table of the coefficients with their standard errors, z-values and p-values.}
#' \item{loglik}{The loglikelihood.}
#' \item{ssr_null}{Sum of the squared residuals of the null model (containing only with the intercept).}
#' \item{ssr_fe_only}{Sum of the squared residuals of the model estimated with fixed-effects only.}
#' \item{ll_null}{The log-likelihood of the null model (containing only with the intercept).}
#' \item{ll_fe_only}{The log-likelihood of the model estimated with fixed-effects only.}
#' \item{fitted.values}{The fitted values.}
#' \item{linear.predictors}{The linear predictors.}
#' \item{residuals}{The residuals (y minus the fitted values).}
#' \item{sq.cor}{Squared correlation between the dependent variable and the expected predictor (i.e. fitted.values) obtained by the estimation.}
#' \item{hessian}{The Hessian of the parameters.}
#' \item{cov.iid}{The variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.}
#' \item{se}{The standard-error of the parameters.}
#' \item{scores}{The matrix of the scores (first derivative for each observation).}
#' \item{residuals}{The difference between the dependent variable and the expected predictor.}
#' \item{sumFE}{The sum of the fixed-effects coefficients for each observation.}
#' \item{offset}{(When relevant.) The offset formula.}
#' \item{weights}{(When relevant.) The weights formula.}
#' \item{obs_selection}{(When relevant.) List containing vectors of integers. It represents the sequential selection of observation vis a vis the original data set.}
#' \item{collin.var}{(When relevant.) Vector containing the variables removed because of collinearity.}
#' \item{collin.coef}{(When relevant.) Vector of coefficients, where the values of the variables removed because of collinearity are NA.}
#' \item{collin.min_norm}{The minimal diagonal value of the Cholesky decomposition. Small values indicate possible presence collinearity.}
#' \item{y_demeaned}{Only when `demeaned = TRUE`: the centered dependent variable.}
#' \item{X_demeaned}{Only when `demeaned = TRUE`: the centered explanatory variable.}
#' @seealso
#' See also [`summary.fixest`] to see the results with the appropriate standard-errors,
#' [`fixef.fixest`] to extract the fixed-effects coefficients, and the function [`etable`]
#' to visualize the results of multiple estimations. For plotting coefficients: see [`coefplot`].
#' And other estimation methods: [`femlm`], [`feglm`], [`fepois`], [`fenegbin`], [`feNmlm`].
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @references
#' Berge, Laurent, 2018, "Efficient estimation of maximum likelihood models with
#' multiple fixed-effects: the R package FENmlm." CREA Discussion Papers, 13 ([](
#' For models with multiple fixed-effects:
#' Gaure, Simen, 2013, "OLS with multiple high dimensional category variables",
#' Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 66 pp. 8--18
#' @examples
#' #
#' # Basic estimation
#' #
#' res = feols(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, iris)
#' # You can specify clustered standard-errors in summary:
#' summary(res, cluster = ~Species)
#' #
#' # Just one set of fixed-effects:
#' #
#' res = feols(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length | Species, iris)
#' # By default, the SEs are clustered according to the first fixed-effect
#' summary(res)
#' #
#' # Varying slopes:
#' #
#' res = feols(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length | Species[Sepal.Width], iris)
#' summary(res)
#' #
#' # Combining the FEs:
#' #
#' base = iris
#' base$fe_2 = rep(1:10, 15)
#' res_comb = feols(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length | Species^fe_2, base)
#' summary(res_comb)
#' fixef(res_comb)[[1]]
#' #
#' # Using leads/lags:
#' #
#' data(base_did)
#' # We need to set up the panel with the arg.
#' est1 = feols(y ~ l(x1, 0:1), base_did, = ~id+period)
#' est2 = feols(f(y) ~ l(x1, -1:1), base_did, = ~id+period)
#' etable(est1, est2, order = "f", drop="Int")
#' #
#' # Using interactions:
#' #
#' data(base_did)
#' # We interact the variable 'period' with the variable 'treat'
#' est_did = feols(y ~ x1 + i(period, treat, 5) | id+period, base_did)
#' # Now we can plot the result of the interaction with coefplot
#' coefplot(est_did)
#' # You have many more example in coefplot help
#' #
#' # Instrumental variables
#' #
#' # To estimate Two stage least squares,
#' # insert a formula describing the endo. vars./instr. relation after a pipe:
#' base = iris
#' names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "fe1")
#' base$x_inst1 = 0.2 * base$x1 + 0.7 * base$x2 + rpois(150, 2)
#' base$x_inst2 = 0.2 * base$x2 + 0.7 * base$x3 + rpois(150, 3)
#' base$x_endo1 = 0.5 * base$y + 0.5 * base$x3 + rnorm(150, sd = 2)
#' base$x_endo2 = 1.5 * base$y + 0.5 * base$x3 + 3 * base$x_inst1 + rnorm(150, sd = 5)
#' # Using 2 controls, 1 endogenous var. and 1 instrument
#' res_iv = feols(y ~ x1 + x2 | x_endo1 ~ x_inst1, base)
#' # The second stage is the default
#' summary(res_iv)
#' # To show the first stage:
#' summary(res_iv, stage = 1)
#' # To show both the first and second stages:
#' summary(res_iv, stage = 1:2)
#' # Adding a fixed-effect => IV formula always last!
#' res_iv_fe = feols(y ~ x1 + x2 | fe1 | x_endo1 ~ x_inst1, base)
#' # With two endogenous regressors
#' res_iv2 = feols(y ~ x1 + x2 | x_endo1 + x_endo2 ~ x_inst1 + x_inst2, base)
#' # Now there's two first stages => a fixest_multi object is returned
#' sum_res_iv2 = summary(res_iv2, stage = 1)
#' # You can navigate through it by subsetting:
#' sum_res_iv2[iv = 1]
#' # The stage argument also works in etable:
#' etable(res_iv, res_iv_fe, res_iv2, order = "endo")
#' etable(res_iv, res_iv_fe, res_iv2, stage = 1:2, order = c("endo", "inst"),
#' group = list(control = "!endo|inst"))
#' #
#' # Multiple estimations:
#' #
#' # 6 estimations
#' est_mult = feols(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~ Wind + Temp + csw0(Wind:Temp, Day), airquality)
#' # We can display the results for the first lhs:
#' etable(est_mult[lhs = 1])
#' # And now the second (access can be made by name)
#' etable(est_mult[lhs = "Solar.R"])
#' # Now we focus on the two last right hand sides
#' # (note that .N can be used to specify the last item)
#' etable(est_mult[rhs = 2:.N])
#' # Combining with split
#' est_split = feols(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~ sw(poly(Wind, 2), poly(Temp, 2)),
#' airquality, split = ~ Month)
#' # You can display everything at once with the print method
#' est_split
#' # Different way of displaying the results with "compact"
#' summary(est_split, "compact")
#' # You can still select which sample/LHS/RHS to display
#' est_split[sample = 1:2, lhs = 1, rhs = 1]
#' #
#' # Split sample estimations
#' #
#' base = setNames(iris, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species"))
#' est = feols(y ~ x.[1:3], base, split = ~species)
#' etable(est)
#' # You can select specific values with the %keep% and %drop% operators
#' # By default, partial matching is enabled. It should refer to a single variable.
#' est = feols(y ~ x.[1:3], base, split = ~species %keep% c("set", "vers"))
#' etable(est)
#' # You can supply regular expression by using an @ first.
#' # regex can match several values.
#' est = feols(y ~ x.[1:3], base, split = ~species %keep% c("@set|vers"))
#' etable(est)
#' #
#' # Argument sliding
#' #
#' # When the data set is set up globally, you can use the vcov argument implicitly
#' base = setNames(iris, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species"))
#' no_sliding = feols(y ~ x1 + x2, base, ~species)
#' # With sliding
#' setFixest_estimation(data = base)
#' # ~species is implicitly deduced to be equal to 'vcov'
#' sliding = feols(y ~ x1 + x2, ~species)
#' etable(no_sliding, sliding)
#' # Resetting the global options
#' setFixest_estimation(data = NULL)
#' #
#' # Formula expansions
#' #
#' # By default, the features of the xpd function are enabled in
#' # all fixest estimations
#' # Here's a few examples
#' base = setNames(iris, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species"))
#' # dot square bracket operator
#' feols(y ~ x.[1:3], base)
#' # fetching variables via regular expressions: ..("regex")
#' feols(y ~ ..("1|2"), base)
#' # NOTA: it also works for multiple LHS
#' mult1 = feols(x.[1:2] ~ y + species, base)
#' mult2 = feols(..("y|3") ~ x.[1:2] + species, base)
#' etable(mult1, mult2)
#' # Use .[, stuff] to include variables in functions:
#' feols(y ~ csw(x.[, 1:3]), base)
#' # Same for ..(, "regex")
#' feols(y ~ csw(..(,"x")), base)
feols = function(fml, data, vcov, weights, offset, subset, split, fsplit, split.keep,
split.drop, cluster, se,
ssc,, fixef, fixef.rm = "none", fixef.tol = 1e-6,
fixef.iter = 10000, fixef.algo = NULL,
collin.tol = 1e-10, nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(),
lean = FALSE, verbose = 0, warn = TRUE, notes = getFixest_notes(),
only.coef = FALSE, = FALSE,
combine.quick, demeaned = FALSE, mem.clean = FALSE,
only.env = FALSE, env, ...){
dots = list(...)
# 1st: is the call coming from feglm?
skip_fixef = FALSE
if("fromGLM" %in% names(dots)){
fromGLM = TRUE
# env is provided by feglm
X = dots$X
y = as.vector(dots$y)
init = dots$means
correct_0w = dots$correct_0w
only.coef = FALSE
# IN_MULTI is only used to trigger notes, this happens only within feglm
# I can't really mutualize these three lines of code since the verbose
# needs to be checked before using it, and here it's an internal call
time_start = proc.time()
gt = function(x, nl = TRUE) cat(sfill(x, 20), ": ", -(t0 - (t0<<-proc.time()))[3],
"s", ifelse(nl, "\n", ""), sep = "")
t0 = proc.time()
} else {
time_start = proc.time()
gt = function(x, nl = TRUE) cat(sfill(x, 20), ": ", -(t0 - (t0<<-proc.time()))[3], "s",
ifelse(nl, "\n", ""), sep = "")
t0 = proc.time()
# we use fixest_env for appropriate controls and data handling
call_env = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
env = try(fixest_env(fml = fml, data = data, weights = weights, offset = offset,
subset = subset, split = split, fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
vcov = vcov, cluster = cluster, se = se, ssc = ssc, =, fixef = fixef, fixef.rm = fixef.rm,
fixef.tol = fixef.tol, fixef.iter = fixef.iter,
fixef.algo = fixef.algo, collin.tol = collin.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, lean = lean, verbose = verbose, warn = warn,
notes = notes, only.coef = only.coef, =,
combine.quick = combine.quick, demeaned = demeaned,
mem.clean = mem.clean, origin = "feols", mc_origin =,
call_env = call_env, ...), silent = TRUE)
} else if((r <- !is.environment(env)) || !isTRUE(env$fixest_env)) {
stop("Argument 'env' must be an environment created by a fixest estimation. Currently it is not ", ifelse(r, "an", "a 'fixest'"), " environment.")
if("try-error" %in% class(env)){
stop(format_error_msg(env, "feols"))
check_arg(only.env, "logical scalar")
y = get("lhs", env)
X = get("linear.mat", env)
nthreads = get("nthreads", env)
init = 0
# demeaned variables
skip_fixef = TRUE
X_demean = dots$X_demean
y_demean = dots$y_demean
# offset
offset = get("offset.value", env)
isOffset = length(offset) > 1
# multiple outcomes
for(i in seq_along(y)){
y[[i]] = y[[i]] - offset
} else {
y = y - offset
# weights
weights = get("weights.value", env)
isWeight = length(weights) > 1
correct_0w = FALSE
mem.clean = get("mem.clean", env)
demeaned = get("demeaned", env)
warn = get("warn", env)
only.coef = get("only.coef", env)
IN_MULTI = get("IN_MULTI", env)
is_multi_root = get("is_multi_root", env)
assign("is_multi_root", FALSE, env)
verbose = get("verbose", env)
if(verbose >= 2) gt("Setup")
isFixef = get("isFixef", env)
# Used to solve with the reduced model
xwx = dots$xwx
xwy = dots$xwy
# Split ####
do_split = get("do_split", env)
res = multi_split(env, feols)
# Multi fixef ####
do_multi_fixef = get("do_multi_fixef", env)
res = multi_fixef(env, feols)
# Multi LHS and RHS ####
do_multi_lhs = get("do_multi_lhs", env)
do_multi_rhs = get("do_multi_rhs", env)
if(do_multi_lhs || do_multi_rhs){
assign("do_multi_lhs", FALSE, env)
assign("do_multi_rhs", FALSE, env)
do_iv = get("do_iv", env)
fml = get("fml", env)
lhs_names = get("lhs_names", env)
lhs = y
# We find out which LHS have the same NA patterns => saves a lot of computation
n_lhs = length(lhs)
lhs_group_is_na = list()
lhs_group_id = c()
lhs_group_n_na = c()
for(i in 1:n_lhs){
is_na_current = !is.finite(lhs[[i]])
n_na_current = sum(is_na_current)
if(i == 1){
lhs_group_id = 1
lhs_group_is_na[[1]] = is_na_current
lhs_group_n_na[1] = n_na_current
} else {
qui = which(lhs_group_n_na == n_na_current)
if(length(qui) > 0){
if(n_na_current == 0){
# no need to check the pattern
lhs_group_id[i] = lhs_group_id[qui[1]]
for(j in qui){
if(all(is_na_current == lhs_group_is_na[[j]])){
lhs_group_id[i] = lhs_group_id[j]
# if here => new group because couldn't be matched
id = max(lhs_group_id) + 1
lhs_group_id[i] = id
lhs_group_is_na[[id]] = is_na_current
lhs_group_n_na[id] = n_na_current
# we make groups
lhs_group = list()
for(i in 1:max(lhs_group_id)){
lhs_group[[i]] = which(lhs_group_id == i)
} else if(do_multi_lhs == FALSE){
lhs_group_is_na = list(FALSE)
lhs_group_n_na = 0
lhs_group = list(1)
lhs = list(lhs) # I really abuse R shallow copy system...
