# DATA MANAGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Describe the data
#' @description
#' \code{codebook()} examines the variable names, labels, and data
#' to produce a codebook for describing the dataset
#' @param data data.frame
#' @details
#' It reports a description of the data with the following information.
#' \strong{ANNOTATIONS}:
#' `No` = serial number
#' `Variable` = variable name
#' `Label` = variable label
#' `Type` = type of variable
#' `Obs` = number of valid observations
#' `NA` = number of observations with missing value `NA`
#' @note
#' For `haven_labelled` data.frame, data types are generated
#' using `typeof()`.
#' @return
#' a data.frame containing the codebook
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' codebook(infert)
#' codebook(iris)
#' codebook(mtcars)
#' @export
codebook <- function(data)
## if data is not a data.frame, stop
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## retrieve information
.data_lbl <- attr(data, "label")
if (length(.data_lbl) != 1) .data_lbl <- "-"
.obs_no <- nrow(data)
.vars_no <- ncol(data)
.vars_name <- names(data)
.vars_label <- sapply(data, function(z) {
.lbl <- attr(z, "label")
if (length(.lbl) > 1 | is.null(.lbl)) {
} else {
ifelse(nchar(.lbl) > 30,
paste0(strtrim(.lbl, 30), "..."), .lbl)
# .vars_type <- sapply(data.frame(data), typeof)
.vars_type <- sapply(data, function(z) {
.class <- class(unlist(z))[1]
if (.class == "haven_labelled") {
.class <- typeof(unlist(z))[1]
.obs <- sapply(data, function(z) length(z[!]))
.na <- sapply(data, function(z) length(z[]))
## combine them into a data.frame
.df <- data.frame(1:.vars_no,
## change column names and reset row names
names(.df) <- c("No", "Variable", "Label", "Type",
"Obs", "<NA>")
row.names(.df) <- NULL
## add horizontal and vertical lines
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)
## Display information
cat(paste0(" Codebook : ", .data_name, "\n"))
cat(paste0(" Dataset Label : ", .data_lbl, "\n"))
cat(paste0(" Obs : ", .obs_no, "\n"))
cat(paste0(" Vars : ", .vars_no, "\n")), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
## return
#' @title Attach labels to data and variables
#' @description
#' \code{label()} manipulates labels
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... For variable label, `Var = "Var Label"`:
#' For data label, `"Example data lable"`.
#' @details
#' \strong{Attach labels}
#' It has two inputs. If only one label is specified, that
#' label is attached to the data. Otherwise, the pattern
#' `Var = "Var Label"` are used to attach labels to variables.
#' \strong{Remove labels}
#' `NA` or `NULL` is used to remove labels.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## Variable label
#' x <- label(infert,
#' education = "Education levels",
#' age = "Age in years of case",
#' parity = "count",
#' stratum = "1-83",
#' pooled.stratum = "1-63")
#' ## Data label
#' x <- label(x, "Infertility and Abortion Dataset")
#' codebook(x)
#' @export
label <- function(data, ... )
## if data is not a data.frame, stop
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get the names within three dots
.vars <- .args[-c(1:2)]
## if .vars list does not have a name, it means the label for
# the dataset. Otherwise, it's for the variables
if (length(.vars) == 1 & names(.vars)[1] == "") {
.vars <- unlist(.vars)
attr(data, "label") <- .vars
cat(paste0(" (Dataset '", .data_name, "' labeled as '",
.vars, "')\n"))
} else {
sapply(names(.vars), function(z) {
## check if all vars specified are in the dataset
if (!(z %in% names(data))) {
stop(paste0("Variable '", z, "' not found in the dataset"),
call. = FALSE)
attr(data[[z]], "label") <<- .vars[[z]]
cat(paste0(" (Variable '", z, "' labeled as '",
.vars[[z]], "')\n"))
#' @title Recode a variable
#' @description
#' \code{recode()} changes the values of a variable.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var variable name
#' @param ... specify in pattern: `old value` / `new value`.
#' @details
#' It changes the values of a variable according to the old values
#' specified. Values that does not meet any of the conditions,
#' they are left unchanged.
#' \strong{Using colon `:` to indicate a range of numeric numbers}
#' A numeric vector can be indicated by using `:` in `old value`.
#' The function automatically filters the values that meet the
#' range and assigns a specified new value to these.
#' @return
#' a data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' x <- recode(infert, case, 0/"No", 1/"Yes")
#' tab(x, case)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## recode a factor
#' x <- recode(infert, education, "0-5yrs"/1, "6-11yrs"/2, "12+ yrs"/3)
#' tab(x, education)
#' ## recode numeric vectors
#' x <- recode(infert, age, 21:28.9/1, 29:34.9/2, 35:44/3)
#' tab(x, age)
#' ## recode NA
#' infert[4:20, "case"] <- NA
#' x <- recode(infert, case, NA/"Missing value")
#' tab(infert, case)
#' }
#' @export
recode <- function(data, var, ... )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
var <- .args$var
.var <- data[[var]]
.lbl <- attr(.var, "label")
## change double to numeric
if (is.double(.var)) {
.var <- as.numeric(.var)
} else if (is.factor(.var)) {
.var <- as.character(.var)
vals <- .args[-c(1:3)]
lapply(vals, function(z) {
.val <- as.character(z)
.old <- ifelse(.val[2] == "NA", NA, .val[2])
.new <- ifelse(.val[3] == "NA", NA,
ifelse(.val[3] == "NULL", NULL, .val[3]))
.chk <- .var == .old
if (grepl(":", .old)) {
.old <- eval(parse(text = .old))
.chk <- .var >= .old[1] & .var <= .old[length(.old)]
} else if ( {
.chk <-
if (any(.chk)) {
if (any( {
.var[] <<- .new
} else {
.var[.chk] <<- .new
} else {
stop(paste0("`", .old, "` not found in '", var, "'"),
call. = FALSE)
## Print notification message
cat(paste0(" ( ", length(which(.chk)), " values recoded as '",
.new, "')\n"))
if (is.factor(data[[var]])) .var <- factor(.var)
attr(.var, "label") <- .lbl
data[[var]] <- .var
#' @title Create a new variable
#' @description
#' \code{generate()} creates a new variable either by
#' deriving from existing variables or with a constant value.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var name for the new variable
#' @param expr a constant value, name of an existing variable or
#' an expression for simple arithmetic or logical operations:
#' @details
#' The values of the variable are specified by \code{expr}.
#' \strong{Label}
#' The newly created variable is automatically labeled with
#' the expression specified.
#' @return
#' data.frame with the new variable
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## generate variable with a constant value
#' generate(mtcars, new_var, NA)
#' generate(mtcars, new_var, 99)
#' ## generate variable from an existing variable
#' generate(mtcars, new_var, mpg)
#' ## generate variable with arithmetic operations
#' generate(iris, Length, Sepal.Length + Petal.Length)
#' @export
generate <- function(data, var, expr = NULL )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_names <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## get variable name
var <- as.character(.args$var)
## if variable already exisits, then stop
if (any(.vars_names %in% var)) {
stop(paste0("'", var, "' already exisits in the dataset"),
call. = FALSE)
## create expression text
## if value is more than one vector, then collapse it
expr <- paste0(deparse(substitute(expr)), collapse = "")
.expr <- paste0("with(data, ", expr, ")")
## add new var to the dataset
## add label
data$var <- eval(parse(text = .expr))
}, error = function(cnd) {
attr(data$var, "label") <- expr
## get missing value and total number
## and print
.var_miss <- sum($var))
.var_nrow <- length(data$var)
names(data)[ncol(data)] <- var
if (any(.var_miss)) {
cat(paste0(" (", .var_nrow - .var_miss, " valid & ",
.var_miss, " missing values generated)\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0(" (", .var_nrow - .var_miss,
" valid values generated)\n"))
#' @title Change contents of an existing variable
#' @description
#' \code{replace()} alters the contents of a variable when specified
#' conditions are met.
#' @details
#' If only `value` is specified, the whole variable is assigned
#' with the `value`. Multiple conditions can be specified within
#' the three dots.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var variable
#' @param value value for replacement
#' @param ... `if` conditions or expressions
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' x <- replace(infert, case, 2, case == 0)
#' tab(x, case)
#' x <- replace(infert, parity, 4, parity > 4)
#' tab(x, parity)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## More examples
#' ## replacing mpg with standardized values of mpg
#' replace(mtcars, mpg, mpg / mean(mpg))
#' ## replacing mpg with NA if < 10 or > 20
#' replace(mtcars, mpg, NA, mpg < 10 | mpg > 20)
#' ## replacing education levels with one value
#' replace(infert, education, "6+yrs",
#' education == "6-11yrs" | education == "12+ yrs")
#' ## replacing mpg with NA if mpg is from 10 and 20.
#' replace(mtcars, mpg, NA, mpg >= 10, mpg <= 20)
#' }
#' @export
replace <- function(data, var, value, ... )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
var <- deparse(substitute(var))
value <- deparse(substitute(value))
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## get var label
.var.lbl <- attr(data[[var]], "label")
## get expression from three dots
.expr <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "var", "value"))
## if more than one expression, combine with & operator
if (length(.expr) >= 1) {
.expr <- paste0("(", .expr, ")", collapse = " & ")
.expr_txt <- paste0("[", .expr, "]")
} else if (length(.expr) == 0) {
.expr_txt <- NULL
# if var is a factor, remove corresponding levels
if (is.factor(data[[var]])) {
data[[var]] <- as.character(data[[var]])
## if value is more than one vector, then collapse it
value <- paste0(value, collapse = "")
## if expression is empty, then replace the whole variable
## if not, repress using expression
## evaluate the whole expression
.df <- eval(parse(
text = paste0("within(data, ", var, .expr_txt, " <- ", value, ")")
}, error = function(cnd) {
stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)
# if var is a factor, convert to factor again corresponding levels
if (is.factor(data[[var]])) {
.df[[var]] <- as.factor(.df[[var]])
## assign label back to the var
.num <- data[[var]] == .df[[var]]
data[[var]] <- .df[[var]]
attr(data[[var]], "label") <- .var.lbl
## Display message to nofity changes
paste0(" (",
ifelse(is.null(.expr_txt), nrow(data),
sum(!.num, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(,
" values replaced)\n")
#' @title Categorize a numerical variable
#' @description
#' \code{egen()} transforms a numeric vector to a factor vector.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var existing variable
#' @param cut either a number or a numeric vector
#' @param lbl labels to specify
#' @param new_var name of new variable to be created
#' @details
#' \code{egen} allows easy conversion of a numerical variable to a categorical
#' variable.
#' If only a number is specified in `cut`, it categorizes
#' into equal intervals based on that number. If no value is set
#' for `cut`, the default interval is `10`.
#' \strong{Automatic naming new variable}
#' If \code{new_var} is not specified, new names will be automatically
#' created by appending `_cat` as suffix.
#' \code{VARNAME`_cat`}
#' \strong{Automatic Labelling}
#' If \code{lbl} is not specified, labels are constructed in
#' \code{`##-##`}.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' x <- egen(infert, age)
#' tab(x, age_cat)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Set cut-off points
#' x <- egen(infert, age, c(26, 31, 36, 41))
#' tab(x, age_cat)
#' ## Add labels and give a new name
#' x <- egen(infert, age, c(26, 31, 36, 41),
#' lbl = c("<= 25", "26 - 30", "31 - 35",
#' "36 - 40", "41+"),
#' new_var = age_grp)
#' tab(x, age_grp)
#' }
#' @export
egen <- function(data, var, cut = NULL, lbl = NULL, new_var = NULL)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_names <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## create old and new var's name
.vars_names <- names(data)
.var_name <- .args$var
new_var <- .args$new_var
new_var <- ifelse(is.null(new_var),
paste0(.var_name, "_cat"),
## If variable is already in the dataset, stop
if (any(.vars_names %in% new_var)) {
stop(paste0("'", new_var, "' already exisits."),
call. = TRUE)
## assign var to data
var <- data[[.var_name]]
## create break / cut-off labels
if (length(cut) > 1) {
.brk <- cut
} else {
## if cut is not specified, cut <- 10
if (is.null(cut)) {
cut <- 10L
.brk <- seq(min(var, na.rm = TRUE), max(var, na.rm = TRUE), cut)
if (length(.brk) == 1) {
stop(paste0(cut, "' is too large to cut the data."),
call. = FALSE)
} else {
.brk <- c(.brk[1], .brk[2:(length(.brk)-1)] - 1,
.brk[length(.brk)] - 1)
## get minimum value, check and add to the cut sequence
.brk.min <- min(var, na.rm = TRUE)
.brk <- .brk[.brk.min < .brk]
if (.brk.min != .brk[1]) {
.brk <- c(.brk.min, .brk)
## get minimum value, check and add to the cut sequence
.brk.max <- max(var, na.rm = TRUE)
.brk <- .brk[.brk.max > .brk]
if (.brk.max != .brk[length(.brk)]) {
.brk <- c(.brk, ceiling(.brk.max))
## remove duplicated category
.brk <- .brk[!duplicated(.brk)]
## check decimals
checkDecimals <- function(x)
## check if there are any decimal values
.decimal <- grepl("\\.", x)
if (any(.decimal)) {
.decimal <- strsplit(as.character(x[.decimal][1]), "\\.")[[1]][2]
.decimal <- nchar(.decimal)
} else {
.decimal <- 0
.decimal <- checkDecimals(cut)
## change numbers to decimal values
.brk <- c(floor(.brk[1]),
round(.brk[-c(1, length(.brk))], .decimal),
## construct labels
if (is.null(lbl)) {
.last.sec.pos <- length(.brk) - 1
.lbl <- paste(
.brk[1:.last.sec.pos], "-",
c(.brk[2:.last.sec.pos] - (1 / (10 ^ .decimal)),
sep = ""
} else {
.lbl <- lbl
## create new var
.var <- cut(var, breaks = as.numeric(.brk),
labels = .lbl, right = FALSE,
include.lowest = TRUE)
## assign .var back to data, add label and change the names
data$new_var <- .var
attr(data$new_var, "label") <- paste0(.var_name, " categories")
names(data)[ncol(data)] <- new_var
## Print notification
.na <-
cat(paste0(" (", sum(!.na), " valid ",
ifelse(any(.na), paste0("& ", sum(.na), " missing "), ""),
"values generated)\n"))
#' @title Count from `n_` to `N_`
#' @description
#' \code{n_()} generates the current observation number
#' per specified group. It is
#' regarded as grouped serial numbers.
