
Defines functions vrm_import summary.lefkoMod .accu_predict .levindurosier .headmaster_ritual modelsearch

Documented in modelsearch summary.lefkoMod vrm_import

#' Develop Best-fit Vital Rate Estimation Models for MPM Development
#' Function \code{modelsearch()} runs exhaustive model building and selection
#' for each vital rate needed to estimate a function-based MPM or IPM. It
#' returns best-fit models for each vital rate, model table showing all models
#' tested, and model quality control data. The final output can be used as input
#' in other functions within this package.
#' @name modelsearch
#' @param data The vertical dataset to be used for analysis. This dataset should 
#' be of class \code{hfvdata}, but can also be a data frame formatted similarly
#' to the output format provided by functions \code{\link{verticalize3}()} or
#' \code{\link{historicalize3}()}, as long as all needed variables are properly
#' designated.
#' @param stageframe The stageframe characterizing the life history model used.
#' Optional unless \code{test.group = TRUE}, in which case it is required.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param historical A logical variable denoting whether to assess the effects
#' of state in occasion \emph{t}-1, in addition to state in occasion \emph{t}.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param approach The statistical approach to be taken for model building. The 
#' default is \code{"mixed"}, which uses the mixed model approach utilized in 
#' packages \code{lme4} and \code{glmmTMB}. Other options include \code{"glm"},
#' which uses generalized linear modeling assuming that all factors are fixed.
#' @param suite Either a single string value or a vector of 14 strings for each
#' vital rate model. Describes the global model for each vital rate estimation,
#' and has the following possible values: \code{full}, includes main effects and
#' all two-way interactions of size and reproductive status; \code{main},
#' includes main effects only of size and reproductive status; \code{size},
#' includes only size (also interactions between size in historical model);
#' \code{rep}, includes only reproductive status (also interactions between
#' status in historical model); \code{age}, all vital rates estimated with age
#' and y-intercepts only; \code{cons}, all vital rates estimated only as
#' y-intercepts. If \code{approach = "glm"} and \code{year.as.random = FALSE},
#' then year is also included as a fixed effect, and, in the case of
#' \code{full}, included in two-way interactions. Order of models in the
#' string vector if more than 1 value is used is: 1) survival, 2) observation,
#' 3) primary size, 4) secondary size, 5) tertiary size, 6) reproductive status,
#' 7) fecundity, 8) juvenile survival, 9) juvenile observation, 10) juvenile
#' primary size, 11) juvenile secondary size, 12) juvenile tertiary size, 13)
#' juvenile reproductive status, and 14) juvenile maturity status. Defaults to
#' \code{size}.
#' @param bestfit A variable indicating the model selection criterion for the
#' choice of best-fit model. The default is \code{AICc&k}, which chooses the 
#' best-fit model as the model with the lowest AICc or, if not the same model,
#' then the model that has the lowest degrees of freedom among models with
#' \eqn{\Delta AICc <= 2.0}. Alternatively, \code{AICc} may be chosen, in which
#' case the best-fit model is simply the model with the lowest AICc value.
#' @param vitalrates A vector describing which vital rates will be estimated via
#' linear modeling, with the following options: \code{surv}, survival
#' probability; \code{obs}, observation probability; \code{size}, overall size;
#' \code{repst}, probability of reproducing; and \code{fec}, amount of
#' reproduction (overall fecundity). May also be set to
#' \code{vitalrates = "leslie"}, which is equivalent to setting
#' \code{c("surv", "fec")} for a Leslie MPM. This choice also determines how
#' internal data subsetting for vital rate model estimation will work. Defaults
#' to \code{c("surv", "size", "fec")}.
#' @param surv A vector indicating the variable names coding for status as alive
#' or dead in occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1, respectively.
#' Defaults to \code{c("alive3", "alive2", "alive1")}.
#' @param obs A vector indicating the variable names coding for observation
#' status in occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1, respectively.
#' Defaults to \code{c("obsstatus3", "obsstatus2", "obsstatus1")}.
#' @param size A vector indicating the variable names coding for the primary
#' size variable on occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1,
#' respectively. Defaults to \code{c("sizea3", "sizea2", "sizea1")}.
#' @param sizeb A vector indicating the variable names coding for the secondary
#' size variable on occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1,
#' respectively. Defaults to \code{c(NA, NA, NA)}, in which case \code{sizeb} is
#' not used.
#' @param sizec A vector indicating the variable names coding for the tertiary
#' size variable on occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1,
#' respectively. Defaults to \code{c(NA, NA, NA)}, in which case \code{sizec} is
#' not used.
#' @param repst A vector indicating the variable names coding for reproductive
#' status in occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1, respectively.
#' Defaults to \code{c("repstatus3", "repstatus2", "repstatus1")}.
#' @param fec A vector indicating the variable names coding for fecundity in
#' occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1, respectively. Defaults to
#' \code{c("feca3", "feca2", "feca1")}.
#' @param stage A vector indicating the variable names coding for stage in
#' occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1. Defaults to
#' \code{c("stage3", "stage2", "stage1")}.
#' @param matstat A vector indicating the variable names coding for maturity
#' status in occasions \emph{t}+1, \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1. Defaults to
#' \code{c("matstatus3", "matstatus2", "matstatus1")}.
#' @param indiv A text value indicating the variable name coding individual
#' identity. Defaults to \code{"individ"}.
#' @param patch A text value indicating the variable name coding for patch,
#' where patches are defined as permanent subgroups within the study population.
#' Defaults to \code{NA}.
#' @param year A text value indicating the variable coding for observation
#' occasion \emph{t}. Defaults to \code{year2}.
#' @param density A text value indicating the name of the variable coding for
#' spatial density, should the user wish to test spatial density as a fixed
#' factor affecting vital rates. Defaults to \code{NA}.
#' @param test.density Either a logical value indicating whether to include
#' \code{density} as a fixed categorical variable in linear models, or a logical
#' vector of such values for 14 models, in order: 1) survival, 2) observation,
#' 3) primary size, 4) secondary size, 5) tertiary size, 6) reproductive
#' status, 7) fecundity, 8) juvenile survival, 9) juvenile observation,
#' 10) juvenile primary size, 11) juvenile secondary size, 12) juvenile
#' tertiary size, 13) juvenile reproductive status, and 14) juvenile maturity
#' status. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param sizedist The probability distribution used to model primary size.
#' Options include \code{"gaussian"} for the Normal distribution (default),
#' \code{"poisson"} for the Poisson distribution, \code{"negbin"} for the
#' negative binomial distribution (quadratic parameterization), and 
#' \code{"gamma"} for the Gamma distribution.
#' @param sizebdist The probability distribution used to model secondary size.
#' Options include \code{"gaussian"} for the Normal distribution,
#' \code{"poisson"} for the Poisson distribution, \code{"negbin"} for the
#' negative binomial distribution (quadratic parameterization), and
#' \code{"gamma"} for the Gamma distribution. Defaults to \code{NA}.
#' @param sizecdist The probability distribution used to model tertiary size.
#' Options include \code{"gaussian"} for the Normal distribution,
#' \code{"poisson"} for the Poisson distribution, \code{"negbin"} for the
#' negative binomial distribution (quadratic parameterization), and
#' \code{"gamma"} for the Gamma distribution. Defaults to \code{NA}.
#' @param fecdist The probability distribution used to model fecundity. Options
#' include \code{"gaussian"} for the Normal distribution (default),
#' \code{"poisson"} for the Poisson distribution, \code{"negbin"} for the
#' negative binomial distribution (quadratic parameterization), and
#' \code{"gamma"} for the Gamma distribution.
#' @param size.zero A logical variable indicating whether the primary size
#' distribution should be zero-inflated. Only applies to Poisson and negative
#' binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param sizeb.zero A logical variable indicating whether the secondary size
#' distribution should be zero-inflated. Only applies to Poisson and negative
#' binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param sizec.zero  A logical variable indicating whether the tertiary size
#' distribution should be zero-inflated. Only applies to Poisson and negative
#' binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param size.trunc A logical variable indicating whether the primary size
#' distribution should be zero-truncated. Only applies to Poisson and negative
#' binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Cannot be \code{TRUE} if
#' \code{size.zero = TRUE}.
#' @param sizeb.trunc A logical variable indicating whether the secondary size
#' distribution should be zero-truncated. Only applies to Poisson and negative
#' binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Cannot be \code{TRUE} if
#' \code{sizeb.zero = TRUE}.
#' @param sizec.trunc A logical variable indicating whether the tertiary size
#' distribution should be zero-truncated. Only applies to Poisson and negative
#' binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Cannot be \code{TRUE} if
#' \code{sizec.zero = TRUE}.
#' @param fec.zero A logical variable indicating whether the fecundity
#' distribution should be zero-inflated. Only applies to Poisson and negative
#' binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fec.trunc A logical variable indicating whether the fecundity
#' distribution should be zero-truncated. Only applies to the Poisson and
#' negative binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Cannot be
#' \code{TRUE} if \code{fec.zero = TRUE}.
#' @param patch.as.random If set to \code{TRUE} and \code{approach = "mixed"},
#' then \code{patch} is included as a random factor. If set to \code{FALSE} and
#' \code{approach = "glm"}, then \code{patch} is included as a fixed factor. All
#' other combinations of logical value and \code{approach} lead to \code{patch}
#' not being included in modeling. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param year.as.random If set to \code{TRUE} and \code{approach = "mixed"},
#' then \code{year} is included as a random factor. If set to \code{FALSE}, then
#' \code{year} is included as a fixed factor. All other combinations of logical
#' value and \code{approach} lead to \code{year} not being included in modeling.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param juvestimate An optional variable denoting the stage name of the
#' juvenile stage in the vertical dataset. If not \code{NA}, and \code{stage} is
#' also given (see below), then vital rates listed in \code{vitalrates} other
#' than \code{fec} will also be estimated from the juvenile stage to all adult
#' stages. Defaults to \code{NA}, in which case juvenile vital rates are not
#' estimated.
#' @param juvsize A logical variable denoting whether size should be used as a
#' term in models involving transition from the juvenile stage. Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}, and is only used if \code{juvestimate} does not equal
#' \code{NA}.
#' @param jsize.zero A logical variable indicating whether the primary size
#' distribution of juveniles should be zero-inflated. Only applies to Poisson
#' and negative binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param jsizeb.zero A logical variable indicating whether the secondary size
#' distribution of juveniles should be zero-inflated. Only applies to Poisson
#' and negative binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param jsizec.zero A logical variable indicating whether the tertiary size
#' distribution of juveniles should be zero-inflated. Only applies to Poisson
#' and negative binomial distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param jsize.trunc A logical variable indicating whether the primary size
#' distribution in juveniles should be zero-truncated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Cannot be \code{TRUE} if \code{jsize.zero = TRUE}.
#' @param jsizeb.trunc A logical variable indicating whether the secondary size
#' distribution in juveniles should be zero-truncated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Cannot be \code{TRUE} if \code{jsizeb.zero = TRUE}.
#' @param jsizec.trunc A logical variable indicating whether the tertiary size
#' distribution in juveniles should be zero-truncated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Cannot be \code{TRUE} if \code{jsizec.zero = TRUE}.
#' @param fectime A variable indicating which year of fecundity to use as the
#' response term in fecundity models. Options include \code{2}, which refers to
#' occasion \emph{t}, and \code{3}, which refers to occasion \emph{t}+1.
#' Defaults to \code{2}.
#' @param censor A vector denoting the names of censoring variables in the
#' dataset, in order from occasion \emph{t}+1, followed by occasion \emph{t},
#' and lastly followed by occasion \emph{t}-1. Defaults to \code{NA}.
#' @param age Designates the name of the variable corresponding to age in time
#' \emph{t} in the vertical dataset. Defaults to \code{NA}, in which case age
#' is not included in linear models. Should only be used if building Leslie or
#' age x stage matrices.
#' @param test.age Either a logical value indicating whether to include
#' \code{age} as a fixed categorical variable in linear models, or a logical
#' vector of such values for 14 models, in order: 1) survival, 2) observation,
#' 3) primary size, 4) secondary size, 5) tertiary size, 6) reproductive
#' status, 7) fecundity, 8) juvenile survival, 9) juvenile observation,
#' 10) juvenile primary size, 11) juvenile secondary size, 12) juvenile
#' tertiary size, 13) juvenile reproductive status, and 14) juvenile maturity
#' status. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param indcova Vector designating the names in occasions \emph{t}+1,
#' \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1 of an individual covariate. Defaults to \code{NA}.
#' @param indcovb Vector designating the names in occasions \emph{t}+1,
#' \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1 of a second individual covariate. Defaults to
#' \code{NA}.
#' @param indcovc Vector designating the names in occasions \emph{t}+1,
#' \emph{t}, and \emph{t}-1 of a third individual covariate. Defaults to
#' \code{NA}.
#' @param random.indcova A logical value indicating whether \code{indcova}
#' should be treated as a random categorical factor, rather than as a fixed
#' factor. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param random.indcovb A logical value indicating whether \code{indcovb}
#' should be treated as a random categorical factor, rather than as a fixed
#' factor. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param random.indcovc A logical value indicating whether \code{indcovc}
#' should be treated as a random categorical factor, rather than as a fixed
#' factor. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param test.indcova Either a logical value indicating whether to include the
#' \code{indcova} variable as a fixed categorical variable in linear models, or
#' a logical vector of such values for 14 models, in order: 1) survival,
#' 2) observation, 3) primary size, 4) secondary size, 5) tertiary size,
#' 6) reproductive status, 7) fecundity, 8) juvenile survival, 9) juvenile
#' observation, 10) juvenile primary size, 11) juvenile secondary size,
#' 12) juvenile tertiary size, 13) juvenile reproductive status, and
#' 14) juvenile maturity status. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param test.indcovb Either a logical value indicating whether to include the
#' \code{indcovb} variable as a fixed categorical variable in linear models, or
#' a logical vector of such values for 14 models, in order: 1) survival,
#' 2) observation, 3) primary size, 4) secondary size, 5) tertiary size,
#' 6) reproductive status, 7) fecundity, 8) juvenile survival, 9) juvenile
#' observation, 10) juvenile primary size, 11) juvenile secondary size,
#' 12) juvenile tertiary size, 13) juvenile reproductive status, and
#' 14) juvenile maturity status. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param test.indcovc Either a logical value indicating whether to include the
#' \code{indcovc} variable as a fixed categorical variable in linear models, or
#' a logical vector of such values for 14 models, in order: 1) survival,
#' 2) observation, 3) primary size, 4) secondary size, 5) tertiary size,
#' 6) reproductive status, 7) fecundity, 8) juvenile survival, 9) juvenile
#' observation, 10) juvenile primary size, 11) juvenile secondary size,
#' 12) juvenile tertiary size, 13) juvenile reproductive status, and
#' 14) juvenile maturity status. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param test.group Either a logical value indicating whether to include the
#' \code{group} variable from the input \code{stageframe} as a fixed categorical
#' variable in linear models, or a logical vector of such values for 14 models,
#' in order: 1) survival, 2) observation, 3) primary size, 4) secondary size,
#' 5) tertiary size, 6) reproductive status, 7) fecundity, 8) juvenile survival,
#' 9) juvenile observation, 10) juvenile primary size, 11) juvenile secondary
#' size, 12) juvenile tertiary size, 13) juvenile reproductive status, and
#' 14) juvenile maturity status. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param show.model.tables If set to TRUE, then includes full modeling tables
#' in the output. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param global.only If set to TRUE, then only global models will be built and
#' evaluated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param accuracy A logical value indicating whether to test accuracy of
#' models. See \code{Notes} section for details on how accuracy is assessed.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param quiet May be a logical value, or any one of the strings \code{"yes"},
#' \code{"no"}, or \code{"partial"}. If set to \code{TRUE} or \code{"yes"}, then
#' model building and selection will proceed with most warnings and diagnostic
#' messages silenced. If set to \code{FALSE} or \code{"no"}, then all warnings
#' and diagnostic messages will be displayed. If set to \code{"partial"}, then
#' only messages related to transitions between different vital rate models will
#' be displayed. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return This function yields an object of class \code{lefkoMod}, which is a
#' list in which the first 14 elements are the best-fit models for survival,
#' observation status, primary size, secondary size, tertiary size,
#' reproductive status, fecundity, juvenile survival, juvenile observation,
#' juvenile primary size, juvenile secondary size, juvenile tertiary size,
#' juvenile transition to reproduction, and juvenile transition to maturity,
#' respectively. This is followed by 14 elements corresponding to the model
#' tables for each of these vital rates, in order, followed by a data frame
#' showing the order and names of variables used in modeling, followed by a
#' single character element denoting the criterion used for model selection, and
#' ending on a data frame with quality control data:
#' \item{survival_model}{Best-fit model of the binomial probability of survival
#' from occasion \emph{t} to occasion \emph{t}+1. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{observation_model}{Best-fit model of the binomial probability of 
#' observation in occasion \emph{t}+1 given survival to that occasion. Defaults
#' to \code{1}.}
#' \item{size_model}{Best-fit model of the primary size metric on occasion
#' \emph{t}+1 given survival to and observation in that occasion. Defaults to
#' \code{1}.}
#' \item{sizeb_model}{Best-fit model of the secondary size metric on occasion
#' \emph{t}+1 given survival to and observation in that occasion. Defaults to
#' \code{1}.}
#' \item{sizec_model}{Best-fit model of the tertiary size metric on occasion
#' \emph{t}+1 given survival to and observation in that occasion. Defaults to
#' \code{1}.}
#' \item{repstatus_model}{Best-fit model of the binomial probability of
#' reproduction in occasion \emph{t}+1, given survival to and observation in
#' that occasion. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{fecundity_model}{Best-fit model of fecundity in occasion \emph{t}+1
#' given survival to, and observation and reproduction in that occasion.
#' Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{juv_survival_model}{Best-fit model of the binomial probability of
#' survival from occasion \emph{t} to occasion \emph{t}+1 of an immature
#' individual. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{juv_observation_model}{Best-fit model of the binomial probability of 
#' observation in occasion \emph{t}+1 given survival to that occasion of an
#' immature individual. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{juv_size_model}{Best-fit model of the primary size metric on occasion
#' \emph{t}+1 given survival to and observation in that occasion of an immature
#' individual. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{juv_sizeb_model}{Best-fit model of the secondary size metric on
#' occasion \emph{t}+1 given survival to and observation in that occasion of an
#' immature individual. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{juv_sizec_model}{Best-fit model of the tertiary size metric on occasion
#' \emph{t}+1 given survival to and observation in that occasion of an immature
#' individual. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{juv_reproduction_model}{Best-fit model of the binomial probability of
#' reproduction in occasion \emph{t}+1, given survival to and observation in
#' that occasion of an individual that was immature in occasion \emph{t}. This
#' model is technically not a model of reproduction probability for individuals
#' that are immature, rather reproduction probability here is given for
#' individuals that are mature in occasion \emph{t}+1 but immature in occasion
#' \emph{t}. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{juv_maturity_model}{Best-fit model of the binomial probability of
#' becoming mature in occasion \emph{t}+1, given survival to that occasion of an
#' individual that was immature in occasion \emph{t}. Defaults to \code{1}.}
#' \item{survival_table}{Full dredge model table of survival probability.}
#' \item{observation_table}{Full dredge model table of observation probability.}
#' \item{size_table}{Full dredge model table of the primary size variable.}
#' \item{sizeb_table}{Full dredge model table of the secondary size variable.}
#' \item{sizec_table}{Full dredge model table of the tertiary size variable.}
#' \item{repstatus_table}{Full dredge model table of reproduction probability.}
#' \item{fecundity_table}{Full dredge model table of fecundity.}
#' \item{juv_survival_table}{Full dredge model table of immature survival 
#' probability.}
#' \item{juv_observation_table}{Full dredge model table of immature observation
#' probability.}
#' \item{juv_size_table}{Full dredge model table of primary size in immature
#' individuals.}
#' \item{juv_sizeb_table}{Full dredge model table of secondary size in immature
#' individuals.}
#' \item{juv_sizec_table}{Full dredge model table of tertiary size in immature
#' individuals.}
#' \item{juv_reproduction_table}{Full dredge model table of immature
#' reproduction probability.}
#' \item{juv_maturity_table}{Full dredge model table of the probability of
#' an immature individual transitioning to maturity.}
#' \item{paramnames}{A data frame showing the names of variables from the input
#' data frame used in modeling, their associated standardized names in linear
#' models, and a brief comment describing each variable.}
#' \item{criterion}{Character variable denoting the criterion used to determine
#' the best-fit model.}
#' \item{qc}{Data frame with five variables: 1) Name of vital rate, 2) number
#' of individuals used to model that vital rate, 3) number of individual
#' transitions used to model that vital rate, 4) parameter distribution used to
#' model the vital rats, and 5) accuracy of model, given as detailed in Notes
#' section.}
#' @section Notes:
#' When \code{modelsearch()} is called, it first trims the dataset down to just
#' the variables that will be used, and just data for complete cases in those
#' variables. It then builds global models for all vital rates and runs them. If
#' a global model fails, then the function proceeds by dropping any two-way
#' interactions and trying again. If this fails, then the function will continue
#' to attempt dropping terms, first patch, then year, then individual
#' covariates, then combinatons of the above, and finally individual identity.
#' If these attempts fail and the approach used is \code{mixed}, then the
#' function will try running a glm version of the original failed model, and use
#' that as a global model if it runs properly. Finally, if all attempts fail,
#' then the function returns a \code{1} to allow model building assuming a
#' constant rate or probability.
#' Setting \code{suite = "cons"} prevents the inclusion of size and reproductive
#' status as fixed, independent factors in modeling. However, it does not
#' prevent any other terms from being included. Density, age, individual
#' covariates, individual identity, patch, and year may all be included.
#' The mechanics governing model building are fairly robust to errors and
#' exceptions. The function attempts to build global models, and simplifies
#' models automatically should model building fail. Model building proceeds
#' through the functions \code{\link[stats]{lm}()} (GLM with Gaussian response),
#' \code{\link[stats]{glm}()} (GLM with Poisson, Gamma, or binomial response),
#' \code{\link[MASS]{glm.nb}()} (GLM with negative binomial response),
#' \code{\link[pscl]{zeroinfl}()} (GLM with zero-inflated Poisson or negative
#' binomial response), \code{\link[VGAM]{vglm}()} (GLM with zero-truncated
#' Poisson or negative binomial response), \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}()} (mixed
#' model with Gaussian response), \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}()} (mixed model with
#' binomial, Poisson, or Gamma response), and \code{\link[glmmTMB]{glmmTMB}()}
#' (mixed model with negative binomial, or zero-truncated or zero-inflated
#' Poisson or negative binomial response). See documentation related to these
#' functions for further information. Any response term that is invariable in
#' the dataset will lead to a best-fit model for that response represented by a
#' single constant value.
