# Mikis concurvity
# What are the arguments?
# data :is a data frame
# full : whether to condition to all the rest of variables or variable wise comparison
# linear : linear part of the model (not implemented)
# If linear is TRUE we will have to separate the linear
# and the non-linear part. This will be using the function
# getZmatrix(). The linear part will be included in the
# beginning to get her woth one It fails to produce anything sensible
# see function concurvityL() in Concurvity_with_linear_option.R
# to do
# i) at the moment there is no data argument
# ii) no full option (OK fixed)
# iii) no linear part yest but vector of ones is added
# iv) the ndx in bbase has to change to something more meaningful
# maybe nknots
# v) maybe we should introduce formulea for both X and Linear
# authors Mikis Stasinopoulos
# created fist Jan 2018
# revisted by Mikis Dec 2018
# revised on Marcg 2022
get_concurvity <- function(data, full=TRUE, ...)
#####local function
bbasis <- function(x, xl=NULL, xr=NULL, inter=15, deg=3)
# DS xl= min, xr=max, inter= number of points within
# Construct B-spline basis
tpower <- function(x, t, p) (x - t) ^ p * (x > t)
xl <- if(is.null(xl)) min(x)
xr <- if(is.null(xr)) max(x)
xmax <- xr+0.01*(xr-xl)
xmin <- xl-0.01*(xr-xl)
dx <- (xr - xl) / inter # DS increment
# if false use Paul's
knots <- seq(xl - deg * dx, xr + deg * dx, by = dx)
P <- outer(x, knots, tpower, deg)# calculate the power in the knots
n <- dim(P)[2]
D <- diff(diag(n), diff = deg + 1) / (gamma(deg + 1) * dx ^ deg) #
B <- (-1) ^ (deg + 1) * P %*% t(D)
return(resid(lm(B~1))) #
if (missing(data) || NROW(data) <= 1)
stop("nothing to do for this model")
dimD <- dim(data)
daTa <- subset(data, select=ifelse(sapply(data,is.factor)|sapply(data,is.character)==TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
Dim <- dim(daTa)
diffDim <- dimD[2]-Dim[2]
if (diffDim > 0)
warning(cat(diffDim, 'factors have been omited from the data', "\n"))
cnames <- names(daTa)
if (is.null(cnames)) cnames <- as.vector(paste("V", seq(1,NCOL(x)), sep=""))
n <- dim(daTa)[1]
m <- dim(daTa)[2]
if (m==1) {x <- as.matrix(daTa)}
stop <- start <- rep(1, m)
for (i in 1:m) # start loop
B2 <- as.matrix(bbasis(daTa[,i],...))
colnames(B2) <- as.vector(paste(cnames[i], seq(1,dim(B2)[2]), sep="."))
B <- if (i==1) B2 else cbind(B, B2, deparse.level=2)
wherev <- grep(cnames[i],colnames(B))
start[i] <- wherev[1]
stop[i] <- wherev[length(wherev)]
} # finish loop
B <- cbind(one=rep(1,dim(B)[1]), B) # add column of ones or possible linear
if (dim(B)[2]>n) stop("the number of colums is greater than n \n use smaller basis i.e. inter=5")
start <- c(1, start + 1)
stop <- c(0, stop + 1)
m <- m+1
B <- B[rowSums( == 0, ] # dim(B)
B <- qr.R(qr(B, tol = 0, LAPACK = FALSE))
n.measures <- 2
measure.names <- c("worst", "estimate")
if (full)
res <- matrix(0, n.measures, m)
for (i in 1:(m))
Xi <- B[, -(start[i]:stop[i]), drop = FALSE] #take all the rest
Xj <- B[, start[i]:stop[i], drop = FALSE] #take the current basis
if (ncol(Xi)>n) stop("the number of colums is greater than n \n use smaller basis i.e. inter=5")
r <- ncol(Xi) # the number of colums in the rest of the bases
# here we take the R of QR of the combined Xi and Xj but we exclude the Xi part
# the whole R should have been a pxp matrix (where p is the combined number of bases)
# but we save only R pxm (where m is number of columns in the current basis)
# r is p-m number-of all bases minus number-of current basis
R <- qr.R(qr(cbind(Xi, Xj), LAPACK = FALSE, tol = 0))[, -(1:r), drop = FALSE]