#' \code{N_()} generates total number of observation per group.
#' It is regarded as grouped total number.
#' @param data data.farme
#' @param ... variables for grouping
#' @details
#' If no variable is set in `...`, all variables in the datset
#' is used for grouping.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' x <- n_(iris, Species)
#' \dontrun{
#' x
#' codebook(x)
#' x <- N_(iris, Species)
#' x
#' codebook(x)
#' }
#' @export
n_ <- function(data, ... )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_name <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
.vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data"))
if (length(.vars) == 0) {
.vars <- names(data)
## create expression to order data
.data <- eval(parse(
text = paste0("data[with(data, order(",
paste0(.vars, collapse = ", "),
")), ]")
## create identifiers to check duplications
.id <- apply(.data[.vars], 1, paste, collapse = " ")
## create seiral id with ave function
.id_num <- ave(.id, .id, FUN = seq_along)
## assign the id back to the original dataset
.data$n_ <- as.numeric(.id_num)
attr(.data$n_, "label") <- "<Sys.Gen: Current obs number>"
#' @rdname n_
#' @export
N_ <- function(data, ... )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_name <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
.vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data"))
if (length(.vars) == 0) {
.vars <- names(data)
## create expression to order data
.data <- eval(parse(
text = paste0("data[with(data, order(",
paste0(.vars, collapse = ", "),
")), ]")
## create identifiers to check duplications
.id <- apply(.data[.vars], 1, paste, collapse = " ")
## create seiral id with ave function
.id_num <- ave(.id, .id, FUN = seq_along)
## get the last number of serial number
.last_obs <- sapply(.id, function(z) {
.dup_id <- .id_num[.id == z]
## assign the id back to the original dataset
.data$N_ <- as.numeric(.last_obs)
attr(.data$N_, "label") <- "<Sys.Gen: total number of obs>"
#' @title Report, tag or drop the duplicate observations
#' @description
#' \code{duplicates()} generates a table showing the
#' duplicate `Observations` as one or more copies as well as
#' their `Surplus` indicating the second, third, `...` copy of
#' the first of each group of duplicates.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... variables to find the duplicate observations
#' @param drop `TRUE` deletes all the duplicate observations.
#' @details
#' If no variable is specified in `...`, all variables are used
#' to find the duplicate observations.
#' If `drop` is set to `TRUE`, all occurrences of each group
#' of observations except the first are deleted from the
#' dataset.
#' @return
#' data.frame with a column `dup_num`, indicating the number of duplicate
#' observations of each group of observations
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' x <- duplicates(iris, Species)
#' x <- duplicates(iris)
#' @export
duplicates <- function(data, ... , drop = FALSE)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
## get number of observations
.data_name <- .args$data
.vars_name <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
.vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "drop"))
if (length(.vars) == 0) {
.vars <- names(data)
.txt <- "all variables"
} else {
.txt <- paste(.vars, collapse = " + ")
## create expression to order data
.data <- eval(parse(
text = paste0("data[with(data, order(",
paste0(.vars, collapse = ", "),
")), ]")
## create identifiers to check duplications
.id <- apply(.data[.vars], 1, paste, collapse = " ")
## create seiral id with ave function
.id_num <- ave(.id, .id, FUN = seq_along)
## get the last number of serial number
.last_obs <- sapply(.id, function(z) {
.dup_id <- .id_num[.id == z]
## Make changes to the dataset
## create a dup variable for indication
.data$dup_num <- as.numeric(.last_obs) - 1
attr(.data$dup_num, "label") <- "<Sys.Gen: # of duplicate obs>"
## create table and use the categories to calculate surplus number
.dup_obs_tbl <- table(.last_obs)
.dup_obs_tbl_names <- as.numeric(names(.dup_obs_tbl))
.non_dup <- sapply(.dup_obs_tbl_names, function(z) {
.dup_id <- .id[.last_obs == z]
## create final table for duplication report
.tbl <- data.frame(cbind(.dup_obs_tbl_names, .dup_obs_tbl,
.dup_obs_tbl - .non_dup))
names(.tbl) <- c("Copies", "Observations", "Surplus")
row.names(.tbl) <- NULL
.tbl <- formatdf(.tbl, 2, 2)
## Display information
cat(paste0(" Duplicates in terms of ", .txt, "\n")), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
cat(paste0(" (Total obs: ", nrow(.data), ")\n"))
## remove the duplicate observations
if (drop) {
.dup <- .id_num == 1
.data <- .data[.dup, ]
cat(paste0(" (", sum(!.dup),
" observations deleted)\n"))
#' @title Duplicate observations within a dataframe
#' @description
#' \code{expand2} generates duplicated observations within a dataframe.
#' @param data a data frame object
#' @param n_n index or indexes specifying row numbers
#' @param copies desired number of copies
#' @param original a logical indicating whether to keep the original dataframe
#' @details
#' \code{expand2} appends observations from the dataframe
#' with n copies of the observations with
#' specified indexes of observations or all data.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## create duplicates
#' x <- expand2(infert, 1:5, copies = 2)
#' ## check duplicates report and rmeove dup
#' duplicates(x, drop = TRUE)
#' @export
expand2 <- function(data, n_n = NULL, copies = 2, original = TRUE)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## copy data to .data
.data <- data
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_names <- names(.data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
data.lbl <- attr(data, "label")
data <- data.frame(data)
vars.lbl <- sapply(data, function(z) {
lbl <- attr(z, "label")
if (is.null(lbl)) {
lbl <- "<NA>"
} else {
lbl <- paste(attr(z, "label"), collapse = " ")
#### if n_n is empty, put number of all rows to n_n
if (is.null(n_n)) {
n_n <- nrow(data)
#### if there are more than one values in n_n, take the last value
if (length(n_n) == 1) {
n_n <- 1:n_n
t <- data[n_n, ]
if (original) {
f <- data
} else {
f <- NULL
for (i in 1:(copies)) {
f <- rbind(f, t)
attr(f, "label") <- data.lbl
for (i in 1:ncol(f)) {
attr(f[, i], "label") <- vars.lbl[i]
#' @title Append datasets
#' @description
#' \code{append()} row-combines multiple datasets of the same column names.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... one or multiple data.frame
#' @details
#' A single or multiple datasets can be appended.
#' The appending datasets must have at least one variable name
#' which is there in the master dataset.
#' The order of variables of the appending datasets is automatically
#' set based on the variable arrangement of the master dataset.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' x <- append(infert[, -c(3,4)], infert[, -5], infert[, -6])
#' ## codebook(x)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## if no variables are matched, ERROR
#' append(infert, iris)
#' }
#' @export
append <- function(data, ... )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_name <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
.ls <- list(...)
.ls_name <- enquotes(.args, c("data"))
.df <-
lapply(1:length(.ls), function(z) {
x <- .ls[[z]]
.names <- names(x)
if (!any(.vars_name %in% .names)) {
stop(paste0("`", .ls_name[z], "` must have at least",
" one variable name that is in the master dataset '",
.args$data, "'"), call. = FALSE)
.vars <- intersect(.vars_name, .names)
x <- x[.vars]
x[, .vars_name[!(.vars_name %in% names(x))]] <- NA
cat(paste0(" ('", .ls_name[z], "' appended)\n"))
x[, .vars_name]
data <- rbind(data, .df)
#' @title Format Dates
#' @description
#' \code{formatDate} converts characters or numbers to dates.
#' \code{is.Date} indicates which elements are Dates.
#' @param x a character or numeric object
#' @param format only for character vectors:
#' @param sep separator character for date components
#' @param century specify either 2000 or 1900 for two-digit years
#' @details
#' \code{dmy} represents \code{dd mm YYYY} format.
#' In combination with separators from \code{sep}, this can change to
#' several date formats.
#' For example, \code{dmy} + \code{-} convert to
#' \code{dd-mm-yyyy} format.
#' \strong{Possible conversions}
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{dmy} + \code{-} >>> \code{dd-mm-yyyy}
#' \item \code{dmy} + \code{/} >>> \code{dd/mm/yyyy}
#' \item \code{mdy} + \code{/} >>> \code{mm/dd/yyyy}
#' \item \code{ymd} + \code{/} >>> \code{yyyy/mm/dd}
#' \item \code{dby} + \code{-} >>> \code{dd-JAN-yy}
#' \item \code{dby} + \code{/} >>> \code{dd/JAN/yy}
#' }
#' \strong{Numeric conversions}
#' Origin is set at \code{1899-12-30}.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## convert strings to dates
#' x <- c("2019-01-15", "2019-01-20", "2019-01-21", "2019-01-22")
#' # check if it is a Date format
#' is.Date(x)
#' \dontrun{
#' y <- formatDate(x, "Ymd", "-")
#' # check if it is a Date format
#' is.Date(y)
#' y
#' ## another format
#' x <- c("22-JAN-19", "24-MAR-20")
#' y <- formatDate(x, "dby", "-")
#' is.Date(y)
#' y
#' ## convert numbers to dates
#' x <- 42705:42710
#' y <- formatDate(x)
#' is.Date(y)
#' y
#' ## get day, month or year
#' day(y)
#' month(y)
#' year(y)
#' }
#' @export
formatDate <- function(x, format = "dmY", sep = "/", century = NULL)
if (is.character(x)) {
f <- paste(
unlist(strsplit(format, split = NULL, useBytes = T))
collapse = sep
x <- as.Date(x, format = f)
if (!is.null(century)) {
y <-
rbind, strsplit(as.character(x), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
m <-
rbind, strsplit(as.character(x), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
d <-
rbind, strsplit(as.character(x), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
if (century) {
y <- (as.numeric(y) %% 100) + 2000
} else {
y <- (as.numeric(y) %% 100) + 1900
x <- as.Date(paste(y, m, d, sep = "-"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
} else if (is.numeric(x)) {
x <- as.Date(x, origin = "1899-12-30")
} else {
stop("x must be a character or numeric.")
#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
is.Date <- function(x)
return(class(x) == 'Date')
#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
year <- function(x)
if (!is.Date(x)) stop("x must be Date.")
as.numeric(format(x, "%Y"))
#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
month <- function(x)
if (!is.Date(x)) stop("x must be Date.")
as.numeric(format(x, "%m"))
#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
day <- function(x)
if (!is.Date(x)) stop("x must be Date.")
as.numeric(format(x, "%d"))
#' @title Expand \code{2x2 table} into \code{data.frame}
#' @description
#' \code{expandtbl()} generates a data.frame based on vectors.
#' @param ... vectors
#' @param exp_name Name of \code{exp} Variable
#' @param exp_lvl Names of two categories in the order of
#' Exposed and non-exposed
#' @param case_name Name of \code{Case} variable
#' @param case_lvl names of two categories in the order of
#' @param strata_name Name of stratified variable
#' @details
#' \strong{expandtbl}
#' uses the vectors of \code{2x2} tables and
#' generates a data frame of at least two columns:
#' exp and case.
#' \preformatted{expandtbl(c(100, 200, 100, 200))}
#' \code{Strata}
#' Multiple tables can be used to construct a dataset by specifying
#' \code{strata_name} as follow. Strata can be included
#' using multiple named vectors.
#' \preformatted{
#' expandtbl(
#' strata1 = c(100, 200, 100, 200),
#' strata2 = c(100, 200, 100, 200),
#' strata3 = c(100, 200, 100, 200),
#' exp_name = "exp",
#' exp_lvl = c("exposed", "unexposed"),
#' case_name = "case",
#' case_lvl = c("case", "control"),
#' strata_name = "Strata"
#' )
#' }
#' \code{Labels for variables}
#' If names or levels of variables are not specified, the followings are
#' applied.
#' \enumerate{
#' \item exp Name: \code{exp}
#' \item exp levels: \code{exposed} and \code{unexposed}
#' \item case Name: \code{case}
#' \item case levels: \code{case} and \code{control}
#' \item Strata Name: \code{strata}
#' \item Note: Strata levels are not considered as vectors must
#' be named.
#' }
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## Asthma Example from Essential Medical Statistics
#' ## page 160
#' asthma <- expandtbl(c(81, 995, 57, 867),
#' exp_name = "sex",
#' exp_lvl = c("woman", "man"),
#' case_name = "asthma",
#' case_lvl = c("yes", "no"))
#' \dontrun{
#' ## label variable and dataset
#' asthma <- label(asthma, "Hypothetical Data of Asthma Prevalence")
#' asthma <- label(asthma, sex = "Man or Woman",
#' asthma = "Asthma or No Asthma")
#' ## Checking codebook
#' codebook(asthma)
#' ## simple tabulation
#' tab(asthma)
#' ## cross-tabulation
#' tab(asthma, sex, by = asthma)
#' }
#' @export
expandtbl <- function( ... ,
exp_name = "exp",
exp_lvl = c("exposed", "unexposed"),
case_name = "case",
case_lvl = c("case", "control"),
strata_name = "strata")
# get vectors within three dots
.vec <- list(...)
.vec_len <- length(.vec)
## calculate strata
.strata_names <- sapply(1:length(.vec), function(z) names(.vec[z]))
.strata_times <- sapply(.vec, function(z) sum(z))
## create data.frame
.exp <- rep(exp_lvl, each = 2)
.case <- rep(case_lvl, times = 2)
## create data frame
data <-
lapply(1:.vec_len, function(z) {
.times <- unlist(.vec[z])
.vec.exp <- rep(.exp, .times) <- rep(.case, .times)
.vec_strata <- rep(names(.vec[z]), sum(.times))
if (is.null(.vec_strata)) {
.df <- data.frame(.vec.exp,
names(.df) <- c(exp_name, case_name)
} else {
.df <- data.frame(.vec.exp,, .vec_strata)
names(.df) <- c(exp_name, case_name, strata_name)
## print message
cat(paste0(" (expanded into a dataset)\n"))
}, error = function(cnd) {
stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)
#' @describeIn expandtbl
#' \code{expandfreq()} expands a frequency-weighted table
#' into a data.frame.
#' @param data frequency table in data.frame
#' @param freq name of variable for the weighted frequency
#' @details
#' \strong{expandfreq()} uses the weighted frequencies in
#' data.frame format and construct another data.frame
#' based on the frequency weight.
#' The name of the frequency weighted variable can be
#' specified by \code{freq} argument.