#' Exhaustive model building and selection proceeds via the
#' \code{\link[MuMIn]{dredge}()} function in package \code{MuMIn}. This function
#' is verbose, so that any errors and warnings developed during model building,
#' model analysis, and model selection can be found and dealt with.
#' Interpretations of errors during global model analysis may be found in
#' documentation for the functions and packages mentioned. Package \code{MuMIn}
#' is used for model dredging (see \link[MuMIn]{dredge}()), and errors and
#' warnings during dredging can be interpreted using the documentation for that
#' package. Errors occurring during dredging lead to the adoption of the global
#' model as the best-fit, and the user should view all logged errors and
#' warnings to determine the best way to proceed. The \code{quiet = TRUE} and
#' \code{quiet = "partial"} options can be used to silence dredge warnings, but
#' users should note that automated model selection can be viewed as a black
#' box, and so care should be taken to ensure that the models run make
#' biological sense, and that model quality is prioritized.
#' Exhaustive model selection through dredging works best with larger datasets
#' and fewer tested parameters. Setting \code{suite = "full"} may initiate a
#' dredge that takes a dramatically long time, particularly if the model is
#' historical, individual covariates are used, or a zero-inflated distribution
#' is assumed. In such cases, the number of models built and tested will run at
#' least in the millions. Small datasets will also increase the error associated
#' with these tests, leading to adoption of simpler models overall. Note also
#' that zero-inflated models are processed as two models, and so include twice
#' the assumed number of parameters. If \code{suite = "full"}, then this
#' function will switch to a main effects global model for the zero-inflated
#' parameter models if the total number of parameters to test rises above the
#' limits imposed by the \code{\link[MuMIn]{dredge}()} function in package
#' \code{MuMIn}.
#' Accuracy of vital rate models is calculated differently depending on vital
#' rate and assumed distribution. For all vital rates assuming a binomial
#' distribution, including survival, observation status, reproductive status,
#' and juvenile version of these, accuracy is calculated as the percent of
#' predicted responses equal to actual responses. In all other models, accuracy
#' is actually assessed as a simple R-squared in which the observed response
#' values per data subset are compared to the predicted response values
#' according to each best-fit model. Note that some situations in which factor
#' variables are used may result in failure to assess accuracy. In these cases,
#' function \code{modelsearch()} simply yields \code{NA} values.
#' Care must be taken to build models that test the impacts of state in occasion
#' \emph{t}-1 for historical models, and that do not test these impacts for
#' ahistorical models. Ahistorical matrix modeling particularly will yield
#' biased transition estimates if historical terms from models are ignored. This
#' can be dealt with at the start of modeling by setting 
#' \code{historical = FALSE} for the ahistorical case, and 
#' \code{historical = TRUE} for the historical case.
#' This function handles generalized linear models (GLMs) under zero-inflated
#' distributions using the \code{\link[pscl]{zeroinfl}()} function, and zero-
#' truncated distributions using the \code{\link[VGAM]{vglm}()} function. Model
#' dredging may fail with these functions, leading to the global model being
#' accepted as the best-fit model. However, model dredges of mixed models work
#' for all distributions. We encourage the use of mixed models in all cases.
#' The negative binomial and truncated negative binomial distributions use the
#' quadratic structure emphasized in Hardin and Hilbe (2018, 4th Edition of
#' Generalized Linear Models and Extensions). The truncated negative binomial
#' distribution may fail to predict size probabilities correctly when dispersion
#' is near that expected of the Poisson distribution. To prevent this problem,
#' we have integrated a cap on the overdispersion parameter. However, when using
#' this distribution, please check the matrix column sums to make sure that they
#' do not predict survival greater than 1.0. If they do, then please use either
#' the negative binomial distribution or the zero-truncated Poisson
#' distribution.
#' If density dependence is explored through function \code{modelsearch()},
#' then the interpretation of density is not the full population size but rather
#' the spatial density term included in the dataset.
#' Users building vital rate models for Leslie matrices must set
#' \code{vitalrates = c("surv", "fec")} or \code{vitalrates = "leslie"} rather
#' than the default, because only survival and fecundity should be estimated in
#' these cases. Also, the \code{suite} setting can be set to either \code{age}
#' or \code{cons}, as the results will be exactly the same.
#' Users wishing to test age, density, group, or individual covariates, must
#' include \code{test.age = TRUE}, \code{test.density = TRUE},
#' \code{test.group = TRUE}, or \code{test.indcova = TRUE} (or
#' \code{test.indcovb = TRUE} or \code{test.indcovc = TRUE}, whichever is most
#' appropriate), respectively, in addition to stipulating the name of the
#' variable within the dataset. The default for these options is always
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(lathyrus)
#' sizevector <- c(0, 4.6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
#'   9)
#' stagevector <- c("Sd", "Sdl", "Dorm", "Sz1nr", "Sz2nr", "Sz3nr", "Sz4nr",
#'   "Sz5nr", "Sz6nr", "Sz7nr", "Sz8nr", "Sz9nr", "Sz1r", "Sz2r", "Sz3r", 
#'   "Sz4r", "Sz5r", "Sz6r", "Sz7r", "Sz8r", "Sz9r")
#' repvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' obsvector <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' matvector <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' immvector <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#' propvector <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
#'   0)
#' indataset <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' binvec <- c(0, 4.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 
#'   0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
#' lathframeln <- sf_create(sizes = sizevector, stagenames = stagevector, 
#'   repstatus = repvector, obsstatus = obsvector, matstatus = matvector, 
#'   immstatus = immvector, indataset = indataset, binhalfwidth = binvec, 
#'   propstatus = propvector)
#' lathvertln <- verticalize3(lathyrus, noyears = 4, firstyear = 1988,
#'   patchidcol = "SUBPLOT", individcol = "GENET", blocksize = 9, 
#'   juvcol = "Seedling1988", sizeacol = "lnVol88", repstracol = "Intactseed88",
#'   fecacol = "Intactseed88", deadacol = "Dead1988", 
#'   nonobsacol = "Dormant1988", stageassign = lathframeln, stagesize = "sizea",
#'   censorcol = "Missing1988", censorkeep = NA, NAas0 = TRUE, censor = TRUE)
#' lathvertln$feca2 <- round(lathvertln$feca2)
#' lathvertln$feca1 <- round(lathvertln$feca1)
#' lathvertln$feca3 <- round(lathvertln$feca3)
#' lathmodelsln3 <- modelsearch(lathvertln, historical = TRUE, 
#'   approach = "mixed", suite = "main", 
#'   vitalrates = c("surv", "obs", "size", "repst", "fec"), juvestimate = "Sdl",
#'   bestfit = "AICc&k", sizedist = "gaussian", fecdist = "poisson", 
#'   indiv = "individ", patch = "patchid", year = "year2",year.as.random = TRUE,
#'   patch.as.random = TRUE, show.model.tables = TRUE, quiet = "partial")
#' # Here we use supplemental() to provide overwrite and reproductive info
#' lathsupp3 <- supplemental(stage3 = c("Sd", "Sd", "Sdl", "Sdl", "mat", "Sd", "Sdl"), 
#'   stage2 = c("Sd", "Sd", "Sd", "Sd", "Sdl", "rep", "rep"),
#'   stage1 = c("Sd", "rep", "Sd", "rep", "Sd", "mat", "mat"),
#'   eststage3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "mat", NA, NA),
#'   eststage2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "Sdl", NA, NA),
#'   eststage1 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "Sdl", NA, NA),
#'   givenrate = c(0.345, 0.345, 0.054, 0.054, NA, NA, NA),
#'   multiplier = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.345, 0.054),
#'   type = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3), type_t12 = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1),
#'   stageframe = lathframeln, historical = TRUE)
#' lathmat3ln <- flefko3(year = "all", patch = "all", stageframe = lathframeln, 
#'   modelsuite = lathmodelsln3, data = lathvertln, supplement = lathsupp3, 
#'   reduce = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
modelsearch <- function(data, stageframe = NULL, historical = TRUE,
  approach = "mixed", suite = "size", bestfit = "AICc&k",
  vitalrates = c("surv", "size", "fec"), surv = c("alive3", "alive2", "alive1"),
  obs = c("obsstatus3", "obsstatus2", "obsstatus1"),
  size = c("sizea3", "sizea2", "sizea1"), sizeb = c(NA, NA, NA),
  sizec = c(NA, NA, NA), repst = c("repstatus3", "repstatus2", "repstatus1"),
  fec = c("feca3", "feca2", "feca1"), stage = c("stage3", "stage2", "stage1"),
  matstat = c("matstatus3", "matstatus2", "matstatus1"), indiv = "individ",
  patch = NA, year = "year2", density = NA, test.density = FALSE,
  sizedist = "gaussian", sizebdist = NA, sizecdist = NA, fecdist = "gaussian",
  size.zero = FALSE, sizeb.zero = FALSE, sizec.zero = FALSE, size.trunc = FALSE,
  sizeb.trunc = FALSE, sizec.trunc = FALSE, fec.zero = FALSE, fec.trunc = FALSE,
  patch.as.random = TRUE, year.as.random = TRUE, juvestimate = NA,
  juvsize = FALSE, jsize.zero = FALSE, jsizeb.zero = FALSE, jsizec.zero = FALSE,
  jsize.trunc = FALSE, jsizeb.trunc = FALSE, jsizec.trunc = FALSE, fectime = 2,
  censor = NA, age = NA, test.age = FALSE, indcova = NA, indcovb = NA,
  indcovc = NA, random.indcova = FALSE, random.indcovb = FALSE,
  random.indcovc = FALSE, test.indcova = FALSE, test.indcovb = FALSE,
  test.indcovc = FALSE, test.group = FALSE, show.model.tables = TRUE,
  global.only = FALSE, accuracy = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
  censor1 <- censor2 <- censor3 <- surv.data <- obs.data <- size.data <- NULL
  repst.data <- fec.data <- juvsurv.data <- juvobs.data <- NULL
  juvsize.data <- juvrepst.data <- usedfec <- NULL
  patchcol <- yearcol <- indivcol <- agecol <- 0
  indcova2col <- indcova1col <- indcovb2col <- indcovb1col <- indcovc2col <- 0
  indcovc1col <- stage3col <- stage2col <- stage1col <- 0
  indcova_fac <- indcovb_fac <- indcovc_fac <- FALSE
  sizeb_used <- sizec_used <- density_used <- FALSE
  quiet.mileposts <- FALSE
  extra_factors <- rep(0, 14)
  total_vars <- length(names(data))
  if (!requireNamespace("MuMIn", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package MuMIn is required. Please install it.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (is.logical(quiet)) {
    quiet.mileposts <- quiet
  } else if (is.character(quiet)){
    quiet.char <- tolower(quiet)
    if (grepl("y", quiet.char)) {
      quiet <- TRUE
      quiet.mileposts <- TRUE
    } else if (grepl("n", quiet.char)) {
      quiet <- FALSE
      quiet.mileposts <- FALSE
    } else if (grepl("par", quiet.char)) {
      quiet <- TRUE
      quiet.mileposts <- FALSE
    } else {
      warning("Option quiet not set to recognized input. Will set to FALSE.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      quiet <- FALSE
  } else {
    warning("Option quiet not set to recognized input. Will set to FALSE.\n",
      call. = FALSE)
    quiet <- FALSE
  #Input testing, input standardization, and exception handling
  if (all(!is(data, "hfvdata"))) {
    warning("This function was made to work with standardized historically formatted vertical
      datasets. Failure to format the input data properly may result in nonsensical output.\n",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.character(approach)) | length(approach) != 1) {
    stop("Option approach must be a single text value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.character(bestfit)) | length(bestfit) != 1) {
    stop("Option bestfit must be a single text value.", call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(juvestimate)) & !all(is.numeric(juvestimate)) & !all(is.na(juvestimate))) |
      length(juvestimate) != 1) {
    stop("Option juvestimate must be a single text or integer value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(indiv)) & !all(is.numeric(indiv)) & !all(is.na(indiv))) |
      length(indiv) != 1) {
    stop("Option indiv must be a single text or integer value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(patch)) & !all(is.numeric(patch)) & !all(is.na(patch))) |
      length(patch) != 1) {
    stop("Option patch must be a single text or integer value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(year)) & !all(is.numeric(year)) & !all(is.na(year))) |
      length(year) != 1) {
    stop("Option year must be a single text or integer value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(density)) & !all(is.numeric(density)) & !all(is.na(density))) |
      length(density) != 1) {
    stop("Option density must be a single text or integer value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(age)) & !all(is.numeric(age)) & !all(is.na(age))) |
      length(age) != 1) {
    stop("Option age must be a single text or integer value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(sizedist)) & !all(is.na(sizedist))) | length(sizedist) != 1) {
    stop("Option sizedist must be a single text value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(sizebdist)) & !all(is.na(sizebdist))) | length(sizebdist) != 1) {
    stop("Option sizebdist must be a single text value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(sizecdist)) & !all(is.na(sizecdist))) | length(sizecdist) != 1) {
    stop("Option sizecdist must be a single text value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if ((!all(is.character(fecdist)) & !all(is.na(fecdist))) | length(fecdist) != 1) {
    stop("Option fecdist must be a single text value, or a single NA.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(size.zero)) | length(size.zero) != 1) {
    stop("Option size.zero must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(size.trunc)) | length(size.trunc) != 1) {
    stop("Option size.trunc must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(sizeb.zero)) | length(sizeb.zero) != 1) {
    stop("Option sizeb.zero must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(sizeb.trunc)) | length(sizeb.trunc) != 1) {
    stop("Option sizeb.trunc must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(sizec.zero)) | length(sizec.zero) != 1) {
    stop("Option sizec.zero must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(sizec.trunc)) | length(sizec.trunc) != 1) {
    stop("Option sizec.trunc must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(fec.zero)) | length(fec.zero) != 1) {
    stop("Option fec.zero must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(fec.trunc)) | length(fec.trunc) != 1) {
    stop("Option fec.trunc must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(juvsize)) | length(juvsize) != 1) {
    stop("Option juvsize must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(random.indcova)) | length(random.indcova) != 1) {
    stop("Option random.indcova must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(random.indcovb)) | length(random.indcovb) != 1) {
    stop("Option random.indcovb must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(random.indcovc)) | length(random.indcovc) != 1) {
    stop("Option random.indcovc must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(year.as.random)) | length(year.as.random) != 1) {
    stop("Option year.as.random must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(is.logical(patch.as.random)) | length(patch.as.random) != 1) {
    stop("Option patch.as.random must be a single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(suite) == 1) suite <- rep(suite, 14)
  if (!is.character(suite) | length(suite) != 14) {
    stop("Option suite must be a single text value or vector of 14 such values.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (length(test.age) == 1) test.age <- rep(test.age, 14)
  if (!is.logical(test.age) | length(test.age) != 14) {
    stop("Option test.age must be a logical value or vector of 14 such values.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (length(test.density) == 1) test.density <- rep(test.density, 14)
  if (!is.logical(test.density) | length(test.density) != 14) {
    stop("Option test.density must be a logical value or vector of 14 such values.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (length(test.group) == 1) test.group <- rep(test.group, 14)
  if (!is.logical(test.group) | length(test.group) != 14) {
    stop("Option test.group must be a logical value or vector of 14 such values.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (length(test.indcova) == 1) test.indcova <- rep(test.indcova, 14)
  if (!is.logical(test.indcova) | length(test.indcova) != 14) {
    stop("Option test.indcova must be a logical value or vector of 14 such values.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (length(test.indcovb) == 1) test.indcovb <- rep(test.indcovb, 14)
  if (!is.logical(test.indcovb) | length(test.indcovb) != 14) {
    stop("Option test.indcovb must be a logical value or vector of 14 such values.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (length(test.indcovc) == 1) test.indcovc <- rep(test.indcovc, 14)
  if (!is.logical(test.indcovc) | length(test.indcovc) != 14) {
    stop("Option test.indcovc must be a logical value or vector of 14 such values.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (any(test.group)) {
    if (is.null(stageframe)) {
      stop("Cannot test groups without inclusion of appropriate stageframe.",
        call. = FALSE)
    } else if (!is(stageframe, "stageframe")) {
      stop("Cannot test groups without inclusion of appropriate stageframe.",
        call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      all_groups <- unique(stageframe$group)
      if (length(all_groups) > 1) {
        extra_factors[test.group] <- extra_factors[test.group] + 1;     # This might be a problem
        data$group2 <- apply(as.matrix(data$stage2), 1, function(X){
          found_group <- which(stageframe$stage == X)
          if (length(found_group) != 1) {
            if (!is.element(tolower(X), c("notalive", "dead", "almostborn"))) {
              warning("Some group calls appear to lack a positive ID. Please check
                group identifications.\n", call. = FALSE)
            group_call <- 0
          } else {
            group_call <- stageframe$group[found_group]
        data$group3 <- apply(as.matrix(data$stage3), 1, function(X){
          found_group <- which(stageframe$stage == X)
          if (length(found_group) != 1) {
            if (!is.element(tolower(X), c("notalive", "dead", "almostborn"))) {
              warning("Some group calls appear to lack a positive ID. Please check
                group identifications.\n", call. = FALSE)
            group_call <- 0
          } else {
            group_call <- stageframe$group[found_group]
        data$group1 <- apply(as.matrix(data$stage1), 1, function(X){
          found_group <- which(stageframe$stage == X)
          if (length(found_group) != 1) {
            if (!is.element(tolower(X), c("notalive", "dead", "almostborn"))) {
              warning("Some group calls appear to lack a positive ID. Please check
                group identifications.\n", call. = FALSE)
            group_call <- 0
          } else {
            group_call <- stageframe$group[found_group]
      } else {
        test.group <- rep(FALSE, 14)
        warning("Only one stage group found, so will not test group.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (size.zero & size.trunc) {
    stop("Size distribution cannot be both zero-inflated and zero-truncated.
      Please set size.zero, size.trunc, or both to FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  if (sizeb.zero & sizeb.trunc) {
    stop("Sizeb distribution cannot be both zero-inflated and zero-truncated.
      Please set size.zero, size.trunc, or both to FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  if (sizec.zero & sizec.trunc) {
    stop("Sizec distribution cannot be both zero-inflated and zero-truncated.
      Please set size.zero, size.trunc, or both to FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  if (fec.zero & fec.trunc) {
    stop("Fecundity distribution cannot be both zero-inflated and zero-truncated.
      Please set fec.zero, fec.trunc, or both to FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  if (jsize.zero & jsize.trunc) {
    stop("Juvenile primary size distribution cannot be both zero-inflated and zero-truncated.
      Please set jsize.zero, jsize.trunc, or both to FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  if (jsizeb.zero & jsizeb.trunc) {
    stop("Juvenile secondary size distribution cannot be both zero-inflated and zero-truncated.
      Please set jsize.zero, jsize.trunc, or both to FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  if (jsizec.zero & jsizec.trunc) {
    stop("Juvenile tertiary size distribution cannot be both zero-inflated and zero-truncated.
