
Defines functions confint.zeroinflation confint.overglm gvif.overglm localInfluence.overglm stepCriterion.overglm envelope.overglm envelope.zeroinflation cooks.distance.zeroinflation cooks.distance.overglm dfbeta.zeroinflation dfbeta.overglm anova.zeroinflation anova.overglm residuals.overglm residuals.zeroinflation print.overglm print.zeroinflation summary.zeroinflation summary.overglm estequa.zeroinflation estequa.overglm predict.zeroinflation predict.overglm fitted.overglm fitted.zeroinflation logLik.overglm logLik.zeroinflation vcov.overglm vcov.zeroinflation coef.overglm coef.zeroinflation model.matrix.overglm model.matrix.zeroinflation zeroinf zeroalt overglm

Documented in anova.overglm anova.zeroinflation cooks.distance.overglm cooks.distance.zeroinflation dfbeta.overglm dfbeta.zeroinflation envelope.overglm envelope.zeroinflation estequa.overglm estequa.zeroinflation gvif.overglm localInfluence.overglm overglm residuals.overglm residuals.zeroinflation stepCriterion.overglm zeroalt zeroinf

#' @title Alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.
#' @description Allows to fit regression models based on the negative binomial, beta-binomial, and random-clumped binomial.
#' distributions, which are alternatives to the Poisson and binomial regression models under the presence of overdispersion.
#' @param formula a \code{formula} expression of the form \code{response ~ x1 + x2 + ...}, which is a symbolic description
#'        of the linear predictor of the model to be fitted to the data.
#' @param family A character string that allows you to specify the
#'        distribution describing the response variable. In addition,
#'        it allows you to specify the link function to be used in the
#'        model for \eqn{\mu}. The following distributions are
#'        supported: negative binomial I ("nb1"), negative binomial II
#'        ("nb2"), negative binomial ("nbf"), zero-truncated negative
#'        binomial I ("ztnb1"), zero-truncated negative binomial II
#'        ("ztnb2"), zero-truncated negative binomial ("ztnbf"),
#'        zero-truncated poisson ("ztpoi"), beta-binomial ("bb") and
#'        random-clumped binomial ("rcb"). Link functions available for
#'        these models are the same as those available for Poisson and
#'        binomial models via \link{glm}. See \link{family} documentation.
#' @param offset this can be used to specify an \emph{a priori} known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This should be \code{NULL} or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of cases.
#' @param weights an (optional) vector of positive "prior weights" to be used in the fitting process. The length of
#'        \code{weights} should be the same as the number of observations.
#' @param data an (optional) \code{data frame} in which to look for variables involved in the \code{formula} expression,
#'        as well as for variables specified in the arguments \code{weights} and \code{subset}.
#' @param subset an (optional) vector specifying a subset of individuals to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param start an (optional) vector of starting values for the parameters in the linear predictor.
#' @param reltol an (optional) positive value which represents the \emph{relative convergence tolerance} for the BFGS method in \link{optim}.
#'        As default, \code{reltol} is set to 1e-13.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. By default \code{na.action}
#'        is set to \code{na.omit()}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return an object of class \emph{overglm} in which the main results of the model fitted to the data are stored, i.e., a
#' list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{coefficients} \tab a vector containing the parameter estimates,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{fitted.values}\tab a vector containing the estimates of \eqn{\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{start}        \tab a vector containing the starting values used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{prior.weights}\tab a vector containing the case weights used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{offset}       \tab a vector containing the offset used, \cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{terms}        \tab an object containing the terms objects,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{loglik}       \tab the value of the log-likelihood function avaliated at the parameter estimates,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{estfun}       \tab a vector containing the estimating functions evaluated at the parameter estimates\cr
#'                     \tab and the observed data,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{formula}      \tab the formula,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{levels}       \tab the levels of the categorical regressors,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{contrasts}    \tab an object containing the contrasts corresponding to levels,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{converged}    \tab a logical indicating successful convergence,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{model}        \tab the full model frame,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{y}            \tab the response count vector,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{family}       \tab an object containing the \link{family} object used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{linear.predictors} \tab a vector containing the estimates of \eqn{g(\mu_1),\ldots,g(\mu_n)},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{R}            \tab a matrix with the Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the variance-covariance\cr
#'                     \tab matrix of all parameters in the model,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{call}         \tab the original function call.\cr
#' }
#' @details
#' The negative binomial distribution can be obtained as mixture of the Poisson and Gamma distributions. If
#' \eqn{Y | \lambda} ~ Poisson\eqn{(\lambda)}, where E\eqn{(Y | \lambda)=} Var\eqn{(Y | \lambda)=\lambda}, and
#' \eqn{\lambda} ~ Gamma\eqn{(\theta,\nu)}, in which E\eqn{(\lambda)=\theta} and Var\eqn{(\lambda)=\nu\theta^2}, then
#' \eqn{Y} is distributed according to the negative binomial distribution. As follows, some special cases are described:
#' (1) If \eqn{\theta=\mu} and \eqn{\nu=\phi} then \eqn{Y} ~ Negative Binomial I,
#' E\eqn{(Y)=\mu} and Var\eqn{(Y)=\mu(1 + \phi\mu)}.
#' (2) If \eqn{\theta=\mu} and \eqn{\nu=\phi/\mu} then \eqn{Y} ~ Negative Binomial II,
#' E\eqn{(Y)=\mu} and Var\eqn{(Y)=\mu(1 +\phi)}.
#' (3) If \eqn{\theta=\mu} and \eqn{\nu=\phi\mu^\tau} then \eqn{Y} ~ Negative Binomial,
#' E\eqn{(Y)=\mu} and Var\eqn{(Y)=\mu(1 +\phi\mu^{\tau+1})}.
#' Therefore, the regression models based on the negative binomial and
#' zero-truncated negative binomial distributions are alternatives,
#' under overdispersion, to those based on the Poisson and
#' zero-truncated Poisson distributions, respectively.
#' The beta-binomial distribution can be obtained as a mixture of the binomial and beta distributions. If
#' \eqn{mY | \pi} ~ Binomial\eqn{(m,\pi)}, where E\eqn{(Y | \pi)=\pi} and Var\eqn{(Y | \pi)=m^{-1}\pi(1-\pi)},
#' and \eqn{\pi} ~ Beta\eqn{(\mu,\phi)}, in which E\eqn{(\pi)=\mu} and Var\eqn{(\pi)=(\phi+1)^{-1}\mu(1-\mu)},
#' with \eqn{\phi>0}, then \eqn{mY} ~ Beta-Binomial\eqn{(m,\mu,\phi)}, so that E\eqn{(Y)=\mu} and
#' Var\eqn{(Y)=m^{-1}\mu(1-\mu)[1 + (\phi+1)^{-1}(m-1)]}. Therefore, the regression model based on the
#' beta-binomial distribution is an alternative, under overdispersion, to the binomial regression model.
#' The random-clumped binomial distribution can be obtained as a mixture of the binomial and Bernoulli distributions. If
#' \eqn{mY | \pi} ~ Binomial\eqn{(m,\pi)}, where E\eqn{(Y | \pi)=\pi} and Var\eqn{(Y | \pi)=m^{-1}\pi(1-\pi)},
#' whereas \eqn{\pi=(1-\phi)\mu + \phi} with probability \eqn{\mu}, and \eqn{\pi=(1-\phi)\mu} with probability \eqn{1-\mu},
#' in which E\eqn{(\pi)=\mu} and Var\eqn{(\pi)=\phi^{2}\mu(1-\mu)}, with \eqn{\phi \in (0,1)}, then \eqn{mY} ~ Random-clumped
#' Binomial\eqn{(m,\mu,\phi)}, so that E\eqn{(Y)=\mu} and Var\eqn{(Y)=m^{-1}\mu(1-\mu)[1 + \phi^{2}(m-1)]}. Therefore,
#' the regression model based on the random-clumped binomial distribution is an alternative, under
#' overdispersion, to the binomial regression model.
#' In all cases, even where the response variable is described by a
#' zero-truncated distribution, the fitted model describes the way in
#' which \eqn{\mu} is dependent on some covariates. Parameter estimation
#' is performed using the maximum likelihood method. The model
#' parameters are estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood function
#' through the BFGS method available in the routine \link{optim}. The
#' accuracy and speed of the BFGS method are increased because the call
#' to the routine \link{optim} is performed using analytical instead
#' of the numerical  derivatives. The variance-covariance matrix
#' estimate is obtained as being minus the inverse of the (analytical)
#' hessian matrix evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed
#' data.
#' A set of standard extractor functions for fitted model objects is available for objects of class  \emph{zeroinflation},
#' including methods to the generic functions such as \code{print}, \code{summary},	\code{model.matrix}, \code{estequa},
#' \code{coef}, \code{vcov}, \code{logLik}, \code{fitted}, \code{confint}, \code{AIC}, \code{BIC} and \code{predict}.
#' In addition, the model fitted to the	data may be assessed using functions such as \link{anova.overglm},
#' \link{residuals.overglm}, \link{dfbeta.overglm}, \link{cooks.distance.overglm}, \link{localInfluence.overglm},
#' \link{gvif.overglm} and \link{envelope.overglm}. The variable selection may be accomplished using the routine
#' \link{stepCriterion.overglm}.
#' @export overglm
#' @seealso \link{zeroalt}, \link{zeroinf}
#' @examples
#' ### Example 1: Ability of retinyl acetate to prevent mammary cancer in rats
#' data(mammary)
#' fit1 <- overglm(tumors ~ group, family="nb1(identity)", data=mammary)
#' summary(fit1)
#' ### Example 2: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit2 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' summary(fit2)
#' ### Example 3: Urinary tract infections in HIV-infected men
#' data(uti)
#' fit3 <- overglm(episodes ~ cd4 + offset(log(time)), family="nb1(log)", data = uti)
#' summary(fit3)
#' ### Example 4: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit4 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' summary(fit4)
#' ### Example 5: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit5 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' summary(fit5)
#' ### Example 6: Teratogenic effects of phenytoin and trichloropropene oxide
#' data(ossification)
#' model6 <- cbind(fetuses,litter-fetuses) ~ pht + tcpo
#' fit6 <- overglm(model6, family="rcb(cloglog)", data=ossification)
#' summary(fit6)
#' ### Example 7: Germination of orobanche seeds
#' data(orobanche)
#' model7 <- cbind(germinated,seeds-germinated) ~ specie + extract
#' fit7 <- overglm(model7, family="rcb(cloglog)", data=orobanche)
#' summary(fit7)
#' @references Crowder M. (1978) Beta-binomial anova for proportions, \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical
#' Society Series C (Applied Statistics)} 27, 34-37.
#' @references Lawless J.F. (1987) Negative binomial and mixed poisson regression, \emph{The Canadian Journal
#' of Statistics} 15, 209-225.
#' @references Morel J.G., Neerchal N.K. (1997) Clustered binary logistic regression in teratology data
#' using a finite mixture distribution, \emph{Statistics in Medicine} 16, 2843-2853.
#' @references Morel J.G., Nagaraj N.K. (2012) \emph{Overdispersion Models in SAS}. SAS Institute Inc.,
#' Cary, North Carolina, USA.

overglm <- function(formula, offset, family="nb1(log)", weights, data, subset, na.action=na.omit(), reltol=1e-13, start=NULL, ...){
  if(missingArg(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  mmf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "offset", "weights"), names(mmf), 0)
  mmf <- mmf[c(1,m)]
  mmf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mmf <- eval(mmf, parent.frame())
  mt <- attr(mmf, "terms")
  y <- as.matrix(model.response(mmf, "any"))

  temp <- strsplit(gsub(" |link|=|'|'","",tolower(family)),"[()]")[[1]]
  family <- temp[1]
  if(!(family %in% c("bb","rcb","nb1","nb2","nbf","ztpoi","ztnb1","ztnb2","ztnbf")))
    stop("Only 'bb', 'rcb', 'nb1', 'nb2', 'nbf', 'ztpoi', 'ztnb1', 'ztnb2' and 'ztnbf' families are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
    if(family %in% c("bb","rcb")) link <- "logit" else link <- "log"
  }else link <- temp[2]
  zero.trunc <- FALSE
  if(family %in% c("bb","rcb")) familyf <- binomial(link)
    familyf <- poisson(link)
    if(family %in% c("ztpoi","ztnb1","ztnb2","ztnbf")){
      zero.trunc <- TRUE
      family <- substr(family,3,5)
    else zero.trunc <- FALSE
    if(zero.trunc & any(y==0)) stop("Under zero-truncated models only positive counts are allowed!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(family %in% c("bb","rcb")){
    m <- as.matrix(y[,1] + y[,2])
    y <- as.matrix(y[,1])
  weights <- as.vector(model.weights(mmf))
  offset <- as.vector(model.offset(mmf))
  X <- model.matrix(mt, mmf)
  p <- ncol(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  if(is.null(offset)) offs <- matrix(0,n,1) else offs <- as.matrix(offset)
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- matrix(1,n,1) else weights <- as.matrix(weights)

    ep <- 1
    objective <- function(theta){
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(X%*%theta[1:p] + offs)
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])/(1 + exp(theta[p + 1]))
      l <- log(mu*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu + phi) + (1 - mu)*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu))
    score <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])/(1 + exp(theta[p + 1]))
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      a1 <- mu*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu + phi); a2 <- (1 - mu)*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu);
      a3 <- y/((1 - phi)*mu + phi); a4 <- (m - y)/(1-(1 - phi)*mu - phi);
      a5 <- y/((1 - phi)*mu); a6 <- (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu)
      a <- (a1*((a3 - a4)*(1 - phi) + 1/mu) + a2*((a5 - a6)*(1 - phi) - 1/(1 - mu)))/(a1 + a2)
      b <- (a1*(a3 - a4)*(1 - mu) + a2*(a6 - a5)*mu)*phi*(1 - phi)/(a1 + a2)
    theta0 <- function(start=NULL){
      if(is.null(start)) betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=cbind(y,m - y),x=X,offset=offs,weights=weights,family=familyf)$coefficients)
      else betas <- start
      mus <- familyf$linkinv(X%*%betas + offs)
      l0 <- mean(abs((y - m*mus)^2/(m*mus*(1 - mus)) - 1)/ifelse(m==1,1,m - 1))
    hess <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])/(1 + exp(theta[p + 1]))
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      dmu2deta2 <- grad(familyf$mu.eta,eta)
      hessiana <- matrix(0,ncol(X) + 1,ncol(X) + 1)
      a1 <- mu*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu + phi); a2 <- (1 - mu)*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu)
      a3 <- y/((1 - phi)*mu + phi);a4 <- (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu - phi)
      a5 <- y/((1 - phi)*mu);a6 <- (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu)
      a <- (a1*((a3 - a4)*(1-phi) + 1/mu) + a2*((a5 - a6)*(1-phi) - 1/(1 - mu)))/(a1 + a2)
      b <- (a1*(a3 - a4)*(1-mu) + a2*(a6 - a5)*mu)*phi*(1 - phi)/(a1 + a2)
      aa <- (a1*((a3 - a4)*(1 - phi) + 1/mu)^2 + a2*((a5 - a6)*(1 - phi) - 1/(1 - mu))^2 -
               a1*((1 - phi)^2*(y/((1 - phi)*mu + phi)^2 + (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu - phi)^2) + 1/mu^2) -
               a2*((1 - phi)^2*(y/((1 - phi)*mu)^2 + (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu)^2) + 1/(1 - mu)^2))/(a1 + a2) - a^2
      ab <- (-a1*y/((1 - phi)*mu + phi)^2 + a2*(m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu)^2 +
               a1*((a3 - a4)*(1 - phi) + 1/mu)*(a3 - a4)*(1 - mu) +
               a2*((a5 - a6)*(1 - phi) - 1/(1 - mu))*(a6 - a5)*mu)*phi*(1 - phi)/(a1 + a2) - a*b
      bb <- (a1*((a3 - a4)*(1 - mu))^2*phi*(1 - phi) + a2*((a6 - a5)*mu)^2*phi*(1 - phi) +
               a1*((a3 - a4)*(1 - mu)*(1 - 2*phi) - phi*(1 - phi)*(1 - mu)^2*(y/((1 - phi)*mu + phi)^2 +
                                                                                (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu - phi)^2)) + a2*((a6 - a5)*mu*(1 - 2*phi) - phi*(1 - phi)*mu^2*(y/((1 - phi)*mu)^2 +
                                                                                                                                                                            (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu)^2)))*phi*(1 - phi)/(a1 + a2) - b^2
      hessiana[1:p,1:p] <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*(aa*dmudeta^2 + a*dmu2deta2),n,p)*X)
      hessiana[p + 1,1:ncol(X)] <- hessiana[1:p,p + 1] <- crossprod(X,weights*ab*dmudeta)
      hessiana[p + 1,p+1] <- sum(weights*bb)
    ep <- 1
    objective <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      l <- (Lgamma(m + 1) - Lgamma(y + 1) - Lgamma(m - y + 1) + Lgamma(1/phi) + Lgamma(y + mu/phi) +
              Lgamma(m - y + (1 - mu)/phi) - Lgamma(m + 1/phi) - Lgamma(mu/phi) - Lgamma((1 - mu)/phi))
    score <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      dmu2deta2 <- grad(familyf$mu.eta,eta)
      c1 <- Digamma(y + mu/phi) - Digamma(mu/phi)
      c2 <- Digamma((1 - mu)/phi) - Digamma(m - y + (1 - mu)/phi)
      c3 <- - c1*mu + c2*(1 - mu) - Digamma(1/phi) + Digamma(m + 1/phi)
      return(c(crossprod(X,weights*familyf$mu.eta(eta)*(c1 + c2)/phi),sum(weights*c3/phi)))
    theta0 <- function(start=NULL){
      if(is.null(start)) betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=cbind(y,m - y),x=X,offset=offset,weights=weights,family=familyf)$coefficients)
      else betas <- start
      mus <- familyf$linkinv(X%*%betas + offs)
      l0 <- mean(abs((y - m*mus)^2/(m*mus*(1 - mus)) - 1)/ifelse(m==1,1,m - 1))
    hess <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      dmu2deta2 <- grad(familyf$mu.eta,eta)
      c1 <- Digamma(y + mu/phi) - Digamma(mu/phi)
      c2 <- Digamma((1 - mu)/phi) - Digamma(m - y + (1 - mu)/phi)
      c3 <- -c1*mu + c2*(1 - mu) - Digamma(1/phi) + Digamma(m + 1/phi)
      c4 <-  psigamma(y + mu/phi,1) - psigamma(mu/phi,1)
      c5 <- -psigamma((1 - mu)/phi,1) + psigamma(m - y + (1 - mu)/phi,1)
      hessiana <- matrix(0,p + 1,p + 1)
      hessiana[1:p,1:p] <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*((c4 + c5)*dmudeta^2/phi^2 + (c1 + c2)*dmu2deta2/phi),n,p)*X)
      hessiana[1:p,p+1] <- hessiana[p + 1,1:p] <- crossprod(X,weights*dmudeta*((1 - mu)*c5 - mu*c4 - phi*(c1 + c2))/phi^2)
      hessiana[p+1,p+1] <- sum(weights*((mu^2*c4 + (1 - mu)^2*c5 + psigamma(1/phi,1) - psigamma(m + 1/phi,1))/phi^2 - c3/phi))

    ep <- 0
    objective <- function(theta){
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(X%*%theta[1:p] + offs)
      if(zero.trunc) k0 <- - log(1 - exp(-mu)) else k0 <- 0
      l <- - mu + y*log(mu) - Lgamma(y + 1) + k0
    score <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      if(zero.trunc) k <- - exp(-mu)/(1 - exp(-mu)) else k <- 0
      s <- (y/mu - 1 + k)*dmudeta
    theta0 <- function(start=NULL){
      if(!is.null(start)) betas <- start
      else betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=y,x=X,offset=offs,weights=weights,family=familyf)$coefficients)
    hess <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      dmu2deta2 <- grad(familyf$mu.eta,eta)
      k1 <- k2 <- 0
        k1 <- - exp(-mu)/(1 - exp(-mu)); k2 <- exp(-mu)/(1 - exp(-mu))^2
      ss <- (-y/mu^2 + k2)*dmudeta^2 + (y/mu - 1 + k1)*dmu2deta2
      hessiana <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*ss,n,p)*X)

