
Defines functions checkEnquotes enquotes getLabel formatdf moveVars addHLines addVlines printDFlenLines ilog.clear ilogtxt ilog.close ilog clear helpers summary.summ summary.tab scatterPlotMatrix histogram calcRate calcSRate strate calcRR calcMHRR mhrr calcOR calcMHOR mhor calcLogit logit linkTest hettest ladder plot.regress predict.regress vceRobust calcRegress regress summ2 summ1 summ tab2 tab1 tab lag.data.frame expandfreq expandtbl day month year is.Date formatDate append expand2 duplicates N_ n_ egen replace generate recode label codebook

Documented in append clear codebook day duplicates egen expand2 expandfreq expandtbl formatDate generate helpers hettest histogram ilog ilog.clear ilog.close is.Date label ladder lag.data.frame linkTest logit mhor mhrr month n_ N_ plot.regress predict.regress recode regress replace scatterPlotMatrix strate summ summary.summ summary.tab tab year

# DATA MANAGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Describe the data
#' @description
#' \code{codebook()} examines the variable names, labels, and data
#' to produce a codebook for describing the dataset
#' @param data data.frame
#' @details
#' It reports a description of the data with the following information.
#' \strong{ANNOTATIONS}:
#' `No` = serial number
#' `Variable` = variable name
#' `Label` = variable label
#' `Type` = type of variable
#' `Obs` = number of valid observations
#' `NA` = number of observations with missing value `NA`
#' @note
#' For `haven_labelled` data.frame, data types are generated
#' using `typeof()`.
#' @return
#' a data.frame containing the codebook
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' codebook(infert)
#' codebook(iris)
#' codebook(mtcars)
#' @export
codebook <- function(data)
    ## if data is not a data.frame, stop
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## retrieve information
    .data_lbl <- attr(data, "label")
    if (length(.data_lbl) != 1) .data_lbl <- "-"
    .obs_no <- nrow(data)
    .vars_no <- ncol(data)
    .vars_name <- names(data)
    .vars_label <- sapply(data, function(z) {
        .lbl <- attr(z, "label")
        if (length(.lbl) > 1 | is.null(.lbl)) {
        } else {
            ifelse(nchar(.lbl) > 30,
                   paste0(strtrim(.lbl, 30), "..."), .lbl)
    # .vars_type <- sapply(data.frame(data), typeof)
    .vars_type <- sapply(data, function(z) {
        .class <- class(unlist(z))[1]
        if (.class == "haven_labelled") {
            .class <- typeof(unlist(z))[1]
    .obs <- sapply(data, function(z) length(z[!is.na(z)]))
    .na <- sapply(data, function(z) length(z[is.na(z)]))

    ## combine them into a data.frame
    .df <- data.frame(1:.vars_no,
    ## change column names and reset row names
    names(.df) <- c("No", "Variable", "Label", "Type",
                    "Obs", "<NA>")
    row.names(.df) <- NULL
    ## add horizontal and vertical lines
    .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)

    ## Display information
    cat(paste0("       Codebook : ", .data_name, "\n"))
    cat(paste0("  Dataset Label : ", .data_lbl, "\n"))
    cat(paste0("            Obs : ", .obs_no, "\n"))
    cat(paste0("           Vars : ", .vars_no, "\n"))
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)

    ## return

#' @title Attach labels to data and variables
#' @description
#' \code{label()} manipulates labels
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... For variable label, `Var = "Var Label"`:
#' For data label, `"Example data lable"`.
#' @details
#' \strong{Attach labels}
#' It has two inputs. If only one label is specified, that
#' label is attached to the data. Otherwise, the pattern
#' `Var = "Var Label"` are used to attach labels to variables.
#' \strong{Remove labels}
#' `NA` or `NULL` is used to remove labels.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## Variable label
#' x <- label(infert,
#'            education = "Education levels",
#'            age = "Age in years of case",
#'            parity = "count",
#'            stratum = "1-83",
#'            pooled.stratum = "1-63")
#' ## Data label
#' x <- label(x, "Infertility and Abortion Dataset")
#' codebook(x)
#' @export
label <- function(data, ... )
    ## if data is not a data.frame, stop
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get the names within three dots
    .vars <- .args[-c(1:2)]
    ## if .vars list does not have a name, it means the label for
    # the dataset. Otherwise, it's for the variables
    if (length(.vars) == 1 & names(.vars)[1] == "") {
        .vars <- unlist(.vars)
        attr(data, "label") <- .vars
        cat(paste0("  (Dataset '", .data_name, "' labeled as '",
                   .vars, "')\n"))
    } else {
        sapply(names(.vars), function(z) {
            ## check if all vars specified are in the dataset
            if (!(z %in% names(data))) {
                stop(paste0("Variable '", z, "' not found in the dataset"),
                     call. = FALSE)
            attr(data[[z]], "label") <<- .vars[[z]]
            cat(paste0("  (Variable '", z, "' labeled as '",
                       .vars[[z]], "')\n"))


#' @title Recode a variable
#' @description
#' \code{recode()} changes the values of a variable.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var variable name
#' @param ... specify in pattern: `old value` / `new value`.
#' @details
#' It changes the values of a variable according to the old values
#' specified. Values that does not meet any of the conditions,
#' they are left unchanged.
#' \strong{Using colon `:` to indicate a range of numeric numbers}
#' A numeric vector can be indicated by using `:` in `old value`.
#' The function automatically filters the values that meet the
#' range and assigns a specified new value to these.
#' @return
#' a data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' x <- recode(infert, case, 0/"No", 1/"Yes")
#' tab(x, case)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## recode a factor
#' x <- recode(infert, education, "0-5yrs"/1, "6-11yrs"/2, "12+ yrs"/3)
#' tab(x, education)
#' ## recode numeric vectors
#' x <- recode(infert, age, 21:28.9/1, 29:34.9/2, 35:44/3)
#' tab(x, age)
#' ## recode NA
#' infert[4:20, "case"] <- NA
#' x <- recode(infert, case, NA/"Missing value")
#' tab(infert, case)
#' }
#' @export
recode <- function(data, var, ... )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    var <- .args$var
    .var <- data[[var]]
    .lbl <- attr(.var, "label")
    ## change double to numeric
    if (is.double(.var)) {
        .var <- as.numeric(.var)
    } else if (is.factor(.var)) {
        .var <- as.character(.var)
    vals <- .args[-c(1:3)]
    lapply(vals, function(z) {
        .val <- as.character(z)
        .old <- ifelse(.val[2] == "NA", NA, .val[2])
        .new <- ifelse(.val[3] == "NA", NA,
                       ifelse(.val[3] == "NULL", NULL, .val[3]))

        .chk <- .var == .old
        if (grepl(":", .old)) {
            .old <- eval(parse(text = .old))
            .chk <- .var >= .old[1] & .var <= .old[length(.old)]
        } else if (is.na(.old)) {
            .chk <- is.na(.var)
        if (any(.chk)) {
            if (any(is.na(.old))) {
                .var[is.na(.var)] <<- .new
            } else {
                .var[.chk] <<- .new
        } else {
            stop(paste0("`", .old, "` not found in '", var, "'"),
                 call. = FALSE)

        ## Print notification message
        cat(paste0("  ( ", length(which(.chk)), " values recoded as '",
                   .new, "')\n"))

    if (is.factor(data[[var]])) .var <- factor(.var)
    attr(.var, "label") <- .lbl
    data[[var]] <- .var


#' @title Create a new variable
#' @description
#' \code{generate()} creates a new variable either by
#' deriving from existing variables or with a constant value.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var name for the new variable
#' @param expr a constant value, name of an existing variable or
#' an expression for simple arithmetic or logical operations:
#' @details
#' The values of the variable are specified by \code{expr}.
#' \strong{Label}
#' The newly created variable is automatically labeled with
#' the expression specified.
#' @return
#' data.frame with the new variable
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## generate variable with a constant value
#' generate(mtcars, new_var, NA)
#' generate(mtcars, new_var, 99)
#' ## generate variable from an existing variable
#' generate(mtcars, new_var, mpg)
#' ## generate variable with arithmetic operations
#' generate(iris, Length, Sepal.Length + Petal.Length)
#' @export
generate <- function(data, var, expr = NULL )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_names <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## get variable name
    var <- as.character(.args$var)

    ## if variable already exisits, then stop
    if (any(.vars_names %in% var)) {
        stop(paste0("'", var, "' already exisits in the dataset"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## create expression text
    ## if value is more than one vector, then collapse it
    expr <- paste0(deparse(substitute(expr)), collapse = "")
    .expr <- paste0("with(data, ", expr, ")")

    ## add new var to the dataset
    ## add label
        data$var <- eval(parse(text = .expr))
    }, error = function(cnd) {
    attr(data$var, "label") <- expr

    ## get missing value and total number
    ## and print
    .var_miss <- sum(is.na(data$var))
    .var_nrow <- length(data$var)
    names(data)[ncol(data)] <- var
    if (any(.var_miss)) {
        cat(paste0("  (", .var_nrow - .var_miss, " valid & ",
                   .var_miss, " missing values generated)\n"))
    } else {
        cat(paste0("  (", .var_nrow - .var_miss,
                   " valid values generated)\n"))

#' @title Change contents of an existing variable
#' @description
#' \code{replace()} alters the contents of a variable when specified
#' conditions are met.
#' @details
#' If only `value` is specified, the whole variable is assigned
#' with the `value`. Multiple conditions can be specified within
#' the three dots.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var variable
#' @param value value for replacement
#' @param ... `if` conditions or expressions
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' x <- replace(infert, case, 2, case == 0)
#' tab(x, case)
#' x <- replace(infert, parity, 4, parity > 4)
#' tab(x, parity)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## More examples
#' ## replacing mpg with standardized values of mpg
#' replace(mtcars, mpg, mpg / mean(mpg))
#' ## replacing mpg with NA if < 10 or > 20
#' replace(mtcars, mpg, NA, mpg < 10 | mpg > 20)
#' ## replacing education levels with one value
#' replace(infert, education, "6+yrs",
#'         education == "6-11yrs" | education == "12+ yrs")
#' ## replacing mpg with NA if mpg is from 10 and 20.
#' replace(mtcars, mpg, NA, mpg >= 10, mpg <= 20)
#' }
#' @export
replace <- function(data, var, value, ... )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    var <- deparse(substitute(var))
    value <- deparse(substitute(value))

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## get var label
    .var.lbl <- attr(data[[var]], "label")

    ## get expression from three dots
    .expr <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "var", "value"))
    ## if more than one expression, combine with & operator
    if (length(.expr) >= 1) {
        .expr <- paste0("(", .expr, ")", collapse = " & ")
        .expr_txt <- paste0("[", .expr, "]")
    } else if (length(.expr) == 0) {
        .expr_txt <- NULL

    # if var is a factor, remove corresponding levels
    if (is.factor(data[[var]])) {
        data[[var]] <- as.character(data[[var]])

    ## if value is more than one vector, then collapse it
    value <- paste0(value, collapse = "")

    ## if expression is empty, then replace the whole variable
    ## if not, repress using expression
    ## evaluate the whole expression
        .df <- eval(parse(
            text = paste0("within(data, ", var, .expr_txt, " <- ", value, ")")
    }, error = function(cnd) {
        stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)

    # if var is a factor, convert to factor again corresponding levels
    if (is.factor(data[[var]])) {
        .df[[var]] <- as.factor(.df[[var]])

    ## assign label back to the var
    .num <- data[[var]] == .df[[var]]
    data[[var]] <- .df[[var]]
    attr(data[[var]], "label") <- .var.lbl

    ## Display message to nofity changes
        paste0("  (",
               ifelse(is.null(.expr_txt), nrow(data),
                      sum(!.num, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(is.na(.num))),
               " values replaced)\n")


#' @title Categorize a numerical variable
#' @description
#' \code{egen()} transforms a numeric vector to a factor vector.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param var existing variable
#' @param cut either a number or a numeric vector
#' @param lbl labels to specify
#' @param new_var name of new variable to be created
#' @details
#' \code{egen} allows easy conversion of a numerical variable to a categorical
#' variable.
#' If only a number is specified in `cut`, it categorizes
#' into equal intervals based on that number. If no value is set
#' for `cut`, the default interval is `10`.
#' \strong{Automatic naming new variable}
#' If \code{new_var} is not specified, new names will be automatically
#' created by appending `_cat` as suffix.
#' \code{VARNAME`_cat`}
#' \strong{Automatic Labelling}
#' If \code{lbl} is not specified, labels are constructed in
#' \code{`##-##`}.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' x <- egen(infert, age)
#' tab(x, age_cat)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Set cut-off points
#' x <- egen(infert, age, c(26, 31, 36, 41))
#' tab(x, age_cat)
#' ## Add labels and give a new name
#' x <- egen(infert, age, c(26, 31, 36, 41),
#'          lbl = c("<= 25", "26 - 30", "31 - 35",
#'            "36 - 40", "41+"),
#'          new_var = age_grp)
#' tab(x, age_grp)
#' }
#' @export
egen <- function(data, var, cut = NULL, lbl = NULL, new_var = NULL)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_names <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## create old and new var's name
    .vars_names <- names(data)
    .var_name <- .args$var
    new_var <- .args$new_var
    new_var <- ifelse(is.null(new_var),
                      paste0(.var_name, "_cat"),

    ## If variable is already in the dataset, stop
    if (any(.vars_names %in% new_var)) {
        stop(paste0("'", new_var, "' already exisits."),
             call. = TRUE)
    ## assign var to data
    var <- data[[.var_name]]

    ## create break / cut-off labels
    if (length(cut) > 1) {
        .brk <- cut
    } else {
        ## if cut is not specified, cut <- 10
        if (is.null(cut)) {
            cut <- 10L
        .brk <- seq(min(var, na.rm = TRUE), max(var, na.rm = TRUE), cut)
        if (length(.brk) == 1) {
            stop(paste0(cut, "' is too large to cut the data."),
                 call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            .brk <- c(.brk[1], .brk[2:(length(.brk)-1)] - 1,
                      .brk[length(.brk)] - 1)

    ## get minimum value, check and add to the cut sequence
    .brk.min <- min(var, na.rm = TRUE)
    .brk <- .brk[.brk.min < .brk]
    if (.brk.min != .brk[1]) {
        .brk <- c(.brk.min, .brk)

    ## get minimum value, check and add to the cut sequence
    .brk.max <- max(var, na.rm = TRUE)
    .brk <- .brk[.brk.max > .brk]
    if (.brk.max != .brk[length(.brk)]) {
        .brk <- c(.brk, ceiling(.brk.max))

    ## remove duplicated category
    .brk <- .brk[!duplicated(.brk)]

    ## check decimals
    checkDecimals <- function(x)
        ## check if there are any decimal values
        .decimal <- grepl("\\.", x)
        if (any(.decimal)) {
            .decimal <- strsplit(as.character(x[.decimal][1]), "\\.")[[1]][2]
            .decimal <- nchar(.decimal)
        } else {
            .decimal <- 0
    .decimal <- checkDecimals(cut)

    ## change numbers to decimal values
    .brk <- c(floor(.brk[1]),
              round(.brk[-c(1, length(.brk))], .decimal),

    ## construct labels
    if (is.null(lbl)) {
        .last.sec.pos <- length(.brk) - 1
        .lbl <- paste(
            .brk[1:.last.sec.pos], "-",
            c(.brk[2:.last.sec.pos] - (1 / (10 ^ .decimal)),
            sep = ""
    } else {
        .lbl <- lbl