names(lhs) = deparse_long(fml[[2]])
rhs_info_stepwise = get("rhs_info_stepwise", env)
multi_rhs_fml_full = rhs_info_stepwise$fml_all_full
multi_rhs_fml_sw = rhs_info_stepwise$fml_all_sw
multi_rhs_cumul = rhs_info_stepwise$is_cumul
linear_core = get("linear_core", env)
rhs = get("rhs_sw", env)
# Two schemes:
# - if cumulative: we take advantage of it => both in demeaning and in estimation
# - if regular stepwise => only in demeaning
# => of course this is dependent on the pattern of NAs
n_core_left = if(length(linear_core$left) == 1) 0 else ncol(linear_core$left)
n_core_right = if(length(linear_core$right) == 1) 0 else ncol(linear_core$right)
# rnc: running number of columns
rnc = n_core_left
if(rnc == 0){
col_start = integer(0)
} else {
col_start = 1:rnc
rhs_group_is_na = list()
rhs_group_id = c()
rhs_group_n_na = c()
rhs_n_vars = c()
rhs_col_id = list()
any_na_rhs = FALSE
for(i in seq_along(multi_rhs_fml_sw)){
# We evaluate the extra data and check the NA pattern
my_fml = multi_rhs_fml_sw[[i]]
if(i == 1 && (multi_rhs_cumul || identical(my_fml[[3]], 1))){
# That case is already in the main linear.mat => no NA
rhs_group_id = 1
rhs_group_is_na[[1]] = FALSE
rhs_group_n_na[1] = 0
rhs_n_vars[1] = 0
rhs[[1]] = 0
if(rnc == 0){
rhs_col_id[[1]] = integer(0)
} else {
rhs_col_id[[1]] = 1:rnc
rhs_current = rhs[[i]]
rhs_n_vars[i] = ncol(rhs_current)
info = cpp_which_na_inf_mat(rhs_current, nthreads)
is_na_current = info$is_na_inf
if(multi_rhs_cumul && any_na_rhs){
# we cumulate the NAs
is_na_current = is_na_current | rhs_group_is_na[[rhs_group_id[i - 1]]]
info$any_na_inf = any(is_na_current)
n_na_current = 0
any_na_rhs = TRUE
n_na_current = sum(is_na_current)
} else {
# NULL would lead to problems down the road
is_na_current = FALSE
if(i == 1){
rhs_group_id = 1
rhs_group_is_na[[1]] = is_na_current
rhs_group_n_na[1] = n_na_current
} else {
qui = which(rhs_group_n_na == n_na_current)
if(length(qui) > 0){
if(n_na_current == 0){
# no need to check the pattern
rhs_group_id[i] = rhs_group_id[qui[1]]
go_next = FALSE
for(j in qui){
if(all(is_na_current == rhs_group_is_na[[j]])){
rhs_group_id[i] = j
go_next = TRUE
if(go_next) next
# if here => new group because couldn't be matched
id = max(rhs_group_id) + 1
rhs_group_id[i] = id
rhs_group_is_na[[id]] = is_na_current
rhs_group_n_na[id] = n_na_current
# we make groups
rhs_group = list()
for(i in 1:max(rhs_group_id)){
rhs_group[[i]] = which(rhs_group_id == i)
# Finding the right column IDs to select
rhs_group_n_vars = rep(0, length(rhs_group)) # To get the total nber of cols per group
for(i in seq_along(multi_rhs_fml_sw)){
rnc = rnc + rhs_n_vars[i]
if(rnc == 0){
rhs_col_id[[i]] = integer(0)
} else {
rhs_col_id[[i]] = 1:rnc
} else {
id = rhs_group_id[i]
rhs_col_id[[i]] = c(col_start, seq(rnc + rhs_group_n_vars[id] + 1, length.out = rhs_n_vars[i]))
rhs_group_n_vars[id] = rhs_group_n_vars[id] + rhs_n_vars[i]
if(n_core_right > 0){
# We adjust
for(i in seq_along(multi_rhs_fml_sw)){
id = rhs_group_id[i]
gmax = max(rhs_group[[id]])
rhs_col_id[[i]] = c(rhs_col_id[[i]], n_core_left + sum(rhs_n_vars[1:gmax]) + 1:n_core_right)
} else {
for(i in seq_along(multi_rhs_fml_sw)){
id = rhs_group_id[i]
rhs_col_id[[i]] = c(rhs_col_id[[i]], n_core_left + rhs_group_n_vars[id] + 1:n_core_right)
} else if(do_multi_rhs == FALSE){
multi_rhs_fml_full = list(.xpd(rhs = fml[[3]]))
multi_rhs_cumul = FALSE
rhs_group_is_na = list(FALSE)
rhs_group_n_na = 0
rhs_n_vars = 0
rhs_group = list(1)
rhs = list(0)
rhs_col_id = list(1:NCOL(X))
linear_core = list(left = X, right = 1)
isLinear_right = length(linear_core$right) > 1
isLinear = length(linear_core$left) > 1 || isLinear_right
n_lhs = length(lhs)
n_rhs = length(rhs)
res = vector("list", n_lhs * n_rhs)
rhs_names = sapply(multi_rhs_fml_full, function(x) as.character(x)[[2]])
for(i in seq_along(lhs_group)){
for(j in seq_along(rhs_group)){
# NA removal
no_na = FALSE
if(lhs_group_n_na[i] > 0){
if(rhs_group_n_na[j] > 0){
is_na_current = lhs_group_is_na[[i]] | rhs_group_is_na[[j]]
} else {
is_na_current = lhs_group_is_na[[i]]
} else if(rhs_group_n_na[j] > 0){
is_na_current = rhs_group_is_na[[j]]
} else {
no_na = TRUE
# Here it depends on whether there are FEs or not, whether it's cumul or not
my_lhs = lhs[lhs_group[[i]]]
my_rhs = linear_core[1]
gmax = max(rhs_group[[j]])
my_rhs[1 + (1:gmax)] = rhs[1:gmax]
} else {
for(u in rhs_group[[j]]){
if(length(rhs[[u]]) > 1){
my_rhs[[length(my_rhs) + 1]] = rhs[[u]]
my_rhs[[length(my_rhs) + 1]] = linear_core$right
} else{
rhs_len = lengths(rhs)
gmax = max(rhs_group[[j]])
my_rhs = rhs[rhs_len > 1 & seq_along(rhs) <= gmax]
} else {
my_rhs = rhs[rhs_len > 1 & seq_along(rhs) %in% rhs_group[[j]]]
my_rhs[[length(my_rhs) + 1]] = linear_core$right
len_all = lengths(my_rhs)
if(any(len_all == 1)){
my_rhs = my_rhs[len_all > 1]
# NA removal
for(u in seq_along(my_lhs)){
my_lhs[[u]] = my_lhs[[u]][!is_na_current]
for(u in seq_along(my_rhs)){
if(length(my_rhs[[u]]) > 1) my_rhs[[u]] = my_rhs[[u]][!is_na_current, , drop = FALSE]
my_env = reshape_env(env, obs2keep = which(!is_na_current), assign_lhs = FALSE, assign_rhs = FALSE)
} else {
my_env = reshape_env(env)
weights = get("weights.value", my_env)
all_varnames = NULL
isLinear_current = TRUE
if(length(my_rhs) == 0){
X_all = 0
isLinear_current = FALSE
} else {
# We try to avoid repeating variables
# => can happen in stepwise estimations (not in csw)
all_varnames = unlist(sapply(my_rhs, colnames))
all_varnames_unik = unique(all_varnames)
all_varnames_done = rep(FALSE, length(all_varnames_unik))
all_varnames_done = all_varnames_unik %in% colnames(my_rhs[[1]])
dict_vars = 1:length(all_varnames_unik)
names(dict_vars) = all_varnames_unik
n_rhs_current = length(my_rhs)
args_cbind = vector("list", n_rhs_current)
args_cbind[[1]] = my_rhs[[1]]
id_rhs = 2
while(!all(all_varnames_done) && id_rhs <= n_rhs_current){
rhs_current = my_rhs[[id_rhs]]
qui = !colnames(rhs_current) %in% all_varnames_unik[all_varnames_done]
args_cbind[[id_rhs]] = rhs_current[, qui, drop = FALSE]
all_varnames_done = all_varnames_done | all_varnames_unik %in% colnames(rhs_current)
id_rhs = id_rhs + 1
X_all ="cbind", args_cbind)
# We need to GET them => they have been modified in my_env
iv_lhs = get("iv_lhs", my_env)
iv.mat = get("iv.mat", my_env)
n_inst = ncol(iv.mat)
# We batch demean
n_vars_X = ifelse(is.null(ncol(X_all)), 0, ncol(X_all))
# fixef information
fixef_sizes = get("fixef_sizes", my_env)
fixef_table_vector = get("fixef_table_vector", my_env)
fixef_id_list = get("fixef_id_list", my_env)
fixef.algo = get("fixef.algo", env)
slope_flag = get("slope_flag", my_env)
slope_vars = get("slope_variables", my_env)
if(mem.clean) gc()
vars_demean = cpp_demean(my_lhs, X_all, weights, iterMax = fixef.iter,
diffMax = fixef.tol, r_nb_id_Q = fixef_sizes,
fe_id_list = fixef_id_list, table_id_I = fixef_table_vector,
slope_flag_Q = slope_flag, slope_vars_list = slope_vars,
r_init = init, nthreads = nthreads,
algo_extraProj = fixef.algo$extraProj,
algo_iter_warmup = fixef.algo$iter_warmup,
algo_iter_projAfterAcc = fixef.algo$iter_projAfterAcc,
algo_iter_grandAcc = fixef.algo$iter_grandAcc)
X_demean = vars_demean$X_demean
y_demean = vars_demean$y_demean
iv_vars_demean = cpp_demean(iv_lhs, iv.mat, weights, iterMax = fixef.iter,
diffMax = fixef.tol, r_nb_id_Q = fixef_sizes,
fe_id_list = fixef_id_list, table_id_I = fixef_table_vector,
slope_flag_Q = slope_flag, slope_vars_list = slope_vars,
r_init = init, nthreads = nthreads,
algo_extraProj = fixef.algo$extraProj,
algo_iter_warmup = fixef.algo$iter_warmup,
algo_iter_projAfterAcc = fixef.algo$iter_projAfterAcc,
algo_iter_grandAcc = fixef.algo$iter_grandAcc)
iv.mat_demean = iv_vars_demean$X_demean
iv_lhs_demean = iv_vars_demean$y_demean
# We precompute the solution
iv_products = cpp_iv_products(X = X_demean, y = y_demean,
Z = iv.mat_demean, u = iv_lhs_demean,
w = weights, nthreads = nthreads)
} else {
X_all = as.matrix(X_all)
iv_products = cpp_iv_products(X = X_all, y = my_lhs, Z = iv.mat,
u = iv_lhs, w = weights, nthreads = nthreads)
} else {
my_products = cpp_sparse_products(X_demean, weights, y_demean, nthreads = nthreads)
} else {
my_products = cpp_sparse_products(X_all, weights, my_lhs, nthreads = nthreads)
xwx = my_products$XtX
xwy = my_products$Xty
for(ii in seq_along(my_lhs)){
i_lhs = lhs_group[[i]][ii]
for(jj in rhs_group[[j]]){
# linking the unique variables to the variables
qui_X = rhs_col_id[[jj]]
qui_X = dict_vars[all_varnames[qui_X]]
my_X = X_all[, qui_X, drop = FALSE]
} else {
my_X = 0
my_fml = .xpd(lhs = lhs_names[i_lhs], rhs = multi_rhs_fml_full[[jj]])
current_env = reshape_env(my_env, lhs = my_lhs[[ii]], rhs = my_X, fml_linear = my_fml)
qui_iv = c(1:n_inst, n_inst + qui_X)
XtX = iv_products$XtX[qui_X, qui_X, drop = FALSE]
Xty = iv_products$Xty[[ii]][qui_X]
} else {
qui_iv = 1:n_inst
XtX = matrix(0, 1, 1)
Xty = matrix(0, 1, 1)
my_iv_products = list(XtX = XtX,
Xty = Xty,
ZXtZX = iv_products$ZXtZX[qui_iv, qui_iv, drop = FALSE],
ZXtu = lapply(iv_products$ZXtu, function(x) x[qui_iv]))
my_res = feols(env = current_env, iv_products = my_iv_products,
X_demean = X_demean[ , qui_X, drop = FALSE],
y_demean = y_demean[[ii]],
iv.mat_demean = iv.mat_demean, iv_lhs_demean = iv_lhs_demean)
} else {
my_res = feols(env = current_env, iv_products = my_iv_products)
} else {
my_res = feols(env = current_env, xwx = xwx[qui_X, qui_X, drop = FALSE],
xwy = xwy[[ii]][qui_X],
X_demean = X_demean[ , qui_X, drop = FALSE],
y_demean = y_demean[[ii]])
} else {
my_res = feols(env = current_env, xwx = xwx[qui_X, qui_X, drop = FALSE],
xwy = xwy[[ii]][qui_X])
res[[index_2D_to_1D(i_lhs, jj, n_rhs)]] = my_res
# Meta information for fixest_multi
values = list(lhs = rep(lhs_names, each = n_rhs),
rhs = rep(rhs_names, n_lhs))
if(n_lhs == 1) values$lhs = NULL
if(n_rhs == 1) values$rhs = NULL
# result
res_multi = setup_multi(res, values)
# IV ####
do_iv = get("do_iv", env)
assign("do_iv", FALSE, env)
assign("verbose", 0, env)
# Loaded already
# y: lhs
# X: linear.mat
iv_lhs = get("iv_lhs", env)
iv_lhs_names = get("iv_lhs_names", env)
iv.mat = get("iv.mat", env) # we enforce (before) at least one variable in iv.mat
K = ncol(iv.mat)
n_endo = length(iv_lhs)
lean = get("lean", env)
# Simple check that the function is not misused
pblm = intersect(iv_lhs_names, colnames(X))
if(length(pblm) > 0){
any_exo = length(setdiff(colnames(X), iv_lhs_names)) > 0
msg = if(any_exo) "" else " If there is no exogenous variable, just use '1' in the first part of the formula."
stopi("Endogenous variables should not be used as exogenous regressors. ",
"The variable{$s, enum.q, were ? pblm} found in the first part ",
"of the multipart formula: {$(it;they)} should not be there.", msg)
# we batch demean first
n_vars_X = if(is.null(ncol(X))) 0 else ncol(X)
if(mem.clean) gc()
# means this is a call from multiple LHS/RHS
X_demean = dots$X_demean
y_demean = dots$y_demean
iv.mat_demean = dots$iv.mat_demean
iv_lhs_demean = dots$iv_lhs_demean
iv_products = dots$iv_products
} else {
# fixef information
fixef_sizes = get("fixef_sizes", env)
fixef_table_vector = get("fixef_table_vector", env)
fixef_id_list = get("fixef_id_list", env)
fixef.algo = get("fixef.algo", env)
slope_flag = get("slope_flag", env)
slope_vars = get("slope_variables", env)
vars_demean = cpp_demean(y, X, weights, iterMax = fixef.iter,
diffMax = fixef.tol, r_nb_id_Q = fixef_sizes,
fe_id_list = fixef_id_list, table_id_I = fixef_table_vector,
slope_flag_Q = slope_flag, slope_vars_list = slope_vars,
r_init = init, nthreads = nthreads,
algo_extraProj = fixef.algo$extraProj,
algo_iter_warmup = fixef.algo$iter_warmup,
algo_iter_projAfterAcc = fixef.algo$iter_projAfterAcc,
algo_iter_grandAcc = fixef.algo$iter_grandAcc)
iv_vars_demean = cpp_demean(iv_lhs, iv.mat, weights, iterMax = fixef.iter,
diffMax = fixef.tol, r_nb_id_Q = fixef_sizes,
fe_id_list = fixef_id_list, table_id_I = fixef_table_vector,
slope_flag_Q = slope_flag, slope_vars_list = slope_vars,
r_init = init, nthreads = nthreads,
algo_extraProj = fixef.algo$extraProj,
algo_iter_warmup = fixef.algo$iter_warmup,
algo_iter_projAfterAcc = fixef.algo$iter_projAfterAcc,
algo_iter_grandAcc = fixef.algo$iter_grandAcc)
X_demean = vars_demean$X_demean
y_demean = vars_demean$y_demean
iv.mat_demean = iv_vars_demean$X_demean
iv_lhs_demean = iv_vars_demean$y_demean
# We precompute the solution
iv_products = cpp_iv_products(X = X_demean, y = y_demean, Z = iv.mat_demean,
u = iv_lhs_demean, w = weights, nthreads = nthreads)
only_0 = cpp_check_only_0(X_demean, nthreads)
no_X_Fstat = FALSE
if(all(only_0 == 1)){
no_X_Fstat = TRUE
if(n_vars_X == 0){
ZX_demean = iv.mat_demean
ZX = iv.mat
} else {
ZX_demean = cbind(iv.mat_demean, X_demean)
ZX = cbind(iv.mat, X)
# First stage(s)
ZXtZX = iv_products$ZXtZX
ZXtu = iv_products$ZXtu
res_first_stage = list()
for(i in 1:n_endo){
current_env = reshape_env(env, lhs = iv_lhs[[i]], rhs = ZX, fml_iv_endo = iv_lhs_names[i])
my_res = feols(env = current_env, xwx = ZXtZX, xwy = ZXtu[[i]],
X_demean = ZX_demean, y_demean = iv_lhs_demean[[i]],
add_fitted_demean = TRUE, iv_call = TRUE, notes = FALSE)
# For the F-stats
if(n_vars_X == 0 || no_X_Fstat){
my_res$ssr_no_inst = cpp_ssq(iv_lhs_demean[[i]], weights)
} else {
fit_no_inst = ols_fit(iv_lhs_demean[[i]], X_demean, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE,
collin.tol = collin.tol, nthreads = nthreads,
xwx = iv_products$XtX, xwy = ZXtu[[i]][-(1:K)])
my_res$ssr_no_inst = cpp_ssq(fit_no_inst$residuals, weights)
my_res$iv_stage = 1
my_res$iv_inst_names_xpd = colnames(iv.mat)
res_first_stage[[iv_lhs_names[i]]] = my_res
if(verbose >= 2) gt("1st stage(s)")
# Second stage
if(n_endo == 1){
res_FS = res_first_stage[[1]]
U = as.matrix(res_FS$fitted.values)
U_demean = as.matrix(res_FS$fitted.values_demean)
} else {
U_list = list()
U_dm_list = list()
for(i in 1:n_endo){
res_FS = res_first_stage[[i]]
U_list[[i]] = res_FS$fitted.values
U_dm_list[[i]] = res_FS$fitted.values_demean
U ="cbind", U_list)
U_demean ="cbind", U_dm_list)
colnames(U) = colnames(U_demean) = paste0("fit_", iv_lhs_names)
if(n_vars_X == 0){
UX = as.matrix(U)
UX_demean = as.matrix(U_demean)
} else {
UX = cbind(U, X)
UX_demean = cbind(U_demean, X_demean)
XtX = iv_products$XtX
Xty = iv_products$Xty
iv_prod_second = cpp_iv_product_completion(XtX = XtX, Xty = Xty, X = X_demean,
y = y_demean, U = U_demean, w = weights,
nthreads = nthreads)
UXtUX = iv_prod_second$UXtUX
UXty = iv_prod_second$UXty
resid_s1 = lapply(res_first_stage, function(x) x$residuals)
current_env = reshape_env(env, rhs = UX)
res_second_stage = feols(env = current_env, xwx = UXtUX, xwy = UXty,
X_demean = UX_demean, y_demean = y_demean,
resid_1st_stage = resid_s1, iv_call = TRUE, notes = FALSE)
# For the F-stats
if(n_vars_X == 0 || no_X_Fstat){
res_second_stage$ssr_no_endo = cpp_ssq(y_demean, weights)
} else {
fit_no_endo = ols_fit(y_demean, X_demean, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE,
collin.tol = collin.tol, nthreads = nthreads,
xwx = XtX, xwy = Xty)
res_second_stage$ssr_no_endo = cpp_ssq(fit_no_endo$residuals, weights)
} else {
# fixef == FALSE
is_X = length(X) > 1
X = as.matrix(X)
# We precompute the solution
# means this is a call from multiple LHS/RHS
iv_products = dots$iv_products
} else {
iv_products = cpp_iv_products(X = X, y = y, Z = iv.mat,
u = iv_lhs, w = weights, nthreads = nthreads)
if(verbose >= 2) gt("IV products")
ZX = if(is_X) cbind(iv.mat, X) else iv.mat
# First stage(s)
ZXtZX = iv_products$ZXtZX
ZXtu = iv_products$ZXtu
# Let's put the intercept first => I know it's not really elegant, but that's life
is_int = "(Intercept)" %in% colnames(X)
nz = ncol(iv.mat)
nzx = ncol(ZX)
qui = c(nz + 1, (1:nzx)[-(nz + 1)])
ZX = ZX[, qui, drop = FALSE]
ZXtZX = ZXtZX[qui, qui, drop = FALSE]
for(i in seq_along(ZXtu)){
ZXtu[[i]] = ZXtu[[i]][qui]
res_first_stage = list()
for(i in 1:n_endo){
current_env = reshape_env(env, lhs = iv_lhs[[i]], rhs = ZX, fml_iv_endo = iv_lhs_names[i])
my_res = feols(env = current_env, xwx = ZXtZX, xwy = ZXtu[[i]],
iv_call = TRUE, notes = FALSE)
# For the F-stats
fit_no_inst = ols_fit(iv_lhs[[i]], X, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE,
collin.tol = collin.tol, nthreads = nthreads,
xwx = ZXtZX[-(1:K + is_int), -(1:K + is_int), drop = FALSE],
xwy = ZXtu[[i]][-(1:K + is_int)])
my_res$ssr_no_inst = cpp_ssq(fit_no_inst$residuals, weights)
} else {
my_res$ssr_no_inst = cpp_ssr_null(iv_lhs[[i]], weights)
my_res$iv_stage = 1
my_res$iv_inst_names_xpd = colnames(iv.mat)
res_first_stage[[iv_lhs_names[i]]] = my_res
if(verbose >= 2) gt("1st stage(s)")
# Second stage
if(n_endo == 1){
res_FS = res_first_stage[[1]]
U = as.matrix(res_FS$fitted.values)
} else {
U_list = list()
U_dm_list = list()
for(i in 1:n_endo){
res_FS = res_first_stage[[i]]
U_list[[i]] = res_FS$fitted.values
U ="cbind", U_list)
colnames(U) = paste0("fit_", iv_lhs_names)
UX = if(is_X) cbind(U, X) else U
XtX = iv_products$XtX
Xty = iv_products$Xty
iv_prod_second = cpp_iv_product_completion(XtX = XtX, Xty = Xty, X = X,
y = y, U = U, w = weights, nthreads = nthreads)
UXtUX = iv_prod_second$UXtUX
UXty = iv_prod_second$UXty
nu = ncol(U)
nux = ncol(UX)
qui = c(nu + 1, (1:nux)[-(nu + 1)])
UX = UX[, qui, drop = FALSE]
UXtUX = UXtUX[qui, qui, drop = FALSE]
UXty = UXty[qui]
resid_s1 = lapply(res_first_stage, function(x) x$residuals)
current_env = reshape_env(env, rhs = UX)
res_second_stage = feols(env = current_env, xwx = UXtUX, xwy = UXty,
resid_1st_stage = resid_s1, iv_call = TRUE, notes = FALSE)
# For the F-stats
fit_no_endo = ols_fit(y, X, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE,
collin.tol = collin.tol, nthreads = nthreads,
xwx = XtX, xwy = Xty)
res_second_stage$ssr_no_endo = cpp_ssq(fit_no_endo$residuals, weights)
} else {
res_second_stage$ssr_no_endo = cpp_ssr_null(y, weights)
if(verbose >= 2) gt("2nd stage")
