
Defines functions IRRMH IRDMH RRMH RDMH IRCIPois IRCI RCI ORMH spearman.ci.sas mhchart pvalueplot radarchartcirc radarchart percentile VIF NagelkerkeR2 CronbachAlpha plot.roc print.roc roc Kappa.test oddsratio riskratio riskdifference rateratio ratedifference geary.test truemedian SIQR

Documented in CronbachAlpha geary.test IRCI IRCIPois IRDMH IRRMH Kappa.test mhchart NagelkerkeR2 oddsratio ORMH percentile plot.roc print.roc pvalueplot radarchart radarchartcirc ratedifference rateratio RCI RDMH riskdifference riskratio roc RRMH SIQR spearman.ci.sas truemedian VIF

# Functions for the book "Practices of Medical and Health Data Analysis using R"
# written by Minato Nakazawa, 2007-2018.
# rev. 0.1, 29 Mar 2010
# rev. 0.2, 24 Aug 2010, combined with demogjpn.R
# rev. 0.2.1, 7 May 2011, fix the exceptional treatment of radarchart() concerning "left"
# rev. 0.2.2, 11 Dec 2011, mhchart function was added.
# rev. 0.3.2, 6 Feb 2012, fix the exceptional treatment of radarchart() for too many NA's
# rev. 0.3.4, 27 Apr 2012, add new axistype options of radarchart()
# rev. 0.3.6, 8 Jan 2013, add new pdensity and pfcol options of radarchart()
# rev. 0.3.7, 7 Feb 2013, add a new centerzero option of radarchart()
# rev. 0.4.3, 27 January 2014, bug fix of pvalueplot().  Important!!
# rev. 0.4.4, 3 May 2014, bug fix of and adding an option to radarchart().
# rev. 0.5.0, 4 August 2014, label size option was added to radarchart().
# rev. 0.5.1, 15 September 2014, Jvital data was updated and Jvital2013byPref was added.
# rev. 0.5.2. 10 September 2015, Japanese vital statistics (Jvital) was updated
#           to include 2014 data.
# rev. 0.5.3. September 2016, hlifetable() for healthy life expectancy was added.
# rev. 0.6.0, 20 March 2017, New data were added to JASM, Jfert, Jlife, Jpop, 
#           Jpopl, Jvital.  p-values of oddsratio() and riskratio() were improved. 
#           In addition, spearman.ci.sas() was added.
# rev. 0.6.2, 16 May 2017, Added option maxdist to roc().
# rev. 0.6.3. 2 April 2018, oddsratio() now accept 2 by 2 matrix (Thanks to Dr. Ara).
# rev. 0.7.0, 14 December 2019, added PEI(), ORMH(), pvpORMH(), RCI(), IRCI(), 
#           IRCIPois(), updated pvalueplot(), fixed wrong message in riskdifference().
# rev. 0.7.3, 1 March 2020, spearman.ci.sas(), truemedian() and geary.test() now 
#           can properly treat data with missing values.
# rev. 0.7.6, 16 January 2024, radarchartcirc(), RDMH(), RRMH(), IRDMH(), and 
#           IRRMH() were added. radarchartcirc() is a circular radar grid
#           version of radarchart().

SIQR <- function(X, mode=1) { 
 if (mode==1) { ret <- (fivenum(X)[4]-fivenum(X)[2])/2 }
 else { ret <- IQR(X)/2 } # equals to (quantile(X)[4]-quantile(X)[2])/2
 return (ret)

truemedian <- function(X, h=1) { 
   X <- subset(X, !is.na(X))
   YY <- rep(0,length(X))
   XX <- table(X)
   q <- length(XX)
   k <- 0
   for (i in 1:q) {
      L <- as.numeric(names(XX)[i])-h/2
      for (j in 1:XX[[i]]) {
         k <- k+1
         YY[k] <- L+h*(2*j-1)/(2*XX[[i]])
   return (median(YY))

geary.test <- function(X) {
 dname <- deparse(substitute(X))
 X <- subset(X, !is.na(X))
 m.X <- mean(X)
 l.X <- length(X)
 G <- sum(abs(X-m.X))/sqrt(l.X*sum((X-m.X)^2))
 p <- pnorm((G-sqrt(2/pi))/sqrt(1-3/pi)*sqrt(l.X))
 RVAL <- list(statistic = c(G = G), p.value = p, method = "Geary's normality test", 
        data.name = dname)
    class(RVAL) <- "htest"

gstem <- function (X, scale=1) {
 .stem.out <- capture.output(stem(X,scale))
 .stem.len <- length(.stem.out)
 plot(c(1,2), c(1,.stem.len), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
 text(rep(1,.stem.len), .stem.len:1, .stem.out, pos=4)