#' @examples
#' ## Example for expanding frequency weighted data
#' ## Example from UCLA website
#' ## you can download the dataset here:
#' ##
#' x <- data.frame(gender = c(1, 1, 0, 0),
#' aftlife = c(1, 0, 1, 0),
#' freq = c(435, 147, 375, 134))
#' y <- expandfreq(x, freq)
#' ## check the numbers by tabulation
#' ## tab(y, gender, by = aftlife)
#' @export
expandfreq <- function(data, freq)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_names <- names(data)
freq <- .args$freq
## get where the frequency column is and get the freq
.freqi <-.vars_names %in% as.character(freq)
.freq <- data[[freq]]
## if freq is not numbers, stop
if (!is.numeric(.freq)) {
stop(paste0("`", .freq, "` must be a number."),
call. = FALSE)
## repeat other columns per freq
.t <- apply(data[, !.freqi], 2, function(z) rep(z, .freq))
## put the dataset back to the original data frame
## this preserves the data structure of original data
.df <- data[0, !.freqi]
.df[1:nrow(.t), ] <- .t
## print message
cat(paste0(" ('", .data_name, "' expanded into dataset)\n"))
#' @title Lag a variable
#' @description
#' creates lagged version of an existing variable.
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param var variable to be lagged
#' @param by variable for grouped lagged version
#' @param new_var name of new lagged variable
#' @param last_obs `TRUE`retrieves the last observation per group.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from methods.
#' @details
#' This is often encountered in time-related analysis.
#' In a lagged variable, values from earlier points in time are placed in later
#' rows of dataset.
#' @note
#' Before using \code{lagRows}, the dataset needs to be sorted by a id variable
#' or similar variable.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(100)
#' ## create a dataset with dates
#' x <- data.frame(
#' hospid = 1:100,
#' docid = round(runif(100, 1, 10)),
#' dis_date = formatDate(runif(100, 42700, 42800))
#' )
#' ## lagged dis_date, not specifed "by"
#' lag(x, dis_date)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## lagged dis_date by docid
#' ## first we need to sort
#' y <- x[order(x$docid), ]
#' y
#' ## lag dates within groups
#' lag(y, dis_date, by = docid, new_var = lag_date)
#' lag(y, dis_date, by = docid, lag_date, TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname lag
#' @export <- function(x, var, by = NULL, new_var = NULL,
last_obs = FALSE, ... )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
data <- x
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
.vars_name <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## assign var and by
var <- data[[.args$var]]
by <- .args$by
## create lagged variables
if (is.null(by)) {
.lag <- c(var[1], var[-length(var)])
.lag[1] <- NA
} else {
## if by is specified, then assign by
## then create levels
by <- data[[as.character(by)]]
.lvl <- unique(by)
.lag <-
lapply(.lvl, function(z) {
if ( {
.equal <-
} else {
.equal <- which(by == z)
.lag <- var[.equal]
.lag <- c(.lag[1], .lag[-length(.lag)])
.lag[1] <- NA
if (last_obs) {
.lag <- var[.equal]
.lag <- rep(.lag[length(.lag)], length(.lag))
## add lagged variable to dataset
## add label and create name
data$new_var <- .lag
}, error = function(cnd) {
stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)
attr(data$new_var, "label") <-
paste0("<SYS.GEN: Lagged version of '", .args$var, "'>")
new_var <- ifelse(is.null(.args$new_var),
paste0(.args$var, "_lag"),
names(data)[ncol(data)] <- new_var
## print changes
cat(paste0(" (lagged into '",
new_var, "')\n"))
# SUMMARY STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Tabulation
#' @description
#' \code{tab()} generates one-way or two-way tabulation of variables.
#' If no variables are specified, tabulations for all the variables
#' in the dataset are generated.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... variable name or names of multiple variables
#' @param by variable name for bivariate analysis
#' @param row.pct `TRUE`, `FALSE` or `NULL`.
#' @param na.rm logical: if `TRUE`, it removes observations with missing values.
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers.
#' @details
#' \strong{One-way tabulation}
#' If \code{by} is not specified, \code{tab} generates one-way tabulation of
#' a variable or multiple variables. The table is displayed
#' in \code{Freq.} (frequency), \code{Percent}
#' (Relative Frequency) and \code{Cum.} (Cumulative Relative frequency).
#' \strong{Two-way tabulation}
#' Specifying \code{by} leads to two-way tabulation. By default,
#' row percentages are displayed along with count data. If `row.pct`
#' is set to `NULL`, it shows a count table without percentages. If set to
#' `FALSE`, a table with column percentages is generated. P-values from
#' `Chi-squared` and Fisher's `Exact` tests are also shown, regardless
#' of displaying percentages.
#' \strong{Tabulating the whole dataset}
#' This is helpful when the dataset has been processed and finalized.
#' The final dataset can be fed into the function without
#' inputting any variables. This automatically filters and generates
#' tables on variables with possible data types for tabulation. These
#' data types include `character`, `factor`, `order factor`, and `logical`.
#' \strong{Using colon `:` to tabulate multiple variables}
#' A colon separator `:` can be used to generate one-way or two-way
#' tables efficiently.
#' \strong{Labels}
#' Labels for corresponding variables are displayed below the
#' table.
#' @return
#' A list with `tab` class containing three sets of data.frame type:
#' 1) tabulation result,
#' 2) tabulation result without any format,
#' 3) labels for corresponding variables.
#' @import stats
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## One-way tabulation
#' tab(infert, education)
#' tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous)
#' tab(infert)
#' ## Two-way tabulation
#' tab(infert, education, by = case)
#' tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous, by = case)
#' tab(infert, by = case)
#' @export
tab <- function(data, ... , by = NULL, row.pct = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
## if data is not a data.frame, stop
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get variable names
.vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "by", "row.pct", "na.rm", "digits"))
.vars <- checkEnquotes(data, .vars)
if (length(.vars) == 0) {
.vars_type <- sapply(data, function(z) {
.class <- class(unlist(z))[1]
if (.class == "haven_labelled") {
.class <- typeof(unlist(z))[1]
.types <- c("factor", "character", "orderedfactor", "logical")
.vars <- names(data)[.vars_type %in% .types]
## check if var names are valid
sapply(.vars, function(z) {
## check if all vars specified are in the dataset
if (!(z %in% names(data))) {
stop(paste0("Variable '", z, "' not found in the dataset"),
call. = FALSE)
## Tabulation
by <- .args$by
if (length(by) == 0) {
.df <-, lapply(.vars, tab1, data, na.rm, digits))
.txt <- paste0(" One-way Tabulation")
} else {
if (!(as.character(by) %in% names(data))) {
stop(paste0("`", by, "` not found."),
call. = FALSE)
.df <-
rbind, lapply(.vars, tab2, data, by, row.pct, na.rm, digits)
.txt <- paste0(" Tabulation by '", by, "'")
.df_raw <- .df
## Add horizontal and vertical lines for visual appealing
hpos <- as.numeric(row.names(.df)[!(.df$Variable == "")])[-1]
hpos <- hpos + 0:(length(hpos) - 1)
sapply(hpos, function(z) {
.df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
hpos <- (c(hpos, nrow(.df) + 1) - 1) + 0:(length(hpos))
sapply(hpos, function(z) {
.df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
.df[z, 1] <<- ""
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)
if (length(by) != 0) {
.df <- cbind(.df[, 1:(ncol(.df) - 3)], .df[, 4],
.df[, (ncol(.df) - 2):ncol(.df)])
names(.df) <- .df[2, ]
## Display information
# printDFlenLines(.df)
cat(paste0(.txt, "\n"))
# printDFlenLines(.df), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
## get vars lbl
.vars_lbl <- sapply(c(by, .vars), getLabel, data)
.vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(by), .vars),
lbl = .vars_lbl)
.vars_lbl$lbl[$lbl)] <- .vars_lbl$vars[$lbl)]
## create list with class for tabulation
.list <- list(tab = .df,
tab_raw = .df_raw,
lbl = .vars_lbl,
type = ifelse(is.null(row.pct), "tab2",
ifelse(length(by) == 0, "tab1",
class(.list) <- "tab"
#### Helper functions for tab()
tab1 <- function(x, data, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
.x <- data[[x]]
## check NA
.useNA <- ifelse(na.rm, "no", "ifany")
## create tabulation table
.freq <- table(.x, useNA = .useNA)
.pct <- sprintf(prop.table(.freq) * 100,
fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f"))
.cumpct <- sprintf(cumsum(.pct),
fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f"))
.freq <- c(.freq, Total = sum(.freq, na.rm = TRUE))
## combine all statistics
.df <- data.frame(cbind(Variable = c(x, rep("", length(.freq) - 1)),
Category = names(.freq),
Freq. = .freq,
Percent = c(.pct, 100),
Cum. = c(.cumpct, 100)))
row.names(.df) <- NULL
tab2 <- function(x, data, by, row.pct = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
.x <- data[[x]]
.by <- data[[by]]
## check NA
.useNA <- ifelse(na.rm, "no", "ifany")
## Create confusion matrices of raw, row and col percentages
.tbl <- table(.x, .by, useNA = .useNA)
.tbl_count <- addmargins(.tbl)
.tbl_pct_row <- addmargins(prop.table(.tbl, 1) * 100)
.tbl_pct_row[nrow(.tbl_pct_row), ] <-
.tbl_count[nrow(.tbl_count), ] / sum(.tbl) * 100
.tbl_pct_row <- round(.tbl_pct_row, digits)
.tbl_pct_col <- addmargins(prop.table(.tbl, 2) * 100)
.tbl_pct_col[, ncol(.tbl_pct_col)] <-
.tbl_count[, ncol(.tbl_count)] / sum(.tbl) * 100
.tbl_pct_col <- round(.tbl_pct_col, digits)
## row and col names of the tables
.row_name <- c(row.names(.tbl), "Total")
.col_name <- c(colnames(.tbl), "Total")
.row_pct_name <- c(rbind(.col_name, rep("r(%)", length(.col_name))))
.col_pct_name <- c(rbind(.col_name, rep("c(%)", length(.col_name))))
row.names(.tbl_count) <- .row_name
colnames(.tbl_count) <- .col_name
row.names(.tbl_pct_row) <- .row_name
row.names(.tbl_pct_col) <- .row_name
.row_order <- order(c(2 * (1:ncol(.tbl_count) - 1) + 1,
2 * 1:ncol(.tbl_pct_row)))
.tbl_pct_row <- cbind(.tbl_count, .tbl_pct_row)[, .row_order]
colnames(.tbl_pct_row) <- .row_pct_name
.tbl_pct_col <- cbind(.tbl_count, .tbl_pct_col)[, .row_order]
colnames(.tbl_pct_col) <- .col_pct_name
## Choose which table to print and return
if (is.null(row.pct)) {
.df <- .tbl_count
} else if (row.pct) {
.df <- .tbl_pct_row
} else {
.df <- .tbl_pct_col
.df <-
.df <- cbind(.df[, 0], Variable = c(x, rep("", nrow(.df) - 1)),
Category = .row_name, .df)
row.names(.df) <- NULL
## calculate p-values
## if need to remove NA, create a data.frame and then omit NA
if (na.rm) {
.data <- data.frame(x = .x, by = .by)
.data <- na.omit(.data)
.x <- .data$x
.by <- .data$by
## get pvalue from chi square and fisher tests
pvalue <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(chisq.test(.x, .by, correct = FALSE)$p.value)
}, error = function(cnd) {
pvalue <- c(
fisher.test(.x, .by, simulate.p.value = TRUE)$p.value)
}, error = function(cnd) {
pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.3f')
## add pvalue back to .df
.df$p1 <- c(pvalue[1], rep("", nrow(.df) - 1))
.df$p2 <- c(pvalue[2], rep("", nrow(.df) - 1))
names(.df)[(ncol(.df)-1):ncol(.df)] <- c("Chi-squared", "Exact.")
#' @title Summary statistics
#' @description
#' \code{summ()} calculates and displays a variety of summary statistics.
#' If no variables are specified, summary statistics are calculated
#' for all the variables in the dataset.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... variable name or names of multiple variables
#' @param by variable name for bivariate analysis
#' @param na.rm logical: if `TRUE`, it removes observations with missing values.
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers.
#' @param detail logical: if `TRUE`, it displays a full spectrum of
#' summary statistics such as inter-quartile range, and p-value from normality
#' test.
#' @details
#' It calculates seven number summary statistics, and p-values from relevant
#' statistical tests of association.
#' \strong{ANNOTATIONS}
#' \code{Obs} = Number of observations
#' \code{NA} = Number of observations with missing value
#' \code{Mean} = Mean
#' \code{Std.Dev} = Standard deviation
#' \code{Median} = Median value
#' \code{25%} = First quartile or percentile
#' \code{75%} = Third quartile or percentile
#' \code{Min} = Minimum value
#' \code{Max} = Maximum value
#' \code{Normal} = p-value from Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test
#' \strong{Grouped summary statistics}
#' If a strata variable `by` is specified, grouped summary statistics
#' are calculated. In addition, based on the levels of `by`,
#' relevant statistical tests of association such as Student's t-test
#' and Wilcoxon, ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests are calculated and their
#' associated p-values are displayed.
#' \strong{Tabulating the whole dataset}
#' This is helpful when the dataset has been processed and finalized.
#' The final dataset can be fed into the function without
#' inputting any variables. This automatically filters and generates
#' tables on variables with possible data types for summary statistics. These
#' data types include `numeric`, `double`, `integer`, and `logical`.
#' \strong{Using colon `:` to summarize multiple variables}
#' A colon separator `:` can be used to summarize variables more efficiently.
#' \strong{Labels}
#' Labels for corresponding variables are displayed below the
#' table.
#' @return
#' A list with `summ` class containing three sets of data.frame type:
#' 1) summary result,
#' 2) summary result without any format,
#' 3) labels for corresponding variables.