# Wu-Hausman endogeneity test
# Current limitation => only standard vcov => later add argument (which would yield the full est.)?
# The problem of the full est. is that it takes memory very likely needlessly
ENDO_demean =, iv_lhs_demean)
iv_prod_wh = cpp_iv_product_completion(XtX = UXtUX, Xty = UXty,
X = UX_demean, y = y_demean, U = ENDO_demean,
w = weights, nthreads = nthreads)
RHS_wh = cbind(ENDO_demean, UX_demean)
fit_wh = ols_fit(y_demean, RHS_wh, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE, collin.tol = collin.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, xwx = iv_prod_wh$UXtUX, xwy = iv_prod_wh$UXty)
} else {
ENDO =, iv_lhs)
iv_prod_wh = cpp_iv_product_completion(XtX = UXtUX, Xty = UXty,
X = UX, y = y, U = ENDO,
w = weights, nthreads = nthreads)
RHS_wh = cbind(ENDO, UX)
fit_wh = ols_fit(y, RHS_wh, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE, collin.tol = collin.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, xwx = iv_prod_wh$UXtUX, xwy = iv_prod_wh$UXty)
df1 = n_endo
df2 = length(y) - (res_second_stage$nparams + df1)
stat = p = NA
} else {
qui = df1 + 1:df1 + ("(Intercept)" %in% names(res_second_stage$coefficients))
my_coef = fit_wh$coefficients[qui]
vcov_wh = fit_wh$xwx_inv[qui, qui] * cpp_ssq(fit_wh$residuals, weights) / df2
stat = drop(my_coef %*% solve(vcov_wh) %*% my_coef) / df1
p = pf(stat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
res_second_stage$iv_wh = list(stat = stat, p = p, df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
# Sargan
if(n_endo < ncol(iv.mat)){
df = ncol(iv.mat) - n_endo
resid_2nd = res_second_stage$residuals
xwy = cpp_xwy(ZX_demean, resid_2nd, weights, nthreads)
fit_sargan = ols_fit(resid_2nd, ZX_demean, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE,
collin.tol = collin.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, xwx = ZXtZX, xwy = xwy)
} else {
xwy = cpp_xwy(ZX, resid_2nd, weights, nthreads)
fit_sargan = ols_fit(resid_2nd, ZX, w = weights, correct_0w = FALSE,
collin.tol = collin.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, xwx = ZXtZX, xwy = xwy)
r = fit_sargan$residuals
stat = length(r) * (1 - cpp_ssq(r, weights) / cpp_ssr_null(resid_2nd))
p = pchisq(stat, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
res_second_stage$iv_sargan = list(stat = stat, p = p, df = df)
# extra information
res_second_stage$iv_inst_names_xpd = res_first_stage[[1]]$iv_inst_names_xpd
res_second_stage$iv_endo_names_fit = paste0("fit_", res_second_stage$iv_endo_names)
# Collinearity message
collin.vars = c(res_second_stage$collin.var, res_first_stage[[1]]$collin.var)
res_second_stage$collin.var = unique(collin.vars)
if(notes && length(collin.vars) > 0){
coll.endo = intersect(collin.vars, res_second_stage$iv_endo_names_fit)
coll.inst = intersect(collin.vars, res_second_stage$iv_inst_names_xpd)
coll.exo = setdiff(collin.vars, c(coll.endo, coll.inst))
n_c = length(collin.vars)
n_c_endo = length(coll.endo)
n_c_inst = length(coll.inst)
n_c_exo = length(coll.exo)
msg_endo = msg_exo = msg_inst = NULL
if(n_c_endo > 0){
msg_endo = sma("The endogenous regressor{$s, enum.q ? coll.endo}")
} else if(n_c_inst > 0){
msg_inst = sma("the instrument{$s, enum.q ? coll.inst}")
} else if(n_c_exo > 0){
msg_exo = sma("the exogenous variable{$s, enum.q ? coll.exo}")
msg = sma("{enum.oxford, upper.sentence ? c(msg_endo, msg_inst, msg_exo)}")
msg = sma(msg, " {#has?n_c} been removed because of collinearity (see $collin.var).")
} else {
# if lean = TRUE: we clean the IV residuals (which were needed so far)
for(i in 1:n_endo){
res_first_stage[[i]]$residuals = NULL
res_first_stage[[i]]$fitted.values = NULL
res_first_stage[[i]]$fitted.values_demean = NULL
res_second_stage$residuals = NULL
res_second_stage$fitted.values = NULL
res_second_stage$fitted.values_demean = NULL
res_second_stage$iv_first_stage = res_first_stage
# meta info
res_second_stage$iv_stage = 2
# Regular estimation ####
onlyFixef = length(X) == 1 || ncol(X) == 0
if(length(y) == 1){
onlyFixef = is.null(dim(X)) || ncol(X) == 0
res = list(coefficients = NA)
} else {
res = get("res", env)
# Variables were already demeaned
} else if(!isFixef){
# No Fixed-effects
y_demean = y
X_demean = X
res$means = 0
} else {
time_demean = proc.time()
# fixef information
fixef_sizes = get("fixef_sizes", env)
fixef_table_vector = get("fixef_table_vector", env)
fixef_id_list = get("fixef_id_list", env)
# control over the demeaning algorithm
fixef.algo = get("fixef.algo", env)
slope_flag = get("slope_flag", env)
slope_vars = get("slope_variables", env)
# we can't really rm many variables... but gc can be enough
# cpp_demean is the most mem intensive bit
vars_demean = cpp_demean(y, X, weights, iterMax = fixef.iter,
diffMax = fixef.tol, r_nb_id_Q = fixef_sizes,
fe_id_list = fixef_id_list, table_id_I = fixef_table_vector,
slope_flag_Q = slope_flag, slope_vars_list = slope_vars,
r_init = init, nthreads = nthreads,
algo_extraProj = fixef.algo$extraProj,
algo_iter_warmup = fixef.algo$iter_warmup,
algo_iter_projAfterAcc = fixef.algo$iter_projAfterAcc,
algo_iter_grandAcc = fixef.algo$iter_grandAcc)
y_demean = vars_demean$y_demean
X_demean = matrix(1, nrow = length(y_demean))
} else {
X_demean = vars_demean$X_demean
res$iterations = vars_demean$iterations
res$means = vars_demean$means
if(any(abs(slope_flag) > 0) && any(res$iterations > 300)){
# Maybe we have a convergence problem
# This is poorly coded, but it's a temporary fix
opt_fe = check_conv(y_demean, X_demean, fixef_id_list, slope_flag, slope_vars, weights)
# This is a bit too rough a check but it should catch the most problematic cases
if(anyNA(opt_fe) || any(opt_fe > 1e-4)){
msg = "There seems to be a convergence problem due to the presence of variables with varying slopes. The precision of the estimates may not be great."
if(any(slope_flag < 0)){
sugg = "This convergence problem mostly arises when there are varying slopes without their associated fixed-effect, as is the case in your estimation. Why not try to include the fixed-effect (i.e. use '[' instead of '[[')?"
} else {
sugg = "As a workaround, and if there are not too many slopes, you can use the variables with varying slopes as regular variables using the function i (see ?i)."
sugg_tol = "Or use a lower 'fixef.tol' (sometimes it works)?"
msg = paste(msg, sugg, sugg_tol)
res$convStatus = FALSE
res$message = paste0("tol: ", fsignif(fixef.tol), ", iter: ", max(res$iterations))
res$warn_varying_slope = msg
} else if(warn){
} else {
} else if(any(res$iterations >= fixef.iter)){
msg = paste0("Demeaning algorithm: Absence of convergence after reaching the maximum number of iterations (", fixef.iter, ").")
res$convStatus = FALSE
res$message = paste0("Maximum of ", fixef.iter, " iterations reached.")
res$warn_varying_slope = msg
} else {
} else {
if(verbose >= 1){
if(length(fixef_sizes) > 1){
gt("Demeaning", FALSE)
cat(" (iter: ", paste0(c(tail(res$iterations, 1),
res$iterations[-length(res$iterations)]), collapse = ", "), ")\n",
sep = "")
} else {
# Estimation
est = ols_fit(y_demean, X_demean, weights, correct_0w, collin.tol, nthreads,
xwx, xwy, only.coef = only.coef)
names(est) = colnames(X)
# Corner case: not any relevant variable
all_vars = colnames(X)
msg = sma("{$(The only variable;All variables)}, {enum.q.3 ? all_vars}, {$are} collinear with the fixed effects. Without doubt, your model is misspecified.")
} else {
msg = sma("{$(The only variable;All variables)}, {enum.q.3 ? all_vars}, {$are} virtually constant and equal to 0. Without doubt, your model is misspecified.")
if(IN_MULTI || !warn){
} else {
} else {
stop_up(msg, up = 1 * fromGLM)
# Formatting the result
coef = est$coefficients
names(coef) = colnames(X)[!est$is_excluded]
res$coefficients = coef
# Additional stuff
res$residuals = est$residuals
res$multicol = est$multicol
res$collin.min_norm = est$collin.min_norm
if(fromGLM) res$is_excluded = est$is_excluded
res$y_demeaned = y_demean
res$X_demeaned = X_demean
colnames(res$X_demeaned) = colnames(X)
} else {
res$residuals = y_demean
res$coefficients = coef = NULL
res$onlyFixef = TRUE
res$multicol = FALSE
res$y_demeaned = y_demean
time_post = proc.time()
if(verbose >= 1){
res$fitted.values = y - res$residuals
res$X_demean = X_demean
# Post processing
# Collinearity message
collin.adj = 0
var_collinear = colnames(X)[est$is_excluded]
msg = sma("The variable{$s, enum.q, has ? var_collinear} been removed because ",
"of collinearity (see $collin.var).", .last = "ws")
} else {
res$collin.var = var_collinear
# full set of coefficients with NAs
collin.coef = setNames(rep(NA, ncol(X)), colnames(X))
collin.coef[!est$is_excluded] = res$coefficients
res$collin.coef = collin.coef
X = X[, !est$is_excluded, drop = FALSE]
X_demean = X_demean[, !est$is_excluded, drop = FALSE]
collin.adj = sum(est$is_excluded)
n = length(y)
res$nparams = res$nparams - collin.adj
df_k = res$nparams
res$nobs = n
if(isWeight) res$weights = weights
# IV correction
resid_origin = NULL
# We correct the residual
is_int = "(Intercept)" %in% names(res$coefficients)
resid_origin = res$residuals
resid_new = cpp_iv_resid(res$residuals, res$coefficients,
dots$resid_1st_stage, is_int, nthreads)
res$iv_residuals = res$residuals
res$residuals = resid_new
# Hessian, score, etc
res$fitted.values = res$sumFE = y - res$residuals
} else {
# X_beta / fitted / sumFE
x_beta = cpp_xbeta(X, coef, nthreads)
res$sumFE = y - x_beta - resid_origin
} else {
res$sumFE = y - x_beta - res$residuals
res$fitted.values = x_beta + res$sumFE
res$fitted.values_demean = est$fitted.values
} else {
res$fitted.values = est$fitted.values
res$fitted.values = res$fitted.values + offset
# score + hessian + vcov
res$scores = (res$residuals * weights) * X_demean
} else {
res$scores = res$residuals * X_demean
res$hessian = est$xwx
res$sigma2 = cpp_ssq(res$residuals, weights) / (length(y) - df_k)
res$cov.iid = est$xwx_inv * res$sigma2
rownames(res$cov.iid) = colnames(res$cov.iid) = names(coef)
# for compatibility with conleyreg
res$cov.unscaled = res$cov.iid
# se
se = diag(res$cov.iid)
se[se < 0] = NA
se = sqrt(se)
# coeftable
zvalue = coef/se
pvalue = 2*pt(-abs(zvalue), max(n - df_k, 1))
coeftable = data.frame("Estimate"=coef, "Std. Error"=se, "t value"=zvalue, "Pr(>|t|)"=pvalue)
names(coeftable) = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
row.names(coeftable) = names(coef)
attr(se, "type") = attr(coeftable, "type") = "IID"
res$coeftable = coeftable
res$se = se
# fit stats
res$sq.cor = tryCatch(stats::cor(y, res$fitted.values), warning = function(x) NA_real_)**2
} else {
res$sq.cor = NA
res$ssr_null = cpp_ssr_null(y, weights)
res$ssr = cpp_ssq(res$residuals, weights)
sigma_null = sqrt(res$ssr_null / ifelse(isWeight, sum(weights), n))
res$ll_null = -1/2/sigma_null^2*res$ssr_null - (log(sigma_null) + log(2*pi)/2) * ifelse(isWeight, sum(weights), n)
# fixef info
# For the within R2
res$ssr_fe_only = cpp_ssq(y_demean, weights)
sigma = sqrt(res$ssr_fe_only / ifelse(isWeight, sum(weights), n))
res$ll_fe_only = -1/2/sigma^2*res$ssr_fe_only - (log(sigma) + log(2*pi)/2) * ifelse(isWeight, sum(weights), n)
if(verbose >= 3) gt("Post-processing")
class(res) = "fixest"
do_summary = get("do_summary", env)
vcov = get("vcov", env)
lean = get("lean", env)
ssc = get("ssc", env)
agg = get("agg", env)
summary_flags = get("summary_flags", env)
# If lean = TRUE, 1st stage residuals are still needed for the 2nd stage
if(isTRUE(dots$iv_call) && lean){
r = res$residuals
fv = res$fitted.values
fvd = res$fitted.values_demean
res = summary(res, vcov = vcov, agg = agg, ssc = ssc, lean = lean,
summary_flags = summary_flags, nthreads = nthreads)
if(isTRUE(dots$iv_call) && lean){
res$residuals = r
res$fitted.values = fv
res$fitted.values_demean = fvd
ols_fit = function(y, X, w, correct_0w = FALSE, collin.tol, nthreads, xwx = NULL,
xwy = NULL, only.coef = FALSE){
# No control here -- done before
info_products = cpp_sparse_products(X, w, y, correct_0w, nthreads)
xwx = info_products$XtX
xwy = info_products$Xty
multicol = FALSE
info_inv = cpp_cholesky(xwx, collin.tol, nthreads)
# Means all variables are collinear! => can happen when using FEs
return(list(all_removed = TRUE))
xwx_inv = info_inv$XtX_inv
is_excluded = info_inv$id_excl
multicol = any(is_excluded)
beta = rep(NA_real_, length(is_excluded))
beta[!is_excluded] = as.vector(xwx_inv %*% xwy[!is_excluded])
} else {
beta = as.vector(xwx_inv %*% xwy)
beta = as.vector(xwx_inv %*% xwy[!is_excluded])
fitted.values = cpp_xbeta(X[, !is_excluded, drop = FALSE], beta, nthreads)
} else {
# avoids copies
beta = as.vector(xwx_inv %*% xwy)
fitted.values = cpp_xbeta(X, beta, nthreads)
residuals = y - fitted.values
res = list(xwx = xwx, coefficients = beta, fitted.values = fitted.values,
xwx_inv = xwx_inv, multicol = multicol, residuals = residuals,
is_excluded = is_excluded, collin.min_norm = info_inv$min_norm)
check_conv = function(y, X, fixef_id_list, slope_flag, slope_vars, weights, full = FALSE, fixef_names = NULL){
# y, X => variables that were demeaned
# For each variable: we compute the optimal FE coefficient
# it should be 0 if the algorithm converged
Q = length(slope_flag)
use_y = TRUE
if(length(X) == 1){
K = 1
nobs = length(y)
} else {
nobs = NROW(X)
if(length(y) <= 1){
use_y = FALSE
K = NCOL(X) + use_y
info_max = list()
info_full = vector("list", K)
for(k in 1:K){
if(k == 1 && use_y){
x = y
} else if(use_y){
x = X[, k - use_y]
} else {
x = X[, k]
info_max_tmp = c()
info_full_tmp = list()
index_slope = 1
for(q in 1:Q){
fixef_id = fixef_id_list[[q]]
if(slope_flag[q] >= 0){
x_means = tapply(weights * x, fixef_id, mean)
info_max_tmp = c(info_max_tmp, max(abs(x_means)))
info_full_tmp[[length(info_full_tmp) + 1]] = x_means
n_slopes = abs(slope_flag[q])
if(n_slopes > 0){
for(i in 1:n_slopes){
var = slope_vars[[index_slope]]
num = tapply(weights * x * var, fixef_id, sum)
denom = tapply(weights * var^2, fixef_id, sum)
x_means = num/denom
info_max_tmp = c(info_max_tmp, max(abs(x_means)))
info_full_tmp[[length(info_full_tmp) + 1]] = x_means
index_slope = index_slope + 1
names(info_full_tmp) = fixef_names
info_max[[k]] = info_max_tmp
info_full[[k]] = info_full_tmp
info_max ="rbind", info_max)
res = info_full
} else {
res = info_max
#' @rdname feols = function(y, X, fixef_df, vcov, offset, split, fsplit, split.keep, split.drop,
cluster, se, ssc, weights,
subset, fixef.rm = "perfect", fixef.tol = 1e-6, fixef.iter = 10000,
fixef.algo = NULL, collin.tol = 1e-10,
nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(), lean = FALSE,
warn = TRUE, notes = getFixest_notes(), mem.clean = FALSE, verbose = 0,
only.env = FALSE, only.coef = FALSE, env, ...){
if(missing(weights)) weights = NULL
time_start = proc.time()
call_env = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
env = try(fixest_env(y = y, X = X, fixef_df = fixef_df, vcov = vcov, offset = offset,
split = split, fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
cluster = cluster, se = se, ssc = ssc,
weights = weights, subset = subset, fixef.rm = fixef.rm,
fixef.tol = fixef.tol, fixef.iter = fixef.iter,
fixef.algo = fixef.algo, collin.tol = collin.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, lean = lean, warn = warn, notes = notes,
mem.clean = mem.clean, verbose = verbose, only.coef = only.coef,
origin = "",
mc_origin =, call_env = call_env, ...), silent = TRUE)
} else if((r <- !is.environment(env)) || !isTRUE(env$fixest_env)){
stop("Argument 'env' must be an environment created by a fixest estimation. Currently it is not ", ifelse(r, "an", "a 'fixest'"), " environment.")
if("try-error" %in% class(env)){
mc =
origin = ifelse(is.null(mc$origin), "", mc$origin)
stop(format_error_msg(env, origin))
check_arg(only.env, "logical scalar")
verbose = get("verbose", env)
if(verbose >= 2) cat("Setup in ", (proc.time() - time_start)[3], "s\n", sep="")
# workhorse is feols (OK if error msg leads to feols [clear enough])
res = feols(env = env)
#' Fixed-effects GLM estimations
#' Estimates GLM models with any number of fixed-effects.