ratedifference <- function(a, b, PT1, PT0, CRC=FALSE, conf.level=0.95) {
 .M <- a+b
 .T <- PT1+PT0
 .IR1 <- a/PT1
 .IR0 <- b/PT0
 .IRT <- .M/.T
 norm.pp <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 if (CRC) {
  .IRC1 <- norm.pp*sqrt(a/(PT1*PT1))
  .IRC0 <- norm.pp*sqrt(b/(PT0*PT0))
  .IRCT <- norm.pp*sqrt(.M/(.T*.T))
  .MAT <- matrix(c(a, b, .M, PT1, PT0, .T, .IR1, .IR0, .IRT, 
   .IR1-.IRC1, .IR0-.IRC0, .IRT-.IRCT, .IR1+.IRC1, .IR0+.IRC0, .IRT+.IRCT), 3, 5)
  colnames(.MAT) <- c("Cases","Person-time","Incidence rates","Lower CL","Upper CL")
  rownames(.MAT) <- c("Exposed","Unexposed","Total")
 } else {
  .MAT <- matrix(c(a, b, .M, PT1, PT0, .T, .IR1, .IR0, .IRT), 3, 3)
  colnames(.MAT) <- c("Cases","Person-time","Incidence rates")
  rownames(.MAT) <- c("Exposed","Unexposed","Total")
 class(.MAT) <- "table"
 .CHI <- ESTIMATE/sqrt(a/(PT1*PT1)+b/(PT0*PT0))
 p.v <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(.CHI)))
 RDL <- ESTIMATE-norm.pp*sqrt(a/(PT1*PT1)+b/(PT0*PT0))
 RDU <- ESTIMATE+norm.pp*sqrt(a/(PT1*PT1)+b/(PT0*PT0))
 attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
 RVAL <- list(p.value=p.v, conf.int=CINT, estimate=ESTIMATE, 
  method="Incidence rate difference and its significance probability (H0: The difference equals to zero)",
  data.name=paste(deparse(substitute(a)), deparse(substitute(b)),
   deparse(substitute(PT1)), deparse(substitute(PT0))))
 class(RVAL) <- "htest"

rateratio <- function(a, b, PT1, PT0, conf.level=0.95) {
 .M <- a+b
 .T <- PT1+PT0
 .MAT <- matrix(c(a, b, .M, PT1, PT0, .T), 3, 2)
 colnames(.MAT) <- c("Cases","Person-time")
 rownames(.MAT) <- c("Exposed","Unexposed","Total")
 class(.MAT) <- "table"
 ESTIMATE <- (a/PT1)/(b/PT0)
 norm.pp <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 .CHI <- (a-(PT1/.T)*.M)/sqrt(.M*(PT1/.T)*(PT0/.T))
 p.v <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(.CHI)))
 RRL <- ESTIMATE*exp(-norm.pp*sqrt(1/a+1/b))
 RRU <- ESTIMATE*exp(norm.pp*sqrt(1/a+1/b))
 attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
 RVAL <- list(p.value=p.v, conf.int=CINT, estimate=ESTIMATE, 
  method="Incidence rate ratio estimate and its significance probability",
  data.name=paste(deparse(substitute(a)), deparse(substitute(b)),
   deparse(substitute(PT1)), deparse(substitute(PT0))))
 class(RVAL) <- "htest"

riskdifference <- function(a, b, N1, N0, CRC=FALSE, conf.level=0.95) {
 .M <- a+b
 .T <- N1+N0
 .R1 <- a/N1
 .R0 <- b/N0
 .RT <- .M/.T
 norm.pp <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 if (CRC) {
  .RC1 <- norm.pp*sqrt(a*(N1-a)/(N1^3))
  .RC0 <- norm.pp*sqrt(b*(N0-b)/(N0^3))
  .RCT <- norm.pp*sqrt(.M*(.T-.M)/(.T^3))
  .MAT <- matrix(c(a, b, .M, N1, N0, .T, .R1, .R0, .RT, 
   .R1-.RC1, .R0-.RC0, .RT-.RCT, .R1+.RC1, .R0+.RC0, .RT+.RCT), 3, 5)
  colnames(.MAT) <- c("Cases","People at Risk","Risk","Lower CL","Upper CL")
  rownames(.MAT) <- c("Exposed","Unexposed","Total")
 } else {
  .MAT <- matrix(c(a, b, .M, N1, N0, .T, .R1, .R0, .RT), 3, 3)
  colnames(.MAT) <- c("Cases","People at risk","Risk")
  rownames(.MAT) <- c("Exposed","Unexposed","Total")
 class(.MAT) <- "table"
 ESTIMATE <- .R1-.R0
 .CHI <- ESTIMATE/sqrt(a*(N1-a)/(N1^3)+b*(N0-b)/(N0^3))
 p.v <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(.CHI)))
 RDL <- ESTIMATE-norm.pp*sqrt(a*(N1-a)/(N1^3)+b*(N0-b)/(N0^3))
 RDU <- ESTIMATE+norm.pp*sqrt(a*(N1-a)/(N1^3)+b*(N0-b)/(N0^3))
 attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
 RVAL <- list(p.value=p.v, conf.int=CINT, estimate=ESTIMATE, 
  method="Risk difference and its significance probability (H0: The difference equals to zero)",
  data.name=paste(deparse(substitute(a)), deparse(substitute(b)),
   deparse(substitute(N1)), deparse(substitute(N0))))
 class(RVAL) <- "htest"

riskratio <- function(X, Y, m1, m2, conf.level=0.95, p.calc.by.independence=TRUE) {
 .MAT <- matrix(c(X, Y, m1-X, m2-Y, m1, m2), 2, 3)
 colnames(.MAT) <- c("Disease","Nondisease","Total")
 rownames(.MAT) <- c("Exposed","Nonexposed")
 class(.MAT) <- "table"
 ESTIMATE <- (X/m1)/(Y/m2)
 n1 <- X+Y
 Total <- m1+m2
 n2 <- Total-n1
 norm.pp <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 if (p.calc.by.independence) {
  p.v <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs((X-n1*m1/Total)/sqrt(n1*n2*m1*m2/Total/Total/(Total-1)))))
 } else {
  p.v <- 2*(1-pnorm(log(ifelse(ESTIMATE>1,ESTIMATE,1/ESTIMATE))/sqrt(1/X-1/m1+1/Y-1/m2)))
 RRL <- ESTIMATE*exp(-norm.pp*sqrt(1/X-1/m1+1/Y-1/m2))
 RRU <- ESTIMATE*exp(norm.pp*sqrt(1/X-1/m1+1/Y-1/m2))
 attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
 RVAL <- list(p.value=p.v, conf.int=CINT, estimate=ESTIMATE, 
  method="Risk ratio estimate and its significance probability",
  data.name=paste(deparse(substitute(X)), deparse(substitute(Y)),
   deparse(substitute(m1)), deparse(substitute(m2))))
 class(RVAL) <- "htest"