#' @import stats
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## Univariate summary statistics
#' summ(iris, Sepal.Length)
#' summ(iris, Sepal.Length:Petal.Width)
#' ## Bivariate summary statistics
#' summ(iris, Sepal.Length:Petal.Width, by = Species)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Using the whole dataset
#' summ(iris)
#' summ(iris, by = Species)
#' ## Detailed summary statistics
#' summ(iris, detail = TRUE)
#' summ(iris, by = Species, detail = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
summ <- function(data, ... , by = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1, detail = FALSE)
## if data is not a data.frame, stop
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get variable names
.vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "by", "na.rm", "digits", "detail"))
.vars <- checkEnquotes(data, .vars)
if (length(.vars) == 0) {
.vars_type <- sapply(data, function(z) {
.class <- class(unlist(z))[1]
if (.class == "haven_labelled") {
.class <- typeof(unlist(z))[1]
.types <- c("numeric", "double", "integer", "logical")
.vars <- names(data)[.vars_type %in% .types]
## check if var names are valid
sapply(.vars, function(z) {
## check if all vars specified are in the dataset
if (!(z %in% names(data))) {
stop(paste0("Variable '", z, "' not found in the dataset"),
call. = FALSE)
## Summary measures
by <- .args$by
if (length(by) == 0) {
.df <-, lapply(.vars, summ1, data, na.rm, digits))
.df_raw <- .df
if (!detail) .df <- .df[, -c(6:8)]
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
if (length(.vars) > 5) {
.seq <- seq(3, nrow(.df), 5)
.seq <- .seq[-c(1, length(.seq))]
.seq <- .seq + 0:(length(.seq) - 1)
sapply(.seq, function(z) {
.df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
.df[.seq, ] <- .df[2, ]
.txt <- paste0(" Summary")
} else {
if (!(as.character(by) %in% names(data))) {
stop(paste0("`", by, "` not found."),
call. = FALSE)
.by <- data[[by]]
if (na.rm) {
.chk <-
.by <- .by[!.chk]
data <- data[!.chk, ]
} else {
if (is.factor(.by)) .by <- as.character(.by)
.by[] <- "NA"
.df <- summ2(data, .vars, .by, na.rm, digits)
.df <-, lapply(.df, function(z) z))
.df_raw <- .df
if (!detail) .df <- .df[, -c(7:11)]
## Add horizontal and vertical lines for visaul appealing
hpos <- as.numeric(row.names(.df)[!(.df$Variable == "")])[-1]
hpos <- hpos + 0:(length(hpos) - 1)
sapply(hpos, function(z) {
.df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
hpos <- (c(hpos, nrow(.df) + 1) - 1) + 0:(length(hpos))
sapply(hpos, function(z) {
.df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
.df[z, 1] <<- ""
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)
.txt <- paste0(" Summary by '", by, "'")
## Display information
cat(paste0(.txt, "\n")), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
## get vars lbl
.vars_lbl <- sapply(c(by, .vars), getLabel, data)
.vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(by), .vars),
lbl = .vars_lbl)
## create list with class for summary
.list <- list(summ = .df,
summ_raw = .df_raw,
lbl = .vars_lbl,
type = ifelse(detail, "summ2d",
ifelse(length(by) == 0, "summ1",
class(.list) <- "summ"
summ1 <- function(x, data, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
.x <- data[[x]]
.obs <- ifelse(na.rm, length(.x[!]), length(.x))
.na <- length(.x[])
## Set na.rm to TRUE for further operations
na.rm <- TRUE
## construct 7 number summary statistics
.mu <- mean(.x, na.rm = na.rm)
.std <- sd(.x, na.rm = na.rm)
.q <- round(quantile(.x, probs = c(0, .25, .5, .75, 1),
na.rm = na.rm), digits)
.v <- round(c(.mu, .std, .q), digits)
.v <- sprintf(.v, fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f"))
## get p value from normality test
pvalue <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(err) {
pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.4f')
## final .df for return
.df <- data.frame(x, .obs, .na, .v[1], .v[2], .v[5], .v[4],
.v[6], .v[3], .v[7], pvalue)
names(.df) <- c("Variable", "Obs", "<NA>", "Mean", "Std.Dev",
"Median", "25%", "75%", "Min", "Max", "Normal.")
row.names(.df) <- NULL
summ2 <- function(data, .vars, .by, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
lapply(.vars, function(z) {
.split <- split(data, .by)
.sub <-
rbind, lapply(.split, function(i) summ1(z, i, TRUE, digits))
.sub <- rbind(.sub, summ1(z, data, na.rm, digits))
.x <- data[[z]]
## get pvalue from ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis or t.test / Wilcox
## calculate p-values from ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis or t.test / Wilcox
if (length(.split) > 2) {
pvalue <- tryCatch(
{suppressWarnings(summary(aov(.x ~ .by))[[1]][1,5])},
error = function(cnd) {return(NA)}
pvalue <- c(pvalue, tryCatch(
{suppressWarnings(kruskal.test(.x ~ .by)$p.value)},
error = function(cnd) {return(NA)})) <- c("ANOVA", "K-Wallis")
} else {
pvalue <- tryCatch(
{suppressWarnings(t.test(.x ~ .by)$p.value)},
error = function(cnd) {return(NA)}
pvalue <- c(pvalue, tryCatch(
{suppressWarnings(suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(.x ~ .by)$p.value))},
error = function(cnd) {return(NA)})
) <- c("t-test", "Wilcoxon")
pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.4f')
## add pvalue back to .sub
.sub$p1 <- c(pvalue[1], rep("", nrow(.sub) - 1))
.sub$p2 <- c(pvalue[2], rep("", nrow(.sub) - 1))
names(.sub)[(ncol(.sub)-1):ncol(.sub)] <-
.sub$Variable[-1] <- ""
.sub$Level <- c(row.names(.sub)[-nrow(.sub)], "Total")
row.names(.sub) <- NULL
.sub <- cbind(Variable = .sub[, 1], Level = .sub[, ncol(.sub)],
.sub[, 2:(ncol(.sub) - 1)])
# INFERENTIAL STATISTICS --------------------------------------------------
# LINEAR REGRESSION -------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Linear Regression Model
#' @description
#' \code{regress()} produces summary of the model
#' with coefficients and 95% Confident Intervals.
#' @param model glm or lm model
#' @param vce if `TRUE`, robust standard errors are calculated.
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' \code{regress} is based on \code{\link{lm}}. All statistics presented
#' in the function's output are derivatives of \code{\link{lm}},
#' except AIC value which is obtained from \code{\link{AIC}}.
#' It uses `lm()` function to run the model.
#' \strong{Outputs}
#' Outputs can be divided into three parts.
#' 1) `Info of the model`:
#' Here provides number of observations (Obs.), F value, p-value
#' from F test,
#' R Squared value, Adjusted R Squared value, square root of mean square
#' error
#' (Root MSE) and AIC value.
#' 2) `Errors`:
#' Outputs from `anova(model)` is tabulated here. SS, DF and MS indicate
#' sum of square of errors, degree of freedom and mean of square of errors.
#' 3) `Regression Output`:
#' Coefficients from summary of model are tabulated here along with 95\%
#' confidence interval.
#' \strong{using Robust Standard Errors}
#' if heteroskedasticity is present in our data sample,
#' the ordinary least square (OLS) estimator will remain unbiased
#' and consistent,
#' but not efficient. The estimated OLS standard errors
#' will be biased and cannot be solved with a larger sample size.
#' To remedy this, robust standard errors can be used to adjusted
#' standard errors.
#' The `regress` uses sandwich estimator to estimate Huber-White's standard
#' errors. The calculation is based on the tutorial by Kevin Goulding.
#' \deqn{Variance of Robust = (N / N - K) (X'X)^(-1)
#' \sum{Xi X'i ei^2} (X'X)^(-1)}
#' where N = number of observations, and K = the number of regressors
#' (including the intercept). This returns a Variance-covariance (VCV)
#' matrix
#' where the diagonal elements are the estimated heteroskedasticity-robust
#' coefficient
#' variances — the ones of interest. Estimated coefficient standard errors
#' are the square root of these diagonal elements.
#' @note
#' Credits to Kevin Goulding, The Tarzan Blog.
#' @return
#' a list containing
#' 1. `info` - info and error tables
#' 2. `reg` - regression table
#' 3. `model` - raw model output from `lm()`
#' 4. `fit` - formula for fitting the model
#' 5. `lbl` - variable labels for further processing in `summary`.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' fit <- lm(Ozone ~ Wind, data = airquality)
#' regress(fit)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## labelling variables
#' airquality2 <- label(airquality, Ozone = "Ozone level", Wind = "Wind Speed")
#' fit2 <- lm(Ozone ~ Wind, data = airquality2)
#' reg <- regress(fit2)
#' str(reg)
#' }
#' @export
regress <- function(model, vce = FALSE, digits = 5)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## if input is not a lm or glm, stop
if (!any(class(model) %in% c("glm", "lm"))) {
stop(paste0("`", .args$model, "` must be linear model"),
call. = FALSE)
## refitting model for glm and lm
.getcall <- getCall(model)
.data_name <- .getcall$data
data <- eval(.data_name)
.formula <- .getcall$formula
.txt <- paste0("lm(", Reduce(paste, deparse(.formula)),
", data = ", .data_name, ")")
.model <- eval(parse(text = .txt))
## calculate errors and statistics
.err <- calcRegress(.model, digits)
## Calculate model coefficients and SE
if (vce) {
.coef <- vceRobust(.model)
.txt <- paste0(" Linear Regression Output",
" with Robust Standard Error")
} else {
.coef <- data.frame(coef(summary(.model)))
.txt <- paste0(" Linear Regression Output")
## put intercept to last and names
.coef <- rbind(.coef[-1, ], .coef[1, ])
names(.coef) <- c("e", "se", "t", "p")
## gather all statistics
.t <- data.frame(
sprintf(.coef$e, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$se, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$t, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$p, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$e - (1.96 * .coef$se),
fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$e + (1.96 * .coef$se),
fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f'))
## get y name
.y_name <- as.character(.formula)[2]
names(.t) <- c(.y_name, "Coef.", "Std.Err", "t",
"P>|t|", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
.t <- formatdf(.t, 2, 2)
## Print tabulation and labels
# printDFlenLines(.t)
cat(paste0(" ", .txt, "\n"))
# printDFlenLines(.t), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
cat(paste0(" Model fit: ",
Reduce(paste, deparse(getCall(model))), "\n"))
## get raw data for labelling
.vars <- all.vars(formula(.model)[-2])
## get vars lbl
.vars_lbl <- sapply(c(.y_name, .vars), getLabel, data)
.vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(.y_name), .vars),
lbl = .vars_lbl)
.vars_lbl$lbl[$lbl)] <- .vars_lbl$vars[$lbl)]
## create list with class
.list <- list(info = .err,
reg = .t,
model = .model,
fit = .formula,
data = data,
lbl = .vars_lbl)
## add label for further processing
attr(.t, "label") <- ifelse(
vce, "Linear Regression with Robust Standard Errors",
"Linear Regression"
## create class for S3 method to use in summary()
class(.list) <- "regress"
calcRegress <- function(model, rnd)
## model summary and F test
.s <- summary(model)
.aov <- anova(model)
## calculate errors
## errors without residuals
.t <- .aov[-nrow(.aov), ]
## errors with residuals
.r <- .aov["Residuals", 1:3]
.r <- rbind(c(colSums(.t[, 1:2]),
"Mean Sq" = mean(.t[["Mean Sq"]])), .r)
## DSS Princeton linear101 training
## add total row
.df <- sum(.r$Df)
.ss <- sum(.r$`Sum Sq`)
.msq <- .ss / .df
.r[3, ] <- c(.df, .ss, .msq)
.r <- cbind(c("Model", "Residual", "Total"), .r)
names(.r) <- c("Source", "DF", "SS", "MS")
## calculate MSE
.mse <- sqrt(.r["Residuals", "MS"])
.mse <- sprintf(.mse, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f"))
## fix decimal places
.r[, "SS"] <- sprintf(.r[, "SS"], fmt = paste0("%#.", 1, "f"))
.r[, "MS"] <- sprintf(.r[, "MS"], fmt = paste0("%#.", 1, "f"))
row.names(.r) <- NULL
## number of observations, f statistics, pvalue
.obs <- c("Number of Obs", length(.s$residuals))
## calculate F statistics
.f <- .s$fstatistic
.fv <- .f["value"]
.fndf <- .f["numdf"]
.fddf <- .f["dendf"]
if (is.null(.f)) {
.fv <- .fndf <- 0
.fddf <- length(.s$residuals) - 1
.pf <- 0
} else {
.pf <- pf(.fv, .fndf, .fddf, lower.tail = FALSE)
.f <- c(paste0("F(", .fndf, ", ", .fddf, ")"),
sprintf(.fv, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))
.pf <- c("Prob > F",
sprintf(.pf, fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))
## calculate r squared, adj r squared
.r2 <- c("R-Squared",
sprintf(.s$r.squared, fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))
.r2_adj <- c(
"Adj R-Squared",
sprintf(.s$adj.r.squared, fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f"))
## calculate AIC
.aic <- AIC(model)
.aic <- sprintf(.aic, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f"))
## result table
data <- data.frame(rbind(.obs, .f, .pf, .r2, .r2_adj))
names(data) <- c("Stats", "Value")
data <- formatdf(data, 2, 2)
# ## process ERROR Table to return
.r <- rbind(.r, c("AIC", .aic, "Root MSE", .mse))
.r <- formatdf(.r, 2, 2)
.r <- rbind(.r[1:4, ], .r[7, ], .r[5, ], .r[7, ], .r[6, ])
.r[8, c(1, 3, 7)] <- ""
.r <- .r[, -c(1, ncol(.r))]
row.names(.r) <- NULL
data <- cbind(data, " ", .r)
names(data) <- data[2, ]
## robust standard errors for heteroskedasticity
## Heteroskedasticity-robust standard error calculation.
## -robust-and-clustered-standard-errors-in-r/
vceRobust <- function(.model) {
.s <- summary(.model)
.matrix <- model.matrix(.model)
.square <- residuals(.model)^2
.xdx <- 0
## Here one needs to calculate X'DX. But due to the fact that
## D is huge (NxN), it is better to do it with a cycle.
sapply(1:nrow(.matrix), function(z) {
.xdx <<- .xdx + .square[z] * .matrix[z, ] %*% t(.matrix[z, ])
# inverse(X'X)
.inverse <- solve(t(.matrix) %*% .matrix)
# Variance calculation (Bread x meat x Bread)
.var.covar <- .inverse %*% .xdx %*% .inverse
# degrees of freedom adjustment
.df.adj <- sqrt(nrow(.matrix))/sqrt(nrow(.matrix)-ncol(.matrix))
# Standard errors of the coefficient estimates are the
# square roots of the diagonal elements
.se <- .df.adj * sqrt(diag(.var.covar))
.t <- .model$coefficients / .se
.p <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(.t))
## gather all statistics
data <- cbind(.model$coefficients, .se, .t, .p)
data <- data.frame(data)
names(data) <- colnames(.s$coefficients)
##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`predict.regress`} a S3 method for \code{predict} to generate
##' statistics related to the prediction of the linear model using the output
##' from the \code{regress} function of the \code{mStats}.