#' @inheritParams femlm
#' @inheritParams feols
#' @inheritSection feols Combining the fixed-effects
#' @inheritSection feols Varying slopes
#' @inheritSection feols Lagging variables
#' @inheritSection feols Interactions
#' @inheritSection feols On standard-errors
#' @inheritSection feols Multiple estimations
#' @inheritSection feols Argument sliding
#' @inheritSection feols Piping
#' @inheritSection feols Tricks to estimate multiple LHS
#' @inheritSection xpd Dot square bracket operator in formulas
#' @param family Family to be used for the estimation. Defaults to `gaussian()`.
#' See [`family`] for details of family functions.
#' @param start Starting values for the coefficients. Can be: i) a numeric of length 1
#' (e.g. `start = 0`), ii) a numeric vector of the exact same length as the number of variables,
#' or iii) a named vector of any length (the names will be used to initialize the
#' appropriate coefficients). Default is missing.
#' @param etastart Numeric vector of the same length as the data. Starting values for the
#' linear predictor. Default is missing.
#' @param mustart Numeric vector of the same length as the data. Starting values for the
#' vector of means. Default is missing.
#' @param fixef.tol Precision used to obtain the fixed-effects. Defaults to `1e-6`.
#' It corresponds to the maximum absolute difference allowed between
#' two coefficients of successive iterations.
#' @param glm.iter Number of iterations of the glm algorithm. Default is 25.
#' @param glm.tol Tolerance level for the glm algorithm. Default is `1e-8`.
#' @param verbose Integer. Higher values give more information. In particular,
#' it can detail the number of iterations in the demeaning algoritmh (the first number
#' is the left-hand-side, the other numbers are the right-hand-side variables).
#' It can also detail the step-halving algorithm.
#' @param notes Logical. By default, three notes are displayed: when NAs are removed,
#' when some fixed-effects are removed because of only 0 (or 0/1) outcomes, or when a
#' variable is dropped because of collinearity. To avoid displaying these messages,
#' you can set `notes = FALSE`. You can remove these messages permanently
#' by using `setFixest_notes(FALSE)`.
#' @details
#' The core of the GLM are the weighted OLS estimations. These estimations are performed
#' with [`feols`]. The method used to demean each variable along the fixed-effects
#' is based on Berge (2018), since this is the same problem to solve as for the Gaussian
#' case in a ML setup.
#' @return
#' A `fixest` object. Note that `fixest` objects contain many elements and most of them
#' are for internal use, they are presented here only for information. To access them,
#' it is safer to use the user-level methods (e.g. [`vcov.fixest`], [`resid.fixest`],
#' etc) or functions (like for instance [`fitstat`] to access any fit statistic).
#' \item{nobs}{The number of observations.}
#' \item{fml}{The linear formula of the call.}
#' \item{call}{The call of the function.}
#' \item{method}{The method used to estimate the model.}
#' \item{family}{The family used to estimate the model.}
#' \item{data}{The original data set used when calling the function. Only available when
#' the estimation was called with ` = TRUE`}
#' \item{fml_all}{A list containing different parts of the formula. Always contain the
#' linear formula. Then, if relevant: `fixef`: the fixed-effects.}
#' \item{nparams}{The number of parameters of the model.}
#' \item{fixef_vars}{The names of each fixed-effect dimension.}
#' \item{fixef_id}{The list (of length the number of fixed-effects) of the
#' fixed-effects identifiers for each observation.}
#' \item{fixef_sizes}{The size of each fixed-effect (i.e. the number of unique identifier for
#' each fixed-effect dimension).}
#' \item{y}{(When relevant.) The dependent variable (used to compute the within-R2
#' when fixed-effects are present).}
#' \item{convStatus}{Logical, convergence status of the IRWLS algorithm.}
#' \item{irls_weights}{The weights of the last iteration of the IRWLS algorithm.}
#' \item{obs_selection}{(When relevant.) List containing vectors of integers. It represents
#' the sequential selection of observation vis a vis the original data set.}
#' \item{fixef_removed}{(When relevant.) In the case there were fixed-effects and some
#' observations were removed because of only 0/1 outcome within a fixed-effect, it gives the
#' list (for each fixed-effect dimension) of the fixed-effect identifiers that were removed.}
#' \item{coefficients}{The named vector of estimated coefficients.}
#' \item{coeftable}{The table of the coefficients with their standard errors,
#' z-values and p-values.}
#' \item{loglik}{The loglikelihood.}
#' \item{deviance}{Deviance of the fitted model.}
#' \item{iterations}{Number of iterations of the algorithm.}
#' \item{ll_null}{Log-likelihood of the null model (i.e. with the intercept only).}
#' \item{ssr_null}{Sum of the squared residuals of the null model (containing only
#' with the intercept).}
#' \item{pseudo_r2}{The adjusted pseudo R2.}
#' \item{fitted.values}{The fitted values are the expected value of the dependent
#' variable for the fitted model: that is \eqn{E(Y|X)}.}
#' \item{linear.predictors}{The linear predictors.}
#' \item{residuals}{The residuals (y minus the fitted values).}
#' \item{sq.cor}{Squared correlation between the dependent variable and the expected
#' predictor (i.e. fitted.values) obtained by the estimation.}
#' \item{hessian}{The Hessian of the parameters.}
#' \item{cov.iid}{The variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.}
#' \item{se}{The standard-error of the parameters.}
#' \item{scores}{The matrix of the scores (first derivative for each observation).}
#' \item{residuals}{The difference between the dependent variable and the expected predictor.}
#' \item{sumFE}{The sum of the fixed-effects coefficients for each observation.}
#' \item{offset}{(When relevant.) The offset formula.}
#' \item{weights}{(When relevant.) The weights formula.}
#' \item{collin.var}{(When relevant.) Vector containing the variables removed
#' because of collinearity.}
#' \item{collin.coef}{(When relevant.) Vector of coefficients, where the values of the variables removed because of collinearity are NA.}
#' @seealso
#' See also [`summary.fixest`] to see the results with the appropriate standard-errors,
#' [`fixef.fixest`] to extract the fixed-effects coefficients, and the function [`etable`]
#' to visualize the results of multiple estimations.
#' And other estimation methods: [`feols`], [`femlm`], [`fenegbin`], [`feNmlm`].
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @references
#' Berge, Laurent, 2018, "Efficient estimation of maximum likelihood models with
#' multiple fixed-effects: the R package FENmlm." CREA Discussion Papers,
#' 13 ([](
#' For models with multiple fixed-effects:
#' Gaure, Simen, 2013, "OLS with multiple high dimensional category variables",
#' Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 66 pp. 8--18
#' @examples
#' # Poisson estimation
#' res = feglm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length | Species, iris, "poisson")
#' # You could also use fepois
#' res_pois = fepois(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length | Species, iris)
#' # With the fit method:
#' res_fit =$Sepal.Length, iris[, 2:3], iris$Species, "poisson")
#' # All results are identical:
#' etable(res, res_pois, res_fit)
#' # Note that you have many more examples in feols
#' #
#' # Multiple estimations:
#' #
#' # 6 estimations
#' est_mult = fepois(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~ Wind + Temp + csw0(Wind:Temp, Day), airquality)
#' # We can display the results for the first lhs:
#' etable(est_mult[lhs = 1])
#' # And now the second (access can be made by name)
#' etable(est_mult[lhs = "Solar.R"])
#' # Now we focus on the two last right hand sides
#' # (note that .N can be used to specify the last item)
#' etable(est_mult[rhs = 2:.N])
#' # Combining with split
#' est_split = fepois(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~ sw(poly(Wind, 2), poly(Temp, 2)),
#' airquality, split = ~ Month)
#' # You can display everything at once with the print method
#' est_split
#' # Different way of displaying the results with "compact"
#' summary(est_split, "compact")
#' # You can still select which sample/LHS/RHS to display
#' est_split[sample = 1:2, lhs = 1, rhs = 1]
feglm = function(fml, data, family = "gaussian", vcov, offset, weights, subset, split,
fsplit, split.keep, split.drop, cluster, se, ssc,, start = NULL,
etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, fixef, fixef.rm = "perfect",
fixef.tol = 1e-6, fixef.iter = 10000, fixef.algo = NULL,
collin.tol = 1e-10,
glm.iter = 25, glm.tol = 1e-8, nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(),
lean = FALSE, warn = TRUE, notes = getFixest_notes(), verbose = 0,
only.coef = FALSE, = FALSE,
combine.quick, mem.clean = FALSE, only.env = FALSE, env, ...){
if(missing(weights)) weights = NULL
time_start = proc.time()
call_env = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
env = try(fixest_env(fml = fml, data = data, family = family,
offset = offset, weights = weights, subset = subset,
split = split, fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
vcov = vcov,
cluster = cluster, se = se, ssc = ssc, =, linear.start = start,
etastart=etastart, mustart = mustart, fixef = fixef,
fixef.rm = fixef.rm, fixef.tol = fixef.tol,
fixef.iter = fixef.iter, fixef.algo = fixef.algo,
collin.tol = collin.tol,
glm.iter = glm.iter, glm.tol = glm.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, lean = lean, warn = warn, notes = notes,
verbose = verbose, combine.quick = combine.quick,
mem.clean = mem.clean, only.coef = only.coef, =,
origin = "feglm",
mc_origin =, call_env = call_env, ...), silent = TRUE)
} else if((r <- !is.environment(env)) || !isTRUE(env$fixest_env)){
stop("Argument 'env' must be an environment created by a fixest estimation. Currently it is not ", ifelse(r, "an", "a 'fixest'"), " environment.")
if("try-error" %in% class(env)){
mc =
origin = ifelse(is.null(mc$origin), "feglm", mc$origin)
stop(format_error_msg(env, origin))
check_arg(only.env, "logical scalar")
verbose = get("verbose", env)
if(verbose >= 2) cat("Setup in ", (proc.time() - time_start)[3], "s\n", sep="")
# workhorse is (OK if error msg leads to [clear enough])
res = = env)
#' @rdname feglm = function(y, X, fixef_df, family = "gaussian", vcov, offset, split,
fsplit, split.keep, split.drop, cluster, se, ssc,
weights, subset, start = NULL,
etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, fixef.rm = "perfect",
fixef.tol = 1e-6, fixef.iter = 10000, fixef.algo = NULL,
collin.tol = 1e-10,
glm.iter = 25, glm.tol = 1e-8, nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(),
lean = FALSE, warn = TRUE, notes = getFixest_notes(), mem.clean = FALSE,
verbose = 0, only.env = FALSE, only.coef = FALSE, env, ...){
dots = list(...)
lean_internal = isTRUE(dots$lean_internal)
means = 1
# This is an internal call from the function feglm
# no need to further check the arguments
# we extract them from the env
if((r <- !is.environment(env)) || !isTRUE(env$fixest_env)) {
stop("Argument 'env' must be an environment created by a fixest estimation. Currently it is not {&r ; an ; a `fixest`} environment.")
# main variables
if(missing(y)) y = get("lhs", env)
if(missing(X)) X = get("linear.mat", env)
if(!missing(fixef_df) && is.null(fixef_df)){
assign("isFixef", FALSE, env)
if(missing(offset)) offset = get("offset.value", env)
if(missing(weights)) weights = get("weights.value", env)
# other params
if(missing(fixef.tol)) fixef.tol = get("fixef.tol", env)
if(missing(fixef.iter)) fixef.iter = get("fixef.iter", env)
if(missing(fixef.algo)) fixef.algo = get("fixef.algo", env)
if(missing(collin.tol)) collin.tol = get("collin.tol", env)
if(missing(glm.iter)) glm.iter = get("glm.iter", env)
if(missing(glm.tol)) glm.tol = get("glm.tol", env)
if(missing(warn)) warn = get("warn", env)
if(missing(verbose)) verbose = get("verbose", env)
if(missing(only.coef)) only.coef = get("only.coef", env)
# starting point of the fixed-effects
if(!is.null(dots$means)) means = dots$means
# init
init.type = get("init.type", env)
starting_values = get("starting_values", env)
# Call within here => either null model or fe only
init.type = "default"
init.type = "eta"
starting_values = etastart
} else {
if(missing(weights)) weights = NULL
time_start = proc.time()
call_env = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
env = try(fixest_env(y = y, X = X, fixef_df = fixef_df, family = family,
nthreads = nthreads, lean = lean, offset = offset,
weights = weights, subset = subset, split = split,
fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
vcov = vcov, cluster = cluster,
se = se, ssc = ssc, linear.start = start,
etastart = etastart, mustart = mustart, fixef.rm = fixef.rm,
fixef.tol = fixef.tol, fixef.iter = fixef.iter,
fixef.algo = fixef.algo,
collin.tol = collin.tol, glm.iter = glm.iter,
glm.tol = glm.tol, notes = notes, mem.clean = mem.clean,
only.coef = only.coef,
warn = warn, verbose = verbose, origin = "",
mc_origin =, call_env = call_env, ...), silent = TRUE)
if("try-error" %in% class(env)){
stop(format_error_msg(env, ""))
check_arg(only.env, "logical scalar")
verbose = get("verbose", env)
if(verbose >= 2) cat("Setup in ", (proc.time() - time_start)[3], "s\n", sep="")
# y/X
y = get("lhs", env)
X = get("linear.mat", env)
# offset
offset = get("offset.value", env)
# weights
weights = get("weights.value", env)
# warn flag
warn = get("warn", env)
# init
init.type = get("init.type", env)
starting_values = get("starting_values", env)
IN_MULTI = get("IN_MULTI", env)
is_multi_root = get("is_multi_root", env)
assign("is_multi_root", FALSE, env)
# Split ####
do_split = get("do_split", env)
res = multi_split(env,
# Multi fixef ####
do_multi_fixef = get("do_multi_fixef", env)
res = multi_fixef(env,
# Multi LHS and RHS ####
do_multi_lhs = get("do_multi_lhs", env)
do_multi_rhs = get("do_multi_rhs", env)
if(do_multi_lhs || do_multi_rhs){
res = multi_LHS_RHS(env,
# Regular estimation ####
# Setup:
family = get("family_funs", env)
isFixef = get("isFixef", env)
nthreads = get("nthreads", env)
isWeight = length(weights) > 1
isOffset = length(offset) > 1
nobs = length(y)
onlyFixef = length(X) == 1
# the preformatted results
res = get("res", env)
# glm functions:
variance = family$variance
linkfun = family$linkfun
linkinv = family$linkinv
dev.resids = family$dev.resids
sum_dev.resids = function(y, mu, eta, wt) sum(dev.resids(y, mu, wt))
fun_mu.eta = family$mu.eta
mu.eta = function(mu, eta) fun_mu.eta(eta)
valideta = family$valideta
if(is.null(valideta)) valideta = function(...) TRUE
validmu = family$validmu
if(is.null(validmu)) validmu = function(mu) TRUE
family_equiv = family$family_equiv
# Optimizing poisson/logit
if(family_equiv == "poisson"){
linkfun = function(mu) cpp_log(mu, nthreads)
linkinv = function(eta) cpp_poisson_linkinv(eta, nthreads)
y_pos = y[y > 0]
qui_pos = y > 0
constant = sum(weights[qui_pos] * y_pos * cpp_log(y_pos, nthreads) - weights[qui_pos] * y_pos)
sum_dev.resids = function(y, mu, eta, wt) 2 * (constant - sum(wt[qui_pos] * y_pos * eta[qui_pos]) + sum(wt * mu))
} else {
constant = sum(y_pos * cpp_log(y_pos, nthreads) - y_pos)
sum_dev.resids = function(y, mu, eta, wt) 2 * (constant - sum(y_pos * eta[qui_pos]) + sum(mu))
mu.eta = function(mu, eta) mu
validmu = function(mu) cpp_poisson_validmu(mu, nthreads)
} else if(family_equiv == "logit"){
# To avoid annoying warnings
family$initialize = quasibinomial()$initialize
linkfun = function(mu) cpp_logit_linkfun(mu, nthreads)
linkinv = function(eta) cpp_logit_linkinv(eta, nthreads)
sum_dev.resids = function(y, mu, eta, wt) sum(cpp_logit_devresids(y, mu, wt, nthreads))
} else {
sum_dev.resids = function(y, mu, eta, wt) sum(cpp_logit_devresids(y, mu, 1, nthreads))
sum_dev.resids = sum_dev.resids
mu.eta = function(mu, eta) cpp_logit_mueta(eta, nthreads)
# Init
if(init.type == "mu"){
mu = starting_values
stop("In 'mustart' the values provided are not valid.")
eta = linkfun(mu)
} else if(init.type == "eta"){
eta = starting_values
stop("In 'etastart' the values provided are not valid.")
mu = linkinv(eta)
} else if(init.type == "coef"){
# If there are fixed-effects we MUST first compute the FE model with starting values as offset
# otherwise we are too far away from the solution and starting values may lead to divergence
# (hence step halving would be required)
# This means that initializing with coefficients incurs large computational costs
# with fixed-effects
start = get("start", env)
offset_fe = offset + cpp_xbeta(X, start, nthreads)
mustart = 0
eta = linkfun(mustart)
# just a rough estimate (=> high tol values) [no benefit in high precision]
model_fe = try( = 0, etastart = eta, offset = offset_fe, glm.tol = 1e-2, fixef.tol = 1e-2, env = env, lean_internal = TRUE))
if("try-error" %in% class(model_fe)){
stop("Estimation failed during initialization when getting the fixed-effects, maybe change the values of 'start'? \n", model_fe)
eta = model_fe$linear.predictors
mu = model_fe$fitted.values
devold = model_fe$deviance
} else {
eta = offset_fe
mu = linkinv(eta)
devold = sum_dev.resids(y, mu, eta, wt = weights)
wols_old = list(fitted.values = eta - offset)
} else {
mustart = 0
eta = linkfun(mustart)
mu = linkinv(eta)
# NOTA: FE only => ADDS LOTS OF COMPUTATIONAL COSTS without convergence benefit
if(init.type != "coef"){
# starting deviance with constant equal to 1e-5
# this is important for getting in step halving early (when deviance goes awry right from the start)
devold = sum_dev.resids(y, rep(linkinv(1e-5), nobs), rep(1e-5, nobs), wt = weights)
wols_old = list(fitted.values = rep(1e-5, nobs))
if(!validmu(mu) || !valideta(eta)){
stop("Current starting values are not valid.")
assign("nb_sh", 0, env)
on.exit(warn_step_halving(env, stack_multi = IN_MULTI))
if((init.type == "coef" && verbose >= 1) || verbose >= 4) {
cat("Deviance at initializat. = ", numberFormatNormal(devold), "\n", sep = "")
# The main loop
wols_means = 1
conv = FALSE
warning_msg = div_message = ""
for (iter in 1:glm.iter) {
mu.eta.val = mu.eta(mu, eta)
var_mu = variance(mu)
# controls
any_pblm_mu = cpp_any_na_null(var_mu)
if (anyNA(var_mu)){
stop("NAs in V(mu), at iteration ", iter, ".")