oddsratio <- function(a, b=NULL, c=NULL, d=NULL, conf.level=0.95, p.calc.by.independence=TRUE) {
 if (is.matrix(a)) {
  if ((dim(a)[1] != 2L) | (dim(a)[2] != 2L)) {
   stop("Input matrix must be a 2x2 table.")
  .a <- a[1, 1]
  .b <- a[2, 1]
  .c <- a[1, 2]
  .d <- a[2, 2]
  .data.name <- deparse(substitute(a))
 } else {
  .a <- a
  .b <- b
  .c <- c
  .d <- d
  .data.name <- paste(deparse(substitute(a)), 
 .MAT <- matrix(c(.a, .b, M1<-.a+.b, 
                  .c, .d, M0<-.c+.d, 
                  N1<-.a+.c, N0<-.b+.d, Total<-.a+.b+.c+.d), 3, 3)
 colnames(.MAT) <- c("Disease","Nondisease","Total")
 rownames(.MAT) <- c("Exposed","Nonexposed","Total")
 class(.MAT) <- "table"
 ESTIMATE <- (.a*.d)/(.b*.c)
 norm.pp <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 if (p.calc.by.independence) {
  p.v <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs((.a-N1*M1/Total)/sqrt(N1*N0*M1*M0/Total/Total/(Total-1)))))
 } else {
  p.v <- 2*(1-pnorm(log(ifelse(ESTIMATE>1,ESTIMATE,1/ESTIMATE))/sqrt(1/.a+1/.b+1/.c+1/.d)))
 ORL <- ESTIMATE*exp(-norm.pp*sqrt(1/.a + 1/.b + 1/.c + 1/.d))
 ORU <- ESTIMATE*exp(norm.pp*sqrt(1/.a + 1/.b + 1/.c + 1/.d))
 attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
 RVAL <- list(p.value=p.v, conf.int=CINT, estimate=ESTIMATE, 
  method="Odds ratio estimate and its significance probability",
 class(RVAL) <- "htest"

Kappa.test <- function(x, y=NULL, conf.level=0.95) {
 DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x))
 METHOD <- paste("Estimate Cohen's kappa statistics and test the null hypothesis ",
  "that the extent of agreement is same as random (kappa=0)",sep="")
 if (is.data.frame(x)) 
  x <- as.matrix(x)
 if (is.matrix(x)) {
  if (any(dim(x) < 2)) 
   stop("'x' must have at least 2 rows and columns")
  if (!is.numeric(x) || any(x < 0) || any(is.na(x))) 
   stop("all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite")
 else {
  if (is.null(y)) 
   stop("if 'x' is not a matrix, 'y' must be given")
  if (length(x) != length(y)) 
   stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
  DNAME <- paste(DNAME, "and", deparse(substitute(y)))
  OK <- complete.cases(x, y)
  x <- factor(x[OK])
  y <- factor(y[OK])
  if ((nlevels(x) < 2) || (nlevels(y) < 2)) 
   stop("'x' and 'y' must have at least 2 levels")
  x <- table(x, y)
 nr <- nrow(x)
 nc <- ncol(x)
 if (nr != nc) {
  stop("levels for 2 dimensions are different")
 N <- sum(x)
 Po <- sum(diag(x))/N
 Pe <- sum(rowSums(x)*colSums(x)/N)/N
 kappa <- (Po-Pe)/(1-Pe)
 JUDGEMENT <- c("No agreement","Slight agreement","Fair agreement",
  "Moderate agreement","Substantial agreement","Almost perfect agreement")
 # This criterion is given by Landis JR, Koch GG (1977) Biometrics, 33: 159-174.
 judge <- JUDGEMENT[min(which(kappa<seq(0,1,0.2)))]
 seK0 <- sqrt(Pe/(N*(1-Pe)))
 seK <- sqrt(Po*(1-Po)/(N*(1-Pe)^2))
 norm.pp <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 Z <- kappa/seK0
 p.v <- 1-pnorm(Z)
 kappaL <- kappa-norm.pp*seK
 kappaU <- kappa+norm.pp*seK
 CINT <- c(kappaL,kappaU)
 attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
 RVAL <- list(statistic=c(Z=Z), estimate=kappa, conf.int=CINT, p.value=p.v, 
  method=METHOD, data.name=DNAME)
 class(RVAL) <- "htest"
 RVAL2 <- list(Result=RVAL,Judgement=judge)

roc <- function(values, iscase, maxdist=TRUE) {
 cutoffs <- unique(sort(values))
 cutoffs <- c(cutoffs, max(values)+1)
 NSERIES <- length(cutoffs)
 sensitivity <- rep(0, NSERIES)
 falsepositive <- rep(0, NSERIES)
 dist <- rep(0, NSERIES)
 aucp <- rep(0, NSERIES)
 DIS <- sum(iscase==1)
 HLT <- sum(iscase==0)
 for (i in 1:NSERIES) {
  cutoffpoint <- cutoffs[i]
  positives <- ifelse(values >= cutoffpoint, 1, 0)
  PinD <- sum(iscase==1 & positives==1)
  NinH <- sum(iscase==0 & positives==0)
  sensitivity[i] <- PinD/DIS
  falsepositive[i] <- 1-NinH/HLT
  dist[i] <- ifelse(maxdist, sqrt((PinD/DIS)^2+(NinH/HLT)^2), sqrt((1-PinD/DIS)^2+(1-NinH/HLT)^2))
  aucp[i] <- ifelse(i==1,(1-falsepositive[i])*sensitivity[i],
 RVAL <- list(cutoff=cutoffs, sens=sensitivity, falsepos=falsepositive,
              distance=dist, aucpiece=aucp, maxdist=maxdist)
 class(RVAL) <- "roc"