  if(family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
    ep <- 2
      ep <- 1; tau <- 0
      ep <- 1; tau <- -1
    objective <- function(theta){
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(X%*%theta[1:p] + offs)
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu
      if(zero.trunc) k1 <- - log(1 - (v + 1)^(-1/u)) else k1 <- 0
      l <- Lgamma(y + 1/u) - Lgamma(y + 1) - Lgamma(1/u) + y*log(v) - (y + 1/u)*log(v + 1) + k1
    score <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu; k1 <- k2 <- 0
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      E1 <- - (Digamma(y + 1/u) - log(v + 1) - Digamma(1/u))/u
      E2 <-   (y - mu)/(v + 1)
        k1 <- (log(v + 1)*tau/v - (tau + 1)/(v + 1))/((v + 1)^(1/u) - 1)
        k2 <- (log(v + 1)/u - mu/(v + 1))/((v + 1)^(1/u) - 1)
      s1 <- (tau*E1 + (tau + 1)*E2 + k1*mu)*dmudeta/mu
      s2 <- E1 + E2 + k2; s3 <- s2*log(mu)
      if(family=="nbf") return(c(crossprod(X,weights*s1),sum(weights*s2),sum(weights*s3)))
      else return(c(crossprod(X,weights*s1),sum(weights*s2)))
    theta0 <- function(start=NULL){
      if(!is.null(start)) betas <- start
      else betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=y,x=X,offset=offs,weights=weights,family=familyf)$coefficients)
      mus <- familyf$linkinv(X%*%betas + offs)
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + I(mus^2),offset=mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik))),0)
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + I(mus^2),offset=mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik))))
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik)-1)))
    hess <- function(theta){
      eta <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offs
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu
      dmudeta <- familyf$mu.eta(eta)
      dmu2deta2 <- grad(familyf$mu.eta,eta)
      E1 <- - (Digamma(y + 1/u) - log(v + 1) - Digamma(1/u))/u
      E2 <- (y - mu)/(v + 1)
      hessiana <- matrix(0,ncol(X) + ep,ncol(X) + ep)
      psis <- psigamma(y + 1/u,1) - psigamma(1/u,1)
      cc1 <- - E1 + psis/u^2 + mu/(v + 1)
      cc2 <- - (y - mu)*v/(v + 1)^2
      k1 <- k11 <- k12 <- k13 <- k22 <- k23 <- k24 <- 0
        f <- (v + 1)^(1/u)
        f1 <- log(v + 1)*tau/v - (tau + 1)/(v + 1)
        f2 <- log(v + 1)/u - mu/(v + 1)
        f22 <- mu/(v + 1) - log(v + 1)/u + v*mu/(v + 1)^2
        f11 <- (tau + 1)^2*u/(v + 1)^2 - log(v + 1)*tau*(tau + 1)/(mu*v) + tau*(tau + 1)/(mu*(v + 1))
        f12 <- (tau + 1)*mu^(tau + 1)*phi/(v + 1)^2 - log(v + 1)*tau/v + tau/(v + 1)
        f13 <- ((tau + 1)*v*log(mu) - v - 1)/(v + 1)^2 + v*log(v + 1)*(1 - tau*log(mu))/v^2 + phi*tau*(tau + 1)*log(mu)/(v*(v + 1))
        k11 <- ((f - 1)*f11 + f*f1^2)/(f - 1)^2; k12 <- ((f - 1)*f12 + f*f2*f1)/(f - 1)^2; k13 <- ((f - 1)*f13 + f*f2*f1*log(mu))/(f - 1)^2
        k22 <- ((f - 1)*f22 + f*f2^2)/(f - 1)^2; k23 <- ((f - 1)*f22 + f*f2^2)/(f - 1)^2; k1 <-  f1/(f - 1); k24 <- f2/(f - 1)
      aa <- - (tau/mu)*(tau*E1/mu - tau*psis/(u^2*mu) - (tau + 1)/(v + 1)) + k11 -
        ((tau + 1)/mu)*(u*(mu + (y - mu)*(tau + 1)) + 1)/(v + 1)^2 - E2*(tau + 1)/mu^2 - tau*E1/mu^2
      hessiana[1:ncol(X),1:ncol(X)] <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*(aa*dmudeta^2 + (tau*E1 + (tau + 1)*E2 + k1*mu)*dmu2deta2/mu),n,p)*X)
      hessiana[ncol(X) + 1,1:ncol(X)] <- hessiana[1:ncol(X),ncol(X) + 1] <- crossprod(X,weights*(tau*cc1 + (tau + 1)*cc2 + mu*k12)*dmudeta/mu)
      hessiana[ncol(X) + 1,ncol(X) + 1] <- sum(weights*(cc1 + cc2 + k22))
        hessiana[ncol(X) + 2,1:ncol(X)] <- hessiana[1:ncol(X),ncol(X) + 2] <- crossprod(X,weights*(log(mu)*(tau*cc1 + (tau + 1)*cc2) + E1 + E2 + mu*k13)*dmudeta/mu)
        hessiana[ncol(X) + 2,1:ncol(X)] <- hessiana[1:ncol(X),ncol(X) + 2] <- crossprod(X,weights*(log(mu)*(tau*cc1 + (tau + 1)*cc2 + mu*k12) + E1 + E2 + k24)*dmudeta/mu)
        hessiana[ncol(X) + 2,ncol(X) + 1] <- hessiana[ncol(X) + 1,ncol(X) + 2] <- sum(weights*(cc1 + cc2 + k23)*log(mu))
        hessiana[ncol(X) + 2,ncol(X) + 2] <- sum(weights*(cc1 + cc2 + k23)*log(mu)^2)
  thetanew <- theta0(start)
  salida <- optim(thetanew,objective,score,method="BFGS",control=list(reltol=reltol,fnscale=-1))
  if(salida$convergence != 0) warning("Convergence not achieved!!",call.=FALSE)
  theta_hat <- matrix(salida$par,p + ep,1)
  if(ep==0) rownames(theta_hat) <- colnames(X)
  if(ep==1) rownames(theta_hat) <- c(colnames(X),"log(phi)")
  if(ep==2) rownames(theta_hat) <- c(colnames(X),"log(phi)","tau")
  if(family=="rcb") rownames(theta_hat) <- c(colnames(X),"logit(phi)")
  eta <- X%*%theta_hat[1:p] + offs
  mu <- familyf$linkinv(eta)
  estfun <- matrix(score(theta_hat),p + ep,1)
  rownames(estfun) <- rownames(theta_hat)
  familyf$family <- family
  if(family %in% c("bb","rcb")){
    yres <- cbind(y,m - y); colnames(yres) <- c("successes","failures")
    yres <- y; colnames(yres) <- "response"
  thetanew <- matrix(thetanew,length(thetanew),1)
  rownames(thetanew) <- rownames(theta_hat)
  R <- try(chol(-hess(theta_hat)),silent=TRUE)
    warning("Estimate of variance-covariance matrix is not positive definite",call.=FALSE)
    R <- solve(-hess(theta_hat)); attr(R,"pd") <- FALSE
    attr(R,"pd") <- TRUE
  out_ <- list(coefficients=theta_hat,fitted.values=mu,linear.predictors=eta,y=yres,prior.weights=weights,
  class(out_) <- "overglm"

#' @title Zero-Altered Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Allows to fit a zero-altered (Poisson or negative binomial) regression model to deal with zero-excess in count data.
#' @param formula a \code{Formula} expression of the form \code{response ~ x1 + x2 + ...| z1 + z2 + ...},
#'        which is a symbolic description of the linear predictors of the models to be fitted to
#'        \eqn{\mu} and \eqn{\pi}, respectively.	See \link{Formula} documentation. If a formula
#'        of the form \code{response ~ x1 + x2 + ...} is supplied, the same regressors are
#'        employed in both components. This is equivalent to \code{response ~ x1 + x2 + ...| x1 + x2 + ...}.
#' @param family an (optional) character string that allows you to specify the distribution
#'        to describe the response variable, as well as the link function to be used in
#'        the model for \eqn{\mu}. The following distributions are supported:
#'        (zero-altered) negative binomial I ("nb1"), (zero-altered) negative binomial II
#'        ("nb2"), (zero-altered) negative binomial ("nbf"), and (zero-altered) poisson
#'        ("poi"). Link functions are the same as those available in Poisson models via
#'        \link{glm}. See \link{family} documentation. As default, \code{family} is set to
#'        be Poisson with log link.
#' @param zero.link an (optional) character string which allows to specify the link function to be used in the model for \eqn{\pi}.
#' 		  Link functions available are the same than those available in binomial models via \link{glm}. See \link{family} documentation.
#' 		  As default, \code{zero.link} is set to "logit".
#' @param offset this can be used to specify an \emph{a priori} known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This should be \code{NULL} or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of cases.
#' @param weights an (optional) vector of positive "prior weights" to be used in the fitting process. The length of
#'        \code{weights} should be the same as the number of observations. As default, \code{weights} is set to a vector of 1s.
#' @param data an (optional) \code{data frame} in which to look for variables involved in the \code{formula} expression,
#'        as well as for variables specified in the arguments \code{weights} and \code{subset}.
#' @param subset an (optional) vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param start an (optional) list with two components named "counts" and "zeros", which allows to specify the starting values to be used in the
#'        iterative process to obtain the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictors of the models for \eqn{\mu}
#'        and \eqn{\pi}, respectively.
#' @param reltol an (optional) positive value which represents the \emph{relative convergence tolerance} for the BFGS method in \link{optim}.
#'        As default, \code{reltol} is set to 1e-13.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. By default \code{na.action} is set to \code{na.omit()}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return
#' An object of class  \emph{zeroinflation} in which the main results of the model fitted to the data are stored, i.e., a list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{coefficients} \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the parameter estimates\cr
#'                     \tab from the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{fitted.values}\tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimates of \eqn{\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_n}\cr
#'                     \tab and \eqn{\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_n}, respectively,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{start}        \tab a vector containing the starting values for all parameters in the model,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{prior.weights}\tab a vector containing the case weights used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{offset}       \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the offset vectors, if any, \cr
#'                     \tab from the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{terms}        \tab a list with elements "counts", "zeros" and "full" containing the terms objects for \cr
#'                     \tab the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{loglik}       \tab the value of the log-likelihood function avaliated at the parameter estimates and\cr
#'                     \tab the observed data,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{estfun}       \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimating functions \cr
#'                     \tab evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data for the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{formula}      \tab the formula,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{levels}       \tab the levels of the categorical regressors,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{contrasts}    \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the contrasts corresponding\cr
#'                     \tab to levels from the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{converged}    \tab a logical indicating successful convergence,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{model}        \tab the full model frame,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{y}            \tab the response count vector,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{family}       \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the \link{family} objects used\cr
#'                     \tab  in the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{linear.predictors} \tab  a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimates of \cr
#'                          \tab  \eqn{g(\mu_1),\ldots,g(\mu_n)} and \eqn{h(\pi_1),\ldots,h(\pi_n)}, respectively,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{R}            \tab a matrix with the Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the variance-covariance\cr
#'                     \tab matrix of all parameters in the model,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{call}         \tab the original function call.\cr
#' }
#' @details
#' The zero-altered count distributions, also called \emph{hurdle models}, may be obtained as the mixture between
#' a zero-truncated count distribution and the Bernoulli distribution. Indeed, if \eqn{Y} is a count random variable
#' such that \eqn{Y|\nu=1} is 0 with probability 1
#' and \eqn{Y|\nu=0} ~ ZTP\eqn{(\mu)}, where \eqn{\nu} ~ Bernoulli\eqn{(\pi)}, then
#' \eqn{Y} is distributed according to the Zero-Altered Poisson distribution, denoted here as
#' ZAP\eqn{(\mu,\pi)}.
#' Similarly, if \eqn{Y} is a count random variable such that \eqn{Y|\nu=1} is 0 with probability 1
#' and \eqn{Y|\nu=0} ~ ZTNB\eqn{(\mu,\phi,\tau)}, where \eqn{\nu} ~ Bernoulli\eqn{(\pi)}, then
#' \eqn{Y} is distributed according to the Zero-Altered Negative Binomial distribution, denoted here as
#' ZANB\eqn{(\mu,\phi,\tau,\pi)}. The Zero-Altered Negative Binomial I \eqn{(\mu,\phi,\pi)} and
#' Zero-Altered Negative Binomial II \eqn{(\mu,\phi,\pi)} distributions are special cases of ZANB when
#' \eqn{\tau=0} and \eqn{\tau=-1}, respectively.
#' The "counts" model may be expressed as \eqn{g(\mu_i)=x_i^{\top}\beta} for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,n}, where
#' \eqn{g(\cdot)} is the link function specified at the argument \code{family}. Similarly, the "zeros" model may
#' be expressed as \eqn{h(\pi_i)=z_i^{\top}\gamma} for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,n}, where \eqn{h(\cdot)} is the
#' link function specified at the argument \code{zero.link}. Parameter estimation is
#' performed using the maximum likelihood method. The parameter vector \eqn{\gamma} is
#' estimated by applying the routine \link{glm.fit}, where a binary-response model
#' (\eqn{1} or "success" if \code{response}=0 and \eqn{0} or "fail" if \code{response}>0)
#' is fitted. Then, the rest of the model parameters are estimated by maximizing the
#' log-likelihood function based on the zero-truncated count distribution through the
#' BFGS method available in the routine \link{optim}. The accuracy and speed of the BFGS
#' method are increased because the call to the routine \link{optim} is performed using
#' the analytical instead of the numerical derivatives. The variance-covariance matrix
#' estimate is obtained as being minus the inverse of the (analytical) hessian matrix
#' evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data.

#' A set of standard extractor functions for fitted model objects is available for objects
#' of class  \emph{zeroinflation}, including methods to the generic functions such as
#' \link{print}, \link{summary}, \link{model.matrix}, \link{estequa},
#' \link{coef}, \link{vcov}, \link{logLik}, \link{fitted}, \link{confint}, \link{AIC}, \link{BIC} and
#' \link{predict}. In addition, the model fitted to the	data may be assessed using functions such as
#' \link{anova.zeroinflation}, \link{residuals.zeroinflation}, \link{dfbeta.zeroinflation},
#' \link{cooks.distance.zeroinflation} and \link{envelope.zeroinflation}.
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Roots Produced by the Columnar Apple Cultivar Trajan
#' data(Trajan)
#' fit1 <- zeroalt(roots ~ photoperiod, family="nbf(log)", zero.link="logit", data=Trajan)
#' summary(fit1)
#' ####### Example 2: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit2 <- zeroalt(infections ~ frequency | location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' summary(fit2)
#' ####### Example 3: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit3 <- zeroalt(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' summary(fit3)
#' @seealso \link{overglm}, \link{zeroinf}
#' @export zeroalt
#' @references Cameron A.C., Trivedi P.K. (1998) \emph{Regression Analysis of Count Data}. New York:
#'             Cambridge University Press.
#' @references Mullahy J. (1986) Specification and Testing of Some Modified Count Data Models. \emph{Journal of
#'             Econometrics} 33, 341–365.
zeroalt <- function(formula, data, offset, subset, na.action=na.omit(), weights, family="poi(log)",
                    zero.link=c("logit", "probit", "cloglog", "cauchit", "log"), reltol=1e-13,
  if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  zero.link <- match.arg(zero.link)
  mmf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "offset", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(mmf), 0)
  mmf <- mmf[c(1,m)]
  mmf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mmf$formula <- Formula(formula)
  mmf <- eval(mmf, parent.frame())

  y <- as.matrix(model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, lhs=1)); zeros <- y==0
  if(any(y != floor(y)) | any(y < 0)) stop("There are negative or non-integer values in the response variable!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(all(y > 0)) stop("Zero values in the response variable are required!!",call.=FALSE)
  mx <- model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, rhs = 1, terms = TRUE)
  X <- model.matrix(mx, data = mmf); p <- ncol(X);nro <- nrow(X)
  if(!is.null(start$counts) & length(start$counts) != p) stop("Incorrect size of the starting values vector for the counts model!!",call.=FALSE)
  offsx <- model.offset(mx)
  if(is.null(offsx)) offsx <- matrix(0,nro,1)
  if(suppressWarnings(formula(Formula(formula),lhs=0,rhs=2)=="~0")) mz <- mx
  else mz <- model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, rhs = 2, terms = TRUE)
  Z <- model.matrix(mz, data = mmf); q <- ncol(Z)
  if(!is.null(start$zeros) & length(start$zeros) != q) stop("Incorrect size of the starting values vector for the zeros model!!",call.=FALSE)
  offsz <- model.offset(mz)
  if(is.null(offsz)) offsz <- matrix(0,nro,1)
  weights <- model.weights(mmf)
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- matrix(1,nro,1)
  if(any(weights <= 0)) stop("Only positive weights are allowed!!",call.=FALSE)
  temp <- strsplit(gsub(" |link|=|'|'","",tolower(family)),"[()]")[[1]]
  family <- temp[1]
  if(is.na(temp[2])) link="log" else link <- temp[2]
  familyx <- poisson(link); familyz <- binomial(zero.link)
  X2 <- as.matrix(X[!zeros,]);offsx2 <- offsx[!zeros];y2 <- y[!zeros];weights2 <- weights[!zeros]

