
Defines functions simFA

Documented in simFA

# Version March 14, 2023
# Tips:
# to debug code -- run in R console:    debugonce(simFA)
# then step through calculations until error occurs

## simFA
## Purpose:
##    Generate Factor Analysis Models and Data Sets for Simulation Studies
## Date:
##    Version March 14, 2023 updated help file
##    March 08, 2023  Added ability to input W matrix
##    February 24, 2023 Added ability input IRT threshold values
##    February 21, 2023 updated FS and now allow Model Error in FS
##    November 23, 2020 add NPD test for RpopME
##    March 6, 2020 return W
##    Jan 21 2019 added specific factor correlations
##    Dec 31 IRT parameters
##    Dec 20 fixed user Phi for bifactor models
##    November 11 2018
##    October 16, 2018
##    July 9, 2018

# Search '2DO' for sections in need of updates

#' Generate Factor Analysis Models and Data Sets for Simulation Studies
#' A function to simulate factor loadings matrices and Monte Carlo
#' data sets for common factor models, bifactor models, and IRT
#' models.
#' For a complete description of \code{simFA}'s
#' capabilities, users are encouraged to consult the \code{simFABook}
#' at http://users.cla.umn.edu/~nwaller/simFA/simFABook.pdf.
#' \code{simFA} is a program for exploring factor analysis
#' models via simulation studies.
#' After calling \code{simFA}  all relevant output can be saved
#' for further processing by calling one or more of the following
#' object names.
#' @param Model (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item \code{NFac} (scalar) Number of common or group
#'              factors; defaults to \code{NFac = 3}.
#'      \item \code{NItemPerFac}
#'          \itemize{
#'              \item (scalar) All factors have the same number
#'                  of primary loadings.
#'              \item (vector) A vector of length \code{NFac}
#'                  specifying the number of primary loadings for
#'                  each factor; defaults to
#'                  \code{NItemPerFac = 3}.
#'          }
#'      \item \code{Model} (character) \code{"orthogonal"} or
#'          \code{"oblique"}; defaults to \code{Model = "orthogonal"}.
#'    }
#' @param Loadings (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{FacPattern} (\code{NULL} or matrix).
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item \code{FacPattern = M} where \code{M} is
#'                    a user-defined factor pattern matrix.
#'                \item \code{FacPattern = NULL}; \code{simFA}
#'                    will generate a factor pattern based on
#'                    the arguments specified  under other keywords
#'                    (e.g., \code{Model}, \code{CrossLoadings}, etc.);
#'                    defaults to \code{FacPattern = NULL}.
#'            }
#'        \item \code{FacLoadDist}  (character) Specifies the
#'            sampling distribution for the common factor loadings.
#'            Possible values are \code{"runif"}, \code{"rnorm"},
#'            \code{"sequential"}, and \code{"fixed"}; defaults
#'            to \code{FacLoadDist = "runif"}.
#'        \item \code{FacLoadRange} (vector of length \code{NFac},
#'            2, or 1); defaults to \code{FacLoadRange = c(.3, .7)}.
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item If \code{FacLoadDist = "runif"} the vector
#'                    defines the bounds of the uniform distribution;
#'                \item If \code{FacLoadDist = "rnorm"} the vector
#'                    defines the mean and standard deviation of
#'                    the normal distribution from which loadings
#'                    are sampled.
#'                \item If \code{FacLoadDist = "sequential"} the
#'                    vector specifies the lower and upper bound
#'                    of the loadings sequence.
#'                \item If \code{FacLoadDist = "fixed"} and
#'                    \code{FacLoadRange} is a vector of length 1
#'                    then all common loadings will equal the constant
#'                    specified in \code{FacLoadRange}. If
#'                    \code{FacLoadDist = "fixed"} and
#'                    \code{FacLoadRange} is a vector of length
#'                    \code{NFac} then each factor will have fixed
#'                    loadings as specified by the associated
#'                    element in \code{FacLoadRange}.
#'            }
#'        \item \code{h2} (vector) An optional vector of communalities
#'            used to constrain the population communalities to
#'            user-defined values; defaults to \code{h2 = NULL}.
#'    }
#' @param CrossLoadings (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{ProbCrossLoad} (scalar) A value in the (0,1)
#'            interval that determines the probability that a cross
#'            loading will be present in elements of the loadings
#'            matrix that do not have salient (primary) factor loadings.
#'            If set to \code{ProbCrossLoad = 1}, a single cross
#'            loading will be added to each factor;  defaults to
#'            \code{ProbCrossLoad = 0}.
#'        \item \code{CrossLoadRange} (vector of length 2) Controls
#'            size of the cross loadings; defaults to
#'            \code{CrossLoadRange = c(.20, .25)}.
#'        \item \code{CrossLoadPositions} (matrix) Specifies the
#'            row and column positions of (optional) cross loadings;
#'            defaults to \code{CrossLoadPositions = NULL}.
#'        \item \code{CrossLoadValues} (vector) If
#'            \code{CrossLoadPositions} is specified then
#'            \code{CrossLoadValues} is a vector of user-supplied
#'            cross-loadings; defaults to \code{CrossLoadValues = NULL}.
#'        \item \code{CrudFactor} (scalar) Controls the size of
#'            tertiary factor loadings. If \code{CrudFactor != 0}
#'            then elements of the loadings matrix with neither
#'            primary nor secondary (i.e., cross) loadings will
#'            be sampled from a \[-(CrudFactor), (CrudFactor)\]
#'            uniform distribution; defaults to \code{CrudFactor = 0}.
#'    }
#' @param Phi (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{MaxAbsPhi} (scalar) Upper (absolute) bound
#'            on factor correlations; defaults to
#'            \code{MaxAbsPhi = .5}.
#'        \item \code{EigenValPower} (scalar) Controls the skewness
#'            of the eigenvalues of Phi. Larger values of
#'            \code{EigenValPower} result in a Phi spectrum that
#'            is more right-skewed (and thus closer to a
#'            unidimensional model); defaults to
#'            \code{EigenValPower = 2}.
#'        \item \code{PhiType} (character); defaults to
#'            \code{PhiType = "free"}.
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item If \code{PhiType = "free"} factor correlations
#'                    will be randomly generated under the constraints
#'                    of \code{MaxAbsPhi} and \code{EigenValPower}.
#'                 \item If \code{PhiType = "fixed"} all factor
#'                    correlations will equal the value specified
#'                    in \code{MaxAbsPhi}. A fatal error will be
#'                    produced if \code{Phi} is not positive
#'                    semidefinite.
#'                 \item If \code{PhiType = "user"} the factor
#'                    correlations are defined by the matrix
#'                    specified in \code{UserPhi} (see below).
#'            }
#'        \item \code{UserPhi} (matrix) A positive semidefinite
#'            (PSD) matrix of user-defined factor correlations;
#'            defaults to \code{UserPhi = NULL}.
#'    }
#' @param ModelError (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{ModelError} (logical) If \code{ModelError = TRUE}
#'            model error will be introduced into the factor
#'            pattern via the method described by Tucker, Koopman,
#'            and Linn (TKL, 1969); defaults to
#'            \code{ModelError = FALSE}.
#'        \item \code{W} (matrix) An optional user-supplied factor
#'            loading matrix for the \code{NMinorFac} minor common
#'            factors; defaults to \code{W = NULL}.
#'        \item \code{NMinorFac} (scalar) Number of minor factors
#'            in the TKL model; defaults to \code{NMinorFac = 150}.
#'        \item \code{ModelErrorType} (character) If
#'            \code{ModelErrorType = "U"} then \code{ModelErrorVar}
#'            is the proportion of uniqueness variance that is due
#'            to model error. If \code{ModelErrorType = "V"} then
#'            \code{ModelErrorVar} is the proportion of total
#'            variance that is due to model error; defaults to
#'            \code{ModelErrorType = "U"}.
#'        \item \code{ModelErrorVar} (scalar \[0,1\]) The proportion
#'            of uniqueness (U) or total (V) variance that is due
#'            to model error; defaults to
#'            \code{ModelErrorVar = .10}.
#'        \item \code{epsTKL} (scalar \[0,1\]) Controls the size
#'            of the factor loadings in successive minor factors;
#'            defaults to \code{epsTKL = .20}.
#'        \item \code{Wattempts} (scalar > 0)  Maximum number of
#'            tries when attempting to generate a suitable W
#'            matrix. Default = 10000.
#'        \item \code{WmaxLoading} (scalar > 0) Threshold value for
#'            \code{NWmaxLoading}. Default \code{ WmaxLoading = .30}.
#'        \item \code{NWmaxLoading} (scalar >= 0)  Maximum number
#'            of absolute loadings >= \code{WmaxLoading} in any
#'            column of W (matrix of model approximation error
#'            factor loadings). Default \code{NWmaxLoading = 2}.
#'            Under the defaults, no column of W will have 3 or
#'            more loadings > |.30|.
#'        \item \code{PrintW} (Boolean) If \code{PrintW = TRUE}
#'            then simFA will print the attempt history when
#'            searching for a suitable W matrix given the
#'            constraints defined in \code{WmaxLoading} and
#'            \code{NWmaxLoading}. Default \code{PrintW = FALSE}.
#'        \item \code{RSpecific} (matrix) Optional correlation
#'            matrix for specific factors;
#'            defaults to \code{RSpecific = NULL}.
#'    }
#' @param Bifactor (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item Bifactor (logical) If \code{Bifactor = TRUE}
#'            parameters for the bifactor model will be generated;
#'            defaults to \code{Bifactor = FALSE}.
#'        \item Hierarchical (logical) If \code{Hierarchical = TRUE}
#'            then a hierarchical Schmid Leiman (1957) bifactor
#'            model will be generated;
#'            defaults to \code{Hierarchical = FALSE}.
#'         \item \code{F1FactorDist} (character) Specifies the
#'            sampling distribution for the general factor loadings.
#'            Possible values are \code{"runif"}, \code{"rnorm"},
#'            \code{"sequential"}, and \code{"fixed"}; defaults
#'            to \code{F1FactorDist = "sequential"}.
#'         \item \code{F1FactorRange} (vector of length 1 or 2)
#'            Controls the sizes of the general factor loadings in
#'            non-hierarchical bifactor models; defaults to
#'            \code{F1FactorRange = c(.4, .7)}.
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item If \code{F1FactorDist = "runif"}, the vector
#'                    of length 2 defines the bounds of the uniform
#'                    distribution, c(lower, upper);
#'                \item If \code{F1FactorDist = "rnorm"}, the
#'                    vector defines the mean and standard
#'                    deviation of the normal distribution from
#'                    which loadings are sampled, c(MN, SD).
#'                \item If \code{F1FactorDist = "sequential"},
#'                    the vector specifies the lower and upper
#'                    bound of the loadings sequence, c(lower, upper).
#'            }
#'    }
#' @param MonteCarlo (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{NSamples} (integer) Defines number of Monte
#'            Carlo Samples; defaults to \code{NSamples = 0}.
#'        \item \code{SampleSize} (integer) Sample size for each
#'            Monte Carlo sample; defaults to \code{SampleSize = 250}.
#'        \item \code{Raw} (logical) If \code{Raw = TRUE}, simulated
#'            data sets will contain raw data. If \code{Raw = FALSE},
#'            simulated data sets will contain correlation matrices;
#'            defaults to \code{Raw = FALSE}.
#'        \item \code{Thresholds} (list) List elements contain
#'            thresholds for each item. Thresholds are required
#'            when generating Likert variables.
#'    }
#' @param FactorScores (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{FS} (logical) If \code{FS = TRUE} (true)
#'            factor scores will be simulated; defaults to
#'            \code{FS = FALSE}.
#'        \item \code{CFSeed} (integer) Optional starting seed for
#'            the common factor scores; defaults to
#'            \code{CFSeed = NULL} in which case a random seed is
#'             used.
#'        \item \code{MCFSeed} (integer) Optional starting seed
#'            for the minor common factor scores; defaults to
#'            \code{MCFSeed = NULL}.
#'        \item \code{SFSeed} (integer) Optional starting seed
#'            for the specific factor scores; defaults to
#'            \code{SFSeed = NULL} in which case a random seed is
#'            used.
#'        \item \code{EFSeed} (integer) Optional starting seed
#'            for the error factor scores; defaults to
#'            \code{EFSeed = NULL} in which case a random seed
#'            is used. Note that \code{CFSeed}, \code{MCFSeed},
#'            \code{SFSeed}, and \code{EFSeed} must be different
#'            numbers (a fatal error is produced when two or more
#'            seeds are specified as equal).
#'        \item \code{VarRel} (vector) A vector of manifest variable
#'            reliabilities. The specific factor variance for
#'            variable \emph{i} will equal \eqn{VarRel[i] - h^2[i]}
#'            (the manifest variable reliability minus its
#'            commonality). By default, \eqn{VarRel = h^2}
#'            (resulting in uniformly zero specific factor
#'            variances).
#'        \item \code{Population} (logical) If \code{Population =
#'            TRUE}, factor scores will fit the correlational
#'            constraints of the factor model exactly (e.g., the
#'            common factors will be orthogonal to the unique
#'            factors); defaults to \code{Population = FALSE}.
#'        \item \code{NFacScores} (scalar) Sample size for the
#'            factor scores; defaults to \code{NFacScores = 250}.
#'        \item \code{Thresholds} (list) A list of quantiles used
#'            to polychotomize the observed data that will be
#'            generated from the factor scores.
#'    }
#' @param Missing (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item Missing (logical) If \code{Missing = TRUE} all
#'            data sets will contain missing values; defaults to
#'            \code{Missing = FALSE}.
#'        \item \code{Mechanism} (character) Specifies the missing
#'            data mechanism. Currently, the program only supports
#'            missing completely at random (MCAR):
#'            \code{Missing = "MCAR"}.
#'        \item \code{MSProb} (scalar or vector of length
#'            \code{NVar}) Specifies the probability of
#'            missingness for each variable; defaults to
#'            \code{MSprob = 0}.
#'    }
#' @param Control (list)
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{IRT} (logical) If \code{IRT = TRUE} then
#'            user-supplied thresholds will be interpreted as
#'            item intercepts; defaults to \code{IRT = FALSE}.
#'        \item \code{Dparam} (scalar).  If \code{Dparam = 1} then item
#'            intercepts should be scaled in the logistic metric.
#'            If \code{Dparam = 1.702} then intercepts should be
#'            scaled in the probit metric.
#'        \item \code{Maxh2} (scalar) Rows of the loadings matrix
#'            will be rescaled to have a maximum communality of
#'            \code{Maxh2}; defaults to \code{Maxh2 = .98}.
#'        \item \code{Reflect} (logical) If \code{Reflect =
#'            TRUE} loadings on the common factors will be
#'            randomly reflected; defaults to
#'            \code{Reflect = FALSE}.
#'    }
#' @param Seed (integer) Starting seed for the random number
#'    generator; defaults to \code{Seed = NULL}. When no seed
#'    is specified by the user, the program will generate a random
#'    seed.
#' @return
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item \code{loadings} A common factor or bifactor
#'            loadings matrix.
#'        \item \code{Phi} A factor correlation matrix.
#'        \item \code{urloadings} The unrotated loadings matrix.
#'        \item \code{h2} A vector of item communalities.
#'        \item \code{h2PopME} A vector item communalities that
#'            may include model approximation error.
#'        \item \code{Rpop} The model-implied population correlation
#'            matrix.
#'        \item \code{RpopME} The model-implied population
#'            correlation matrix with model error.
#'        \item \code{W} The factor loadings for the minor factors
#'            (when \code{ModelError = TRUE}). Default = NULL.
#'        \item \code{Xm} That part of the observed scores that
#'            is due to the minor common factors.
#'        \item \code{SFSvars}  Variances of the Specific Factors
#'            in the metric of the observed scores.
#'        \item \code{ModelErrorFitStats} A list of model fit
#'            indices (for the underlying equations, see: Bentler,
#'            1990; Hu & Bentler, 1999; Marsh, Hau, & Grayson,
#'            2005; Steiger, 2016):
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item \code{SRMR_theta} Standardized Root Mean
#'                    Square Residual based on the model that is
#'                    implied  by the error free major factors
#'                    only (underlying Rpop),
#'                \item \code{SRMR_thetahat}  Standardized Root
#'                    Mean Square Residual based on an exploratory
#'                    factor analysis of the population
#'                    correlation matrix, RpopME,
#'                \item \code{CRMR_theta}  Correlation Root Mean
#'                    Square Residual based on the model that is
#'                    implied  by the error free major factors
#'                    only (underlying Rpop),
#'                \item \code{CRMR_thetahat} Correlation Root Mean
#'                    Square Residual  based on an exploratory factor
#'                    analysis of the population correlation matrix,
#'                    RpopME,
#'                \item \code{RMSEA_theta} Root Mean Square Error
#'                    of Approximation (Steiger, 2016) based on the
#'                    model that is implied  by the error free major
#'                    factors only (underlying Rpop),
#'                \item \code{RMSEA_thetahat} Root Mean Square
#'                    Error of Approximation (Steiger, 2016) based
#'                    on an exploratory factor analysis of the
#'                    population correlation matrix, RpopME,
#'                \item \code{CFI_theta}  Comparative Fit Index
#'                    (Bentler, 1990) based on the model that is
#'                    implied  by the error free major factors
#'                    only (underlying Rpop),
#'                \item \code{CFI_thetahat} Comparative Fit Index
#'                    (Bentler, 1990)  based on an exploratory
#'                    factor analysis of the population
#'                    correlation matrix, RpopME.
#'                \item \code{Fm} MLE fit function for population
#'                    target model.
#'                \item \code{Fb} MLE fit function for population
#'                    baseline model.
#'                \item \code{DFm} Degrees of freedom for
#'                    population target model.
#'            }
#'        \item \code{CovMatrices} A list containing:
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item \code{CovMajor} The model implied
#'                    covariances from the major factors.
#'                \item \code{CovMinor} The model implied
#'                    covariances from the minor factors.
#'                \item \code{CovUnique} The model implied
#'                    variances from the uniqueness factors.
#'            }
#'        \item \code{Bifactor} A list containing:
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item \code{loadingsHier} Factor loadings of the
#'                    1st order solution of a hierarchical
#'                    bifactor model.
#'                \item \code{PhiHier} Factor correlations of the
#'                    1st order solution of a hierarchical bifactor
#'                    model.
#'            }
#'        \item \code{Scores} A list containing:
#'            \itemize{
#'                \item \code{FactorScores} Factor scores for the
#'                    common and uniqueness factors.
#'                \item \code{FacInd} Factor indeterminacy indices
#'                    for the error free population model.
#'                \item \code{FacIndME} Factor score indeterminacy
#'                    indices for the population model with model
#'                    error.
#'                \item \code{ObservedScores} A matrix of model
#'                    implied \code{ObservedScores}. If
#'                    \code{Thresholds} were supplied under
#'                    Keyword \code{FactorScores},
#'                    \code{ObservedScores} will be transformed
#'                    into Likert scores.
#'            }
#'        \item \code{Monte} A list containing output from the
#'            Monte Carlo simulations if generated.
#'        \item \code{IRT} Factor loadings expressed in the normal
#'            ogive IRT metric. If \code{Thresholds} were given
#'            then IRT difficulty values will also be returned.
#'        \item \code{Seed} The initial seed for the random
#'            number generator.
#'        \item \code{call} A copy of the function call.
#'        \item \code{cn} A list of all active and nonactive
#'            function arguments.
#'    }
#' @author Niels G. Waller with contributions by Hoang V. Nguyen
#' @references
#' Bentler, P. M. (1990). Comparative fit indexes in structural
#' models. Psychological Bulletin, 107(2), 238--246.
#' Hu, L.-T. & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit
#' indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria
#' versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling:
#' A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1--55.
#' Marsh, H. W., Hau, K.-T., & Grayson, D. (2005). Goodness of fit
#' in structural equation models. In A. Maydeu-Olivares & J. J.
#' McArdle (Eds.), Multivariate applications book series.
#' Contemporary psychometrics: A festschrift for Roderick P.
#' McDonald (p. 275--340). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
#' Schmid, J. and Leiman, J. M. (1957). The development of hierarchical
#' factor solutions. Psychometrika, 22(1), 53--61.
#' Steiger, J. H. (2016). Notes on the Steiger–Lind (1980) handout.
#' Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 23:6,
#' 777-781.
#' Tucker, L. R., Koopman, R. F., and Linn, R. L. (1969). Evaluation
#' of factor analytic research procedures by means of simulated
#' correlation matrices. Psychometrika, 34(4), 421--459.
#' @keywords stats
#' @examples
#' ## Not run:
#' #  Ex 1. Three Factor Simple Structure Model with Cross loadings and
#' #  Ideal Non salient Loadings
#'    out <-  simFA(Seed = 1)
#'    print( round( out$loadings, 2 ) )
#' # Ex 2. Non Hierarchical bifactor model 3 group factors
#' # with constant loadings on the general factor
#'    out <- simFA(Bifactor = list(Bifactor = TRUE,
#'                                 Hierarchical = FALSE,
#'                                 F1FactorRange = c(.4, .4),
#'                                 F1FactorDist = "runif"),
#'                 Seed = 1)
#'    print( round( out$loadings, 2 ) )
#'    # Ex 3.  Model Fit Statistics for Population Data with
#'    # Model Approximation Error. Three Factor model.
#'        out <- simFA(Loadings = list(FacLoadDist = "fixed",
#'                                     FacLoadRange = .5),
#'                     ModelError = list(ModelError = TRUE,
#'                                       NMinorFac = 150,
#'                                       ModelErrorType = "V",
#'                                       ModelErrorVar = .1,
#'                                       Wattempts = 10000,
#'                                       epsTKL = .2),
#'                     Seed = 1)
#'        print( out$loadings )
#'        print( out$ModelErrorFitStats[seq(2,8,2)] )
#' ## End(**Not run**)
#' @importFrom stats cov2cor lm rchisq resid rnorm runif factanal
#' @export simFA
simFA <- function(Model = list(),
                  Loadings = list(),
                  CrossLoadings = list(),
                  Phi = list(),
                  ModelError = list(),
                  Bifactor = list(), 
                  MonteCarlo = list(),
                  FactorScores = list(),
                  Missing = list(),
                  Control = list(),
                  Seed = NULL){  
  # If a fatal script-error is detected I print a custom 
  # error msg and suppress R's built in msg. 
  # This turns error messages back on
  options( show.error.messages = TRUE ) 
  #                ---- SEC 1: Read in Argument Lists----
    # ---- _____Model (MD) Default values ----
    # NFac          scalar default = 3
    # NItemPerFac   scalar if all factors have the 
    #                      same number of primary loadings
    #               vector if each factor has a 
    #                      possibly different number of 
    #                      primary loadings
    # Model         character  "orthogonal" (Default)  
    #                      or "oblique"
    cnMD <- list(NFac = 3,            
                 NItemPerFac = 3, 
                 Model = "orthogonal") 
    cnMD_Len = 3
    # legitimate names for Model
    MD_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnMD))
    cnMD[(namMD <- names(Model))] <- Model

