#' @name network
#' @title Generate Haplotype Net Relationshop with Haplotype Result
#' @description computes a haplotype network with haplotype summary result
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[geneHapR:plotHapNet]{plotHapNet()}} and
#' \code{\link[geneHapR:hap_summary]{hap_summary()}}.
#' @usage
#' get_hapNet(hapSummary,
#' AccINFO = AccINFO,
#' groupName = groupName,
#' na.label = "Unknown")
#' @inherit plotHapNet examples
#' @importFrom pegas haploNet
#' @importFrom stringdist stringdist
#' @references
#' Mark P.J. van der Loo (2014)
#' \doi{10.32614/RJ-2014-011};
#' E. Paradis (2010)
#' \doi{10.1093/bioinformatics/btp696}
#' @param hapSummary object of `hapSummary` class, generated by `hap_summary()`
#' @param AccINFO data.frame, specified groups of each accession.
#' Used for pie plot. If missing, pie will not draw in plotHapNet.
#' Or you can supplied a hap_group mattrix with `plot(hapNet, pie = hap_group)`.
#' @param groupName the group name used for pie plot,
#' should be in `AccINFO` column names, default as the first column name
#' @param na.label the label of `NA`s
#' @return hapNet class
#' @export
get_hapNet <-
groupName = groupName,
na.label = "Unknown") {
if (!inherits(hapSummary, "hapSummary"))
if (inherits(hapSummary, 'hapResult'))
hapSummary <- hap_summary(hapSummary)
d <- getStringDist(hapSummary)
hapNet <- pegas::haploNet(as.haplotype(hapSummary), d)
if (!missing(AccINFO)) {
if (missing(groupName))
groupName <- colnames(AccINFO)[1]
hapGroup <- getHapGroup(hapSummary,
groupName = groupName,
na.label = na.label)
attr(hapNet, "hapGroup") <- hapGroup
class(hapNet) <- c("hapNet", "haploNet")
#' @name plotHapNet
#' @title plotHapNet
#' @importFrom graphics lines locator strheight text legend
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @param hapNet an object of class "haploNet"
#' @param size a numeric vector giving the diameter of the circles
#' representing the haplotypes: this is in the same unit than the
#' links and eventually recycled.
#' @param scale a numeric indicate the ratio of the scale of the links
#' representing the number of steps on the scale of the circles
#' representing the haplotypes or a character one of `c('log10', 'log2')`
#' indicate the scale method by `log10(size)` or `log2(size)`, respectively.
#' Default as 1
#' @param a character vector specifying the colours of the links;
#' eventually recycled.
#' @param link.width a numeric vector giving the width of the links;
#' eventually recycled.
#' @param show.mutation an integer value:
#' if 0, nothing is drawn on the links;
#' if 1, the mutations are shown with small segments on the links;
#' if 2, they are shown with small dots;
#' if 3, the number of mutations are printed on the links.
#' @param backGround a color vector with length equal to number of
#' Accession types
#' @param show_size_legend,show_color_legend wether show size or color legend
#' @param hapGroup a matrix used to draw pie charts for each haplotype;
#' its number of rows must be equal to the number of haplotypes
#' @param cex character expansion factor relative to current par("cex")
#' @param cex.legend same as `cex`, but for text in legend
#' @param scale a numeric indicate the ratio of the scale of the links
#' representing the number of steps on the scale of the circles
#' representing the haplotypes or a character one of `c('log10', 'log2')`
#' indicate the scale method by `log10(size)` or `log2(size)`, respectively.
#' Default as 1
#' @param legend a logical specifying whether to draw the legend,
#' or a vector of length two giving the coordinates where to draw the legend;
#' `FALSE` by default.
#' If `TRUE`, the user is asked to click where to draw the legend.