    ## create new var
    .var <- cut(var, breaks = as.numeric(.brk),
                labels = .lbl, right = FALSE,
                include.lowest = TRUE)
    ## assign .var back to data, add label and change the names
    data$new_var <- .var
    attr(data$new_var, "label") <- paste0(.var_name, " categories")
    names(data)[ncol(data)] <- new_var

    ## Print notification
    .na <- is.na(.var)
    cat(paste0("  (", sum(!.na), " valid ",
               ifelse(any(.na), paste0("& ", sum(.na), " missing "), ""),
               "values generated)\n"))


#' @title Count from `n_` to `N_`
#' @description
#' \code{n_()} generates the current observation number
#' per specified group. It is
#' regarded as grouped serial numbers.
#' \code{N_()} generates total number of observation per group.
#' It is regarded as grouped total number.
#' @param data data.farme
#' @param ... variables for grouping
#' @details
#' If no variable is set in `...`, all variables in the datset
#' is used for grouping.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' x <- n_(iris, Species)
#' \dontrun{
#' x
#' codebook(x)
#' x <- N_(iris, Species)
#' x
#' codebook(x)
#' }
#' @export
n_ <- function(data, ... )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_name <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    .vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data"))
    if (length(.vars) == 0) {
        .vars <- names(data)
    ## create expression to order data
    .data <- eval(parse(
        text = paste0("data[with(data, order(",
                      paste0(.vars, collapse = ", "),
                      ")), ]")

    ## create identifiers to check duplications
    .id <- apply(.data[.vars], 1, paste, collapse = " ")
    ## create seiral id with ave function
    .id_num <- ave(.id, .id, FUN = seq_along)

    ## assign the id back to the original dataset
    .data$n_ <- as.numeric(.id_num)
    attr(.data$n_, "label") <- "<Sys.Gen: Current obs number>"


#' @rdname n_
#' @export
N_ <- function(data, ... )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_name <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    .vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data"))
    if (length(.vars) == 0) {
        .vars <- names(data)
    ## create expression to order data
    .data <- eval(parse(
        text = paste0("data[with(data, order(",
                      paste0(.vars, collapse = ", "),
                      ")), ]")

    ## create identifiers to check duplications
    .id <- apply(.data[.vars], 1, paste, collapse = " ")
    ## create seiral id with ave function
    .id_num <- ave(.id, .id, FUN = seq_along)

    ## get the last number of serial number
    .last_obs <- sapply(.id, function(z) {
        .dup_id <- .id_num[.id == z]

    ## assign the id back to the original dataset
    .data$N_ <- as.numeric(.last_obs)
    attr(.data$N_, "label") <- "<Sys.Gen: total number of obs>"


#' @title Report, tag or drop the duplicate observations
#' @description
#' \code{duplicates()} generates a table showing the
#' duplicate `Observations` as one or more copies as well as
#' their `Surplus` indicating the second, third, `...` copy of
#' the first of each group of duplicates.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... variables to find the duplicate observations
#' @param drop `TRUE` deletes all the duplicate observations.
#' @details
#' If no variable is specified in `...`, all variables are used
#' to find the duplicate observations.
#' If `drop` is set to `TRUE`, all occurrences of each group
#' of observations except the first are deleted from the
#' dataset.
#' @return
#' data.frame with a column `dup_num`, indicating the number of duplicate
#' observations of each group of observations
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' x <- duplicates(iris, Species)
#' x <- duplicates(iris)
#' @export
duplicates <- function(data, ... , drop = FALSE)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    ## get number of observations
    .data_name <- .args$data
    .vars_name <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    .vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "drop"))
    if (length(.vars) == 0) {
        .vars <- names(data)
        .txt <- "all variables"
    } else {
        .txt <- paste(.vars, collapse = " + ")
    ## create expression to order data
    .data <- eval(parse(
        text = paste0("data[with(data, order(",
                      paste0(.vars, collapse = ", "),
                      ")), ]")

    ## create identifiers to check duplications
    .id <- apply(.data[.vars], 1, paste, collapse = " ")
    ## create seiral id with ave function
    .id_num <- ave(.id, .id, FUN = seq_along)

    ## get the last number of serial number
    .last_obs <- sapply(.id, function(z) {
        .dup_id <- .id_num[.id == z]

    ## Make changes to the dataset
    ## create a dup variable for indication
    .data$dup_num <- as.numeric(.last_obs) - 1
    attr(.data$dup_num, "label") <- "<Sys.Gen: # of duplicate obs>"

    ## create table and use the categories to calculate surplus number
    .dup_obs_tbl <- table(.last_obs)
    .dup_obs_tbl_names <- as.numeric(names(.dup_obs_tbl))
    .non_dup <- sapply(.dup_obs_tbl_names, function(z) {
        .dup_id <- .id[.last_obs == z]

    ## create final table for duplication report
    .tbl <- data.frame(cbind(.dup_obs_tbl_names, .dup_obs_tbl,
                             .dup_obs_tbl - .non_dup))
    names(.tbl) <- c("Copies", "Observations", "Surplus")
    row.names(.tbl) <- NULL
    .tbl <- formatdf(.tbl, 2, 2)

    ## Display information
    cat(paste0("  Duplicates in terms of ", .txt, "\n"))
    print.data.frame(.tbl, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
    cat(paste0("  (Total obs: ", nrow(.data), ")\n"))

    ## remove the duplicate observations
    if (drop) {
        .dup <- .id_num == 1
        .data <- .data[.dup, ]
        cat(paste0("  (", sum(!.dup),
                   " observations deleted)\n"))


#' @title Duplicate observations within a dataframe
#' @description
#' \code{expand2} generates duplicated observations within a dataframe.
#' @param data a data frame object
#' @param n_n index or indexes specifying row numbers
#' @param copies desired number of copies
#' @param original a logical indicating whether to keep the original dataframe
#' @details
#' \code{expand2} appends observations from the dataframe
#' with n copies of the observations with
#' specified indexes of observations or all data.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## create duplicates
#' x <- expand2(infert, 1:5, copies = 2)
#' ## check duplicates report and rmeove dup
#' duplicates(x, drop = TRUE)
#' @export
expand2 <- function(data, n_n = NULL, copies = 2, original = TRUE)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## copy data to .data
    .data <- data

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_names <- names(.data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(.data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    data.lbl <- attr(data, "label")
    data <- data.frame(data)
    vars.lbl <- sapply(data, function(z) {
        lbl <- attr(z, "label")
        if (is.null(lbl)) {
            lbl <- "<NA>"
        } else {
            lbl <- paste(attr(z, "label"), collapse = " ")
    #### if n_n is empty, put number of all rows to n_n
    if (is.null(n_n)) {
        n_n <- nrow(data)
    #### if there are more than one values in n_n, take the last value
    if (length(n_n) == 1) {
        n_n <- 1:n_n
    t <- data[n_n, ]

    if (original) {
        f <- data
    } else {
        f <- NULL
    for (i in 1:(copies)) {
        f <- rbind(f, t)
    attr(f, "label") <- data.lbl
    for (i in 1:ncol(f)) {
        attr(f[, i], "label") <- vars.lbl[i]


#' @title Append datasets
#' @description
#' \code{append()} row-combines multiple datasets of the same column names.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... one or multiple data.frame
#' @details
#' A single or multiple datasets can be appended.
#' The appending datasets must have at least one variable name
#' which is there in the master dataset.
#' The order of variables of the appending datasets is automatically
#' set based on the variable arrangement of the master dataset.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' x <- append(infert[, -c(3,4)], infert[, -5], infert[, -6])
#' ## codebook(x)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## if no variables are matched, ERROR
#' append(infert, iris)
#' }
#' @export
append <- function(data, ... )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_name <- names(data)
    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    .ls <- list(...)
    .ls_name <- enquotes(.args, c("data"))

    .df <- do.call(
        lapply(1:length(.ls), function(z) {
            x <- .ls[[z]]
            .names <- names(x)
            if (!any(.vars_name %in% .names)) {
                stop(paste0("`", .ls_name[z], "` must have at least",
                " one variable name that is in the master dataset '",
                .args$data, "'"), call. = FALSE)
            .vars <- intersect(.vars_name, .names)
            x <- x[.vars]
            x[, .vars_name[!(.vars_name %in% names(x))]] <- NA
            cat(paste0("  ('", .ls_name[z], "' appended)\n"))
            x[, .vars_name]
    data <- rbind(data, .df)


#' @title Format Dates
#' @description
#' \code{formatDate} converts characters or numbers to dates.
#' \code{is.Date} indicates which elements are Dates.
#' @param x a character or numeric object
#' @param format only for character vectors:
#' @param sep separator character for date components
#' @param century specify either 2000 or 1900 for two-digit years
#' @details
#' \code{dmy} represents \code{dd mm YYYY} format.
#' In combination with separators from \code{sep}, this can change to
#' several date formats.
#' For example, \code{dmy} + \code{-} convert to
#' \code{dd-mm-yyyy} format.
#' \strong{Possible conversions}
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item \code{dmy} + \code{-} >>> \code{dd-mm-yyyy}
#'     \item \code{dmy} + \code{/} >>> \code{dd/mm/yyyy}
#'     \item \code{mdy} + \code{/} >>> \code{mm/dd/yyyy}
#'     \item \code{ymd} + \code{/} >>> \code{yyyy/mm/dd}
#'     \item \code{dby} + \code{-} >>> \code{dd-JAN-yy}
#'     \item \code{dby} + \code{/} >>> \code{dd/JAN/yy}
#' }
#' \strong{Numeric conversions}
#' Origin is set at \code{1899-12-30}.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## convert strings to dates
#' x <- c("2019-01-15", "2019-01-20", "2019-01-21", "2019-01-22")
#' # check if it is a Date format
#' is.Date(x)
#' \dontrun{
#' y <- formatDate(x, "Ymd", "-")
#' # check if it is a Date format
#' is.Date(y)
#' y
#' ## another format
#' x <- c("22-JAN-19", "24-MAR-20")
#' y <- formatDate(x, "dby", "-")
#' is.Date(y)
#' y
#' ## convert numbers to dates
#' x <- 42705:42710
#' y <- formatDate(x)
#' is.Date(y)
#' y
#' ## get day, month or year
#' day(y)
#' month(y)
#' year(y)
#' }
#' @export
formatDate <- function(x, format = "dmY", sep = "/", century = NULL)
    if (is.character(x)) {
        f <- paste(
                unlist(strsplit(format, split = NULL, useBytes = T))
            collapse = sep
        x <- as.Date(x, format = f)
        if (!is.null(century)) {
            y <- do.call(
                rbind, strsplit(as.character(x), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
            m <- do.call(
                rbind, strsplit(as.character(x), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
            d <- do.call(
                rbind, strsplit(as.character(x), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
            if (century) {
                y <- (as.numeric(y) %% 100) + 2000
            } else {
                y <- (as.numeric(y) %% 100) + 1900
            x <- as.Date(paste(y, m, d, sep = "-"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
        x <- as.Date(x, origin = "1899-12-30")
    } else {
        stop("x must be a character or numeric.")

#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
is.Date <- function(x)
    return(class(x) == 'Date')

#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
year <- function(x)
    if (!is.Date(x)) stop("x must be Date.")
    as.numeric(format(x, "%Y"))

#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
month <- function(x)
    if (!is.Date(x)) stop("x must be Date.")
    as.numeric(format(x, "%m"))

#' @rdname formatDate
#' @export
day <- function(x)
    if (!is.Date(x)) stop("x must be Date.")
    as.numeric(format(x, "%d"))

#' @title Expand \code{2x2 table} into \code{data.frame}
#' @description
#' \code{expandtbl()} generates a data.frame based on vectors.
#' @param ... vectors
#' @param exp_name Name of \code{exp} Variable
#' @param exp_lvl Names of two categories in the order of
#' Exposed and non-exposed
#' @param case_name Name of \code{Case} variable
#' @param case_lvl names of two categories in the order of
#' @param strata_name Name of stratified variable
#' @details
#' \strong{expandtbl}
#' uses the vectors of \code{2x2} tables and
#' generates a data frame of at least two columns:
#' exp and case.
#' \preformatted{expandtbl(c(100, 200, 100, 200))}
#' \code{Strata}
#' Multiple tables can be used to construct a dataset by specifying
#' \code{strata_name} as follow. Strata can be included
#' using multiple named vectors.
#' \preformatted{
#' expandtbl(
#'              strata1 = c(100, 200, 100, 200),
#'              strata2 = c(100, 200, 100, 200),
#'              strata3 = c(100, 200, 100, 200),
#'              exp_name = "exp",
#'              exp_lvl = c("exposed", "unexposed"),
#'              case_name = "case",
#'              case_lvl = c("case", "control"),
#'              strata_name = "Strata"
#' )
#' }
#' \code{Labels for variables}
#' If names or levels of variables are not specified, the followings are
#' applied.
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item exp Name: \code{exp}
#'     \item exp levels: \code{exposed} and \code{unexposed}
#'     \item case Name: \code{case}
#'     \item case levels: \code{case} and \code{control}
#'     \item Strata Name: \code{strata}
#'     \item Note: Strata levels are not considered as vectors must
#'     be named.
#' }
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## Asthma Example from Essential Medical Statistics
#' ## page 160
#' asthma <- expandtbl(c(81, 995, 57, 867),
#'               exp_name = "sex",
#'               exp_lvl = c("woman", "man"),
#'               case_name = "asthma",
#'               case_lvl = c("yes", "no"))
#' \dontrun{
#' ## label variable and dataset
#' asthma <- label(asthma, "Hypothetical Data of Asthma Prevalence")
#' asthma <- label(asthma, sex = "Man or Woman",
#'                            asthma = "Asthma or No Asthma")
#' ## Checking codebook
#' codebook(asthma)
#' ## simple tabulation
#' tab(asthma)
#' ## cross-tabulation
#' tab(asthma, sex, by = asthma)
#' }
#' @export
expandtbl <- function( ... ,
                       exp_name = "exp",
                       exp_lvl = c("exposed", "unexposed"),
                       case_name = "case",
                       case_lvl = c("case", "control"),
                       strata_name = "strata")
    # get vectors within three dots
    .vec <- list(...)
    .vec_len <- length(.vec)

    ## calculate strata
    .strata_names <- sapply(1:length(.vec), function(z) names(.vec[z]))
    .strata_times <- sapply(.vec, function(z) sum(z))

    ## create data.frame

    .exp <- rep(exp_lvl, each = 2)
    .case <- rep(case_lvl, times = 2)

    ## create data frame
        data <- do.call(
            lapply(1:.vec_len, function(z) {
                .times <- unlist(.vec[z])
                .vec.exp <- rep(.exp, .times)
                .vec.case <- rep(.case, .times)
                .vec_strata <- rep(names(.vec[z]), sum(.times))

                if (is.null(.vec_strata)) {
                    .df <- data.frame(.vec.exp, .vec.case)
                    names(.df) <- c(exp_name, case_name)
                } else {
                    .df <- data.frame(.vec.exp, .vec.case, .vec_strata)
                    names(.df) <- c(exp_name, case_name, strata_name)

        ## print message
        cat(paste0("  (expanded into a dataset)\n"))

    }, error = function(cnd) {
        stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)


#' @describeIn expandtbl
#' \code{expandfreq()} expands a frequency-weighted table
#' into a data.frame.
#' @param data frequency table in data.frame
#' @param freq name of variable for the weighted frequency
#' @details
#' \strong{expandfreq()} uses the weighted frequencies in
#' data.frame format and construct another data.frame
#' based on the frequency weight.
#' The name of the frequency weighted variable can be
#'  specified by \code{freq} argument.
#' @examples
#' ## Example for expanding frequency weighted data
#' ## Example from UCLA website
#' ## you can download the dataset here:
#' ## https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/examples/icda/afterlife.dta
#' x <- data.frame(gender = c(1, 1, 0, 0),
#'                  aftlife = c(1, 0, 1, 0),
#'                  freq = c(435, 147, 375, 134))
#' y <- expandfreq(x, freq)
#' ## check the numbers by tabulation
#' ## tab(y, gender, by = aftlife)
#' @export
expandfreq <- function(data, freq)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_names <- names(data)
    freq <- .args$freq