    ep <- 0
    objective <- function(theta){
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx)
      if(is.null(known)) pi <- familyz$linkinv(Z%*%theta[-c(1:p)] + offsz)
      else pi <- familyz$linkinv(Z%*%known + offsz)
      l <- ifelse(zeros,log(pi),log(1 - pi) - mu + y*log(mu) - lgamma(y + 1) - log(1 - exp(-mu)))
    score <- function(theta){
      etax <- X2%*%theta[1:p] + offsx2; mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax);
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax);s1 <- y2/mu - 1 - exp(-mu)/(1 - exp(-mu))
        etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:p)] + offsz
        pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz);dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
        s2 <- ifelse(zeros,1/pi,-1/(1 - pi))
      }else return(crossprod(X2,weights2*s1*dmudetax))
    theta0 <- function(start){
      if(!is.null(start$counts)) betas <- start$counts
      else betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=y[!zeros],x=X[!zeros,],offset=offsx[!zeros],weights=weights[!zeros],family=familyx)$coefficients)
      mus <- familyx$linkinv(X%*%betas + offsx)
      gammas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=ifelse(y==0,1,0),x=Z,offset=offsz,weights=weights,family=familyz,start=start$zeros))
      out <- matrix(c(betas,gammas$coefficients),length(betas) + length(gammas$coefficients),1)
      attr(out,"converged") <- gammas$converged
    hess <- function(theta){
      etax <- X2%*%theta[1:p] + offsx2; etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:p)] + offsz
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax); pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      dmu2detax2 <- grad(familyx$mu.eta,etax); dpi2detaz2 <- grad(familyz$mu.eta,etaz)
      aa <- - y2/mu^2 + exp(-mu)/(1 - exp(-mu))^2; a <- y2/mu - 1 - exp(-mu)/(1 - exp(-mu))
      bb <- ifelse(zeros,-1/pi^2,-1/(1 - pi)^2); b <- ifelse(zeros,1/pi,-1/(1 - pi))
      hessiana <- matrix(0,p + q,p + q)
      hessiana[1:p,1:p] <- crossprod(X2,matrix(weights2*(aa*dmudetax^2 + a*dmu2detax2),nrow(X2),ncol(X2))*X2)
      hessiana[-c(1:p),-c(1:p)] <- crossprod(Z,matrix(weights*(bb*dpidetaz^2 + b*dpi2detaz2),nrow(Z),q)*Z)
  if(family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
    ep <- 2;
      ep <- 1; tau <- 0
      ep <- 1; tau <- -1
    objective <- function(theta){
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx)
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      if(is.null(known)) pi <- familyz$linkinv(Z%*%theta[-c(1:(p + ep))] + offsz)
      else pi <- familyz$linkinv(Z%*%known + offsz)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu; l <- ifelse(zeros,log(pi),log(1 - pi) + Lgamma(y + 1/u) -
                                                Lgamma(1/u) - log(1 - (v + 1)^(-1/u)) - Lgamma(y + 1) + y*log(v) - (y + 1/u)*log(v + 1))
    score <- function(theta){
      etax <- X2%*%theta[1:p] + offsx2
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax)
        etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:(p + ep))] + offsz
        pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
        dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      else pi <- familyz$linkinv(Z%*%known + offsz)
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu; k0 <- 1/((v + 1)^(1/u) - 1)
      E1 <- -(Digamma(y2 + 1/u) - log(v + 1) - Digamma(1/u))/u
      E2 <- (y2 - mu)/(v + 1); k1 <- k0*(log(v + 1)*tau/v - (tau + 1)/(v + 1))
      k2 <- k0*(log(v + 1)/u - mu/(v + 1))
      out_ <- c(crossprod(X2,weights2*(tau*E1 + (tau + 1)*E2 + k1*mu)*dmudetax/mu),sum(weights2*(E1 + E2 + k2)))
      if(family=="nbf") out_ <- c(out_,sum(weights2*(E1 + E2 + k2)*log(mu)))
        s2 <- ifelse(zeros,1/pi,-1/(1 - pi))
      }else return(out_)
    theta0 <- function(start){
      if(!is.null(start$counts)) betas <- start$counts
      else betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=y[!zeros],x=X[!zeros,],offset=offsx[!zeros],weights=weights[!zeros],family=familyx)$coefficients)
      mus <- familyx$linkinv(X%*%betas + offsx)
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + I(mus^2),offset=mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik))),0)
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + I(mus^2),offset=mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik))))
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik)-1)))
      gammas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=ifelse(y==0,1,0),x=Z,offset=offsz,weights=weights,family=familyz,start=start$zeros))
      out <- matrix(c(betas,gammas$coefficients),length(betas) + length(gammas$coefficients),1)
      attr(out,"converged") <- gammas$converged
    hess <- function(theta){
      etax <- X2%*%theta[1:p] + offsx2;phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax); etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:(p + ep))] + offsz
      pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz); dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      dmu2detax2 <- grad(familyx$mu.eta,etax); dpi2detaz2 <- grad(familyz$mu.eta,etaz)
      hessiana <- matrix(0,p + ep + q,p + ep + q)
      E1 <- -(digamma(y2 + 1/u) - log(v + 1) - digamma(1/u))/u; E2 <- (y2 - mu)/(v + 1)
      psi1 <- psigamma(y2 + 1/u,1); psi2 <- psigamma(1/u,1)
      cc1 <- - E1 + (psi1 - psi2)/u^2 + mu/(v + 1)
      cc2 <- - (y2 - mu)*v/(v + 1)^2; f <- (v + 1)^(1/u)
      f1 <- log(v + 1)*tau/v - (tau + 1)/(v + 1); f2 <- log(v + 1)/u - mu/(v + 1)
      f22 <- mu/(v + 1) - log(v + 1)/u + mu*v/(v + 1)^2
      f11 <- (tau + 1)^2*u/(v + 1)^2 - log(v + 1)*tau*(tau + 1)/(mu*v) + tau*(tau + 1)/(mu*(v + 1))
      f12 <- (tau + 1)*v/(v + 1)^2 - log(v + 1)*tau/v + tau/(v + 1)
      f13 <- ((tau + 1)*v*log(mu) - v - 1)/(v + 1)^2 + v*log(v + 1)*(1 - tau*log(mu))/v^2 + phi*tau*(tau + 1)*log(mu)/(v*(v + 1))
      k11 <- ((f-1)*f11 + f*f1^2)/(f-1)^2;k12 <- ((f-1)*f12 + f*f2*f1)/(f-1)^2;k13 <- ((f-1)*f13 + f*f2*f1*log(mu))/(f-1)^2
      k22 <- ((f-1)*f22 + f*f2^2)/(f-1)^2;k23 <- ((f-1)*f22 + f*f2^2)/(f-1)^2;k1 <- f1/(f-1)
      aa <- -(tau/mu)*(tau*E1/mu - tau*(psi1 - psi2)/(mu*u^2) - (tau + 1)/(v + 1)) + k11 -
        ((tau + 1)/mu)*(u*(mu + (y2 - mu)*(tau + 1)) + 1)/(v + 1)^2 - E2*(tau + 1)/mu^2 - tau*E1/mu^2
      hessiana[1:p,1:p] <- crossprod(X2,matrix(weights2*(aa*dmudetax^2 + (tau*E1 + (tau + 1)*E2 + k1*mu)*dmu2detax2/mu),nrow(X2),ncol(X2))*X2)
      hessiana[p + 1,1:p] <- hessiana[1:p,p + 1] <- crossprod(X2,weights2*(tau*cc1 + (tau + 1)*cc2 + mu*k12)*dmudetax/mu)
      hessiana[p + 1,p + 1] <- sum(weights2*(cc1 + cc2 + k22))
        hessiana[p + ep,1:p] <- hessiana[1:p,p + ep] <- crossprod(X2,weights2*(log(mu)*(tau*cc1 + (tau + 1)*cc2 + mu*k12) + E1 + E2 + f2/(f-1))*dmudetax/mu)
        hessiana[p + ep,p + 1] <- hessiana[p+1,p+2] <- sum(weights2*(cc1 + cc2 + k23)*log(mu))
        hessiana[p + ep,p + ep] <- sum(weights2*(cc1 + cc2 + k23)*log(mu)^2)
      bb <- ifelse(zeros,-1/pi^2,-1/(1 - pi)^2); b <- ifelse(zeros,1/pi,-1/(1 - pi))
      hessiana[-c(1:(p + ep)),-c(1:(p + ep))] <- crossprod(Z,matrix(weights*(bb*dpidetaz^2 + b*dpi2detaz2),nrow(Z),q)*Z)
  thetanew <- theta0(start)
  known <- thetanew[-c(1:(p + ep))]
  salida <- optim(thetanew[c(1:(p + ep))],objective,score,method="BFGS",control=list(reltol=reltol,fnscale=-1))
  salida$par <- c(salida$par,known); known <- NULL
  if(salida$convergence != 0 | attr(thetanew,"converged")!=TRUE) stop("Convergence not achieved!!",call.=FALSE)
  theta_hat <- list(counts=matrix(salida$par[1:(p + ep)],nrow=p + ep,1),zeros=matrix(salida$par[-c(1:(p + ep))],nrow=q,1))
  nomb <- c(colnames(X),"log(phi)","tau"); rownames(theta_hat$counts) <- nomb[1:length(theta_hat$counts)]
  rownames(theta_hat$zeros) <- colnames(Z)
  etax <- X%*%theta_hat$counts[1:p] + offsx
  etaz <- Z%*%theta_hat$zeros + offsz
  mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax);pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
  estfun <- score(salida$par)
  estfun <- list(counts=matrix(estfun[1:(p + ep)],nrow=p + ep,1),zeros=matrix(estfun[-c(1:(p + ep))],nrow=q,1))
  familyx$family <- family
  rownames(estfun$counts) <- rownames(theta_hat$counts); rownames(estfun$zeros) <- rownames(theta_hat$zeros)
  R <- try(chol(-hess(salida$par)),silent=TRUE)
    warning("Estimate of variance-covariance matrix is not positive definite",call.=FALSE)
    R <- solve(-hess(salida$par)); attr(R,"pd") <- FALSE
    attr(R,"pd") <- TRUE
  out_ <- list(coefficients=theta_hat,fitted.values=list(counts=mu,zeros=pi),linear.predictors=list(counts=etax,zeros=etaz),
               parms=c(p,ep,q),R=R,converged=ifelse(salida$convergence==0 & attr(thetanew,"converged")==TRUE,
               contrasts = list(counts=attr(X,"contrasts"),zeros=attr(Z,"contrasts")))
  class(out_) <- "zeroinflation"

#' @title Zero-Inflated Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Allows to fit a zero-inflated (Poisson or negative binomial) regression model to deal with zero-excess in count data.
#' @param formula a \code{Formula} expression of the form \code{response ~ x1 + x2 + ... | z1 + z2 + ...}, which is a symbolic description
#'        of the linear predictors of the models to be fitted to \eqn{\mu} and \eqn{\pi}, respectively.	See \link{Formula} documentation.  If a
#'        formula of the form \code{response ~ x1 + x2 + ...} is supplied, then the same regressors are employed in both components. This is equivalent to
#'        \code{response ~ x1 + x2 + ...| x1 + x2 + ...}.
#' @param family an (optional) character string that allows you to specify the distribution
#'        to describe the response variable, as well as the link function to be used in
#'        the model for \eqn{\mu}. The following distributions are supported:
#'        (zero-inflated) negative binomial I ("nb1"), (zero-inflated) negative binomial II
#'        ("nb2"), (zero-inflated) negative binomial ("nbf"), and (zero-inflated) poisson
#'        ("poi"). Link functions are the same as those available in Poisson models via
#'        \link{glm}. See \link{family} documentation. As default, \code{family} is set to
#'        be Poisson with log link.
#' @param offset this can be used to specify an \emph{a priori} known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This should be \code{NULL} or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of cases.
#' @param zero.link an (optional) character string which allows to specify the link function to be used in the model for \eqn{\pi}.
#' 		  Link functions available are the same than those available in binomial models via \link{glm}. See \link{family} documentation.
#' 		  As default, \code{zero.link} is set to "logit".
#' @param weights an (optional) vector of positive "prior weights" to be used in the fitting process. The length of
#'        \code{weights} should be the same as the number of observations. As default, \code{weights} is set to a vector of 1s.
#' @param data an (optional) \code{data frame} in which to look for variables involved in the \code{formula} expression,
#'        as well as for variables specified in the arguments \code{weights} and \code{subset}.
#' @param subset an (optional) vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param start an (optional) list with two components named "counts" and "zeros", which allows to specify the starting values to be used in the
#'        iterative process to obtain the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictors to the models for \eqn{\mu}
#'        and \eqn{\pi}, respectively.
#' @param reltol an (optional) positive value which represents the \emph{relative convergence tolerance} for the BFGS method in \link{optim}.
#'        As default, \code{reltol} is set to 1e-13.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. By default \code{na.action} is set to \code{na.omit()}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return
#' An object of class  \emph{zeroinflation} in which the main results of the model fitted to the data are stored, i.e., a
#' list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{coefficients} \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the parameter estimates\cr
#'                     \tab from the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{fitted.values}\tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimates of \eqn{\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_n}\cr
#'                     \tab and \eqn{\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_n}, respectively,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{start}        \tab a vector containing the starting values for all parameters in the model,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{prior.weights}\tab a vector containing the case weights used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{offset}       \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the offset vectors, if any, \cr
#'                     \tab from the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{terms}        \tab a list with elements "counts", "zeros" and "full" containing the terms objects for \cr
#'                     \tab the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{loglik}       \tab the value of the log-likelihood function avaliated at the parameter estimates and\cr
#'                     \tab the observed data,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{estfun}       \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimating functions \cr
#'                     \tab evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data for the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{formula}      \tab the formula,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{levels}       \tab the levels of the categorical regressors,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{contrasts}    \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the contrasts corresponding\cr
#'                     \tab to levels from the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{converged}    \tab a logical indicating successful convergence,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{model}        \tab the full model frame,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{y}            \tab the response count vector,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{family}       \tab a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the \link{family} objects used\cr
#'                     \tab  in the respective models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{linear.predictors} \tab  a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimates of \cr
#'                          \tab  \eqn{g(\mu_1),\ldots,g(\mu_n)} and \eqn{h(\pi_1),\ldots,h(\pi_n)}, respectively,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{R}            \tab a matrix with the Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the variance-covariance\cr
#'                     \tab matrix of all parameters in the model,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{call}         \tab the original function call.\cr
#' }
#' @details
#' The zero-inflated count distributions may be obtained as the mixture between a count
#' distribution and the Bernoulli distribution. Indeed, if \eqn{Y} is a count random
#' variable such that \eqn{Y|\nu=1} is 0 with probability 1
#' and \eqn{Y|\nu=0} ~ Poisson\eqn{(\mu)}, where \eqn{\nu} ~ Bernoulli\eqn{(\pi)}, then
#' \eqn{Y} is distributed according to the Zero-Inflated Poisson distribution, denoted here as
#' ZIP\eqn{(\mu,\pi)}.
#' Similarly, if \eqn{Y} is a count random variable such that \eqn{Y|\nu=1} is 0 with probability 1
#' and \eqn{Y|\nu=0} ~ NB\eqn{(\mu,\phi,\tau)}, where \eqn{\nu} ~ Bernoulli\eqn{(\pi)}, then
#' \eqn{Y} is distributed according to the Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial distribution, denoted here as
#' ZINB\eqn{(\mu,\phi,\tau,\pi)}. The Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial I \eqn{(\mu,\phi,\pi)} and
#' Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial II \eqn{(\mu,\phi,\pi)} distributions are special cases of ZINB when
#' \eqn{\tau=0} and \eqn{\tau=-1}, respectively.
#' The "counts" model may be expressed as \eqn{g(\mu_i)=x_i^{\top}\beta} for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,n}, where
#' \eqn{g(\cdot)} is the link function specified at the argument \code{family}. Similarly, the "zeros" model may
#' be expressed as \eqn{h(\pi_i)=z_i^{\top}\gamma} for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,n}, where \eqn{h(\cdot)} is the
#' link function specified at the argument \code{zero.link}. Parameter estimation is
#' performed using the maximum likelihood method. The model parameters are estimated by
#' maximizing the log-likelihood function through the BFGS method available in the routine
#' \link{optim}. Analytical derivatives are used instead of numerical derivatives to
#' increase BFGS method accuracy and speed. The variance-covariance matrix estimate is
#' obtained as being minus the inverse of the (analytical) hessian matrix evaluated at the
#' parameter estimates and the observed data.
#' A set of standard extractor functions for fitted model objects is available for objects
#' of class \emph{zeroinflation}, including methods for generic functions such as
#' \link{print}, \link{summary}, \link{model.matrix}, \link{estequa},
#' \link{coef}, \link{vcov}, \link{logLik}, \link{fitted}, \link{confint}, \link{AIC}, \link{BIC} and
#' \link{predict}. In addition, the model fitted to the	data may be assessed using functions such as
#' \link{anova.zeroinflation}, \link{residuals.zeroinflation}, \link{dfbeta.zeroinflation},
#' \link{cooks.distance.zeroinflation} and \link{envelope.zeroinflation}.
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Roots Produced by the Columnar Apple Cultivar Trajan
#' data(Trajan)
#' fit1 <- zeroinf(roots ~ photoperiod, family="nbf(log)", zero.link="logit", data=Trajan)
#' summary(fit1)
#' ####### Example 2: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit2 <- zeroinf(infections ~ frequency | location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' summary(fit2)
#' ####### Example 3: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit3 <- zeroinf(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment | ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' summary(fit3)
#' @seealso \link{overglm}, \link{zeroalt}
#' @export zeroinf
#' @references Cameron A.C., Trivedi P.K. 1998. \emph{Regression Analysis of Count Data}. New York:
#'             Cambridge University Press.
#' @references Lambert D. 1992. Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression, with an Application to Defects in
#'             Manufacturing. \emph{Technometrics} 34, 1-14.
#' @references Garay A.M., Hashimoto E.M., Ortega E.M.M., Lachos V. (2011) On estimation and
#'             influence diagnostics for zero-inflated negative binomial regression models. \emph{Computational
#' 			   Statistics & Data Analysis} 55, 1304-1318.
zeroinf <- function(formula, data, offset, subset, na.action=na.omit(), weights, family="poi(log)",
                    zero.link=c("logit", "probit", "cloglog", "cauchit", "log"), reltol=1e-13,
  if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  zero.link <- match.arg(zero.link)
  mmf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "offset", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(mmf), 0)
  mmf <- mmf[c(1,m)]
  mmf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mmf$formula <- Formula(formula)
  mmf <- eval(mmf, parent.frame())

  y <- as.matrix(model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, lhs=1)); zeros <- y==0
  if(any(y != floor(y)) | any(y < 0)) stop("There are negative or non-integer values in the response variable!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(all(y > 0)) stop("Zero values in the response variable are required!!",call.=FALSE)
  mx <- model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, rhs = 1, terms = TRUE)
  X <- model.matrix(mx, data = mmf); p <- ncol(X)
  if(!is.null(start$counts) & length(start$counts) != p) stop("Incorrect size of the starting values vector for the counts model!!",call.=FALSE)
  offsx <- model.offset(mx)
  if(is.null(offsx)) offsx <- matrix(0,nrow(X),1)
  if(suppressWarnings(formula(Formula(formula),lhs=0,rhs=2)=="~0")) mz <- mx
  else mz <- model.part(Formula(formula), data = mmf, rhs = 2, terms = TRUE)
  Z <- model.matrix(mz, data = mmf); q <- ncol(Z)
  if(!is.null(start$zeros) & length(start$zeros) != q) stop("Incorrect size of the starting values vector for the zeros model!!",call.=FALSE)
  offsz <- model.offset(mz)
  if(is.null(offsz)) offsz <- matrix(0,nrow(X),1)
  weights <- model.weights(mmf)
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- matrix(1,nrow(X),1)
  if(any(weights <= 0)) stop("Only positive weights are allowed!!",call.=FALSE)
  temp <- strsplit(gsub(" |link|=|'|'","",tolower(family)),"[()]")[[1]]
  family <- temp[1]
  if(is.na(temp[2])) link="log" else link <- temp[2]
  familyx <- poisson(link); familyz <- binomial(zero.link)

