##' Double CIF Fine-Gray model with two causes
##' Estimation based on derived hazards and recursive estimating equations.
##' fits two parametrizations
##' 1)
##' \deqn{
##' F_1(t,X) = 1 - \exp( - \exp( X^T \beta ) \Lambda_1(t))
##' }
##' and
##' \deqn{
##' F_2(t,X_2) = 1 - \exp( - \exp( X_2^T \beta_2 ) \Lambda_2(t))
##' }
##' or restricted version
##' 2)
##' \deqn{
##' F_1(t,X) = 1 - \exp( - \exp( X^T \beta ) \Lambda_1(t))
##' }
##' and
##' \deqn{
##' F_2(t,X_2,X) = ( 1 - \exp( - \exp( X_2^T \beta_2 ) \Lambda_2(t)) ) (1 - F_1(\infty,X))
##' }
##' @param formula formula with 'Event'
##' @param data data frame
##' @param offset offsets for cox model
##' @param weights weights for Cox score equations
##' @param X2 specifies the regression design for second CIF model
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' res <- 0
##' data(bmt)
##' bmt$age2 <- bmt$age
##' newdata <- bmt[1:19,]
##' if (interactive()) par(mfrow=c(5,3))
##' ## same X1 and X2
##' pr2 <- doubleFGR(Event(time,cause)~age+platelet,data=bmt,restrict=res)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=1)
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=2,add=TRUE)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' pr2 <- doubleFGR(Event(time,cause)~strata(platelet),data=bmt,restrict=res)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=1)
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=2,add=TRUE)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,,newdata=newdata,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' ## different X1 and X2
##' pr2 <- doubleFGR(Event(time,cause)~age+platelet+age2,data=bmt,X2=3,restrict=res)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=1)
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=2,add=TRUE)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' ### uden X1
##' pr2 <- doubleFGR(Event(time,cause)~age+platelet,data=bmt,X2=1:2,restrict=res)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=1)
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=2,add=TRUE)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2)
##' p22 <- predictdFG(pr2,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' ### without X2
##' pr2 <- doubleFGR(Event(time,cause)~age+platelet,data=bmt,X2=0,restrict=res)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=1)
##' bplotdFG(pr2,cause=2,add=TRUE)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,newdata=newdata,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' pp21 <- predictdFG(pr2)
##' pp22 <- predictdFG(pr2,cause=2)
##' if (interactive()) {
##' plot(pp21)
##' plot(pp22,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' }
##' @aliases bplotdFG predictdFG
##' @export
doubleFGR <- function(formula,data,offset=NULL,weights=NULL,X2=NULL,...) {# {{{
cl <-
m <- = TRUE)[1:3]
special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
m$formula <- Terms
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
if (ncol(Y)==2) {
exit <- Y[,1]
entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
status <- Y[,2]
} else {
entry <- Y[,1]
exit <- Y[,2]
status <- Y[,3]
id <- strata <- NULL
if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
pos.cluster <- ts$terms
Terms <- Terms[-ts$terms]
id <- m[[ts$vars]]
} else pos.cluster <- NULL