   # ----_____Loadings (LD) Default values ----
   # FacPattern   NULL or matrix. defaults to FacPattern = NULL.
   #                 A user-defined factor pattern matrix can be 
   #                 specified with this argument.  
   # FacLoadRange  vector of length 2. Default(FacLoadRange = c(.3, .7)).
   #              If FacLoadDist = "runif"
   #                 the vector defines the bounds of the
   #                 uniform distribution;
   #              If FacLoadDist = "rnorm" 
   #                 the vector defines the mean and 
   #                 standard deviation of the 
   #                 the normal distribution from which loadings
   #                 are sampled.
   #              If FacLoadDist = "sequential" 
   #                 the vector specifies the lower and upper 
   #                 bound of the loadings sequence.
   #              If FacLoadDist = "fixed" all common loadings
   #                 will equal the constant specified in FacLoadRange
   # FacLoadDist  character: Specifies the sampling distribution for 
   #                 the common factor loadings. Possible values are
   #                 "runif", "rnorm", "sequential". 
   #                 Default( FacLoadDist = "runif").
   # h2           vector of user-defined commonalities
   #              Default(h2 = NULL)
   cnLD <- list(FacPattern = NULL,
                FacLoadDist = "runif",
                FacLoadRange = c(.3, .7), 
                h2 = NULL)
   cnLD_Len = 4
   LD_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnLD))
   cnLD[(namLD <- names(Loadings))] <- Loadings
   # ----_____CrossLoadings (CL) Default values  ----
   # ProbCrossLoad   scalar: A value in the (0,1) interval
   #                         that determines the probability that a 
   #                         cross loading will be present in
   #                         elements of the loadings matrix that do not 
   #                         have salient (primary) factor loadings.
   #                         If set to 1, a single cross loading is added
   #                         to each factor. 
   # CrossLoadRange vector of length 2 Controls size sizes of the
   #                          crossloadings.  
   #                          Default( CrossLoadRange= c(.20, .25) ).
   # CrossLoadPositions matrix specifying the row and column positions of 
   #                          secondary loadings (Default = NULL)
   # CrossLoadValues   vector  if !is.null(CrossLoadPositions) then 
   #                          user-specified cross-loadings taken from 
   #                          CrossLoadValues
   # CrudFactor    scalar     Controls the size of tertiary factor loadings.
   #                          Default(CrudFactor = 0).
   cnCL = list(ProbCrossLoad = .0,
               CrossLoadRange = c(.20, .25), 
               CrossLoadPositions = NULL,
               CrossLoadValues = NULL,
               CrudFactor = 0)
   cnCL_Len = 5
   CL_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnCL))
   cnCL[(namCL <- names(CrossLoadings))] <- CrossLoadings