    ep <- 0
    objective <- function(theta){
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx)
      pi <- familyz$linkinv(Z%*%theta[-c(1:p)] + offsz)
      l <- ifelse(zeros,log(pi + (1 - pi)*exp(-mu)),log(1 - pi) - mu + y*log(mu) - lgamma(y + 1))
    score <- function(theta){
      etax <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx; etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:p)] + offsz
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax); pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      s0 <- pi + (1 - pi)*exp(-mu)
      s1 <- ifelse(zeros,-(1 - pi)*exp(-mu)/s0,y/mu - 1)
      s2 <- ifelse(zeros,(1 - exp(-mu))/s0,-1/(1 - pi))
    theta0 <- function(start){
      if(!is.null(start$counts)) betas <- start$counts
      else betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=y[!zeros],x=X[!zeros,],offset=offsx[!zeros],weights=weights[!zeros],family=familyx)$coefficients)
      if(!is.null(start$zeros)) gammas <- start$zeros
      else gammas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=ifelse(y==0,1,0),x=Z,offset=offsz,weights=weights,family=familyz)$coefficients)
    hess <- function(theta){
      etax <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx; etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:p)] + offsz
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax); pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      dmu2detax2 <- grad(familyx$mu.eta,etax); dpi2detaz2 <- grad(familyz$mu.eta,etaz)
      s0 <- pi + (1 - pi)*exp(-mu)
      s11 <- ifelse(zeros,(pi*(1 - pi)*exp(-mu)/s0^2)*dmudetax^2 - ((1 - pi)*exp(-mu)/s0)*dmu2detax2,
                    - (y/mu^2)*dmudetax^2 + (y/mu - 1)*dmu2detax2)
      s12 <- ifelse(zeros,exp(-mu)/s0^2,0)*dmudetax*dpidetaz
      s22 <- ifelse(zeros,-((1 - exp(-mu))/s0)^2*dpidetaz^2 + ((1 - exp(-mu))/s0)*dpi2detaz2,
                    - (1 - pi)^(-2)*dpidetaz^2 - (1 - pi)^(-1)*dpi2detaz2)
      hessiana <- matrix(0,p + q,p + q)
      hessiana[1:p,1:p] <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*s11,nrow(X),p)*X)
      hessiana[1:p,-c(1:p)] <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*s12,nrow(Z),q)*Z); hessiana[-c(1:p),1:p] <- t(hessiana[1:p,-c(1:p)])
      hessiana[-c(1:p),-c(1:p)] <- crossprod(Z,matrix(weights*s22,nrow(Z),q)*Z)
  if(family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
    ep <- 2;
      ep <- 1; tau <- 0
      ep <- 1; tau <- -1
    objective <- function(theta){
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx)
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      pi <- familyz$linkinv(Z%*%theta[-c(1:(p + ep))] + offsz)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu
      l <- ifelse(zeros,log(pi + (1 - pi)*(v + 1)^(-1/u)),Lgamma(y + 1/u) - Lgamma(1/u) - Lgamma(y + 1) +
                    y*log(v) - (y + 1/u)*log(v + 1) + log(1 - pi))
    score <- function(theta){
      etax <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax)
      etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:(p + ep))] + offsz
      pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu
      E1 <- ifelse(zeros,0,-(Digamma(y + 1/u) - Digamma(1/u) - log(v + 1))/u)
      E2 <- ifelse(zeros,0,(y - mu)/(v + 1))
      k0 <- ifelse(zeros,(v + 1)^(-1/u)*(1 - pi)/(pi + (1 - pi)*(v + 1)^(-1/u)),0)
      s1 <- ifelse(zeros,mu*k0*(log(v + 1)*tau/v - (tau + 1)/(v + 1)),tau*E1 + (tau + 1)*E2)
      s2 <- ifelse(zeros,k0*(log(v + 1)/u - mu/(v + 1)),E1 + E2)
      s3 <- ifelse(zeros,(1 - (v + 1)^(-1/u))/(pi + (1 - pi)*(v + 1)^(-1/u)),-1/(1 - pi))
      out_ <- c(crossprod(X,weights*s1*dmudetax/mu),sum(weights*s2))
      if(family=="nbf") out_ <- c(out_,sum(weights*s2*log(mu)))
    theta0 <- function(start){
      if(!is.null(start$counts)) betas <- start$counts
      else betas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=y[!zeros],x=X[!zeros,],offset=offsx[!zeros],weights=weights[!zeros],family=familyx)$coefficients)
      mus <- familyx$linkinv(X%*%betas + offsx)
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + I(mus^2),offset=mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik))),0)
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + I(mus^2),offset=mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik))))
        fik <- lm((y - mus)^2 ~ -1 + mus)
        betas <- c(betas,log(abs(coef(fik)-1)))
      if(!is.null(start$zeros)) gammas <- start$zeros
      else gammas <- suppressWarnings(glm.fit(y=ifelse(y==0,1,0),x=Z,offset=offsz,weights=weights,family=familyz)$coefficients)
    hess <- function(theta){
      etax <- X%*%theta[1:p] + offsx
      phi <- exp(theta[p + 1])
      if(family=="nbf") tau <- theta[p + ep]
      mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax)
      etaz <- Z%*%theta[-c(1:(p + ep))] + offsz
      pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu
      dmudetax <- familyx$mu.eta(etax); dpidetaz <- familyz$mu.eta(etaz)
      dmu2detax2 <- grad(familyx$mu.eta,etax); dpi2detaz2 <- grad(familyz$mu.eta,etaz)
      hessiana <- matrix(0,p + ep + q,p + ep + q)
      E1 <- ifelse(zeros,0,-(digamma(y + 1/u) - log(v + 1) - digamma(1/u))/u);E2 <- ifelse(zeros,0,(y - mu)/(v + 1))
      psis <- ifelse(zeros,0,psigamma(y + 1/u,1) - psigamma(1/u,1))
      cc1 <- ifelse(zeros,0,-E1 + psis/u^2 + mu/(v + 1));cc2 <- ifelse(zeros,0,-(y - mu)*v/(v + 1)^2)
      f <- (v + 1)^(1/u);m <- ifelse(zeros,pi*f + (1 - pi),0); m2 <- ifelse(zeros,m^2/(1 - pi),0)
      f1 <-  ifelse(zeros,log(v + 1)*tau/v - (tau + 1)/(v + 1),0)
      f2 <-  ifelse(zeros,log(v + 1)/u - mu/(v + 1),0)
      f22 <- ifelse(zeros,mu/(v + 1) - log(v + 1)/u + v*mu/(v + 1)^2,0)
      f11 <- ifelse(zeros,(tau + 1)^2*u/(v + 1)^2 - log(v + 1)*tau*(tau + 1)/(v*mu) + tau*(tau + 1)/(mu*(v + 1)),0)
      f12 <- ifelse(zeros,(tau + 1)*v/(v + 1)^2 - log(v + 1)*tau/v + tau/(v + 1),0)
      f13 <- ifelse(zeros,((tau + 1)*v*log(mu) - v - 1)/(v + 1)^2 + v*log(v + 1)*(1 - tau*log(mu))/v^2 +
                      phi*tau*(tau + 1)*log(mu)/(v*(v + 1)),0)
      aa <- ifelse(zeros,(m*f11 + pi*f*f1^2)/m2,-(tau/mu)*(tau*E1/mu - tau*psis/(u^2*mu) - (tau+1)/(v + 1)) -
                     ((tau + 1)/mu)*(u*(mu + (y - mu)*(tau + 1)) + 1)/(v + 1)^2 - E2*(tau + 1)/mu^2 - tau*E1/mu^2)
      s1 <- ifelse(zeros,mu*(1 - pi)*f1/m,tau*E1 + (tau + 1)*E2)
      s2 <- ifelse(zeros,mu*(m*f12 + pi*f*f2*f1)/m2,tau*cc1 + (tau + 1)*cc2)
      s3 <- s2*log(mu)
      k0 <- ifelse(zeros,(v + 1)^(-1/u)*(1 - pi)/(pi + (1 - pi)*(v + 1)^(-1/u)),0)
      s3 <-	s3 + ifelse(zeros,mu*k0*(log(v + 1)/v - 1/(v + 1)),E1 + E2)
      s4 <- ifelse(zeros,(m*f22 + pi*f*f2^2)/m2,cc1 + cc2)
      hessiana[1:p,1:p] <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*(aa*dmudetax^2 + s1*dmu2detax2/mu),nrow(X),ncol(X))*X)
      hessiana[p + 1,1:p] <- hessiana[1:p,p + 1] <- crossprod(X,weights*s2*dmudetax/mu)
      hessiana[p + 1,p + 1] <- sum(weights*s4)
        hessiana[p + ep,1:p] <- hessiana[1:p,p + ep] <- crossprod(X,weights*s3*dmudetax/mu)
        hessiana[p + ep,p + 1] <- hessiana[p + 1,p + ep] <- sum(weights*s4*log(mu))
        hessiana[p + ep,p + ep] <- sum(weights*s4*log(mu)^2)
      z0 <- ifelse(zeros,-dpidetaz/(f*(pi + (1 - pi)*(1/f))^2),0)
      hessiana[1:p,-c(1:(p + ep))] <- crossprod(X,matrix(weights*f1*dmudetax*z0,nrow(Z),ncol(Z))*Z)
      hessiana[-c(1:(p + ep)),1:p] <- t(hessiana[1:p,-c(1:(p + ep))])
      hessiana[p + 1,-c(1:(p + ep))] <- t(weights*f2*z0)%*%Z;hessiana[-c(1:(p + ep)),p + 1] <- t(hessiana[p + 1,-c(1:(p + ep))])
        hessiana[p + ep,-c(1:(p + ep))] <- crossprod(weights*f2*log(mu)*z0,Z);hessiana[-c(1:(p + ep)),p + ep] <- t(hessiana[p + ep,-c(1:(p + ep))])
      z1 <- ifelse(zeros,(1 - (v + 1)^(-1/u))/(pi + (1 - pi)*(v + 1)^(-1/u)),-1/(1 - pi))
      hessiana[-c(1:(p + ep)),-c(1:(p + ep))] <- crossprod(Z,matrix(weights*(dpi2detaz2*z1 - dpidetaz^2*z1^2),nrow(Z),ncol(Z))*Z)
  thetanew <- theta0(start)
  salida <- optim(thetanew,objective,score,method="BFGS",control=list(reltol=reltol,fnscale=-1))
  if(salida$convergence != 0) warning("Convergence not achieved!!",call.=FALSE)
  theta_hat <- list(counts=matrix(salida$par[1:(p + ep)],nrow=p + ep,1),zeros=matrix(salida$par[-c(1:(p + ep))],nrow=q,1))
  nomb <- c(colnames(X),"log(phi)","tau"); rownames(theta_hat$counts) <- nomb[1:length(theta_hat$counts)]
  rownames(theta_hat$zeros) <- colnames(Z)
  etax <- X%*%theta_hat$counts[1:p] + offsx
  etaz <- Z%*%theta_hat$zeros + offsz
  mu <- familyx$linkinv(etax);pi <- familyz$linkinv(etaz)
  estfun <- score(salida$par)
  estfun <- list(counts=matrix(estfun[1:(p + ep)],nrow=p + ep,1),zeros=matrix(estfun[-c(1:(p + ep))],nrow=q,1))
  familyx$family <- family
  rownames(estfun$counts) <- rownames(theta_hat$counts); rownames(estfun$zeros) <- rownames(theta_hat$zeros)
  theta_new <- matrix(thetanew,length(thetanew),1)
  rownames(thetanew) <- rownames(theta_hat)
  R <- try(chol(-hess(salida$par)),silent=TRUE)
    warning("Estimate of variance-covariance matrix is not positive definite",call.=FALSE)
    R <- solve(-hess(salida$par)); attr(R,"pd") <- FALSE
    attr(R,"pd") <- TRUE
  out_ <- list(coefficients=theta_hat,fitted.values=list(counts=mu,zeros=pi),linear.predictors=list(counts=etax,zeros=etaz),
               levels=.getXlevels(attr(mmf,"terms"),mmf),contrasts = list(counts=attr(X,"contrasts"),zeros=attr(Z,"contrasts")))
  class(out_) <- "zeroinflation"

#' @method model.matrix zeroinflation
#' @export

model.matrix.zeroinflation <- function(object, submodel=c("counts","zeros"), ...) {
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
  out_ <- model.matrix(object$terms[[submodel]], object$model, contrasts=object$contrasts[[submodel]])

#' @method model.matrix overglm
#' @export

model.matrix.overglm <- function(object, ...) {
  out_ <- model.matrix(object$terms, object$model, contrasts=object$contrasts)

#' @method coef zeroinflation
#' @export

coef.zeroinflation <- function(object, submodel=c("counts","zeros"), ...) {
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
    out_ <- as.matrix(object$coefficients[["counts"]][1:object$parms[1]])
    rownames(out_) <- rownames(object$coefficients[["counts"]])[1:object$parms[1]]
  else out_ <- object$coefficients[[submodel]]
  colnames(out_) <- "Estimates"

#' @method coef overglm
#' @export

coef.overglm <- function(object, ...) {
  out_ <- as.matrix(object$coefficients[1:object$parms[1]])
  rownames(out_) <- rownames(object$coefficients)[1:object$parms[1]]
  colnames(out_) <- "Estimates"

#' @method vcov zeroinflation
#' @export

vcov.zeroinflation <- function(object, submodel=c("counts","zeros"), ...) {
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
  if(attr(object$R,"pd")) varcovar <- chol2inv(object$R) else varcovar <- object$R
  if(submodel=="counts") out_ <- varcovar[1:object$parms[1],1:object$parms[1]]
  else out_ <- varcovar[-c(1:sum(object$parms[1:2])),-c(1:sum(object$parms[1:2]))]
  rownames(out_) <- colnames(out_) <- rownames(object$coefficients[[submodel]][1:ncol(out_)])
#' @method vcov overglm
#' @export

vcov.overglm <- function(object, ...) {
  if(attr(object$R,"pd")) out_ <- chol2inv(object$R)[1:object$parms[1],1:object$parms[1]]
  else out_ <- object$R
  rownames(out_) <- colnames(out_) <- rownames(coef(object))

#' @method logLik zeroinflation
#' @export

logLik.zeroinflation <- function(object, ...){
  out_ <- object$logLik
  attr(out_,"df") <- sum(object$parms)
  attr(out_,"nobs") <- length(object$prior.weights)
  class(out_) <- "logLik"

#' @method logLik overglm
#' @export

logLik.overglm <- function(object, ...){
  out_ <- object$logLik
  attr(out_,"df") <- length(object$coefficients)
  attr(out_,"nobs") <- length(object$prior.weights)
  class(out_) <- "logLik"

#' @method fitted zeroinflation
#' @export

fitted.zeroinflation <- function(object, submodel=c("counts","zeros"), ...){
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
  out_ <- object$fitted.values[[submodel]]
  colnames(out_) <- "Fitted values"

#' @method fitted overglm
#' @export

fitted.overglm <- function(object, ...){
  out_ <- object$fitted.values
  colnames(out_) <- "Fitted values"

#' @method predict overglm
#' @export

predict.overglm <- function(object,newdata,se.fit=FALSE,type=c("link","response"),na.action=na.omit(), ...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
    predicts <- object$linear.predictors
    X <- model.matrix(object)
    newdata <- data.frame(newdata)
    mf <- model.frame(delete.response(object$terms),newdata,na.action=na.action,xlev=object$levels)
    X <- model.matrix(delete.response(object$terms),mf,contrasts=object$contrasts)
    betas <- object$coefficients[1:object$parms[1]]
    predicts <- X%*%betas
    offs <- model.offset(mf)
    if(!is.null(offs)) predicts <- predicts + offs
  family <- object$family
  if(type=="response") predicts <- family$linkinv(predicts)
    se <- sqrt(apply((X%*%vcov(object))*X,1,sum))
    if(type=="response") se <- se*abs(family$mu.eta(family$linkfun(predicts)))
    predicts <- cbind(predicts,se)
    colnames(predicts) <- c("fit","se.fit")
  }else colnames(predicts) <- c("fit")
  rownames(predicts) <- rep(" ",nrow(predicts))

#' @method predict zeroinflation
#' @export

predict.zeroinflation <- function(object,newdata,submodel=c("counts","zeros"),se.fit=FALSE,
                                  type=c("link","response"),na.action=na.omit(), ...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
    predicts <- object$linear.predictors[[submodel]]
    X <- model.matrix(object,submodel=submodel)
    newdata <- data.frame(newdata)
    mf <- model.frame(delete.response(object$terms[[submodel]]),newdata,na.action=na.action,xlev=object$levels)
    X <- model.matrix(delete.response(object$terms[[submodel]]),mf,contrasts=object$contrasts[[submodel]])
    betas <- object$coefficients[[submodel]]
    predicts <- X%*%betas
    offs <- model.offset(mf)
    if(!is.null(offs)) predicts <- predicts + offs
  family <- object$family[[submodel]]
  if(type=="response") predicts <- family$linkinv(predicts)
    se <- sqrt(apply((X%*%vcov(object,submodel=submodel))*X,1,sum))
    if(type=="response") se <- se*abs(family$mu.eta(family$linkfun(predicts)))
    predicts <- cbind(predicts,se)
    colnames(predicts) <- c("fit","se.fit")
  }else colnames(predicts) <- c("fit")
  rownames(predicts) <- rep(" ",nrow(predicts))

#' @title Estimating Equations for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.
#' @description Computes the estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data for
#' regression models based on the negative binomial, beta-binomial, and random-clumped binomial
#' distributions, which are alternatives to the Poisson and binomial regression models under the presence of overdispersion.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A vector with the values of the estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data.
#' @method estequa overglm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ### Example 1: Ability of retinyl acetate to prevent mammary cancer in rats
#' data(mammary)
#' fit1 <- overglm(tumors ~ group, family="nb1(identity)", data=mammary)
#' estequa(fit1)
#' ### Example 2: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit2 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' estequa(fit2)
#' ### Example 3: Urinary tract infections in HIV-infected men
#' data(uti)
#' fit3 <- overglm(episodes ~ cd4 + offset(log(time)), family="nb1(log)", data = uti)
#' estequa(fit3)
#' ### Example 4: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit4 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' estequa(fit4)
#' ### Example 5: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit5 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' estequa(fit5)
#' ### Example 6: Teratogenic effects of phenytoin and trichloropropene oxide
#' data(ossification)
#' model6 <- cbind(fetuses,litter-fetuses) ~ pht + tcpo
#' fit6 <- overglm(model6, family="rcb(cloglog)", data=ossification)
#' estequa(fit6)
#' ### Example 7: Germination of orobanche seeds
#' data(orobanche)
#' model7 <- cbind(germinated,seeds-germinated) ~ specie + extract
#' fit7 <- overglm(model7, family="rcb(cloglog)", data=orobanche)
#' estequa(fit7)

estequa.overglm <- function(object, ...){
  out_ <- object$estfun
  colnames(out_) <- " "

#' @title Estimating Equations in Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Computes the estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data for regression models to deal with zero-excess in count data.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{zeroinflation}.
#' @param submodel an (optional) character string which allows to specify the model: "counts" or "zeros". By default,
#' \code{submodel} is set to "counts".
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A vector with the values of the estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data.
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Roots Produced by the Columnar Apple Cultivar Trajan
#' data(Trajan)
#' fit1 <- zeroalt(roots ~ photoperiod, family="nbf(log)", zero.link="logit", data=Trajan)
#' estequa(fit1)
#' fit1a <- zeroinf(roots ~ photoperiod, family="nbf(log)", zero.link="logit", data=Trajan)
#' estequa(fit1a)
#' ####### Example 2: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit2 <- zeroalt(infections ~ frequency | location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' estequa(fit2)
#' fit2a <- zeroinf(infections ~ frequency | location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' estequa(fit2a)
#' ####### Example 3: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit3 <- zeroalt(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' estequa(fit3)
#' fit3a <- zeroinf(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment | ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' estequa(fit3a)
#' @method estequa zeroinflation
#' @export
estequa.zeroinflation <- function(object, submodel=c("counts","zeros"), ...){
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel); submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
  out_ <- object$estfun[[submodel]]
  colnames(out_) <- " "

#' @method summary overglm
#' @export

summary.overglm <- function(object,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),signif.legend=FALSE,...){
  cat("\nSample size:",nrow(object$y),"\n")
  family <- switch(object$family$family,
                   "nb1"="Negative Binomial type I","nb2"="Negative Binomial type II",
                   "nbf"="Negative Binomial","poi"="Poisson",
                   "rcb"="Random-clumped Binomial","bb"="Beta-Binomial")
  cat("     Family:",paste0(ifelse(object$zero.trunc,"zero-truncated ",""),family),"with",object$family$link,"link")
  varcovar <- sqrt(diag(chol2inv(object$R)))
  TAB	<- cbind(Estimate <- object$coefficients,
               StdErr <- varcovar,
               tval <- Estimate/StdErr,
               p.value <- 2*pnorm(-abs(tval)))
  colnames(TAB) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  rownames(TAB) <- rownames(object$coefficients)
  if(object$parms[2] > 0){
      TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1] <- exp(TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1])/(1 + exp(TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1]))
      TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,2] <- TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,2]*TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1]/exp(0.5*TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1])
      TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1] <- exp(TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1])
      TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,2] <- TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,2]*TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1]
    TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,3:4] <- c(NA,NA)
    TAB <- rbind(TAB[c(1:object$parms[1]),],rep(NA,4),TAB[-c(1:object$parms[1]),])
    rownames(TAB)[object$parms[1] + 2] <- "phi"
  printCoefmat(TAB, P.values=TRUE, signif.stars=FALSE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=digits, dig.tst=digits, tst.ind=c(1,2,3), na.print = " ")
  cat("                 -2*log-likelihood: ",round(-2*object$logLik,digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               AIC: ",round(-2*object$logLik + 2*sum(object$parms),digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               BIC: ",round(-2*object$logLik + log(nrow(object$y))*sum(object$parms),digits=3),"\n")

#' @method summary zeroinflation
#' @export

summary.zeroinflation <- function(object,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),signif.legend=FALSE,...){
  cat("\nSample size:",nrow(object$y),"\n")
  family <- switch(object$family$counts$family,
                   "nb1"="Negative Binomial type I","nb2"="Negative Binomial type II",
                   "nbf"="Negative Binomial","poi"="Poisson")
  cat(ifelse(object$type=="Zero-alteration","     Family: zero-altered","     Family: zero-inflated"),family)
  if(attr(object$R,"pd")) varcovar <- sqrt(diag(chol2inv(object$R))) else varcovar <- sqrt(diag(object$R))
  cat(paste0("Count model coefficients (",family," with ",object$family$counts$link," link):\n"))
  rownamu <- rownames(object$coefficients$counts)
  rownapi <- rownames(object$coefficients$zeros)
  delta <- max(nchar(rownamu)) - max(nchar(rownapi))
  falta <- paste(replicate(max(abs(delta)-1,0)," "),collapse="")
  if(delta > 0) rownapi[1] <- paste(rownapi[1],falta,collapse="")
  if(delta < 0) rownamu[1] <- paste(rownamu[1],falta,collapse="")
  TAB	<- cbind(Estimate <- object$coefficients$counts,
               StdErr <- varcovar[1:sum(object$parms[1:2])],
               tval <- Estimate/StdErr,
               p.value <- 2*pnorm(-abs(tval)))
  colnames(TAB) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  rownames(TAB) <- rownamu
  if(object$parms[2] > 0){
    TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1] <- exp(TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1])
    TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,2] <- TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,2]*TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,1]
    TAB[object$parms[1] + 1,3:4] <- c(NA,NA)
    TAB <- rbind(TAB[c(1:object$parms[1]),],rep(NA,4),TAB[-c(1:object$parms[1]),])
    rownames(TAB)[object$parms[1] + 2] <- "phi"
  printCoefmat(TAB, P.values=TRUE, signif.stars=FALSE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=digits, dig.tst=digits, tst.ind=c(1,2,3), na.print = " ")
  out_ <- list(coefficients_count=round(TAB,digits=digits))
  cat(paste0(object$type," model coefficients (Bernoulli with ",object$family$zeros$link," link):"),"\n")
  TAB	<- cbind(Estimate <- object$coefficients$zeros,
               StdErr <- varcovar[-c(1:sum(object$parms[1:2]))],
               tval <- Estimate/StdErr,
               p.value <- 2*pnorm(-abs(tval)))
  colnames(TAB) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  rownames(TAB) <- rownapi
  printCoefmat(TAB, P.values=TRUE, signif.stars=FALSE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=digits, dig.tst=digits, tst.ind=c(1,2,3))
  cat("                 -2*log-likelihood: ",round(-2*object$logLik,digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               AIC: ",round(-2*object$logLik + 2*sum(object$parms),digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               BIC: ",round(-2*object$logLik + log(nrow(object$y))*sum(object$parms),digits=3),"\n")