      Please set jsize.zero, jsize.trunc, or both to FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  # Here we will use text matching to identify the linear modeling approach and distributions
  vitalrates <- tolower(vitalrates)
  approach <- tolower(approach)
  suite <- tolower(suite)
  bestfit <- tolower(bestfit)
  sizedist <- tolower(sizedist)
  sizebdist <- tolower(sizebdist)
  sizecdist <- tolower(sizecdist)
  fecdist <- tolower(fecdist)
  appr_length <- length(grep("mix", approach)) + length(grep("lme", approach)) +
    length(grep("tmb", approach))
  if (appr_length > 0) {
    approach <- "mixed"
  if(length(grep("fu", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("fu", suite)] <- "full"
  } else if(length(grep("fl", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("fl", suite)] <- "full"
  } else if(length(grep("ma", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("ma", suite)] <- "main"
  } else if(length(grep("mn", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("mn", suite)] <- "main"
  } else if(length(grep("si", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("si", suite)] <- "size"
  } else if(length(grep("sz", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("sz", suite)] <- "size"
  } else if(length(grep("re", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("re", suite)] <- "rep"
  } else if(length(grep("rp", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("rp", suite)] <- "rep"
  } else if(length(grep("co", suite)) > 0) {
    suite[grepl("co", suite)] <- "cons"
  } else if(length(grep("ag", suite)) > 0) {
    if (is.na(age)) {
      stop("Age variable required for age-based and age-by-stage MPMs.",
        call. = FALSE)
    suite[grepl("ag", suite)] <- "cons"
  if (length(grep("&k", bestfit)) > 0) {
    bestfit <- "aicc&k"
  if (length(grep("gaus", sizedist)) > 0) {
    sizedist <- "gaussian"
  } else if (length(grep("gam", sizedist)) > 0) {
    sizedist <- "gamma"
  } else if (length(grep("pois", sizedist)) > 0) {
    sizedist <- "poisson"
  } else if (length(grep("neg", sizedist)) > 0) {
    sizedist <- "negbin"
  if (length(grep("gaus", sizebdist)) > 0) {
    sizebdist <- "gaussian"
  } else if (length(grep("gam", sizebdist)) > 0) {
    sizebdist <- "gamma"
  } else if (length(grep("pois", sizebdist)) > 0) {
    sizebdist <- "poisson"
  } else if (length(grep("neg", sizebdist)) > 0) {
    sizebdist <- "negbin"
  if (length(grep("gaus", sizecdist)) > 0) {
    sizecdist <- "gaussian"
  } else if (length(grep("gam", sizecdist)) > 0) {
    sizecdist <- "gamma"
  } else if (length(grep("pois", sizecdist)) > 0) {
    sizecdist <- "poisson"
  } else if (length(grep("neg", sizecdist)) > 0) {
    sizecdist <- "negbin"
  if (length(grep("gaus", fecdist)) > 0) {
    fecdist <- "gaussian"
  } else if (length(grep("gam", fecdist)) > 0) {
    fecdist <- "gamma"
  } else if (length(grep("pois", fecdist)) > 0) {
    fecdist <- "poisson"
  } else if (length(grep("neg", fecdist)) > 0) {
    fecdist <- "negbin"
  if (length(grep("su", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("su", vitalrates)] <- "surv"
  if (length(grep("sr", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("sr", vitalrates)] <- "surv"
  if (length(grep("ob", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("ob", vitalrates)] <- "obs"
  if (length(grep("si", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("si", vitalrates)] <- "size"
  if (length(grep("sz", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("sz", vitalrates)] <- "size"
  if (length(grep("re", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("re", vitalrates)] <- "repst"
  if (length(grep("rp", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("rp", vitalrates)] <- "repst"
  if (length(grep("fe", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("fe", vitalrates)] <- "fec"
  if (length(grep("fc", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates[grepl("fc", vitalrates)] <- "fec"
  if (length(vitalrates) == 1 & length(grep("lesl", vitalrates)) > 0) {
    vitalrates <- c("surv", "fec")
  if (approach == "mixed" & !requireNamespace("lme4", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package lme4 is required for mixed models. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (approach == "mixed" & !requireNamespace("glmmTMB", quietly = TRUE)) {
    if (any(sizedist == "negbin", na.rm = TRUE) | any(sizebdist == "negbin", na.rm = TRUE) |
      any(sizecdist == "negbin", na.rm = TRUE) | any(fecdist == "negbin", na.rm = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package glmmTMB is required to develop mixed size or fecundity models with
        negative binomial distributions. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (any(sizedist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE) | any(sizebdist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE) | 
      any(sizecdist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("glmmTMB", quietly = TRUE)) {
      if (size.trunc | sizeb.trunc | sizec.trunc | size.zero | sizeb.zero | sizec.zero) {
        stop("Package glmmTMB is required to develop mixed size or fecundity models with
          zero-truncated or zero-inflated distributions. Please install it.",
          call. = FALSE)
  } else if (any(fecdist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE)) {
    if (fec.trunc & !requireNamespace("glmmTMB", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package glmmTMB needed to develop mixed fecundity models with zero-truncated
        distributions. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
    if (fec.zero & !requireNamespace("glmmTMB", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package glmmTMB needed to develop mixed fecundity models with zero-inflated
        distributions. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
  if (approach == "glm") {
    if (any(sizedist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE) | any(sizebdist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE) |
        any(sizecdist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE)) {
      if (size.trunc | sizeb.trunc | sizec.trunc) {
        if (!requireNamespace("VGAM", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package VGAM needed to develop non-Gaussian size GLMs with zero-truncated
          distributions. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (size.zero | sizeb.zero | sizec.zero) {
        if (!requireNamespace("pscl", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package pscl needed to develop non-Gaussian size GLMs with zero-inflated
          distributions. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(fecdist != "gaussian", na.rm = TRUE)) {
      if (fec.trunc & !requireNamespace("VGAM", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package VGAM needed to develop non-Gaussian fecundity GLMs with zero-truncated
          distributions. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
      if (fec.zero & !requireNamespace("pscl", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package pscl needed to develop non-Gaussian fecundity GLMs with zero-inflated
          distributions. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
  distoptions <- c("gaussian", "poisson", "negbin", "gamma")
  packoptions <- c("mixed", "glm") #The mixed option now handles all mixed models
  if (!is.element(approach, packoptions)) {
    stop("Please enter a valid approach, currently either 'mixed' or 'glm'.", 
      call. = FALSE)}
  if (!is.element(sizedist, distoptions)) {
    stop("Please enter a valid primary size distribution, currently limited to
      'gaussian', 'poisson', 'negbin', and 'gamma'.", call. = FALSE)}
  if (!is.element(sizebdist, c(NA, distoptions))) {
    stop("Please enter a valid secondary size distribution, currently limited to
      'gaussian', 'poisson', 'negbin', and 'gamma'.", call. = FALSE)}
  if (!is.element(sizecdist, c(NA, distoptions))) {
    stop("Please enter a valid tertiary size distribution, currently limited to
      'gaussian', 'poisson', 'negbin', and 'gamma'.", call. = FALSE)}
  if (!is.element(fecdist, distoptions)) {
    stop("Please enter a valid fecundity distribution, currently limited to
      'gaussian', 'poisson', 'negbin', and 'gamma'.", call. = FALSE)}
  if (length(censor) > 3) {
    stop("Censor variables should be included either as 1 variable per row in the
      historical data frame (1 variable in the dataset), or as 1 variable for each of
      occasions t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1 (2 or 3 variables in the data frame).
      No more than 3 censor variables are allowed. If more than 1 are supplied, then
      they will be assumed to be in order of occasion t+1, t, and t-1, respectively.",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (is.element("surv", vitalrates)) {
    if (length(surv) > 3 | length(surv) == 1) {
      stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical) survival
        variables as input parameters, corresponding to survival status in times
        t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1, respectively.", call. = FALSE)}
    if (all(is.numeric(surv))) {
      if (any(surv < 1) | any(surv > total_vars)) {
        stop("Survival variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else surv <- names(data)[surv]
    if (any(!is.element(surv, names(data)))) {
      stop("Survival variable names do not match variables in data frame.", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.element("obs", vitalrates)) {
    if (length(obs) > 3 | length(obs) == 1) {
      stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical)
        observation status variables as input parameters.",
        call. = FALSE)}
    if (all(is.numeric(obs))) {
      if (any(obs < 1) | any(obs > total_vars)) {
        stop("Observation status variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else obs <- names(data)[obs]
    if (any(!is.element(obs, names(data)))) {
      stop("Observation status variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
        call. = FALSE)
  if (is.element("size", vitalrates)) {
    if (length(size) > 3 | length(size) == 1) {
      stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical) size
        variables as input parameters.", call. = FALSE)}
    if (all(is.numeric(size))) {
      if (any(size < 1) | any(size > total_vars)) {
        stop("Primary size variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else size <- names(data)[size]
    if (any(!is.element(size, names(data)))) {
      stop("Primary size variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
        call. = FALSE)
    if (all(!is.na(sizeb))) {
      if (is.na(sizebdist)) {
        stop("Need valid choice of distribution for secondary size.", call. = FALSE)
      if (length(sizeb) > 3 | length(sizeb) == 1) {
        stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical)
          secondary size variables as input parameters.",
          call. = FALSE)}
      if (all(is.numeric(sizeb))) {
        if (any(sizeb < 1) | any(sizeb > total_vars)) {
          stop("Secondary size variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
            call. = FALSE)
        } else sizeb <- names(data)[sizeb]
      if (any(!is.element(sizeb, names(data)))) {
        stop("Secondary size variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
          call. = FALSE)
      sizeb_used <- 1
    if (all(!is.na(sizec))) {
      if (is.na(sizecdist)) {
        stop("Need valid choice of distribution for tertiary size.", call. = FALSE)
      if (length(sizec) > 3 | length(sizec) == 1) {
        stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical)
          tertiary size variables as input parameters.",
          call. = FALSE)}
      if (all(is.numeric(sizec))) {
        if (any(sizec < 1) | any(sizec > total_vars)) {
          stop("Tertiary size variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
            call. = FALSE)
        } else sizec <- names(data)[sizec]
      if (any(!is.element(sizec, names(data)))) {
        stop("Tertiary variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
          call. = FALSE)
      sizec_used <- 1
  if (is.element("repst", vitalrates)) {
    if (length(repst) > 3 | length(repst) == 1) {
      stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical)
        reproductive status variables as input parameters.",
        call. = FALSE)}
    if (all(is.numeric(repst))) {
      if (any(repst < 1) | any(repst > total_vars)) {
        stop("Reproductive status variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else repst <- names(data)[repst]
    if (any(!is.element(repst, names(data)))) {
      stop("Reproductive status variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
        call. = FALSE)
  if (is.element("fec", vitalrates)) {
    if (length(fec) > 3 | length(fec) == 1) {
      stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical)
        fecundity variables as input parameters.",
        call. = FALSE)}
    if (all(is.numeric(fec))) {
      if (any(fec < 1) | any(fec > total_vars)) {
        stop("Fecundity variable names do not match variables in data frame.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else fec <- names(data)[fec]
    if (any(!is.element(fec, names(data)))) {
      stop("Fecundity variable names do not match variables in data framee.",
        call. = FALSE)
  if (fectime != 2 & fectime != 3) {
    stop("Option fectime must equal 2 or 3, depending on whether fecundity occurs in
      time t or t+1, respectively (the default is 2, corresponding to time t).",
      call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.na(age)) {
    if (is.numeric(age)) {
      if (age > 0 & age <= total_vars) {
        agecol <- age
        age <- names(data)[agecol]
    } else if (length(which(names(data) == age)) == 0) {
      stop("Variable age must either equal the name of the variable denoting age,
        or be set to NA.", call. = FALSE)
    } else agecol <- which(names(data) == age)
    extra_factors[test.age] <- extra_factors[test.age] + 1 
  } else {
    age <- "none"
    test.age <- rep(FALSE, 14)
  if (any(!is.na(indcova))) {
    if (length(indcova) > 3) {
      warning("Vector indcova holds the exact names of an individual covariate across times t+1,
        t, and, if historical, t-1. Only the first three elements will be used.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      indcova <- indcova[1:3]
    } else if (length(indcova) == 1) {
      warning("Vector indcova requires the names of an individual covariate across times t+1,
        t, and, if historical, t-1. Only 1 variable name was supplied, so this individual
        covariate will not be used.\n", call. = FALSE)
      indcova <- c("none", "none", "none")
      test.indcova <- rep(FALSE, 14)
    if (all(is.numeric(indcova), na.rm = TRUE)) {
      if (all(indcova > 0, na.rm = TRUE) & all(indcova <= total_vars)) {
        indcova2col <- indcova[2]
        if (is.character(data[,indcova2col]) | is.factor(data[,indcova2col])) indcova_fac <- TRUE
        if (!is.na(indcova[3])) indcova1col <- indcova[3]
    } else {
      if (length(which(names(data) == indcova[2])) == 0 && indcova[2] != "none") {
        stop("Vector indcova must either equal either the exact names of an individual
          covariate across occasions t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1, or be set to NA.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        indcova2col <- which(names(data) == indcova[2])
        if (is.character(data[,indcova2col]) | is.factor(data[,indcova2col])) indcova_fac <- TRUE
      if (length(indcova) == 3) {
        if (length(which(names(data) == indcova[3])) == 0 && indcova[3] != "none") {
          stop("Vector indcova must either equal either the exact names of an individual
            covariate across occasions t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1, or be set to NA.",
            call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          indcova1col <- which(names(data) == indcova[3])
      } else indcova[3] <- "none"
  } else {
    indcova <- c("none", "none", "none")
    test.indcova <- rep(FALSE, 14)
  if (any(!is.na(indcovb))) {
    if (length(indcovb) > 3) {
      warning("Vector indcovb holds the exact names of an individual covariate across times t+1,
        t, and, if historical, t-1. Only the first three elements will be used.\n", call. = FALSE)
      indcovb <- indcovb[1:3]
    } else if (length(indcovb) == 1) {
      warning("Vector indcovb requires the names of an individual covariate across times t+1,
        t, and, if historical, t-1. Only 1 variable name was supplied, so this individual
        covariate will not be used.\n", call. = FALSE)
      indcovb <- c("none", "none", "none")
      test.indcovb <- rep(FALSE, 14)
    if (all(is.numeric(indcovb), na.rm = TRUE)) {
      if (all(indcovb > 0, na.rm = TRUE) & all(indcovb <= total_vars)) {
        indcovb2col <- indcovb[2]
        if (is.character(data[,indcovb2col]) | is.factor(data[,indcovb2col])) indcovb_fac <- TRUE
        if (!is.na(indcovb[3])) indcovb1col <- indcovb[3]
    } else {
      if (length(which(names(data) == indcovb[2])) == 0 && indcovb[2] != "none") {
        stop("Vector indcovb must either equal either the exact names of an individual
          covariate across times t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1, or be set to NA.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        indcovb2col <- which(names(data) == indcovb[2])
        if (is.character(data[,indcovb2col]) | is.factor(data[,indcovb2col])) indcovb_fac <- TRUE
      if (length(indcovb) == 3) {
        if (length(which(names(data) == indcovb[3])) == 0 && indcovb[3] != "none") {
          stop("Vector indcovb must either equal either the exact names of an individual
            covariate across times t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1, or be set to NA.",
            call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          indcovb1col <- which(names(data) == indcovb[3])
      } else indcovb[3] <- "none"
  } else {
    indcovb <- c("none", "none", "none")
    test.indcovb <- rep(FALSE, 14)
  if (any(!is.na(indcovc))) {
    if (length(indcovc) > 3) {
      warning("Vector indcovc holds the exact names of an individual covariate across times t+1,
        t, and, if historical, t-1. Only the first three elements will be used.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      indcovc <- indcovc[1:3]
    } else if (length(indcovc) == 1) {
      warning("Vector indcovc requires the names of an individual covariate across times t+1,
        t, and, if historical, t-1. Only 1 variable name was supplied, so this individual
        covariate will not be used.\n", call. = FALSE)
      indcovc <- c("none", "none", "none")
      test.indcovc <- rep(FALSE, 14)
    if (all(is.numeric(indcovc), na.rm = TRUE)) {
      if (all(indcovc > 0, na.rm = TRUE) & all(indcovc <= total_vars)) {
        indcovc2col <- indcovc[2]
        if (is.character(data[,indcovc2col]) | is.factor(data[,indcovc2col])) indcovc_fac <- TRUE
        if (!is.na(indcovc[3])) indcovc1col <- indcovc[3]
    } else {
      if (length(which(names(data) == indcovc[2])) == 0 && indcovc[2] != "none") {
        stop("Vector indcovc must either equal either the exact names of an individual
          covariate across times t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1, or be set to NA.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        indcovc2col <- which(names(data) == indcovc[2])
        if (is.character(data[,indcovc2col]) | is.factor(data[,indcovc2col])) indcovc_fac <- TRUE
      if (length(indcovc) == 3) {
        if (length(which(names(data) == indcovc[3])) == 0 && indcovc[3] != "none") {
          stop("Vector indcovc must either equal either the exact names of an individual
            covariate across times t+1, t, and, if historical, t-1, or be set to NA.",
            call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          indcovc1col <- which(names(data) == indcovc[3])
      } else indcovc[3] <- "none"
  } else {
    indcovc <- c("none", "none", "none")
    test.indcovc <- rep(FALSE, 14)
  if (!is.na(indiv)) {
    if (!is.numeric(indiv) & length(which(names(data) == indiv)) == 0) {
      stop("Variable indiv must either equal the exact name of the variable denoting
        individual identity in the dataset, or be set to NA.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.character(indiv)) {
      indivcol <- which(names(data) == indiv)
      if (any(is.na(data[,indivcol])) & approach == "mixed") {
        warning("NA values in the individual identity variable may cause unexpected behavior in
          mixed modeling. Please rename all individuals with unique names, avoiding NAs.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.numeric(indiv)) {
      if (any(indiv < 1) | any(indiv > total_vars)) {
        stop("Unable to interpret individual identity variable.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        indivcol <- indiv
        indiv <- names(data)[indivcol]
    } else stop("Unable to interpret individual identity variable.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop("Function modelsearch() requires an individual identity variable. If none exists in the dataset,
      then please create and use a variable coding for row identity in the dataset.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.na(patch)) {
    if (!is.numeric(patch) & length(which(names(data) == patch)) == 0) {
      stop("Variable patch must either equal the exact name of the variable denoting
        patch identity in the dataset, or be set to NA.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.character(patch)) {
      patchcol <- which(names(data) == patch)
    } else if (is.numeric(patch)) {
      if (any(patch < 1) | any(patch > total_vars)) {
        stop("Unable to interpret patch identity variable.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        patchcol <- patch
        patch <- names(data)[patchcol] 
    } else stop("Unable to interpret patch identity variable.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {patch <- "none"}
  if (!is.na(year)) {
    if (!is.numeric(year) & length(which(names(data) == year)) == 0) {
      stop("Variable year must either equal the exact name of the variable denoting
        time t in the dataset, or be set to NA.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.character(year)) {
      yearcol <- which(names(data) == year)
    } else if (is.numeric(year)) {
      if (any(year < 1) | any(year > total_vars)) {
        stop("Unable to interpret year (time t) identity variable.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        yearcol <- year
        year <- names(data)[yearcol] 
    } else stop("Unable to interpret year (time t) identity variable.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {year <- "none"}
  if (!is.na(density)) {
    if (!is.numeric(density) & length(which(names(data) == density)) == 0) {
      stop("Variable density must either equal the exact name of the variable
        denoting spatial density in time t, or be set to NA.",
        call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.character(density)) {
      if (!is.element(density, names(data))) {
        stop("Unable to interpret density variable.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.numeric(density)) {
      if (any(density < 1) | any(density > total_vars)) {
        stop("Unable to interpret density variable.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        density <- names(data)[density]
    } else stop("Unable to interpret density variable.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    density <- "none"
    test.density <- rep(FALSE, 14)
  # Test for appropriate stage names
  if (!is.na(juvestimate)) {
    if (!any(is.element(stage, names(data)))) {
      stop("Stage variable names do not match variables in the dataset.",
        call. = FALSE)
    stage3col <- which(names(data) == stage[1])
    stage2col <- which(names(data) == stage[2])
    if (length(stage) == 3) {
      stage1col <- which(names(data) == stage[3])
    } else {stage1col <- 0}
    if (!is.element(juvestimate, unique(data[,stage2col]))) {
      stop("The stage declared as juvenile via juvestimate is not recognized within
        the variable coding stage in time t.", call. = FALSE)
    if (length(matstat) > 3 | length(matstat) == 1) {
      stop("This function requires 2 (if ahistorical) or 3 (if historical) maturity status
        variables if juvenile parameters are to be estimated.",
        call. = FALSE)}
    if (all(is.numeric(matstat))) {
      if (any(matstat < 1) | any(matstat > total_vars)) {
        stop("Maturity status variable names do not match variables in the dataset.",
          call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        matstat <- names(data)[matstat]
    if (any(!is.element(matstat, names(data)))) {
      stop("Maturity status variable names do not match variables in the dataset.",
        call. = FALSE)
  # Check whether the best-fit criterion is appropriate
  if (!is.element(bestfit, c("aicc", "aicc&k"))) {
    stop("Option bestfit must equal either 'AICc' or 'AICc&k' (the default).",
      call. = FALSE)
  used.criterion <- "AICc" # Used once dredging is done to determine best-fit models
  if (approach != "mixed") {
    if (random.indcova | random.indcovb | random.indcovc) {
      warning("Random covariates cannot be included in glms. Setting random.indcova,
        random.indcovb, and random.indcovc to FALSE. If random covariates are
        needed, then please set approach = 'mixed'.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      random.indcova <- FALSE
      random.indcovb <- FALSE
      random.indcovc <- FALSE
    if (patch.as.random) {
      warning("Patch cannot be random in glms. If patch should be random, then
        please set approach = 'mixed'. Setting patch.as.random to FALSE.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      patch.as.random = FALSE
    if (year.as.random) {
      warning("Year cannot be random in glms. If year should be random, then
        please set approach = 'mixed'. Setting year.as.random to FALSE.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      year.as.random = FALSE
  # Model call creation
  formulae <- .stovokor(surv, obs, size, sizeb, sizec, repst, fec, matstat,
    vitalrates, historical, suite, approach, is.na(juvestimate), juvsize, indiv,
    patch, year, age, density, indcova, indcovb, indcovc, sizeb_used,
    sizec_used, test.group, test.age, test.density, test.indcova, test.indcovb,
    test.indcovc, patch.as.random, year.as.random, random.indcova,
    random.indcovb, random.indcovc, indcova_fac, indcovb_fac, indcovc_fac,
    fectime, size.zero, sizeb.zero, sizec.zero, jsize.zero, jsizeb.zero,
  vars_used_pm <- formulae$main$paramnames$modelparams[which(formulae$main$paramnames$modelparams != "none")]
  if (all(!test.group)) {
    vars_used_pm <- vars_used_pm[which(vars_used_pm != "group2")]
    vars_used_pm <- vars_used_pm[which(vars_used_pm != "group1")]
  # These bits need to be corrected for extra_factors being an integer vector
  if (any(test.indcova) & !random.indcova) {
    extra_factors[which(test.indcova)] <- extra_factors[which(test.indcova)] + 1
  if (any(test.indcovb) & !random.indcovb) {
    extra_factors[test.indcovb] <- extra_factors[test.indcovb] + 1
  if (any(test.indcovc) & !random.indcovc) {
    extra_factors[test.indcovc] <- extra_factors[test.indcovc] + 1
  if (patchcol > 0 & !patch.as.random) extra_factors <- extra_factors + 1
  if (yearcol > 0 & !year.as.random) extra_factors <- extra_factors + 1
  if (density_used) extra_factors <- extra_factors + 1
  # Create the input datasets
  if (!all(is.na(censor))) {
    if (length(censor) == 1) {
      data$censor2 <- data[, which(names(data) == censor[1])]
    } else {
      data$censor3 <- data[, which(names(data) == censor[1])]
      data$censor2 <- data[, which(names(data) == censor[2])]
      if (length(censor) > 2) {
        data$censor1 <- data[, which(names(data) == censor[3])]
  } else {
    data$censor2 <- 1
  data <- subset(data, censor2 == 1)
  if (!all(is.na(censor))) {
    if (length(censor) > 1) {
      data <- subset(data, censor3 == 1)
      if (length(censor) > 2) {
        data <- subset(data, censor1 == 1)
  if (!is.na(juvestimate)) {
    juvindivs <- which(data[,stage2col] == juvestimate)
    adultindivs <- setdiff(c(1:length(data[,stage2col])), juvindivs)
    adult.data <- data[adultindivs,]
    juv.data <- data[juvindivs,]
  } else {
    adult.data <- data
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$full.surv.model)) {surv.global.model <- formulae$main$full.surv.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$full.obs.model)) {obs.global.model <- formulae$main$full.obs.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$full.size.model)) {size.global.model <- formulae$main$full.size.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$full.sizeb.model)) {sizeb.global.model <- formulae$main$full.sizeb.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$full.sizec.model)) {sizec.global.model <- formulae$main$full.sizec.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$full.repst.model)) {repst.global.model <- formulae$main$full.repst.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$full.fec.model)) {fec.global.model <- formulae$main$full.fec.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.surv.model)) {juv.surv.global.model <- formulae$main$juv.surv.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.obs.model)) {juv.obs.global.model <- formulae$main$juv.obs.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.size.model)) {juv.size.global.model <- formulae$main$juv.size.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model)) {juv.sizeb.global.model <- formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.sizec.model)) {juv.sizec.global.model <- formulae$main$juv.sizec.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.repst.model)) {juv.repst.global.model <- formulae$main$juv.repst.model}
