
Defines functions maybe_ignore_na by_regex

Documented in by_regex

#' @import assertthat
#' @importFrom rlang "!!!"

#' How to set cell properties variably by cell contents
#' @description
#' This help page explains how to set properties differently for cells,
#' depending on their contents.
#' For example, in a table of p-values, you could bold cells where p < 0.05:
#' ```
#'   map_bold(pval_hux, by_ranges(0.05, c(TRUE, FALSE)))
#' ```
#'  Or you can use red text for a particular value:
#' ```
#'   hxtbl %>% map_text_color(by_values("Warning" = "red"))
#' ```
#' There is a `map_...` function for each huxtable cell property. The syntax is:
#' ```
#'   map_property(ht, row, col, fn)
#' ```
#' where `property` is the property name.
#' `row` and `col` specify ranges of rows and columns. See [rowspecs] for
#' details. To set properties for the whole table, omit `row` and `col`:
#' ```
#'   map_property(ht, fn)
#' ```
#' The `fn` argument is a *mapping function* which maps cell contents to
#' property values.
#' * To set property values in "stripes" by rows or by columns, use [by_rows()]
#'   and [by_cols()].
#' * To set property values for cells with specific contents, use [by_values()].
#' * To set property values for cells within a numeric range, use [by_ranges()].
#' * To set property values for cells by quantiles, use [by_quantiles()] or
#'   [by_equal_groups()].
#' * To set property values for cells that match a string or regular expression,
#'   use [by_regex()].
#' * To map numeric values to a colorspace, use [by_colorspace()].
#' * For a more general solution, use [by_function()] or [by_cases()].
#' @section Caveat:
#' Most functions convert the huxtable to a matrix using [as.matrix()]. This can
#' have unexpected results if you mix character and numeric data. See the
#' example.
#' @section Technical details:
#' `fn` takes four arguments: the entire original huxtable
#' `ht`, a numeric vector of `rows`, a numeric vector of `cols`, and the
#' `current` property values for `ht[rows, cols]`, as a matrix. It should return
#' the new property values for `ht[rows, cols]`, as a matrix.
#' @examples
#' ht <- hux(Condition = c("OK", "Warning", "Error"))
#' ht <- map_text_color(ht, by_values(
#'         OK      = "green",
#'         Warning = "orange",
#'         Error   = "red"
#'       ))
#' ht
#' # Leaving NA values alone:
#' map_text_color(ht, by_values(
#'       "OK" = "blue", NA, ignore_na = TRUE))
#' # Resetting values:
#' map_text_color(ht, by_values(
#'       "OK" = "blue", NA, ignore_na = FALSE))
#' ht <- as_hux(matrix(rnorm(15), 5, 3))
#' map_background_color(ht, by_ranges(
#'         c(-1, 1),
#'         c("blue", "yellow", "red")
#'       ))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_equal_groups(2, c("red", "green")))
#' ht <- hux(
#'         Coef = c(3.5, 2.4, 1.3),
#'         Pval = c(0.04, 0.01, 0.07),
#'         add_colnames = TRUE
#'       )
#' map_bold(ht, everywhere, "Pval",
#'       by_ranges(0.05, c(TRUE, FALSE)))
#' # Problems with as.matrix:
#' ht <- hux(c(-1, 1, 2), letters[1:3])
#' as.matrix(ht)          # look at the spaces...
#' as.matrix(ht) > 0      # uh oh
#' map_text_color(ht,
#'       by_cases(. < 0 ~ "red", TRUE ~ "blue"))
#' # To avoid this, only look at the truly numeric columns:
#' map_text_color(ht, row = 1:3, col = 1,
#'       by_cases(. < 0 ~ "red", TRUE ~ "blue"))
#' @name mapping-functions
#' @aliases mapping_functions

#' @param values A vector of property values. `length(values)` should be one greater than
#'   `length(breaks)` if `extend = TRUE`, or one less if `extend = FALSE`.
#' @param right If `TRUE`, intervals are closed on the right, i.e. if values are exactly equal to a
#'   `break`, they go in the lower group. Otherwise, intervals are closed on the left, so equal
#'   values go in the higher group. `FALSE` by default.
#' @param extend Extend `breaks` to `c(-Inf, breaks, Inf)`, i.e. include numbers below and above the
#'   outermost breaks. `TRUE` by default.
#' @param ignore_na If `TRUE`, `NA` values in the result will be left unchanged
#'   from their previous values. Otherwise, `NA`
#'   normally resets to the default.
#' @param colwise Logical. Calculate breaks separately within each column?
#' @name mapping-params