#' @param labels a logical specifying whether to identify the haplotypes
#' with their labels (default as TRUE)
#' @param ... other parameters will pass to `plot` function
#' @inheritParams graphics::title
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[geneHapR:hap_summary]{hap_summary()}} and
#' \code{\link[geneHapR:get_hapNet]{get_hapNet()}}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("geneHapR_test")
#' hapSummary <- hap_summary(hapResult)
#' # calculate haploNet
#' hapNet <- get_hapNet(hapSummary,
#' AccINFO = AccINFO, # accession types
#' groupName = colnames(AccINFO)[2])
#' # plot haploNet
#' plot(hapNet)
#' # plot haploNet
#' plotHapNet(hapNet,
#' size = "freq", # circle size
#' scale = "log10", # scale circle with 'log10(size + 1)'
#' cex = 1, # size of hap symbol
#' = 2, # link colors
#' link.width = 2, # link widths
#' show.mutation = 2, # mutation types one of c(0,1,2,3)
#' legend = FALSE) # legend position
#' }
#' @return No return value
#' @export
#' @param pie.lim A numeric vector define the maximum and minmum pie size,
#' which will be avoid the pie to samll or too large
#' @details
#' Additional parameters control the network features:
#' labels.cex = 1,
#' labels.font = 2,
#' link.color = "black",
#' link.type = 1,
#' link.type.alt = 2,
#' link.width = 1,
#' link.width.alt = 1,
#' altlinks = TRUE,
#' threshold = c(1,2),
#' haplotype.inner.color = "white",
#' haplotype.outer.color = "black",
#' mutations.cex = 1,
#' mutations.font = 1,
#' mutations.frame.background = "#0000FF4D",
#' mutations.frame.border = "black",
#' mutations.text.color = 1,
#' mutations.arrow.color = "black",
#' mutations.arrow.type = "triangle",
#' mutations.sequence.color = "#BFBFBF4D",
#' mutations.sequence.end = "round",
#' mutations.sequence.length = 0.3,
#' mutations.sequence.width = 5,
#' pie.inner.segments.color = "black",
#' pie.colors.function = rainbow,
#' scale.ratio = 1,
#' show.mutation = 2
#' The alter links could be eliminated by set the 'threshold' to 0 or set 'altlinks' as FALSE.
#' @param labels.col the labels color
#' @param labels.adj a named list contains two length vectors defining the adjustment of labels.
#' The names should be exactly matched with the haplotype names.
#' default as NULL.
#' @param labels.cex the size of labels
#' @param legend_version the size legened style, default as 0
#' @param labels.font the font of labels, default as 2
plotHapNet <- function(hapNet,
size = "freq",
scale = 1,
cex = 0.8,
cex.legend = 0.6, = 1,
link.width = 1,
show.mutation = 2,
backGround = backGround,
hapGroup = hapGroup,
legend = FALSE,
show_size_legend = TRUE,
show_color_legend = TRUE,
pie.lim = c(0.5, 2),
main = main,
labels = TRUE,
legend_version = 0,
labels.cex = 0.8, labels.col = "blue",
labels.adj = NULL, labels.font = 2,
...) {
if (! (inherits(hapNet, "haploNet") | inherits(hapNet, "hapNet")))
stop("'hapNet' must be of 'hapNet' class")
if (missing(hapGroup))
hapGroup <- attr(hapNet, "hapGroup")
if (size == "freq")
size <- attr(hapNet, "freq")
if (!is.numeric(size))
stop("'size' should be 'freq' or a numeric vector")
if (is.numeric(scale)){ <- size/scale
} else if(scale == "log10"){ <- log10(size + 1)
} else if(scale == "log2"){ <- log2(size + 1)
} else {
warning("Scale should be one of 'log10' or 'log2' or a numeric, ",
"scale will reset as 1")
if(length(unique( > 1){ <- max( - min( <- min( <- ( - / *
abs(diff(pie.lim)) + min(pie.lim)
} else <- pie.lim
if (!is.null(hapGroup)) {
if (missing(backGround))
backGround <- OPTS$pie.colors.function
hapNet, =,
size =,
cex = cex,
show.mutation = show.mutation,
lwd = link.width,
bg = backGround,
pie = hapGroup,
labels = labels,
labels.cex = labels.cex, labels.col = labels.col,
labels.adj = labels.adj, labels.font = labels.font,
} else {
if (missing(backGround))
backGround <- "grey90"
hapNet, =,
bg = backGround,
size =,
cex = cex,
show.mutation = show.mutation,
lwd = link.width,
labels = labels,
labels.cex = labels.cex, labels.col = labels.col,
labels.adj = labels.adj, labels.font = labels.font,
# add legend
# get position
if (is.logical(legend)) {
cat("Click where you want to draw the legend.")
