


#set_opts(verbose = TRUE)

verbose = FALSE

opts_flow$set(verbose = 0)

context("\n\nTesting running a pipeline from scratch")

pip = fetch_pipes("sleep_pipe", silent = TRUE)[1,]

if(verbose) print(pip)

test_that("check return of fetch_pipes", {
  expect_equal(length(pip), 4)
  expect_identical(class(pip), "data.frame")

if(verbose) message("class: ", class(pip$pipe))
if(verbose) message("file ", pip$pipe, " exists: ", file.exists(pip$pipe))

# ----- flowmat ---------
context("Test creation of flowmat")
out = sleep_pipe(x = 3, "sample1")

test_that("test output of sleep_pipe", {
  expect_equal(length(out), 2)
  expect_identical(class(out), "list")
  expect_is(out$flowmat, 'flowmat')
  expect_is(check(out$flowmat), 'flowmat')

# ----- flowdef ---------
context("Test creation of flowdef")
## --- specify the resource requirement
def = to_flowdef(out$flowmat,
                 platform = "lsf", queue = "short" ,
                 memory_reserved = "16384", ## LSF wants more than 16GB
                 cpu_reserved = 1, walltime = "00:59")

test_that("test creation of flowdef", {
  expect_is(def, "flowdef")
  expect_is(def, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(nrow(def), 4)
  expect_equal(ncol(def), 11)

# ----- test creation of flowdef ---------
context("Test creation of flow")
rm_col <- function(x, nm){
  col = which(colnames(x) %in% nm)
  x[, -col]

wd = getwd()
context(paste("using dir, ", getwd()))
fobj = to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def, 
               flowname = "sleep_pipe",
               flow_run_path = getwd())

test_that("test creation of flow, works", {
  expect_is(fobj, "flow")

test_that("test creation of flow, fails; when it should", {
  ## remove a row
  expect_error(to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def[-1,]), "extra jobs in prev_jobs")
  expect_error(to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def[,-1]), "flowdef needs these columns")
  expect_error(to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def[,-2]), "flowdef needs these columns")
  expect_error(to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def[,-3]), "flowdef needs these columns")
    to_flow(out$flowmat, def = rm_col(def, "cpu_reserved"))
    , "flowdef: missing resource columns")
  expect_error(to_flow(out$flowmat, def = rm_col(def, "memory_reserved"))
               , "flowdef: missing resource columns")
  def2=def;def2$dep_type[1] = "NA"
  expect_error(to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def2), "dep_type: invalid")
  def2=def;def2$sub_type[1] = "NA"
  expect_error(to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def2), "sub_type: invalid")

context("Test flowr on multiple platform, including creation, status, rerun and kill")

plats = c("lsf", "sge", "torque")
for(plat in plats){
  qobj <- queue(platform = plat, submit_exe = "echo")
  #set_opts(verbose = 0)
  fobj = to_flow(out$flowmat, def = def, 
                 flowname = "sleep_pipe",
                 flow_run_path = getwd(), 
                 qobj = qobj)
  expect_is(fobj, "flow")
  expect_equal(qobj@submit_exe, "echo")
  expect_equal(fobj@jobs[[1]]@submit_exe, "echo")
  fobj_dry = suppressMessages(submit_flow(fobj))
  #expect_warning(suppressMessages(submit_flow(fobj, execute = TRUE)), "Unable to parse JOB IDs")
  ## fake submit
  fobj_sub = fobj_dry
  fobj_sub@status = "submitted"
  test_that("test fobj is correct", {
    expect_is(fobj, "flow")
    expect_is(fobj_dry, "flow")
    expect_equal(fobj_dry@status, "dry-run")
    ## create flowdet
    expect_is(to_flowdet(fobj_dry), "data.frame")
    #expect_error(to_flowdet(fobj), "fobj: no execution details")
  test_that("flow is killable", {
    ## killing
    expect_error(kill(fobj), "This flow was has not executed, nothing to kill.")
  test_that("flow is re-runnable", {
    ##  -----  re-running
    expect_error(rerun(fobj), "fobj: not submitted yet")
    expect_error(rerun(fobj, start_from = "create_tmp"), "fobj: not submitted yet")
    ## rerun the fake submit
    expect_error(rerun(fobj_sub), "start_from, select, ignore: missing")
    ## check rerun output
    fobj_re = suppressMessages(rerun(fobj_sub, start_from = "create_tmp", kill = FALSE, execute = FALSE))
    #suppressMessages(rerun(fobj2, start_from = "create_tmp", kill = TRUE, qobj = qobj)), "kill"
    fobj_re = suppressMessages(rerun(fobj_sub, start_from = "create_tmp", kill = FALSE, qobj = qobj))
    ## check the flow
    expect_is(fobj_re, "flow")

# cleanup after
context("cleaning up dirs")
rm_dirs = list.files(path = wd, pattern = "sleep_pipe", full.names = TRUE)
unlink(rm_dirs, recursive = TRUE)

## add re-run test, specifying without start_from, with select and ignore: FAILS
## specify none: fails
## count jobs after select, ignore and start_from, and match them to expectation.

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flowr documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:12 a.m.