    ## get where the frequency column is and get the freq
    .freqi <-.vars_names %in% as.character(freq)
    .freq <- data[[freq]]

    ## if freq is not numbers, stop
    if (!is.numeric(.freq)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .freq, "` must be a number."),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## repeat other columns per freq
    .t <- apply(data[, !.freqi], 2, function(z) rep(z, .freq))

    ## put the dataset back to the original data frame
    ## this preserves the data structure of original data
    .df <- data[0, !.freqi]
    .df[1:nrow(.t), ] <- .t

    ## print message
    cat(paste0("  ('", .data_name, "' expanded into dataset)\n"))


#' @title Lag a variable
#' @description
#' creates lagged version of an existing variable.
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param var variable to be lagged
#' @param by variable for grouped lagged version
#' @param new_var name of new lagged variable
#' @param last_obs `TRUE`retrieves the last observation per group.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from methods.
#' @details
#' This is often encountered in time-related analysis.
#' In a lagged variable, values from earlier points in time are placed in later
#' rows of dataset.
#' @note
#' Before using \code{lagRows}, the dataset needs to be sorted by a id variable
#' or similar variable.
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(100)
#' ## create a dataset with dates
#' x <- data.frame(
#'     hospid = 1:100,
#'     docid = round(runif(100, 1, 10)),
#'     dis_date = formatDate(runif(100, 42700, 42800))
#' )
#' ## lagged dis_date, not specifed "by"
#' lag(x, dis_date)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## lagged dis_date by docid
#' ## first we need to sort
#' y <- x[order(x$docid), ]
#' y
#' ## lag dates within groups
#' lag(y, dis_date, by = docid, new_var = lag_date)
#' lag(y, dis_date, by = docid, lag_date, TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname lag
#' @export
lag.data.frame <- function(x, var, by = NULL, new_var = NULL,
                           last_obs = FALSE, ... )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())
    data <- x
    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    .vars_name <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## assign var and by
    var <- data[[.args$var]]
    by <- .args$by

    ## create lagged variables
    if (is.null(by)) {
        .lag <- c(var[1], var[-length(var)])
        .lag[1] <- NA
    } else {
        ## if by is specified, then assign by
        ## then create levels
        by <- data[[as.character(by)]]
        .lvl <- unique(by)
        .lag <- do.call(
            lapply(.lvl, function(z) {
                if (is.na(z)) {
                    .equal <- is.na(by)
                } else {
                    .equal <- which(by == z)
                .lag <- var[.equal]
                .lag <- c(.lag[1], .lag[-length(.lag)])
                .lag[1] <- NA
                if (last_obs) {
                    .lag <- var[.equal]
                    .lag <- rep(.lag[length(.lag)], length(.lag))

    ## add lagged variable to dataset
    ## add label and create name
        data$new_var <- .lag
    }, error = function(cnd) {
        stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)
    attr(data$new_var, "label") <-
        paste0("<SYS.GEN: Lagged version of '", .args$var, "'>")
    new_var <- ifelse(is.null(.args$new_var),
                      paste0(.args$var, "_lag"),

    names(data)[ncol(data)] <- new_var

    ## print changes
    cat(paste0("  (lagged into '",
               new_var, "')\n"))


# SUMMARY STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Tabulation
#' @description
#' \code{tab()} generates one-way or two-way tabulation of variables.
#' If no variables are specified, tabulations for all the variables
#' in the dataset are generated.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... variable name or names of multiple variables
#' @param by variable name for bivariate analysis
#' @param row.pct `TRUE`, `FALSE` or `NULL`.
#' @param na.rm logical: if `TRUE`, it removes observations with missing values.
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers.
#' @details
#' \strong{One-way tabulation}
#' If \code{by} is not specified, \code{tab} generates one-way tabulation of
#' a variable or multiple variables. The table is displayed
#' in \code{Freq.} (frequency), \code{Percent}
#' (Relative Frequency) and \code{Cum.} (Cumulative Relative frequency).
#' \strong{Two-way tabulation}
#' Specifying \code{by} leads to two-way tabulation. By default,
#' row percentages are displayed along with count data. If `row.pct`
#' is set to `NULL`, it shows a count table without percentages. If set to
#' `FALSE`, a table with column percentages is generated. P-values from
#' `Chi-squared` and Fisher's `Exact` tests are also shown, regardless
#' of displaying percentages.
#' \strong{Tabulating the whole dataset}
#' This is helpful when the dataset has been processed and finalized.
#' The final dataset can be fed into the function without
#' inputting any variables. This automatically filters and generates
#' tables on variables with possible data types for tabulation. These
#' data types include `character`, `factor`, `order factor`, and `logical`.
#' \strong{Using colon `:` to tabulate multiple variables}
#' A colon separator `:` can be used to generate one-way or two-way
#' tables efficiently.
#' \strong{Labels}
#' Labels for corresponding variables are displayed below the
#' table.
#' @return
#' A list with `tab` class containing three sets of data.frame type:
#' 1) tabulation result,
#' 2) tabulation result without any format,
#' 3) labels for corresponding variables.
#' @import stats
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## One-way tabulation
#' tab(infert, education)
#' tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous)
#' tab(infert)
#' ## Two-way tabulation
#' tab(infert, education, by = case)
#' tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous, by = case)
#' tab(infert, by = case)
#' @export
tab <- function(data, ... , by = NULL, row.pct = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
    ## if data is not a data.frame, stop
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get variable names
    .vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "by", "row.pct", "na.rm", "digits"))
    .vars <- checkEnquotes(data, .vars)
    if (length(.vars) == 0) {
        .vars_type <- sapply(data, function(z) {
            .class <- class(unlist(z))[1]
            if (.class == "haven_labelled") {
                .class <- typeof(unlist(z))[1]
        .types <- c("factor", "character", "orderedfactor", "logical")
        .vars <- names(data)[.vars_type %in% .types]

    ## check if var names are valid
    sapply(.vars, function(z) {
        ## check if all vars specified are in the dataset
        if (!(z %in% names(data))) {
            stop(paste0("Variable '", z, "' not found in the dataset"),
                 call. = FALSE)

    ## Tabulation
    by <- .args$by
    if (length(by) == 0) {
        .df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(.vars, tab1, data, na.rm, digits))
        .txt <- paste0("  One-way Tabulation")
    } else {
        if (!(as.character(by) %in% names(data))) {
            stop(paste0("`", by, "` not found."),
                 call. = FALSE)
        .df <- do.call(
            rbind, lapply(.vars, tab2, data, by, row.pct, na.rm, digits)
        .txt <- paste0("  Tabulation by '", by, "'")
    .df_raw <- .df

    ## Add horizontal and vertical lines for visual appealing
    hpos <- as.numeric(row.names(.df)[!(.df$Variable == "")])[-1]
    hpos <- hpos + 0:(length(hpos) - 1)
    sapply(hpos, function(z) {
        .df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
    hpos <- (c(hpos, nrow(.df) + 1) - 1) + 0:(length(hpos))
    sapply(hpos, function(z) {
        .df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
        .df[z, 1] <<- ""
    .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)
    if (length(by) != 0) {
        .df <- cbind(.df[, 1:(ncol(.df) - 3)], .df[, 4],
                     .df[, (ncol(.df) - 2):ncol(.df)])
        names(.df) <- .df[2, ]

    ## Display information
    # printDFlenLines(.df)
    cat(paste0(.txt, "\n"))
    # printDFlenLines(.df)
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)

    ## get vars lbl
    .vars_lbl <- sapply(c(by, .vars), getLabel, data)
    .vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(by), .vars),
                            lbl = .vars_lbl)
    .vars_lbl$lbl[is.na(.vars_lbl$lbl)] <- .vars_lbl$vars[is.na(.vars_lbl$lbl)]

    ## create list with class for tabulation
    .list <- list(tab = .df,
                  tab_raw = .df_raw,
                  lbl = .vars_lbl,
                  type = ifelse(is.null(row.pct), "tab2",
                         ifelse(length(by) == 0, "tab1",
    class(.list) <- "tab"

#### Helper functions for tab()
tab1 <- function(x, data, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
    .x <- data[[x]]

    ## check NA
    .useNA <- ifelse(na.rm, "no", "ifany")

    ## create tabulation table
    .freq <- table(.x, useNA = .useNA)
    .pct <- sprintf(prop.table(.freq) * 100,
                    fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f"))
    .cumpct <- sprintf(cumsum(.pct),
                       fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f"))
    .freq <- c(.freq, Total = sum(.freq, na.rm = TRUE))

    ## combine all statistics
    .df <- data.frame(cbind(Variable = c(x, rep("", length(.freq) - 1)),
                            Category = names(.freq),
                            Freq. =  .freq,
                            Percent = c(.pct, 100),
                            Cum. = c(.cumpct, 100)))
    row.names(.df) <- NULL


tab2 <- function(x, data, by, row.pct = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
    .x <- data[[x]]
    .by <- data[[by]]

    ## check NA
    .useNA <- ifelse(na.rm, "no", "ifany")

    ## Create confusion matrices of raw, row and col percentages
    .tbl <- table(.x, .by, useNA = .useNA)
    .tbl_count <- addmargins(.tbl)

    .tbl_pct_row <- addmargins(prop.table(.tbl, 1) * 100)
    .tbl_pct_row[nrow(.tbl_pct_row), ] <-
        .tbl_count[nrow(.tbl_count), ] / sum(.tbl) * 100
    .tbl_pct_row <- round(.tbl_pct_row, digits)

    .tbl_pct_col <- addmargins(prop.table(.tbl, 2) * 100)
    .tbl_pct_col[, ncol(.tbl_pct_col)] <-
        .tbl_count[, ncol(.tbl_count)] / sum(.tbl) * 100
    .tbl_pct_col <- round(.tbl_pct_col, digits)

    ## row and col names of the tables
    .row_name <- c(row.names(.tbl), "Total")
    .col_name <- c(colnames(.tbl), "Total")
    .row_pct_name <- c(rbind(.col_name, rep("r(%)", length(.col_name))))
    .col_pct_name <- c(rbind(.col_name, rep("c(%)", length(.col_name))))

    row.names(.tbl_count) <- .row_name
    colnames(.tbl_count) <- .col_name
    row.names(.tbl_pct_row) <- .row_name
    row.names(.tbl_pct_col) <- .row_name

    .row_order <- order(c(2 * (1:ncol(.tbl_count) - 1) + 1,
                          2 * 1:ncol(.tbl_pct_row)))
    .tbl_pct_row <- cbind(.tbl_count, .tbl_pct_row)[, .row_order]
    colnames(.tbl_pct_row) <- .row_pct_name
    .tbl_pct_col <- cbind(.tbl_count, .tbl_pct_col)[, .row_order]
    colnames(.tbl_pct_col) <- .col_pct_name

    ## Choose which table to print and return
    if (is.null(row.pct)) {
        .df <- .tbl_count
    } else if (row.pct) {
        .df <- .tbl_pct_row
    } else {
        .df <- .tbl_pct_col
    .df <- as.data.frame(cbind(.df))
    .df <- cbind(.df[, 0], Variable = c(x, rep("", nrow(.df) - 1)),
                 Category = .row_name, .df)
    row.names(.df) <- NULL

    ## calculate p-values
    ## if need to remove NA, create a data.frame and then omit NA
    if (na.rm) {
        .data <- data.frame(x = .x, by = .by)
        .data <- na.omit(.data)
        .x <- .data$x
        .by <- .data$by

    ## get pvalue from chi square and fisher tests
    pvalue <- tryCatch({
        suppressWarnings(chisq.test(.x, .by, correct = FALSE)$p.value)
    }, error = function(cnd) {
    pvalue <- c(
                fisher.test(.x, .by, simulate.p.value = TRUE)$p.value)
        }, error = function(cnd) {
    pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.3f')
    ## add pvalue back to .df
    .df$p1 <- c(pvalue[1], rep("", nrow(.df) - 1))
    .df$p2 <- c(pvalue[2], rep("", nrow(.df) - 1))
    names(.df)[(ncol(.df)-1):ncol(.df)] <- c("Chi-squared", "Exact.")


#' @title Summary statistics
#' @description
#' \code{summ()} calculates and displays a variety of summary statistics.
#' If no variables are specified, summary statistics are calculated
#' for all the variables in the dataset.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... variable name or names of multiple variables
#' @param by variable name for bivariate analysis
#' @param na.rm logical: if `TRUE`, it removes observations with missing values.
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers.
#' @param detail logical: if `TRUE`, it displays a full spectrum of
#' summary statistics such as inter-quartile range, and p-value from normality
#' test.
#' @details
#' It calculates seven number summary statistics, and p-values from relevant
#' statistical tests of association.
#' \strong{ANNOTATIONS}
#' \code{Obs} = Number of observations
#' \code{NA} = Number of observations with missing value
#' \code{Mean} = Mean
#' \code{Std.Dev} = Standard deviation
#' \code{Median} = Median value
#' \code{25%} = First quartile or percentile
#' \code{75%} = Third quartile or percentile
#' \code{Min} = Minimum value
#' \code{Max} = Maximum value
#' \code{Normal} = p-value from Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test
#' \strong{Grouped summary statistics}
#' If a strata variable `by` is specified, grouped summary statistics
#' are calculated. In addition, based on the levels of `by`,
#' relevant statistical tests of association such as Student's t-test
#' and Wilcoxon, ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests are calculated and their
#' associated p-values are displayed.
#' \strong{Tabulating the whole dataset}
#' This is helpful when the dataset has been processed and finalized.
#' The final dataset can be fed into the function without
#' inputting any variables. This automatically filters and generates
#' tables on variables with possible data types for summary statistics. These
#' data types include `numeric`, `double`, `integer`, and `logical`.
#' \strong{Using colon `:` to summarize multiple variables}
#' A colon separator `:` can be used to summarize variables more efficiently.
#' \strong{Labels}
#' Labels for corresponding variables are displayed below the
#' table.
#' @return
#' A list with `summ` class containing three sets of data.frame type:
#' 1) summary result,
#' 2) summary result without any format,
#' 3) labels for corresponding variables.
#' @import stats
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## Univariate summary statistics
#' summ(iris, Sepal.Length)
#' summ(iris, Sepal.Length:Petal.Width)
#' ## Bivariate summary statistics
#' summ(iris, Sepal.Length:Petal.Width, by = Species)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Using the whole dataset
#' summ(iris)
#' summ(iris, by = Species)
#' ## Detailed summary statistics
#' summ(iris, detail = TRUE)
#' summ(iris, by = Species, detail = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
summ <- function(data, ... , by = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1, detail = FALSE)
    ## if data is not a data.frame, stop
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get variable names
    .vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "by", "na.rm", "digits", "detail"))
    .vars <- checkEnquotes(data, .vars)
    if (length(.vars) == 0) {
        .vars_type <- sapply(data, function(z) {
            .class <- class(unlist(z))[1]
            if (.class == "haven_labelled") {
                .class <- typeof(unlist(z))[1]
        .types <- c("numeric", "double", "integer", "logical")
        .vars <- names(data)[.vars_type %in% .types]