   #  ----_____Phi (PH) Default values ----
   # PhiType       character  free, fixed, user
   #                     If PhiType = free factor correlations
   #                     will be randomaly generated 
   #                     under the constraints of MaxAbsPhi 
   #                     and EigenValPower
   # UserPhi      optional input Phi Matrix
   # MaxAbsPhi  scalar:  upper (absolute) bound on factor
   #                     correlations. Default( MaxAbsPhi = .5 ).
   # EigenValPower scalar: Controls the skewness of
   #                     the eigenvalues of Phi. Larger values of
   #                     EigenValPower result in a Phi spectrum
   #                     that is more right-skewed (and thus 
   #                     closer to a unidimensional model).
   #                     Default( EigenValPower = 2 )
   cnPH = list(PhiType = "free",
               UserPhi = NULL,
               MaxAbsPhi = .5,
               EigenValPower = 2
   cnPH_Len = 4
   PH_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnPH))
   cnPH[(namPhi <- names(Phi))] <- Phi
   # ----_____Model Error (ME) Default values ----
   # ModelError   logical: If ModelError = TRUE 
   #                       model error will be introduced into 
   #                       the factor pattern via the method 
   #                       described by Tucker, Koopman, and 
   #                       Linn (TKL). Default( ModelError = FALSE). 
   # W            matrix:  A user-defined W matrix.  Default = NULL.
   # NMinorFac    scalar:  Number of minor factors in the TKL model. 
   #                       Default( NMinorFac = 150 ).
   # ModelErrorType        character If ModelErrorType = "U" then apply 
   #                       ModelErrorVar to
   #                       uniqueness variances, otherwhise apply to 
   #                       total variances
   # ModelErrorVar scalar  [0,1]: The proportion of uniqueness 
   #                       variance that is due to model error.
   #                       Default( ModelErrorVar = .10 ).
   # epsTKL        scalar[0,1]:  Controls the size of the 
   #                       factor loadings in sucessive
   #                       minor factors.
   #                       Default( epsTKL = .20 ).
   # Wattempts    scalar   Maximum number of attempts when generating
   #                       a suitable W matrix.  Default = 10000.
   # WmaxLoading  scalar   Maximum absolute value for salient loadings in 
   #                       any column of W
   # NWmaxLoading scalar    Maximum number of salient loadings in any column of W
   # PrintW                 Boolean  If PrintW = True then simFA will print the
   #                        attempt history when searching for a suitable W matrix
   #                        given the constraints in WmaxLoading and NWmaxLoading.
   #                        Default PrintW = FALSE.
   # RSpecific    Optional correlation matrix for specific factors
   #                       Default = NULL.
   cnME = list(     ModelError = FALSE,
                    W = NULL,
                    NMinorFac = 150,
                    ModelErrorType = "U",
                    ModelErrorVar = .10,
                    epsTKL = .20,
                    Wattempts = 10000,
                    WmaxLoading = .30,
                    NWmaxLoading = 2,
                    PrintW = FALSE,
                    RSpecific = NULL) 
   cnME_Len = 10
   ME_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnME))
   cnME[(namME <- names(ModelError))] <- ModelError
        # 2DO January 21, 2019  
        stop("\nRSpecific must be NULL or a positive definite correation matrix\n")

  if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) & isTRUE(cnME$ModelError) ){
    stop("\nCurrently you can not specify correlated residuals and model error.")
   # ----_____Bifactor (BF) Models Default values ----
   # Bifactor     logical:  If Bifactor TRUE parameters 
   #                      for the bifactor model will be generated.
   #                      Default( Bifactor = FALSE ).
   # Hierarchical logical: If TRUE then a model
   #                      consistent with a hierarchical Schmid Leiman
   #                      bifactor model will be generated.
   #                      Default( Hierarchical = TRUE ). 
   # F1FactorRange vector of length 1 or 2: Controls the sizes of the 
   #                      general factor loadings in nonhierarchical 
   #                      bifactor models.
   #                      Default( F1FactorRange = c(.4, .7) ).
   #              If F1FactorDist = "runif"
   #                 Vector of length 2 defines the bounds of the
   #                 uniform distribution,  c(lower, upper);
   #              If F1FactorDist = "rnorm" 
   #                 the vector defines the mean and 
   #                 standard deviation of the 
   #                 the normal distribution from which loadings
   #                 are sampled, c(MN, SD).
   #              If F1FactorDist = "sequential" 
   #                 the vector specifies the lower and upper 
   #                 bound of the loadings sequence,  c(lower, upper).
   # F1FactorDist  character: Specifies the sampling distribution for 
   #                 the general factor loadings. Possible values are
   #                 "runif", "rnorm", "sequential".
   #                Default( F1FactorDist = "sequential" ).
   cnBF = list(  Bifactor = FALSE,
                 Hierarchical = TRUE,
                 F1FactorRange = c(.4, .7),
                F1FactorDist = "sequential")
   cnBF_Len = 4
   BF_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnBF))
   cnBF[(namc <- names(Bifactor))] <- Bifactor
   # ----_____MonteCarlo (MC) Default values ----
   # NSamples    integer: Defines number of Monte Carlo Samples. 
   #                      Default( NSamples = 0) .
   # SampleSize  integer: Sample size for each Monte Carlo sample.
   #                      Default( SampleSize = 250 )
   # Raw         logical: If Raw = TRUE, simulated data sets will be 
   #                      contain raw data. If Raw = FALSE simulated 
   #                      data sets will contain correlation matrices. 
   #                      Default( Raw = FALSE ).
   # Thresholds list:    List elements contain thresholds for each item.
   cnMC = list(NSamples = 0, 
               SampleSize = 250,
               Raw = FALSE,
               Thresholds = NULL) 
   ## 2DO Consider moving Thresholds to Control or a new IRT section
   cnMC_Len = 4
   MC_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnMC))
   cnMC[(namMC <- names(MonteCarlo))] <- MonteCarlo
   # Initialize MC return values
   MCData = NULL            
   MCDataME = NULL
   # ----_____FactorScores (FS) Default values ----
   # FS         logical:  If FS = TRUE factor scores will be simulated.
   #                      Default( FS = FALSE ).
   # CFSeed   Optional seed for the major common factors
   # SFSeed   Optional seed for the specific factors
   # EFSeed   Optional seed for the error factors
   # MCFSeed  Optional seed for the minor common factors 
   # VarRel  Vector of manifest variable reliabilities
   #         By Default VarRel = H^2 values (communalities)
   # Population logical:  If Population = TRUE, the factor scores will
   #                      fit the correlational constraints of the factor
   #                      model exactly (e.g., the common factors will be
   #                      orthogonal to the unique factors). 
   #                      Default( Population = FALSE ).
   # NFacScores scalar:   Sample size for the factor scores.
   #                      Default( NFacScores = 250 ).
   # Thresholds vector:   A list of quantiles used to polychotomize the
   #                      observed data to produce Likert scores.

   cnFS = list(FS = FALSE, 
               CFSeed = NULL,
               MCFSeed = NULL,
               SFSeed = NULL,
               EFSeed = NULL,
               VarRel = NULL,
               Population = FALSE,
               NFacScores = 250,
               Thresholds = NULL)
   # 2DO consider moving Thresholds to Control or new IRT section
   cnFS_Len = 9
   FS_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnFS))
   cnFS[(namFS <- names(FactorScores))] <- FactorScores
   # If user supplies non integer value for NFacScores then round to
   # nearest integer
   if(  round(cnFS$NFacScores) !=  cnFS$NFacScores){
     cat("\nWarning: Non integer value for NFacScores. \nNFacScores was rounded to the nearest integer.\n")
     cnFS$NFacScores <- round(cnFS$NFacScores)

   #CHECK: that the correct number of thresholds 
   # has been specified
   is.scalar <- function(x) is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L
    if( !is.null(cnFS$Thresholds) ){
      if( is.scalar(cnMD$NItemPerFac) ){
         if( length(cnFS$Thresholds) != (cnMD$NFac * cnMD$NItemPerFac)){
             stop ("\n\nFATAL ERROR: You seem to have specified the wrong number of Thresholds")
          } #END if( length(cnFS$Thresholds)
       } #END if ( is.scalar(cnMD$NItemPerFac)
      if( !is.scalar(cnMD$NItemPerFac) ){
         if( length(cnFS$Thresholds) != sum(cnMD$NItemPerFac) ){
            stop ("\n\nFATAL ERROR: You seem to have specified the wrong number of Thresholds")
       } #END if (!is.scalar(cnMD$NItemPerFac )
    } #END if( !is.null(cnFS$Thresholds) ) 
   # February 19, 2023
   # This needs to be updated as I no longer use UFSeed
   # # CHECK if FS seeds are unique 
   # if(  !is.null(cnFS$CFSeed) &&  !is.null(cnFS$UFSeed) ){
   #    if( cnFS$CFSeed == cnFS$UFSeed ){
   #      stop("\n\n *** FATAL ERROR: CFSeed must differ from UFSeed ***\n" )
   #    } 
   # }

   # ----_____Missing (MS) Default values ----
   # Missing  logical
   # Mechanism character
   # MSProb   scalar or vector of length NVar
   cnMS = list(Missing = FALSE, 
               Mechanism = "MCAR",
               MSProb = .10)
   cnMS_Len = 3
   MS_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnMS))
   cnMS[(namMS <- names(Missing))] <- Missing
   # ----_____Control (CT) Default values ----
   # Maxh2       scalar:  maximum allowable communality (Default = .98)
   # Reflect    logical: If TRUE factors will be randomaly 
   #                     reflected
   # IRT        Boolean  if TRUE then thresholds are interpreted as IRT
   #                     difficulty params
   # Dparam              1.7 for probit metric, 1.0 for logistic metric
   cnCT = list(Maxh2 = .98,
               Reflect = FALSE,
               IRT = FALSE,
               Dparam = 1.0)
   cnCT_Len = 4
   CT_Arg_Names = sort(names(cnCT))
   cnCT[(namCT <- names(Control))] <- Control
   # ---- Initialize Variables ---- #
   RpopME  = CovMajor = CovMinor = CovUnique = discrim  =
     FacInd = FacIndME =  NULL
   ## Number of Variables
   # NItemPerFac is either a scalar (same number items 
   # for all factors) or a vector of length NFac.  
   # If scalar then create vector 
   if (length(cnMD$NItemPerFac) == 1) { 
     cnMD$NItemPerFac <- rep(cnMD$NItemPerFac, cnMD$NFac)
   } # END if (length(cnMD$NItemPerFac) == 1){ 
   NVar <- sum(cnMD$NItemPerFac)
   if( length(cnMS$MSProb) == 1){
     cnMS$MSProb <- rep(cnMS$MSProb, NVar) 
   # Initialize Phi for orthogonal models
   if(cnMD$Model == "orthogonal"){
      Phi <- diag(cnMD$NFac)
   # ----_____Set Seed ---- 
   ## Justin's suggestion August 4, 2021
   ## Generate random seed if not supplied
   if (is.null(Seed)) {
      Seed <- sample(1e7, 1)
   ## original code
   # if (is.null(Seed)) {
   #    Seed <- as.integer((as.double(Sys.time()) * 1000 + Sys.getpid()) %% 2^31)
   # } # END if (is.null(Seed)) {
   # set.seed(Seed)
#----------------END SEC 1 ---------------------#
  #  ----_____Record arguments call ----
  cl <- match.call()

