
Defines functions i.tkplot.get.edge.lty .tkplot.convert.font .tkplot.convert.color .tkplot.select.color .tkplot.layout.dialog .tkplot.layout.menu .tkplot.select.menu .tkplot.get.selected.edges .tkplot.get.selected.vertices .tkplot.deselect.this .tkplot.select.this .tkplot.deselect.current .tkplot.select.current .tkplot.deselect.label .tkplot.deselect.edge .tkplot.deselect.vertex .tkplot.select.label .tkplot.select.edge .tkplot.select.vertex .tkplot.select.some.edges .tkplot.select.all.edges .tkplot.select.some.vertices .tkplot.select.all.vertices .tkplot.deselect.all .tkplot.select.number .tkplot.get.numeric.vector .tkplot.update.vertex.size .tkplot.update.edge.width .tkplot.update.edge.color .tkplot.update.vertex.color .tkplot.toggle.grid .tkplot.toggle.labels .tkplot.update.edge .tkplot.create.edges .tkplot.create.edge .tkplot.update.vertices .tkplot.update.vertex .tkplot.update.label .tkplot.create.vertices .tkplot.create.vertex .tkplot.set.label.degree .tkplot.set.vertex.coords .tkplot.set.params .tkplot.set .tkplot.get .tkplot.new tk_canvas tk_rotate tk_set_coords tk_coords tk_postscript tk_reshape tk_center tk_fit tk_off tk_close .tkplot.getlayoutname .tkplot.getlayoutlist .tkplot.layouts.newdefaults .tkplot.getlayout .tkplot.addlayout tkplot

Documented in tk_canvas tk_center tk_close tk_coords tk_fit tk_off tkplot tk_postscript tk_reshape tk_rotate tk_set_coords

#   IGraph R package
#   Copyright (C) 2003-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
#   02110-1301 USA

# Internal variables

# the environment containing all the plots
.tkplot.env <- new.env()
assign(".next", 1, .tkplot.env)

# Main function

#' Interactive plotting of graphs
#' `tkplot()` and its companion functions serve as an interactive graph
#' drawing facility. Not all parameters of the plot can be changed
#' interactively right now though, e.g. the colors of vertices, edges, and also
#' others have to be pre-defined.
#' `tkplot()` is an interactive graph drawing facility. It is not very well
#' developed at this stage, but it should be still useful.
#' It's handling should be quite straightforward most of the time, here are
#' some remarks and hints.
#' There are different popup menus, activated by the right mouse button, for
#' vertices and edges. Both operate on the current selection if the vertex/edge
#' under the cursor is part of the selection and operate on the vertex/edge
#' under the cursor if it is not.
#' One selection can be active at a time, either a vertex or an edge selection.
#' A vertex/edge can be added to a selection by holding the `control` key
#' while clicking on it with the left mouse button. Doing this again deselect
#' the vertex/edge.
#' Selections can be made also from the "Select" menu. The "Select some
#' vertices" dialog allows to give an expression for the vertices to be
#' selected: this can be a list of numeric R expessions separated by commas,
#' like `1,2:10,12,14,15` for example. Similarly in the "Select some
#' edges" dialog two such lists can be given and all edges connecting a vertex
#' in the first list to one in the second list will be selected.
#' In the color dialog a color name like 'orange' or RGB notation can also be
#' used.
#' The `tkplot()` command creates a new Tk window with the graphical
#' representation of `graph`. The command returns an integer number, the
#' tkplot id. The other commands utilize this id to be able to query or
#' manipulate the plot.
#' `tk_close()` closes the Tk plot with id `tkp.id`.
#' `tk_off()` closes all Tk plots.
#' `tk_fit()` fits the plot to the given rectangle
#' (`width` and `height`), if some of these are `NULL` the
#' actual physical width od height of the plot window is used.
#' `tk_reshape()` applies a new layout to the plot, its optional
#' parameters will be collected to a list analogous to `layout.par`.
#' `tk_postscript()` creates a dialog window for saving the plot
#' in postscript format.
#' `tk_canvas()` returns the Tk canvas object that belongs to a graph
#' plot. The canvas can be directly manipulated then, e.g. labels can be added,
#' it could be saved to a file programmatically, etc. See an example below.
#' `tk_coords()` returns the coordinates of the vertices in a matrix.
#' Each row corresponds to one vertex.
#' `tk_set_coords()` sets the coordinates of the vertices. A two-column
#' matrix specifies the new positions, with each row corresponding to a single
#' vertex.
#' `tk_center()` shifts the figure to the center of its plot window.
#' `tk_rotate()` rotates the figure, its parameter can be given either
#' in degrees or in radians.
#' @aliases tkplot tkplot.close tkplot.off tkplot.fit.to.screen tkplot.reshape
#' tkplot.export.postscript tkplot.canvas tkplot.getcoords tkplot.setcoords
#' tkplot.center tkplot.rotate tk_canvas tk_center tk_close tk_postscript
#' tk_fit tk_coords tk_off tk_reshape tk_rotate tk_set_coords
#' @param graph The `graph` to plot.
#' @param canvas.width,canvas.height The size of the tkplot drawing area.
#' @param tkp.id The id of the tkplot window to close/reshape/etc.
#' @param window.close Leave this on the default value.
#' @param width The width of the rectangle for generating new coordinates.
#' @param height The height of the rectangle for generating new coordinates.
#' @param newlayout The new layout, see the `layout` parameter of tkplot.
#' @param norm Logical, should we norm the coordinates.
#' @param coords Two-column numeric matrix, the new coordinates of the
#'   vertices, in absolute coordinates.
#' @param degree The degree to rotate the plot.
#' @param rad The degree to rotate the plot, in radian.
#' @param \dots Additional plotting parameters. See [igraph.plotting] for
#'   the complete list.
#' @return `tkplot()` returns an integer, the id of the plot, this can be
#'   used to manipulate it from the command line.
#'   `tk_canvas()` returns `tkwin` object, the Tk canvas.
#'   `tk_coords()` returns a matrix with the coordinates.
#'   `tk_close()`, `tk_off()`, `tk_fit()`,
#'   `tk_reshape()`, `tk_postscript()`, `tk_center()`
#'   and `tk_rotate()` return `NULL` invisibly.
#' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso [plot.igraph()], [layout()]
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
#' @keywords graphs
#' @section Examples:
#' \preformatted{
#' g <- make_ring(10)
#' tkplot(g)
#' ## Saving a tkplot() to a file programmatically
#' g <- make_star(10, center=10) %u% make_ring(9, directed=TRUE)
#' E(g)$width <- sample(1:10, ecount(g), replace=TRUE)
#' lay <- layout_nicely(g)
#' id <- tkplot(g, layout=lay)
#' canvas <- tk_canvas(id)
#' tcltk::tkpostscript(canvas, file="/tmp/output.eps")
#' tk_close(id)
#' ## Setting the coordinates and adding a title label
#' g <- make_ring(10)
#' id <- tkplot(make_ring(10), canvas.width=450, canvas.height=500)
#' canvas <- tk_canvas(id)
#' padding <- 20
#' coords <- norm_coords(layout_in_circle(g), 0+padding, 450-padding,
#'                       50+padding, 500-padding)
#' tk_set_coords(id, coords)
#' width <- as.numeric(tkcget(canvas, "-width"))
#' height <- as.numeric(tkcget(canvas, "-height"))
#' tkcreate(canvas, "text", width/2, 25, text="My title",
#'          justify="center", font=tcltk::tkfont.create(family="helvetica",
#'          size=20,weight="bold"))
#' }
tkplot <- function(graph, canvas.width = 450, canvas.height = 450, ...) {

  # Libraries
  requireNamespace("tcltk", quietly = TRUE) ||
    stop("tcl/tk library not available")

  params <- i.parse.plot.params(graph, list(...))