#' Map specific cell values to cell properties
#' Use `by_values()` to set properties for cells with specific,
#' pre-determined contents.
#' @param ... Name-value pairs like `name = value`. Cells where contents are equal to
#'   `name` will have the property set to `value`. If there is a single unnamed argument,
#'   this is the default value for unmatched cells. More than one unnamed argument is an error.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @return A function for use in `map_***` functions.
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ht <- hux(letters[1:3])
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_values(a = "red", c = "yellow"))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_values(a = "red", c = "yellow", "green"))
by_values <- function (..., ignore_na = TRUE) {
  vals <- list_or_c(...)
  named_vals <- vals[names(vals) != ""]
  targets <- names(named_vals)
  default <- vals[names(vals) == ""]
  if (is.null(names(vals))) default <- vals
  if (length(default) > 1) stop("At most one element of `...` can be unnamed")
  if (length(default) > 0) default <- default[[1]]

  values_fn <- function (ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    if (length(default) > 0) res[] <- default
    for (tg in targets) {
      res[ ht[rows, cols] == tg ] <- named_vals[[tg]]

    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


#' Set cell properties by row or column
#' `by_rows` and `by_cols` set properties in horizontal or vertical "stripes".
#' @param ... One or more cell property values.
#' @param from Numeric. Row or column to start at.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @inherit by_values return
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ht <- as_hux(matrix(rnorm(25), 5, 5))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_rows("green", "grey"))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_cols("green", "grey"))
by_rows <- function (..., from = 1, ignore_na = TRUE) {
  vals <- list_or_c(...)
  assert_that(is.count(from), is.flag(ignore_na))

  row_fn <- function (ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    assert_that(from <= nrow(res))
    lout <- nrow(res) - from + 1
    # prevents a warning:
    if (ncol(res) == 0) lout <- 0
    vals <- matrix(rep(vals, length.out = lout), nrow = lout, ncol = ncol(res))
    res[seq(from, nrow(res)), ] <- vals
    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


#' @export
#' @rdname by_rows
by_cols <- function (..., from = 1, ignore_na = TRUE) {
  vals <- list_or_c(...)
  assert_that(is.count(from), is.flag(ignore_na))

  col_fn <- function (ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    assert_that(from <= ncol(res))
    lout <- ncol(res) - from + 1
    # prevents a warning
    if (nrow(res) == 0) lout <- 0
    vals <- matrix(rep(vals, length.out = lout), ncol = lout, nrow = nrow(res),
            byrow = TRUE)
    res[, seq(from, ncol(res))] <- vals
    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


#' Map numeric ranges to cell properties
#' `by_ranges()` sets property values for cells falling within different numeric ranges.
#' @param breaks A vector of numbers in increasing order.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @details
#' Non-numeric cells return `NA`. The effects of this depend on `ignore_na`.
#' @inherit by_values return
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ht <- huxtable(c(1, 3, 5))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_ranges(
#'         c(2, 4),
#'         c("red", "yellow", "blue")
#'       ))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_ranges(
#'         c(2, 4),
#'         "pink",
#'         extend = FALSE
#'       ))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_ranges(
#'         c(1, 5),
#'         c("red", "yellow", "green"),
#'         right = TRUE
#'       ))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_ranges(
#'         c(1, 5),
#'         c("red", "yellow", "green"),
#'         right = FALSE
#'       ))
by_ranges <- function (breaks, values, right = FALSE, extend = TRUE, ignore_na = TRUE) {
  assert_that(is.flag(ignore_na), is.flag(right), is.flag(extend), is.numeric(breaks))
  assert_that(all(breaks == sort(breaks)))
  if (extend) breaks <- c(-Inf, breaks, Inf)
  assert_that(length(values) == length(breaks) - 1, msg = "`values` is wrong length")

  ranges_fn <- function(ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    mx <- as.matrix(ht)[rows, cols]
    # avoid "NAs introduced by coercion"
    which_val <- suppressWarnings(findInterval(mx, breaks, left.open = right))
    which_val[is.na(which_val)] <- 0
    which_val[which_val == length(breaks)] <- 0
    res[which_val > 0] <- values[which_val[which_val > 0]]
    res[which_val == 0] <- NA
    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


