Man pages for idiogramFISH
Shiny App. Idiograms with Marks and Karyotype Indices

addNotesThis is an internal function that adds notes
armRatioCIFUNCTIONS armRatioCI and swapChrRegionDfSizeAndMarks.
arrowPlotMarkarrowPlotMark This is an internal function that plot marks
asymmetryFUNCTIONS asymmetry and asymmetryA2.
checkArmHolocenErrorcheckArmHolocenError This is an internal function that makes...
checkNameChrDfMarksFunction to check names of OTUs (species) among data.frames
chrbasicdataHoloChr. basic data Holo.
chrbasicdatamonoChr. basic data Monocen.
citrusSizeFUNCTIONS: citrusSize, citrusMarkPos, markOverCMA
cMPlotMarkThis is an internal function that eliminates factors
customCeilingFunction to do ceiling at different levels
dfMarkStyleMark characteristics
dfToListColumndfToListColumn This is an internal function that makes list...
filterExtraOTUfilterExtraOTU This is an internal function that filters list...
fixChrNameDupDFThis function fixes duplicated names when no marks
genBankReadIFFUNCTION genBankReadIF
idiogramFISH-packageidiogramFISH: Shiny App. Idiograms with Marks and Karyotype...
insertInListThis is an internal function that inserts in vector or list
makedfMarkColorFunction to automatically make a data.frame of Marks'...
makedfMarkColorMycolorsFUNCTION to make a data.frame of Marks' characterisitcs
makeNumColsThese are internal functions that eliminate factors
make.uniqueIFFUNCTION make.uniqueIF
makeVectorNamesmakeVectorNames This is an internal function that makes a...
mapGGChrFUNCTIONS mapGGChr and mapGGChrMark (for ggplot)
mapXYmapXY This is an internal function that creates coords for...
mapXYCenMimicmapXYCenMimic This is an internal function that creates...
markdataholoMark Positional data - Holocen.
markDistCenGISHfixmarkDistCenGISHfix This is an internal function that fixes...
markposDFsMark Positional data - monocentrics
mimicCenPlotMarkmimicCenPlotMark This is an internal function that plot marks
namesToColumnsFUNCTION that modifies marks' names into columns
newOrderColumnnewOrderColumn This is an internal function that adds...
perMarkFUNCTION perMark
plotDotMarksplotDotMarks This is an internal function that plot dot marks
plotIdiogramsPlot idiograms of karyotypes/genomes with and without...
plotlabelsrightThis is an internal function to plot labels to the right,...
plotSqMarkssqPlotMarkCP This is an internal function that plot marks
posCalcFUNCTION posCalc and fillMarkInfo
removeNAFromListremoveNAFromList This is an internal function that removes NA...
robertFUNCTION to produce a Robertsonian translocation
rulerPlotrulerPlot This is an internal function that plots rulers
rulerTitlerulerTitle This is an internal function that plots rulers
runBoardFUNCTION runBoard
textLabeltextLabel This is an internal function that plot labels of cM...
textLabelDotstextLabelDots This is an internal function that plot labels...
yVertoHorFUNCTIONS: yVertoHor, xHortoVer, xHortoVerRoundCen,...
idiogramFISH documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 5:08 p.m.