  # Use the palette specified by the user (if any)
  palette <- params("plot", "palette")
  if (!is.null(palette)) {
    old_palette <- palette(palette)
    on.exit(palette(old_palette), add = TRUE)

  # Visual parameters
  labels <- params("vertex", "label")
  label.color <- .tkplot.convert.color(params("vertex", "label.color"))
  label.font <- .tkplot.convert.font(
    params("vertex", "label.font"),
    params("vertex", "label.family"),
    params("vertex", "label.cex")
  label.degree <- params("vertex", "label.degree")
  label.dist <- params("vertex", "label.dist")
  vertex.color <- .tkplot.convert.color(params("vertex", "color"))
  vertex.size <- params("vertex", "size")
  vertex.frame.color <- .tkplot.convert.color(params("vertex", "frame.color"))

  edge.color <- .tkplot.convert.color(params("edge", "color"))
  edge.width <- params("edge", "width")
  edge.labels <- params("edge", "label")
  edge.lty <- params("edge", "lty")
  loop.angle <- params("edge", "loop.angle")
  arrow.mode <- params("edge", "arrow.mode")
  edge.label.font <- .tkplot.convert.font(
    params("edge", "label.font"),
    params("edge", "label.family"),
    params("edge", "label.cex")
  edge.label.color <- params("edge", "label.color")
  arrow.size <- params("edge", "arrow.size")[1]
  curved <- params("edge", "curved")
  curved <- rep(curved, length.out = ecount(graph))

  layout <- unname(params("plot", "layout"))
  layout[, 2] <- -layout[, 2]
  margin <- params("plot", "margin")
  margin <- rep(margin, length.out = 4)

  # the new style parameters can't do this yet
  arrow.mode <- i.get.arrow.mode(graph, arrow.mode)

  # Edge line type
  edge.lty <- i.tkplot.get.edge.lty(edge.lty)

  # Create window & canvas
  top <- tcltk::tktoplevel(background = "lightgrey")
  canvas <- tcltk::tkcanvas(top,
    relief = "raised",
    width = canvas.width, height = canvas.height,
    borderwidth = 2
  tcltk::tkpack(canvas, fill = "both", expand = 1)

  # Create parameters
  vertex.params <- sdf(
    vertex.color = vertex.color,
    vertex.size = vertex.size,
    label.font = label.font,
    NROW = vcount(graph)

  params <- list(
    vertex.params = vertex.params,
    edge.color = edge.color, label.color = label.color,
    labels.state = 1, edge.width = edge.width,
    padding = margin * 300 + max(vertex.size) + 5,
    grid = 0, label.degree = label.degree,
    label.dist = label.dist, edge.labels = edge.labels,
    vertex.frame.color = vertex.frame.color,
    loop.angle = loop.angle, edge.lty = edge.lty, arrow.mode = arrow.mode,
    edge.label.font = edge.label.font,
    edge.label.color = edge.label.color, arrow.size = arrow.size,
    curved = curved

  # The popup menu
  popup.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(canvas)
  tcltk::tkadd(popup.menu, "command", label = "Fit to screen", command = function() {

  # Different popup menu for vertices
  vertex.popup.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(canvas)
  tcltk::tkadd(vertex.popup.menu, "command",
    label = "Vertex color",
    command = function() {
      tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
      vids <- .tkplot.get.selected.vertices(tkp.id)
      if (length(vids) == 0) {

      initialcolor <- tkp$params$vertex.params[vids[1], "vertex.color"]
      color <- .tkplot.select.color(initialcolor)
      if (color == "") {
      } # Cancel

      .tkplot.update.vertex.color(tkp.id, vids, color)
  tcltk::tkadd(vertex.popup.menu, "command",
    label = "Vertex size",
    command = function() {
      tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
      vids <- .tkplot.get.selected.vertices(tkp.id)
      if (length(vids) == 0) {

      initialsize <- tkp$params$vertex.params[1, "vertex.size"]
      size <- .tkplot.select.number("Vertex size", initialsize, 1, 20)
      if (is.na(size)) {

      .tkplot.update.vertex.size(tkp.id, vids, size)

  # Different popup menu for edges
  edge.popup.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(canvas)
  tcltk::tkadd(edge.popup.menu, "command",
    label = "Edge color",
    command = function() {
      tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
      eids <- .tkplot.get.selected.edges(tkp.id)
      if (length(eids) == 0) {

      initialcolor <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.color) > 1,
      color <- .tkplot.select.color(initialcolor)
      if (color == "") {
      } # Cancel

      .tkplot.update.edge.color(tkp.id, eids, color)
  tcltk::tkadd(edge.popup.menu, "command",
    label = "Edge width",
    command = function() {
      tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
      eids <- .tkplot.get.selected.edges(tkp.id)
      if (length(eids) == 0) {

      initialwidth <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.width) > 1,
      width <- .tkplot.select.number("Edge width", initialwidth, 1, 10)
      if (is.na(width)) {
      } # Cancel

      .tkplot.update.edge.width(tkp.id, eids, width)

  # Create plot object
  tkp <- list(
    top = top, canvas = canvas, graph = graph, coords = layout,
    labels = labels, params = params, popup.menu = popup.menu,
    vertex.popup.menu = vertex.popup.menu,
    edge.popup.menu = edge.popup.menu
  tkp.id <- .tkplot.new(tkp)
  tcltk::tktitle(top) <- paste("Graph plot", as.character(tkp.id))