##' @details
##' \code{`predict.regress`} generates an original data with statistics for model
##' diagnostics:
##' 1. `fitted` (Fitted values)
##' 2. `resid` (Residuals)
##' 3. `std.resid` (Studentized Residuals)
##' 4. `hat` (leverage)
##' 5. `sigma`
##' 6. `cooksd` (Cook's Distance)
##' @inheritParams stats::predict
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' predict(reg)
##' }
##' @export
predict.regress <- function(object, ... )
## get the model from list object
.model <- object$model
## get the original data
data <- object$data
## get vars name in the model
.vars <- all.vars(formula(.model))
## calculate model diagnostic statistics
.hat <- data.frame(lm.influence(.model))
.dx <- cbind(.model$model,
fitted = fitted(.model),
resid = resid(.model),
std.resid = rstandard(.model),
hat = .hat$hat,
sigma = .hat$sigma,
cooksd = cooks.distance(.model))
## merge the two datasets by left-join
.df <-, .dx,
by = .vars, all.x = TRUE)
attr(.df$fitted, "label") <- "Fitted values"
attr(.df$resid, "label") <- "Residuals"
attr(.df$std.resid, "label") <- "Studentized Residuals"
attr(.df$hat, "label") <- "Leverage or hat values"
attr(.df$sigma, "label") <- "hat sigma"
attr(.df$cooksd, "label") <- "Cook's Distance"
##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`plot.regress`} is a S3 method for \code{plot()} to create
##' graphs for checking diagnostics of linear model using the output from
##' the \code{regress} function of the \code{mStats}.
##' @inheritParams base::plot
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' plot(reg)
##' }
##' @export
plot.regress <- function(x, ... )
.model <- x$model
## Set graph parameters
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
## Reset graph parameters
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`ladder`} converts a variable into a normally
##' distributed one.
##' @param data dataset
##' @param var variable name
##' @examples
##' ladder(airquality, Ozone)
##' @export
ladder <- function(data, var)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
x <- as.character(.args$var)
.x <- data[[.args$var]]
## get ladder vectors
.t <- list(.x^3,
1 / sqrt(.x),
1 / .x,
1 / .x^2,
1 / .x^3)
## get chi W and p-value
.s <-
lapply(.t, function(z) {
.s <- shapiro.test(z)
sprintf(c(.s$statistic, .s$p.value),
fmt = paste0("%#.", 5, "f"))
## combine all
.df <- data.frame(c("cube", "squre", "raw", "square-root", "log",
"reciprocal root", "reciprocal", "reciprocal square",
"reciprocal cube"),
c(paste0(x, c("^3", "^2", "")),
paste0("sqrt(", x, ")"),
paste0("log(", x, ")"),
paste0("1 / sqrt(", x, ")"),
paste0("1 / ", x),
paste0("1 / (", x, "^2)"),
paste0("1 / (", x, "^3)")),
names(.df) <- c("Transformation", "formula", "W", "P-Value")
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
## Display information
cat(paste0(" Ladder of Transformation : ", x, "\n"))
printDFlenLines(.df), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`hettest`} performs the Breusch-Pagan test
##' for heteroskedasticity.
##' It presents evidence against the
##' null hypothesis that t=0 in Var(e)=sigma^2 exp(zt).
##' The formula are based on the \code{bptest} function
##' in \code{lmtest} package.
##' @param regress output from \code{regress}
##' @param studentize logical.
##' If set to \code{TRUE} Koenker's studentized version
##' of the test statistic will be used.
##' @details
##' The `Breusch-Pagan test` fits a linear regression model
##' to the residuals of a linear regression model
##' (by default the same explanatory variables are taken as
##' in the main regression model) and rejects if too
##' much of the variance is explained by the additional
##' explanatory variables. Under \eqn{H_0} the test statistic
##' of the Breusch-Pagan test follows a chi-squared distribution
##' with \code{parameter} (the number of regressors without
##' the constant in the model) degrees of freedom.
##' @references
##' T.S. Breusch & A.R. Pagan (1979),
##' A Simple Test for Heteroscedasticity and Random
##' Coefficient Variation.
##' \emph{Econometrica} \bold{47}, 1287--1294
##' R. Koenker (1981), A Note on Studentizing a Test for
##' Heteroscedasticity. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}
##' \bold{17}, 107--112.
##' W. Krämer & H. Sonnberger (1986),
##' \emph{The Linear Regression Model under Test}.
##' Heidelberg: Physics
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' hettest(reg)
##' }
##' @export
hettest <- function(regress, studentize = FALSE)
.model <- regress$model
## get residual square
.n <- nobs(.model)
.r <- resid(.model)
.s2 <- sum(.r^2) / .n
## get model matrix for
.Z <- model.matrix(.model)
if (studentize) {
.w <- .r^2 - .s2
.aux <-, .w)
.bp <- .n * sum(.aux$fitted.values^2) / sum(.w^2)
.txt <- "Studentized Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity"
.txt <- paste0(" ", .txt)
} else {
.w <- .r^2 / .s2 - 1
.aux <-, .w)
.bp <- 0.5 * sum(.aux$fitted.values^2)
.txt <- "Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity"
.txt <- paste0(" ", .txt)
.df <- .aux$rank - 1
.p <- pchisq(.bp, .df, lower.tail = FALSE)
## gather all statistics
.df <- cbind(
"Constant variance",
paste0("Fitted values of ", getCall(.model)$formula[2]),
sprintf(.bp, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')),
sprintf(.p, fmt = paste0('%#.', 5, 'f'))
.df <- data.frame(.df)
names(.df) <- c("Null Hypothesis", "Variables",
"Chi2(1)", "Prob > Chi2")
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
## Display information
cat(paste0("\t Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity\n")), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`linkTest`} determines whether a model in R is
##' 'well specified' using the `STATA`'s `linkTest`.
##' @details
##' The code for \code{`linkTest`} has been modified from Keith Chamberlain's linktext.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' linkTest(fit)
##' }
##' @export
linkTest <- function(model, vce = FALSE, digits = 5)
## get the model from list object
.model <- model
## get the original data
data <- getCall(.model)$data
.data <- eval(data)
## get vars name in the model
.vars <- all.vars(formula(.model))
## predict hat values
.fit <- predict(.model)
.fit2 <- .fit^2
# Check to see that the predicted and predicted^2 variable actually
# vary.
if(round(var(.fit), digits=2) == 0){
stop("No parameters that vary. Cannot perform test.")
.df <- cbind(.model$model,
hat_ = .fit,
hatsq_ = .fit2)
# ## merge the two datasets by left-join
# .df <-, .dx,
# by = .vars, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
.df_name <- paste0(data, "_linkTest")
assign(.df_name, .df, envir = environment(formula(model)))
## re fit model with hat_ and hatsq_
.txt <- paste0("lm(", .vars[1], " ~ hat_ + hatsq_, data = ",
.df_name, ")")
.refit <- eval(parse(text = .txt))
.list <- regress(.refit, vce = vce, digits = digits)
# LOGITISTIC REGRESSION ---------------------------------------------------
#' @title Logistic Regression Model
#' @description
#' \code{logit()} produces summary of the model with
#' coefficients or odds ratios (`OR`) and 95% Confident Intervals.
#' @param model glm or lm model
#' @param or `TRUE`reports odds ratios instead of coefficients
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' \code{logit()} is based on \code{\link{glm}} with `binomial` family.
#' All statistics presented in the function's output are derivatives of
#' \code{\link{glm}},
#' except AIC value which is obtained from \code{\link{AIC}}.
#' \strong{Outputs}
#' Outputs can be divided into three parts.
#' 1) `Info of the model`:
#' Here provides number of observations (Obs.), chi value from Likelihood Ratio
#' test (LR chi2) and its degree of freedom, p-value from LR test,
#' Pseudo R Squared, log likelihood and AIC values.
#' 2) `Regression Output`:
#' Coefficients from summary of model are tabulated here along with 95\%
#' confidence interval.
#' @return
#' a list containing
#' 1. `info` - info and error tables
#' 2. `reg` - regression table
#' 3. `model` - raw model output from `lm()`
#' 4. `fit` - formula for fitting the model
#' 5. `lbl` - variable labels for further processing in `summary`.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' mylogit <- glm(case ~ education + age + parity, family = binomial,
#' data = infert)
#' logit(mylogit)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example from UCLA website:
#' ##
#' mydata <- read.csv("")
#' mydata <- replace(mydata, rank, factor(rank))
#' mydata <- label(mydata, gre = "GRE", gpa = "GPA score", rank = "Ranking")
#' mylogit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")
#' ## Showing Odds Ratios
#' logit(mylogit)
#' ## Showing coefficients
#' logit(mylogit, or = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
logit <- function(model, or = TRUE, digits = 5)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## refitting model for glm and lm
.getcall <- getCall(model)
.data_name <- .getcall$data
data <- eval(.data_name)
.formula <- .getcall$formula
## if input is not a lm or glm, stop
if (!any(class(model) %in% c("glm", "lm"))) {
stop(paste0("`", .args$model, "` must be glm model"),
call. = FALSE)
## Calculate model info
.err <- calcLogit(model, digits)
## get coefficients
.s <- summary(model)
.coef <- data.frame(coef(.s)[, 1:3],
coef(.s)[, 4])
## put intercept to last and names
.coef <- rbind(.coef[-1, ], .coef[1, ])
names(.coef) <- c("e", "se", "z", "ll", "ul", "p")
## calculate OR
if (or) {
.coef$se <- sqrt(exp(coef(model))^2 * diag(vcov(model)))
.coef$e <- exp(.coef$e)
.coef$ll <- exp(.coef$ll)
.coef$ul <- exp(.coef$ul)
## gather all statistics
.t <- data.frame(
sprintf(.coef$e, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$se, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$z, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$p, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
sprintf(.coef$ll, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f'))
## get y name
.y_name <- as.character(.formula)[2]
names(.t) <- c(.y_name, ifelse(or, "Odds Ratio", "Coef."),
"Std.Err", "z", "P>|z|", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
.t <- formatdf(.t, 2, 2)
## Print tabulation and labels
# printDFlenLines(.t)
cat(paste0("\t\t\tLogistic Regression Output\n"))
# printDFlenLines(.t), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
cat(paste0(" Model fit: ",
Reduce(paste, deparse(getCall(model))), "\n"))
## get raw data for labelling
.vars <- all.vars(formula(model)[-2])
## get vars lbl
.vars_lbl <- sapply(c(.y_name, .vars), getLabel, data)
.vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(.y_name), .vars),
lbl = .vars_lbl)
.vars_lbl$lbl[$lbl)] <- .vars_lbl$vars[$lbl)]
## create list with class
.list <- list(info = .err,
reg = .t,
model = model,
fit = .formula,
data = data,
lbl = .vars_lbl)
## add label for further processing
attr(.t, "label") <- "Logistic Regression"
## create class for S3 method to use in summary()
class(.list) <- "logit"
calcLogit <- function(model, digits)
## model summary and F test
.s <- summary(model)
## number of observations, f statistics, pvalue
.obs <- c("Number of Obs", length(resid(model)))
## LR Chi Square Test
.chi <- with(model, null.deviance - deviance)
.chi.df <- with(model, df.null - df.residual)
.chi.p <- pchisq(.chi, .chi.df, lower.tail = FALSE)
.chi <- c(paste0("LR chi2(", .chi.df, ")"),
sprintf(.chi, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))
.chi.p <- c("Prob > chi2",
sprintf(.chi.p, fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f")))
## calculate pseudo R-squared
# McFadden's R squared
.pr2 <- 1 - model$deviance / model$null.deviance
.pr2 <- c("Pseudo R-Squared",
sprintf(.pr2, fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f")))
.ll <- c("Log likelihood",
sprintf(logLik(model), fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))
## get AIC value
.aic <- c("AIC",
sprintf(.s$aic, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))
## Combine tables
.df1 <- data.frame(rbind(.obs, .chi, .chi.p))
names(.df1) <- c("Stats", "Value")
.df1 <- formatdf(.df1, 2, 2)
.df2 <- data.frame(rbind(.aic, .pr2, .ll))
.df <- cbind(.df1, " ", rbind("", "", .df2, ""))
names(.df) <- .df[2, ]
row.names(.df) <- NULL
# MHOR --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Calculating Odds Ratios
#' @description
#' \code{mhor()} calculates odds ratios, Mantel Haenszel pooled estimates and
#' 95% CI.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param exp exposure or independent variables
#' @param case case or dependent variables (outcomes)
#' @param strata if specified, MH OR is calculated.
#' @param exp_value value for exposure as reference
#' @param case_value value for outcome as reference
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' Rows and Columns can be rearranged by specifying
#' `exp_value` and `case_value`. This is used
#' when the exposed and case values are not at the right place in 2x2 tables.
#' Reference row value can be specified in `exp_value`.
#' Attributable fractions, \code{Attr. Frac. Exp} and \code{Attr. Frac. Pop}
#' among exposed and population are calculated when OR is greater than or
#' equal to 1.
#' If OR is less than 1, preventable fractions, \code{Prev. Frac. Exp}
#' and \code{Attr. Frac. Pop} are calculated.
#' It produces a table with Odds Ratio, 95% CI as well as
#' p-value. If \code{strata} is specified, `Mantel-Haenzsel` Pooled
#' estimates of `Odds Ratio` is generated along with Chi-squared test for
#' homogeneity.