#' Map numeric quantiles to cell properties
#' These functions split cell values by quantiles. Non-numeric cells are ignored.
#' @param quantiles Vector of quantiles.
#' @param values Vector of values. `length(values)` should be one greater than `length(quantiles)`,
#'   or one less if `extend = FALSE`.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @details
#' `by_equal_groups(n, values)` splits the data into `n` equal-sized groups (i.e. it is a shortcut
#' for `by_quantiles(seq(1/n, 1 - 1/n, 1/n), values)`).
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @inherit by_values return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ht <- hux(rnorm(5), rnorm(5))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_quantiles(
#'         c(0.2, 0.8),
#'         c("red", "yellow", "green")
#'       ))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_quantiles(
#'         c(0.2, 0.8),
#'         c("red", "yellow", "green"),
#'         colwise = TRUE
#'       ))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_equal_groups(
#'         3,
#'         c("red", "yellow", "green")
#'       ))
by_quantiles <- function (quantiles, values, right = FALSE, extend = TRUE, ignore_na = TRUE,
        colwise = FALSE) {
  assert_that(is.numeric(quantiles), all(quantiles <= 1), all(quantiles >= 0))
  assert_that(all(quantiles == sort(quantiles)))
  assert_that(is.flag(ignore_na), is.flag(right), is.flag(extend), is.flag(colwise))

  qr_fn <- function (ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    by_quantiles_internal <- function (vals) {
      vals <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(vals))
      q_breaks <- stats::quantile(vals, quantiles, na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE)
      if (extend) q_breaks <- c(-Inf, q_breaks, Inf)
      which_val <- suppressWarnings(findInterval(vals, q_breaks, left.open = right))
      which_val[is.na(which_val)] <- 0
      which_val[which_val == length(q_breaks)] <- 0

    vals <- as.matrix(ht)[rows, cols, drop = FALSE]
    which_val <- if (colwise) {
                   c(apply(vals, 2, by_quantiles_internal))
                 } else {
    res[which_val > 0] <- values[which_val[which_val > 0]]
    res[which_val == 0] <- NA
    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


#' @param n Number of equal-sized groups. `length(values)` should equal `n`.
#' @rdname by_quantiles
#' @export
by_equal_groups <- function (n, values, ignore_na = TRUE, colwise = FALSE) {
  assert_that(is.flag(ignore_na), is.flag(colwise))

  by_quantiles(seq(1/n, 1 - 1/n, 1/n), values, ignore_na = ignore_na, colwise = colwise)

#' Map cells matching a string or regex to cell properties
#' `by_regex()` sets properties on cells which match a [regular expression][regex].
#' @param ... A list of name-value pairs. The names are regular expressions. If there is a single
#'   unnamed argument, this is the default value for unmatched cells. More than one unnamed argument
#'   is an error.
#' @param .grepl_args A list of arguments to pass to [grepl()]. Useful options
#'   include `fixed`, `perl` and `ignore.case`.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @inherit by_values return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ht <- hux(c("The cat sat", "on the", "mat"))
#' map_bold(ht, by_regex("at" = TRUE))
#' map_bold(ht, by_regex("a.*a" = TRUE))
#' map_bold(ht, by_regex(
#'         "the" = TRUE,
#'         .grepl_args = list(
#'           ignore.case = TRUE
#'         )
#'       ))
by_regex <- function(..., .grepl_args = list(), ignore_na = TRUE) {
  assert_that(is.flag(ignore_na), is.list(.grepl_args))

  vals <- list_or_c(...)
  named_vals <- vals[names(vals) != ""]
  patterns <- names(named_vals)
  default <- vals[names(vals) == ""]
  if (is.null(names(vals))) default <- vals
  if (length(default) > 1) stop("At most one element of `...` can be unnamed")
  matching_fn <- function (ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    if (length(default) > 0) res[] <- default
    my_args <- .grepl_args
    # drop = FALSE not strictly necessary but let's be clean
    ht_submatrix <- as.matrix(ht)[rows, cols, drop = FALSE]
    my_args$x <- ht_submatrix
    any_matched <- rep(FALSE, length(ht_submatrix))
    for (pt in patterns) {
      my_args$pattern <- pt
      matches <- do.call(grepl, my_args)
      any_matched <- any_matched | matches
      res[matches] <- named_vals[[pt]]
    res[! any_matched] <- NA
    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