#                ---- SEC 2: Begin Error Checking ----
# Error checking for each keyword

   ## ----_____Check Model Arguments----
   ##     Check that cnMD$Model[1] is specified as either 
   ##     orthogonal or oblique
   if (cnMD$Model[1] %in% c("oblique", "orthogonal") == FALSE) {
       stop("The first element of 'cnMD$Model' must be specified as either 'oblique' or 'orthogonal'")
   } # END if (cnMD$Model[1] %in% c("oblique", "orthogonal") == FALSE) {
   # Check for valid arguments if supplied
   if(! length(names(Model)) == 0 ){
   # is number of args less than max number of args
   errorLength <- length(names(Model)) <= cnMD_Len
   # are all arg names valid
   errorName <- min((sort(names(Model)) %in%  MD_Arg_Names))
     if(!errorLength | !errorName){
         options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
        stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'Model'.",
        "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
   } #END if(! length(names(Model)) == 0 )  
   # END Check Model
   ## ----_____Check Loadings Arguments----
   ## If cnLD$FacLoadDist argument is mis-specified, stop
     if (cnLD$FacLoadDist %in% c("sequential", "runif", "rnorm", "fixed") == FALSE) {
        stop("Argument 'cnLD$FacLoadDist' is not properly specified")
     }# END if (cnLD$FacLoadDist %in% c("sequential", "runif", "rnorm", "fixed") == FALSE) {
     # if only one fixed loading is specified repeat for each factor
     if(cnLD$FacLoadDist == "fixed"){
        if( (cnMD$NFac > 1) && (length(cnLD$FacLoadRange) == 1) ){
        cnLD$FacLoadRange <- rep(cnLD$FacLoadRange, cnMD$NFac )
     }#END if(cnLD$FacLoadDist == "fixed")
    # Check for valid arguments if supplied
    if(! length(names(Loadings)) == 0 ){
      # is number of args less than max number of args
      errorLength <- length(names(Loadings)) <= cnLD_Len
      # are all arg names valid
      errorName <- min((sort(names(Loadings)) %in%  LD_Arg_Names))
      if(!errorLength | !errorName){
        options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
        stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'Loadings'.",
                 "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
   # END Check Loadings
   ## ----_____Check CrossLoadings Arguments----
     if (length(cnCL$CrossLoadRange) != 2) {
       stop("Argument 'CrossLoadRange' is not properly specified")
     }# END if (length(CrossLoadRange) != 2) 
     if (cnCL$CrossLoadRange[1] < 0 | cnCL$CrossLoadRange[2] > 1) {
       stop("Argument 'CrossLoadRange' is out of bounds")
     } # END if (CrossLoadRange[1] < 0 | CrossLoadRange[2] > 1) 
     if (cnCL$CrudFactor < 0 | cnCL$CrudFactor > .25) {
       stop("Argument 'CrudFactor' is out of bounds (maximum CrudFactor = .25")
     } # END if (cnCL$CrudFactor < 0 | cnCL$CrudFactor > .25) 
     # Check for valid arguments if supplied
     if(! length(names(CrossLoadings)) == 0 ){
        # is number of args less than max number of args
        errorLength <- length(names(CrossLoadings)) <= cnCL_Len
        # are all arg names valid
        errorName <- min((sort(names(CrossLoadings)) %in%  CL_Arg_Names))
       if(!errorLength | !errorName){
        options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
       stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'CrossLoadings'.",
                "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
    #END Check CrossLoadings

   ## ----_____Check Phi Arguments----
   ##  PhiType  
    if (cnPH$PhiType %in% c("free", "fixed", "user") == FALSE) {
       stop("Argument 'PhiType' is not properly specified")
    }# END if (cnPH$PhiType %in% c("Free", "Fixed", "User") == FALSE)
   # Check for valid arguments if supplied
    if(! length(names(Phi)) == 0 ){
      # is number of args less than max number of args
      errorLength <- length(names(Phi)) <= cnPH_Len
      # are all arg names valid
      errorName <- min((sort(names(Phi)) %in%  PH_Arg_Names))
      if(!errorLength | !errorName){
        options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
        stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'Phi'.",
                 "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
   # END Check Phi
  ## ----_____Check ModelError Arguments----
    # Check for valid arguments if supplied
    if(! length(names(ModelError)) == 0 ){
      # is number of args less than max number of args
      errorLength <- length(names(ModelError)) <= cnME_Len
      # are all arg names valid
      errorName <- min((sort(names(ModelError)) %in%  ME_Arg_Names))
      if(!errorLength | !errorName){
        options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
        stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'ModelError'.",
                 "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
   # END Check ModelError 
   ## ----_____Check Bifactor Arguments----
   # Check for valid arguments if supplied
    if(! length(names(Bifactor)) == 0 ){
      # is number of args less than max number of args
      errorLength <- length(names(Bifactor)) <= cnBF_Len
      # are all arg names valid
      errorName <- min((sort(names(Bifactor)) %in%  BF_Arg_Names))
      if(!errorLength | !errorName){
        options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
        stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'Bifactor'.",
                 "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
    # END Check Bifactor
   ## ----_____Check MonteCarlo Arguments----
   # Check for valid arguments if supplied
    if(! length(names(MonteCarlo)) == 0 ){
      # is number of args less than max number of args
      errorLength <- length(names(MonteCarlo)) <= cnMC_Len
      # are all arg names valid
      errorName <- min((sort(names(MonteCarlo)) %in%  MC_Arg_Names))
      if(!errorLength | !errorName){
        options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
        stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'MonteCarlo'.",
                 "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
    # END Check MonteCarlo
   ## ----_____Check FactorScores Arguments----
   # Check for valid arguments if supplied
   if(! length(names(FactorScores)) == 0 ){
     # is number of args less than max number of args
     errorLength <- length(names(FactorScores)) <= cnFS_Len
     # are all arg names valid
     errorName <- min((sort(names(FactorScores)) %in%  FS_Arg_Names))
     if(!errorLength | !errorName){
      options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
      stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'FactorScores'.",
               "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
     if(isTRUE(cnFS$FS) && cnFS$NFacScores <= NVar && isTRUE(cnFS$Population) ){
       cat("\n\n*** Fatal Error: NFacScores < number of observed variables. ***
           \n*** The (full) population factor score matrix cannot have full column rank. ***\n
           \n*** Set Population = FALSE ***\n")
   #END Check FactorScores 
   ## ----_____Check Missing Arguments----
   # Check for valid arguments if supplied
   if(! length(names(Missing)) == 0 ){
    # is number of args less than max number of args
    errorLength <- length(names(Missing)) <= cnMS_Len
    # are all arg names valid
    errorName <- min((sort(names(Missing)) %in%  MS_Arg_Names))
    if(!errorLength | !errorName){
      options( show.error.messages=FALSE) 
      stop(cat("\n***FATAL ERROR***\nUnrecognized argument in 'Missing'.",
               "\nPlease see the help page for a list of valid arguments.\n")) 
   # END Check Missing
  ## ----_____Check Control Arguments----
  ## Constrain max communality to be lower than 1, give warning, 
  ## then change to default
  if (cnCT$Maxh2 > 1) {
    warning("Maximum communality value ('Maxh2' argument) is greater than 1, reverted to the default of .98")
    cnCT$Maxh2 <- .98
  } # END if (Maxh2 > 1) {
  # END Check Control
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
  ##           End SEC 2: Error Checking          ##
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
  ## IRT 
  Dparam = cnCT$Dparam
#          ---- SEC 3: Define Internal Functions ----
    #  corSample
    #  Generate sample correlation matrices
    #  see Browne 1968
    #  Browne, M. (1968). A comparison of factor analytic techniques. 
    #  Psychometrika, 33(3):267-334.
    # Output
    #    a sampled correlation matrix
    corSample<- function(R,n, seed){
      for(i in 1:Nvar){
        # Note that Browne 1968 contains a typo for the df -- 
        # see the following for (n-i+1)
        # Kshirsagar, A. (1959). Bartlett decomposition and 
        # Wishart distribution.The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 
        # 30(1) 239-241.
      H<- Tmat %*% t(Tmat)
      Omega <-t(chol(R))
      A <-  Omega %*% H %*% t(Omega)
      S <- (1/n) * A
      R.samp <- .5*(R.samp + t(R.samp))
      R.samp #return value
    } #END  corSample
    # rGivens: Generate R matrices with user-specified eigenvalues via
    # Givens rotations based on theory described in:
    #  References:
    #   [1] R. B. Bendel and M. R. Mickey, Population correlation matrices
    #      for sampling experiments, Commun. Statist. Simulation Comput.,
    #      B7 (1978), pp. 163-182.
    #   [2] P. I. Davies and N. J. Higham, Numerically stable generation of
    #       correlation matrices and their factors, BIT, 40 (2000), pp. 640-651.
    rGivens <- function(eigs, Seed = NULL){
      n <- length(eigs)
      if(abs(sum(eigs)-n)/n > 100*eps){
       stop("Elements of eigs must sum to n,\n")
      A = diag(eigs);
      ## generate a random orthogonal matrix
      if (is.null(Seed)) 
        Seed <- as.integer((as.double(Sys.time()) * 1000 + Sys.getpid())%%2^31)
      M <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), nrow = n, ncol = n)
      Q <- qr.Q(qr(M))
      S0 <- A <- Q %*% A %*% t(Q);  # Not exploiting symmetry here.
     a = diag(A);
     y = which(a < 1);
     z = which(a > 1);
     while( length(y) > 0 && length(z) > 0){
      i = y[ceiling(runif(1)*length(y))];
      j = z[ceiling(runif(1)*length(z))];
      if( i > j){
        temp = i; 
        i = j; 
        j = temp
      alpha = sqrt(A[i,j]^2 - (a[i]-1)*(a[j]-1));
      t[1] = (A[i,j] + sign(A[i,j])*alpha)/(a[j]-1);
      t[2] = (a[i]-1)/((a[j]-1)*t[1]);
      t = t[ceiling(runif(1)*2)];  # Choose randomly from the two roots.
      c = 1/sqrt(1 + t^2);
      s = t*c;
      A[, c(i,j)] =  A[, c(i,j)] %*% matrix(c(c, s, -s, c),2,2, byrow=TRUE);
      A[c(i,j),] = matrix(c(c, -s, s,c), 2, 2, byrow=TRUE) %*% A[c(i,j), ];
      # Ensure (i,i) element is exactly 1.
      A[i,i] = 1;
      a = diag(A);
      y = which(a < 1);
      z = which(a > 1);
     } ## End while loop
     # Setlast diagonal to 1:
     diag(A) = 1
     A = (A + t(A))/2; # Force symmetry.
     convergence <- TRUE
     if(max(abs(A))>1) convergence <- FALSE
     list(R = A, convergence = convergence)
    } # END rGivens
    # genPhi  fnc to generate random factor correlation matrices 
    genPhi <- function(NFac, 
                      MaxAbsPhi = .5, 
                      EigenValPower = 6,
    # generate random positive numbers that sum to cnMD$NFac
    ## Create descending vector of values
    eigs <- sort(abs(rnorm(NFac))^EigenValPower, decreasing=TRUE)
    ## Convert above values to be eigenvalues (i.e., sum to cnMD$NFac)
    eigs <- eigs * NFac/sum(eigs)
    # generate R matrix with eigenvalues in eigs via Givens rotations
    Phi <- rGivens(eigs, Seed = PhiSeed)$R
    # Rescale to bound Phi_ij 
    # make hollow matrix
    Phi <- Phi - diag(NFac)
    maxPhi <- max(abs(Phi))
    S <- diag(NFac) * sqrt(cnPH$MaxAbsPhi)/sqrt(maxPhi)
    Phi <- S %*% Phi %*% S
    diag(Phi) <- 1
    Phi <- round(Phi, 2)
   } ## End genPhi
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
   # END: Define Internal Functions #
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
#         ---- SEC 4: Fncs to Generate Common Factor Loadings ----
   cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex <- 0
   # sequential loadings
   if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "sequential") {
       FncGenLoadings <- function(){
         cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex <<- cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex + 1
                 seq(from   = cnLD$FacLoadRange[1],
                     to     = cnLD$FacLoadRange[2],
                     length = cnMD$NItemPerFac[cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex])
   } #End if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "sequential") 
   # uniform loadings
   if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "runif") {
      FncGenLoadings <- function(){
        cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex <<- cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex + 1
        # May 26, 2020 added Seed
                runif(n   = cnMD$NItemPerFac[cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex],
                      min = min(cnLD$FacLoadRange),
                      max = max(cnLD$FacLoadRange))
   } #END if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "runif") 
   # normally distributed loadings
   if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "rnorm") {
     FncGenLoadings <- function(){
       cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex <<- cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex + 1
       # May 26, 2020 added Seed
                rnorm(n    = cnMD$NItemPerFac[cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex],
                      mean = cnLD$FacLoadRange[1],
                      sd   = cnLD$FacLoadRange[2])
   } # END if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "rnorm") 
  # fixed loadings
  fixIndex <- 0  # initialize
  if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "fixed") {
       FncGenLoadings <- function(){
        cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex <<- cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex + 1   
        fixIndex <<- fixIndex + 1 
        rep(cnLD$FacLoadRange[fixIndex], cnMD$NItemPerFac[cnMD$NItemPerFacIndex])
  } #END if (cnLD$FacLoadDist == "fixed") 
  ##             ---- Load User-Supplied Factor Loadings ----
  # ---- Loadings Matrix Supplied by User
  if( !is.null(cnLD$FacPattern) ){
    NVar <- nrow(cnLD$FacPattern)
    cnMD$NFac <- NFac <- ncol(cnLD$FacPattern)
    Fl <- cnLD$FacPattern
    # initialize Phi for orthogonal model
    # if not supplied by user
    if(cnPH$PhiType != "user"){
        Phi <- diag(NFac)
    if(cnPH$PhiType == "user"){
      Phi <- cnPH$UserPhi
    # Add column labels
    colnames(Fl) <- paste0("F", 1:ncol(Fl))
    rownames(Fl) <- paste0("V", 1:NVar)
  }#if( !is.null(cnLD$FacPattern) )
  #         ---- SEC 5: Generate Common Factor Loadings ----
  # Add crossloadings to user supplied factor pattern
   if( !is.null(cnLD$FacPattern) ){
       if ( (cnCL$ProbCrossLoad == 0) & !is.null(cnCL$CrossLoadPositions) ){
          if( nrow(cnCL$CrossLoadPositions) != length(cnCL$CrossLoadValues)){
          stop("\nInsufficient number of cross loadings supplied in CrossLoadValues\n")
     Fl[cnCL$CrossLoadPositions] <- cnCL$CrossLoadValues
   }# END if( !is.null(cnLD$FacPattern) ){   
  if( is.null(cnLD$FacPattern) ){
     # This code allows different number of variables
     # per factor
     FLoadVec <- 999
      for(j in 1:cnMD$NFac){
        FLoadVec <- c(FLoadVec, FncGenLoadings(), rep(0, NVar))
     FLoadVec <- FLoadVec[-1]
     FLoadVec <- FLoadVec[1: (NVar * cnMD$NFac)]
     Fl <- matrix(FLoadVec, nrow = NVar, ncol = cnMD$NFac)
     # FsZeros is a logical matrix that flags elements with non primary
     # loadings
     FsZeros <- Fl == 0
    ##            ----_____Add Cross Loadings ---- 
     if ( (cnCL$ProbCrossLoad == 0) & !is.null(cnCL$CrossLoadPositions) ){
       if( nrow(cnCL$CrossLoadPositions) != length(cnCL$CrossLoadValues)){
         stop("\nInsufficient number of cross loadings supplied in CrossLoadValues\n")
       Fl[cnCL$CrossLoadPositions] <- cnCL$CrossLoadValues
    if ( (cnCL$ProbCrossLoad > 0) & (cnCL$ProbCrossLoad < 1) ) {
      for (i in 1:NVar) {
          for (j in 1:cnMD$NFac) {
             if (FsZeros[i, j]) {
                  CoinFlip <- sample(c(1, 0), size = 1, 
                  prob = c(cnCL$ProbCrossLoad, 1 - cnCL$ProbCrossLoad))
                if (CoinFlip) { #If heads, add cross loading
                    Fl[i, j] <- runif(1, min(cnCL$CrossLoadRange), max(cnCL$CrossLoadRange))
             }# End if (FsZeros[i, j])
         } #End (j in 1:cnMD$NFac) 
      }#End for (i in 1:NVar)
    }#End if (cnCL$ProbCrossLoad < 1)  
    ## CG If ProbCrossLoad == 1, add 1 cross loading per factor
    if (cnCL$ProbCrossLoad == 1) {
       Fl[1, cnMD$NFac] <- cnCL$CrossLoadRange[1]
       for (j in 1:(cnMD$NFac - 1)){
          Row <- sum(cnMD$NItemPerFac[1:j])+1
          Col <- j
          Fl[Row, Col] <- cnCL$CrossLoadRange[1]
       }#END for j in 1:(cnMD$NFac - 1)
    }#END if (cnCL$ProbCrossLoad == 1)
     ## --- _____Add Crud Factor ----
     if (cnCL$CrudFactor > 0) { 
        numZeroLoadings <- sum(Fl == 0)
        Fl[Fl == 0] <- runif(numZeroLoadings, -cnCL$CrudFactor, cnCL$CrudFactor)
     } #End Add Crud Factor
    # Randomly reflect factor orientations
    if (cnCT$Reflect) {
      Fl <- Fl %*% diag(sample(c(-1, 1), size = cnMD$NFac, replace = TRUE))
    # Add column labels
    colnames(Fl) <- paste0("F", 1:ncol(Fl))
    rownames(Fl) <- paste0("V", 1:NVar)
  }#END if( is.null(cnLD$FacPattern) )
#              ---- SEC 6: Create Oblique Model ----  
  # cnMD$Model specifies either an 
  #  "orthogonal" or "oblique" factor.  
  # If cnMD$Model == "oblique" then Phi will not be
  # an identy matrix.  If cnPH$Free = FALSE  then 
  # all off diagonal elements of Phi will equal
  # the value specified in MaxAbsPhi.  If 
  # cnPH$Free = TRUE then a random Phi matrix will be generated.
  if (cnMD$Model[1] == "oblique") {
  #---- _____Generate fixed Phi  ----  
  # ----_____PhiType == "Fixed" ----  
    # Elements of Phi are fixed to user defined constant
    if (cnPH$PhiType == "fixed") {
      Phi <- matrix(cnPH$MaxAbsPhi, cnMD$NFac, cnMD$NFac)
      diag(Phi) <- 1
        # Check that Phi is PSD
        if( eigen(Phi)$values[cnMD$NFac] < 0){
           stop("\n *** Fatal Error: User Defined Phi is not PSD *** \n")