  # The main pull-down menu
  main.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(top)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "command", label = "Close", command = function() {
    tk_close(tkp.id, TRUE)
  select.menu <- .tkplot.select.menu(tkp.id, main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Select", menu = select.menu)
  layout.menu <- .tkplot.layout.menu(tkp.id, main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Layout", menu = layout.menu)
  view.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "View", menu = view.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(view.menu, "command", label = "Fit to screen", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(view.menu, "command", label = "Center on screen", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(view.menu, "separator")
  view.menu.labels <- tcltk::tclVar(1)
  view.menu.grid <- tcltk::tclVar(0)
  tcltk::tkadd(view.menu, "checkbutton",
    label = "Labels",
    variable = view.menu.labels, command = function() {
  # grid canvas object not implemented in tcltk (?) :(
  #   tcltk::tkadd(view.menu, "checkbutton", label="Grid",
  #         variable=view.menu.grid, command=function() {
  #           .tkplot.toggle.grid(tkp.id)})
  tcltk::tkadd(view.menu, "separator")
  rotate.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(view.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(view.menu, "cascade", label = "Rotate", menu = rotate.menu)
    c(-90, -45, -15, -5, -1, 1, 5, 15, 45, 90),
    function(deg) {
      tcltk::tkadd(rotate.menu, "command",
        label = paste(deg, "degree"), command = function() {
          tk_rotate(tkp.id, degree = deg)
  export.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Export", menu = export.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(export.menu, "command", label = "Postscript", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkconfigure(top, "-menu", main.menu)

  # plot it
  # we would need an update here
  tk_fit(tkp.id, canvas.width, canvas.height)

  # Kill myself if window was closed
  tcltk::tkbind(top, "<Destroy>", function() tk_close(tkp.id, FALSE))

  # The callbacks for interactive editing

  tcltk::tkitembind(canvas, "vertex||label||edge", "<1>", function(x, y) {
    tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
    canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
    #     tcltk::tkitemraise(canvas, "current")
  tcltk::tkitembind(canvas, "vertex||label||edge", "<Control-1>", function(x, y) {
    canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
    curtags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, "current"))
    seltags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, "selected"))
    if ("vertex" %in% curtags && "vertex" %in% seltags) {
      if ("selected" %in% curtags) {
      } else {
    } else if ("edge" %in% curtags && "edge" %in% seltags) {
      if ("selected" %in% curtags) {
      } else {
    } else if ("label" %in% curtags && "vertex" %in% seltags) {
      vtag <- curtags[pmatch("v-", curtags)]
      tkid <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(
        canvas, "withtag",
        paste(sep = "", "vertex&&", vtag)
      vtags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, tkid))
      if ("selected" %in% vtags) {
        .tkplot.deselect.vertex(tkp.id, tkid)
      } else {
        .tkplot.select.vertex(tkp.id, tkid)
    } else {
  tcltk::tkitembind(canvas, "vertex||edge||label", "<Shift-Alt-1>", function(x, y) {
    canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
    tcltk::tkitemlower(canvas, "current")
  tcltk::tkitembind(canvas, "vertex||edge||label", "<Alt-1>", function(x, y) {
    canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
    tcltk::tkitemraise(canvas, "current")
  tcltk::tkbind(canvas, "<3>", function(x, y) {
    canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
    tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, "current"))
    if ("label" %in% tags) {
      vtag <- tags[pmatch("v-", tags)]
      vid <- as.character(tcltk::tkfind(
        canvas, "withtag",
        paste(sep = "", "vertex&&", vtag)
      tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, vid))
    if ("selected" %in% tags) {
      # The selection is active
    } else {
      # Delete selection, single object
    tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, "selected"))
    ## TODO: what if different types of objects are selected
    if ("vertex" %in% tags || "label" %in% tags) {
      menu <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "vertex.popup.menu")
    } else if ("edge" %in% tags) {
      menu <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "edge.popup.menu")
    } else {
      menu <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "popup.menu")
    x <- as.integer(x) + as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rootx", canvas))
    y <- as.integer(y) + as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rooty", canvas))
    tcltk::.Tcl(paste("tk_popup", tcltk::.Tcl.args(menu, x, y)))
  if (tkp$params$label.dist == 0) {
    tobind <- "vertex||label"
  } else {
    tobind <- "vertex"
  tcltk::tkitembind(canvas, tobind, "<B1-Motion>", function(x, y) {
    tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)
    width <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("width", tkp$canvas))
    height <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("height", tkp$canvas))
    if (x < 10) {
      x <- 10
    if (x > width - 10) {
      x <- width - 10
    if (y < 10) {
      y <- 10
    if (y > height - 10) {
      y <- height - 10

    # get the id
    tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(tkp$canvas, "selected"))
    id <- as.numeric(strsplit(tags[pmatch("v-", tags)],
      fixed = TRUE
    if (is.na(id)) {
    # move the vertex
    .tkplot.set.vertex.coords(tkp.id, id, x, y)
    .tkplot.update.vertex(tkp.id, id, x, y)
  if (tkp$params$label.dist != 0) {
    tcltk::tkitembind(canvas, "label", "<B1-Motion>", function(x, y) {
      tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
      x <- as.numeric(x)
      y <- as.numeric(y)
      # get the id
      tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(tkp$canvas, "selected"))
      id <- as.numeric(strsplit(tags[pmatch("v-", tags)],
        fixed = TRUE
      if (is.na(id)) {
      phi <- pi + atan2(tkp$coords[id, 2] - y, tkp$coords[id, 1] - x)
      .tkplot.set.label.degree(tkp.id, id, phi)
      .tkplot.update.label(tkp.id, id, tkp$coords[id, 1], tkp$coords[id, 2])

  # We don't need these any more, they are stored in the environment
    tkp, params, layout, vertex.color, edge.color, top, canvas,
    main.menu, layout.menu, view.menu, export.menu, label.font, label.degree,
    vertex.frame.color, vertex.params


# Internal functions handling data about layouts for the GUI

.tkplot.addlayout <- function(name, layout.data) {
  if (!exists(".layouts", envir = .tkplot.env)) {
    assign(".layouts", list(), .tkplot.env)

  assign("tmp", layout.data, .tkplot.env)
  cmd <- paste(sep = "", ".layouts[[\"", name, "\"]]", " <- tmp")
  eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)
  rm("tmp", envir = .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.getlayout <- function(name) {
  cmd <- paste(sep = "", ".layouts[[\"", name, "\"]]")
  eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.layouts.newdefaults <- function(name, defaults) {
  assign("tmp", defaults, .tkplot.env)
  for (i in seq(along.with = defaults)) {
    cmd <- paste(
      sep = "", '.layouts[["', name, '"]]$params[[', i,
      "]]$default <- tmp[[", i, "]]"
    eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.getlayoutlist <- function() {
  eval(parse(text = "names(.layouts)"), .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.getlayoutname <- function(name) {
  cmd <- paste(sep = "", '.layouts[["', name, '"]]$name')
  eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)

  list(name = "Random", f = layout_randomly, params = list())
  list(name = "Circle", f = layout_in_circle, params = list())
    name = "Fruchterman-Reingold",
    f = layout_with_fr,
    params = list(
      niter = list(
        name = "Number of iterations",
        type = "numeric",
        default = 500
      start.temp = list(
        name = "Start temperature",
        type = "expression",
        default = expression(sqrt(vcount(.tkplot.g)))
    name = "Kamada-Kawai",
    f = layout_with_kk,
    params = list(
      maxiter = list(
        name = "Maximum number of iterations",
        type = "expression",
        default = expression(50 * vcount(.tkplot.g))
      kkconst = list(
        name = "Vertex attraction constant",
        type = "expression",
        default = expression(vcount(.tkplot.g))
    names = "Reingold-Tilford",
    f = layout_as_tree,
    params = list(
      root = list(
        name = "Root vertex",
        type = "numeric",
        default = 1

