
Defines functions is_neutral is_base is_acid calc_ionization calc_dow

Documented in calc_dow calc_ionization

#' Calculate the distribution coefficient
#' This function estimates the ratio of the equilibrium concentrations of
#' a compound in octanol and water, taking into account the charge of the
#' compound. Given the pH, we assume the neutral (uncharged) fraction of
#' compound partitions according to the hydrophobicity 
#' (\ifelse{html}{\out{P<sub>ow</sub>}}{\eqn{P_{ow}}}). We assume that
#' only a fraction alpha (defaults to 0.001 -- Schmitt (2008)) of the charged
#' compound partitions into lipid (octanol):
#' \ifelse{html}{\out{D<sub>ow</sub> = P<sub>ow</sub>*(F<sub>neutral</sub> + alpha*F<sub>charged</sub>)}}{\deqn{D_{ow} = P_{ow}*(F_{neutral} + \alpha*F_{charged})}}
#' Fractions charged are calculated
#' according to hydrogen ionization equilibria (pKa_Donor, pKa_Accept) using
#' \code{\link{calc_ionization}}.
#' @param Pow Octanol:water partition coefficient (ratio of concentrations)
#' @param fraction_charged Fraction of chemical charged at the given pH
#' @param alpha Ratio of Distribution coefficient D of totally charged species and that of the neutral form
#' @param chem.name Either the chemical name or the CAS number must be
#' specified. 
#' @param chem.cas Either the chemical name or the CAS number must be
#' specified. 
#' @param dtxsid EPA's 'DSSTox Structure ID (https://comptox.epa.gov/dashboard)  
#' the chemical must be identified by either CAS, name, or DTXSIDs
#' @param parameters Chemical parameters from a parameterize_MODEL function,
#' overrides chem.name and chem.cas.
#' @param pH pH where ionization is evaluated.
#' @param pKa_Donor Compound H dissociation equilibirum constant(s).
#' Overwrites chem.name and chem.cas.
#' @param pKa_Accept Compound H association equilibirum constant(s).
#' Overwrites chem.name and chem.cas.
#' @return Distribution coefficient (numeric)
#' @author Robert Pearce and John Wambaugh
#' @references 
#' Schmitt, Walter. "General approach for the calculation of tissue to plasma 
#' partition coefficients." Toxicology in vitro 22.2 (2008): 457-467.
#' Pearce, Robert G., et al. "Evaluation and calibration of
#' high-throughput predictions of chemical distribution to tissues." Journal of
#' Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 44.6 (2017): 549-565.
#' Strope, Cory L., et al. "High-throughput in-silico prediction of ionization 
#' equilibria for pharmacokinetic modeling." Science of The Total Environment 
#' 615 (2018): 150-160.
#' @keywords Parameter
#' @seealso \code{\link{calc_ionization}}
#' @export calc_dow
calc_dow <- function(Pow=NULL,
# Check to see if Pow was provided:
  if (is.null(Pow))
# If not, see if we have chem id's:
    if ((!is.null(chem.cas) | !is.null(chem.name) | !is.null(dtxsid))) 
      if (is.null(dtxsid))
        out <- get_chem_id(
        dtxsid <- out$dtxsid
      Pow <- 
        suppressWarnings(10^get_physchem_param("logP", dtxsid=dtxsid))
    } else if (!all(c("Pow") %in% names(parameters)))
# If not see if "parameters" was provided
      Pow <- parameters$Pow
    } else stop("Must provide chemical descriptors or identifiers for calc_dow")  

# Check to see if fraction_charged was provided:
  if (is.null(fraction_charged))
    # If not, see if they gave us pKa_Accept and pKa_Donor:
    if (is.null(pKa_Donor) | is.null(pKa_Accept))
      if ((!is.null(chem.cas) | !is.null(chem.name) | !is.null(dtxsid))) 
        if (is.null(dtxsid))
          out <- get_chem_id(
          dtxsid <- out$dtxsid
        pKa_Donor <- 
          suppressWarnings(get_physchem_param("pKa_Donor", dtxsid=dtxsid))
        pKa_Accept <- 
          suppressWarnings(get_physchem_param("pKa_Accept", dtxsid=dtxsid))
      } else if (all(c("pKa_Donor","pKa_Accept") %in% names(parameters)))
  # If not see if "parameters" was provided
        pKa_Donor <- parameters$pKa_Donor
        pKa_Accept <- parameters$pKa_Accept
      } else stop("Must provide chemical descriptors or identifiers for calc_dow")  
    if (is.null(pH)) stop("pH or fraction_charged must be specified in calc_dow.")
    ionization <- calc_ionization(pH=pH,
    fraction_charged  <- ionization[["fraction_charged"]]
# Schmitt (2008) section 2.5.1: neutral lipid:water partition coefficient
# This is a generalized version of Schmitt (2008) equations 13 and 14 to
# calculate Dow. 
# Note that this form captures fraction neutral and zwitterions, that is
# 1 - fraction_charged = fraction_neutral + fraction_zwitter):
  Dow <- Pow*(1 + (alpha - 1)*fraction_charged)