#' \strong{Odds Ratio, OR}
#' \deqn{OR = (D1 x H0) / (D0 x H1)}
#' \strong{Error Factor, EF using Woolf's formula}
#' \deqn{95\% CI = OR / EF or OR x EF}
#' \deqn{EF = exp(1.96 x SE(log(OR)))}
#' \deqn{SE(log(OR)) = \sqrt{1/D1 + 1/H1 + 1/D0 + 1/H0}}
#' \strong{Calculating p-value from Wald's z test}
#' \deqn{z = log OR / SE (log OR)}
#' \strong{Mantel-Haenszel's OR}
#' \deqn{ORMH = Q / R}
#' \deqn{Q = \sum{(D1i x H0i) / ni}}
#' \deqn{R = \sum{(D0i x H1i) / ni}}
#' \strong{Calculating CI for MH-OR}
#' \deqn{95\% CI = OR / EF or OR x EF}
#' \deqn{SE(ORMH) = \sqrt{V / (Q x R)}}
#' \deqn{V = \sum{(Di x Hi x n0i x n1i) / ( (ni)^2 x (ni - 1))}}
#' \strong{Chi-square test for MHOR, df = 1}
#' \deqn{X^2 (MH), Chi-square value = U^2 / V}
#' \deqn{U = O - E}
#' \deqn{O = \sum{D1i}}
#' \deqn{E = \sum{Di x n1i / ni}}
#' \strong{Chi-square test for Heterogeneity}
#' \deqn{X^2 = \sum{(D1i x H0i - ORMH x D0i x H1i)^2 / ORMH x Vi x ni^2}}
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Betty R. Kirkwood, Jonathan A.C. Sterne (2006, ISBN:978–0–86542–871–3)
#' \item B. Burt Gerstman (2013, ISBN:978-1-4443-3608-5)
#' \item Douglas G Altman (2005, ISBN:0 7279 1375 1)
#' }
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ### Example from Essential Medical Statistics
#' # Page 178, Chapter 18: Controlling for confounding: Stratification
#' lepto <- expandtbl(
#' male = c(36, 14, 50, 50), female = c(24, 126, 10, 90),
#' exp_name = "area", exp_lvl = c("Rural", "Urban"),
#' case_name = "ab", case_lvl = c("Yes", "No"),
#' strata_name = "gender"
#' )
#' ## label variables and data
#' lepto <- label(lepto, "Prevalence survey of leptospirosis in West Indies")
#' lepto <- label(lepto, area="Type of area", ab = "Leptospirosis Antibodies",
#' gender="Gener: Male or Female")
#' ## Calculate OR
#' mhor(lepto, area, ab)
#' ## Calculate MHOR
#' mhor(lepto, area, ab, gender)
#' @export
mhor <- function(data, exp , case, strata = NULL, exp_value = NULL,
case_value = NULL, digits = 4)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_names <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## get exp and case name
exp <- as.character(.args$exp)
case <- as.character(.args$case)
strata <- as.character(.args$strata)
## check if these variables are in the dataset
lapply(c(exp, case, strata) , function(z) {
if (!(z %in% .vars_names)) {
stop(paste0("'", z, "' not found."), call. = FALSE)
## create single vectors for exp and case
.exp <- data[[exp]]
.case <- data[[case]]
## create table
.tbl <- table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no")
## case var must be binary.
if (ncol(.tbl) > 2) {
stop(paste0("'", case, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
## if strata is not specified, calculate OR. Otherwise, calculate MHOR
if (length(strata) == 0) {
## change row and col orders
.tbl <- rowColOrder(.tbl, exp_value, case_value)
## split tables if nrow > 2
.tbl <- splitTables(.tbl, .exp.value = exp_value)
.df <- lapply(.tbl, calcOR, exp, digits)
.df <-,
lapply(1:length(.df), function(z) {
if (z > 1) {
.df[[z]][-1, ]
} else {
## create label
.txt <- paste0(" Measure of Association : Odds Ratio of '", case, "'")
} else {
## exp var must be binary for MHOR.
if (nrow(.tbl) > 2) {
stop(paste0("'", exp, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
## create single vector for strata
.strata <- data[[strata]]
.df <- calcMHOR(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, digits)
.t <-,
lapply(split(data, .strata), function(z) {
x <- z[[exp]]
y <- z[[case]]
calcOR(table(x, y, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
.t[, 1] <- row.names(.t)
.oa <- calcOR(table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
.oa[, 1] <- "Crude"
names(.t) <- names(.oa) <- names(.df)
.df <- rbind(.t, .oa, .df)
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
.nrow <- nrow(.df)
.df <- rbind(.df[1:(.nrow - 4),], .df[2, ], .df[(.nrow - 3):(.nrow - 2), ],
.df[2, ], .df[.nrow - 1, ], .df[2, ])
## create label
.txt <- paste0("\t\t\t Mantel-Haenszel (M-H) Odds Ratios")
## Print tabulation and labels
# printDFlenLines(.t)
cat(paste0(" ", .txt, "\n"))
# printDFlenLines(.t), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
## get vars lbl
sapply(c(exp, case, strata), getLabel, data)
calcMHOR <- function(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, digits)
## make three tables
.tbl <- table(.exp, .case, .strata, useNA = "no")
.lvl_len <- dim(.tbl)[3]
## calculate MHOR
.t <- tryCatch({
mantelhaen.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE)
}, warning = function(w) {
mantelhaen.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE, exact = TRUE)
}, error = function(cnd) {
.mhor <- c("M-H Combined",
sprintf(c(.t$estimate, .t$, .t$p.value),
fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f")))
# calculate chi-square and p-value for homogeneity test
# Woolf test of homogeneity of odds ratios (Jewell 2004, page 154).
.t <-
lapply(1:.lvl_len, function(z) {
## change row and col orders
.t <- rowColOrder(.tbl[,,z], exp_value, case_value)
.strata_name <- dimnames(.tbl)$.strata[z]
a <- as.numeric(.t[1, 1])
b <- as.numeric(.t[1, 2])
c <- as.numeric(.t[2, 1])
d <- as.numeric(.t[2, 2])
or <- log(((a + 0.5) * (d + 0.5)) /
((b + 0.5) * (c + 0.5)))
var <- (1 / (a + 0.5)) +
(1 / (b + 0.5)) + (1 / (c + 0.5)) + (1 / (d + 0.5))
w <- 1 / as.numeric(var)
wor <- w * or
## calculate OR
res <- calcOR(.t, "tocombine", digits)[7, -2]
res[1, 1] <- .strata_name
## return result
.df <- data.frame(res, or, w, wor)
names(.df)[1:5] <- c("Level", "Estimate",
"[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2")
lnOR <- sum(.t$wor) / sum(.t$w)
# Equation 10.3 from Jewell (2004):
.chi <- sum(.t$w * (.t$or - lnOR)^2)
.pvalue <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(pchisq(.chi, df = .lvl_len - 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
}, error = function(err) {
## combine estimates
.t <- .t[, 1:5]
.df <- data.frame(
c("M-H Homogeneity Test", paste0("chi(", .lvl_len - 1, ")"),
sprintf(.chi, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')), "Pr>chi2",
sprintf(.pvalue, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')))
names(.df) <- names(.t)
calcOR <- function(.tbl, exp, rnd)
## create row and column totals and odds.
.tblr <- cbind(.tbl, Total = rowSums(.tbl))
.tblc <- rbind(.tblr, Total = colSums(.tblr))
.tblf <- cbind(
Odds = sprintf(.tblc[, 1] / .tblc[, 2], fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f"))
## calculate odds ratio, 95% CI, and p-value
.a <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 1])
.b <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 2])
.c <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 1])
.d <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 2])
.or <- (.a * .d) / (.b * .c)
.fisher <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(cnd) {
.confint <- .fisher$
## get p-value chi-square
.chi <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(chisq.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE))
}, error = function(cnd) {
## calculate attributable or prevent
.m1 <- .a + .b
if (.or >= 1) {
.afe <- (.or - 1) / .or
.afe_confint <- (.confint - 1) / .confint
.afp <- .afe * .a / .m1
.lbl <- c("Odds Ratio", "Attr. Frac. Exp", "Attr. Frac. Pop")
} else {
.afe <- 1 - .or
.afe_confint <- c(1 - .confint[2], 1- .confint[1])
.afp <- (.a / .m1 * .afe) / ((.a / .m1 * .afe) + .or)
.lbl <- c("Odds Ratio", "Prev. Frac. Exp", "Prev. Frac. Pop")
## combine all in one dataframe
.df <- data.frame(row.names(.tblf), .tblf)
## get other estimates
.est <- data.frame(
sprintf(c(.or, .afe, .afp),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")),
c(sprintf(c(.confint[1], .afe_confint[1]),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")), ""),
c(sprintf(c(.confint[2], .afe_confint[2]),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")), ""),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")), "", "")
names(.est) <- names(.df) <- c(exp, colnames(.tblf))
## combine into final dataframe
.df <- rbind(.df,
c("Measure", "Estimate", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2"),
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
.df <- rbind(.df[1:5, ], .df[10, ], .df[6, ], .df[10, ], .df[7:9, ], .df[10, ])
row.names(.df) <- NULL
# MHRR --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Calculating Risk Ratios
#' @description
#' \code{mhrr()} calculates different measures of risk including risk
#' ratios (RR) as well as
#' Mantel-Haenszel pooled estimates.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param exp exposure or independent variables
#' @param case case or dependent variables (outcomes)
#' @param strata if specified, MH OR is calculated.
#' @param exp_value value for exposure as reference
#' @param case_value value for outcome as reference
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' Rows and Columns can be rearranged by specifying
#' `exp_value` and `case_value`. This is used
#' when the exposed and case values are not at the right place in 2x2 tables.
#' Reference row value can be specified in `exp_value`.
#' Attributable fractions, \code{Attr. Frac. Exp} and \code{Attr. Frac. Pop}
#' among exposed and population are calculated when RR is greated than or
#' equal to 1.
#' If RR is less than 1, preventable fractions, \code{Prev. Frac. Exp}
#' and \code{Attr. Frac. Pop} are calculated.
#' It produces a table with Risk Ratio, 95% CI as well as
#' p-value. If \code{strata} is specified, `Mantel-Haenzsel` Pooled
#' estimates of `Risk Ratio` is generated along with Chi-squared test for
#' homogeneity.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Betty R. Kirkwood, Jonathan A.C. Sterne (2006, ISBN:978–0–86542–871–3)
#' \item B. Burt Gerstman (2013, ISBN:978-1-4443-3608-5)
#' \item Douglas G Altman (2005, ISBN:0 7279 1375 1)
#' }
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ### Example from Essential Medical Statistics
#' # Page 178, Chapter 18: Controlling for confounding: Stratification
#' lepto <- expandtbl(
#' male = c(36, 14, 50, 50), female = c(24, 126, 10, 90),
#' exp_name = "area", exp_lvl = c("Rural", "Urban"),
#' case_name = "ab", case_lvl = c("Yes", "No"),
#' strata_name = "gender"
#' )
#' ## label variables and data
#' lepto <- label(lepto, "Prevalence survey of leptospirosis in West Indies")
#' lepto <- label(lepto, area="Type of area", ab = "Leptospirosis Antibodies",
#' gender="Gener: Male or Female")
#' ## Calculate RR
#' mhrr(lepto, area, ab)
#' ## Calculate MHRR
#' mhrr(lepto, area, ab, gender)
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Demonstration: Calculating Risk Ratios
#' ## Essential Medical Statistics, Betty R. Kirkwood, Second Edition
#' ## Chapter 16, Table 16.4, Page 154
#' ## For Risk Ratio
#' lung <- expandtbl(
#' c(39, 29961, 6, 59994),
#' exp_name = "smoking",
#' exp_lvl = c("Smokers", "Non-smokers"),
#' case_name = "cancer",
#' case_lvl = c("Yes", "No")
#' )
#' ## label variable and dataset
#' lung <- labelVar(lung, smoking="Yes or No", cancer="Yes or no")
#' lung <- labelData(lung, "Follow up lung cancer study")
#' ## check dataset
#' codebook(lung)
#' ## calculate RR
#' mhrr(lung, smoking, cancer, exp_value = "Smokers", case_value = "Yes")
#' ## Simpson's paradox
#' ## Burt Gerstman's Epidemiology, page 326, table 14.1
#' simpson <- expandtbl("1" = c(1000, 9000, 50, 950),
#' "2" = c(95, 5, 5000, 5000),
#' exp_name = "trt",
#' exp_lvl = c("new", "standard"),
#' case_name = "case",
#' case_lvl = c("alive", "dead"),
#' strata_name = "clinic")
#' ## calculate RR
#' mhrr(simpson, trt, case, exp_value = "new", case_value = "alive")
#' ## calculate MH RR
#' mhrr(simpson, trt, case, clinic)
#' }
#' @export
mhrr <- function(data, exp , case, strata = NULL, exp_value = NULL,
case_value = NULL, digits = 4)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_names <- names(data)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## get exp and case name
exp <- as.character(.args$exp)
case <- as.character(.args$case)
strata <- as.character(.args$strata)
## check if these variables are in the dataset
lapply(c(exp, case, strata) , function(z) {
if (!(z %in% .vars_names)) {
stop(paste0("'", z, "' not found."), call. = FALSE)
## create single vectors for exp and case
.exp <- data[[exp]]
.case <- data[[case]]
## create table
.tbl <- table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no")
## case var must be binary.
if (ncol(.tbl) > 2) {
stop(paste0("'", case, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
## if strata is not specified, calculate OR. Otherwise, calculate MHOR
if (length(strata) == 0) {
## change row and col orders
.tbl <- rowColOrder(.tbl, exp_value, case_value)
## split tables if nrow > 2
.tbl <- splitTables(.tbl, .exp.value = exp_value)
.df <- lapply(.tbl, calcRR, exp, digits)
.df <-,
lapply(1:length(.df), function(z) {
if (z > 1) {
.df[[z]][-1, ]
} else {
## create label
.txt <- paste0(" Measure of Association : Risk Ratio of '", case, "'")
} else {
## exp var must be binary for MHOR.
if (nrow(.tbl) > 2) {
stop(paste0("'", exp, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
## create single vector for strata
.strata <- data[[strata]]
.df <- calcMHRR(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, digits)
.t <-,
lapply(split(data, .strata), function(z) {
x <- z[[exp]]
y <- z[[case]]
calcRR(table(x, y, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
.t[, 1] <- row.names(.t)
.oa <- calcRR(table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
.oa[, 1] <- "Crude"
names(.t) <- names(.oa) <- names(.df)
.df <- rbind(.t, .oa, .df)
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
.nrow <- nrow(.df)
.df <- rbind(.df[1:(.nrow - 4),], .df[2, ], .df[(.nrow - 3):(.nrow - 2), ],
.df[2, ], .df[.nrow - 1, ], .df[2, ])
## create label
.txt <- paste0("\t\t\t Mantel-Haenszel (M-H) Risk Ratios")
## Print tabulation and labels
# printDFlenLines(.t)
cat(paste0(" ", .txt, "\n"))
# printDFlenLines(.t), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
## get vars lbl
sapply(c(exp, case, strata), getLabel, data)
calcMHRR <- function(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, rnd)
## make three tables
.tbl <- table(.exp, .case, .strata, useNA = "no")
.lvl_len <- dim(.tbl)[3]
## calculate MHRR and homogeneity test
.t <-
lapply(1:.lvl_len, function(z) {
## change row and col orders
.t <- rowColOrder(.tbl[,,z], exp_value, case_value)
.strata_name <- dimnames(.tbl)$.strata[z]
a <- as.numeric(.t[1, 1])
b <- as.numeric(.t[1, 2])
c <- as.numeric(.t[2, 1])
d <- as.numeric(.t[2, 2])
n <- sum(.t)
n1 <- a + b
n0 <- c + d
m1 <- a + c
m0 <- b + d
## MHRR ==> (Rothman 2002 p 148 and 152, equation 8-2):
q <- a * n0 / n
r <- c * n1 / n
## MHRR confidence interval
u <- ((m1 * n1 * n0) / n^2) - ((a * c) / n)