  if (is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.matst.model)) {juv.matst.global.model <- formulae$main$juv.matst.model}
  if (is.character(formulae$main$juv.matst.model)) {
    if (formulae$main$juv.matst.model == "none") {
      juv.matst.global.model <- 1
  surv.table <- obs.table <- size.table <- sizeb.table <- sizec.table <- repst.table <- NA
  juvsurv.table <- juvobs.table <- juvsize.table <- juvsizeb.table <- juvsizec.table <- NA
  fec.table <- juvrepst.table <- juvmatst.table <- NA
  surv.bf <- obs.bf <- size.bf <- sizeb.bf <- sizec.bf <- repst.bf <- fec.bf <- NA
  juvsurv.bf <- juvobs.bf <- juvsize.bf <- juvsizeb.bf <- juvsizec.bf <- juvrepst.bf <- juvmatst.bf <- NA
  # Corrections to model structure, used to run global models
  correction.indiv <- c(gsub("individ", indiv, " + (1 | individ)", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("individ", indiv, "(1 | individ)", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("individ", indiv, " + individ", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("individ", indiv, "individ", fixed = TRUE))
  correction.year <- c(gsub("yr", year, " + (1 | yr)", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("yr", year, "(1 | yr)", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("yr", year, " + yr", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("yr", year, "yr", fixed = TRUE))
  correction.patch <- c(gsub("patch", patch, " + (1 | patch)", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("patch", patch, "(1 | patch)", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("patch", patch, " + patch", fixed = TRUE),
    gsub("patch", patch, "patch", fixed = TRUE))
  # Global model builds
  # Survival probability
  surv.data <- subset(adult.data, adult.data[,which(names(adult.data) == surv[2])] == 1)
  surv.data <- surv.data[,vars_used_pm]
  surv.data <- surv.data[complete.cases(surv.data),]
  surv.ind <- length(unique(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == indiv)]))
  surv.trans <- dim(surv.data)[1]
  surv.uns <- unique(surv.data[,which(names(surv.data) == surv[1])])
  if (length(surv.uns) == 1) {
    warning("Survival to time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
      call. = FALSE)
    formulae$main$full.surv.model <- surv.uns[1]
    formulae$alternate$full.surv.model <- surv.uns[1]
    formulae$glm.alternate$full.surv.model <- surv.uns[1]
    formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.surv.model <- surv.uns[1]
  if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.surv.model) &
      nchar(formulae$main$full.surv.model) > 1) {
          which(names(surv.data) == size[1])])))))) {
      warning("Function modelsearch() and function-based MPM estimation functions work 
        only with numeric size variables. Omitting size or using categorical size 
        variables mayresult in errors or unexpected behavior.\n", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(suite == "full") | any(suite == "main") | any(suite == "size")) {
      if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == size[2])]))) {
        warning("NA values in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
      if (sizeb_used) {
        if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == sizeb[2])]))) {
          warning("NA values in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
            call. = FALSE)
      if (sizec_used) {
        if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == sizec[2])]))) {
          warning("NA values in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
            call. = FALSE)
      if (historical == TRUE) {
        if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == size[3])]))) {
          warning("NA values in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
            call. = FALSE)
        if (sizeb_used) {
          if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == sizeb[3])]))) {
            warning("NA values in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
              call. = FALSE)
        if (sizec_used) {
          if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == sizec[3])]))) {
            warning("NA values in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
              call. = FALSE)
    if (any(suite == "full") | any(suite == "main") | any(suite == "rep")) {
      if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == repst[2])]))) {
        warning("NA values in reproductive status variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
      if (historical == TRUE) {
        if (any(is.na(surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == repst[3])]))) {
          warning("NA values in reproductive status variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
            call. = FALSE)
    chosen_var <- which(names(surv.data) == surv[1])
    if (is.element(0, surv.data[, chosen_var]) & is.element(1, surv.data[, chosen_var])) {
      nosurvterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[1], formulae$alternate$total_terms[1],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[1], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[1])
      surv.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 1, approach = approach,
        dist = "binom", zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$full.surv.model,
        subdata = surv.data, vind = surv.ind, vtrans = surv.trans,
        suite = suite[1], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$full.surv.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.surv.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$full.surv.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[1], noterms = nosurvterms)
      surv.global.model <- surv.global.list$model
      surv.ind <- surv.global.list$ind
      surv.trans <- surv.global.list$trans
      surv.table <- surv.global.list$table
      surv.bf <- surv.global.list$bf_model
      surv.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = surv.bf,
        subdata = surv.data, param = surv[1], quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
    } else if (is.element(0, surv.data[, chosen_var])) {
      if (!quiet) {message("\nSurvival status is constant so will not model it.\n")}
      formulae$main$full.surv.model <- 1
      surv.global.model <- surv.bf <- 1
      surv.ind <- surv.trans <- 0
      surv.accuracy <- 1
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {message("\nSurvival status is constant so will not model it.\n")}
      formulae$main$full.surv.model <- 1
      surv.global.model <- surv.bf <- surv.ind <- surv.trans <- 0
      surv.accuracy <- 1
  } else {
    surv.global.model <- surv.bf <- 1
    surv.ind <- surv.trans <- 0
    surv.accuracy <- NA
  # Observation status
  obs.data <- subset(surv.data, surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == surv[1])] == 1)
  chosen_var <- which(names(obs.data) == obs[1])
  obs.ind <- length(unique(obs.data[, which(names(obs.data) == indiv)]))
  obs.trans <- dim(obs.data)[1]
  if (formulae$main$full.obs.model != 1) {
    obs.uns <- unique(obs.data[,which(names(obs.data) == obs[1])])
    if (length(obs.uns) == 1) {
      warning("Observation in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      formulae$main$full.obs.model <- obs.uns[1]
      formulae$alternate$full.obs.model <- obs.uns[1]
      formulae$glm.alternate$full.obs.model <- obs.uns[1]
      formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.obs.model <- obs.uns[1]
  if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.obs.model) & nchar(formulae$main$full.obs.model) > 1) {
    if (is.element(0, obs.data[, chosen_var]) & is.element(1, obs.data[, chosen_var]) &
        nchar(formulae$main$full.obs.model) > 1) {
      noobsterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[2], formulae$alternate$total_terms[2],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[2], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[2])
      obs.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 2, approach = approach, 
        dist = "binom", zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$full.obs.model,
        subdata = obs.data, vind = obs.ind, vtrans = obs.trans,
        suite = suite[2], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$full.obs.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.obs.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$full.obs.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[2], noterms = noobsterms)
      obs.global.model <- obs.global.list$model
      obs.ind <- obs.global.list$ind
      obs.trans <- obs.global.list$trans
      obs.table <- obs.global.list$table
      obs.bf <- obs.global.list$bf_model
      obs.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = obs.bf, subdata = obs.data,
        param = obs[1], quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
    } else if (!is.element(0, obs.data[, chosen_var])) {
      if (!quiet) {message("\nObservation status is constant so will not model it.\n")}
      formulae$main$full.obs.model <- 1
      obs.global.model <- obs.bf <- 1
      obs.ind <- obs.trans <- 0
      obs.accuracy <- 1
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {message("\nObservation status is constant so will not model it.\n")}
      formulae$main$full.obs.model <- 1
      obs.global.model <- obs.bf <- obs.ind <- obs.trans <- 0
      obs.accuracy <- 1
  } else {
    obs.global.model <- obs.bf <- 1
    obs.ind <- obs.trans <- 0
    obs.accuracy <- NA
  # Primary size
  if (formulae$main$full.obs.model != 1) {
    size.data <- subset(obs.data, obs.data[, which(names(obs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
    size.data <- size.data[which(!is.na(size.data[, which(names(size.data) == size[1])])),]
    if (sizeb_used) {
      sizeb.data <- subset(obs.data, obs.data[, which(names(obs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
      sizeb.data <- sizeb.data[which(!is.na(sizeb.data[, which(names(sizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])),]
    if (sizec_used) {
      sizec.data <- subset(obs.data, obs.data[, which(names(obs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
      sizec.data <- sizec.data[which(!is.na(sizec.data[, which(names(sizec.data) == sizec[1])])),]
  } else {
    size.data <- obs.data
    size.data <- size.data[which(!is.na(size.data[, which(names(size.data) == size[1])])),]
    if (sizeb_used) {
      sizeb.data <- obs.data
      sizeb.data <- sizeb.data[which(!is.na(sizeb.data[, which(names(sizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])),]
    if (sizec_used) {
      sizec.data <- obs.data
      sizec.data <- sizec.data[which(!is.na(sizec.data[, which(names(sizec.data) == sizec[1])])),]
  size.ind <- length(unique(size.data[, which(names(size.data) == indiv)]))
  size.trans <- dim(size.data)[1]
  if (formulae$main$full.size.model != 1) {
    size.uns <- unique(size.data[,which(names(size.data) == size[1])])
    if (length(size.uns) == 1) {
      warning("Primary size in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      formulae$main$full.size.model <- size.uns[1]
      formulae$alternate$full.size.model <- size.uns[1]
      formulae$glm.alternate$full.size.model <- size.uns[1]
      formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.size.model <- size.uns[1]
  if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.size.model)) {
    if (sizedist == "poisson" | sizedist == "negbin") {
      if (any(size.data[, which(names(size.data) == size[1])] != 
          round(size.data[, which(names(size.data) == size[1])]))) {
        stop("Primary size variables must be composed only of integers for the Poisson
          or negative binomial distributions to be used.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (sizedist == "gamma") {
      if (any(size.data[, which(names(size.data) == size[1])] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        stop("Primary size variables must be non-negative for the gamma distribution to be used.",
          call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.size.model) & nchar(formulae$main$full.size.model) > 1) {
    nosizeterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[3], formulae$alternate$total_terms[3],
      formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[3], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[3])
    size.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 3, approach = approach, 
      dist = sizedist, zero = size.zero, truncz = size.trunc, quiet = quiet,
      quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$full.size.model,
      subdata = size.data, vind = size.ind, vtrans = size.trans,
      suite = suite[3], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
      bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
      alt_formula = formulae$alternate$full.size.model,
      alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.size.model,
      alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$full.size.model,
      extra_fac = extra_factors[3], noterms = nosizeterms, null_model = TRUE)
    size.global.model <- size.global.list$model
    size.ind <- size.global.list$ind
    size.trans <- size.global.list$trans
    size.table <- size.global.list$table
    size.bf <- size.global.list$bf_model
    size.null <- size.global.list$null_model
    size.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = size.bf, subdata = size.data,
      param = size[1], style = 2, nullmodel = size.null, dist = sizedist,
      trunc = size.trunc, approach = approach, quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
  } else {
    size.global.model <- size.bf <- 1
    size.ind <- size.trans <- 0
    size.accuracy <- NA
  # Secondary size
  if (sizeb_used) {
    sizeb.ind <- length(unique(sizeb.data[, which(names(sizeb.data) == indiv)]))
    sizeb.trans <- dim(sizeb.data)[1]
    if (formulae$main$full.sizeb.model != 1) {
      sizeb.uns <- unique(sizeb.data[,which(names(sizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])
      if (length(sizeb.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Secondary size in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$full.sizeb.model <- sizeb.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$full.sizeb.model <- sizeb.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$full.sizeb.model <- sizeb.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.sizeb.model <- sizeb.uns[1]
    if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.sizeb.model)) {
      if (sizebdist == "poisson" | sizebdist == "negbin") {
        if (any(sizeb.data[, which(names(sizeb.data) == sizeb[1])] != 
            round(sizeb.data[, which(names(sizeb.data) == sizeb[1])]))) {
          stop("Secondary size variables must be composed only of integers for the Poisson
            or negative binomial distributions to be used.", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (sizebdist == "gamma") {
        if (any(sizeb.data[, which(names(sizeb.data) == sizeb[1])] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
          stop("Secondary size variables must be non-negative for the gamma distribution to be used.",
            call. = FALSE)
  if (sizeb_used & !is.numeric(formulae$main$full.sizeb.model) & nchar(formulae$main$full.sizeb.model) > 1) {
    nosizebterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[4], formulae$alternate$total_terms[4],
      formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[4], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[4])
    sizeb.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 10, approach = approach, 
      dist = sizebdist, zero = sizeb.zero, truncz = sizeb.trunc, quiet = quiet,
      quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$full.sizeb.model,
      subdata = sizeb.data, vind = sizeb.ind, vtrans = sizeb.trans,
      suite = suite[4], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
      bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
      alt_formula = formulae$alternate$full.sizeb.model,
      alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.sizeb.model,
      alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$full.sizeb.model,
      extra_fac = extra_factors[4], noterms = nosizebterms, null_model = TRUE)
    sizeb.global.model <- sizeb.global.list$model
    sizeb.ind <- sizeb.global.list$ind
    sizeb.trans <- sizeb.global.list$trans
    sizeb.table <- sizeb.global.list$table
    sizeb.bf <- sizeb.global.list$bf_model
    sizeb.null <- sizeb.global.list$null_model
    sizeb.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = sizeb.bf, subdata = sizeb.data,
      param = sizeb[1], style = 2, nullmodel = sizeb.null, dist = sizebdist,
      trunc = sizeb.trunc, approach = approach, quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
  } else {
    sizeb.global.model <- sizeb.bf <- 1
    sizeb.ind <- sizeb.trans <- 0
    sizeb.accuracy <- NA
  # Tertiary size
  if (sizec_used) {
    sizec.ind <- length(unique(sizec.data[, which(names(sizec.data) == indiv)]))
    sizec.trans <- dim(sizec.data)[1]
    if (formulae$main$full.sizec.model != 1) {
      sizec.uns <- unique(sizec.data[,which(names(sizec.data) == sizec[1])])
      if (length(sizec.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Tertiary size in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$full.sizec.model <- sizec.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$full.sizec.model <- sizec.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$full.sizec.model <- sizec.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.sizec.model <- sizec.uns[1]
    if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.sizec.model)) {
      if (sizecdist == "poisson" | sizecdist == "negbin") {
        if (any(sizec.data[, which(names(sizec.data) == sizec[1])] != 
            round(sizec.data[, which(names(sizec.data) == sizec[1])]))) {
          stop("Tertiary size variables must be composed only of integers for the Poisson
            or negative binomial distributions to be used.", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (sizecdist == "gamma") {
        if (any(sizec.data[, which(names(sizec.data) == sizec[1])] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
          stop("Tertiary size variables must be non-negative for the gamma distribution to be used.",
            call. = FALSE)
  if (sizec_used & !is.numeric(formulae$main$full.sizec.model) & nchar(formulae$main$full.sizec.model) > 1) {
    nosizecterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[5], formulae$alternate$total_terms[5],
      formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[5], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[5])
    sizec.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 11, approach = approach, 
      dist = sizecdist, zero = sizec.zero, truncz = sizec.trunc, quiet = quiet,
      quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$full.sizec.model,
      subdata = sizec.data, vind = sizec.ind, vtrans = sizec.trans,
      suite = suite[5], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
      bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
      alt_formula = formulae$alternate$full.sizec.model,
      alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.sizec.model,
      alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$full.sizec.model,
      extra_fac = extra_factors[5], noterms = nosizecterms, null_model = TRUE)
    sizec.global.model <- sizec.global.list$model
    sizec.ind <- sizec.global.list$ind
    sizec.trans <- sizec.global.list$trans
    sizec.table <- sizec.global.list$table
    sizec.bf <- sizec.global.list$bf_model
    sizec.null <- sizec.global.list$null_model
    sizec.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = sizec.bf, subdata = sizec.data,
      param = sizec[1], style = 2, nullmodel = sizec.null, dist = sizecdist,
      trunc = sizec.trunc, approach = approach, quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
  } else {
    sizec.global.model <- sizec.bf <- 1
    sizec.ind <- sizec.trans <- 0
    sizec.accuracy <- NA
  # Reproductive status
  repst.data <- size.data
  repst.ind <- length(unique(repst.data[, which(names(repst.data) == indiv)]))
  repst.trans <- dim(repst.data)[1]
  if (formulae$main$full.repst.model != 1) {
    repst.uns <- unique(repst.data[,which(names(repst.data) == repst[1])])
    if (length(repst.uns) == 1) {
      warning("Reproductive status in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      formulae$main$full.repst.model <- repst.uns[1]
      formulae$alternate$full.repst.model <- repst.uns[1]
      formulae$glm.alternate$full.repst.model <- repst.uns[1]
      formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.repst.model <- repst.uns[1]
  if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.repst.model) & nchar(formulae$main$full.repst.model) > 1) {
    chosen_var <- which(names(repst.data) == repst[1])
    if (is.element(0, repst.data[, chosen_var]) & is.element(1, repst.data[, chosen_var])) {
      norepstterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[6], formulae$alternate$total_terms[6],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[6], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[6])
      repst.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 4, approach = approach, 
        dist = "binom", zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$full.repst.model,
        subdata = repst.data, vind = repst.ind, vtrans = repst.trans,
        suite = suite[6], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$full.repst.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.repst.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$full.repst.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[6], noterms = norepstterms)
      repst.global.model <- repst.global.list$model
      repst.ind <- repst.global.list$ind
      repst.trans <- repst.global.list$trans
      repst.table <- repst.global.list$table
      repst.bf <- repst.global.list$bf_model
      repst.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = repst.bf,
        subdata = repst.data, param = repst[1], quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
    } else if (!is.element(0, repst.data[, chosen_var])) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nReproductive status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$full.repst.model <- 1
      repst.global.model <- repst.bf <- 1
      repst.ind <- repst.trans <- 0
      repst.accuracy <- 1
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nReproductive status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$full.repst.model <- 1
      repst.global.model <- repst.bf <- repst.ind <- repst.trans <- 0
      repst.accuracy <- 1
  } else {
    repst.global.model <- repst.bf <- 1
    repst.ind <- repst.trans <- 0
    repst.accuracy <- NA
  # Fecundity
  if (formulae$main$full.repst.model != 1) {
    if (fectime == 2) {
      fec.data <- subset(surv.data, surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == repst[2])] == 1)
      fec.data <- fec.data[which(!is.na(fec.data[, which(names(fec.data) == fec[2])])),]
    } else if (fectime == 3) {
      fec.data <- subset(surv.data, surv.data[, which(names(surv.data) == repst[1])] == 1)
      fec.data <- fec.data[which(!is.na(fec.data[, which(names(fec.data) == fec[1])])),]
  } else {
    fec.data <- surv.data
    if (fectime == 2) {
      fec.data <- fec.data[which(!is.na(fec.data[, which(names(fec.data) == fec[2])])),]
    } else if (fectime == 3) {
      fec.data <- fec.data[which(!is.na(fec.data[, which(names(fec.data) == fec[1])])),]
  fec.ind <- length(unique(fec.data[, which(names(fec.data) == indiv)]))
  fec.trans <- dim(fec.data)[1]
  if (formulae$main$full.fec.model != 1) {
    if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.fec.model)) {
      if (is.element(fecdist, c("poisson", "negbin"))) {
        if (any(fec.data[, usedfec] != round(fec.data[, usedfec]))) {
          stop("Fecundity variables must be composed only of integers for the Poisson
            or negative binomial distributions to be used.", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (fecdist == "gamma" & any(fec.data[, usedfec] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        stop("Fecundity variables must be non-negative for the gamma distribution to be used.",
          call. = FALSE)
    if (is.element("fec", vitalrates)) {
      if (fectime == 2) {
        usedfec <- which(names(fec.data) == fec[2])
      } else if (fectime == 3) {
        usedfec <- which(names(fec.data) == fec[1])
    if (fectime == 2) {
      fec.uns <- unique(fec.data[,which(names(fec.data) == fec[2])])
    } else {
      fec.uns <- unique(fec.data[,which(names(fec.data) == fec[1])])
    if (length(fec.uns) == 1) {
      warning("Fecundity appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
        call. = FALSE)
      formulae$main$full.fec.model <- fec.uns[1]
      formulae$alternate$full.fec.model <- fec.uns[1]
      formulae$glm.alternate$full.fec.model <- fec.uns[1]
      formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.fec.model <- fec.uns[1]
  if (!is.numeric(formulae$main$full.fec.model) & nchar(formulae$main$full.fec.model) > 1) {
    nofecterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[7], formulae$alternate$total_terms[7],
      formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[7], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[7])
    fec.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 5, approach = approach, 
      dist = fecdist, zero = fec.zero, truncz = fec.trunc, quiet = quiet,
      quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$full.fec.model,
      subdata = fec.data, vind = fec.ind, vtrans = fec.trans, suite = suite[7],
      global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion, bestfit = bestfit,
      correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
      alt_formula = formulae$alternate$full.fec.model,
      alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$full.fec.model,
      alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$full.fec.model,
      extra_fac = extra_factors[7], noterms = nofecterms, null_model = TRUE)
    fec.global.model <- fec.global.list$model
    fec.ind <- fec.global.list$ind
    fec.trans <- fec.global.list$trans
    fec.table <- fec.global.list$table
    fec.bf <- fec.global.list$bf_model
    fec.null <- fec.global.list$null_model
    fec.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = fec.bf, subdata = fec.data,
      param = names(fec.data)[usedfec], style = 2, nullmodel = fec.null,
      dist = fecdist, trunc = fec.trunc, approach = approach, quiet = quiet,
      check = accuracy)
  } else {
    fec.global.model <- fec.bf <- 1
    fec.ind <- fec.trans <- 0
    fec.accuracy <- NA
  # Juvenile survival probability and maturity status
  if (!is.na(juvestimate) & !is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.surv.model) & nchar(formulae$main$juv.surv.model) > 1) {
    juvsurv.data <- subset(juv.data, juv.data[,stage2col] == juvestimate & juv.data[,which(names(juv.data) == surv[2])] == 1)
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[,vars_used_pm]
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[complete.cases(juvsurv.data),]
    if (dim(juvsurv.data)[1] < 2) formulae$main$juv.surv.model = 1
    juvsurv.ind <- length(unique(juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == indiv)]))
    juvsurv.trans <- dim(juvsurv.data)[1]
    if (formulae$main$juv.surv.model != 1) {
      juvsurv.uns <- unique(juvsurv.data[,which(names(juvsurv.data) == surv[1])])
      if (length(juvsurv.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Juvenile survival status in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$juv.surv.model <- juvsurv.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$juv.surv.model <- juvsurv.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$juv.surv.model <- juvsurv.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.surv.model <- juvsurv.uns[1]
    if (any(suite == "full") | any(suite == "main") | any(suite == "size")) {
      if (any(is.na(juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == size[2])]))) {
        warning("NAs in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
      if (historical == TRUE) {
        if (any(is.na(juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == size[3])]))) {
          warning("NAs in size variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
            call. = FALSE)
    if (any(suite == "full") | any(suite == "main") | any(suite == "rep")) {
      if (any(is.na(juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == repst[2])]))) {
        warning("NAs in reproductive status variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
      if (historical == TRUE) {
        if (any(is.na(juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == repst[3])]))) {