xy <- unlist(locator(1))
cat("\nThe coordinates x = ", xy[1],
", y = ", xy[2], " are used\n", sep = "")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(legend) || length(legend) < 2)
stop("wrong coordinates of legend")
xy <- legend
# add size legend
SZ <- unique(size) <- unique(
if (length(SZ) > 1) {
# calculate size legend <- (min( + max( * 0.5 <- (min( + * 0.5 <- ( + max( * 0.5 <- unique(c(min(,,,,
if(is.numeric(scale)) SZ <- * scale else
SZ <- switch (scale,
"log10" = 10^ - 1,
"log2" = 2^ - 1) <- ( - / *
abs(diff(pie.lim)) + min(pie.lim)
SZ <- ceiling(SZ)
if(legend_version == 1){
#### size legend V1 ####
if (length(SZ) > 0) {
# plot size legend
SHIFT <- max(
vspace <- strheight(" ", cex = cex.legend)
hspace <- strwidth(" ", cex = cex.legend)
for ( in {
seqx <- seq(,, length.out = 150)
seqy <- sqrt((^2 - seqx^2)
seqx <- c(seqx, rev(seqx))
seqy <- c(seqy, -seqy)
xy[2] <- xy[2] - max(seqy)
lines(seqx + SHIFT / 2 + xy[1], xy[2] + seqy)
text(xy[1] + SHIFT + hspace * 2,
xy[2] + seqy[150],
adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex.legend)
xy[2] <- xy[2] - max(seqy) - vspace
xy[2] <- xy[2] - 0.5 * vspace
#### size legend V1 End####
} else {
#### size legend V0 ####
# draw size legend
if (length(SZ) > 1) {
SZ <- c(SZ, 0) <- c(, 0)
SHIFT <- max( * 0.5
vspace <- strheight(" ")
for ( in {
seqx <- seq(, 0, length.out = 100)
seqy <- sqrt((^2 - seqx^2)
seqx <- seqx + xy[1] + SHIFT
seqy <- xy[2] + seqy - SHIFT
lines(seqx, seqy)
if( == 0) next
text(seqx[100], seqy[100], SZ[match(,], adj = c(-0.1, 0.5), cex = cex.legend)
xy[2] <- xy[2] - SHIFT - vspace
#### size legend V0 End ####
# add color legend
if (!is.null(hapGroup)) {
nc <- ncol(hapGroup)
co <- if (is.function(backGround)) backGround(nc) else
rep(backGround, length.out = nc)
x = xy[1],
y = xy[2],
legend = colnames(hapGroup),
fill = co,
cex = cex.legend
# Add title
title(main = main)
#' @name ashaplotype
#' @title as.haplotype
#' @usage
#' as.haplotype(hap)
#' @description convert `hapSummary` or `hapResult` class into `haplotype` class (pegas)
#' @note It's not advised for `hapSummary` or `hapResult` with indels, due to indels will
#' convert to SNPs with equal length of each indel.
#' @importFrom ape as.DNAbin
#' @examples
#' data("geneHapR_test")
#' hap <- as.haplotype(hapResult)
#' hapSummary <- hap_summary(hapResult)
#' hap <- as.haplotype(hapSummary)
#' @param hap object of `hapSummary` or `hapResult` class
#' @return haplotype class
#' @export
as.haplotype <- function(hap) {
if (!inherits(hap, "hapSummary"))
if (inherits(hap, 'hapResult'))
hap <- hap_summary(hap)
# get freq
freq <- hap$freq
names(freq) <- hap$Hap
freq <- freq[!]
# get hap mattrix
hapDNAset <- hap2string(hap = hap, type = "DNA")
hapBin <- ape::as.DNAbin(hapDNAset)
hapmatt <- unlist(as.character(as.matrix(hapBin)))
# set as haplotype
class(hapmatt) <- c("haplotype", "character")
rownames(hapmatt) <- names(freq)
N <- nrow(hapmatt)
attr(hapmatt, "index") <-
lapply(1:N, function(i)
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_pad str_length
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
hap2string <- function(hap, type = "DNA") {
colNms <- colnames(hap)
if ("Accession" %in% colNms)
hap <- hap[, colnames(hap) != 'Accession']
if ("freq" %in% colNms)
hap <- hap[, colnames(hap) != 'freq']
if (nrow(hap) <= 5)
stop("There is only one Hap ?")