#' @method print zeroinflation
#' @export

print.zeroinflation <- function(x,...){
  cat("\nSample size:",nrow(x$y),"\n")
  family <- switch(x$family$counts$family,
                   "nb1"="Negative Binomial type I","nb2"="Negative Binomial type II",
                   "nbf"="Negative Binomial","poi"="Poisson")
  cat(ifelse(x$type=="Zero-alteration","     Family: zero-altered","     Family: zero-inflated"),family)
  cat(paste(rep(" ",nchar(x$type)-6),collapse=""),"Sample size:",nrow(x$y),"\n")
  cat(paste(rep(" ",nchar(x$type)-6),collapse=""),"Count model:",family,"with",x$family$counts$link,"link\n")
  cat(x$type,"model: Bernoulli with",x$family$zeros$link,"link\n")
  cat("                 -2*log-likelihood: ",round(-2*x$logLik,digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               AIC: ",round(-2*x$logLik + 2*sum(x$parms),digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               BIC: ",round(-2*x$logLik + log(nrow(x$y))*sum(x$parms),digits=3),"\n")

#' @method print overglm
#' @export

print.overglm <- function(x,...){
  cat("\n Sample size:",nrow(x$y),"\n")
  family <- switch(x$family$family,
                   "nb1"="Negative Binomial type I","nb2"="Negative Binomial type II",
                   "nbf"="Negative Binomial","poi"="Poisson",
                   "rcb"="Random-clumped Binomial","bb"="Beta-Binomial")
  cat("     Family:",paste0(ifelse(x$zero.trunc,"zero-truncated ",""),family),"with",x$family$link,"link")
  cat("                 -2*log-likelihood: ",round(-2*x$logLik,digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               AIC: ",round(-2*x$logLik + 2*sum(x$parms),digits=3),"\n")
  cat("                               BIC: ",round(-2*x$logLik + log(nrow(x$y))*sum(x$parms),digits=3),"\n")

#' @title Residuals in Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Computes various types of residuals to assess the individual quality of model fit in regression models
#' to deal with zero-excess in count data.
#' @param object an object of class \emph{zeroinflation}.
#' @param type an (optional) character string which allows to specify the required type of residuals. The available options are: (1)
#' the difference between the observed response and the fitted mean ("response"); (2) the standardized difference between
#' the observed response and the fitted mean ("standardized"); (3) the randomized quantile residual ("quantile"). By
#' default, \code{type} is set to "quantile".
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical switch indicating if the plot of residuals versus the fitted values is required. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to FALSE.
#' @param identify an (optional) positive integer value indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot of residuals versus the fitted values. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A vector with the observed residuals type \code{type}.
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- zeroalt(infections ~ frequency | location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' residuals(fit1, type="quantile", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'           col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ####### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- zeroinf(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment | ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' residuals(fit2, type="quantile", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'           col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' @method residuals zeroinflation
#' @export
#' @references Dunn P.K., Smyth G.K. (1996) Randomized Quantile Residuals. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, 5, 236-244.
residuals.zeroinflation <- function(object,type=c("quantile","standardized","response"),plot.it=FALSE,identify,...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  mu <- object$fitted.values$counts
  pi <- object$fitted.values$zeros
  y <- object$y
  n <- length(mu)
  if(object$family$counts$family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
    phi <- exp(object$coefficients$counts[object$parms[1]+1])
    tau <- switch(object$family$counts$family,nb1=0,nb2=-1,nbf=object$coefficients$counts[object$parms[1]+2])
    if(object$type=="Zero-inflation") delta <- 1 - pi
    else delta <- (1 - pi)/(1 - dnbinom(0,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau)))
    res <- y - delta*mu
      u <- runif(n)
      res <- (1 - delta) + delta*pnbinom(y - 1,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau)) + delta*dnbinom(y,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau))*u
      res <- ifelse(y==0,(1 - delta)*u + delta*dnbinom(0,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau))*u,res)
      res <- ifelse(res < 1e-16,1e-16,res); res <- ifelse(res > 1 - (1e-16),1 - (1e-16),res); res <- qnorm(res)
    if(type=="standardized") res <- res/sqrt(delta*mu*(1 + phi*mu^(tau + 1)) + mu^2*delta*(1 - delta))
    if(object$type=="Zero-inflation") delta <- 1 - pi
    else delta <- (1 - pi)/(1 - dpois(0,lambda=mu))
    res <- y - delta*mu
      u <- runif(n)
      res <- (1 - delta) + delta*ppois(y - 1,lambda=mu) + delta*dpois(y,lambda=mu)*u
      res <- ifelse(y==0,(1 - delta)*u + delta*dpois(0,lambda=mu)*u,res)
      res <- ifelse(res < 1e-16,1e-16,res); res <- ifelse(res > 1 - (1e-16),1 - (1e-16),res); res <- qnorm(res)
    if(type=="standardized") res <- res/sqrt(delta*mu + mu^2*delta*(1 - delta))
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$x <- delta*mu
    nano$y <- res
    if(is.null(nano$ylim)) nano$ylim <- c(min(-3.5,min(res)),max(+3.5,max(res)))
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Estimated mean"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- paste(type," - type residuals",sep="")
    if(is.null(nano$pch))  nano$pch  <- 20
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:n
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(delta*mu,res,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
  res <- as.matrix(res)
  colnames(res) <- type

#' @title Residuals for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.
#' @description Computes various types of residuals to assess the individual quality of model fit for
#' regression models based on the negative binomial, beta-binomial, and random-clumped binomial
#' distributions, which are alternatives to the Poisson and binomial regression models under the presence of overdispersion.
#' @param object an object of class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param type an (optional) character string which allows to specify the required type of residuals. The available options are: (1)
#' the difference between the observed response and the fitted mean ("response"); (2) the standardized difference between
#' the observed response and the fitted mean ("standardized"); and (3) the randomized quantile residual ("quantile"). By
#' default, \code{type} is set to "quantile".
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical switch indicating if the plot of residuals versus the fitted values is required. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to FALSE.
#' @param identify an (optional) positive integer value indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot of residuals versus the fitted values. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A vector with the observed \code{type}-type residuals.
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' residuals(fit1, type="quantile", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'           col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' residuals(fit2, type="quantile", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'           col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 3: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit3 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' residuals(fit3, type="quantile", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'           col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' @method residuals overglm
#' @export
#' @references Dunn P.K., Smyth G.K. (1996) Randomized Quantile Residuals. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, 5, 236-244.

residuals.overglm <- function(object,type=c("quantile","standardized","response"), plot.it=FALSE, identify, ...){
  type <- match.arg(type)

    m <- apply(object$y,1,sum);delta <- m
    mu <- object$fitted.values
    phi <- exp(object$coefficients[object$parms[1] + 1])
    y <- as.matrix(object$y[,1])
    res <- y - m*mu; n <- length(y)
      alpha <- mu/phi; lambda <- (1 - mu)/phi; u <- runif(n)
      res <- matrix(NA,n,1)
      for(i in 1:n){
        ys <- 0:max(0,y[i] - 1)
        res[i] <- sum(choose(m[i],ys)*exp(Lgamma(alpha[i] + ys) + Lgamma(m[i] - ys + lambda[i]) - Lgamma(m[i] + 1/phi))) +
          choose(m[i],y[i])*exp(Lgamma(alpha[i] + y[i]) + Lgamma(m[i] - y[i] + lambda[i]) - Lgamma(m[i] + 1/phi))*u[i]
      res <- res/beta(alpha,lambda)
      res <- ifelse(res < 1e-16,1e-16,res); res <- ifelse(res > 1 - (1e-16),1 - (1e-16),res); res <- qnorm(res)
    if(type=="standardized") res <- (y - m*mu)/sqrt(m*mu*(1 - mu)*(1 + phi*(m - 1)/(phi + 1)))

    m <- apply(object$y,1,sum);delta <- m
    mu <- object$fitted.values
    phi <- exp(object$coefficients[object$parms[1] + 1])/(1 + exp(object$coefficients[object$parms[1] + 1]))
    y <- as.matrix(object$y[,1])
    res <- y - m*mu; n <- length(y)
      res <- mu*pbinom(y - 1,m,(1 - phi)*mu + phi) + (1 - mu)*pbinom(y - 1,m,(1 - phi)*mu) +
        (mu*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu + phi) + (1 - mu)*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu))*runif(n)
      res <- ifelse(res < 1e-16,1e-16,res); res <- ifelse(res > 1 - (1e-16),1 - (1e-16),res); res <- qnorm(res)
    if(type=="standardized") res <- (y - m*mu)/sqrt(m*mu*(1 - mu)*(1 + (m - 1)*phi^2))

  if(object$family$family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
    mu <- object$fitted.values
    phi <- exp(object$coefficients[object$parms[1] + 1])
    tau <- switch(object$family$family, nb1=0, nb2=-1, nbf=object$coefficients$counts[object$parms[1] + 2])
    y <- object$y
    n <- length(mu)
    if(object$zero.trunc) delta <- 1/(1 - dnbinom(0,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau))) else delta <- 1
    res <- y - delta*mu
      u <- runif(n)
      res <- (1 - delta) + delta*pnbinom(y - 1,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau)) + delta*dnbinom(y,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau))*u
      res <- ifelse(y==0,(1 - delta)*u + delta*dnbinom(0,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau))*u,res)
      res <- ifelse(res < 1e-16,1e-16,res); res <- ifelse(res > 1 - (1e-16),1 - (1e-16),res); res <- qnorm(res)
    if(type=="standardized") res <- res/sqrt(delta*mu*(1 + phi*mu^(tau + 1)) + mu^2*delta*(1 - delta))

    mu <- object$fitted.values
    y <- object$y
    n <- length(mu)
    if(object$zero.trunc) delta <- 1/(1 - dpois(0,lambda=mu)) else delta <- 1
    res <- y - delta*mu
      u <- runif(n)
      res <- (1 - delta) + delta*ppois(y - 1,lambda=mu) + delta*dpois(y,lambda=mu)*u
      res <- ifelse(y==0,(1 - delta)*u + delta*dpois(0,lambda=mu)*u,res)
      res <- ifelse(res < 1e-16,1e-16,res); res <- ifelse(res > 1 - (1e-16),1 - (1e-16),res); res <- qnorm(res)
    if(type=="standardized") res <- res/sqrt(delta*mu + mu^2*delta*(1 - delta))

    nano <- list(...)
    nano$x <- delta*mu
    nano$y <- res
    if(is.null(nano$ylim)) nano$ylim <- c(min(-3.5,min(res)),max(+3.5,max(res)))
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Estimated mean"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- paste(type," - type residuals",sep="")
    if(is.null(nano$pch))  nano$pch  <- 20
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:n
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(delta*mu,res,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
  res <- as.matrix(res)
  colnames(res) <- type

#' @title Comparison of nested models for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.
#' @description Allows to compare nested models for regression models based on the negative binomial, beta-binomial, and random-clumped binomial
#' distributions, which are alternatives to the Poisson and binomial regression models under the presence of overdispersion.
#' The comparisons are performed by using the Wald, score, gradient or likelihood ratio tests.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param ... another objects of the class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param test an (optional) character string which allows to specify the required test. The available options are: Wald ("wald"),
#' Rao's score ("score"), likelihood ratio ("lr") and Terrell's gradient ("gradient") tests. As default, \code{test} is
#' set to "wald".
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose}
#' is set to TRUE.
#' @return A matrix with the following three columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Chi} \tab The value of the statistic of the test,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Df}\tab The number of degrees of freedom,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Pr(>Chi)} \tab The \emph{p}-value of the \code{test}-type test computed using the Chi-square distribution.\cr
#' }
#' @method anova overglm
#' @export
#' @references Buse A. (1982) The Likelihood Ratio, Wald, and Lagrange Multiplier Tests: An Expository Note.
#'                             \emph{The American Statistician} 36, 153-157.
#' @references Terrell G.R. (2002) The gradient statistic. \emph{Computing Science and Statistics} 34, 206–215.
#' @examples
#' ## Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location + age + gender, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' anova(fit1, test="wald")
#' anova(fit1, test="score")
#' anova(fit1, test="lr")
#' anova(fit1, test="gradient")
#' ## Example 2: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit2 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf*ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' anova(fit2, test="wald")
#' anova(fit2, test="score")
#' anova(fit2, test="lr")
#' anova(fit2, test="gradient")
anova.overglm <- function(object,...,test=c("wald","lr","score","gradient"),verbose=TRUE){
  test <- match.arg(test)
  x <- list(object,...)
  if(any(unlist(lapply(x,function(xx) class(xx)[1])!="overglm")))
    stop("Only overglm-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
    terminos <- attr(object$terms,"term.labels")
    x[[1]] <- update(object,paste(". ~ . -",paste(terminos,collapse="-")))
    for(i in 1:length(terminos)) x[[i+1]] <- update(x[[i]],paste(". ~ . + ",terminos[i]))
    current <- list(x[[1]]$y,x[[1]]$family,x[[1]]$prior.weights,x[[1]]$offset,x[[1]]$zero.trunc)
    for(i in 2:length(x)){
      target <- list(x[[i]]$y,x[[i]]$family,x[[i]]$prior.weights,x[[i]]$offset,x[[i]]$zero.trunc)
      if(!isTRUE(all.equal(target,current))) stop("These models are not nested!!!",call.=FALSE)
  hast <- length(x)
  out_ <- matrix(0,hast-1,3)

  for(i in 2:hast){
    vars0 <- rownames(coef(x[[i-1]]))
    vars1 <- rownames(coef(x[[i]]))
    nest <- vars0 %in% vars1
    ids <- is.na(match(vars1,vars0))
    if(test=="wald") sc <- crossprod(coef(x[[i]])[ids],chol2inv(chol(vcov(x[[i]])[ids,ids])))%*%coef(x[[i]])[ids]
    if(test=="lr") sc <- 2*(logLik(x[[i]])-logLik(x[[i-1]]))
    if(test %in% c("score","gradient")){
      envir <- environment(x[[i]]$score)
      environment(x[[i]]$hess) <- envir
      envir$weights <- x[[i]]$prior.weights
      envir$zero.trunc <- x[[i]]$zero.trunc
      envir$offs <- x[[i]]$offset
        envir$m <- x[[i]]$y[,1] + x[[i]]$y[,2]
        envir$y <- x[[i]]$y[,1]
      }else envir$y <- x[[i]]$y
      envir$X <- model.matrix(x[[i]])
      envir$p <- ncol(envir$X)
      envir$n <- nrow(envir$X)
      if(x[[i]]$family$family %in% c("bb","rcb")) familyf <- binomial(x[[i]]$family$link)
      else familyf <- poisson(x[[i]]$family$link)
      envir$familyf <- familyf
      envir$parms <- x[[i]]$parms
      theta0 <- x[[i]]$coefficients
      theta0[ids] <- rep(0,sum(ids))
      theta0[!ids] <- x[[i-1]]$coefficients
      u0 <- x[[i]]$score(theta0)[ids]
        v0 <- try(chol(-x[[i]]$hess(theta0)),silent=TRUE)
        if(is.matrix(v0)) v0 <- chol2inv(v0) else v0 <- solve(-x[[i]]$hess(theta0))
        sc <- abs(crossprod(u0,v0[ids,ids])%*%u0)
      }else sc <- abs(crossprod(u0,coef(x[[i]])[ids]))
    df <- sum(ids)
    out_[i-1,] <- cbind(sc,df,1-pchisq(sc,df))
  colnames(out_) <- c(" Chi  ", " Df", "  Pr(>Chi)")
  rownames(out_) <- paste(1:(hast-1),"vs",2:hast)
    test <- switch(test,
                   "lr"="Likelihood-ratio test",
                   "wald"="Wald test",
                   "score"="Rao's score test",
                   "gradient"="Gradient test")
    cat("\n ",test,"\n\n")
    for(i in 1:hast) cat(paste("Model", i,": ",x[[i]]$formula[2],x[[i]]$formula[1],x[[i]]$formula[3:length(x[[i]]$formula)],collapse=""),"\n")
    printCoefmat(out_, P.values=TRUE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=5, signif.legend=TRUE, cs.ind=2)