print.roc <- function(x, ...) {
 cat(sprintf("%5.3f\t%5.3f\t%5.3f\t%5.3f\n", x[[1]],x[[2]],x[[3]],x[[4]]))
 mlcs <- paste("Fittest Cut Off:%5.3f, Sensitivity:%5.3f, Specificity:%5.3f\nAUC=%5.3f\n", ..., sep="")
 mlcc <- ifelse(x[[6]], which.max(x[[4]]), which.min(x[[4]]))

plot.roc <- function(x, ...) {
 plot(x[[3]], x[[2]], type="l", lwd=2, xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensitivity", ...)
 lines(c(0,1), c(0,1), lwd=1, lty=2)

CronbachAlpha <- function(X) { # X must be matrix or data.frame with more than 2 columns

NagelkerkeR2 <- function(rr) { # rr must be the result of lm/glm
 n <- nrow(rr$model)
 R2 <- (1-exp((rr$dev-rr$null)/n))/(1-exp(-rr$null/n))
 RVAL <- list(N=n, R2=R2)

VIF <- function(X) { 1/(1-summary(X)$r.squared) }

percentile <- function(dat) { # convert numeric vector into percentiles
 pt1 <- quantile(dat, probs=seq(0, 1, by=0.01), type=7) # set minimum 0 percentile.
 pt2 <- unique(as.data.frame(pt1), fromLast=TRUE)
 pt3 <- rownames(pt2)
 pt4 <- as.integer(strsplit(pt3, "%"))
 datp <- pt4[as.integer(cut(dat, c(0, pt2$pt1), labels=1:length(pt3)))]

radarchart <- function(df, axistype=0, seg=4, pty=16, pcol=1:8, plty=1:6, plwd=1,
                       pdensity=NULL, pangle=45, pfcol=NA, cglty=3, cglwd=1,
                       cglcol="navy", axislabcol="blue", title="", maxmin=TRUE,
                       na.itp=TRUE, centerzero=FALSE, vlabels=NULL, vlcex=NULL,
                       caxislabels=NULL, calcex=NULL,
                       paxislabels=NULL, palcex=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.data.frame(df)) { cat("The data must be given as dataframe.\n"); return() }
  if ((n <- length(df))<3) { cat("The number of variables must be 3 or more.\n"); return() }
  if (maxmin==FALSE) { # when the dataframe does not include max and min as the top 2 rows.
    dfmax <- apply(df, 2, max)
    dfmin <- apply(df, 2, min)
    df <- rbind(dfmax, dfmin, df)
  plot(c(-1.2, 1.2), c(-1.2, 1.2), type="n", frame.plot=FALSE, axes=FALSE, 
       xlab="", ylab="", main=title, asp=1, ...) # define x-y coordinates without any plot
  theta <- seq(90, 450, length=n+1)*pi/180
  theta <- theta[1:n]
  xx <- cos(theta)
  yy <- sin(theta)
  CGap <- ifelse(centerzero, 0, 1)
  for (i in 0:seg) { # complementary guide lines, dotted navy line by default
    polygon(xx*(i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), yy*(i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), lty=cglty, lwd=cglwd, border=cglcol)
    if (axistype==1|axistype==3) CAXISLABELS <- paste(i/seg*100,"(%)")
    if (axistype==4|axistype==5) CAXISLABELS <- sprintf("%3.2f",i/seg)
    if (!is.null(caxislabels)&(i<length(caxislabels))) CAXISLABELS <- caxislabels[i+1]
    if (axistype==1|axistype==3|axistype==4|axistype==5) {
     if (is.null(calcex)) text(-0.05, (i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), CAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol) else
     text(-0.05, (i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), CAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol, cex=calcex)
  if (centerzero) {
    arrows(0, 0, xx*1, yy*1, lwd=cglwd, lty=cglty, length=0, col=cglcol)
  else {
    arrows(xx/(seg+CGap), yy/(seg+CGap), xx*1, yy*1, lwd=cglwd, lty=cglty, length=0, col=cglcol)
  PAXISLABELS <- df[1,1:n]
  if (!is.null(paxislabels)) PAXISLABELS <- paxislabels
  if (axistype==2|axistype==3|axistype==5) {
   if (is.null(palcex)) text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol) else
   text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol, cex=palcex)
  VLABELS <- colnames(df)
  if (!is.null(vlabels)) VLABELS <- vlabels
  if (is.null(vlcex)) text(xx*1.2, yy*1.2, VLABELS) else
  text(xx*1.2, yy*1.2, VLABELS, cex=vlcex)
  series <- length(df[[1]])
  SX <- series-2
  if (length(pty) < SX) { ptys <- rep(pty, SX) } else { ptys <- pty }
  if (length(pcol) < SX) { pcols <- rep(pcol, SX) } else { pcols <- pcol }
  if (length(plty) < SX) { pltys <- rep(plty, SX) } else { pltys <- plty }
  if (length(plwd) < SX) { plwds <- rep(plwd, SX) } else { plwds <- plwd }
  if (length(pdensity) < SX) { pdensities <- rep(pdensity, SX) } else { pdensities <- pdensity }
  if (length(pangle) < SX) { pangles <- rep(pangle, SX)} else { pangles <- pangle }
  if (length(pfcol) < SX) { pfcols <- rep(pfcol, SX) } else { pfcols <- pfcol }
  for (i in 3:series) {
    xxs <- xx
    yys <- yy
    scale <- CGap/(seg+CGap)+(df[i,]-df[2,])/(df[1,]-df[2,])*seg/(seg+CGap)
    if (sum(!is.na(df[i,]))<3) { cat(sprintf("[DATA NOT ENOUGH] at %d\n%g\n",i,df[i,])) # for too many NA's (1.2.2012)
    } else {
      for (j in 1:n) {
        if (is.na(df[i, j])) { # how to treat NA
          if (na.itp) { # treat NA using interpolation
            left <- ifelse(j>1, j-1, n)
            while (is.na(df[i, left])) {
              left <- ifelse(left>1, left-1, n)
            right <- ifelse(j<n, j+1, 1)
            while (is.na(df[i, right])) {
              right <- ifelse(right<n, right+1, 1)
            xxleft <- xx[left]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[left]*(df[i,left]-df[2,left])/(df[1,left]-df[2,left])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            yyleft <- yy[left]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[left]*(df[i,left]-df[2,left])/(df[1,left]-df[2,left])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            xxright <- xx[right]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[right]*(df[i,right]-df[2,right])/(df[1,right]-df[2,right])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            yyright <- yy[right]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[right]*(df[i,right]-df[2,right])/(df[1,right]-df[2,right])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            if (xxleft > xxright) {
              xxtmp <- xxleft; yytmp <- yyleft;
              xxleft <- xxright; yyleft <- yyright;
              xxright <- xxtmp; yyright <- yytmp;
            xxs[j] <- xx[j]*(yyleft*xxright-yyright*xxleft)/(yy[j]*(xxright-xxleft)-xx[j]*(yyright-yyleft))
            yys[j] <- (yy[j]/xx[j])*xxs[j]
          } else { # treat NA as zero (origin)
            xxs[j] <- 0
            yys[j] <- 0
        else {
          xxs[j] <- xx[j]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[j]*(df[i, j]-df[2, j])/(df[1, j]-df[2, j])*seg/(seg+CGap)
          yys[j] <- yy[j]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[j]*(df[i, j]-df[2, j])/(df[1, j]-df[2, j])*seg/(seg+CGap)
      if (is.null(pdensities)) {
        polygon(xxs, yys, lty=pltys[i-2], lwd=plwds[i-2], border=pcols[i-2], col=pfcols[i-2])
      } else {
        polygon(xxs, yys, lty=pltys[i-2], lwd=plwds[i-2], border=pcols[i-2], 
         density=pdensities[i-2], angle=pangles[i-2], col=pfcols[i-2])
      points(xx*scale, yy*scale, pch=ptys[i-2], col=pcols[i-2])