  #----_____Generate random Phi with desired constraints ----
  #  ----_____PhiType == "Free" ----
    if (cnPH$PhiType == "free") {
      NPDFlag <- TRUE
      # loop until PSD Phi is generated
      iPhiSeed <- Seed
      while (NPDFlag) {
        Phi <- genPhi(NFac = cnMD$NFac, 
                     MaxAbsPhi = cnPH$MaxAbsPhi, 
                    EigenValPower = cnPH$EigenValPower,
                    PhiSeed = iPhiSeed)
        if (min(eigen(Phi, symmetric = TRUE)$values) > 0) NPDFlag <- FALSE
        iPhiSeed <- iPhiSeed + 1
     } #End While loop 
    } # End generate random Phi
    #----_____PhiType == "user"  ----
    if (cnPH$PhiType == "user") {
      Phi <- cnPH$UserPhi
  }# End if cnMD$Model == "oblique"  
  #---- When Model defaults to "orthogonal but 
  #     PhiType == "user"  reset model to "oblique"
  if (cnMD$Model == "orthogonal" && cnPH$PhiType == "user") {
    Phi <- cnPH$UserPhi
    cnMD$Model == "oblique"
  # ----_____Compute Communalities----
  h2 <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl))
  # 2DO  This assumes no model error 
  #Check for communalities ge Maxh2 and rescale loadings if necessary
  if (max(h2) >= cnCT$Maxh2) {
    s <- sqrt(cnCT$Maxh2)/sqrt(h2)
    # if communality i less than Maxh2 do not rescale
    s[h2 <= cnCT$Maxh2] <- 1
    Fl <- diag(s) %*% Fl  #rescale rows of Fl
    h2 <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl))
  } # END if (max(h) >= cnCT$Maxh2) {
  #~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generate Rpop~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # ----Generate Rpop ----
    # No specific factor correlations
  if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
      Rpop <- Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)
      diag(Rpop) <- 1