meta <- hap[1:4, ]
hap <- hap[5:nrow(hap), ]
ALLELE <- meta[meta[, 1] == "ALLELE", ]
# padding multiallelic indel sites
if (type == "DNA") {
multi_probe <- is.indel.allele(ALLELE)
for (c in seq_len(ncol(hap))) {
if (multi_probe[c]) {
if (stringr::str_sub(ALLELE[c], 2, 2) == "/")
side = "right"
side = "left"
maxLen <- max(stringr::str_length(hap[, c]))
hap[, c] <- stringr::str_pad(hap[, c],
width = maxLen,
side = side,
pad = "-")
# conneting strings
DNASeqs <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(hap)),
paste0(hap[i, -1], collapse = ""))
names(DNASeqs) <- hap$Hap
hapString <-
Biostrings::DNAStringSet(DNASeqs, use.names = T, start = 1)
} else {
for (c in 2:ncol(hap)) {
ALc <- ALLELE[c]
ALs <- unlist(stringr::str_split(ALc, "[,/]"))
ALn <- LETTERS[seq_len(length(ALs))]
names(ALn) <- ALs
hap[, c] <- ALn[hap[, c]]
hapString <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(hap)),
paste0(hap[i, -1], collapse = ""))
names(hapString) <- hap$Hap
#' @importFrom stringdist stringdist
getStringDist <- function(hapSummary) {
hapStrings <- hap2string(hapSummary, type = "LETTER")
n <- names(hapStrings)
l <- length(hapStrings)
d <- matrix(nrow = l,
ncol = l,
dimnames = list(n, n))
for (i in seq_len(length(hapStrings))) {
for (j in seq_len(length(hapStrings))) {
d[i, j] <- stringdist::stringdist(hapStrings[i],
method = "lv")
d <- d[lower.tri(d)]
attr(d, "Size") <- l
attr(d, "Labels") <- n
attr(d, "method") <- "lv"
attr(d, "Diag") <- attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
class(d) <- "dist"
#' @name network
#' @export
getHapGroup <- function(hapSummary,
groupName = groupName,
na.label = na.label) {
if (missing(groupName))
groupName <- colnames(AccINFO)[1]
if (missing(na.label))
na.label <- "Unknown"
hap <- hapSummary
# get indvidual group number of each hap
accs.hap <- attr(hap, "hap2acc") <- row.names(AccINFO)
probe <- accs.hap %in%
haps <- names(accs.hap)
infos <- AccINFO[accs.hap, groupName]
infos[] <- na.label
acc.infos <- data.frame(Hap = haps, Type = infos)
if(FALSE %in% probe){
l <- table(probe)["FALSE"]
l <- ifelse(l >= 3, 3, l)
" accession(s) not in 'AccINFO', eg.: ",
paste(accs.hap[!probe][seq_len(l)], collapse = ", "))
message("Type of those accessions will be assigned ", na.label)
table(hap = acc.infos$Hap, group = acc.infos$Type))
haploNetPloter <- function(x, size = 1, col, bg,, lwd, lty,
# pie.lim = c(0.5, 2),
shape = "circles", pie = NULL, labels, font, cex,
scale.ratio, asp = 1, fast = FALSE, altlinks = TRUE,
show.mutation = 2, threshold = c(1, 2), xy = NULL,
labels.cex = labels.cex, labels.col = 2,
labels.adj = NULL,labels.font = 2, ...)
if (missing(col)) col <- OPTS$haplotype.outer.color
if (missing(bg)) {
bg <- if (is.null(pie)) OPTS$haplotype.inner.color else OPTS$pie.colors.function
if (missing( <- OPTS$link.color
if (missing(lwd)) lwd <- OPTS$link.width
if (missing(lty)) lty <- OPTS$link.type
if (missing(labels)) labels <- OPTS$labels
if (missing(labels.font)) labels.font <- OPTS$labels.font
if (missing(cex)) cex <- OPTS$labels.cex
if (missing(scale.ratio)) scale.ratio <- OPTS$scale.ratio
if (missing(show.mutation)) show.mutation <- OPTS$show.mutation
if (threshold[1] == 0 & length(threshold) == 1) altlinks <- FALSE
SHAPES <- c(c = "circles", s = "squares", d = "diamonds")
shape <- SHAPES[substr(tolower(shape), 1L, 1L)]
## par(xpd = TRUE) # normalement plus utile...
link <- x[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
l1 <- x[, 1]
l2 <- x[, 2]
ld <- x[, 3] * scale.ratio
tab <- tabulate(link)
n <- length(tab)
show.mutation <- as.integer(show.mutation)
## adjust 'ld' wrt the size of the symbols:
size <- rep(size, length.out = n)
# if(length(unique(size)) > 1)
# size <- (size - min(size)) / (max(size) - min(size)) *
# abs(diff(pie.lim)) + min(pie.lim)
ld <- ld + (size[l1] + size[l2])/2
if (!is.null(xy)) {
xx <- xy$x
yy <- xy$y
fast <- TRUE
} else {
if (n < 3) {
xx <- c(-ld, ld)/2
yy <- rep(0, 2)
fast <- TRUE
} else {
xx <- yy <- angle <- theta <- r <- numeric(n)
avlb <- !logical(length(ld))
H <- vector("list", n) # the list of hierarchy of nodes...