    ## check if var names are valid
    sapply(.vars, function(z) {
        ## check if all vars specified are in the dataset
        if (!(z %in% names(data))) {
            stop(paste0("Variable '", z, "' not found in the dataset"),
                 call. = FALSE)

    ## Summary measures
    by <- .args$by
    if (length(by) == 0) {
        .df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(.vars, summ1, data, na.rm, digits))
        .df_raw <- .df
        if (!detail) .df <- .df[, -c(6:8)]
        .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
        if (length(.vars) > 5) {
            .seq <- seq(3, nrow(.df), 5)
            .seq <- .seq[-c(1, length(.seq))]
            .seq <- .seq + 0:(length(.seq) - 1)
            sapply(.seq, function(z) {
                .df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
            .df[.seq, ] <- .df[2, ]
        .txt <- paste0("  Summary")
    } else {
        if (!(as.character(by) %in% names(data))) {
            stop(paste0("`", by, "` not found."),
                 call. = FALSE)
        .by <- data[[by]]
        if (na.rm) {
            .chk <- is.na(.by)
            .by <- .by[!.chk]
            data <- data[!.chk, ]
        } else {
            if (is.factor(.by)) .by <- as.character(.by)
            .by[is.na(.by)] <- "NA"

        .df <- summ2(data, .vars, .by, na.rm, digits)
        .df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(.df, function(z) z))
        .df_raw <- .df
        if (!detail) .df <- .df[, -c(7:11)]

        ## Add horizontal and vertical lines for visaul appealing
        hpos <- as.numeric(row.names(.df)[!(.df$Variable == "")])[-1]
        hpos <- hpos + 0:(length(hpos) - 1)
        sapply(hpos, function(z) {
            .df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
        hpos <- (c(hpos, nrow(.df) + 1) - 1) + 0:(length(hpos))
        sapply(hpos, function(z) {
            .df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
            .df[z, 1] <<- ""
        .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)
        .txt <- paste0("  Summary by '", by, "'")

    ## Display information
    cat(paste0(.txt, "\n"))
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)

    ## get vars lbl
    .vars_lbl <- sapply(c(by, .vars), getLabel, data)
    .vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(by), .vars),
                            lbl = .vars_lbl)

    ## create list with class for summary
    .list <- list(summ = .df,
                  summ_raw = .df_raw,
                  lbl = .vars_lbl,
                  type = ifelse(detail, "summ2d",
                                ifelse(length(by) == 0, "summ1",
    class(.list) <- "summ"

summ1 <- function(x, data, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
    .x <- data[[x]]
    .obs <- ifelse(na.rm, length(.x[!is.na(.x)]), length(.x))
    .na <- length(.x[is.na(.x)])

    ## Set na.rm to TRUE for further operations
    na.rm <- TRUE
    ## construct 7 number summary statistics
    .mu <- mean(.x, na.rm = na.rm)
    .std <- sd(.x, na.rm = na.rm)
    .q <- round(quantile(.x, probs = c(0, .25, .5, .75, 1),
                         na.rm = na.rm), digits)
    .v <- round(c(.mu, .std, .q), digits)
    .v <- sprintf(.v, fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f"))
    ## get p value from normality test
    pvalue <- tryCatch({
    }, error = function(err) {
    pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.4f')
    ## final .df for return
    .df <- data.frame(x, .obs, .na, .v[1], .v[2], .v[5], .v[4],
                      .v[6], .v[3], .v[7], pvalue)
    names(.df) <- c("Variable", "Obs", "<NA>", "Mean", "Std.Dev",
                    "Median", "25%", "75%", "Min", "Max", "Normal.")
    row.names(.df) <- NULL

summ2 <- function(data, .vars, .by, na.rm = FALSE, digits = 1)
    lapply(.vars, function(z) {
        .split <- split(data, .by)
        .sub <- do.call(
            rbind, lapply(.split, function(i) summ1(z, i, TRUE, digits))
        .sub <- rbind(.sub, summ1(z, data, na.rm, digits))
        .x <- data[[z]]
        ## get pvalue  from ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis or t.test / Wilcox
        ## calculate p-values from ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis or t.test / Wilcox
        if (length(.split) > 2) {
            pvalue <- tryCatch(
                {suppressWarnings(summary(aov(.x ~ .by))[[1]][1,5])},
                error = function(cnd) {return(NA)}
            pvalue <- c(pvalue, tryCatch(
                {suppressWarnings(kruskal.test(.x ~ .by)$p.value)},
                error = function(cnd) {return(NA)}))
            .pvalue.name <- c("ANOVA", "K-Wallis")
        } else {
            pvalue <- tryCatch(
                {suppressWarnings(t.test(.x ~ .by)$p.value)},
                error = function(cnd) {return(NA)}
            pvalue <- c(pvalue, tryCatch(
                {suppressWarnings(suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(.x ~ .by)$p.value))},
                error = function(cnd) {return(NA)})
            .pvalue.name <- c("t-test", "Wilcoxon")
        pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.4f')
        ## add pvalue back to .sub
        .sub$p1 <- c(pvalue[1], rep("", nrow(.sub) - 1))
        .sub$p2 <- c(pvalue[2], rep("", nrow(.sub) - 1))
        names(.sub)[(ncol(.sub)-1):ncol(.sub)] <- .pvalue.name
        .sub$Variable[-1] <- ""
        .sub$Level <- c(row.names(.sub)[-nrow(.sub)], "Total")
        row.names(.sub) <- NULL
        .sub <- cbind(Variable = .sub[, 1], Level = .sub[, ncol(.sub)],
                      .sub[, 2:(ncol(.sub) - 1)])

# INFERENTIAL STATISTICS --------------------------------------------------

# LINEAR REGRESSION -------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Linear Regression Model
#' @description
#' \code{regress()} produces summary of the model
#' with coefficients and 95% Confident Intervals.
#' @param model glm or lm model
#' @param vce if `TRUE`, robust standard errors are calculated.
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' \code{regress} is based on \code{\link{lm}}. All statistics presented
#' in the function's output are derivatives of \code{\link{lm}},
#' except AIC value which is obtained from \code{\link{AIC}}.
#' It uses `lm()` function to run the model.
#' \strong{Outputs}
#' Outputs can be divided into three parts.
#' 1) `Info of the model`:
#' Here provides number of observations (Obs.), F value, p-value
#' from F test,
#' R Squared value, Adjusted R Squared value, square root of mean square
#' error
#' (Root MSE) and AIC value.
#' 2) `Errors`:
#' Outputs from `anova(model)` is tabulated here. SS, DF and MS indicate
#' sum of square of errors, degree of freedom and mean of square of errors.
#' 3) `Regression Output`:
#' Coefficients from summary of model are tabulated here along with 95\%
#' confidence interval.
#' \strong{using Robust Standard Errors}
#' if heteroskedasticity is present in our data sample,
#' the ordinary least square (OLS) estimator will remain unbiased
#' and consistent,
#' but not efficient. The estimated OLS standard errors
#' will be biased and cannot be solved with a larger sample size.
#' To remedy this, robust standard errors can be used to adjusted
#' standard errors.
#' The `regress` uses sandwich estimator to estimate Huber-White's standard
#' errors. The calculation is based on the tutorial by Kevin Goulding.
#' \deqn{Variance of Robust = (N / N - K) (X'X)^(-1)
#'  \sum{Xi X'i ei^2} (X'X)^(-1)}
#' where N =  number of observations, and K =  the number of regressors
#' (including the intercept). This returns a Variance-covariance (VCV)
#' matrix
#' where the diagonal elements are the estimated heteroskedasticity-robust
#' coefficient
#' variances — the ones of interest. Estimated coefficient standard errors
#' are the square root of these diagonal elements.
#' @note
#' Credits to Kevin Goulding, The Tarzan Blog.
#' @return
#' a list containing
#' 1. `info` - info and error tables
#' 2. `reg` - regression table
#' 3. `model` - raw model output from `lm()`
#' 4. `fit` - formula for fitting the model
#' 5. `lbl` - variable labels for further processing in `summary`.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' fit <- lm(Ozone ~ Wind, data = airquality)
#' regress(fit)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## labelling variables
#' airquality2 <- label(airquality, Ozone = "Ozone level", Wind = "Wind Speed")
#' fit2 <- lm(Ozone ~ Wind, data = airquality2)
#' reg <- regress(fit2)
#' str(reg)
#' }
#' @export
regress <- function(model, vce = FALSE, digits = 5)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## if input is not a lm or glm, stop
    if (!any(class(model) %in% c("glm", "lm"))) {
        stop(paste0("`", .args$model, "` must be linear model"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## refitting model for glm and lm
    .getcall <- getCall(model)
    .data_name <- .getcall$data
    data <- eval(.data_name)
    .formula <- .getcall$formula
    .txt <- paste0("lm(", Reduce(paste, deparse(.formula)),
                   ", data = ", .data_name, ")")
    .model <- eval(parse(text = .txt))

    ## calculate errors and statistics
    .err <- calcRegress(.model, digits)

    ## Calculate model coefficients and SE
    if (vce) {
        .coef <- vceRobust(.model)
        .txt <- paste0("            Linear Regression Output",
                       " with Robust Standard Error")
    } else {
        .coef <- data.frame(coef(summary(.model)))
        .txt <- paste0("                Linear Regression Output")
    ## put intercept to last and names
    .coef <- rbind(.coef[-1, ], .coef[1, ])
    names(.coef) <- c("e", "se", "t", "p")

    ## gather all statistics
    .t <- data.frame(
            sprintf(.coef$e, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$se, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$t, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$p, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$e - (1.96 * .coef$se),
                    fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$e + (1.96 * .coef$se),
                    fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f'))
    ## get y name
    .y_name <- as.character(.formula)[2]
    names(.t) <- c(.y_name, "Coef.", "Std.Err", "t",
                   "P>|t|", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
    .t <- formatdf(.t, 2, 2)

    ## Print tabulation and labels
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    cat(paste0("       ", .txt, "\n"))
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    print.data.frame(.err, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
    print.data.frame(.t, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
    cat(paste0("  Model fit: ",
               Reduce(paste, deparse(getCall(model))), "\n"))

    ## get raw data for labelling
    .vars <- all.vars(formula(.model)[-2])
    ## get vars lbl
    .vars_lbl <- sapply(c(.y_name, .vars), getLabel, data)
    .vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(.y_name), .vars),
                            lbl = .vars_lbl)
    .vars_lbl$lbl[is.na(.vars_lbl$lbl)] <- .vars_lbl$vars[is.na(.vars_lbl$lbl)]

    ## create list with class
    .list <- list(info = .err,
                  reg = .t,
                  model = .model,
                  fit = .formula,
                  data = data,
                  lbl = .vars_lbl)

    ## add label for further processing
    attr(.t, "label") <- ifelse(
        vce, "Linear Regression with Robust Standard Errors",
        "Linear Regression"

    ## create class for S3 method to use in summary()
    class(.list) <- "regress"


calcRegress <- function(model, rnd)
    ## model summary and F test
    .s <- summary(model)
    .aov <- anova(model)

    ## calculate errors
    ## errors without residuals
    .t <- .aov[-nrow(.aov), ]

    ## errors with residuals
    .r <- .aov["Residuals", 1:3]
    .r <- rbind(c(colSums(.t[, 1:2]),
                  "Mean Sq" = mean(.t[["Mean Sq"]])), .r)

    ## DSS Princeton linear101 training
    ## add total row
    .df <- sum(.r$Df)
    .ss <- sum(.r$`Sum Sq`)
    .msq <- .ss / .df
    .r[3, ] <- c(.df, .ss, .msq)
    .r <- cbind(c("Model", "Residual", "Total"), .r)
    names(.r) <- c("Source", "DF", "SS", "MS")

    ## calculate MSE
    .mse <- sqrt(.r["Residuals", "MS"])
    .mse <-  sprintf(.mse, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f"))
    ## fix decimal places
    .r[, "SS"] <- sprintf(.r[, "SS"], fmt = paste0("%#.", 1, "f"))
    .r[, "MS"] <- sprintf(.r[, "MS"], fmt = paste0("%#.", 1, "f"))
    row.names(.r) <- NULL

    ## number of observations, f statistics, pvalue
    .obs <- c("Number of Obs", length(.s$residuals))
    ## calculate F statistics
    .f <- .s$fstatistic
    .fv <- .f["value"]
    .fndf <- .f["numdf"]
    .fddf <- .f["dendf"]
    if (is.null(.f)) {
        .fv <- .fndf <- 0
        .fddf <- length(.s$residuals) - 1
        .pf <- 0
    } else {
        .pf <- pf(.fv, .fndf, .fddf, lower.tail = FALSE)

    .f <- c(paste0("F(", .fndf, ", ", .fddf, ")"),
            sprintf(.fv, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))
    .pf <- c("Prob > F",
             sprintf(.pf, fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))

    ## calculate r squared, adj r squared
    .r2 <- c("R-Squared",
             sprintf(.s$r.squared, fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))
    .r2_adj <- c(
        "Adj R-Squared",
        sprintf(.s$adj.r.squared, fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f"))

    ## calculate AIC
    .aic <- AIC(model)
    .aic <- sprintf(.aic, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f"))

    ## result table
    data <- data.frame(rbind(.obs, .f, .pf, .r2, .r2_adj))
    names(data) <- c("Stats", "Value")
    data <- formatdf(data, 2, 2)

    # ## process ERROR Table to return
    .r <- rbind(.r, c("AIC", .aic, "Root MSE", .mse))
    .r <- formatdf(.r, 2, 2)
    .r <- rbind(.r[1:4, ], .r[7, ], .r[5, ], .r[7, ], .r[6, ])
    .r[8, c(1, 3, 7)] <- ""
    .r <- .r[, -c(1, ncol(.r))]
    row.names(.r) <- NULL

    data <- cbind(data, "   ", .r)
    names(data) <- data[2, ]

## robust standard errors for heteroskedasticity
## Heteroskedasticity-robust standard error calculation.
## https://thetarzan.wordpress.com/2011/05/28/heteroskedasticity
## -robust-and-clustered-standard-errors-in-r/
vceRobust <- function(.model) {

    .s <- summary(.model)
    .matrix <- model.matrix(.model)
    .square <- residuals(.model)^2
    .xdx <- 0

    ## Here one needs to calculate X'DX. But due to the fact that
    ## D is huge (NxN), it is better to do it with a cycle.
    sapply(1:nrow(.matrix), function(z) {
        .xdx <<- .xdx + .square[z] * .matrix[z, ] %*% t(.matrix[z, ])

    # inverse(X'X)
    .inverse <- solve(t(.matrix) %*% .matrix)

    # Variance calculation (Bread x meat x Bread)
    .var.covar <- .inverse %*% .xdx %*% .inverse

    # degrees of freedom adjustment
    .df.adj <- sqrt(nrow(.matrix))/sqrt(nrow(.matrix)-ncol(.matrix))

    # Standard errors of the coefficient estimates are the
    # square roots of the diagonal elements
    .se <- .df.adj * sqrt(diag(.var.covar))

    .t <- .model$coefficients / .se
    .p <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(.t))

    ## gather all statistics
    data <- cbind(.model$coefficients, .se, .t, .p)
    data <- data.frame(data)
    names(data) <- colnames(.s$coefficients)


##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`predict.regress`} a S3 method for \code{predict} to generate
##' statistics related to the prediction of the linear model using the output
##' from the \code{regress} function of the \code{mStats}.
##' @details
##' \code{`predict.regress`} generates an original data with statistics for model
##' diagnostics:
##' 1. `fitted` (Fitted values)
##' 2. `resid` (Residuals)
##' 3. `std.resid` (Studentized Residuals)
##' 4. `hat` (leverage)
##' 5. `sigma`
##' 6. `cooksd` (Cook's Distance)
##' @inheritParams stats::predict
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' predict(reg)
##' }
##' @export
predict.regress <- function(object, ... )
    ## get the model from list object
    .model <- object$model
    ## get the original data
    data <- object$data
    ## get vars name in the model
    .vars <- all.vars(formula(.model))