# now we take R (mxp) and create from the QR of R the triangular Rt (pxp) matrix
Rt <- qr.R(qr(R))
# mikis I am not sure if d[3]^2 is correct it used to be d[1]^2
# note that forwardsolve solves Ax=b for x when A is a lower triangular
res[1, i] <- svd(forwardsolve(t(Rt), t(R[1:r, ,drop = FALSE])))$d[1]^2
res[2, i] <- sum(R[1:r, ]^2)/sum(R^2)# fitted sum of sqares / totall sum of squares
colnames(res) <- c("one", cnames)
rownames(res) <- measure.names
} else
res <- list()
for (i in 1:n.measures) res[[i]] <- matrix(1, m, m)
for (i in 1:m) {
Xi <- B[, start[i]:stop[i], drop = FALSE]
r <- ncol(Xi)
for (j in 1:m) if (i != j) {
Xj <- B[, start[j]:stop[j], drop = FALSE]
R <- qr.R(qr(cbind(Xi, Xj), LAPACK = FALSE, tol = 0))[, -(1:r), drop = FALSE]
Rt <- qr.R(qr(R))
res[[1]][i, j] <- svd(forwardsolve(t(Rt), t(R[1:r, , drop = FALSE])))$d[1]^2
#beta <- b$coef[start[j]:stop[j]]
#conc[[2]][i, j] <- sum((R[1:r, , drop = FALSE] %*%
# beta)^2)/sum((Rt %*% beta)^2)
res[[2]][i, j] <- sum(R[1:r, ]^2)/sum(R^2)
rm(Xj, R, Rt)
for (i in 1:n.measures) rownames(res[[i]]) <- colnames(res[[i]]) <- c("one", cnames)
names(res) <- measure.names
data_concurvity <- function(data,
digits = 2,
type = c("estimate", "worst"), = FALSE, = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
method = c("circle","square"),
outline.color = "gray",
colors = c("blue", "white", "red"),
legend.title = "Concurvity",
ggtheme = theme_minimal(),
tl.cex = 12,
tl.col = "black", = 45,
lab = FALSE,
lab_col = "black",
lab_size = 3,
meltit <- function(mat)
rna <- rownames(mat)
lrna <- length(rna)
value <- as.vector(mat)
Var1 <- gl(length(rna), 1, length = lrna*lrna, labels=rna)
Var2 <- gl(length(rna), lrna, length = lrna*lrna, labels=rna)
daf <- na.omit(data.frame(Var1, Var2, value=value))
dimD <- dim(data)
daTa <- subset(data, select=ifelse(sapply(data,is.factor)|sapply(data,is.character)==TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
Dim <- dim(daTa)
diffDim <- dimD[2]-Dim[2]
if (diffDim > 0)
warning(cat(diffDim, 'factors have been omited from the data', "\n"))
type <- match.arg(type)
CC <- get_concurvity(daTa, full=FALSE, ...)[[type]]
CC <- base::round(x = CC, digits = digits)
if ( diag(CC) <- NA
if ( CC[lower.tri(CC)]<-NA
txt.title <- if (missing(title))
paste("Concurvity from data",deparse(substitute(data)))
else title
if (plot==FALSE) return(CC)
method <- match.arg(method)
corr <- meltit(CC)
colnames(corr) <- c("var_1", "var_2", "value")
corr$abs_corr <- abs(corr$value) * 10
p <- ggplot(data = corr,
mapping = aes_string(x = "var_1", y = "var_2", fill = "value"))
if (method == "square") {
p <- p + geom_tile(color = outline.color)
else if (method == "circle") {
p <- p + geom_point(color = outline.color, shape = 21,
aes_string(size = "abs_corr")) +
scale_size(range = c(4, 10)) +
guides(size = "none")
label <- round(x = CC, digits = digits)
p <- p + scale_fill_gradient2(low = colors[1], high = colors[3],
mid = colors[2], midpoint = 0.5, limit = c(0, 1), space = "Lab",
name = legend.title)+ggtitle(txt.title)
if (class(ggtheme)[[1]] == "function") {
p <- p + ggtheme()
else if (class(ggtheme)[[1]] == "theme") {
p <- p + ggtheme
p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle =,
vjust = 1, size = tl.cex, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = tl.cex)) +
label <- round(x = corr[, "value"], digits = digits)
if (lab) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(mapping = aes_string(x = "var_1",
y = "var_2"),
label = label, color = lab_col, size = lab_size)
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