#' Calculate the ionization.
#' This function calculates the ionization of a compound at a given pH. The 
#' pKa's are either entered as parameters or taken from a specific compound in
#' the package. The arguments pKa_Donor and pKa_Accept may be single numbers, characters, or 
#' vectors. We support characters because there are many instances with multiple 
#' predicted values and all those values can be included by concatenating with 
#' commas (for example, pKa_Donor = "8.1,8.6". Finally, pka_Donor and pKa_Accept 
#' may be vectors of characters representing different chemicals or instances of
#' chemical parameters to allow for uncertainty analysis. A null value for
#' pKa_Donor or pKa_Accept is interpretted as no argument provided, while NA 
#' is taken as no equlibria
#' The fractions are calculated by determining the coefficients for each
#' species and dividing the particular species by the sum of all three.  The
#' positive, negative and zwitterionic/neutral coefficients are given by:
#' \deqn{zwitter/netural = 1} \deqn{for(i in 1:pkabove) negative = negative +
#' 10^(i * pH - pKa1 - ... - pKai)} \deqn{for(i in 1:pkbelow) positive =
#' positive + 10^(pKa1 + ... + pKai - i * pH)} where i begins at 1 and ends at
#' the number of points above(for negative) or below(for positive) the
#' neutral/zwitterionic range.  The neutral/zwitterionic range is either the pH
#' range between 2 pKa's where the number of acceptors above is equal to the
#' number of donors below, everything above the pKa acceptors if there are no
#' donors, or everything below the pKa donors if there are no acceptors.  Each
#' of the terms in the sums represent a different ionization.
#' @param chem.name Either the chemical name or the CAS number must be
#' specified. 
#' @param chem.cas Either the chemical name or the CAS number must be
#' specified. 
#' @param dtxsid EPA's 'DSSTox Structure ID (https://comptox.epa.gov/dashboard)  
#' the chemical must be identified by either CAS, name, or DTXSIDs
#' @param parameters Chemical parameters from a parameterize_MODEL function,
#' overrides chem.name and chem.cas.
#' @param pH pH where ionization is evaluated.
#' @param pKa_Donor Compound H dissociation equilibirum constant(s).
#' Overwrites chem.name and chem.cas.
#' @param pKa_Accept Compound H association equilibirum constant(s).
#' Overwrites chem.name and chem.cas.
#' @return
#' \item{fraction_neutral}{fraction of compound neutral}
#' \item{fraction_charged}{fraction of compound charged}
#' \item{fraction_negative}{fraction of compound negative}
#' \item{fraction_positive}{fraction of compound positive}
#' \item{fraction_zwitter}{fraction of compound zwitterionic}
#' @author Robert Pearce and John Wambaugh
#' @references 
#' Pearce, Robert G., et al. "Evaluation and calibration of
#' high-throughput predictions of chemical distribution to tissues." Journal of
#' Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 44.6 (2017): 549-565.
#' Strope, Cory L., et al. "High-throughput in-silico prediction of ionization 
#' equilibria for pharmacokinetic modeling." Science of The Total Environment 
#' 615 (2018): 150-160.
#' @keywords Parameter
#' @examples
#' # Donor pKa's 9.78,10.39 -- Should be almost all neutral at plasma pH:
#' out <- calc_ionization(chem.name='bisphenola',pH=7.4)
#' print(out)
#' out[["fraction_neutral"]]==max(unlist(out))
#' # Donor pKa's 9.78,10.39 -- Should be almost all negative (anion) at higher pH:
#' out <- calc_ionization(chem.name='bisphenola',pH=11)
#' print(out)
#' out[["fraction_negative"]]==max(unlist(out))
#' # Fictitious compound, should be almost all all negative (anion):
#' out <- calc_ionization(pKa_Donor=8,pKa_Accept="1,4",pH=9)
#' print(out)
#' out[["fraction_negative"]]>0.9
#' # Donor pKa 6.54 -- Should be mostly negative (anion):
#' out <- calc_ionization(chem.name='Acephate',pH=7)
#' print(out)
#' out[["fraction_negative"]]==max(unlist(out))
#' #Acceptor pKa's "9.04,6.04"  -- Should be almost all positive (cation) at plasma pH:
#' out <- calc_ionization(chem.cas="145742-28-5",pH=7.4)
#' print(out)
#' out[["fraction_positive"]]==max(unlist(out))
#' #Fictious Zwitteron:
#' out <- calc_ionization(pKa_Donor=6,pKa_Accept="8",pH=7.4)
#' print(out)
#' out[["fraction_zwitter"]]==max(unlist(out))
#' @export calc_ionization
calc_ionization <- function(
  if (is.null(pH)) stop("pH is required to calculate the ionization.")