# Other public functions, misc.

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_close <- function(tkp.id, window.close = TRUE) {
  if (window.close) {
    cmd <- paste(sep = "", "tkp.", tkp.id, "$top")
    top <- eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)
    tcltk::tkbind(top, "<Destroy>", "")
  cmd <- paste(sep = "", "tkp.", tkp.id)
  rm(list = cmd, envir = .tkplot.env)

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_off <- function() {
  eapply(.tkplot.env, function(tkp) {
  rm(list = ls(.tkplot.env), envir = .tkplot.env)

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_fit <- function(tkp.id, width = NULL, height = NULL) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  if (is.null(width)) {
    width <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("width", tkp$canvas))
  if (is.null(height)) {
    height <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("height", tkp$canvas))
  coords <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "coords")
  # Shift to zero
  coords[, 1] <- coords[, 1] - min(coords[, 1])
  coords[, 2] <- coords[, 2] - min(coords[, 2])
  # Scale
  coords[, 1] <- coords[, 1] / max(coords[, 1]) *
    (width - (tkp$params$padding[2] + tkp$params$padding[4]))
  coords[, 2] <- coords[, 2] / max(coords[, 2]) *
    (height - (tkp$params$padding[1] + tkp$params$padding[3]))
  # Padding
  coords[, 1] <- coords[, 1] + tkp$params$padding[2]
  coords[, 2] <- coords[, 2] + tkp$params$padding[3]
  # Store
  .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "coords", coords)
  # Update

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_center <- function(tkp.id) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  width <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("width", tkp$canvas))
  height <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("height", tkp$canvas))
  coords <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "coords")
  canvas.center.x <- width / 2
  canvas.center.y <- height / 2
  coords <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "coords")
  r1 <- range(coords[, 1])
  r2 <- range(coords[, 2])
  coords.center.x <- (r1[1] + r1[2]) / 2
  coords.center.y <- (r2[1] + r2[2]) / 2
  # Shift to center
  coords[, 1] <- coords[, 1] + canvas.center.x - coords.center.x
  coords[, 2] <- coords[, 2] + canvas.center.y - coords.center.y
  # Store
  .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "coords", coords)
  # Update

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @param params Extra parameters in a list, to pass to the layout function.
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_reshape <- function(tkp.id, newlayout, ..., params) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  new_coords <- do_call(newlayout, .args = c(list(tkp$graph), list(...), params))
  .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "coords", new_coords)

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_postscript <- function(tkp.id) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)

  filename <- tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(
    initialfile = "Rplots.eps",
    defaultextension = "eps",
    title = "Export graph to PostScript file"
  tcltk::tkpostscript(tkp$canvas, file = filename)

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_coords <- function(tkp.id, norm = FALSE) {
  coords <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "coords")
  coords[, 2] <- max(coords[, 2]) - coords[, 2]
  if (norm) {
    # Shift
    coords[, 1] <- coords[, 1] - min(coords[, 1])
    coords[, 2] <- coords[, 2] - min(coords[, 2])
    # Scale
    coords[, 1] <- coords[, 1] / max(coords[, 1]) - 0.5
    coords[, 2] <- coords[, 2] / max(coords[, 2]) - 0.5

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_set_coords <- function(tkp.id, coords) {
  stopifnot(is.matrix(coords), ncol(coords) == 2)
  .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "coords", coords)

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_rotate <- function(tkp.id, degree = NULL, rad = NULL) {
  coords <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "coords")

  if (is.null(degree) && is.null(rad)) {
    rad <- pi / 2
  } else if (is.null(rad) && !is.null(degree)) {
    rad <- degree / 180 * pi

  center <- c(mean(range(coords[, 1])), mean(range(coords[, 2])))
  phi <- atan2(coords[, 2] - center[2], coords[, 1] - center[1])
  r <- sqrt((coords[, 1] - center[1])**2 + (coords[, 2] - center[2])**2)

  phi <- phi + rad

  coords[, 1] <- r * cos(phi)
  coords[, 2] <- r * sin(phi)

  .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "coords", coords)

#' @rdname tkplot
#' @family tkplot
#' @export
tk_canvas <- function(tkp.id) {

# Internal functions, handling the internal environment

.tkplot.new <- function(tkp) {
  id <- get(".next", .tkplot.env)
  assign(".next", id + 1, .tkplot.env)
  assign("tmp", tkp, .tkplot.env)
  cmd <- paste("tkp.", id, "<- tmp", sep = "")
  eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)
  rm("tmp", envir = .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.get <- function(tkp.id, what = NULL) {
  if (is.null(what)) {
    get(paste("tkp.", tkp.id, sep = ""), .tkplot.env)
  } else {
    cmd <- paste("tkp.", tkp.id, "$", what, sep = "")
    eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.set <- function(tkp.id, what, value) {
  assign("tmp", value, .tkplot.env)
  cmd <- paste(sep = "", "tkp.", tkp.id, "$", what, "<-tmp")
  eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)
  rm("tmp", envir = .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.set.params <- function(tkp.id, what, value) {
  assign("tmp", value, .tkplot.env)
  cmd <- paste(sep = "", "tkp.", tkp.id, "$params$", what, "<-tmp")
  eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)
  rm("tmp", envir = .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.set.vertex.coords <- function(tkp.id, id, x, y) {
  cmd <- paste(sep = "", "tkp.", tkp.id, "$coords[", id, ",]<-c(", x, ",", y, ")")
  eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)

.tkplot.set.label.degree <- function(tkp.id, id, phi) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)

  if (length(tkp$params$label.degree) == 1) {
    label.degree <- rep(tkp$params$label.degree, times = vcount(tkp$graph))
    label.degree[id] <- phi
    assign("tmp", label.degree, .tkplot.env)
    cmd <- paste(sep = "", "tkp.", tkp.id, "$params$label.degree <- tmp")
    eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)
    rm("tmp", envir = .tkplot.env)
  } else {
    cmd <- paste(
      sep = "", "tkp.", tkp.id, "$params$label.degree[", id,
      "] <- ", phi
    eval(parse(text = cmd), .tkplot.env)