  # Specific factors allowed to correlate
  if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
    # 2DO  what is this?
    # _____**2TEST add R resid #1** ---- 
    SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2))
    CovSFS <-   SFSstndevs %*% cnME$RSpecific %*% SFSstndevs
    diag(CovSFS) <- 0
    Rpop <- Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl) + CovSFS
    if( max( abs(Rpop)) > 1) stop("\nNon valid entry for RSpecific (|r_ij| > 1")
    diag(Rpop) <- 1
#       ---- SEC 7: Create Bifactor Model ----
  ## Return null unless creating a hierarchical solution
  FlHierarchical <- PhiHierarchical <- NULL
   if(cnBF$Bifactor == TRUE) { 
      # ----_____Non Hierarchical Bifactor Model ----
      if (cnBF$Hierarchical == FALSE) {
         # If cnMD$Model = Bifactor then add loadings on a general factor  
          if (cnBF$F1FactorDist == "sequential") { 
             f1 <- seq(cnBF$F1FactorRange[1], 
                   length = NVar)
             Fl <- cbind(f1, Fl)
          } # END if (F1FactorDist == "sequential") { 
          if (cnBF$F1FactorDist == "runif") { 
             f1 <- runif(NVar, min = min(cnBF$F1FactorRange), 
                          max = max(cnBF$F1FactorRange))
             Fl <- cbind(f1, Fl)
          } # END if (F1FactorDist == "runif") { 
          if (cnBF$F1FactorDist == "rnorm") { 
             f1 <- rnorm(NVar, mean = cnBF$F1FactorRange[1], 
                          sd = cnBF$F1FactorRange[2])
             Fl <- cbind(f1, Fl)
          } # END if (F1FactorDist == "rnorm") { 
          if (cnBF$F1FactorDist == "fixed") {
             f1 <- rep(cnBF$F1FactorRange[1], NVar)
             Fl <- cbind(f1, Fl)
          } # END if (F1FactorDist == "fixed") {
          colnames(Fl)[1] <- "G"
          #If user-supplied communalities are provided, then scale loadings
             h2 <- apply(Fl^2, 1, sum)
             h2ScalingConstants <- sqrt(cnLD$h2/h2)
             Fl <- diag( h2ScalingConstants) %*% Fl
             h2 <- apply(Fl^2, 1, sum)
         # ----_____Gen Model implied R for Nonhier BF Model----
         # No specific factor correlations
         if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
           Rpop <- Fl %*%  t(Fl)
           diag(Rpop) <- 1
         } #END if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
         # ----_____Specific factors allowed to correlate----
         if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
            # _____**2TEST Add R Resid #2 **  ---- 
           SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2))
           CovSFS <-   SFSstndevs %*% cnME$RSpecific  %*% SFSstndevs
           diag(CovSFS) <- 0
           Rpop <- Fl %*% t(Fl) + CovSFS
           if( max( abs(Rpop)) > 1) stop("\nNon valid entry for RSpecific (|r_ij| > 1")
           diag(Rpop) <- 1
         }#END if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){  
    # ----_____Hierarchical Bifactor Model ----
    if (cnBF$Hierarchical == TRUE) {
      # Step 1: Let Lambda1 = Fl
      Lambda1 <- Fl
        if(cnPH$PhiType != "user"){
          if(cnBF$F1FactorDist == "runif"){
             # Step 2: Generate Phi from random loadings on 
             # general factor
             Lambda2 <- runif(ncol(Lambda1), 
                       min = min(cnBF$F1FactorRange), 
                       max = max(cnBF$F1FactorRange))
             # at this point Phi is not a cor matrix
             Phi <- Lambda2 %*% t(Lambda2)
             # Step 3 Compute sqrt of uniqueness for hier order cnMD$Model
             Psi2 <- diag(sqrt(1 - diag(Phi)))
          } #END  if(cnBFF1FactorDist == "runif")
          if(cnBF$F1FactorDist == "sequential"){
             # gload: loadings of the lower factors on the gen
             gload <- Lambda2 <- seq(cnBF$F1FactorRange[1],
                                     length = ncol(Fl))
             # at this point Phi is not a cor matrix
             Phi <- gload %*% t(gload)
             # Step 3 Compute sqrt of uniqueness for hier order cnMD$Model
             Psi2 <- diag(sqrt(1 - diag(Phi)))
          if(cnBF$F1FactorDist == "fixed"){
            # gload: loadings of the lower factors on the gen
            gload <- Lambda2 <- seq(cnBF$F1FactorRange[1],
                                    length = ncol(Fl))
            # at this point Phi is not a cor matrix
            Phi <- gload %*% t(gload)
            # Step 3 Compute sqrt of uniqueness for hier order cnMD$Model
            Psi2 <- diag(sqrt(1 - diag(Phi)))
          # make Phi a corr matrix
          diag(Phi) <- 1
        } #END if(cnPH$PhiType !="user")
        if(cnPH$PhiType == "user"){
           # calculate loadings on the general factor
           Lambda2 <- fungible::fals(R = Phi, nfactors = 1)$loadings
           PhiFromLambda2 <- Lambda2 %*% t(Lambda2)
           # Compute sqrt of uniqueness for hier order cnMD$Model
           Psi2 <- diag(sqrt(1 - diag( PhiFromLambda2)))
         }# END if(cnPH$PhiType =="user")
      PhiHierarchical <- Phi
      # Compute reproduced R maxtrix and record communalities
      Rhat <- Lambda1 %*% PhiHierarchical %*% t(Lambda1)
      h2 <- diag(Rhat)
      # _____Step 4 Scale Lambda1 to insure max communality = Maxh2----
      s <- sqrt(cnCT$Maxh2) / sqrt(h2)
      s[h2 < cnCT$Maxh2] <- 1
      Lambda1 <- diag(s) %*% Lambda1
      # Model implied R for Hierarchical Bifactor cnMD$Model
      # No specific factor correlations
      if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
        Rpop <- Lambda1 %*% PhiHierarchical %*% t(Lambda1)
      } #END if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
      # Specific factors allowed to correlate
      if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
        # _____**TEST add R resid #3** ----  
        SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2))
        CovSFS <-   SFSstndevs %*% cnME$RSpecific %*% SFSstndevs
        diag(CovSFS) <- 0
        Rpop <- Lambda1 %*% PhiHierarchical %*% t(Lambda1) + CovSFS
        if( max( abs(Rpop)) > 1) stop("\nNon valid entry for RSpecific (|r_ij| > 1")
      }#END if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
      # Communalities for hierarchical Bifactor cnMD$Model 
      h2 <- diag(Rpop)
      diag(Rpop) <- 1
      # Step 5 Create S-L loadings matrix
      b1 <- Lambda1 %*% Lambda2
      B2 <- Lambda1 %*% Psi2
      B <- cbind(b1,B2)
      # Hierarchica Bifactor Solution
      colnames(B) <- c("G", paste0("F", 1:cnMD$NFac))
      ## Save the 1st order factor loadings
      FlHierarchical <- Fl
      Fl <- B
    } # END if (Hierarchical == TRUE) 

      Phi <- diag(ncol(Fl))
      colnames(Phi) <- rownames(Phi) <- c("G", paste0("F", 1:(cnMD$NFac)))
} #END if(cnBF$Bifactor == TRUE) 
  if(cnBF$Bifactor == FALSE){
     colnames(Phi) <- rownames(Phi) <- paste0("F", 1:cnMD$NFac)
  #       ---- SEC 8: IRT PARAMETERS ----

  ## IRT scale
  IRTdiscrim = NULL
  IRTdifficulty = NULL
  IRTintercept = NULL
  BinaryData = FALSE
  # Check to make sure that only one vector of thresholds is input
  if(!is.null(cnMC$Thresholds) && !is.null(cnFS$Thresholds)){
    stop("\n\n*** FATAL ERROR: Specify either MonteCarlo or FactorScores 
    Thresholds (but not both) ***\n\n")
  ## Compute item discrimination
  ## Hoang
  ## The metric of IRTdiscrim can be probit (Dparam = 1.7) or 
  ## logit (Dparam = 1) metric
  IRTdiscrim <-diag(1 / sqrt(1 - h2  )) %*% Fl
  #if user specifies logistic metric then
  if(Dparam == 1) IRTdiscrim <- IRTdiscrim * 1.702
  # If Thresholds are supplied by user
  if (!is.null(cnFS$Thresholds)) {

  ## --- _____ Multidimensional IRT models with binary data ----
  ## one threshold per item in multidimensional model
  ## Note that this step also works for the UIRT case
    if( length(unlist(cnFS$Thresholds)) == nrow(Fl) ){

      BinaryData = TRUE
  ## If thresholds were input as IRT params then take them as intercept params
  ## The output metric of IRTintercept will be determined by Dparam
      if (cnCT$IRT == TRUE) {
        IRTintercept <- unlist(cnFS$Thresholds)
      } else { ## If thresholds were input as EFA params, convert them to IRT params
        IRTintercept <- (-unlist(cnFS$Thresholds)) / sqrt(1 - h2)
        # if(D = 1 put intercept in logistic metric)
       if(Dparam == 1) IRTintercept = 1.702 * IRTintercept
      } #END if (cnCT$IRT == TRUE)
      ## if the model is unidimensional, compute IRTdifficulty params
      if (cnMD$NFac == 1) 
        IRTdifficulty <- -IRTintercept / IRTdiscrim
    } #END if( length(unlist(cnFS$Thresholds)) == nrow(Fl) && cnMD$NFac == 1  
    ## --- _____ GRM IRT models with Likert data ----
    ## 2 or more thresholds per item in GRM model
    if( length(unlist(cnFS$Thresholds)) > nrow(Fl) ){
      ## If thresholds were input as IRT params, take them as intercept params
      ## The output metric of IRTintercept will be determined by Dparam
      if (cnCT$IRT == TRUE) {
        IRTintercept <- cnFS$Thresholds
      } else {  ## If thresholds were input as EFA params, convert them to IRT params
        IRTintercept <- mapply(
          cnFS$Thresholds, h2, ## For each vector of threshold and its corresponding communality
          FUN = function(item_j_thresholds, h2j) {
            -item_j_thresholds / sqrt(1-h2j)
          SIMPLIFY = FALSE) ## do not collapse the Thresholds list
          #END mapply
        if(Dparam == 1) IRTintercept <- lapply(IRTintercept,  "*", 1.702)
      }#END else
    } # END if( length(unlist(cnFS$Thresholds)) > nrow(Fl) )
  } #END  If Thresholds are supplied by user
     # 2DO *****  Check this
     # if(cnBF$Bifactor == FALSE){
     #    min_unique_var <-  min(1 - diag( Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl) ) ) 
     #    # in BG models min_unique-var will equal zero
     #    if(min_unique_var > 0){
     #       discrim <- diag(1 / sqrt(1 - diag( Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl) ) )) %*% Fl
     #    } 
     # }# END if(cnBF$Bifactor == FALSE)
#   ---- SEC 9: Scale communalities to user values ----

     if(length(cnLD$h2) != NVar) stop("Commonalities of incorrect length")
     h2ScalingConstants <- sqrt(cnLD$h2/h2)
     Fl <- diag( h2ScalingConstants) %*% Fl 
     # recalculate commonalities
     h2 <- diag (Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl))
     # Generate the Model implied correlation matrix
     # No specific factor correlations
     if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
       Rpop <- Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)
       diag(Rpop) <- 1
     } #END if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
     # Specific factors allowed to correlate
     if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
       # _____**TEST add R resid #4** ---- 
       SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2))
       CovSFS <-   SFSstndevs %*% cnME$RSpecific %*% SFSstndevs
       diag(CovSFS) <- 0
       Rpop <- Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl) + CovSFS
       if( max( abs(Rpop)) > 1) stop("\nNon valid entry for RSpecific (|r_ij| > 1")
       diag(Rpop) <- 1
     }#END if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
  }#END  if(!is.null(cnLD$h2)){

#       ---- SEC 10: Add Model Error ----
   # if no model error requested then return regular h2 values and NA MAEfit
    h2PopME <- h2
    MAEfit <-   list(SRMR_theta = NA,
                      SRMR_thetahat = NA, 
                      CRMR_theta = NA,
                      CRMR_thetahat = NA,
                      RMSEA_theta = NA, 
                      RMSEA_thetahat = NA,
                      CFI_theta = NA,
                      CFI_thetahat = NA)
    W <- NULL # initialize W
   ## Tucker Koopman Linn approach
   if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
      # Create matrix of minor factors
      # MacCallum and Tucker 1991 chose
      # 50 minor factors.
      # Briggs and MacCallum chose 150 minor factors
        NMinorFactors <- cnME$NMinorFac
        #----____fitIndices ---- 
        # Compute model fit indices with Population data
        fitIndices <- function(Rpop, RpopME){
          ## Rpop: Population R matrix based on 
          ## Major factors only
          p <- ncol(Rpop)
          #tp = number of independent variances and covariances
          tp <- p*(p+1)/2
          ## RpopME: Population R matrix based on 
          ## All factors (including those in W
          ## representing model approximation error 
          NMajFactors <- ncol(Fl)
          ## Hierarchical bifactor model is rank deficient
          if (cnBF$Bifactor == TRUE &  cnBF$Hierarchical == TRUE){
             NMajFactors = NMajFactors - 1
          if(eigen(RpopME)$values[p] < 0 ){
             stop("\n\n     **** FATAL ERROR: RpopME not PD ****
             \nError likely due to inadmissable ModelError arguments") 
          ## Conduct MLE factor analysis of RpopME
          fout <- factanal(covmat = RpopME,
                           factors = NMajFactors, 
                           n.obs = 1000,
                           control = list(nstart = 100))
          ##----__CRMR ----
          ## CRMR:  correlation root mean square residual
          ## this compares RpopME with Rpop (only major factors)
          CRMR_theta <- sqrt( sum( ( (RpopME - Rpop)[upper.tri(Rpop, diag=FALSE)]^2))/(tp - p) ) 
          ##----__SRMR ----
          ## this compares RpopME with Rpop (only major factors)
          SRMR_theta <-  sqrt( (sum( ( (RpopME - Rpop)[upper.tri(Rpop, diag=TRUE)]^2) )/tp) )
          ## Compute CRMRthetahat from MLE EFA
          #  Sigma_k is the  estimated model implied Population R matrix
          #  this is Sigma_k in Marsh et al. 2005 (McDonald Feshrift)
          Fhat <- fout$loadings
          Sigma_k <- Fhat %*% t(Fhat)
          diag(Sigma_k) <- 1
          CRMR_thetahat <- sqrt( sum( ( (RpopME - Sigma_k)[upper.tri(Rpop, diag = FALSE)]^2))/(tp - p) ) 
          SRMR_thetahat <- sqrt( (sum( ( (RpopME - Sigma_k)[upper.tri(Rpop, diag = TRUE)]^2) )/tp) )
          ## Define matrix Trace function
          Tr <- function(X) sum(diag(X))
          ##Compute RMSEA1
          num_theta    <- log(det(Rpop)) - log(det(RpopME)) + 
            Tr( RpopME %*% solve(Rpop)) - p
          num_thetahat <- log(det(Sigma_k)) - log(det(RpopME)) + 
                              Tr( RpopME %*% solve(Sigma_k)) - p
          ## degrees of freedom for EFA on R matrix
          k <- ncol(Fhat)
          DF <- (p * (p-1)/2) - (p * k) + (k * (k-1)/2)
          den <- DF
          RMSEA_theta    <- sqrt(num_theta/den)
          RMSEA_thetahat <- sqrt(num_thetahat/den)
          ## Population Comparative Fit Index (Bentler 1990)
          ## F_T = Fit func for target model
          ## F_B = F baseline
          # This assumes that we are working with correlation
          # matrices in the population
          F_T_thetahat <- log(det(Sigma_k)) - log(det(RpopME)) + 
                 Tr( RpopME %*% solve(Sigma_k)) - p
          ## det(I) = 1, log(1) = 0, so
          # For derivation, see Lai, K. & Green, S. B. (2016). The problem 
          # with having two watches: Assessment of fit when RMSEA and 
          # CFI disagree. Multivariate behavioral research, 51(2-3), 220--239. 
          F_B_thetahat <- - log(det(RpopME)) 
          F_T_theta <- log(det(Rpop)) - log(det(RpopME)) + 
                        Tr( RpopME %*% solve(Rpop)) - p
          ## det(I) = 1, log(1) = 0, so
          # For derivation, see Lai, K. & Green, S. B. (2016). The problem 
          # with having two watches: Assessment of fit when RMSEA and 
          # CFI disagree. Multivariate behavioral research, 51(2-3), 220--239. 