#' @title Comparison of nested models for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Allows to compare nested models for regression models used to deal with zero-excess in count data.
#' The comparisons are performed by using the Wald, score, gradient or likelihood ratio tests.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{zeroinflation}.
#' @param submodel an (optional) character string which allows to specify the model: "counts" or "zeros". By default,
#' \code{submodel} is set to "counts".
#' @param ... another objects of the class \emph{zeroinflation}.
#' @param test an (optional) character string which allows to specify the required test. The available options are: Wald ("wald"),
#' Rao's score ("score"), likelihood ratio ("lr") and Terrell's gradient ("gradient") tests. As default, \code{test} is
#' set to "wald".
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose}
#' is set to TRUE.
#' @return A matrix with the following three columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Chi}}{ The value of the statistic of the test,}
#' \item{\code{Df}}{ The number of degrees of freedom,}
#' \item{\code{Pr(>Chi)}}{ The \emph{p}-value of the test \emph{test} computed using the Chi-square distribution.}
#' }
#' @method anova zeroinflation
#' @export
#' @references Buse A. (1982) The Likelihood Ratio, Wald, and Lagrange Multiplier Tests: An Expository Note.
#'                             \emph{The American Statistician} 36, 153-157.
#' @references Terrell G.R. (2002) The gradient statistic. \emph{Computing Science and Statistics} 34, 206–215.
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit1 <- zeroinf(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment | ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' anova(fit1,test="wald")
#' anova(fit1,test="lr")
#' anova(fit1,test="score")
#' anova(fit1,test="gradient")
#' fit2 <- zeroalt(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' anova(fit2,submodel="zeros",test="wald")
#' anova(fit2,submodel="zeros",test="lr")
#' anova(fit2,submodel="zeros",test="score")
#' anova(fit2,submodel="zeros",test="gradient")
anova.zeroinflation <- function(object,...,test=c("wald","lr","score","gradient"),verbose=TRUE,submodel=c("counts","zeros")){
  test <- match.arg(test)
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
  x <- list(object,...)
  if(any(unlist(lapply(x,function(xx) class(xx)[1])!="zeroinflation")))
    stop("Only zeroinflation-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
      terminos <- attr(object$terms[["counts"]],"term.labels"); terminos2 <- attr(object$terms[["zeros"]],"term.labels")
      mnul <- paste("~",attr(object$terms[["counts"]],"intercept"),"|")
      x[[1]] <- eval(parse(text=paste("update(object,formula =",object$formula[[2]],mnul,paste(terminos2,collapse=" + "),")")))
      for(i in 1:length(terminos)) x[[i+1]] <- eval(parse(text=paste("update(x[[i]], . ~ . + ",terminos[i],")")))
      terminos <- attr(object$terms[["zeros"]],"term.labels"); terminos2 <- attr(object$terms[["counts"]],"term.labels")
      mnul <- paste("|",attr(object$terms[["zeros"]],"intercept"),")")
      x[[1]] <- eval(parse(text=paste("update(object,formula =",object$formula[[2]],"~",paste(terminos2,collapse=" + "),mnul)))
      for(i in 1:length(terminos)) x[[i+1]] <- eval(parse(text=paste("update(x[[i]], . ~ . |. +",terminos[i],")")))
    current <- list(x[[1]]$y,x[[1]]$family,x[[1]]$prior.weights,x[[1]]$offset,x[[1]]$type)
    for(i in 2:length(x)){
      target <- list(x[[i]]$y,x[[i]]$family,x[[i]]$prior.weights,x[[i]]$offset,x[[i]]$type)
      if(!isTRUE(all.equal(target,current))) stop("These models are not nested!!!",call.=FALSE)
  hast <- length(x)
  out_ <- matrix(0,hast-1,3)
  for(i in 2:hast){
    vars0 <- c(paste0("c",rownames(x[[i-1]]$coefficients$counts)),paste0("z",rownames(x[[i-1]]$coefficients$zeros)))
    vars1 <- c(paste0("c",rownames(x[[i]]$coefficients$counts)),paste0("z",rownames(x[[i]]$coefficients$zeros)))
    nest <- vars0 %in% vars1
    ids <- is.na(match(vars1,vars0))
      b <- c(x[[i]]$coefficients$counts,x[[i]]$coefficients$zeros)[ids]
      vc <- chol2inv(x[[i]]$R)[ids,ids]
      sc <- crossprod(b,chol2inv(chol(vc)))%*%b
    if(test=="lr") sc <- 2*(logLik(x[[i]])-logLik(x[[i-1]]))
    if(test %in% c("score","gradient")){
      envir <- environment(x[[i]]$score)
      environment(x[[i]]$hess) <- envir
      envir$weights <- x[[i]]$prior.weights
      n <- length(x[[i]]$prior.weights)
      envir$y <- x[[i]]$y
      envir$X <- model.matrix(x[[i]],submodel="counts"); envir$Z <- model.matrix(x[[i]],submodel="zeros")
      envir$p <- x[[i]]$parms[1]; envir$ep <- x[[i]]$parms[2]; envir$q <- x[[i]]$parms[3]; envir$n <- nrow(envir$X)
      envir$offsx <- x[[i]]$offset$counts;envir$offsz <- x[[i]]$offset$zeros
      envir$familyx <- x[[i]]$family$counts;envir$familyz <- x[[i]]$family$zeros;zeros <- envir$y==0
      envir$X2 <- envir$X[!zeros,];envir$offsx2 <- envir$offsx[!zeros];envir$y2 <- envir$y[!zeros]
      envir$weights2 <- envir$weights[!zeros];envir$zeros <- zeros
      b <- c(x[[i]]$coefficients$counts,x[[i]]$coefficients$zeros)
      theta0 <- b
      theta0[ids] <- rep(0,sum(ids))
      theta0[!ids] <- c(x[[i-1]]$coefficients$counts,x[[i-1]]$coefficients$zeros)
      u0 <- x[[i]]$score(theta0)[ids]
        v0 <- try(chol(-x[[i]]$hess(theta0)),silent=TRUE)
        if(is.matrix(v0)) v0 <- chol2inv(v0) else v0 <- solve(-x[[i]]$hess(theta0))
        sc <- abs(crossprod(u0,v0[ids,ids])%*%u0)
      }else sc <- abs(crossprod(u0,b[ids]))
    df <- sum(ids)
    out_[i-1,] <- cbind(sc,df,1-pchisq(sc,df))
  colnames(out_) <- c(" Chi  ", " Df", "  Pr(>Chi)")
  rownames(out_) <- paste(1:(hast-1),"vs",2:hast," ")
    test <- switch(test,
                   "lr"="Likelihood-ratio test",
                   "wald"="Wald test",
                   "score"="Rao's score test",
                   "gradient"="Gradient test")
    cat("\n ",test,"\n\n")
    deltac <- nchar(paste(attr(x[[hast]]$terms[["counts"]],"term.labels"),collapse=" + "))
    deltaz <- nchar(paste(attr(x[[hast]]$terms[["zeros"]],"term.labels"),collapse=" + "))
    for(i in 1:hast){
      c <- paste(attr(x[[i]]$terms[["counts"]],"term.labels"),collapse=" + ")
      z <- paste(attr(x[[i]]$terms[["zeros"]],"term.labels"),collapse=" + ")
      fc <- paste0(c,paste(replicate(deltac-nchar(c)," "),collapse=""))
      fz <- paste0(z,paste(replicate(deltaz-nchar(z)," "),collapse=""))
    printCoefmat(out_, P.values=TRUE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=5, signif.legend=TRUE, cs.ind=2)

#' @title Dfbeta statistic for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.
#' @description Produces an approximation, better known as the \emph{one-step approximation}, of the effect on the
#' parameter estimates of deleting each individual in turn. This function also can produce an index plot of the
#' Dfbeta statistic for some parameter chosen via the argument \code{coefs}.
#' @param model an object of class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param coefs	an (optional) character string which (partially) match with the names of some model parameters.
#' @param identify an (optional) integer indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot of the Dfbeta statistic.
#' This is only appropriate if \code{coefs} is specified.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used
#' to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main},
#' \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @details The \emph{one-step approximation} of the estimates of the parameters when the \emph{i}-th individual
#' is excluded from the dataset consists of the vector obtained as result of the first iteration of the Newthon-Raphson
#' algorithm when it is performed using: (1) a dataset in which the \emph{i}-th individual is excluded; and (2)
#' a starting value which is the estimate of the same model but based on the dataset inluding all individuals.
#' @return A matrix with so many rows as individuals in the sample and so many columns as parameters in the linear
#' predictor. The \eqn{i}-th row of that matrix corresponds to the difference between the estimates of the parameters
#' in the linear predictor using all individuals and the \emph{one-step approximation} of those estimates when the
#' \emph{i}-th individual is excluded from the dataset.
#' @references Pregibon D. (1981). Logistic regression diagnostics. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, 9, 705-724.
#' @method dfbeta overglm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' dfbeta(fit1, coefs="frequency", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'        col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8, main="frequency")
#' ###### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' dfbeta(fit2, coefs="fem", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'        col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8, main="fem")
#' ###### Example 3: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit3 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' dfbeta(fit3, coefs="tnf", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'        col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8, main="tnf")
#' @export
dfbeta.overglm <- function(model, coefs, identify, ...){
  envir <- environment(model$score)
  environment(model$hess) <- envir
  weights <- envir$weights <- model$prior.weights
  envir$zero.trunc <- model$zero.trunc
  envir$offs <- model$offset
    envir$m <- model$y[,1] + model$y[,2]
    envir$y <- model$y[,1]
  }else envir$y <- model$y
  envir$X <- model.matrix(model)
  envir$p <- ncol(envir$X)
  n <- envir$n <- nrow(envir$X)
  if(model$family$family %in% c("bb","rcb")) familyf <- binomial(model$family$link)
  else familyf <- poisson(model$family$link)
  envir$familyf <- familyf
  envir$parms <- model$parms
  dfbetas <- matrix(0,n,envir$p+1)
  temp <- data.frame(y=model$y,X=envir$X,offs=envir$offs,weights=weights,ids=1:n)
  d <- ncol(temp)
  colnames(temp) <- c(paste("var",1:(d-1),sep=""),"ids")
  orden <- eval(parse(text=paste("with(temp,order(",paste(colnames(temp)[-d],collapse=","),"))",sep="")))
  temp2 <- temp[orden,]
  envir$weights[temp2$ids[1]] <- 0
  dfbetas[1,] <- chol2inv(chol(-model$hess(model$coefficients)))%*%model$score(model$coefficients)
  for(i in 2:n){
    if(all(temp2[i,-d]==temp2[i-1,-d])) dfbetas[i,] <- dfbetas[i-1,]
      envir$weights <- weights
      envir$weights[temp2$ids[i]] <- 0
      dfbetas[i,] <- -chol2inv(chol(-model$hess(model$coefficients)))%*%model$score(model$coefficients)
  dfbetas <- dfbetas[order(temp2$ids),]
  colnames(dfbetas) <- rownames(model$coefficients)

    ids <- grep(coefs,colnames(dfbetas),ignore.case=TRUE)
    if(length(ids) > 0){
      nano <- list(...)
      if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:nrow(dfbetas)
        labels <- nano$labels
        nano$labels <- NULL
      nano$x <- 1:nrow(dfbetas)
      if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Observation (i)"
      if(is.null(nano$type)) nano$type <- "h"
      if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- expression(hat(beta)-hat(beta)[("- i")])
      oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
      for(i in 1:length(ids)){
        nano$y <- dfbetas[,ids[i]]
        nano$main <- colnames(dfbetas)[ids[i]]
        if(any(nano$y > 0)) abline(h=3*mean(nano$y[nano$y > 0]),lty=3)
        if(any(nano$y < 0)) abline(h=3*mean(nano$y[nano$y < 0]),lty=3)
        if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(nano$x,nano$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)

    }else stop(paste("There are no variables with the name",coefs,collapse=""),call.=FALSE)

#' @title Dfbeta statistic for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Produces an approximation, better known as the \emph{one-step approximation}, of the effect on the
#' parameter estimates of deleting each individual in turn. This function also can produce an index plot
#' of the Dfbeta statistic for some parameter chosen via the argument \code{coefs}.
#' @param model an object of class \emph{zeroinflation}.
#' @param submodel an (optional) character string which allows to specify the model: "counts" or "zeros". By default,
#' \code{submodel} is set to "counts".
#' @param coefs	an (optional) character string which (partially) match with the names of some model parameters.
#' @param identify an (optional) integer indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot of the Dfbeta statistic. This
#' is only appropriate if \code{coefs} is specified.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used
#' to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main},
#' \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @details The \emph{one-step approximation} of the estimates of the parameters when the \emph{i}-th individual
#' is excluded from the dataset consists of the vector obtained as result of the first iteration of the Newthon-Raphson
#' algorithm when it is performed using: (1) a dataset in which the \emph{i}-th individual is excluded; and (2)
#' a starting value which is the estimate of the same model but based on the dataset inluding all individuals.
#' @return A matrix with so many rows as individuals in the sample and so many columns as parameters in the linear
#' predictor. The \eqn{i}-th row of that matrix corresponds to the difference between the estimates of the parameters
#' in the linear predictor using all individuals and the \emph{one-step approximation} of those estimates when the
#' \emph{i}-th individual is excluded from the dataset.
#' @references Pregibon D. (1981). Logistic regression diagnostics. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, 9, 705-724.
#' @method dfbeta zeroinflation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit <- zeroinf(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' dfbeta(fit, submodel="counts", coefs="frequency", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1,
#'        col.lab="blue", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' dfbeta(fit, submodel="zeros", coefs="location", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1,
#'        col.lab="blue", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
dfbeta.zeroinflation <- function(model,submodel=c("counts","zeros"),coefs,identify,...){
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
  envir <- environment(model$score)
  environment(model$hess) <- envir
  envir$weights <- model$prior.weights
  n <- length(model$prior.weights)
  envir$y <- model$y
  envir$X <- model.matrix(model,submodel="counts"); envir$Z <- model.matrix(model,submodel="zeros")
  envir$p <- model$parms[1]; envir$ep <- model$parms[2]; envir$q <- model$parms[3]
  envir$offsx <- model$offset$counts;envir$offsz <- model$offset$zeros
  envir$familyx <- model$family$counts;envir$familyz <- model$family$zeros;zeros <- envir$y==0
  envir$X2 <- envir$X[!zeros,];envir$offsx2 <- envir$offsx[!zeros];envir$y2 <- envir$y[!zeros]
  envir$weights2 <- envir$weights[!zeros];envir$zeros <- zeros

  dfbetas <- matrix(0,n,sum(model$parms))
  temp <- data.frame(y=envir$y,X=envir$X,Z=envir$Z,offsx=envir$offsx,offsz=envir$offsz,weights=envir$weights,ids=1:n)
  theta_hat <- c(model$coefficients$counts,model$coefficients$zeros)
  p2 <- sum(model$parms[1:2])
  d <- ncol(temp)
  colnames(temp) <- c(paste("var",1:(d-1),sep=""),"ids")
  orden <- eval(parse(text=paste("with(temp,order(",paste(colnames(temp)[-d],collapse=","),"))",sep="")))
  temp2 <- temp[orden,]
  envir$weights[temp2$ids[1]] <- 0
  envir$weights2 <- envir$weights[!zeros]
  hessiana <- model$hess(theta_hat);scoref <- model$score(theta_hat)
  if(model$type=="Zero-inflation") dfbetas[1,] <- chol2inv(chol(-hessiana))%*%scoref
    dfbetas[1,c(1:p2)] <- chol2inv(chol(-hessiana[c(1:p2),c(1:p2)]))%*%scoref[c(1:p2)]
    dfbetas[1,-c(1:p2)] <- chol2inv(chol(-hessiana[-c(1:p2),-c(1:p2)]))%*%scoref[-c(1:p2)]
  for(i in 2:n){
    if(all(temp2[i,-d]==temp2[i-1,-d])) dfbetas[i,] <- dfbetas[i-1,]
      envir$weights <- model$prior.weights
      envir$weights[temp2$ids[i]] <- 0
      envir$weights2 <- envir$weights[!zeros]
      hessiana <- model$hess(theta_hat);scoref <- model$score(theta_hat)
      if(model$type=="Zero-inflation") dfbetas[i,] <- chol2inv(chol(-hessiana))%*%scoref
        dfbetas[i,c(1:p2)] <- chol2inv(chol(-hessiana[c(1:p2),c(1:p2)]))%*%scoref[c(1:p2)]
        dfbetas[i,-c(1:p2)] <- chol2inv(chol(-hessiana[-c(1:p2),-c(1:p2)]))%*%scoref[-c(1:p2)]
  dfbetas <- -dfbetas[order(temp2$ids),]
  out_ <- list(counts=dfbetas[,c(1:p2)],zeros=dfbetas[,-c(1:p2)])
  colnames(out_$counts) <- rownames(model$coefficients$counts)
  colnames(out_$zeros) <- rownames(model$coefficients$zeros)
    ids <- grep(coefs,colnames(out_[[submodel]]),ignore.case=TRUE)
    if(length(ids) > 0){
      nano <- list(...)
      if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:n
        labels <- nano$labels
        nano$labels <- NULL
      nano$x <- 1:nrow(dfbetas)
      if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Observation (i)"
      if(is.null(nano$type)) nano$type <- "h"
      if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- expression(hat(beta)-hat(beta)[("- i")])
      oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
      for(i in 1:length(ids)){
        nano$y <- out_[[submodel]][,ids[i]]
        nano$main <- colnames(out_[[submodel]])[ids[i]]
        if(any(nano$y > 0)) abline(h=3*mean(nano$y[nano$y > 0]),lty=3)
        if(any(nano$y < 0)) abline(h=3*mean(nano$y[nano$y < 0]),lty=3)
        if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(nano$x,nano$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
    }else stop(paste("There are no variables with the name",coefs,collapse=""),call.=FALSE)

#' @title Cook's Distance for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion
#' @description Produces an approximation, better known as the \emph{one-step approximation}, of the Cook's distance,
#' which is aimed to measure the effect on the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictor of deleting each
#' observation in turn. This function also can produce an index plot of the Cook's distance for all parameters in
#' the linear predictor or for some subset of them (via the argument \code{coefs}).
#' @param model an object of class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical indicating if the plot is required or just the data matrix in which that
#' plot is based. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to FALSE.
#' @param coefs	an (optional) character string which (partially) match with the names of some model parameters.
#' @param identify an (optional) integer indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot of the Cook's
#' distance. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used
#' to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main},
#' \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A matrix as many rows as individuals in the sample and one column with the values of the Cook's distance.
#' @details The Cook's distance consists of the \emph{distance} between two estimates of the parameters in the linear
#' predictor using a metric based on the (estimate of the) variance-covariance matrix. The first one set of estimates
#' is computed from a dataset including all individuals, and the second one is computed from a dataset in which the
#' \emph{i}-th individual is excluded. To avoid computational burden, the second set of estimates is replaced by its
#' \emph{one-step approximation}. See the \link{dfbeta.overglm} documentation.
#' @method cooks.distance overglm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' ### Cook's distance for all parameters in the linear predictor
#' cooks.distance(fit1, plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ### Cook's distance just for the parameter associated with 'frequency'
#' cooks.distance(fit1, plot.it=TRUE, coef="frequency", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1,
#'    col.lab="blue", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' ### Cook's distance for all parameters in the linear predictor
#' cooks.distance(fit2, plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ### Cook's distance just for the parameter associated with 'fem'
#' cooks.distance(fit2, plot.it=TRUE, coef="fem", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1,
#'    col.lab="blue", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 3: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit3 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' ### Cook's distance for all parameters in the linear predictor
#' cooks.distance(fit3, plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ### Cook's distance just for the parameter associated with 'tnf'
#' cooks.distance(fit3, plot.it=TRUE, coef="tnf", col="red", lty=1, lwd=1,
#'   col.lab="blue", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
cooks.distance.overglm <- function(model, plot.it=FALSE, coefs, identify,...){
  dfbetas <- dfbeta(model)
  p <- model$parms[1]
  met <- vcov(model)
  dfbetas <- dfbetas[,1:p]
  subst <- NULL
    ids <- grepl(coefs,colnames(dfbetas),ignore.case=TRUE)
    if(sum(ids) > 0){
      subst <- colnames(dfbetas)[ids]
      dfbetas <- as.matrix(dfbetas[,ids])
      met <- as.matrix(met[ids,ids])
  met2 <- try(chol(met),silent=TRUE)
  if(is.matrix(met2)) met2 <- chol2inv(met2) else met2 <- solve(met)
  CD <- as.matrix(apply((dfbetas%*%met2)*dfbetas,1,mean))
  colnames(CD) <- "Cook's distance"
    nano <- list(...)
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:nrow(dfbetas)
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    nano$x <- 1:nrow(dfbetas)
    nano$y <- CD
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Observation (i)"
    if(is.null(nano$type)) nano$type <- "h"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- expression(frac(1,p)(hat(beta)-hat(beta)[{(-~~i)}])^{T}~(Var(hat(beta)))^{-1}~(hat(beta)-hat(beta)[{(-~~i)}]))
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(nano$x,nano$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
    message("The coefficients included in the Cook's distance are:\n")

#' @title Cook's Distance for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Produces an approximation, better known as the \emph{one-step approximation}, of the Cook's distance,
#' which is aimed to measure the effect on the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictor of deleting each
#' observation in turn. This function also can produce an index plot of the Cook's distance for all parameters in
#' the linear predictor or for some subset of them (via the argument \code{coefs}).
#' @param model an object of class \emph{zeroinflation}.
#' @param submodel an (optional) character string which allows to specify the model: "counts", "zeros" or "full". By default,
#' \code{submodel} is set to "counts".
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical indicating if the plot is required or just the data matrix in which that
#' plot is based. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to FALSE.
#' @param coefs	an (optional) character string which (partially) match with the names of some model parameters.
#' @param identify an (optional) integer indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot of the Cook's
#' distance. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used
#' to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main},
#' \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A matrix as many rows as individuals in the sample and one column with the values of the Cook's distance.
#' @details The Cook's distance consists of the \emph{distance} between two estimates of the parameters in the linear
#' predictor using a metric based on the (estimate of the) variance-covariance matrix. The first one set of estimates
#' is computed from a dataset including all individuals, and the second one is computed from a dataset in which the
#' \emph{i}-th individual is excluded. To avoid computational burden, the second set of estimates is replaced by its
#' \emph{one-step approximation}. See the \link{dfbeta.zeroinflation} documentation.
#' @method cooks.distance zeroinflation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit <- zeroinf(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' ### Cook's distance for all parameters in the "counts" model
#' cooks.distance(fit, submodel="counts", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1,
#'          col.lab="blue", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ### Cook's distance for all parameters in the "zeros" model
#' cooks.distance(fit, submodel="zeros", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1,
#'          col.lab="blue", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
cooks.distance.zeroinflation <- function(model, submodel=c("counts","zeros","full"), plot.it=FALSE, coefs, identify,...){
  submodel <- match.arg(submodel)
  dfbetas <- dfbeta(model)
    dfbetas <- cbind(dfbetas$counts[,1:model$parms[1]],dfbetas$zeros)
    met <- chol2inv(model$R)[-c(model$parms[1]+1,sum(model$parms[1:2])),-c(model$parms[1]+1,sum(model$parms[1:2]))]
    dfbetas <- dfbetas$counts[,1:model$parms[1]]
    met <- vcov(model,submodel="counts")[1:model$parms[1],1:model$parms[1]]
    dfbetas <- dfbetas$zeros
    met <- vcov(model,submodel="zeros")
  subst <- NULL
    ids <- grepl(coefs,colnames(dfbetas),ignore.case=TRUE)
    if(sum(ids) > 0){
      subst <- colnames(dfbetas)[ids]
      dfbetas <- as.matrix(dfbetas[,ids])
      met <- as.matrix(met[ids,ids])
  CD <- as.matrix(apply((dfbetas%*%chol2inv(chol(met)))*dfbetas,1,mean))
  colnames(CD) <- "Cook's distance"
    nano <- list(...)
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:nrow(dfbetas)
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    nano$x <- 1:nrow(dfbetas)
    nano$y <- CD
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Index (i)"
    if(is.null(nano$type)) nano$type <- "h"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- expression(frac(1,p)(hat(beta)-hat(beta)[{(-~~i)}])^{T}~(Var(hat(beta)))^{-1}~(hat(beta)-hat(beta)[{(-~~i)}]))
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(nano$x,nano$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
    message("The coefficients included in the Cook's distance are:\n")