} else if (any(var_mu == 0)){
stop("0s in V(mu), at iteration ", iter, ".")
stop("NAs in d(mu)/d(eta), at iteration ", iter, ".")
z = (eta - offset) + (y - mu)/mu.eta.val
} else {
z = eta + (y - mu)/mu.eta.val
w = as.vector(weights * mu.eta.val**2 / var_mu)
is_0w = w == 0
any_0w = any(is_0w)
if(any_0w && all(is_0w)){
warning_msg = paste0("No informative observation at iteration ", iter, ".")
div_message = "No informative observation."
if(mem.clean && iter > 1){
wols = feols(y = z, X = X, weights = w, means = wols_means,
correct_0w = any_0w, env = env, fixef.tol = fixef.tol * 10**(iter==1),
fixef.iter = fixef.iter, collin.tol = collin.tol, nthreads = nthreads,
mem.clean = mem.clean, warn = warn,
verbose = verbose - 1, fromGLM = TRUE)
# In theory OLS estimation is guaranteed to exist
# yet, NA coef may happen with non-infinite very large values of z/w (e.g. values > 1e100)
if(iter == 1){
stop("Weighted-OLS returns NA coefficients at first iteration, step halving cannot be performed. Try other starting values?")
warning_msg = paste0("Divergence at iteration ", iter, ": Weighted-OLS returns NA coefficients. Last evaluated coefficients with finite deviance are returned for information purposes.")
div_message = "Weighted-OLS returned NA coefficients."
wols = wols_old
} else {
wols_means = wols$means
eta = wols$fitted.values
eta = eta + offset
mu = linkinv(eta)
dev = sum_dev.resids(y, mu, eta, wt = weights)
dev_evol = dev - devold
if(verbose >= 1){
cat("Iteration: ", sprintf("%02i", iter),
" -- Deviance = ", numberFormatNormal(dev),
" -- Evol. = ", dev_evol, "\n", sep = "")
no_SH = is.finite(dev) && (abs(dev_evol) < glm.tol || abs(dev_evol)/(0.1 + abs(dev)) < glm.tol)
if(no_SH == FALSE && (!is.finite(dev) || dev_evol > 0 || !valideta(eta) || !validmu(mu))){
# we report step-halving but only for non-finite deviances
# other situations are OK (it just happens)
nb_sh = get("nb_sh", env)
assign("nb_sh", nb_sh + 1, env)
eta_new = wols$fitted.values
eta_old = wols_old$fitted.values
iter_sh = 0
do_exit = FALSE
while(!is.finite(dev) || dev_evol > 0 || !valideta(eta_new) || !validmu(mu)){
if(iter == 1 && (is.finite(dev) && valideta(eta_new) && validmu(mu)) && iter_sh >= 2){
# at first iteration, the deviance can be higher than the init, and SH may not help
# we need to make sure we get out of SH before it's messed up
} else if(iter_sh == glm.iter){
# if first iteration => means algo did not find viable solution
if(iter == 1){
stop("Algorithm failed at first iteration. Step-halving could not find a valid set of parameters.")
# Problem only if the deviance is non-finite or eta/mu not valid
# Otherwise, it means that we're at a maximum
if(!is.finite(dev) || !valideta(eta_new) || !validmu(mu)){
# message
msg = ifelse(!is.finite(dev), "non-finite deviance", "no valid eta/mu")
warning_msg = paste0("Divergence at iteration ", iter, ": ",
msg, ". Step halving: no valid correction found. ",
"Last evaluated coefficients with finite deviance ",
"are returned for information purposes.")
div_message = paste0(msg, " despite step-halving")
wols = wols_old
do_exit = TRUE
iter_sh = iter_sh + 1
eta_new = (eta_old + eta_new) / 2
mu = linkinv(eta_new + offset)
dev = sum_dev.resids(y, mu, eta_new + offset, wt = weights)
dev_evol = dev - devold
if(verbose >= 3){
cat("Step-halving: iter =", iter_sh,
"-- dev:", numberFormatNormal(dev),
"-- evol:", numberFormatNormal(dev_evol), "\n")
if(do_exit) break
# it worked: update
eta = eta_new + offset
wols$fitted.values = eta_new
# NOTA: we must NOT end with a step halving => we need a proper weighted-ols estimation
# we force the algorithm to continue
dev_evol = Inf
if(verbose >= 2){
cat("Step-halving: new deviance = ", numberFormatNormal(dev), "\n", sep = "")
if(abs(dev_evol)/(0.1 + abs(dev)) < glm.tol){
conv = TRUE
} else {
devold = dev
wols_old = wols
# Convergence flag
if(iter == glm.iter){
warning_msg = paste0("Absence of convergence: Maximum number of iterations reached (",
glm.iter, "). Final deviance: ", numberFormatNormal(dev), ".")
div_message = "no convergence: Maximum number of iterations reached"
res$convStatus = FALSE
res$message = div_message
} else {
res$convStatus = TRUE
# post processing
beta = rep(NA_real_, length(wols$is_excluded))
beta[!wols$is_excluded] = wols$coefficients
} else {
beta = wols$coefficients
names(beta) = colnames(X)
# Collinearity message
collin.adj = 0
var_collinear = colnames(X)[wols$is_excluded]
msg = sma("The variable{$s, enum.q, has?var_collinear} been ",
"removed because of collinearity (see $collin.var).",
.last = "ws")
} else {
res$collin.var = var_collinear
# full set of coeffficients with NAs
collin.coef = setNames(rep(NA, ncol(X)), colnames(X))
collin.coef[!wols$is_excluded] = wols$coefficients
res$collin.coef = collin.coef
wols$X_demean = wols$X_demean[, !wols$is_excluded, drop = FALSE]
X = X[, !wols$is_excluded, drop = FALSE]
collin.adj = sum(wols$is_excluded)
res$nparams = res$nparams - collin.adj
res$irls_weights = w # weights from the iteratively reweighted least square
res$coefficients = coef = wols$coefficients
res$collin.min_norm = wols$collin.min_norm
msg = wols$warn_varying_slope
} else {
res$linear.predictors = wols$fitted.values
res$linear.predictors = res$linear.predictors + offset
res$fitted.values = linkinv(res$linear.predictors)
res$residuals = y - res$fitted.values
if(onlyFixef) res$onlyFixef = onlyFixef
# dispersion + scores
if(family$family %in% c("poisson", "binomial")){
res$dispersion = 1
} else {
weighted_resids = wols$residuals * res$irls_weights
# res$dispersion = sum(weighted_resids ** 2) / sum(res$irls_weights)
# I use the second line to fit GLM's
res$dispersion = sum(weighted_resids * wols$residuals) / max(res$nobs - res$nparams, 1)
res$working_residuals = wols$residuals
if(!onlyFixef && !lean_internal){
# score + hessian + vcov
# dispersion + scores
if(family$family %in% c("poisson", "binomial")){
res$scores = (wols$residuals * res$irls_weights) * wols$X_demean
res$hessian = cpp_crossprod(wols$X_demean, res$irls_weights, nthreads)
} else {
res$scores = (weighted_resids / res$dispersion) * wols$X_demean
res$hessian = cpp_crossprod(wols$X_demean, res$irls_weights, nthreads) / res$dispersion
if(any(diag(res$hessian) < 0)){
# This should not occur, but I prefer to be safe
# In fact it's the opposite of the Hessian
stop("Negative values in the diagonal of the Hessian found after the weighted-OLS stage. (If possible, could you send a replicable example to fixest's author? He's curious about when that actually happens, since in theory it should never happen.)")
# I put tol = 0, otherwise we may remove everything mistakenly
# when VAR(Y) >>> VAR(X) // that is especially TRUE for missspecified
# Poisson models
info_inv = cpp_cholesky(res$hessian, tol = 0, nthreads = nthreads)
# This should not occur, but I prefer to be safe
stop("Not a single variable with a minimum of explanatory power found after the weighted-OLS stage. (If possible, could you send a replicable example to fixest's author? He's curious about when that actually happens, since in theory it should never happen.)")
var = info_inv$XtX_inv
is_excluded = info_inv$id_excl
# There should be no remaining collinearity
warning_msg = paste(warning_msg, "Residual collinearity was found after the weighted-OLS stage. The covariance is not defined. (This should not happen. If possible, could you send a replicable example to fixest's author? He's curious about when that actually happens.)")
var = matrix(NA, length(is_excluded), length(is_excluded))
res$cov.iid = var
rownames(res$cov.iid) = colnames(res$cov.iid) = names(coef)
# for compatibility with conleyreg
res$cov.unscaled = res$cov.iid
# se
se = diag(res$cov.iid)
se[se < 0] = NA
se = sqrt(se)
# coeftable
zvalue = coef/se
use_t = !family$family %in% c("poisson", "binomial")
pvalue = 2*pt(-abs(zvalue), max(res$nobs - res$nparams, 1))
ctable_names = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
} else {
pvalue = 2*pnorm(-abs(zvalue))
ctable_names = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
coeftable = data.frame("Estimate"=coef, "Std. Error"=se, "z value"=zvalue, "Pr(>|z|)"=pvalue)
names(coeftable) = ctable_names
row.names(coeftable) = names(coef)
attr(se, "type") = attr(coeftable, "type") = "IID"
res$coeftable = coeftable
res$se = se
if(nchar(warning_msg) > 0){
} else {
warning(warning_msg, call. = FALSE)
options("fixest_last_warning" = proc.time())
n = length(y)
res$nobs = n
df_k = res$nparams
# r2s
res$sq.cor = tryCatch(stats::cor(y, res$fitted.values), warning = function(x) NA_real_)**2
} else {
res$sq.cor = NA
# deviance
res$deviance = dev
# simpler form for poisson
if(family_equiv == "poisson"){
res$loglik = sum( (y * eta - mu - cpp_lgamma(y + 1, nthreads)) * weights)
} else {
# lfact is later used in model0 and is costly to compute
lfact = sum(rpar_lgamma(y + 1, env))
assign("lfactorial", lfact, env)
res$loglik = sum(y * eta - mu) - lfact
} else {
res$loglik = family$aic(y = y, n =, n), mu = res$fitted.values, wt = weights, dev = dev) / -2
# The pseudo_r2
if(family_equiv %in% c("poisson", "logit")){
model0 = get_model_null(env, theta.init = NULL)
ll_null = model0$loglik
fitted_null = linkinv(model0$constant)
} else {
if(verbose >= 1) cat("Null model:\n")
model_null = = matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1), fixef_df = NULL,
env = env, lean_internal = TRUE)
ll_null = model_null$loglik
fitted_null = model_null$fitted.values
res$ll_null = ll_null
res$pseudo_r2 = 1 - (res$loglik - df_k)/(ll_null - 1)
# fixef info
res$sumFE = res$linear.predictors
} else {
res$sumFE = res$linear.predictors - cpp_xbeta(X, res$coefficients, nthreads)
res$sumFE = res$sumFE - offset
# other
res$iterations = iter
class(res) = "fixest"
do_summary = get("do_summary", env)
vcov = get("vcov", env)
lean = get("lean", env)
ssc = get("ssc", env)
agg = get("agg", env)
summary_flags = get("summary_flags", env)
# To compute the RMSE and lean = TRUE
if(lean) res$ssr = cpp_ssq(res$residuals, weights)
res = summary(res, vcov = vcov, agg = agg, ssc = ssc, lean = lean,
summary_flags = summary_flags, nthreads = nthreads)
#' Fixed-effects maximum likelihood models
#' This function estimates maximum likelihood models with any number of fixed-effects.
#' @inheritParams feNmlm
#' @inherit feNmlm return details
#' @inheritSection feols Combining the fixed-effects
#' @inheritSection feols Lagging variables
#' @inheritSection feols Interactions
#' @inheritSection feols On standard-errors
#' @inheritSection feols Multiple estimations
#' @inheritSection feols Argument sliding
#' @inheritSection feols Piping
#' @inheritSection feols Tricks to estimate multiple LHS
#' @inheritSection xpd Dot square bracket operator in formulas
#' @param fml A formula representing the relation to be estimated. For example: `fml = z~x+y`.
#' To include fixed-effects, insert them in this formula using a pipe: e.g.
#' `fml = z~x+y|fixef_1+fixef_2`. Multiple estimations can be performed at once:
#' for multiple dep. vars, wrap them in `c()`: ex `c(y1, y2)`. For multiple indep.
#' vars, use the stepwise functions: ex `x1 + csw(x2, x3)`.
#' The formula `fml = c(y1, y2) ~ x1 + cw0(x2, x3)` leads to 6 estimation, see details.
#' Square brackets starting with a dot can be used to call global variables:
#' `y.[i] ~ x.[1:2]` will lead to `y3 ~ x1 + x2` if `i` is equal to 3 in
#' the current environment (see details in [`xpd`]).
#' @param start Starting values for the coefficients. Can be: i) a numeric of length 1
#' (e.g. `start = 0`, the default), ii) a numeric vector of the exact same length as the
#' number of variables, or iii) a named vector of any length (the names will be
#' used to initialize the appropriate coefficients).
#' @details
#' Note that the functions [`feglm`] and [`femlm`] provide the same results when using
#' the same families but differ in that the latter is a direct maximum likelihood
#' optimization (so the two can really have different convergence rates).
#' @return
#' A `fixest` object. Note that `fixest` objects contain many elements and most of
#' them are for internal use, they are presented here only for information.
#' To access them, it is safer to use the user-level methods
#' (e.g. [`vcov.fixest`], [`resid.fixest`], etc) or functions (like for instance
#' [`fitstat`] to access any fit statistic).
#' \item{nobs}{The number of observations.}
#' \item{fml}{The linear formula of the call.}
#' \item{call}{The call of the function.}
#' \item{method}{The method used to estimate the model.}
#' \item{family}{The family used to estimate the model.}
#' \item{data}{The original data set used when calling the function. Only available when
#' the estimation was called with ` = TRUE`}
#' \item{fml_all}{A list containing different parts of the formula. Always contain the
#' linear formula. Then, if relevant: `fixef`: the fixed-effects;
#' `NL`: the non linear part of the formula.}
#' \item{nparams}{The number of parameters of the model.}
#' \item{fixef_vars}{The names of each fixed-effect dimension.}
#' \item{fixef_id}{The list (of length the number of fixed-effects) of the
#' fixed-effects identifiers for each observation.}
#' \item{fixef_sizes}{The size of each fixed-effect (i.e. the number of unique
#' identifier for each fixed-effect dimension).}
#' \item{convStatus}{Logical, convergence status.}
#' \item{message}{The convergence message from the optimization procedures.}
#' \item{obs_selection}{(When relevant.) List containing vectors of integers. It represents
#' the sequential selection of observation vis a vis the original data set.}
#' \item{fixef_removed}{(When relevant.) In the case there were fixed-effects and some
#' observations were removed because of only 0/1 outcome within a fixed-effect, it gives the
#' list (for each fixed-effect dimension) of the fixed-effect identifiers that were removed.}
#' \item{coefficients}{The named vector of estimated coefficients.}
#' \item{coeftable}{The table of the coefficients with their standard errors, z-values
#' and p-values.}
#' \item{loglik}{The log-likelihood.}
#' \item{iterations}{Number of iterations of the algorithm.}
#' \item{ll_null}{Log-likelihood of the null model (i.e. with the intercept only).}
#' \item{ll_fe_only}{Log-likelihood of the model with only the fixed-effects.}
#' \item{ssr_null}{Sum of the squared residuals of the null model (containing only with
#' the intercept).}
#' \item{pseudo_r2}{The adjusted pseudo R2.}
#' \item{fitted.values}{The fitted values are the expected value of the dependent variable
#' for the fitted model: that is \eqn{E(Y|X)}.}
#' \item{residuals}{The residuals (y minus the fitted values).}
#' \item{sq.cor}{Squared correlation between the dependent variable and the
#' expected predictor (i.e. fitted.values) obtained by the estimation.}
#' \item{hessian}{The Hessian of the parameters.}
#' \item{cov.iid}{The variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.}
#' \item{se}{The standard-error of the parameters.}
#' \item{scores}{The matrix of the scores (first derivative for each observation).}
#' \item{residuals}{The difference between the dependent variable and the expected predictor.}
#' \item{sumFE}{The sum of the fixed-effects coefficients for each observation.}
#' \item{offset}{(When relevant.) The offset formula.}
#' \item{weights}{(When relevant.) The weights formula.}
#' @seealso
#' See also [`summary.fixest`] to see the results with the appropriate standard-errors,
#' [`fixef.fixest`] to extract the fixed-effects coefficients, and the function
#' [`etable`] to visualize the results of multiple estimations.
#' And other estimation methods: [`feols`], [`feglm`], [`fepois`], [`feNmlm`].
