
Defines functions prevjob_exists submit_flow.flow parse_prevjobids submit_flow.list submit_flow

Documented in submit_flow submit_flow.flow submit_flow.list

# setGeneric("submit_flow", function (fobj, ...){
# 	standardGeneric("submit_flow")
# })

#' @rdname submit_flow
#' @title Submit a flow to the cluster
#' @description 
#' Submit a flow to the cluster or perform a dry-run to check and debug issues.
#' @param x a \code{object} of class \code{flow}.
#' @param execute \code{logical} whether or not to submit the jobs
#' @param plot \code{logical} whether to make a pdf flow plot (saves it in the flow working directory).
#' @param uuid \code{character} Advanced use. This is the final path used for flow execution.
#' Especially useful in case of re-running a flow.
#' @param verbose logical.
#' @param dump dump all the flow details to the flow path
#' @param ... Advanced use. Any additional parameters are passed on to \link{submit_job} function.
#' @details 
#' NOTE:
#' Even if you want to kill the flow, its best to let submit_flow do its job, when done simply use \code{kill(flow_wd)}. 
#' If submit_flow is interrupted, files like flow_details.rds etc are not created, thus flowr looses the association 
#' of jobs with flow instance and cannot monitor, kill or re-run the flow.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' submit_flow(fobj = fobj, ... = ...)}
submit_flow <- function(x, verbose = opts_flow$get("verbose"), ...) {
  if(verbose > 1)
    message("input x is ", class(x))

## --- this works when there are a list of fobjs

#' @rdname submit_flow
#' @export
submit_flow.list <- function(x, verbose = opts_flow$get("verbose"), ...){
  fobjs = lapply(x, function(y)
    submit_flow(y, ...)

parse_prevjobids <- function(x){

#' @rdname submit_flow
#' @param .start_jid Job to start this submission from. Advanced use, should be 1 by default.
#' @importFrom tools file_path_as_absolute
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @export
submit_flow.flow <- function(x,
                             verbose = opts_flow$get("verbose"),
                             execute = FALSE,
                             plot = TRUE,
                             dump = TRUE,
                             .start_jid = 1,
  ## -- store, for use later
  ## --- this field is currently not used extensibly
  ## --- Assumption here is that a submitted/processed flow
  ## --- has uuid part of its flow_path already
  ## the case of resubmission
    dir.create(x@flow_run_path, recursive = TRUE)
    wd = file.path(file_path_as_absolute(x@flow_run_path), x@desc)
    uuid = get_unique_id(prefix = wd)
  x@flow_path = uuid
  # 		if(!x@status %in%
  # 			 c("processed","submitted","running","completed","exit"))
  ##jobnames <- sapply(x@jobs, function(x) x@name)
  ##names(x@jobs) <- jobnames
  ### ---------- Error handling
    message("\n--> Flow is being processed.",
            sprintf(" Track it from cmd line using:\nflowr status x=%s\n",
            sprintf("OR from R using:\nstatus(x='%s')",
  ## should be included in check flow_def
  if(length(x@jobs[[1]]@dependency_type) > 0 & x@jobs[[1]]@dependency_type !="none")
    stop("Seems like the first job has a dependency, please check")
  ## ------   create CWD
               showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
    flow_def = to_flowdef(x, verbose = 0)
    flow_mat = to_flowmat(x, verbose = 0)
                       fobj = x,
                       plot = plot, 
                       flow_def = flow_def, 
                       flow_mat = flow_mat)
  ## -----   loop on jobs
  ## parse dependency from the previous
  ## then send it along to submit_job
  ## prevjob is null but dep_type exists --- > problem, check should detect.
  ## split dependency, if multiple previous jobs
  #x <- pbsapply(1:length(x@jobs), function(i, x = x){
  if(to > from)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = from, max = to, style = 3)
  for(i in from:to){
    if(verbose > 0 & to > from)
    # ------ check if there are any dependencies
    previous_job <- x@jobs[[i]]@previous_job
    if(verbose > 1) 
      message("----> Working on job ", i, " with previous job: ", previous_job)
    ## if there is a previous job
      ## --- split multiple dependencies as a list
      ## get say a multi column matrix. JOBIDS X PREV JOBS
      previds <- do.call(cbind, lapply(previous_job, function(y)
      ## split the MATRIX by rowindex, into a LIST
      x@jobs[[i]]@dependency <- split(previds, row(previds))
    # ------ submit the job, get updates job object
    x@jobs[[i]] <- submit_job(jobj = x@jobs[[i]],
                              fobj = x,
                              execute = execute,
                              verbose = verbose, ...)
  if( to > from )
  x@status <- "dry-run"
    x@status <- "submitted"
    message("\n--> Dry Run Successful!",
            "\n--> You may check this folder for consistency. ",
            "\n--> Also you may submit again with execute=TRUE\n",
    flow_det = to_flowdet(x)
    flow_def = to_flowdef(x, verbose = 0)
    flow_mat = to_flowmat(x, verbose = 0)
    write_flow_details(x@flow_path, fobj = x, plot = plot, 
                       flow_det = flow_det, 
                       flow_def = flow_def, 
                       flow_mat = flow_mat)

prevjob_exists <- function(x){
    ## prev job should not be of length 0. need ., NA, "" for missing
    if(!is.na(x[1]) & !is.null(x[1]) & !x[1] %in% c("", "NA", ".", "none", "NULL")){

## --------------------- d e p r e c i a t e d        f u n c t i o n s ----------------------------- ##

#setMethod("submit_flow", signature(fobj = "flow"), definition = .submit_flow)

## trace("create_queue_cmd", browser, exit=browser, signature = c("queue","character"));
## cmd <- create_queue_cmd(jobj, file=files[i])
## untrace("create_queue_cmd", signature = c("queue","character"));

## setMethod("create_queue_cmd", signature(q_obj = "queue"), function (q_obj, ...){
##     if(q_obj@dependency_type=="gather"){
##         if(q_obj@platform=="torque")
##             q_obj@dependency <- sprintf("-W depend=afterok:%s",paste(q_obj@dependency, collapse=":"))
##         else if(q_obj@platform=="lsf")
##             q_obj@dependency <- sprintf("-w '%s'",paste(q_obj@dependency, sep=" && "))
##     }else if (q_obj@dependency_type=="serial"){
##         if(q_obj@platform=="torque")
##             q_obj@dependency <- sprintf("-W %s",paste(" depend=afterok:",q_obj@dependency[index], sep=""))
##         else if(q_obj@platform=="lsf")
##             q_obj@dependency <- sprintf("-w '%s'",q_obj@dependency[index])
##     }else{
##         q_obj@dependency <- ""
##     }
##     l <- slots_as_list(q_obj, names=slotNames("queue"))
##     l <- l[! names(l) %in% c("format","platform")] ### ignore a few of the slots
##     names(l) = toupper(names(l)) ## get list of slots
##     ## l <- c("CMD"=cmd)
##     .Internal(Sys.setenv(names(l), as.character(unlist(l)))) ## set slots in BASH
##     cmd <- system(sprintf("eval echo %s ",q_obj@format),intern=TRUE)
##     return(cmd=cmd)
## })
## #cmd <- sprintf("%s %s",create_queue_cmd(jobj), file=files[i])

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flowr documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:12 a.m.