    ## calculate model diagnostic statistics
    .hat <- data.frame(lm.influence(.model))
    .dx <- cbind(.model$model,
                 fitted = fitted(.model),
                 resid = resid(.model),
                 std.resid = rstandard(.model),
                 hat = .hat$hat,
                 sigma = .hat$sigma,
                 cooksd = cooks.distance(.model))

    ## merge the two datasets by left-join
    .df <- merge.data.frame(data, .dx,
                            by = .vars, all.x = TRUE)

    attr(.df$fitted, "label") <- "Fitted values"
    attr(.df$resid, "label") <- "Residuals"
    attr(.df$std.resid, "label") <- "Studentized Residuals"
    attr(.df$hat, "label") <- "Leverage or hat values"
    attr(.df$sigma, "label") <- "hat sigma"
    attr(.df$cooksd, "label") <- "Cook's Distance"


##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`plot.regress`} is a S3 method for \code{plot()} to create
##' graphs for checking diagnostics of linear model using the output from
##' the \code{regress} function of the \code{mStats}.
##' @inheritParams base::plot
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' plot(reg)
##' }
##' @export
plot.regress <- function(x, ... )
    .model <- x$model

    ## Set graph parameters
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


    ## Reset graph parameters
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`ladder`} converts a variable into a normally
##' distributed one.
##' @param data dataset
##' @param var variable name
##' @examples
##' ladder(airquality, Ozone)
##' @export
ladder <- function(data, var)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())
    x <- as.character(.args$var)
    .x <- data[[.args$var]]

    ## get ladder vectors
    .t <- list(.x^3,
               1 / sqrt(.x),
               1 / .x,
               1 / .x^2,
               1 / .x^3)

    ## get chi W and p-value
    .s <- do.call(
        lapply(.t, function(z) {
            .s <- shapiro.test(z)
            sprintf(c(.s$statistic, .s$p.value),
                    fmt = paste0("%#.", 5, "f"))

    ## combine all
    .df <- data.frame(c("cube", "squre", "raw", "square-root", "log",
                        "reciprocal root", "reciprocal", "reciprocal square",
                        "reciprocal cube"),
                      c(paste0(x, c("^3", "^2", "")),
                        paste0("sqrt(", x, ")"),
                        paste0("log(", x, ")"),
                        paste0("1 / sqrt(", x, ")"),
                        paste0("1 / ", x),
                        paste0("1 / (", x, "^2)"),
                        paste0("1 / (", x, "^3)")),
    names(.df) <- c("Transformation", "formula", "W", "P-Value")
    .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)

    ## Display information
    cat(paste0("       Ladder of Transformation : ", x, "\n"))
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)


##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`hettest`} performs the Breusch-Pagan test
##' for heteroskedasticity.
##' It presents evidence against the
##' null hypothesis that t=0 in Var(e)=sigma^2 exp(zt).
##' The formula are based on the \code{bptest} function
##' in \code{lmtest} package.
##' @param regress output from \code{regress}
##' @param studentize logical.
##' If set to \code{TRUE} Koenker's studentized version
##' of the test statistic will be used.
##' @details
##' The `Breusch-Pagan test` fits a linear regression model
##' to the residuals of a linear regression model
##' (by default the same explanatory variables are taken as
##' in the main regression model) and rejects if too
##' much of the variance is explained by the additional
##' explanatory variables. Under \eqn{H_0} the test statistic
##' of the Breusch-Pagan test follows a chi-squared distribution
##' with \code{parameter} (the number of regressors without
##' the constant in the model) degrees of freedom.
##' @references
##' T.S. Breusch & A.R. Pagan (1979),
##'      A Simple Test for Heteroscedasticity and Random
##'      Coefficient Variation.
##'      \emph{Econometrica} \bold{47}, 1287--1294
##' R. Koenker (1981), A Note on Studentizing a Test for
##'       Heteroscedasticity. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}
##'       \bold{17}, 107--112.
##' W. Krämer & H. Sonnberger (1986),
##'       \emph{The Linear Regression Model under Test}.
##'       Heidelberg: Physics
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' hettest(reg)
##' }
##' @export
hettest <- function(regress, studentize = FALSE)
    .model <- regress$model

    ## get residual square
    .n <- nobs(.model)
    .r <- resid(.model)
    .s2 <- sum(.r^2) / .n

    ## get model matrix for lm.fit
    .Z <- model.matrix(.model)

    if (studentize) {
        .w <- .r^2 - .s2
        .aux <- lm.fit(.Z, .w)
        .bp <- .n * sum(.aux$fitted.values^2) / sum(.w^2)
        .txt <- "Studentized Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity"
        .txt <- paste0("    ", .txt)
    } else {
        .w <- .r^2 / .s2 - 1
        .aux <- lm.fit(.Z, .w)
        .bp <- 0.5 * sum(.aux$fitted.values^2)
        .txt <- "Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity"
        .txt <- paste0("          ", .txt)

    .df <- .aux$rank - 1
    .p <- pchisq(.bp, .df, lower.tail = FALSE)

    ## gather all statistics
    .df <- cbind(
        "Constant variance",
        paste0("Fitted values of ", getCall(.model)$formula[2]),
        sprintf(.bp, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')),
        sprintf(.p, fmt = paste0('%#.', 5, 'f'))
    .df <- data.frame(.df)
    names(.df) <- c("Null Hypothesis", "Variables",
                    "Chi2(1)", "Prob > Chi2")
    .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)

    ## Display information
    cat(paste0("\t    Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity\n"))
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)


##' @rdname regress
##' @description
##' \code{`linkTest`} determines whether a model in R is
##' 'well specified' using the `STATA`'s `linkTest`.
##' @details
##' The code for \code{`linkTest`} has been modified from Keith Chamberlain's linktext.
##' www.ChamberlainStatistics.com
##' https://gist.github.com/KeithChamberlain/8d9da515e73a27393effa3c9fe571c3f
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' linkTest(fit)
##' }
##' @export
linkTest <- function(model, vce = FALSE, digits = 5)
    ## get the model from list object
    .model <- model
    ## get the original data
    data <- getCall(.model)$data
    .data <- eval(data)
    ## get vars name in the model
    .vars <- all.vars(formula(.model))

    ## predict hat values
    .fit <- predict(.model)
    .fit2 <- .fit^2
    # Check to see that the predicted and predicted^2 variable actually
    # vary.
    if(round(var(.fit), digits=2) == 0){
        stop("No parameters that vary. Cannot perform test.")
    .df <- cbind(.model$model,
                 hat_ = .fit,
                 hatsq_ = .fit2)
    # ## merge the two datasets by left-join
    # .df <- merge.data.frame(.data, .dx,
    #                         by = .vars, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
    .df_name <- paste0(data, "_linkTest")
    assign(.df_name, .df, envir = environment(formula(model)))

    ## re fit model with hat_ and hatsq_
    .txt <- paste0("lm(", .vars[1], " ~ hat_ + hatsq_, data = ",
                   .df_name, ")")
    .refit <- eval(parse(text = .txt))
    .list <- regress(.refit, vce = vce, digits = digits)


# LOGITISTIC REGRESSION ---------------------------------------------------

#' @title Logistic Regression Model
#' @description
#' \code{logit()} produces summary of the model with
#' coefficients or odds ratios (`OR`) and 95% Confident Intervals.
#' @param model glm or lm model
#' @param or `TRUE`reports odds ratios instead of coefficients
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' \code{logit()} is based on \code{\link{glm}} with `binomial` family.
#' All statistics presented in the function's output are derivatives of
#' \code{\link{glm}},
#' except AIC value which is obtained from \code{\link{AIC}}.
#' \strong{Outputs}
#' Outputs can be divided into three parts.
#' 1) `Info of the model`:
#' Here provides number of observations (Obs.), chi value from Likelihood Ratio
#' test (LR chi2) and its degree of freedom, p-value from LR test,
#' Pseudo R Squared, log likelihood and AIC values.
#' 2) `Regression Output`:
#' Coefficients from summary of model are tabulated here along with 95\%
#' confidence interval.
#' @return
#' a list containing
#' 1. `info` - info and error tables
#' 2. `reg` - regression table
#' 3. `model` - raw model output from `lm()`
#' 4. `fit` - formula for fitting the model
#' 5. `lbl` - variable labels for further processing in `summary`.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' mylogit <- glm(case ~ education + age + parity, family = binomial,
#'            data = infert)
#' logit(mylogit)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example from UCLA website:
#' ## https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/dae/logit-regression/
#' mydata <- read.csv("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/binary.csv")
#' mydata <- replace(mydata, rank, factor(rank))
#' mydata <- label(mydata, gre = "GRE", gpa = "GPA score", rank = "Ranking")
#' mylogit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")
#' ## Showing Odds Ratios
#' logit(mylogit)
#' ## Showing coefficients
#' logit(mylogit, or = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
logit <- function(model, or = TRUE, digits = 5)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## refitting model for glm and lm
    .getcall <- getCall(model)
    .data_name <- .getcall$data
    data <- eval(.data_name)
    .formula <- .getcall$formula

    ## if input is not a lm or glm, stop
    if (!any(class(model) %in% c("glm", "lm"))) {
        stop(paste0("`", .args$model, "` must be glm model"),
             call. = FALSE)
    ## Calculate model info
    .err <- calcLogit(model, digits)

    ## get coefficients
    .s <- summary(model)
    .coef <- data.frame(coef(.s)[, 1:3],
                        coef(.s)[, 4])
    ## put intercept to last and names
    .coef <- rbind(.coef[-1, ], .coef[1, ])
    names(.coef) <- c("e", "se", "z", "ll", "ul", "p")

    ## calculate OR
    if (or) {
        .coef$se <- sqrt(exp(coef(model))^2 * diag(vcov(model)))
        .coef$e <- exp(.coef$e)
        .coef$ll <- exp(.coef$ll)
        .coef$ul <- exp(.coef$ul)

    ## gather all statistics
    .t <- data.frame(
            sprintf(.coef$e, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$se, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$z, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$p, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
            sprintf(.coef$ll, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')),
                    fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f'))
    ## get y name
    .y_name <- as.character(.formula)[2]
    names(.t) <- c(.y_name, ifelse(or, "Odds Ratio", "Coef."),
                   "Std.Err", "z", "P>|z|", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
    .t <- formatdf(.t, 2, 2)

    ## Print tabulation and labels
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    cat(paste0("\t\t\tLogistic Regression Output\n"))
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    print.data.frame(.err, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
    print.data.frame(.t, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
    cat(paste0("  Model fit: ",
               Reduce(paste, deparse(getCall(model))), "\n"))

    ## get raw data for labelling
    .vars <- all.vars(formula(model)[-2])
    ## get vars lbl
    .vars_lbl <- sapply(c(.y_name, .vars), getLabel, data)
    .vars_lbl <- data.frame(vars = c(as.character(.y_name), .vars),
                            lbl = .vars_lbl)
    .vars_lbl$lbl[is.na(.vars_lbl$lbl)] <- .vars_lbl$vars[is.na(.vars_lbl$lbl)]

    ## create list with class
    .list <- list(info = .err,
                  reg = .t,
                  model = model,
                  fit = .formula,
                  data = data,
                  lbl = .vars_lbl)

    ## add label for further processing
    attr(.t, "label") <- "Logistic Regression"
    ## create class for S3 method to use in summary()
    class(.list) <- "logit"


calcLogit <- function(model, digits)
    ## model summary and F test
    .s <- summary(model)
    ## number of observations, f statistics, pvalue
    .obs <- c("Number of Obs", length(resid(model)))

    ## LR Chi Square Test
    .chi <- with(model, null.deviance - deviance)
    .chi.df <- with(model, df.null - df.residual)
    .chi.p <- pchisq(.chi, .chi.df, lower.tail = FALSE)
    .chi <- c(paste0("LR chi2(", .chi.df, ")"),
              sprintf(.chi, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))
    .chi.p <- c("Prob > chi2",
                sprintf(.chi.p, fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f")))

    ## calculate pseudo R-squared
    ## https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/faq/general/faq-what-are-pseudo-r-squareds/
    ## https://thestatsgeek.com/2014/02/08/r-squared-in-logistic-regression/
    ## https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/8511/how-to-calculate-pseudo-r2-from-rs-logistic-regression
    # McFadden's R squared
    .pr2 <- 1 - model$deviance / model$null.deviance
    .pr2 <- c("Pseudo R-Squared",
              sprintf(.pr2, fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f")))

    .ll <- c("Log likelihood",
             sprintf(logLik(model), fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))

    ## get AIC value
    .aic <- c("AIC",
              sprintf(.s$aic, fmt = paste0("%#.", 2, "f")))

    ## Combine tables
    .df1 <- data.frame(rbind(.obs, .chi, .chi.p))
    names(.df1) <- c("Stats", "Value")
    .df1 <- formatdf(.df1, 2, 2)
    .df2 <- data.frame(rbind(.aic, .pr2, .ll))
    .df <- cbind(.df1, "        ", rbind("", "", .df2, ""))
    names(.df) <- .df[2, ]
    row.names(.df) <- NULL


# MHOR --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Calculating Odds Ratios
#' @description
#' \code{mhor()} calculates odds ratios, Mantel Haenszel pooled estimates and
#' 95% CI.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param exp exposure or independent variables
#' @param case case or dependent variables (outcomes)
#' @param strata if specified, MH OR is calculated.
#' @param exp_value value for exposure as reference
#' @param case_value value for outcome as reference
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' Rows and Columns can be rearranged by specifying
#' `exp_value` and `case_value`. This is used
#' when the exposed and case values are not at the right place in 2x2 tables.
#' Reference row value can be specified in `exp_value`.
#' Attributable fractions, \code{Attr. Frac. Exp} and  \code{Attr. Frac. Pop}
#' among exposed and population are calculated when OR is greater than or
#' equal to 1.
#' If OR is less than 1, preventable fractions,  \code{Prev. Frac. Exp}
#' and  \code{Attr. Frac. Pop} are calculated.
#' It produces a table with Odds Ratio, 95% CI as well as
#' p-value. If \code{strata} is specified, `Mantel-Haenzsel` Pooled
#' estimates of `Odds Ratio` is generated along with Chi-squared test for
#' homogeneity.
#' \strong{Odds Ratio, OR}
#' \deqn{OR = (D1 x H0) / (D0 x H1)}
#' \strong{Error Factor, EF using Woolf's formula}
#' \deqn{95\% CI = OR / EF or OR x EF}
#' \deqn{EF = exp(1.96 x SE(log(OR)))}
#' \deqn{SE(log(OR)) = \sqrt{1/D1 + 1/H1 + 1/D0 + 1/H0}}
#' \strong{Calculating p-value from Wald's z test}
#' \deqn{z = log OR / SE (log OR)}
#' \strong{Mantel-Haenszel's OR}
#' \deqn{ORMH = Q / R}
#' \deqn{Q = \sum{(D1i x H0i) / ni}}
#' \deqn{R = \sum{(D0i x H1i) / ni}}
#' \strong{Calculating CI for MH-OR}
#' \deqn{95\% CI = OR / EF or OR x EF}
#' \deqn{SE(ORMH) = \sqrt{V / (Q x R)}}
#' \deqn{V = \sum{(Di x Hi x n0i x n1i) / ( (ni)^2 x (ni - 1))}}
#' \strong{Chi-square test for MHOR, df = 1}
#' \deqn{X^2 (MH), Chi-square value = U^2 / V}
#' \deqn{U = O - E}
#' \deqn{O = \sum{D1i}}
#' \deqn{E = \sum{Di x n1i / ni}}
#' \strong{Chi-square test for Heterogeneity}
#' \deqn{X^2 = \sum{(D1i x H0i - ORMH x D0i x H1i)^2 / ORMH x Vi x ni^2}}
#' @return
#' data.frame
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item Betty R. Kirkwood, Jonathan A.C. Sterne (2006, ISBN:978–0–86542–871–3)
#'     \item B. Burt Gerstman (2013, ISBN:978-1-4443-3608-5)
#'     \item Douglas G Altman (2005, ISBN:0 7279 1375 1)
#' }
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ### Example from Essential Medical Statistics
#' # Page 178, Chapter 18: Controlling for confounding: Stratification
#' lepto <- expandtbl(
#'     male = c(36, 14, 50, 50), female = c(24, 126, 10, 90),
#'     exp_name = "area", exp_lvl = c("Rural", "Urban"),
#'     case_name = "ab", case_lvl = c("Yes", "No"),
#'     strata_name = "gender"
#' )
#' ## label variables and data
#' lepto <- label(lepto, "Prevalence survey of leptospirosis in West Indies")
#' lepto <- label(lepto, area="Type of area", ab = "Leptospirosis Antibodies",
#'                   gender="Gener: Male or Female")
#' ## Calculate OR
#' mhor(lepto, area, ab)
#' ## Calculate MHOR
#' mhor(lepto, area, ab, gender)
#' @export
mhor <- function(data, exp , case, strata = NULL, exp_value = NULL,
                 case_value = NULL, digits = 4)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())
    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_names <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## get exp and case name
    exp <- as.character(.args$exp)
    case <- as.character(.args$case)
    strata <- as.character(.args$strata)
    ## check if these variables are in the dataset
    lapply(c(exp, case, strata) , function(z) {
        if (!(z %in% .vars_names)) {
            stop(paste0("'", z, "' not found."), call. = FALSE)