# Internal functions, creating and updating canvas objects

# Creates a new vertex tk object
.tkplot.create.vertex <- function(tkp.id, id, label, x = 0, y = 0) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  vertex.size <- tkp$params$vertex.params[id, "vertex.size"]
  vertex.color <- tkp$params$vertex.params[id, "vertex.color"]
  vertex.frame.color <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$vertex.frame.color) > 1,
  item <- tcltk::tkcreate(tkp$canvas, "oval", x - vertex.size, y - vertex.size,
    x + vertex.size, y + vertex.size,
    width = 1,
    outline = vertex.frame.color, fill = vertex.color
  tcltk::tkaddtag(tkp$canvas, "vertex", "withtag", item)
  tcltk::tkaddtag(tkp$canvas, paste("v-", id, sep = ""), "withtag", item)
  if (!is.na(label)) {
    label.degree <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$label.degree) > 1,
    label.color <- if (length(tkp$params$label.color) > 1) {
    } else {
    label.dist <- tkp$params$label.dist
    label.x <- x + label.dist * cos(label.degree) *
      (vertex.size + 6 + 4 * (ceiling(log10(id))))
    label.y <- y + label.dist * sin(label.degree) *
      (vertex.size + 6 + 4 * (ceiling(log10(id))))
    if (label.dist == 0) {
      afill <- label.color
    } else {
      afill <- "red"
    litem <- tcltk::tkcreate(tkp$canvas, "text", label.x, label.y,
      text = as.character(label), state = "normal",
      fill = label.color, activefill = afill,
      font = tkp$params$vertex.params[id, "label.font"]
    tcltk::tkaddtag(tkp$canvas, "label", "withtag", litem)
    tcltk::tkaddtag(tkp$canvas, paste("v-", id, sep = ""), "withtag", litem)

# Create all vertex objects and move them into correct position
.tkplot.create.vertices <- function(tkp.id) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  n <- vcount(tkp$graph)

  # Labels
  labels <- i.get.labels(tkp$graph, tkp$labels)

    function(v, l, x, y) .tkplot.create.vertex(tkp.id, v, l, x, y),
    1:n, labels, tkp$coords[, 1], tkp$coords[, 2]

.tkplot.update.label <- function(tkp.id, id, x, y) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  vertex.size <- tkp$params$vertex.params[id, "vertex.size"]
  label.degree <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$label.degree) > 1,
  label.dist <- tkp$params$label.dist
  label.x <- x + label.dist * cos(label.degree) *
    (vertex.size + 6 + 4 * (ceiling(log10(id))))
  label.y <- y + label.dist * sin(label.degree) *
    (vertex.size + 6 + 4 * (ceiling(log10(id))))
    tkp$canvas, paste("label&&v-", id, sep = ""),
    label.x, label.y

.tkplot.update.vertex <- function(tkp.id, id, x, y) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  vertex.size <- tkp$params$vertex.params[id, "vertex.size"]
  # Vertex
    tkp$canvas, paste("vertex&&v-", id, sep = ""),
    x - vertex.size, y - vertex.size,
    x + vertex.size, y + vertex.size
  # Label
  .tkplot.update.label(tkp.id, id, x, y)

  # Edges
  edge.from.ids <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(
    tkp$canvas, "withtag",
    paste("from-", id, sep = "")
  edge.to.ids <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(
    tkp$canvas, "withtag",
    paste("to-", id, sep = "")
  for (i in seq(along.with = edge.from.ids)) {
    .tkplot.update.edge(tkp.id, edge.from.ids[i])
  for (i in seq(along.with = edge.to.ids)) {
    .tkplot.update.edge(tkp.id, edge.to.ids[i])

.tkplot.update.vertices <- function(tkp.id) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  n <- vcount(tkp$graph)
    function(v, x, y) .tkplot.update.vertex(tkp.id, v, x, y), 1:n,
    tkp$coords[, 1], tkp$coords[, 2]

# Creates tk object for edge 'id'
.tkplot.create.edge <- function(tkp.id, from, to, id) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  from.c <- tkp$coords[from, ]
  to.c <- tkp$coords[to, ]
  edge.color <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.color) > 1,
  edge.width <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.width) > 1,
  edge.lty <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.lty) > 1,
  arrow.mode <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$arrow.mode) > 1,
  arrow.size <- tkp$params$arrow.size
  curved <- tkp$params$curved[[id]]
  arrow <- c("none", "first", "last", "both")[arrow.mode + 1]

  if (from != to) {
    ## non-loop edge
    if (is.logical(curved)) curved <- curved * 0.5
    if (curved != 0) {
      smooth <- TRUE
      midx <- (from.c[1] + to.c[1]) / 2
      midy <- (from.c[2] + to.c[2]) / 2
      spx <- midx - curved * 1 / 2 * (from.c[2] - to.c[2])
      spy <- midy + curved * 1 / 2 * (from.c[1] - to.c[1])
      coords <- c(from.c[1], from.c[2], spx, spy, to.c[1], to.c[2])
    } else {
      smooth <- FALSE
      coords <- c(from.c[1], from.c[2], to.c[1], to.c[2])
    args <- c(list(tkp$canvas, "line"),
        width = edge.width, activewidth = 2 * edge.width,
        arrow = arrow, arrowshape = arrow.size * c(10, 10, 5),
        fill = edge.color, activefill = "red", dash = edge.lty,
        tags = c(
          "edge", paste(sep = "", "edge-", id),
          paste(sep = "", "from-", from),
          paste(sep = "", "to-", to)
      smooth = smooth
    do.call(tcltk::tkcreate, args)
  } else {
    ## loop edge
    ## the coordinates are not correct but we will call update anyway...
    tcltk::tkcreate(tkp$canvas, "line", from.c[1], from.c[2],
      from.c[1] + 20, from.c[1] - 10, from.c[2] + 30, from.c[2],
      from.c[1] + 20, from.c[1] + 10, from.c[1], from.c[2],
      width = edge.width, activewidth = 2 * edge.width,
      arrow = arrow, arrowshape = arrow.size * c(10, 10, 5), dash = edge.lty,
      fill = edge.color, activefill = "red", smooth = TRUE,
      tags = c(
        "edge", "loop", paste(sep = "", "edge-", id),
        paste(sep = "", "from-", from),
        paste(sep = "", "to-", to)

  edge.label <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.labels) > 1,
  if (!is.na(edge.label)) {
    label.color <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.label.color) > 1,
    ## not correct for loop edges but we will update anyway...
    label.x <- (to.c[1] + from.c[1]) / 2
    label.y <- (to.c[2] + from.c[2]) / 2
    litem <- tcltk::tkcreate(tkp$canvas, "text", label.x, label.y,
      text = as.character(edge.label), state = "normal",
      fill = label.color,
      font = tkp$params$edge.label.font
    tcltk::tkaddtag(tkp$canvas, "label", "withtag", litem)
    tcltk::tkaddtag(tkp$canvas, paste(sep = "", "edge-", id), "withtag", litem)

# Creates all edges
.tkplot.create.edges <- function(tkp.id) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  n <- ecount(tkp$graph)
  edgematrix <- as_edgelist(tkp$graph, names = FALSE)
    function(from, to, id) .tkplot.create.edge(tkp.id, from, to, id),
    edgematrix[, 1],
    edgematrix[, 2], 1:nrow(edgematrix)