  if ((!is.null(chem.cas) | !is.null(chem.name) | !is.null(dtxsid)) & 
      !all(c("pKa_Donor","pKa_Accept") %in% names(parameters)) &
# A null value means no argument provided, while NA means no equlibria:
      (is.null(pKa_Donor) & is.null(pKa_Accept))) 
    out <- get_chem_id(
    chem.cas <- out$chem.cas
    parameters$pKa_Donor <- 
    parameters$pKa_Accept <- 
  if (all(c("pKa_Donor","pKa_Accept") %in% names(parameters)))
    pKa_Donor <- parameters$pKa_Donor
    pKa_Accept <- parameters$pKa_Accept
  } else if(!is.null(pKa_Donor) | !is.null(pKa_Accept))
# If one of pKa_Donor/Accept is specified but not the other, we assume the other
# is not present:
    if (is.null(pKa_Donor)) pKa_Donor <- NA
    if (is.null(pKa_Accept)) pKa_Accept <- NA
  } else {
"Either pKa_Donor and pKa_Accept must be in input parameters or chemical identifier must be supplied.")
  # Check if any of these arguments are vectors:
  if (length(pKa_Donor) < 2 & length(pKa_Accept) < 2 & length(pH) < 2)
    # Number of ionizations to calculate:
    if (is.null(parameters))
      calculations <- 1
  # If pKa's aren't actually varying let's not waste computing time:    
    } else if (all(c(length(unique(parameters$pKa_Donor)==1),
      calculations <- 1
    } else {
      calculations <- max(c(
  } else {
    calculations <- max(c(
  fraction_neutral <- NULL
  fraction_charged <- NULL
  fraction_negative <- NULL
  fraction_positive <- NULL
  fraction_zwitter <- NULL
  for (index in 1:calculations)
    if (calculations > 1)
      this.pKa_Donor <- pKa_Donor[[min(index,length(pKa_Donor))]]
      this.pKa_Accept <- pKa_Accept[[min(index,length(pKa_Donor))]]
      this.pH <- pH[[min(index,length(pKa_Donor))]]
    } else {
      this.pKa_Donor <- pKa_Donor[[1]]
      this.pKa_Accept <- pKa_Accept[[1]]
      this.pH <- pH[[1]]
    if (is.null(this.pKa_Donor)) this.pKa_Donor <- NA
    if (is.null(this.pKa_Accept)) this.pKa_Accept <- NA
    if (!is.na(this.pKa_Donor))
      if (is.character(this.pKa_Donor)) this.pKa_Donor <- 
        if (regexpr(",",this.pKa_Donor)!=-1)
            sort(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(this.pKa_Donor, ",")))))
        else this.pKa_Donor <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(this.pKa_Donor))

    if (!is.na(this.pKa_Accept))
      if (is.character(this.pKa_Accept)) this.pKa_Accept <- 
        if (regexpr(",",this.pKa_Accept)!=-1)
            sort(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(this.pKa_Accept, ",")))))
        else this.pKa_Accept <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(this.pKa_Accept))