    ## create single vectors for exp and case
    .exp <- data[[exp]]
    .case <- data[[case]]
    ## create table
    .tbl <- table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no")
    ## case var must be binary.
    if (ncol(.tbl) > 2) {
        stop(paste0("'", case, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
    ## if strata is not specified, calculate OR. Otherwise, calculate MHOR
    if (length(strata) == 0) {
        ## change row and col orders
        .tbl <- rowColOrder(.tbl, exp_value, case_value)
        ## split tables if nrow > 2
        .tbl <- splitTables(.tbl, .exp.value = exp_value)
        .df <- lapply(.tbl, calcOR, exp, digits)
        .df <- do.call(rbind,
                       lapply(1:length(.df), function(z) {
                           if (z > 1) {
                               .df[[z]][-1, ]
                           } else {

        ## create label
        .txt <- paste0(" Measure of Association : Odds Ratio of '", case, "'")
    } else {
        ## exp var must be binary for MHOR.
        if (nrow(.tbl) > 2) {
            stop(paste0("'", exp, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
        ## create single vector for strata
        .strata <- data[[strata]]
        .df <- calcMHOR(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, digits)
        .t <- do.call(rbind,
                      lapply(split(data, .strata), function(z) {
                          x <- z[[exp]]
                          y <- z[[case]]
                          calcOR(table(x, y, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
        .t[, 1] <- row.names(.t)
        .oa <- calcOR(table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
        .oa[, 1] <- "Crude"
        names(.t) <- names(.oa) <- names(.df)

        .df <- rbind(.t, .oa, .df)
        .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
        .nrow <- nrow(.df)
        .df <- rbind(.df[1:(.nrow - 4),], .df[2, ], .df[(.nrow - 3):(.nrow - 2), ],
                     .df[2, ], .df[.nrow - 1, ], .df[2, ])

        ## create label
        .txt <- paste0("\t\t\t Mantel-Haenszel (M-H) Odds Ratios")

    ## Print tabulation and labels
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    cat(paste0("       ", .txt, "\n"))
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)

    ## get vars lbl
    sapply(c(exp, case, strata), getLabel, data)


calcMHOR <- function(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, digits)

    ## make three tables
    .tbl <- table(.exp, .case, .strata, useNA = "no")
    .lvl_len <- dim(.tbl)[3]

    ## calculate MHOR
    .t <- tryCatch({
        mantelhaen.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE)
    }, warning = function(w) {
        mantelhaen.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE, exact = TRUE)
    }, error = function(cnd) {
    .mhor <- c("M-H Combined",
               sprintf(c(.t$estimate, .t$conf.int, .t$p.value),
                       fmt = paste0("%#.", digits, "f")))

    # calculate chi-square and p-value for homogeneity test
    # Woolf test of homogeneity of odds ratios (Jewell 2004, page 154).
    .t <- do.call(
        lapply(1:.lvl_len, function(z) {
            ## change row and col orders
            .t <- rowColOrder(.tbl[,,z], exp_value, case_value)
            .strata_name <- dimnames(.tbl)$.strata[z]
            a <- as.numeric(.t[1, 1])
            b <- as.numeric(.t[1, 2])
            c <- as.numeric(.t[2, 1])
            d <- as.numeric(.t[2, 2])

            or <- log(((a + 0.5) * (d + 0.5)) /
                          ((b + 0.5) * (c + 0.5)))
            var <- (1 / (a + 0.5)) +
                (1 / (b + 0.5)) + (1 / (c + 0.5)) + (1 / (d + 0.5))
            w <- 1 / as.numeric(var)
            wor <- w * or

            ## calculate OR
            res <- calcOR(.t, "tocombine", digits)[7, -2]
            res[1, 1] <- .strata_name

            ## return result
            .df <- data.frame(res, or, w, wor)
            names(.df)[1:5] <- c("Level", "Estimate",
                                 "[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2")
    lnOR <- sum(.t$wor) / sum(.t$w)
    # Equation 10.3 from Jewell (2004):
    .chi <- sum(.t$w * (.t$or - lnOR)^2)
    .pvalue <- tryCatch({
        suppressWarnings(pchisq(.chi, df = .lvl_len - 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
    }, error = function(err) {

    ## combine estimates
    .t <- .t[, 1:5]
    .df <- data.frame(
            c("M-H Homogeneity Test", paste0("chi(", .lvl_len - 1, ")"),
              sprintf(.chi, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')), "Pr>chi2",
              sprintf(.pvalue, fmt = paste0('%#.', digits, 'f')))
    names(.df) <- names(.t)

calcOR <- function(.tbl, exp, rnd)
    ## create row and column totals and odds.
    .tblr <- cbind(.tbl, Total = rowSums(.tbl))
    .tblc <- rbind(.tblr, Total = colSums(.tblr))
    .tblf <- cbind(
        Odds = sprintf(.tblc[, 1] / .tblc[, 2], fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f"))

    ## calculate odds ratio, 95% CI, and p-value
    .a <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 1])
    .b <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 2])
    .c <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 1])
    .d <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 2])
    .or <- (.a * .d) / (.b * .c)
    .fisher <- tryCatch({
    }, error = function(cnd) {
    .confint <- .fisher$conf.int
    ## get p-value chi-square
    .chi <- tryCatch({
        suppressWarnings(chisq.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE))
    }, error = function(cnd) {

    ## calculate attributable or prevent
    .m1 <- .a + .b
    if (.or >= 1) {
        .afe <- (.or - 1) / .or
        .afe_confint <- (.confint - 1) / .confint
        .afp <- .afe * .a / .m1
        .lbl <- c("Odds Ratio", "Attr. Frac. Exp", "Attr. Frac. Pop")
    } else {
        .afe <- 1 - .or
        .afe_confint <- c(1 - .confint[2], 1- .confint[1])
        .afp <- (.a / .m1 * .afe) / ((.a / .m1 * .afe) + .or)
        .lbl <- c("Odds Ratio", "Prev. Frac. Exp", "Prev. Frac. Pop")

    ## combine all in one dataframe
    .df <- data.frame(row.names(.tblf), .tblf)

    ## get other estimates
    .est <- data.frame(
        sprintf(c(.or, .afe, .afp),
                fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")),
        c(sprintf(c(.confint[1], .afe_confint[1]),
                  fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")), ""),
        c(sprintf(c(.confint[2], .afe_confint[2]),
                  fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")), ""),
                  fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")), "", "")
    names(.est) <- names(.df) <- c(exp, colnames(.tblf))

    ## combine into final dataframe
    .df <- rbind(.df,
                 c("Measure", "Estimate", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2"),
    .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
    .df <- rbind(.df[1:5, ], .df[10, ], .df[6, ], .df[10, ], .df[7:9, ], .df[10, ])
    row.names(.df) <- NULL


# MHRR --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Calculating Risk Ratios
#' @description
#' \code{mhrr()} calculates different measures of risk including risk
#' ratios (RR) as well as
#' Mantel-Haenszel pooled estimates.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param exp exposure or independent variables
#' @param case case or dependent variables (outcomes)
#' @param strata if specified, MH OR is calculated.
#' @param exp_value value for exposure as reference
#' @param case_value value for outcome as reference
#' @param digits specify rounding of numbers. See \code{\link{round}}.
#' @details
#' Rows and Columns can be rearranged by specifying
#' `exp_value` and `case_value`. This is used
#' when the exposed and case values are not at the right place in 2x2 tables.
#' Reference row value can be specified in `exp_value`.
#' Attributable fractions, \code{Attr. Frac. Exp} and  \code{Attr. Frac. Pop}
#' among exposed and population are calculated when RR is greated than or
#' equal to 1.
#' If RR is less than 1, preventable fractions,  \code{Prev. Frac. Exp}
#' and  \code{Attr. Frac. Pop} are calculated.
#' It produces a table with Risk Ratio, 95% CI as well as
#' p-value. If \code{strata} is specified, `Mantel-Haenzsel` Pooled
#' estimates of `Risk Ratio` is generated along with Chi-squared test for
#' homogeneity.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item  Betty R. Kirkwood, Jonathan A.C. Sterne (2006, ISBN:978–0–86542–871–3)
#'     \item B. Burt Gerstman (2013, ISBN:978-1-4443-3608-5)
#'     \item Douglas G Altman (2005, ISBN:0 7279 1375 1)
#' }
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ### Example from Essential Medical Statistics
#' # Page 178, Chapter 18: Controlling for confounding: Stratification
#' lepto <- expandtbl(
#'     male = c(36, 14, 50, 50), female = c(24, 126, 10, 90),
#'     exp_name = "area", exp_lvl = c("Rural", "Urban"),
#'     case_name = "ab", case_lvl = c("Yes", "No"),
#'     strata_name = "gender"
#' )
#' ## label variables and data
#' lepto <- label(lepto, "Prevalence survey of leptospirosis in West Indies")
#' lepto <- label(lepto, area="Type of area", ab = "Leptospirosis Antibodies",
#'                   gender="Gener: Male or Female")
#' ## Calculate RR
#' mhrr(lepto, area, ab)
#' ## Calculate MHRR
#' mhrr(lepto, area, ab, gender)
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Demonstration: Calculating Risk Ratios
#' ## Essential Medical Statistics, Betty R. Kirkwood, Second Edition
#' ## Chapter 16, Table 16.4, Page 154
#' ## For Risk Ratio
#' lung <- expandtbl(
#'     c(39, 29961, 6, 59994),
#'     exp_name = "smoking",
#'     exp_lvl = c("Smokers", "Non-smokers"),
#'     case_name = "cancer",
#'     case_lvl = c("Yes", "No")
#' )
#' ## label variable and dataset
#' lung <- labelVar(lung, smoking="Yes or No", cancer="Yes or no")
#' lung <- labelData(lung, "Follow up lung cancer study")
#' ## check dataset
#' codebook(lung)
#' ## calculate RR
#' mhrr(lung, smoking, cancer, exp_value = "Smokers", case_value = "Yes")
#' ## Simpson's paradox
#' ## Burt Gerstman's Epidemiology, page 326, table 14.1
#' simpson <- expandtbl("1" = c(1000, 9000, 50, 950),
#'                         "2" = c(95, 5, 5000, 5000),
#'                         exp_name = "trt",
#'                         exp_lvl = c("new", "standard"),
#'                         case_name = "case",
#'                         case_lvl = c("alive", "dead"),
#'                         strata_name = "clinic")
#' ## calculate RR
#' mhrr(simpson, trt, case, exp_value = "new", case_value = "alive")
#' ## calculate MH RR
#' mhrr(simpson, trt, case, clinic)
#' }
#' @export
mhrr <- function(data, exp , case, strata = NULL, exp_value = NULL,
                 case_value = NULL, digits = 4)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())
    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_names <- names(data)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## get exp and case name
    exp <- as.character(.args$exp)
    case <- as.character(.args$case)
    strata <- as.character(.args$strata)
    ## check if these variables are in the dataset
    lapply(c(exp, case, strata) , function(z) {
        if (!(z %in% .vars_names)) {
            stop(paste0("'", z, "' not found."), call. = FALSE)

    ## create single vectors for exp and case
    .exp <- data[[exp]]
    .case <- data[[case]]
    ## create table
    .tbl <- table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no")
    ## case var must be binary.
    if (ncol(.tbl) > 2) {
        stop(paste0("'", case, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
    ## if strata is not specified, calculate OR. Otherwise, calculate MHOR
    if (length(strata) == 0) {
        ## change row and col orders
        .tbl <- rowColOrder(.tbl, exp_value, case_value)
        ## split tables if nrow > 2
        .tbl <- splitTables(.tbl, .exp.value = exp_value)
        .df <- lapply(.tbl, calcRR, exp, digits)
        .df <- do.call(rbind,
                       lapply(1:length(.df), function(z) {
                           if (z > 1) {
                               .df[[z]][-1, ]
                           } else {

        ## create label
        .txt <- paste0(" Measure of Association : Risk Ratio of '", case, "'")
    } else {
        ## exp var must be binary for MHOR.
        if (nrow(.tbl) > 2) {
            stop(paste0("'", exp, "' must be binary."), call. = FALSE)
        ## create single vector for strata
        .strata <- data[[strata]]
        .df <- calcMHRR(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, digits)
        .t <- do.call(rbind,
                      lapply(split(data, .strata), function(z) {
                          x <- z[[exp]]
                          y <- z[[case]]
                          calcRR(table(x, y, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
        .t[, 1] <- row.names(.t)
        .oa <- calcRR(table(.exp, .case, useNA = "no"), exp, digits)[9, -c(1, 3, 8)]
        .oa[, 1] <- "Crude"
        names(.t) <- names(.oa) <- names(.df)

        .df <- rbind(.t, .oa, .df)
        .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
        .nrow <- nrow(.df)
        .df <- rbind(.df[1:(.nrow - 4),], .df[2, ], .df[(.nrow - 3):(.nrow - 2), ],
                     .df[2, ], .df[.nrow - 1, ], .df[2, ])

        ## create label
        .txt <- paste0("\t\t\t Mantel-Haenszel (M-H) Risk Ratios")

    ## Print tabulation and labels
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    cat(paste0("       ", .txt, "\n"))
    # printDFlenLines(.t)
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)

    ## get vars lbl
    sapply(c(exp, case, strata), getLabel, data)


calcMHRR <- function(.exp, .case, .strata, exp_value, case_value, rnd)