# Update an edge with given itemid (not edge id!)
.tkplot.update.edge <- function(tkp.id, itemid) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(tkp$canvas, itemid))
  from <- as.numeric(substring(grep("from-", tags, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE), 6))
  to <- as.numeric(substring(grep("to-", tags, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE), 4))
  from.c <- tkp$coords[from, ]
  to.c <- tkp$coords[to, ]

  edgeid <- as.numeric(substring(tags[pmatch("edge-", tags)], 6))

  if (from != to) {
    phi <- atan2(to.c[2] - from.c[2], to.c[1] - from.c[1])
    r <- sqrt((to.c[1] - from.c[1])^2 + (to.c[2] - from.c[2])^2)
    vertex.size <- tkp$params$vertex.params[to, "vertex.size"]
    vertex.size2 <- tkp$params$vertex.params[from, "vertex.size"]
    curved <- tkp$params$curved[[edgeid]]
    to.c[1] <- from.c[1] + (r - vertex.size) * cos(phi)
    to.c[2] <- from.c[2] + (r - vertex.size) * sin(phi)
    from.c[1] <- from.c[1] + vertex.size2 * cos(phi)
    from.c[2] <- from.c[2] + vertex.size2 * sin(phi)
    if (is.logical(curved)) curved <- curved * 0.5
    if (curved == 0) {
      tcltk::tkcoords(tkp$canvas, itemid, from.c[1], from.c[2], to.c[1], to.c[2])
    } else {
      midx <- (from.c[1] + to.c[1]) / 2
      midy <- (from.c[2] + to.c[2]) / 2
      spx <- midx - curved * 1 / 2 * (from.c[2] - to.c[2])
      spy <- midy + curved * 1 / 2 * (from.c[1] - to.c[1])
        tkp$canvas, itemid, from.c[1], from.c[2], spx, spy,
        to.c[1], to.c[2]
  } else {
    vertex.size <- tkp$params$vertex.params[to, "vertex.size"]
    loop.angle <- ifelse(length(tkp$param$loop.angle) > 1,
    xx <- from.c[1] + cos(loop.angle / 180 * pi) * vertex.size
    yy <- from.c[2] + sin(loop.angle / 180 * pi) * vertex.size
    cc <- matrix(c(xx, yy, xx + 20, yy - 10, xx + 30, yy, xx + 20, yy + 10, xx, yy),
      ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE

    phi <- atan2(cc[, 2] - yy, cc[, 1] - xx)
    r <- sqrt((cc[, 1] - xx)**2 + (cc[, 2] - yy)**2)
    phi <- phi + loop.angle / 180 * pi
    cc[, 1] <- xx + r * cos(phi)
    cc[, 2] <- yy + r * sin(phi)
      tkp$canvas, itemid, cc[1, 1], cc[1, 2], cc[2, 1], cc[2, 2],
      cc[3, 1], cc[3, 2], cc[4, 1], cc[4, 2], cc[5, 1] + 0.001, cc[5, 2] + 0.001

  edge.label <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.labels) > 1,
  if (!is.na(edge.label)) {
    if (from != to) {
      label.x <- (to.c[1] + from.c[1]) / 2
      label.y <- (to.c[2] + from.c[2]) / 2
    } else {
      ## loops
      label.x <- xx + cos(loop.angle / 180 * pi) * 30
      label.y <- yy + sin(loop.angle / 180 * pi) * 30
    litem <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(
      tkp$canvas, "withtag",
      paste(sep = "", "label&&edge-", edgeid)
    tcltk::tkcoords(tkp$canvas, litem, label.x, label.y)

.tkplot.toggle.labels <- function(tkp.id) {
    tkp.id, "labels.state",
    1 - .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "params")$labels.state
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  state <- ifelse(tkp$params$labels.state == 1, "normal", "hidden")
  tcltk::tkitemconfigure(tkp$canvas, "label", "-state", state)

.tkplot.toggle.grid <- function(tkp.id) {
    tkp.id, "grid",
    1 - .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "params")$grid
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  state <- ifelse(tkp$params$grid == 1, "normal", "hidden")
  if (state == "hidden") {
    tcltk::tkdelete(tkp$canvas, "grid")
  } else {
    tcltk::tkcreate(tkp$canvas, "grid", 0, 0, 10, 10, tags = c("grid"))

.tkplot.update.vertex.color <- function(tkp.id, vids, newcolor) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  vparams <- tkp$params$vertex.params
  vparams[vids, "vertex.color"] <- newcolor
  .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$vertex.params", vparams)
  tcltk::tkitemconfigure(tkp$canvas, "selected&&vertex", "-fill", newcolor)

.tkplot.update.edge.color <- function(tkp.id, eids, newcolor) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  colors <- tkp$params$edge.color
  if (length(colors) == 1 && length(eids) == ecount(tkp$graph)) {
    ## Uniform color -> uniform color
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.color", newcolor)
  } else if (length(colors) == 1) {
    ## Uniform color -> nonuniform color
    colors <- rep(colors, ecount(tkp$graph))
    colors[eids] <- newcolor
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.color", colors)
  } else if (length(eids) == ecount(tkp$graph)) {
    ## Non-uniform -> uniform
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.color", newcolor)
  } else {
    ## Non-uniform -> non-uniform
    colors[eids] <- newcolor
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.color", colors)

  tcltk::tkitemconfigure(tkp$canvas, "selected&&edge", "-fill", newcolor)

.tkplot.update.edge.width <- function(tkp.id, eids, newwidth) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  widths <- tkp$params$edge.width
  if (length(widths) == 1 && length(eids) == ecount(tkp$graph)) {
    ## Uniform width -> uniform width
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.width", newwidth)
  } else if (length(widths) == 1) {
    ## Uniform width -> nonuniform width
    widths <- rep(widths, ecount(tkp$graph))
    widths[eids] <- newwidth
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.width", widths)
  } else if (length(eids) == ecount(tkp$graph)) {
    ## Non-uniform -> uniform
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.width", newwidth)
  } else {
    ## Non-uniform -> non-uniform
    widths[eids] <- newwidth
    .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$edge.width", widths)

  tcltk::tkitemconfigure(tkp$canvas, "selected&&edge", "-width", newwidth)

.tkplot.update.vertex.size <- function(tkp.id, vids, newsize) {
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  vparams <- tkp$params$vertex.params
  vparams[vids, "vertex.size"] <- newsize
  .tkplot.set(tkp.id, "params$vertex.params", vparams)
  sapply(vids, function(id) {
    .tkplot.update.vertex(tkp.id, id, tkp$coords[id, 1], tkp$coords[id, 2])

.tkplot.get.numeric.vector <- function(...) {
  labels <- list(...)
  if (length(labels) == 0) {

  answers <- as.list(rep("", length(labels)))
  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  vars <- lapply(answers, tcltk::tclVar)

  retval <- list()

  OnOK <- function() {
    retval <<- lapply(vars, tcltk::tclvalue)

  OK.but <- tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "   OK   ", command = OnOK)
  for (i in seq(along.with = labels)) {
    tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(dialog, text = labels[[i]]))
    tmp <- tcltk::tkentry(dialog, width = "40", textvariable = vars[[i]])
    tcltk::tkbind(tmp, "<Return>", OnOK)

  retval <- lapply(retval, function(v) {
    eval(parse(text = paste("c(", v, ")")))