          warning("NAs in reproductive status variables may cause model selection to fail.\n",
            call. = FALSE)
    if (is.element(0, juvsurv.data$matstatus3)) {
      warning("Function modelsearch() assumes that all juveniles either die or transition
        to maturity within 1 year. Some individuals in this dataset appear to live
        longer as juveniles than assumptions allow.\n", call. = FALSE)
    chosen_var <- which(names(juvsurv.data) == surv[1])
    if (is.element(0, juvsurv.data[, chosen_var]) & is.element(1, juvsurv.data[, chosen_var]) & 
        nchar(formulae$main$juv.surv.model) > 1) {
      nojsurvterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[8], formulae$alternate$total_terms[8],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[8], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[8])
      juv.surv.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 6, approach = approach,
        dist = "binom", zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$juv.surv.model,
        subdata = juvsurv.data, vind = juvsurv.ind, vtrans = juvsurv.trans,
        suite = suite[8], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$juv.surv.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.surv.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$juv.surv.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[8], noterms = nojsurvterms)
      juv.surv.global.model <- juv.surv.global.list$model
      juvsurv.ind <- juv.surv.global.list$ind
      juvsurv.trans <- juv.surv.global.list$trans
      juvsurv.table <- juv.surv.global.list$table
      juvsurv.bf <- juv.surv.global.list$bf_model
      juvsurv.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = juvsurv.bf,
        subdata = juvsurv.data, param = surv[1], quiet = quiet,
        check = accuracy)
    } else if (!is.element(0, juvsurv.data[, chosen_var])) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile survival status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$juv.surv.model <- 1
      juv.surv.global.model <- juvsurv.bf <- 1
      juvsurv.ind <- juvsurv.trans <- 0
      juvsurv.accuracy <- 1
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile survival status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$juv.surv.model <- 1
      juv.surv.global.model <- juvsurv.bf <- juvsurv.ind <- juvsurv.trans <- 0
      juvsurv.accuracy <- 1
    juvmatst.data <- subset(juvsurv.data, juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == surv[1])] == 1)
    if (dim(juvmatst.data)[1] < 2) formulae$main$juv.matst.model = 1
    chosen_var <- which(names(juvmatst.data) == matstat[1])
    if (formulae$main$juv.matst.model != 1) {
      juvmatst.uns <- unique(juvmatst.data[,which(names(juvmatst.data) == surv[1])])
      if (length(juvmatst.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Juvenile maturity status in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$juv.matst.model <- juvmatst.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$juv.matst.model <- juvmatst.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$juv.matst.model <- juvmatst.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.matst.model <- juvmatst.uns[1]
    if (any(suite == "full") | any(suite == "main") | any(suite == "size")) {
      if (is.element(0, juvmatst.data[, chosen_var]) & is.element(1, juvmatst.data[, chosen_var]) & 
          nchar(formulae$main$juv.matst.model) > 1) {
        nojmatstterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[14], formulae$alternate$total_terms[14],
          formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[14], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[14])
        juv.matst.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 14, approach = approach,
          dist = "binom", zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = quiet,
          quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$juv.matst.model,
          subdata = juvmatst.data, vind = juvobs.ind, vtrans = juvobs.trans,
          suite = suite[14], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
          bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
          alt_formula = formulae$alternate$juv.matst.model,
          alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.matst.model,
          alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$juv.matst.model,
          extra_fac = extra_factors[14], noterms = nojmatstterms)
        juv.matst.global.model <- juv.matst.global.list$model
        juvmatst.ind <- juv.matst.global.list$ind
        juvmatst.trans <- juv.matst.global.list$trans
        juvmatst.table <- juv.matst.global.list$table
        juvmatst.bf <- juv.matst.global.list$bf_model
        juvmatst.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = juvmatst.bf,
          subdata = juvmatst.data, param = matstat[1], quiet = quiet,
          check = accuracy)
      } else if (!is.element(0, juvmatst.data[, chosen_var])) {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nJuvenile maturity status is constant so will not model it.\n")
        formulae$main$juv.matst.model <- 1
        juv.matst.global.model <- juvmatst.bf <- 1
        juvmatst.ind <- juvmatst.trans <- 0
        juvmatst.accuracy <- 1
      } else {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nJuvenile maturity status is constant so will not model it.\n")
        formulae$main$juv.matst.model <- 1
        juv.matst.global.model <- juvmatst.bf <- juvmatst.ind <- juvmatst.trans <- 0
        juvmatst.accuracy <- 1
    } else {
      juv.surv.global.model <- juvsurv.bf <- 1
      juvsurv.ind <- juvsurv.trans <- 0
      juvsurv.accuracy <- NA
      juv.matst.global.model <- juvmatst.bf <- 1
      juvmatst.ind <- juvmatst.trans <- 0
      juvmatst.accuracy <- NA
  } else {
    juv.surv.global.model <- juvsurv.bf <- 1
    juvsurv.ind <- juvsurv.trans <- 0
    juvsurv.accuracy <- NA
    juv.matst.global.model <- juvmatst.bf <- 1
    juvmatst.ind <- juvmatst.trans <- 0
    juvmatst.accuracy <- NA
  # Juvenile observation status
  if (!is.na(juvestimate) & !is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.obs.model) & nchar(formulae$main$juv.obs.model) > 1) {
    juvsurv.data <- subset(juv.data, juv.data[,stage2col] == juvestimate & juv.data[,which(names(juv.data) == surv[2])] == 1)
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[,vars_used_pm]
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[complete.cases(juvsurv.data),]
    juvobs.data <- subset(juvsurv.data, juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == surv[1])] == 1)
    juvobs.ind <- length(unique(juvobs.data[, which(names(juvobs.data) == indiv)]))
    juvobs.trans <- dim(juvobs.data)[1]
    if (juvobs.trans < 2) formulae$main$juv.obs.model = 1
    if (formulae$main$juv.obs.model != 1) {
      juvobs.uns <- unique(juvobs.data[,which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])])
      if (length(juvobs.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Juvenile observation status in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$juv.obs.model <- juvobs.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$juv.obs.model <- juvobs.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$juv.obs.model <- juvobs.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.obs.model <- juvobs.uns[1]
    chosen_var <- which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])
    if (is.element(0, juvobs.data[, chosen_var]) & is.element(1, juvobs.data[, chosen_var]) &
        nchar(formulae$main$juv.obs.model)) {
      nojobsterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[9], formulae$alternate$total_terms[9],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[9], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[9])
      juv.obs.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 7, approach = approach,
        dist = "binom", zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$juv.obs.model,
        subdata = juvobs.data, vind = juvobs.ind, vtrans = juvobs.trans,
        suite = suite[9], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$juv.obs.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.obs.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$juv.obs.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[9], noterms = nojobsterms)
      juv.obs.global.model <- juv.obs.global.list$model
      juvobs.ind <- juv.obs.global.list$ind
      juvobs.trans <- juv.obs.global.list$trans
      juvobs.table <- juv.obs.global.list$table
      juvobs.bf <- juv.obs.global.list$bf_model
      juvobs.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = juvobs.bf,
        subdata = juvobs.data, param = obs[1], quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
    } else if (!is.element(0, juvobs.data[, chosen_var])) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile observation status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$juv.obs.model <- 1
      juv.obs.global.model <- juvobs.bf <- 1
      juvobs.ind <- juvobs.trans <- 0
      juvobs.accuracy <- 1
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile observation status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$juv.obs.model <- 1
      juv.obs.global.model <- juvobs.bf <- juvobs.ind <- juvobs.trans <- 0
      juvobs.accuracy <- 1
  } else {
    juv.obs.global.model <- juvobs.bf <- 1
    juvobs.ind <- juvobs.trans <- 0
    juvobs.accuracy <- NA
  # Juvenile primary size
  if (!is.na(juvestimate) & !is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.size.model) & nchar(formulae$main$juv.size.model) > 1) {
    juvsurv.data <- subset(juv.data, juv.data[,stage2col] == juvestimate & juv.data[,which(names(juv.data) == surv[2])] == 1)
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[,vars_used_pm]
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[complete.cases(juvsurv.data),]
    juvobs.data <- subset(juvsurv.data, juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == surv[1])] == 1)
    if (formulae$main$juv.obs.model != 1) {
      juvsize.data <- subset(juvobs.data, juvobs.data[, which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
      juvsize.data <- juvsize.data[which(!is.na(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])])),]
      if (sizeb_used) {
        juvsizeb.data <- subset(juvobs.data, juvobs.data[, which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
        juvsizeb.data <- juvsizeb.data[which(!is.na(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])),]
      if (sizec_used) {
        juvsizec.data <- subset(juvobs.data, juvobs.data[, which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
        juvsizec.data <- juvsizec.data[which(!is.na(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])])),]
    } else {
      juvsize.data <- juvobs.data
      juvsize.data <- juvsize.data[which(!is.na(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])])),]
      if (sizeb_used) {
        juvsizeb.data <- juvobs.data
        juvsizeb.data <- juvsizeb.data[which(!is.na(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])),]
      if (sizec_used) {
        juvsizec.data <- juvobs.data
        juvsizec.data <- juvsizec.data[which(!is.na(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])])),]
    if (formulae$main$juv.size.model != 1) {
      juvsize.uns <- unique(juvsize.data[,which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])])
      if (length(juvsize.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Juvenile primary size in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$juv.size.model <- juvsize.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$juv.size.model <- juvsize.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$juv.size.model <- juvsize.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.size.model <- juvsize.uns[1]
    if (sizedist != "gamma") {
      if (sizedist == "poisson" | sizedist == "negbin") {
        if (any(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])] != 
            round(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])]))) {
          stop("Primary size variables must be composed only of integers for the Poisson
            or negative binomial distributions to be used.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (any(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])]  < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        stop("Primary size variables must be non-negative for the gamma distribution to be used.",
          call. = FALSE)
    juvsize.ind <- length(unique(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == indiv)]))
    juvsize.trans <- dim(juvsize.data)[1]
    if (juvsize.trans < 2) formulae$main$juv.size.model = 1
    if (nchar(formulae$main$juv.size.model) > 1) {
      nojsizeterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[10], formulae$alternate$total_terms[10],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[10], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[10])
      juv.size.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 8, approach = approach, 
        dist = sizedist, zero = jsize.zero, truncz = jsize.trunc, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$juv.size.model,
        subdata = juvsize.data, vind = juvsize.ind, vtrans = juvsize.trans,
        suite = suite[10], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$juv.size.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.size.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$juv.size.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[10], noterms = nojsizeterms, null_model = TRUE)
      juv.size.global.model <- juv.size.global.list$model
      juvsize.ind <- juv.size.global.list$ind
      juvsize.trans <- juv.size.global.list$trans
      juvsize.table <- juv.size.global.list$table
      juvsize.bf <- juv.size.global.list$bf_model
      juvsize.null <- juv.size.global.list$null_model
      juvsize.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = juvsize.bf,
        subdata = juvsize.data, param = size[1], style = 2,
        nullmodel = juvsize.null, dist = sizedist, trunc = jsize.trunc,
        approach = approach, quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile primary size is constant so will not model it.\n")
      juv.size.global.model <- juvsize.bf <- 1
      juvsize.ind <- juvsize.trans <- 0
      juvsize.accuracy <- NA
  } else {
    juv.size.global.model <- juvsize.bf <- 1
    juvsize.ind <- juvsize.trans <- 0
    juvsize.accuracy <- NA
  # Juvenile secondary size
  if (sizeb_used & !is.na(juvestimate) & !is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model) &
      nchar(formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model) > 1) {
    if (formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model != 1) {
      juvsizeb.uns <- unique(juvsizeb.data[,which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])
      if (length(juvsizeb.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Juvenile secondary size in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model <- juvsizeb.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$juv.sizeb.model <- juvsizeb.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$juv.sizeb.model <- juvsizeb.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.sizeb.model <- juvsizeb.uns[1]
    if (sizebdist != "gamma") {
      if (sizebdist == "poisson" | sizebdist == "negbin") {
        if (any(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])] != 
            round(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])]))) {
          stop("Secondary size variables must be composed only of integers for the Poisson
            or negative binomial distributions to be used.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (any(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])]  < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        stop("Secondary size variables must be non-negative for the gamma distribution to be used.",
          call. = FALSE)
    juvsizeb.ind <- length(unique(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == indiv)]))
    juvsizeb.trans <- dim(juvsizeb.data)[1]
    if (juvsizeb.trans < 2) formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model = 1
    if (nchar(formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model) > 1) {
      nojsizebterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[11], formulae$alternate$total_terms[11],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[11], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[11])
      juv.sizeb.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 12, approach = approach, 
        dist = sizebdist, zero = jsizeb.zero, truncz = jsizeb.trunc, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$juv.sizeb.model,
        subdata = juvsizeb.data, vind = juvsizeb.ind, vtrans = juvsizeb.trans,
        suite = suite[11], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$juv.sizeb.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.sizeb.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$juv.sizeb.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[11], noterms = nojsizebterms, null_model = TRUE)
      juv.sizeb.global.model <- juv.sizeb.global.list$model
      juvsizeb.ind <- juv.sizeb.global.list$ind
      juvsizeb.trans <- juv.sizeb.global.list$trans
      juvsizeb.table <- juv.sizeb.global.list$table
      juvsizeb.bf <- juv.sizeb.global.list$bf_model
      juvsizeb.null <- juv.sizeb.global.list$null_model
      juvsizeb.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = juvsizeb.bf,
        subdata = juvsizeb.data, param = sizeb[1], style = 2,
        nullmodel = juvsizeb.null, dist = sizebdist, trunc = jsizeb.trunc,
        approach = approach, quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile secondary size is constant so will not model it.\n")
      juv.sizeb.global.model <- juvsizeb.bf <- 1
      juvsizeb.ind <- juvsizeb.trans <- 0
      juvsizeb.accuracy <- NA
  } else {
    juv.sizeb.global.model <- juvsizeb.bf <- 1
    juvsizeb.ind <- juvsizeb.trans <- 0
    juvsizeb.accuracy <- NA
  # Juvenile tertiary size
  if (sizec_used & !is.na(juvestimate) & !is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.sizec.model) &
      nchar(formulae$main$juv.sizec.model) > 1) {
    if (sizecdist != "gamma") {
      if (sizecdist == "poisson" | sizecdist == "negbin") {
        if (any(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])] != 
            round(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])]))) {
          stop("Tertiary size variables must be composed only of integers for the Poisson
            or negative binomial distributions to be used.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (any(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])]  < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        stop("Tertiary size variables must be non-negative for the gamma distribution to be used.",
          call. = FALSE)
    if (formulae$main$juv.sizec.model != 1) {
      juvsizec.uns <- unique(juvsizec.data[,which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])])
      if (length(juvsizec.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Juvenile tertiary size in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$juv.sizec.model <- juvsizec.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$juv.sizec.model <- juvsizec.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$juv.sizec.model <- juvsizec.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.sizec.model <- juvsizec.uns[1]
    juvsizec.ind <- length(unique(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == indiv)]))
    juvsizec.trans <- dim(juvsizec.data)[1]
    if (juvsizec.trans < 2) formulae$main$juv.sizec.model = 1
    if (nchar(formulae$main$juv.sizec.model) > 1) {
      nojsizecterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[12], formulae$alternate$total_terms[12],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[12], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[12])
      juv.sizec.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 13, approach = approach, 
        dist = sizecdist, zero = jsizec.zero, truncz = jsizec.trunc, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$juv.sizec.model,
        subdata = juvsizec.data, vind = juvsizec.ind, vtrans = juvsizec.trans,
        suite = suite[12], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$juv.sizec.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.sizec.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$juv.sizec.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[12], noterms = nojsizecterms, null_model = TRUE)
      juv.sizec.global.model <- juv.sizec.global.list$model
      juvsizec.ind <- juv.sizec.global.list$ind
      juvsizec.trans <- juv.sizec.global.list$trans
      juvsizec.table <- juv.sizec.global.list$table
      juvsizec.bf <- juv.sizec.global.list$bf_model
      juvsizec.null <- juv.sizec.global.list$null_model
      juvsizec.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = juvsizec.bf,
        subdata = juvsizec.data, param = sizec[1], style = 2,
        nullmodel = juvsizec.null, dist = sizecdist, trunc = jsizec.trunc,
        approach = approach, quiet = quiet, check = accuracy)
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile tertiary size is constant so will not model it.\n")
      juv.sizec.global.model <- juvsizec.bf <- 1
      juvsizec.ind <- juvsizec.trans <- 0
      juvsizec.accuracy <- NA
  } else {
    juv.sizec.global.model <- juvsizec.bf <- 1
    juvsizec.ind <- juvsizec.trans <- 0
    juvsizec.accuracy <- NA
  # Juvenile reproductive status
  if (!is.na(juvestimate) & !is.numeric(formulae$main$juv.repst.model) &
      nchar(formulae$main$juv.repst.model) > 1) {
    juvsurv.data <- subset(juv.data, juv.data[,stage2col] == juvestimate & juv.data[,which(names(juv.data) == surv[2])] == 1)
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[,vars_used_pm]
    juvsurv.data <- juvsurv.data[complete.cases(juvsurv.data),]
    juvobs.data <- subset(juvsurv.data, juvsurv.data[, which(names(juvsurv.data) == surv[1])] == 1)
    if (formulae$main$juv.obs.model != 1) {
      juvsize.data <- subset(juvobs.data, juvobs.data[, which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
      juvsize.data <- juvsize.data[which(!is.na(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])])),]
      if (sizeb_used) {
        juvsizeb.data <- subset(juvobs.data, juvobs.data[, which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
        juvsizeb.data <- juvsizeb.data[which(!is.na(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])),]
      if (sizec_used) {
        juvsizec.data <- subset(juvobs.data, juvobs.data[, which(names(juvobs.data) == obs[1])] == 1)
        juvsizec.data <- juvsizec.data[which(!is.na(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])])),]
    } else {
      juvsize.data <- juvobs.data
      juvsize.data <- juvsize.data[which(!is.na(juvsize.data[, which(names(juvsize.data) == size[1])])),]
      if (sizeb_used) {
        juvsizeb.data <- juvobs.data
        juvsizeb.data <- juvsizeb.data[which(!is.na(juvsizeb.data[, which(names(juvsizeb.data) == sizeb[1])])),]
      if (sizec_used) {
        juvsizec.data <- juvobs.data
        juvsizec.data <- juvsizec.data[which(!is.na(juvsizec.data[, which(names(juvsizec.data) == sizec[1])])),]
    juvrepst.data <- juvsize.data
    juvrepst.ind <- length(unique(juvrepst.data[, which(names(juvrepst.data) == indiv)]))
    juvrepst.trans <- dim(juvrepst.data)[1]
    if (juvrepst.trans < 2) formulae$main$juv.repst.model = 1
    chosen_var <- which(names(juvrepst.data) == repst[1])
    if (formulae$main$juv.repst.model != 1) {
      juvrepst.uns <- unique(juvrepst.data[,which(names(juvrepst.data) == repst[1])])
      if (length(juvrepst.uns) == 1) {
        warning("Juvenile reproductive status in time t+1 appears to be constant, and so will be set to constant.\n",
          call. = FALSE)
        formulae$main$juv.repst.model <- juvrepst.uns[1]
        formulae$alternate$juv.repst.model <- juvrepst.uns[1]
        formulae$glm.alternate$juv.repst.model <- juvrepst.uns[1]
        formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.repst.model <- juvrepst.uns[1]
    if (is.element(0, juvrepst.data[, chosen_var]) & is.element(1, juvrepst.data[, chosen_var]) & 
        nchar(formulae$main$juv.repst.model) > 1) {
      nojrepstterms = c(formulae$main$total_terms[13], formulae$alternate$total_terms[13],
        formulae$glm.alternate$total_terms[13], formulae$nocovs.alternate$total_terms[13])
      juv.repst.global.list <- .headmaster_ritual(vrate = 9, approach = approach, 
        dist = "binom", zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = quiet,
        quiet.mil = quiet.mileposts, usedformula = formulae$main$juv.repst.model,
        subdata = juvrepst.data, vind = juvrepst.ind, vtrans = juvrepst.trans,
        suite = suite[13], global.only = global.only, criterion = used.criterion,
        bestfit = bestfit, correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
        alt_formula = formulae$alternate$juv.repst.model,
        alt_nocovsformula = formulae$nocovs.alternate$juv.repst.model,
        alt_glmformula = formulae$glm.alternate$juv.repst.model,
        extra_fac = extra_factors[13], noterms = nojrepstterms)
      juv.repst.global.model <- juv.repst.global.list$model
      juvrepst.ind <- juv.repst.global.list$ind
      juvrepst.trans <- juv.repst.global.list$trans
      juvrepst.table <- juv.repst.global.list$table
      juvrepst.bf <- juv.repst.global.list$bf_model
      juvrepst.accuracy <- .accu_predict(bestfitmodel = juvrepst.bf,
        subdata = juvrepst.data, param = repst[1], quiet = quiet,
        check = accuracy)
    } else if (!is.element(0, juvrepst.data[, chosen_var])) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile reproductive status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$juv.repst.model <- 1
      juv.repst.global.model <- juvrepst.bf <- 1
      juvrepst.ind <- juvrepst.trans <- 0
      juvrepst.accuracy <- 1
    } else {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nJuvenile reproductive status is constant so will not model it.\n")
      formulae$main$juv.repst.model <- 1
      juv.repst.global.model <- juvrepst.bf <- juvrepst.ind <- juvrepst.trans <- 0
      juvrepst.accuracy <- 1
  } else {
    juv.repst.global.model <- juvrepst.bf <- 1
    juvrepst.ind <- juvrepst.trans <- 0
    juvrepst.accuracy <- NA
  if (!quiet.mileposts & global.only == FALSE) {message("\nFinished selecting best-fit models.\n")}
  # Final output
  qcoutput <- cbind.data.frame(c("survival", "observation", "size", "sizeb", "sizec",
      "reproduction", "fecundity", "juvenile_survival", "juvnile_observation",
      "juvenile_size", "juvenile_sizeb", "juvenile_sizec", "juvenile_reproduction",
    c(surv.ind, obs.ind, size.ind, sizeb.ind, sizec.ind, repst.ind, fec.ind, juvsurv.ind,
      juvobs.ind, juvsize.ind, juvsizeb.ind, juvsizec.ind, juvrepst.ind, juvmatst.ind),
    c(surv.trans, obs.trans, size.trans, sizeb.trans, sizec.trans, repst.trans, fec.trans,
      juvsurv.trans, juvobs.trans, juvsize.trans, juvsizeb.trans, juvsizec.trans,
      juvrepst.trans, juvmatst.trans),
    c("binomial", "binomial", sizedist, sizebdist, sizecdist, "binomial", fecdist,
      "binomial", "binomial", sizedist, sizebdist, sizecdist, "binomial", "binomial"),
    c(surv.accuracy, obs.accuracy, size.accuracy, sizeb.accuracy, sizec.accuracy,
      repst.accuracy, fec.accuracy, juvsurv.accuracy, juvobs.accuracy, juvsize.accuracy, 
      juvsizeb.accuracy, juvsizec.accuracy, juvrepst.accuracy, juvmatst.accuracy))
  names(qcoutput) <- c("vital_rate", "individuals", "transitions",
    "distribution", "accuracy")
  if (show.model.tables == FALSE) {
    surv.table <- NA
    obs.table <- NA
    size.table <- NA
    sizeb.table <- NA
    sizec.table <- NA
    repst.table <- NA
    fec.table <- NA
    juvsurv.table <- NA
    juvobs.table <- NA
    juvsize.table <- NA
    juvsizeb.table <- NA
    juvsizec.table <- NA
    juvrepst.table <- NA
    juvmatst.table <- NA
  if (global.only) {bestfit <- "global model only"}
  #Now we develop the final output, creating a new S3 class to do it
  full.output <- list(survival_model = surv.bf, observation_model = obs.bf,
    size_model = size.bf, sizeb_model = sizeb.bf, sizec_model = sizec.bf,
    repstatus_model = repst.bf, fecundity_model = fec.bf, 
    juv_survival_model = juvsurv.bf, juv_observation_model = juvobs.bf, 
    juv_size_model = juvsize.bf, juv_sizeb_model = juvsizeb.bf, 
    juv_sizec_model = juvsizec.bf, juv_reproduction_model = juvrepst.bf,
    juv_maturity_model = juvmatst.bf, survival_table = surv.table,
    observation_table = obs.table, size_table = size.table,
    sizeb_table = sizeb.table, sizec_table = sizec.table,
    repstatus_table = repst.table, fecundity_table = fec.table,
    juv_survival_table = juvsurv.table, juv_observation_table = juvobs.table,
    juv_size_table = juvsize.table, juv_sizeb_table = juvsizeb.table,
    juv_sizec_table = juvsizec.table, juv_reproduction_table = juvrepst.table,
    juv_maturity_table = juvmatst.table, paramnames = formulae$main$paramnames, 
    criterion = bestfit, qc = qcoutput)
  class(full.output) <- "lefkoMod"

#' Full Model Selection for Single Vital Rate
#' Function \code{.headmaster_ritual()} creates global model, dredges, and finds
#' the best-fit model given a core vital rate, dataset, and starting model
#' formula, and then passes it back to function \code{\link{modelsearch}()}.