    ## make three tables
    .tbl <- table(.exp, .case, .strata, useNA = "no")
    .lvl_len <- dim(.tbl)[3]

    ## calculate MHRR and homogeneity test
    .t <- do.call(
        lapply(1:.lvl_len, function(z) {
            ## change row and col orders
            .t <- rowColOrder(.tbl[,,z], exp_value, case_value)
            .strata_name <- dimnames(.tbl)$.strata[z]
            a <- as.numeric(.t[1, 1])
            b <- as.numeric(.t[1, 2])
            c <- as.numeric(.t[2, 1])
            d <- as.numeric(.t[2, 2])

            n <- sum(.t)
            n1 <- a + b
            n0 <- c + d
            m1 <- a + c
            m0 <- b + d

            ## MHRR ==> (Rothman 2002 p 148 and 152, equation 8-2):
            q <- a * n0 / n
            r <- c * n1 / n

            ## MHRR confidence interval
            u <- ((m1 * n1 * n0) / n^2) - ((a * c) / n)
            v <- (a * n0) / n
            x <- (c * n1) / n

            ## Woolf test of homogeneity of risk ratios (Jewell 2004, page 154).
            # First work out the Woolf estimate of the adjusted risk ratio
            ## based on Jewell (2004, page 134):
            rr <- log((a / (a + b)) / (c / (c + d)))
            var <- (b / (a * (a + b))) + (d / (c * (c + d)))
            w <- 1 / var
            wrr <- w * rr

            ## calculate stratum-specific RR
            ## cacluate OR
            res <- calcRR(.t, "tocombine", rnd)[7, -2]
            res[1, 1] <- .strata_name

            ## return result
            .df <- data.frame(res, q, r, u, v, x, rr, w, wrr)
            names(.df)[1:5] <- c("Level", "Estimate",
                                 "[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2")

    .mhrr <- sum(.t$q) / sum(.t$r)
    .mhrr.se <- sqrt(sum(.t$u) / (sum(.t$v) * sum(.t$x)))
    .mhrr.confint <- exp(c(log(.mhrr) - (1.96 * .mhrr.se),
                           log(.mhrr) + (1.96 * .mhrr.se)))

    ## calculate chisquare test for MHRR
    .mhrr.p <- tryCatch({
        suppressWarnings(mantelhaen.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE)$p.value)
    }, error = function(err) {

    .mhrr <- c("M-H Combined",
               sprintf(c(.mhrr, .mhrr.confint, .mhrr.p),
                       fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))

    ## test of homogeneity
    lnRR <- sum(.t$wrr) / sum(.t$w)
    # Equation 10.3 from Jewell (2004):
    .chi <- sum(.t$w * (.t$rr - lnRR)^2)
    .pvalue <- tryCatch({
        suppressWarnings(pchisq(.chi, df = .lvl_len - 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
    }, error = function(err) {

    ## combine estimates
    .t <- .t[, 1:5]
    .df <- data.frame(
            c("M-H Homogeneity Test", paste0("chi(", .lvl_len - 1, ")"),
              sprintf(.chi, fmt = paste0('%#.', 2, 'f')), "Pr>chi2",
              sprintf(.pvalue, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')))
    names(.df) <- names(.t)

calcRR <- function(.tbl, exp, rnd)
    ## create row and column totals and odds.
    .tblr <- cbind(.tbl, Total = rowSums(.tbl))
    .tblc <- rbind(.tblr, Total = colSums(.tblr))
    .tblf <- cbind(
        Risks = sprintf(.tblc[, 1] / .tblc[, 3], fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f"))

    ## calculate odds ratio, 95% CI, and p-value
    .a <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 1])
    .b <- as.numeric(.tbl[1, 2])
    .c <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 1])
    .d <- as.numeric(.tbl[2, 2])

    .n <- sum(.tbl)

    ## calculate OR
    .or <- (.a * .d) / (.b * .c)
    .fisher <- tryCatch({
    }, error = function(cnd) {
    .confint <- .fisher$conf.int
    ## get p-value chi-square
    .chi <- tryCatch({
        suppressWarnings(chisq.test(.tbl, correct = FALSE))
    }, error = function(cnd) {
    .or <- c("Odds Ratio", sprintf(c(.or, .confint, .chi$p.value),
                                   fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))

    ## calculate Risk Ratio
    .n1 <- .a + .b
    .n0 <- .c + .d
    .p1 <- .a / .n1
    .p0 <- .c / .n0
    .rr <- .p1 / .p0
    .rr.se <- sqrt((1 / .a) - (1 / .n1) + (1 / .c) - (1 / .n0))
    .rr.confint <- exp(c(log(.rr) - (1.96 * .rr.se),
                         log(.rr) + (1.96 * .rr.se)))
    .rr_ <- c("Risk Ratio", sprintf(c(.rr, .rr.confint, .chi$p.value),
                                    fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))

    ## calculate Risk difference
    .rd <- .p1 - .p0
    .rd.se <- sqrt((.p1 * (1 - .p1) / .n1) +  (.p0 * (1 - .p0) / .n0))
    .rd.confint <- c(.rd - (1.96 * .rd.se), .rd + (1.96 * .rd.se))
    .p <- (.a + .c) / .n
    .rd.z <- .rd / sqrt(.p * (1 - .p) * (1/.n1 + 1/.n0))
    .rd.p <- pnorm(.rd.z, lower.tail = FALSE)
    .rd <- c("Risk Difference", sprintf(c(.rd, .rd.confint, .rd.p),
                                        fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f")))

    ## calculate attributable or prevented fraction
    ## STATA 14 MANUAL, page 554
    ## Unstratified cumulative incidence data (cs and csi)
    if (.rr >= 1) {
        .afe <- (.rr - 1) / .rr
        .afe_confint <- (.rr.confint - 1) / .rr.confint
        .afp <- .afe * .a / .n1
        # .afp <- ((.a + .c) / .n) - (.c / .n0)

        .afe <- c("Attr. Frac. Exp",
                  sprintf(c(.afe, .afe_confint), fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
        .afp <- c("Attr. Frac. Pop",
                  sprintf(.afp, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
                  "", "", "")
    } else {
        .afe <- 1 - .rr
        .afe_confint <- 1 - .rr.confint
        .afp <- .afe * ( (.a + .c) / .n)
        .afe <- c("Prev. Frac. Exp",
                  sprintf(c(.afe, .afe_confint[2], .afe_confint[1]),
                          fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
        .afp <- c("Prev. Frac. Pop",
                  sprintf(.afp, fmt = paste0('%#.', rnd, 'f')),
                  "", "", "")

    ## combine all in one dataframe
    .df <- data.frame(row.names(.tblf), .tblf)
    ## get other estimates
    .est <- data.frame(rbind(.rr_, .or, .rd, .afe, .afp))
    names(.est) <- names(.df) <- c(exp, colnames(.tblf))

    ## combine into final dataframe
    .df <- rbind(.df,
                 c("Measure", "Estimate", "[95% Conf.", "Interval]", "Pr>chi2"),
    .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
    .df <- rbind(.df[1:5, ], .df[2, ], .df[6, ], .df[2, ],
                 .df[7:11, ], .df[2, ])
    row.names(.df) <- NULL


# INCIDENCE RATES ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Calculate Incidence Rates from time-to-event data
#' @description
#' \code{strate()} calculates incidence rates and Corresponding 95\% CI.
#' @param data Dataset
#' @param time person-time variable
#' @param var outcome variable: preferably 1 for event, 0 for censored
#' @param ... variables for stratified analysis
#' @param fail a value or values to specify failure event
#' @param per units to be used in reported rates
#' @param digits Rounding of numbers
#' @details
#' Rates of event occurrences, known as incidence rates are outcome measures in
#' longitudinal studies. In most longitudinal studies, follow-up times vary due
#' to logistic reasons, different periods of recruitment, delay enrollment into
#' the study, lost-to-follow-up, immigration or emigration and death.
#' \strong{Follow-up time in longitudinal studies}
#' Period of observation (called as follow-up time) starts when individuals join
#' the study and ends when they either have an outcome of interest, are lost-to-
#' follow-up or the follow-up period ends, whichever happens first. This period is
#' called \strong{person-year-at-risk}. This is denoted by \emph{PY} in \code{strate}
#' function's output and number of event by \emph{D}.
#' \strong{Rate}
#' is calculated using the following formula:
#' \deqn{\lambda = D / PY}
#' \strong{Confidence interval of rate}
#' is derived using the following formula:
#' \deqn{95\% CI (rate) = rate x Error Factor}
#' \deqn{Error Factor (rate) = exp(1.96 / \sqrt{D})}
#' \code{plot}, if \code{TRUE}, produces a graph of the rates against
#' the numerical code used for categories of \code{by}.
#' @references
#' Betty R. Kirkwood, Jonathan A.C. Sterne (2006, ISBN:978–0–86542–871–3)
#' @import stats
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Using the diet data (Clayton and Hills 1993) described in STATA manual
#' import diet data: require haven package to read dta format.
#' magrittr package for piping operation
#' diet <- haven::read_dta("https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/diet.dta")
#' diet <- generate(diet, time, (dox - doe) / 365.25)
#' diet <- replace(diet, time, as.numeric(time))
#' diet <- generate(diet, age, as.numeric(doe - dob) / 365.25)
#' diet <- egen(diet, age, c(41, 51, 61, 71), new_var = ageband)
#' diet <- egen(diet, month, c(3, 6, 8), new_var = monthgrp)
#' ## calculate overall rates and 95% Confidence intervals
#' strate(diet, time, fail, fail = c(1, 3, 13))
#' ## per 100 unit
#' strate(diet, time, fail, fail = c(1, 3, 13), per = 100)
#' ## calculate Stratified rates and 95% Confidence Intervals
#' strate(diet, time, fail, job, fail = c(1, 3, 13))
#' strate(diet, time, fail, job, ageband, monthgrp, fail = c(1, 3, 13))
#' ## per 100 unit
#' strate(diet, time, fail, job, ageband, monthgrp, fail = c(1, 3, 13), per = 100)
#' }
#' @export
strate <- function(data, time, var, ... , fail = NULL, per = 1, digits = 5)
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())
    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_name <- names(data)
    time <- .args$time
    var <- .args$var

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## get variable names within three dots to search for duplicates
    .vars <- enquotes(.args, c("data", "time", "var", "fail",
                               "per", "digits"))
    ## check colon, and check data types if the whole dataset
    .vars <- checkEnquotes(data, .vars)
    ## check variables in the dataset
    sapply(c(time, var, .vars), function(z) {
        if (!any(as.character(z) %in% .vars_name)) {
            stop(paste0("`", z, "` not found."),
                 call. = FALSE)

    ## get individual data
    .time <- data[[time]]
    .var <- data[[var]]
    ## check failure value
    .fail_lvl <- unique(.var)
    ## if failure value is not specified, the first value is used
    if (is.null(fail)) {
        fail <- .fail_lvl[1]
    ## check failure values are correct
    sapply(fail, function(z) {
        if (!any(z %in% .fail_lvl)) {
            stop(paste0("Failure value `", z, "` not found"),
                 call. = FALSE)

    ## if no variable, then overall strate is calculated
    if (length(.vars) == 0) {
        .t <- calcRate(.time, .var, fail, per, digits)
        .df <- cbind(var = as.character(var), .t)
        ## change headings and add dash lines
        names(.df) <- c("Variable", "Failure", "Person-Years", "Inc. Rate",
                        "[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
        .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 2)
    } else {
        ## calculate stratified rates
        .df <- do.call(rbind,
                       lapply(.vars, function(z) {
                           .by <- data[[z]]
                           .t <- calcSRate(.time, .var, .by, fail, per, digits)
                           cbind(var = c(z, rep("", nrow(.t) - 1)), .t)

        ## change headings and add dash lines
        names(.df) <- c("Variable", "Category", "Failure",
                        "Person-Years", "Inc. Rate",
                        "[95% Conf.", "Interval]")
        .df_raw <- .df
        ## Add horizontal and vertical lines for visual appealing
        hpos <- as.numeric(row.names(.df)[!(.df$Variable == "")])[-1]
        hpos <- hpos + 0:(length(hpos) - 1)
        sapply(hpos, function(z) {
            .df <<- addHLines(.df, z)
        .df <- formatdf(.df, 2, 3)

    ## Display information
    cat(paste0("  Estimated Incidence Rates",
               " and 95% Confidence Intervals\n"))
    cat(paste0("  (", length(.var), " records included in the analysis)\n"))
    print.data.frame(.df, row.names = FALSE, max = 1e9)
    sapply(c(var, time, .vars), getLabel, data)


calcSRate <- function(time, var, by, fail, per, rnd)
    ## get levels of var, if NA, remove
    .lvl <- unique(by)
    .lvl <- .lvl[!is.na(.lvl)]

    ## calculate rates and statistics
    .df <- do.call(
        lapply(.lvl, function(z) {
            time <- time[by == z]
            var <- var[by == z]
            calcRate(time, var, fail, per, rnd)

    ## add levels to df
    .df <- cbind(lvl = .lvl, .df)
    .df <- data.frame(.df)

calcRate <- function(time, var, fail, per, rnd)
    ## calculate statistics
    .d <- sum(var %in% fail, na.rm = TRUE)
    .py <- sum(time, na.rm = TRUE)
    .ir <- .d / .py
    .ef <- exp(1.96 * (1/ sqrt(.d)))
    .ir.confint <- c(.ir / .ef, .ir * .ef)
    .df <- sprintf(c(.py / per, c(.ir, .ir.confint) * per),
                   fmt = paste0("%#.", rnd, "f" ))

    .df <- data.frame(rbind(c(.d, .df)))
    names(.df) <- c("D", "Y", "R", "LL", "UL")


# GRAPHS ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Histograms with overlay normal curve
#' @description
#' \code{histogram()} draws a histogram with formatted texts and
#' adds a normal curve over the histogram.
#' @param data Dataset
#' @param var variable
#' @param breaks \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param xlab \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param main \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param sub \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param labels \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param freq \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @param curve logical. If `TRUE` (default), a normal curve is
#' overlaid over the histogram.
#' @param ... \link[graphics]{hist}
#' @details
#' If `freq` is set to `FALSE`, probability densities,
#' component density, are plotted (so that the histogram has
#' a total area of one). In this case, normal curve will not be
#' generated.
#' @importFrom graphics hist lines
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' # histogram(infert, age)
#' # histogram(infert, age, labels = FALSE)
#' # histogram(infert, age, freq = FALSE)
#' @export
histogram <- function(data, var, breaks = NULL, xlab = NULL, main = NULL,
                      sub = NULL, labels = TRUE, freq = TRUE, curve = TRUE,
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get names of dataset and headings
    .data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    .vars_names <- names(data)
    .var_name <- as.character(.args$var)

    ## if input is not a data.frame, stop
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(paste0("`", .data_name, "` must be a data.frame"),
             call. = FALSE)

    ## if var is not specified, stop
    if (length(.var_name) == 0) {
        stop("Specify a variable", call. = TRUE)

    ## get data into var
    var <- eval(substitute(var), data)

    ## run histogram
    .hist <- hist(var, plot = FALSE)

    ## get individual data pieces to patch up a histogram
    .breaks <- .hist$breaks
    if (!is.null(breaks)) {
        .breaks <- breaks
    .counts <- .hist$counts
    .density <- .hist$density

    ## get p value from normality test
    pvalue <- tryCatch({
    }, error = function(err) {
    pvalue <- sprintf(pvalue, fmt = '%#.3f')

    ## get labels and other arugment inputs.
    xlab <- ifelse(is.null(xlab), .var_name, xlab)
    main <- ifelse(is.null(main),
                   paste0("Distribution of '", .var_name, "'"),
    sub <- ifelse(is.null(sub),
                  paste0("\nShapiro-Wilk Normality Test: ", pvalue),

    if (freq) {
        ylim <- c(0, max(.counts, na.rm = TRUE) +
                      mean(.counts, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else {
        ylim <- c(0, max(.density, na.rm = TRUE) +
                      mean(.density, na.rm = TRUE))