#' @title Normal QQ-plot with Simulated Envelope of Residuals for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
#' @description Produces a normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals for regression models used to deal with
#' zero-excess in count data.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{zeroinflation}.
#' @param rep an (optional) positive integer which allows to specify the number of replicates which should be used to build the simulated envelope. As default, \code{rep} is set to 25.
#' @param conf an (optional) value in the interval \eqn{(0,1)} indicating the confidence level which should be used to build the pointwise confidence intervals, which conform the simulated envelope. As default, \code{conf} is set to 0.95.
#' @param type an (optional) character string which allows to specify the required type of residuals. The available options are: (1) the difference between the observed response
#' and the fitted mean ("response"); (2) the standardized difference between the observed response and the fitted mean ("standardized"); (3) the randomized quantile
#' residual ("quantile"). As default, \code{type} is set to "quantile".
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical switch indicating if the normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals is required or just the data matrix in which it is based. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to TRUE.
#' @param identify an (optional) positive integer value indicating the number of individuals to identify on the QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A matrix with the following four columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Lower limit} \tab the quantile (1 - \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'                    \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Median} \tab the quantile 0.5 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'               \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Upper limit} \tab the quantile (1 + \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'                    \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Residuals}\tab the observed \code{type}-type residuals.\cr
#' }
#' @details The simulated envelope is builded by simulating \code{rep} independent realizations of the response variable for each
#' individual, which is accomplished taking into account the following: (1) the model assumption about the distribution of
#' the response variable; (2) the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictor; and (3) the estimate of the
#' dispersion parameter. The interest model is re-fitted \code{rep} times, as each time the vector of observed responses
#' is replaced by one of the simulated samples. The \code{type}-type residuals are computed and then sorted for each
#' replicate, so that for each \eqn{i=1,2,...,n}, where \eqn{n} is the number of individuals in the sample, there is a random
#' sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order statistic of the  \code{type}-type residuals. Therefore, the simulated
#' envelope is composed of the quantiles (1 - \code{conf})/2 and (1 + \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of
#' the \eqn{i}-th order statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n}.
#' @references Atkinson A.C. (1985) \emph{Plots, Transformations and Regression}. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
#' @references Dunn P.K., Smyth G.K. (1996) Randomized Quantile Residuals. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics} 5, 236-244.
#' @seealso \link{envelope.lm}, \link{envelope.glm}, \link{envelope.overglm}
#' @method envelope zeroinflation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ####### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit <- zeroinf(infections ~ frequency | location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' envelope(fit, rep=30, conf=0.95, type="quantile", col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'          col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
envelope.zeroinflation <- function(object, rep=20, conf=0.95, type=c("quantile","response","standardized"), plot.it=TRUE, identify, ...){
  defaultW <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  phi <- exp(object$coefficients$counts[object$parms[1] + 1])
  tau <- switch(object$family$counts$family,nb1=0,nb2=-1,nbf=object$coefficientscounts[object$parms[1] + 2])
  mu <- object$fitted.values$counts
  pi <- object$fitted.values$zeros
  n <- length(mu)
  p0 <- dnbinom(0,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau))
  rep <- max(1,floor(abs(rep)))
  e <- matrix(0,n,rep)
  bar <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=rep, initial=0, width=min(50,rep), char="+", style=3)
  X1 <- model.matrix(object,submodel="counts")
  X2 <- model.matrix(object,submodel="zeros")
  familia <- paste0(object$family$counts$family,"(",object$family$counts$link,")")
  i <- 1
  while(i <= rep){
      resp <- ifelse(runif(n) <= pi,0,rnbinom(n,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau)))
      fits <- try(zeroinf(resp ~ -1 + X1 + offset(object$offset$counts)|-1 + X2 + offset(object$offset$zeros),start=list(counts=coef(object),zeros=coef(object,submodel="zeros")),family=familia,zero.link=object$family$zeros$link,weights=object$prior.weights),silent=TRUE)
      resp <- ifelse(runif(n) <= pi,0,qnbinom(p0 + (1-p0)*runif(n),mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau)))
      fits <- try(zeroalt(resp ~ -1 + X1 + offset(object$offset$counts)|-1 + X2 + offset(object$offset$zeros),start=list(counts=coef(object),zeros=coef(object,submodel="zeros")),family=familia,zero.link=object$family$zeros$link,weights=object$prior.weights),silent=TRUE)
        rs <- residuals(fits,type=type,plot.it=FALSE)
        e[,i] <- sort(rs)
        i <- i + 1
  alpha <- 1 - max(min(abs(conf),1),0)
  es <- t(apply(e,1,function(x) return(quantile(x,probs=c(alpha/2,0.5,1-alpha/2)))))
  rd <- residuals(object,type=type,plot.it=FALSE)
  out_ <- as.matrix(cbind(es,sort(rd)))
  colnames(out_) <- c("Lower limit","Median","Upper limit","Residuals")
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$y <- rd
    nano$type <- "p"
    if(is.null(nano$ylim)) nano$ylim <- 1.1*range(out_)
    if(is.null(nano$pch)) nano$pch <- 20
    if(is.null(nano$col)) nano$col <- "black"
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Expected quantiles"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- "Observed quantiles"
    if(is.null(nano$main)) nano$main <- paste0("Normal QQ plot with simulated envelope\n of ",type,"-type residuals")
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:length(rd)
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    outm <- do.call("qqnorm",nano)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[,2],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=3)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[,1],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=1)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[,3],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=1)
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(outm$x,outm$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
  options(warn = defaultW)

#' @title Normal QQ-plot with Simulated Envelope of Residuals for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion
#' @description Produces a normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals for regression models based on the negative binomial, beta-binomial, and random-clumped binomial
#' distributions, which are alternatives to the Poisson and binomial regression models under the presence of overdispersion.
#' @param object an object of class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param rep an (optional) positive integer which allows to specify the number of replicates which should be used to build the simulated envelope. As default, \code{rep} is set to 25.
#' @param conf an (optional) value in the interval \eqn{(0,1)} indicating the confidence level which should be used to build the pointwise confidence intervals, which conform the simulated envelope. As default, \code{conf} is set to 0.95.
#' @param type an (optional) character string which allows to specify the required type of residuals. The available options are: (1) the difference between the observed response
#' and the fitted mean ("response"); (2) the standardized difference between the observed response and the fitted mean ("standardized"); and (3) the randomized quantile
#' residual ("quantile"). As default, \code{type} is set to "quantile".
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical switch indicating if the normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals is required or just the data matrix in which it is based. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to TRUE.
#' @param identify an (optional) positive integer value indicating the number of individuals to identify on the QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A matrix with the following four columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Lower limit} \tab the quantile (1 - \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'                    \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Median} \tab the quantile 0.5 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'               \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Upper limit} \tab the quantile (1 + \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'                    \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Residuals}\tab the observed \code{type}-type residuals,\cr
#' }
#' @details The simulated envelope is builded by simulating \code{rep} independent realizations of the response variable for each
#' individual, which is accomplished taking into account the following: (1) the model assumption about the distribution of
#' the response variable; (2) the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictor; and (3) the estimate of the
#' dispersion parameter. The interest model is re-fitted \code{rep} times, as each time the vector of observed responses
#' is replaced by one of the simulated samples. The \code{type}-type residuals are computed and then sorted for each
#' replicate, so that for each \eqn{i=1,2,...,n}, where \eqn{n} is the number of individuals in the sample, there is a random
#' sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order statistic of the  \code{type}-type residuals. Therefore, the simulated
#' envelope is composed of the quantiles (1 - \code{conf})/2 and (1 + \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of
#' the \eqn{i}-th order statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n}.
#' @references Atkinson A.C. (1985) \emph{Plots, Transformations and Regression}. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
#' @references Dunn P.K., Smyth G.K. (1996) Randomized Quantile Residuals. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics} 5, 236-244.
#' @seealso \link{envelope.lm}, \link{envelope.glm}, \link{envelope.zeroinflation}
#' @method envelope overglm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' envelope(fit1, rep=30, conf=0.95, type="quantile", col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'          col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8, plot.it=TRUE)
#' ###### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' envelope(fit2, rep=30, conf=0.95, type="quantile", col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'          col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8, plot.it=TRUE)
#' ###### Example 3: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit3 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' envelope(fit3, rep=30, conf=0.95, type="quantile", col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'          col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8, plot.it=TRUE)
envelope.overglm <- function(object, rep=25, conf=0.95, type=c("quantile","response","standardized"), plot.it=TRUE, identify, ...){
  defaultW <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  mu <- object$fitted.values
  n <- length(mu)
  p <- object$parms[1]
  if(object$parms[2] > 0) phi <- exp(object$coefficients[object$parms[1] + 1])
  if(object$family$family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
    tau <- switch(object$family$family,nb1=0,nb2=-1,nbf=object$coefficients[object$parms[1] + 2])
    if(object$zero.trunc) p0 <- dnbinom(0,mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau)) else p0 <- 0
  if(object$family$family == "poi") p0 <- ifelse(object$zero.trunc,exp(-mu),0)
  rep <- max(1,floor(abs(rep)))
  e <- matrix(0,n,rep)
  bar <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=rep, initial=0, width=min(50,rep), char="+", style=3)
  i <- 1
  X <- model.matrix(object)
  familia <- paste0(object$family$family,"(",object$family$link,")")
  while(i <= rep){
    if(object$family$family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
      resp. <- qnbinom(p0 + (1 - p0)*runif(n),mu=mu,size=1/(phi*mu^tau))
      fits <- try(overglm(resp. ~ -1 + X + offset(object$offset),start=coef(object),weights=object$prior.weights,zero.trunc=object$zero.trunc,family=familia),silent=TRUE)
    if(object$family$family == "poi"){
      resp. <- qpois(p0 + (1 - p0)*runif(n),lambda=mu)
      fits <- try(overglm(resp. ~ -1 + X + offset(object$offset),start=coef(object),weights=object$prior.weights,zero.trunc=object$zero.trunc,family=familia),silent=TRUE)
    if(object$family$family == "bb"){
      size. <- apply(object$y,1,sum); prob <- rbeta(n,shape1=mu/phi,shape2=(1 - mu)/phi)
      resp. <- rbinom(n,size=size.,prob=prob)
      fits <- try(overglm(cbind(resp.,size.-resp.) ~ -1 + X + offset(object$offset),start=coef(object),weights=object$prior.weights,zero.trunc=object$zero.trunc,family=familia),silent=TRUE)
    if(object$family$family == "rcb"){
      phi <- exp(object$coefficients[p + 1])/(1 + exp(object$coefficients[p + 1]))
      size. <- apply(object$y,1,sum)
      resp. <- ifelse(runif(n) <= mu,rbinom(n,size=size.,prob=(1 - phi)*mu + phi),rbinom(n,size=size.,prob=(1 - phi)*mu))
      fits <- try(overglm(cbind(resp.,size.-resp.) ~ -1 + X + offset(object$offset),start=coef(object),weights=object$prior.weights,zero.trunc=object$zero.trunc,family=familia),silent=TRUE)
        rs <- residuals(fits,type=type,plot.it=FALSE)
        e[,i] <- sort(rs)
        i <- i + 1
  alpha <- 1 - max(min(abs(conf),1),0)
  es <- t(apply(e,1,function(x) return(quantile(x,probs=c(alpha/2,0.5,1-alpha/2)))))
  rd <- residuals(object,type=type,plot.it=FALSE)
  out_ <- as.matrix(cbind(es,sort(rd)))
  colnames(out_) <- c("Lower limit","Median","Upper limit","Residuals")
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$y <- rd
    nano$type <- "p"
    if(is.null(nano$ylim)) nano$ylim <- 1.1*range(out_)
    if(is.null(nano$pch)) nano$pch <- 20
    if(is.null(nano$col)) nano$col <- "black"
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Expected quantiles"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- "Observed quantiles"
    if(is.null(nano$main)) nano$main <- paste0("Normal QQ plot with simulated envelope\n of ",type,"-type residuals")
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:length(rd)
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    outm <- do.call("qqnorm",nano)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[,2],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=3)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[,1],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=1)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[,3],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=1)
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(outm$x,outm$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
  options(warn = defaultW)

#' @title Variable selection for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion
#' @description Performs variable selection using hybrid versions of forward stepwise and backward stepwise by comparing
#' hierarchically builded candidate models using a criterion previously specified such as AIC, BIC or \eqn{p}-value of the
#' significance tests.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param direction an (optional) character string which allows to specify the type of procedure which should be used. The available
#' options are: hybrid backward stepwise ("backward") and hybrid forward stepwise ("forward"). As default, \code{direction}
#' is set to "forward".
#' @param levels an (optional) two-dimensional vector of values in the interval \eqn{(0,1)} indicating the levels at which
#' the variables should in and out from the model. This is only appropiate if \code{criterion}="p-value". By default,
#' \code{levels} is set to \code{c(0.05,0.05)}.
#' @param test an (optional) character string which allows to specify the statistical test which should be used to compare nested
#' models. The available options are: Wald ("wald"), Rao's score ("score"), likelihood-ratio ("lr") and gradient
#' ("gradient") tests. As default, \code{test} is set to "wald".
#' @param criterion an (optional) character string which allows to specify the criterion which should be used to compare the
#' candidate models. The available options are: AIC ("aic"), BIC ("bic"), and \emph{p}-value of the \code{test}-type test
#' ("p-value"). As default, \code{criterion} is set to "bic".
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods. For example, \code{k}, that is, the magnitude of the
#' penalty in the AIC, which by default is set to 2.
#' @param trace an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the stepwise reports be printed. By default,
#' \code{trace} is set to TRUE.
#' @param scope an (optional) list, containing components \code{lower} and \code{upper}, both formula-type objects,
#' indicating the range of models which should be examined in the stepwise search. As default, \code{lower} is a model
#' with no predictors and \code{upper} is the linear predictor of the model in \code{model}.
#' @param force.in an (optional) formula-type object indicating the effects that should be in all models
#' @param force.out an (optional) formula-type object indicating the effects that should be in no models
#' @return A list which contains the following objects:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{initial} \tab a character string indicating the linear predictor of the "initial model",\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{direction}\tab a character string indicating the type of procedure which was used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{criterion}\tab a character string indicating the criterion used to compare the candidate models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{final}\tab a character string indicating the linear predictor of the "final model",\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{final.fit} \tab an object of class \code{overglm} with the results of the fit to the data of the "final model",\cr
#' }
#' @seealso \link{stepCriterion.lm}, \link{stepCriterion.glm}, \link{stepCriterion.glmgee}
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ age + gender + frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' stepCriterion(fit1, criterion="p-value", direction="forward", test="lr")
#' stepCriterion(fit1, criterion="bic", direction="backward", test="score", force.in=~location)
#' ###### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- overglm(art ~ fem + mar + kid5 + phd + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' stepCriterion(fit2, criterion="p-value", direction="forward", test="lr")
#' stepCriterion(fit2, criterion="bic", direction="backward", test="score", force.in=~fem)
#' ###### Example 3: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit3 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn + tnf*ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' stepCriterion(fit3, criterion="p-value", direction="backward", test="lr")
#' stepCriterion(fit3, criterion="bic", direction="forward", test="score")
#' @method stepCriterion overglm
#' @export
#' @references James G., Witten D., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. (2013, page 210) An Introduction to Statistical Learning
#' with Applications in R. Springer, New York.
stepCriterion.overglm <- function(model, criterion=c("bic","aic","p-value"), test=c("wald","score","lr","gradient"), direction=c("forward","backward"), levels=c(0.05,0.05), trace=TRUE, scope, force.in, force.out, ...){
  xxx <- list(...)
  if(is.null(xxx$k)) k <- 2 else k <- xxx$k
  if(!missingArg(criterion)) criterion <- tolower(criterion)
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  test <- match.arg(test)
  if(test=="wald") test2 <- "Wald test"
  if(test=="score") test2 <- "Rao's score test"
  if(test=="lr") test2 <- "likelihood-ratio test"
  if(test=="gradient") test2 <- "Gradient test"

  criters <- c("aic","bic","adjr2","p-value")
  criters2 <- c("AIC","BIC","adj.R-squared","P(Chisq>)(*)")
  sentido <- c(1,1,-1,1)
    upper <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
    lower <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
    lower <- formula(paste(deparse(lower[[2]]),"~",attr(terms(lower,data=eval(model$call$data)),"intercept")))
      lower <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
      lower <- formula(paste(deparse(lower[[2]]),"~",attr(terms(lower,data=eval(model$call$data)),"intercept")))
    }else lower <- scope$lower
    if(is.null(scope$upper)) upper <- formula(eval(model$call$formula)) else upper <- scope$upper
  if(is.null(model$call$data)) datas <- get_all_vars(upper,environment(eval(model$call$formula)))
  else datas <- get_all_vars(upper,eval(model$call$data))
  if(!is.null(model$call$subset)) datas <- datas[eval(model$call$subset,datas),]
  datas <- na.omit(datas)
      upper <- as.formula(paste0(eval(model$call$formula)[[length(eval(model$call$formula))]],"~",paste0(attr(terms(eval(model$call$formula),data=datas),"term.labels"),collapse="+")))

    force.in <- attr(terms(as.formula(force.in)),"term.labels")
    lower <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(c(deparse(lower[[length(lower)]]),force.in[!(force.in %in% attr(terms(lower),"term.labels"))]),collapse="+")))
    upper <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(c(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]]),force.in[!(force.in %in% attr(terms(upper),"term.labels"))]),collapse="+")))
  }else force.in <- ""
    force.out <- attr(terms(as.formula(force.out)),"term.labels")
    upper <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]])[!(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]]) %in% force.out)],collapse="+")))
  }else force.out <- ""