radarchartcirc <- function(df, axistype=0, seg=4, pty=16, pcol=1:8, plty=1:6, plwd=1,
                       pdensity=NULL, pangle=45, pfcol=NA, cglty=1, cglwd=1,
                       cglcol="navy", axislabcol="blue", title="", maxmin=TRUE,
                       na.itp=TRUE, centerzero=FALSE, vlabels=NULL, vlcex=NULL,
                       caxislabels=NULL, calcex=NULL,
                       paxislabels=NULL, palcex=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.data.frame(df)) { cat("The data must be given as dataframe.\n"); return() }
  if ((n <- length(df))<3) { cat("The number of variables must be 3 or more.\n"); return() }
  if (maxmin==FALSE) { # when the dataframe does not include max and min as the top 2 rows.
    dfmax <- apply(df, 2, max)
    dfmin <- apply(df, 2, min)
    df <- rbind(dfmax, dfmin, df)
  plot(c(-1.2, 1.2), c(-1.2, 1.2), type="n", frame.plot=FALSE, axes=FALSE, 
       xlab="", ylab="", main=title, asp=1, ...) # define x-y coordinates without any plot
  theta <- seq(90, 450, length=n+1)*pi/180
  theta <- theta[1:n]
  xx <- cos(theta)
  yy <- sin(theta)
  theta2 <- (90+0:120*3)*pi/180
  xxx <- cos(theta2)
  yyy <- sin(theta2)
  CGap <- ifelse(centerzero, 0, 1)
  for (i in 0:seg) { # complementary guide lines, dotted navy line by default
    polygon(xxx*(i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), yyy*(i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), lty=cglty, lwd=cglwd, border=cglcol)
    if (axistype==1|axistype==3) CAXISLABELS <- paste(i/seg*100,"(%)")
    if (axistype==4|axistype==5) CAXISLABELS <- sprintf("%3.2f",i/seg)
    if (!is.null(caxislabels)&(i<length(caxislabels))) CAXISLABELS <- caxislabels[i+1]
    if (axistype==1|axistype==3|axistype==4|axistype==5) {
     if (is.null(calcex)) text(-0.05, (i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), CAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol) else
     text(-0.05, (i+CGap)/(seg+CGap), CAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol, cex=calcex)
  if (centerzero) {
    arrows(0, 0, xx*1, yy*1, lwd=cglwd, lty=cglty, length=0, col=cglcol)
  else {
    arrows(xx/(seg+CGap), yy/(seg+CGap), xx*1, yy*1, lwd=cglwd, lty=cglty, length=0, col=cglcol)
  PAXISLABELS <- df[1,1:n]
  if (!is.null(paxislabels)) PAXISLABELS <- paxislabels
  if (axistype==2|axistype==3|axistype==5) {
   if (is.null(palcex)) text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol) else
   text(xx[1:n], yy[1:n], PAXISLABELS, col=axislabcol, cex=palcex)
  VLABELS <- colnames(df)
  if (!is.null(vlabels)) VLABELS <- vlabels
  if (is.null(vlcex)) text(xx*1.2, yy*1.2, VLABELS) else
  text(xx*1.2, yy*1.2, VLABELS, cex=vlcex)
  series <- length(df[[1]])
  SX <- series-2
  if (length(pty) < SX) { ptys <- rep(pty, SX) } else { ptys <- pty }
  if (length(pcol) < SX) { pcols <- rep(pcol, SX) } else { pcols <- pcol }
  if (length(plty) < SX) { pltys <- rep(plty, SX) } else { pltys <- plty }
  if (length(plwd) < SX) { plwds <- rep(plwd, SX) } else { plwds <- plwd }
  if (length(pdensity) < SX) { pdensities <- rep(pdensity, SX) } else { pdensities <- pdensity }
  if (length(pangle) < SX) { pangles <- rep(pangle, SX)} else { pangles <- pangle }
  if (length(pfcol) < SX) { pfcols <- rep(pfcol, SX) } else { pfcols <- pfcol }
  for (i in 3:series) {
    xxs <- xx
    yys <- yy
    scale <- CGap/(seg+CGap)+(df[i,]-df[2,])/(df[1,]-df[2,])*seg/(seg+CGap)
    if (sum(!is.na(df[i,]))<3) { cat(sprintf("[DATA NOT ENOUGH] at %d\n%g\n",i,df[i,])) # for too many NA's (1.2.2012)
    } else {
      for (j in 1:n) {
        if (is.na(df[i, j])) { # how to treat NA
          if (na.itp) { # treat NA using interpolation
            left <- ifelse(j>1, j-1, n)
            while (is.na(df[i, left])) {
              left <- ifelse(left>1, left-1, n)
            right <- ifelse(j<n, j+1, 1)
            while (is.na(df[i, right])) {
              right <- ifelse(right<n, right+1, 1)
            xxleft <- xx[left]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[left]*(df[i,left]-df[2,left])/(df[1,left]-df[2,left])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            yyleft <- yy[left]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[left]*(df[i,left]-df[2,left])/(df[1,left]-df[2,left])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            xxright <- xx[right]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[right]*(df[i,right]-df[2,right])/(df[1,right]-df[2,right])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            yyright <- yy[right]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[right]*(df[i,right]-df[2,right])/(df[1,right]-df[2,right])*seg/(seg+CGap)
            if (xxleft > xxright) {
              xxtmp <- xxleft; yytmp <- yyleft;
              xxleft <- xxright; yyleft <- yyright;
              xxright <- xxtmp; yyright <- yytmp;
            xxs[j] <- xx[j]*(yyleft*xxright-yyright*xxleft)/(yy[j]*(xxright-xxleft)-xx[j]*(yyright-yyleft))
            yys[j] <- (yy[j]/xx[j])*xxs[j]
          } else { # treat NA as zero (origin)
            xxs[j] <- 0
            yys[j] <- 0
        else {
          xxs[j] <- xx[j]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+xx[j]*(df[i, j]-df[2, j])/(df[1, j]-df[2, j])*seg/(seg+CGap)
          yys[j] <- yy[j]*CGap/(seg+CGap)+yy[j]*(df[i, j]-df[2, j])/(df[1, j]-df[2, j])*seg/(seg+CGap)
      if (is.null(pdensities)) {
        polygon(xxs, yys, lty=pltys[i-2], lwd=plwds[i-2], border=pcols[i-2], col=pfcols[i-2])
      } else {
        polygon(xxs, yys, lty=pltys[i-2], lwd=plwds[i-2], border=pcols[i-2], 
         density=pdensities[i-2], angle=pangles[i-2], col=pfcols[i-2])
      points(xx*scale, yy*scale, pch=ptys[i-2], col=pcols[i-2])