#' @name .headmaster_ritual
#' @param vrate An integer value indicating which model to build, as follows:
#' \code{1}: Adult survival probability, \code{2}: Adult observation
#' probability, \code{3}: Adult primary size, \code{4}: Adult reproduction
#' probability, \code{5}: Adult fecundity rate, \code{6}: Juvenile survival
#' probability, \code{7}: Juvenile observation probability, \code{9}: Juvenile
#' reproduction probability, \code{10}: Adult secondary size, \code{11}: Adult
#' tertiary size, \code{12}: Juvenile secondary size, \code{13}: Juvenile
#' tertiary size, and \code{14}: Juvenile maturity status.
#' @param approach A text variable indicating whether to use a mixed model
#' approach. If \code{"mixed"}, then assumes a mixed model approach. If
#' \code{"glm"}, will assume a GLM approach. Defaults to \code{"mixed"}.
#' @param dist Distribution of response. Used mostly in size and fecundity
#' models, which use \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"poisson"}, \code{"negbin"}, or
#' \code{"gamma"} distributions. Can also be set to \code{"binom"} for
#' probabilities.
#' @param zero A logical value indicating whether to use a zero-inflated
#' distribution. Only needed for non-Gaussian size or fecundity response models.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param truncz A logical value indicating whether to use a zero-truncated
#' distribution. Only needed for non-Gaussian size or fecundity response models.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param quiet A logical value indicating whether to issue diagnostic messages
#' while running. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param quiet.mil A logical value indicating whether to issue model milepost
#' messages. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param usedformula The specific formula to use in modeling, entered as text
#' in list format.
#' @param subdata The data frame to use in modeling.
#' @param vind This is the individual number term previously developed for QC
#' output.
#' @param vtrans This is the transition number term previously developed for QC
#' output.
#' @param suite This describes the global model for each vital rate estimation
#' and has the following possible values: \code{full}, includes main effects and
#' all two-way interactions of size and reproductive status; \code{main},
#' includes main effects only of size and reproductive status; \code{size},
#' includes only size (also interactions between size in historical model);
#' \code{rep}, includes only reproductive status (also interactions between
#' status in historical model); \code{cons}, all vital rates estimated only as
#' y-intercepts. If \code{approach = "glm"} and \code{year.as.random = FALSE},
#' then year is also included as a fixed effect, and, in the case of
#' \code{full}, included in two-way interactions. Defaults to \code{size}.
#' @param global.only If set to TRUE, then only global models will be built and
#' evaluated. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param criterion This refers to the model selection criterion used to rank
#' models when running the \code{\link[MuMIn]{dredge}()} function.
#' @param bestfit A variable indicating the model selection criterion for the
#' choice of best-fit model. The default is \code{AICc&k}, which chooses the 
#' best-fit model as the model with the lowest AICc or, if not the same model,
#' then the model that has the lowest degrees of freedom among models with
#' \eqn{\Delta AICc <= 2.0}. Alternatively, \code{AICc} may be chosen, in which
#' case the best-fit model is simply the model with the lowest AICc value.
#' @param correction.patch Text term denoting patch.
#' @param correction.year Text term denoting year.
#' @param correction.indiv Text term denoting individual identity.
#' @param alt_formula A string indicating an alternative formula to work with,
#' provided that \code{suite = "full"}. In other cases, \code{NA}.
#' @param alt_nocovsformula An alternative formula without individual
#' covariates.
#' @param alt_glmformula An alternative formula assuming all fixed factors and
#' \code{approach = "glm"}.
#' @param extra_fac An integer giving the number of extra fixed factors to
#' include in the model. Primarily used to determine whether to dredge models
#' if \code{suite = "cons"}.
#' @param noterms An integer vector with four elements, comprising of the
#' number of terms in the main model formula, alternate model formula,
#' glm alternate model formula, and nocovs alternate model formula.
#' @param null_model A logical value indicating whether to extract the null
#' (y-intercept only) model.
#' @return Function \code{ms_binom()} outputs a list containing a global model,
#' the number of individuals and transitions used in modeling, the best-fit
#' model, the null model (y-intercept only), and a dredge model table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.headmaster_ritual <- function(vrate, approach = "mixed", dist = NA,
  zero = FALSE, truncz = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, quiet.mil = FALSE, usedformula,
  subdata, vind, vtrans, suite, global.only = FALSE, criterion = "AICc",
  bestfit = "AICc&k", correction.patch, correction.year, correction.indiv,
  alt_formula, alt_nocovsformula, alt_glmformula, extra_fac, noterms,
  null_model = FALSE) {
  old <- options()
  model_null <- null_model_num <- df.models <- NA
  override <- cutswitch <- FALSE
  if (!is.na(dist)) {
    if (!is.element(dist, c("gaussian", "poisson", "negbin", "binom", "gamma"))) {
      stop("Response distribution not recognized.", call. = FALSE)
  strange_vrates <- c(3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13)
  if (is.element(vrate, strange_vrates)) {
    if ((dist == "negbin" | dist == "poisson") & zero) {
      if (noterms[1] > 15) {
        if (noterms[2] > 0 & noterms[2] < 16) {
          usedformula <- alt_formula
          message("\nToo many terms for zero-inflated models. Will use a smaller set for those models.\n")
        } else if (noterms[4] > 0 & noterms[4] < 16) {
          usedformula <- alt_nocovsformula
          message("\nToo many terms for zero-inflated models. Will use a smaller set for those models.\n")
        } else if (noterms[3] > 0 & noterms[3] < 16) {
          usedformula <- alt_glmformula
          message("\nToo many terms for zero-inflated models. Will use a smaller set for those models.\n")
  if (vrate == 1) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of survival probability...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nSurvival probability will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = TRUE
  } else if (vrate == 2) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of observation probability...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nObservation probability will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = TRUE
  } else if (vrate == 3) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of primary size...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nPrimary size will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = FALSE
  } else if (vrate == 4) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of reproduction probability...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nReproduction probability will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = TRUE
  } else if (vrate == 5) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of fecundity...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nFecundity will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = FALSE
  } else if (vrate == 6) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of juvenile survival probability...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nJuvenile survival probability will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = TRUE
  } else if (vrate == 7) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of juvenile observation probability...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nJuvenile observation probability will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = TRUE
  } else if (vrate == 8) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of juvenile primary size...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nJuvenile primary size will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = FALSE
  } else if (vrate == 9) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of juvenile reproduction probability...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nJuvenile reproduction probability will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = TRUE
  } else if (vrate == 10) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of secondary size...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nSecondary size will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = FALSE
  } else if (vrate == 11) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of tertiary size...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nTertiary size will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = FALSE
  } else if (vrate == 12) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of juvenile secondary size...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nJuvenile secondary size will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = FALSE
  } else if (vrate == 13) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of juvenile tertiary size...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nJuvenile tertiary size will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = FALSE
  } else if (vrate == 14) {
    if (!quiet.mil) {
      if (usedformula != "none") {
        message("\nDeveloping global model of juvenile maturity probability...\n");
      } else {
        message("\nJuvenile maturity probability will be treated as constant.\n")
    binom.model = TRUE
  } else {
    stop("Vital rate model not recognized.", call. = FALSE)
  if (usedformula != "none") {
    global.model <- .levindurosier(usedformula, subdata, approach, binom.model,
      dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
  } else {
    global.model <- 1
    vind <- 0
    vtrans <- 0
    model_bf <- global.model
    model_null <- global.model
    model_table <- NA
    cutswitch <- TRUE
  if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
    if (!is.na(alt_formula)) {
      nox.model <- alt_formula
    } else {
      nox.model <- usedformula
    if (nox.model != usedformula) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nInitial global model estimation failed.
          Attempting a global model without interaction terms.\n")
      global.model <- .levindurosier(nox.model, subdata, approach, binom.model,
        dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
      nopat.model <- nox.model
      cor_patch <- apply(as.matrix(c(1:4)), 1, function(X) {grepl(correction.patch[X], nopat.model)})
      if (any(cor_patch)) {
        nopat.model <- gsub(correction.patch[which(cor_patch)[1]], "", nopat.model, fixed = TRUE)
      if (nopat.model != nox.model) {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nGlobal model estimation difficulties.
            Attempting a global model without a patch term.")
        global.model <- .levindurosier(nopat.model, subdata, approach, binom.model,
          dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
      noyr.model <- nox.model
      cor_year <- apply(as.matrix(c(1:4)), 1, function(X) {grepl(correction.year[X], noyr.model)})
      if (any(cor_year)) {
        noyr.model <- gsub(correction.year[which(cor_year)[1]], "", noyr.model, fixed = TRUE)
      if (noyr.model != nox.model) {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nGlobal model estimation difficulties.
            Attempting a global model without a year term.")
        global.model <- .levindurosier(noyr.model, subdata, approach, binom.model,
          dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
      nocovs.model <- alt_nocovsformula
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nGlobal model estimation difficulties.
          Attempting a global model without individual covariates.")
      global.model <- .levindurosier(nocovs.model, subdata, approach, binom.model,
        dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
      nocovpat.model <- nocovs.model
      cor_patch <- apply(as.matrix(c(1:4)), 1, function(X) {grepl(correction.patch[X], nocovpat.model)})
      if (any(cor_patch)) {
        nocovpat.model <- gsub(correction.patch[which(cor_patch)[1]], "", nocovpat.model, fixed = TRUE)
      if (nocovpat.model != nocovs.model) {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nGlobal model estimation difficulties.
            Attempting a global model without individual covariates and a patch term.")
        global.model <- .levindurosier(nocovpat.model, subdata, approach, binom.model,
          dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
      nocovyr.model <- nocovs.model
      cor_year <- apply(as.matrix(c(1:4)), 1, function(X) {grepl(correction.year[X], nocovyr.model)})
      if (any(cor_year)) {
        nocovyr.model <- gsub(correction.year[which(cor_year)[1]], "", nocovyr.model, fixed = TRUE)
      if (nocovyr.model != nocovpat.model) {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nGlobal model estimation difficulties.
            Attempting a global model without individual covariates and patch and year terms.")
        global.model <- .levindurosier(nocovyr.model, subdata, approach, binom.model,
          dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
      noind.model <- usedformula
      cor_indiv <- apply(as.matrix(c(1:4)), 1, function(X) {grepl(correction.indiv[X], noind.model)})
      if (any(cor_indiv)) {
        noind.model <- gsub(correction.indiv[which(cor_indiv)[1]], "", noind.model, fixed = TRUE)
      if (noind.model != usedformula) {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nGlobal model estimation difficulties.
            Attempting a global model without an individual identity term.")
        global.model <- .levindurosier(noind.model, subdata, approach, binom.model,
          dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    # The no random term version
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error")) & approach == "mixed") {
      noran.model <- alt_glmformula
      if (!quiet) {
        message("\nGlobal model estimation difficulties.
          Attempting a global GLM model without random terms.")
      global.model <- .levindurosier(noind.model, subdata, approach = "glm",
        binom.model, dist, truncz, zero, quiet)
    if (any(is(global.model, "try-error"))) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {
        if (vrate == 1) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for survival probability.")
        } else if (vrate == 2) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for observation probability.")
        } else if (vrate == 3) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for primary size.")
        } else if (vrate == 4) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for reproduction probability.")
        } else if (vrate == 5) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for fecundity.")
        } else if (vrate == 6) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for juvenile survival probability.")
        } else if (vrate == 7) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for juvenile observation probability.")
        } else if (vrate == 8) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for juvenile size.")
        } else if (vrate == 9) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for juvenile reproduction probability.")
        } else if (vrate == 10) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for secondary primary size.")
        } else if (vrate == 11) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for tertiary size.")
        } else if (vrate == 12) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for juvenile secondary size.")
        } else if (vrate == 13) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for juvenile tertiary size.")
        } else if (vrate == 14) {
          message("\nCould not properly estimate a global model for juvenile maturity status.")
      global.model <- 1
      vind <- 0
      vtrans <- 0
      model_bf <- global.model
      model_null <- global.model
      model_table <- NA
      cutswitch <- TRUE
  if (!cutswitch) {
    if (vrate == 1) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of survival probability developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 2) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of observation probability developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 3) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of primary size developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 4) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of reproduction probability developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 5) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of fecundity developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 6) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of juvenile survival probability developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 7) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of juvenile observation probability developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 8) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of juvenile primary size developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 9) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of juvenile reproduction probability developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 10) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of secondary size developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 11) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of tertiary size developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 12) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of juvenile secondary size developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 13) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of juvenile tertiary size developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    } else if (vrate == 14) {
      if (!quiet.mil) {message("\nGlobal model of juvenile maturity status developed. Proceeding with model dredge...\n");}
    model_table <- NA
    if (suite != "cons") override <- TRUE
    if (extra_fac > 0) override <- TRUE
    #This is the section where we dredge the models
    if (override & !global.only & !any(is(global.model, "vglm"))) {
      if (usedformula != 1) {
        options(na.action = "na.fail")
        if (!quiet) {
          model_table <- try(MuMIn::dredge(global.model, rank = criterion), silent = FALSE)
        } else {
          model_table <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(MuMIn::dredge(global.model, 
                  rank = criterion), silent = TRUE)))
        null_model_num <- try(which(model_table$df == min(model_table$df))[1])
        if (is(null_model_num, "try-error")) {
          stop("Currently used model cannot be run. Try running with fewer parameters.", call. = FALSE)
        if (is(model_table, "try-error") & !quiet.mil) {
          if (vrate == 1) {
            message("\nDredge of survival probability failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 2) {
            message("\nDredge of observation probability failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 3) {
            message("\nDredge of primary size failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 4) {
            message("\nDredge of reproduction probability failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 5) {
            message("\nDredge of fecundity failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 6) {
            message("\nDredge of juvenile survival probability failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 7) {
            message("\nDredge of juvenile observation probability failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 8) {
            message("\nDredge of juvenile primary size failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 9) {
            message("\nDredge of juvenile reproduction probability failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 10) {
            message("\nDredge of secondary size failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 11) {
            message("\nDredge of tertiary size failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 12) {
            message("\nDredge of juvenile secondary size failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 13) {
            message("\nDredge of juvenile tertiary size failed.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 14) {
            message("\nDredge of juvenile maturity status failed.\n")
    #Here we extract the best-fit model
    if (length(grep("&k", bestfit)) > 0) {
      if (any(is(model_table, "model.selection"))) {
        if (!quiet) {
          if (vrate == 1) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of survival probability.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 2) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of observation probability.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 3) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of primary size.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 4) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of reproduction probability.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 5) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of fecundity.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 6) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of juvenile survival probability.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 7) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of juvenile observation probability.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 8) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of juvenile primary size.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 9) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of juvenile reproduction probability.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 10) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of secondary size.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 11) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of tertiary size.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 12) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of juvenile secondary size.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 13) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of juvenile tertiary size.\n")
          } else if (vrate == 14) {
            message("\nExtracting best-fit model of juvenile maturity status.\n")
        if (is.na(model_table$delta[1])) {
          df.models <- c(1)
        } else {
          relevant.models <- which(model_table$delta <= 2)
          df.models <- which(model_table$df[relevant.models] == min(model_table$df[relevant.models]))
          if (length(df.models) > 1) {
            df.models <- min(df.models)
        if (quiet) {
          model_bf <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(eval(stats::getCall(model_table, df.models[1]))))
          if (null_model) {
            model_null <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(eval(stats::getCall(model_table, null_model_num))))
        } else {
          model_bf <- eval(stats::getCall(model_table, df.models[1]))
          if (null_model) {
            model_null <- eval(stats::getCall(model_table, null_model_num))
      } else {
        model_bf <- global.model
    } else {
      if (any(is(model_table, "model.selection"))) {
        if (!quiet) {
          message("\nExtracting best-fit model.\n")
        if (quiet) {
          model_bf <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(eval(stats::getCall(model_table, 1))))
          if (null_model) {
            model_null <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(eval(stats::getCall(model_table, null_model_num))))
        } else {
          model_bf <- eval(stats::getCall(model_table, 1))
          if (null_model) {
            model_null <- eval(stats::getCall(model_table, null_model_num))
      } else {
        model_bf <- global.model
  output <- list(model = global.model, ind = vind, trans = vtrans,
    bf_model = model_bf, null_model = model_null, table = model_table)

#' Core Global Model Builder for .headmaster_ritual()
#' A function that gets used repeatedly in \code{\link{.headmaster_ritual}()} to
#' build the global model to be dredged in function \code{\link{modelsearch}()}.
#' @name .levindurosier
#' @param usedformula The formula to be used in the linear modeling call.
#' @param subdata The data subset to be used in the linear modeling call.
#' @param approach Statistical approach, currently either "mixed" or "glm".
#' @param binom.model A logical value indicating whether to fit a binomial
#' distribution.
#' @param dist A string indicating whether the response is "gaussian",
#' "poisson", "negbin", or "gamma", if it is not binomial.
#' @param truncz A logical value indicating whether to use a zero-truncated
#' distribution.
#' @param zero A logical value indicating whether to use a zero-inflated
#' distribution.
#' @param quiet A logical value indicating whether warning messages should be
#' suppressed (\code{TRUE}) or displayed (\code{FALSE}).
#' @return This function returns a fit linear model of class generated by the
#' appropriate linear modeling function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.levindurosier <- function(usedformula, subdata, approach, binom.model, dist,
  truncz, zero, quiet = FALSE) {
  if (!quiet) {
    if (approach == "mixed" & !is.na(dist)) {
      if (binom.model) {
        global_model <- try(lme4::glmer(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula), 
            data = subdata, family = "binomial"), silent = quiet)
      } else {
        if (dist == "gaussian") {
          global_model <- try(lme4::lmer(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
              data = subdata), silent = quiet)
        } else if (dist == "gamma") {
            global_model <- try(lme4::glmer(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, family = "Gamma"), silent = quiet)
        } else if (!truncz) {
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(lme4::glmer(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, family = "poisson"), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "poisson" & zero) {
            global_model <- try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, ziformula=~., family = "poisson"), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, ziformula=~0, family = glmmTMB::nbinom2), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & zero) {
            global_model <- try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, ziformula=~., family = glmmTMB::nbinom2), silent = quiet)
        } else if (truncz) {
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, family = glmmTMB::truncated_poisson), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, ziformula=~0, family = glmmTMB::truncated_nbinom2), silent = quiet)
    } else if (approach == "glm" & !is.na(dist)) {
      if (binom.model) {
        global_model <- try(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
            data = subdata, family = "binomial"), silent = quiet)
      } else {
        if (dist == "gaussian") {
          global_model <- try(stats::lm(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
              data = subdata), silent = quiet)
        } else if (dist == "gamma") {
          global_model <- try(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
              data = subdata, family = "Gamma"), silent = quiet)
        } else if (!truncz) {
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, family = "poisson"), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "poisson" & zero) {
            global_model <- try(pscl::zeroinfl(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, dist = "poisson"), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(MASS::glm.nb(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & zero) {
            global_model <- try(pscl::zeroinfl(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula), 
                data = subdata, dist = "negbin"), silent = quiet)
        } else if (truncz) {
          usedformula <- gsub(" + 1", "", usedformula, fixed = TRUE)
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(VGAM::vglm(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, family = VGAM::pospoisson()), silent = quiet)
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- try(VGAM::vglm(formula = stats::as.formula(usedformula),
                data = subdata, family = VGAM::posnegbinomial()), silent = quiet)
    } else {
      stop("Modeling approach not recognized.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (approach == "mixed" & !is.na(dist)) {
      if (binom.model) {
        global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(lme4::glmer(formula =
            stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = "binomial"),
            silent = quiet)))
      } else {
        if (dist == "gaussian") {
          global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(lme4::lmer(formula =
              stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata), silent = quiet)))
        } else if (dist == "gamma") {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(lme4::glmer(formula =
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = "Gamma"),
                silent = quiet)))
        } else if (!truncz) {
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(lme4::glmer(formula =
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = "poisson"),
                silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "poisson" & zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, ziformula=~., family = "poisson"),
                silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, ziformula=~0,
                family = glmmTMB::nbinom2), silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, ziformula=~.,
                family = glmmTMB::nbinom2), silent = quiet)))
        } else if (truncz) {
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata,
                family = glmmTMB::truncated_poisson), silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, ziformula=~0,
                family = glmmTMB::truncated_nbinom2), silent = quiet)))
    } else if (approach == "glm" & !is.na(dist)) {
      if (binom.model) {
        global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(stats::glm(formula =
            stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = "binomial"),
            silent = quiet)))
      } else {
        if (dist == "gaussian") {
          global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(stats::lm(formula =
              stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata), silent = quiet)))
        } else if (dist == "gamma") {
          global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(stats::glm(formula =
              stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = "Gamma"),
              silent = quiet)))
        } else if (!truncz) {
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(stats::glm(formula =
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = "poisson"),
                silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "poisson" & zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(pscl::zeroinfl(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, dist = "poisson"),
                silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(MASS::glm.nb(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata), silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(pscl::zeroinfl(formula = 
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, dist = "negbin"),
                silent = quiet)))
        } else if (truncz) {
          usedformula <- gsub(" + 1", "", usedformula, fixed = TRUE)
          if (dist == "poisson" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(VGAM::vglm(formula =
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = VGAM::pospoisson()),
                silent = quiet)))
          } else if (dist == "negbin" & !zero) {
            global_model <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(VGAM::vglm(formula =
                stats::as.formula(usedformula), data = subdata, family = VGAM::posnegbinomial()),
                silent = quiet)))
    } else {
      stop("Modeling approach not recognized.", call. = FALSE)

#' Estimate Accuracy of Binomial Model
#' Function \code{.accu_predict} estimates the accuracy of vital rate models.