## the recursive function to allocate quadrants
foo <- function(i) {
j <- integer() # indices of the haplotypes linked to 'i'
for (ii in 1:2) { # look at both columns
ll <- which(link[, ii] == i & avlb)
if (length(ll)) {
newj <- link[ll, -ii]
r[newj] <<- ld[ll]
j <- c(j, newj)
avlb[ll] <<- FALSE
if (nlink <- length(j)) {
H[[i]] <<- j
start <- theta[i] - angle[i]/2
by <- angle[i]/nlink
theta[j] <<- seq(start, by = by, length.out = nlink)
angle[j] <<- by
xx[j] <<- r[j] * cos(theta[j]) + xx[i]
yy[j] <<- r[j] * sin(theta[j]) + yy[i]
for (ii in j) foo(ii)
## start with the haplotype with the most links:
central <- which.max(tab)
angle[central] <- 2*pi
if (!fast) {
fCollect <- function(i) {
## find all nodes to move simultaneously
ii <- H[[i]]
if (!is.null(ii)) {
j <<- c(j, ii)
for (jj in ii) fCollect(jj)
## NOTE: moving this function outside of the body of plot.haploNet() is not more efficient
energy <- function(xx, yy) {
## First, check line crossings
nlink <- length(l1)
## rounding makes it work better (why???)
x0 <- round(xx[l1])
y0 <- round(yy[l1])
x1 <- round(xx[l2])
y1 <- round(yy[l2])
## compute all the slopes and intercepts:
beta <- (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
if (any( return(Inf)
intp <- y0 - beta*x0
for (i in 1:(nlink - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nlink) {
## in case they are parallel:
if (beta[i] == beta[j]) next
## if both lines are vertical:
if (abs(beta[i]) == Inf && abs(beta[j]) == Inf) next
## now find the point where both lines cross
if (abs(beta[i]) == Inf) { # in case the 1st line is vertical...
xi <- x0[i]
yi <- beta[j]*xi + intp[j]
} else if (abs(beta[j]) == Inf) { # ... or the 2nd one
xi <- x0[j]
yi <- beta[i]*xi + intp[i]
} else {
xi <- (intp[j] - intp[i])/(beta[i] - beta[j])
yi <- beta[i]*xi + intp[i]
xi <- round(xi) # rounding as above
yi <- round(yi)
if (x0[i] < x1[i]) {
if (xi <= x0[i] || xi >= x1[i]) next
} else {
if (xi >= x0[i] || xi <= x1[i]) next
if (y0[i] < y1[i]) {
if (yi <= y0[i] || yi >= y1[i]) next
} else {
if (yi >= y0[i] || yi <= y1[i]) next
## if we reach here, the intersection point is on
## the 1st segment, check if it is on the 2nd one
if (x0[j] < x1[j]) {
if (xi <= x0[j] || xi >= x1[j]) next
} else {
if (xi >= x0[j] || xi <= x1[j]) next
if (y0[i] < y1[j]) {
if (yi <= y0[j] || yi >= y1[j]) next
} else {
if (yi >= y0[j] || yi <= y1[j]) next
D <- dist(cbind(xx, yy))
sum(1/c(D)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
Rotation <- function(rot, i, beta) {
## rot: indices of the nodes to rotate
## i: index of the node connected to 'rot' (= fixed rotation point)
xx.rot <- xx[rot] - xx[i]
yy.rot <- yy[rot] - yy[i]
theta <- atan2(yy.rot, xx.rot) + beta
h <- sqrt(xx.rot^2 + yy.rot^2)
new.xx[rot] <<- h*cos(theta) + xx[i]
new.yy[rot] <<- h*sin(theta) + yy[i]
OptimizeRotation <- function(node, rot) {
## test the direction 1st
inc <- pi/90
Rotation(rot, node, inc)
new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)
if (new.E >= E) {
inc <- -inc
Rotation(rot, node, inc)
new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)
while (new.E < E) {
xx <<- new.xx
yy <<- new.yy
E <<- new.E
Rotation(rot, node, inc)
new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)
E <- energy(xx, yy)
new.xx <- xx
new.yy <- yy
nextOnes <- NULL
for (i in H[[central]][-1]) {
## collect the nodes descending from 'i':
j <- NULL # j must be initialized before calling fCollect
rot <- c(i, j) # index of the nodes that will be moved
OptimizeRotation(central, rot)
nextOnes <- c(nextOnes, i)
while (!is.null(nextOnes)) {