pvalueplot <- function(XTAB, plot.OR=FALSE, plot.log=FALSE, xrange=c(0.01,5), add=FALSE, ...) {
# XTAB must be 2x2 cross table.
# ref. Rothman KJ (2002) Epidemiology: An introduction. Oxford Univ. Press
# ref. Rothman KJ (2012) Epidemiology: An introduction. 2nd Ed.  Oxford Univ. Press
# According to 2nd ed. p.156, p-value function must match with nested confidence intervals.
# Limitation: p-values less than 0.0005 are not calculated.
  x.a <- XTAB[1,1]
  x.b <- XTAB[1,2]
  x.c <- XTAB[2,1]
  x.d <- XTAB[2,2]
  x.N1 <- sum(XTAB[,1])
  x.N0 <- sum(XTAB[,2])
  cp <- c(1:9/1000, 1:9/100, 10:90/100, 0.9+1:9/100, 0.99+1:9/1000)
  cpx <- c(cp, 1, rev(cp))
  cpy <- c(cp/2, 0.5, 0.5+cp/2)
  cRR <- exp(log(x.a*x.N0/x.b/x.N1)+qnorm(cpy)*sqrt(1/x.a-1/x.N1+1/x.b-1/x.N0))
  cOR <- exp(log(x.a*x.d/x.b/x.c)+qnorm(cpy)*sqrt(1/x.a+1/x.b+1/x.c+1/x.d))
  if (plot.OR) { rval <- data.frame(OR=cOR, p.value=cpx) } else {
    rval <- data.frame(RR=cRR, p.value=cpx) }
  OpLog <- ifelse(plot.log, "x", "")
  if (add) {
  	lines(rval, ...)
  else {
  	plot(rval, type="l", xlim=xrange, log=OpLog, ...)

