
Defines functions filter_state numbers_only check_connection load_gpkg download_gpkg download_metadata select_metadata select_year_input select_data_type

Documented in check_connection download_gpkg download_metadata filter_state load_gpkg numbers_only select_data_type select_metadata select_year_input

############# Support functions for geobr
# nocov start

#' Select data type: 'original' or 'simplified' (default)
#' @param temp_meta A dataframe with the file_url addresses of geobr datasets
#' @param simplified Logical TRUE or FALSE indicating  whether the function returns the 'original' dataset with high resolution or a dataset with 'simplified' borders (Defaults to TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
select_data_type <- function(temp_meta, simplified=NULL){

  if (!is.logical(simplified)) { stop(paste0("Argument 'simplified' needs to be either TRUE or FALSE")) }

    temp_meta <- temp_meta[  grepl(pattern="simplified", temp_meta$download_path), ]

    temp_meta <- temp_meta[  !(grepl(pattern="simplified", temp_meta$download_path)), ]


#' Select year input
#' @param temp_meta A dataframe with the file_url addresses of geobr datasets
#' @param y Year of the dataset (passed by red_ function)
#' @keywords internal
select_year_input <- function(temp_meta, y=year){

  # NULL
  if (is.null(y)){  stop(paste0("Error: Invalid Value to argument 'year/date'. It must be one of the following: ",
                                   paste(unique(temp_meta$year),collapse = " "))) }

  # invalid input
  else if (y %in% temp_meta$year){ message(paste0("Using year/date ", y))
                                  temp_meta <- subset(temp_meta, year == y)
                                  return(temp_meta) }

  # invalid input
  else { stop(paste0("Error: Invalid Value to argument 'year/date'. It must be one of the following: ",
                         paste(unique(temp_meta$year), collapse = " ")))

#' Select metadata
#' @param geography Which geography will be downloaded.
#' @param simplified Logical TRUE or FALSE indicating  whether the function
#'        returns the 'original' dataset with high resolution or a dataset with
#'        'simplified' borders (Defaults to TRUE).
#' @param year Year of the dataset (passed by read_ function).
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples \dontrun{ if (interactive()) {
#' library(geobr)
#' df <- download_metadata()
#' }}
select_metadata <- function(geography, year=NULL, simplified=NULL){

# download metadata
  metadata <- download_metadata()

  # check if download failed
  if (is.null(metadata)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }

  # Select geo
  temp_meta <- subset(metadata, geo == geography)

  # Select year input
  temp_meta <- select_year_input(temp_meta, y=year)

  # Select data type
  temp_meta <- select_data_type(temp_meta, simplified=simplified)


#' Support function to download metadata internally used in geobr
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples \dontrun{ if (interactive()) {
#' df <- download_metadata()
#' }}
download_metadata <- function(){ # nocov start

  # create tempfile to save metadata
  tempf <- file.path(tempdir(), "metadata_gpkg.csv")

  # IF metadata has already been successfully downloaded
  if (file.exists(tempf) & file.info(tempf)$size != 0) {

  } else {

    # TRY 1: download metadata to temp file
    metadata_link <- 'https://github.com/ipeaGIT/geobr/releases/download/v1.7.0/metadata_1.7.0_gpkg.csv'
    try( silent = TRUE,
         httr::GET(url= metadata_link, httr::write_disk(tempf, overwrite = TRUE))

    # TRY 2: if download failed, try again using backup link
    if (!file.exists(tempf) | file.info(tempf)$size == 0) {
      metadata_link <- 'https://www.ipea.gov.br/geobr/metadata/metadata_1.7.0_gpkg.csv'
      try( silent = TRUE,
           httr::GET(url= metadata_link, httr::write_disk(tempf, overwrite = TRUE))

    # if everything fails, return NULL
    if (!file.exists(tempf) | file.info(tempf)$size == 0) { return(invisible(NULL)) }


  # read metadata
  # metadata <- data.table::fread(tempf, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  metadata <- utils::read.csv(tempf, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  # check if data was read Ok
  if (nrow(metadata)==0) {
    message("A file must have been corrupted during download. Please restart your R session and download the data again.")

} # nocov end

#' Download geopackage to tempdir
#' @param file_url A string with the file_url address of a geobr dataset
#' @param progress_bar Logical. Defaults to (TRUE) display progress bar
#' @keywords internal
download_gpkg <- function(file_url, progress_bar = showProgress){

  if (!is.logical(progress_bar)) { stop("'showProgress' must be of type 'logical'") }

  # get backup links
  filenames <- basename(file_url)
  file_url2 <- paste0('https://github.com/ipeaGIT/geobr/releases/download/v1.7.0/', filenames)

## one single file

  if (length(file_url)==1) {

    # location of temp_file
    temps <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", unlist(lapply(strsplit(file_url,"/"),tail,n=1L)))

    # check if file has not been downloaded already. If not, download it
    if (!file.exists(temps) | file.info(temps)$size == 0) {

    # test connection with server1
    try(silent = TRUE,
        check_con <- check_connection(file_url[1], silent = TRUE)

    # if server1 fails, replace url and test connection with server2
    if (is.null(check_con) | isFALSE(check_con)) {
#      message('Using Github') # debug
      file_url <- file_url2
      check_con <- try(silent = TRUE, check_connection(file_url[1], silent = FALSE))
      if(is.null(check_con) | isFALSE(check_con)){ return(invisible(NULL)) }

    # download data
    try( httr::GET(url=file_url,
                   httr::write_disk(temps, overwrite = T),
                   config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE)
                   ), silent = TRUE)

    # if anything fails, return NULL
    if (any(!file.exists(temps) | file.info(temps)$size == 0)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }

    # load gpkg to memory
    temp_sf <- load_gpkg(temps)

## multiple files

  else if(length(file_url) > 1) {

    # location of all temp_files
    temps <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", unlist(lapply(strsplit(file_url,"/"),tail,n=1L)))

    # count number of files that have NOT been downloaded already
    number_of_files <- sum( (!file.exists(temps) | file.info(temps)$size == 0) )

    # IF there is any file to download, then download them
    if ( number_of_files > 0 ){

      # test connection with server1
      try(silent = TRUE,
          check_con <- check_connection(file_url[1], silent = TRUE)

      # if server1 fails, replace url and test connection with server2
      if (is.null(check_con) | isFALSE(check_con)) {
        file_url <- file_url2
        check_con <- try(silent = TRUE, check_connection(file_url[1], silent = FALSE))
        if(is.null(check_con) | isFALSE(check_con)){ return(invisible(NULL)) }

      # input for progress bar
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = number_of_files, style = 3)

      # download files
      lapply(X=file_url, function(x){

        # get location of temp_file
        temps <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", unlist(lapply(strsplit(x,"/"),tail,n=1L)))

        # check if file has not been downloaded already. If not, download it
        if (!file.exists(temps) | file.info(temps)$size == 0) {
          i <- match(c(x),file_url)
          try( httr::GET(url=x, #httr::progress(),
                         httr::write_disk(temps, overwrite = T),
                         config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE)
          ), silent = TRUE)

          if(isTRUE(progress_bar)){ utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) }

      # closing progress bar

    # if anything fails, return NULL
    temps <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", unlist(lapply(strsplit(file_url,"/"),tail,n=1L)))
    if (any(!file.exists(temps) | file.info(temps)$size == 0)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }

    # load gpkg
    temp_sf <- load_gpkg(temps) #


#' Load geopackage from tempdir to global environment
#' @param temps The address of a gpkg file stored in tempdir. Defaults to NULL
#' @keywords internal
load_gpkg <- function(temps=NULL){

  ### one single file

  if (length(temps)==1) {

    # read sf
    temp_sf <- sf::st_read(temps, quiet=TRUE)

  else if(length(temps) > 1){

    # read files and pile them up
    files <- lapply(X=temps, FUN= sf::st_read, quiet=TRUE)
    # temp_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(data.table::rbindlist(files, fill = TRUE)) # do.call('rbind', files)
    temp_sf <- dplyr::bind_rows(files)

    # closes issue 284
    col1 <- names(temp_sf)[1]
    temp_sf <- subset(temp_sf, get(col1) != 'data_table_sf_bug')

    # remove data.table from object class. Closes #279.
    class(temp_sf) <- c("sf", "data.frame")


  # check if data was read Ok
  if (nrow(temp_sf)==0) {
    message("A file must have been corrupted during download. Please restart your R session and download the data again.")

  # load gpkg to memory
  temp_sf <- load_gpkg(temps)

# nocov end

#' Check internet connection with Ipea server
#' @description
#' Checks if there is an internet connection with Ipea server to download aop data.
#' @param url A string with the url address of an aop dataset
#' @param silent Logical. Throw a message when silent is `FALSE` (default)
#' @return Logical. `TRUE` if url is working, `FALSE` if not.
#' @keywords internal
check_connection <- function(url = 'https://www.ipea.gov.br/geobr/metadata/metadata_gpkg.csv',
                             silent = FALSE){ # nocov start

  # url <- 'https://google.com/'               # ok
  # url <- 'https://www.google.com:81/'   # timeout
  # url <- 'https://httpbin.org/status/300' # error

  # check if user has internet connection
  if (!curl::has_internet()) {
    if(isFALSE(silent)){ message("No internet connection.") }


  # message
  msg <- "Problem connecting to data server. Please try again in a few minutes."

  # test server connection
  x <- try(silent = TRUE,
           httr::GET(url, # timeout(5),
                     config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE)))
  # link offline
  if (methods::is(x)=="try-error") {
    if(isFALSE(silent)){ message( msg ) }

  # link working fine
  else if ( identical(httr::status_code(x), 200L)) {

  # link not working or timeout
  else if (! identical(httr::status_code(x), 200L)) {
    if(isFALSE(silent)){ message( msg ) }

  } else if (httr::http_error(x) == TRUE) {
    if(isFALSE(silent)){ message( msg ) }

} # nocov end

#' Check if vector only has numeric characters
#' @description
#' Checks if vector only has numeric characters
#' @param x A vector.
#' @return Logical. `TRUE` if vector only has numeric characters.
#' @keywords internal
numbers_only <- function(x){ !grepl("\\D", x) } # nocov

#' Filter data set to return specific states
#' @param temp_sf An internal simple feature or data.frame
#' @param code The two-digit code of a state or a two-letter uppercase
#'             abbreviation (e.g. 33 or "RJ"). If `code_state="all"` (the
#'             default), the function downloads all states.
#' @return A simple feature `sf` or `data.frame`.
#' @keywords internal
filter_state <- function(temp_sf = parent.frame()$temp_sf,
                         code = parent.frame()$code_state
                         ){ # nocov start

  error_message1 <- "This 'code_state' does not exist or it is not present in this data set."
  error_message2 <- "The 'code_state' comprise only numbers OR letters. It does not accept mixing numbers and letters."

  # all states
  if (any(code == 'all')) {return(temp_sf)}

  # only numbers with code states
  if (all(numbers_only(code))) {

    if (!all(code %in% unique(temp_sf$code_state))) {stop(error_message1)}

    temp <- subset(temp_sf, code_state %in% code)

  # only letters with state abbreviation
  if (all(!numbers_only(code))) {

    if (!all(code %in% unique(temp_sf$abbrev_state))) {stop(error_message1)}

    temp <- subset(temp_sf, abbrev_state %in% code)


} # nocov end

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geobr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.