newNodes <- nextOnes
nextOnes <- NULL
for (i in newNodes) {
if (is.null(H[[i]])) next
for (j in H[[i]]) {
rot <- j
OptimizeRotation(i, rot)
nextOnes <- c(nextOnes, rot)
# .setWindow4haploNet(xx, yy, size, asp)
setWindow4haploNet(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
## draw links
segments(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], lwd = lwd,
lty = lty, col =
# mark the mutants
if (show.mutation) {
if (show.mutation == 1 && all(x[, 3] < 1)) {
warning("link lengths < 1: cannot use the default for 'show.mutation' (changed to 3)")
show.mutation <- 2
labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, link, x[, 3], size, lwd,,
show.mutation, scale.ratio)
## draw alternative links
altlink <- attr(x, "alter.links")
if (!is.null(altlink) && !identical(as.numeric(threshold), 0))
drawAlternativeLinks(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio)
} else altlink <- NULL
######Change this to plot circle and label one by one #####
drawSymbolsHaploNet(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)
if (labels) {
labels <- attr(x, "labels") # for export below
##### Add a function to judge the link angles and choose the position for label #####
for (i in seq_len(length(labels))){
# get the links
linki <- link[link[,1] == i, ]
linki <- rbind(linki, link[link[,2] == i, c(2,1)])
prob <- if(length(threshold) == 1 & threshold[1] != 0) TRUE else FALSE
if(prob | length(threshold) == 2 | altlinks){
s <- altlink[, 3] >= threshold[1] & altlink[, 3] <= threshold[2]
linki <- rbind(linki, altlink[s,c(1,2)])
label.adj <- getAutoAdj(xx, yy, linki)
if(label.adj[1] == 0) 0 else label.adj[1]/abs(label.adj[1])
if(label.adj[2] == 0) 0 else label.adj[2]/abs(label.adj[2])
xxi <- xx[i] + (label.adj[1]) * size[i]/2 +
strwidth(labels[i], cex = cex)/2 * is.p(label.adj[1])
yyi <- yy[i] + (label.adj[2]) * size[i]/2 +
strheight(labels[i], cex = cex)/2 * is.p(label.adj[2])
text(xxi, yyi,
labels[i], font = labels.font,
cex = labels.cex, col = labels.col)
} else {
# if(length(labels.adj) != length(labels))
# stop("length of 'labels.adj' should equal with ", length(labels))
text(xx[i], yy[i], labels[i], font = labels.font,
cex = labels.cex, col = labels.col,
adj = labels.adj[[labels[i]]])
##### Add a function to judge the link angles and choose the position for label End #####
######Change this to plot circle and label one by one End#####
drawSymbolsHaploNet <- function(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)
nopie <- is.null(pie)
if (identical(shape, "circles") && nopie) {
## the only case with vectorised arguments
symbols(xx, yy, circles = size / 2, inches = FALSE,
add = TRUE, fg = col, bg = bg)
} else {
n <- length(xx) # nb of nodes
size <- rep(size, length.out = n)
col <- rep(col, length.out = n)
bg <- if (!nopie && is.function(bg)) bg(ncol(pie)) else rep(bg, length.out = ifelse(nopie, n, ncol(pie)))
## 'bg' should always be a vector of colours
shape <- rep(shape, length.out = n)
for (i in 1:n)
"circles" = circle,
"squares" = square,
"diamonds" = diamond)(xx[i], yy[i], size[i], col[i], pie[i, ], if (nopie) bg[i] else bg)
drawAlternativeLinks <- function(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio)
s <- altlink[, 3] >= threshold[1] & altlink[, 3] <= threshold[2]
if (!any(s)) return(NULL)
xa0 <- xx[altlink[s, 1]]
ya0 <- yy[altlink[s, 1]]
xa1 <- xx[altlink[s, 2]]
ya1 <- yy[altlink[s, 2]]
segments(xa0, ya0, xa1, ya1, col = "grey", lty = 2)
if (show.mutation) {
n <- length(xx)
labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, altlink[s, 1:2, drop = FALSE],