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @references
#' Berge, Laurent, 2018, "Efficient estimation of maximum likelihood models with
#' multiple fixed-effects: the R package FENmlm." CREA Discussion Papers,
#' 13 ([](
#' For models with multiple fixed-effects:
#' Gaure, Simen, 2013, "OLS with multiple high dimensional category variables",
#' Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 66 pp. 8--18
#' On the unconditionnal Negative Binomial model:
#' Allison, Paul D and Waterman, Richard P, 2002, "Fixed-Effects Negative
#' Binomial Regression Models", Sociological Methodology 32(1) pp. 247--265
#' @examples
#' # Load trade data
#' data(trade)
#' # We estimate the effect of distance on trade => we account for 3 fixed-effects
#' # 1) Poisson estimation
#' est_pois = femlm(Euros ~ log(dist_km) | Origin + Destination + Product, trade)
#' # 2) Log-Log Gaussian estimation (with same FEs)
#' est_gaus = update(est_pois, log(Euros+1) ~ ., family = "gaussian")
#' # Comparison of the results using the function etable
#' etable(est_pois, est_gaus)
#' # Now using two way clustered standard-errors
#' etable(est_pois, est_gaus, se = "twoway")
#' # Comparing different types of standard errors
#' sum_hetero = summary(est_pois, se = "hetero")
#' sum_oneway = summary(est_pois, se = "cluster")
#' sum_twoway = summary(est_pois, se = "twoway")
#' sum_threeway = summary(est_pois, se = "threeway")
#' etable(sum_hetero, sum_oneway, sum_twoway, sum_threeway)
#' #
#' # Multiple estimations:
#' #
#' # 6 estimations
#' est_mult = femlm(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~ Wind + Temp + csw0(Wind:Temp, Day), airquality)
#' # We can display the results for the first lhs:
#' etable(est_mult[lhs = 1])
#' # And now the second (access can be made by name)
#' etable(est_mult[lhs = "Solar.R"])
#' # Now we focus on the two last right hand sides
#' # (note that .N can be used to specify the last item)
#' etable(est_mult[rhs = 2:.N])
#' # Combining with split
#' est_split = fepois(c(Ozone, Solar.R) ~ sw(poly(Wind, 2), poly(Temp, 2)),
#' airquality, split = ~ Month)
#' # You can display everything at once with the print method
#' est_split
#' # Different way of displaying the results with "compact"
#' summary(est_split, "compact")
#' # You can still select which sample/LHS/RHS to display
#' est_split[sample = 1:2, lhs = 1, rhs = 1]
femlm = function(fml, data, family = c("poisson", "negbin", "logit", "gaussian"), vcov,
start = 0, fixef, fixef.rm = "perfect", offset, subset,
split, fsplit, split.keep, split.drop,
cluster, se, ssc,, fixef.tol = 1e-5, fixef.iter = 10000,
nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(), lean = FALSE, verbose = 0, warn = TRUE,
notes = getFixest_notes(), theta.init, combine.quick, mem.clean = FALSE,
only.env = FALSE, only.coef = FALSE, = FALSE, env, ...){
# This is just an alias
call_env_bis = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
res = try(feNmlm(fml = fml, data = data, family = family, fixef = fixef,
fixef.rm = fixef.rm, offset = offset, subset = subset,
split = split, fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
vcov = vcov, cluster = cluster,
se = se, ssc = ssc, =, start = start,
fixef.tol=fixef.tol, fixef.iter = fixef.iter, nthreads = nthreads,
lean = lean, verbose = verbose, warn = warn, notes = notes,
theta.init = theta.init, combine.quick = combine.quick,
mem.clean = mem.clean, origin = "femlm", mc_origin_bis =,
call_env_bis = call_env_bis, only.env = only.env,
only.coef = only.coef, =,
env = env, ...), silent = TRUE)
if("try-error" %in% class(res)){
stop(format_error_msg(res, "femlm"))
#' @rdname femlm
fenegbin = function(fml, data, vcov, theta.init, start = 0, fixef, fixef.rm = "perfect",
offset, subset, split, fsplit, split.keep, split.drop,
cluster, se, ssc,,
fixef.tol = 1e-5, fixef.iter = 10000, nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(),
lean = FALSE, verbose = 0, warn = TRUE, notes = getFixest_notes(),
combine.quick, mem.clean = FALSE,
only.env = FALSE, only.coef = FALSE, = FALSE, env, ...){
# We control for the problematic argument family
if("family" %in% names({
stop("Function fenegbin does not accept the argument 'family'.")
# This is just an alias
call_env_bis = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
res = try(feNmlm(fml = fml, data=data, family = "negbin", theta.init = theta.init,
start = start, fixef = fixef, fixef.rm = fixef.rm, offset = offset,
subset = subset, split = split, fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
vcov = vcov, cluster = cluster,
se = se, ssc = ssc, =, fixef.tol = fixef.tol,
fixef.iter = fixef.iter, nthreads = nthreads, lean = lean,
verbose = verbose, warn = warn, notes = notes, combine.quick = combine.quick,
mem.clean = mem.clean, only.env = only.env,
only.coef = only.coef, =,
origin = "fenegbin", mc_origin_bis =,
call_env_bis = call_env_bis, env = env, ...), silent = TRUE)
if("try-error" %in% class(res)){
stop(format_error_msg(res, "fenegbin"))
#' @rdname feglm
fepois = function(fml, data, vcov, offset, weights, subset, split, fsplit,
split.keep, split.drop,
cluster, se, ssc,, start = NULL, etastart = NULL,
mustart = NULL, fixef, fixef.rm = "perfect", fixef.tol = 1e-6,
fixef.iter = 10000, fixef.algo = NULL,
collin.tol = 1e-10, glm.iter = 25, glm.tol = 1e-8,
nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(), lean = FALSE,
warn = TRUE, notes = getFixest_notes(),
verbose = 0, combine.quick, mem.clean = FALSE, only.env = FALSE,
only.coef = FALSE, = FALSE, env, ...){
# We control for the problematic argument family
if("family" %in% names({
stop("Function fepois does not accept the argument 'family'.")
# This is just an alias
call_env_bis = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
res = try(feglm(fml = fml, data = data, family = "poisson", offset = offset,
weights = weights, subset = subset, split = split, fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
vcov = vcov, cluster = cluster, se = se, ssc = ssc, =,
start = start, etastart = etastart, mustart = mustart, fixef = fixef,
fixef.rm = fixef.rm, fixef.tol = fixef.tol, fixef.iter = fixef.iter,
fixef.algo = fixef.algo,
collin.tol = collin.tol, glm.iter = glm.iter, glm.tol = glm.tol,
nthreads = nthreads, lean = lean, warn = warn, notes = notes,
verbose = verbose, combine.quick = combine.quick, mem.clean = mem.clean,
only.env = only.env, only.coef = only.coef, =,
origin_bis = "fepois", mc_origin_bis =,
call_env_bis = call_env_bis, env = env, ...), silent = TRUE)
if("try-error" %in% class(res)){
stop(format_error_msg(res, "fepois"))
#' Fixed effects nonlinear maximum likelihood models
#' This function estimates maximum likelihood models (e.g., Poisson or Logit) with non-linear
#' in parameters right-hand-sides and is efficient to handle any number of fixed effects.
#' If you do not use non-linear in parameters right-hand-side, use [`femlm`] or [`feglm`]
#' instead (their design is simpler).
#' @inheritParams summary.fixest
#' @inheritParams panel
#' @inheritSection feols Lagging variables
#' @inheritSection feols Interactions
#' @inheritSection feols On standard-errors
#' @inheritSection feols Multiple estimations
#' @inheritSection feols Argument sliding
#' @inheritSection feols Piping
#' @inheritSection feols Tricks to estimate multiple LHS
#' @inheritSection xpd Dot square bracket operator in formulas
#' @param fml A formula. This formula gives the linear formula to be estimated
#' (it is similar to a `lm` formula), for example: `fml = z~x+y`. To include
#' fixed-effects variables, insert them in this formula using a pipe
#' (e.g. `fml = z~x+y|fixef_1+fixef_2`). To include a non-linear in parameters element,
#' you must use the argment `NL.fml`. Multiple estimations can be performed at once:
#' for multiple dep. vars, wrap them in `c()`: ex `c(y1, y2)`. For multiple indep.
#' vars, use the stepwise functions: ex `x1 + csw(x2, x3)`. This leads to 6 estimation
#' `fml = c(y1, y2) ~ x1 + cw0(x2, x3)`. See details. Square brackets starting with a
#' dot can be used to call global variables: `y.[i] ~ x.[1:2]` will lead to
#' `y3 ~ x1 + x2` if `i` is equal to 3 in the current environment (see details in [`xpd`]).
#' @param start Starting values for the coefficients in the linear part (for the non-linear
#' part, use NL.start). Can be: i) a numeric of length 1 (e.g. `start = 0`, the default),
#' ii) a numeric vector of the exact same length as the number of variables, or iii) a
#' named vector of any length (the names will be used to initialize the appropriate coefficients).
#' @param NL.fml A formula. If provided, this formula represents the non-linear part of
#' the right hand side (RHS). Note that contrary to the `fml` argument, the
#' coefficients must explicitly appear in this formula. For instance, it can be
#' `~a*log(b*x + c*x^3)`, where `a`, `b`, and `c` are the coefficients to be estimated.
#' Note that only the RHS of the formula is to be provided, and NOT the left hand side.
#' @param split A one sided formula representing a variable (eg `split = ~var`) or a vector.
#' If provided, the sample is split according to the variable and one estimation is performed
#' for each value of that variable. If you also want to include the estimation for the
#' full sample, use the argument `fsplit` instead. You can use the special operators
#' `%keep%` and `%drop%` to select only a subset of values for which to split the
#' sample. E.g. `split = ~var %keep% c("v1", "v2")` will split the sample only according
#' to the values `v1` and `v2` of the variable `var`; it is equivalent to supplying the
#' argument `split.keep = c("v1", "v2")`. By default there is partial matching on each value,
#' you can trigger a regular expression evaluation by adding a `'@'` first,
#' as in: `~var %drop% "@^v[12]"` which will drop values starting with `"v1"` or
#' `"v2"` (of course you need to know regexes!).
#' @param fsplit A one sided formula representing a variable (eg `fsplit = ~var`) or a vector.
#' If provided, the sample is split according to the variable and one estimation is performed
#' for each value of that variable. This argument is the same as `split` but also includes the
#' full sample as the first estimation. You can use the special operators `%keep%` and `%drop%`
#' to select only a subset of values for which to split the sample.
#' E.g. `fsplit = ~var %keep% c("v1", "v2")` will split the sample only according to the
#' values `v1` and `v2` of the variable `var`; it is equivalent to supplying the
#' argument `split.keep = c("v1", "v2")`. By default there is partial matching on each value,
#' you can trigger a regular expression evaluation by adding an `'@'` first,
#' as in: `~var %drop% "@^v[12]"` which will drop values starting with `"v1"`
#' or `"v2"` (of course you need to know regexes!).
#' @param split.keep A character vector. Only used when `split`, or `fsplit`, is supplied.
#' If provided, then the sample will be split only on the values of `split.keep`.
#' The values in `split.keep` will be partially matched to the values of `split`.
#' To enable regular expressions, you need to add an `'@'` first.
#' For example `split.keep = c("v1", "@other|var")` will keep only the value
#' in `split` partially matched by `"v1"` or the values containing `"other"` or `"var"`.
#' @param split.drop A character vector. Only used when `split`, or `fsplit`, is supplied.
#' If provided, then the sample will be split only on the values that are not in `split.drop`.
#' The values in `split.drop` will be partially matched to the values of `split`.
#' To enable regular expressions, you need to add an `'@'` first. For example
#' `split.drop = c("v1", "@other|var")` will drop only the value in `split` partially
#' matched by `"v1"` or the values containing `"other"` or `"var"`.
#' @param data A data.frame containing the necessary variables to run the model.
#' The variables of the non-linear right hand side of the formula are identified
#' with this `data.frame` names. Can also be a matrix.
#' @param family Character scalar. It should provide the family. The possible values
#' are "poisson" (Poisson model with log-link, the default), "negbin" (Negative Binomial
#' model with log-link), "logit" (LOGIT model with log-link), "gaussian" (Gaussian model).
#' @param fixef Character vector. The names of variables to be used as fixed-effects.
#' These variables should contain the identifier of each observation (e.g., think of it
#' as a panel identifier). Note that the recommended way to include fixed-effects is to
#' insert them directly in the formula.
#' @param subset A vector (logical or numeric) or a one-sided formula. If provided,
#' then the estimation will be performed only on the observations defined by this argument.
#' @param NL.start (For NL models only) A list of starting values for the non-linear parameters.
#' ALL the parameters are to be named and given a staring value.
#' Example: `NL.start=list(a=1,b=5,c=0)`. Though, there is an exception: if all
#' parameters are to be given the same starting value, you can use a numeric scalar.
#' @param lower (For NL models only) A list. The lower bound for each of the non-linear
#' parameters that requires one. Example: `lower=list(b=0,c=0)`. Beware, if the estimated
#' parameter is at his lower bound, then asymptotic theory cannot be applied and the
#' standard-error of the parameter cannot be estimated because the gradient will
#' not be null. In other words, when at its upper/lower bound, the parameter is
#' considered as 'fixed'.
#' @param upper (For NL models only) A list. The upper bound for each of the non-linear
#' parameters that requires one. Example: `upper=list(a=10,c=50)`. Beware, if the
#' estimated parameter is at his upper bound, then asymptotic theory cannot be applied
#' and the standard-error of the parameter cannot be estimated because the gradient
#' will not be null. In other words, when at its upper/lower bound, the parameter
#' is considered as 'fixed'.
#' @param NL.start.init (For NL models only) Numeric scalar. If the argument `NL.start`
#' is not provided, or only partially filled (i.e. there remain non-linear parameters
#' with no starting value), then the starting value of all remaining non-linear parameters
#' is set to `NL.start.init`.
#' @param offset A formula or a numeric vector. An offset can be added to the estimation.
#' If equal to a formula, it should be of the form (for example) `~0.5*x**2`. This
#' offset is linearly added to the elements of the main formula 'fml'.
#' @param jacobian.method (For NL models only) Character scalar. Provides the method
#' used to numerically compute the Jacobian of the non-linear part.
#' Can be either `"simple"` or `"Richardson"`. Default is `"simple"`.
#' See the help of [`jacobian`] for more information.
#' @param useHessian Logical. Should the Hessian be computed in the optimization stage?
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param hessian.args List of arguments to be passed to function [`genD`].
#' Defaults is missing. Only used with the presence of `NL.fml`.
#' @param opt.control List of elements to be passed to the optimization method [`nlminb`].
#' See the help page of [`nlminb`] for more information.
#' @param nthreads The number of threads. Can be: a) an integer lower than, or equal to,
#' the maximum number of threads; b) 0: meaning all available threads will be used;
#' c) a number strictly between 0 and 1 which represents the fraction of all threads to use.
#' The default is to use 50% of all threads. You can set permanently the number
#' of threads used within this package using the function [`setFixest_nthreads`].
#' @param verbose Integer, default is 0. It represents the level of information that
#' should be reported during the optimisation process. If `verbose=0`:
#' nothing is reported. If `verbose=1`: the value of the coefficients and the
#' likelihood are reported. If `verbose=2`: `1` + information on the computing time of
#' the null model, the fixed-effects coefficients and the hessian are reported.
#' @param theta.init Positive numeric scalar. The starting value of the dispersion
#' parameter if `family="negbin"`. By default, the algorithm uses as a starting value
#' the theta obtained from the model with only the intercept.
#' @param fixef.rm Can be equal to "perfect" (default), "singleton", "both" or "none".
#' Controls which observations are to be removed. If "perfect", then observations
#' having a fixed-effect with perfect fit (e.g. only 0 outcomes in Poisson estimations)
#' will be removed. If "singleton", all observations for which a fixed-effect appears
#' only once will be removed. Note, importantly, that singletons are removed in just one pass,
#' there is no recursivity implemented. The meaning of "both" and "none" is direct.
#' @param fixef.tol Precision used to obtain the fixed-effects. Defaults to `1e-5`.
#' It corresponds to the maximum absolute difference allowed between two coefficients
#' of successive iterations. Argument `fixef.tol` cannot be lower
#' than `10000*.Machine$double.eps`. Note that this parameter is dynamically
#' controlled by the algorithm.
#' @param fixef.iter Maximum number of iterations in fixed-effects algorithm
#' (only in use for 2+ fixed-effects). Default is 10000.
#' @param deriv.iter Maximum number of iterations in the algorithm to obtain the derivative
#' of the fixed-effects (only in use for 2+ fixed-effects). Default is 1000.
#' @param deriv.tol Precision used to obtain the fixed-effects derivatives. Defaults to `1e-4`.
#' It corresponds to the maximum absolute difference allowed between two coefficients of
#' successive iterations. Argument `deriv.tol` cannot be lower than `10000*.Machine$double.eps`.
#' @param warn Logical, default is `TRUE`. Whether warnings should be displayed
#' (concerns warnings relating to convergence state).
#' @param notes Logical. By default, two notes are displayed: when NAs are removed
#' (to show additional information) and when some observations are removed because
#' of only 0 (or 0/1) outcomes in a fixed-effect setup (in Poisson/Neg. Bin./Logit models).
#' To avoid displaying these messages, you can set `notes = FALSE`. You can
#' remove these messages permanently by using `setFixest_notes(FALSE)`.
#' @param combine.quick Logical. When you combine different variables to transform them
#' into a single fixed-effects you can do e.g. `y ~ x | paste(var1, var2)`.
#' The algorithm provides a shorthand to do the same operation: `y ~ x | var1^var2`.
#' Because pasting variables is a costly operation, the internal algorithm may use a
#' numerical trick to hasten the process. The cost of doing so is that you lose the labels.
#' If you are interested in getting the value of the fixed-effects coefficients
#' after the estimation, you should use `combine.quick = FALSE`. By default it is
#' equal to `FALSE` if the number of observations is lower than 50,000, and to `TRUE`
#' otherwise.
#' @param only.env (Advanced users.) Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then only
#' the environment used to make the estimation is returned.
#' @param mem.clean Logical, default is `FALSE`. Only to be used if the data set is
#' large compared to the available RAM. If `TRUE` then intermediary objects are removed as
#' much as possible and [`gc`] is run before each substantial C++ section in the internal
#' code to avoid memory issues.
#' @param lean Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE` then all large objects are removed
#' from the returned result: this will save memory but will block the possibility to
#' use many methods. It is recommended to use the arguments `se` or `cluster` to
#' obtain the appropriate standard-errors at estimation time, since obtaining different
#' SEs won't be possible afterwards.
#' @param env (Advanced users.) A `fixest` environment created by a `fixest` estimation
#' with `only.env = TRUE`. Default is missing. If provided, the data from this environment
#' will be used to perform the estimation.
#' @param only.coef Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then only the estimated
#' coefficients are returned. Note that the length of the vector returned is always
#' the length of the number of coefficients to be estimated: this means that the
#' variables found to be collinear are returned with an NA value.
#' @param Logical scalar, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the data used for
#' the estimation is saved within the returned object. Hence later calls to predict(),
#' vcov(), etc..., will be consistent even if the original data has been modified
#' in the meantime.
#' This is especially useful for estimations within loops, where the data changes
#' at each iteration, such that postprocessing can be done outside the loop without issue.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @details
#' This function estimates maximum likelihood models where the conditional expectations
#' are as follows:
#' Gaussian likelihood:
#' \deqn{E(Y|X)=X\beta}{E(Y|X) = X*beta}
#' Poisson and Negative Binomial likelihoods:
#' \deqn{E(Y|X)=\exp(X\beta)}{E(Y|X) = exp(X*beta)}
#' where in the Negative Binomial there is the parameter \eqn{\theta}{theta} used to
#' model the variance as \eqn{\mu+\mu^2/\theta}{mu+mu^2/theta}, with \eqn{\mu}{mu} the
#' conditional expectation.