        ## draw histogram again
        .df <- hist(var,
                    breaks = .breaks,
                    main = main,
                    sub = sub,
                    xlab = xlab,
                    ylim = ylim,
                    labels = labels,
                    freq = freq,

        ## add overlay normal curve
        if (curve) {
            ## add overlay normal curve
            xfit <- seq(min(var, na.rm = TRUE), max(var, na.rm = TRUE),
                        length = length(var))
            yfit <- dnorm(xfit, mean = mean(var, na.rm = TRUE),
                          sd = sd(var, na.rm = TRUE))
            yfit <- yfit * diff(.hist$mids[1:2]) * length(var)

            lines(xfit, yfit, col = "blue", lwd = 1)

        ## print log
        cat(paste0("  (A histogram is drawn for '", .var_name, "'",
                   ifelse(curve, " with overlay normal curve", ""),
    }, error = function(cnd) {
        stop(cnd, call. = FALSE)


#' @title Scatter plot matrices with histogram and
#' correlation coefficients
#' @description
#' A matrix of scatter plots is produced with
#' Scatter plots with smooth regression line in lower panel,
#' histograms in diagonal panel and Pearson's correlation
#' coefficients in upper panel.
#' @param data data.frame.
#' @inheritParams graphics::title
#' @param pch numeric: point symbol
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from methods
#' @importFrom graphics pairs panel.smooth par rect text
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' ## iris data
#' # scatterPlotMatrix(iris)
#' @export
scatterPlotMatrix <- function(data, main = NULL, pch = 21, ... )
    ## match call arguments
    .args <- as.list(match.call())

    ## get and reset graph parameter on exit
    usr <- par("usr")

    ## labels
    if (is.null(main)) {
        main <- paste0("Scatter plot matrix of '",
                       .args$data, "'")
    ## histogram
    panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
        usr <- par("usr")
        par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
        h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
        breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
        y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
        rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col = "cyan", ...)
    # Correlation panel
    panel.cor <- function(x, y, ... )
        usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
        par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
        r <- cor(x, y, use = "complete.obs")
        txt <- paste0("R = ",
                      sprintf(r, fmt = paste0("%#.", 5, "f")))
        text(0.5, 0.5, txt)
    pairs(data, pch = pch,
          main = main,
          panel = panel.smooth,
          upper.panel = panel.cor,
          diag.panel = panel.hist,
          ... )


# REPORTING ---------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title Table Format for Publication
##' @name summary
##' @rdname summary
##' @description
##' \code{summary()} organizes the output and print
##' a favorable format
##' to the console, which is used with rmarkdown package
##' to produce publication-ready tables.
##' @param object an object for which a summary is desired.
##' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
##' @author
##' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
##' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Summary for tabulation
##' x <- tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous)
##' summary(x)
##' x <- tab(infert, education, parity:spontaneous, by = case)
##' summary(x)
##' ## Summary for summary statistics
##' x <- summ(iris)
##' summary(x)
##' x <- summ(iris, by = Species)
##' summary(x)
##' x <- summ(iris, by = Species, detail = TRUE)
##' summary(x)
##' }

##' @rdname summary
##' @export
summary.tab <- function(object, ... )
    x <- object$tab_raw
    if (object$type == "tab1") {
        x$Freq. <- paste0(x$Freq., " (", x$Percent, ")")
        names(x)[3] <- "n (%)"
        x <- x[, 1:3]

        ## adding labels
        lbl <- object$lbl
        lbl$lbl[is.na(lbl$lbl)] <- lbl$var[is.na(lbl$lbl)]
        x[x$Variable != "", "Variable"] <- lbl$lbl
    } else if (object$type == "tab2p") {
        y <- x[, 3:(ncol(x) - 2)]
        r <- seq(1, ncol(y), 2)
        p <- seq(2, ncol(y), 2)
        z <- do.call(
            lapply(1:length(r), function(z) {
                paste0(y[, r[z]], " (", y[, p[z]], ")")
        names(z) <- paste0(names(x[, 3:(ncol(x) - 2)])[r], " (%)")
        x <- cbind(x[, 1:2], z, x[, (ncol(x) - 1):ncol(x)])


##' @rdname summary
##' @export
summary.summ <- function(object, ... )
    x <- object$summ_raw
    if (object$type == "summ1") {
        x <- data.frame(
            paste0(x$Obs, " (", x$`<NA>`, ")"),
            paste0(x$Mean, " (", x$Std.Dev, ")"),
            paste0(x$Median, " (", x$`25%`, "-", x$`75%`, ")"),
            paste0(x$Min, "-", x$Max),
        names(x) <- c("Variable", "Obs (<NA>)", "Mean (SD)",
                      "Median (IQR)", "Range", "Normal.")
    } else if (object$type == "summ2") {
        y <- data.frame(
            x$Variable, x$Level,
            paste0(x$Obs, " (", x$`<NA>`, ")"),
            paste0(x$Mean, " (", x$Std.Dev, ")"),
            x$Normal., x[, c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
        names(y) <- c("Variable", "Level", "Obs (<NA>)", "Mean (SD)",
        names(y)[c(ncol(y) - 1, ncol(y))] <- names(x)[c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
        x <- y
    } else {
        y <- data.frame(
            x$Variable, x$Level,
            paste0(x$Obs, " (", x$`<NA>`, ")"),
            paste0(x$Mean, " (", x$Std.Dev, ")"),
            paste0(x$Median, " (", x$`25%`, "-", x$`75%`, ")"),
            paste0(x$Min, "-", x$Max),
            x$Normal., x[, c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
        names(y) <- c("Variable", "Level", "Obs (<NA>)", "Mean (SD)",
                      "Median (IQR)", "Range", "Normal.")
        names(y)[c(ncol(y) - 1, ncol(y))] <- names(x)[c(ncol(x) - 1, ncol(x))]
        x <- y

# HELPERS -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Helper functions
#' @description
#' These are helper functions for `mStats`.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from methods
#' @export
helpers <- function(...) {}

#' @rdname helpers
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.list dev.off
#' @export
clear <- function() {
    while (!is.null(dev.list()))  dev.off()
    rm(list = ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), pos = 1)

#' @title Create a copy of your output in a text format
#' @description
#' \code{ilog()} creates a text copy of your output.
#' \code{ilog.close()} closes the `ilog()` function.
#' \code{ilog.clear()} clears for the prompt error caused
#' when the environment is removed.
#' @param logfile Name of desired log file in \code{.txt} format
#' @param append logical value
#' @details
#' \code{ilog} is a two-step function that allows you a record of your console.
#' A log is a file containing what you type and console output. If a name is not
#' specified, then \code{ilog} will use the name \code{<unnamed>.txt}.
#' \code{ilog} opens a log file and \code{ilog.close} close the file.
#' \strong{Warnings}:
#' However, clearing objects from the workspace along with hidden objects
#' removes \code{ilog}'s \code{.logenv} environment, hence throwing an error
#' when it's attempted to be closed. An error message
#' \code{Error in (function (cmd, res, s, vis)  : object '.logenv' not found}
#' will be thrown.
#' In that case, console prompt is stuck at \code{log> }. If
#' this error occurs, use \code{ilog.clear()} function to revert back to
#' normal.
#' @author
#' Email: \email{dr.myominnoo@@gmail.com}
#' Website: \url{https://myominnoo.github.io/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## my first log
#' ilog("../myFirstLog.tx")
#' str(infert)
#' str(iris)
#' ilog.close()
#' ## in case of error: ".logenv" not found
#' # ilog.clear()
#' }
#' @export
ilog <- function(logfile = "log.txt", append = FALSE) {
    # create a global environment which can be accessed outside
    .logenv <<- new.env()
    # <-- create a connection file -->
    if(!append) {
        # <--- if logfile exists & replace is TRUE, remove logfile --->
        if(file.exists(logfile)) {
    # write log file
    con <- file(logfile, open ='a')
    .logenv$logfile <- logfile

    if(isOpen(con)) {
        .logenv$con.close <- FALSE
    } else {
        .logenv$con.close <- TRUE
        if(append) {
            open(con, open='a')
        } else {
            open(con, open='w')

    .logenv$con <- con
    .logenv$cmd <- TRUE
    .logenv$res <- TRUE
    .logenv$first <- TRUE

    .logenv$con.out <- textConnection(NULL, open='a')
    sink(.logenv$con.out, split=TRUE)

    .logenv$prompt <- unlist(options('prompt'))
    .logenv$continue <- unlist(options('continue'))

    options(prompt = paste('log', .logenv$prompt, sep = ''),
            continue = paste('log', .logenv$continue,sep = '') )

    # writing log info
    sink(logfile, append = TRUE, split = TRUE)
    cat(paste0('\n      log: ', getwd(), "/", logfile,
               '\n  open on: ', Sys.time(),'\n'))
    if(append) {
        cat(paste0("     note: ", "appended\n"))
    } else {cat(paste0("     note: ", "replaced\n\n"))}

    addTaskCallback(ilogtxt, name = "ilogtxt")

#' @rdname  ilog
#' @export
ilog.close <- function() {
    removeTaskCallback(id = "ilogtxt")
    .logenv <- as.environment(.logenv)
    if(!.logenv$con.close) {
    options( prompt = .logenv$prompt,
             continue = .logenv$continue )
    if(.logenv$res) {
        # closeAllConnections()
    # writing log info
    sink(.logenv$logfile, append = TRUE, split = TRUE)
    cat(paste0('\n      log: ', getwd(), "/", .logenv$logfile,
               '\nclosed on: ',
    eval(rm(list= ".logenv", envir = sys.frame(-1)))

ilogtxt <- function(cmd, res, s, vis) {
    if(.logenv$first) {
        .logenv$first <- FALSE
        if( .logenv$res ) {
            .logenv$con.out <- textConnection(NULL, open='a')
            sink(.logenv$con.out, split=TRUE)
    } else {
            cmdline <- deparse(cmd)
            cmdline <- gsub('    ', paste("\n", .logenv$continue, sep =''),
            cmdline <- gsub('}', paste("\n", .logenv$continue,"}", sep =''),
            cat(.logenv$prompt, cmdline, "\n", sep = '',
        if(.logenv$res) {
            tmp <- textConnectionValue(.logenv$con.out)
            if(length(tmp)) {
                cat(tmp, sep='\n', file = .logenv$con)
                .logenv$con.out <- textConnection(NULL, open='a')
                sink(.logenv$con.out, split=TRUE)

#' @rdname  ilog
#' @export
ilog.clear <- function()
    options(prompt = "> ", continue = "+ ")

## Print lines based on the width of the dataset returned.
printDFlenLines <- function(data)
    .cols_width <- sum(sapply(names(data), nchar))
    .cols_lines <- paste0(rep("-", .cols_width + ncol(data)), collapse = "")
    cat(.cols_lines, "\n")

#### Add vertical lines with a plus + symbol at intersection
# with horizontal lines
addVlines <- function(data, position)
    .data <- data[position:ncol(data)]
    .vlines <- rep("|", nrow(data))
    data <- cbind(.vlines, data[, 1:(position - 1)], .vlines, .data, .vlines)
    data[2, c(1, position + 1, ncol(data))] <- "+"
    data[nrow(data), ] <- data[2, ]
    names(data) <- data[2, ]
    row.names(data) <- NULL

#### Add horizontal lines
addHLines <- function(data, position)
    .chr_max_vars <- sapply(names(data), function(z) {
        if (is.na(z)) z <- "<NA>"
        max(nchar(z), na.rm = TRUE)
    .chr_max_obs <- sapply(data, function(z)
        max(ifelse(is.na(nchar(z)), 0, nchar(z)), na.rm = TRUE))
    .cols_len <- sapply(data.frame(rbind(.chr_max_vars, .chr_max_obs)), max)
    .hlines <- lapply(.cols_len, function(z)
        paste0(rep("-", z), collapse = ""))
    .data <- data[position:nrow(data), ]
    data <- data[1:position, ]
    data[position, ] <- .hlines
    data[(position + 1):(position + nrow(.data)), ] <- .data
    row.names(data) <- NULL

#### Move variable names to the first row
moveVars <- function(data)
    .data <- data
    data <- data[0, ]
    data[1, ] <- names(data)
    rbind(data, .data)

#### Format dataset returned by adding horizontal, vertical lines
# as well as moving variable names
# used addHlines, addVlines and moveVars
formatdf <- function(data, hpos, vpos)
    data <- moveVars(data)
    data <- addHLines(data, position = hpos)
    data[nrow(data) + 1, ] <- data[hpos, ]
    names(data) <- data[2, ]
    addVlines(data, vpos)

#### Retrieve labels: can also print these labels at the same time
# best used with apply function
getLabel <- function(vars, data, print = TRUE)
    .lbl <- attr(data[[vars]], "label")
    if (length(.lbl) > 1) .lbl <- NULL
    .lbl <- ifelse(is.null(.lbl), NA, .lbl)
    if (print & !is.na(.lbl)) {
        cat(paste0("  (", vars, " : ", .lbl, ")\n"))

#### Get names within three dots ...
enquotes <- function(.args, .args_name)
    .args <- .args[-1]
    .args_contain <- names(.args) %in% .args_name
    if (length(.args_contain) > 0) {
        .dots <- .args[!(names(.args) %in% .args_name)]
    } else {
        .dots <- .args

#### check and split by colon ":" in a string vector
checkEnquotes <- function(.data, .vars)
    .vars_name <- names(.data)
    ## Check if colon is there.
    ## if yes, retrieve variables between the two variables
    .vars <- do.call(
        lapply(.vars, function(z) {
            .colon <- grepl(":", z)
            if (.colon) {
                .split <- unlist(strsplit(z, split = ":"))
                .split <- paste0("^", .split, "$")
                .split <- grep(.split[1],
                .split <- names(.data)[.split]
            } else {
    .vars <- unique(.vars)

## helpers for 2x2 tables
rowColOrder <- function (.tbl, .exp.value = NULL, .case.value = NULL)
    .tbl.row <- rownames(.tbl)
    .tbl.col <- colnames(.tbl)
    .tbl.dim <- names(dimnames(.tbl))
    if (!is.null(.exp.value)) {
        .tbl <- rbind(.tbl[.tbl.row == .exp.value, ], .tbl[.tbl.row !=
                                                               .exp.value, ])
        row.names(.tbl) <- c(.tbl.row[.tbl.row == .exp.value],
                             .tbl.row[.tbl.row != .exp.value])
    if (!is.null(.case.value)) {
        .tbl <- cbind(.tbl[, .tbl.col == .case.value], .tbl[,
                                                            .tbl.col != .case.value])
        colnames(.tbl) <- c(.tbl.col[.tbl.col == .case.value],
                            .tbl.col[.tbl.col != .case.value])
    names(dimnames(.tbl)) <- .tbl.dim

splitTables <- function (.tbl, .exp.value = NULL)
    .row.names <- rownames(.tbl)
    .exp.value <- ifelse(is.null(.exp.value), .row.names[1],
    .tbl <- lapply(.row.names, function(z) {
        if (z != .exp.value) {
            .tbl.new <- rbind(.tbl[.exp.value, ], .tbl[z, ])
            rownames(.tbl.new) <-
                c(.row.names[.row.names == .exp.value],
                  .row.names[.row.names == z])
    .tbl <- .tbl[lapply(.tbl, length) > 0]

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mStats documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 9:07 a.m.