pairwise.fisher.test <- function (x, n, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.methods, ...) 
    # contribution from Dr. Shigenobu Aoki.
    # 28 Dec. 2009
    # exact version of pairwise.prop.test()
    p.adjust.method <- match.arg(p.adjust.method)
    METHOD <- "Pairwise comparison of proportions (Fisher)"
    DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x))
    if (is.matrix(x)) {
        if (ncol(x) != 2) 
            stop("'x' must have 2 columns")
        n <- rowSums(x)
        x <- x[, 1]
    else {
        DNAME <- paste(DNAME, "out of", deparse(substitute(n)))
        if (length(x) != length(n)) 
            stop("'x' and 'n' must have the same length")
    OK <- complete.cases(x, n)
    x <- x[OK]
    n <- n[OK]
    if (length(x) < 2) 
        stop("too few groups")
    compare.levels <- function(i, j) {
        fisher.test(cbind(x[c(i, j)], n[c(i, j)]-x[c(i, j)]), ...)$p.value
    level.names <- names(x)
    if (is.null(level.names)) 
        level.names <- seq_along(x)
    PVAL <- pairwise.table(compare.levels, level.names, p.adjust.method)
    ANS <- list(method = METHOD, data.name = DNAME, p.value = PVAL, 
        p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method)
    class(ANS) <- "pairwise.htest"

mhchart <- function(LIST, XLIM=c(15,45), COL="black", FILL="white", BWD=1, ...) {
# maternity history chart
# inspired by Wood JW (1994) "Dynamics of Human Reproduction", Aldine de Gruyter, New York.
 NN <- length(LIST)
 BASE <- rep(0,NN)
 names(BASE) <- names(LIST)
 YPOS <- barplot(BASE, horiz=TRUE, xlim=XLIM, ...)
 for (i in 1:NN) {
  DAT <- LIST[[i]]
  NX <- length(DAT)
 XSEG <- seq(XLIM[1], XLIM[2], by=5)[-1]

# Getting confidence intervals of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient by
# the SAS method.
# http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/procstat/63104/HTML/default/corr_toc.htm
spearman.ci.sas <- function(x, y, adj.bias=TRUE, conf.level=0.95) {
 NAMEX <- deparse(substitute(x))
 NAMEY <- deparse(substitute(y))
 xx <- subset(x, !is.na(x)&!is.na(y))
 y <- subset(y, !is.na(x)&!is.na(y))
 x <- xx
 n <- length(x)
 rx <- rank(x)
 ry <- rank(y)
 mx <- mean(rx)
 my <- mean(ry)
 rho <- sum((rx-mx)*(ry-my))/sqrt(sum((rx-mx)^2)*sum((ry-my)^2))
 adj <- ifelse(adj.bias, rho/(2*(n-1)), 0)
 z <- 1/2*log((1+rho)/(1-rho))
 gg <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(1/(n-3))
 ge <- z - adj
 gl <- ge - gg
 gu <- ge + gg
 rl <- (exp(2*gl)-1)/(exp(2*gl)+1)
 re <- (exp(2*ge)-1)/(exp(2*ge)+1)
 ru <- (exp(2*gu)-1)/(exp(2*gu)+1)
 cat(sprintf("Spearman's rank correlation between %s and %s\n", NAMEX, NAMEY))
 cat(sprintf("N= %d, rho = %5.3f, %2d%% conf.int = [ %5.3f, %5.3f ]\n",
  n, re, conf.level*100, rl, ru))
 return(list(X=NAMEX, Y=NAMEY, N=n, rho=re, rho.ll=rl, rho.ul=ru, adj.bias=adj.bias))

# https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199810083391504
# https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(05)74403-2/fulltext
# pooled Odds Ratio (Mantel-Haenszel), Chapter 10 of Epidemiology: An Introduction
ORMH <- function(TBL, conf.level=0.95) {
 TT <- rowSums(TBL)
 GG <- TBL[,1]*TBL[,4]/TT
 HH <- TBL[,2]*TBL[,3]/TT
 OR <- sum(GG)/sum(HH)
 PP <- (TBL[,1]+TBL[,4])/TT
 QQ <- (TBL[,2]+TBL[,3])/TT
 VARlnOR <- sum(GG*PP)/(2*sum(GG)^2) + 
  sum(GG*QQ+HH*PP)/(2*sum(GG)*sum(HH)) + sum(HH*QQ)/(2*sum(HH)^2)
 SElnOR <- sqrt(VARlnOR)
 ORL <- exp(log(OR)-qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*SElnOR)
 ORU <- exp(log(OR)+qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*SElnOR)
 return(list(estimate=OR, conf.int=c(ORL, ORU), conf.level=conf.level))

# p-value plot for ORMH
pvpORMH <- function (XTAB, xrange = c(0.6, 1.2), add=FALSE, ...)
    cp <- c(1:9/1000, 1:9/100, 10:90/100, 0.9 + 1:9/100, 0.99 + 1:9/1000)
    cl <- 1-cp
    lu <- uu <- numeric(length(cl))
    for (i in 1:length(cl)) {
     res <- ORMH(XTAB, conf.level=cl[i])
     lu[i] <- res$conf.int[1]
     uu[i] <- res$conf.int[2]
    cpx <- c(cp, 1, rev(cp))
    cOR <- c(lu, res$estimate, rev(uu))
    rval <- data.frame(OR = cOR, p.value = cpx)
    if (add) {
    	lines(rval, ...)
    } else {
	    plot(rval, type = "l", xlim = xrange, ...)