#' Logit likelihood:
#' \deqn{E(Y|X)=\frac{\exp(X\beta)}{1+\exp(X\beta)}}{E(Y|X) = exp(X*beta) / (1 + exp(X*beta))}
#' When there are one or more fixed-effects, the conditional expectation can be written as:
#' \deqn{E(Y|X) = h(X\beta+\sum_{k}\sum_{m}\gamma_{m}^{k}\times C_{im}^{k}),}
#' where \eqn{h(.)} is the function corresponding to the likelihood function as shown before.
#' \eqn{C^k} is the matrix associated to fixed-effect dimension \eqn{k} such that \eqn{C^k_{im}}
#' is equal to 1 if observation \eqn{i} is of category \eqn{m} in the
#' fixed-effect dimension \eqn{k} and 0 otherwise.
#' When there are non linear in parameters functions, we can schematically split
#' the set of regressors in two:
#' \deqn{f(X,\beta)=X^1\beta^1 + g(X^2,\beta^2)}
#' with first a linear term and then a non linear part expressed by the function g. That is,
#' we add a non-linear term to the linear terms (which are \eqn{X*beta} and
#' the fixed-effects coefficients). It is always better (more efficient) to put
#' into the argument `NL.fml` only the non-linear in parameter terms, and
#' add all linear terms in the `fml` argument.
#' To estimate only a non-linear formula without even the intercept, you must
#' exclude the intercept from the linear formula by using, e.g., `fml = z~0`.
#' The over-dispersion parameter of the Negative Binomial family, theta,
#' is capped at 10,000. If theta reaches this high value, it means that there is no overdispersion.
#' @return
#' A `fixest` object. Note that `fixest` objects contain many elements and most of them
#' are for internal use, they are presented here only for information. To access them,
#' it is safer to use the user-level methods (e.g. [`vcov.fixest`], [`resid.fixest`],
#' etc) or functions (like for instance [`fitstat`] to access any fit statistic).
#' \item{coefficients}{The named vector of coefficients.}
#' \item{coeftable}{The table of the coefficients with their standard errors,
#' z-values and p-values.}
#' \item{loglik}{The loglikelihood.}
#' \item{iterations}{Number of iterations of the algorithm.}
#' \item{nobs}{The number of observations.}
#' \item{nparams}{The number of parameters of the model.}
#' \item{call}{The call.}
#' \item{fml}{The linear formula of the call.}
#' \item{fml_all}{A list containing different parts of the formula. Always contain
#' the linear formula. Then, if relevant: `fixef`: the fixed-effects; `NL`: the non linear
#' part of the formula.}
#' \item{ll_null}{Log-likelihood of the null model (i.e. with the intercept only).}
#' \item{pseudo_r2}{The adjusted pseudo R2.}
#' \item{message}{The convergence message from the optimization procedures.}
#' \item{sq.cor}{Squared correlation between the dependent variable and the expected
#' predictor (i.e. fitted.values) obtained by the estimation.}
#' \item{hessian}{The Hessian of the parameters.}
#' \item{fitted.values}{The fitted values are the expected value of the dependent variable
#' for the fitted model: that is \eqn{E(Y|X)}.}
#' \item{cov.iid}{The variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.}
#' \item{se}{The standard-error of the parameters.}
#' \item{scores}{The matrix of the scores (first derivative for each observation).}
#' \item{family}{The ML family that was used for the estimation.}
#' \item{data}{The original data set used when calling the function. Only available when
#' the estimation was called with ` = TRUE`}
#' \item{residuals}{The difference between the dependent variable and the expected predictor.}
#' \item{sumFE}{The sum of the fixed-effects for each observation.}
#' \item{offset}{The offset formula.}
#' \item{NL.fml}{The nonlinear formula of the call.}
#' \item{bounds}{Whether the coefficients were upper or lower bounded. -- This can only be
#' the case when a non-linear formula is included and the arguments 'lower' or 'upper'
#' are provided.}
#' \item{isBounded}{The logical vector that gives for each coefficient whether it was
#' bounded or not. This can only be the case when a non-linear formula is included
#' and the arguments 'lower' or 'upper' are provided.}
#' \item{fixef_vars}{The names of each fixed-effect dimension.}
#' \item{fixef_id}{The list (of length the number of fixed-effects) of the
#' fixed-effects identifiers for each observation.}
#' \item{fixef_sizes}{The size of each fixed-effect (i.e. the number of unique
#' identifier for each fixed-effect dimension).}
#' \item{obs_selection}{(When relevant.) List containing vectors of integers. It
#' represents the sequential selection of observation vis a vis the original data set.}
#' \item{fixef_removed}{In the case there were fixed-effects and some observations
#' were removed because of only 0/1 outcome within a fixed-effect, it gives the
#' list (for each fixed-effect dimension) of the fixed-effect identifiers that were removed.}
#' \item{theta}{In the case of a negative binomial estimation: the overdispersion parameter.}
#' @seealso
#' See also [`summary.fixest`] to see the results with the appropriate standard-errors,
#' [`fixef.fixest`] to extract the fixed-effects coefficients, and the function [`etable`]
#' to visualize the results of multiple estimations.
#' And other estimation methods: [`feols`], [`femlm`], [`feglm`],
#' [`fepois`][fixest::feglm], [`fenegbin`][fixest::femlm].
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @references
#' Berge, Laurent, 2018, "Efficient estimation of maximum likelihood models with
#' multiple fixed-effects: the R package FENmlm." CREA Discussion Papers,
#' 13 ([](
#' For models with multiple fixed-effects:
#' Gaure, Simen, 2013, "OLS with multiple high dimensional category variables",
#' Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 66 pp. 8--18
#' On the unconditionnal Negative Binomial model:
#' Allison, Paul D and Waterman, Richard P, 2002, "Fixed-Effects Negative
#' Binomial Regression Models", Sociological Methodology 32(1) pp. 247--265
#' @examples
#' # This section covers only non-linear in parameters examples
#' # For linear relationships: use femlm or feglm instead
#' # Generating data for a simple example
#' set.seed(1)
#' n = 100
#' x = rnorm(n, 1, 5)**2
#' y = rnorm(n, -1, 5)**2
#' z1 = rpois(n, x*y) + rpois(n, 2)
#' base = data.frame(x, y, z1)
#' # Estimating a 'linear' relation:
#' est1_L = femlm(z1 ~ log(x) + log(y), base)
#' # Estimating the same 'linear' relation using a 'non-linear' call
#' est1_NL = feNmlm(z1 ~ 1, base, NL.fml = ~a*log(x)+b*log(y), NL.start = list(a=0, b=0))
#' # we compare the estimates with the function esttable (they are identical)
#' etable(est1_L, est1_NL)
#' # Now generating a non-linear relation (E(z2) = x + y + 1):
#' z2 = rpois(n, x + y) + rpois(n, 1)
#' base$z2 = z2
#' # Estimation using this non-linear form
#' est2_NL = feNmlm(z2 ~ 0, base, NL.fml = ~log(a*x + b*y),
#' NL.start = 2, lower = list(a=0, b=0))
#' # we can't estimate this relation linearily
#' # => closest we can do:
#' est2_L = femlm(z2 ~ log(x) + log(y), base)
#' # Difference between the two models:
#' etable(est2_L, est2_NL)
#' # Plotting the fits:
#' plot(x, z2, pch = 18)
#' points(x, fitted(est2_L), col = 2, pch = 1)
#' points(x, fitted(est2_NL), col = 4, pch = 2)
feNmlm = function(fml, data, family=c("poisson", "negbin", "logit", "gaussian"), NL.fml, vcov,
fixef, fixef.rm = "perfect", NL.start, lower, upper, NL.start.init,
offset, subset, split, fsplit, split.keep, split.drop,
cluster, se, ssc,,
start = 0, jacobian.method="simple", useHessian = TRUE,
hessian.args = NULL, opt.control = list(), nthreads = getFixest_nthreads(),
lean = FALSE, verbose = 0, theta.init, fixef.tol = 1e-5, fixef.iter = 10000,
deriv.tol = 1e-4, deriv.iter = 1000, warn = TRUE, notes = getFixest_notes(),
combine.quick, mem.clean = FALSE, only.env = FALSE,
only.coef = FALSE, = FALSE, env, ...){
time_start = proc.time()
call_env = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
env = try(fixest_env(fml = fml, data = data, family = family, NL.fml = NL.fml,
fixef = fixef, fixef.rm = fixef.rm, NL.start = NL.start,
lower = lower, upper = upper, NL.start.init = NL.start.init,
offset = offset, subset = subset, split = split, fsplit = fsplit,
split.keep = split.keep, split.drop = split.drop,
vcov = vcov, cluster = cluster, se = se, ssc = ssc, =, linear.start = start,
jacobian.method = jacobian.method,
useHessian = useHessian, opt.control = opt.control, nthreads = nthreads,
lean = lean, verbose = verbose, theta.init = theta.init,
fixef.tol = fixef.tol, fixef.iter = fixef.iter, deriv.iter = deriv.iter,
warn = warn, notes = notes, combine.quick = combine.quick,
mem.clean = mem.clean, only.coef = only.coef, =,
mc_origin =,
call_env = call_env, computeModel0 = TRUE, ...), silent = TRUE)
} else if((r <- !is.environment(env)) || !isTRUE(env$fixest_env)) {
stopi("Argument 'env' must be an environment created by a fixest estimation. ",
"Currently it is not {&r ; an ; a `fixest`} environment.")
check_arg(only.env, "logical scalar")
if("try-error" %in% class(env)){
mc =
origin = ifelse(is.null(mc$origin), "feNmlm", mc$origin)
stop(format_error_msg(env, origin))
verbose = get("verbose", env)
if(verbose >= 2) cat("Setup in ", (proc.time() - time_start)[3], "s\n", sep="")
IN_MULTI = get("IN_MULTI", env)
is_multi_root = get("is_multi_root", env)
assign("is_multi_root", FALSE, env)
# Split ####
do_split = get("do_split", env)
res = multi_split(env, feNmlm)
# Multi fixef ####
do_multi_fixef = get("do_multi_fixef", env)
res = multi_fixef(env, feNmlm)
# Multi LHS and RHS ####
do_multi_lhs = get("do_multi_lhs", env)
do_multi_rhs = get("do_multi_rhs", env)
if(do_multi_lhs || do_multi_rhs){
res = multi_LHS_RHS(env, feNmlm)
# Regular estimation ####
# Objects needed for optimization + misc
start = get("start", env)
lower = get("lower", env)
upper = get("upper", env)
gradient = get("gradient", env)
hessian = get("hessian", env)
family = get("family", env)
isLinear = get("isLinear", env)
isNonLinear = get("isNL", env)
opt.control = get("opt.control", env)
only.coef = get("only.coef", env)
lhs = get("lhs", env)
family = get("family", env)
famFuns = get("famFuns", env)
params = get("params", env)
isFixef = get("isFixef", env)
onlyFixef = !isLinear && !isNonLinear && isFixef
# Model 0 + theta init
theta.init = get("theta.init", env)
model0 = get_model_null(env, theta.init)
# For the negative binomial:
if(family == "negbin"){
theta.init = get("theta.init", env)
theta.init = model0$theta
params = c(params, ".theta")
start = c(start, theta.init)
names(start) = params
upper = c(upper, 10000)
lower = c(lower, 1e-3)
assign("params", params, env)
assign("model0", model0, env)
# the result
res = get("res", env)
if(family == "negbin"){
stop("To estimate the negative binomial model, you need at least one variable. (The estimation of the model with only the fixed-effects is not implemented.)")
res = femlm_only_clusters(env)
res$onlyFixef = TRUE
# warnings => to avoid accumulation, but should appear even if the user stops the algorithm
on.exit(warn_fixef_iter(env, stack_multi = IN_MULTI))
# Maximizing the likelihood
opt = try(stats::nlminb(start=start, objective=femlm_ll, env=env, lower=lower,
upper=upper, gradient=gradient, hessian=hessian,
control=opt.control), silent = TRUE)
if("try-error" %in% class(opt)){
# We return the coefficients (can be interesting for debugging)
iter = get("iter", env)
origin = get("origin", env)
warning_msg = paste0("[", origin, "] Optimization failed at iteration ",
iter, ". Reason: ", gsub("^[^\n]+\n *(.+\n)", "\\1", opt))
} else if(!"coef_evaluated" %in% names(env)){
# big problem right from the start
} else {
coef = get("coef_evaluated", env)
warning(warning_msg, " Last evaluated coefficients returned.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
convStatus = TRUE
warning_msg = ""
if(!opt$message %in% c("X-convergence (3)", "relative convergence (4)",
"both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)")){
warning_msg = " The optimization algorithm did not converge, the results are not reliable."
convStatus = FALSE
coef = opt$par
if(convStatus == FALSE){
} else {
names(coef) = params
# The Hessian
hessian = femlm_hessian(coef, env = env)
# we add the names of the non linear variables in the hessian
if(isNonLinear || family == "negbin"){
dimnames(hessian) = list(params, params)
# we create the Hessian without the bounded parameters
hessian_noBounded = hessian
# Handling the bounds
NL.fml = NULL
bounds = NULL
isBounded = NULL
} else {
nonlinear.params = get("nonlinear.params", env)
# we report the bounds & if the estimated parameters are bounded
upper_bound = upper[nonlinear.params]
lower_bound = lower[nonlinear.params]
# 1: are the estimated parameters at their bounds?
coef_NL = coef[nonlinear.params]
isBounded = rep(FALSE, length(params))
isBounded[1:length(coef_NL)] = (coef_NL == lower_bound) | (coef_NL == upper_bound)
# 2: we save the bounds
upper_bound_small = upper_bound[is.finite(upper_bound)]
lower_bound_small = lower_bound[is.finite(lower_bound)]
bounds = list()
if(length(upper_bound_small) > 0) bounds$upper = upper_bound_small
if(length(lower_bound_small) > 0) bounds$lower = lower_bound_small
if(length(bounds) == 0){
bounds = NULL
# 3: we update the Hessian (basically, we drop the bounded element)
hessian_noBounded = hessian[-which(isBounded), -which(isBounded), drop = FALSE]
boundText = ifelse(coef_NL == upper_bound, "Upper bounded", "Lower bounded")[isBounded]
attr(isBounded, "type") = boundText
# Variance
var = NULL
try(var <- solve(hessian_noBounded), silent = TRUE)
warning_msg = paste(warning_msg,
"The information matrix is singular: presence of collinearity.")
var = hessian_noBounded * NA
se = diag(var)
} else {
se = diag(var)
se[se < 0] = NA
se = sqrt(se)
# Warning message
if(nchar(warning_msg) > 0){
} else {
warning("[femlm]:", warning_msg, call. = FALSE)
options("fixest_last_warning" = proc.time())
# To handle the bounded coefficient, we set its SE to NA
se = se[params]
names(se) = params
zvalue = coef/se
pvalue = 2*pnorm(-abs(zvalue))
# We add the information on the bound for the se & update the var to drop the bounded vars
se_format = se
se_format[!isBounded] = decimalFormat(se_format[!isBounded])
se_format[isBounded] = boundText
coeftable = data.frame("Estimate"=coef, "Std. Error"=se_format, "z value"=zvalue,
"Pr(>|z|)"=pvalue, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(coeftable) = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
row.names(coeftable) = params
attr(se, "type") = attr(coeftable, "type") = "IID"
mu_both = get_mu(coef, env, final = TRUE)
mu = mu_both$mu
exp_mu = mu_both$exp_mu
# calcul pseudo r2
loglik = -opt$objective # moins car la fonction minimise
ll_null = model0$loglik
# dummies are constrained, they don't have full dof (cause you need to take one value off for unicity)
# this is an approximation, in some cases there can be more than one ref. But good approx.
nparams = res$nparams
pseudo_r2 = 1 - (loglik - nparams + 1) / ll_null
# Calcul residus
expected.predictor = famFuns$expected.predictor(mu, exp_mu, env)
residuals = lhs - expected.predictor
# calcul squared corr
sq.cor = NA
} else {
sq.cor = stats::cor(lhs, expected.predictor)**2
ssr_null = cpp_ssr_null(lhs)
# The scores
scores = femlm_scores(coef, env)
# we add the names of the non linear params in the score
colnames(scores) = params
n = length(lhs)
# Saving
res$coefficients = coef
res$coeftable = coeftable
res$loglik = loglik
res$iterations = opt$iterations
res$ll_null = ll_null
res$ssr_null = ssr_null
res$pseudo_r2 = pseudo_r2
res$message = opt$message
res$convStatus = convStatus
res$sq.cor = sq.cor
res$fitted.values = expected.predictor
res$hessian = hessian
dimnames(var) = list(params, params)
res$cov.iid = var
# for compatibility with conleyreg
res$cov.unscaled = res$cov.iid
res$se = se
res$scores = scores
res$family = family
res$residuals = residuals
# The value of mu (if cannot be recovered from fitted())
if(family == "logit"){
qui_01 = expected.predictor %in% c(0, 1)
res$mu = mu
} else if(family %in% c("poisson", "negbin")){
qui_0 = expected.predictor == 0
res$mu = mu
res$bounds = bounds
res$isBounded = isBounded
# Fixed-effects
useExp_fixefCoef = family %in% c("poisson")
sumFE = attr(mu, "sumFE")
sumFE = rpar_log(sumFE, env)
res$sumFE = sumFE
# The LL and SSR with FE only
if("ll_fe_only" %in% names(env)){
res$ll_fe_only = get("ll_fe_only", env)
res$ssr_fe_only = get("ssr_fe_only", env)
} else {
# we need to compute it
# indicator of whether we compute the exp(mu)
useExp = family %in% c("poisson", "logit", "negbin")
# mu, using the offset
mu_noDum = res$offset
} else {
mu_noDum = 0
if(length(mu_noDum) == 1) mu_noDum = rep(mu_noDum, n)
exp_mu_noDum = NULL
exp_mu_noDum = rpar_exp(mu_noDum, env)
assign("fixef.tol", 1e-4, env) # no need of supa precision
dummies = getDummies(mu_noDum, exp_mu_noDum, env, coef)
exp_mu = NULL
# despite being called mu, it is in fact exp(mu)!!!
exp_mu = exp_mu_noDum*dummies
mu = rpar_log(exp_mu, env)
} else {
mu = mu_noDum + dummies
exp_mu = rpar_exp(mu, env)
res$ll_fe_only = famFuns$ll(lhs, mu, exp_mu, env, coef)
ep = famFuns$expected.predictor(mu, exp_mu, env)
res$ssr_fe_only = cpp_ssq(lhs - ep)
if(family == "negbin"){
theta = coef[".theta"]
res$theta = theta
if(notes && theta > 1000){
msg = paste0("Very high value of theta (", theta, "). There is no sign of overdispersion, you may consider a Poisson model.")