if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
pos.strata <- ts$terms
Terms <- Terms[-ts$terms]
strata <- m[[ts$vars]] <- ts$vars
} else { <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
if (!is.null(intpos <- attributes(Terms)$intercept))
X <- X[,-intpos,drop=FALSE]
X2call <- X2;
if (!is.null(X2)) {
if (X2[1]==0) X2 <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
else { X2 <- X[,X2call,drop=FALSE];
X <- X[,-X2call,drop=FALSE];
} else X2 <- X
if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if (ncol(X2)==0) X2 <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
res <- c(doubleFG01R(X,X2,entry,exit,status,id,strata,offset,weights,,X2call=X2call,...),
class(res) <- c("doubleFG")
}# }}}
doubleFG01R <- function(X,X2, entry,exit,status,id=NULL,strata=NULL,offset=NULL,weights=NULL,,cumhaz=TRUE,
restrict=0,case.weights=NULL,X2call=NULL,...) {# {{{
p1 <- ncol(X);
p2 <- ncol(X2)
p <- p1+p2
if (missing(beta)) beta <- rep(0,p)
if (p1==0) X <- cbind(rep(0,length(exit)))
if (p2==0) X2 <- cbind(rep(0,length(exit)))
if (is.null(strata)) { strata <- rep(0,length(exit)); nstrata <- 1; strata.level <- NULL; } else {
strata.level <- levels(strata)
ustrata <- sort(unique(strata))
nstrata <- length(ustrata)
strata.values <- ustrata
if (is.numeric(strata)) strata <- fast.approx(ustrata,strata)-1 else {
strata <- as.integer(factor(strata,labels=seq(nstrata)))-1
if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit))
if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) <- strata
Zcall <- matrix(1,1,1) ## to not use for ZX products when Z is not given
if (!is.null(Z)) Zcall <- Z
## possible casewights to use for bootstrapping and other things
if (is.null(case.weights)) case.weights <- rep(1,length(exit))
trunc <- (!is.null(entry))
if (!trunc) entry <- rep(0,length(exit))
if (!is.null(id)) {
ids <- unique(id)
nid <- length(ids)
if (is.numeric(id)) id <- fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else {
id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
} else id <- as.integer(seq_along(entry))-1;
## orginal id coding into integers
id.orig <- id+1;
dd <- .Call("FastCoxPrepStrata",entry,exit,status,X,id,trunc,strata,weights,offset,Zcall,case.weights,PACKAGE="mets")
if (!is.null(X2call)) {
dd2 <- .Call("FastCoxPrepStrata",entry,exit,status,X2,id,trunc,strata,weights,offset,Zcall,case.weights,PACKAGE="mets")
dd$X2 <- dd2$X
dd$XX2 <- dd2$XX
} else {
dd$X2 <- dd$X
dd$XX2 <- dd$XX
if (p1==0) dd$X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if (p2==0) dd$X2 <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
cause <- status[dd$ord+1]
dd$cause <- cause
dd$nstrata <- nstrata
obj <- function(pp,U=FALSE,all=FALSE) {# {{{
val <- with(dd, doubleFGstrataR(pp,X,XX,X2,XX2,sign,cause,jumps,strata,nstrata,weights,offset,ZX,caseweights,restrict))
if (all) {
val$time <- dd$time
val$cause <- dd$cause
val$ord <- dd$ord+1
val$jumps <- dd$jumps+1
val$jumptimes <- val$time[val$jumps]
val$weightsJ <- dd$weights[val$jumps]
val$case.weights <- dd$case.weights[val$jumps]
val$strata.jumps <- val$strata[val$jumps]
val$nevent <- length(val$S0)
val$nstrata <- dd$nstrata
val$strata <- dd$strata
}# }}}
opt <- NULL
if (p>0) {
if (no.opt==FALSE) {
if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(beta,obj,...))