v <- (a * n0) / n
x <- (c * n1) / n
## Woolf test of homogeneity of risk ratios (Jewell 2004, page 154).
# First work out the Woolf estimate of the adjusted risk ratio
## based on Jewell (2004, page 134):
rr <- log((a / (a + b)) / (c / (c + d)))
var <- (b / (a * (a + b))) + (d / (c * (c + d)))
w <- 1 / var
wrr <- w * rr
## calculate stratum-specific RR
## cacluate OR
res <- calcRR(.t, "tocombine", rnd)[7, -2]
res[1, 1] <- .strata_name
## return result
.df <- data.frame(res, q, r, u, v, x, rr, w, wrr)
names(.df)[1:5] <- c("Level", "Estimate",
"[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2")
.mhrr <- sum(.t$q) / sum(.t$r) <- sqrt(sum(.t$u) / (sum(.t$v) * sum(.t$x)))
.mhrr.confint <- exp(c(log(.mhrr) - (1.96 *,
log(.mhrr) + (1.96 *
## calculate chisquare test for MHRR
.mhrr.p <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(mantelhaen.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE)$p.value)
}, error = function(err) {
.mhrr <- c("M-H Combined",
sprintf(c(.mhrr, .mhrr.confint, .mhrr.p),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))
## test of homogeneity
lnRR <- sum(.t$wrr) / sum(.t$w)
# Equation 10.3 from Jewell (2004):
.chi <- sum(.t$w * (.t$rr - lnRR)^2)
.pvalue <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(pchisq(.chi, df = .lvl_len - 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
}, error = function(err) {
## combine estimates
.t <- .t[, 1:5]
.df <- data.frame(
c("M-H Homogeneity Test", paste0("chi(", .lvl_len - 1, ")"),
sprintf(.chi, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')), "Pr>chi2",
sprintf(.pvalue, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')))
names(.df) <- names(.t)
calcRR <- function(.tbl, exp, rnd)
## create row and column totals and odds.
.tblr <- cbind(.tbl, Total = rowSums(.tbl))
.tblc <- rbind(.tblr, Total = colSums(.tblr))
.tblf <- cbind(
Risks = sprintf(.tblc[, 1] / .tblc[, 3], fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f"))
## calculate odds ratio, 95% CI, and p-value
.a <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 1])
.b <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 2])
.c <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 1])
.d <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 2])
.n <- sum(.tbl)
## calculate OR
.or <- (.a * .d) / (.b * .c)
.fisher <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(cnd) {
.confint <- .fisher$
## get p-value chi-square
.chi <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(chisq.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE))
}, error = function(cnd) {
.or <- c("Odds Ratio", sprintf(c(.or, .confint, .chi$p.value),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))
## calculate Risk Ratio
.n1 <- .a + .b
.n0 <- .c + .d
.p1 <- .a / .n1
.p0 <- .c / .n0
.rr <- .p1 / .p0 <- sqrt((1 / .a) - (1 / .n1) + (1 / .c) - (1 / .n0))
.rr.confint <- exp(c(log(.rr) - (1.96 *,
log(.rr) + (1.96 *
.rr_ <- c("Risk Ratio", sprintf(c(.rr, .rr.confint, .chi$p.value),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))
## calculate Risk difference
.rd <- .p1 - .p0 <- sqrt((.p1 * (1 - .p1) / .n1) + (.p0 * (1 - .p0) / .n0))
.rd.confint <- c(.rd - (1.96 *, .rd + (1.96 *
.p <- (.a + .c) / .n
.rd.z <- .rd / sqrt(.p * (1 - .p) * (1/.n1 + 1/.n0))
.rd.p <- pnorm(.rd.z, lower.tail = FALSE)
.rd <- c("Risk Difference", sprintf(c(.rd, .rd.confint, .rd.p),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))
## calculate attributable or prevented fraction
## STATA 14 MANUAL, page 554
## Unstratified cumulative incidence data (cs and csi)
if (.rr >= 1) {
.afe <- (.rr - 1) / .rr
.afe_confint <- (.rr.confint - 1) / .rr.confint
.afp <- .afe * .a / .n1
# .afp <- ((.a + .c) / .n) - (.c / .n0)
.afe <- c("Attr. Frac. Exp",
sprintf(c(.afe, .afe_confint), fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
.afp <- c("Attr. Frac. Pop",
sprintf(.afp, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
"", "", "")
} else {
.afe <- 1 - .rr
.afe_confint <- 1 - .rr.confint
.afp <- .afe * ( (.a + .c) / .n)
.afe <- c("Prev. Frac. Exp",
sprintf(c(.afe, .afe_confint[2], .afe_confint[1]),
fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
.afp <- c("Prev. Frac. Pop",
sprintf(.afp, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
"", "", "")
## combine all in one dataframe
.df <- data.frame(row.names(.tblf), .tblf)
## get other estimates
.est <- data.frame(rbind(.rr_, .or, .rd, .afe, .afp))
names(.est) <- names(.df) <- c(exp, colnames(.tblf))
## combine into final dataframe
.df <- rbind(.df,
c("Measure", "Estimate", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2"),
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
.df <- rbind(.df[1:5, ], .df[2, ], .df[6, ], .df[2, ],
.df[7:11, ], .df[2, ])
row.names(.df) <- NULL
# INCIDENCE RATES ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Calculate Incidence Rates from time-to-event data
#' @description
#' \code{strate()} calculates incidence rates and Corresponding 95\% CI.
#' @param data Dataset
#' @param time person-time variable
#' @param var outcome variable: preferably 1 for event, 0 for censored
#' @param ... variables for stratified analysis
#' @param fail a value or values to specify failure event
#' @param per units to be used in reported rates
#' @param digits Rounding of numbers
#' @details
#' Rates of event occurrences, known as incidence rates are outcome measures in
#' longitudinal studies. In most longitudinal studies, follow-up times vary due
#' to logistic reasons, different periods of recruitment, delay enrollment into
#' the study, lost-to-follow-up, immigration or emigration and death.
#' \strong{Follow-up time in longitudinal studies}
#' Period of observation (called as follow-up time) starts when individuals join
#' the study and ends when they either have an outcome of interest, are lost-to-
#' follow-up or the follow-up period ends, whichever happens first. This period is
#' called \strong{person-year-at-risk}. This is denoted by \emph{PY} in \code{strate}
#' function's output and number of event by \emph{D}.
#' \strong{Rate}
#' is calculated using the following formula:
#' \deqn{\lambda = D / PY}
#' \strong{Confidence interval of rate}
#' is derived using the following formula:
#' \deqn{95\% CI (rate) = rate x Error Factor}
#' \deqn{Error Factor (rate) = exp(1.96 / \sqrt{D})}
#' \code{plot}, if \code{TRUE}, produces a graph of the rates against
#' the numerical code used for categories of \code{by}.
#' @references
#' Betty R. Kirkwood, Jonathan A.C. Sterne (2006, ISBN:978–0–86542–871–3)
#' @import stats
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Using the diet data (Clayton and Hills 1993) described in STATA manual
#' import diet data: require haven package to read dta format.
#' magrittr package for piping operation
#' diet <- haven::read_dta("")
#' diet <- generate(diet, time, (dox - doe) / 365.25)
#' diet <- replace(diet, time, as.numeric(time))
#' diet <- generate(diet, age, as.numeric(doe - dob) / 365.25)
#' diet <- egen(diet, age, c(41, 51, 61, 71), new_var = ageband)
#' diet <- egen(diet, month, c(3, 6, 8), new_var = monthgrp)
#' ## calculate overall rates and 95% Confidence intervals
#' strate(diet, time, fail, fail = c(1, 3, 13))
#' ## per 100 unit
#' strate(diet, time, fail, fail = c(1, 3, 13), per = 100)
#' ## calculate Stratified rates and 95% Confidence Intervals
#' strate(diet, time, fail, job, fail = c(1, 3, 13))
#' strate(diet, time, fail, job, ageband, monthgrp, fail = c(1, 3, 13))
#' ## per 100 unit
#' strate(diet, time, fail, job, ageband, monthgrp, fail = c(1, 3, 13), per = 100)
#' }
#' @export
strate <- function(data, time, var, ... , fail = NULL, per = 1, digits = 5)
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_name <- names(data)
time <- .args$time
var <- .args$var
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## get variable names within three dots to search for duplicates
.vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "time", "var", "fail",
"per", "digits"))
## check colon, and check data types if the whole dataset
.vars <- checkEnquotes(data, .vars)
## check variables in the dataset
sapply(c(time, var, .vars), function(z) {
if (!any(as.character(z) %in% .vars_name)) {
stop(paste0("`", z, "` not found."),
call. = FALSE)
## get individual data
.time <- data[[time]]
.var <- data[[var]]
## check failure value
.fail_lvl <- unique(.var)
## if failure value is not specified, the first value is used
if (is.null(fail)) {
fail <- .fail_lvl[1]
## check failure values are correct
sapply(fail, function(z) {
if (!any(z %in% .fail_lvl)) {
stop(paste0("Failure value `", z, "` not found"),
call. = FALSE)
## if no variable, then overall strate is calculated
if (length(.vars) == 0) {
.t <- calcRate(.time, .var, fail, per, digits)
.df <- cbind(var = as.character(var), .t)
## change headings and add dash lines
names(.df) <- c("Variable", "Failure", "Person-Years", "Inc. Rate",
"[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
} else {
## calculate stratified rates
.df <-,
lapply(.vars, function(z) {
.by <- data[[z]]
.t <- calcSRate(.time, .var, .by, fail, per, digits)
cbind(var = c(z, rep("", nrow(.t) - 1)), .t)
## change headings and add dash lines
names(.df) <- c("Variable", "Category", "Failure",
"Person-Years", "Inc. Rate",
"[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
.df_raw <- .df
## Add horizontal and vertical lines for visual appealing
hpos <- as.numeric(row.names(.df)[!(.df$Variable == "")])[-1]
hpos <- hpos + 0:(length(hpos) - 1)
sapply(hpos, function(z) {
.df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
.df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)
## Display information
cat(paste0(" Estimated Incidence Rates",
" and 95% Confidence Intervals\n"))
cat(paste0(" (", length(.var), " records included in the analysis)\n")), row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
sapply(c(var, time, .vars), getLabel, data)
calcSRate <- function(time, var, by, fail, per, rnd)
## get levels of var, if NA, remove
.lvl <- unique(by)
.lvl <- .lvl[!]
## calculate rates and statistics
.df <-
lapply(.lvl, function(z) {
time <- time[by == z]
var <- var[by == z]
calcRate(time, var, fail, per, rnd)
## add levels to df
.df <- cbind(lvl = .lvl, .df)
.df <- data.frame(.df)
calcRate <- function(time, var, fail, per, rnd)
## calculate statistics
.d <- sum(var %in% fail, na.rm = TRUE)
.py <- sum(time, na.rm = TRUE)
.ir <- .d / .py
.ef <- exp(1.96 * (1/ sqrt(.d)))
.ir.confint <- c(.ir / .ef, .ir * .ef)
.df <- sprintf(c(.py / per, c(.ir, .ir.confint) * per),
fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f" ))
.df <- data.frame(rbind(c(.d, .df)))
names(.df) <- c("D", "Y", "R", "LL", "UL")
# GRAPHS ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Histograms with overlay normal curve
#' @description
#' \code{histogram()} draws a histogram with formatted texts and
#' adds a normal curve over the histogram.
#' @param data Dataset
#' @param var variable
#' @param breaks \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param xlab \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param main \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param sub \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param labels \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param freq \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param curve logical. If `TRUE` (default), a normal curve is
#' overlaid over the histogram.
#' @param ... \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @details
#' If `freq` is set to `FALSE`, probability densities,
#' component density, are plotted (so that the histogram has
#' a total area of one). In this case, normal curve will not be
#' generated.
#' @importFrom graphics hist lines
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' # histogram(infert, age)
#' # histogram(infert, age, labels = FALSE)
#' # histogram(infert, age, freq = FALSE)
#' @export
histogram <- function(data, var, breaks = NULL, xlab = NULL, main = NULL,
sub = NULL, labels = TRUE, freq = TRUE, curve = TRUE,
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get names of dataset and headings
.data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
.vars_names <- names(data)
.var_name <- as.character(.args$var)
## if input is not a data.frame, stop
if (! {
stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
call. = FALSE)
## if var is not specified, stop
if (length(.var_name) == 0) {
stop("Specify a variable", call. = TRUE)
## get data into var
var <- eval(substitute(var), data)
## run histogram
.hist <- hist(var, plot = FALSE)
## get individual data pieces to patch up a histogram
.breaks <- .hist$breaks
if (!is.null(breaks)) {
.breaks <- breaks
.counts <- .hist$counts
.density <- .hist$density
## get p value from normality test
pvalue <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(err) {
pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.3f')
## get labels and other arugment inputs.
xlab <- ifelse(is.null(xlab), .var_name, xlab)
main <- ifelse(is.null(main),
paste0("Distribution of '", .var_name, "'"),
sub <- ifelse(is.null(sub),
paste0("\nShapiro-Wilk Normality Test: ", pvalue),
if (freq) {
ylim <- c(0, max(.counts, na.rm = TRUE) +
mean(.counts, na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
ylim <- c(0, max(.density, na.rm = TRUE) +
mean(.density, na.rm = TRUE))
## draw histogram again
.df <- hist(var,
breaks = .breaks,
main = main,
sub = sub,
xlab = xlab,
ylim = ylim,
labels = labels,
freq = freq,
## add overlay normal curve
if (curve) {
## add overlay normal curve
xfit <- seq(min(var, na.rm = TRUE), max(var, na.rm = TRUE),
length = length(var))
yfit <- dnorm(xfit, mean = mean(var, na.rm = TRUE),
sd = sd(var, na.rm = TRUE))
yfit <- yfit * diff(.hist$mids[1:2]) * length(var)
lines(xfit, yfit, col = "blue", lwd = 1)
## print log
cat(paste0(" (A histogram is drawn for '", .var_name, "'",
ifelse(curve, " with overlay normal curve", ""),
}, error = function(cnd) {
stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)
#' @title Scatter plot matrices with histogram and
#' correlation coefficients
#' @description
#' A matrix of scatter plots is produced with
#' Scatter plots with smooth regression line in lower panel,
#' histograms in diagonal panel and Pearson's correlation
#' coefficients in upper panel.