} else {
class(res) = "fixest"
if(verbose > 0){
do_summary = get("do_summary", env)
vcov = get("vcov", env)
lean = get("lean", env)
ssc = get("ssc", env)
agg = get("agg", env)
summary_flags = get("summary_flags", env)
# To compute the RMSE and lean = TRUE
if(lean) res$ssr = cpp_ssq(res$residuals)
res = summary(res, vcov = vcov, ssc = ssc, agg = agg, lean = lean,
summary_flags = summary_flags, nthreads = nthreads)
#' Estimates a `fixest` estimation from a `fixest` environment
#' This is a function advanced users which allows to estimate any `fixest` estimation from a
#' `fixest` environment obtained with `only.env = TRUE` in a `fixest` estimation.
#' @param env An environment obtained from a `fixest` estimation with `only.env = TRUE`. This is
#' intended for advanced users so there is no error handling: any other kind of input will
#' fail with a poor error message.
#' @param y A vector representing the dependent variable. Should be of the same length
#' as the number of observations in the initial estimation.
#' @param X A matrix representing the independent variables. Should be of the same dimension
#' as in the initial estimation.
#' @param weights A vector of weights (i.e. with only positive values). Should be of
#' the same length as the number of observations in the initial estimation. If identical
#' to the scalar 1, this will mean that no weights will be used in the estimation.
#' @param endo A matrix representing the endogenous regressors in IV estimations. It should
#' be of the same dimension as the original endogenous regressors.
#' @param inst A matrix representing the instruments in IV estimations. It should be of
#' the same dimension as the original instruments.
#' @return
#' It returns the results of a `fixest` estimation: the one that was summoned when
#' obtaining the environment.
#' @details
#' This function has been created for advanced users, mostly to avoid overheads
#' when making simulations with `fixest`.
#' How can it help you make simulations? First make a core estimation with `only.env = TRUE`,
#' and usually with `only.coef = TRUE` (to avoid having extra things that take time to compute).
#' Then loop while modifying the appropriate things directly in the environment. Beware that
#' if you make a mistake here (typically giving stuff of the wrong length),
#' then you can make the R session crash because there is no more error-handling!
#' Finally estimate with `est_env(env = core_env)` and store the results.
#' Instead of `est_env`, you could use directly `fixest` estimations too, like `feols`,
#' since they accept the `env` argument. The function `est_env` is only here to add a
#' bit of generality to avoid the trouble to the user to write conditions
#' (look at the source, it's just a one liner).
#' Objects of main interest in the environment are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{lhs}{The left hand side, or dependent variable.}
#' \item{linear.mat}{The matrix of the right-hand-side, or explanatory variables.}
#' \item{iv_lhs}{The matrix of the endogenous variables in IV regressions.}
#' \item{iv.mat}{The matrix of the instruments in IV regressions.}
#' \item{weights.value}{The vector of weights.}
#' }
#' I strongly discourage changing the dimension of any of these elements, or else crash can occur.
#' However, you can change their values at will (given the dimension stay the same).
#' The only exception is the weights, which tolerates changing its dimension: it can
#' be identical to the scalar `1` (meaning no weights), or to something of the length the
#' number of observations.
#' I also discourage changing anything in the fixed-effects (even their value)
#' since this will almost surely lead to a crash.
#' Note that this function is mostly useful when the overheads/estimation ratio is high.
#' This means that OLS will benefit the most from this function. For GLM/Max.Lik. estimations,
#' the ratio is small since the overheads is only a tiny portion of the total estimation time.
#' Hence this function will be less useful for these models.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' # Let's make a short simulation
#' # Inspired from Grant McDermott bboot function
#' # See
#' # Simple function that computes a Bayesian bootstrap
#' bboot = function(x, n_sim = 100){
#' # We bootstrap on the weights
#' # Works with fixed-effects/IVs
#' # and with any fixest function that accepts weights
#' core_env = update(x, only.coef = TRUE, only.env = TRUE)
#' n_obs = x$nobs
#' res_all = vector("list", n_sim)
#' for(i in 1:n_sim){
#' ## begin: NOT RUN
#' ## We could directly assign in the environment:
#' # assign("weights.value", rexp(n_obs, rate = 1), core_env)
#' # res_all[[i]] = est_env(env = core_env)
#' ## end: NOT RUN
#' ## Instead we can use the argument weights, which does the same
#' res_all[[i]] = est_env(env = core_env, weights = rexp(n_obs, rate = 1))
#' }
#', res_all)
#' }
#' est = feols(mpg ~ wt + hp, mtcars)
#' boot_res = bboot(est)
#' coef = colMeans(boot_res)
#' std_err = apply(boot_res, 2, sd)
#' # Comparing the results with the main estimation
#' coeftable(est)
#' cbind(coef, std_err)
est_env = function(env, y, X, weights, endo, inst){
# No check whatsoever: for advanced users
assign("lhs", y, env)
assign("linear.mat", X, env)
assign("weights.value", weights, env)
assign("is_lhs", endo, env)
assign("iv.mat", inst, env)
"feols" = feols(env = env),
"feglm" = = env),
"feNmlm" = feNmlm(env = env))
#### Delayed warnings and notes ####
setup_multi_notes = function(){
# We reset all the notes
options("fixest_multi_notes" = NULL)
stack_multi_notes = function(note){
all_notes = getOption("fixest_multi_notes")
options("fixest_multi_notes" = c(all_notes, note))
release_multi_notes = function(){
notes = getOption("fixest_multi_notes")
if(length(notes) > 0){
dict = c("\\$collin\\.var" = "Some variables have been removed because of collinearity (see $collin.var).",
"collinear with the fixed-effects" = "All the variables are collinear with the fixed-effects (the estimation is void).",
"virtually constant and equal to 0" = "All the variables are virtually constant and equal to 0 (the estimation is void).",
"Very high value of theta" = "Very high value of theta, there is no sign of overdispersion, you may consider a Poisson model.")
for(i in seq_along(dict)){
d_value = dict[i]
d_name = names(dict)[i]
x_i = grepl(d_name, notes)
x = notes[x_i]
# we prefer specific messages
if(length(unique(x)) == 1){
} else {
notes[x_i] = d_value
tn = table(notes)
new_notes = paste0("[x ", tn, "] ", names(tn))
mema("Notes from the estimations:\n",
"{'\n'c ? new_notes}")
options("fixest_multi_notes" = NULL)
warn_fixef_iter = function(env, stack_multi = FALSE){
# Show warnings related to the nber of times the maximum of iterations was reached
# For fixed-effect
fixef.iter = get("fixef.iter", env)
fixef.iter.limit_reached = get("fixef.iter.limit_reached", env)
origin = get("origin", env)
warn = get("warn", env)
if(!warn) return(invisible(NULL))
goWarning = FALSE
warning_msg = ""
if(fixef.iter.limit_reached > 0){
goWarning = TRUE
warning_msg = paste0(origin, ": [Getting the fixed-effects] iteration limit reached (",
fixef.iter, ").",
ifelse(fixef.iter.limit_reached > 1,
paste0(" (", fixef.iter.limit_reached, " times.)"),
" (Once.)"))
# For the fixed-effect derivatives
deriv.iter = get("deriv.iter", env)
deriv.iter.limit_reached = get("deriv.iter.limit_reached", env)
if(deriv.iter.limit_reached > 0){
prefix = ifelse(goWarning, paste0("\n", sprintf("% *s", nchar(origin) + 2, " ")), paste0(origin, ": "))
warning_msg = paste0(warning_msg, prefix,
"[Getting fixed-effects derivatives] iteration limit reached ",
"(", deriv.iter, ").",
ifelse(deriv.iter.limit_reached > 1,
paste0(" (", deriv.iter.limit_reached, " times.)"),
" (Once.)"))
goWarning = TRUE
} else {
warning(warning_msg, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
warn_step_halving = function(env, stack_multi = FALSE){
nb_sh = get("nb_sh", env)
warn = get("warn", env)
if(!warn) return(invisible(NULL))
if(nb_sh > 0){
msg = paste0("feglm: Step halving due to non-finite deviance (",
ifelse(nb_sh > 1, paste0(nb_sh, " times"), "once"), ").")
} else {
warning(msg, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
format_error_msg = function(x, origin){
# Simple formatting of the error msg
# - for object not found: provide a better error msg by calling the name of the missing
# argument => likely I'll need a argument
x = gsub("\n+$", "", x)
if(grepl("^Error (in|:|: in) (fe|fixest|fun|fml_split)[^\n]+\n", x)){
res = gsub("^Error (in|:|: in) (fe|fixest|fun|fml_split)[^\n]+\n *(.+)", "\\3", x)
} else if(grepl("[Oo]bject '.+' not found", x) || grepl("memory|cannot allocate", x)) {
res = x
} else {
res = paste0(x, "\nThis error was unforeseen by the author of the function ",
". If you think your call to the function is legitimate, could you report?")
#### Multiple estimation tools ####
multi_split = function(env, fun){
split = get("split", env)
split.items = get("split.items", env) = get("", env) = get("", env)
assign("do_split", FALSE, env)
n_split = length(
res_all = vector("list", n_split)
I = 1
for(i in{
if(i == 0){
my_env = reshape_env(env)
my_res = fun(env = my_env)
} else {
my_res = fun(env = reshape_env(env, obs2keep = which(split == i)))
res_all[[I]] = my_res
I = I + 1
values = list(sample = split.items)
# result
res_multi = setup_multi(res_all, values, var =
multi_LHS_RHS = function(env, fun){
do_multi_lhs = get("do_multi_lhs", env)
do_multi_rhs = get("do_multi_rhs", env)
assign("do_multi_lhs", FALSE, env)
assign("do_multi_rhs", FALSE, env)
nthreads = get("nthreads", env)
# contrary to feols, the preprocessing is only a small fraction of the
# computing time in ML models
# Therefore we don't need to optimize processing as hard as in FEOLS
# because the gains are only marginal
fml = get("fml", env)
lhs_names = get("lhs_names", env)
lhs = get("lhs", env)
if(do_multi_lhs == FALSE){
lhs = list(lhs)
rhs_info_stepwise = get("rhs_info_stepwise", env)
multi_rhs_fml_full = rhs_info_stepwise$fml_all_full
multi_rhs_fml_sw = rhs_info_stepwise$fml_all_sw
multi_rhs_cumul = rhs_info_stepwise$is_cumul
linear_core = get("linear_core", env)
rhs_sw = get("rhs_sw", env)
} else {
multi_rhs_fml_full = list(.xpd(rhs = fml[[3]]))
multi_rhs_cumul = FALSE
linear.mat = get("linear.mat", env)
linear_core = list(left = linear.mat, right = 1)
rhs_sw = list(1)
isLinear_left = length(linear_core$left) > 1
isLinear_right = length(linear_core$right) > 1
n_lhs = length(lhs)
n_rhs = length(rhs_sw)
res = vector("list", n_lhs * n_rhs)
rhs_names = sapply(multi_rhs_fml_full, function(x) as.character(x)[[2]])
for(i in seq_along(lhs)){
for(j in seq_along(rhs_sw)){
# reshaping the env => taking care of the NAs
# Forming the RHS
my_rhs = linear_core[1]
if(j > 1){
# if j == 1, the RHS is already in the data
my_rhs[1 + (2:j - 1)] = rhs_sw[2:j]
} else {
my_rhs[2] = rhs_sw[j]
my_rhs[[length(my_rhs) + 1]] = linear_core$right
n_all = lengths(my_rhs)
if(any(n_all == 1)){
my_rhs = my_rhs[n_all > 1]
if(length(my_rhs) == 0){
my_rhs = 1
} else {
my_rhs ="cbind", my_rhs)
if(length(my_rhs) == 1){
is_na_current = !is.finite(lhs[[i]])
} else {
is_na_current = !is.finite(lhs[[i]]) | cpp_which_na_inf_mat(my_rhs, nthreads)$is_na_inf
my_fml = .xpd(lhs = lhs_names[i], rhs = multi_rhs_fml_full[[j]])
my_env = reshape_env(env, which(!is_na_current), lhs = lhs[[i]],
rhs = my_rhs, fml_linear = my_fml)
} else {
# We still need to check the RHS (only 0/1)
my_env = reshape_env(env, lhs = lhs[[i]], rhs = my_rhs,
fml_linear = my_fml, check_lhs = TRUE)
my_res = fun(env = my_env)
res[[index_2D_to_1D(i, j, n_rhs)]] = my_res
# Meta information for fixest_multi
values = list(lhs = rep(lhs_names, each = n_rhs),
rhs = rep(rhs_names, n_lhs))
# result
res_multi = setup_multi(res, values)
multi_fixef = function(env, estfun){
# Honestly had I known it was so painful, I wouldn't have done it...
assign("do_multi_fixef", FALSE, env)
multi_fixef_fml_full = get("multi_fixef_fml_full", env)
combine.quick = get("combine.quick", env)
fixef.rm = get("fixef.rm", env)
family = get("family", env)
origin_type = get("origin_type", env)
nthreads = get("nthreads", env)
data = get("data", env)
n_fixef = length(multi_fixef_fml_full)
data_results = vector("list", n_fixef)
for(i in 1:n_fixef){
fml_fixef = multi_fixef_fml_full[[i]]
if(length(all.vars(fml_fixef)) > 0){
# Evaluation of the fixed-effects
fixef_terms_full = fixef_terms(fml_fixef)
# fixef_terms_full computed in the formula section
fixef_terms = fixef_terms_full$fml_terms
# FEs
fixef_df = error_sender(prepare_df(fixef_terms_full$fe_vars, data, combine.quick),
"Problem evaluating the fixed-effects part of the formula:\n")
fixef_vars = names(fixef_df)
# Slopes
isSlope = any(fixef_terms_full$slope_flag != 0)
slope_vars_list = list(0)
slope_df = error_sender(prepare_df(fixef_terms_full$slope_vars, data),
"Problem evaluating the variables with varying slopes in the fixed-effects part of the formula:\n")
slope_flag = fixef_terms_full$slope_flag
slope_vars = fixef_terms_full$slope_vars
slope_vars_list = fixef_terms_full$slope_vars_list
# Further controls
not_numeric = !sapply(slope_df, is.numeric)
stop("In the fixed-effects part of the formula (i.e. in ", as.character(fml_fixef[2]), "), variables with varying slopes must be numeric. Currently variable", enumerate_items(names(slope_df)[not_numeric], ""), " not.")
# slope_flag: 0: no Varying slope // > 0: varying slope AND fixed-effect // < 0: varying slope WITHOUT fixed-effect
onlySlope = all(slope_flag < 0)
# fml update
fml_fixef = .xpd(rhs = fixef_terms)
# NA
for(j in seq_along(fixef_df)){
if(!is.numeric(fixef_df[[j]]) && !is.character(fixef_df[[j]])){
fixef_df[[j]] = as.character(fixef_df[[j]])
is_NA = !complete.cases(fixef_df)
# Convert to double
who_not_double = which(sapply(slope_df, is.integer))
for(j in who_not_double){
slope_df[[j]] = as.numeric(slope_df[[j]])
info = cpp_which_na_inf_df(slope_df, nthreads)
is_NA = is_NA | info$is_na_inf
# Remember that isFixef is FALSE so far => so we only change the reg vars
my_env = reshape_env(env = env, obs2keep = which(!is_NA))
# NA removal in fixef
fixef_df = fixef_df[!is_NA, , drop = FALSE]
slope_df = slope_df[!is_NA, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
my_env = new.env(parent = env)
# We remove the linear part if needed
if(get("do_multi_rhs", env)){
linear_core = get("linear_core", my_env)
if("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(linear_core$left)){
int_col = which("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(linear_core$left))
if(ncol(linear_core$left) == 1){
linear_core$left = 1
} else {
linear_core$left = linear_core$left[, -int_col, drop = FALSE]
assign("linear_core", linear_core, my_env)
} else {
linear.mat = get("linear.mat", my_env)
if("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(linear.mat)){
int_col = which("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(linear.mat))
if(ncol(linear.mat) == 1){
assign("linear.mat", 1, my_env)
} else {
assign("linear.mat", linear.mat[, -int_col, drop = FALSE], my_env)
# We assign the fixed-effects
lhs = get("lhs", my_env)
# We delay the computation by using isSplit = TRUE and split.full = FALSE
# Real QUF will be done in the last reshape env
info_fe = setup_fixef(fixef_df = fixef_df, lhs = lhs, fixef_vars = fixef_vars,
fixef.rm = fixef.rm, family = family, isSplit = TRUE,
split.full = FALSE, origin_type = origin_type,
isSlope = isSlope, slope_flag = slope_flag,
slope_df = slope_df, slope_vars_list = slope_vars_list,
nthreads = nthreads)
fixef_id = info_fe$fixef_id
fixef_names = info_fe$fixef_names
fixef_sizes = info_fe$fixef_sizes
fixef_table = info_fe$fixef_table
sum_y_all = info_fe$sum_y_all
lhs = info_fe$lhs
obs2remove = info_fe$obs2remove
fixef_removed = info_fe$fixef_removed
message_fixef = info_fe$message_fixef
slope_variables = info_fe$slope_variables
slope_flag = info_fe$slope_flag
fixef_id_res = info_fe$fixef_id_res
fixef_sizes_res = info_fe$fixef_sizes_res
new_order = info_fe$new_order
assign("isFixef", TRUE, my_env)
assign("new_order_original", new_order, my_env)
assign("fixef_names", fixef_names, my_env)
assign("fixef_vars", fixef_vars, my_env)
assign_fixef_env(env, family, origin_type, fixef_id, fixef_sizes,
fixef_table, sum_y_all, slope_flag, slope_variables,
# Formatting the fixef stuff from res
# fml & fixef_vars => other stuff will be taken care of in reshape
res = get("res", my_env)
res$fml_all$fixef = fml_fixef
res$fixef_vars = fixef_vars
res$fixef_terms = fixef_terms
assign("res", res, my_env)
# Last reshape
my_env_est = reshape_env(my_env, assign_fixef = TRUE)
} else {
# No fixed-effect // new.env is indispensable => otherwise multi RHS/LHS not possible
my_env_est = reshape_env(env)
data_results[[i]] = estfun(env = my_env_est)
index = list(fixef = n_fixef)
fixef_names = sapply(multi_fixef_fml_full, function(x) as.character(x)[[2]])
values = list(fixef = fixef_names)
res_multi = setup_multi(data_results, values)
if("lhs" %in% names(attr(res_multi, "meta")$index)){
res_multi = res_multi[lhs = TRUE]
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