U <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(attr(terms(upper,data=datas),"term.labels"),":"),function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse =":")))
  fs <- attr(terms(upper,data=datas),"factors")
  long <- max(nchar(U)) + 2
  nonename <- paste("<none>",paste(replicate(max(long-6,0)," "),collapse=""),collapse="")
  cambio <- ""
  paso <- 1
  tol <- TRUE
  familia <- switch(model$family$family,"nb1"="Negative Binomial I",
                    "nb2"="Negative Binomial II","nbf"="Negative Binomial Family",
                    "rcb"="Random-clumped Binomial","bb"="Beta-Binomial","poi"="poisson")
  if(model$zero.trunc) familia <- paste("Zero-truncated",familia)
    cat("\n       Family: ",familia,"\n")
    cat("Link function: ",model$family$link,"\n")
    cat("    Criterion: ",criters2[criters==criterion])
    oldformula <- lower
      cat("\nInitial model:\n")
      cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    out_ <- list(initial=paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),direction=direction,criterion=criters2[criters==criterion])
      oldformula <-  update(oldformula,paste(as.character(eval(model$call$formula))[2],"~ ."))
      fit.x <- update(model,formula=oldformula,start=NULL)
      S <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(attr(terms(oldformula),"term.labels"),":"),function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse =":")))
      entran <- seq(1:length(U))[is.na(match(U,S))]
      salen <- seq(1:length(U))[!is.na(match(U,S))]
      mas <- TRUE

      fsalen <- matrix(NA,length(salen),5)
      if(length(salen) > 0){
        nombres <- matrix("",length(salen),1)
        for(i in 1:length(salen)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,salen[i]]*fs[,-c(entran,salen[i])]),2,sum)
          if(all(salida < sum(fs[,salen[i]])) & U[salen[i]]!=cambio & !(U[salen[i]] %in% force.in)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . -",U[salen[i]]))
            fit.0 <- update(model,formula=newformula,start=NULL)
            fsalen[i,1] <- fit.0$df.residual - fit.x$df.residual
            fsalen[i,5] <- anova(fit.0,fit.x,test=test,verbose=FALSE)[1,1]
            fsalen[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fsalen[i,1]/2)*((fsalen[i,5]/fsalen[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fsalen[i,1]))
            fsalen[i,2] <- AIC(fit.0,k=k)
            fsalen[i,3] <- BIC(fit.0)
            fsalen[i,4] <- 0
            nombres[i] <- U[salen[i]]
        rownames(fsalen) <- paste("-",nombres)
        if(criterion=="p-value" & any(!is.na(fsalen))){
          colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fsalen) > 1){
            fsalen <- fsalen[order(fsalen[,5]),]
            fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
            attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
          fsalen[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fsalen[,1]))*fsalen[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fsalen[,1]))^3*fsalen[,1],fsalen[,1])
          if(fsalen[1,5] > levels[2]){
            fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,c(NA,AIC(fit.x,k=k),BIC(fit.x),NA,NA))
            rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
            fsalen <- fsalen[,-4]
            mas <- FALSE
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)

      if(length(entran) > 0 & mas){
        fentran <- matrix(NA,length(entran),5)
        nombres <- matrix("",length(entran),1)
        for(i in 1:length(entran)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,-c(salen,entran[i])]),2,function(x) sum(fs[,entran[i]]*x)!=sum(x))
          if(all(salida) & U[entran[i]]!=cambio & !(U[entran[i]] %in% force.out)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . +",U[entran[i]]))
            fit.0 <- update(model,formula=newformula,adjr2=FALSE,start=NULL)
            fentran[i,1] <- fit.x$df.residual - fit.0$df.residual
            fentran[i,5] <- anova(fit.x,fit.0,test=test,verbose=FALSE)[1,1]
            fentran[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fentran[i,1]/2)*((fentran[i,5]/fentran[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fentran[i,1]))
            fentran[i,2] <- AIC(fit.0,k=k)
            fentran[i,3] <- BIC(fit.0)
            fentran[i,4] <- 0
            nombres[i] <- U[entran[i]]
        rownames(fentran) <- paste("+",nombres)
          colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fentran) > 1){
            fentran <- fentran[order(-fentran[,5]),]
            fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
            attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
          fentran[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fentran[,1]))*fentran[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fentran[,1]))^3*fentran[,1],fentran[,1])
          fentran <- rbind(fentran,c(NA,AIC(fit.x,k=k),BIC(fit.x),NA,NA))
          rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
          fentran <- fentran[,-4]
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fentran,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fentran)-2),
          if(fentran[1,ncol(fentran)] < levels[1]){
            if(trace) cat("\nStep",paso,":",rownames(fentran)[1],"\n\n")
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
          }else tol <- FALSE
      if(length(entran) > 0 & criterion!="p-value"){
        if(any(!is.na(fsalen))) fentran <- rbind(fentran,fsalen)
        fentran[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fentran[,1]))*fentran[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fentran[,1]))^3*fentran[,1],fentran[,1])
        fentran <- rbind(fentran,c(0,AIC(fit.x,k=k),BIC(fit.x),0,0))
        rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
        ids <- criters == criterion
        colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
        fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
        attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
        fentran[nrow(fentran),c(1,5)] <- NA
        fentran <- fentran[order(sentido[ids]*fentran[,c(FALSE,ids)]),]
          fentran <- fentran[,-4]
          paso <- paso + 1
          cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)
          oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
          tol <- FALSE
          fentran <- fentran[,-4]
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fentran,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fentran)-2),
      if(length(entran) == 0 & mas) tol <- FALSE
    oldformula <- upper
      cat("\nInitial model:\n")
      cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    out_ <- list(initial=paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),direction=direction,criterion=criters2[criters==criterion])
      oldformula <-  update(oldformula,paste(as.character(eval(model$call$formula))[2],"~ ."))
      fit.x <- update(model,formula=oldformula,start=NULL)
      S <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(attr(terms(oldformula),"term.labels"),":"),function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse =":")))
      entran <- seq(1:length(U))[is.na(match(U,S))]
      salen <- seq(1:length(U))[!is.na(match(U,S))]
      menos <- TRUE

      fentran <- matrix(NA,length(entran),5)
      if(length(entran) > 0){
        nombres <- matrix("",length(entran),1)
        for(i in 1:length(entran)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,-c(salen,entran[i])]),2,function(x) sum(fs[,entran[i]]*x)!=sum(x))
          if(all(salida) & U[entran[i]]!=cambio & !(U[entran[i]] %in% force.out)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . +",U[entran[i]]))
            fit.0 <- update(model,formula=newformula,adjr2=FALSE,start=NULL)
            fentran[i,1] <- fit.x$df.residual - fit.0$df.residual
            fentran[i,5] <- anova(fit.x,fit.0,test=test,verbose=FALSE)[1,1]
            fentran[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fentran[i,1]/2)*((fentran[i,5]/fentran[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fentran[i,1]))
            fentran[i,2] <- AIC(fit.0,k=k)
            fentran[i,3] <- BIC(fit.0)
            fentran[i,4] <- 0
            nombres[i] <- U[entran[i]]
        rownames(fentran) <- paste("+",nombres)
        if(criterion=="p-value" & any(!is.na(fentran))){
          colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fentran) > 1){
            fentran <- fentran[order(-fentran[,5]),]
            fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
            attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
          fentran[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fentran[,1]))*fentran[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fentran[,1]))^3*fentran[,1],fentran[,1])
          if(fentran[1,5] < levels[1]){
            fentran <- rbind(fentran,c(NA,AIC(fit.x,k=k),BIC(fit.x),NA,NA))
            rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
            fentran <- fentran[,-4]
            menos <- FALSE
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)

      if(length(salen) > 0 & menos){
        fsalen <- matrix(NA,length(salen),5)
        nombres <- matrix("",length(salen),1)
        for(i in 1:length(salen)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,salen[i]]*fs[,-c(entran,salen[i])]),2,sum)
          if(all(salida < sum(fs[,salen[i]])) & !(U[salen[i]] %in% force.in)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . -",U[salen[i]]))
            fit.0 <- update(model,formula=newformula,start=NULL)
            fsalen[i,1] <- fit.0$df.residual - fit.x$df.residual
            fsalen[i,5] <- anova(fit.0,fit.x,test=test,verbose=FALSE)[1,1]
            fsalen[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fsalen[i,1]/2)*((fsalen[i,5]/fsalen[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fsalen[i,1]))
            fsalen[i,2] <- AIC(fit.0,k=k)
            fsalen[i,3] <- BIC(fit.0)
            fsalen[i,4] <- 0
            nombres[i] <- U[salen[i]]
        rownames(fsalen) <- paste("-",nombres)
          colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fsalen) > 1){
            fsalen <- fsalen[order(fsalen[,5]),]
            fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
            attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
          fsalen[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fsalen[,1]))*fsalen[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fsalen[,1]))^3*fsalen[,1],fsalen[,1])
          fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,c(NA,AIC(fit.x,k=k),BIC(fit.x),NA,NA))
          rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
          fsalen <- fsalen[,-4]
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fsalen,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fsalen)-2),
          if(fsalen[1,ncol(fsalen)] > levels[2]){
            if(trace) cat("\nStep",paso,":",rownames(fsalen)[1],"\n\n")
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
          }else tol <- FALSE
        if(any(!is.na(fentran))) fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,fentran)
        fsalen[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fsalen[,1]))*fsalen[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fsalen[,1]))^3*fsalen[,1],fsalen[,1])
        fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,c(0,AIC(fit.x,k=k),BIC(fit.x),0,0))
        rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
        ids <- criters == criterion
        colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
        fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
        attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
        fsalen[nrow(fsalen),c(1,5)] <- NA
        fsalen <- fsalen[order(sentido[ids]*fsalen[,c(FALSE,ids)]),]
          fsalen <- fsalen[,-4]
          paso <- paso + 1
          cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)
          oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
          tol <- FALSE
          fsalen <- fsalen[,-4]
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fsalen,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fsalen)-2),
      if(length(salen) == 0 & menos) tol <- FALSE
    cat("\n\nFinal model:\n")
    cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    cat("\n(*) p-values of the",test2)
      cat("\n Effects are included when their p-values are lower than",levels[1])
      cat("\n Effects are dropped when their p-values are higher than",levels[2])
    if(!is.null(xxx$k)) cat("The magnitude of the penalty in the AIC was set to ",xxx$k)
  out_$final <- paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" ")
    final.fit <- fit.0 <- update(model,formula=oldformula,adjr2=FALSE,start=NULL)
    out_$final.fit <- final.fit

#' @title Local Influence for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion
#' @description Computes local influence measures under the case-weight perturbation scheme for alternatives to the Poisson and
#' Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion. Those local influence measures
#' may be chosen to correspond to all parameters in the linear predictor or (via \code{coefs}) for just some subset of them.
#' @param object an object of class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param type an (optional) character string which allows to specify the local influence approach:
#' the absolute value of the elements of the main diagonal of the normal curvature matrix ("total") or
#' the eigenvector which corresponds to the maximum absolute eigenvalue of the normal curvature matrix ("local").
#' As default, \code{type} is set to "total".
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical indicating if the plot is required or just the data matrix in which that plot is based. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to FALSE.
#' @param coefs	an (optional) character string which (partially) match with the names of some model parameters.
#' @param identify an (optional) integer indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used
#' to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main},
#' \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A matrix as many rows as individuals in the sample and one column with the values of the local influence measure.
#' @method localInfluence overglm
#' @export
#' @references Cook R.D. (1986) Assessment of Local Influence. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological)} 48, 133-155.
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' ### Local influence for all parameters in the linear predictor
#' localInfluence(fit1, type="local", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ### Local influence for the parameter associated with 'frequency'
#' localInfluence(fit1, type="local", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                coef="frequency", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' ### Local influence for all parameters in the linear predictor
#' localInfluence(fit2, type="local", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ### Local influence for the parameter associated with 'fem'
#' localInfluence(fit2, type="local", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                coef="fem", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 3: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit3 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' ### Local influence for all parameters in the linear predictor
#' localInfluence(fit3, type="local", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ### Local influence for the parameter associated with 'tnf'
#' localInfluence(fit3, type="local", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", lty=1, lwd=1, col.lab="blue",
#'                coef="tnf", col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
localInfluence.overglm <- function(object,type=c("total","local"),coefs,plot.it=FALSE,identify,...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  subst <- NULL
    ids <- grepl(coefs,rownames(coef(object)),ignore.case=TRUE)
    if(sum(ids) > 0) subst <- rownames(coef(object))[ids]
    ids <- c(ids,rep(FALSE,object$parms[2]))
  }else ids <- c(rep(TRUE,object$parms[1]),rep(FALSE,object$parms[2]))

  X <- model.matrix(object); n <- nrow(X); y <- object$y
  p <- object$parms[1]; ep <- object$parms[2]
  eta <- X%*%object$coefficients[1:p] + object$offset
  mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
  dmudeta <- object$family$mu.eta(eta)
  weights <- object$prior.weights
  Qpp2 <- chol2inv(object$R)
  if(ep > 0) Qpp2[!ids,!ids] <- Qpp2[!ids,!ids] - solve(-crossprod(object$R)[!ids,!ids])

  if(object$family$family %in% c("nb1","nb2","nbf")){
    if(object$family$family=="nb1") tau <- 0
    if(object$family$family=="nb2") tau <- -1
    phi <- exp(object$coefficients[p + 1])
    if(object$family$family=="nbf") tau <- object$coefficients[p + ep]
    u <- phi*mu^tau; v <- u*mu; k1 <- k2 <- 0
    E1 <- - (Digamma(y + 1/u) - log(v + 1) - Digamma(1/u))/u
    E2 <- (y - mu)/(v + 1)
      k1 <- (log(v + 1)*tau/v - (tau + 1)/(v + 1))/((v + 1)^(1/u) - 1)
      k2 <- (log(v + 1)/u - mu/(v + 1))/((v + 1)^(1/u) - 1)
    s1 <- (tau*E1 + (tau + 1)*E2 + k1*mu)*dmudeta/mu
    s2 <- E1 + E2 + k2; s3 <- s2*log(mu)
    if(object$family$family=="nbf") Delta <- cbind(X*matrix(weights*s1,n,p),weights*s2,weights*s3)
    else Delta <- cbind(X*matrix(weights*s1,n,p),weights*s2)
    if(object$zero.trunc) k <- - exp(-mu)/(1 - exp(-mu)) else k <- 0
    s <- (y/mu - 1 + k)*dmudeta
    Delta <- X*matrix(weights*s,n,p)
    m <- apply(object$y,1,sum); y <- object$y[,1]
    phi <- exp(object$coefficients[p + 1])
    c1 <- Digamma(y + mu/phi) - Digamma(mu/phi)
    c2 <- Digamma((1 - mu)/phi) - Digamma(m - y + (1 - mu)/phi)
    c3 <- - c1*mu + c2*(1 - mu) - Digamma(1/phi) + Digamma(m + 1/phi)
    Delta <- cbind(X*matrix(weights*dmudeta*(c1 + c2)/phi,n,p),weights*c3/phi)
    m <- apply(object$y,1,sum); y <- object$y[,1]
    phi <- exp(object$coefficients[p + 1])/(1 + exp(object$coefficients[p + 1]))
    a1 <- mu*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu + phi); a2 <- (1 - mu)*dbinom(y,m,(1 - phi)*mu)
    a3 <- y/((1 - phi)*mu + phi); a4 <- (m - y)/(1-(1 - phi)*mu - phi)
    a5 <- y/((1 - phi)*mu); a6 <- (m - y)/(1 - (1 - phi)*mu)
    a <- (a1*((a3 - a4)*(1 - phi) + 1/mu) + a2*((a5 - a6)*(1 - phi) - 1/(1 - mu)))/(a1 + a2)
    b <- (a1*(a3 - a4)*(1 - mu) + a2*(a6 - a5)*mu)*phi*(1 - phi)/(a1 + a2)
    Delta <- cbind(X*matrix(weights*a*dmudeta,n,p),weights*b)
  li <- Delta%*%Qpp2
    tol <- 1
    bnew <- matrix(rnorm(nrow(li)),nrow(li),1)
    while(tol > 0.000001){
      bold <- bnew
      bnew <- li%*%crossprod(Delta,bold)
      bnew <- bnew/sqrt(sum(bnew^2))
      tol <- max(ifelse(abs(bold) > 1e-10,abs((bnew - bold)/bold),abs(bnew - bold)))
    out_ <- bnew/sqrt(sum(bnew^2))
  }else out_ <- apply(li*Delta,1,sum)
  out_ <- matrix(out_,n,1)
  rownames(out_) <- 1:n
  colnames(out_) <- type
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$x <- 1:n
    nano$y <- out_
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Observation Index"
    if(is.null(nano$type)) nano$type <- "h"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- ifelse(type=="local",expression(d[max]),expression(diag[i]))
    if(is.null(nano$main)) nano$main <- ""
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:n
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    if(any(out_ > 0)) abline(h=3*mean(out_[out_ > 0]),lty=3)
    if(any(out_ < 0)) abline(h=3*mean(out_[out_ < 0]),lty=3)
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(nano$x,nano$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
  if(!is.null(subst)) message("The coefficients included in the measures of local influence are: ",paste(subst,sep=""),"\n")

#' @title Generalized Variance Inflation Factor for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion
#' @description Computes the generalized variance inflation factor (GVIF) for regression models based on the negative binomial, beta-binomial, and
#' random-clumped binomial distributions, which are alternatives to the Poisson and binomial regression models under the presence of overdispersion.
#' The GVIF is aimed to identify collinearity problems.
#' @param model an object of class \emph{overglm}.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details If the number of degrees of freedom is 1 then the GVIF reduces to the Variance
#' Inflation Factor (VIF).
#' @return A matrix with so many rows as effects in the model and the following columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{GVIF} \tab the values of GVIF,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{df}\tab the number of degrees of freedom,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{GVIF^(1/(2*df))}\tab the values of GVIF\eqn{^{1/2 df}},\cr
#' }
#' @method gvif overglm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
#' data(swimmers)
#' fit1 <- overglm(infections ~ frequency + location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
#' gvif(fit1)
#' ###### Example 2: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
#' bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
#' fit2 <- overglm(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)
#' gvif(fit2)
#' ###### Example 3: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit3 <- overglm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family="bb(logit)", data=cellular)
#' gvif(fit3)
#' @references Fox J., Monette G. (1992) Generalized collinearity diagnostics, \emph{JASA} 87, 178–183.
#' @seealso \link{gvif.lm}, \link{gvif.glm}
gvif.overglm <- function(model,verbose=TRUE,...){
  vars <- attr(model$terms,"term.labels")
  postos <- attr(model.matrix(model),"assign")[attr(model.matrix(model),"assign") > 0]
  vcovar <- vcov(model)[rownames(coef(model))!="(Intercept)",rownames(coef(model))!="(Intercept)"]
  nn <- max(postos)
  if(nn == 1) stop("At least two terms are required to compute GVIFs!!",call.=FALSE)
  results <- matrix(0,nn,3)
  cors <- cov2cor(vcovar); detx <- det(cors)
  for(i in 1:nn){
    rr2 <- as.matrix(cors[postos == i,postos == i])
    rr3 <- as.matrix(cors[postos != i,postos != i])
    results[i,1] <- round(det(rr2)*det(rr3)/detx,digits=4)
    results[i,2] <- ncol(rr2)
    results[i,3] <- round(results[i,1]^(1/(2*ncol(rr2))),digits=4)
  rownames(results) <- vars
  colnames(results) <- c("GVIF", "df", "GVIF^(1/(2*df))")
  results <- results[order(-results[,3]),]
  if(verbose) print(results)

#' @method confint overglm
#' @export
confint.overglm <- function(object,parm,level=0.95,contrast,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),verbose=TRUE,...){
  name.s <- rownames(object$coefficients)
    bs <- coef(object)
    ee <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))
    contrast <- as.matrix(contrast)
    if(ncol(contrast)!=length(name.s)) stop(paste("Number of columns of contrast matrix must to be",length(name.s)),call.=FALSE)
    bs <- contrast%*%coef(object)
    ee <- sqrt(diag(contrast%*%vcov(object)%*%t(contrast)))
    name.s <- apply(contrast,1,function(x) paste0(x[x!=0],"*",name.s[x!=0],collapse=" + "))
  results <- matrix(0,length(ee),2)
  results[,1] <- bs - qnorm((1+level)/2)*ee
  results[,2] <- bs + qnorm((1+level)/2)*ee
  rownames(results) <- name.s
  colnames(results) <- c("Lower limit","Upper limit")
    cat("\n Approximate",round(100*level,digits=1),"percent confidence intervals based on the Wald test \n\n")

#' @method confint zeroinflation
#' @export
confint.zeroinflation <- function(object,parm,level=0.95,contrast,submodel=c("counts","zeros"),digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),verbose=TRUE,...){
  coefs <- coef(object,submodel=submodel)
  name.s <- rownames(coefs)
    bs <- coefs
    ee <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object,submodel=submodel)))
    contrast <- as.matrix(contrast)
    if(ncol(contrast)!=length(name.s)) stop(paste("Number of columns of contrast matrix must to be",length(name.s)),call.=FALSE)
    bs <- contrast%*%coefs
    ee <- sqrt(diag(contrast%*%vcov(object,submodel=submodel)%*%t(contrast)))
    name.s <- apply(contrast,1,function(x) paste0(x[x!=0],"*",name.s[x!=0],collapse=" + "))
  results <- matrix(0,length(ee),2)
  results[,1] <- bs - qnorm((1+level)/2)*ee
  results[,2] <- bs + qnorm((1+level)/2)*ee
  rownames(results) <- name.s
  colnames(results) <- c("Lower limit","Upper limit")
    cat("\n Approximate",round(100*level,digits=1),"percent confidence intervals based on the Wald test \n\n")

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