          F_B_theta <-  - log(det(RpopME))
          CFI_theta    <- 1 - F_T_theta/F_B_theta
          CFI_thetahat <- 1 - F_T_thetahat/F_B_thetahat
          list(SRMR_theta = SRMR_theta,
               SRMR_thetahat = SRMR_thetahat, 
               CRMR_theta = CRMR_theta,
               CRMR_thetahat = CRMR_thetahat,
               RMSEA_theta = RMSEA_theta, 
               RMSEA_thetahat = RMSEA_thetahat,
               CFI_theta = CFI_theta,
               CFI_thetahat = CFI_thetahat,
               Fm = F_T_thetahat,
               Fb = F_B_thetahat,
               DFm = DF)
        }#END fitIndices
      keepW <- FALSE   #initialize keepW  
      if( !is.null(cnME$W) ){
          keepW <- TRUE
          W <- cnME$W
      }  #END if (!is.null     
      ## Check if any factor of W has 3 or more loadings
      ## >= |.30|
      FncKeepW <- function(W){
          ## number of |loadings| ge WmaxLoading for each minor factor
          NGEWmaxLoading <- max( apply(abs(W) >= cnME$WmaxLoading, 2, sum) )
          if(NGEWmaxLoading <= cnME$NWmaxLoading) keepW <- TRUE
        }#END FncKeepW
        # s is a scaling constant
        s <- 1 - cnME$epsTKL
       Wattempt = 0
       ## Try to create suitable W matrix
       WFailed = FALSE
       while(keepW == FALSE){
            Wattempt <- Wattempt + 1
                if(Wattempt > cnME$Wattempts) {
                   W = matrix(0, NVar, NMinorFactors)
                   WFailed = TRUE
               W <- matrix(0, NVar, NMinorFactors)
               ##Create W matrix with "no major factors"
               ## i.e., no factors with 3 or more loadings greater
               ## than |.30|
               for (i in 0:(NMinorFactors - 1)) {
                   W[, i+1] <- rnorm(NVar, 
                               mean = 0, 
                               sd   = s^i)  #TKL EQ 13, p. 431
               }# END for (i in 0:(NMinorFactors - 1)) {
           # constrain variance of minor factors to 
           # ModelError
           CovMajor <- Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)
           # u = uniqueness variances
           u <- 1 - diag( CovMajor )
           wsq <- diag(W %*% t(W))
           ModelErrorVar <- rep(cnME$ModelErrorVar, NVar)
           # Should ModelErrorVar apply to total or unique variances 
           # "U" (the default) applies to a proprtion of the uniqueness 
           #                   variances (See Briggs and MacCallum 2003 page 32)
           # "V" applies to total variances
            if(cnME$ModelErrorType == "U" ){
               ModelErrorVar <- ModelErrorVar * u
         W <- diag(sqrt(ModelErrorVar/wsq)) %*% W
         #----____Test suitablity of W----
         keepW <- FncKeepW(W)
            cat("\nW generation attempt: ", Wattempt)
       }## END while(keepW == FALSE) #*#*#*#*#
       if(Wattempt <= cnME$Wattempts)
             cat("\nA suitable W was generated on attempt: ", Wattempt,"\n")
       # cnMD$Model Error Covariance Matrix for minor factors
       CovMinor <- (W %*% t(W))
       # print(W)
       # print(CovMinor)
       # Create Pop R with cnMD$Model Error
       RpopME <- Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl) +  CovMinor
       # These are the true population h2 values with ME
       h2PopME <- diag(RpopME)  
       # Cov matrix for Uniqueness factors
       CovUnique <- diag( 1 - diag(RpopME) )
       diag(RpopME) <- 1
       ## END: ADD Model ERROR
       if(WFailed == TRUE){
        MAEfit <-   list(SRMR_theta = NA,
                         SRMR_thetahat = NA, 
                         CRMR_theta = NA,
                         CRMR_thetahat = NA,
                         RMSEA_theta = NA, 
                         RMSEA_thetahat = NA,
                         CFI_theta = NA,
                         CFI_thetahat = NA,
                         Fm = NA,
                         Fb = NA,
                         DFm = NA)
           MAEfit <- fitIndices(Rpop, RpopME) 
   }#END if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE)

#       ---- SEC 11: Compute Factor Indeterminacy ----
     # FacStrc = Factor structure matrix
     # Check if Rpop can be inverted
     EigsRpop <- eigen(Rpop)$values
     if(min(EigsRpop) < 1E-08)
        warning("\n     Rpop is numerically singular\n\n")
        FacInd <- "Rpop not invertible"
        FacStrc <- Fl %*% Phi
        FacInd <- sqrt( diag(  t(FacStrc) %*% solve(Rpop) %*% FacStrc  )  )
        FacIndME <- NULL
           if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
              FacIndME   <- sqrt( diag(  t(FacStrc) %*% solve(RpopME) %*% FacStrc ) )
     } ## END if else     

#       ---- SEC 12: Generate Monte Carlo Samples ----
    # Preliminary code for Monte Carlo data generation
     if(cnMC$NSamples > 0 && cnMC$Raw == FALSE){
        MCData <- MCDataME <- vector("list", length = cnMC$NSamples)
        for(i in 1:cnMC$NSamples){
           MCData[[i]]   <- corSample(Rpop,   
                                      n = cnMC$SampleSize,
                                      seed = i + Seed)
         # model error
         if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){

            MCDataME[[i]] <- corSample(RpopME, 
                                       n = cnMC$SampleSize,
                                       seed = i + Seed)
         }#End if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE)
       }#END for(i in 1:cnMC$NSamples)
     }#END if(cnMC$NSamples > 0 && cnMC$Raw == FALSE)

     if(cnMC$NSamples > 0 && cnMC$Raw == TRUE){
       MCData <- MCDataME <- vector("list", length = cnMC$NSamples)
       for(i in 1:cnMC$NSamples){
            MCData[[i]] <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnMC$SampleSize,
                               mu = rep(0, NVar),
                               Sigma = round(Rpop,12),  
                               empirical = FALSE)
            # model error
            if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
               MCDataME[[i]] <-   MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnMC$SampleSize, 
                                      mu = rep(0, NVar),
                                      Sigma = round(RpopME,12),
                                      empirical = FALSE)
          } # END  for(i in 1:cnMC$NSamples)
       #  ----_____Monte Carlo Likert Variables----
       if( !is.null(cnMC$Thresholds) ) { # thresholds supplied
         ## If IRT == TRUE then convert IRT 
         ## item-category to FA thresholds
         ## The input intercept must be in the probit metric
         if ( cnCT$IRT == TRUE) {
           cnMC$Thresholds <- mapply(
             IRTintercept, h2,
             FUN = function(item_j_intercepts, h2j) {
               return(-item_j_intercepts * sqrt(1 - h2j))
             SIMPLIFY = FALSE
           # thresholds must e in probit metric
           if(Dparam == 1) cnMC$Thresholds <- lapply(cnMC$Thresholds, "/", 1.702)
          # Initialize MCLikertData (to all zeros)
          MCLikertData <- vector(mode="list", length = cnMC$NSamples )
          MCLikertDataME <- MCLikertData
          ZeroMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = cnMC$SampleSize, ncol = NVar)
          for(i in 1:cnMC$NSamples){ 
            MCLikertData[[i]] <- MCLikertDataME[[i]] <- ZeroMatrix 
          }#END for(i in 1:cnMC$NSamples)
           ## cut data at thresholds 
           for( iReps in 1:cnMC$NSamples){   #loop of MC samples
              for(i in 1:NVar){
                 for(j in 1:length(cnMC$Thresholds[[i]])){
                    MCLikertData[[iReps]][( MCData[[iReps]][, i] >= 
                                           cnMC$Thresholds[[i]][j]), i] <- j
                    # model error
                    if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
                    MCLikertDataME[[iReps]][( MCDataME[[iReps]][, i] >= 
                                              cnMC$Thresholds[[i]][j]), i] <- j
                 }#END for(j in 1:length(cnMC$Thresholds[[i]]))
              }#END for(i in 1:NVar)
           }#END for( iReps in 1:cnMC$NSamples) 
       MCData <- MCLikertData 
       if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE) MCDataME <- MCLikertDataME 
       } # END if( !is.null(cnFS$Thresholds) )
     } # END of (cnMC$NSamples > 0 && Raw == TRUE)
#       ---- SEC 13: Generate Factor Scores ----
     FSscores <- NULL
     ObservedScores <- NULL
     SFSstndevs <- rep(0, nrow(Fl))
     # Xm represents that part of the observed scores that is attributable to 
     # the minor common factors if they exist
     Xm = NULL

     if( cnFS$FS == TRUE){
       NFac <- cnMD$NFac
       # Note that in sampled factor scores, common, specific, and unique
       # factors are not exactly orthogonal due to 
       # sampling errors
       # Researchers can fix common factor seed 
       # to fix factor scores across samples.
       if( !is.null(cnFS$CFSeed) ) set.seed(cnFS$CFSeed)
       # ----_____Generate Common Major Factor Scores ----
       # For non bifactor models
       if(cnBF$Bifactor == FALSE){
          CFS <-    MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnFS$NFacScores,
                            mu = rep(0, NFac),
                            Sigma =  Phi,
                            empirical = cnFS$Population) 
       } # END if(cnBF$Bifactor == FALSE)
       # For bifactor models
       if(cnBF$Bifactor == TRUE){
         CFS <-    MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnFS$NFacScores,
                           mu = rep(0, NFac + 1),
                           Sigma =  diag( (NFac + 1) ),
                           empirical = cnFS$Population) 
       } # END  if(cnBF$Bifactor == TRUE)
       # February 19, 2023
       # ----_____Generate Minor Common Factor Scores (MFS) ----
       if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
         # Researchers can fix the minor common factor seed 
         # to fix Xm across samples.
         if( !is.null(cnFS$MCFSeed) ) set.seed(cnFS$MCFSeed)
         MFS <-     MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnFS$NFacScores,
                                  mu = rep(0, cnME$NMinorFac),
                                  Sigma =  diag(cnME$NMinorFac),
                                  empirical = cnFS$Population)
         #if generating pop factor scores then major and minor 
         # common fs should be orthogonal
         if(cnFS$Population == TRUE){
           MFS <- resid(lm(MFS ~ CFS) ) 
           MFS <-  scale( svd(MFS)$u )
         } # END if(cnFS$Population ==TRUE)
         # Xm represents that part of the observed scores
         # that is due to the minor common factors
         Xm <- MFS %*% t(W)
       } #END if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE)