# risk with CI, by simple asymptotic method (Rothman)
RCI <- function(a, N, conf.level=0.9) {
 R <- a/N
 Z <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 SE <- sqrt(a*(N-a)/N^3)
 return(list(R=R, RL=R-Z*SE, RU=R+Z*SE))

# incidence rate with CI by simple asymptotic method (Rothman)
IRCI <- function(a, PT, conf.level=0.9) {
 IR <- a/PT
 Z <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
 SE <- sqrt(a/PT^2)
 return(list(IR=IR, IRL=IR-Z*SE, IRU=IR+Z*SE))

# incidence rate with CI by exact method (Poisson distribution)
# https://www.statsdirect.com/help/rates/poisson_rate_ci.htm
IRCIPois <- function(a, PT, conf.level=0.9) {
 IR <- a/PT
 aL <- qchisq((1-conf.level)/2, a*2)/2
 aU <- qchisq(1-(1-conf.level)/2, (a+1)*2)/2
 return(list(IR=IR, IRL=aL/PT, IRU=aU/PT))

# pooled Risk Difference (Mantel-Haenszel) with CI
# Chapter 10 of Epidemiology: An Introduction (Rothman)
RDMH <- function(XTAB, conf.level=0.9) { 
# XTAB includes 4 columns as ai, bi, N1i, N0i, rows are ith strata
ai <- XTAB[, 1]
bi <- XTAB[, 2]
N1i <- XTAB[, 3]
N0i <- XTAB[, 4]
Ti <- rowSums(XTAB[, 3:4])
ci <- N1i - ai
di <- N0i - bi
rdmh <- sum((ai*N0i - bi*N1i)/Ti) / sum(N1i*N0i/Ti)
numerator <- sum((N1i*N0i/Ti)^2 * (ai*ci/(N1i^2*(N1i-1)) + bi*di/(N0i^2*(N0i-1))))
denominator <- (sum(N1i*N0i/Ti))^2
varrdmh <- numerator/denominator
rdmhll <- rdmh - qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varrdmh)
rdmhul <- rdmh + qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varrdmh)
return(list(estimate=rdmh, conf.int=c(rdmhll, rdmhul), conf.level=conf.level))

# pooled Risk Ratio (Mantel-Haenszel) with CI
# Chapter 10 of Epidemiology: An Introduction (Rothman)
RRMH <- function(XTAB, conf.level=0.9) { 
# XTAB includes 4 columns as ai, bi, N1i, N0i, rows are ith strata
ai <- XTAB[, 1]
bi <- XTAB[, 2]
N1i <- XTAB[, 3]
N0i <- XTAB[, 4]
Ti <- rowSums(XTAB[, 3:4])
M1i <- ai + bi
rrmh <- sum(ai*N0i/Ti) / sum(bi*N1i/Ti)
numerator <- sum(M1i*N1i*N0i/Ti^2 - ai*bi/Ti)
denominator <- sum(ai*N0i/Ti)*sum(bi*N1i/Ti)
varlnrrmh <- numerator/denominator
rrmhll <- exp(log(rrmh) - qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varlnrrmh))
rrmhul <- exp(log(rrmh) + qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varlnrrmh))
return(list(estimate=rrmh, conf.int=c(rrmhll, rrmhul), conf.level=conf.level))

# pooled Incidence Rate Difference (Mantel-Haenszel) with CI
# Chapter 10 of Epidemiology: An Introduction (Rothman)
IRDMH <- function(XTAB, conf.level=0.9) {
# XTAB includes 4 columns as ai, bi, PT1i, PT0i, rows are ith data
ai <- XTAB[, 1]
bi <- XTAB[, 2]
PT1i <- XTAB[, 3]
PT0i <- XTAB[, 4]
Mi <- rowSums(XTAB[, 1:2])
Ti <- rowSums(XTAB[, 3:4])
irdmh <- sum((ai*PT0i-bi*PT1i)/Ti)/sum(PT1i*PT0i/Ti)
numerator <- sum((PT1i*PT0i/Ti)^2*(ai/PT1i^2+bi/PT0i^2))
denominator <- sum(PT1i*PT0i/Ti)^2
varirdmh <- numerator/denominator
irdmhll <- irdmh - qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varirdmh)
irdmhul <- irdmh + qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varirdmh)
return(list(estimate=irdmh, conf.int=c(irdmhll, irdmhul), conf.level=conf.level))

# pooled Incidence Rate Ratio (Mantel-Haenszel) with CI
# Chapter 10 of Epidemiology: An Introduction (Rothman)
IRRMH <- function(XTAB, conf.level=0.9) {
# XTAB includes 4 columns as ai, bi, PT1i, PT0i, rows are ith data
ai <- XTAB[, 1]
bi <- XTAB[, 2]
PT1i <- XTAB[, 3]
PT0i <- XTAB[, 4]
Mi <- rowSums(XTAB[, 1:2])
Ti <- rowSums(XTAB[, 3:4])
irrmh <- sum(ai*PT0i/Ti)/sum(bi*PT1i/Ti)
numerator <- sum(Mi*PT1i*PT0i/Ti^2)
denominator <- sum(ai*PT0i/Ti)*sum(bi*PT1i/Ti)
varlnirrmh <- numerator/denominator
irrmhll <- exp(log(irrmh) - qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varlnirrmh))
irrmhul <- exp(log(irrmh) + qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)*sqrt(varlnirrmh))
return(list(estimate=irrmh, conf.int=c(irrmhll, irrmhul), conf.level=conf.level))

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