.tkplot.select.number <- function(label, initial, low = 1, high = 100) {
  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  SliderValue <- tcltk::tclVar(as.character(initial))
  SliderValueLabel <- tcltk::tklabel(dialog, text = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(SliderValue)))
  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(dialog, text = label), SliderValueLabel)
  tcltk::tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = SliderValue)
  slider <- tcltk::tkscale(dialog,
    from = high, to = low,
    showvalue = F, variable = SliderValue,
    resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal"
  OnOK <- function() {
    SliderValue <<- as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(SliderValue))
  OnCancel <- function() {
    SliderValue <<- NA
  OK.but <- tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "   OK   ", command = OnOK)
  cancel.but <- tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = " Cancel ", command = OnCancel)
  tcltk::tkgrid(OK.but, cancel.but)


# Internal functions, vertex and edge selection

.tkplot.deselect.all <- function(tkp.id) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  ids <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "selected"))
  for (i in ids) {
    .tkplot.deselect.this(tkp.id, i)

.tkplot.select.all.vertices <- function(tkp.id) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  vertices <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "vertex"))
  for (i in vertices) {
    .tkplot.select.vertex(tkp.id, i)

.tkplot.select.some.vertices <- function(tkp.id, vids) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  vids <- unique(vids)
  for (i in vids) {
    tkid <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(
      canvas, "withtag",
      paste(sep = "", "vertex&&v-", i)
    .tkplot.select.vertex(tkp.id, tkid)

.tkplot.select.all.edges <- function(tkp.id, vids) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  edges <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "edge"))
  for (i in edges) {
    .tkplot.select.edge(tkp.id, i)

.tkplot.select.some.edges <- function(tkp.id, from, to) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  fromtags <- sapply(from, function(i) {
    paste(sep = "", "from-", i)
  totags <- sapply(from, function(i) {
    paste(sep = "", "to-", i)
  edges <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "edge"))
  for (i in edges) {
    tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, i))
    ftag <- tags[pmatch("from-", tags)]
    ttag <- tags[pmatch("to-", tags)]
    if (ftag %in% fromtags && ttag %in% totags) {
      .tkplot.select.edge(tkp.id, i)

.tkplot.select.vertex <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tcltk::tkaddtag(canvas, "selected", "withtag", tkid)
    canvas, tkid, "-outline", "red",
    "-width", 2

.tkplot.select.edge <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tcltk::tkaddtag(canvas, "selected", "withtag", tkid)
  tcltk::tkitemconfigure(canvas, tkid, "-dash", "-")

.tkplot.select.label <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tcltk::tkaddtag(canvas, "selected", "withtag", tkid)

.tkplot.deselect.vertex <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tcltk::tkdtag(canvas, tkid, "selected")
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, tkid))
  id <- as.numeric(substring(tags[pmatch("v-", tags)], 3))
  vertex.frame.color <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$vertex.frame.color) > 1,
    canvas, tkid, "-outline", vertex.frame.color,
    "-width", 1

.tkplot.deselect.edge <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tcltk::tkdtag(canvas, tkid, "selected")
  tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
  tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, tkid))
  id <- as.numeric(substring(tags[pmatch("edge-", tags)], 6))
  edge.lty <- ifelse(length(tkp$params$edge.lty) > 1,
  tcltk::tkitemconfigure(canvas, tkid, "-dash", edge.lty)

.tkplot.deselect.label <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tcltk::tkdtag(canvas, tkid, "selected")

.tkplot.select.current <- function(tkp.id) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tkid <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "current"))
  .tkplot.select.this(tkp.id, tkid)

.tkplot.deselect.current <- function(tkp.id) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tkid <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "current"))
  .tkplot.deselect.this(tkp.id, tkid)

.tkplot.select.this <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, tkid))
  if ("vertex" %in% tags) {
    .tkplot.select.vertex(tkp.id, tkid)
  } else if ("edge" %in% tags) {
    .tkplot.select.edge(tkp.id, tkid)
  } else if ("label" %in% tags) {
    tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
    if (tkp$params$label.dist == 0) {
      id <- tags[pmatch("v-", tags)]
      tkid <- as.character(tcltk::tkfind(
        canvas, "withtag",
        paste(sep = "", "vertex&&", id)
      .tkplot.select.vertex(tkp.id, tkid)
    } else {
      .tkplot.select.label(tkp.id, tkid)

.tkplot.deselect.this <- function(tkp.id, tkid) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, tkid))
  if ("vertex" %in% tags) {
    .tkplot.deselect.vertex(tkp.id, tkid)
  } else if ("edge" %in% tags) {
    .tkplot.deselect.edge(tkp.id, tkid)
  } else if ("label" %in% tags) {
    tkp <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id)
    if (tkp$params$label.dist == 0) {
      id <- tags[pmatch("v-", tags)]
      tkid <- as.character(tcltk::tkfind(
        canvas, "withtag",
        paste(sep = "", "vertex&&", id)
      .tkplot.deselect.vertex(tkp.id, tkid)
    } else {
      .tkplot.deselect.label(tkp.id, tkid)

.tkplot.get.selected.vertices <- function(tkp.id) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tkids <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "vertex&&selected"))

  ids <- sapply(tkids, function(tkid) {
    tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, tkid))
    id <- as.numeric(substring(tags[pmatch("v-", tags)], 3))


.tkplot.get.selected.edges <- function(tkp.id) {
  canvas <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "canvas")
  tkids <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkfind(canvas, "withtag", "edge&&selected"))

  ids <- sapply(tkids, function(tkid) {
    tags <- as.character(tcltk::tkgettags(canvas, tkid))
    id <- as.numeric(substring(tags[pmatch("edge-", tags)], 6))


# Internal functions: manipulating the UI

.tkplot.select.menu <- function(tkp.id, main.menu) {
  select.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)

  tcltk::tkadd(select.menu, "command",
    label = "Select all vertices",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(select.menu, "command",
    label = "Select all edges",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(select.menu, "command",
    label = "Select some vertices...",
    command = function() {
      vids <- .tkplot.get.numeric.vector("Select vertices")
      .tkplot.select.some.vertices(tkp.id, vids[[1]])
  tcltk::tkadd(select.menu, "command",
    label = "Select some edges...",
    command = function() {
      fromto <- .tkplot.get.numeric.vector(
        "Select edges from vertices",
        "to vertices"
      .tkplot.select.some.edges(tkp.id, fromto[[1]], fromto[[2]])
  tcltk::tkadd(select.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(select.menu, "command",
    label = "Deselect everything",
    command = function() {


.tkplot.layout.menu <- function(tkp.id, main.menu) {
  layout.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)

  sapply(.tkplot.getlayoutlist(), function(n) {
    tcltk::tkadd(layout.menu, "command",
      label = .tkplot.getlayoutname(n),
      command = function() {
        .tkplot.layout.dialog(tkp.id, n)


.tkplot.layout.dialog <- function(tkp.id, layout.name) {
  layout <- .tkplot.getlayout(layout.name)