altlink[s, 3, drop = FALSE], rep(1, n),
1, "black", show.mutation, scale.ratio)
#' @importFrom ape floating.pie.asp
circle <- function(x, y, size, col = "black", pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
if (is.null(pie)) {
symbols(x, y, circles = size / 2, inches = FALSE,
add = TRUE, fg = col, bg = bg)
} else {
op <- par(fg = OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color)
floating.pie.asp(x, y, pie, radius = size / 2, col = bg)
squarePegas <- function(x, y, size, pie = NULL)
l <- size * sqrt(pi) / 4
left <- x - l
bottom <- y - l
right <- x + l
top <- y + l
res <- list(c(left, bottom, right, top))
if (is.null(pie)) return(res)
n <- length(pie)
pie <- pie / sum(pie)
m <- matrix(NA_real_, 4, n)
area <- l * l * 4
y2 <- top
x1 <- left
x2 <- right
for (i in 1:n) {
if (TOP) {
y1 <- y2 - pie[i] * area / (x2 - x1)
} else {
x2 <- pie[i] * area / (y2 - y1) + x1
m[, i] <- c(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if (TOP) {
y2 <- y1
y1 <- bottom
} else {
x1 <- x2
x2 <- right
c(res, list(m))
square <- function(x, y, size, col, pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
XY <- squarePegas(x, y, size, pie = pie)
border <- OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color
if (!is.null(pie)) {
for (i in seq_along(pie)) {
s <- XY[[2]][, i]
rect(s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], col = bg[i], border = border)
bg <- NULL # for the call to rect() below
s <- XY[[1]]
rect(s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], col = bg, border = border)
rotateSquares <- function(XY)
ROT <- pi / 4
foo <- function(rec) {
x <- rec[c(1, 3, 3, 1)] - x0
y <- rec[c(2, 2, 4, 4)] - y0
tmp <- rect2polar(x, y)
o <- polar2rect(tmp$r, tmp$angle + ROT)
o$x <- o$x + x0
o$y <- o$y + y0
rec <- XY[[1]]
x0 <- (rec[1] + rec[3]) / 2
y0 <- (rec[2] + rec[4]) / 2
res <- list(foo(rec))
if (length(XY) > 1)
res[[2]] <- apply(XY[[2]], 2, foo)
diamond <- function(x, y, size, col, pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
XY <- squarePegas(x, y, size, pie = pie)
XY <- rotateSquares(XY)
border <- OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color
if (!is.null(pie)) {
for (i in seq_along(pie)) {
xy <- XY[[2]][[i]]
polygon(xy$x, xy$y, col = bg[i], border = border)
bg <- NULL # for the call to polygon() below
xy <- XY[[1]]
polygon(xy$x, xy$y, border = border, col = bg)
## set the (empty) graphic window before plotting the network
setWindow4haploNet <- function(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
dots <- list(...)
noxlim <- noylim <- TRUE
if (length(dots)) {
## find the bounding box unless xlim and/or ylim given
if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) noxlim <- FALSE
if ("ylim" %in% names(dots)) noylim <- FALSE
half.size <- size / 2
if (noxlim) dots$xlim <- c(min(xx - half.size), max(xx + half.size))
if (noylim) dots$ylim <- c(min(yy - half.size), max(yy + half.size))
dots$x <- NA
dots$type <- dots$bty <- "n"
dots$ann <- dots$axes <- FALSE
dots$asp <- asp, dots)
mutationRug <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, n, deltaRadii, space = 0.05, length = 0.2)
## convert inches into user-coordinates:
l <- xinch(length)
sp <- xinch(space)
for (i in seq_along(x0)) {
xstart <- seq(-(sp*(n[i] - 1))/2, by = sp, length.out = n[i])
ystart <- rep(-l/2, n[i])
xstop <- xstart
ystop <- -ystart
## rotation if the line is not horizontal
if (y0[i] != y1[i]) {
theta <- atan2(y1[i] - y0[i], x1[i] - x0[i])
tmpstart <- rect2polar(xstart, ystart)
tmpstop <- rect2polar(xstop, ystop)
Rstart <- tmpstart$r