opt$timing <- tim
opt$estimate <- opt$par
} else {
opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
opt$method <- "nlm"
cc <- opt$estimate;
names(cc) <- c(colnames(X),colnames(X2))
if (!stderr) return(cc)
val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate,all=TRUE))
} else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(beta,all=TRUE))
} else {
val <- obj(rep(0,2),all=TRUE)
se.cumhaz <- lcumhaz <- lse.cumhaz <- NULL
### computes Breslow estimator
if (cumhaz==TRUE) { # {{{
if (no.opt==FALSE & p!=0) {
II <- - tryCatch(solve(val$hessian),error=
function(e) matrix(0,nrow(val$hessian),ncol(val$hessian)) )
} else II <- matrix(0,p,p)
strata <- val$strata[val$jumps]
nstrata <- val$nstrata
jumptimes <- val$jumptimes
## Brewslow estimator
cumhaz <- cbind(jumptimes,val$base12$base)
se.cumhaz <- cumhaz
} # }}}
else {cumhaz <- se.cumhaz <- lcumhaz <- lse.cumhaz <- NULL}
II <- - tryCatch(solve(val$hessian),error=
function(e) matrix(0,nrow(val$hessian),ncol(val$hessian)) )
res <- c(val,
list(cox.prep=dd,, strata.level=strata.level,
cumhaz=cumhaz, se.cumhaz=se.cumhaz,
lcumhaz=lcumhaz, lse.cumhaz=lse.cumhaz,
class(res) <- "doubleFG"
}# }}}
## double FG in in R version
doubleFGstrataR <- function(beta, X, XX, X2, XX2, Sign, cause, Jumps, strata, nstrata, weights, offsets, ZX, caseweights,restrict)
{# {{{
p1 <- ncol(X)
p2 <- ncol(X2)
if (nrow(X)==0) X <- matrix(1,length(strata),1)
if (nrow(X2)==0) X2 <- matrix(1,length(strata),1)
if (p1==0) beta1 <- 0 else beta1 <- beta[1:p1]
if (p2==0) beta2 <- 0 else beta2 <- beta[(p1+1):p]
Xb1 = c(X %*% beta1+offsets)
Xb2 = c(X2 %*% beta2+offsets)
eXb1 = c(exp(Xb1)*weights);
eXb2 = c(exp(Xb2)*weights);
if (nrow((Sign))==length(eXb1)) { ## Truncation
eXb1 = c(Sign)*eXb1;
eXb2 = c(Sign)*eXb2;
S01 = c(revcumsumstrata(eXb1,strata,nstrata))
S02 = c(revcumsumstrata(eXb2,strata,nstrata))
causeJ <- cause[Jumps]
Jumps1 <- Jumps[causeJ==1]
Jumps2 <- Jumps[causeJ==2]
## both E's, SO's, X same
S0J <- cbind(S01,S02)[Jumps,]
eXbJ <- cbind(eXb1,eXb2)[Jumps,]
EJ <- cbind(E1,E2)[Jumps,]
XJ <- X[Jumps,]
X2J <- X2[Jumps,]
E1 = E1[Jumps1,,drop=FALSE];
E2 = E2[Jumps2,,drop=FALSE];
XX21 = XX21[Jumps1,,drop=FALSE];
XX22 = XX22[Jumps2,,drop=FALSE];
## back to full dimension
XX21 <- .Call("XXMatFULL",XX21,ncol(E1),PACKAGE="mets")$XXf
XX22 <- .Call("XXMatFULL",XX22,ncol(E2),PACKAGE="mets")$XXf
## compute recursive weights given beta1, beta2
base12 <- .Call("cumsumstrataDFGR",weightsJ,S0J,causeJ,strata[Jumps],nstrata,eXbJ)
if (restrict>0) {
for (i in 1:restrict) {
Lam1inf <- tailstrata(strata[Jumps],nstrata);
Lam1inf <- base12$base[Lam1inf,1]
base12 <- .Call("cumsumstrataDFGRestrictR",weightsJ,S0J,causeJ,strata[Jumps],nstrata,eXbJ,Lam1inf);
grad1 = (X[Jumps1,,drop=FALSE]-E1); ## Score
grad2 = (X2[Jumps2,,drop=FALSE]-E2); ## Score
### weights for Fg1 an Fg2 models
pow1 <- base12$pow1[causeJ==1]
pow2 <- base12$pow2[causeJ==2]
cw1 <- (caseweightsJ*weightsJ)[causeJ==1]