  # Need to calculate the amount of un-ionized parent:

  # Multiple equilibirum points may still be separated by commas, split them into vectors here:
    if(all(is.na(this.pKa_Donor))) this.pKa_Donor <- NULL
    if(all(is.na(this.pKa_Accept))) this.pKa_Accept <- NULL
  # Make a vector of all equilibirum points:
    eq.points <- c(this.pKa_Donor,this.pKa_Accept)
    if (all(!is.null(eq.points)))
  # Annotate whether each equilibirum point is a H-donation or acceptance:
      eq.point.types <- c(rep("Donate",length(this.pKa_Donor)),
      eq.point.types <- eq.point.types[order(eq.points)]    #label each point
      eq.points <- eq.points[order(eq.points)]     #order points
    neutral <- 0
    negative <- 0
    positive <- 0
    zwitter <- 0
    denom <- 1
    if(is.null(this.pKa_Donor) & is.null(this.pKa_Accept)){
      neutral <- 1
      nz <- NULL;
    #Find where charge is neutral or zwitter
      if(all(eq.point.types == "Donate") | all(eq.point.types == "Accept")){
        neutral <- 1
        if(all(eq.point.types == "Donate")){
          nz <- 0
        }else  nz <- length(eq.points)
        for(i in 1:(length(eq.points) - 1)){
          charge <- 
            sum(eq.point.types[(i+1):length(eq.point.types)]=="Accept") - 
          if (charge == 0)
            nz <- i
            if(sum(eq.point.types[(i+1):length(eq.point.types)]=="Accept") == 0)
              neutral <- 1
            } else zwitter <- 1
      if (nz == 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(eq.points))
          negative <- negative + 10^(i * this.pH - sum(eq.points[1:i]))
      } else if (nz == length(eq.points))
        for (i in 1:length(eq.points)) 
          positive <- positive + 
            10^(sum(eq.points[(length(eq.points) + 1 - i):
              length(eq.points)])- i * this.pH)
      } else {
        for (i in 1:nz) 
          positive <- positive + 10^(sum(eq.points[(nz + 1 - i):nz])- i * this.pH)
        for (i in 1:(length(eq.points)-nz)) 
          negative <- negative + 10^(i * this.pH - sum(eq.points[(nz+1):(nz+i)])) 
      denom <- denom + positive + negative      
    if (length(neutral)>1) browser()
    fraction_neutral[index] <- neutral/denom
    fraction_charged[index] <- (negative+positive)/denom
    fraction_negative[index] <- negative/denom
    fraction_positive[index] <- positive/denom
    fraction_zwitter[index] <- zwitter/denom
  # If pKa's aren't actually varying let's not waste computing time:  
  if (!is.null(parameters))
    if (length(parameters$pKa_Donor)>1 & calculations == 1)
      fraction_neutral <- rep(fraction_neutral,length(parameters$Pow))
      fraction_charged <- rep(fraction_charged,length(parameters$Pow))
      fraction_negative <- rep(fraction_negative,length(parameters$Pow))
      fraction_positive <- rep(fraction_positive,length(parameters$Pow))
      fraction_zwitter <- rep(fraction_zwitter,length(parameters$Pow))
  return(lapply(list(fraction_neutral = fraction_neutral,
    fraction_charged = fraction_charged,
    fraction_negative = fraction_negative,
    fraction_positive = fraction_positive,
    fraction_zwitter = fraction_zwitter),set_httk_precision))

is_acid <- function(pH=7,pKa_Donor=NA,pKa_Accept=NA,fraction_negative=NULL)
  if (is.null(fraction_negative))
    ionization <- calc_ionization(pH=pH,pKa_Donor=pKa_Donor,pKa_Accept=pKa_Accept)
    fraction_negative  <- ionization[["fraction_negative"]]
  if (fraction_negative > 0.5) return(TRUE)
  else return(FALSE)

is_base <- function(pH=7,pKa_Donor=NA,pKa_Accept=NA,fraction_positive=NULL)
  if (is.null(fraction_positive))
    ionization <- calc_ionization(pH=pH,pKa_Donor=pKa_Donor,pKa_Accept=pKa_Accept)
    fraction_positive  <- ionization[["fraction_positive"]]
  if (fraction_positive > 0.5) return(TRUE)
  else return(FALSE)

is_neutral <- function(pH=7,pKa_Donor=NA,pKa_Accept=NA,fraction_postive=NULL)
  if (is.null(fraction_neutral))
    ionization <- calc_ionization(pH=pH,pKa_Donor=pKa_Donor,pKa_Accept=pKa_Accept)
    fraction_neutral  <- ionization[["fraction_neutral"]]
  if (fraction_neutral > 0.5) return(TRUE)
  else return(FALSE)

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