       # ----_____Generate Specific Factor Scores ----
       # Reset random number seed
       if( !is.null(cnFS$SFSeed) ) set.seed(cnFS$SFSeed)
       # No correlated Specific Factors
       if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
            SFS <-     MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnFS$NFacScores,
                               mu = rep(0, NVar),
                               Sigma =  diag(NVar),
                               empirical = cnFS$Population)
       }#END if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) )
      # Correlated Specific Factors present
      if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
           SFS <-     MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnFS$NFacScores,
                              mu = rep(0, NVar),
                              Sigma =  cnME$RSpecific,
                              empirical = cnFS$Population)
       } #END if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) )
       # ----_____Generate Error Factor Scores----
       # Reset random number seed
       if( !is.null(cnFS$EFSeed) ) set.seed(cnFS$EFSeed)
       EFS <-       MASS::mvrnorm(n = cnFS$NFacScores,
                            mu = rep(0, NVar),
                            Sigma =  diag(NVar),
                            empirical = cnFS$Population) 
       #----_____Population Factor Scores ----
        if(cnFS$Population == TRUE){
          # make specific fac scores orthogonal to common fs
          #If Model Error is TRUE
          if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
              SFS <- resid(lm(SFS ~ CFS + Xm))
          #If Model Error is FALSE
          if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE){
            SFS <- resid(lm(SFS ~ CFS))
          # No correlated Specific Factor the make scores orthogonal
          if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
             # specfic fac scores orthogonal to each other
             SFS <- scale( svd(SFS)$u )
          }#END if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) )
          # Correlated Specific Factors present
          if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
            K <- chol(cnME$RSpecific)
            # specfic fac scores allowed to correlate
            SFS <-  scale( svd(SFS)$u %*% K )
          }#END if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) )
          # Make Error Factor scores orthogonal to Common and Specific FS
          #If Model Error is TRUE
          if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
              EFS <- resid(lm(EFS ~ cbind(CFS, SFS, Xm) ))
          #If Model Error is FALSE
          if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE){
            EFS <- resid(lm(EFS ~ cbind(CFS, SFS) ))
          # Make Error FS orthogonal 
          EFS <- scale( svd(EFS)$u )
       } #END  if(cnFS$Population == TRUE) -#

       # If user DID NOT supply indicator reliabilities (VarRel)  
       # the specific factor scores are uniformly zero
       # If Alphas == NULL 
          SFS <- matrix(0, cnFS$NFacScores, NVar)
          # If Model Error = TRUE
          if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
                 h2PopME <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)) + apply(W^2, 1, sum)
          ObservedScores <- CFS %*% t(Fl) + Xm + 
                       EFS %*% diag(sqrt (1 - h2PopME) )       
          }# END if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
          # If Model Error = FALSE
          if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE){
            h2 <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)) 
          ObservedScores <- CFS %*% t(Fl) + 
                           EFS %*% diag(sqrt (1 - h2) )
          }#END  if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE)
       } #END if(is.null(cnFS$VarRel))
       # If user DID supply indicator reliabilities (Alphas)                       
         if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
            h2PopME <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)) + apply(W^2, 1, sum)
            if(  min(cnFS$VarRel - h2PopME) < 0 ){
              badItems <- (1:NVar)[(cnFS$VarRel - h2PopME) < 0 ]
              stop("\n\n *** FATAL ERROR (Reliabilities too small) ***",
              "\nItems ", paste0(badItems," "), "have reliabilities smaller than their communalities\n\n")
            } #END  if(  min(cnFS$VarRel - h2) < 0 )
         }#END if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE)
         if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE){
           h2 <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl))
             if(  min(cnFS$VarRel - h2) < 0 ){
                badItems <- (1:NVar)[(cnFS$VarRel - h2) < 0 ]
                stop("\n\n *** FATAL ERROR (Reliabilities too small) ***",
                  "\nItems ", paste0(badItems," "), "have reliabilities smaller than their communalities\n\n")
             } #END if(  min(cnFS$VarRel - h2) < 0 )
          }# if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE)
          # No specific factor correlations
           if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
              # if Model Error = TRUE
               if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
                  h2PopME <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)) + apply(W^2, 1, sum)
                  SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2PopME))
                  ObservedScores <- CFS %*% t(Fl) + Xm + 
                            SFS %*% SFSstndevs  +
                            EFS %*% diag(sqrt( 1 - cnFS$VarRel) ) 
               }# END  if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE)
             # if Model Error = FALSE
               if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE){
                  h2 <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl))
                  SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2))
                  ObservedScores <- CFS %*% t(Fl) + 
                    SFS %*%  SFSstndevs  +
                    EFS %*% diag(sqrt( 1 - cnFS$VarRel) )
               }#END if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE)  
           }# END if( is.null(cnME$RSpecific) )

         # Specific Factors are allowed to correlate
         if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ){
             if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
                h2PopME <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)) + apply(W^2, 1, sum)
                SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2PopME))
                ObservedScores <- CFS %*% t(Fl) + Xm + 
                      SFS %*% SFSstndevs  +
                      EFS %*% diag(sqrt( 1 - cnFS$VarRel) ) 
              }#END if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE)
           if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE){
             h2 <- diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl))
             SFSstndevs <- diag(sqrt(cnFS$VarRel - h2))
             ObservedScores <- CFS %*% t(Fl) +  
               SFS %*% SFSstndevs  +
               EFS %*% diag(sqrt( 1 - cnFS$VarRel) ) 
           }#END if(cnME$ModelError == FALSE)
         }# END if( !is.null(cnME$RSpecific) ) 
       }# END if(!is.null(cnFS$Alphas))If user DID supply indicator Alphas   
      # ---_____Collect factor scores ----   
       FactorScores = cbind(CFS, SFS, EFS)
       # Add names to factor scores
       if(cnBF$Bifactor == FALSE){
       colnames(FactorScores) <- c(  paste0("F", 1:NFac), 
                                 paste0("S", 1:NVar), # specific factor names
                                 paste0("E", 1:NVar)) # error factor names
       }#END  if(cnBF$Bifactor == FALSE){
       if(cnBF$Bifactor == TRUE){
         colnames(FactorScores) <- c(  "G",   # general factor
                                       paste0("F", 1:NFac), 
                                       paste0("S", 1:NVar), # specific factor names
                                       paste0("E", 1:NVar)) # error factor names
       }# END if(cnBF$Bifactor == TRUE)
       # ---- ____ Create Discrete Data ----
       ## ---- Binary and Graded Response Model ----
       # Start of GRM function to create Likert data
       if( !is.null(cnFS$Thresholds))  { 
         ## If IRT == TRUE, and BinaryData = FALSE then convert IRT 
         ## item-category to FA thresholds

         if ( cnCT$IRT == TRUE) {
           cnFS$Thresholds <- mapply(
             IRTintercept, h2,
             FUN = function(item_j_intercepts, h2j) {
               return(-item_j_intercepts * sqrt(1 - h2j))
             SIMPLIFY = FALSE
           # thresholds must be in probit metric
           if(Dparam == 1) cnFS$Thresholds <- lapply(cnFS$Thresholds, "/", 1.702)
         # Declare matrix for Likert data
         LikertData <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(ObservedScores),
                              ncol = NVar) 
         ## --- _____Create Discrete Likert data ----   
         for(i in 1:NVar){
           for(j in 1:length(cnFS$Thresholds[[i]])){
             LikertData[(ObservedScores[, i] >= cnFS$Thresholds[[i]][j]), i] <- j
         ObservedScores <- LikertData    
       } # END if( !is.null(cnFS$Thresholds) )
    }# END if( cnFS$FS == TRUE)
#       ---- SEC 14: Generate Missing Data ----
     ##               Generate Missing Data 
     ## for Monte Carlo Samples
     ## To generate MAR see
     ## https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/109737/
     ##   how-to-generate-mar-data-with-a-fixed-proportion-of-missing-values
     ## https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/184741/
     ##   how-to-simulate-the-different-types-of-missing-data
     if(cnMS$Missing == TRUE){
        ## Missing Completely at Random
        if(cnMS$Mechanism == "MCAR"){
           for(iSamp in 1:cnMC$NSamples){
              for(iVar in 1:NVar){
                       runif(cnMC$SampleSize, 0, 1) <= cnMS$MSProb[iVar],
                       iVar] <- NA
                  # model error
                  if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE){
                      runif(cnMC$SampleSize, 0, 1) <= cnMS$MSProb[iVar],
                      iVar] <- NA
                  }#END if(cnME$ModelError == TRUE)
              }#END for(iVar in 1:NVar)
           }#END for(iSamp in 1:cnMC$NSamples)  
        }#END if(cnMS$Mechanism == "MCAR")
     }#END if(cnMS$Missing == TRUE) 
     ## END Generate Missing Data 
#       ---- SEC 15: Organize Return Values ----
   cn <- list("Model" = cnMD, 
              "Loadings" = cnLD, 
              "CrossLoadings" = cnCL, 
              "Phi" = cnPH, 
              "ModelError" = cnME, 
              "MonteCarlo" = cnMC, 
              "FactorScores" = cnFS,
              "Missing" = cnMS, 
              "Control" = cnCT)
   CovMats <- list("CovMajor" = CovMajor,     # major factor covariance matrix
                  "CovMinor" = CovMinor,     # model error covariance matrix
                  "CovUnique" = CovUnique)   # uniqueness factors covariance matrix  
  # _____Output related to Factor Scores----
  FacInd <- FacInd            # Factor Indeterminancy
  FacIndME <-  FacIndME       # Factor Indeterminancy Model Error
  Scores <- list(  "FactorScores" = FactorScores,
                    "FacInd" = FacInd,
                    "FacIndME" = FacIndME,
                    "ObservedScores" = ObservedScores)
  # _____Output related to bifactor models----
  Bifactor <- list("loadingsHier" = FlHierarchical,  # Factor loadings of the 
                                                     # 1st order solution
                   "PhiHier"  = PhiHierarchical)     # Factor correlations of the 
                                                     #1st order solution)
  # _____Output related to Monte Carlo Simulations----
   Monte = list("MCData" = MCData,             # MonteCarlo raw data
                "MCDataME" = MCDataME)         # MonteCarlo raw data
   # _____Output related to IRT parameters---- 
   if(BinaryData == TRUE) IRTdifficulty = unlist(IRTdifficulty) 
   IRT = list("discrimination" = IRTdiscrim,
              "difficulty" = IRTdifficulty,
              "intercept"  = IRTintercept,
              "Dparam" = Dparam )

   # _____Compute Unrotated Loadings ----
   # Given any factor model, find the unrotated loadings
   # Note that this will not work in BG models in which
   # Fl has more columns than rows
   urloadings = NULL
   if( ncol(Fl) > 1 & (nrow(Fl) > ncol(Fl)) ) {
      Rhat <- Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl)
      VLV <- eigen(Rhat)
   #A simple PCA of Rhat gives us what we want
   # because Rhat has the true communalities
      V <- VLV$vectors[,1:cnMD$NFac]
      L <- diag(sqrt(zapsmall(VLV$values[1:cnMD$NFac])))
      urloadings <- V %*% L
   }# END  if(nrow(Fl) > ncol(Fl)) 
  ## Return objects related to Model Approximation Error
  ModelErrorFitStats <-  MAEfit
  # 2DO check 
  #h2PopMe = h2 # Commonalities based on major and minor common factors
  #h2 = diag(Fl %*% Phi %*% t(Fl) )  # Communalities for ideal model (Major factors only)
  ## ---- SEC 16:  Return Values ----
  list(loadings    = Fl,                # Factor loadings
       Phi         = Phi,               # Factor correlations
       urloadings  = urloadings,        # Unrotated loadings
       h2          = h2,                # communalities for ideal Model
       h2PopME     = h2PopME,
       Rpop        = Rpop,              # no Model error
       RpopME      = RpopME,            # with Model error
       W           = W,                 # Loadings for Minor Factors
       SFSvars  =  diag(SFSstndevs)^2, # Specific factor variances
       Xm          = Xm,                # that part of the observed scores that is 
                                        # due to the minor common factors 
       ModelErrorFitStats  = ModelErrorFitStats,
       CovMatrices = CovMats,    
       Bifactor    = Bifactor,
       Scores      = Scores,            # Output related to Factor Scores (ObservedScores)
       Monte       = Monte,
       IRT         = IRT,               # Multidimentional IRT
       Seed        = Seed,
       call        = cl,                # program call
       cn          = cn)     
 } #END simFA

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