#' Accuracy of vital rate models is calculated differently depending on vital
#' rate and assumed distribution. For all vital rates assuming a binomial
#' distribution, including survival, observation status, reproductive status,
#' and juvenile version of these, accuracy is calculated as the percent of
#' predicted responses equal to actual responses. In all other models, accuracy
#' is assessed as a basic R\textsuperscript{2} in which the function predicts
#' the expected value for each data point in the model subset according to the
#' given best-fit model, and the sum of squared differences between these
#' predicted and observed values are used in the classic sum of squares
#' calculation of R\textsuperscript{2}. If this fails, then \code{NA} is 
#' returned.
#' @name .accu_predict
#' @param bestfitmodel The best-fit model to be passed.
#' @param subdata The dataset to be used for accuracy testing.
#' @param param The name of the response parameter to be used in accuracy
#' testing.
#' @param style An integer indicating whether to calculate binomial accuracy (1)
#' or package \code{MuMIn}'s conditional R2 (2). Defaults to \code{1}.
#' @param nullmodel A null (y-intercept only) model from the model table. Only
#' used to calculate McFadden's pseudo-R2. Defaults to \code{NA}.
#' @param dist The core probability distribution to assume.
#' @param trunc A logical value indicating whether the probability distribution
#' to be used should be zero-truncated.
#' @param approach A text value indicating whether th use \code{"glm"} or
#' \code{"mixed"} models.
#' @param quiet A logical value indicating whether to allow warning messages to
#' be displayed (\code{FALSE}) or suppressed (\code{TRUE}).
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param check A logical value indicating whether to test accuracy. Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A single numeric value giving the proportion of responses accurately
#' predicted.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.accu_predict <- function(bestfitmodel, subdata = NA, param, style = 1,
  nullmodel = NA, dist = "binom", trunc = FALSE, approach = "mixed",
  quiet = FALSE, check = TRUE) {
  pred_vec <- NULL
  accuracy <- NA 
  if (!is.numeric(bestfitmodel) & !is(bestfitmodel, "NULL")) {
    if (is(bestfitmodel, "vglm")) {
      pred_vec <- try(VGAM::predictvglm(bestfitmodel, newdata = subdata,
        type = "response"), silent = TRUE)
      if (is(pred_vec, "try-error")) return(NA)
    } else {
      pred_vec <- try(stats::predict(bestfitmodel, newdata = subdata,
        type = "response"), silent = TRUE)
      if (is(pred_vec, "try-error")) return(NA)
    test_vec <- subdata[,which(names(subdata) == param)]
    if (style == 1) {
      pred_vec <- round(pred_vec)
      results_vec <- pred_vec - test_vec
      results_vec <- results_vec[!is.na(results_vec)]
      accuracy <- length(which(results_vec == 0)) / length(results_vec)
    } else if (style == 2) {
      mean_y <- mean(test_vec, na.rm = TRUE)
      used_test_vec <- test_vec
      if (approach == "mixed") {
        if (dist == "poisson" | dist == "negbin") {
          pred_vec <- round(pred_vec)
          mean_y <- round(mean_y)
          used_test_vec <- round(used_test_vec)
          if (trunc) {
            pred_vec <- pred_vec + 1
      results_vec <- pred_vec - test_vec
      results_vec <- results_vec[!is.na(results_vec)]
      squares_vec <- (results_vec * results_vec)
      sum_squares <- sum(squares_vec)
      base_total <- used_test_vec - mean_y
      base_total <- base_total[!is.na(base_total)]
      base_squares <- base_total * base_total
      sum_base_squares <- sum(base_squares)
      accuracy <- 1.000 - (sum_squares / sum_base_squares)

#' Summary of Class "lefkoMod"
#' A function to summarize objects of class \code{lefkoMod}. This function shows
#' the best-fit models, summarizes the numbers of models in the model tables,
#' shows the criterion used to determine the best-fit models, and provides some
#' basic quality control information.
#' @name summary.lefkoMod
#' @param object An R object of class \code{lefkoMod} resulting from
#' \code{\link{modelsearch}()}.
#' @param ... Other parameters currently not utilized.
#' @return A summary of the object, showing the best-fit models for all vital
#' rates, with constants of 0 or 1 used for unestimated models. This is followed
#' by a summary of the number of models tested per vital rate, and a table
#' showing the names of the parameters used to model vital rates and represent
#' tested factors. At the end is a section describing the numbers of individuals
#' and of individual transitions used to estimate each vital rate best-fit
#' model, along with the accuracy of each binomial model.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Lathyrus example
#' data(lathyrus)
#' sizevector <- c(0, 4.6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
#'   9)
#' stagevector <- c("Sd", "Sdl", "Dorm", "Sz1nr", "Sz2nr", "Sz3nr", "Sz4nr", 
#'   "Sz5nr", "Sz6nr", "Sz7nr", "Sz8nr", "Sz9nr", "Sz1r", "Sz2r", "Sz3r", 
#'   "Sz4r", "Sz5r", "Sz6r", "Sz7r", "Sz8r", "Sz9r")
#' repvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' obsvector <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' matvector <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' immvector <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#' propvector <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
#'   0)
#' indataset <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' binvec <- c(0, 4.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
#'   0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
#' lathframeln <- sf_create(sizes = sizevector, stagenames = stagevector, 
#'   repstatus = repvector, obsstatus = obsvector, matstatus = matvector,
#'   immstatus = immvector, indataset = indataset, binhalfwidth = binvec,
#'   propstatus = propvector)
#' lathvertln <- verticalize3(lathyrus, noyears = 4, firstyear = 1988, 
#'   patchidcol = "SUBPLOT", individcol = "GENET", blocksize = 9,
#'   juvcol = "Seedling1988", sizeacol = "lnVol88", repstracol = "Intactseed88",
#'   fecacol = "Intactseed88", deadacol = "Dead1988", 
#'   nonobsacol = "Dormant1988", stageassign = lathframeln,
#'   stagesize = "sizea", censorcol = "Missing1988", censorkeep = NA,
#'   NAas0 = TRUE, censor = TRUE)
#' lathvertln$feca2 <- round(lathvertln$feca2)
#' lathvertln$feca1 <- round(lathvertln$feca1)
#' lathvertln$feca3 <- round(lathvertln$feca3)
#' lathmodelsln2 <- modelsearch(lathvertln, historical = FALSE, 
#'   approach = "mixed", suite = "main",
#'   vitalrates = c("surv", "obs", "size", "repst", "fec"), juvestimate = "Sdl",
#'   bestfit = "AICc&k", sizedist = "gaussian", fecdist = "poisson",
#'   indiv = "individ", patch = "patchid", year = "year2",
#'   year.as.random = TRUE, patch.as.random = TRUE, show.model.tables = TRUE,
#'   quiet = "partial")
#' summary(lathmodelsln2)
#' }
#' @export
summary.lefkoMod <- function(object, ...) {
  modelsuite <- object

  totalmodels <- length(which(c(is.numeric(modelsuite$survival_model),
    is.numeric(modelsuite$observation_model), is.numeric(modelsuite$size_model),
    is.numeric(modelsuite$sizeb_model), is.numeric(modelsuite$sizec_model),
    is.numeric(modelsuite$repstatus_model), is.numeric(modelsuite$fecundity_model),
    is.numeric(modelsuite$juv_survival_model), is.numeric(modelsuite$juv_observation_model),
    is.numeric(modelsuite$juv_size_model), is.numeric(modelsuite$juv_sizeb_model),
    is.numeric(modelsuite$juv_sizec_model), is.numeric(modelsuite$juv_reproduction_model),
    is.numeric(modelsuite$juv_maturity_model)) == FALSE))
  writeLines(paste0("This LefkoMod object includes ", totalmodels, " linear models."))
  writeLines(paste0("Best-fit model criterion used: ", modelsuite$criterion))
  writeLines("Survival model:")
  writeLines("\nObservation model:")
  writeLines("\nSize model:")
  writeLines("\nSecondary size model:")
  writeLines("\nTertiary size model:")
  writeLines("\nReproductive status model:")
  writeLines("\nFecundity model:")
  writeLines("Juvenile survival model:")
  writeLines("\nJuvenile observation model:")
  writeLines("\nJuvenile size model:")
  writeLines("\nJuvenile secondary size model:")
  writeLines("\nJuvenile tertiary size model:")
  writeLines("\nJuvenile reproduction model:")
  writeLines("\nJuvenile maturity model:")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$survival_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$survival_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in survival table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$survival_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in survival table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nSurvival table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$observation_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$observation_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in observation table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$observation_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in observation table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nObservation table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$size_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$size_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in size table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$size_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in size table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nSize table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$sizeb_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$sizeb_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in secondary size table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$sizeb_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in secondary size table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nSecondary size table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$sizec_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$sizec_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in tertiary size table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$sizec_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in tertiary size table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nTertiary size table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$repstatus_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$repstatus_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in reproduction status table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$repstatus_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in reproduction status table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nReproduction status table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$fecundity_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$fecundity_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in fecundity table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$fecundity_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in fecundity table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nFecundity table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_survival_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$juv_survival_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in juvenile survival table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_survival_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in juvenile survival table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nJuvenile survival table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_observation_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$juv_observation_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in juvenile observation table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_observation_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in juvenile observation table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nJuvenile observation table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_size_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$juv_size_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in juvenile size table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_size_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in juvenile size table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nJuvenile size table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_sizeb_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$juv_sizeb_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in juvenile secondary size table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_sizeb_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in juvenile secondary size table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nJuvenile secondary size table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_sizec_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$juv_sizec_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in juvenile tertiary size table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_sizec_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in juvenile tertiary size table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nJuvenile tertiary size table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_reproduction_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$juv_reproduction_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in juvenile reproduction table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_reproduction_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in juvenile reproduction table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nJuvenile reproduction table not estimated")
  if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_maturity_model) & 
      is(modelsuite$juv_maturity_table, "model.selection")) {
    writeLines(paste0("\nNumber of models in juvenile maturity table: ", 
  } else if (!is.logical(modelsuite$juv_maturity_model)) {
    writeLines("\nNumber of models in juvenile maturity table: 1")
  } else {
    writeLines("\nJuvenile maturity table not estimated")
  writeLines("\nGeneral model parameter names (column 1), and ")
  writeLines("specific names used in these models (column 2): ")
  writeLines("\nQuality control:\n")
  if (modelsuite$qc[1,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Survival model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[1,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[1,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Survival model accuracy is ", round(modelsuite$qc[1,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Survival model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[2,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Observation status model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[2,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[2,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Observation status model accuracy is ", round(modelsuite$qc[2,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Observation status model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[3,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Primary size model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[3,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[3,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Primary size model R-squared is ",
      round(modelsuite$qc[3,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Primary size model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[4,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Secondary size model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[4,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[4,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Secondary size model R-squared is ",
      round(modelsuite$qc[4,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Secondary size model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[5,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Tertiary size model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[5,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[5,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Tertiary size model R-squared is ",
      round(modelsuite$qc[5,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Tertiary size model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[6,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Reproductive status model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[6,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[6,3], " individual transitions."))
   writeLines(paste0("Reproductive status model accuracy is ", round(modelsuite$qc[6,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
   } else {
    writeLines("Reproductive status model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[7,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Fecundity model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[7,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[7,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Fecundity model R-squared is ",
        round(modelsuite$qc[7,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Fecundity model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[8,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile survival model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[8,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[8,3], " individual transitions."))
   writeLines(paste0("Juvenile survival model accuracy is ", round(modelsuite$qc[8,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
   } else {
    writeLines("Juvenile survival model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[9,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile observation status model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[9,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[9,3], " individual transitions."))
   writeLines(paste0("Juvenile observation status model accuracy is ", round(modelsuite$qc[9,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Juvenile observation status model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[10,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile primary size model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[10,2], 
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[10,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile primary size model R-squared is ",
      round(modelsuite$qc[10,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Juvenile primary size model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[11,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile secondary size model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[11,2],
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[11,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile secondary size model R-squared is ",
      round(modelsuite$qc[11,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Juvenile secondary size model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[12,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile tertiary size model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[12,2],
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[12,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile tertiary size model R-squared is ",
      round(modelsuite$qc[12,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Juvenile tertiary size model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[13,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile reproductive status model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[13,2],
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[13,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile reproductive status model accuracy is ",
        round(modelsuite$qc[13,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Juvenile reproductive status model not estimated.")
  if (modelsuite$qc[14,2] > 0) {
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile maturity model estimated with ", modelsuite$qc[14,2],
        " individuals and ", modelsuite$qc[14,3], " individual transitions."))
    writeLines(paste0("Juvenile maturity status model accuracy is ",
        round(modelsuite$qc[14,"accuracy"], 3), "."))
  } else {
    writeLines("Juvenile maturity status model not estimated.")

#' Import Vital Rate Model Factor Values for Function-based MPM Development
#' Function \code{vrm_import()} builds a skeleton list holding data frames and
#' vectors that can be used to import coefficient values for the factors of the
#' vital rate models used to build function-based MPMs or run function-based
#' projections.
#' @name vrm_import
#' @param years A numeric vector of the years or times at time \code{t} to be
#' modeled.
#' @param patches A string or numeric vector of the patch names to be modeled.
#' @param groups An integer vector of stage groups to be modeled. Defaults to a
#' vector with a single element with value \code{0}.
#' @param interactions A logical value indicating whether to include two-way
#' interactions between main effects (\code{TRUE}), or only main effects
#' (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param zi A logical value indicating whether to include coefficients for the
#' binomial components of zero-inflation models. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param cat.indcova If individual covariate a is categorical, then this term
#' should equal a string vector of the names of the categories. Defaults to
#' \code{NULL}, in which case individual covariate a is either not used or is
#' numeric.
#' @param cat.indcovb If individual covariate b is categorical, then this term
#' should equal a string vector of the names of the categories. Defaults to
#' \code{NULL}, in which case individual covariate b is either not used or is
#' numeric.
#' @param cat.indcovc If individual covariate c is categorical, then this term
#' should equal a string vector of the names of the categories. Defaults to
#' \code{NULL}, in which case individual covariate c is either not used or is
#' numeric.
#' @param dist.sizea A string value giving the distribution of the variable
#' coding primary size. Can equal \code{"none"}, \code{"gamma"},
#' \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"poisson"}, \code{"negbin"}, or \code{"constant"}.
#' Defaults to \code{"gaussian"}.
#' @param dist.sizeb A string value giving the distribution of the variable
#' coding secondary size. Can equal \code{"none"}, \code{"gamma"},
#' \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"poisson"}, \code{"negbin"}, or \code{"constant"}.
#' Defaults to \code{"constant"}.
#' @param dist.sizec A string value giving the distribution of the variable
#' coding tertiary size. Can equal \code{"none"}, \code{"gamma"},
#' \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"poisson"}, \code{"negbin"}, or \code{"constant"}.
#' Defaults to \code{"constant"}.
#' @param dist.fec A string value giving the distribution of the variable
#' coding fecundity. Can equal \code{"none"}, \code{"gamma"},
#' \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"poisson"}, or \code{"negbin"}. Defaults to
#' \code{"gaussian"}.
#' @param trunc.sizea A logical value indicating whether the distribution of the
#' primary size variable should be zero-truncated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Currently only works with the Poisson and negative binomial distributions.
#' @param trunc.sizeb A logical value indicating whether the distribution of the
#' secondary size variable should be zero-truncated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Currently only works with the Poisson and negative binomial distributions.
#' @param trunc.sizec A logical value indicating whether the distribution of the
#' tertiary size variable should be zero-truncated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Currently only works with the Poisson and negative binomial distributions.
#' @param trunc.fec A logical value indicating whether the distribution of the
#' fecundity variable should be zero-truncated. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Currently only works with the Poisson and negative binomial distributions.
#' @param use.juv A logical value indicating whether to utilize juvenile vital
#' rates. If \code{FALSE}, then all juvenile vital rates will be set to
#' \code{constant} distributions. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A list of class \code{vrm_input}, with up to 13 elements including:
#' \item{vrm_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for the
#' linear vital rate models.}
#' \item{year_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for the
#' year at time t terms in the linear vital rate models.}
#' \item{patch_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for the
#' patch terms in the linear vital rate models.}
#' \item{group2_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for the
#' stage group terms in time \emph{t} in the linear vital rate models.}
#' \item{group1_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for the
#' stage group terms in time \emph{t}-1 in the linear vital rate models.}
#' \item{dist_frame}{A data frame giving the distributions of all variables,
#' including primary, secondary, and tertiary size, and fecundity. Some
#' variables begin as \code{constant}.}
#' \item{indcova2_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for
#' the categorical individual covariate a terms in time \emph{t} in the linear
#' vital rate models.}
#' \item{indcova1_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for
#' the categorical individual covariate a terms in time \emph{t}-1 in the linear
#' vital rate models.}
#' \item{indcovb2_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for
#' the categorical individual covariate b terms in time \emph{t} in the linear
#' vital rate models.}
#' \item{indcovb1_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for
#' the categorical individual covariate b terms in time \emph{t}-1 in the linear
#' vital rate models.}
#' \item{indcovc2_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for
#' the categorical individual covariate c terms in time \emph{t} in the linear
#' vital rate models.}
#' \item{indcovc1_frame}{A data frame holding the main slope coefficients for
#' the categorical individual covariate c terms in time \emph{t}-1 in the linear
#' vital rate models.}
#' \item{st_frame}{A data frame holding values of sigma or theta for use in
#' Gaussian or negative binomial response terms, respectively.}
#' The first element, called \code{vrm_frame}, is a data frame with the
#' following 18 variables:
#' \item{main_effect_1}{The main effect for which coefficients are to be
#' entered.}
#' \item{main_1_defined}{A more natural explanation of \code{main_effect_1}.}
#' \item{main_effect_2}{If given, then indicates another effect in a two-way
#' interaction with \code{main_effect_1}.}
#' \item{main_2_defined}{A more natural explanation of \code{main_effect_2}.}
#' \item{surv}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of adult
#' survival.}
#' \item{obs}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of adult
#' observation status.}
#' \item{sizea}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of adult
#' primary size.}
#' \item{sizeb}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of adult
#' secondary size.}
#' \item{sizec}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of adult
#' tertiary size.}
#' \item{repst}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of adult
#' reproductive status.}
#' \item{fec}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of adult
#' fecundity.}
#' \item{jsurv}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of
#' juvenile survival.}
#' \item{jobs}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of juvenile
#' observation status.}
#' \item{jsize}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of
#' juvenile primary size.}
#' \item{jsizeb}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of
#' juvenile secondary size.}
#' \item{jsizec}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of
#' juvenile tertiary size.}
#' \item{jrepst}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of
#' juvenile reproductive status, for individuals maturing in the current time
#' step.}
#' \item{jmat}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the model of maturity
#' status, for individuals capable of maturing at the current time step.}
#' \item{sizea_zi}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the binomial
#' component of the zero-inflated model of adult primary size, if zero-inflated
#' models are being used.}
#' \item{sizeb_zi}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the binomial
#' component of the zero-inflated model of adult secondary size, if
#' zero-inflated models are being used.}
#' \item{sizec_zi}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the binomial
#' component of the zero-inflated model of adult tertiary size, if zero-inflated
#' models are being used.}
#' \item{fec_zi}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the binomial
#' component of the zero-inflated model of fecundity, if zero-inflated models
#' are being used.}
#' \item{jsizea_zi}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the binomial
#' component of the zero-inflated model of juvenile primary size, if
#' zero-inflated models are being used.}
#' \item{jsizeb_zi}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the binomial
#' component of the zero-inflated model of juvenile secondary size, if
#' zero-inflated models are being used.}
#' \item{jsizec_zi}{A vector of coefficients for the factors in the binomial
#' component of the zero-inflated model of juvenile tertiary size, if
#' zero-inflated models are being used.}
#' @section Notes:
#' All coefficients across all data frames are initially set to \code{0}. After
#' using this function to create the skeleton list, all relevant coefficient
#' values should be set to non-zero values equal to the respective slope from
#' the appropriate linear model, and any vital rate model to be used should
#' have its distribution set to \code{"binom"}, \code{"gaussian"},
#' \code{"gamma"}, \code{"poisson"}, or \code{"negbin"}. Unused vital rates
#' should be set to \code{"constant"}, and the first element of the correspoding
#' column in \code{vrm_frame} (corresponding to the y-intercept) should be set
#' to the constant value to utilize (generally \code{1}). If no values are
#' manually edited, then function-based MPM generator functions will not be able
#' to generate valid MPMs.
#' Users should never change the labels or the order of terms in the data frames
#' and vectors produced via this function, nor should they ever changes the
#' names of core list elements in the \code{vrm_input} object. Doing so will
#' result either in fatal errors or erroneous matrix calculations.
#' Using the \code{vrm_input} approach to building function-based MPMs requires
#' careful attention to the stageframe. Although no hfv data frame needs to be
#' entered, stages for which vital rates are to be estimated via linear models
#' parameterized with coefficients provided via function \code{vrm_import()}
#' should be marked as occurring within the dataset, while stages for which
#' the provided coefficients should not be used should be marked as not
#' occurring within the dataset.
#' Coefficients added to zero-inflation models can only be added to primary
#' size, secondary size, tertiary size, fecundity, and the juvenile versions of
#' primary, secondary, and tertiary size. Care must be taken to include zero-
#' inflated coefficients only for variables without size-truncated
#' distributions. Adding such terms will result in fatal errors during matrix
#' creation.
