
#' Correlation between a Naturally and an Artificially Dichotomized Variable
#' A function to compute Ulrich and Wirtz's correlation of a naturally and an
#' artificially dichotomized variable.
#' @param x An N x 2 matrix or an N x 1 vector of binary responses coded 0/1.
#' @param y An optional (if x is a vector) vector of 0/1 responses.
#' @return \item{A quasi tetrachoric correlation}{...}
#' @author Niels Waller
#' @references Ulrich, R. & Wirtz, M. (2004). On the correlation of a naturally
#' and an artificially dichotomized variable. \emph{British Journal of
#' Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 57}, 235-252.
#' @keywords Statistics
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(321)
#' Nsubj <- 5000
#' ## Generate mvn data with rxy = .5
#' R <- matrix(c(1, .5, .5, 1), 2, 2)
#' X <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = Nsubj, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = R, empirical = TRUE)
#' ## dichotomize data
#' thresholds <- qnorm(c(.2, .3))
#' binaryData <- matrix(0, Nsubj, 2)
#' for(i in 1:2){
#'   binaryData[X[,i] <= thresholds[i],i] <- 1
#' }   
#' ## calculate Pearson correlation
#' cat("\nPearson r: ", round(cor(X)[1,2], 2))
#' ## calculate Pearson Phi correlation
#' cat("\nPhi r: ", round(cor(binaryData)[1,2], 2))
#' ## calculate tetrachoric correlation
#' cat("\nTetrachoric r: ", round(tetcor(binaryData)$r[1,2], 2))
#' ## calculate Quasi-tetrachoric correlation
#' cat("\nQuasi-tetrachoric r: ", round(tetcorQuasi(binaryData), 2))
tetcorQuasi<-function (x, y=NULL)

# Function: quasi tetrachoric                                #
#                                                            #
# Niels Waller, December 2006                                #
# Ulrich, R., & Wirtz, M. (2004). On the correlation of a    #
# naturally and an artificially dichotomized variable.       #
# British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology,#
# 57, 235-252.                                               #
#                                                            #
#                                                            #
#ARGUMENTS:                                                  #
#  x:  An N x 2 matrix or an N x 1 vector of binary          #
#  responses coded 0/1                                       #
#  y : a vector (if x is N x 1) of binary responses          #
#coded 0/1                                                   #
#----------------------------------------------------------- #

# initialize warning flag

  if (is.data.frame(x))
      x <- as.matrix(x)
  if (is.data.frame(y))
       y <- as.matrix(y)
  if (!is.matrix(x) && is.null(y))
        stop("supply both x and y or an N x 2 matrix x")
        stop("Missing values are not allowed")

  #--Do any items have zero variance?
   labs<-paste("Item",1:nitems,sep=" ")
   cat("SERIOUS ERROR\n")
   baditems<-paste("\nThe following item has no variance: ",labs[zeroVar],sep="")

#--MAIN loop begins here

    v1 <- x[,1]
    v2 <- x[,2]

    N <- length(v1)
    v1 <- factor(v1,levels=c("0","1"))
    v2 <- factor(v2,levels=c("0","1"))
    abcd <- table(v1,v2)
  # cat(c(abcd,"\n"))
    p00 <- abcd[1,1]/N
    p10 <- abcd[1,2]/N
    p01 <- abcd[2,1]/N
    p11 <- abcd[2,2]/N


    p0. <- p00 + p01
    p1. <- p10 + p11
    delta <- qnorm(p00/p0.) - qnorm(p10/p1.)
    denominator<-sqrt(delta^2 + (1/(p1.*(1-p1.))))


 # N<-1000
 #  x<-rep(c(0,1),c(N/2,N/2))
 #  b<-c(rnorm(N/2),rnorm(N/2,3))
 #  cor(x,b)
 #  y<-rep(0,N)
 #  y[b>0]<-1
 #  cor(x,y)
 #  nu(x,y)

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