  # No parameters
  if (length(layout$params) == 0) {
    return(tk_reshape(tkp.id, layout$f, params = list()))

  submit <- function() {
    realparams <- params <- vector(mode = "list", length(layout$params))
    names(realparams) <- names(params) <- names(layout$params)
    for (i in seq(along.with = layout$params)) {
      realparams[[i]] <-
        params[[i]] <- switch(layout$params[[i]]$type,
          "numeric" = as.numeric(tcltk::tkget(values[[i]])),
          "character" = as.character(tcltk::tkget(values[[i]])),
          "logical" = as.logical(tcltk::tclvalue(values[[i]])),
          "choice" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(values[[i]])),
          "initial" = as.logical(tcltk::tclvalue(values[[i]])),
          "expression" = as.numeric(tcltk::tkget(values[[i]]))
      if (layout$params[[i]]$type == "initial" &&
        params[[i]]) {
        realparams[[i]] <- tk_coords(tkp.id, norm = TRUE)
    if (as.logical(tcltk::tclvalue(save.default))) {
      .tkplot.layouts.newdefaults(layout.name, params)
    tk_reshape(tkp.id, layout$f, params = realparams)

  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel(.tkplot.get(tkp.id, "top"))

  tcltk::tkwm.title(dialog, paste("Layout parameters for graph plot", tkp.id))
  tcltk::tkwm.transient(dialog, .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "top"))

      text = paste(layout$name, "layout"),
      font = tcltk::tkfont.create(family = "helvetica", size = 20, weight = "bold")
    row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, padx = 10, pady = 10

  row <- 1
  values <- list()
  for (i in seq(along.with = layout$params)) {
    tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(dialog, text = paste(sep = "", layout$params[[i]]$name, ":")),
      row = row, column = 0, sticky = "ne", padx = 5, pady = 5

    if (layout$params[[i]]$type %in% c("numeric", "character")) {
      values[[i]] <- tcltk::tkentry(dialog)
      tcltk::tkinsert(values[[i]], 0, as.character(layout$params[[i]]$default))
      tcltk::tkgrid(values[[i]], row = row, column = 1, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
    } else if (layout$params[[i]]$type == "logical") {
      values[[i]] <- tcltk::tclVar(as.character(layout$params[[i]]$default))
      tmp <- tcltk::tkcheckbutton(dialog,
        onvalue = "TRUE", offvalue = "FALSE",
        variable = values[[i]]
      tcltk::tkgrid(tmp, row = row, column = 1, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
    } else if (layout$params[[i]]$type == "choice") {
      tmp.frame <- tcltk::tkframe(dialog)
      tcltk::tkgrid(tmp.frame, row = row, column = 1, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
      values[[i]] <- tcltk::tclVar(layout$params[[i]]$default)
      for (j in 1:length(layout$params[[i]]$values)) {
        tmp <- tcltk::tkradiobutton(tmp.frame,
          variable = values[[i]],
          value = layout$params[[i]]$values[j],
          text = layout$params[[i]]$values[j]
        tcltk::tkpack(tmp, anchor = "nw")
    } else if (layout$params[[i]]$type == "initial") {
      values[[i]] <- tcltk::tclVar(as.character(layout$params[[i]]$default))
          onvalue = "TRUE", offvalue = "FALSE",
          variable = values[[i]]
        row = row, column = 1, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5
    } else if (layout$param[[i]]$type == "expression") {
      values[[i]] <- tcltk::tkentry(dialog)
      .tkplot.g <- .tkplot.get(tkp.id, "graph")
      tcltk::tkinsert(values[[i]], 0, as.character(eval(layout$params[[i]]$default)))
      tcltk::tkgrid(values[[i]], row = row, column = 1, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)

    row <- row + 1
  } # for along layout$params

  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(dialog, text = "Set these as defaults"),
    sticky = "ne",
    row = row, column = 0, padx = 5, pady = 5
  save.default <- tcltk::tclVar("FALSE")
      onvalue = "TRUE", offvalue = "FALSE",
      variable = save.default, text = ""
    row = row,
    column = 1, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5
  row <- row + 1

  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "OK", command = submit), row = row, column = 0)
      text = "Cancel",
      command = function() {
    row = row, column = 1

.tkplot.select.color <- function(initialcolor) {
  color <- tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tcl("tk_chooseColor",
    initialcolor = initialcolor,
    title = "Choose a color"

# Internal functions: other

#' @importFrom grDevices palette
.tkplot.convert.color <- function(col) {
  if (is.numeric(col)) {
    ## convert numeric color based on current palette
    p <- palette()
    col <- col %% length(p)
    col[col == 0] <- length(p)
    col <- palette()[col]
  } else if (is.character(col) && any(substr(col, 1, 1) == "#" & nchar(col) == 9)) {
    ## drop alpha channel, tcltk doesn't support it
    idx <- substr(col, 1, 1) == "#" & nchar(col) == 9
    col[idx] <- substr(col[idx], 1, 7)

  ## replace NA's with ""
  col[is.na(col)] <- ""


.tkplot.convert.font <- function(font, family, cex) {
  tk.fonts <- as.character(tcltk::tkfont.names())
  if (as.character(font) %in% tk.fonts) {
    ## already defined Tk font
  } else {
    ## we create a font from familiy, font & cex
    font <- as.numeric(font)
    family <- as.character(family)
    cex <- as.numeric(cex)

    ## multiple sizes
    if (length(cex) > 1) {
      return(sapply(cex, .tkplot.convert.font, font = font, family = family))

    ## set slant & weight
    if (font == 2) {
      slant <- "roman"
      weight <- "bold"
    } else if (font == 3) {
      slant <- "italic"
      weight <- "normal"
    } else if (font == 4) {
      slant <- "italic"
      weight <- "bold"
    } else {
      slant <- "roman"
      weight <- "normal"

    ## set tkfamily
    if (family == "symbol" || font == 5) {
      tkfamily <- "symbol"
    } else if (family == "serif") {
      tkfamily <- "Times"
    } else if (family == "sans") {
      tkfamily <- "Helvetica"
    } else if (family == "mono") {
      tkfamily <- "Courier"
    } else {
      ## pass the family and see what happens
      tkfamily <- family

    newfont <- tcltk::tkfont.create(
      family = tkfamily, slant = slant, weight = weight,
      size = as.integer(12 * cex)

i.tkplot.get.edge.lty <- function(edge.lty) {
  if (is.numeric(edge.lty)) {
    lty <- c(" ", "", "-", ".", "-.", "--", "--.")
    edge.lty <- lty[edge.lty %% 7 + 1]
  } else if (is.character(edge.lty)) {
    wh <- edge.lty %in% c(
      "blank", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash",
      "longdash", "twodash"
    lty <- c(" ", "", "-", ".", "-.", "--", "--.")
    names(lty) <- c(
      "blank", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash",
      "longdash", "twodash"
    edge.lty[wh] <- lty[edge.lty[wh]]

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igraph documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 9:08 a.m.