#' @examples
#' data(lathyrus)
#' sizevector <- c(0, 100, 0, 1, 7100)
#' stagevector <- c("Sd", "Sdl", "Dorm", "ipm", "ipm")
#' repvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1)
#' obsvector <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#' matvector <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
#' immvector <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
#' propvector <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#' indataset <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' binvec <- c(0, 100, 0.5, 1, 1)
#' comments <- c("Dormant seed", "Seedling", "Dormant", "ipm adult stage",
#'   "ipm adult stage")
#' lathframeipm <- sf_create(sizes = sizevector, stagenames = stagevector, 
#'   repstatus = repvector, obsstatus = obsvector, propstatus = propvector,
#'   immstatus = immvector, matstatus = matvector, comments = comments,
#'   indataset = indataset, binhalfwidth = binvec, ipmbins = 100, roundsize = 3)
#' lathsupp2 <- supplemental(stage3 = c("Sd", "Sdl", "Sd", "Sdl"),
#'   stage2 = c("Sd", "Sd", "rep", "rep"),
#'   givenrate = c(0.345, 0.054, NA, NA),
#'   multiplier = c(NA, NA, 0.345, 0.054),
#'   type = c(1, 1, 3, 3), stageframe = lathframeipm, historical = FALSE)
#' lath_vrm <- vrm_import(years = c(1988:1990), zi = TRUE, dist.fec = "negbin",
#'   use.juv = TRUE)
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$surv[1] <- 2.32571
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$surv[2] <- 0.00109
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$obs[1] <- 2.230
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$sizea[1] <- 164.0695
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$sizea[2] <- 0.6211
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$fec[1] <- 1.517
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$fec_zi[1] <- 6.252765
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$fec_zi[2] <- -0.007313
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jsurv[1] <- 1.03
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jobs[1] <- 10.390
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jsizea[1] <- 3.0559
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jsizea[2] <- 0.8482
#' lath_vrm$year_frame$fec[c(1:3)] <- c(-0.41749627, 0.51421684, -0.07964038)
#' lath_vrm$year_frame$fec_zi[c(1:3)] <- c(3.741475e-07, -7.804715e-08,
#'   -2.533755e-07)
#' lath_vrm$year_frame$sizea[c(1:3)] <- c(96.3244, -240.8036, 144.4792)
#' lath_vrm$year_frame$jobs[c(1:3)] <- c(-0.7459843, 0.6118826, -0.9468618)
#' lath_vrm$year_frame$jsizea[c(1:3)] <- c(0.5937962, 1.4551236, -2.0489198)
#' lath_vrm$dist_frame$dist[2] <- "binom"
#' lath_vrm$dist_frame$dist[9] <- "binom"
#' lath_vrm$st_frame[3] <- 503.6167
#' lath_vrm$st_frame[7] <- 0.2342114
#' lath_vrm$st_frame[10] <- 5.831
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$sizeb[1] <- 1
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$sizec[1] <- 1
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$repst[1] <- 1
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jsizeb[1] <- 1
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jsizec[1] <- 1
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jrepst[1] <- 1
#' lath_vrm$vrm_frame$jmatst[1] <- 1
#' lathmat2_importipm <- flefko2(stageframe = lathframeipm,
#'   modelsuite = lath_vrm, supplement = lathsupp2, reduce = FALSE)
#' summary(lathmat2_importipm)
#' @export
vrm_import <- function(years = NULL, patches = c(1), groups = c(0),
  interactions = FALSE, zi = FALSE, cat.indcova = NULL, cat.indcovb = NULL,
  cat.indcovc = NULL, dist.sizea = "gaussian", dist.sizeb = "constant",
  dist.sizec = "constant", dist.fec = "gaussian", trunc.sizea = FALSE,
  trunc.sizeb = FALSE, trunc.sizec = FALSE, trunc.fec = FALSE,
  use.juv = FALSE) {
  dist.sizea <- tolower(dist.sizea)
  dist.sizeb <- tolower(dist.sizeb)
  dist.sizec <- tolower(dist.sizec)
  dist.fec <- tolower(dist.fec)
  dist.possibilities <- c("none", "gamma", "gaussian", "poisson", "negbin",
  if (length(dist.sizea) != 1 | !is.element(dist.sizea[1], dist.possibilities)) {
    stop("Option dist.sizea must be set to a single value. Options include:
      none, gamma, gaussian, poisson, negbin, or constant.", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(dist.sizeb) != 1 | !is.element(dist.sizeb[1], dist.possibilities)) {
    stop("Option dist.sizeb must be set to a single value. Options include:
      none, gamma, gaussian, poisson, negbin, or constant.", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(dist.sizec) != 1 | !is.element(dist.sizec[1], dist.possibilities)) {
    stop("Option dist.sizec must be set to a single value. Options include:
      none, gamma, gaussian, poisson, negbin, or constant.", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(dist.fec) != 1 | !is.element(dist.fec[1], dist.possibilities)) {
    stop("Option dist.fec must be set to a single value. Options include:
      none, gamma, gaussian, poisson, negbin, or constant.", call. = FALSE)
  if (trunc.sizea) {
    if (dist.sizea == "poisson") {
      dist.sizea <- "truncated_poisson"
    } else if (dist.sizea == "negbin") {
      dist.sizea <- "truncated_negbin"
    } else {
      stop("Zero truncation can currently be incorporated only in Poisson and
          negative binomial models.", call. = FALSE)
  if (trunc.sizeb) {
    if (dist.sizeb == "poisson") {
      dist.sizeb <- "truncated_poisson"
    } else if (dist.sizeb == "negbin") {
      dist.sizeb <- "truncated_negbin"
    } else {
      stop("Zero truncation can currently be incorporated only in Poisson and
          negative binomial models.", call. = FALSE)
  if (trunc.sizec) {
    if (dist.sizec == "poisson") {
      dist.sizec <- "truncated_poisson"
    } else if (dist.sizec == "negbin") {
      dist.sizec <- "truncated_negbin"
    } else {
      stop("Zero truncation can currently be incorporated only in Poisson and
          negative binomial models.", call. = FALSE)
  if (trunc.fec) {
    if (dist.fec == "poisson") {
      dist.fec <- "truncated_poisson"
    } else if (dist.fec == "negbin") {
      dist.fec <- "truncated_negbin"
    } else {
      stop("Zero truncation can currently be incorporated only in Poisson and
          negative binomial models.", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(years)) stop("Option years must equal a numeric vector.", call. = FALSE);
  if (!is.numeric(years)) stop("Option years must equal a numeric vector.", call. = FALSE);
  num_years <- length(years)
  num_patches <- length(patches)
  num_groups <- length(groups)
  main_effects <- c("intercept", "size2", "size1", "sizeb2", "sizeb1", "sizec2",
    "sizec1", "repst2", "repst1", "age", "density", "indcova2", "indcova1",
    "indcovb2", "indcovb1", "indcovc2", "indcovc1")
  main_defined <- c("y-intercept", "sizea in time t", "sizea in time t-1",
    "sizeb in time t", "sizeb in time t-1", "sizec in time t", "sizec in time t-1",
    "reproductive status in time t", "reproductive status in time t-1",
    "age in time t", "density in time t", "individual covariate a in time t",
    "individual covariate a in time t-1", "individual covariate b in time t",
    "individual covariate b in time t-1", "individual covariate c in time t",
    "individual covariate c in time t-1")
  main1 <- main_effects
  main1_def <- main_defined
  basic_length <- 17
  if (interactions) {
    main2 <- c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
    main2_def <- c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
    basic_length <- basic_length + 111
    extended_terms_1 <- c(main_effects[9], main_effects[3], main_effects[3],
      main_effects[2], main_effects[2], main_effects[3], main_effects[10],
      main_effects[10], main_effects[10], main_effects[10], main_effects[12],
      main_effects[14], main_effects[16], main_effects[12], main_effects[14],
      main_effects[16], main_effects[13], main_effects[15], main_effects[17],
      main_effects[13], main_effects[15], main_effects[17], main_effects[12],
      main_effects[12], main_effects[14], main_effects[13], main_effects[13],
      main_effects[15], main_effects[12], main_effects[13], main_effects[12],
      main_effects[13], main_effects[14], main_effects[15], main_effects[4],
      main_effects[6], main_effects[3], main_effects[3], main_effects[5],
      main_effects[2], main_effects[2], main_effects[4], main_effects[3],
      main_effects[3], main_effects[5], main_effects[2], main_effects[2],
      main_effects[4], main_effects[11], main_effects[11], main_effects[11],
      main_effects[11], main_effects[11], main_effects[11], main_effects[11],
      main_effects[11], main_effects[4], main_effects[6], main_effects[5],
      main_effects[4], main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[6],
      main_effects[7], main_effects[4], main_effects[6], main_effects[11],
      main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[12], main_effects[12],
      main_effects[12], main_effects[13], main_effects[13], main_effects[13],
      main_effects[13], main_effects[12], main_effects[12], main_effects[13],
      main_effects[14], main_effects[14], main_effects[14], main_effects[15],
      main_effects[15], main_effects[15], main_effects[15], main_effects[14],
      main_effects[14], main_effects[15], main_effects[16], main_effects[16],
      main_effects[16], main_effects[17], main_effects[17], main_effects[17],
      main_effects[17], main_effects[16], main_effects[16], main_effects[17],
      main_effects[12], main_effects[14], main_effects[16], main_effects[13],
      main_effects[15], main_effects[17], main_effects[12], main_effects[14],
      main_effects[16], main_effects[13], main_effects[15], main_effects[17])
    extended_terms_2 <- c(main_effects[8], main_effects[2], main_effects[9],
      main_effects[8], main_effects[9], main_effects[8], main_effects[3],
      main_effects[2], main_effects[9], main_effects[8], main_effects[2],
      main_effects[2], main_effects[2], main_effects[8], main_effects[8],
      main_effects[8], main_effects[3], main_effects[3], main_effects[3],
      main_effects[9], main_effects[9], main_effects[9], main_effects[14],
      main_effects[16], main_effects[16], main_effects[15], main_effects[17],
      main_effects[17], main_effects[15], main_effects[14], main_effects[17],
      main_effects[16], main_effects[17], main_effects[16], main_effects[5],
      main_effects[7], main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[7],
      main_effects[4], main_effects[6], main_effects[6], main_effects[4],
      main_effects[6], main_effects[6], main_effects[5], main_effects[7],
      main_effects[7], main_effects[2], main_effects[4], main_effects[6],
      main_effects[3], main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[8],
      main_effects[9], main_effects[8], main_effects[8], main_effects[9],
      main_effects[9], main_effects[8], main_effects[9], main_effects[9],
      main_effects[8], main_effects[10], main_effects[10], main_effects[10],
      main_effects[10], main_effects[10], main_effects[4], main_effects[6],
      main_effects[11], main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[4],
      main_effects[6], main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[11],
      main_effects[4], main_effects[6], main_effects[11], main_effects[5],
      main_effects[7], main_effects[4], main_effects[6], main_effects[5],
      main_effects[7], main_effects[11], main_effects[4], main_effects[6],
      main_effects[11], main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[4],
      main_effects[6], main_effects[5], main_effects[7], main_effects[11],
      main_effects[3], main_effects[3], main_effects[3], main_effects[2],
      main_effects[2], main_effects[2], main_effects[9], main_effects[9],
      main_effects[9], main_effects[8], main_effects[8], main_effects[8])
    ext_terms_1_def <- c(main_defined[9], main_defined[3], main_defined[3],
      main_defined[2], main_defined[2], main_defined[3], main_defined[10],
      main_defined[10], main_defined[10], main_defined[10], main_defined[12],
      main_defined[14], main_defined[16], main_defined[12], main_defined[14],
      main_defined[16], main_defined[13], main_defined[15], main_defined[17],
      main_defined[13], main_defined[15], main_defined[17], main_defined[12],
      main_defined[12], main_defined[14], main_defined[13], main_defined[13],
      main_defined[15], main_defined[12], main_defined[13], main_defined[12],
      main_defined[13], main_defined[14], main_defined[15], main_defined[4],
      main_defined[6], main_defined[3], main_defined[3], main_defined[5],
      main_defined[2], main_defined[2], main_defined[4], main_defined[3],
      main_defined[3], main_defined[5], main_defined[2], main_defined[2],
      main_defined[4], main_defined[11], main_defined[11], main_defined[11],
      main_defined[11], main_defined[11], main_defined[11], main_defined[11],
      main_defined[11], main_defined[4], main_defined[6], main_defined[5],
      main_defined[4], main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[6],
      main_defined[7], main_defined[4], main_defined[6], main_defined[11],
      main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[12], main_defined[12],
      main_defined[12], main_defined[13], main_defined[13], main_defined[13],
      main_defined[13], main_defined[12], main_defined[12], main_defined[13],
      main_defined[14], main_defined[14], main_defined[14], main_defined[15],
      main_defined[15], main_defined[15], main_defined[15], main_defined[14],
      main_defined[14], main_defined[15], main_defined[16], main_defined[16],
      main_defined[16], main_defined[17], main_defined[17], main_defined[17],
      main_defined[17], main_defined[16], main_defined[16], main_defined[17],
      main_defined[12], main_defined[14], main_defined[16], main_defined[13],
      main_defined[15], main_defined[17], main_defined[12], main_defined[14],
      main_defined[16], main_defined[13], main_defined[15], main_defined[17])
    ext_terms_2_def <- c(main_defined[8], main_defined[2], main_defined[9],
      main_defined[8], main_defined[9], main_defined[8], main_defined[3],
      main_defined[2], main_defined[9], main_defined[8], main_defined[2],
      main_defined[2], main_defined[2], main_defined[8], main_defined[8],
      main_defined[8], main_defined[3], main_defined[3], main_defined[3],
      main_defined[9], main_defined[9], main_defined[9], main_defined[14],
      main_defined[16], main_defined[16], main_defined[15], main_defined[17],
      main_defined[17], main_defined[15], main_defined[14], main_defined[17],
      main_defined[16], main_defined[17], main_defined[16], main_defined[5],
      main_defined[7], main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[7],
      main_defined[4], main_defined[6], main_defined[6], main_defined[4],
      main_defined[6], main_defined[6], main_defined[5], main_defined[7],
      main_defined[7], main_defined[2], main_defined[4], main_defined[6],
      main_defined[3], main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[8],
      main_defined[9], main_defined[8], main_defined[8], main_defined[9],
      main_defined[9], main_defined[8], main_defined[9], main_defined[9],
      main_defined[8], main_defined[10], main_defined[10], main_defined[10],
      main_defined[10], main_defined[10], main_defined[4], main_defined[6],
      main_defined[11], main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[4],
      main_defined[6], main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[11],
      main_defined[4], main_defined[6], main_defined[11], main_defined[5],
      main_defined[7], main_defined[4], main_defined[6], main_defined[5],
      main_defined[7], main_defined[11], main_defined[4], main_defined[6],
      main_defined[11], main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[4],
      main_defined[6], main_defined[5], main_defined[7], main_defined[11],
      main_defined[3], main_defined[3], main_defined[3], main_defined[2],
      main_defined[2], main_defined[2], main_defined[9], main_defined[9],
      main_defined[9], main_defined[8], main_defined[8], main_defined[8])
    main1 <- c(main1, extended_terms_1)
    main2 <- c(main2, extended_terms_2)
    main1_def <- c(main1_def, ext_terms_1_def)
    main2_def <- c(main2_def, ext_terms_2_def)
  basic_double_vec <- rep(0.0, basic_length)
  year_double_vec <- rep(0.0, num_years)
  patch_double_vec <- rep(0.0, num_patches)
  group_double_vec <- rep(0.0, num_groups)
  out_data <- if (!interactions) {
    cbind.data.frame(main_effect_1 = main1, main_1_defined = main1_def,
      surv = basic_double_vec, obs = basic_double_vec, sizea = basic_double_vec,
      sizeb = basic_double_vec, sizec = basic_double_vec, repst = basic_double_vec,
      fec = basic_double_vec, jsurv = basic_double_vec, jobs = basic_double_vec,
      jsizea = basic_double_vec, jsizeb = basic_double_vec, jsizec = basic_double_vec,
      jrepst = basic_double_vec, jmatst = basic_double_vec)
  } else {
    cbind.data.frame(main_effect_1 = main1, main_1_defined = main1_def,
      main_effect_2 = main2, main_2_defined = main2_def, surv = basic_double_vec,
      obs = basic_double_vec, sizea = basic_double_vec, sizeb = basic_double_vec,
      sizec = basic_double_vec, repst = basic_double_vec, fec = basic_double_vec,
      jsurv = basic_double_vec, jobs = basic_double_vec, jsizea = basic_double_vec,
      jsizeb = basic_double_vec, jsizec = basic_double_vec,
      jrepst = basic_double_vec, jmatst = basic_double_vec)
  term_names <- c("surv", "obs", "sizea", "sizeb", "sizec", "repst", "fec",
    "jsurv", "jobs", "jsizea", "jsizeb", "jsizec", "jrepst", "jmatst")
  year_frame <- cbind.data.frame(years, year_double_vec, year_double_vec,
    year_double_vec, year_double_vec, year_double_vec, year_double_vec,
    year_double_vec, year_double_vec, year_double_vec, year_double_vec,
    year_double_vec, year_double_vec, year_double_vec, year_double_vec)
  patch_frame <- cbind.data.frame(patches, patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec,
    patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec,
    patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec,
    patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec, patch_double_vec)
  group2_frame <- cbind.data.frame(groups, group_double_vec, group_double_vec,
    group_double_vec, group_double_vec, group_double_vec, group_double_vec,
    group_double_vec, group_double_vec, group_double_vec, group_double_vec,
    group_double_vec, group_double_vec, group_double_vec, group_double_vec)
  names(year_frame)[2:15] <- term_names
  names(patch_frame)[2:15] <- term_names
  names(group2_frame)[2:15] <- term_names
  if (zi) {
    out_data <- cbind.data.frame(out_data, sizea_zi = basic_double_vec,
      sizeb_zi = basic_double_vec, sizec_zi = basic_double_vec,
      fec_zi = basic_double_vec, jsizea_zi = basic_double_vec,
      jsizeb_zi = basic_double_vec, jsizec_zi = basic_double_vec)
    year_frame <- cbind.data.frame(year_frame, sizea_zi = year_double_vec,
      sizeb_zi = year_double_vec, sizec_zi = year_double_vec,
      fec_zi = year_double_vec, jsizea_zi = year_double_vec,
      jsizeb_zi = year_double_vec, jsizec_zi = year_double_vec)
    patch_frame <- cbind.data.frame(patch_frame, sizea_zi = patch_double_vec,
      sizeb_zi = patch_double_vec, sizec_zi = patch_double_vec,
      fec_zi = patch_double_vec, jsizea_zi = patch_double_vec,
      jsizeb_zi = patch_double_vec, jsizec_zi = patch_double_vec)
    group2_frame <- cbind.data.frame(group2_frame, sizea_zi = group_double_vec,
      sizeb_zi = group_double_vec, sizec_zi = group_double_vec,
      fec_zi = group_double_vec, jsizea_zi = group_double_vec,
      jsizeb_zi = group_double_vec, jsizec_zi = group_double_vec)
  dist_frame <- cbind.data.frame(response = term_names,
    dist = c("binom", "constant", dist.sizea, dist.sizeb, dist.sizec, "constant",
      dist.fec, "binom", "constant", dist.sizea, dist.sizeb, dist.sizec,
      "constant", "constant"))
  if (!use.juv) {
    dist_frame$dist[8] = "constant"
    dist_frame$dist[10] = "constant"
    dist_frame$dist[11] = "constant"
    dist_frame$dist[12] = "constant"
  st_frame <- rep(1.0, 14)
  names(st_frame) <- term_names
  out_list <- list(vrm_frame = out_data, year_frame = year_frame,
    patch_frame = patch_frame, group2_frame = group2_frame,
    group1_frame = group2_frame, dist_frame = dist_frame, st_frame = st_frame)
  if (!is.null(cat.indcova)) {
    ica_length <- length(cat.indcova)
    ica_double_vec <- rep(0.0, ica_length)
    ica_frame <- cbind.data.frame(cat.indcova, ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec,
      ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec,
      ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec,
      ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec, ica_double_vec)
    names(ica_frame)[1] <- "indcova"
    names(ica_frame)[2:15] <- term_names
    if (zi) {
      ica_frame <- cbind.data.frame(ica_frame, sizea_zi = ica_double_vec,
      sizeb_zi = ica_double_vec, sizec_zi = ica_double_vec,
      fec_zi = ica_double_vec, jsizea_zi = ica_double_vec,
      jsizeb_zi = ica_double_vec, jsizec_zi = ica_double_vec)
    out_list$indcova2_frame <- ica_frame
    out_list$indcova1_frame <- ica_frame
  if (!is.null(cat.indcovb)) {
    icb_length <- length(cat.indcovb)
    icb_double_vec <- rep(0.0, icb_length)
    icb_frame <- cbind.data.frame(cat.indcovb, icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec,
      icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec,
      icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec,
      icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec, icb_double_vec)
    names(icb_frame)[1] <- "indcovb"
    names(icb_frame)[2:15] <- term_names
    if (zi) {
      icb_frame <- cbind.data.frame(icb_frame, sizea_zi = icb_double_vec,
      sizeb_zi = icb_double_vec, sizec_zi = icb_double_vec,
      fec_zi = icb_double_vec, jsizea_zi = icb_double_vec,
      jsizeb_zi = icb_double_vec, jsizec_zi = icb_double_vec)
    out_list$indcovb2_frame <- icb_frame
    out_list$indcovb1_frame <- icb_frame
  if (!is.null(cat.indcovc)) {
    icc_length <- length(cat.indcovc)
    icc_double_vec <- rep(0.0, icc_length)
    icc_frame <- cbind.data.frame(cat.indcovc, icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec,
      icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec,
      icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec,
      icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec, icc_double_vec)
    names(icc_frame)[1] <- "indcovc"
    names(icc_frame)[2:15] <- term_names
    if (zi) {
      icc_frame <- cbind.data.frame(icc_frame, sizea_zi = icc_double_vec,
      sizeb_zi = icc_double_vec, sizec_zi = icc_double_vec,
      fec_zi = icc_double_vec, jsizea_zi = icc_double_vec,
      jsizeb_zi = icc_double_vec, jsizec_zi = icc_double_vec)
    out_list$indcovc2_frame <- icc_frame
    out_list$indcovc1_frame <- icc_frame
  class(out_list) <- "vrm_input"

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lefko3 documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 1:07 a.m.