#' @param data data.frame.
#' @inheritParams graphics::title
#' @param pch numeric: point symbol
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from methods
#' @importFrom graphics pairs panel.smooth par rect text
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## iris data
#' # scatterPlotMatrix(iris)
#' @export
scatterPlotMatrix <- function(data, main = NULL, pch = 21, ... )
## match call arguments
.args <- as.list(
## get and reset graph parameter on exit
usr <- par("usr")
## labels
if (is.null(main)) {
main <- paste0("Scatter plot matrix of '",
.args$data, "'")
## histogram
panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
usr <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col = "cyan", ...)
# Correlation panel
panel.cor <- function(x, y, ... )
usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- cor(x, y, use = "complete.obs")
txt <- paste0("R = ",
sprintf(r, fmt = paste0("%#.", 5, "f")))
text(0.5, 0.5, txt)
pairs(data, pch = pch,
main = main,
panel = panel.smooth,
upper.panel = panel.cor,
diag.panel = panel.hist,
... )
# REPORTING ---------------------------------------------------------------
##' @title Table Format for Publication
##' @name summary
##' @rdname summary
##' @description
##' \code{summary()} organizes the output and print
##' a favorable format
##' to the console, which is used with rmarkdown package
##' to produce publication-ready tables.
##' @param object an object for which a summary is desired.
##' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
##' @author
##' Email: \email{}
##' Website: \url{}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Summary for tabulation
##' x <- tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous)
##' summary(x)
##' x <- tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous, by = case)
##' summary(x)
##' ## Summary for summary statistics
##' x <- summ(iris)
##' summary(x)
##' x <- summ(iris, by = Species)
##' summary(x)
##' x <- summ(iris, by = Species, detail = TRUE)
##' summary(x)
##' }
##' @rdname summary
##' @export <- function(object, ... )
x <- object$tab_raw
if (object$type == "tab1") {
x$Freq. <- paste0(x$Freq., " (", x$Percent, ")")
names(x)[3] <- "n (%)"
x <- x[, 1:3]
## adding labels
lbl <- object$lbl
lbl$lbl[$lbl)] <- lbl$var[$lbl)]
x[x$Variable != "", "Variable"] <- lbl$lbl
} else if (object$type == "tab2p") {
y <- x[, 3:(ncol(x) - 2)]
r <- seq(1, ncol(y), 2)
p <- seq(2, ncol(y), 2)
z <-
lapply(1:length(r), function(z) {
paste0(y[, r[z]], " (", y[, p[z]], ")")
names(z) <- paste0(names(x[, 3:(ncol(x) - 2)])[r], " (%)")
x <- cbind(x[, 1:2], z, x[, (ncol(x) - 1):ncol(x)])
##' @rdname summary
##' @export
summary.summ <- function(object, ... )
x <- object$summ_raw
if (object$type == "summ1") {
x <- data.frame(
paste0(x$Obs, " (", x$`<NA>`, ")"),
paste0(x$Mean, " (", x$Std.Dev, ")"),
paste0(x$Median, " (", x$`25%`, "-", x$`75%`, ")"),
paste0(x$Min, "-", x$Max),
names(x) <- c("Variable", "Obs (<NA>)", "Mean (SD)",
"Median (IQR)", "Range", "Normal.")
} else if (object$type == "summ2") {
y <- data.frame(
x$Variable, x$Level,
paste0(x$Obs, " (", x$`<NA>`, ")"),
paste0(x$Mean, " (", x$Std.Dev, ")"),
x$Normal., x[, c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
names(y) <- c("Variable", "Level", "Obs (<NA>)", "Mean (SD)",
names(y)[c(ncol(y) - 1, ncol(y))] <- names(x)[c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
x <- y
} else {
y <- data.frame(
x$Variable, x$Level,
paste0(x$Obs, " (", x$`<NA>`, ")"),
paste0(x$Mean, " (", x$Std.Dev, ")"),
paste0(x$Median, " (", x$`25%`, "-", x$`75%`, ")"),
paste0(x$Min, "-", x$Max),
x$Normal., x[, c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
names(y) <- c("Variable", "Level", "Obs (<NA>)", "Mean (SD)",
"Median (IQR)", "Range", "Normal.")
names(y)[c(ncol(y) - 1, ncol(y))] <- names(x)[c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
x <- y
# HELPERS -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Helper functions
#' @description
#' These are helper functions for `mStats`.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from methods
#' @export
helpers <- function(...) {}
#' @rdname helpers
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.list
#' @export
clear <- function() {
while (!is.null(dev.list()))
rm(list = ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), pos = 1)
#' @title Create a copy of your output in a text format
#' @description
#' \code{ilog()} creates a text copy of your output.
#' \code{ilog.close()} closes the `ilog()` function.
#' \code{ilog.clear()} clears for the prompt error caused
#' when the environment is removed.
#' @param logfile Name of desired log file in \code{.txt} format
#' @param append logical value
#' @details
#' \code{ilog} is a two-step function that allows you a record of your console.
#' A log is a file containing what you type and console output. If a name is not
#' specified, then \code{ilog} will use the name \code{<unnamed>.txt}.
#' \code{ilog} opens a log file and \code{ilog.close} close the file.
#' \strong{Warnings}:
#' However, clearing objects from the workspace along with hidden objects
#' removes \code{ilog}'s \code{.logenv} environment, hence throwing an error
#' when it's attempted to be closed. An error message
#' \code{Error in (function (cmd, res, s, vis) : object '.logenv' not found}
#' will be thrown.
#' In that case, console prompt is stuck at \code{log> }. If
#' this error occurs, use \code{ilog.clear()} function to revert back to
#' normal.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{}
#' Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## my first log
#' ilog("../myFirstLog.tx")
#' str(infert)
#' str(iris)
#' ilog.close()
#' ## in case of error: ".logenv" not found
#' # ilog.clear()
#' }
#' @export
ilog <- function(logfile = "log.txt", append = FALSE) {
# create a global environment which can be accessed outside
.logenv <<- new.env()
# <-- create a connection file -->
if(!append) {
# <--- if logfile exists & replace is TRUE, remove logfile --->
if(file.exists(logfile)) {
# write log file
con <- file(logfile, open ='a')
.logenv$logfile <- logfile
if(isOpen(con)) {
.logenv$con.close <- FALSE
} else {
.logenv$con.close <- TRUE
if(append) {
open(con, open='a')
} else {
open(con, open='w')
.logenv$con <- con
.logenv$cmd <- TRUE
.logenv$res <- TRUE
.logenv$first <- TRUE
.logenv$con.out <- textConnection(NULL, open='a')
sink(.logenv$con.out, split=TRUE)
.logenv$prompt <- unlist(options('prompt'))
.logenv$continue <- unlist(options('continue'))
options(prompt = paste('log', .logenv$prompt, sep = ''),
continue = paste('log', .logenv$continue,sep = '') )
# writing log info
sink(logfile, append = TRUE, split = TRUE)
cat(paste0('\n log: ', getwd(), "/", logfile,
'\n open on: ', Sys.time(),'\n'))
if(append) {
cat(paste0(" note: ", "appended\n"))
} else {cat(paste0(" note: ", "replaced\n\n"))}
addTaskCallback(ilogtxt, name = "ilogtxt")
#' @rdname ilog
#' @export
ilog.close <- function() {
removeTaskCallback(id = "ilogtxt")
.logenv <- as.environment(.logenv)
if(!.logenv$con.close) {
options( prompt = .logenv$prompt,
continue = .logenv$continue )
if(.logenv$res) {
# closeAllConnections()
# writing log info
sink(.logenv$logfile, append = TRUE, split = TRUE)
cat(paste0('\n log: ', getwd(), "/", .logenv$logfile,
'\nclosed on: ',
eval(rm(list= ".logenv", envir = sys.frame(-1)))
ilogtxt <- function(cmd, res, s, vis) {
if(.logenv$first) {
.logenv$first <- FALSE
if( .logenv$res ) {
.logenv$con.out <- textConnection(NULL, open='a')
sink(.logenv$con.out, split=TRUE)
} else {
cmdline <- deparse(cmd)
cmdline <- gsub(' ', paste("\n", .logenv$continue, sep =''),
cmdline <- gsub('}', paste("\n", .logenv$continue,"}", sep =''),
cat(.logenv$prompt, cmdline, "\n", sep = '',
if(.logenv$res) {
tmp <- textConnectionValue(.logenv$con.out)
if(length(tmp)) {
cat(tmp, sep='\n', file = .logenv$con)
.logenv$con.out <- textConnection(NULL, open='a')
sink(.logenv$con.out, split=TRUE)
#' @rdname ilog
#' @export
ilog.clear <- function()
options(prompt = "> ", continue = "+ ")
## Print lines based on the width of the dataset returned.
printDFlenLines <- function(data)
.cols_width <- sum(sapply(names(data), nchar))
.cols_lines <- paste0(rep("-", .cols_width + ncol(data)), collapse = "")
cat(.cols_lines, "\n")
#### Add vertical lines with a plus + symbol at intersection
# with horizontal lines
addVlines <- function(data, position)
.data <- data[position:ncol(data)]
.vlines <- rep("|", nrow(data))
data <- cbind(.vlines, data[, 1:(position - 1)], .vlines, .data, .vlines)
data[2, c(1, position + 1, ncol(data))] <- "+"
data[nrow(data), ] <- data[2, ]
names(data) <- data[2, ]
row.names(data) <- NULL
#### Add horizontal lines
addHLines <- function(data, position)
.chr_max_vars <- sapply(names(data), function(z) {
if ( z <- "<NA>"
max(nchar(z), na.rm = TRUE)
.chr_max_obs <- sapply(data, function(z)
max(ifelse(, 0, nchar(z)), na.rm = TRUE))
.cols_len <- sapply(data.frame(rbind(.chr_max_vars, .chr_max_obs)), max)
.hlines <- lapply(.cols_len, function(z)
paste0(rep("-", z), collapse = ""))
.data <- data[position:nrow(data), ]
data <- data[1:position, ]
data[position, ] <- .hlines
data[(position + 1):(position + nrow(.data)), ] <- .data
row.names(data) <- NULL
#### Move variable names to the first row
moveVars <- function(data)
.data <- data
data <- data[0, ]
data[1, ] <- names(data)
rbind(data, .data)
#### Format dataset returned by adding horizontal, vertical lines
# as well as moving variable names
# used addHlines, addVlines and moveVars
formatdf <- function(data, hpos, vpos)
data <- moveVars(data)
data <- addHLines(data, position = hpos)
data[nrow(data) + 1, ] <- data[hpos, ]
names(data) <- data[2, ]
addVlines(data, vpos)
#### Retrieve labels: can also print these labels at the same time
# best used with apply function
getLabel <- function(vars, data, print = TRUE)
.lbl <- attr(data[[vars]], "label")
if (length(.lbl) > 1) .lbl <- NULL
.lbl <- ifelse(is.null(.lbl), NA, .lbl)
if (print & ! {
cat(paste0(" (", vars, " : ", .lbl, ")\n"))
#### Get names within three dots ...
enquotes <- function(.args, .args_name)
.args <- .args[-1]
.args_contain <- names(.args) %in% .args_name
if (length(.args_contain) > 0) {
.dots <- .args[!(names(.args) %in% .args_name)]
} else {
.dots <- .args
#### check and split by colon ":" in a string vector
checkEnquotes <- function(.data, .vars)
.vars_name <- names(.data)
## Check if colon is there.
## if yes, retrieve variables between the two variables
.vars <-
lapply(.vars, function(z) {
.colon <- grepl(":", z)
if (.colon) {
.split <- unlist(strsplit(z, split = ":"))
.split <- paste0("^", .split, "$")
.split <- grep(.split[1],
.split <- names(.data)[.split]
} else {
.vars <- unique(.vars)
## helpers for 2x2 tables
rowColOrder <- function (.tbl, .exp.value = NULL, .case.value = NULL)
.tbl.row <- rownames(.tbl)
.tbl.col <- colnames(.tbl)
.tbl.dim <- names(dimnames(.tbl))
if (!is.null(.exp.value)) {
.tbl <- rbind(.tbl[.tbl.row == .exp.value, ], .tbl[.tbl.row !=
.exp.value, ])
row.names(.tbl) <- c(.tbl.row[.tbl.row == .exp.value],
.tbl.row[.tbl.row != .exp.value])
if (!is.null(.case.value)) {
.tbl <- cbind(.tbl[, .tbl.col == .case.value], .tbl[,
.tbl.col != .case.value])
colnames(.tbl) <- c(.tbl.col[.tbl.col == .case.value],
.tbl.col[.tbl.col != .case.value])
names(dimnames(.tbl)) <- .tbl.dim
splitTables <- function (.tbl, .exp.value = NULL)
.row.names <- rownames(.tbl)
.exp.value <- ifelse(is.null(.exp.value), .row.names[1],
.tbl <- lapply(.row.names, function(z) {
if (z != .exp.value) { <- rbind(.tbl[.exp.value, ], .tbl[z, ])
rownames( <-
c(.row.names[.row.names == .exp.value],
.row.names[.row.names == z])
.tbl <- .tbl[lapply(.tbl, length) > 0]
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