#' Map numeric cell contents smoothly to colors
#' `by_colorspace()` can be used to set background, border or
#' text colors, visually differentiating high or low values.
#' @param ... Colors
#' @param range Numeric endpoints. If `NULL`, these are determined from the data.
#' @param na_color Color to return for `NA` values. Can be `NA` itself.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @details
#' `by_colorspace` requires the "scales" package.
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @inherit by_values return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (! requireNamespace("scales")) {
#'   stop("Please install the \"scales\" package to run this example")
#' }
#' ht <- as_hux(matrix(rnorm(25), 5, 5))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_colorspace("red", "yellow", "blue"))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_colorspace("red", "yellow", "blue",
#'         colwise = TRUE))
by_colorspace <- function (..., range = NULL, na_color = NA, ignore_na = TRUE,
        colwise = FALSE) {
  assert_package("by_colorspace", "scales")
  palette <- c(...)
  assert_that(is.flag(ignore_na), is.flag(colwise))

  cn_fn <- scales::col_numeric(palette, domain = range, na.color = na_color)
  # suppressWarnings stops complaints from conversion; as.numeric stops failures from `rescale`
  wrapped_cn_fn <- function (x) cn_fn(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)))
  wrapped_col_numeric <- if (colwise) {
                           function (x) apply(x, 2, wrapped_cn_fn)
                         } else {
  by_function(wrapped_col_numeric, ignore_na = ignore_na)

#' Map cell contents to cell properties using a function or scale
#' This creates a simple wrapper around a function for use in `map_xxx`.
#' Useful functions include scales and palettes from the `scales` package.
#' @param inner_fn A one-argument function which maps cell values to property values.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @details
#' The argument of `inner_fn` will be `as.matrix(ht[row, col])`. Be aware how matrix conversion
#' affects the `mode` of cell data.
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @inherit by_values return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ht <- as_hux(matrix(runif(20), 5, 4))
#' map_background_color(ht,
#'       by_function(grey))
#' if (requireNamespace("scales")) {
#'   map_text_color(ht, by_function(
#'           scales::seq_gradient_pal()
#'         ))
#' }
by_function <- function (inner_fn, ignore_na = TRUE) {
  assert_that(is.function(inner_fn), is.flag(ignore_na))

  wrapper_fn <- function (ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    res[] <- inner_fn(as.matrix(ht[rows, cols]))
    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


#' Map cell contents to properties using `case_when`
#' This function uses [dplyr::case_when()] to set cell properties.
#' @param ... A list of two-sided formulas interpreted by `case_when`.
#' @inherit mapping-params params
#' @details
#' Within the formulas, the variable `.` will refer to the content of
#' `ht[rows, cols]`, after conversion to a vector.
#' `case_when` returns `NA` when no formula LHS is matched. To avoid this, set a
#' default in the last formula: `TRUE ~ default`.
#' `case_when` can't deal with [brdr()] objects, so you cannot use
#' these in `by_cases()`.
#' @family mapping functions
#' @seealso [mapping-functions]
#' @inherit by_values return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (! requireNamespace("dplyr")) {
#'   stop("Please install the 'dplyr' package to run this example")
#' }
#' ht <- hux(runif(5), letters[1:5])
#' map_background_color(ht, by_cases(
#'         . == "a" ~ "red",
#'         . %in% letters ~ "green",
#'         . < 0.5 ~ "pink"
#'       ))
by_cases <- function (..., ignore_na = TRUE) {
  assert_package("by_cases", "dplyr")
  # turn into character strings so they don't capture local information yet
  cases <- lapply(list(...), function (fml) Reduce(paste, deparse(fml)))
  by_cases_caller_env <- parent.frame()

  case_fn <- function (ht, rows, cols, current) {
    res <- current
    myenv <- new.env(parent = by_cases_caller_env)
    selection <- as.matrix(ht[rows, cols])
    dim <- dim(selection)
    if (utils::packageVersion("dplyr") >= "1.1.0") selection <- as.vector(selection)
    assign(".", selection, envir = myenv)
    cases <- lapply(cases, stats::as.formula, env = myenv)
    vals <- dplyr::case_when(!!! cases)
    vals <- array(vals, dim = dim)
    res[] <- vals
    res <- maybe_ignore_na(res, current, ignore_na)


maybe_ignore_na <- function(res, old, ignore_na) {
  if (isTRUE(ignore_na)) res[is.na(res)] <- old[is.na(res)]


list_or_c <- function (...) {
  if (all(sapply(list(...), is.atomic))) {
  } else {

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