cw2 <- (caseweightsJ*weightsJ)[causeJ==2]
S012 = S01[Jumps1]/(pow1*cw1); ## S0 with weights
S022 = S02[Jumps2]/(pow2*cw2); ## S0 with weights
val = sum(pow1*cw1*(Xb1[Jumps1]-log(S012)))+
sum(pow2*cw2*(Xb2[Jumps2]-log(S022))); ## Partial log-likelihood
grad21= grad1*(pow1*cw1); ## score with weights
grad22= grad2*(pow2*cw2); ## score with weights
grad <- c(apply(grad21,2,sum),apply(grad22,2,sum))
gradient <- grad
if (p1==0) gradient <- grad[-1]
if (p2==0) gradient <- grad[1:p1]
## no weights
val2 = val; ## Partial log-likelihood with weights
hesst1 = -(XX21-E21); ## hessian contributions in jump times
hesst2 = -(XX22-E22); ## hessian contributions in jump times
hesst12 = hesst1*(cw1)*pow1; ## hessian over time with weights
hesst22 = hesst2*(cw2)*pow2; ## hessian over time with weights
## missing some derivative terms for hessian (due to pow=w(beta,\Lam(beta,t-))
## setup hessian matrix
hess12 = matrix(apply(hesst12,2,sum),p1,p1); ## hessian with weights
hess22 = matrix(apply(hesst22,2,sum),p2,p2); ## hessian with weights
hess2 <- matrix(0,p1+p2,p1+p2)
pd2 <- p1
p <- length(beta)
if (p1>0) hess2[1:p1,1:p1] <- hess12
if (p2>0) hess2[(p1+1):p,(p1+1):p] <- hess22
out=list(jumps=Jumps, ploglik=sum(val2),U=grad2,base12=base12,
gradient=matrix(gradient,1,p), hessian=hess2,
##hessianttime=hesst2, S2S0=XX2,
E=EJ, S0=S0J
}# }}}
##' @export
coef.doubleFG <- function(object,...) object$coef
##' @export
vcov.doubleFG <- function(object,...) object$var
##' @export
summary.doubleFG <- function(object,...) estimate(object)
##' @export
print.doubleFG <- function(x,...) estimate(x)
##' @export
bplotdFG <- function(x,cause=1,...) {# {{{
x$cumhaz <- x$cumhaz[,c(1,cause+1)]
}# }}}
##' @export
predictdFG <- function(x,cause=1,se=FALSE,times=NULL,...) {# {{{
cumhaz <- x$cumhaz
coef <- x$coef
p <- x$p
X2call <- x$X2call;
### finding the right coefficients
if (p>0) {
if (!is.null(X2call)) {
if (X2call[1]==0) {
p2 <- 0; p1 <- p;
cc1 <- 1:p; cc2 <- 0
} else {
p2 <- length(X2call);
p1 <- p-p2;
cc1 <- (1:p)[-X2call]
cc2 <- (1:p)[X2call]
if (p2==0) x$X <- x$X
if (p1==0) x$X <- x$X2
if (p1!=0 & p2!=0) x$X <- cbind(x$X,x$X2)
} else {
model.frame2 <- x$model.frame
p1 <- p/2
cc1 <- 1:p1
cc2 <- (p1+1):p
p <- p1
if (cause==1) {
if (is.null(X2call)) x$coef <- x$coef[cc1]
else x$coef[cc2] <- 0
if (cause==2) {
if (is.null(X2call)) x$coef <- x$coef[cc2]
else x$coef[cc1] <- 0
x$cumhaz <- x$cumhaz[,c(1,cause+1)]
class(x) <- c("phreg","cifreg")
pll <- predict(x,se=se,times=times,...)
if (x$restrict>0 & cause==2) {
x$cumhaz <- cumhaz[,1:2]
if (is.null(X2call)) x$coef <- coef[cc1] else { x$coef <- coef; x$coef[cc2] <- 0; }
times <- max(cumhaz[,1])
mm <- "individual.time" %in% names(list(...))
if (mm) times <- rep(times,nrow(x$model.frame))
p1ll <- predict(x,se=se,times=times,...)
cif1 <- c(1-p1ll$cif)
pll$cif <- pll$cif*cif1
}# }}}
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