Rstop <- tmpstop$r
THETAstart <- tmpstart$angle + theta
THETAstop <- tmpstop$angle + theta
xy.start <- polar2rect(Rstart, THETAstart)
xy.stop <- polar2rect(Rstop, THETAstop)
xstart <- xy.start$x
ystart <- xy.start$y
xstop <- xy.stop$x
ystop <- xy.stop$y
## translation:
if (deltaRadii[i] == 0) {
xm <- (x0[i] + x1[i]) / 2
ym <- (y0[i] + y1[i]) / 2
} else {
## see explanations below
li <- sqrt((x0[i] - x1[i])^2 + (y0[i] - y1[i])^2)
w0 <- 1 / (li - deltaRadii[i] / 2)
w1 <- 1 / (li + deltaRadii[i] / 2)
sumw <- w0 + w1
xm <- (x0[i] * w0 + x1[i] * w1) / sumw
ym <- (y0[i] * w0 + y1[i] * w1) / sumw
xstart <- xstart + xm
ystart <- ystart + ym
xstop <- xstop + xm
ystop <- ystop + ym
segments(xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop)
labelSegmentsHaploNet <- function(xx, yy, link, step, size, lwd,, method, scale.ratio)
### method: the way the segments are labelled
### 1: small segments
### 2: Klaus's method
### 3: show the number of mutations on each link
l1 <- link[, 1]
l2 <- link[, 2]
switch(method, {
mutationRug(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], step, size[l2] - size[l1])
}, {
ld1 <- step
ld2 <- step * scale.ratio
for (i in seq_along(ld1)) {
pc <- ((1:ld1[i]) / (ld1[i] + 1) * ld2[i] + size[l1[i]]/2) / (ld2[i] + (size[l1[i]] + size[l2[i]])/2)
xr <- pc * (xx[l2[i]] - xx[l1[i]]) + xx[l1[i]]
yr <- pc * (yy[l2[i]] - yy[l1[i]]) + yy[l1[i]]
symbols(xr, yr, circles = rep(lwd/15, length(xr)), inches = FALSE,
add = TRUE, fg =, bg =
}, {
x0 <- xx[l1]
x1 <- xx[l2]
y0 <- yy[l1]
y1 <- yy[l2]
x <- (x0 + x1) / 2
y <- (y0 + y1) / 2
deltaRadii <- size[l2] - size[l1]
if (any(s <- deltaRadii != 0)) {
### if there are links between symbols of different size: need to place the
### annotation in the middle of the "visible" part of the link. We do that
### with a weighting mean of the coordinates (simpler to calculate than
### trogonometric formulas). We do that only for the different sized symbols.
s <- which(s)
## lengths between each pair of nodes:
l <- sqrt((x0[s] - x1[s])^2 + (y0[s] - y1[s])^2)
## difference in radii (keep in mind that 'size' are diameters,
## so we need to divide by 2):
deltaRadii <- deltaRadii[s] / 2
## weights for the mean:
w0 <- 1 / (l - deltaRadii)
w1 <- 1 / (l + deltaRadii)
sumw <- w0 + w1
x[s] <- (x0[s] * w0 + x1[s] * w1) / sumw
y[s] <- (y0[s] * w0 + y1[s] * w1) / sumw
BOTHlabels(step, NULL, x, y, c(0.5, 0.5), "rect", NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, "black", "lightgrey", FALSE, NULL, NULL)
is.p <- function(x) if(x == 0) 0 else x/abs(x)
getAutoAdj <- function(xx, yy, linki){
quas <- c()
for(m in seq_len(nrow(linki))){
xyori <- c(xx[linki[m, 1]], yy[linki[m, 1]])
xytar <- c(xx[linki[m, 2]], yy[linki[m, 2]])
xyd <- xytar - xyori
# Quadrant
p.qua1 <- xyd[1] >= 0
p.qua2 <- xyd[2] >= 0
qua <- if(abs(xyd[1]) >= abs(xyd[2])) {
if(p.qua1 && p.qua2) 1 else
if(!p.qua1 && p.qua2) 4 else
if(!p.qua1 && !p.qua2) 5 else
if(p.qua1 && !p.qua2) 8
} else { if(p.qua1 && p.qua2) 2 else
if(!p.qua1 && p.qua2) 3 else
if(!p.qua1 && !p.qua2) 6 else
if(p.qua1 && !p.qua2) 7
quas <- c(quas, qua)
adjs <- list("1" = c(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)), "2" = c(0,1),
"3" = c(-1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)), "4" = c(-1,0),
"5" = c(-1/sqrt(2),-1/sqrt(2)), "6" = c(0,-1),
"7" = c(1/sqrt(2),-1/sqrt(2)), "8" = c(1,0))
res <- setdiff(c(1:8),quas)
res <- res[order(res)]
p <- if(1 %in% diff(res)) {
res[which(diff(res) == 1)[1]]
} else if(all(c(1,8) %in% res)) 8 else 1
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